Vestibular analyzer: structure and functions. Vestibular disorders: symptoms and treatment

Everyone is familiar with the concept of the vestibular apparatus, but not everyone knows what it is, where it is located and what it is responsible for.

Vestibular apparatus is one of the departments of the system that regulates a person’s balance and is responsible for his orientation in space. When the functioning of the vestibular apparatus is disrupted, problems with vision and hearing appear - a person begins to lose spatial orientation and sensitivity.

Signs of problems with the vestibular system

  • Dizziness
  • Feeling of nausea, vomiting
  • Pale or red face
  • Impaired motor coordination and balance
  • Profuse sweating

Typically, these signs of violations are not constant - they appear periodically: when sharp sound or smell, sudden change in weather or travel in transport. The rest of the time the person does not feel that he has a problem.

There are many reasons why problems arise. Some of them are directly related to infections inner ear.

Causes of problems with the vestibular apparatus

Positional vertigo. This problem It is especially common in women over the age of sixty, and sometimes in men of the same age. Symptoms of this problem are: the appearance of a feeling of rotation in a circle when the head position changes, a feeling of nausea, vomiting, and sometimes sharp stomach pain.

  • Vestibular neuritis. Usually happens due to infections, lichens. One of the most common problems of the vestibular system. Vestibular neuritis can be judged by the following symptoms: dizziness with the illusion of spinning in a circle, nausea, vomiting.

Typically, symptoms of extreme severity last for three to four days, after which they disappear, but complete recovery should not be expected earlier than in a month. In older people, this condition may last for a couple of months.

  • Symptom of vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Violation of the vestibular apparatus manifests itself in conjunction with diseases cordially- vascular system. It is especially common in people over sixty years of age. Insufficiency may appear after a stroke, problems of the inner ear, or vestibular nerve. Nausea, vomiting occurs, balance is disturbed, which is why a person constantly falls, and coordination does not work correctly, visual perception– the image often doubles. Speech becomes incoherent.

The syndrome described above is short-lived, and if signs of the disease continue to appear for a long time, the patient should be admitted to the hospital for a more detailed examination and identification of all problems.

  • Blockage of the internal auditory artery. This problem is very dangerous; it occurs in conjunction with a violation of the blood supply to the brain, which can lead to a cerebellar stroke or heart attack. Acute dizziness, loss of coordination and balance, one-sided deafness - these are the main signs of fatal and dangerous disorders of the vestibular system. If symptoms are detected in a patient, you must urgently call an ambulance.
  • Bilateral chronic vestibulopathy. Appears due to intoxication medicines. Feeling dizzy moderate degree, nausea, loss of stability.

  • Maniere's syndrome is one of the most common inner ear problems. In the presence of this syndrome, dizziness increases quickly and subsides much more slowly, hearing decreases at different periods of time, which ultimately can lead to complete deafness, as well as a feeling of noise in the ear and stuffiness.
  • Ear diseases: otosclerosis (damage to the bone capsule of the inner ear), sulfur plug, dysfunction auditory tube. Otitis appears in acute form or purulent otitis.
  • Various types of injuries
  • Basilar migraine. Signs include the appearance of prolonged dizziness, which occurs in attacks; the problem is especially common among teenage girls - they are more prone to motion sickness in transport.
  • Epilepsy. Dizziness, nausea, disturbances of consciousness and hallucinations are the main signs of the appearance of disorders.

  • Tumor of the cerebellopontine angle. Hearing decreases gradually, which can ultimately lead to complete loss. Dizziness is not typical for this type of tumor, but there is a lack of coordination of movement.
  • Craniovertebral pathology. Almost the most common cause of vestibular apparatus disorders, accompanied by speech and swallowing disorders.
  • Multiple sclerosis. Accompanied by extreme dizziness and nausea.

Before you begin to treat the organs of the vestibular apparatus, it is necessary to identify all the causes of the pathology.

Treatment of the vestibular apparatus and its strengthening

Feeling stable on your feet is one of the keys to a person’s confidence. Man learned to stand upright and maintain balance hundreds of millions of years ago, when he appeared. the new kind human - Homo erectus.

A person begins to lose balance when rocking on a ship or during a trip on transport, when trying to get out of bed abruptly or perform sudden movements head.

A person’s confident gait directly depends on his vision - as soon as a person closes his eyes, his gait and movements become uncertain and shaky, he is forced to look for support - to hold on to walls and protruding objects.

One of the ways to determine the cause of a vestibular apparatus disorder is to conduct posturography - graphical recording of a person’s center of gravity in a resting position and in the presence of various loads. The patient, with his eyes closed, stands on a rotating platform. At this moment, his reaction is studied. The slightest deviation from the norm is instantly recorded by the computer, after which the result is analyzed by specialists.

It often happens that a disease discovered using posturography leads to various types consequences that persist even after exposure to an external stimulus.

A person needs to adapt to the emerging disorders and try to somehow compensate for all the disturbances in the body.

The main method of rehabilitation and adaptation of the vestibular apparatus is special vestibular gymnastics, consisting of specially selected exercises for training the vestibular system.

All gymnastics exercises are adjusted to individual characteristics every organism. A person performs exercises aimed primarily at training the vestibular apparatus.

  • One of the most the best means against dizziness caused by problems with the vestibular apparatus - ginger. Four teaspoons of ginger should be mixed with a pinch of mint, fennel and finely chopped pumpkin seeds, chamomile flowers, celery and orange zest. Mix all the herbs thoroughly and pour boiled hot water. Let the broth brew for fifteen minutes, then take orally. If dizziness does not go away for a long time, it is best to consult a specialist.

  • There is a balm that can help with disorders of the vestibular apparatus. To prepare it, you need to prepare three tinctures and mix them.
  • First tincture. It is necessary to pour alcohol (about half a liter) into clover flowers (forty grams). Let it brew for two weeks in a dark place.
  • Second tincture. Add forty percent alcohol (half a liter) to the roots of Dioscorea (fifty grams). Let it brew for two weeks.
  • Tincture third. Cover soft pieces of propolis with seventy percent alcohol. Let it brew for 10 days in a place where it is not exposed Sun rays, then strain thoroughly.

Combine all three tinctures with each other, take every day three times a day, after meals. The recommended amount is one tablespoon.

  • Special exercises. Perform for fifteen minutes, preferably twice a day. You should start at a fairly slow pace and then gradually increase it to the most suitable pace.
  • Exercise number one. Without moving your head, move your gaze from bottom to top, then from left to right. Repeat twenty times in each direction, gradually speeding up the pace of movements.
  • Exercise number two. Tilts forward and backward, left and right. Do twenty bends in each direction, gradually moving on to doing the exercise with your eyes closed.
  • Exercise number three. Sit on a chair or sofa and begin to shrug your shoulders, then raise them into different sides one by one.
  • Exercise number four. Toss a small rubber ball from one hand to the other for about one minute. You need to throw it above eye level. After a minute has passed, raise one leg and repeat the exercise, throwing the ball under the knee.
  • Exercise number five. The task is very simple: you need to move towards the room without closing your eyes. After a while, repeat the exercise, but with your eyes closed. If, after completing the task, symptoms of vestibular apparatus disturbance do not arise, you can begin to climb and descend a small obstacle, also having previously closed your eyes.

Understanding the causes of poor coordination will become closer if you take a closer look at the miracle of nature - the vestibular analyzer. This organ of balance provides the sensation of the position and movement of the body or its parts in space (acceleration, deceleration, rotation), the perception of the effect of gravity on the body, determines the orientation and maintenance of posture during all types of human activity.

The vestibular analyzer consists of receptors, pathways (sensitive, or afferent, and motor, or efferent), intermediate centers and the cortical region.

The auditory and vestibular receptor apparatuses have a common origin. In their simplest form, they are a vesicle, the walls of which are lined with epithelium. For example, jellyfish have such a bubble. It is filled with liquid and contains calcareous stones, statolite. When the position of the body changes, the statolite rolls and irritates the endings of the sensory nerves approaching the wall of the vesicle, as a result of which the body receives a sense of its position in space.

In the process of evolution, the structure of this organ became significantly more complex, and it split into two sections, of which one retained the vestibular function, and the other acquired the auditory function. Both receptor apparatuses are excited mechanical vibrations: vestibular - perceives shocks associated with changes in body position, and auditory - air vibrations. The formation of the vestibular apparatus, unlike the organ of hearing, in children ends earlier than other analyzers, and in a newborn child this organ functions almost the same as in an adult.

Structure and functions of the vestibular apparatus

According to modern ideas, the vestibular apparatus consists of two independent organs: the earlier otolithic apparatus, which registers linear accelerations, and the later apparatus of the semicircular canals, which registers angular accelerations. Inside the bony sheath of the vestibular apparatus there is a membranous sheath of the same shape. The space between them is filled with fluid, perilymph, which passes into the perilymph of the cochlea, and the internal space of the membranous labyrinth is filled with another fluid, endolymph.

The otolithic apparatus is located in the vestibule of the inner ear. There are two membranous sacs on inner surface which have small elevations on which the receptors of the otolithic apparatus are located. These are receptor hair cells that have two types of hairs: many thin and short hairs and one thicker and longer hair, immersed in the gelatinous mass of the otolithic membrane located above them. The membrane contains many small crystals of phosphate and calcium carbonate called otoliths (ear stones).

Thanks to ear stones, the density of the otolith membrane is higher than the density of the surrounding environment. When gravity changes or linear acceleration occurs, the otolithic membrane shifts relative to the receptor cells, the hairs of these cells bend, and excitation occurs in them. Thus, the otolithic apparatus controls the position of the head relative to gravity every moment. It determines what position in space (horizontal or vertical) the body is in, and also reacts to linear accelerations during vertical and horizontal movements of the body. We do not fully utilize the capabilities of the ancient otolithic apparatus. This is due to relatively low mobility modern man. Poor training of this apparatus can lead to motion sickness.

The vestibular apparatus is not the only human organ responsible for balance states. He seems to be coordinating vestibular functions several more organs involved in maintaining balance. All these systems must work harmoniously. In addition to the vestibular apparatus, the organ of vision and signaling from nerve endings located on the periphery, primarily from the legs, are involved in maintaining correct balance.

The main role in this complex system belongs to the centers of the brain, where all information is received. It is here that the feeling of balance or its disturbance is recreated and the response is realized human body. Disturbances in any of these links give symptoms of dizziness, loss of orientation in space, or motion sickness.

They depart from the receptors of the vestibular apparatus nerve fibers, forming a single vestibulocochlear nerve. Excitation impulses about the position of the body in space with this nerve enter the medulla oblongata, the vestibular center, where nerve impulses from the receptors of muscles and joints also arrive, as well as to the nuclei of the visual hillocks of the midbrain, which in turn are connected by nerve pathways to the cerebellum (department brain, providing coordination of movements), as well as with subcortical formations and the cerebral cortex (centers of movement, speech, swallowing, etc.). Central department vestibular analyzer located in the temporal lobe of the brain.

When the vestibular analyzer is excited, reactions occur that promote the redistribution of muscle tone to constantly maintain the balance of the body in space. Thanks to the connections of the vestibular nuclei with the cerebellum, all mobile reactions and reactions to coordinate movements are ensured. And, thanks to connections with the autonomic nervous system, vestibulo-vegetative reactions of the cardiovascular system arise, gastrointestinal tract and other organs. Such reactions may manifest themselves in changes heart rate, vascular tone, blood pressure.

Vestibular function depends on the activity of vestibular receptors located in the ampoules of the semicircular canals and vestibular sacs. These are interoceptors that perceive information about the position of the body or head in space, changes in speed and direction of movement. A complete and subtle analysis of the information received from the vestibular receptors is carried out, as in relation to sound signals, with the participation of the entire analyzer, including its central sections.

A transformational mechanism that transforms mechanical energy in the nerve impulse, is the displacement of the hairs of neuroepithelial cells with the help of inertial structures: in the sacs of the vestibule - the otolithic membrane, in the semicircular canals - endolymph and cupula.

Under the influence of the displacement of these inertial structures, elastic deformation of the spatially polarized hair apparatus of the receptor cells of the ampullary and otolith sections occurs.

As is known, a constant is recorded in the fibers of the vestibular nerve at rest. bioelectrical activity. When the vestibular receptors are exposed to an adequate stimulus with a positive or negative value, the impulse increases or decreases compared to the initial, resting level. An explanation for this may be the fact that bending of sensitive hairs under the influence of displacement of the endolymph (in the ampulla) or otolithic membrane (in the vestibule sacs) leads to a change in the relative orientation of the kinocilium and stereocilia, the distance between which either decreases or increases. This, in turn, is accompanied by hyper- or hypopolarization of cells and, ultimately, inhibition or excitation of receptor cells.

An adequate stimulus for ampullary receptors is angular acceleration with positive or negative sign. The semicircular canal system analyzes accelerated circular motion and physiological limits most adapted to respond to head turns. Otolith receptors respond to action linear acceleration and constantly record the direction of gravity in relation to the head. The otolithic apparatus is most adapted to respond to physiological conditions on tilting the head, throwing the head back, the beginning and end of walking, descent and ascent.

In accordance with the previously discussed associative connections of the vestibular analyzer, vestibular reactions are distinguished, which in nature can be sensory, vegetative or somatic. All vestibulogenic reactions are systemic reactions of the body and can be physiological or pathological.

    Vestibulosensory reactions are caused by the presence of vestibulo-cortical connections and are manifested by awareness of the position and changes in the position of the head in space. A pathological spontaneous vestibulosensory reaction is dizziness.

    Vestibulovegetative reactions are associated with the close interaction of the nuclear vestibular complex and the reticular pharmacy. Vestibular influences on visceral organs are mediated through the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions nervous system. They are adaptive in nature and can be manifested by changes in a wide variety of vital functions: increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, changes in respiratory rhythm, nausea and even vomiting when exposed to vestibular irritation.

    Vestibulosomatic (animal) reactions are caused by connections of the vestibular structures with the cerebellum, striated muscles of the limbs, trunk and neck, as well as with the oculomotor muscles. Accordingly, vestibulocerebellar, vestibulospinal and vestibulo-ocular motor reactions are distinguished. “Vestibulocerebellar reactions are aimed at maintaining the position of the body in space through the redistribution of muscle tone in the dynamic state of the body, i.e. at the time of active movements against the background of acceleration.

    Vestibulospinal reactions are associated with the influence of vestibular impulses on muscle tone neck, torso and limbs. In this case, an increase in impulses from the vestibular receptors of one of the labyrinths leads to an increase in the tone of the striated muscles of the opposite side, while at the same time the tone of the muscles on the side of the excited labyrinth is weakened.

    Vestibulo-oculomotor (oculomotor) reactions are caused by connections between the vestibular system and the nuclei of the oculomotor nerves. These connections make possible reflex combined deviations of the eyes, as a result of which the direction of gaze does not change when the position of the head changes. They also determine the occurrence of nystagmus.

A person's ability to preserve vertical position body at rest and in motion, designated as a function of balance, can be realized only with the cooperative functioning of a number of systems, among which important role played by the vestibular analyzer. Along with other sensory systems, visual and proprioceptive, the vestibular apparatus is involved in information support and the implementation of the balance function. Information about the position of the body in space from various sensory inputs enters the central sections of the vestibular analyzer, extrapyramidal system, cerebellum, reticular pharmacy and cerebral cortex. Here, incoming information is integrated and incoming signals are processed to influence effector organs.

Vestibular nystagmus - involuntary rhythmic usually combined movements eyeballs biphasic in nature, with a clear change between slow and fast phases. The direction of nystagmus is determined by its fast component.

The origin of the slow phase, or component, of nystagmus is associated with irritation of the receptor and nuclei in the brain stem, and the fast phase with the compensating influence of the cortical or subcortical centers of the brain. This is confirmed by observations of loss fast phase nystagmus during deep anesthesia.

The generation of vestibular nystagmus is associated with irritation of the receptors of the semicircular canals.

    Reactions arise from the semicircular canal that is in the plane of rotation, although some less strong displacement of the endolymph also occurs in canals that are not in the plane of rotation. This is where the regulatory influence comes into play. central departments analyzer.

Vestibular apparatus, speaking in simple words, not only keeps us on our two legs, but is also responsible for how we see. Thanks to it, the image is fixed on the retina - and this makes it possible to visualize an object even while walking or running. In addition, this organ is an internal compass: it provides orientation in any space.

Disruption of the functioning of this organ can significantly affect the quality of life. The consequences of such dysfunctions can be different, depending on the underlying cause.

What is the vestibular apparatus, where is it located and how does it work normally?

The main purpose of the section of the vestibular system under consideration– keeping the body in an upright position, maintaining balance while moving, the ability to focus the gaze and keep the head in a stable position, the ability to navigate in space.

The vestibular apparatus collects and analyzes information about the position of the torso, head, upper and lower limbs and sends the necessary information to the brain. This ensures a prompt response to any, even the slightest, external irritants. This allows the blind person to remain on his feet and also navigate in unknown terrain.

The vestibular apparatus is endowed small in size , and is localized in the inner ear. Its main components are 3 channels, which have a semicircular shape, and 2 pouches. The channels are filled with a viscous liquid, which, when the head or body rotates, begins to move, transmitting corresponding impulses to the central nervous system. The sacs contain otolith lenses, which, through mechanoreceptors, transmit information to the brain about horizontal/vertical movement.

The center of the vestibular system is located in medulla oblongata . It is there that information about all changes in relation to equilibrium is received. After receiving such signals, the brain immediately sends instructions to the relevant organs: move the arm/leg to the left, tilt the body, etc.

Disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus affects a person’s ability to coordinate movements, maintain an upright position, and focus their gaze. This can harm the health and even life of not only the patient, but also those around him.

For example, if such a disorder suddenly develops in a driver vehicle, - an accident will certainly occur, during which other people may suffer.

One more a shining example is a surgeon whose functioning of the balance apparatus was impaired at the time of the procedure surgical intervention, - this can cost the patient’s life.

Video: Organ of balance, vestibular apparatus, inner ear

Causes of dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus in adults and children

There are many factors that can cause disruptions in the functioning of the organ responsible for balance:

  1. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, the exact etiology of which is currently unknown. There is an assumption that this pathological condition can arise from injuries, in postoperative period, and also in the background respiratory infections. It is often diagnosed after crossing the 60-year mark. The main manifestation of this disease is dizziness with a sudden change in body position, nausea.
  2. Blocking the lumen of the labyrinthine artery. This phenomenon negatively affects the blood supply to the brain and can cause oxygen starvation, or cerebral hemorrhages. Besides standard symptoms associated with disruption of the balance apparatus, patients experience a marked deterioration in hearing abilities. Lack of timely and adequate medical events may cause the death of the patient.
  3. Signs of vertebrobasilar insufficiency. This syndrome may be a consequence of dysfunction of the vestibular nerve, and may also develop against the background of a cerebellar stroke, or vascular ischemia inner ear. When adjacent sections of the trunk are involved in the degenerative process, patients complain of double vision, frequent falls, slurred speech, numbness in the arms and legs. Distinctive feature symptoms of the subject pathological condition is short-term. If negative phenomena have been present for several months, the doctor needs to reconsider the diagnosis.
  4. Vestibular neuronitis. The most common cause of vestibular system and/or vestibular nerve dysfunction. The trigger for the development of the disease in question can be infection of the body with influenza virus, herpes, etc. The patient experiences such severe dizziness that he is forced to support his head. The same condition provokes vomiting several times a day. Symptomatic picture complemented by spontaneous horizontal rotary nystagmus. The considered symptom complex manifests itself in active form the first 3-4 days, after which the patient’s condition improves, but full recovery it takes several weeks.
  5. Bilateral vestibulopathy of a chronic nature. Some doctors put forward a theory about the hereditary nature of the pathological condition in question. However, the main cause of the development of this disease is poisoning by certain medicines which have an ototoxic effect. Timely discontinuation of such drugs can resuscitate the vestibular system.
  6. Meniere's syndrome. This pathology is paroxysmal in nature. Patients complain of loud noises, congestion in the ear, decreased hearing ability, and severe dizziness. The attack usually lasts a couple of minutes, after which the symptoms regress over several hours/days. At sharp increase pressure in the inner ear may drop while remaining conscious and without showing any signs of neurological disorders. This disease dangerous due to possible complete hearing loss.
  7. (including birth injuries) with a violation of integrity temporal bone and/or trauma to the labyrinth.
  8. Basilar migraine. It has a paroxysmal nature - and, most often, worries girls in puberty. Often such patients complain of motion sickness while in transport.
  9. Tumor-like processes in the area of ​​the cerebellopontine angle. The pathology in question is rare, but can still cause disruptions in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus. Dizziness is often not observed, but problems with coordination of movements exist. In addition, there may be hearing errors.
  10. Craniovertebral defects, which negatively affects the vestibular organ. This pathology can be recognized by the patient’s problems with speech, swallowing, as well as by uncontrolled movement of the eyeballs.
  11. Epileptic seizure, during which short-term dysfunction of the balance apparatus is observed. In parallel with this, vomiting, visual hallucinations, and excessive salivation may be present.
  12. Unstable blood pressure readings.
  13. Multiple sclerosis, at which destructive processes affect incl. vestibulocochlear nerve.
  14. Some ailments hearing aid :
    — Blockage ear canal sulfur plug.
    — Dysfunction eustachian tube, which serves as a link between the pharynx and the inner ear. Such a violation can be caused allergic reactions, injury to a polyp or temporomandibular joint.
    — Sclerotic changes bone structure inner ear.
    — Otitis, occurring in an acute form and accompanied by the accumulation of purulent masses.

Prolonged stay in a room with loud sounds, vibrations.

Signs and symptoms of vestibular damage and dysfunction

The entire symptom complex of the disease in question is divided into two groups:

  1. Main symptoms. Every patient with dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus has complaints of dizziness, and nystagmus is also observed. The head may become so dizzy that the person is unable to move. When the eyelids are closed, everything “jumps” before the eyes, and sudden movements of the head significantly intensify this symptom.
  2. Associated symptoms. Not everyone has them, and they have varying degrees expressiveness. These include:
    - Vomiting.
    - Change in color of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté to pale or red.
    — Increased sweating and/or salivation.
    - pain inside the ear or in the temple area.
    - Inability to navigate in space and maintain balance. It is difficult for the patient to walk along a straight line, he stumbles, collides with objects that are in his way, and tries to find a foothold.
    - Difficulty swallowing food and speaking.
    - Rapid breathing.
    - Hallucinations.

The following points indicate that a child has a weak vestibular apparatus:

  • Reluctance to ride on carousels, swings and slides.
  • An urgent need to hold on to the handrail when riding an escalator. The child reluctantly agrees to ride the elevator.
  • Difficulty riding a bicycle or jumping.
  • Inability to maintain balance while standing on one leg.
  • Fear of falling, even from a small hill. Easy loss of balance, especially on hilly surfaces.

Since a person has risen to his feet, he maintains an upright posture thanks to various sensory systems, which send information to the brain about environment and the position of the body in it. The vestibular system is one of the main sources of providing the brain with such information.

Sense of balance

Hidden in the inner ear is a special organ that constantly records the position and movement of the human body, helping to maintain balance. Anyone who has suffered from seasickness or rode on a carousel for too long knows how terrifying the feeling of losing balance is. The world begins to stagger and spin, and nothing can be done - all you can do is lie down and wait until everything falls into place. The vestibular system indicates how the body is oriented relative to the vector of gravity. Usually - down. On a ship or a carousel, everything is different. This is how the vestibular apparatus is formed: the greater the pitching or rotation, the greater the disorientation. Under such conditions, closing his eyes, a person cannot determine his position in space. Vision helps in this case.

How does the vestibular apparatus work?

The organ of the sense of balance is located in the upper part of the labyrinth of the inner ear. The vestibular apparatus is formed by the cochlea and two semicircular canals filled with fluid. While staggering, the liquid irritates the nerve endings and causes motion sickness. The vestibular apparatus is formed by the vestibule of the inner ear in the depths of the temporal bone and consists of a system of cavities filled with viscous endolymph - semicircular canals, spherical and elliptical sacs. Their receptors are hair cells with sensitive cilia.

The vestibular apparatus is formed from semicircular canals, which are located in three mutually perpendicular planes. The cilia in them react to head movements - tilting and turning. This tells the brain about a potential imbalance. The hair cells of the sacs inform every moment about the position of the head relative to the gravity vector, and therefore about the stability of the body as a whole.

Perception of head movements

The vestibular apparatus is formed from three jelly-like caps covering receptors, in this case hair cells with cilia and immersed in a viscous fluid - endolymph. When the head moves, the endolymph flows away from these caps and presses on them. When deformed, they displace the cilia, and this excites a nerve signal, which is deciphered by the brain as a rotation or tilt in a certain plane.

Perception of gravity

The vestibular apparatus is formed in such a way that the remaining groups of hair cells in it are covered by two mutually perpendicular jelly-like cushions, called maculae, with millions of calcium carbonate crystals (otoliths). At any moment, under the influence of gravity, at least one macula is deformed. This moves the cilia, activating a nerve signal that tells the brain about the position of the head.

How does the balance organ work?

With sufficient loosening, the balance organ is subjected to oscillatory loads, from which a person loses balance and stability. Some people get sick seasickness on an airplane, others while traveling by car. Its manifestation can be eliminated by using medications. It is interesting that even invertebrates, including jellyfish, have a vestibular apparatus. The answers to the question in what form are simple. Peculiar organs of balance are auditory vesicles with granules that press on the cilia of hair cells. When the body position changes, this pressure changes, generating a signal perceived by the nervous system.

Until the sense of balance is lost, a person does not think about its nature, how the vestibular apparatus works, and this is one of the main factors physical fitness. Stability is vital in old age when joints wear out and bones become more fragile. Maintaining balance is the result of owls local action: eyes, vestibular apparatus and special receptors in muscles and joints. With age, all these functions weaken and reflexes slow down. In addition, age-related diseases affect the sense of balance, as well as side effects some medications. As a result, after age 65, the risk of injury increases due to a weakened sense of balance.

Symptoms for diseases of the vestibular apparatus

  • dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • changed complexion;
  • impaired coordination and balance;
  • profuse sweating.

Diseases caused by imbalance of the organ of balance

Diseases of the vestibular apparatus have similar symptoms, But different degrees dangers and difficulties.

  1. Vestibular neuritis. One of the most common diseases occurs as a result of infections. Symptoms appear: dizziness, nausea, vomiting, which last for 3-4 days, after which they disappear, but recovery occurs only after a month. In older people it can last a couple of months.
  2. The syndrome occurs in parallel with diseases of the cardiovascular system, often occurs after 60 years, can be the result of a stroke, problems with the hearing organs, and the vestibular nerve. In this case, nausea, vomiting, imbalance, poor coordination, incoherent speech, and visual perception are possible. The syndrome usually lasts a short time If these symptoms appear frequently, hospitalization and a thorough examination of the body are necessary.
  3. Blockage of the auditory artery. The peculiarity is that it appears together with problems of blood supply to the brain, which leads to cerebellar stroke and heart attack. Severe dizziness, lack of coordination, deafness - these are the signs dangerous pathologies vestibular apparatus, in which you should urgently call an ambulance.
  4. Chronic vestibulopathy. Occurs against the background of drug intoxication. Symptoms: dizziness, nausea, weakening of stability.
  5. Maniere's syndrome is the most common inner ear disorder. Symptoms include increasing dizziness, hearing loss, noise and congestion in the ear. If left untreated, it can lead to deafness.
  6. Ear diseases: otosclerosis, cerumen plug, diseases of the auditory tube, acute otitis media. which is characterized by attacks of dizziness, motion sickness in transport.
  7. Epilepsy with dizziness, nausea, impaired consciousness and hallucinations. Tumor When it occurs, there is a decrease in hearing and movement coordination. Multiple sclerosis. Extreme dizziness and nausea are observed. If symptoms of one or another disorder of the vestibular apparatus appear, a mandatory diagnosis by a doctor before starting treatment.

How to strengthen the balance organ

The development of the vestibular apparatus begins in the prenatal period, when the baby rocks in the mother’s tummy. That’s why rocking a baby in your arms has such a calming effect, thereby developing a basic sense of balance. It helps the child take his first steps.

Then good workout a child receives on a swing, jumping on a trampoline or riding a bicycle. Throughout his life, a person, actively moving, trains his organ of balance. However, it is valuable that the vestibular apparatus is formed in such a way that it can be trained even in old age. The vestibular apparatus is trained during any movement, since any activity requires good stability. This is why it is so important to do balance-improving exercises at any age. Dancing is very useful, because it teaches you to take care of your body, gymnastics in the form of yoga, Pilates, tai chi.

The exercises should be performed slowly, always close to support. Exercises in the pool are very useful.

A set of exercises for training.

  1. Slow bends to the sides - 5 times each.
  2. Rotate your legs 10 times right and left with and without support.
  3. Standing on one leg at a time, starting with 8 seconds for each limb.
  4. Walking in one line 10 steps forward, then turning around reverse direction. Walking on tiptoes with your arms above your head.
  5. Balancing, exercises with a fitness ball.