A unique drug without side effects, anandin for cats. Anandin: we treat inflammation in cats quickly and effectively

To the practitioner veterinarian a must have in your arsenal medicine with good therapeutic properties and low cost. A striking example This type of drug is Anandin.

This tool has proven to be effective method in the fight against multiple cat diseases. Thus, the use of Anandin has a universal effect on: the causative agent of the disease, the main stages of the development of the pathological process, activation of the protective resources of the animal’s body and healing processes.
Due to its composition, which includes several medicinal substances, and properties, Anandin is very popular in the treatment of feline diseases.
The drug has anti-inflammatory, regenerative and antimicrobial properties. Intended for the treatment of conjunctivitis and rhinitis in cats.
The medicine is a clear liquid without a pronounced odor and is available in glass bottles from 5 to 100 milliliters.

The beneficial effect of the drug is possible for the following reasons:

The interaction of several ingredients enhances pharmacological effect;
virtual absence toxic substances;
use complex means makes it easier medical manipulations, which consequently minimizes the stress on the cat.

Composition: 1 ampoule includes 200 mg of glucaminopropylcarbacridone.

pharmachologic effect

Anandin has wide range biological influence. The drug is recommended for the treatment the following diseases cats:
1. Acute, chronic bacterial and viral infections. Anandin suppresses the action and reproduction of almost all types of DNA and RNA genomic viruses (for example, viral hepatitis, polioencephalitis, all forms of canine distemper, etc.), staphylococcal endemics and various fungal infections.
2. Complications after suffering from severe viral diseases of various localizations (neurotropic, pantropic, dermatropic and other viruses).
3. Inflammatory diseases.
4. Slowing down regenerative processes.
5. Complex immunodeficiency conditions provoked by bacterial flora. The medication promotes the formation of T and B cells of the cat’s immune defense.

Dosage and method of use:

Depending on the purpose and disease of the cat, the drug is used in different ways.


Dose: 20 mg per kilogram of cat's weight once a day.

The course of treatment is 3 days and, if necessary, can be continued up to 6. For prophylaxis, the dose of the drug is 5-10 mg per kilogram of animal body weight.

After administration, the active substances of anandin instantly enter the blood, reaching maximum effect half an hour later. The drug is eliminated from the body after 15-20 hours.

Nasal drops and eye drops.

Depending on the disease, 2-4 drops are instilled:
- conjunctivitis - behind the lower eyelid, twice a day;
- rhinitis - into the nasal passages two to three times a day.
The course of treatment can last from five to seven days, and sometimes – 14 days. Once the cat recovers, treatment is stopped.

Ear drops.

Released auricle from scabs and crusts, and then instill 3 drops in each cat’s ear. For maximum impact, massage the base of the auricle. This treatment is performed twice a day for a week. If necessary, treatment can be repeated.
The drug, thanks to its antimicrobial, mildly irritating, immunostimulating and regenerating components in its composition, has therapeutic effect on tick pathogens in cats. It eliminates itching, inflammation, infection and irritation in your pet's ears.
Anandin is also used in the treatment and prevention of otitis media.


Apply thin layer on the damaged area and 3 cm around it, lightly rubbing into the affected surface. Skin areas are treated for 4-5 days 1-3 times daily.
Purpose – treatment inflammatory infections skin, fungal infections, burns, wounds, dermatitis, eczema and skin manifestations carnivore plague. It is applied without previous cutting of the fur and removal of dried crusts. After a week's course of treatment, the affected area on the skin is cleared and hair growth is noticeable.
Unlike other drugs of the Anandin group, the ointment has a shelf life of 1.5 years.
Along with anandin, you can take antibiotics, serums, sulfonamides and hormonal substances.

Contraindications and precautions

Anandin is completely non-toxic. It does not contribute to allergies and other side effects. No local irritating or sensitizing effects were detected. There are also no contraindications for use.

Anandin is toxic to fish and bees.

When working with ampoules and drops, generally accepted safety and personal hygiene rules must be followed.

Storage conditions

The medicine Anandin is stored at room temperature (up to 25 C), in a tightly closed package, protected from light and moisture, far from food products. After all necessary manipulations with the product, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
The shelf life of Anandin from the date of manufacture, subject to all storage conditions, is 2 years.

Research by veterinarians and scientists has already proven that medical drug Anandin for cats is effective medicine And prophylactic, which protects the health of our beloved little brothers.

Anandin - video instructions

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IN traditional medicine for prevention purposes, for treatment bacterial infections of various etiologies and genesis use special immunomodulatory agents complex action. For example, Anandin. This is a specific effective antiviral drug for the prevention and relief of symptoms of diseases and viral infections.

In traditional veterinary medicine it is used for the prevention and treatment of severe acute and chronic bacterial and viral infections and diseases in dogs and cats. of various origins, etiology (dermatotropic, neurotropic, pantropic diseases).

Anandin is also available as an ophthalmic, ear drops for animals. Used for the treatment of rhinitis, conjunctivitis of viral etiology.

Drops "Anandin"

Anandin exhibits high biological effectiveness against most species and classes of DNA and RNA viruses and bacteria. The main active ingredient is glucaminopropylcarbacridone (anandine). 1 ml contains 100 mg of anandin. Excipients: distilled water, methylene blue.

The veterinary drug should be stored in dark, dry places at temperatures from 0 to 24 degrees Celsius. Shelf life from the date of release is two years.

Pharmacological properties

The active component of the veterinary drug has a universal effect on various types of viruses, bacteria, and the main stages of development pathological processes, activates the body's defenses, accelerates recovery. Particularly effective on early stages diseases.

When administered intramuscularly, the veterinary drug quickly penetrates the bloodstream, spreads throughout the body, accumulates in tissues with maximum localization of pathogenic pathogenic agents. The maximum concentration in the blood occurs 50–70 minutes after administration.

Anandin activates the production of B and T cells immune system, thereby increasing the protective resource and resistance of the body. Accelerates regeneration processes, relieves inflammation, accelerates metabolic processes on cellular level, prevents the activity of harmful microorganisms, promotes faster recovery, increases natural resistance. The veterinary drug has pronounced antibacterial activity.

The active component has a negative effect on strepto-staphylococci and fungi various types.

Anandin is excreted from the body of animals after 15–22 hours unchanged in feces. Does not have metabolic, hepatotoxic, local irritant or embryotoxic effects. If the dosages specified in the annotation are followed, it does not provoke side effects. Refers to moderately toxic pharmacological drugs. Well tolerated by the body of warm-blooded animals.

Indications for use

In veterinary medicine, Anandin is prescribed to cats and dogs for the prevention and treatment of:

Anandin is also prescribed to prevent the development of inflammatory processes, complications caused by various types bacterial flora, in postoperative period after performing abdominal surgical operations. The veterinary drug can be prescribed for preventive purposes, as an immunomodulator, to activate protective forces, strengthening the immune system.

Anandin is administered to animals intramuscularly into the femoral muscle, in the withers area (between the shoulder blades) at the rate of 20 mg per 1 kg of animal body weight. The injection is given once a day for 3–6 days. The treatment regimen and duration of therapy depend on the form, type of infection, and severity clinical symptoms, age of pets. If necessary curative therapy repeat after 10–15 days at the same dosage. For the purpose of prevention, the veterinary drug is administered to cats in a dosage of 5–10 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

For the treatment of sick dogs, the dosage of Anandin is 0.2 ml per kilogram of weight. Administer intramuscularly once a day. The course of treatment is from 3 to 5 days.

Anandin can be used simultaneously with other pharmacological drugs: sulfonamides, antibiotics, specific immune serums, hormonal agents.


Anandin in extremely rare cases provokes side symptoms, profuse drooling, skin rashes, decrease physical activity, refusal to feed. Increased thirst, weakness is noted only when recommended dosages are not observed, as well as when the body is hypersensitive to active components medication. In case of allergies or other pronounced side effects, treatment is stopped. Before using a veterinary drug, be sure to consult a veterinarian!

Anandin is toxic to aquarium fish, bees

It is strictly forbidden to use veterinary medicine for treatment or prevention in chronic renal failure, pregnant and lactating animals. In case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, the veterinarian must select and prescribe another effective antibacterial agent.

Anandin is a drug that has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Quite often, Anandin is used to treat conjunctivitis, rhinitis of various etiologies and various inflammatory processes. In addition, with the help of this medicine you can regulate immunity and treat complications that arise from bacterial infections.

Veterinarians prescribe the use of Anandin to solve various problems with health or to prevent the development of pathogenic forms. Due to the wide spectrum of action, all groups of microorganisms are destroyed. This does not require the use of additional funds.

Features of the drug

Anandin has beneficial properties that give it maximum effectiveness incomparable to other analogues of the drug. To the main beneficial properties worth mentioning:

  • opportunity fast healing wounds, restoring the skin, restoring and making healthy appearance wool cover;
  • elimination of microorganisms of any kind and form;
  • the ability to stimulate the immune system and strengthen the body’s defense response and prevent the development of possible pathological processes;
  • combating inflammatory processes and restoring the tissue system.

Release forms

Anandin for cats is available in several forms:

The use of ear drops makes it possible to get rid of mites that provoke the development of ear scabies and cure otitis media.

Anandin should be instilled 3 drops into each ear in the morning, afternoon and evening. The duration of treatment is 4-7 days. During this time, the animal should recover completely.


The solution is administered intramuscular method. A single dose is 0.2 ml per kg of cat weight. For preventive purposes, the dosage can be 5-10 mg per kg of animal weight. Complete elimination of the drug occurs 20 hours after the injection.

Eye drops

To treat conjunctivitis, the drug must be instilled a few drops behind the lower eyelid in the morning and evening. For rhinitis, a couple of drops are prescribed in each nostril in the morning, afternoon and evening. The duration of treatment is 5-7 days.

At severe form ailment, the course of therapy can be 12-14 days.

Anandin ointment

The medicine is rubbed over and around damaged areas of the body several times a day. The duration of treatment is 4-7 days.

Eye and intranasal drops are often used in the treatment of rhinitis and conjunctivitis.

Contraindications and side effects

Before use, you should read the instructions completely. Anandin is absolutely non-toxic and does not harm the health of your furry friend. However, unwise use of the drug in excess of the recommended dosage may cause health problems.

An overdose of topical drops and ointments may cause noticeable irritation and dryness. skin. An overdose of tablets or injection solution contributes to the occurrence of intoxication of the body.

Adverse reaction to injection solution It occurs extremely rarely, but you should still strictly adhere to the recommended dose in order to avoid health problems for your pet.

The main contraindications include:

  • the occurrence of kidney disorders;
  • intolerance to one of the components that are included in the composition.

Advantages and disadvantages of Anandin

Medicine Anandin has a number of advantages, namely:

  • multifunctionality, the ability to be used on different parts bodies;
  • efficiency;
  • the ability to select a convenient form of release and a combination of drops and ointments to achieve maximum effectiveness;
  • practically complete absence contraindications and rare side effects.

Among the disadvantages, one can highlight only the inability to use Anandin for a long time. This is the only disadvantage of the drug, which effectively copes with big amount diseases. Veterinarians prescribe Anandin to treat not only cats, but also dogs. In both cases, the effectiveness of therapy is at a high level.

The drug has practically no worthy analogues. When treating with Anandin, third-party additives are not used.


Injectable 10% aqueous, transparent, green solution, 1 ml of which contains 100 mg of glucoaminopropylacridone as an active ingredient. Packaged in ampoules of 2 ml (200 mg), which are placed in cardboard boxes of 3 ampoules.


The active principle of the drug anandin is a synthetic low-molecular-weight cytokine inducer. Anandin has an exceptionally broad spectrum biological action. The drug is highly active against almost all classes of DNA and RNA genomic viruses, as well as staphylococcal infections and a number of fungal infections. Anandin is recommended primarily as a specific antiviral drug for the treatment of severe viral infections of various localizations (dermatropic, neurotropic, pneumotropic and pantropic viruses), as well as infections associated with immunodeficiency states. After intramuscular injection anandin quickly penetrates the blood, reaching maximum level in 0.5 hours. The drug has the property of stimulating the formation of T and B cells of the animal’s immune system, i.e., exhibiting antiviral activity by increasing the body’s immune defense. The drug accelerates regenerative processes and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Anandin is excreted unchanged from the body after 16-20 hours. Non-toxic, does not cause allergic reactions.


Treatment and prevention of all forms of canine distemper, canine parvovirus infection, canine viral hepatitis and other viral diseases. Treatment of complications caused by bacterial flora in animals that have suffered severe viral diseases. To accelerate regenerative processes, and in case of disruption of the body's immune defense.


To sick dogs, the drug is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 20 mg per 1 kg of animal weight (0.2 ml per 1 kg of weight), regardless of age, once a day. The course of treatment is 3 days in a row, with delayed treatment the period can be extended to 4 - 6 days. Antibiotics, sulfonamides, hormones and serums can be used together with anandine.


At correct use and dosage side effects, as a rule, are not observed.


Severe renal failure.


No special precautions are required.


With caution (list B). In a dry, dark place, inaccessible to children and animals, at a temperature of 0 to 25 ° C. Shelf life: 2 years.


Scientific Research Society "Mediter", Russia.

Address: 186020, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, sh. Podbelskogo, 9.

Address for correspondence: 195297, St. Petersburg, PO Box 359.

Anandin is a drug that has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating and antiviral effect. Prescribed for the treatment and prevention of conjunctivitis, rhinitis of various etiologies and various other inflammatory processes; to regulate the immune system; for the treatment of complications caused by bacterial flora; for the treatment of otodectosis (getting rid of ticks) - Anandin plus.

Active substances

  • Anandin ear drops. Main active substance Anandina is an antibiotic gramicidin C. In addition, the drug contains Excipients that suppress development inflammatory process and help restore the body.
  • Anandin solution for injection. The main effect of Anandin is regulation defensive reactions body. Penetrating into the blood, Anandin ensures the formation of T and B cells of the cat’s immune system, thus increasing immunity.
  • Nasal and eye drops Anandin and Anandin ointment. Anandin contains an interferon inducer and helps suppress the inflammatory process and heal wounds.

Release form

Anandin comes in the form eye drops(5 ml bottles), ear drops (5 ml bottles), ear ointment (10 g vials) and injection solution (in ampoules of 1, 2, 5 ml, 3 pcs per package or bottles of 5, 10, 100 ml) , which are packaged in cardboard packaging.

As a rule, instructions for use of the drug Anandin are present in the form of a leaflet or written on the package itself. In case it got lost, we share it here.

Ear drops

It is used to get rid of mites, which are the causative agents of ear scabies, and. Anandin is instilled 3 drops into the ear twice or thrice a day. Continue the course of treatment from four days to a week until the cat recovers.


The solution must be administered intramuscularly, at a dosage of 0.2 ml per 1 kg of animal weight (20 mg/kg) once. For preventive purposes, a dosage of 5-10 mg/kg can be used. The drug completely leaves the body after 20 hours.

Nasal and eye drops

When treating conjunctevitis, Anandin is instilled 2-3 drops behind the lower eyelid twice a day, when treating rhenitis - 2-4 drops into each nostril two or three times a day. The course of treatment lasts from five days to a week, in severe cases up to two weeks until the cat recovers completely.

Anandin ointment

The drug is rubbed over the damaged surface and around it 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts from 4 days to a week.

Contraindications and side effects

If you follow the instructions, there are no side effects. In rare cases, it may appear allergic reaction in animals sensitive to the components of the drug.

Anandin in the form of an injection solution is contraindicated in cats with severe renal failure.

Anandin for cats – reviews

Review of Anandin for cats, writes Svetlana. Our cat Fluffy is very affectionate, so when he stopped letting me approach him and wouldn’t let me pet him, I was very surprised. I noticed that he often began to scratch his ears, and then I consulted a doctor. It turned out he had otodectosis. The doctor advised us to buy Anandin ear drops. The cat accepted the treatment calmly, and most importantly, there were no side effects. A week later, Fluff became affectionate again, and his ears no longer bothered him.

Review of Anandin for cats, writes Ekaterina. My cat was sneezing a lot, her eyes were sore and her nose was stuffy. To quickly get rid of these unpleasant problems, I consulted a veterinarian, and he recommended Anandin eye drops. After 4 days, the cat began to recover, and a week later she was completely healthy.

Anandin price for cats

Anandin packaging:

  • in the form of ear drops (5 ml) – about 65 rubles.
  • in the form of a solution for injection (3 amps of 2 ml) - about 165 rubles.
  • in the form of an ointment (10 g) – about 70 rubles.
  • in the form of eye and intranasal drops (5 ml) – about 60 rubles.

Storage conditions

Store separately from food at temperatures from -5 to 20 (ointment) degrees Celsius and from 0 to 25 (eye and intranasal drops, injection solution and ear drops) degrees Celsius, out of direct contact sun rays, out of the reach of children.

Shelf life from the date of production is 2 years (eye and intranasal drops, injection solution and ear drops) and 1.5 years (ointment).