Canine parvovirus vaccine. Parvovirus enteritis in dogs: symptoms, treatment, vaccinations

Parvovirus enteritis in dogs, it develops as a result of infection by a pet with a virus from the Parvoviridae family. His pet can “pick up” both from an unvaccinated mother and during a walk. Adult animals are less susceptible to this disease, however, if they lack immunity to the parvovirus pathogen, there is a risk of death. Today we will tell you in detail about the symptoms and treatment of a dog from parvovirus enteritis.

In most cases, a puppy becomes infected from an obviously sick animal.(from the canine family) or from a sick person. Even if the puppy is cured, it is still a danger to other dogs for a long time. The virus is released into the environment with faeces, urine or milk (in the case of a sick mother). And in excrement, it persists for more than ten days. It is enough for an animal to smell or lick the transmission factor, and it will become infected.

In addition to animals, humans can also transmit the virus. bring home on shoes, stroke a sick animal. And how many dogs become infected at exhibitions or competitions? Small puppies can "pick up" the infection from their unvaccinated mother.

It can take about ten days from the moment the puppy enters the body of the parvovirus until the first symptoms of enteritis appear. It's called latent incubation period. During this time, the pathogen "gains strength", actively multiplies, increases its "number" before attacking the body. More often register an acute course, chronic enteritis is much less common. Usually everything happens very quickly. And if you don't provide it in time veterinary care to your pet, then fatal outcome too likely.


At the very beginning, the symptoms of parvovirus enteritis in a dog are almost invisible. Only attentive owners notice how the behavior of the baby changes. Puppies that are two to ten months old are most susceptible. Babies become lethargic, appetite almost completely disappears. Puppy is not up to games. However, not always. Sometimes such cases are recorded when the animal remains cheerful, active and eats well.

The body temperature rises. Normally, in a puppy, it ranges from 37.5 to 39 degrees. In this case, do not pay attention to the nose. Many mistakenly believe that if the nose is cold, then the animal does not have a fever. However, remember yourself in a moment of chill. You are cold, you are shaking, your limbs are almost ice cold, and your temperature is high. The same can happen in animals. Therefore, it is necessary to believe only the numbers on the thermometer. If the indicator is over 39, then go to the veterinarian as soon as possible. In any case, an inflammatory process has begun, which requires immediate relief.

However, parvovirus enteritis in dogs is not always accompanied by fever. Often it remains normal until the death of the pet. Therefore, it is so important to know what other symptoms a dog has enteritis.

Symptoms of Parvovirus Enteritis in Dogs Manifestation of symptoms
Most bright symptom- this is the arching of the dog when stroking its back The pet tightens its tail, arches. The abdomen is very painful on palpation. This is because the virus infects the small intestine. An inflammatory process occurs in it, it swells, becomes painful.

Due to the fact that inflammation of the intestines has begun, the digestion of food is disturbed. On the first day, vomiting may begin. In it you can find pieces of undigested food. Gradually, vomiting becomes gray and viscous.

Diarrhea The next symptom of enteritis in a dog is watery diarrhea. Its color is initially yellowish, on the surface there are greenish streaks. These veins are pieces of inflamed intestinal mucosa. The color of the diarrhea changes to bloody. The smell of rot appears. This is due to the fact that the intestine dies. Processes instantly develop, which is why chronic enteritis is recorded extremely rarely.
Refusal of food, water. Dehydration. The pet not only stops eating, but also refuses water. Because of constant vomiting and diarrhea starts dehydration. It is easy to recognize him. Visible mucous membranes (in the mouth and eye) become dry, dull. The cornea also ceases to shine. If the body is dehydrated, the animal will die very quickly.
Abdominal pain Because of inflamed intestine Have dogs hurts not only he, but and stomach. It is very painful for a pet to lie down, so he has to stand all the time. He rests his head on the corner and stands in this position for many hours. Death can occur within a day, a maximum of three from the moment the first symptoms of enteritis appeared in the dog. That is why it is so important to schedule effective treatment enteritis in dogs.
Rumbling in the stomach Sometimes puppy owners talk about hearing a strong rumbling in the baby's stomach. But there is practically no pain in the abdomen. But the animal still refuses food and water. In contrast to the acute course of the disease, in the "chronic" one, the appearance of vomiting is noted only on the third or fourth day after the first clinical signs appear. Pulse and respiration increase slightly, death occurs on the fourth or fifth day. The cause is heart failure. With this form, there is no diarrhea. Or it appears almost before death itself.

Is it worth saying that the disease is very serious? If you find 1 or more obvious symptoms of parvovirus enteritis in a dog, you should immediately consult a doctor and start treating the animal.


How to treat parvovirus enteritis in dogs? As you remember from the above, the death of an animal can occur both on the first day after the first clinical signs, and on the third. Do not put off treatment for enteritis in dogs until the next day, because tomorrow may not come for the puppy. Do not self-medicate. Required efficient scheme treatment.

Vaseline oil

Be sure to keep calm. The doctor may recommend the use Vaseline oil(sunflower "works" somewhat worse) inside or in the form of an enema. This will help wrap the intestines. As a result, the virus does not penetrate the walls of the mucosa, and the toxic contents of the intestine are not absorbed. Just don't do it unless your veterinarian has told you to. Don't force feed.

Saline solutions

It is necessary to give saline solutions inside. Pharmacies (including those for humans) are full of powders that are designed to be used in case of dehydration. They contain not only salt, but also glucose, as well as trace elements that are necessary to maintain normal osmotic pressure in cells. During vomiting and diarrhea, not only water is excreted, but also sodium and potassium. As a result, the work of the heart is disrupted. It is necessary to give such a solution in small portions and very often (every 10-15 minutes). You can't solder everything at once. You can give with a spoon, you can pour a little into the mouth with a syringe (of course, without a needle).

Other drugs

If the animal is in severe pain, then an antispasmodic will help. For example, no-shpa or analgin, only necessarily in solution. There is no point in giving medicines through the mouth. Either vomiting will begin, or it simply will not be absorbed in the digestive tract due to too fast removal of the contents from the intestines.

However, you must understand that these drugs are not the main treatment for parvovirus enteritis in dogs, but only a secondary one that removes symptoms.

Parvovirus enteritis can be "destroyed" only with the help of specific serum, which contains ready-made antibodies. These antibodies are obtained from the blood of recovered animals. Without immunoglobulins or serum, it is impossible to cure a dog.


Instead of eating, it is necessary to give a solution of glucose or ascorbic acid to drink in small portions. This will help support vitality. After application specific treatment a veterinarian's supervision is necessary for another week. Vitamins and antibiotics may be prescribed. The antibiotic will not kill parvovirus, but it will cope with a secondary infection bacterial origin, which complicates the disease, causing additional complications.

It is necessary to carry out treatment as soon as possible so that there are no serious complications. Enteritis in dogs will not go away on its own, but it can easily take the life of a puppy. Therefore, do not neglect vaccination. It is necessary to vaccinate both the mother (before pregnancy) and the puppies (after weaning from the nursing mother).

Please note that the article is devoted specifically to the parvovirus type. There are other types.

Do you have any questions? You can ask them to our website staff veterinarian in the comment box below, which in as soon as possible will answer them.

  • Eugene 08:43 | 24 Mar. 2019

    Hello. Please tell me what could happen to the dog, on March 20 diarrhea started, once it vomited, and I had to often take it outside, where the dog sat down to go to the toilet little by little. The next day, the diarrhea continued, they were also often taken out, now the situation is like this that the dog’s feces are of a thin consistency, not like water, but liquid, but he often doesn’t ask to be removed. 7 years old, not untied, and not castrated, we don’t give any pills, after a walk he becomes overexcited, and jumps on his leg imitating sexual intercourse and yesterday, during the imitation, he splashed the floor with red drops that looked like blood, felts like blood. This has never happened before. dog, and what to do, please help with advice. Thanks in advance.

  • Xu 17:13 | 22 Feb. 2019

    Hello, we bought a Beagle puppy 2 months old. They took from Moscow without documents for themselves, upon arrival the puppy became worse after eating a little diarrhea began. The vet diagnosed the parvovirus. A dropper and 7 injections, I don’t remember which ones I remember, just vitamins, an antibiotic, an antiviral immunomodulator, and something else. In general, the first 2 days after the droppers, we were weakened to eat the first day I didn’t eat anything at all the second day Royal Canin Gastro is a teaspoon, but we diluted with some water and fed a little bit, they also gave a liquid 10 ml pribiotic somewhere Also a little bit through a syringe. The puppy sleeps more during the day, not active, in the evening he tries to run around to play, well, as far as it turns out, the truth is, because there is no strength. today is the 3rd day of droppers and we vomited during the drop, then we vomit all day, well, how she vomits toli so sneezes roofing felts just a lot of saliva comes with an admixture of blood, she drinks water herself, but we feed quite a bit also through a syringe and also give a biotic in the evening become active. Tell me if the puppy is on the mend, can something else be done to help the baby?

  • Good day, please help. The dog fell ill with parvovirus Internet, I would like to know about the complications of this disease. The dog won't get up. Even when you help her, her legs still part

Parvovirus enteritis in dogs - they began to get sick relatively recently. Only in 1978 did the first outbreaks of the epidemic appear. And, despite the fact that this virus was very similar to mink enteritis and panleukopenia, which cats suffered from, its nature was very different from these varieties.

But the disease itself is dangerous. Since ignoring the problem can lead to the death of the animal. In this case, the dog begins to dry out before our eyes. To avoid this, you need to contact your veterinarian, but first you need to know what kind of disease it is.

Why infection occurs

The virus travels from one animal to another. Those. An infected dog can easily transmit the pathogen to another dog. When healthy pet is charged from a healthy dog, after 2 or 3 weeks his body begins to vomit profusely, go to the toilet often, excreting with vomiting and loose stools great amount microbes. Thus, the virus enters the environment. But excretion is not one of the forms of infection of the animal. Clothes, shoes, dirty toys, etc. All of these can lead to infection.

This is one of the most strong viruses. Its shell can withstand both low and high temperatures (up to +100 o C). Once in the dog's body, its incubation period lasts from 4 to 10 days (in puppies this period lasts much longer - from 1 to 2 months). But the first symptoms appear on the third day.

Puppies have very small body weight. Therefore, the quantity deaths among them are much more than in adults.

Symptoms of parvovirus enteritis in dogs

The disease in each pet can occur in different form. Therefore, the disease itself is divided into several groups:

  1. intestinal form;
  2. heart shape;
  3. mixed form.

The intestinal form implies an acute and subacute course of the disease. In this case, the owner can watch the dog refuse food and water. In this case, the intestinal mucosa is the concentration of the virus. It cuts off the intestinal wall, as it were, causing bloody diarrhea. At the same time, the dog, trying to defecate, feels very severe pain. A few days continued incessant vomiting.

One or two days after infection, the dog begins to run frequently to the toilet, sometimes under him. At the same time, the stool is liquid, with impurities of mucus, brownish in color, with an admixture of blood. Kal acquires fetid odor. These symptoms lead to the fact that the body of the dog begins to dehydrate. The dog is weakening, losing weight. All these symptoms are accompanied by both pulmonary and cardiovascular insufficiency.

For a dog, the 3rd-5th days are considered the most difficult days. It is at this time that problems in the gastrointestinal tract begin. Therefore, to restore digestion, it takes about three days. Then the pet's body begins to slowly recover. But only if there are no other complications.

The cardiac form appears most often in puppies from 1 to 2 one month old. In this case, they begin to have heart problems, when parvovirus enteritis in dogs proceeds very quickly. Parvovirus enteritis in puppies is similar to the symptoms of adult dogs. They refuse to eat. Even mother's milk can't drink. The heart begins to beat hard, it is difficult for them to breathe, heart failure occurs. After 1-2 days, the puppy dies.

The mixed form implies the presence of symptoms of the cardiac and intestinal forms. Those. the spread of the virus occurs in the digestive, cardiac, and even in the respiratory system. Such problems in pets occur when insufficient antibodies are produced in the body.

Most often this happens in the first months of birth, in puppies whose mothers are not vaccinated. But the virus can enter along with other diseases when the body spends most strength to fight all infections at once. The temperature in a dog can rise to 40 ° C and above. It does not fall for 2 - 3 days, but after that it returns to normal. If the disease is very difficult for the pet, after a few days the temperature drops to 37 ° C.

When blood is taken from a dog for analysis, you can see that the number of leukocytes drops sharply. But if the immune system is strong enough to resist the virus, then after a few days their number increases.

How to identify the disease

Unfortunately, the methods by which the disease is detected are this moment not effective enough. During the diagnosis, antibodies begin to appear only on the 4th or 6th day. And this is already late dates. If the disease proceeds in a very high-speed form, 95% of puppies can simply die.

But now abroad begin to practice new methods for detecting this disease. Among them:

  • enzyme immunoassay;
  • radioimmune method;
  • hemagglutination inhibition reaction;
  • detection of the virus in the blood and feces.

All these diagnostic methods are aimed at identifying the CVP-2 virus. Hematological diagnostics is considered an atypical method for detecting a virus. With the help of it, not the virus itself is caught, but the number of leukocytes in the blood is determined. Their deficiency indicates an infection. For the reliability of the results, it is recommended to take a sample several times, but make an interval of 12-18 hours. The veterinarian may outward signs determine the symptoms of the disease.

Therefore, it is recommended to undergo a preventive examination by a veterinarian in order to identify the disease even before it has passed into active form. Because puppies that grow individually can die in 60% of cases. And when the treatment of the dog is delayed, the mortality rate increases significantly.

How to Treat Parvovirus in Dogs

Treatment of a dog's disease involves complex maintenance of the body, removal of the infectious agent and normalization of all affected organs. In this case, antiviral therapy, a course of restorative drugs, and symptomatic treatment are prescribed for the dog.

Antiviral therapy (etiotropic) includes drugs that will strengthen the immune system to support the immune system. Those. the body will begin to excrete the infection through the urine. In this case, immunoglobulins are suitable. A one-time, but strong dose of the drug is better.

Ediotropia involves the artificial introduction of interferons, which will reduce the activity of the virus itself while the body produces antibodies. Depending on the severity of the disease, the veterinarian may prescribe the parallel use of these two stimulants.

Drugs that increase white blood cells in the blood can improve the condition of the pet. Since the virus destroys blood cells, this group of medications normalizes their number, allowing you to fight the disease. Restorative therapy (pathogenetic therapy) is aimed at restoring the lost elements in the dog's body.

Recovery water balance is an important procedure. After all, during an illness, a pet loses a lot of fluid. But water alone cannot cure a dog. Rehydrating solutions should contain elements such as potassium, sodium, calcium and restore alkaline environment blood. It is necessary to introduce rehydrating agents by heating to a temperature of 37 - 40 ° C.

Solutions are administered intravenously or subcutaneously (when it is not possible to administer the solution intravenously, for this different areas the body of the dog is pierced with a solution in the amount of 10 - 20 ml.).

Veterinarians practice abdominal administration of the solution. But for this, the drug is heated to a temperature of 37 - 40 ° C. There should be a little solution. Large volumes can kill the animal. Before the procedure abdominal cavity it is recommended to lubricate with novocaine to remove the pain threshold.

As soon as the animal begins to recover, rehydrating solutions can be gradually instilled through the mouth. This procedure is possible when the dog stops vomiting. At this point, the veterinarian may prescribe medications that protect or coat the intestinal wall.

Elimination of intoxication of the body. Parvovirus enteritis poisons the dog's body with very strong toxins. In order for the dog to recover, it is necessary to remove this poison from the body. To do this, the pet needs to inject gemodez into rehydrating solutions. Its volume should be from 25 to 30%. In addition, the dog can be given glutamic acid. To make harmful substances less absorbed into the mucous membranes, it is recommended to put cleansing enemas.

Hormones restore water-salt exchange and reduce hyperergic reactions. Corticosteroids are best suited for this procedure. They are recommended to be taken once or for short period(usually 2-4 days).

Symptomatic therapy involves getting rid of the pet from the manifestations of the symptoms of the disease. For example, if a dog starts to vomit, antiemetic drugs are prescribed. To suppress the signals to the vomiting center, the veterinarian prescribes antihistamines. If the mucous membranes bleed, prescribe drugs that stop internal bleeding.

In order for a pet to bring down the temperature, which has risen above 40 ° C, it is necessary to drink antibiotics. This will get rid of germs that spread the infection. The principle of operation of drugs is that heat body is a natural reaction of the body to a foreign infection.

But some viruses die when the body artificially raises its body temperature. The body fights infection. But when it exceeds allowable rate For a pet, this can be fatal. Therefore, getting rid of the virus automatically lowers body temperature.

Problems with cardiovascular activity are solved thanks to drugs that normalize the work of the myocardium. But not yet developed for puppies similar means. But medicines in order to keep the myocardium in good shape is indicated for all ages.

Contraindications for the use of drugs

Before taking drugs, you should know that there are drugs that are contraindicated for dogs:

  • if the dog has vomiting attacks, any means that are introduced through the mouth are contraindicated;

This only applies to drugs. In especially severe cases, the pet is prescribed a dropper, but he is obliged to drink water. But if the body also rejects water, then it must be introduced with the help of rehydrants.

  • if in the dog's body began inflammatory processes, they are completely contraindicated in corticosteroids (these drugs reduce the activity of the immune system);
  • tetracycline is contraindicated if the dog has hemorrhages.

Despite the severity of the problem, the disease in pets is very difficult. This affects general condition dog. Therefore, treatment should be comprehensive and as effective as possible. If the dog was provided timely, carried out in accordance with all the rules, assistance, the pet is on the mend in the coming days. But, if the treatment could produce the opposite effect, the animal dies.

Nutrition during infection

Complete nutrition through the mouth is possible only when the urge to vomit stops. These symptoms indicate that the dog is on the mend. This usually happens on the third day after he was helped.

When the dog begins to ask, whine plaintively, in no case should you succumb to provocations. If you start feeding your pet food that was normal for him before infection, he may simply die.

Another point in feeding the dog during treatment are relatives. All of them are considered potential "enemies". The child does not understand the problem as a whole. He sees only the "poor dog" who is hungry. If you have a country house, it is better to provide treatment there, away from prying eyes. The dog's diet should consist of a balanced dietary food. Ready feed that have been certified are sold in pet stores.

The main rule: feeding should be voluntary. In no case should you force food into your mouth. The owner should remember that at this stage the dog's stomach is one continuous wound. Therefore, you need to feed your pet with care.

This diet should continue until the stomach heals. It usually takes about 4 weeks. However, depending on the severity of the disease, medical practice There are cases when a dog went on a diet for the rest of his life.

The pet's diet includes:

  • reduction of carbohydrate (flour) food;
  • adding to the diet fermented milk products, but at the same time completely remove cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt;
  • low-fat vegetable broths, but chicken soups are allowed;
  • boiled vegetables, enveloping porridge, which are usually boiled in water;
  • boiled meat, which is added last.

It should be remembered that any food is served in a crushed state. Even meat. It is generally better to mix with other vegetables and cereals.

During the diet, the dog is prohibited from:

  • overfeed, i.e. break her diet
  • add various seasonings to dog food;
  • add flour products to the diet;
  • give bones in any form;
  • give your pet fatty foods.


The problem with the enteritis virus is that even after the death of a pet, it can safely move around the house for 6 months. Therefore, before starting new dog should be considered:

  • puppies from the age of 6-10 months. it is better not to start;
  • until the virus has completely disappeared, new animals are contraindicated for this room;
  • the bitch who brought the puppies must be vaccinated (the owner must show the certificate);
  • it is recommended to carry out disinfestation of the premises where the animal infected with enteritis died;
  • use interspectin.


Since the virus is transmitted from one dog to another, you should not walk your pet in places where unvaccinated dogs walk.

Before the exhibition, all dogs are kept in quarantine without exception. The period is 30 days. And pets are allowed to such exhibitions, when the owners have documents on hand, indicating a favorable state of health and the presence of all necessary vaccinations (including against parvovirus enteritis).

The dog must be kept clean. Regular disinfection of premises, organized feeding reduces the risk of infection with an infectious agent. To do this, use a 2% or 3% sodium solution. Sodium hydroxide or formaldehyde may also be used.

All puppies must be vaccinated according to the vaccination schedule. If it turns out that the dog is ill, it is isolated, and the room is treated with disinfectant solutions daily. You can prevent it by strengthening your pet's immune system. To do this, you need to add all the necessary minerals and vitamins to the dog's diet.


Parvovirus enteritis in dogs is very dangerous disease. Deaths occur much more often than from other diseases. This is due to the fact that microbes are resistant to any environment, and their diagnosis is problematic. Even after the death of the dog, he can live in the house for another six months. Therefore, timely assistance provided to a pet can save his life.

Parvovirus enteritis is a very dangerous viral disease, often fatal, in which the virus gastrointestinal tract and the heart muscle, there is severe dehydration (loss of fluid) of the body, the destruction of white blood cells - leukocytes.

This is one of the most dangerous pathologies viral origin, with a possible fatal outcome for puppies, from all related to the section - diseases of dogs.

How infection occurs

The greatest danger of infection is through direct contact directly with a sick animal. After infection, an infected dog excretes millions of viruses with diarrhea, vomiting, within 2-3 weeks. The virus can be transmitted through objects of the external environment - carried on clothing, human shoes, transmitted through toys and other things. Parvovirus is very resistant, does not break down when frozen, withstands temperatures up to +100°C for quite a long time (up to 3 days).

In adult dogs, the incubation period (the time from the moment of infection until the first clinical signs appear) can last 4-10 days, in puppies aged 1-2 months Clinical signs appear already on the 2nd-3rd day and due to their very small body weight they have the highest percentage of the lethal outcome of the disease.


The clinical signs of this disease can be expressed in varying degrees Therefore, it is customary to conditionally divide the forms of the course of parvovirus enteritis into intestinal, cardiac and mixed, depending on the prevailing symptoms.

For the intestinal form, the most typical, both acute and subacute course of the disease are characteristic. The dog refuses food and water. The reason for refusal is a severe hemorrhagic lesion (the virus removes the intestinal mucosa, which leads to bloody diarrhea) in the colon and small intestine causing severe pain. One of the main symptoms is indomitable vomiting for several days.

After one or two days, the sick animal begins severe diarrhea, lasting up to 10 days. First time stool brownish, mucous, then become watery with an admixture of blood, a characteristic fetid odor appears. Prolonged diarrhea and vomiting cause severe dehydration of the body, as a result of which the basic functions of the body are impaired. A sick animal becomes very weak, emaciated, pulmonary and cardiovascular insufficiency manifests itself.

The most critical for the disease are usually 3-5 days, on the 3rd day blood appears in diarrhea, and it takes at least three days to restore the intestinal mucosa, then, with proper treatment, the process moves towards recovery if there are no complications from other organs and body systems .

The cardiac form usually affects puppies 1-2 months of age. This form of parvovirus enteritis is characterized by acute myocardial damage with a fulminant course of the disease.

Puppies stop eating and drinking, even refuse their mother's milk. There is a sharp weakness, irregular weak pulse, shortness of breath, heart failure. Lethal outcome occurs in 1-2 days.

With a mixed form, both the digestive, cardiac, and respiratory systems are affected. Often mixed form manifests itself in dogs with a weak immune system, in puppies born to unvaccinated females, or in the presence of a complex infection various types infections. Symptoms can be different, in addition to the previously described manifestations, another lesion is added respiratory tract(upper and lower).

AT initial stage disease, body temperature most often rises to 40-41.5 ° C and stays at this level for 2-3 days. After that, it either normalizes or falls below 37 ° C in especially severe cases.

A blood test in the first days of the disease shows a sharp decline the number of white blood cells (leukocytes), with a favorable course of the disease, the opposite phenomenon occurs after a few days - a significant increase in leukocytes in the blood.


The hyperacute form of the disease causes a lethal outcome of up to 95% in puppies with a group content, an individual content reduces this figure to 50-60%, with acute form mortality is 25-50% and 20-35%, respectively. If a subacute form develops with a longer course of the disease, then the likelihood of a favorable outcome increases significantly.

Since the disease can manifest itself in various forms, treatment is selected in each case individually, in accordance with the recommended complex system, developed on the basis of research conducted by domestic and foreign scientists.

  • Polyvalent immunoglobulins and sera are used (against canine distemper, viral hepatitis and parvovirus enteritis).
  • It is absolutely necessary to introduce physiological water-salt solutions with the addition of vitamins, glucose, etc. into the dehydrated body of a sick animal. 30-100 ml per 1 kg of animal body weight should be administered per day, hemostatic drugs are also used.
  • For breeding toxic substances from the body of a sick dog, the use of "Rheopoliglyukin", "Rheosorbilact", etc. is recommended.
  • To reduce the body's susceptibility to foreign proteins and antigens, it is necessary to use antihistamines.
  • The restoration of normal metabolism is stimulated by the use of multivitamins, biogenic substances.
  • Depending on the degree of manifestation of various clinical signs of the disease, antidiarrheal and antiemetics, painkillers, cardiac, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory. For all of these drugs recommended parenteral administration (injections).
  • The first 1-2 days after vomiting stops, the sick animal needs a starvation diet.

Feeding with enteritis

The diet provides the most benign mode for the damaged mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, for this, only easily digestible foods are included in the diet. natural products, which are given to the dog in small portions 4-5 times a day.

A day later, after the cessation of vomiting, the dog is prescribed therapeutic feeding. Proper nutrition during the recovery period ensures the restoration of impaired functions digestive system organism.


To avoid infection of puppies obtained from unvaccinated bitches, specific immunoglobulins and sera against canine parvovirus enteritis, both mono- and polyvalent, are used.

For the general prevention of intestinal infections of viral origin, especially in kennels, it is necessary to provide dogs with normal balanced diet, timely deworming, quarantine for new animals, maintaining cleanliness in dog rooms (including periodic disinfection, extermination of insects and rats).

Pathogen. DNA-containing virus belongs to the family Parvoviridae, genus Parvovirus. There are two types of canine parvovirus (PVA): PVA-1 and PVA-2. The most dangerous pathogenic PVS-2, which causes acute parvovirus enteritis in dogs. According to the immunogenic properties, PVA-2 is close to pathogens of cats and mink enteritis. The PVS-2 causative agent is very stable in the environment and at room temperature can persist in infected objects for 6 months (P.F. Suter, 1994, 1998; R.M. Gaskell, M. Bennett, 1996, 1999).

Resistance to disinfectants. The virus belongs to the 2nd group of resistance of pathogens of infectious diseases (see Table 1).

epidemiological data. As an independent disease, canine parvovirus enteritis was first registered in 1976 in Belgium, in 1978 in the USA, and then in 1978-1981. - in Australia, Canada, England, Italy, France, etc. In Russia, the disease was first registered around 1983. Currently, parvovirus enteritis of dogs is included in the group of 5 most common infectious diseases of dogs in Russia.

The source of the exciter. It is important to note that viral enteritis (gastroenteritis) in dogs can be caused not only by the PVS-2 pathogen, but also by other viruses: rotavirus, virus, mixed infections, etc. found: in 30% of cases - canine parvovirus, in 2.6% - canine distemper virus and in 2% - (P.F. Suter, 1994, 1998).

Infection. It occurs mainly by the fecal-oral route through PVA-infected food and water, as well as by contact - by sniffing and licking directly sick animals or environmental objects infected by them.

The incubation period for parvovirus enteritis is usually 4 to 10 days, and in 1-2 month old puppies - 1-3 days.

Pathogenesis. Dogs of any age are susceptible to the disease, but puppies between the ages of 2 and 16 weeks are most susceptible to the disease. This is due to the fact that the PVA-2 pathogen multiplies especially rapidly in cells with high level mitosis (the main form of cell division), and in puppies under the age of 4 weeks, myocardial cells actively divide, later - cells of lymphoid tissue, bone marrow and epithelium of intestinal crypts (R. Janson et al., 1983). Most often, the disease is observed in puppies obtained from unvaccinated bitches.

Symptoms. Depending on the severity of clinical signs, three main forms of the disease are conditionally divided: cardiac, intestinal and mixed.

heart shape(myocarditis) is characterized primarily by acute lesion myocardial infarction (viral myocarditis) and is observed, as a rule, in puppies aged 2 to 8 weeks. The disease comes on suddenly and proceeds with lightning speed. Puppies refuse food and water, cannot suckle milk from their mother on their own. In sick animals, severe weakness, shortness of breath, cardiovascular insufficiency; pulse arrhythmic, weak filling. Puppies die within 24-48 hours in the state.

intestinal form(intestinal) - the most typical form of parvovirus enteritis. It usually proceeds in acute, sometimes in subacute forms. The main signs of the disease are prolonged and indomitable vomiting, repeated many times over several days, complete refusal of food (anorexia) and water. It must be emphasized that, unlike other intestinal viral diseases (, etc.), with parvovirus enteritis, dogs do not drink water, milk and other liquids for 1-3 days. This is due to extensive catarrhal or hemorrhagic lesions of the small and large intestines, which cause severe pain.

Diarrhea (diarrhea) appears in animals 1-3 days after the onset of vomiting and lasts from 2 to 10 days.

The feces are initially mucous, then become watery, bloody with a characteristic fetid odor. Indomitable vomiting and prolonged diarrhea cause severe dehydration of the body and, accordingly - deep violations homeostasis (relative dynamic constancy internal environment and stability of the basic physiological functions of the body). In sick animals, sharp weakness, significant exhaustion, cardiovascular and pulmonary insufficiency and etc.

Mixed (combined) form The disease is characterized by various lesions of the cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory systems of the body. It is observed in animals with a weakened immune system, in puppies obtained from unvaccinated bitches, as well as in the presence of associated infections (adeno-, corona-, rotavirus, etc.). The clinical signs of the disease are very diverse. In addition to the symptoms described above, catarrhal inflammations of the upper and lower respiratory tract are additionally noted.

Body temperature in the acute form of the disease in the initial stage often rises to 40-41.5 ° C, remains at this level for 2-3 days, then either gradually normalizes (favorable prognosis), or quickly drops below 37 ° C (lethal or unfavorable forecast).

Hematological indicators in the first 2-5 days are characterized by severe leukopenia (2-4 thousand per 1 mm3 of blood), as well as a decrease in monocytes. In the future, with a favorable prognosis, a shift of the leukocyte formula to the left, significant leukocytosis (over 20 thousand per 1 mm3) and monocytosis are observed.

Diagnosis. Established on the basis of epizootological data, clinical signs of the disease, pathological changes and results laboratory research. The latter have exclusively importance in differential diagnosis various viral, bacterial and other intestinal infections. For laboratory diagnostics parvovirus enteritis of dogs using the methods of ELISA, RHA, RTGA, electron microscopy (faeces from sick animals), etc.

In differential diagnosis, corona and rotavirus enteritis should be excluded, intestinal form plague, infectious hepatitis, campylobacteriosis, giardiasis, non-contagious acute gastroenteritis.

Forecast. In the case of irreversible disturbances of homeostasis, animals die 2-4 days after the onset of the disease. With more long course disease (subacute form) and proper treatment, the likelihood of recovery increases.

With a superacute form of the disease, mortality among puppies with a group content can reach 80-95%, with an individual (room) - 50-60%, and with an acute form, respectively, 30-50% and 20-30%.

Treatment. Due to the variety of manifestations of clinical signs of the disease, it is necessary to carry out individual complex treatment animals.

Based on the analysis and generalization of the published data of various domestic and foreign authors, as well as our own long-term research, we have developed integrated system treatment of small domestic animals with intestinal viral enteritis(gastroenteritis). This complex system of treatment, successfully tested on in large numbers dogs and cats, includes etiotropic, pathogenetic, symptomatic and replacement therapy (see in more detail "", treatment).

For etiotropic therapy of sick animals, depending on the accuracy of the diagnosis, the following means are used:

With a preliminary diagnosis (symptomatic, clinical), when there is no certainty in the differential diagnosis of the disease, it is recommended to use polyvalent hyperimmune sera - against parvovirus enteritis and canine distemper; against plague, parvovirus infection and viral hepatitis of carnivores, as well as polyvalent immunoglobulins;

With the final (accurate) diagnosis established on the basis of clinical, laboratory and other studies, it is necessary to use, first of all, monovalent immunoglobulin and (or) monovalent hyperimmune serum against canine parvovirus enteritis.

The indicated specific means of domestic production (CJSC "Vetzverocenter", NPO "Narvak", etc.) are recommended to be used in the initial stage of the disease 1-2 times a day (depending on the severity of the disease) for 1-3 days in accordance with the instructions for their application. In the presence of mixed infections, injections of systemic antibiotics are necessary for 3-7 days.

Pathogenetic therapy includes the following main methods and means:

Paraimmunization is the use of nonspecific antigens or paraimmunity inducers to stimulate nonspecific immunity. For this, new generation immunomodulators are used: licopid, polyoxidonium, vegetan, (vitan), galavit, ribotan and others (see "", treatment for more details). It should be noted that the immunomodulators licopid, polyoxidonium and some others are also good detoxifiers, which is very important for viral intestinal infections;

Rehydration - the introduction of physiological water-salt solutions; solutions enriched with glucose, vitamins and other substances that compensate for dehydration. For this purpose, mainly the parenteral method of administration is used. For intravenous administration, we recommend using the following balanced water-salt solutions produced in Russia by the medical industry: acesol, disol, trisol, lactasol, quartasol, etc. For subcutaneous administration, we recommend using the following solution, which can be prepared immediately at the time of need: in a hermetically sealed vial isotonic sodium chloride solution (0.9%) with a volume of 200 ml (industrial sterile closure!) Introduce 20 ml of 40% glucose and 4 ml of a 5% solution of ascorbic acid. Enter subcutaneously at the rate of 30-100 ml of solution per 1 kg of animal weight per day;

Detoxification - application special means for the neutralization of toxic substances in the body and their excretion. For this, hemodez, quartasol, reopoliglyukin, etc. are used;

Desensitization - the use of special means to reduce the body's sensitivity to certain antigens, for example, to foreign proteins of hyperimmune sera, etc. For this purpose, non-specific desensitizing agents (antihistamines, etc.) are usually used;

General stimulants and multivitamin preparations used to increase the overall resistance of the body, restore normal metabolism, etc.

Symptomatic therapy involves the dosed use of antiemetic and antidiarrheal drugs, as well as painkillers (analgesic), anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, cardiac and other drugs that are advisable to be administered parenterally (not orally!). Doses, methods of administration and course of treatment with these drugs are given above.

Replacement therapy for parvovirus enteritis, as well as for other intestinal infections, is primarily aimed at replacing and gradually restoring impaired physiological functions of the gastrointestinal tract - the processes of digestion and absorption, as well as the functions of the small and large intestines. For this purpose, in the first 2 days after the cessation of vomiting, sick animals should not be given any feed (starvation diet). However, at the same time, intensive rehydration of sick animals is carried out using various water-salt solutions enriched with glucose, ascorbic acid, and etc.

Feeding. On the 3rd day after the cessation of vomiting, sick animals are prescribed veterinary diet therapy.

Veterinary diet therapy, or therapeutic feeding, is a method of treating animals, which consists in the use of specially formulated diets and feeding regimens. Veterinary diet therapy includes replacement, desensitizing and other types.

Replacement diet therapy aimed at replenishing the body's nutritional and biologically deficient active substances, plays an extremely important role in the treatment and complete recovery of animals with diseases of the digestive system, especially with viral intestinal infections.

Replacement diet therapy provides for balanced feeding of animals, the most sparing regimen for the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, the inclusion of natural dietary easily digestible products in the diet, as well as 4-5 times the intake of food in small portions. Currently in Russia there is a wide range of ready-made canned and dry feeds for therapeutic feeding of animals (over 20 names of domestic and foreign companies).

Immunity. In adult convalescent dogs, mainly intense long-term immunity is formed. However, in sick puppies under the age of 3 months, due to insufficient immunological maturity of the body, immunodeficiency states. In this regard, annual vaccination of animals is necessary.

Pathological and anatomical changes. With parvovirus enteritis, severe exhaustion of animals and extensive catarrhal and hemorrhagic inflammations of the small and large intestines (especially the jejunum, ileum and colon), as well as myocarditis and pulmonary edema.

Prevention. For active immunoprophylaxis of parvovirus enteritis, domestic and foreign monovaccines Biovak-R, Parvovackarnivorum (Russia), Nobivak-R, Parvodog, Primadog (France) and others are widely used; associated vaccines: , Biovak-RA, Multikan-2, 4, 6, Pentakanivak (Russia); Vaccidog, Hexadog (France); Vanguard-5.7 and many others.

For passive immunization of puppies obtained from unvaccinated bitches, and (or) in an unfavorable epizootic situation, especially in kennels and dog breeding clubs, we recommend using monospecific immunoglobulins or monovalent hyperimmune sera against canine parvovirus enteritis, as well as other polyvalent sera (see etiotropic therapy).

The general prevention of viral intestinal infections, especially with the group method of keeping animals, consists in observing a complex of veterinary, sanitary, zootechnical, organizational and economic measures. The main ones are:

Protective and restrictive measures for the maintenance, transportation of animals and their participation in public events (exhibitions, etc.);

Compulsory preventive quarantine of newly arrived animals for 30 days;

Balanced feeding, proper maintenance (taking into account age groups) and rational use of animals;

Planned preventive actions for disinfection, disinsection, deratization of premises and others.


Hundreds of species are found in veterinary practice around the world. viral diseases. Of course, usually the statistics are much more modest, and much more often veterinarians are faced with a dozen or two "typical" ailments. These include parvovirus enteritis in dogs. Despite its prevalence, the disease each time causes a lot of trouble due to specific features pathogen.

Canine parvovirus (CPV) is one of the most common diseases in dogs today. viral etiology. And this is the situation not only in our country, but throughout the world. Parvovirus infection is highly contagious hallmark is profuse diarrhea with blood. The consequences are also severe: in some cases, up to 87% of sick puppies die (in adults, the chances of recovery are much higher).

Until 1980, almost all cases of the disease were caused by a pathogen of the second type (CPV-2). After 1980, CPV-2 gradually began to spread CPV-2a, and it was most frequent in 1986, until the CPV-2b mutation appeared. In the recent past, virologists have discovered a "model" of CPV-2c. By far the most common type of virus is CPV-2b, it is this pathogen that is most often responsible for the occurrence of parvovirus infection in canines.

But all this is somewhat conditional. Today, virologists suggest that dozens of varieties of this virus can circulate in the external environment, which have not yet been identified due to shortcomings in the material base. veterinary clinics. An indirect confirmation of this disappointing fact is the fact that some dogs get sick and even die after being vaccinated. So today, biologists from all over the world are trying to better understand the pathogen in order to create vaccines that are effective against all variants of the causative agent of parvovirus infection.

Alas, today many dog ​​owners generally have a strong belief that it is not necessary to vaccinate their pets at all. Like, it's useless. Such an irresponsible attitude leads to the fact that the pathogen is becoming more common in the external environment every year. Fortunately, the virus is not transmitted to humans.

Ways of transmission and distribution

The disease is spread in feces containing myriads of viral particles. The virus can spread in the external environment with objects of animate and inanimate nature. It is known that the pathogen can persist on bowls, enclosure walls and clothing for up to two years. A huge role in the spread of infection is played by insects and rodents that spread the virus on their paws. Alas, even in the enclosures of sick animals, the owners rarely clean and disinfect, and therefore the infection spreads quickly, infecting more healthy dogs. To avoid this, you need to regularly treat all surfaces of the enclosure with chlorine bleach, and it is best to burn the feces of sick dogs.

Read also: Trichophytosis in dogs - symptoms, drugs and treatments

To prevent infection, floor coverings, bowls, kennels, aviaries and anything else that even theoretically can be contaminated with the feces of a sick animal must be carefully treated. It should be remembered that the initial clinical signs may appear within 7-15 days from the moment of infection, but the incubation period may be variable. It depends on the physical and physiological state of the animal, its age, etc. We also note that already after three to five days from the moment of infection, when there are no symptoms yet, the virus already begins to be shed in feces.


In general, the symptoms of parvovirus enteritis in dogs are very different, vary in severity and danger to the life and health of the animal. Adult animals in many cases do not demonstrate at all that there is a pathogen in their body. Most often, the disease manifests itself in animals aged about six months, and the disease is most severe (often ending in death) in puppies under the age of 12 weeks.

Note that different breeds of dogs react differently to the pathogen, and even the degree of tension of the immunity formed as a result of the disease is different for them. So, Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers and Labradors are considered the most susceptible varieties of these animals.

The most common form of the disease is intestinal. It is she who is known under the "nickname" intestinal enteritis of parvovirus etiology. This pathology is manifested by severe, very severe vomiting, diarrhea, rapidly increasing signs of dehydration, feces with abundant streaks of blood (sometimes black feces appear, resembling tar). In the most severe cases, the development of intermittent fever is noted, with a blood test, leukopenia is detected. Acute parvovirus enteritis can develop in dogs of any breed, sex or age (but we have already indicated the animals most predisposed to this).

Diagnosis and treatment

How is the diagnosis carried out? Not all cases of bloody diarrhea, with or without profuse diarrhea, are caused by parvovirus, and misdiagnosis is (unfortunately) very common. In some cases, veterinarians or the owners themselves tend to consider each case of loose stools as a symptom of a severe viral pathology. So the only reliable diagnostic method is to conduct a special diagnostic study.

The most common (and considered the most reliable) serological. But it is much cheaper, easier and faster to conduct a special analysis of feces (ELISA), for which the abbreviation CITE can also be used. AT last years this technique is increasingly spreading in domestic clinics. Given that the method is simple, it can be used to test all animals with symptoms similar to primavirus enteritis. Also needed full inspection a sick dog, performing a complete analysis of blood, urine and feces to find out how far the disease has gone.

Read also: Pleurisy in dogs: symptoms and treatment

A specific treatment for parvovirus enteritis in dogs has not yet been developed, and therefore the main efforts of the veterinarian are aimed at compensating for the negative processes occurring in the body of a sick dog. The most important task is to urgently compensate for severe dehydration. In cases where the condition of the animal inspires concern, it is intravenously infused with buffer compounds, solutions that restore the electrolyte balance of blood plasma. In severe cases, blood or plasma transfusions may be necessary.

Antibiotic therapy is usually used to help suppress secondary bacterial infections. For those dogs whose condition is particularly severe, anti-endotoxin immune serum can be used. Corticosteroids also have a good effect, allowing you to alleviate state of shock pets and reducing the degree inflammatory reactions. If the animal shows severe and prolonged vomiting, the treatment regimen involves drugs that stop or alleviate its attacks. Also, in those situations where the dog vomits often and for a long time, you have to limit the pet in food. But more often, a starvation diet is prescribed when the animal is transferred to parenteral nutrition.

Worst of all, when initially weakened dogs or very small puppies get sick. Even with well-prescribed and administered treatment, the mortality rate is still frighteningly high. If intravenous fluids are not started immediately after the onset to relieve intoxication and eliminate dehydration, there is practically no chance of a successful outcome. Thus, it is strongly not recommended to practice treatment at home because it won't lead to anything good.

All parvoviruses are extremely stable and resistant to adverse effects. environment: they are not bothered by low pH or high temperature. However, ultraviolet radiation and any chlorine bleach can completely destroy the pathogen in the shortest possible time. Please note that it is impossible to immediately rinse the surfaces treated with a disinfectant with water: in order to destroy the virus with a guarantee, you need to arrange an exposure lasting at least a couple of hours.

Vaccination and features of the development of immunity

If a puppy recovers from a parvovirus infection, it is guaranteed not to relapse for about a year. In addition, in very rare cases, lifelong immunity can develop. It should be noted that even after recovery, the virus will long time be excreted in feces.

Is there any specific prevention? Today, there are at least a couple of dozen live (that is, based on a weakened viral culture) vaccines, after the use of which a stable immunity to CPV-2 is formed. Note that modern vaccinations protect against almost all strains of parvovirus, including recently discovered varieties.

Important! Rumors persist among breeders that live vaccines cause disease. Calm down - all over the world during the entire period of use of vaccinations against parvovirus, not a single such case has been identified!