Prevention of varicose veins: how to maintain healthy veins and avoid swelling. Prevention of varicose veins on the legs - the best advice from phlebologists

Varicose veins are the most common disease among all pathologies of venous vessels. Occurs predominantly in women (more than 60%). Varicose veins are insidious in that they begin gradually, last for years and can ultimately lead to the formation trophic ulcers and even death (thromboembolism pulmonary artery against the background of complicated thrombophlebitis). What can be done to prevent varicose veins at home to avoid such complications and slow down its development?

How varicose veins occur

Many veins in our body have special valves inside that promote the movement of blood in only one direction: from the periphery to the heart. If the wall of the vessel has expanded for some reason, then the valve flaps no longer touch each other, and the blood begins to rush back down under the influence of gravity. The wider the gap between the valves, the more blood begins to accumulate in the vein and the more it expands. This is how venous nodes are formed. The blood flow in the altered vessel also becomes different, which can lead to the formation of blood clots and the development of inflammation - thrombophlebitis occurs.

How do varicose veins manifest?

  1. Visible dilated veins in the legs, there may be spider veins.
  2. Swelling of the legs in the evening.
  3. Heaviness, pain and discomfort in the lower legs, especially when sedentary work.
  4. Changes in the skin of the legs: prolonged healing of scratches, long bleeding from minor wounds, shine skin, their darkening, the formation of long-term non-healing trophic ulcers.

Prevention of varicose veins: what can be done at home

Primary prevention is aimed at preventing the appearance of varicose veins and consists of the following:

  • weight control ( overweight body contributes to the manifestation of varicose veins);
  • correct posture when sitting (avoid the “leg over leg” position, as this impairs blood flow and may develop varicose veins);
  • avoid prolonged tonic loads on the lower limbs: you cannot stand in one position for a long time. If a person is forced to stand still for a certain time, then he needs to periodically do exercises to improve blood flow or simply walk;
  • maintain the tone of the lower leg muscles: trained muscles to some extent prevent the expansion of the venous wall and the formation of varicose veins. Daily jogging or race walking is good means for the prevention of varicose veins;
  • if possible, wear shoes with low heels (no more than 3-4 cm), and if high heels are necessary, then try to wear shoes with heels of different heights throughout the day;
  • Avoid wearing items for long periods of time that put pressure on your legs, groin, or tighten your waist.

Exercises that improve blood flow in the lower extremities:

  1. Starting position: standing, both feet with the entire sole in contact with the floor. Periodically rise on your toes, lifting your heels 2 centimeters from the floor surface and sharply lowering to the starting position. The duration of the exercise is to rise on your toes twice 30 times with a break between the first and second approach of 10 seconds. It is recommended to perform this exercise about 5 times during the day.
  2. Starting position: lying down. Raise right leg up, try to relax all her muscles and shake her foot, then lower the limb. Do the same with the other leg. Repeat 20 times. It is better to do this exercise at least 3 times during the day.

Secondary prevention is carried out if varicose veins have already developed. Its goal is, if possible, to prevent or at least delay complications that may develop with this disease (the formation of ulcers, the occurrence of thrombophlebitis). Includes all measures primary prevention, and:

  • Compression therapy. The essence this method is to help the veins not lose their shape when a person gets out of bed and takes vertical position. To do this, immediately after waking up while still in bed, you need to put on special tights, stockings with a compression effect, or bandage your lower limbs with an elastic bandage. At the same time, they begin to overlap the bandages from the foot and upward (towards the thigh or knee).
  • Periodic intake of ready-made medications or herbal remedies that will help increase the tone of the venous wall (for example, tinctures, extracts, ointments based on horse chestnut).
  • Use of blood thinners (aspecard, cardiomagnyl, etc.) after consultation with your doctor.
  • Periodic courses of maintenance therapy in a hospital setting.
  • If you have thrombophlebitis, avoid hot baths and other procedures that can lead to vasodilation lower limbs and promote the release of a blood clot.

Which doctor should I contact?

To reduce the risk of developing varicose veins, you should sleep with your feet on a slight elevation.

On issues of prevention and treatment varicose veins it is necessary to consult a phlebologist. A doctor will also provide assistance. physical therapy, physiotherapist, vascular surgeon.

Models with legs from the shoulders up and fat women are also at high risk. How to avoid this disease and what to do if it already exists? Advised by Vadim Bogachev, a famous specialist in vein diseases, professor, doctor medical sciences, executive secretary of the Association of Phlebologists of Russia.

Long legs and high growth- risk factor for varicose veins. When a person stands, the valves in the veins are open. The higher the column of blood in the vessels, the higher the pressure. Overweight also helps to increase pressure in the veins of the legs - body fat, especially in the abdominal area, impede the outflow of blood.

Unfortunately, only a quarter of women have an absolutely healthy venous system. The rest have one or another problem with the veins.

Small, almost imperceptible swelling of the legs, when in the evening the shoes seem too tight, and marks from shoes or socks may remain on the skin, or a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the evening - all these are the first manifestations of the so-called venous insufficiency associated with blood stagnation and increased pressure in the veins.

X Factor

The tendency to varicose veins is transmitted through the female line - a gene is associated with the sex X chromosome, which can lead to weakness of the venous wall.

Second most important factor- horse racing female hormones estrogen and progesterone during monthly cycle, they relax the venous wall. Contraceptive pills may also have an effect hormonal drugs- before taking them, it would be good to consult with a phlebologist.

Women's craving for beauty also plays a cruel joke on them. High-heeled shoes and clothes that tighten the stomach negatively affect the functioning of the veins. A serious factor is childbirth. As the fetus grows, the pressure in the veins increases; during pregnancy, a lot of the hormone progesterone is also produced, which relaxes the walls of the veins.

Scheme: AiF

To avoid illness, maintain normal weight, wear comfortable shoes and clothing. Avoid standing for long periods of time, walk more, take cold and hot shower, visit the pool.

Even if you don’t know how to swim, it’s useful to just stand in the water - the water column exerts a pressure of -60-70 mmHg on your legs. Art. This is enough to pump out blood stagnant in the veins. Gymnastics in the evenings has the same effect - while lying down, raise your legs and do the “bicycle” exercise.

In case of venous insufficiency there is usually enough conservative treatment. You need to change your lifestyle, take venotonics - drugs that strengthen the walls of the veins, use preventive knitwear (special tight stockings and tights create a kind of frame around the veins, preventing them from expanding).

By the way, such knitwear is very useful during pregnancy. Even in the first three months, when hormones are already having a negative effect. As the fetus grows, the density of the knitwear needs to be increased. During childbirth, it is also necessary, because this sharply increases blood pressure in the veins.

Clear signs

The first visible signs of varicose veins are “stars” or individual thickening of the veins. They can be treated on an outpatient basis with sclerotherapy or laser coagulation. The affected vessel is not removed, its lumen is simply closed. This can stop the disease and save the entire vein.

If the disease progresses, there are more and more dilated veins, the skin above them becomes brown, purple, bluish, and the wounds heal poorly and take a long time, it is necessary surgery. Previously operations were very traumatic, today they are very gentle. In advanced cases, they are done under general anesthesia, but more often under local anesthesia.

The veins are removed through incisions about 2 mm in size. To remove nodes, an endoscope is used, which is inserted through a puncture. After the operation there are no stitches or incisions.

Many women can do without surgery. Indications for surgery are progression of the disease, despite treatment, or the appearance of complications - inflammation of the veins, impaired nutrition of the skin in the area of ​​the nodes, bleeding. But operations are often performed to eliminate cosmetic defects.

Having read various “horror stories” associated with varicose veins, you begin to think about how to prevent the appearance or development of the disease. Prevention of varicose veins on the legs consists of a set of simple actions that need to be performed regularly. At first, something may seem difficult or tiring, but gradually a person gets involved in this rhythm of life, and varicose veins become no longer scary for him.

Nutrition for the prevention of varicose veins

In a sitting position

Suitable for office workers:

  1. Move your feet from heel to toe.
  2. Raise your legs on tiptoes and lower them.
  3. We place our feet with our toes facing each other (as if we were clubfooting), and then, on the contrary: we spread our toes and bring our heels together (like in ballet).
  4. We put our feet on the heels and press imaginary pedals with tension.
  5. We lift each leg in turn, bent at the knee, and swing it back and forth and to the sides.

Lying down

These can be done at home:

  1. We lie on our stomachs. Bend your legs at the knees so that your heels touch your buttocks.
  2. We lie on our stomachs, rest our foreheads on the floor, and arms extended along our bodies. We lift each leg in turn and hold it as long as possible.
  3. We lie on our right side. Left leg lift up: first straight, and then bent at the knee. Turn over onto your left side and do the same for your right leg.
  4. We lie on our backs and spin an imaginary bicycle in the air.
  5. We lie on our back and do the “scissors” exercise: we bring our straight legs together and spread them apart.

You can come up with a lot of similar exercises while standing. The main thing is to follow the principle: avoid static leg tension.

Wearing compression stockings

Prevention and treatment of varicose veins of the legs are based on wearing special and, which distribute the pressure in the legs in an optimal way. This one is sold in orthopedic stores and on the Internet.

It does not cause any discomfort, quite the contrary. At the first signs of varicose veins (fatigue and swelling of the legs), it significantly alleviates the symptoms. Look compression tights and stockings are the same as ordinary nylon stockings, which is very important for women. They can safely wear anti-varicose jersey with a skirt or dress. For men there are black models.

The use of anti-varicose ointments and creams

Pharmacies and online stores are overflowing with external remedies for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins. You need to choose those that contain troxerutin, heparin or hirudin (leech extract). Of the auxiliary components considered useful essential oils and menthol (for moisturizing and tonic effect).

External remedies against varicose veins are available in three types: ointment, gel and cream. The first substance is greasy and is poorly absorbed, but it forms an invisible film. She creates an easy Greenhouse effect, And active substances penetrate better into the deeper layers of the skin. Gels and creams do not leave greasy marks, so they can be applied in the morning, under compression hosiery.

The application of external anti-varicose agents is usually combined with another preventive technique: self-massage. Massaging the legs helps improve blood circulation and eliminate congestion. You can massage with your hands, simultaneously rubbing cream into the skin, or using home floor foot massagers.

Drug prevention of varicose veins

You can start taking it only on the recommendation of a doctor. Typically, oral medications are prescribed only if real threat varicose veins or when initial symptoms. Of the safest and effective tablets two drugs are isolated.

  1. (France). Used for venous blood flow disorders. It has angioprotective properties - protects blood vessels from the formation of blood clots. Increases venous tone, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. A package of 30 tablets of 500 mg will cost approximately 800 rubles.
  2. . Domestic drug. More cheap analogue Detralexa. The active ingredients are the same, but in a slightly different form. It is also a good venotonic, capable of improving blood microcirculation and lymphatic drainage. Price: 500 rubles for 20 tablets of 500 mg.

Contrast shower for feet

Prevention of varicose veins at home will be incomplete if you do not pour warm and cool water alternately. Changing temperatures allows you to tone the veins, strengthen the blood vessels and avoid varicose veins in their walls.

A contrast shower for feet should be done every day in the morning or before bed. The water temperature is selected so that the person is comfortable. There is no need to make ice-cold or scalding water. In order to save water, you can make contrast baths by moving your feet into a basin with cool and then warm water.

Folk remedies against varicose veins

Those who have enough time can start cooking useful decoctions and herbal infusions. Prevention of varicose veins on the legs folk remedies At the same time it will help saturate the body natural vitamins and valuable substances.

Water infusions

1 tsp ground nutmeg pour a glass of boiling water, infuse and drink with honey an hour before meals. You can brew nettles and crushed hop cones in the same way.

Alcohol tinctures

100 g of horse chestnut inflorescences are poured with 1 liter of alcohol, infused for 2 weeks in a dark place, shaken periodically. Take 1 tsp. before eating. You can drink it with water or dissolve the tincture in it before taking it. Dried rue herb is also suitable for preparing tinctures. Kalanchoe leaves, verbena.

Features of the prevention of varicose veins in pregnant women

Prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy requires a special approach. Expectant mothers very often suffer from varicose veins, but they have fewer options for treating and preventing it. For example, during pregnancy it is not advisable to take any pills (except in critical cases), so drug therapy won't do.

Pregnant women should be careful with gymnastics. You can do only those preventive exercises that do not load your abs and back. Regarding physical education different dates It is better to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist. Alcohol tinctures, of course, we exclude it.

But, despite the exclusion or limitation of some methods of anti-varicose veins prevention, pregnant women still have at their disposal:

  • wearing compression garments;
  • contrast showers and baths;
  • usage folk recipes no alcohol;
  • creams and ointments;
  • proper nutrition.

Compliance with all these techniques together will help a woman calmly carry a child without harm to her. own health. Otherwise, it will be possible to treat varicose veins with medication after childbirth and the end of the lactation period.

What else causes the appearance of varicose veins?

Prevention of varicose veins of the lower extremities implies not only the use of some methods and techniques, but also a ban on certain activities. To identify them, let’s look at the signs of varicose veins and highlight what should not be done:

  • sitting cross-legged or with your knees tucked under you;
  • wearing high heels and cheap shoes with the wrong last;
  • clothes that are too tight (socks, stockings, knee socks with a tight elastic band);
  • eating very fatty foods that promote the formation of cholesterol plaques and blockage of blood vessels.

Now you know everything about preventing varicose veins in the legs and can choose measures that will help prevent the disease. Most of these methods can help not only to prevent varicose veins, but also to treat them in the initial stages.

Modern statistics prove that vascular diseases are “getting younger.” If previously varicose veins were encountered mainly in old age, now this pathology occurs even in schoolchildren. What to do and how to deal with this? Don't feel sick or suffer from symptoms vascular diseases Prevention of varicose veins in the legs will help a person.

Varicose veins: symptoms and causes

Varicose veins of the lower extremities can manifest themselves in the most different symptoms. Some patients are concerned about the aesthetic side of the disease and unsightly tortuous veins. Other people do not have such obvious manifestations, but they suffer from discomfort and pain. Almost always, varicose veins are accompanied by the formation of purple stars, swelling and heaviness in the legs. Night cramps often occur.

There are many reasons for the appearance of the disease:

  • hereditary factor;
  • weak connective tissue;
  • excess body weight;
  • sedentary image life;
  • unhealthy diet and bad habits;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Very often the disease begins to manifest itself during pregnancy or after childbirth. Therefore, all mothers are recommended to prevent varicose veins on the legs. Simple manipulations will help maintain beauty and health. In addition, the body will not experience increased load during childbirth.

When and who needs prevention of varicose veins on the legs?

Research conducted among the fairer sex has shown that only a quarter of women in our country have healthy blood vessels. The rest showed signs of varicose veins in one way or another. This once again proves that preventive actions necessary for all women. It is the weaker sex increased risk appearance of the disease. Provocateurs include tight shoes, high heels, childbirth and pregnancy.

Men would also benefit from preventing varicose veins on their legs. It is also necessary for those patients who have undergone treatment for vascular diseases (conservative, minimally invasive or surgical).

Application of local remedies: ointments, gels, creams

Local remedies for varicose veins and for its prevention suggest:

  • strengthening the vascular wall;
  • improved valve performance;
  • reduction of thrombosis;
  • elimination of swelling;
  • healing of ulcers and wounds.

All preparations differ from each other in consistency, active ingredients and method of use. Modern pharmacology offers many medicines. Which cream to choose for the prevention of varicose veins on the legs should be discussed with your doctor. Below we list the most common options.

  • "Venoruton" is a gel whose name speaks for itself. The drug penetrates the skin, working on cellular level. A vitamin P substitute, rutin, protects vein walls from damage. This helps improve tone and strengthen capillaries.
  • "Venitan" is a gel or cream based on horse chestnut fruit. The medicine has a decongestant effect and relieves inflammation. Should not be applied this drug on open wounds, therefore on late stages advanced varicose veins it is contraindicated.
  • "Ginkor" is a gel based on a rutin substitute and ginkgo biloba tree extract. This tool can be used to prevent varicose veins in pregnant and lactating women. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves swelling.
  • “Vicobooster” is a balm based on troxerutin, horse chestnut, ginkgo biloba tree extract, as well as many other components. This prophylactic has all the qualities of venotonic ointments. The drug also accelerates tissue metabolism and cell renewal.
  • "Lioton" is a preventive gel that improves blood circulation. It prevents the formation of ulcers.

Tablets for prevention

Prevention of varicose veins in the legs in men and women can be carried out using oral medications. It is believed that this method is more effective than local treatment of the limbs. Do not forget that any pills should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor, including during preventive use. What pills are used most often?

  • "Detralex" and "Venarus" are the same drugs in composition, but differ in price. These funds are considered the most popular today. Diosmin and hesperidin contained in the tablets improve lymph flow, relieve swelling and constrict dilated blood vessels.
  • "Troxevasin" and "Troxerutin" - medications improve blood flow, relieve inflammation and swelling. Well suited for the prevention of exacerbations in chronic venous insufficiency.
  • "Ginkor Fort" - tablets that have not only a venotonic effect, similar to "Troxevasin". The drug also has an antiallergic effect: eliminates itching, swelling and redness.
  • "Phlebodia" - tablets with loading dose diosmina. An excellent remedy for the prevention of varicose veins, but it is not suitable for people with liver disease and allergies.
  • "Eskuzan" - herbal preparation based on horse chestnut fruit. Can be used to prevent varicose veins during pregnancy.
  • "Aspirin" is widely used to prevent and treat vascular pathologies. It must be taken very carefully and only as prescribed by a doctor, since Aspirin has a lot of dangerous side effects.

The listed drugs have certain contraindications. Therefore, they should not be taken without prior consultation with a doctor.

Folk remedies

Prevention of varicose veins of the lower extremities is often carried out using folk recipes and proven remedies. Many patients find this approach safe and effective. However, doctors claim that if you have varicose veins, it may not be effective.

  1. Green tomatoes. It is necessary to apply slices of fresh tomatoes before going to bed, and remove the compress in the morning. It is believed that lycopene contained in tomatoes helps thin the blood, lower cholesterol and improve venous tone.
  2. Horse chestnut tincture. For 0.5 liters of vodka you will need 200 g of fruit. It is necessary to infuse the medicine in a dark place, then wipe the affected areas 2 times a day.
  3. Datura seed tincture. 100 g of crushed raw materials should be poured with 500 ml of vodka. After 2 weeks, prophylaxis begins. Before meals, you need to take 15 drops of tincture once a day for a month.
  4. Honey cakes. To prepare the compress you will need flour, water and honey. The proportions should be such that you get a tight dough. You need to apply the lozenges before going to bed at night for six months.

Sometimes preventing varicose veins on the legs with folk remedies does not bring success within 2-3 weeks or your health worsens. In this case, it is necessary to stop self-medication and consult a specialist.

Compression underwear

Compression stockings, knee socks, tights or elastic bandages - excellent remedy for the prevention of varicose veins. You can purchase them at specialized stores on the recommendation of a doctor. It is quite difficult to decide on the type of compression on your own. What options do modern manufacturers offer?

  • Zero and first compression. Such stockings for the prevention of varicose veins are suitable for people leading a sedentary lifestyle or those who do their work on their feet (teachers, doctors, lecturers, hairdressers and salespeople). You can purchase first and zero compression socks yourself if you feel heaviness and fatigue in your legs, and swelling occurs in the evening.
  • Second and third compression. It is used for prophylaxis in chronic venous insufficiency, after operations and minimally invasive interventions. The purpose of such compression stockings is to prevent relapse of the disease and eliminate disturbing symptoms (swelling, pain, venous stagnation).

Hospital compression stockings are not used for prevention. They are appointed bedridden patients and people after surgical interventions.

Effective exercises at home

Effective prevention of varicose veins on the legs in women and men - exercises. By performing them daily, you can stop the process of vasodilation that has already begun. Below are the most effective exercise options.

  • Lie on your back, lift your legs up. Stretch your toes up as much as possible, then return to the starting position. Repeat 10-20 times.
  • Lying on your back, lift your legs up. Alternately make circular movements clockwise and back. Repeat at least 10 times.
  • From the same position, lift your legs and pelvis up, supporting your lower back with your hands. Hold in this state for at least 20 seconds.
  • Walk on your heels and then on your toes for one minute.
  • Bounce on your toes 10 times.
  • Lie on your back and do the bicycle exercise.


If you have a tendency to varicose veins, then heavy sports activities are prohibited. But don't give up forever active image life. Some sports help maintain vascular health in the lower extremities:

  • moderate running;
  • water aerobics and swimming;
  • walking;
  • skis;
  • yoga.

If necessary, you can use exercise machines: elliptical or treadmill.

Diet and lifestyle

Even if a person takes medications to prevent varicose veins or uses local means, all efforts will be useless without organization the right image life.

Meals should be fractional. You need to eat often, but in small portions. The diet of a patient with varicose veins should include: plant food, rich in coarse fibers. Nutritionists recommend consuming more vegetables and fruits. White bread It is better to replace it with whole grain. It is imperative to include bran in your diet. The amount of liquid you drink per day should not be less than two liters. You should avoid alcohol, smoked meats and spicy foods.

You can stop using your car several times a week. On this day, it is better to go to work early, walking. Doctors advise excluding from your Everyday life elevator, but use the stairs.

Daily rules

During the day, to prevent varicose veins, you need to monitor your behavior. Doctors recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • do not sit with your legs crossed;
  • when working sedentarily, do a five-minute warm-up every hour by walking around the office or performing rotational movements with your feet;
  • do not wear narrow high-heeled shoes, change into comfortable shoes with a slight instep at work.

You should definitely stop smoking. Nicotine has a negative effect on the condition of blood vessels.

Let's sum it up

You can find out if you are prone to varicose veins during a consultation with a phlebologist. The specialist will conduct an examination, collect anamnesis and listen to complaints. If necessary, the doctor will perform an ultrasound scan of the veins and arteries. If there are beginnings of varicose veins, the doctor will select an individual preventive course.

Oral medications to prevent varicose veins veins, are usually taken in courses: two months twice a year. Local preparations can be used as needed. For achievement good result All methods should be combined.

Prevention of varicose veins is simply necessary! A disease left to chance can subsequently lead to serious complications. And this applies not only to physical discomfort and aesthetic unattractiveness of the legs. At severe forms congestive processes in the veins, the disease can result in surgery with amputation of a limb.

Varicose veins are most often found on the legs. The lower extremities are carried daily heavy loads, because in a standing position they experience the pressure of the weight of the whole body. The blood does not have time to circulate fully. Blood stagnation occurs in certain areas. Nutrition and gas exchange in cells and tissues are weakened, and blood clots form. Veins become swollen and deformed. Net blood vessels begins to appear through the skin.

Veins lose their elasticity, stretch and expand. This brings a certain amount of discomfort to a person: the legs become sore, the limbs become swollen, and cramps appear. Peculiar nodules form on the vessels, which can unexpectedly burst under pressure. Internal bleeding sometimes it can end very badly.

Who gets varicose veins?

Most often, this disease of the large vessels of the legs occurs in women after thirty. This is a very common disorder during pregnancy. Varicose veins can occur as Occupational Illness: occurs in people whose occupation involves constantly being on their feet, and also if the lower limbs bear heavy loads.

According to the World Health Organization, varicose veins affect more than half of the world's inhabitants. Moreover, some of them do not attach serious importance to the disease and do not consult a doctor until complications begin (for example,). The rest treat their health properly, undergo appropriate treatment and prevention of vascular disease.

It is worth saying that varicose veins, unfortunately, are a chronic disease. Therefore, it cannot be completely cured. However, a timely response to the problem, as well as quality treatment and regular prevention will help stop the process. Preventive measures are extremely important, since varicose veins are prone to recurrence.


The main causes of the disorder are: insufficiency of the venous valves and weakened vascular tone. Under the influence of gravity, blood flow is disrupted, provoking stagnant processes, and the veins are gradually deformed. Most often, vessels in the calves and popliteal region are affected. The following reasons for the development of diseases of the venous vessels of the legs are also named:

How to recognize the disease

Varicose veins are noticeable, one might say, with the naked eye:

  • intense pain in the lower extremities;
  • swelling, occasional cramps in the leg muscles;
  • thickening of veins;
  • showing through the skin of tortuous, dark veins;
  • changes in skin pigmentation;
  • inflammatory and ulcerative formations on the skin.

Varicose veins can be determined visually

Therapeutic effect

Treatment of the disease is aimed at eliminating vascular defects, as well as improving their tone and alleviating the patient’s condition. Complications may require sclerotherapy or surgery.

  1. Sclerotherapy – drug treatment through special injections with drugs whose action is aimed at reducing expansion and restoration normal condition vessels.
  2. Surgery – vein excision, that is, removal of varicose veins.

In some cases, complications may also be treated.

Preventive actions

Like treatment, disease prevention includes various methods impact. If we take into account the reasons that cause changes in the condition of blood vessels, then the first step is to exclude the influence of these factors. That is, if you have a sedentary lifestyle, you need to do exercises every day, start running in the morning or switch to a bicycle. Activities that involve constant standing or heavy lifting need to be “diluted” with periods of rest. Get rid of bad habits, normalize your diet, and so on and so forth.

It is not difficult to prevent varicose veins at home. It is important to follow a systematic approach.

  1. When sleeping, place a pillow under your feet so that your feet are higher than your hips. There is also the possibility of modifying the bed so that the side where the legs lie is higher than the opposite.
  2. Wear compression stockings. These could be elastic knee-length stockings, special stockings to prevent varicose veins, or a leg bandage. This helps prevent congestion in the vessels of the lower extremities. True, incorrectly selected stockings or a poorly applied bandage can cause reverse effect. Therefore, it is best to consult a specialist about the use of such things. Please note that stockings should not be used if there is atherosclerosis or vascular thrombosis.

  1. Balanced diet. Less salt and heavy, fatty foods. More vegetables and fruits. To reduce body weight, it is recommended to switch to a diet.
  2. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.
  3. Normalize stool. Normally, bowel movements should occur once a day or once every 2 days. Take preventive medications for constipation. It doesn't have to be medications. Some types food products and herbal decoctions do an excellent job of this task.
  4. Foot massage and anti-varicose ointment, aromatherapy, tonic baths. It's important not to overdo it here. It is undesirable to overheat your limbs.
  5. Review your wardrobe for tight clothing and high-heeled shoes. You will also have to give up boots with high, narrow tops.
  6. Drug prevention. This can be a local preparation (ointment, cream, gel, special salt mixtures for baths) or tablets. A cream for the prevention of varicose veins should contain horse chestnut extract or troxerutin. To enhance the effect, preventive medications can be taken in combination: ointment, tablets and salt baths.
  7. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol. As a last resort, consume in moderation.
  8. Women will have to stop or replace hormonal medications, e.g. birth control pills replace with other contraceptives.
  9. For the prevention of varicose veins physical exercise highly desirable. You don't have to visit to do this. gym. Any is acceptable physical activity: walking, running, morning exercises, swimming, dancing, cycling and so on. The exception is strength exercises with weight lifting. By activating the muscles of the body, we prevent the formation of stagnant processes in the blood vessels.

When organizing any preventive measures, you should definitely consult with a specialist. Since some measures are not advisable if the patient has health problems.

Prevention during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the content of hormones in a woman’s body increases. Because of this, collagen and connective tissues, the walls of the veins increase. The volume of circulating blood also increases, making it difficult for weakened tissues to cope. However, as practice shows, after childbirth, varicose veins go away in most women.

During pregnancy, a woman may develop varicose veins

How formerly a woman will begin to monitor the condition of his legs, so less problems she will have in the future. To prevent varicose veins in pregnant women, it is recommended to avoid tight shoes On high heels. Shoes should be soft, comfortable, with arch support, and loose-fitting clothing should be worn.

Alternate sitting position or standing for a long time walking. It is also advisable to place your feet on a hill.

Special prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy:

  1. For swelling of the legs and the appearance of varicose veins, special stockings or bandages are worn. Compression stockings, when worn, compress not only deformed blood vessels, but also the deeper veins of the legs. Blood is redistributed into unaffected channels, blood flow in small vessels improves. Consequently, skin metabolism increases and subcutaneous tissue. Both stockings and bandage create a certain compression, which in turn reduces the risk of blood clots.
  2. Taking warm baths, contrast showers and swimming (the latter while possible).
  3. Regular examination of the condition of blood vessels and, if necessary, targeted treatment.
  4. Ointment against venous stagnation blood as an auxiliary prophylactic agent.
  5. Daily massage manipulations in the form of stroking the limbs from the foot to the thigh (in the direction of the reverse blood flow). It is recommended to carry out such activities in the evening before bedtime.
  6. Gymnastic exercises for pregnant women. You can exercise at home or in special fitness groups.

Varicose veins are much easier and more profitable to prevent than to undergo treatment later. At the slightest suspicion - pain in the legs, swelling, visible changes in the condition of blood vessels, and so on - you should contact a medical facility. Timely initiation of preventive measures and their comprehensive use reduce the risk of progression of venous disorder of the lower extremities. At any age, you should pay attention to your health. Forewarned is forearmed!