Coitus interruptus: harm and benefit. Interruption of sexual intercourse: the effectiveness, disadvantages and consequences of the contraceptive method

Coitus interruptus (PPA), for all its prevalence, has not only pluses, but also minuses.

What is the method of coitus interruptus?

The essence of interrupted intercourse is that a man during sexual intercourse, feeling the approach of ejaculation (ejaculation), removes the penis from the woman's vagina, and the sperm does not enter the female body during the eruption.

There is an opinion that in this way an unwanted pregnancy can be prevented.

Pros and cons of this method

chief a plus interruption of sexual intercourse is that it does not require any additional devices.
Any other methods of contraception cost money. In addition, some people may even be allergic to condoms, a woman may forget to take a birth control pill, and she does not want to think about installing a spiral. In the case of PPA, you do not need to spend money or time to, for example, put on a condom.

In addition, with interrupted intercourse, there is direct contact without any barriers, because many complain that using a condom, the sensations from sex are “not the same”. Moreover, both men and women think so. Thus, PPA allows you to fully experience the full range of emotions from sexual contact.

Coitus interruptus does not have such side effects as, for example, rapid weight gain due to hormonal imbalance when taking birth control pills.

Also, there are no contraindications to coitus interruptus, as is the case with hormonal drugs or the same allergy to latex or artificial lubricant.

To cons This method of contraception is attributed, first of all, to insufficient effectiveness. According to statistics, almost every third couple who practice PPA experience unwanted pregnancies as a result, which often leads to abortions.

In addition, interrupted sexual intercourse carries a threat in the form of infections. Various sexually transmitted diseases are 100% likely to pass from one partner to another if you do not use any contraceptives. Therefore, you can practice PPA only with a permanent trusted partner whom you trust. Both of you should also be screened for genital diseases.

You should not miss the moment that with PPA, both a man and a woman may not experience the full satisfaction of their desires. Firstly, PPA occurs at the moment when a man is ready to ejaculate, and it does not matter if the woman felt an orgasm at the same time. Secondly, the man will be focused on removing the penis from the vagina in time, and will not be able to relax and enjoy.

Also, the constant interruption of sexual intercourse leads to health problems for men, such as impotence. And in a woman against the background of regular PPA, sexual desire as a whole may disappear.

Is it possible to interrupt sexual intercourse or not? Not all couples who do not want to have a baby and want to protect themselves from an unplanned pregnancy think about this issue. In fact, coitus interruptus, as a method of contraception, has the least effectiveness.

It is impossible to completely control the physiological process of ejaculation, therefore, even with a quick reaction, a small amount of seminal fluid with active spermatozoa enters the vagina. This may be enough to fertilize an egg.

However, from the point of view of sexologists and psychologists, interrupted sexual intercourse is harmful not only to sexual health, but also to physical health. Through volitional efforts, a man not only interrupts sexual intercourse and deprives him of its logical conclusion, but also inhibits sexual arousal. In turn, this affects the state of the nervous system, leading to premature ejaculation, and also causes blood stasis in the pelvic organs, which pathologically affects the genitourinary system.

Of course, the question is whether it is possible to interrupt sexual intercourse or is it better to refrain from such a method of contraception for sexual partners, but you should listen to the opinion of qualified doctors and take care of your sexual, psychological and physical health. There are many contraceptives, the use of which will not deprive partners of natural sensations and will not harm the body (for example, vaginal suppositories based on spermicidal preparations).

Prevention by coitus interruptus

Prevention by coitus interruptus is only 70-80% effective. A small amount of sperm is released at the very beginning of sexual intercourse, and this amount may be enough for fertilization to occur. A man cannot control this process in any way. However, the coitus interruptus method, in addition to the absence of additional costs, has several significant drawbacks:

  • high risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
  • if a man had a previous sexual relationship less than a day ago, then viable spermatozoa located in the urethra of the penis can penetrate the vagina and lead to an unwanted pregnancy.
  • decreased sexual desire in partners.

Coitus interruptus may not be effective if:

  • The man had a premature eruption.
  • It is difficult for a man to control himself.
  • An unplanned pregnancy can adversely affect a woman's health.

Protection by coitus interruptus should occur with the full agreement of the partners, taking into account all possible consequences. To make this method more effective, it is better to combine it with other types of contraception (oral contraceptives, spermicidal suppositories, lubricant).

Is coitus interruptus harmful?

Whether coitus interruptus is harmful has not been reliably confirmed. But, despite the many disagreements around this issue, more than 70% of men use this particular method. This is the easiest and most affordable method of emergency contraception. Its essence is to remove the penis from the vagina at the time of ejaculation, thereby preventing the penetration of sperm. However, there are many strong beliefs proving the inefficiency and even harm of this method.

  1. A high percentage of the probability of pregnancy is from 15 to 50%.
  2. Regular use can provoke sexual dysfunction, erectile dysfunction and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in women.
  3. Constant tension and control over the process of sexual intercourse leads to disorders of the central nervous system.
  4. A woman receives maximum arousal at the moment of ejaculation and this helps to achieve orgasm, but this is not the case with interrupted intercourse.
  5. Without feeling the release of sperm, a woman does not complete sexual intercourse fully. At this moment, her body does not produce prostaglandins, which just keep the body in good shape. In the future, the deficiency of this biologically active substance leads to nervous breakdowns, a woman is not able to experience an orgasm, from which intimate and family life suffers disharmony.

Can you get pregnant with coitus interruptus?

Is it possible to get pregnant with interrupted intercourse - this question torments many girls. Even with a wide choice of contraceptives of different effects, most couples use the withdrawal method. Despite the age categories and other distinctive features, up to 80% of couples prefer this method. Choosing the method of coitus interruptus, not everyone thinks about the consequences of their choice, including the possibility of getting pregnant.

Such frivolity has no justification, because it is in the case of interrupted sexual intercourse that most unwanted pregnancies occur. Physiologically, the body of a man is designed so that sperm is released in small portions during the entire sexual intercourse, and not just at the peak of ejaculation. Even a small amount of spermatozoa is enough for pregnancy to occur. The end result, of course, depends on their survivability and mobility, but this does not reduce the degree of risk.

There are cases when a couple is protected in this way for quite a long time, and pregnancy never occurs, this indicates a pathology of the reproductive system.

You should not hope that interrupted sexual intercourse will prevent the onset of pregnancy. It is much more convenient and profitable to consult a doctor and choose the most suitable method of contraception that will not affect your health.

Chances of getting pregnant with coitus interruptus

The probability of getting pregnant with interrupted intercourse can reach 50%. The fact that the entire volume of seminal fluid does not penetrate the vagina does not mean that a woman will not become pregnant. Usually teenagers and women who are not too concerned about the health of their partner and their own are interested in this issue.

The high cost of contraceptives does not affect the choice of method of protection. Even a teenager can afford to buy condoms, and the price of oral contraceptives is quite affordable. Therefore, the price factor does not justify such a risky method as coitus interruptus.

The effectiveness and reliability of this method of contraception is negligible. Many mistakenly believe that spermatozoa are only ejected with semen at the time of ejaculation. It's not like that at all. Throughout intercourse, sperm enter the vagina along with lubrication and pre-ejaculatory fluid. If sexual intercourse occurred in the term of ovulation and both partners are healthy, then there is a very high probability of pregnancy.

You can calculate the days of expected ovulation and abstain from sex during this period of time, but this method also does not give a high guarantee, since the menstrual cycle of each woman is individual and can change under the influence of various factors. To increase the effectiveness of the withdrawal method, you should consult a doctor and choose the most suitable contraceptive for a particular age and lifestyle.

The effectiveness of coitus interruptus

The effectiveness of coitus interruptus in practice is not very high, but rather, on the contrary - almost a third of couples practicing this method become parents. Approximately one in four women becomes pregnant. The only exceptions are those couples who, along with the method of coitus interruptus, are additionally protected.

The main group is teenagers - they are not so experienced and cannot control themselves. About 30% of all unwanted pregnancies occur in this age group. The reason is inexperience, lack of sexual education and will. Hence, there is a large percentage of unwanted pregnancies, abortions, concomitant diseases. The coitus interruption method will not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.

Many young girls and boys believe that it is impossible to get pregnant at the first sexual experience. It is a mistake to assume that spermatozoa are ejected only with semen at the time of ejaculation. Throughout intercourse, spermatozoa enter the vagina along with lubrication and pre-ejaculatory fluid. This is a completely unfounded assumption, and if both partners are healthy, then even one drop of seminal fluid will be enough for conception to occur.

Coitus interruptus for men

Coitus interruptus for men is extremely harmful. The state of constant tension and control requires considerable mental strength and can lead to disappointing consequences.

Being in an extremely excited state, a man needs to make a lot of efforts to switch and control the process. Not only does the nervous system quickly wear out due to such a stressful state, but the tone of the blood vessels of the penis also decreases. The microscopic vessels of the penis burst due to unstable pressure, knots and adhesions are formed, and the erection is eventually disturbed. Gradually, this leads to violations of potency and premature ejaculation.

From a psychological point of view, coitus interruptus for a man is pathological and more harmful not only for men, but also for women's health. He does not receive the full range of sensations, as he is under control and in tension all the time. Because of this, mental disorders that provoke physical illnesses are often observed. To make the method of coitus interruptus more effective, that is, it is better to combine it with other types of contraception (oral contraceptives, spermicidal suppositories, lubricant).

Consequences of coitus interruptus

The consequences of interrupted sexual intercourse can be different - these are unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, disorders of the central nervous system, disorders of the sexual sphere, inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs.

  1. Even an experienced man cannot control the release of pre-seminal fluid, which contains a certain amount of active spermatozoa. If interrupted intercourse takes place on the days of ovulation, then the likelihood that fertilization will occur is maximum.
  2. Over time, the natural mechanism of sexual relations is violated. Over time, women develop coldness and indifference to men, and the opposite sex has a high risk of developing impotence, and sexual desire decreases.
  3. In no case should you use this method of contraception during casual sexual intercourse - this increases the risk of catching a sexually transmitted disease.
  4. If the coitus interruptus method does not lead to pregnancy for a long time, then this indicates an infertility factor. In this case, it is worth being examined by doctors and passing the necessary tests.

The consequences of interrupted intercourse do not justify its frequent use, so it is better to either abandon this method of protection or choose contraceptives individually.

Harm of coitus interruptus

The harm of coitus interruptus is much greater than it seems - this type of contraception, the most common among young people, is ineffective and causes associated complications.

First of all, the physiological system of ejaculation is disturbed - normally, the release of sperm occurs reflexively, without the volitional participation of the man himself. Interrupting sexual intercourse and producing ejaculation outside the genital organs of a woman, a man blocks excitation by an effort of will, thereby disrupting the processes of inhibition and excitation of the nervous system. This leads to damage to the central nervous system, neurosis, dysfunction of organs and systems, premature ejaculation and impotence.

Due to insufficient outflow of blood, trophic changes begin in the body of the penis. At this stage, there is a high risk of developing infections and nonspecific inflammation of the prostate, leading to its hypertrophy and ultimately to prostatitis.

The harm of interrupted sexual intercourse is experienced not only by a man, but also by a woman. A woman receives maximum arousal at the moment of ejaculation and this helps to achieve orgasm, but this is not the case with interrupted intercourse. Without feeling the release of sperm, a woman does not complete sexual intercourse fully. At this moment, her body does not produce prostaglandins, which just keep the body in good shape. In the future, the deficiency of this biologically active substance leads to nervous breakdowns and sexual pathologies.

Cons of coitus interruptus

The disadvantages of coitus interruptus largely outweigh the advantages. The essence of this oldest method of contraception is to remove the penis from the vagina until the ejaculation begins.

  • Perhaps the main disadvantage is the high chance of getting pregnant. The highest rates of unwanted pregnancies are among young couples and adolescents - they still cannot control their emotions and desires, and do not use additional methods of contraception. It is impossible to completely control the physiological process of ejaculation, therefore, even with a quick reaction, a small amount of seminal fluid with active spermatozoa enters the vagina. This may be enough to fertilize an egg.
  • The second disadvantage is the risk of catching a sexually transmitted disease. The method of coitus interruptus is relevant when partners are confident in each other.
  • The third minus is the gradual development of sexual dysfunction in a man and the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. Due to stagnation of blood in the genitals, a number of trophic processes are disrupted, and this is fraught with the development of prostatic hypertrophy and its inflammation, which lead to sexual impotence.

Fortunately, at an early stage, this process is treatable and it is possible to restore male sexual function, but first of all, it is worth abandoning the coitus interruptus method and choosing an individual method of contraception.

Coitus interruptus, or PSA, is controversial among the population. Many cannot agree on how likely it is to get pregnant when PPA is used in sex. But one thing you should know, coitus interruptus is definitely not a reliable method of contraception, although it is very popular. What is it and why should you not use this method? Let's look at the pros and cons of this method.

Statistics say that approximately 75% of couples resort to a natural way to avoid conception. A common situation is when a young couple does not want to have children at this stage of the relationship, and uses this method as a method of contraception. Due to unknown circumstances, the girl becomes pregnant and she has to have an abortion or inform her future father about his current new status. How could pregnancy occur if the man did not emit semen? But when the pregnancy test stubbornly shows two stripes, you have to accept the situation, but for the future to understand this issue and draw the appropriate conclusions. What is PPA and what are the risks of this method of contraception?

Why does pregnancy occur?

Representatives of a strong part of humanity have an orgasm along with a period of ejaculation. Before ejaculation, the muscles in the groin begin to contract, helping the sperm to leave the ducts. If at this moment the man managed to get out of the female vagina, then this act is considered interrupted. But this is still just the tip of the iceberg.

Few people know that during sex in men, a certain amount of seminal fluid is contained in the ducts. If it mixes with sperm, it turns into sperm. Seminal fluid - cannot fertilize and is secreted by the prostate gland rather to lubricate and maintain the life of the sperm inside the woman. It also creates favorable conditions for the long-term survival of spermatozoa.

At the very beginning of sexual intercourse, with a rapid increase in arousal, a man releases pre-seminal fluid. It may contain viable spermatozoa that are left over from the last ejaculation. Together with seminal fluid, spermatozoa can enter the female genital organs. In the future, this leads to conception.

It is also important that a man at the peak of emotions cannot always stop in time. If a woman gets even a drop of sperm, then the chances of pregnancy increase several times.

There is a statement that during menstruation, conception is impossible and you can do without even PPA. Is it so? The chances of getting pregnant during your period are very low. In addition, in this phase of the cycle there is no favorable microflora for the preservation of spermatozoa, increased acidity in the vagina is detrimental to them. However, even during this period, coitus interruptus does not provide 100% protection against pregnancy. Some spermatozoa are highly resistant and are able to stay in the genital tract of a woman for up to 7 days in an active state. Thus, they can wait for ovulation and successfully fertilize the egg.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since this method is not a reliable method of contraception, the following disadvantages are quite expected:

  • Many will be disappointed that coitus interruptus is an unreliable and rather dangerous way.
  • Men before an orgasm must constantly control themselves, so some fail to get a full discharge.
  • A woman is annoyed by the fact that a partner may stop sex at the wrong time or not stop at all.
  • There is a high probability of contracting sexually transmitted diseases through casual sexual contact.
  • If several sexual acts occur in a row, a man is more likely to have live spermatozoa in the penis.
  • Prolonged practice of PPA can adversely affect men's health due to constant tension, control and interruption of the process. Over time, this will lead to psychological dysfunction.

Given the many disadvantages, couples still use this method. Why is this happening:

  • Interrupted intercourse is the most common and cheapest way to avoid conception.
  • This method is always "at hand" in any situation.
  • Condoms reduce sensitivity and do not bring proper pleasure.
  • There are no completely safe contraceptives with 100% reliability.
  • Couples are planning a baby for the foreseeable future and don't mind "accidental" pregnancies.

Therefore, coitus interruptus is not a reliable method of contraception and may even lead to some health problems.

PAP rules and its alternative

If you still decide to continue using this method, then you should protect yourself as much as possible from unforeseen consequences. To do this, you need to follow a list of simple rules. This does not guarantee protection against conception, but it may slightly reduce its likelihood.

To avoid surprises:

  1. During the first intercourse, a small amount of semen may remain in the ducts of the penis. It is necessary to urinate and thoroughly wash the genitals in the shower or bath.
  2. Refrain from alcoholic beverages, since in a state of intoxication it is almost impossible for a man to control the process of descent of sperm and complete relaxation.
  3. At the first sign of delayed menstruation, contact a specialist.
  4. Calculate dangerous and safe days during ovulation using the calendar method.

Sex is an important part of every person's life. It is worth taking care of the unpleasant consequences of your actions in advance. Even if you are 100% sure about the health of your partner, but do not plan to become parents yet, then PPA is not your method of contraception. The modern market provides a huge selection of means for reliable protection for every taste and budget, these are:

  • Barrier contraception - condoms, diaphragms, caps.
  • Hormonal contraception - pills, patches, vaginal rings, injections, spirals.
  • Spermicidal pastes, ointments, sprays, tablets.

In order not to harm your body and future children, you need to consult a doctor. The specialist will help you choose the right means of protection with maximum reliability and taking into account individual characteristics.

There are times when partners are so consumed by violent passion that neither of them is able to resist the attraction, but should we forget at the same time? Is it worth relying on something as dubious as coitus interruptus?

Briefly about the interrupted act: simple, convenient and free. What is coitus interruptus? With interrupted intercourse, a man removes the penis from the vagina before ejaculation itself.

This is the oldest type of contraception, but it is still used by about 35 million couples around the world.

Chances of getting pregnant with coitus interruptus

If the sperm did not enter the vagina, for which the act is interrupted, then there is no chance of pregnancy. But, as with all other types of contraception, the main thing here is accuracy and correct use.

  • Every year, 4 out of 100 cases of interrupted intercourse lead to pregnancy partners with full care in the process.
  • Every year, in 27 cases out of 100, an interrupted intercourse leads to pregnancy. partners with less care in the process.

Even if a man pulls out his penis in time, there is still a chance of pregnancy.

Some experts believe that pre-semen may contain enough sperm in the urethra after a previous ejaculation, which increases the risk of conception of the partner. If a man urinates before sexual intercourse, this can help clear the urethra from spermatozoa, and increase the effectiveness of this method of contraception.

Coitus interruptus on the day of ovulation and menstruation

What is the chance of getting pregnant if intercourse is interrupted during ovulation? Perhaps one of the most common women's questions. In the first ten days of the menstrual cycle and after the 17th day before the next period, the chance of getting pregnant decreases. High chances of getting pregnant - immediately after menstruation and reach a maximum value in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

Remember that interrupted intercourse does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, so use a condom to prevent infection. Because you can easily get infections such as HIV through coitus interruptus.

Advantages of the contraceptive method - interrupted intercourse

    This method is safe, simple and convenient. Both women and men like it, because it is always “at hand”, while other methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy may not be available.

  1. Interrupted intercourse has no medical or hormonal side effects.
  2. No prescription required.
  3. It's free.

Interrupted intercourse can also enhance - condoms, female condoms, septa, etc.

What are the disadvantages of an interrupted act

    The biggest disadvantage is the risk of improper interruption;

    Interrupted act requires a lot of self-control, experience and trust;

  • Not suitable for men who may cum prematurely or cannot pinpoint when they are approaching orgasm;
  • Not recommended for teenagers and sexually inexperienced men because it takes time and practice to gain self-confidence and self-knowledge.

During an interrupted act, when a man removes his penis from the vagina a few moments before ejaculation, it is important to ensure that the sperm does not get on the partner's genitals.

A man planning to use this type of contraception, first of all, should study his sexual reactions. He needs to be able to determine the very moment when it is no longer possible to abstain and stop sexual intercourse in time.

Quite often interrupted sexual intercourse still leads to pregnancy. Why does this happen, and how after intercourse?

Coitus interruptus is the termination of sexual intercourse just before ejaculation, which occurs outside the woman's vagina. The coitus interruptus method is a fairly ancient method of contraception. But even today, despite the abundance of different methods of contraception, coitus interruptus remains the most popular of them. What are the pros and cons of such a method?

What's the use?

First of all, the popularity of coitus interruptus is due to its availability. A condom is not always at hand, and a woman may not take contraceptives.

When using condoms and other means of barrier contraception, the sensitivity of the genital organs decreases, excitation disappears, even despite the fact that today there are ultra-thin condoms.

Coitus interruptus is a relatively safe method of contraception when compared to hormonal birth control, which can have side effects.

The popularity of coitus interruptus is also due to its ease of understanding. Not all women understand the mechanism of action of contraceptives. Especially often this method of contraception is practiced by couples who have been together for a long time and the man has learned to control ejaculation.

Cons of coitus interruptus

Perhaps the most important drawback of coitus interruptus is its low efficiency. If a man can control ejaculation during intercourse, then it is impossible to keep the pre-seminal fluid. Pre-seminal fluid contains between 10 and 20 million spermatozoa, and there is always a chance of getting pregnant. According to experts, the practice of coitus interruptus for a year without the onset of pregnancy may indicate a couple's infertility.

The coitus interruption method is especially dangerous to practice with casual sex, since there is a high probability of contracting sexually transmitted infections.

Another disadvantage of coitus interruptus is the risk of early erectile dysfunction (as well as reduced libido) in men and frigidity in women. This is due to the lack of complete natural satisfaction over a long period of time.

The need for emergency contraception

Since the coitus interruptus method is not reliable, there is always a risk of conception. In this case, it is advisable - measures to prevent unwanted pregnancy after unprotected intercourse.

Today, there are several methods of emergency contraception. One of them is the intrauterine introduction of a copper-containing spiral, which is installed by a doctor within 5-7 days after unprotected intercourse. This method of emergency contraception has a number of side effects, so it is currently used relatively rarely.

One of the medical methods of emergency contraception is to take high doses of contraceptives (the Yuzpe method), namely combined preparations based on estrogens and progestogens. The effectiveness of the Yuzpe method decreases with an increase in the time interval after unprotected intercourse.

Among the medications for emergency contraception, there are also hormonal preparations (gestagens). However, as is the case with the use of high doses of combined contraceptives, the effectiveness of gestagens depends on the period of time that has elapsed since unprotected intercourse. The sooner they are taken, the higher the chance of successful contraception. Also, the effectiveness of progestogen drugs depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle in which they were taken.

An alternative to the above means for emergency contraception are antiprogestogens, one of which is mifepristone. The mechanism of action of mifepristone is that it causes a delay in ovulation, and also prevents the egg from attaching to the uterine mucosa. The effectiveness of the antigestagen (mifepristone) has been proven in clinical trials.

Mifepristone is an active ingredient used for emergency contraception. Ginepristone must be taken within the first 72 hours after unprotected intercourse, regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle. When taking Ginepristone in the 1st phase, the maturation of the egg is suppressed, and during the 2nd phase, Ginepristone does not allow the fertilized egg to attach to the uterine mucosa, thereby preventing conception.

Ginepristone is approved for use in adolescents as a drug for emergency contraception, in emergency cases, taking into account all possible consequences.

1. Webb A.M.C., Russell J., Elstein M. Comparison of Yuzpe regimen, danazol, and mifepristone (RU486) in oral postcoital contraception// Br. Med. J. - 1992. - Vol. 305.-P. 927-931.

2. Glasier A., ​​Thong K. J., Dewar M., Mackie M., Boird D. T. Mifepristone (RU486) compared with high-dose estrogen and progestogen for emergency postcoital contraception // N. Engl. J. Med. - 1992. - Vol. 327. - P. 1041-1044.

For accommodation at specialized medical institutions, recognized for medical installations and doctors. Ginepristone. RS No. UA/9698/01/01 dated 02.06.2009 Take care of the place inaccessible to children. More information about the stosuvannya likarskih sobіv and the latest translation of side reactions can be found in the instructions for medical zastosuvannya for benefits (1).