Herbal antiarrhythmic drugs for the heart. Antiarrhythmic drugs - a list of the most effective with a description of the composition, indications and prices

Antiarrhythmic drugs are drugs used to treat irregular heartbeats. The pacemaker of the heart is the sinus node, where impulses are generated (originate).

However, the sinus node's ability to automatically produce impulses and cause rhythmic contractions of the heart may be impaired. This is possible with certain heart diseases (myocarditis), poisoning (cardiac glycosides), and dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Heart rhythm disturbances are also possible with various blockades of its conduction system.

Antiarrhythmic drugs are effective for various forms of cardiac arrhythmias, but due to the fact that they have different effects on the conduction system of the heart and its parts, they are divided into several groups, among which the leading ones are:

1) membrane stabilizing agents;

2) p-blocking agents (atenolol);

3) drugs that slow down repolarization (amiodarone);

4) blockers (antagonists) of calcium channels (verapamil).

Drugs of the first group due to some of their features

actions are further divided into three subgroups:

1 A - quinidine, novocainamide, rhythmylene;

1 B - local anesthetics or sodium channel blockers (lidocaine, trimecaine);

1 C - ajmaline, etacizin, allapinin.

In the mechanism of action of all antiarrhythmic drugs, the main role is played by their effect on cell membranes, the transport of sodium, potassium and calcium ions through them. Thus, drugs of subgroups 1 A and 1 C mainly suppress the transport of sodium ions through fast sodium channels of the cell membrane. Subgroup 1 B drugs increase the permeability of membranes to potassium ions.

So, drugs of the first group reduce the rate of depolarization, slow down the conduction of impulses along the His bundle and Purkinje fibers, and slow down the restoration of the reactivity of cardiomyocyte membranes (cardiac muscle cells).

QUINIDINE SULPHATE (Chinidini sulfas) is a cinchona alkaloid, the ancestor of the first group of antiarrhythmic drugs. Simultaneously with the inhibition of the transport of sodium ions, it reduces the flow of calcium ions into the cardiac muscle cells, which ensures the accumulation of potassium ions in the myocardial cells, which inhibit the heart rhythm.

Quinidine sulfate has a strong antiarrhythmic effect, is active in various types of arrhythmias - extrasystole, atrial fibrillation, but quite often causes side effects (nausea, vomiting, etc.).

Quinidine is prescribed orally in tablets of 0.1 g 4-5 times a day, and if well tolerated, the dose is increased to 0.8-1 g per day.

Quinidine sulfate is produced in tablets of 0.1 and 0.2 g. List B.

NOVOCAINAMIDE (Novocainamidum) is close in chemical structure to novocaine, similar in pharmacological properties, and has a local anesthetic effect. It has the most pronounced ability to reduce the excitability of the heart muscle and suppress foci of automatism in places where impulses are formed.

The drug has a quinine-like effect, and is used for the treatment of extrasystole, atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal tachycardia, during heart surgery, etc.

Novocainamide is prescribed orally in tablets of 0.25 g or 5-10 ml of a 10% solution is injected into a muscle or 5-10 ml of a 10% solution with glucose solution or 0.9% sodium chloride solution is injected into a vein.

The drug should not be used in cases of severe heart failure or hypersensitivity to it.

Novocainamide is produced in tablets of 0.25 and 0.5 g, as well as in the form of a 10% solution in ampoules of 5 ml. List B.

RHYTHMILEN (Styepit), synonym: disopyramide, is similar in action to quinidine, reduces the passage of sodium ions through the membrane, slows down the conduction of impulses along the His bundle.

Ritmilen is used for atrial and ventricular extrasystoles, tachycardia, arrhythmia, after myocardial infarction and during surgical interventions.

Ritmilen is prescribed orally in capsules or tablets up to 3 times a day.

Side effects include dry mouth, impaired accommodation, difficulty urinating and, rarely, allergic reactions.

Ritmilen is produced in tablets and capsules of 0.1 g and in the form of a 1% solution in ampoules of 1 ml.

Subgroup 1 B includes local anesthetics (see “Local anesthetics”). They increase the permeability of membranes for potassium ions, which inhibit the heart.

Subgroup 1 C includes the drugs Allapinin, Aymalin, Ethmozin, etc. They, like drugs of subgroup 1 A, suppress sodium transport through fast sodium channels of the cell membrane.

ALLAPININ (Aiiaripipit) has an antiarrhythmic effect, slowing down the conduction of impulses through the atria, His bundle and Purkinje fibers, does not cause hypotension, and has a local anesthetic and sedative effect.

Allapinin is used for supraventricular and ventricular extrasystole, atrial fibrillation and flutter, paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia and arrhythmia due to myocardial infarction.

Allapinin is prescribed orally in tablets, which are pre-crushed and taken 30 minutes before meals, 0.025 g every 8 hours, and if there is no effect, every 6 hours.

Side effects of the drug can be expressed in the form of dizziness, a feeling of heaviness in the head, redness of the face and sometimes allergic reactions.

Allapinin is produced in tablets of 0.025 g and in the form of a 0.5% solution in ampoules of 1 ml in a package of 10 pieces.

The second group of antiarrhythmic drugs are p-blockers, the main representatives of which are Anaprilin, Atenolol, Visken, Inderal, etc.

VISKEN (Ugyakep), synonym: pindolol, is a non-selective β-blocker, has antianginal, antiarrhythmic and hypotensive effects. As an antiarrhythmic agent, it is especially effective for atrial extrasystoles, angina pectoris and hypertension. In cardiology, visken is used 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals.

Side effects sometimes include bronchospasm, bradycardia, headache, nausea and diarrhea.

Whisken is produced in tablets of 0.005 g.

The main representatives of the third group of antiarrhythmic drugs, which slow down the repolarization of cell membranes, are amiodarone, ornid and other drugs.

ORNID (Ogts!it) exhibits a sympatholytic effect by blocking the release of norepinephrine from nerve endings. It does not have a blocking effect on receptors, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure, elimination of tachycardia, and extrasystole.

To relieve attacks of arrhythmia, 0.5-1 ml of a 5% solution is injected into a vein or muscle, and for the prevention and treatment of arrhythmias, the same solution is injected into the muscle in the same doses 2-3 times a day.

The drug should not be taken in case of acute cerebrovascular accidents, hypotension and severe renal failure.

Ornid is produced in ampoules of 1 ml of 5% solution in a package of 10 pieces.

The fourth group of antiarrhythmic drugs are calcium ion antagonists, or, as they are also called, calcium channel blockers (CCBs). The main drugs in this group are verapamil, nifedipine, dialtiazem, etc.

It is known that calcium ions increase the contractile activity of the myocardium and its oxygen consumption, affect the tone of the sinus node and atrioventricular conduction, constrict blood vessels, activate biochemical processes, stimulate the activity of the pituitary gland and the release of adrenaline by the adrenal glands, which therefore increases blood pressure.

Calcium channel antagonists have found their main use as cardiovascular drugs; they reduce blood pressure, improve coronary blood flow, and have antianginal and antiarrhythmic effects.

VERAPAMIL (UegaratePit) is a calcium channel blocker, reduces myocardial contractility, platelet aggregation, has an inhibitory effect on the conduction system of the heart, and increases the potassium content in the myocardium.

Verapamil is used for arterial hypertension, for the prevention of angina pectoris, especially in combination with atrial extrasystole and tachycardia.

The drug is prescribed orally 30 minutes before meals in tablets of 0.04 or 0.08 g for angina pectoris 3 times a day, and for hypertension - 2 times a day. To eliminate arrhythmias, verapamil is recommended to be used at a dose of 0.04-0.12 g 3 times a day.

Verapamil is produced in tablets of 0.04 and 0.08 g No. 50. List B.

NIFEDIPINE (M/esIrtitis), synonyms: Cordafen, Corinfar, like verapamil, dilates coronary and peripheral vessels, reduces blood pressure and myocardial oxygen demand, and has an antiarrhythmic effect.

Nifedipine is used for chronic heart failure, coronary heart disease with attacks of angina, to lower blood pressure in various forms of hypertension.

The drug is prescribed in tablets of 0.01-0.03 g 3-4 times a day.

Side effects sometimes include redness of the face, upper jaw and torso.

Nifedipine is contraindicated in severe forms of heart failure, severe hypotension, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Nifedipine is produced in tablets of 0.01 g No. 40 and No. 50. List B.

This group also includes drugs Cardil, Pasikor and drugs that improve cerebral circulation (cinnarizine, Cavinton, Trental, etc.).

herbal medicinal herbal medicine

A moderate hypotensive effect is inherent in motherwort, marsh cudweed, sweet clover, meadow geranium, hawthorn, blue cyanosis, Baikal skullcap, chokeberry, and woolly-flowered astragalus. The antispasmodic effect is due to flavonoids, coumarins, alkaloids and other substances. Anise, periwinkle, hawthorn, oregano, peppermint, parsnip, chamomile, fennel, and hops have this effect.

Blood red hawthorn (CrataegussanguineaPall)

Botanical description. There are three types of hawthorn. All of them are shrubs or small trees with straight spines planted on the shoots, of the Rosaceae family. Branches with shiny brown bark and thick straight spines up to 2.5 cm. Leaves are alternate, short-petiolate, obovate, serrated along the edge, covered with hairs, dark green above, lighter below. Hawthorn flowers are white or pinkish, collected in corymbs. The fruits are apple-shaped with 1-5 seeds, blood-red. Hawthorn blooms in May - July. Fruit ripening occurs in September - October.

Spreading. Widely cultivated as an ornamental plant. It is found in central Russia, in the forest-steppe regions of the Saratov and Samara regions, in the south of Siberia and the eastern regions of Central Asia. Grows in forests, steppe ravines, and bushes along rivers.

Preparation. Medicinal raw materials are flowers and fruits. Flowers are collected at the beginning of flowering, when some of them have not yet bloomed. Both whole inflorescences and individual flowers are used. Fruits collected at full ripening are used without stalks. Flowers are dried in the shade in the fresh air or in rooms with good ventilation. The finished raw materials should not contain leaves, peduncles, or browned flowers more than 3%. Drying fruits is also possible in the open air or in special dryers at a temperature of 50-60°C. The raw materials should not contain more than 1% unripe, moldy fruits; individual seeds and branches - no more than 2%; foreign impurities - no more than 1%. After drying, the raw materials are sorted, removing empty shields and spoiled fruits. The dried fruits are dark red or brownish-orange, with a sweet and astringent taste. Everything is stored in dry, well-ventilated areas. Chemical composition. Ursolic, oleanoic acids, saponins and flavonoids are found in hawthorn fruits. In addition, hyperoside, hyperin, tannins, sorbitol, choline and fatty oil were found. The leaves contain chlorogenic and caffeic acids, the flowers contain ursolic, oleanic, caffeic, quercetin and essential oil up to 0.16%. The seeds contain amygdalin glycoside and fatty oil.

Pharmachologic effect. Substances contained in hawthorn reduce the excitability of the central nervous system, eliminate palpitations and heart rhythm disturbances, relieve dizziness and discomfort in the heart area. Under the influence of the active principles of hawthorn, blood supply and contractility of the heart muscle are improved, while at the same time its excitability is reduced. Application. Hawthorn preparations are used for vegetative neuroses against the background of circulatory disorders, at the initial stage of hypertension, for tachycardia, for sleep disorders, especially caused by cardiac disorders, hypertension and hyperthyroidism. A positive effect of hawthorn preparations on the vascular wall has been established, which makes its use necessary for atherosclerosis. In large doses, hawthorn preparations dilate blood vessels in internal organs and the brain and lower blood pressure.

Small periwinkle (Vincaminor). Kutrov family

Botanical description. Lesser periwinkle is an evergreen shrub. The rhizome is cord-shaped, reaches a length of 60-70 cm, and is located horizontally. The stems are branched, recumbent or erect (flowering). Leaves with short petioles, pointed, ellipsoidal, are located opposite each other. Periwinkle flowers are large, axillary. The corolla is blue, funnel-shaped, and consists of 5 fused petals with a long narrow tube. The fruit consists of 2 cylindrical leaflets with many oblong seeds.

Spreading. It grows in the European part of Russia, Crimea, the Caucasus, Belarus, the Baltic states, and Transcarpathia. The plant is shade-tolerant, found in hornbeam and oak forests, on forest slopes, clearings, on rocky and gravelly soils. As an ornamental plant, it is grown in parks, gardens, and cemeteries.

Preparation. Flowering time is May, but secondary flowering is also possible: at the end of July or in August. Reproduction occurs most often vegetatively, fruiting is rare, the fruits ripen in July. Medicinal raw materials are flowers, stems, leaves, rhizomes. Stems and leaves are collected in spring and early summer. The upper part of the stems at a height of 2-5 cm is cut off, and the lower horizontal shoots are left untouched for further rooting. Drying of the grass is carried out in attics with good ventilation or under sheds, spread out in a layer of 3-4 cm. The grass is dried until ready in 7-10 days. Finished raw materials should not contain large, coarse stems. Vinca leaves are odorless and taste bitter. The raw materials are poisonous. It is stored in linen bags in dry rooms with good ventilation.

Chemical composition. Among the active ingredients of Vinca minor, the following indole alkaloids should be noted: vincamine, isovincamine, minorin, as well as bitterness, phytosterol, and tannins. In addition to them, rutin, malic, succinic acids, and flavonoids were found. All these active ingredients form the basis of the chemical composition of Vinca minor

The pharmacological properties of Vinca minor are determined by its chemical composition. Certain vinca alkaloids lower blood pressure, dilate the coronary vessels of the heart and blood vessels of the brain, relax the muscles of the small intestine and stimulate contractions of the uterus. The main alkaloid of the plant, vincamine, improves cerebral circulation and oxygen utilization by brain tissue. Ervin, vincarine, reserpine and ervin, belonging to the group of alkaloids, have antiarrhythmic activity. In Erwin these properties are most pronounced. This substance has anticholinesterase and α-adrenolytic activity, inhibits intracardiac conduction, and prevents the development of ventricular fibrillation.

Application. The Vinca minor plant has been used since ancient medicine as a sedative that reduces dizziness and headaches, and lowers blood pressure. It is used for hypertension, cerebral vascular spasms, neurogenic tachycardia and other autonomic neuroses. The hypotensive effect of the drugs is especially pronounced in patients with stage I-II hypertension, less than stage III. Vinca minor preparations have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, increase the resistance of capillaries, and increase daily diuresis. They are low toxic. The effect of treatment with periwinkle lasts up to 3 months.

Swamp grass (Gnaphaliumuliginosum). Family Asteraceae.

Botanical description. This is an annual herbaceous plant 5-20 cm high. The root is thin, short, taproot. The stem branches strongly from the base. The leaves are linear or lanceolate, pointed, collected in a petiole. The flowers are small, tubular, light yellow in color, collected 1-4 in baskets at the ends of the branches, axillary. Flowering time is from June to September. The fruits are greenish-gray achenes with a tuft and ripen in August.

Spreading. Grows throughout Russia, except the south and Far East. It grows in damp places, swamps, along the banks of lakes and rivers, in flooded meadows, on arable land, in ditches, sometimes as a weed.

Preparation. The herb is used as a medicinal raw material, which is collected from July to September along with the roots, cleaned and dried. The finished raw material rustles when pressed, but does not break, has a weak aroma and a salty taste. It is packed in bags of 20-40-50 kg. Store in closed, ventilated areas. Shelf life 3 years.

The chemical composition of marsh cudweed has been little studied. It contains tannins, essential oil, resins, phytosterols, and carotene. Vitamins B1 and C, traces of alkaloids, and dyes were found.

Pharmachologic effect. Cushion preparations, when administered into a vein, cause dilation of peripheral vessels, which entails a decrease in blood pressure. In addition, there is a decrease in the number of heart contractions, a decrease in blood clotting time and activation of intestinal peristalsis.

Arrhythmic conditions of pathological etiology require specialized drug treatment. All antiarrhythmic drugs are prescribed by a cardiologist; self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Antiarrhythmic drugs

They are prescribed to patients after undergoing a full diagnostic examination and making a final diagnosis about the pathological nature of arrhythmic problems. Conditions can threaten and interfere with the patient’s full life.

Medicines have a positive effect on the body - normalizing the rhythm of contractions allows you to stabilize the functioning of the circulatory department, with the timely delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues of the internal organs. Medications ensure the full functioning of all internal systems.

Antiarrhythmic drugs require monitoring by medical professionals - their effects are constantly monitored by an electrocardiogram procedure, at least once every 20 days (the course of therapy is usually quite long).

Upon admission to the cardiology department, the patient is prescribed intravenous or oral medications. If the required positive effect is not recorded, then the patient is recommended to undergo an electrical type of cardioversion.

In the absence of chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular department, the patient may be indicated for outpatient treatment - with periodic consultations with a cardiologist. If the attacks of arrhythmia are rare and short-lived, then the patient is transferred to dynamic observation.

The principle of action of these medications

Antiarrhythmic drugs have a positive effect:

  • to reduce the level of excitability of the organ;
  • reducing the sensitivity of the heart muscle in relation to electrical impulses, preventing the formation of fibrillation;
  • reducing the manifestations of an accelerated heartbeat;
  • suppression of additional impulses;
  • shortening the contractile impulse interval;
  • increase in diastole duration.


The division of medications is carried out into four main classes, depending on the ability of the drug to conduct electrical impulses. There are several forms of arrhythmic abnormalities, according to which the necessary pharmacological substances are selected.

The main drugs include:

  • sodium channel blockers;
  • beta blockers;
  • potassium antagonists;
  • calcium antagonists.

Other forms of medications include cardiac glycosides, tranquilizers, sedatives and neurotropic drugs. They are distinguished by their combined effect on the innervation and performance of the heart muscle.

Table: division of antiarrhythmics into classes

Representatives of the main groups and their actions

The antiarrhythmic effect depends on the subgroup of drugs. Among them are:

1A class

These drugs are necessary for two types of extrasystoles - supraventricular and ventricular, to restore sinus rhythm in atrial fibrillation, in order to prevent its relapses. Commonly used drugs include Quinidine and Novocainamide.

Quinidine– prescribed in tablet forms. Negative effects on the body when used are presented:

  • dyspeptic disorders – nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • sudden attacks of headache.

When taking a pharmacological agent, there is a decrease in the number of platelets in the bloodstream, a decrease in the level of contractility of the heart muscle, and a slowdown in the functionality of the conduction system in the heart.

The most dangerous side effects include the formation of a separate ventricular tachycardia, with possible death. Therapy is carried out under the constant supervision of medical personnel and ECG readings.

Quinidine is prohibited for use:

  • with atrioventricular and intraventricular blockades;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • poisoning - with uncontrolled intake of cardiac glycosides;
  • insufficient functionality of the heart muscle;
  • hypotension – with minimal blood pressure;
  • during the period of bearing a baby.

Novocainamide– recommended for use based on the same indicators as the previous drug. Prescribed to suppress attacks of atrial fibrillation. At the time of intravenous administration of the substance, a sudden drop in blood pressure may occur - therefore the solution must be used with extreme caution.

The negative impact of the drug is represented by:

  • nausea with transition to vomiting;
  • changes in the blood formula;
  • collapse;
  • disturbances in the functionality of the nervous system - sudden attacks of headaches, periodic dizziness, changes in clarity of consciousness.

Chronic uncontrolled use may cause arthritis, serositis or febrile conditions. There is a possibility of the formation of infectious processes in the oral cavity, with the formation of bleeding and delayed healing of ulcerations and small wounds.

A pharmacological substance can provoke allergic reactions - the initial symptomatic manifestation of the problem is muscle weakness, which manifests itself when using the drug. The drug is prohibited for use:

  • with atrioventricular blockade;
  • insufficient functionality of the heart muscle or kidneys;
  • in cardiogenic shock conditions;
  • hypotension – with extremely low blood pressure.

1B class

These drugs are not effective in detecting supraventricular arrhythmia in a patient - the active ingredients do not have the necessary effect on the sinus node, atria and atrioventricular junction.

The drugs are used to treat ventricular-type arrhythmic abnormalities - extrasystoles, paroxysmal tachycardias, to treat problems associated with overdoses or uncontrolled use of cardiac glycosides.

The main representative of this subgroup is Lidocaine. It is prescribed for severe forms of ventricular rhythm disturbances in organ contraction, in the acute phase of myocardial infarction. The drug can cause negative reactions in the body:

  • convulsive conditions;
  • periodic dizziness;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • problems with intelligible speech;
  • disturbances in clarity of consciousness;
  • rashes on the skin;
  • hives;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • persistent itching.

Incorrectly calculated dosages can provoke a decrease in the level of contractility of the heart muscle, a slowdown in the speed of contractions, rhythm disturbances - even arrhythmic deviations.

The pharmacological substance is not recommended for use in atrioventricular blockades, pathology of weakened sinus node. Severe forms of supraventricular arrhythmic conditions are contraindications - there is a high risk of atrial fibrillation.

1C class

These pharmacological substances can prolong intracardiac conduction time. Against the background of pronounced arrhythmogenic effectiveness, medications have received restrictions on their use. The main representative of the subgroup is Ritmonorm.

The medicine is necessary to suppress the negative symptomatic manifestations of ventricular or supraventricular arrhythmia. When taken, there is a high risk of developing an arrhythmogenic effect; therapy is carried out under the constant supervision of a medical professional.

In addition to arrhythmic pathologies, the medication can provoke disturbances in the contractility of the heart muscle, further developing insufficient functionality of the organ. Pathological abnormalities may manifest themselves:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • dizziness;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • depressive states;
  • night sleep disturbances;
  • changes in blood tests.

2nd grade

A large amount of adrenaline produced is recorded when the functionality of the sympathetic nervous department increases - in stressful situations, autonomic abnormalities, arterial hypertension, ischemic damage to the heart muscle.

The hormone stimulates the activity of beta-adrenergic receptors in the muscle tissue of the heart - the result is unstable heart function and the formation of arrhythmic abnormalities. The main mechanism of action of these medications involves suppression of increased receptor activity. The heart muscle is protected.

In addition to the above positive effects, medications reduce the automaticity and level of excitability of the cellular elements that make up the conducting department. Under their direct influence, the rate of contraction of the heart muscle slows down. By reducing atrioventricular conduction, medications reduce the frequency of organ contractions at the time of atrial fibrillation.

Medicines are prescribed for the treatment of atrial fibrillation and fibrillation, for the suppression and prophylactic effect of supraventricular arrhythmic conditions. Help with sinus tachycardia.

Ventricular forms of the pathological process are less susceptible to the influence of beta-blockers - the exception is a disease directly related to an excess amount of hormones in the bloodstream. The use of Anaprilin and Metoprolol is recommended as the main means of treatment.

The negative effects of the above medications include a decrease in the level of contractility of muscle tissue, a slowdown in heart rate, and the formation of atrioventricular block. Pharmacological substances can significantly impair the functionality of the circulatory system and cause a decrease in the temperature of the lower and upper extremities.

The use of Propranolol can provoke a deterioration in bronchial conduction - the pathology is dangerous for patients suffering from bronchial asthma. Beta-blockers can worsen the course of diabetes mellitus - when used, there is an increase in glucose levels in the bloodstream.

Medicinal substances can have an effect on the nervous system - provoke spontaneous dizziness, disturbances in night sleep, decreased memory, and cause depression. Medicines disrupt the conductivity of the neuromuscular compartment, manifesting itself in the form of increased fatigue, weakness, and decreased muscle tone.

In some cases, rashes on the skin, persistent itching and focal baldness may appear. In males, erectile dysfunction may occur, and blood counts may show thrombocytopenia and agranulocidosis.

When suddenly discontinued, drugs cause pathological conditions:

  • anginal attacks;
  • disturbances in the rhythm of the heart muscle at the level of the ventricles;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • decreased level of exercise tolerance.

The withdrawal of medications is carried out in stages, over two weeks. Beta-blockers are prohibited for use in cases of insufficient organ functionality, swelling of the lung tissue, cardiogenic shock conditions, and in severe cases of chronic failure of the heart muscle. Their use is also not recommended for diabetes mellitus, sinus bradycardia, a drop in systolic pressure below 100 units, and bronchial asthma.

3rd grade

The drugs are antagonists of potassium channels, slowing down electrical processes in the cellular structures of the heart muscle. Amiodarone is a frequently prescribed drug in this subgroup.

The drug gradually accumulates in tissue structures and is released at the same speed. Maximum effectiveness is recorded three weeks from the start of administration. After discontinuation of the drug, the antiarrhythmic effect may persist for the next five days.

  • with supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmia;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • rhythm disturbances due to Wolff-Parkinson-White pathology;
  • to prevent ventricular arrhythmias during acute myocardial infarction;
  • for persistent atrial fibrillation - to suppress the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle.

Long-term and uncontrolled use of the medication can provoke:

  • interstitial fibrosis of lung tissue;
  • fear of sunlight;
  • changes in the shade of the skin - with purple coloring;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland - at the time of therapy, mandatory monitoring of thyroid hormone levels is carried out;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • night sleep disturbances;
  • decreased memory level;
  • ataxia;
  • paresthesia;
  • sinus bradycardia;
  • slowing down the process of intracardiac conduction;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • arrhythmogenic effects – recorded in 5% of patients who were prescribed the medication.

The drug is toxic to the fetus. Prohibited use are:

  • initial type of bradycardia;
  • pathologies of intracardiac conduction;
  • hypotension;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diseases affecting the thyroid gland;
  • period of gestation.

If there is a need to combine a medication with cardiac glycosides, then their dosage is halved.

4th grade

Drugs can block the passage of calcium ions, reducing the automatic reactions of the sinus node and suppressing pathological foci in the atrium. The main frequently recommended drug in this subgroup is Veropamil.

The drug has a positive effect in the treatment and prophylactic effect on attacks of supraventricular tachycardia and extrasystole. The drug is necessary to suppress the frequency of ventricular contractions during atrial flutter and fibrillation.

The drug does not have the necessary effect on the ventricular forms of rhythmic contractions of the organ. Negative reactions of the body to taking medication are expressed:

  • sinus bradycardia;
  • atrioventricular block;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • decreased ability of the heart muscle to contract.

Prohibitions on the use of the drug are:

  • severe forms of insufficient organ performance;
  • cardiogenic shock conditions;
  • atrioventricular block;
  • pathology of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome - use can provoke an increase in the rate of ventricular contractions.

Other drugs with antiarrhythmic effects

The above subgroups of antiarrhythmic drugs do not include individual drugs with a similar positive effect on the heart muscle. Therapy can be carried out:

  • cardiac glycosides - to reduce the rate of contraction of the organ;
  • anticholinergics - drugs are prescribed to increase the heart rate with severe bradycardia;
  • magnesium sulfate - for the appearance of a pathological process of the “feasting” type - non-standard ventricular tachycardia, which is formed under the influence of disturbances in electrolyte metabolism, a liquid protein diet and prolonged exposure to certain antiarrhythmic drugs.

Herbal products

Healing plants are quite effective means for treating the pathological process. They are included in certain medications and are officially recognized by medicine. Stabilization of heart rate indicators is carried out:

  1. Alcohol tincture of motherwort herb - the recommended dosage should not exceed 30 units, the drug is consumed up to three times a day. It is allowed to make a home form of the drug, but it is freely sold in pharmacy chains and the long preparation process does not make logical sense.
  2. Valerian - it can be found on the open market in the form of tinctures, tablets, and herbal raw materials. The healing substance helps suppress painful sensations, restore the rhythm of contraction of the heart muscle, and has a calming effect. If long-term therapy is necessary, then an antidepressant and a drug for problems with night sleep.
  3. Persenom - refers to antiarrhythmic, antispasmodic, sedative substances that help normalize appetite and night sleep. The additional effect of the drug is to relieve psycho-emotional stress, suppress constantly present irritability, and treat nervous fatigue.

What is most often prescribed for various types of arrhythmias?

  • Verapamil;
  • Adenosine;
  • Phenilin;
  • Kinidine (Durules);
  • Warfarin (Nycomed).

In addition to medications, treatment necessarily includes the use of multivitamin complexes.

Combination of antiarrhythmic drugs

Pathological rhythm in clinical practice makes it possible to combine individual drug subgroups. If we take the example of the drug Quinidine, it is allowed to be used in conjunction with cardiac glycosides to suppress the negative symptoms of constantly present extrasystole.

Together with beta-blockers, the drug is used to suppress ventricular forms of arrhythmic abnormalities that are not amenable to other types of therapy. The combined use of beta-blockers and cardiac glycosides makes it possible to achieve high efficiency rates for tachyarrhythmias, focal tachycardias, and ventricular extrasystoles.

Side effects

Medicines of this subclass can provoke negative reactions of the body in response to their use:

  • provoking arrhythmic abnormalities;
  • spontaneous headaches;
  • periodic dizziness;
  • convulsive conditions;
  • short-term loss of consciousness;
  • tremor of the upper and lower extremities;
  • constant drowsiness;
  • lowering blood pressure levels;
  • double vision of objects before the eyes;
  • sudden stop of respiratory function;
  • insufficient kidney function;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • bronchospasm;
  • problems with urination;
  • increased dryness of the oral mucous membranes;
  • allergic reactions;
  • drug fever;
  • leukopenia;
  • thrombocytopenia.

Arrhythmia is a disorder or abnormal heart rate. The rhythm of myocardial function can be disrupted due to:

  • changes in the regulation of heart activity;
  • excitability disorders;
  • automaticity and conductivity due to intoxication;
  • ischemia;
  • electrolyte disturbances.

To normalize heart rhythm, antiarrhythmic drugs are prescribed; they are very diverse in terms of pharmacological groups and classes. These chemical compounds are designed to eliminate the manifestations of arrhythmia and prevent their occurrence. With their help, it is impossible to increase life expectancy, however, it is possible to control the manifestations of clinical symptoms using them quite successfully.

Antiarrhythmics are serious drugs prescribed by a cardiologist when a patient is diagnosed with a pathological arrhythmia that interferes with a full life and threatens complications. These drugs have a positive effect on the human body, because a regulated heart rhythm ensures normal blood circulation and timely delivery of oxygen to cells, tissues, and internal organs, which ensures the proper functioning of all systems. The intake of these drugs is strictly controlled, their effects are monitored by electrocardiogram at least once every twenty days, the course of treatment is long.

Treatment of arrhythmia aims to restore sinus rhythm.

The patient is admitted to the cardiology department and takes antiarrhythmic drugs orally or administered intravenously. When the desired effect is not observed from the measures taken, electrical cardioversion is indicated. If there are no chronic heart pathologies, restoration of sinus rhythm can be done at home with periodic visits to the doctor. In rare attacks of arrhythmia, when symptoms are short and rare, medical monitoring becomes dynamic.

Mechanism of action

To stabilize the heart rate, patients are shown antiarrhythmic drugs that affect the electrophysiology of the myocardium and promote:

  1. Reducing the level of excitability of the heart muscle.
  2. Slowing down the sharpness of the potential, leading to a decrease in excitation.
  3. Reducing the sensitivity of the heart to electrical discharge and the risk of ventricular fibrillation.
  4. Increasing the period of effective refractoriness, reducing tachycardic manifestations, as well as eliminating impulses that follow immediately after the optimal contraction with virtually no interruption.
  5. Reducing the duration of relative refractoriness and shortening the interval when a contractile impulse is possible.
  6. A rapid reduction in the probability of the “re-entry” phenomenon, as homogenization occurs due to the rapidly increasing speed of conducted excitation.
  7. An increase in the duration of diastolic depolarization, which suppresses the focus of ectopic automatism.
  8. An equal period of time during which refractoriness and excitation occur.


The classification of antiarrhythmic drugs is considered into four main classes, separated depending on the ability of a particular drug to conduct electrical signals. There are several types of arrhythmia, according to which a specific type of drug is selected that differs in its effect. Below are popular antiarrhythmic drugs, the classification of which is expressed according to the main methods and areas of influence:

  1. Membrane-stabilizing sodium channel blockers that affect the performance of the heart muscle: Quinidine, Flecainide, Lidocaine.
  2. Beta blockers are able to coordinate the innervation of the myocardium, reduce the risk of death due to coronary insufficiency, and prevent the recurrence of tachyarrhythmia. This group includes: “Bisoprolol”, “Propranolol”, “Metoprolol”.
  3. Potassium channel blockers: Ibutilide, Sotalol, Amiodarone.
  4. Calcium antagonists: Diltiazem, Verapamil.

There are also other medications, which include tranquilizers, cardiac glycosides, neurotropic and sedatives. They have a combined effect on the innervation and functioning of the myocardium.

Features of the main antiarrhythmics

ClassName of medicineImpactMode of application
1AQuinidine (Cinchona bark)
  • prevents sodium ions from penetrating cardiomyocytes;
  • reduces arterial and venous tone;
  • acts as an antipyretic, analgesic, irritant;
  • has a depressing effect on brain function;
  • affects smooth muscles, blood vessels and the central nervous system.
Orally during meals, without chewing
  • blocks sodium channels;
  • increases the penetrating ability of membranes;
  • copes with attacks of ventricular tachycardia after a heart attack and immediately after surgery.
200 mg of the drug is administered intramuscularly. If there is no positive dynamics, after 3 hours the injection is duplicated. Particularly severe cases require intravenous administration
1C"Propafenon", "Ritomnorm"
  • treats extrasystole - arrhythmia caused by premature contraction of the myocardium;
  • acts as a local anesthetic;
  • stabilizes myocardial membranes;
  • raises the excitability threshold of cardiomitocytes;
  • reduces the rate of penetration of sodium ions into them.
2 "Propranolol" - beta blocker
  • dilates blood vessels;
  • stimulates bronchial tone;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • normalizes heart rhythm even if the body is resistant to cardiac glycosides;
  • transforms atrial fibrillation into bradyarrhythmia;
  • eliminates interruptions in myocardial function.
Due to gradual accumulation in tissues, dosages are reduced in elderly patients over time.
  • acts as a blocker of adrenergic receptors and potassium channels;
  • slows down electrical processes in cardiomyocytes;
  • dilates coronary vessels;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • normalizes pulse;
  • reduces the tone of the coronary arteries;
  • prevents hypoxia of the heart muscle.
Since the drug is toxic, the dose is prescribed individually, and it is necessary to constantly monitor blood pressure and other criteria
4 "Verapamil"
  • has a beneficial effect on general well-being in severe forms of hypertension, arrhythmia, angina pectoris;
  • dilates coronary vessels, stimulating blood flow;
  • reduces the heart’s tendency to hypoxia;
  • brings rheological blood parameters back to normal.
After accumulation, it is excreted by the kidneys. Release form: tablets, injections, dragees. The number of contraindications is minimal, well tolerated in most cases

Other medications that stabilize heart rhythm

The above classification of antiarrhythmic drugs does not include some drugs that also have a similar effect on the heart muscle. Among them:

  1. Cardiac glycosides: inhibit heart rate. Prominent representatives of the group are “Strophanthin”, “Digoxin”.
  2. Anticholinergics: accelerate the heart rate during bradycardia. This includes Atropine.
  3. Magnesium sulfate eliminates a phenomenon called "pirouette". This is a special ventricular tachycardia that occurs as a result of electrolyte disturbances. It is also provoked by a liquid protein diet and prolonged exposure to certain antiarrhythmics.

Herbal anti-arrhythmia drugs

Among the remedies of natural origin there are medicines used in modern traditional medicine to normalize heart rhythm.

  1. Motherwort. Base for alcohol tincture. The optimal dosage of the medicine is 30 drops, taken three times a day. To prepare a motherwort infusion at home, you need to take a spoonful of the herb, pour boiling water over it, leave for about an hour and drink 50 ml three times a day.
  2. Valerian. In pharmacies it is found in crushed, dried form, in tablets and in tincture form. Valerian relieves pain, normalizes heart rate, and has sedative properties. With long-term therapy, it is used as an antidepressant and a remedy for insomnia.
  3. "Persen." Antispasmodic, antiarrhythmic, sedative, normalizes sleep, stimulates appetite. Due to the presence of mint, lemon balm, and valerian in the composition, clear antiarrhythmic and sedative effects can be observed. With the help of “Persen” you can relieve tension, reduce emotional irritability, and also get rid of mental fatigue.
  4. “Novopassit” is a mixture of medicinal herbs such as hops, hawthorn, St. John’s wort, lemon balm, elderberry, passionflower. The drug is widely used as an antiarrhythmic drug. As for the dosage, one teaspoon three times a day is enough.

Side effects of antiarrhythmic drugs

Unfortunately, this does not happen without negative consequences. Drugs with this spectrum of action have a number of side effects:

  1. In almost half of the cases, antiarrhythmics are able to act on the contrary, that is, provoke the development of arrhythmia. These so-called arrhythmogenic effects can be life-threatening.
  2. From the central nervous system, headaches, dizziness, convulsions, fainting, tremors, drowsiness, arterial hypotension, double vision, and respiratory arrest may occur.
  3. With long-term therapy, bronchospasms, liver failure, and dyspepsia are possible.
  4. Due to the anticholinergic effect, after taking 1 group of antiarrhythmic drugs, elderly people or people with poor health experience difficulty urinating, spasm of accommodation, and dry mouth.
  5. Some of these medications (Novocainamide, Lidocaine, Amiodarone) can cause allergic reactions, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, drug fever, and leukopenia.

Heart and vascular diseases are often causes of death, especially in old age. Impaired myocardial functioning leads to an impressive list of dangerous diseases, one of which is arrhythmia. This disease cannot be left to chance; self-treatment is not allowed. The intervention of a professional is mandatory, who will prescribe a thorough examination of the patient and a full course of antiarrhythmic therapy.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system are a fairly common problem among many of our fellow citizens of mature age. They are the ones that most often cause death and also provoke the development of other serious conditions.

Arrhythmia is considered to be one of the most common diseases of this kind. It can develop for various reasons, but it must be treated under the supervision of a specialist. Therapy can be carried out using a number of medications, among which not the least are herbal preparations. So let's talk about antiarrhythmic drugs of plant origin, we will briefly describe them.

Valerian – tincture, tablets and other remedies

Valerian preparations are often prescribed to patients suffering from various types of arrhythmia. They can be taken in the form of a tincture - twenty thirty drops three times a day. Tablets are usually prescribed one or two three to four times a day.

You can also purchase ready-made herbal raw materials at the pharmacy and prepare the medicine yourself. To do this, take a tablespoon of crushed valerian roots and brew them with one glass of cold water. Place the container with the medicine on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for five minutes. Consume one tablespoon of the strained broth two to three times a day.


At the pharmacy you can buy an alcoholic tincture of motherwort or herbal raw materials for making your own infusion. The tincture should be consumed thirty to fifty drops per dose two to three times a day. To make your own medicine, take a tablespoon of chopped herbs and brew it with a glass of boiling water. Soak this product in a water bath for twenty minutes, then leave for another forty minutes. Consume the strained mixture in a third of a glass three times a day shortly before meals.


An excellent remedy for the treatment of arrhythmia is a herbal-based pharmaceutical drug called Altalex. It has a rather complex composition, which combines essential oils of lemon balm and peppermint, as well as fennel and nutmeg, cloves and thyme, pine needles and anise, as well as sage, cinnamon and lavender. Altalex is available as an extract in a bottle, which must be used to prepare a therapeutic infusion. To do this, you should dilute ten to twenty drops of the drug in a glass of hot tea, you can also drop the drug onto a piece of sugar.


This drug, like the other drugs already listed for arrhythmia, has an excellent calming effect. It is based on an extract obtained from the rhizomes of Kava-Kava. This drug should be consumed in the amount of one or two tablets every day immediately after a meal. The medicine should be taken with a sufficient amount of plain water.


This medicinal composition is intended for making tea. In the treatment of arrhythmia, it is used as a sedative. Nervuflox contains dehydrated extracts of plants such as orange and lavender flowers, mint leaves, valerian and licorice root, as well as hop cones. A teaspoon of dry matter should be brewed with one cup of hot water and mixed thoroughly. The resulting drink can be sweetened a little with honey. Consume this volume of drink three times a day.


This drug is made from an alkaloid that is present in some varieties of rauwolfia. This medication is a fairly effective drug that copes with various types of arrhythmia. It can be administered both intramuscularly and intravenously, for example, to eliminate acute attacks. So take orally in the amount of 0.05-0.1g three or four times a day.


This remedy is also quite often used in the treatment of arrhythmia. Like many of the drugs already described, it has an excellent antiarrhythmic effect. Novo-passit contains guaifenesin, as well as several extracts of plants such as hawthorn, hops, St. John's wort, as well as lemon balm, black elderberry, valerian and hop cones. This medication is usually taken five milliliters (exactly how much is contained in one teaspoon) three times a day.


This is a common sedative drug that is often used to treat arrhythmia. It contains active ingredients such as valerian extracts, as well as peppermint and lemon mint. This medication comes in the form of tablets, which should be consumed in a pair of tablets two or three times a day.


This medicinal composition is also very common in the treatment of arrhythmia; it has excellent sedative properties due to the presence of hop extracts and valerian in its composition. It can be purchased in the form of tablets, which should be consumed in two or three pieces about an hour before resting at night.


This common medicinal plant is included in many pharmaceutical preparations, but it can also be consumed on its own, making medicinal compositions with your own hands. So you can boil three tablespoons of raw material in half a liter of water and simmer over low heat for five minutes. Next, leave in the thermos for another hour, then strain. Consume a third of a glass three times a day for two to three weeks.