When severe dizziness. Dizziness under stress

Dizziness is not always a pathological condition that can manifest itself in any person, regardless of age, occupation, gender. Sometimes it is diagnosed even in children. It is useful for every person to know what to do if their head is spinning. In this case, he can control his health, try to cope with the pathological condition as quickly as possible or prevent its occurrence, using medication and folk remedies.

Why does dizziness appear?

It cannot be considered a separate disease. However, it can be a symptom of a serious health problem. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out those. In some cases, you don't have to worry. For example, there is physiological causes dizziness:

  1. Postponed stress that provokes release a large number adrenaline. It causes vasospasm, oxygen is poorly supplied to the brain. This is what causes dizziness.
  2. A trip in transport or riding on a carousel. Here the reason is not good enough functionality vestibular apparatus. Unpleasant sensations pass as soon as the factor provoking them disappears. In order for this situation not to happen again, it is better to train the vestibular apparatus.
  3. Prolonged adherence to a diet in which the level of glucose in the blood decreases.

The otolaryngologist, Dr. medical center in Tel Aviv Vladimir Tsilker:

However, there are reasons why you need to contact a therapist or neurologist. For example, a symptom such as dizziness can cause the following diseases:

  • Damage to the vestibular apparatus due to inflammation of the ear. Here, the ENT doctor must provide assistance to the patient. The patient has symptoms such as cold sweat, nausea and even vomiting.
  • A brain tumor. It is characterized by the gradual development of symptoms. In addition to dizziness, there may be pain syndrome and hearing loss on one side.

  • . In this case, dizziness lasts long enough, and the attack itself appears suddenly. A feature of the disease is that a person perceives a whisper well, but does not hear ordinary speech.
  • Rupture of the ear membrane due to trauma.
  • Migraine.

  • Trauma to the skull, accompanied by.
  • Stroke. A person is not only dizzy, but speech and coordination of movements are also disturbed.

If the patient has an incorrectly established cause of dizziness, then the treatment will be incorrect. Of course, you will have to forget about the positive effect, but you can additionally harm the patient.

First aid for dizziness

If a person suddenly feels dizzy, and this condition is accompanied by other symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor. Moreover, you will need the help of not only a therapist, but also other specialists. For example, you should consult with a neurologist, cardiologist, ENT. These specialists will help eliminate the root cause of dizziness.

First aid involves the following actions:

  1. It is best to first lie down on the bed, and put a cold one on your forehead. wet towel. At the same time, a person should tell relatives that he is ill.
  2. It is important to fix your eyes on some fixed object - this will help to quickly eliminate the sensation of rotation of objects.
  3. First aid can be provided with a cup of strong coffee. Only the drink should be cold.

Often dizziness provokes fainting. Therefore, you should know how to provide first aid if necessary.

  1. If a person has it, then at home it can be dealt with with the help of mint infusion. Drink it after lunch and dinner every day.
  2. If dizziness is accompanied by other symptoms, especially neurological ones, you should immediately call an ambulance. Medications before the arrival of doctors, it is better not to take it so as not to “lubricate” the clinical picture.
  1. It is necessary to ensure the flow fresh air into the room.
  2. Tight clothing should be removed.

Very often, dizziness, in combination with other symptoms, may indicate manifestations of a stroke. Therefore, it is important to be able to recognize it and call an ambulance in time.

  1. If the patient has dentures in his mouth, then they must be removed.
  2. Breathe should be full chest.
  3. You need to drink a glass of water.
  4. If a unpleasant symptoms appeared due to a decrease in blood glucose levels, it is better to eat something sweet.

Medical treatment for dizziness

A person tries to remove almost any ailment with the help of pills. However, in most cases, the patient does not even know what kind of medicine he needs. Drinking any pills just to get relief is not worth it, as this can only aggravate the situation. Medical treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. Depending on the cause that caused the pathology, the patient may need such drugs:

  • Means for lowering blood pressure.
  • Specific drugs with which you can reduce the intensity of dizziness: "Betagestin".

In the pharmacy you will find the drug "Betaserk" with active substance betahistine. The cost will be 635 rubles for 30 tablets

  • Medicines containing iron to help treat anemia.
  • Vasodilator drugs: "Trental". You will have to drink such pills if the patient has osteochondrosis of the cervical region, as well as problems with cerebral circulation.

In some cases, the patient may be prescribed injections for treatment. A single dose should not be more than 2 ml. If the head is spinning very strongly and often, then you can not treat yourself.

What to do with dizziness at home?

To eliminate attacks of vertigo, you can use not only pills, but also folk remedies that are considered safer. But it is better not to use them on your own. Before starting herbal treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor, undergo a thorough examination, for example, an MRI of the brain. This will help to exclude serious pathologies that folk remedies do not always cope with.

You can get answers to the most frequently asked questions about MRI from Ilya Efimovich Shpunt, a radiologist at the MIBS “Yaroslavl”:

If herbal treatment was allowed, then the following recipes will help to cope with dizziness:

  • Melissa decoction. Such a remedy additionally calms the nervous system. You can drink a decoction instead of tea, just steam a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of water.
  • It is also useful to eat a tablespoon of seaweed before meals.
  • Nettle decoction. A tablespoon of raw materials should be steamed with half a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to insist 4 hours, after which the broth is filtered and mixed with 100 ml apple juice. It is better to drink this remedy before meals.
  • Aromatherapy is a great help to a person suffering from frequent dizziness. Thyme, sage and rosemary oils are used for treatment.
  • Celery juice. This remedy is used for treatment very often. With it, you can increase the pressure. To prepare the drug, it is enough to use a juicer and a washed plant. Juice should be drunk daily.

  • Ginger. This remedy is used in powder form. The root promotes recovery cerebral circulation.
  • Ginkgo biloba. Using this remedy can help improve blood flow in the inner ear. You can buy it in the form of dried sheets or tablets.
  • White mistletoe tea. This plant is very effective for. To prepare the product, you need to pour several branches of the plant with boiling water. You need to drink tea when an attack begins.
  • A decoction of clover. The presented tool is prepared very simply. It is enough just to pour 200 ml of boiling water into 1 teaspoon of raw materials. Next, the mixture is put on a small fire for 5 minutes. Now you can strain the liquid and drink it in a tablespoon up to 5 times a day.
  • Parsley infusion. This remedy is also good for the treatment of dizziness. A tablespoon of seeds must be poured into a glass cool water. The product should be infused for about 8 hours. After this, the infusion must be filtered. It is required to drink 200 ml of funds for 4 approaches.

At home, treatment can be carried out with a massage of the forehead and temples, as well as in the direction from the top of the head to the top of the ear. The session usually lasts no more than 10 minutes.

Gymnastics to eliminate dizziness

Regular physical exercises help to get rid of unpleasant sensations that are repeated often. Such treatment will make it possible to restore normal blood circulation, muscle tone, and good health.

The following exercises may help:

  1. The head should be slowly tilted forward and lowered as low as possible. Next, it must be lifted, and slowly and carefully.
  2. It is required to carry out alternate tilts to the left and also to the right.
  3. Now you can try to write a figure eight with your head from left to right, as well as from bottom to top.

Naturally, this pathological condition cannot be taken lightly. Exercise alone will not be able to cope with a serious disease.

What to do if you feel dizzy: preventive measures

If and often, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment. However, it is best to avoid such pathological condition. For this, the following preventive measures are required:

  1. Eat properly and nutritiously. The diet should include nuts, hard cheese, fish, and other foods that contain phosphorus.
  2. Helps prevent disease cold and hot shower, as well as pouring cold water. It is important not to rush and lower the temperature of the water gradually.
  3. It is important to consume enough water, as dehydration can change blood pressure.

The benefits of water for our body are not so obvious to many, so we do not pay due attention to fluid intake.

  1. If the patient has a tendency to severe dizziness, then he should try not to move abruptly or quickly. It is advisable to have a stable support during an attack, as this can help not to fall.
  2. It is advisable to get more rest, as well as protect yourself from viral or infectious diseases. Treatment of any pathologies should begin as soon as the first symptoms appear.
  3. Women with such a problem are better to give up high heels.

A visual diagram of how a harmless love of high heels affects health

These measures will help to avoid recurrence of dizziness. You can also use these tips:

  • In hot weather, it is better to use a cap and goggles.
  • It's best to carry a small bottle of water with you at all times, as well as a bar of chocolate or a few candies.

Dizziness is not a disease, but a symptom. If you often feel dizzy, it is better to play it safe and be examined.

According to statistics, almost half of patients turn to therapists with complaints of dizziness. This symptom is perceived as something harmless, but causing inconvenience. In fact, that's why people go to the doctor. And they do it right! In fact, dizziness is not so harmless. Not only that, at sudden attack you could fall or, if you are driving, get into an accident. The feeling that the world is spinning and swimming in the eyes can be one of the signs of a serious illness! But first things first.

Dizziness is a symptom that should not be ignored at all!

Signs of dizziness

Dizziness may occur when various diseases. It is in the lists of symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the most various diseases inner ear, vestibular apparatus, cerebrovascular accident. The head can also spin with reduced pressure and psychogenic disorders. In total, there are more than 80 such diseases.

Before proceeding to the analysis of causes and effects, we note one important detail. Dizziness is often confused with other conditions. Such a diagnosis is made only in cases where the patient has a feeling that he himself or objects and objects around him begin to rotate. This feeling is very similar to that of spinning around and then abruptly stopping. If there is no such sensation, then it is not dizziness.

It is most often confused with the following symptoms:

  • unsteadiness, weakness, nausea, "tangled legs";
  • imbalance;
  • darkening in the eyes (most often occurs if a person abruptly got up from a sitting or lying position);
  • loss of consciousness or semi-consciousness;
  • mist before the eyes.

Dizziness is often confused with blackouts or weakness

All these signs have nothing to do with dizziness. Therefore, when talking with a doctor, it is very important to describe your condition as accurately as possible so that the doctor can make a correct diagnosis and determine effective tactics treatment.

When to go to the doctor?

It's worth going to the doctor anyway. Even acute attack passed, it is quite possible, it was only an episode of the manifestation of one of the above diseases. If so, the sooner it is diagnosed, the better. However, there is a list of symptoms that should alert you very much. If dizziness lasts more than an hour or is accompanied by one of the conditions listed below, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

Dangerous "companions" of dizziness:

  • strong headache and weakness in the limbs;
  • prolonged vomiting that cannot be stopped;
  • elevated temperature;
  • speech disorder or numbness;
  • double vision;
  • Do you have hypertension or diabetes?
  • injury or loss of consciousness.

High temperatures are one of the most dangerous satellites dizziness

How to help with dizziness?

The main thing with dizziness is not to fall. Don't panic! You need to grab something (if there is support nearby) and sit or lie down, and then call the doctor. While he is on the road, if possible, the pressure should be measured. If it turns out that it is increased, do not sharply knock it down. You need to wait for the arrival of the doctor, he will assess the situation and decide for himself what to do.

It is better to contact a neurologist. But in order to make a diagnosis, you will need to consult doctors of other specialties: a therapist, an otolaryngologist, a neuropathologist and an endocrinologist. They appoint all necessary tests make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

If it turns out that no serious illnesses there is no question, dizziness is not dangerous. It is only important to protect yourself from injuries that may occur as a result of seizures. Therefore, people diagnosed with vertigo ( medical diagnosis, which is placed in patients with dizziness) it is better to take care of your safety. Here are some helpful measures.

Forget about self-treatment - in case of dizziness, consult a specialist

  1. Set the shelf with the necessary things in the bathroom at a low height and in a place that is easy to reach.
  2. Place a non-slip rubber mat on the bottom of the tub or shower. Put the same on the floor, especially if it is tiled and you can slip on it.
  3. Place a chair or bench in the tub or shower so that you can bathe while sitting.
  4. Cover the floors in the house with carpets. They should not have folds and creases - only a flat canvas. That way you won't trip or fall. If the house has a staircase, it should be provided with a railing. They should be located on both sides of the stairs.
  5. Place a night light on the bedside table. The switch should be located at such a distance from the bed that it can be reached without getting up. Put your phone there too.
  6. Train yourself not to jump out of bed or out of a chair abruptly. Get up slowly, leaning on something. If you were lying down, first sit down for a minute or two, and then get up.
  7. Give up active games, cycling and other activities that require balance.

Do not jump out of bed abruptly - get up slowly and find support

Exercise for dizziness

There are exercises that can significantly alleviate the condition with frequent dizziness. This gymnastics is very simple, but effective. The patient can perform it at home without outside help. But only a doctor can prescribe such classes! Before embarking on them, you should definitely consult a doctor, since only he can make a diagnosis, and therefore determine the tactics of treatment.

Exercise #1

  • Sit on the floor. The legs are straightened, the gaze is directed forward.
  • Quickly lie on your back and roll over to one side. The gaze is directed forward.
  • Quickly roll over to the other side, then onto your back and return to the starting position.

Important! First work out the movement slowly, hone the technique. Then work quickly, otherwise there will be no effect.

Exercise #2

Stand up straight, back straight, look forward. Do a left turn 180 degrees and then a right turn 180 degrees.

Head turning is a good exercise for dizziness.

Exercise #3

  • Sit on a chair. Lean forward quickly and look at the floor. Quickly straighten up and, turning your head, look to the right. Repeat with your head turned to the left.
  • Quickly turn your head left and right, repeat three times.
  • Bend quickly and look at the floor, quickly straighten up, look forward.
  • Nod quickly three times. Pull the chin in the lower phase to the chest.

Usually, doctors recommend performing such complexes 2-3 times a day. A pronounced effect appears after 3-4 months regular classes. For the first time after the onset, the symptoms of dizziness may increase, but this should not stop the patient - they will soon weaken and recede.

Dizziness under any circumstances is an individual sensation that varies depending on psychological perception his specific person. Usually, people complain of a feeling of falling, rotation, turning over, both of the body and surrounding objects.

According to the latest medical data, this is the second most common symptom after the dorsal and with which patients go to the doctors. Every fourth person who came to see a doctor indicates the presence of this symptom, while elderly group 4 out of 5 patients suffer from this pathogenic condition.


Common symptoms of dizziness include subjective feeling instability and disorientation in space, accompanied by a false rotational movement of the body or the environment. Often, given state accompanied by tinnitus or one-sided deafness, darkening of the eyes, anxiety, general weakness, foreboding loss of consciousness. Unpleasant sensations intensify when trying to start moving, sharp turns of the head.

Causes of dizziness

The systemic mechanism of vertigo is based on an imbalance of sensory information entering the brain from the basic afferent systems - the vestibular apparatus, as well as the visual and proprioceptive complexes. In this case, the incoming information undergoes cortical processing and forms an incorrect feedback with efferent link.

Modern medicine has up to 80 diseases that can manifest the above symptoms - these are various pathologies of the neurological, cardiovascular, mental, ophthalmological, endocrinological, otolaryngological systems of the body. Also, dizziness can be of a physiological nature and be caused by objective or subjective ( individual characteristics organism) factors.

Dizziness in a healthy person causes

  • Adrenaline rush. The stress hormone increases blood pressure, constricts blood vessels and thus produces a temporary disruption of oxygen delivery to the brain, which negatively affects the signal processing of the afferent systems.
  • Rapid non-linear movement of the body. At sudden movements with a constant change in their vector in several planes, the balance organs do not have time to adapt and correctly supply nerve impulses to the brain (a typical example is carousel riding).
  • Violations of the focus of the organs of vision. When concentrating the gaze on a fixed point for a long period of time and then changing this state to a dynamic one, there is a feeling of rotation of the environment.
  • prepubertal period. In adolescents active in this period of time, the vessels and brain are still in the growth stage, while sharp turns, tilts, rotational movements can be incorrectly interpreted by the nervous system.
  • Poor nutrition. With a lack of glucose in the body, dizziness very often occurs, and the modern rhythm of life of a city dweller often does not allow proper nutrition, as a result of which this monosaccharide is constantly lacking.

The most common pathogenic causes

  • Cardiovascular diseases. , ischemia, venous thrombosis, rheumatic heart disease, problems with peripheral arteries and other problems can cause severe dizziness with loss of consciousness.
  • Otolaryngological diseases. Most often, dizziness is caused in this case by Meniere's disease, as well as vestibular neuritis. The symptom is often accompanied by hearing loss.
  • neurological problems. Basilar migraine and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo are diagnosed in almost a third of all applied patients. Sudden short-term attacks are accompanied by involuntary eye movement. A little less often, psychogenic dizziness occurs.
  • - symptoms are similar to classic neurological problems, but usually last longer and in a more “blurred form”, effectively eliminated by an experienced vertebrologist.
  • Tumors of the brain. AT oncological practice doctors note the appearance of symptoms of dizziness along with headache, impaired trophism of peripheral systems and increased intracranial pressure.
  • Row reception medicines, causing adverse reactions in the form of dizziness, in particular tranquilizers, sedatives, some antiseptics and antibiotics.
  • Bad habits- Frequent smoking, hangover syndrome.

The head is spinning. Treatment

There is no specific treatment for dizziness, since this condition can be a symptom of more than eight dozen different diseases or physiological feature. Therapy for vertigo is aimed only at eliminating the symptoms, in any case, it is necessary to undergo complex diagnostics, to determine true reason Problems.


Most often, to stop or prevent the occurrence of another attack, cinnarizine, scopolamine, motilium, betahistine or diphenhydramine are prescribed. The dosage of drugs is selected individually and depends on a number of factors - current state organism, the cause of the symptom, return, etc.


Reduces attacks of dizziness in most cases, limiting the use of coffee, chocolate, tea, alcohol, tobacco, table salt and liquids.

Folk remedies

  • Brew a teaspoon of clover inflorescence in a glass of water, boil for five minutes, strain and drink a tablespoon five times a day for a week.
  • Periodically inhale the smell of a freshly cut bulb.
  • Pour four tablespoons of hawthorn inflorescence with a liter of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes. Strain the infusion and drink a glass three times a day for seven days.
  • Before meals, eat one teaspoon of ground kelp (preferably in powdered form) with the same amount of water.

Any procedure symptomatic treatment must be agreed with a medical specialist. Until the final determination of the diagnosis and, accordingly, the cause of the symptom, it will be a therapist, later - narrow specialists.

When should you immediately consult a doctor?

You need to contact a qualified professional as soon as possible. medical specialist in the event that dizziness is accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature, vomiting, headache, along with weakness in the legs and arms, with loss of consciousness, and vertigo that does not pass for more than an hour. Also, it is worth paying attention to the symptom without additional pathogenic factors, hypertensive patients and patients with diabetes mellitus.

Useful video

Dizziness. Causes, symptoms and treatment

What makes your head spin

Vertigo (dizziness) is one of the most common medical complaints received by healthcare professionals; on average, more than one patient per day sees a doctor because of a symptom of dizziness. Vertigo most often occurs in women over 40 years of age.

What to do when you feel dizzy?

An attack of dizziness can be sudden, acute, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, unsteadiness, sweating, palpitations, and fear. Often, dizziness is aggravated by turning the head or changing the position of the body.

    It is necessary to take a comfortable position (it is better to lie down or at least sit down, or lean against something solid).

    We must try to calm down, because. As a rule, the attack of dizziness itself is very unpleasant, but does not pose a threat to life. If possible, it is better to relax and take a nap.

    You can close your eyes, often it brings relief. If this does not help or dizziness increases, it is better to focus your eyes on some point in space.

    It is advisable to measure blood pressure.

    If the dizziness is severe, it is impossible to tear your head off the pillow, accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting, or is accompanied by weakness, impaired vision, speech, awkwardness in movements, but an urgent need to call a doctor / ambulance. If there is a tool that has already helped you in similar conditions recommended by the doctor, take it.

What to do to prevent the attack from recurring?

For a person who has had bouts of dizziness, it is important to know the factors that can provoke its recurrence. Quite often, the causes of dizziness are stress, chronic fatigue and lack of sleep, rigid diets and dehydration.

Therefore, if the attack happened for the first time, perhaps in this way the body gives you a signal of overwork.

    Try to get enough sleep. The required minimum is 7-8 hours of sleep per day.

    Give up strict diets and eat a balanced diet.

    Keep track of the amount of liquid. An adult needs at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

    Reduce your stress levels.

    Watch your body signals: if you are too tired, take a break and rest.

In addition, vertigo can be a symptom of more than 80 diseases. This means that a variety of factors can provoke an attack.

For example, in a patient with hypertension, sharp rise pressure can cause a recurrence of dizziness, with Meniere's disease - high salt intake or stress, with problems with the spine or cervical osteochondrosis- an awkward or abrupt change in the position of the head or body. It is important to diagnose in time the disease that underlies the dizziness that has arisen, and those factors that can cause dizziness and try to avoid them.

Which doctor should I contact?

A doctor who specializes in problems related to vertigo is an otoneurologist. This is a fairly rare skill. About 100 "dizziness rooms" have been opened in Russia, where the patient can receive qualified assistance. Pledge correct selection therapy is timely and accurate diagnosis, a correct setting diagnosis requires specialized equipment. Addresses and phone numbers of "vertigo offices" can be found on the website Vertigo.com

Tatyana Vitalievna Vladimirova, Medical Director of Abbott Russia

If bouts of dizziness occur frequently, then you need to see a doctor and find out why this is happening. Perhaps the reason is insignificant and you just need to change your lifestyle. But frequent dizziness may also be a sign of serious illness, which should be treated as early as possible.

Causes of dizziness

When dizzy, a person has a sensation of rotation of surrounding objects, own body, instability, leaving from under the feet of the soil. The cause of dizziness is a violation of the interaction of the vestibular and visual analyzers in the brain, as well as deep sensitivity - it is these structures that provide spatial orientation. Dizziness can occur with disorders associated with each of them, as well as with impaired coordination between them.

Reasons causing dizziness, lots of. Dizziness may occur in healthy people during stress, pregnancy, while moving (in an airplane, on a ship, on a swing, in an elevator), when looking down from a height, when observing fast-moving objects.

Dizziness associated with some kind of pathology is divided into vestibular (with violations of the vestibular apparatus) and associated with other disorders. The latter are divided into visual (associated with diseases of the organs of vision), cardiovascular (with high or low blood pressure- BP, some types of disorders heart rate and so on), cervical (for example, syndrome vertebral artery with osteochondrosis), otogenic (with hearing impairment), neurological (with various diseases nervous system) and so on. Dizziness attacks can be a sign of iron deficiency anemia.

Vestibular dizziness is the most common and occurs as a result of damage to the balance organ or when exposed to it from the outside. Vestibular vertigo occurs when the brain receives incorrect information from the inner ear.

What to do when you get dizzy

An attack of dizziness can begin suddenly and be very frightening to a person. Severe dizziness is often accompanied a sharp violation balance, sweating, pallor or redness of the face, palpitations, unpleasant sensations in the region of the heart, in the abdomen. Dizziness is aggravated by a change in the turn of the head, a sharp rise and so on.

If you suddenly have an attack of dizziness, then you need:

sit down, lie down (if possible) or at least lean against some kind of hard surface; do not succumb to a feeling of fear - dizziness is not a threat to life, panic can do much more harm; do not close your eyes (dizziness will intensify), and focus on an object; if possible, measure blood pressure; if weakness, blurred vision, speech disturbances, awkwardness in movements, numbness of the limb appear simultaneously with dizziness, you should immediately call an ambulance.

If an attack of dizziness is associated with high blood pressure (in this case, dizziness occurs due to a sharp spasm of cerebral vessels), then you need to:

open a window or window, unfasten tight clothes; take a semi-sitting position, calm down; take a lowering blood pressure medicinal product fast action which is selected by the doctor for emergency assistance; in a patient with hypertension, he must be constantly with him; such drugs include corinfar (nifedipine) and capoten (captopril); the tablet should be kept under the tongue until completely dissolved; at the same time, you can take a sedative, for example, 20 drops of valerian tincture; if the condition does not improve, you need to call an ambulance.

A sharp decrease in blood pressure, accompanied by an attack of dizziness, may occur in stuffy room, with prolonged exposure to the sun, in the sauna, bath, hot tub. If an attack of dizziness is associated with low blood pressure, then you need to:

take a person out of a hot room or just into the shade; if he continues to be in the same room, open the window, unfasten the tight clothing; put in horizontal position so that the head is located as low as possible; legs should be slightly raised by placing a roller under them; if it is not possible to lie down, the person should be seated so that the head is lowered as low as possible (between the knees); drink sweet non-hot tea; if possible, bring a cotton swab to the nose with ammonia or any essential oil; works well, for example, balm "Asterisk".