Which tumor marker to test for colon cancer - advantages and characteristics. Instrumental and laboratory diagnosis of rectal cancer Tumor marker for rectal cancer name

Using intestinal tumor markers, doctors are able to analyze their content in the patient’s blood to identify not only the tumor itself, but also the stage of the disease, as well as its nature. Cancer affects a large number of people every day, and gastrointestinal cancer is no exception. The greatest danger of oncological tumors lies in the difficulty of early diagnosis.

Diagnosis of cancer in the initial stages is rare, since the symptoms of oncology appear too late to suspect pathology. Sometimes it is possible to suspect oncology in a timely manner and refer the patient to determine intestinal tumor markers in the early stages during a preventive examination.

What are tumor markers

Tumor markers are certain proteins found in the blood. In a normal state, their presence can be observed in a healthy person, but only the concentration does not exceed the established norms. In the case of a cancerous phenomenon, such as colorectal cancer, malignant cells begin to synthesize the production of this protein, as a result of which the level of tumor markers in the blood increases. When colon tumors form, tumor markers can be used to identify the location of tumors and determine the stage of development.

Main types of gastric tumor markers

To know which tumor markers are tested for intestinal cancer, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the two main groups for determining intestinal tumor markers:

  1. Specific - allow you to identify a tumor in a specific area of ​​the body;
  2. Nonspecific - detect a cancerous tumor, but do not indicate its location.

The group of specific tumor markers includes the following:

  • Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a tumor marker for colorectal cancer. When studying the results of this analysis, it is possible to predict the dynamics of tumor growth, calculate the period of its progression and obtain data on the nature of oncology. Using the CEA marker, the effectiveness of cancer treatment is assessed and the risk of developing a relapse of malignant cells is determined.
  • CA 242 (carbohydrate antigen) - a tumor marker can show the presence of a tumor in the area of ​​the large intestine, pancreas and rectum during the early stage of development. This study makes it possible to predict the development of a new tumor formation in three or even five months.
  • CA 72-4 - this study is often carried out in conjunction with CEA. This antigen can be found in malignant cells of the colon and lungs in the case of small cell carcinoma. An increase in the level of this protein may also indicate the development of colorectal cancer.
  • Tu M2-PK is a tumor marker that allows you to determine all metabolic processes occurring in cancer cells. This indicator is also called a “selection marker”, since its feature is the lack of great specificity when choosing a specific organ affected by the disease. This test is used for certain metabolic parameters. Can detect oncological tumors in the gastrointestinal tract in the early stages of progression.

The group of nonspecific tumor markers consists of:

  • alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) - a marker manifested as an increase in α-fetoprotein indicates the presence of a tumor formation in the sigmoid and rectum;
  • CA 19-9 is a tumor marker that detects oncological pathologies of the pancreas, esophagus, gallbladder and its duct, as well as the large intestine;
  • CA 125 - using this indicator, you can determine the occurrence of an oncological process in the sigmoid colon;
  • CYFRA 21-1 - an increased level of this tumor marker helps determine the presence of a cancerous tumor in the rectum;
  • SCC - detects the presence of cancer in the rectal canal;
  • LASA-P - an increase in the level of antigen signals the possible presence of malignant neoplasms in other organs and parts of the intestine.

The use of all these intestinal tumor markers makes it possible to detect the disease earlier than the first symptoms appear. But it is worth understanding that if the results show deviations from the norm in the level of antigens in the blood, which are released more during cancer, this does not yet give full confidence in the presence of oncology. A patient with a high level of antigen in the body must undergo additional examination and diagnostics.

Preparing for diagnosis

To determine the level of tumor markers, the biological material used is blood. It is necessary to donate blood for tumor markers in the morning, having previously excluded eating food eight hours before the test. It is worth noting that before donating blood to analyze the level of tumor markers for intestinal cancer, drinking drinks such as juices, tea or coffee is also prohibited. Doctors recommend drinking only boiled water.

After donating blood, the result will be ready within one or two days. When conducting a study to determine the level of CA 72-4 protein, it is necessary to take into account the patient’s possibility of taking biotin, because if its dosage is more than 5 mg for one day, then blood for analysis is prohibited within eight hours after the last use of the drug.

To determine the level of Tu M2-RK, a stool analysis is performed, and the biological material should not be removed using enemas or laxatives, but obtained only naturally. In this case, the result of such an analysis can only be ready after seven days.

How is the analysis done?

Tests for intestinal tumor markers can be carried out in absolutely any laboratories, both public and private. Determination of the level of colorectal cancer markers is carried out using the patient's blood as a biological material. To prepare for being tested for cancer, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Avoid eating 8 hours before donating blood;
  • donate blood in the morning;
  • A few days before the test, it is recommended to exclude sweet, fatty, smoked and fried foods from the diet.
  • Drinking tea, coffee or other drinks before donating blood is also prohibited.

Blood tests are taken from a vein, after which its study can last for seven days. If patients have previously been diagnosed with tumors, they need to be tested for tumor markers regularly.

The results of a study of one tumor marker cannot be accurate, so the results of indicators that are carried out in combination are usually taken into account. For example:

  • marker CA 242 and CEA - allows you to identify crustacean neoplasms in the stomach;
  • CA 19-9 together with CEA - allows you to detect colorectal cancer;
  • combination of CA 19-9, CA 242 and CEA - used in the case of colon cancer.

To detect pyruvate kinase produced by malignant cells of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to study Tu M2-PK. It is worth noting that an increase in the concentration of tumor markers in the blood may not always indicate the presence of cancer. Increased levels of CEA are often observed in the case of venous diseases and pathological processes occurring in the liver, for example, in the case of cirrhosis or Crohn's disease. Therefore, the results of any biochemical tests should always be confirmed by data from other studies (MRI, CT, ultrasound).

Decoding the results

First of all, it is worth noting that the results of tumor marker studies can be interpreted differently, depending on the laboratory clinic chosen. Different clinics may use different units of measurement. The data obtained may vary within generally accepted norms:

  • CEA - 0 IU/ml;
  • CA 242 - 0-30 IU/ml;
  • CA 19-9 - up to 40 IU/ml;
  • CA 72-4 - up to 6.3 IU/ml.

In addition to an increase, in some cases there may be a decrease in the level of these substances. This indicates the absence of cancer, but may indicate pathologies that can form in organs such as the liver or kidneys. The indicators of one study cannot be an accurate confirmation of the presence of oncology, therefore, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, the patient is prescribed a comprehensive examination. For example, a tumor marker for colon cancer is carried out in combination with RAE, CA 19-9 and CA 242.

Norms and deviations

When conducting research for the presence of intestinal cancer, specialists must compare test results with generally accepted norms for healthy people. If a deviation from the norm is observed, this signals possible damage to some part of the intestine by malignant cells. Deviations from the norm are calculated from the concentration of antigen in the blood. If the value is too increased, the patient may develop pathology. In order to promptly detect cancer of the stomach or other area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to undergo tests for tumor markers annually for the purpose of prevention. Cancer treatment is much more effective if the disease is detected at an early stage of progression. Helping cancer patients is the work of cancer patients themselves.

Cancer processes occurring in the body require extremely early diagnosis in order to be successfully eliminated - after all, only in the initial stages of identifying the disease is there hope for a complete recovery.

Most people rarely go to medical institutions and do not like lengthy examinations, so tumor markers are an ideal solution for the early diagnosis of cancer.

Intestinal tumor markers are a set of protein components that have a specific nature and are actively produced under the influence of cancer cells.

These elements are contained in urine, feces, or blood, and their presence indicates the presence of pathological tumor formations in the human body.

It is important to understand that Carrying out this analysis alone cannot provide 100% diagnosis, since in some cases a minimal amount of protein components of this group can be observed in healthy people for cancer.

In order to decipher the qualitative structure of the indicator as accurately as possible, you need to understand the meaning of each marker, its specificity, distinctive features, as well as what exactly it indicates.


Its composition is identical to albumin; in an adult it is the norm is about 15 ng/ml. The maximum concentration is 10 units. Everything above is already pathological manifestations. Diagnoses the following tumors:

  • liver and its further metastasis;
  • embryonic formation;
  • bowel cancer.

A slight excess of the indicators can provoke pregnancy if its course is abnormal, as well as liver failure. ACEs are found in blood plasma, bile, and urine.


In the natural environment, its production is carried out by gastric cells at the stage of intrauterine development of the fetus. If this indicator is exceeded, this is a signal about the presence of irreversible processes in the intestine, most likely in its thick section.

This analysis is able to determine the stage of the disease, the extent of organ damage, and based on its results, the specialist can make forecasts for the further development of the situation. The norm is less than 5.5 units.

In addition, CEA is also useful for qualitative assessment of the effectiveness of the therapy and the correctness of the chosen treatment regimen. At a certain stage, it can be used to calculate the possible risk of relapse.


Its main component is a carbohydrate antigen, characterized by extremely low organ affiliation. Its increase indicates the presence of oncology in the gastrointestinal tract - esophagus, intestines, stomach, gall bladder or ovaries.

The use is advisable when it is necessary to understand the degree of effectiveness of therapeutic manipulations, as well as early detection of secondary tumors. The norm is not higher than 34 units/ml.


An increase in the normative indicator of this marker indicates irreversible processes of modification of the qualitative structure of cells of the pancreas or large intestine.

Also, SA-242 is capable of identifying the first manifestations of a relapse already at the initial stage, which is very important for its speedy suppression. Normally, the indicator should be no more than 29.

SA 72-4, LASA-P

The specificity of the test is that it cannot be detected in people who do not suffer from cancer pathologies. Therefore, these types of markers are the most reliable ways to diagnose the disease.

A reading above the upper limit indicates a colorectal tumor, damage to the walls of the stomach or lungs. The maximum limit is 3.8.

Tu M2-RK

It is a nonspecific indicator that is effective for the early detection of an anomaly, assessing the extent of its damage, or the likelihood of relapse. The test objectively reflects the course of irreversible processes in the affected area. Should not be more than 15 units/ml.


This component is produced by the epithelium of the intestines and ovaries, and an increase in its concentration indicates the presence of formation in these organs. Normally, this indicator should not exceed 25 units.


It is a squamous cell antigen. This test is intended to control the quality of the treatment and the appropriateness of using certain methods.

A concentration of less than 1.5 ng/ml is not elevated. In addition to intestinal cancer, it may indicate inflammatory processes in the gastric organs or dysfunction of the biliary tract. It is advisable to test in combination with other markers or tests.

CYFRA 21-1

Fragment element of cytokeratin. Not used for the primary diagnosis of oncology in patients who are prone to diseases of the respiratory system, as well as chronic smokers. The normal gene concentration is 3.3 units.

In addition to intestinal cancer, this method can also detect the presence of non-cancerous pathologies - liver, lungs, kidneys.


Thanks to tumor markers, it is possible to determine with a high degree of probability:

  • exact location of the lesion;
  • guarantee quality control of therapeutic therapy, or, on the contrary, its inappropriateness;
  • diagnose the disease at the very beginning of its development;
  • the risk of recurrence of the pathology.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of such analyzes is based on the fact that each specific marker is associated with a certain type of malignant formation, which is unique to a given organ.

In addition, the degree of sensitivity of the indicators also varies depending on the nature of the anomaly.

The test is done quickly - its results can be obtained the next day after taking it.


Since not only manifestations of oncology, but also a number of non-cancerous diagnoses, as well as normal pregnancy, can provoke a slight excess of the normal value of a particular antigen marker, there is a possibility of an erroneous result.

To avoid this, depending on the symptoms and approximate clinical picture, the doctor prescribes several tests at the same time, thereby eliminating the possibility of error.

Thus, it becomes clear that intestinal tumor markers are a fairly accurate way to diagnose malignant tumors.


Today, not a single tumor is detected without the use of tumor markers, of which there are about a hundred in the arsenal of doctors, but not all of them are suitable for diagnosing this type of disease.

The extent to which the diagnosis corresponds to reality depends on how competently the type of antigen being studied is assigned. At the same time, the attitude of the patient himself towards the upcoming testing is also important.


Main indications for the study:

  • preliminary and primary detection of cancer pathologies of the intestines and stomach;
  • qualitative assessment of the therapy provided;
  • monitoring the likelihood of relapse and possible metastasis.


There are a number of requirements that need to be Strictly observe before taking this test:

  • blood is taken only in the morning, on an empty stomach;
  • at least 8 hours must have passed since the last meal;
  • one day before the planned event, strict dietary restrictions are shown - complete rejection of spicy, fried and fatty foods - this is necessary for the objectivity of the study;
  • do not drink alcohol and nicotine;

How is the analysis taken?

The biological substance for almost all tests is blood - it is taken from a vein. Before the procedure, the patient is given 15–20 minutes to calm down and rest.

The main material for determining Tu M2-RK is feces. They must be obtained naturally through the process of bowel movement. Taking laxatives, and even more so, using an enema is strictly unacceptable, as they can significantly distort the result.

Where to contact

A test for the likelihood of cancer pathology using tumor markers can be done in any government specialized medical institution or private laboratory licensed to provide such services.

A blood test after donation will be ready in a day, a stool test in a week. The laboratory also provides its full decoding.

Important point! If the doctor, for greater objectivity, has prescribed tests for several markers, it is preferable to take them all in one place, since each reagent used has an individual sensitivity to the components of the test material - if they are different, it will be difficult for the doctor to assess the result.


The cost of such an analysis depends on the following factors:

  • region of a federal subject;
  • status of the medical institution;
  • price of reagents used in the research process;
  • amount of antigen.

On average, for one type of tumor marker for colon cancer you will have to pay from 700 to 1,700 thousand rubles. If there are several of them, the cost increases accordingly.

By type of antigen, the price range is approximately as follows:

Type of testCost, rub.)Cost for urgency (RUB)
REA980 1 800
SA-19-91 150 1 700
APF750 1 200
CYFRA 21-11 550 2 400

These tests are not able to determine cancer with 100% certainty, but in the vast majority of situations they are quite objective.

In some private oncology centers where the patient has already received or is undergoing treatment, this procedure is considered a diagnostic procedure and can be performed free of charge.

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If a cancerous tumor is suspected, already during the examination, signs such as abdominal enlargement, external fistulous outlets, and enlarged lymph nodes are sometimes revealed. Tapping the abdomen can detect the accumulation of fluid (ascites) or gas due to intestinal perforation.

Palpation of the abdomen, despite its apparent simplicity, is considered a very valuable procedure for determining the tumor process. Thanks to palpation, you can assess the degree of muscle tension, the presence of spasms and fluids, etc. Without fail, the doctor examines all lymph nodes that may be affected by the pathological process.

Examination of the perineal area allows you to see changes in the skin and in the anal sphincter, which can also be valuable information for making a diagnosis.

Tumor markers for colorectal cancer

As you know, the difficulty of diagnosing a cancer tumor is largely due to its asymptomatic course, when the patient seeks help only when the disease has progressed too far. For this reason, scientists have long been looking for a diagnostic method that would help identify pathology as early as possible. And this method was found - this is the determination of tumor markers.

What are they? Tumor markers are unique protein substances released during the life of tumor cells. They are determined in the blood or urinary fluid of a patient with cancer. Moreover, with the help of modern means it is possible to detect an increase in the level of such substances even in the initial stages of cancer.

What does the level of markers indicate:

  • in which organ the tumor may be located;
  • whether the prescribed treatment was effective;
  • is it possible that the pathology will develop again;
  • whether there is a risk of cancer in the future.

There are a number of tumor markers that indicate the presence and localization of a cancer process in the rectum. These are markers such as AFP, CA 72-4, LASA-P, CA 242, CA 19-9, CYFRA 21-1.

However, there are some disadvantages of marker analysis:

  • tumor markers are not strictly specific - for example, the same indicator can mean the presence of a process in any part of the digestive system;
  • high levels of markers cannot in all cases be interpreted as the presence of a tumor;
  • Some healthy people can also detect these substances.

From all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn: identifying markers is an important procedure, but a diagnosis cannot be made based on their increase alone. Diagnostics should be perceived in a comprehensive manner, using all possible techniques.

Instrumental diagnosis of rectal cancer

The purpose of instrumental diagnostics of the rectum is to visualize the area damaged by pathology, determine the nature of the lesion and its stage, take a tissue element for a more detailed study (biopsy), as well as a preliminary assessment of metastasis.

  • Anoscopy is a way to examine the rectum using an anoscope, an instrument that is inserted through the anal sphincter and allows you to examine the inner surface of the mucosa. The depth of possible inspection is about 15 cm.
  • Sigmoidoscopy is carried out using a sigmoidoscope apparatus, which is inserted into the rectal cavity and at a distance of up to 50 cm. This technique allows the doctor to examine the intestinal mucous membranes, with the possibility of taking tissue elements for further analysis. The procedure cannot be called pleasant and completely painless, but as a diagnostic tool it is often simply irreplaceable.
  • Fibercolonoscopy allows you to examine the inner surface of the intestine, accurately determine the location of the tumor, take pieces of material for biopsy, and even remove small polyps. Using this method, you can assess the condition of the large intestine along its entire length.
  • Irrigoscopy involves the enema injection of a special contrast agent into the intestinal cavity, which will highlight the internal cavity of the intestines when examined on X-ray images. This procedure is used mainly in elderly patients, and also if the doctor suspects several tumor processes in the intestines at once.
  • Intravenous urography may be prescribed as an additional research method, for example, if a tumor has grown into the bladder.
  • Ultrasound monitoring of abdominal organs is used to detect metastases. If the procedure is performed when fluid accumulates (ascites), then ultrasound allows you to assess its volume.
  • The computed tomography method is used to determine tumor growth into nearby organs, find metastases, and check nearby lymph nodes.
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical intervention when the abdominal wall is punctured in several places and a special camera is inserted through the punctures, which allows not only to see the presence of metastases in the abdominal cavity, but also to remove small objects.

Separately, I would like to dwell on the method of magnetic resonance imaging, which, although not considered a priority examination, can sometimes provide very important information to the doctor. Determining the degree of tumor growth, selecting a therapeutic regimen, assessing the need and extent of surgery - these are precisely those cases when this procedure is simply necessary. In addition, MRI allows you to monitor and evaluate the progress of cancer treatment and determine further tactics for the patient.

Rectal cancer on MRI will be better visualized and assessed by the doctor if you follow these recommendations:

  • Before the procedure, you should clean the rectum - this can be done with a laxative or a regular cleansing enema;
  • 1-1.5 hours before the procedure, you must empty your bladder, after which you are not allowed to drink until the end of the study;
  • About an hour before the MRI, it is recommended to take 3 tablets of drotaverine (No-shpa).

If everything is done correctly, the doctor can easily carry out the following actions:

  • see the tumor itself, including its borders;
  • determine the relationship of the tumor to the pelvic organs and sphincter;
  • determine the condition of the pelvic muscles;
  • assess the state of the lymphatic system in the pelvis;
  • monitor the effectiveness of surgery, chemotherapy or radiation, and monitor the disease over time.

Histological and cytological studies

In order to distinguish a benign disease from a malignant one, a study such as a biopsy is used, followed by histological analysis. Thanks to a biopsy, it is possible to state with great accuracy the presence or absence of a cancerous tumor in the tissues being examined. The diagnostic method involves the removal of a small element of tumor tissue - the entire process is carried out during sigmoidoscopy and does not cause any additional discomfort to the patient. The resulting piece of tissue is subjected to histological and cytological evaluation.

In addition to sigmoidoscopy, the doctor can take the material he needs during laparoscopy, surgery or fibrocolonoscopy.

Histological examination is an examination of a sample of removed tissue using a microscopic method and can be carried out urgently or routinely:

  • Urgent histology is carried out within about half an hour, in cases where a quick result is needed. The sample is pre-frozen, after which it is treated with specific dyes and examined using a microscope;
  • planned histology usually lasts at least 5 days. The resulting sample is coated with a special liquid and paraffin and painted over. This method of research is considered more complex when compared with urgent histology. However, its results are more accurate and reliable.

As a rule, in order to ensure that the result of a histological examination is not questioned in the future, it is carried out by at least two specialists.

A cytological examination is an assessment of the cellular structures of a tissue, which makes it possible to notice malignant changes in them. How does this analysis differ from histological analysis? The fact that the cytological method involves examining not a tissue section, but individual tumor cells.

The following biological material can be used to perform cytology:

  • tissue samples removed during biopsy from the required section of the intestine;
  • purulent or mucous discharge from the intestinal cavity;
  • fingerprint samples from mucous tissues from the required section of the intestine.

Only the above methods allow us to accurately determine which tumor needs to be treated: benign or malignant.

Most often, when a diagnosis is made, cancer cells have already spread in the patient’s body to such an extent that it is very difficult to treat the disease.

What are gastrointestinal tumor markers?

Malignant formations of the gastrointestinal tract occupy 3rd place in the number of patients, and doctors are looking for the best means to recognize the initial stage of the disease.

Early general symptoms of oncology have been identified:

  • causeless fatigue;
  • significant weight loss;
  • lack of appetite.

But patients with such symptoms do not always go to the hospital, without finding any particular reason for concern. And only when severe pain begins, which means the tumor has fully matured, when metastases affect neighboring tissues and organs, does a person consult a doctor.

Many methods have been invented to detect malignant tumors. In particular, these are:

  1. Endoscopy.
  2. Determination of tumor markers in biological fluids.

A tumor marker is a protein that arises from tumor cells; Tumor markers can also be produced by normal cells that are located around tumors, but significantly exceed the limits of established norms. They are usually established by examining the patient’s blood, urine, and in rare cases, stool.

What types of gastrointestinal tumor markers exist?

There are 2 types of tumor markers:

  1. Highly specific. If they are identified, it means that a certain type of tumor is developing.
  2. Non-specific. In this case, this generally indicates oncological pathology.

Determining intestinal tumor markers in the disease is a priority task. There is a specific marking for them: CA19-9, CA242, CA72-4, REA and TuM2-PK.

CA19-9 is a carbohydrate antigen. Its norm is up to 40 IU/ml. This marker is necessary to avoid mistakes in the treatment of cancer patients who have been diagnosed with pathologies of the large intestine, esophagus, and gallbladder, and for monitoring cancer patients in order to diagnose early relapses of intestinal cancer.

This antigen is found in the epithelial cells of organs such as the pancreas and in the gastric mucosa. It is found in liver cells and intestines - small and large. Its concentration in saliva, gastric juice, and urine is quite high, so the organ specificity of the test will be low. All this makes it difficult to determine the location of the tumor.

The tumor marker CA242 is a carbohydrate antigen, its level is increased in gastrointestinal cancer. It is more specific than the previous tumor marker and indicates the disease at an early stage. Helps predict a possible relapse several months before its occurrence. Its rate should not exceed 30 IU/ml.

Tumor marker CA72-4. This antigen can rarely be detected in a completely healthy person. Its normal value should not exceed 6.3 IU/ml. It is used mainly to diagnose diseases such as colorectal cancer and gastric carcinoma. It was identified in a case of colon cancer.

CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen) is produced during pregnancy by cells of the gastrointestinal tract of the embryo. This means that adults cannot have this tumor marker. Its concentration should not be higher than 0-4 ng/ml.

TuM2-PK is a metabolic tumor marker. It shows what changes in metabolic processes occur in cancer cells. This cancer protein does not have organ specificity, and it is considered the marker of choice for diagnosing a wide variety of malignant formations.

After identifying this tumor marker, it becomes possible to identify the tumor at the earliest stages and diagnose metastases.

What diseases can be detected by tumor markers of the gastrointestinal tract?

What tumor marker shows intestinal cancer? And are there possible situations when these antigens indicate not gastrointestinal cancer, but another disease?

To identify tumor markers of the gastrointestinal tract, a blood test is usually performed. In order for the analysis to be optimally objective, it is advisable to donate blood in the morning, on an empty stomach, at least 8 hours after eating. For the results to be correct, you should not drink sweet tea or juice. It is better to limit yourself to plain water.

It will take 1 day to determine a tumor marker for colon cancer.

In order to detect CA72-4, you should not take biotin 8 hours before the test. This analysis takes a fairly long period of time - from 3 to 7 days.

To identify the TuM2-RK tumor marker, the patient's stool is used. Moreover, for correct diagnosis, this biological material must be obtained only naturally; various laxative medications or an enema cannot be used. The gut should work naturally. At the pharmacy you can purchase a special container where stool is placed and this is the only way it is delivered to the laboratory. It will take approximately 7 days to conduct laboratory tests.

Tumor markers can show very important information, but since it has been noted that individually they cannot provide a 100% guarantee of the correct diagnosis, a combination of them is used.

A stomach tumor will show CEA in conjunction with the CA242 antigen.

It is also possible to identify which tumor marker indicates intestinal cancer: CEA plus antigens CA19-9 and CA242.

When radiation or chemical therapy is carried out, tumor markers begin to increase if the tumor is successfully treated. But if the course of therapy is completed, and the indicators begin to increase or are elevated after surgery, it means that the tumor has reactivated, and another form of treatment should be sought.

However, the presence of tumor markers is not always the case; their elevated level indicates that a tumor is developing in the body.

For example, if the CEA antigen is detected in increased quantities, then one of the liver diseases may be present:

  • cirrhosis;
  • pancreatitis in acute or chronic form.

Antigen CA72-4 often indicates:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • the occurrence of stomach ulcers;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis in both acute and chronic forms.

The CA19-9 antigen will indicate the occurrence of cholecystitis.

If the tumor marker Tu M2-RK is detected, then the body can develop:

  • bacterial infection associated with the stomach or intestines;
  • rheumatism;
  • diabetic nephropathy.

Due to the numerous options, no conclusions can be drawn based on biochemical tests alone. Clinical studies will be required, and only after studying all the results the doctor has the right to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Intestinal tumor markers

Tumor markers - tumor markers - specific compounds contained in body fluids (blood, urine), which are formed in response to the development of malignant neoplasms. These substances help in diagnosing cancer, including in the early stages, before the onset of clinical manifestations. In addition, the determination of tumor markers allows one to judge the effectiveness of the treatment and the prognosis of the disease. Let's look at what tumor markers indicate bowel cancer, and what needs to be tested to detect them.

Tumor markers for detecting colon cancer

Five substances are tumor markers for detecting cancer of the small intestine, as well as colon and rectum. It is worth considering that tumor marker substances can be contained in small quantities in a healthy person, and can also be produced as a result of various pathological processes not related to cancer in other organs. Let's take a closer look at what intestinal tumor markers are, and what deviations from the norm are most likely to indicate cancer:

  1. CEA – carcinoembryonic antigen. This substance is produced only by fetal cells during pregnancy, and normally in an adult its concentration should be less than 5 ng/ml. This indicator may indicate the presence and size of a malignant neoplasm.
  2. CA 19-9 – carbohydrate antigen – is a nonspecific marker that does not give an idea of ​​the location of cancer, but allows us to talk about the presence of a malignant tumor in the body with a value of more than 40 IU/ml.
  3. CA 242 is a specific tumor marker, which, with a value of more than 30 IU/ml, may indicate cancer of the rectum and colon, but also of the pancreas.
  4. CA 72-4 is a tumor marker, the normal amount of which does not exceed 6.3 IU/ml. It is indicative of colorectal cancer, as well as cancer of the stomach, mammary glands, ovaries, etc.
  5. Tu M2-PK – tumor pyruvate kinase type M2. This tumor marker shows changes in metabolic processes in cancer cells of various locations.

The first four described markers are determined in venous blood, and the last one is determined in stool analysis. Since none of these substances exhibit 100% guaranteed specificity, a combination of them is used to detect bowel cancer. Also, the analyzes are necessarily supported by clinical studies.

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Types and reliability of intestinal tumor markers

Among cancer diseases, intestinal cancer is of significant importance. Intestinal tumor markers are used to promptly identify symptoms characteristic of a given situation. Thus, the development of the pathogenic process is determined. You should understand the mechanism of operation of these substances and find out what laboratory tests are necessary.

Intestinal oncology

It is worth understanding the structural features of the intestines. Its main components are the small and large intestines. The small intestine includes the duodenum, ileum, and jejunum. Considering the structure of the large intestine, it is worth noting the cecum, rectum and colon, which are its constituent components. The rectum area ends at the anus. Pathological processes of development of neoplasms are observed in different places. A person feels constipated, which is natural if there is a tumor. It helps block the movement of bowel movements along its natural path.

There are several effective ways to determine the disease at the initial stage of development. This diagnosis includes a tumor marker for colon cancer.

They represent a special kind of chemical substances, in other words proteins, which can be identified using biomaterials. The components can be produced both by malignant cells and neighboring organs. During diagnosis, the protein indicator, subject to the development of cancer, is at an exceeded level. Urine, blood, and in fairly rare cases, feces are used for analysis and evaluation of results.

Important! Tumor markers perform functional work, which is manifested in effective treatment monitoring. Their use helps determine the effectiveness of the course prescribed by a specialist.

Features of indicators

So, the following tumor markers of the small intestine are distinguished:

  1. a type characterized by the development of a progressive type of cancer. This type is called highly specific;
  2. a type that helps confirm the presence of a malignant tumor. This is a non-specific type of marker.

Malignant neoplasms can reveal:

  • CEA markers are particularly sensitive. The tumor marker of the large intestine is in the normal range – up to 5 units. Its absence is also possible;
  • antigen CA72 – 4 is responsible for effective diagnosis in the field of colorectal oncology. A value of up to 6.3 is considered a normal level;
  • indicates metabolic processes in the area of ​​pathogenic Ti M2 cells - RK;
  • If the CA19-9 value is exceeded, conclusions can be drawn about the presence of cancer. The norm fluctuates around 40 units;
  • at the stage of initial development of cancer, CA 242 is detected. The optimal level is considered to be 0 – 30 units.

It is also worth noting that exceeding the normal level of the indicator is not a 100% guarantee that an oncological process is present. When observing this situation, it is necessary to conduct additional examination, in particular basic tests.

Symptoms of bowel cancer

Material delivery procedure

The procedure is carried out in different places. This is a government-type center or a private medical center. So, what tumor marker shows bowel cancer? These are SA 72 - 4, REA, SA 19 - 9, SA 242.

It is important to prepare properly for this process before donating blood for intestinal tumor markers. Experts recommend:

  • minimize, completely avoid junk food. This category includes fried, smoked, fatty foods;
  • The last meal before the procedure should take place 8 – 12 hours before;
  • It is necessary for the patient to stop drinking alcohol or smoking.

It is important to take the test on an empty stomach, in the morning. You should rest before taking the test. By following all the above recommendations, you can achieve the most accurate result.

Important! The results of the analysis are received by the attending physician within 24 hours. To assess Ti M2 – RK, cal is used. Evaluation of this tumor marker is possible after a week.

Deciphering the tumor marker

You should learn about the characteristics of tumor markers.

CA 72-4 should not be found in the body of a healthy person. Its content is acceptable in cases where there is a tumor in the area of ​​the large intestine. The recommendation in this case would be a screening procedure for colorectal cancer. Together, it determines this type with a CEA marker in the laboratory.

A normal amount of CEA is produced during pregnancy by the body's digestive system. Based on the analysis data, it is possible to accurately determine the size of the tumor and evaluate this indicator for the further course of treatment. By assessing the marker, it is possible to predict possible relapses in the near future.

CA 19 – 9 is considered additional, which is assessed after the above markers. Among his main functional responsibilities is the ability to diagnose possible relapses. The marker is also able to detect the presence of a tumor in the ovarian area. With the help of its monitoring, qualified specialists monitor the effectiveness of treatment and its effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

The next, rather specific protein, CA 242, is generated in the rectum area, as well as in the large intestine. Thanks to its assessment, it is possible to determine the presence of a tumor of a certain period. This value is in the range from 3 months to 6.

There are also other types of tumor markers. In particular, this is CA 125, it is used to diagnose the sigmoid colon. This group includes SYFRA 21 - 1, which indicates the presence of a cancerous tumor in the rectal area. SCC determines the oncological process in the rectal canal area.

Positive and negative features

The advantages of this procedure are clear, but it is worth considering the negative side.

  • the ability to diagnose a neoplasm at the initial stage of development of the disease;
  • implementation by specialists of effective forecasting in order to minimize relapses after the course of therapy has been completed;
  • monitoring the course of treatment.
  • if the concentration of specific proteins is exceeded, the last stages of the disease can be determined;
  • they are not fully specific; their ability to indicate the presence of neoplasms in other areas is known;
  • Some indicators may change insignificantly, an increase is observed, for example. This situation is also typical for healthy people, so this method does not give 100% results.


It is worth noting that diseases in the field of oncology are not a death sentence. It is only important to detect their appearance in a timely manner, preferably at the earliest stages of development. If treatment is delayed, the likelihood of recovery decreases.

In order to avoid an unpleasant, and in some cases a deplorable situation, it is necessary to protect yourself to some extent by taking tests and undergoing examinations to identify tumor markers. The specialist will interpret the results and diagnose your health condition.

What are the intestinal tumor markers?

When examining a patient, intestinal tumor markers are indicators of the presence of a malignant tumor in the body. The formation and growth of a cancerous tumor in the initial stages of the disease is asymptomatic. A person leads his usual lifestyle, but a tumor develops inside, which will manifest itself only at the stage when it will be almost impossible to defeat the disease. This is how not only rectal cancer occurs, but also malignant neoplasms of any location.

In the presence of what symptoms does the doctor refer the patient to determine intestinal tumor markers?

Until recently, early stage cancer was discovered completely by accident. At that moment when the patient visited the doctor for a completely different reason. The only exception to this rule is breast cancer, which is a little easier to diagnose. The woman herself can palpate and detect a small lump.

Doctors faced a difficult task: to find a way to detect tumor symptoms at the stages of their initial formation, when stopping its growth is much easier than treating cancer in the third or fourth stages. According to statistics, cancer of the digestive organs has long held third place in terms of incidence. Both stomach cancer and intestinal cancer caused the death of many patients, since in most cases they were detected at late stages, when numerous metastases appeared.

An important discovery was the discovery of tumor markers, which by their appearance in the body indicate the presence of a tumor.

Symptoms of a tumor and an important reason why a patient may undergo a comprehensive examination are:

  • sudden weight loss,
  • loss of appetite,
  • rapid fatigue, which appears even with the slightest load.

All these symptoms can be signs of a huge number of diseases, including common seasonal vitamin deficiency, stress or an incipient cold. There is practically no reason to look for a tumor. But in any case, such symptoms should be alarming.

In this situation, when it is necessary to conduct a quick diagnosis in order to exclude the presence of a tumor, they seek help from tumor markers, which are nothing more than specific proteins produced by the tumor or tissues located next to it. The number of such cells in the presence of a tumor is large. To detect them, it is enough to conduct a special blood or urine test. Very rarely feces are used for these purposes.

What tumor markers exist?

Two types of tumor markers can be identified in the body: highly specific and nonspecific. The former signal the presence of a certain type of tumor. The second is about the presence of a neoplasm in the body.

For example, the presence of markers CEA, CA 19-9, CA 242, CA 72-4, Tu M2-RK directly indicates intestinal cancer.

  1. CEA - in a normal state, this type of marker can be detected only during pregnancy, since it is actively produced by the cells of the gastrointestinal tract in the fetus. In other cases, its presence in large quantities in analyzes should be alarming. The usual concentration should not exceed 0-5 ng/ml. This marker can be used to indirectly judge the stage of tumor development. Before treatment, the CEA value indicates the size of the tumor. This marker is used to judge the effectiveness of treatment not only for intestinal cancer, but also for breast and lung cancer.
  2. Carbohydrate antigen CA 19-9, its value should not exceed 40 IU/ml. The value of this marker is used to monitor the treatment of rectal cancer and many other types of cancer, namely the esophagus, pancreas, colon, gall bladder, and ovarian tumors. Using this marker, you can diagnose the presence of a tumor; you cannot judge what type of tumor it is, since it can indicate many types. In the presence of a pathological process, this marker is found in huge quantities in saliva, urine, seminal fluid, gastric juice, secretions of the duodenum, bile and pancreas. Such scattering makes it impossible to accurately determine the location of the tumor.
  3. Tumor marker CA 242 manifests itself in the same cases as CA 19-9, but unlike it, it is more specific. We can say that the presence of this particular marker is a sign of pathology in the pancreas, rectum and large intestine. We can talk about the presence of a tumor in the very early stages, when there are no other changes in the body. For oncologists, this marker is the main one; all diagnostics of cancers of the entire digestive system are based on it. For example, it helps predict the return of the disease several months before the tumor appears. Its norm is from 0 to 30 IU/ml. If these numbers are exceeded, the pathological process develops.
  4. Tumor marker CA 72-4. This type of antigen is used to determine the presence of stomach and colorectal cancer. When performing tests for this antigen, the concentration of CEA is simultaneously assessed. A completely healthy person does not have this antigen.
  5. Tumor marker Tu M2-RK. This is a very specific type of marker. It determines the level of metabolism of cancer cells. This is the first type of marker that is free. This marker has particular organ specificity. It allows you to identify many types of oncology. It is used to judge the presence of a tumor in the body and the degree of its growth, the presence of metastases. The detection of this type of marker can be considered the first sign of an impending relapse after treatment or removal of a tumor in the past.

How to prepare for testing

Tumor markers for colorectal cancer make it possible to recognize the disease before serious changes in the body begin. To detect them, it is necessary to collect biological material. The medium in which intestinal tumor markers can be detected is blood. To obtain a more accurate result, it is taken in the morning strictly on an empty stomach.

Therefore, the patient should be warned in advance that his last meal should be 8 hours before the test. But most often, doctors recommend refraining from eating for 12 hours before donating blood for testing. On the eve of the analysis, it is forbidden to drink juice, tea and coffee with sugar. It is best to quench your thirst with plain water. If you do not follow all these tips, the results obtained during the study will be distorted. The results of the analysis become known on the same day.

If a patient takes biotin, his blood is not suitable for analysis, especially if there is a need to detect CA 72-4. It is necessary to refrain from taking the drug for 8 hours before donating blood for analysis.

In order to determine the manifestation of the Tu M2-RK marker in the body, it is necessary to conduct a stool analysis. Moreover, the collection of material should not take place with the use of enemas and laxatives. A small amount of biological material is sufficient for analysis. The result will have to wait much longer than with a blood test. It will become known in 7 days.

It’s worth clarifying right away that conducting an analysis for the presence of one tumor marker is not indicative. To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination. For example, to detect rectal cancer, it is necessary to carry out tests for the presence of CEA, the CA 19-9 antigen and the more specific CA 242. For the large intestine, tests for the presence of CEA, CA 19-9 and CA 242 antigens are necessary.

If markers have been identified in a patient, it is impossible to immediately confirm the presence of cancer. More research is needed.

Intestinal tumor markers

The topic of cancer is increasingly affecting young people, which is saddening. The insidiousness of oncological processes lies in the fact that it is not always possible to detect a tumor at stages 1-2. Only an early examination helps to identify pathology and begin treatment in a timely manner. For example, tumor markers of the intestines, breast, ovaries and many other localizations make it possible to suspect oncology at the initial stage.

When pain occurs, this indicates that the lesion has spread to the nerve endings. Subsequently, metastasis is observed, which worsens the prognosis for recovery.

What are intestinal tumor markers?

Today, in addition to instrumental diagnostic techniques (ultrasound, radiography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging), there is such a way to detect a tumor as assessing the level of tumor markers.

They are a set of protein elements of a specific origin that are produced in response to the activity of tumor cells. Similar protein structures can be found in urine, feces or blood, and therefore are used both to identify a malignant focus and to assess the effectiveness of the treatment used.

What are the tumor markers for colon cancer and why do you need to take them?

Intestinal tumor markers are characterized by different structures, so they can be specific, when an increase in their level means the presence of a tumor of a certain location, and nonspecific, indicating the development of an oncological process without an exact location.

Specific proteins indicating intestinal damage include:

As for less specific laboratory parameters, it is worth noting alpha-fetoprotein, CA-125, CA 19-9, CYFRA 21-1, SCC and LASA-P.

Thanks to tumor markers, it becomes possible to:

  1. Detect the exact location of oncology.
  2. Ensure control over the treatment process (a decrease in the level of specific proteins indicates the effectiveness of the therapy; an increase, on the contrary, emphasizes incorrect treatment tactics).
  3. Recognize cancer in its early stages.
  4. They help determine the likelihood of recurrence of the tumor.

It would seem that tumor markers are an ideal study, but it must be remembered that they only indicate a possible localization, which is confirmed by identifying a lesion using ultrasound or tomography.

In addition, a slight increase in indicators can also be observed in healthy people. In this regard, carrying out exclusively analysis for markers is irrational without additional examination.

Norm and price

The cost of such analysis varies depending on their type. On average, one analysis can cost from $10 to $20 US. The execution time is about 4 days.

To correctly interpret the results of a laboratory test, it is necessary to pay attention to the units of measurement, since each laboratory can carry out calculations depending on the equipment available.

The following norms of indicators will be presented in the following units of measurement - “IU/ml”.

  • APF – range from 5 to 10;
  • CA 242 – 0-30;
  • REA should be absent or below 5;
  • CA 19-9 should not exceed 40;
  • CA 72-4 has a maximum value of 6.3.

The listed tests are used for the initial examination of intestinal pathology and analysis of treatment dynamics.


To correctly understand what the quantitative composition of an indicator means, you need to know what each “protein marker” means, how it is characterized and what it indicates:

  • Carcinoembryonic antigen or CEA for short:

Under physiological conditions, its production occurs by the cells of the gastrointestinal tract of the fetus during intrauterine development. If its levels exceed the norm, this indicates damage to the intestine, namely the large section. In addition, it can be used to predict the stage of malignancy, the volume of the lesion and the prognosis. CEA is also used to assess the correctness and effectiveness of treatment. It allows you to assess the risk of recurrence of the disease even before the first clinical signs appear.

Malignant degeneration of cells of the colon and pancreas is indicated by an increase in CA-242. It is also used to determine the likelihood of relapse.

A less specific marker is carbohydrate antigen (CA 19-9). Its organ affiliation is extremely low, since an increase in its level may indicate the presence of oncology in the stomach, esophagus, gall bladder, ovaries or colon. It is used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment methods and for the purpose of early detection of tumor recurrence.

Usually absent in practically healthy people. Exceeding the upper limit of normal is observed in colorectal cancer, malignant lesions of the stomach or lungs. This indicator is used only as an additional examination in parallel with the analysis of other, more specific, oncoproteins.

Refers to a group of nonspecific indicators that are used to initially identify a tumor or assess the risk of its recurrence. It only reflects the state of metabolic processes in cancer cells.

It should be noted that when identifying an oncological lesion of the intestine, the doctor does not prescribe an analysis of each tumor marker. It's quite expensive. 1-2 markers are selected to suspect a tumor or confirm the diagnosis. Intestinal tumor markers can be used both for early detection of the disease and in combination with other laboratory and diagnostic techniques.

It is important to know:

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The information on the site is presented for informational purposes only! It is not recommended to use the described methods and recipes for treating cancer on your own and without consulting a doctor!

What intestinal tumor markers indicate cancer?

To detect intestinal cancer, which occupies one of the leading positions among all cancers, at an early stage, doctors use a test for intestinal tumor markers.

Tumor markers are specific bodies that appear as a result of the development of malignant tumors.

They can be detected in human blood and urine when malignant cells spread. What are tumor markers and how do they help detect cancer?

What are tumor markers?

Every year, cancer of the stomach and intestines affects an increasing number of people.

The reasons for the spread of stomach cancer pathologies among the population are unfavorable ecology, bad habits, heredity, chronic illnesses, various types of radiation and much more.

In addition, in recent years, cancer has increasingly affected young people who have not yet reached 30–40 years of age.

Usually, at the very beginning, cancer of the stomach and intestines practically does not manifest itself at all, so most often patients consult a doctor when the disease has already spread significantly.

Oncologists have been trying for many years to find a way to detect pathology at the very beginning of its occurrence, and as a result, a way to diagnose cancer using tumor markers has emerged.

The main feature of tumor markers is the ability to detect the development of oncology much earlier than traditional diagnostic methods allow.

Thus, the patient can begin treatment for this insidious and dangerous disease much earlier, which can significantly improve the condition or completely defeat stomach and intestinal cancer.

Markers can be detected both at the beginning of the formation’s growth and during the process of its decay.

Malignant particles spread through the bloodstream throughout the body, so it is blood that is taken for analysis if cancer is suspected in a person.

There are two types of markers that can be detected in a patient's blood:

  1. highly specific, which appear only in certain types of cancer cells;
  2. arising from oncopathologies of various types.

Using intestinal tumor markers to detect cancer helps doctors solve several problems:

  • find the place where the cancerous tumor is located;
  • see the dynamics of the patient’s condition during treatment, after removal of the formation;
  • prevent recurrence of the disease in the future;
  • identify patients who are at risk and may subsequently develop cancer of the stomach, as well as the small and large intestine.

Today, the following tumor markers of the intestines and stomach help detect cancer:

  • alpha-fetoprotein, AFP - its increased concentration indicates the presence of a tumor in the rectum and sigmoid segment. The prevalence of this marker also indicates the stage of the pathology;
  • markers that signal problems with the gastrointestinal tract - CA 72-4, LASA-P;
  • CA 242 is one of the main antigens used to detect colorectal cancer;
  • CEA is a carcinoembryonic antigen, a very sensitive marker of colon cancer growths;
  • CA 19-9 is a protein that appears in tests for cancer of the rectum and colon. Typically this marker is in addition to the CA 242 and REA markers;
  • CA 125 - signals the presence of cancer in the sigmoid segment of the colon;
  • SCC is an antigen that appears when cancer forms in the anal canal;
  • CYFRA 21-1 - manifests itself in the presence of formations in the rectum.

What do the indicators say?

You should be aware that none of these markers are completely specific; in addition, an increase in the level of markers does not always signal that an oncological process has begun in the patient’s body.

Even in healthy patients, you can sometimes see a slight excess of the tumor marker normal. Therefore, there is an acceptable standard for marker indicators.

A noticeable increase in the number of markers in the patient’s blood is usually observed already when a malignant tumor begins to actively develop in the body.

It happens that a high level of a certain marker indicates a formation that is located in a completely different place, since these markers are nonspecific.

At the same time, a blood test for tumor markers is simply irreplaceable in the treatment of cancer.

Thus, when the volume of marker in the blood decreases, we can talk about the effectiveness of therapy.

If the marker level increases, then the therapy does not bring results, and the doctor reconsiders the treatment.

Monitoring marker levels is very important to determine the relapse of the disease at the earliest stages. Sometimes doctors are able to detect a cancerous tumor even before the first symptoms of oncology begin to appear.

People at risk should undergo such examination every 3 months. Despite the fact that the analysis is quite simple, only the attending physician can send the patient for such an examination.

How is the analysis carried out?

Tumor markers are used in combination with other oncology research methods. The marker helps determine the location of the tumor, even if it cannot be seen with X-rays and other tests.

To detect intestinal cancer, a laboratory technician takes blood from a patient. The analysis is carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach.

The patient's last snack should be 8 hours before the procedure, and it is better that the patient's stomach rests for 12 hours.

In addition, the patient should avoid juices, tea and coffee with sugar on the eve of the procedure, and instead drink only clean water. The patient's blood is taken from a vein. Usually the doctor receives the diagnostic result within 24 hours.

It is mandatory for those who have previously been diagnosed with cancer to donate blood for tumor markers. The study should be carried out every 2 to 4 months, depending on how the patient’s condition changes.

When conducting an analysis, doctors take the norm of tumor markers for a healthy person as a basis and compare the results of the study with this norm.

Deviations from the normal level of indicators indicate which parts of the intestine have been affected.

For example, a normal human AFP in the blood is 0 – 10 IU/ml. Excessive excess of this indicator (up to 400 E) indicates that an oncological process has begun in the body.

In this case, the doctor suspects liver damage by metastases, which was the result of cancer of the rectum and sigmoid segment of the colon.

Antigen CA 242 normally ranges from 0 to 30 IU/ml. Exceeding the indicator will indicate to the doctor about oncology of the intestine, pancreas and rectum even before the onset of a sharp development of pathology.

The CA 19-9 marker should normally not be more than 40 IU/ml. Excessive marker indicates colon and rectal cancer.

This element can be detected in urine, saliva, gastric juice, and seminal fluid, so this test is rather low-specific and does not determine the exact location of the tumor.

The normal tumor marker CA 72-4 is 6.3 IU/ml. Its excessive value signals tumors of the colon, stomach and lung cancer.

Diagnosis of intestinal tumor markers should be complemented by traditional studies - colonoscopy, X-ray and others. Only on the basis of all these tests does the doctor make a diagnosis for the patient.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances. If you notice any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

Tumor markers of the gastrointestinal tract, defined as exceeding the norm, indicate problems in the patient’s digestive system. are specific substances of protein origin (proteins) synthesized by tumor cells and the concentration of which is directly related to the growth of tumor cells.

Tumor markers are also obtained from normal tissues in response to cancer cell invasion. These substances are detected in increased concentrations in the blood and urine of a person with cancer.

They are the most important evidence of the presence of an early stage of cancer, when the tumor has not yet manifested itself. They are also used to track treatment results and conduct screening studies.

However, making a diagnosis only on the basis of elevated tumor marker values ​​is considered inappropriate, since the results need to be confirmed by other diagnostic procedures. There are quite a lot of markers, and the analysis is prescribed based on suspicion of a disease of any organ and taking into account symptoms, provoking factors and other data.

Gastrointestinal tumor markers

Recently, there has been a persistent tendency towards an increase in cases of primary gastrointestinal diseases, with an increasing share of young patients.

In light of this, many, alas, know the answer to the question: “what are tumor markers?” Based on these sad statistics, timely, highly effective diagnosis becomes of great importance. These requirements are fully met by the analysis of serum blood for the content of tumor markers.

The numerous markers of the gastrointestinal tract determine the advisability of conducting one or more tests, based on family history, age, symptoms, laboratory data and other indicators.

Leading clinics in Israel

Science now knows more than 200 types of gastrointestinal tumor markers, but only 20-30 of them are of practical importance for medicine, which have proven effective in detecting early cancer.

Each type of tumor marker corresponds to one type of malignant neoplasm. For example, a diagnosis such as intestinal cancer is more often made to people over 50 years of age, so during medical examinations, determining the appropriate tumor marker is mandatory. The question of which tests to take in order to obtain more reliable information is entirely within the competence of the doctor.

To identify malignant tumors, they most often resort to measuring the level of the following markers:

  • , indicating the presence of thick. Formed during intrauterine development of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • , indicating .
  • – this marker indicates the possible formation of a tumor in the rectum and colon.
  • – synthesized in the digestive organs, bronchi, liver and pancreas, intestines. It is an antigen of carbohydrate nature and is indispensable in cases where it is impossible to make mistakes in the treatment of diseases of the esophagus and intestines and to diagnose a tumor as early as possible. It is also very reliable in monitoring the treatment of cancer patients.
  • CYFRA 21-1 is a tumor marker for rectal tumors.
  • AFP - alpha-fetoprotein, indicates malignant processes in the sigmoid and rectum.
  • LASA-P is a universal tumor marker, indicating the localization of a tumor in any part of the gastrointestinal tract, especially from the mucous membranes (epithelium).
  • CA 72-4 characterizes the stomach and is produced by carcinoma. May be localized in the intestines and ovaries. Due to its high sensitivity in initial detection and treatment - from 30 to 80%, it is actively used both for diagnosis and for monitoring relapses, but despite this, it alone is not enough for an accurate diagnosis.
  • TuM2 is a metabolic tumor marker that indicates changes in metabolism in cancerous structures. Used to diagnose a variety of tumors in the intestine.
  • HCG is human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone that protects the fetus from the influence of maternal immunity, and at the same time acts as an important screening element in the examination and treatment of intestinal and liver tumors.

Sometimes a combination of tumor marker determinations is used. For example, a tumor marker of the stomach in case of CEA cancer with a jointly determined antigen CA242 will more reliably indicate oncology. And CEA in combination with antigens CA242 and CA19-9 will more definitely indicate colorectal cancer.

You should know that the above markers are nonspecific, that is, determining their high concentration in tissue cannot serve as a sufficient basis for making a diagnosis - they only determine the likelihood of this. A diagnostic verdict can only be made on the basis of a comprehensive examination.

What does the analysis say?

When assessing the results, we must not forget about the influence of additional factors that increase this indicator. These include pregnancy, inflammatory processes, bad habits, and many chronic diseases.

Also, increased amounts of tumor markers in biological fluids may indicate other diseases - benign tumors, cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, bronchitis, rheumatism, nephropathy and others.

But for dynamic monitoring of the effectiveness of anti-cancer therapy, tumor markers are indispensable and reliable. Deciphering tests for tumor markers allows you to see the improvement or deterioration of the patient’s condition and the body’s response to the treatment.

If during chemotherapy or radiation an increase in the concentration of markers is observed, this indicates the death of tumor cells and a turn towards recovery.

The procedure has a completely different meaning after the operation or the end of treatment: their increase in this case signals the activation of the pathological process and is a signal to continue treatment or to choose another method. For objectivity, this blood test is best done in the morning on an empty stomach. You can drink plain water, but not sweet or tonic drinks. The study of each marker involves its own mandatory preparatory procedures and conditions for delivery, which the doctor will explain.

The duration of analysis processing varies from 1 to several days, depending on the type of marker.

In order for the analysis to be optimally objective, it is advisable to donate blood in the morning, on an empty stomach, at least 8 hours after eating. For the results to be correct, you should not drink sweet tea or juice. It is better to limit yourself to plain water.

Some tests, for example, for the informative intestinal tumor marker TuM2-RK, are examined in the patient’s stool, obtained only naturally, bypassing laxatives or enemas. This study requires a week.