Modern treatment of ocular keratoconus. Surgeon Sergei Popov talks about the disease - video

Astigmatism is a congenital or acquired defect of the human visual system. It is caused by a change in the shape of the lens or cornea of ​​the eye. Severe myopia or farsightedness often accompany the disease. With this disease, the eye acts like a crooked mirror, distorting the image. The first signs of a defect are the absence of a clear outline of some objects and the inability to focus the gaze. They are often accompanied by myopia or farsightedness.

There is no need to worry about whether astigmatism can be cured. If you suspect you have this condition, make an appointment with an ophthalmologist.

Specifics of the disease

Let's look at what causes astigmatism and what it is.

What is astigmatism?
First you need to figure it out in order to understand what astigmatism is: the eye has a spherical shape, the outside is covered with a thick shell - the sclera. The latter in the central part becomes transparent, which allows light to penetrate into the eye. This transparent part is called the cornea. The lens is responsible for transmitting and refracting light rays onto the retina of the eye. On the surface of the eye, two conventional lines can be distinguished, which are called the main meridians. One of them is the strongest, and the other is the weakest. IN healthy eye meridians are located perpendicularly. The light refracted through them is collected in the macula, the center of the retina.

The curvature of the spherical shell of the human eye, its lens or cornea changes its shape when astigmatism appears. The curvature of the cornea causes light to be refracted differently at different points in the eye. In this case, the image on the retina is collected not at the macula, but at several points. Hence the name of this eye disease - astigmatism, which is translated from Latin as “lack of a focal point.” In some cases, the dots are not on the retina, but in front of it or behind it. The condition when the rays, being refracted, are collected behind the retina is called farsightedness, and in front of the retina - myopia.

As a result, such deformation leads to visual distortion of the observed objects and loss of focus. In this case, one of the main meridians has a greater refractive power than the other. This process is called a violation of refractive power (refraction). The degree of astigmatism depends on how large the difference between the refraction of the meridians is.

Both the lens and the cornea can be affected by this disease. However, distortion of the corneal surface has a much more strong impact on vision.

If you're wondering how people with astigmatism see, think about 3D movies. When you take off your glasses, you see a slightly double and slightly blurry image. With this disease, especially of a high degree, objects around look approximately the same.

Types of disease

There are different classifications and, as a result, types of astigmatism.

Based on the type of refractive error, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Simple farsightedness (another name is hypermetropic). Farsightedness in one of the meridians of the eye is combined with normal refraction in the second meridian.
  2. Simple myopic (or myopic). Here in one of the meridians there is myopia, and in the other there is normal refraction.
  3. Complex farsighted. In both meridians there is hypermetropic refraction, but it is expressed with different intensities.
  4. Complex myopic. Myopic refraction in both meridians has varying degrees.
  5. Mixed. In one of the meridians there is farsightedness, and in the other there is nearsightedness.

In a healthy eye, the meridians are located perpendicularly. In case of a change in the position of one or both meridians with astigmatism, the types are distinguished according to another classification:

  1. Straight. The main meridian with maximum refraction deviates from the vertical axis by no more than 30°. This type occurs mainly in children.
  2. Back. The meridian with the greatest refraction is located on horizontal axis or has a deviation from it of no more than 30°. Occurs mainly in old age.
  3. Astigmatism with oblique axes. Both main meridians are deviated from the vertical or horizontal axis by more than 30°.

Astigmatism in both eyes is more common than in one eye. In this case, the following are distinguished:

  • symmetrical, when the meridians in both eyes are located in the same way;
  • asymmetrical, when the main meridians in different eyes are located differently.

Depending on the difference in refractive power in the meridians, there are 3 degrees of astigmatism:

  1. Weak degree with distortion up to 3 diopters. This degree is common. Moreover, with a distortion of less than 0.5 diopters, a person may not even be aware of the presence of the disease. This type of disease is called physiological. It can be corrected within a short time.
  2. Average degree with distortion from 3 to 6 diopters. Correcting a disease of this degree is already more difficult and takes large quantity time. For this purpose, special glasses or lenses are prescribed. In some cases, laser correction is used.
  3. Strong degree of distortion over 6 diopters. A disease of this degree can only be cured through surgery or laser correction. Sometimes, in order to improve vision, hard contact lenses However, they are very rarely able to correct the situation.

Treatment of astigmatism in adults and children is mandatory. You should not postpone a session with an ophthalmologist: neglecting to correct the defect will certainly lead to a decrease in vision. In the initial stages, the disease can be corrected.

Symptoms and causes of the disease

With astigmatism, the causes can be completely different. Most often this is a hereditary disease, therefore, if one of the parents has a similar one, there is a high probability that it will occur in the child. However, it can also manifest itself in a person in whose family this has never been observed.

The causes of astigmatism can be either congenital or acquired. As a rule, a congenital defect is more common than an acquired one.

The appearance of an acquired disease can occur due to the following factors:

  • was damaged as a result of injury;
  • the cornea of ​​the eye was burned;
  • multiple outbreaks of conjunctivitis were present;
  • there were inflammations and other diseases of the cornea;
  • operations were performed on the cornea and sclera of the eye, after which stitches remained;
  • some other diseases of the eye or eyelids.

Symptoms of astigmatism are:

  • eyes get very tired;
  • headaches and dizziness while reading;
  • it becomes difficult to focus on any object;
  • the lines and boundaries of some objects are distorted, but when the viewing angle changes, the object can return to its original appearance;
  • letters are distorted, reading becomes difficult;
  • you begin to see very distant or very close objects worse.

At the very beginning of the development of astigmatism, the symptoms are mild. However, like any other disease, it tends to progress. The stronger its development, the greater the distortion of the cornea and the worse the quality of vision. If at the initial stages it can be confused with ordinary fatigue, then already at an average degree you will definitely notice problems with vision. So, if you notice symptoms of astigmatism, do not delay visiting an ophthalmologist.

Diagnosis and treatment

With timely and professional diagnosis, you will not have to wonder whether astigmatism is treatable. After all, everyone knows that it is easier to prevent a problem than to eliminate it.

Diagnosis of the disease

If you suspect that your eye problem is astigmatism rather than simple fatigue, you should make an appointment with an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor will collect anamnesis, conduct a series of tests, and examine the fundus of the eye using special instruments. Also, an ophthalmologist will be able to determine the causes of the disease using biomicroscopy.

You will alternately close your right and left eyes with the device. In this case, special cylindrical lenses will be placed in front of the free eye.

By changing the refractive power inside the lenses, the corrective effect you need is established.

In order to establish the degree of refraction, shadow tests are carried out. With them, the patient and the ophthalmologist are in a dark room. The doctor uses a mirror to see the shadow on the pupil. By analyzing the nature of the movement of the shadow, an experienced doctor will determine the type of refraction: myopic, hypermetropic or emmetropic. Using a special ruler consisting of a number of lenses (skiascopic ruler), the refractive power value at which the shadow completely disappears is selected. This sets the degree of refraction.

Computed keratometry is used to measure the degree of corneal deformation. This method helps to establish the most accurate curvature values.

Choose the right strategy Treatment is possible only with the help of comprehensive diagnostics.

Often, when there is not enough time to visit doctors, people prefer to diagnose this disease at home on their own. Special vision tests can help with this. However, whatever the result, you should not rely on it completely. Remember that diagnosing astigmatism, much less carrying out competent treatment Only an ophthalmologist can.

Treatment of the disease

And yet, is astigmatism treatable or not? If you started treatment on time, then the answer is yes. There are 4 ways to correct vision with astigmatism.

  1. Wearing cylindrical glasses.
  2. Wearing hard or soft contact lenses.
  3. Laser correction.
  4. Eye microsurgery.

Treatment methods for astigmatism may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the patient: age, cause of the disease and its severity.

Correcting astigmatism with glasses and contact lenses

Correcting astigmatism using glasses is the most common method used. This is what is used. Special glasses have cylindrical lenses. Depending on the type of disease, lenses can have a positive or negative value. This method can correct a violation of no more than 2 diopters. However, despite its simplicity and economy, this method cannot be considered a complete correction of eye disease - treatment can be complicated by a number of disadvantages. Peripheral vision in this case, it is limited and the stereoscopic effect is impaired. What's more, glasses don't work: your astigmatism will continue to progress and you'll soon need more powerful glasses.

If wearing glasses isn't the best preferred option, you should learn how to correct astigmatism with lenses. If the degree of disease is less than 1.5 diopters, the doctor may prescribe contact lenses. They have a much better effect on the optical system than glasses. Their advantage is that the lens fits tightly to the cornea and creates a single system with the eye.

It is believed that hard contact lenses have a better effect on the quality of vision than soft ones. They hold their shape better and are able to partially correct deformed areas of the cornea due to the content of tear fluid in the space between the lens and the cornea. However, a large number of people are intolerant to hard contact lenses. In such situations, soft toric lenses come to the rescue.

Toric lenses differ from ordinary spherical lenses in that they have a spherocylindrical shape. If a spherical lens refracts light equally over its entire surface, then a toric lens can correct the refraction of both meridians.

In order to correct the desired area of ​​the eye, a toric lens is installed in a strictly defined manner. Rotating it can cause even worse vision.

Today there is a wide selection of toric lenses, however, they have one thing in common - high cost. In addition, curing astigmatism in this way can take quite a long time, but it will never be possible to completely get rid of it. To forget about the problem forever, you should use more serious methods.

Correcting astigmatism using laser correction

How to treat astigmatism using laser correction? Today is the most effective method getting rid of the disease. The latest technologies are such that laser machine capable of changing the shape of the cornea. Its top layer is lifted with a special tool, and laser ray evaporates the deformed part of the cornea, making the shape as spherical as possible. As a result, refraction returns to normal and astigmatism disappears. Laser exposure to the eye takes no more than 40 seconds. Taking into account the preparation time, in just half an hour you can get rid of the disease forever, and improvement occurs on the same day. At the same time, laser correction is as safe procedure: the effect of the laser is such that it is not able to penetrate into the deep layers of the visual system, and drip anesthesia during the procedure will eliminate discomfort.

Despite all the advantages, this method has a number of contraindications:

  • minor age;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the presence of certain eye diseases, such as cataracts, glaucoma or progressive myopia;
  • presence of an allergic reaction;
  • inflammatory diseases of the visual system;
  • thinning of the cornea;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • all autoimmune and immunodeficiency diseases;
  • having only one eye.

Correction of astigmatism using surgical intervention

If any of these factors are present, it is recommended to resort to eye microsurgery. If the cause of the disease is a deformation of the cornea, then during surgery an artificial or donor graft is installed in its place. This vision-improving method is called keratoplasty.

If the cause of astigmatism is a change in the shape of the lens, then during surgery it is removed and an intraocular toric lens is installed in its place.

Only a professional ophthalmologist can select the appropriate treatment for each case. If you have been diagnosed with astigmatism, treatment should begin as soon as possible. Only in this case is it possible to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Prevention of astigmatism

If you don’t want to wonder how to cure astigmatism when the disease has already progressed, you should pay more attention to preventing the disease. Timely prevention of astigmatism can help avoid many vision problems in the future.

  1. Observe the lighting conditions carefully. Do not strain your eyes if the lighting level in the room is below 60 W. If possible, reduce the use of fluorescent lamps.
  2. Eye exercises will help relieve muscle tension if you spend a lot of time at the computer or books.
  3. Adjust the brightness of your monitor and computer screen so that you don't have to strain your eyes when working on them.
  4. Walking on fresh air and playing sports will help strengthen the immune system and eliminate some of the causes of the disease.
  5. Balance your diet: it must contain all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Don't get carried away with diets.
  6. Don't forget to visit an ophthalmologist from time to time: vision deterioration can occur at any age. Early detection of this disease can save you time and money on treatment.

If you have already begun to notice the first signs of astigmatism, preventing the further development of the pathology will still not be superfluous.

The danger of this defect

If you are still putting off visiting a doctor, find out why astigmatism is dangerous:

  • constant lacrimation;
  • premature appearance of wrinkles in the eye area due to frequent squinting;
  • excessive irritability;
  • Children’s academic performance decreases and psychological problems arise;
  • severe visual impairment;
  • strabismus;

If astigmatism affects both eyes, there is a risk of amblyopia - functional blindness, in which the images coming from the retina of the eyes are very different, and the brain cannot put them together into one picture. In this case, one eye goes blind because the brain stops perceiving the signal from it. The disease is reversible with proper treatment.

Remember that astigmatism in adults is more difficult and longer to treat than in childhood. Traditional methods will not cope with astigmatism, but will only temporarily relieve some of the symptoms. Timely treatment will help restore visual functions and forget about the problem forever.

An effective remedy to restore vision without surgery or doctors, recommended by our readers!

Keratoconus of the eye is a severe ophthalmological disease that can slowly progress and lead to decreased visual acuity. This is a deformation of the cornea caused by dystrophic changes. Normally, the outer shell of the eye is transparent and spherical in shape. For some reason, the cornea becomes cone-shaped and loses strength, usually leading to poor vision and other ophthalmic problems.

The manifestation of the disease begins in adolescence, and the defect becomes clearly noticeable by the age of 18-22. Optical functions the eyes are noticeably reduced. At first, patients note poor visibility at dusk and darkness, then they begin to have difficulty distinguishing objects in daylight. Diplopia appears - double vision, myopia and irregular astigmatism. With keratoconus, the process is bilateral: first one eye is affected, and after some time the other.


Among eye diseases, keratoconus occurs in approximately 0.6% of cases. There are several theories about the occurrence of the disease:

  • The genetic theory is supported by the fact that keratoconus is often found in individuals with chromosomal abnormalities(Down's disease, Marfan syndrome).
  • Metabolic, doctors believe that the cause of the disorder is enzymopathies. As a result of the imbalance, substances are activated that cause lysis of eye tissue.
  • Allergic, the disease often correlates with another allergic pathology: hives, bronchial asthma, hay fever, skin eczema.
  • An immunological theory according to which biologically active substances are formed in the cornea. Under their influence, the restoration processes of the eye epithelium are disrupted. The consequence is a thinning of the shell.
  • Doctors believe that the reasons may be combined. During puberty occurs hormonal imbalance, endocrine disorders in turn, activate immunological processes. All pathology develops against the background of burdened heredity.
  • Factors that provoke degenerative processes in the cornea include exposure to ultraviolet radiation, dusty air, and radiation. With constant wearing of lenses, a complication develops in the form of keratoconus, which is also well known to ophthalmologists. IN last years Cases of the disease have become more frequent after laser correction.

Signs of illness

With keratoconus, symptoms develop gradually over 5-15 years. Sometimes the disease stops at the initial stage or progresses slowly. In other cases, the deformation develops at a high rate. IN initial stages patients complain about:

  • high eye fatigue;
  • deterioration in the quality of vision;
  • burning in the eyes;
  • splitting of objects.

A person turns to an ophthalmologist with a request to choose glasses for him, but they do not save the situation. Due to irregular astigmatism, the axes of vision are constantly changing. Myopia develops so quickly that the patient cannot read or write with newly fitted glasses. Contact lenses do not help: due to the conical shape of the cornea, they do not fit tightly to the eye. In addition to poor vision, patients are concerned about dryness and increased sensitivity to light.

On late stages the defect becomes noticeable to others, the eye takes on a convex cone shape. Complications such as corneal rupture and scar formation are possible.

On initial stage the patient does not feel any discomfort; in fact, only morphological changes are subclinical signs of the disease. They are detected by chance, during non-standard examination methods. Refractometry and slit lamp diagnostics do not help identify the disease. Additional methods (pachymetry, computer keratometry) performed before laser correction vision, detect deformation of the ocular membrane.


Some patients develop acute keratoconus. For unknown reasons, Descemet's membrane ruptures, and the leaking fluid permeates the outer layers of the cornea. Damage can be suspected based on the following signs:

  • sudden sharp pain in the eyeball;
  • blepharospasm;
  • sudden loss of vision due to severe corneal edema (cloudy spots before the eyes);
  • lacrimation.

The cornea becomes so thin that it can become perforated. Acute keratoconus - direct reading for emergency hospitalization in an ophthalmology clinic. A patient with this pathology may even need surgical intervention. Over time, the cornea heals with the formation of scar tissue, and the cone-shaped deformation decreases somewhat. Flattening the apex of keratoconus leads to some improvement in vision.


According to the Amsler classification, proposed in 1961, there are several degrees of keratoconus:

  • Mild corneal pathology. In the central part, a thinning of the connective tissue base is noticeable; astigmatism is compensated with the help of cylindrical lenses. Visual acuity decreases to 0.5.
  • Correction of astigmatism can be done, but is less effective. During the examination, initial signs of deformation and the so-called keratoconus lines are detected. Visual acuity deteriorates to 0.1.
  • The defect is noticeable visually; cloudiness of the eye shell and microcracks in Descemet's membrane are noted. Correction of astigmatism is possible only with the help of. Vision drops to 0.02.
  • Astigmatism is not corrected, and there is severe opacity of Bowman's membrane. The sharpness is at the level of 0.02-0.01.

How to identify the disease?

In the initial forms, a decrease in visual acuity is detected, the person complains of poor vision, “blurredness” of objects. At stages 2-4 of the disease medical examination a defect is detected in the form of protrusion of the cornea, clouding of Bowman's membrane. For keratoconus, diagnosis includes additional research methods:

  • Refractometry helps identify myopia and astigmatism;
  • Pachymetry - determines the uneven thickness of the cornea;
  • Biomicroscopy of the eye reveals the proliferation of nerve endings in the center of the membrane, stromal degeneration, clouding, changes in epithelial cells, cracks in the membrane;
  • Skiascopy reveals “springy” shadows moving towards each other;
  • Ophthalmoscopy is indicated in the absence of opacification of the ocular environment;
  • Computer keratometry allows you to accurately determine the thickness of the eye shell and the refractive power of the cornea, the degree of astigmatism and make a diagnosis in the early subclinical stages of the process.

Computer topography is often prescribed - exact method diagnostics, which accurately determines the size of the cone-shaped protrusion. The cornea can be reproduced in three dimensions and a corneal map can be created.

Diagnosis of keratoconus is difficult at stages 1-2 of the pathological process. Many patients are poorly aware of what keratoconus is and are inattentive to their own health.

Treatment methods

Treatment of keratoconus is carried out using conservative and invasive methods. Therapy should be started immediately after the pathology is identified. The doctor recommends wearing special lenses, harder in the central part and soft in the periphery. The lenses seem to press the protrusion inward. With a stable course of keratoconus, treatment can be carried out through laser and spectacle correction.

Non-surgical methods are the use of drugs that improve metabolism in the eye shell. Drops of Taurine, Quinax, Oftan-katachrome are used. Eye medications are used continuously for symptoms of keratoconus; they are used to irrigate the cornea 3 times a day. Subconjunctival injections of ATP help when medicinal substance is injected with an insulin syringe directly into the transitional fold of the conjunctiva. Vitamin complexes, immunomodulating agents, and antioxidants are prescribed.

The disease can be treated using physiotherapeutic methods: phonophoresis with tocopherol, magnetic therapy. They give a positive effect and stop the development of the process.

For acute keratoconus, drops that dilate the pupil are prescribed - Mezaton, Midriacil. A pressure bandage must be applied to prevent perforation. Antibacterial agents (Tobrex) are used topically to reduce inflammation.

A new conservative method is cross-linking. First under local anesthesia The surface epithelium is removed, then the tissue is saturated with a riboflavin solution, followed by ultraviolet irradiation. Treatment using this method helps to achieve regression of the disease, reduce the symptoms of keratoconus, strengthen the corneal tissue, and increase its stability.

Operative methods

The traditional operation for keratoconus is keratoplasty, during which the patient's own cornea is removed and a donor implant is installed in its place. The operation allows you to completely get rid of the defect and restore visual acuity to normal numbers. Rejection of the artificial cornea does not occur because there are no blood vessels.

In the treatment of keratoconus, thermokeratoplasty is used - targeted coagulation of the peripheral areas of the cornea in order to achieve its flattening.

In ophthalmological practice, surgery to implant corneal rings is widely used. During the intervention, several rings of a given diameter and thickness are inserted into the eye stroma. They expand the defect and help to achieve its flattening, as a result of which refraction is restored and vision improves.

Traditional methods

Treatment of keratoconus with folk remedies is carried out to strengthen the eye tissue. Honey drops are used; for this purpose liquid honey is used, one part of which is dissolved in 3 parts of water. The product is applied twice a day, 2 drops in each eye. Treatment is carried out for a month, then a break of 2 weeks is required.

Eye irrigation with infusions of chamomile and sage is also used, which helps get rid of increased fatigue and irritation.


In most cases, the disease develops over a long period of time, sometimes the process stabilizes at an early stage. With the help of modern methods, it is possible to improve and even restore vision, remove defects, and get rid of myopia and astigmatism.

Prevention consists of identifying and treating endocrine, allergic, autoimmune diseases. You should not rub your eyes while wearing lenses, as this causes microtrauma and damages the cornea.

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Keratoconus of the eye is a rather serious disease, which manifests itself in the form of progressive deformation of the cornea. In this case, the latter takes a conical shape.

First, the cells of one layer of the cornea are destroyed, as a result of which its rigidity sharply decreases. Then, as a result of the intraocular fluid pressing on it, a protrusion of the cornea outward is formed.

Keratoconus, the photo of which is shown below, in rare cases leads to complete blindness and can cause significant vision loss.

Causes of keratoconus disease

Although cone-shaped corneas were described more than 250 years ago, the causes of keratoconus remain unknown to this day.

However, in the medical literature one can find descriptions of several theories of the occurrence of of this disease.

The endocrine theory, based on the identification of various dysfunctions of the endocrine glands in patients with keratoconus, was one of the first explanations for the development of a cone-shaped cornea. Nowadays, it does not play such an important role.

The authors of the exchange theory found that in patients with keratoconus, there is a decrease in the activity of some enzymes in the cornea and chamber humor, which in turn contributes to the activation of substances leading to lysis (dissolution) of cell structures.

The hereditary (genetic) theory among the causes of keratoconus is recognized by most scientists. The reason for this was the frequent combination of a cone-shaped cornea with various anomalies development and hereditary syndromes. However, the nature of inheritance of the disease may be different. Currently, a search is underway for the gene that is responsible for the development of cone-shaped deformity.

According to the immunological theory, under the influence of biologically active substances, the synthetic activity of corneal cells decreases and, as a result, the recovery processes in it slow down, which leads to its thinning.

The allergic nature of the disease is suggested by the fact that keratoconus disease can develop against the background of asthma or allergic blepharoconjunctivitis, and can also occur with hay fever or its appearance in eczema.

Prolonged trauma (for example, when wearing lenses or scratching the eyelids) provokes an increase in the activity of enzymes that destroy collagen. As a result, degenerative processes develop in the cornea.

The basis for putting forward the viral theory was the discovery of a high percentage of infection among those affected by keratoconus.

Stages of keratoconus: 1, 2, 3 and 4 degrees of disease

There is far more than one classification of this disease, each of which was created taking into account the tasks facing researchers.

The most relevant and most widely used is the Amsler classification, which the author proposed back in 1961. He described the 4 stages of keratoconus, characterized them and differentiated them, using the entire arsenal of research methods available at that time.

In addition, Amsler was the first to talk about the types of this pathology, and also established the relationship between rehabilitation methods and the degree of keratoconus. In 2010, this classification was supplemented by T.D. Abugova based on biomicroscopic data.

Characteristic of grade 1 keratoconus is good visualization nerve fibers in the central zone. There, the area of ​​“rarefaction” of the connective tissue base and the change in cell shape are determined. At this degree, irregular astigmatism is noted, which is corrected with cylindrical lenses. In this case, visual acuity is 1.0 - 0.5.

Astigmatism in keratoconus of the 2nd degree is also corrected, but it is more pronounced. Visual acuity in this case is 0.4 – 0.1. Plus, in addition to stage 1 symptoms, the so-called lines of keratoconus (another name is Vogt’s stretch marks) are detected and signs of incipient deformation of the cornea appear.

The 3rd degree of keratoconus is characterized by thinning of the cornea with the appearance of its cone-shaped deformation. In addition, opacity of Bowman's membrane develops.

At this stage, vision decreases to 0.12 - 0.02, and its correction is possible only with the use of hard contact lenses.

At grade 4 keratoconus there is further development opacities, as well as the appearance of gross violations of the Descemet membrane, and the thinning of the cornea becomes more pronounced. Conical deformation is also pronounced. Visual acuity remains at the level of 0.02-0.01, and cannot be corrected.

There is also a classification proposed by Yu. B. Slonimsky, according to which there is a pre-surgical stage of the disease, when surgery is not indicated, a surgical stage, in which it is necessary to operate, and a terminal stage, in which the operation is still possible, but its timing has been missed.

Based on another classification according to its form, this disease is divided into 6 types: acuminate keratoconus, blunt-apex type, peaked type, low-apex form, as well as atypical low-apex and atypical peaked types. All these geometric types can be determined by computer analysis of the topography of the cornea.

Symptoms of keratoconus and acute form of the disease

Symptoms of keratoconus develop as a result of conical deformation of the cornea and are directly related to myopia and the development of irregular astigmatism, characterized by a constant change in the axes as the disease progresses. This leads to a gradual increase in vision loss and double vision in one eye. Then changes develop in the other eyeball.
Having this disease, the patient often has to consult a doctor to select glasses, but this has little effect, because Due to the rapid progression of the disease, a person’s vision in manufactured glasses is no longer as good as when they were selected.

Keratoconus is an eye disease in which patients see multi-contour objects and notice distortion of letters when reading. Sometimes increased photosensitivity develops and eye irritation occurs.

At the initial stages, twilight vision is reduced, and then patients see poorly even in good lighting. Patients complain about fatigue eyes, as well as the appearance of itching and burning sensations.

The progression of the disease occurs slowly (over 10 years). Moreover, in half of the cases it can slow down and go into remission at an early stage.

In some cases, the course is complicated by acute keratoconus. This form of the disease is characterized by a sudden rupture of the so-called Descemet's membrane (the part of the cornea that gives it strength and resists intraocular pressure). This is accompanied by the fact that the aqueous humor of the eye enters the corneal layers. The result is corneal edema with pain syndrome. The process ends with scarring, as a result of which the deformation of the corneal surface may decrease, and vision may improve somewhat.

Diagnosis of the disease and keratoconus during pregnancy

Diagnosis of keratoconus begins with determining the degree of visual impairment.

Refractometry reveals irregular astigmatism and myopia. Diaphanoscopy of the eye allows you to see a wedge-shaped shadow on the iris. Skiascopy reveals a “springy” shadow caused by irregular astigmatism. Ophthalmoscopy and ophthalmometry can also be used for diagnosis.

The most accurate information about the parameters of the cornea is provided by keratopachymetry and computer keratometry. Last method allows you to identify conical deformation even before its clinical manifestations.

Using eye biomicroscopy, you can determine the appearance of nerve endings in the central zone of the cornea, opacities in Bowman's membrane and other signs.

Separately, it is necessary to mention the combination of keratoconus and pregnancy. This disease does not affect the course of pregnancy itself. However, many doctors advise doing this C-section, because It is believed that with pushing, the progression of keratoconus may begin or its acute stage may develop.

How to treat keratoconus with conservative methods

Taking into account the nature of the course, there are two methods of treating keratoconus: conservative (i.e., non-surgical) and surgical.
As a conservative treatment, vision correction with semi-rigid lenses is used. These are lenses that are hard in the center and soft at the edges, due to which they seem to press the cone of the cornea.

A course of vitamins is also prescribed, immunomodulators and antioxidants are used. Of the eye drops, preference is given to Oftan-katachrome and Taufon.

In the treatment of keratoconus, physiotherapy is also quite effective: this can be phonophoresis with tocopherol or magnetic therapy and other procedures.

In the event of the development of acute keratoconus, emergency care is provided: pupil dilating agents (for example, mesaton) are instilled into the eye, and a pressure bandage is applied to prevent corneal perforation.

When answering the question of how to treat keratoconus, it is worth mentioning a relatively new method called “corneal cross-linking”. It consists in the fact that the surface epithelium of the cornea is first removed, then a solution of riboflavin is instilled onto it, after which ultraviolet irradiation is carried out. This strengthens the cornea very well and increases its resistance to deformation. This method can also stop the development of keratoconus or achieve its regression. After this procedure, it becomes possible to apply conventional spectacle correction.

At the initial stage of disease development, if the cornea is sufficiently thick, an excimer laser procedure can be performed. This will correct astigmatism, improve visual acuity, and also help strengthen the anterior layers of the cornea.

When deciding how to deal with keratoconus, in some cases preference is given to thermokeratoplasty, which is carried out to reduce the deformation of the cornea and consists of applying precise applications to the periphery of the cornea using a coagulator, which allows for its flattening.

How to treat keratoconus surgically

From surgical methods for keratoconus, implantation of corneal rings is used, which change the surface of the cornea, normalize refraction and help stabilize the cornea.

The classic operation for this disease is penetrating or layered keratoplasty. This method involves removing the cornea and implanting donor material in its place.
This operation is accompanied by excellent engraftment of the graft. This makes it possible to achieve visual acuity of 0.9-1.0 in 90% of cases. The end-to-end plastic surgery option can be used even in the terminal stage of the disease.

Treatment methods for keratoconus with folk remedies

For general strengthening purposes, it is possible to treat keratoconus with folk remedies.

In particular, if you experience increased eye fatigue, you can wash them with a decoction of sage; a decoction of chamomile or coltsfoot is also good for this purpose.

Medicinal teas based on rose hips, as well as with mint or lemon balm, are very good at boosting immunity.

Honey is also effective. It can be taken orally or made from it. aqueous solutions for eye lotions and rinses.

However, to decide how to cure keratoconus, it is better to consult a doctor.

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Astigmatism, or curvature of the cornea

If the cornea is curved evenly in a circle, then the incident light is focused into points and reflected on the retina. If the cornea is curved incorrectly, then the image is distorted, as in a crooked mirror. As a result, light rays passing through the cornea are focused at several points and the image perceived by the eye is blurred and indistinct. For example, a point may appear to be a line.

Astigmatism is the inability to focus vision on an object.

Exist various reasons curvature of the cornea. It can be congenital, then in most cases it is associated with another form of vision defect and should be considered in conjunction with it. However, this curvature can appear as a result of eye injury or as a result of overexertion. eye muscles, and in addition, it is often a consequence of emotional overstrain.


Curvature of the spine Deviations from normal posture are called disorders, or postural defects. Kyphosis (curvature) and lordosis (concavity) of the spine lead to stooping, and scoliosis (curvature) leads to lateral curvature of the spine. The basis of such defects is often

1. Deviated nasal septum

1. Deviation of the nasal septum Deviation of the nasal septum is one of the most common rhinological pathologies. Frequent deformities can be caused by abnormalities in the development of the facial skeleton, as well as rickets and trauma. Due to the fact that the nasal septum

29. Deviated nasal septum

29. Deviation of the nasal septum Deviation of the nasal septum is one of the most common rhinological pathologies. Frequent deformities can be caused by abnormalities in the development of the facial skeleton, as well as rickets and trauma. Due to the fact that the nasal septum

44. Astigmatism

44. Astigmatism Astigmatism is a refractive error in which there are combinations of different types ametropia or various degrees one type of ametropia. Etiopathogenesis of astigmatism and its forms. The development of astigmatism is based on unequal refraction of light

2. Astigmatism

2. Astigmatism Astigmatism is a refractive error in which different types of ametropia or different degrees of one type of ametropia are combined in one eye. Etiopathogenesis of astigmatism and its forms. The development of astigmatism is based on unequal refraction of light

Astigmatism and squint

Astigmatism and Strabismus Visual impairment associated with astigmatism can be significantly reduced, and sometimes eliminated, by diligently doing exercises to restore visual abilities and ensure that the eyes and mind work naturally and


Curvature of the spine Normally, the spine has 4 curves. In the cervical and lumbar region - forward (lordosis), and in the thoracic and sacral region - backward (kyphosis). They serve to reduce the load on the spinal column when walking, lifting weights, etc. In order to better understand,



Spinal curvature Question: What is bad about spinal curvature? Isn't this a natural process? Answer: These are different things. As we have already noted, the spine has natural curves, noticeable when viewed from the side: the forward bend in the lumbar region is called lordosis,

29. Astigmatism

29. Astigmatism Astigmatism is a condition in which the eye is deformed in one place. The main sign of astigmatism is the occurrence of difficulties when selecting glasses, the letters on the table are confused. One of the reasons for the occurrence of astigmatism is

Chapter 8. Astigmatism

Chapter 8. Astigmatism Astigmatism is a common vision defect, translated from Latin as “lack of a focal point.” With astigmatism, the uniform curvature of the cornea is disrupted, and the cornea has an irregular shape. Its refractive power

Astigmatism test

Test for astigmatism In order to verify the presence of astigmatism in the eyes without doctors or confirm their diagnosis yourself, it is enough to use the examination of the special drawings given below. If possible, increase the size


Astigmatism Astigmatism is the most common reason low vision, often accompanying myopia or farsightedness. Its cause is irregular shape cornea, which is corrected with glasses, contact lenses or refractive surgery. Symptoms of astigmatism.

Rachiocampsis. Scoliosis

Rachiocampsis. Scoliosis Normally, the spine, when viewed from behind, should appear straight. But some suffer from its curvature. Most often, with curvature, the spine takes an S-shape. This curvature is called scoliosis. Toward the curvature


Astigmatism Astigmatism is an optical defect of the eye, which is expressed in the fact that the optics of the eye in different meridians turns out to be different. The eye has two main mutually perpendicular meridians with the strongest and weakest refractive power


Astigmatism is a frequent companion of myopia. Its cause is associated with abnormalities in the shape of the cornea or lens. Because of this, light waves passing through the transparent medium of the eye are deflected at different angles, at several foci. Therefore the image becomes

Astigmatism is a disease in which the eye is unable to focus a clear image on the retina. The name of the disease comes from the Greek stigma, i.e. dot.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

Normally, a beam of light passing through the optical refractive media of the eye, the lens and the cornea, is focused on the retina in the form of a point. With astigmatism, due to the curvature of the surface of the cornea or lens, there are several focal points, and instead of a focal point, a focal line is formed. The more curved the surface of the cornea or lens, the longer the focal line and the higher the degree of astigmatism.

The disease is most often congenital, and for the most part it is inherited. Acquired astigmatism can develop as a result of trauma or surgery on the cornea, as well as with keratoconus.


Form eyeball for the vast majority of people it is not perfectly spherical. Minor astigmatism up to 0.5 D is not noticeable and is considered physiological.

With a more severe degree, the disease negatively affects the ability to see objects clearly. Curvature of the surface of the cornea or lens is often combined with myopia or farsightedness (myopic, hypermetropic or mixed astigmatism).

You can suspect something is wrong when a person sees the objects around him distorted or unclear. The picture is complemented by a headache that occurs with eyestrain, as well as a feeling of heaviness and pain in the eyes. If the disease is not treated, visual acuity may decrease over time.


A distinctive feature of astigmatism from other visual impairments is that the decrease in the clarity of perception of objects does not depend on their location in space.

To confirm the diagnosis, you will need to undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist. According to the results computer diagnostics and examinations using cylindrical lenses, the doctor will be able to make a definitive diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment.


A radical improvement in visual acuity in the treatment of astigmatism can only be achieved surgically; in other cases, we should talk about vision correction.

In the past, complex glasses with cylindrical lenses were prescribed to correct vision for this disease. In addition to the fact that choosing and making such glasses correctly was not an easy task, and the glasses themselves had to be changed regularly, wearing them caused problems for many patients. headache, dizziness, pain in the eyes. Today it is possible to use special contact lenses for astigmatism, which are called toric. The decision about which correction method is right for you should be made only after consultation with an ophthalmologist. In the process of vision correction, it will be necessary to undergo a systematic examination by a specialist and change glasses or lenses in accordance with the changes that have occurred.

To correct astigmatism surgically, several methods are currently used; the most suitable one is selected by an ophthalmologist based on the results of a comprehensive examination of the patient.

The most modern and advanced method of surgical correction of visual acuity for astigmatism today is the method of excimer laser therapy. The essence of excimer laser vision correction technology is to model a new surface of the cornea by removing part of it using the evaporation method. The advantages of the method are low trauma, painlessness, high accuracy of calculations and execution, and a lower likelihood of complications.

Keratoconus is an ophthalmological disease characterized by damage to the cornea and decreased visual acuity. The disease is diagnosed equally in both children and adults, but children and adolescents are in the main risk group.

Curvature of the cornea is characterized by a pronounced clinical picture, however, it should also be noted that the symptoms are rather nonspecific, therefore for precise setting diagnosis requires a series of diagnostic measures. Self-medication, use of advice traditional medicine are excluded. Not a single medication, let alone a folk remedy, can provide the necessary therapeutic effect, regardless of the degree of development. On early stages vision correction possible with glasses or lenses.

Treatment of keratoconus of the eye is carried out using radical methods - surgery and wearing special lenses. In most cases, the prognosis is favorable, but much depends on the patient himself - when he applied for qualified help and how accurately you followed the doctor’s recommendations.

According to the international classification of diseases, tenth revision, this pathological process belongs to a separate group. Thus, the ICD-10 code is H18.6.

Clinicians identify several theories for the development of such a pathological process:

  • metabolic;
  • immunological;
  • endocrine;
  • hereditary

However, the exact causes of the pathology have not been established.

In general, clinicians identify the following predisposing factors that can lead to thinning of the cornea:

  1. microtrauma of the cornea.
  2. excessive and uncontrolled use medications, namely glucocorticoids.
  3. improper performance of certain ophthalmological operations.
  4. prolonged direct exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  5. exposure to radiation.

In addition, the following pathological processes can provoke such a disease:

  • Addison's syndrome;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • retinopathy;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • Leber's amaurosis of congenital type;
  • Down syndrome.

It should also be noted that none of the above etiological factors is not the main reason for the development of such a pathological process. Due to the fact that the exact etiological picture of this disease has not been established, there are no specific preventive measures.


Due to the occurrence of pathology, the following forms are distinguished:

By prevalence there are:

In most cases, a bilateral course of the disease is diagnosed.

Also, in a child or adult, the course of the pathology is considered according to the division into stages:

  1. 1st degree – symptoms of irregular astigmatism.
  2. 2nd degree – decrease in visual acuity to 04-01. Vision correction with lenses is still possible, but takes longer.
  3. Grade 3 – the cornea is already thin, there is also a cone-shaped protrusion of this segment. Vision decreases to 0.12-0.02.
  4. Grade 4 – vision correction with lenses is impossible. There is a decrease in vision to levels 0.02-0.01 .

The degree of corneal curvature is also classified as follows:

As for the protrusion itself, here are the following possible types:

The nature of the pathological process can be acute or chronic. In this case it is acute form poses the greatest danger, since the development clinical picture occurs quite rapidly, which leads to hydrocele of the cornea with subsequent scarring.


In this case, the clinical picture begins to appear externally when the cornea is already deformed. The symptoms are as follows:

  • irregular astigmatism;
  • development of myopia;
  • double vision;
  • image distortion, multi-contour;
  • visual hallucinations – flashes of light, colored or dark spots, flies, multi-colored dots;
  • hypersensitive reaction to light stimuli;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • increased eye fatigue;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • decreased twilight vision acuity;
  • itching and burning;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the eye;
  • swelling of the cornea;
  • severe pain syndrome.

The course of the clinical picture in this case occurs in stages - initially the development of the pathological process begins in one eye and gradually moves to the other.

In most cases, the disease is not diagnosed in a timely manner, as it is characterized by a slow course and virtually asymptomatic onset. Severe corneal deformation may be present several years after the onset of the pathological process. In medicine, there are cases when thinning of the cornea has occurred after 15 years.

It is important to contact an ophthalmologist in the early stages, since in this case you can do without surgery - vision correction is carried out using glasses or lenses.


In order for the treatment of a thin cornea to be effective, a full examination should be carried out and the nature of the pathological process should be accurately determined.

The diagnostic program may include the following procedures:

  1. collection of personal and family history, careful study of the patient’s medical history.
  2. ophthalmometry.
  3. skiascopy.
  4. refractometry.
  5. biomicroscopy of the affected eye or both.
  6. optical CT of the cornea.
  7. CT and MRI.
  8. endothelial microscopy of the cornea.

Regarding standard laboratory research, then in this case they are not used, since they do not have diagnostic value regarding this disease.

Regarding this disease, treatment methods will be selected based on what stage of development keratoconus is at. The first two use vision correction using special lenses. At the third stage, elimination of the pathology is still possible using conservative methods, but this will depend on the course of the clinical picture, the biological data of the patient himself, including his age.

Conservative therapy involves the following:

  • use of soft, semi-rigid or hard lenses;
  • antioxidants and immunomodulators are prescribed;
  • eye drops to improve visual acuity;
  • parabulbar injections;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures - medicinal phonophoresis and magnetic therapy.

If there is an acute form of keratoconus, then the following is urgently carried out:

  1. mydriatic injections.
  2. applying a tight bandage to the eye.

Surgical treatment of ophthalmic disease can be carried out using the following methods:

  • corneal crosslinking;
  • installation of corneal rings;
  • excimer laser procedure;
  • layered or penetrating keratoplasty;
  • strengthening the cornea of ​​the eye.

The choice of the method of carrying out the operation is carried out in individually, depending on the degree and form of the disease.

After surgery, the patient should adhere to general recommendations:

  1. carry out hygiene procedures carefully.
  2. Correctly apply a bandage with ointments to the operated eye.
  3. do not strain your eyes.
  4. sleep on the side opposite to the operated side.

You also need to remember that treating keratoconus with folk remedies is impossible. Some prescriptions can only be used as an adjunct to drug treatment during the postoperative period and after the approval or recommendation of the attending physician.

Provided that treatment is started promptly and correctly, the prognosis is positive - complete recovery occurs and vision is restored. Otherwise, the cornea atrophies, leading to vision loss.


Unfortunately, specific methods There is no prevention for this disease, since the exact etiological causes have not been established. You can reduce the risk of developing such a disease if you take good care of your vision, strengthen your immune system, and systematically undergo ophthalmologist.

In addition, it is very important to remember and follow this rule - if any symptoms occur, you need to seek competent medical help, and not carry out independent therapeutic measures.

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Keratoconus- a term made up of two Greek words: "kerato" and "konos", which are translated from Greek language, as in "cornea" and "cone". Actually, the name perfectly reflects the essence of the disease: with keratoconus, the cornea of ​​the eye, due to degenerative changes, becomes thinner and, instead of the normal spherical shape, takes on the shape of a cone.

Usually, similar problem occurs in adolescent children, but sometimes keratoconus can be found in very young children, and even in people in their thirties. Typically, the transformation of a spherical cornea into a cone occurs rather slowly, taking several years. True, sometimes there are cases of rapid development of the disease.

The first mention of the disease dates back to XVIII century(B. Mohort, Taylor), however, it was described in detail a century later, when the British ophthalmologist D. Nottingham in 1854 isolated it from the group of other corneal ectasia. Treatment for keratoconus in those days was carried out by cauterizing the cornea with a solution of silver nitrate, after which a thick bandage was applied to the eye and drops were prescribed that caused miosis.

A little later, the Frenchman Eugene Calt began working on the manufacture of a special glass shell, which, when placed on the eye, would flatten the conical top of the cornea and correct its shape. This experiment is considered to be the first mention of the treatment of keratoconus with contact lenses.

Symptoms of keratoconus

The initial sign of keratoconus is usually blurred vision, which cannot be corrected even with frequent changes of glasses. The identifying sign of this disease is the appearance of multiple phantom images, called monocular polyopia. This effect is especially common with visible objects of high contrast, for example, when viewing dark dots on a light background. In this case, instead of a single point, a person with keratoconus observes a picture with many chaotic images of it.

Causes of keratoconus

Serious research conducted in the field of keratoconus has not yet been able to establish exact reason occurrence of the disease. Several factors are believed to contribute to the occurrence of keratoconus, such as: genetic predisposition, corneal injuries, decreased function of the endocrine glands, viral infections (hepatitis B), stress, allergies, adverse effects external environment. Each of them can serve as a trigger for the development of the disease.

Video about the causes and symptoms of keratoconus

Classification of keratoconus

Today in ophthalmology there are at least five various classifications diseases, but the classification according to M. Amsler is most often used. It is based on the biomicroscopy features of the cornea with ophthalmometric changes. According to it, there are 4 stages of the disease:

  1. Stage one: visual acuity 0.1-0.5, with the possibility of correction with cylindrical glasses, corneal curvature - over 7.2 mm.
  2. Stage two: visual acuity up to 0.1-0.4, there is the possibility of correction with cylindrical glasses, thinning of the cornea and slight ectasia are possible, corneal curvature is 7.19-7.1 mm.
  3. Stage three: visual acuity 0.02-0.12, there is the possibility of correction only with hard-tolerate hard lenses, the radius of curvature of the cornea is 7.09-7.0 mm, noticeable protrusion of the cornea and its thinning, opacities in the Bowman's membrane.
  4. Stage four: terminal with opacities of the corneal stroma, damage to Descemet's membrane. The curvature of the cornea is no more than 6.9 mm, visual acuity is not corrected, amounting to 0.01-0.02.

In addition, it is customary to distinguish:

  • Anterior keratoconus(true). Him chronic course With pathological processes, occurring in Bowman's membrane. Its difference is in the occurrence of almost transparent ectasia.
  • Acute keratoconus(hydrops) - dropsy of the cornea. The condition is accompanied by damage to Descemet's membrane, when intraocular moisture, due to a change in barrier function, enters the layers of the cornea, causing clouding and swelling of the stroma.
  • Posterior keratoconus– an anomaly caused by underdevelopment of the mesoderm. It is distinguished by centrally formed thinning, sometimes in the shape of a saucer. The cornea is almost flat, optically weak. The condition has been stable for a long time.

Diagnosis of keratoconus

The development and improvement of special ophthalmological equipment for measuring the cornea and topographic mapping has greatly facilitated the diagnosis of keratoconus, which also has a positive impact on the choice of treatment methods.

Very often, the disease is almost impossible to detect in the earliest stages of its occurrence, since visual functions are almost unchanged. Most early sign Keratoconus, which does not go unnoticed by experienced specialists, is the difficulty in achieving maximum visual acuity in a patient, even in the case of ideally selected glasses.

Other symptoms confirming the presence of the disease include: thinning of the corneal stroma, deposits of hemosiderin in the basal layer of the corneal epithelium (Fleischer's ring), as well as perforation of Bowman's membrane. These signs are easily identified during examination using a slit lamp. In the diagnosis of keratoconus, special devices are also used: retinoscope, keratometer. With their help, signs of an abnormal shape of the cornea are identified.

In particular, the ultrasound method and the pachymetry method are certainly useful, which are very important for confirming the diagnosis, because they can be used to identify the degree of thinning of the cornea in persons with suspected keratoconus. Particularly suitable for this purpose are devices from Bausch & Lomb and Orbscan, which combine the capabilities different methods carrying out diagnostic examinations, which facilitates the detection of the disease.

Our ophthalmology clinic offers its patients all the most effective and proven methods of treating keratoconus used in world ophthalmology. By contacting the Clinic of Dr. Shilova, you can be confident in the professionalism of the doctors and 100% German technologies for your vision!

Treatment of keratoconus

Today, medicine cannot yet offer patients with keratoconus convincingly effective medicines, capable of preventing the development or curing this disease. However, its progress can be slowed down if you simply do not rub the sore eye.

If correction with glasses or soft contact lenses is ineffective, the patient may be offered conservative treatment keratoconus with hard contact lenses or surgical treatment of the disease. Surgery for keratoconus is particularly diverse and includes the following methods: penetrating and layered keratoplasty, implantation of intrastromal rings, asymmetric radial keratotomy, epikeratophakia, collagen cross-linking of the cornea.

Keratoconus and contact lenses

Distortion of visual objects in the early stages of the disease can be corrected with glasses for minor myopia and astigmatism caused by keratoconus. As the disease develops, the absolute choice of vision correction becomes constant wearing contact lenses. The selection of lenses is strictly individual, because there is no single design that is ideal for all types and stages of keratoconus.

Soft contact lenses . The use of such lenses is limited, because when covering the abnormal surface of the cornea, they take its shape. In this case, there is no space filled with tear fluid between the lens and the cornea, which reduces the efficiency of the refractive corneal surface.

Gas permeable hard contact lenses. This is the main method of vision correction for this disease. They help correct the abnormal shape of the cornea. In addition, hard lenses, in conjunction with tear fluid in the space between the lens and the corneal surface, become the new refractive surface of the eye.

Double layer lenses . Consisting of two layers, combined lenses are used in particularly difficult cases: with intolerance to hard lenses, thinning of the apex of the cornea, epithelial erosion, central opacities of the cornea. Such an optical system includes a hard lens and a soft one adjacent to the surface of the eye.

Radial keratotomy

Radial keratotomy is one of the surgical techniques for treating myopia, developed by the outstanding Soviet ophthalmologist S. Fedorov . To get rid of keratoconus, one of its modifications is used - asymmetric radial keratotomy (ARK). This is specific surgical procedure, with making micro-incisions on the cornea, smoothing or enhancing the irregularity of its shape. However, this operation is not widely used due to the high risk of complications and unstable results.


A new method that stops the development of keratoconus is corneal collagen cross-linking (C3R/CCL/CXL). This procedure helps to increase the rigidity of the cornea, allowing it to further resist deformation.

Keratoconus weakens and thins the cornea, and irregular astigmatism develops. When crosslinking, non-toxic riboflavin (B2) is used, which plays the role of a photosensitizer and dosed irradiation with UV rays, which causes free radicals to appear inside the tissue. The effect is to strengthen the bonds of collagen microfibrils of the corneal tissue, which helps to increase its rigidity.

Crosslinking is a gentle and fairly simple procedure. It is performed under local drip anesthesia. During the operation, a layer of epithelium is removed from the central part of the cornea. Before this, a riboflavin solution is used to saturate the stroma, followed by UV irradiation. Irradiation is performed using a calibrated instrument for approximately thirty minutes. The postoperative period is almost no different from that after PRK. The patient wears a protective lens and receives local drip treatment for at least three days to ensure rapid epithelization of the surgical wound.

In our clinic you can get advice and undergo treatment from world-class cornea specialists, Professor Tatyana Yurievna Shilova and the leading ophthalmologist in Germany - Doctor of Medicine, Professor Walter Secundo. At affordable prices and right in Moscow!

Intrastromal corneal rings

The method of implanting segments of special rings inside the cornea (keraring) has become the latest surgically correction of astigmatism caused by irregular keratoconus. The operation is a full-fledged alternative to corneal transplantation.

Today, 2 types of intracorneal rings are used: Intacs, with a hexagonal cross-section, and Ferrara Rings, with a triangular prism shape. Typically, the rings are implanted deep into the corneal stroma. Such operations are performed quickly and painlessly, under local anesthesia, on an outpatient basis.

For the procedure, a vacuum layer-by-layer dissector or femtosecond laser is used, with the help of which a special pocket for the rings is created. It is assumed that the effect of such rings is to create a buoyant pressure that flattens the top of the cone, making its shape more natural. Also, a large role in achieving the leveling effect belongs to the thickening of the overlying epithelium adjacent to the segments.

Corneal rings for keraring - Ferrara Rings and Intacs have many differences. So in the first case, the rings have a smaller radius of curvature and, when installed, there is less likelihood of aberrations occurring, which is explained by their prismatic shape. Ferrara Rings are smaller in size and this allows them to be placed closer to the corneal center, which provides greater effect. With their help, it is possible to correct myopia up to −12.0D, and this result is much better than that of Intacs rings. However, patients with larger pupil diameters may experience glare when installing Ferrara Rings. In this case, Intacs implantation is indicated.

The results of treatment with intrastromal rings are usually positive, with a significant reduction in the degree of astigmatism and improvement in visual acuity. Especially good results are achieved with mild and moderate degrees of keratoconus.

Among possible complications procedures can be called perforation of the anterior chamber, infection, the occurrence of aseptic keratitis and postoperative ring expulsion. If necessary, the rings are easily removed, after which the cornea returns to its original state.

Corneal transplantation

Corneal transplant surgery is called keratoplasty. When it is performed, the patient's damaged corneal tissue is replaced with healthy donor tissue. This significantly improves vision and relieves pain in the affected eye. Keratoplasty is indicated for severe deformation of the cornea due to disease, infection, trauma, or inadequate pretreatment.

The operation may involve removing part of the clouded corneal tissue (layered keratoplasty) or all layers completely (penetrating keratoplasty) and replacing it with a suitable graft. For keratoconus, a corneal transplant is required in 10-20% of cases.

The success of keratoplasty, after which the patient gains good vision, is at least 90%, which is a very high figure. Restoration of vision after keratoplasty does not occur immediately. This often takes several weeks or months; in very rare cases, the process can take a year.

The most common risks of surgery are:

  • Transplant rejection. The process occurs due to an attack immune system patient for a foreign element. Such cases are not at all uncommon and occur in every fifth person who has undergone a corneal transplant procedure. In most cases, after timely treatment, rejection can be avoided. The graft takes root and functions successfully. As treatment, steroid drugs are prescribed in drops, tablets, and sometimes in injections.
  • Transplant infection. The situation occurs when the sutures that hold the flap in place loosen or break and is extremely serious. If the infection does not respond to treatment, the transplanted graft may die, or in the worst case, possible loss of the eye.
  • Glaucoma. Application steroid drugs after transplantation, can cause a persistent increase in IOP, which gradually damages the optic nerve.
  • Retinal disinsertion. After penetrating keratoplasty, similar condition observed in only 1% of cases. It can be easily treated surgically.

Our clinic has developed a unique proprietary method for the treatment of keratoconus terminal stages, which allows you not only to preserve your own cornea and stop the disease, but also to significantly improve your vision - sign up for a consultation with Professor Tatyana Yuryevna Shilova today!