Menses with large blood clots. Why do blood clots come out during menstruation

Most women experience monthly crampy abdominal pain that radiates to the lower back. In addition, they are accompanied by swelling and mood swings. Similar signs indicate the beginning of menstruation. For some, this is a joy, for others - another disappointment, but the body is far from emotional reactions. He works in the usual physiological mode: The uterus is cleansed and puts its mechanism in readiness. Not always one menstruation is similar to the previous ones, and when there is a delay for several days or clots are found in the blood, women get lost, they begin to think about terrible diseases.

Normal menstrual flow

During menstruation, the main role is given to prostaglandins. This substance is actively produced by the mucosa and causes uterine contractions, which are felt as slight spasmodic movements. Such disharmony is considered the norm and does not require medical intervention. Doctors recommend seeking advice in the following cases:

  • cycle shorter than 21 and longer than 35 days;
  • profuse bleeding that lasts more than a week;
  • severe pain and dizziness during menstruation;
  • painkillers do not relieve state.

The output of small, the size of a small coin, clots menstrual blood shouldn't be alarming. This is a sign of a good work of the coagulation system. Only in some cases, lumpy discharge becomes a reason to see a doctor.

Physiological causes of clots

Blood clots accompany all normal periods. It happens, if a woman for a long time is in a static position: sleeping, sitting, etc. From a physiological point of view, there is a simple explanation: the released blood stagnates in the uterine cavity. Most women will confirm that after waking up, when they first visit the toilet, there are thick discharge, which come out in the form of lumps and are regarded as the norm.

The appearance of blood clots is considered natural V postpartum period . Usually, recovery of ovarian function occurs after two months. The first menstruation after a long physiological absence will be different from the usual critical days before pregnancy. But you should consult a doctor only if you have unexpected periods, which are accompanied by painful cramps.

Monthly discharge with copious blood clots is always observed, when is an intrauterine device.

Besides, at congenital anomalies structures, such a symptom is not a cause for concern. Deformation of the intrauterine septum, bending of the uterus, the existence of only one paramesonephric duct leads to unusual secretions, which are the norm.

Are clots during menstruation normal or a symptom of some gynecological or other kind of pathology? This complaint is very common among women. different ages. But the doctor is unlikely to be able to talk about any specific reasons why blood clots come out during menstruation without conducting at least a small examination and questioning. The fact is that moderate-sized clots, less than 2 cm, if there are a small number of them, can be a variant of the norm, this is nothing more than endometrial tissue that exfoliates from the uterus. But the alarm should be caused by abundant blood clots during menstruation, larger than 2-2.5 cm. They indicate a large blood loss. You need to pay attention to the amount of blood lost. Of course, doing this by eye is very problematic. But you can weigh hygiene products before use and after. The difference in weight will be the amount of blood lost. Normally, this is up to 50 grams for the entire menstruation. 50-80 grams - borderline value, there is a risk of developing anemia if there are concomitant factors, for example, frequent nosebleeds, poor nutrition. And now possible reasons, consequences and solutions to the problem.

1. Just heavy periods. There are women who individual characteristics body or due to gynecological diseases such as adenomyosis and uterine fibroids, lose a lot of blood during menstruation. In this case, surgery or conservative therapy can help. It includes oral contraceptives. This hormonal pills that protect against unwanted pregnancy. But they have not only this purpose. When they are taken, the endometrium remains thin, so menstruation with blood clots is much less common. Menses become moderate or even scanty. However, it must be taken into account that these tablets have many contraindications. Age over 35 plus smoking, severe renal and hepatic pathologies, history of thrombosis, etc. There are a lot of them. Therefore, you must first consult a doctor. The choice of the drug is not based on hormone tests, contrary to popular belief. You can take any modern drug which suits the price. If he will give side effects in the form of intermenstrual bleeding for more than 3 months, then it can be changed.

If oral contraceptives are not suitable for some reason, perhaps a woman is planning a pregnancy, then you can consider taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nurofen, for example). This drug will not only anesthetize, if necessary, but also reduce blood loss and the number of clots. The dosage is approximately 800 mg of Ibuprofen (Nurofen) or 500 mg of Naproxen per day. These drugs should not be taken with acute phase diseases of the digestive system.

2. Interrupted pregnancy. If during menstruation clots similar to the liver come out, get checked for pregnancy. You can at least do a test. If there was a pregnancy, then even after its interruption, hCG remains in the urine and blood for some time. If two stripes appear on the test, you need to do an ultrasound. If the miscarriage was incomplete, uterine curettage will most likely be prescribed.

3. Iron deficiency anemia. It happens that blood clots during menstruation mean this particular pathology. And after its correction, taking an iron preparation literally within 3-4 months, menstruation becomes less abundant, health improves, skin color becomes healthy, not pale, hair stops falling out. You should only know that there is a so-called hidden iron deficiency, which is not detected in a general blood test for hemoglobin. You need to donate blood for ferritin.

4. Sexual infections. In case of abnormal menstruation women are always tested for various sexually transmitted infections. The fact is that they can cause an inflammatory process in the uterus, affect the endometrium. Smears are given. And if endometritis is suspected, then discharge from the uterus can also be checked for the presence of an infectious agent. Treatment of endometritis is to take antibacterial agents.
It should be noted that an untreated inflammatory process in the uterus is practically a guarantee of infertility. And also - ectopic pregnancy.

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that clots during menstruation are a reason to visit a doctor, but not be upset. All this is treated. If the gynecologist does not find the cause, visit an endocrinologist and a hematologist. Perhaps they will be able to identify the pathology in their part.

Every woman knows and anticipates if something goes wrong during her period. And one of the most frequent phenomena - during menstruation, the discharge goes in pieces. Why this happens, is it a norm or a pathology, which diseases can be considered harmless, and which ones can lead to grave consequences— consider below.

What is menstruation and the duration of the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle of a woman - the period of time from the beginning of one menstruation to the beginning of another, on average (and is the norm for most women) is 28 days. It may differ significantly from different women and vary, especially young age, since the cycle is controlled by female sex hormones.

The cycle begins on the first day of menstruation and lasts up to 7 days, while the inner lining of the uterus, the decidual layer (endometrium), is renewed, after which the body begins to produce specific hormones that serve as a signal to create a new lining of the uterus.

Then the endometrium thickens to accept the egg - this is approximately from the 14th day of menstruation. When the ovary prepares a mature egg for exit from the ovary into the fallopian tube, the period of ovulation begins (in the middle of the cycle). For a few more days, the egg moves along fallopian tube ready for fertilization, but if a sperm does not fertilize it, then it will simply dissolve.

And if the whole body is already ready for pregnancy, but it has not come, then the production of hormones decreases, the uterus rejects the endometrium, and the inner shell exfoliates - we observe this process in the form of menstruation.

This means that discharge during menstruation is a mixture of a small amount of blood, particles of mucous tissue and endometrium. Normal menstrual flow is up to 200 ml.

Top layer separation

A clot - what is it: why do large bloody pieces come out and how normal is it

Availability blood clots in secretions does not always indicate pathology. There can be many reasons for this. Normal discharge every woman has her own color and density.

The body is designed in such a way that during menstruation it produces special enzymes that can perform the function of anticoagulants and slow down blood clotting. When they cannot effectively cope with the task, with heavy menstruation, blood clots form. Such clotted blood, maroon in color with a jelly-like consistency and up to 10 cm long, is absolutely safe.

Also, do not worry if the clots are not accompanied by elevated temperature, severe pain and high volume of secretions.

Clots should not bother you (for no additional reason) if:

  • You are under 18;
  • If less than a month has passed since the birth;
  • if you have recently had an abortion, surgery, curettage, miscarriage;
  • you use intrauterine contraceptives causing copious discharge during menstruation;
  • You know that you have an abnormal position of the uterus, which makes it difficult for blood to flow out normally, forming clots.

Blood clots also form if a woman long time stayed in one position, and then abruptly changed it. For example, from horizontal (during sleep, rest) or sitting (in a bus, car, office) to vertical (when walking). Thus, a woman from a stationary state passes into a mobile state, and the stagnation of blood in the uterus during calmness has time to curl up, forming clots that come out as soon as the movement begins.

This is considered the norm.

Such lumps are not a cause for concern if your normal body activity and hormonal state are not disturbed. If present pain and increased discomfort - there are reasons for concern.

Causes of menstruation with clots

Hormonal disbalance

In adolescence. When the girl's body is just starting its menstrual activity and rhythmic ovulation has not yet been established. This is the time to establish the process, this period lasts about 2 years.

Then failures of cycle duration, high sensitivity of an organism to stressful situations, any of the smallest negative factors. So, reproductive system may react with juvenile bleeding, prolonged periods of menstruation (up to 2 weeks) and blood comes out in the form of clots, like a liver.

Violations after childbirth or curettage of the uterine cavity. Within a month after the birth of a child or in case of surgical intervention a woman in labor may have huge bloody lumps. It is normal if, along with the discharge, there is no increase in temperature, otherwise you need to check if there are any fragments of the placenta left in the uterus.

During menopause, when the female reproductive and menstrual function(at the age of 45).

Hormonal imbalance is visible if it occurs dysfunction of the glands internal secretion and loop failure, then there is a huge exit with lumps of brown blood.

Often the violation occurs in women over the age of 45, during the period of perimenopause. The frequency of ovulation decreases, the amount of blood and endometrium rejected is disturbed, the discharge comes with big amount clots.

Endometriosis and adenomyosis

Endometriosis. It is characterized by the growth of the uterine mucosa outside it, which is accompanied by painful and prolonged periods, cycle failure and an increased volume of blood that came out.

Abnormal development of the uterine mucosa (adenomyosis) through damage to its walls is accompanied by constant severe pain and large volumes of discharge with clots.

Adenomyosis no longer affects only the space of the main female organ, but has a chance to go to the ovaries, intestines and other organs. The appearance of endometriosis is still unclear, although it is generally accepted that “screenings” of the endometrium form on inflamed tissues. The childbearing space inside becomes like a honeycomb in painful foci.

The blood does not coagulate well, the contractile function of the organ works with disorders, and clinical intervention is required for surgical treatment.

Polyposis as a violation of the endometrium

For women after thirty years and even for those who are in the pre-menopausal age (about 50 years), discharge in the form of clots is a frequent occurrence. Endometrial polyposis (polyps) is a violation of the internal tissues of the uterine cavity. These tissues grow, covering the uterine cavity in the form of polyps, which can cause blood clots and pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation, disorders monthly cycle through an abnormal "growth" of the uterine mucosa on the walls and its same non-systemic "removal".

endometrial disorder

These lumps are also caused by other diseases, such as:

  • Obesity- an excess of adipose tissue leads to a violation of the level of estrogen in the blood and affects the growth rate of the endometrium;
  • Diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease or hypertension- accompanied by an increased amount of discharge due to a violation metabolic process in organism;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs (pelvis), both internal and external: It has infectious nature, causes inflammatory response, in which the main role is played by blood vessels.

Ectopic pregnancy and pathology of pregnancy

The pathology of pregnancy occurs when there are large lumps of discharge from a pregnant woman (she may not be aware of her " interesting position”), this may warn of a threatened miscarriage. There are abundant bloody discharge, and menstruation is painful, with severe discomfort in the lower abdomen in the form of contractions.

An ectopic pregnancy is a very rare occurrence, but it happens that during an ectopic pregnancy, brown dark pieces of small diameter stand out.

Anomalies of the female genital organs

Violations at an early stage of the individual development of the fetus, during pregnancy, can manifest themselves in the form of abnormal sexual development, and the body of the uterus can have a pathological shape. That is, when isolating, the uterus functions with disturbances, which leads to heavy bleeding and forms lumps.

Pathology of the cervix and uterine cavity.

  1. Myoma of the uterus. benign tumor or nodes disrupt the process of normal "removal" of the endometrium with the onset menstrual cycle. In such cases, there are strong periods, they contain large clots. Such bleeding with pieces occurs as a result of menstrual irregularities, and can occur both during the day and at night.
  2. Hyperplasia of the endometrium of the uterus- the most common violation, while for menstruation there are many blood clots, including dark clots. May accompany diseases such as diabetes mellitus, increased body weight or hypertension.
  3. Oncological pathologies of the cervix and uterine cavity. Through the obstructed movement of blood from the uterus and blood clotting in the uterine cavity, many clots form and the menses themselves are very painful. If you do not turn to a gynecologist in time, a woman develops a mass of “comorbid” diseases in protracted forms, which are manifested by constant bleeding.
  4. The presence of cystic changes in the ovary. Gynecological diseases ovaries associated with hormonal disorders. The process is painful, especially in the middle of the menstrual period, which manifests itself in the form of a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, a delay in the cycle and vaginal bleeding between periods.

endometrial hyperplasia

Taking drugs to induce menstruation

It happens that a woman self-medicates with the use of drugs like Norkolut or Dufason, which are applicable during a delay in menstruation. The appearance of menstruation occurs with abundant discharge, which is associated with an insufficient amount of progesterone. When a woman has more estrogen in her body than progesterone, it stimulates the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) to grow, it grows and an imbalance occurs.

There is a lot of endometrium, there are relatively few vessels and the cells begin to die, the vessels are exposed and bleeding begins, which can be prolonged and profuse. This leads to the development iron deficiency anemia.

Contraceptives and the intrauterine device

Oral contraceptives can cause short-term bleeding (for example, between pills). Intrauterine device (IUD). It can be gold, silver or ordinary polymer. In 7 out of 10 cases, it causes increased bleeding, as the body perceives the coil as foreign body.

With discharge from the uterus, it goes along with clots. Some argue that such lumps appear in connection with monthly miscarriages, but this is a fundamentally erroneous assumption, since contraceptive and is located inside the uterus. To prevent the sperm from getting on the way to the egg, which means it cannot fertilize it.

Accordingly, the theory of miscarriages is absolutely unfounded. Sometimes increased menstrual flow is associated with the individual reaction of the female body to a foreign body - a spiral.

Other (additional) reasons

When and under what discharge should you consult a gynecologist

Any clots should alert the woman. You can't just ignore them.

It is necessary to contact a gynecologist for an unscheduled examination if:

  • The allocation does not stop within 7 days;
  • Bleeding for all days does not decrease, and has reached an amount of more than 150-200 ml;
  • If bleeding occurs "at the wrong time";
  • You are planning a pregnancy and trying to conceive a child: here, clots may indicate egg rejection and a possible miscarriage;
  • Allocations have a sharp unusual smell or clots of a very large size;
  • The discharge is accompanied by severe pain, this may indicate infectious (inflammatory) processes or hormonal failure;
  • There was shortness of breath, weakness, lethargy, tachycardia, blanching of the skin, which indicates a large blood loss.

Methods for the treatment of pathological processes during menstruation

If there are huge monthly blood losses, with the formation of clots, then it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment.

  1. Conservative treatment- Its purpose is to replenish the body with iron. This is the use of vitamins and iron, both through food and medication, bed rest, especially during juvenile uterine bleeding and hormonal treatment.
  2. Surgical treatment- assigned at difficult cases, such as uterine fibroids, the presence of pathological endometrium, internal septum. Occurs by scraping or hysteroresectoscopy. In the most dangerous situations or with malignant pathologies - the uterus is removed.

Summing up

The most important thing to remember is that clots can be normal if the menses are painless, do not create additional discomfort, and there are no life disorders. And if there is concern or doubt, the presence of blood clots in the form of a liver or a painful condition - make an appointment with a doctor, undergo an examination to avoid diseases that are dangerous to health.

Need to pass gynecological examination, including ultrasound, to exclude any pathology of the uterus, make general analysis blood to determine enough platelets. Next, the attending doctor will prescribe drugs that will increase blood clotting, normalize hormonal background(depending on which disease is detected), and in complex malignant diseases, surgery is performed.

But it is better for a woman to be regularly observed by a gynecologist in order to prevent pathology, and not get rid of her advanced form.

Video - traps for women. Painful menstruation

If menstruation does not go as usual, a woman has anxiety. Many faced such a problem as blood clots during menstruation.

The reasons for this phenomenon can be various - from changes in lifestyle to development pathological conditions in work reproductive system female body.

Normally, every month in the body of a woman, an egg matures, capable of further fertilization. The reproductive organs begin to prepare for possible pregnancy, there is a production of specific hormones, and as a result - a thickening of the inner layer of the uterus - the endometrium.

If conception does not occur, there is a decrease in hormone production. As a result, the blood supply to the tissues of the uterine cavity decreases and rejection of the endometrium begins, which goes out through the genital tract. This is menstruation - discharge, which includes blood, particles of mucous tissue and endometrium.

Blood clots during menstruation

If menstruation begins with blood clots, the reasons may be different, and this is not always a pathology. Normally, discharge during menstruation should not be liquid, their color and consistency are also different.

Especially copious clots blood during menstruation is observed when the position of the body changes, for example, when a woman gets up from a chair or rises from a lying state.

The reason is that in a stationary position lying or sitting, blood stagnates in the uterus, which gradually coagulates. Therefore, menstruation comes out with blood clots, which in this case cannot be called a pathology.

Nature also provided for the behavior of a woman's body during menstruation. During this period, special enzymes are produced that perform the action of anticoagulants, that is, they stop the rapid blood clotting.

However, when enzymes are not able to quickly perform their function. Therefore, blood clots come out during menstruation, the reasons in this case are completely harmless.

Signs of pathology

Why do blood clots come out during menstruation, we found out. But this is not always the norm. In some cases, a woman should be wary, for example, when she sees blood clots during menstruation, similar to the liver.

The volume of discharge during menstruation is usually no more than 250 ml. At the following symptoms A woman should definitely consult a doctor:

  • excessively heavy menstruation, turning into bleeding;
  • menses are accompanied;
  • secretions come out;
  • prolonged menstruation.


Consider the main reasons why menstruation deviates from the norm:

  • Hyperplasia of the endometrium of the uterus. This disease is one of the most common causes causing large pieces of coagulated blood in the monthly discharge. The condition may develop as a result diabetes, obesity, hypertension.
  • Myoma of the uterus. This is a benign tumor, as a result of which it occurs. In the disease, the discharge is often very profuse, containing clots.
  • Hormonal imbalance. If a malfunction occurs hormonal system, profuse menstruation is quite likely, sometimes.
  • Endometriosis. The endometrium from the uterine cavity grows further, passing to other organs. Menstruation is characterized by profusion, irregularity, the woman experiences severe pain.
  • Polyps. In this case, the tissue of the uterine cavity grows like polyps.
  • Navy. An intrauterine device, which is placed for contraception, can be perceived by the body as a foreign body. As a result, the discharge contains pieces of coagulated blood.
  • Curettage and childbirth. Within a month after childbirth or surgery, menstrual flow may be pathological. Abundant discharge with clots may be accompanied by fever. First of all, the remains of fragments of the placenta in the uterus should be excluded.
  • . This condition is characterized by profuse discharge, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and fever.
  • Rolling problems. In this situation, the blood begins to immediately clot in the uterine cavity, since the enzymes that prevent hemocoagulation do not work.
  • Taking medications for If a woman self-medicates and takes pills or Norkolut with, heavy periods may appear. The reason may be that the delay is not associated with a progesterone deficiency.
  • Inflammatory processes of the organs of the reproductive system.
  • Colds, as well as SARS.
  • Excessive amount of vitamin B in the body of a woman.

When is a visit to the doctor necessary?

If there are large clots in the discharge, a woman needs to go to the doctor. It is especially worth hurrying if menstruation is accompanied by severe, unusual pain, and is also prolonged and excessively plentiful.

Situations when a visit to a gynecologist cannot be postponed:

  • duration of heavy menstruation for more than 7 days;
  • clots in the discharge are accompanied by an unpleasant odor;
  • menstruation causes severe pain;
  • a woman is planning a pregnancy, in this situation, discharge with clots may indicate a miscarriage.

Let's summarize the above. Blood clots during menstruation are normal if a woman does not feel other changes in her well-being. However, if heavy bleeding contains large clots, it has bad smell and accompanied severe pain, which has not happened before - this is an occasion to consult a doctor without delay. The doctor will prescribe an examination to find out the reasons for the deviation from the norm.

Painful menstruation video

Menstruation is normal physiological process woman childbearing age. More often it passes asymptomatically and imperceptibly, without causing discomfort, and sometimes pain occurs. The nature and consistency of menstrual flow is different for everyone, but changes in color and density can signal a pathology. Menstruation with clots sometimes speak of serious violations and the development of a dangerous pathology.

Blood clots during menstruation can appear for a number of reasons related to malfunctions. genitourinary system, but may be the norm if this condition is not regular. To understand what is a pathology and what is normal, it is important to learn what the discharge looks like during menstruation.

Normally, menstrual flow looks like this:

  • in the first days the blood is scarlet, and in the last days it darkens and turns brown;
  • blood does not clot, as it has other inclusions;
  • for one menstruation from the body, it comes out up to 200-250 ml;
  • blood clots may appear during a period of profuse discharge of discharge for 2-3 days, but this should not be regular.

Blood clots during menstruation or blood clots completely normal phenomenon, but may indicate a number of violations in the work reproductive organs or endocrine system.

During menstruation, blood clots can reach 3.5-4 cm, their occurrence is associated with the action of certain enzymes. Anticoagulants do not cope with clotting with heavy menstrual bleeding. Blood coagulates in the vaginal cavity and is released during menstruation.

To know for sure that such a phenomenon does not threaten the health of a woman, you need to see a doctor and also undergo a full examination, since sometimes clots indicate serious violations. If blood clots come out during menstruation, you can’t hesitate, and as soon as menstruation stops, you need to go to the gynecologist.

Causes of menstruation with clots

The rare occurrence of clots in the menstrual blood should not worry a woman too much, but if menstruation clots and it has become regular, there is cause for concern.

- these are formations that include not only blood, but also the exfoliated layer of the endometrium. Such a process occurs in female body every month after an unfertilized egg, capturing part of the grown endometrium from the walls of the uterus, leaves the body.

An increase in menstrual flow indicates the development of disorders, so it is important for a woman to monitor the color of the discharge and its consistency. During the day, it is normal for the period of menstruation, about 80 ml comes out, if there is much more blood - this is a reason to see a doctor.

There are many reasons for a blood clot and copious discharge, but with timely diagnosis they can be easily eliminated and prevent the development of complications and health problems.

endometrial hyperplasia

One of the causes of heavy menstruation, as well as the appearance of blood clots, is endometrial hyperplasia, that is, excessive growth of the uterine mucosa. In this condition, excess endometrium comes out in clots during menstruation. The reason for this pathology lies in the untreated diseases of the genitourinary sphere, hormonal imbalance, as well as postponed childbirth, abortion or surgical interventions.

In appearance, the exfoliation of the hyperplastic endometrium does not differ from thickened blood, but it is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, and the duration of menstruation increases by several days. Clots during menstruation continue throughout all days of menstruation. In advanced cases, they become normal.

A benign hormone-dependent formation in the uterine cavity leads to a change in the consistency and nature of menstrual flow, hence menstruation with blood clots. Myoma nodes increase normal sizes organ and at the same time the area of ​​the lining of the uterus. Clots occur when the myomatous node grows into the cavity, such fibroids are called submucosal.

The emergence of a new node provokes exfoliation of the endometrium with greater force, which causes blood clots during menstruation. In addition to secretions, there are a number of characteristic symptoms, among them the main one is pain in the lower abdomen. As long as the knot small size there are no symptoms, and along with its growth, the first signs appear, including heavy menstruation, and menstruation goes in clots.

postpartum period

After giving birth, a woman's hormonal background changes and can cause unusual discharge, including blood clots, as well as particles of the endometrium. Menstruation after childbirth does not occur immediately, and endometrial cells, accumulating, come out in various masses.

But also in the form of clots after childbirth, the remnants of the placenta come out, and this process is not related to menstrual bleeding. They can go out from the first days after childbirth, but they can linger longer.

Hormonal imbalance

The most common cause of menstruation in the form of clots is hormonal disorders. They can be a temporary phenomenon, or they can indicate the development of serious pathologies and disorders not only on the part of the reproductive system.

The menstrual cycle is regulated by hormones produced by the ovaries, adrenal glands, hypothalamus, pituitary gland and thyroid gland. Violation of the work of these organs, the occurrence of tumor processes lead to the appearance of heavy menstruation of a dark color. In addition, there is pain in the lower abdomen, as well as in the lower back.

In addition to excessive growth of the endometrium or tumor processes, the consistency of the discharge can change benign polyps. Single outgrowths cause the appearance copious discharge with blood clots.

And if this symptom joins or in the middle of the cycle, as well as pain and a change in the color of the discharge, this indicates the development of endometrial polyposis, when many polyps appear on the endometrial mucosa of the uterus.

Abnormal development of the uterus

Unfortunately, not every woman, before certain problems arise, suspects a possible congenital pathology the structure of the uterus, and this happens more often than we would like. In 20 percent of women, due to chromosomal hereditary pathologies from birth, the intrauterine septum, double or unicornuate uterus can be corrected.

Before planning a pregnancy, a woman may not be aware of the presence of a pathology, since, apart from heavy thick menstruation, she should not be bothered by anything. Improper structure leads to stagnant processes in the uterus and, as a result, the release of blood coagulated into clots of different sizes.

Spontaneous miscarriage

When planning a pregnancy, the appearance of blood clots may indicate a miscarriage. Pregnancy from the first days excludes menstruation, and the presence spotting should be alert. Blood clots with yellowish or gray inclusions indicate rejection gestational sac uterus. This condition does not go away on its own, the intervention of a doctor is necessary here.


Menstruation with clots and its release in large masses may indicate a violation of hematopoiesis. Most often, the cause is iron deficiency anemia and, worse, this type of menstruation only exacerbates the problem. Large blood loss against the background of anemia leads to a significant deterioration in well-being.

Diagnosis and treatment

Timely diagnosis of violations prevents the development possible complications and consequences. At the first signs and the appearance of clots during menstruation, it is important to immediately consult a doctor for complete examination and exclusion or confirmation of the development of pathologies and diseases.

At the first visit to the gynecologist, an anamnesis is collected with data on pregnancies, abortions, difficulties in carrying pregnancy and childbirth, past diseases of the genitourinary system and other chronic ailments.

It is also important to indicate whether the woman is taking any medications, as they can cause such disorders and. At gynecological examination reveal the presence or absence of an abnormal structure of the internal and external genital organs.

In addition to the conversation and examination, the following list of studies is prescribed:

  • ultrasound examination;
  • blood sampling for hormonal panel analyzes and infections;
  • culture of the microflora of the vagina.

If necessary and diagnostic laparoscopy for the purpose of complete revision and tissue biopsy. When diagnosing disorders, treatment is prescribed in accordance with the cause of the disease. Self-medication is dangerous and can only harm the health of the lady.

Most of the disorders found are treated with drug therapy. Preparations for each woman are selected individually according to her physical features and test results.

Diagnoses such as polyposis and fibroids drug treatment do not lend themselves, here it is necessary surgical intervention followed by hormone therapy to prevent relapse. Minimally invasive methods for removing polyps and fibroids allow you to save all healthy tissue, and or hysteroscopy is minimal.

At inflammatory processes And infectious diseases carry out antibiotic therapy. In combination with it, physiotherapy procedures are also used.

For endocrine disorders, specific treatment. With a lack of the required level of the hormone, synthetic analogues are taken, and to reduce the excess, drugs are prescribed to suppress secretion activity.

Endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia involves curettage of pathological growth and subsequent hormonal adjustment. For women who do not plan pregnancy in the near future, it is considered effective to take oral contraceptives and installation intrauterine device. Thus, the endometrium does not grow and, accordingly, blood clots do not collect.