Teeth whitening: types and prices. Professional teeth whitening: types and prices How to prepare for the procedure

Discoloration of tooth enamel is a common reason for visiting the dentist. There are many factors that give teeth an unaesthetic color: heavy smoking, drinking drinks and foods containing dyes (coffee, pomegranate juice, etc.). Ideally white teeth are rarely found in nature.

Teeth whitening allows you to restore the whiteness of your tooth enamel and proudly give a dazzling smile. In the Zub.ru network of dental clinics, the procedure is carried out by qualified specialists using advanced techniques and safe materials.

Teeth whitening in dentistry is a procedure for changing the color of enamel using hardware or the use of harmless whitening pastes, gels, and enamels. Whitening can be done at home or in a clinic.

Indications and contraindications for teeth whitening

There are no medical indications for the procedure, but it does not cause harm if performed under medical supervision. If a person is not satisfied with the color of his teeth enamel and there are no contraindications to the whitening procedure, he can contact the clinic.

Contraindications include relative, which can be eliminated, and absolute.

The first group includes:

  • Increased sensitivity to hot and cold. Before bleaching, enamel strengthening therapy is carried out.

    Presence of leaky seals.

Indirect contraindications are poor oral hygiene and smoking, since these habits quickly reduce the results of the procedure to zero.

Absolute contraindications include:

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Oncological diseases of the oral cavity.

    Age up to 16 years, when dental tissues are not yet formed.

    Periodontal disease and other chronic oral diseases.

    Wearing braces (whitening will be uneven).

    Allergic reactions to bleaching compounds.

Home and professional teeth whitening

There are teeth whitening systems for home use. The doctor selects them. Such systems can be used independently. The cost of such whitening is lower than when performing the procedure in a clinic. But at home, you need to wait several weeks for the effect, while in the clinic the result becomes noticeable after the first visit.

One of the options for home whitening is wearing trays. They are made in a dental laboratory using dental impressions, filled with liquid gel containing hydrogen peroxide, and worn overnight. The effect appears after 2-3 weeks. Custom-made trays, unlike standard store-bought ones, provide guaranteed uniform whitening.

In our Several technologies of professional teeth whitening are practiced:

    Air Flow method, which allows you to remove plaque in a short period of time. During the procedure, the teeth are treated with a mixture supplied under pressure, which removes plaque and improves color.

    ZOOM 3. The essence of the method is the use and activation of an oxygen-containing product using a proprietary lamp, under the influence of which teeth lighten by 8-10 tones. During photobleaching, active oxygen oxidizes dark pigments.

Sometimes a combination of whitening technologies is used to achieve results. Only a doctor can say exactly which method is better. The choice is determined by the difference between the initial and desired color of the teeth, and the characteristics of the condition of the oral cavity.

All systems and hardware used in professional whitening are certified and safe. The procedure is painless.

Teeth whitening in Moscow at Zub.ru clinics

Over the course of our work, we have performed hundreds of teeth whitening procedures. Our patients leave the clinic with a snow-white smile and in a great mood. Benefits of treatment:

    Equipping the clinic with advanced equipment.

    Highly qualified teeth whitening specialists.

    Affordable prices in Moscow.

    Free consultations on choosing a whitening method.

Teeth whitening is a procedure aimed at quickly changing the color of teeth at minimal cost.

The service is now available at the Artox clinic on Vernadsky Ave. (metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya") Teeth whitening Zoom 4.

Promotional price in Moscow for ZUM 4 - 15,000 rubles.

8 shades lighter!

In 45 minutes.

Photos before and after whitening, girl 29 years old

Photos before and after whitening, Alina 24 years old

Photo of teeth whitening result, Anna, 28 years old

Photo of teeth whitening result, Elena, 24 years old

Photo of teeth whitening result, Natalya, 34 years old

Photo of teeth whitening result, 24 year old girl

Photos before and after teeth whitening, 34 year old woman

Photos before and after front teeth whitening, young man 24 years old

Photos before and after teeth whitening

Teeth whitening ZOOM 4 White Speed ​​from Philips

  • most popular in the world
  • painless procedure
  • cold whitening (without heating the enamel!)
  • 10 shades of whitening for your choice
  • the effect lasts for several years

Stage 1

Determination of enamel shade, 5 minutes.

Stage 2

Lubricate the gums with liquid insulator "Coffedram", 10 minutes.

Stage 3

Whitening itself (applying a special gel to the enamel of the front 12 teeth and exposing it to a Zoom 4 cold light lamp; there can be 1,2,3 or 4 such procedures, each procedure lasts 15 minutes) - 45 minutes.

Stage 4

Application of a special desensitizing gel to the enamel.

Complete video guide to the ZOOM 4 system

Video review in English about the Philips Zoom 4 teeth whitening system

Methods and systems for teeth whitening in dentistry

In modern dentistry, all methods of teeth whitening are divided into two categories: professional and non-professional.

Unprofessional whitening

This group includes all kinds of drugs and systems that can be bought at a regular pharmacy: gel, paste, powder, hard brush, etc. It is important to understand that great care must be taken with such products, otherwise you can seriously damage your tooth enamel. A few recommendations:

  • Do not use lemon juice, coarse tooth powders, hydrogen peroxide and other “folk” teeth whitening remedies;
  • Use whitening toothpaste once or twice a week, not more often.

By carefully using non-professional whitening products, you can achieve a good result, but, unfortunately, it will still not be ideal. Behind the transparent tooth enamel is dentin - a yellowish tissue that does not allow you to achieve a flawless white color. To achieve this result, we recommend using professional cosmetic teeth whitening.

Professional teeth whitening

It can be office-based - carried out in a dental office - or home. In the second case, special mouth guards are used, made in our dental laboratory specifically for your individual parameters, based on an impression. These trays contain a whitening gel, which allows you to achieve the desired shade. Whitening strips are often used together with aligners - for example, Crest 3D White. The combination of two methods gives a more lasting and effective result.

In-office whitening is done using a special composition (chemical) or using special lamps/laser (photo-whitening and laser, respectively). The first method is almost never used today, since it gives a short-term result: after a few months the procedure will have to be repeated, while the result of ZOOM photo whitening lasts much longer, a year or more.

Photobleaching is done in three sessions, each of them takes 20 minutes (plus some time for preparation: protective isolation of the mucous membrane, heating the lamp, applying the gel). In total, the procedure lasts about two hours, all three sessions are performed in one visit. After whitening is completed, a remineralizing composition is applied to the teeth, which reduces their sensitivity.

Is teeth whitening harmful? Indications and contraindications

It is a very common belief that Zoom 4 teeth whitening- a harmful procedure. After it, teeth hurt, the condition of the enamel deteriorates, whitening once every two months becomes mandatory... All this was typical for outdated whitening methods, now such side effects are practically leveled out.

The whitening preparations used today do not contain acids that destroy tooth enamel; they are based on substances that penetrate the dentin through the pores. The procedure itself can be somewhat unpleasant, since dentin contains sensitive cells. Temperature sensitivity of teeth also increases after whitening.

In order to get rid of these side effects, teeth are treated with a special composition after whitening. It reduces tooth sensitivity and helps strengthen enamel. We also recommend using pastes and gels for sensitive teeth.

Sign up for Zoom 4 teeth whitening at a promotion and discount in Moscow (3 minutes from the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station) at the ARTOX clinic. ZUM 4 for only 15,000 rubles.

A couple more videos where beautiful girls’ teeth are whitened (eng):

In modern dentistry, teeth whitening is one of the most popular procedures. Almost every person would like to have a perfect smile: after all, white enamel is not only a sign of oral health, but also an integral part of external attractiveness. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to maintain a snow-white smile naturally. That is why new methods of enamel lightening are regularly introduced and proven methods of enamel lightening are improved. Moreover, their use has not only aesthetic significance. Most often, the enamel acquires a dark or yellowish tint due to the accumulation of plaque, which quickly turns into tartar, which is the cause of the development of many dental problems. This is why regular whitening procedures (if carried out correctly) also have a small preventive effect.

Why is there a need to whiten teeth?

Darkening of the enamel is not always a consequence of poor oral hygiene. Factors that negatively affect its color are:

  • unfavorable heredity;
  • bad habits (especially smoking);
  • regular consumption of coloring foods or drinks;
  • untimely treatment of dental diseases;
  • taking a number of medications.

Types of teeth whitening

First of all, methods for lightening enamel can be divided into home methods and those intended for use in a dental clinic. Home methods involve exposing the enamel to various chemical compounds.

Among the professional techniques, the following types of teeth whitening are distinguished:

  • chemical,
  • laser,
  • ultrasonic,
  • photobleaching.

All these methods have their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, so choosing the optimal one in each specific case is best done together with a specialist.

Why professional teeth whitening is preferable to home whitening?

Many people want to whiten their teeth at home, without visiting a clinic. However, systems sold in pharmacies for self-performing the procedure, firstly, require individual selection, and secondly, if used incorrectly, they can harm the enamel, mucous membranes and soft tissues of the oral cavity. For example, if the whitening gel is placed in ready-made trays rather than custom-made trays, it will be very difficult to achieve a proper fit, and this will significantly increase the risk of gum burns and other adverse effects of the procedure. Abrasive toothpastes can also be dangerous: they wear away the enamel and can cause damage over time. Moreover, under the supervision of a specialist, the risk of such consequences will be almost completely eliminated, and the result will be truly pronounced.

Modern whitening techniques! Sign up for a free appointment at Dentalux-M.

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What to do before teeth whitening

Not every patient knows that the effectiveness of whitening largely depends on proper preparation for it. Such preparation includes:

  • sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • professional cleaning;
  • remineralization of enamel.

Before whitening your teeth, it is advisable to visit a dental clinic so that the doctor can assess the initial state of the enamel and advise on the specifics of preparing for the procedure in a particular case.

Once you have successfully whitened your teeth to the desired shade, it is important to ensure that the results last. That is why the following recommendations must be followed for at least 2-3 days after the procedure:

  1. Avoid consuming foods or drinks that are colored.
  2. If possible, do not smoke.
  3. Carefully perform oral hygiene, using not only toothpastes recommended by the dentist, but also rinses and dental floss.

In addition, it is important to undergo supportive procedures on time (the need for them depends on the chosen technique).

Teeth whitening price

The answer to the question of how much teeth whitening costs depends primarily on the technique used, as well as the number of sessions. In addition, the impact is not always carried out on the entire oral cavity: sometimes it is advisable to use the procedure for one jaw or only for the incisors and canines.

In any case, if you want to whiten your teeth, the price of the methods offered by our clinic will pleasantly surprise you. The cost of teeth whitening services at DentaLux-M is lower than average prices in Moscow. Follow our discounts and special offers!

You can learn in detail about the features of teeth whitening, types and prices of procedures at DentaLux-M dentistry by signing up for a free preliminary consultation.

First, let's be clear: Is there a difference between teeth whitening and teeth cleaning?

Of course, this is not the same thing! When professionally removing plaque using Air Flow or ultrasound, tooth enamel is cleansed of coloring pigments. The tooth acquires its natural, natural color. Accordingly, teeth whitening with air flow and ultrasound does not exist!

But during the whitening procedure, the color of the teeth becomes lighter than the original natural version. In other words, when brushing, teeth return to the original color with which they erupted, and when bleaching, they become lighter than the color they naturally have.

Ways to whiten teeth

What methods of teeth whitening are better and cheaper?

You can whiten your teeth in Moscow in different ways, but they are all divided into 2 groups:

  1. Professional teeth whitening types and prices

This term means whitening under the supervision of a dentist, either in a clinic (office or office) or at home, but always after professional consultation and prescription of whitening drugs by a doctor. The price of tooth whitening depends on what methods and methods of dental whitening are used.

In a dental clinic, laser, chemical bleaching, endo-bleaching, photo-bleaching are performed, and home bleaching is carried out using an individual tray and gel.

  1. Independent (non-professional).

To do this, patients buy whitening pastes, special pencils and strips, freely sold in pharmacies. In this option, all actions are carried out according to the average instructions of the manufacturer of bleaching products.

Self-bleaching often leads to complications and increased sensitivity of teeth, because patients do not take into account contraindications to such manipulations.

And the mythical quick self-express teeth whitening in one hour, as such, is not lightening the tooth surface. Some so-called “whitening pens and teeth whitening strips” paint your teeth white and last only a few hours.

Effective teeth whitening in dentistry, photo

Effective teeth whitening

Truly effective teeth whitening in dentistry depends on factors such as:

  1. Original color

White-yellowish teeth whiten best, white-brownish teeth are a little worse, and white-grayish ones are even worse. Tetracycline and fluorose teeth whiten poorly or practically not.

  1. Way

The best option is professional laser bleaching, photo bleaching is less reliable, and chemical bleaching is even less active.

At home, the most active systems are those containing urea and hydrogen peroxide.

  1. The presence of composite fillings, ceramic veneers and crowns in the oral cavity

During whitening procedures, all fillings, veneers and crowns do not change their color, so their presence must be taken into account before the procedure begins.

Teeth whitening before and after photos

Teeth whitening gel

Dental whitening gel is the central element of any professional whitening system. The process of changing the color of dentin and enamel is ensured thanks to a whitening dental gel, which contains concentrated hydrogen peroxide and urea. Often, such dental whitening gels contain the mineral components calcium, phosphorus, and fluoride to saturate tooth enamel and dentin. Some gels contain desensitizers to prevent sensitivity after professional whitening.

The composition of professional gels is very different from those intended for independent use. As a rule, non-professional gels are less active, which requires more time and sessions to obtain an acceptable result.

Teeth whitening procedures

All professional whitening procedures have their own clinical protocol, compliance with which ensures a minimum of possible complications and maximum efficiency.

So, here is the sequence of actions:

  1. First, they carry out diagnostics, find out the reasons for the color change, take an x-ray, assess the condition of the gums, identify caries, and evaluate the condition of composite fillings and other dental structures.
  2. The dentist selects a suitable whitening system
  3. Professional removal of dental plaque is carried out
  4. The gums are isolated
  5. Concentrated whitening gel is applied to the teeth
  6. The gel is activated by a laser or a special lamp
  7. Gel is removed from teeth
  8. Teeth are coated with protective varnish

If restorative bleaching is done at home, then individual trays are made, into which the patient applies the gel and places it on the teeth. Depending on the procedure, this is done once or twice a day for two to three weeks.

Recently, amazing white in-office and at-home express whitening has become very popular among consumers, patient reviews confirm this. In some cases, it is even carried out in shopping centers. This method complements such well-known brands of dental whitening systems as global white teeth whitening gel, opalescence treswhite supreme, white light teeth whitener.

Before and after teeth whitening procedure

Before the procedure begins, the patient is warned about the possibility of not fully achieving the planned results, especially if he has fluorosis or white-gray teeth. This may require repeated sessions. Also, if you have old fillings and crowns on your teeth, they may need to be replaced if the whitened teeth turn out to be lighter than them. The answer to the question: “How to whiten an old, darkened filling?” is to replace the dark filling with a light one.

For three hours after the procedure, you should not eat food that stains, drink wine, black coffee, and you must refrain from smoking cigarettes and hookah.

Complications after teeth whitening

In terms of severity, complications after bleaching can lead to:

  1. Chemical pulpitis, due to burn of the pulp by gel
  2. Hypersensitivity
  3. Burn of the gums during the procedure

All these negative processes are caused by a concentrated solution of hydrogen peroxide and urea included in the whitening gel. Therefore, before starting the procedure, it is necessary to consult a dentist and take into account contraindications. Most often, patients complain that their teeth hurt after whitening.

How long does cosmetic teeth whitening last?

The period of preservation of the whiteness effect on teeth depends on many factors and on average ranges from six to twenty months.

Below is a list of actions that prolong the life of teeth whitening:

  1. Using dentist-recommended toothpastes
  2. Regular (every four months) removal of dental plaque in a dental clinic
  3. Avoiding coloring foods, strong black coffee, smoking cigarettes, cigars and hookahs
  4. Polishing and coating with protective varnish every four months

What are the contraindications to teeth whitening?

In order to accurately determine what contraindications exist for you personally or for another specific patient, you need to get a detailed consultation with a dentist.

Below is a list of general contraindications:

  1. Untreated carious cavities
  2. Systemic general allergy of the body
  3. Oncological diseases
  4. AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis C
  5. Systemic collagenoses (Bechterew's disease)
  6. Lactation and pregnancy
  7. Cracks and chips of enamel
  8. Exposing the necks of the teeth
  9. Gum diseases

Pros and cons of teeth whitening

Whitening refers to the aesthetic section of dentistry. Changing the color does not improve the functional quality of the dentition and is not a vital dental procedure. That is why the patient needs to weigh and evaluate everything, because the complications of this procedure and the subsequent costs of maintaining the achieved result must always be taken into account.