How to restore tooth enamel at home. What is the cost of restoring tooth enamel? Using traditional methods

The thinnest tooth coating that costs 96% of inorganic substances called enamel. In addition, its composition contains only 3 and 1% water and organic matter. The strongest structure human body- This is tooth enamel, which has a minimum level of water. But despite all this, quite often tooth enamel deteriorates and how to restore tooth enamel worries many. Let's consider this issue in detail.

Causes of damage to tooth enamel

Despite the fact that tooth enamel is one of the strongest components of our body, it has a minimal layer of thickness. On average, it cannot exceed two and a half millimeters.

Behind the enamel there is another durable layer - dentin. It is subject to destruction by pathogenic bacteria. So it's quite it is important to keep the enamel healthy and try not to expose her to caries or other diseases.

How and why does tooth enamel deteriorate? Dentists highlight many reasons, for which restoration of tooth enamel is necessary. But many people are concerned with the question: how did it happen that the enamel was damaged and how to restore tooth enamel now?

Let's consider the main factors that lead to abrasion of the dental coating:

  • genetic predisposition to this;
  • physiological problems, quite often diseases can become internal organs and as a result, damage to the enamel;
  • low amount of fluoride in toothpaste;
  • special structure of teeth and jaws;
  • increased rigidity of the toothbrush;
  • composition and amount of saliva secreted;
  • excessive consumption of citrus fruits and juices in the diet.

In addition, the enamel often deteriorates from bad ecology, low quality products nutrition and bad habits.

Symptoms of destruction and restoration of tooth enamel

Despite highest score strength, it is vulnerable and can be destroyed due to certain factors. It is worth noting that enamel defects and thinning can lead to deterioration in the condition of teeth.

And also, the risk of carious destruction of all tissues increases. This situation is dangerous because the dental covering cannot adjust itself. In order to restore its composition it is necessary use only artificial path.

Its thickness is not identical, it varies on the surface of the tooth. At the same time, it will become thinner towards the root of the tooth. Surface chewing teeth need a durable coating, because they bear a huge load. But at the same time, the root areas of the tooth remain a vulnerable area in which various microorganisms that provoke caries multiply.

Thus, its destruction occurs gradually from the tooth to the pulp, thereby changing the soft structure. Next, in the oral cavity they begin carious lesions form. When they reach a large scale, it is necessary to completely restore the tooth, and this is possible only with the help of prosthetics.

In order to know what happens at the beginning of destruction, you need to focus on the following symptoms.

  • Vivid tooth sensitivity. It may be pinching sharp pain for cold and hot food. And also when consuming fruit juices, drinks and mechanical stress on chewing teeth.
  • With minimal irritation, pain may be accompanied by the breathing process.
  • The enamel may take on a gray tint and lose its shine.
  • Availability yellow spots or the disappearance of enamel altogether.

With carious tooth damage at an early stage, there are no changes. And at a later stage its surface becomes rough, the base of the tooth darkens and carious cavities appear.

Damage is always accompanied by some accompanying factors. Knowing them it is possible to avoid them unpleasant procedure recovery or complete replacement artificial tooth.

How to restore tooth enamel: fluoridation

How to restore tooth enamel? Thinning occurs in those people who lack sufficient quantity fluorine To achieve this, many manufacturers of hygiene products add fluoride to their composition. A dental clinics Quite often it is proposed to restore it using fluoridation.

This procedure helps restore mineral composition with fluoride. Thus, it reduces damage and prevents thinning and cracking. As a preventive measure it is is an ideal option. In addition, the procedure will help relieve hypersensitivity to cold, heat, sweet and sour foods.

In some cities in our country, tap water is fluoridated. Thus, caries affects the teeth of local residents 60% less often than others. But despite all the charms of this method, it is worth noting that an excess of this substance is also dangerous.

Thus, patients may suffer from darkening of the enamel, yellow spots and brown spots on it. In addition, this water is best used only for household needs. In a clinical setting, fluoridation is carried out once every six months, no more often.

Restoring tooth enamel: remineralization

Another option to restore enamel is the process of remineralization. The procedure is carried out using a special varnish. It contains many useful components that restore the composition of the enamel and prevent its destruction.

The frequency of remineralization is carried out every six months. The advantages include minimal risk oversaturation with fluorine. In order to completely restore the coating of the teeth, it is necessary to carry out a course of remineralization treatment and only after that can the real effect be seen.

Restoration of severely damaged tooth enamel

If the damage is minor, then all previous methods of its restoration are sufficient. But if the defects are quite obvious and severe, then a simple varnish application procedure is not sufficient. In this case, it is best to use other, more effective ways its restoration. Let's look at the main ones.

Carrying out implantation- this is a dental modern procedure, which consists of applying a base composition to the enamel, similar to the natural coating of the tooth. On cellular level a protective layer takes root with it. Thus, the teeth become smooth and shiny without minor defects of scratches and chips. They look natural.

However, the disadvantages of the procedure are its high cost and lack of popularity. But unfortunately, not every dental clinic will agree to carry it out correctly.

Composite restoration - this procedure eliminates scratches and chips, and thus restores it using composite materials, which are used for filling teeth. In this case, the composite is applied to the damaged surface and cools under a special lamp.

But before you restore the enamel, you need to sharpen the tooth. The advantages of this method include the minimum price, the ability to correct serious damage to the enamel over a long period. The service life of the coating is at least five years. The disadvantages include harm to tooth enamel. Thus, the composite changes the protective coating of the tooth and damages it.

Ceramic veneers, which are small plates. A thin structure is attached to the front surface of the tooth. In this way, it is possible to hide defects and correct many other deficiencies. In addition, there is a large distance between the teeth and the curvature of their growth.

From an aesthetic point of view, veneers are an ideal option. But despite the visual appeal, the service life of the structure is ten years at correct use. After this period, you will need to replace them with new ones. TO negative aspects worth mentioning too high cost both products and installations. In addition, it is worth noting their irreversible damage.

This design is needed protect from any slightest damage because they are fragile. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the fact that if you install veneers, then you will have to wear them for the rest of your life. Restoring them will be quite expensive. It is noted that after removing the veneers, the surface layer of the tooth becomes defenseless and reacts negatively to any irritant, both chemical and external.

What to do to preserve the enamel and the cost of restoring it

As you know, any treatment requires not only your time and desire, but also money. Therefore, you should think several times before spending tens of thousands on dental treatment and restoration. After all, regular adherence to basic rules will help you avoid these unnecessary expenses.

An important rule is to visit preventive examinations at the dentist every six months. This approach will allow you to avoid serious complications and solve the problem at its initial stage of development. In addition, at the first stage of enamel restoration using remineralization, it will help to save on the treatment of caries or dental restoration.

It is especially important not to ignore the basic hygiene rules oral cavity . Even if you are on a business trip or on vacation, you need to have a toothbrush with optimal hardness and toothpaste with you. It's best not to buy pastes with great content fluoride or with a whitening effect.

A prerequisite is compliance proper diet . You should not include foods that negatively affect enamel. These can be sour fruits and juices from them. In addition, limit your consumption alcoholic drinks, carbonated sweet drinks.

Excessive consumption of coffee or strong tea and smoking also negatively affects the coating of teeth. Avoid biting your nails, cracking seeds, or opening bottles with your teeth. It is best to saturate your body with vitamins and also take seasonal multivitamin complexes.

If you do not follow all of the above rules, then you cannot avoid the procedure for restoring tooth enamel. On initial stage- this is remineralization or fluoridation special compounds. You will need to post fifty rubles for one tooth. This price is only for the procedure.

In addition, you will need to examine and diagnose the problem. Restoration at the initial stage can only be done on problem areas. In case of severe damage to the enamel, tooth restoration will be required, which costs from three thousand rubles per tooth or the installation of veneers, which costs about ten thousand rubles.

Tooth enamel is both a reliable and durable shield for protecting dentin, and an integral aesthetics of a person’s appearance. Its damage is dangerous for development severe consequences.

Daily care, correct balanced diet in combination with in a healthy way life and regular visits to the dentist will help keep your teeth healthy and beautiful for a long time.

For a number of reasons, enamel deteriorates, and this process can occur in people at any age. The reasons for its destruction may be:

Important: a doctor will help you find out the exact cause of enamel destruction. Early treatment will help avoid the development of severe consequences of this process.

How to help in dentistry

Today dentistry has several methods to stop the destruction of enamel. When choosing a method for its restoration, the doctor is based on big picture dental condition, severity of the problem.


This is the process of restoring the density of the enamel and its mineral composition, reducing sensitivity. Happens in 2 ways:

  1. Natural– by changing the diet and adding foods with high content calcium, potassium, fluoride, hygiene, strengthening the immune system and timely treatment gastrointestinal diseases.
  2. Artificial– all units are coated with a special concentrated composition, ensuring 100% penetration of the necessary minerals into all layers of the tooth.

The procedure is effective if there is primary destruction of the enamel. The cost of remineralization of the 1st unit costs on average about 200 rub., but in large clinics this figure reaches 600-800 rubles.

Simple fluoridation

It is carried out using a “spoon” made from a dental impression. It is filled with fluoride-containing paste/gel, applied to all units and held there for 15-20 minutes.

A significant disadvantage of the method is the impossibility of transferring calcium fluoride into the deepest layers. But this procedure is quite easy to carry out at home: a fluoride-containing drug prescribed by a doctor is rubbed into the teeth and left on them for 10-15 minutes.

The procedure is affordable, so processing 1 unit will cost on average about 50 rub..

Deep fluoridation

The method is based on coating teeth with dental varnish containing fluorides. Its application leads to the formation of calcium fluoride crystals and their penetration into all layers of enamel.

They fill all the microcracks and cavities present in it, allowing to reduce the risk of caries by 2 times, improve the condition of all soft tissues of the mouth, significantly increase hardness, and reduce hyperesthesia.

The cost of deep fluoridation significantly exceeds simple fluoridation and can reach up to 300 RUR for 1 unit.

Enamel implantation

The latest technology for restoring heavily damaged units. A special material is created in the laboratory, with properties, strength, functions and color no different from natural enamel. It is implanted on the destroyed part of it and organically replaces it.

The method also allows you to correct visible cosmetic defect and bite. Subject to compliance and correct execution hygiene, the implant will last a lifetime.

The total cost of the procedure is calculated based on the number of units requiring reconstruction and the extent of their damage. Refurbishment technology is expensive: the price of reconstruction of the 1st unit starts from 4500 RUR.


When restoring enamel, it is very different from conventional filling. The procedure is carried out in stages: the composite material is applied evenly and layer by layer, closing all cracks on the surface.

The number of layers is determined by the dentist. Layering continues until the desired result is achieved.

The cost of restoring 1 tooth starts from 3500 RUR and depends on the degree of its destruction.

Veneers and Lumineers

These are a type of thin dental coverings made of porcelain. Their difference is that lumineers are much thinner than veneers, and teeth are not ground down before their installation. They are used in cases of deep destruction when other methods are ineffective.

Despite the fact that these products are made of durable porcelain, over time they wear out or become unusable if the rules of care and use are not followed. Average duration their service life is about 10-12 years.

The significant advantages of onlays are their ability to completely cover a visible defect, hide or reduce interdental spaces, disguise an incorrect location in a tooth socket, and change their tone without resorting to whitening.

The cost of these products is quite high. So, the average cost of a veneer is in the range of 15-20 thousand rubles; installing a lumineer will cost about 10,000 rubles more.

What to do at home

If there is minor damage to the enamel, you can try to restore it at home. Special gels, pastes and folk remedies have repeatedly confirmed their effectiveness.

Special toothpastes and gels

Several types of special toothpastes have been developed, which, after a course of use, help strengthen the enamel by changing its structure:

  • "Elmex Gelee"– used for remineralization of decalcified surfaces after polishing, grinding, stone removal, sensitivity desensitization, and caries prevention. The price of a 25 g tube is about 900 rubles.
  • « R. O. C. S. Medical Minerals» – allows you to fight the initial form of caries, restores minor damage to the enamel and significantly improves it appearance, brightens it, normalizes the microflora of the mouth. Price for a 45 g tube – from 730 rub.
  • « LACALUT Fluor Gel» - a remineralizing agent for the prevention of carious lesions, decreased sensitivity, has healing, astringent, anti-inflammatory, strengthening effects. Cost 30 ml from 240 rub.
  • "Sensodyne Repair & Protect"– recommended for professional cleansing and for significant enamel damage. The paste restores damaged areas, strengthens hard tissues, prevents caries and stone formation. The cost of 75 ml is about 360 rubles.
  • « Colgate sensitive ProRelief» – blocks pain and discomfort during hyperesthesia, has remineralizing properties, recommended after professional whitening, polishing, professional cleaning. Price 75 ml about 260 rub.
  • "SPLAT Biocalcium"– allows you to reduce the sensitivity threshold, slightly lighten the enamel, and prevent stone formation. Price 100 ml from 130 rub.
  • "Biorepair"– levels, smoothes and gently whitens the surface, reduces its sensitivity, eliminates microscopic scratches, cracks, eliminates initial caries, fights plaque and stone, eliminates bad smell. The price of 75 ml starts from 330 rubles.
  • « President Unique» – remineralizes, prevents bleeding gums, reduces sensitivity, fights plaque, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The cost of 75 ml is about 270 rubles.

Tip: in dentistry there is no concept of “the best among pastes” - each of them is designed to solve a specific problem. Before use certain type remedies, it is better to consult a dentist.

Folk recipes

The use of folk remedies will help restore the enamel to its strength, color, and density:

  • Activated carbon: Helps whiten teeth and remove plaque from them. Crush 1-2 tablets of coal and rub gently into the enamel. After 5 min. rinse your mouth well. It is recommended to carry out the procedure no more than 2 times a week.
  • Sea salt– eliminates hyperesthesia, fills teeth with iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, fluorine, bromine, chlorides, sulfates. Make a concentrated rinse solution: dilute 4 tsp in half a glass of water. salt. The procedure is performed every morning for a month. sea ​​salt can be rubbed in dry with a brush, but before doing this it must be crushed
  • Propolis and calamus(alcohol tinctures) – stop the process of destruction caused by dental diseases, remove plaque, strengthen the enamel. Mix 50 ml of calamus tincture and 25 ml of propolis, add 1 tbsp. l. water. The resulting composition is about 5 minutes. rinse your mouth once a day for 2 weeks.
  • Cloves, cinnamon, mint, fennel– restore regenerative processes, return enamel to its natural tone, affect its structure. Take 1 tsp. of each plant, finely crushed, mixed and used to clean teeth daily for a month.
  • Wheatgrass– cleanses plaque well, reduces inflammation, alkalizes saliva. Young shoots of grass are chewed for 10 minutes 2-3 times a day.

Important: means traditional medicine can help restore enamel, but only if this process is not critical.

Healthy foods and drinks

When trying to keep your teeth healthy and your smile beautiful and attractive, dentists advise paying attention to your diet. There are drinks and foods that help you do this.

  1. Dairy and lactic acid products– allow you to replenish the body’s supply of magnesium, calcium, iron, fluorine, phosphorus, potassium, proteins and vitamins B, C, D, A.
  2. Broccoli, greens– rich in calcium, have a strong antibacterial effect, protect against periodontal disease and caries.
  3. Solid foods, nuts, vegetables– while removing plaque, they simultaneously massage the gums, saturate them with necessary substances, and stimulate the process of salivation. Advice: You should not crack seeds and nuts with your teeth, as this can seriously damage the enamel.
  4. Seafood, fish– sources of phosphorus, iodine, fluorine, calcium and vitamins.
  5. Rice– there are potassium, selenium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, vitamins from group B (B1, B2, B6), PP, C.
  6. Water– necessary for the production of saliva in the required volume, which washes away pathogenic microflora from the surface of the teeth and reduces the effect of natural acids on their structure.
  7. Green or Herb tea – have the same effect as water, but additionally saturate them with minerals and vitamins, preventing or reducing the development of inflammation in the mouth.
  8. Coconut oil– destroys strains pathogenic flora and fungal infection, helps absorb calcium and magnesium.

The following video presents one of the simple and inexpensive ways to strengthen enamel:

Millions of specific processes occur in the human body during life. This is especially noticeable at the cellular level. Some cells die and are replaced by new ones. The same thing happens with the hardest tissue. human body– enamel.

Under the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors, it is erased and restored independently. In some cases, serious damage requires some help in order for regeneration processes to proceed faster.

What can you do to help your teeth be strong and can you restore enamel yourself at home? Such methods do exist, but they help eliminate minor defects and, to a greater extent, only prevent them.

No matter how effective the methods of restoring enamel at home are, if you suspect damage to the integrity, you should immediately consult a doctor. But although modern dentistry uses high-quality technologies, it is better to preserve natural tissue for as long as possible. They look aesthetically pleasing and provide the highest reliability. To achieve this, you should follow simple and daily rules of oral hygiene, as well as follow the recommendations of dentists.

Enamel is a thin coating of the tooth, which consists of 96% inorganic substances and 2-3% water, organic matter make up only 1% of the enamel. Tooth enamel is the strongest structure of the human body and has the lowest water content. The inorganic part of the enamel is represented mainly by hydroxyapatites - natural calcium phosphates, which make up 90% of its structure. Saliva contains large quantities of calcium ions and phosphate ions, and, washing the teeth, protects them from destruction and replenishes the mineral composition of the enamel.

In some areas of the tooth, the thickness of the enamel layer can reach 2-2.5 mm. Behind the enamel there is a less durable layer - dentin, which is more susceptible to destruction by pathogenic bacteria. This is why it is so important to keep the enamel healthy and intact to prevent caries and other dental diseases.

Despite all the strength of tooth enamel, it is not absolutely invulnerable and is susceptible to destruction under the influence of certain factors. Thinning and defects of enamel lead to deterioration of the condition of teeth, increasing the risk of carious destruction of all its tissues, which are not distinguished by such hardness. This situation is also dangerous because the enamel cannot regenerate on its own, and restoration of its mineral composition is possible only artificially.

The thickness of the enamel is not the same different areas surface of the tooth. So, on the chewing surface this layer reaches two millimeters, gradually thinning closer to the root of the tooth. The chewing surface of the tooth most of all needs such a durable coating, since it bears a large functional load. However, the root areas of the tooth remain the most vulnerable area; most often, the proliferation of microorganisms that provoke caries begins from here. After the destruction of enamel, pathogenic microflora easily moves deep into the tooth, right up to the pulp, especially since dentin (the second layer of tissue after enamel) has a porous and relatively soft structure. Carious cavities are formed, which often reach such sizes that to restore a tooth, only a filling is not enough, but prosthetics are necessary.

Identify enamel damage at an early stage and prevent dental diseases, inevitably following the destruction of the protective layer of tooth enamel, you can the following symptoms:

    Sensitivity of the teeth, which is manifested by a painful reaction - a nagging sharp pain in response to exposure to cold, hot food and drinks, sour fruit juices and mechanical stress during chewing;

    Increased pain with minimal irritation - pain accompanies even the process of breathing even with air normal temperature;

    Tarnishing of the enamel - it acquires a gray tint, the shine disappears;

    The appearance of stains on the enamel, its yellowing;

    Carious lesions of the tooth, at an early stage of which its surface becomes chalky and rough; for more late stages carious cavities appear and the tooth darkens.

What factors provoke enamel damage?

The following factors lead to enamel damage:

    The opposite situation, in which too much fluoride enters the body, provokes fluorosis, which also worsens the condition of the enamel, causing stains to appear on its surface.

    Teeth whitening procedures, both professional and at home, using soda, fruit acids and hydrogen peroxide also thin the enamel and increase the sensitivity of teeth to external irritating factors, up to a painful reaction to inhaled air.

    Hereditary predisposition - enamel is more often damaged in those people whose layer is naturally thin;

    Improper hygiene - a toothbrush with increased rigidity for teeth with thinned enamel, lack of the habit of rinsing your mouth after meals and brushing your teeth twice a day.

    Diets rich in acids, such as citrus fruits and other acidic fruits. Acids, when used daily, gradually thin the enamel, leaching minerals from it, which is a prerequisite for its destruction.

    Excessive mechanical stress on teeth - too solid food needing thorough chewing, habit of opening bottles and cracking nuts with teeth, cracking seeds; enamel can deteriorate in people who bite their nails;

    Smoking, chocolate and other sweets, alcohol, sweet soda and coffee in large quantities also negatively affect the condition of tooth enamel;

    Anatomical features tooth structures, for example, deep and branched fissures;

    Systemic diseases affecting general state body;

    Chemical composition saliva. Saliva is a natural antibacterial and cleansing agent, protects teeth from damage by pathogenic bacteria and maintains the stability of the mineral composition of teeth;

    Problems with the digestive system;

Fluoride is a mineral that occurs naturally as a phosphate rock and is essential for dental health and normal formation enamels. Thinning of the enamel can be observed in people whose diet did not contain sufficient fluoride during the formation of dental tissues. That is why many toothpaste manufacturers add fluoride to their composition, and dental clinics offer dental fluoridation services.

Restoring the mineral composition of tooth enamel with fluoride helps reduce damage and prevent thinning and cracks. This is a good prevention of caries, and also helps relieve tooth hypersensitivity to the effects of cold and heat, sweet and sour foods.

In some regions tap water It is specially subjected to fluoridation; among residents of such areas, caries and other dental diseases are 60% less common than among residents of areas where the water is chlorinated.

However, fluoridation of teeth should be carried out with caution, since excess fluoride in the body is more dangerous than its lack. Residents of regions where water contains a high concentration of fluoride may suffer from darkening of the enamel, the appearance of yellow and brown spots on it. Therefore, fluoridated water can be used when brushing teeth and for household needs, but drinking it is not recommended. Dental fluoridation of teeth using fluoride varnish is carried out no more often than once every six months.

Remineralization of teeth

Beyond fluoridation high efficiency has a teeth remineralization procedure, which also takes place using a special varnish. In addition to fluorine, remineralization varnish contains a lot of other useful components that restore the mineral composition of the enamel and prevent its destruction. Remineralization is carried out at the same frequency as fluoridation - every six months. Its advantages include minimizing the risk of fluoride oversaturation, which distinguishes remineralization from fluoridation.

Restoring enamel with remineralization varnish is not carried out at once; it is necessary to undergo a course of procedures that give a cumulative effect.

What to do if the enamel is severely damaged?

If the damage to the enamel is minor, then the previous methods of restoring it are sufficient. However, if the defects are too obvious and severe, a simple varnish application procedure, which can be done even at home, is not enough. In this case, you should use one of the following methods.


– a modern dental procedure that involves applying a composition to the enamel, which is 90% similar in composition to the natural coating of the tooth. The engraftment of the artificial protective layer with the enamel occurs at the cellular level, and the teeth become much smoother and shiny, without minor defects such as scratches and chips, and look completely natural.

The disadvantages of the procedure include its high cost and lack of popularity - not every dental clinic can perform it correctly.

Composite restoration

Noticeable enamel defects such as scratches and chips are restored using composite materials used in. The composite is applied layer by layer to the damaged surface, allowing it to harden under a halogen lamp. To preserve the tooth natural shape, it needs to be sharpened.

Advantages this method– affordable price, aesthetics, the ability to correct serious damage to the enamel and long-term. The service life of a composite coating is about five years.

The main disadvantage of composite restoration is its harm to tooth enamel. The composite replaces the natural protective coating of the tooth, while damaging the enamel itself.

Ceramic veneers

They are thin plates that are installed on the front surface of the tooth, allowing you to hide aesthetic defects in the enamel and correct other shortcomings - too large distances between teeth, curvature of their growth.

From the point of view of aesthetics and longevity, veneers are an excellent option; they are absolutely indistinguishable from your own teeth, make them visually more attractive and do not require replacement for at least ten years. The disadvantages of this method include, firstly, the relatively high price, and secondly, irreversible damage to the enamel after their use. If you install veneers once, you will have to use them for the rest of your life, or resort to even more expensive restoration methods. After removing the veneers, the tooth surface remains completely defenseless to any external irritant, chemical or mechanical.

How to preserve tooth enamel?

    Don't ignore preventive examinations see the dentist every six months - this will help you avoid serious complications and solve the problem in its infancy. In addition, it will significantly save your money, since remineralization in the first stages of enamel damage is much cheaper than subsequent treatment of caries and dental restoration;

    Do not ignore the rules of oral hygiene, even if you are on vacation or on a business trip. Find out the correct technique for brushing your teeth and choose toothbrush optimal hardness, do not overuse whitening and fluoride toothpastes;

    Adjust your diet and habits to reduce the number of factors that cause enamel damage. Avoid eating sweets, sour fruits and fruit juices, alcohol and coffee;

    Give up the habit of biting your nails, cracking seeds and opening bottles with your teeth;

    Enrich your menu with products that are rich in microelements and vitamins. In the autumn-winter season, take multivitamin complexes.

How much do tooth enamel restoration procedures cost?

Remineralization and fluoridation procedures with special compounds are affordable, prices start at 50 rubles per tooth, they can be performed either for all teeth, or only on problem areas with increased sensitivity.

Composite restoration and veneers will cost more - restoration within 3-4 thousand rubles, prices for veneers start at 10 thousand.

Restoring tooth enamel at home

Enamel restoration can be done without special procedures simply by practicing good oral hygiene. It's about about brushing your teeth, but to remineralize the protective covering of your teeth you need to use toothpaste or powder that contains fluoride. These hygiene products can be used by both adults and children; moreover, since 1984, the World Health Organization has recommended toothpastes containing at least 2 mg of fluorides - sources of fluoride ions.

Among fluorine salts in the production of products hygiene care The following substances are used for teeth:

    Tin fluoride;

    Sodium fluoride;


    Aminofluorides (organic fluorine compounds).

They are necessary to increase the resistance of tooth enamel to the metabolites of carious bacteria, inhibit the proliferation of plaque microbes and maintain the constant flow of the remineralization process. Active fluoride (ions of a substance found in an unbound form in solution) is one of the most necessary compounds for the prevention of caries.

To restore the mineral composition of enamel, fluoridated toothpastes, rinses, mouth guards with fluoride-containing gels, and self-massage of the gums to increase blood circulation and nourish tooth tissues are used at home:

    Mouth rinses contain components that not only prevent the formation of plaque on teeth after eating, but maintain gum health and promote enamel remineralization. Therefore, when rinsing your mouth by special means It is recommended to keep the solution in your mouth for some time (1-2 minutes) to active ingredients acted on the surface of the tooth.

    To enrich tooth enamel with fluorides, mouthguards filled with fluoride-containing gel are also used. There are two ways to use them: express fluoridation, which is usually offered by dental clinics, and the cap method for home use. The express method involves keeping a disposable mouthguard with gel on the teeth for a short period of time (5-10 minutes). Self-fluoridation is carried out using a mouthguard made individually, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s jaw structure and tooth growth. The fluoride gel that fills the mouthguard can be left on for several hours or overnight.

A typical toothpaste is usually fortified with sodium fluoride (up to 0.76%) or monofluorophosphate (up to 1.14%). Baby toothpastes are much less rich in fluorides (up to 0.02%), which is necessary for safe use cleansing composition on young gums and growing tooth enamel. Some pastes also contain silicon and calcium salts, which produce an abrasive effect. Together with fluorides, they form a system for restoring and whitening enamel with caries prevention, which is called Fluoristat.

Among the others useful supplements- a substance such as triclosan. Triclosan in toothpaste is found together with a copolymer, a substance that prolongs its action up to twelve hours from the last time you brushed your teeth. Triclosan prevents the growth of tartar crystals and inhibits the activity of pathogenic bacteria, both gram-positive and gram-negative. This prevents the formation of soft plaque and the destruction of tooth enamel by metabolites of pathogenic microflora.

The faster development progresses modern technologies, the worse the world ecology becomes every year. And this one sad fact cannot but leave an imprint on people's health. Unfortunately, modern man so attached to work, to computers and other devices, that sometimes he doesn’t even have time to eat properly. Deficiency occurs due to poor nutrition useful substances, vitamins and minerals in the body, which is reflected in the teeth. In particular, with age, tooth enamel is destroyed due to constant demineralization.

The reasons why tooth enamel is destroyed are quite varied, but there are several obvious ones:

  • bad habits such as smoking and frequent use energy drinks have a very negative effect on the enamel, and on the entire body as a whole;
  • if you love and often eat sweets (sweets, jam, condensed milk and other sugar-containing products), the remaining sugar in the mouth is constantly in contact with the enamel layer of the teeth;
  • Another reason for the destruction of tooth enamel is drinks with a high acid content, in particular lemon juice(sparkling waters with additives, lemonades, even banal tea with lemon), as well as all types of citrus fruits in any form;
  • long-term poor nutrition may lead to malfunction digestive system, due to which it is violated acid-base balance, frequent releases of stomach acid occur outside the stomach. And this process also has a very negative effect on the teeth.
  • if you drink while eating cold water hot dish or, conversely, ice cream with hot tea, such abrupt change temperatures weakens tooth enamel and contributes to its destruction;
  • Well, of course, the reasons for the destruction of enamel can be purely mechanical. For example, constant grinding due to malocclusion or incorrect treatment, not to mention injuries.

To the question of why tooth enamel is destroyed, you can come up with a lot of answers, but there are not so many ways to correct the situation, since of all human tissues that are susceptible to damage, it is tooth enamel that is not restored naturally.

3 effective recovery methods

Despite the lack of the possibility of natural restoration of tooth enamel, in modern dentistry there are several techniques that can help preserve dental health for a long time.


The very first and most often used method is local coating with fluoride-containing preparations, in other words fluoridation. This enamel restoration procedure has the most reasonable price, however, it is advisable to apply varnishes or gels in a clinic several times in a row at certain intervals. If you are going to use these remedies at home, be sure to consult your doctor, because some medications must be handled with extreme caution. Although fluorides create a protective film on the enamel, if they get on the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx, they can cause undesirable consequences. Of the two fluoridation methods for home use, the application method is the safest. Your dentist makes an impression of your jaw, which is filled with fluoride gel and placed on your teeth before each use. The method of restoring tooth enamel with fluoride varnish is best left to professionals, since it requires extreme care in applying the varnish to the tooth with a special brush.


Is it possible to restore tooth enamel if it is severely damaged? Which method is suitable for protecting teeth with high sensitivity to acidic environment? The answer is simple - you need dental enamel implantation. Thereby the latest method Treatment can not only restore the enamel layer, but also change the shape and color of the tooth. To build up enamel, special materials are used that are very similar in chemical and physical composition to tooth tissue. Thanks to this build-up, tooth enamel is restored at the molecular level, allowing you to maintain the results obtained for many years. Of course, this method of applying enamel to teeth is by no means cheap, but the result is worth the money and time spent.


Since the enamel layer consists of hydroxyapatite crystals and its surface is not as smooth and uniform as it seems at first glance, pathogenic bacteria that cause caries very often get into the pores and defects of the top layer. There are cases when building up tooth enamel is not yet necessary, but to protect it from external influence and further destruction is still necessary. First of all, this applies to carious processes at the initial stage. In such cases, tooth enamel is partially restored through the process of remineralization, i.e. treatment of the upper layers of the tooth with a preparation saturated with essential minerals. Thus, on surface layer enamel creates a kind of protective film that prevents tooth destruction under the influence of acids. This film is formed by replenishing enamel defects with active ions of calcium, fluorine and other minerals, i.e. Regeneration of tooth enamel occurs as close to natural as possible.

Prevention of destruction

Of course, it is better to prevent destruction than to later face the need to treat tooth enamel. How to protect teeth from the almost inevitable process of demineralization? There are a few simple tips, which are worth taking advantage of if you want to extend healthy life your teeth.

  1. Regardless of what you ate, after finishing the meal it is advisable to brush your teeth, and if this is not possible, at least rinse your mouth with water.
  2. Eat solid foods as often as possible, as they “train” the enamel. The same advice applies to foods fortified with vitamins and minerals (milk and dairy products, fish, eggs, vegetables, herbs, etc.)
  3. Avoid consuming sugar-based products whenever possible.
  4. Use special medicated pastes containing calcium and fluoride, and rinses to brush your teeth. In our country, it is customary to rinse your mouth with water immediately after brushing, however, this is wrong, since all the substances beneficial to the enamel are immediately washed off. If you are not ready to give up rinsing, then at least do not rush to do it immediately after cleaning, wait a couple of minutes, let minerals penetrate the enamel.
  5. Choose the right toothbrush. You should not rub weakened gums with hard bristles until they bleed; this will not help remove plaque and will only damage the periodontal tissue. It is recommended to change your toothbrush every three to four months. By the way, the paste must be changed regularly, especially if it is medicinal.
  6. Do not forget to massage your gums, because they provide an influx of nutrients to the tissues around the tooth.
  7. Toothpastes with a whitening effect greatly destroy the enamel layer, so people with sensitive teeth are not recommended to use them at all, and if your enamel is strong enough, limit the use of such pastes to a maximum of two approaches per year.
  8. Don't overuse chewing gum. Although they give your breath a pleasant aroma, they contain sugar. And not every filling can withstand frequent use of chewing gum.
  9. Most importantly, do not forget to come for a medical examination to a specialist at least a couple of times a year. This will allow you to detect problems at the most early stages, so you may not even need treatment, but rather just a number of simple preventive procedures.

Recovery Tools

In order to completely restore the enamel teeth, you are unlikely to find the remedy in a pharmacy. However, there is currently a large number of a variety of toothpastes and gels, the use of which at home to effectively strengthen enamel is recommended by doctors.

If you find any noticeable damage to yourself, do not self-medicate, natural recovery Tooth enamel if it is seriously damaged is impossible even with the use of all commercially available products. Only a professional dentist will be able to assess the extent of the damage and prescribe appropriate treatment, as well as recommend what products you need to use at home.