TOP-➄ candles on temperature for children: pros and cons, rules for safe use. How to put antipyretic suppositories for babies and which ones are better Antipyretic from the first days of life

Antipyretics (antipyretics) from the group NSAIDs (n steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are the most commonly purchased and used therapeutic drugs, both for the treatment of adult patients and for the treatment of children. This circumstance is facilitated by the often erroneous perception of many people about the dangers of high fever, as well as the availability of over-the-counter drugs from this group in pharmacies.

It is worth noting that the frequent and uncontrolled use of certain medications for temperature () in itself can cause the development of various complications (sometimes severe), and their overdose increases the risk of negative side effects several times. In this regard, adults, especially parents of infants and children of a younger age group, need to thoroughly study antipyretic drugs for children, figure out how often antipyretics can be given to a child, which active substance is better to take at a particular age and at what temperature to give an antipyretic to a child.

It is also not superfluous to establish the best and safest medicine included in the list of antipyretic drugs ( , Acetylsalicylic acid , Ibuprofen , Metamizole etc.) for your child. Decide on its dosage form (tablets, injections, powders, suspension, suppositories, etc.), dosage (in mg or ml), and also select analogues that are identical in composition.

The criteria for choosing an anti-fever drug should be based primarily on its relative safety (no contraindications, minimal side effects) and good efficacy (strong, fast and long-lasting action that lowers the temperature and reduces other symptoms of fever), and after its popularity and price.

Indications for the use of antipyretic drugs in children

It should be remembered that the temperature increase that accompanies many diseases, first of all, is a protective mechanism of the human body, aimed at stimulating its immune system (in particular, production) and fighting pathogenic microorganisms. For this reason, it is not advisable to give a child antipyretics to lower body temperature immediately upon detection of its increase (37-38 ° C). It is necessary to give a chance to the child's body to independently cope with the disease attacking him, especially since this does not threaten him with any serious negative consequences.

Some studies have definitely shown that the appointment of antipyretic drugs does not reduce the overall duration of fever in children suffering from and does not significantly affect the course of other childhood infections or painful conditions, a symptom of which may be fever (for example, a temperature in a 10 month old baby at).

Although high temperature is accompanied by forcing metabolic processes and accelerating the loss of fluid by the body, its danger is often greatly exaggerated. Most of the infections inherent in children disappear with a maximum increase in body temperature up to 39-40 ° C, which is recognized as not dangerous for the health of the child. That is why the WHO (World Health Organization) does not recommend giving antipyretic drugs to children without any concomitant pathologies when the medical thermometer reads 39-39.5 ° C.

Upper limits of normal body temperature of a child depending on age

  • if the child's temperature is up to 3 months 38 ° C;
  • if the temperature in a child from 6 months is 38.5 ° C and is accompanied by severe and aching in the joints and muscles;
  • if the temperature in a child from 6 months is 38-38.5 ° C, with concomitant chronic pathologies of the heart , neurological diseases, history and some metabolic disorders.

Types of fever in children

Depending on the observed state of hyperthermia, modern medicine divides children's fever into two types - pale and pink .

pale fever

This type of fever is characterized by a clearly visible development of pallor of the skin, especially noticeable on the skin of the face, significant chills and coldness of the extremities. With overestimated heat production, inadequate heat transfer is noted, due to a violation peripheral circulation . If such symptoms are detected, the further prognosis of the course of the febrile process is unfavorable, which requires a mandatory decrease in temperature. In this case, most often a sick child needs a parallel intake of antipyretics, vasodilators and antihistamines drugs, as well as warm (the child must be warmly dressed or wrapped in a blanket).

rose fever

In this state, heat production corresponds to heat transfer, the child's body responds adequately to a rise in temperature, and the child's condition is relatively normal. The skin is slightly hyperemic or acquire a pink tint, the skin itself is moist and warm to the touch. In this case, taking antipyretic drugs is needed only when the temperature rises above 39 ° C. For the rest, auxiliary cooling methods should be used: reduce the temperature in the room to 19 ° C, provide the child with plenty of fluids, wipe him with a damp towel dipped in water at room temperature, etc.

Common therapeutic measures

Common ancillary therapeutic measures for childhood fever include:

  • security bed rest (at a child's temperature above 38-38.5 ° C, accompanied by poor general health);
  • drinking plenty of water to increase sweating in order to increase heat transfer (rosehip broth, sweetened tea, compote);
  • provision of food depending on appetite (preference is given to carbohydrate-containing foods);
  • regular monitoring of bowel movements (use);
  • reception by a child (with the possibility of increasing the age norm by 1.5–2 times).

Recommendations for the use of antipyretic drugs in children

When patients of the pediatric age group use any antipyretics, including the safest, which is currently considered to be, parents should strictly adhere to certain rules.

In no case should you give your child medicines to reduce fever without consulting a doctor, especially children under 3 months.

Strictly follow the official instructions for use for the selected drug, do not exceed the frequency of taking the therapeutic agent and its dosage, and also follow all additional instructions from the pediatrician.

Do not apply for a long time antipyretics as pain relievers.

Do not resort to taking antipyretic drugs for regular course therapy (for example, 2-4 times a day, regardless of the readings of a medical thermometer). Such treatment tactics significantly affect the temperature curve and can smooth out the symptoms of the disease and create the appearance of false well-being, which is fraught with belated diagnosis. pneumonia or other bacterial infections , the main manifestation of which is often a constant fever. A repeated dose of an antipyretic agent can be taken only after the next rise in temperature to the level indicated above. In the case of this scheme, most patients are limited to taking 2 doses per day, which significantly reduces the risk of a possible overdose.

Do not use antipyretics in parallel with, because if the agent of the infectious process is sensitive to an antibacterial drug, the temperature returns to normal after 1-2 days, and antipyretics can make it difficult to evaluate effectiveness antibiotics .

During the treatment of fever, in case of detection malignant hyperthermia occurring with impaired microcirculation and spasm of skin vessels, additional therapeutic measures should be practiced (infusions antiplatelet agents , rubbing the skin, compresses, etc.), as well as urgently consult with your doctor.

At the entire stage of treatment, parents should give the child plenty of fluids (the drink should be warm or hot), ventilate the room in which the patient stays, monitor its humidity, temperature and cleanliness.

In case of fever, without other signs of colds, which is accompanied by pain syndrome in the abdomen, you must immediately call an ambulance. At the same time, the child does not need to be given any antipyretics, so as not to disrupt the clinical picture of diseases potentially life-threatening and requiring emergency care (for example,).

Antipyretic for newborns

Particular care must be taken when prescribing any children's medicines for newborns up to one month old, the weight of which is often so small that it does not allow the use of a standard dosage form, and undeveloped body systems are not able to fully remove excess substances.

Naturally, in the case of temperature readings of a medical thermometer in the range of 37-38 ° C, it is better to do without the use of any medications, however, at higher thermometer values, sometimes temperature medications for babies are simply necessary. In this case, a pediatrician, without whose advice it is strictly forbidden to use an antipyretic for infants, may advise using suppositories for newborns in the most minimal dosage from the temperature or dilute a small amount of suspension / syrup in a bottle with a drink.

For infants, children's antipyretic suppositories and other dosage forms can be prescribed only from the second month of life and under constant supervision by adults.

Dosage forms of antipyretics for children

Parents who give their child antipyretic drugs for children should remember that such therapy is purely symptomatic, aimed at alleviating one of the painful manifestations of the underlying disease, on the cause of which the determining treatment should be concentrated.

At high temperatures in children, antipyretics in any dosage form should be prescribed in dosages calculated primarily in accordance with the child's body weight, and then with his age (you need to pay attention to the age limits prescribed in the official instructions). So, for example, the recommended remedies for fever in a child at 2 years old may be contraindicated for children at 5-6 months. Also, the choice of a pediatric antipyretic should be based on the convenience of its use, the speed of action, the patient's individual susceptibility to the active ingredient of the drug, comorbidities and cost.

To date, the list of antipyretic drugs in various dosage forms intended for patients of any age category is quite wide (tablets, suppositories, capsules, syrups, powders, suspensions, etc.). Their composition is specially selected for children, and the release form for ease of use in accordance with the age of the child and its functionality.

Antipyretic candles for children

At this time, candles from high temperature for children up to a year and older are recognized as the safest medicinal antipyretic drugs. The rectal method of administering a suppository for children under 1 year old practically eliminates such side effects as nausea / , sometimes occurring when taking tablets, sweet suspensions, syrups and other oral dosage forms, and therefore therapy is more easily tolerated by the smallest patients. The onset of action of the suppositories is observed after approximately 40 minutes and lasts for approximately 4-6 hours.

Rectal administration of dosage forms is best done after emptying the patient's intestines. Some children's candles for temperature can be recommended to a child from one month of his life ( Efferalgan ), if they gain weight over 4 kilograms, but only in minimal dosages and under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Basically, they practice the use of antipyretic suppositories for children from 1 year old, starting from 3 months (,) in doses corresponding to body weight. For children from 1-2 years old, whose parents are wary of medicines based on chemical ingredients, therapy can be offered using homeopathic suppositories, also quite often prescribed by pediatricians to reduce fever.

Rectal suppositories, including as an active ingredient - paracetamol presented with drugs:

Candles Efferalgan in the minimum dosage can be prescribed from 1 month, candles from other manufacturers from 3 months of life. The maximum daily dosage for all suppositories of this group is calculated based on the ratio of 60 mg paracetamol per 1 kg of the child's weight. In 24 hours, you can use no more than 4 suppositories (every 6 hours) corresponding to age and body weight. The duration of antipyretic therapy is best limited to three days.

Rectal suppositories containing as an active ingredient ibuprofen presented with medicines:

All drugs in this group can be used only from 3 months of age. The maximum daily dosage for all these suppositories is calculated based on the ratio of 30 mg ibuprofen per 1 kg of the child's weight. In 24 hours, you can use no more than 3 suppositories (every 6-8 hours) corresponding to age and body weight. The duration of antipyretic therapy is best limited to three days.

Homeopathic rectal suppositories include components of various origins: conhe, plantago, hamomilla, dulcamara belladonna, homeopathic pulsatilla.

These suppositories are indicated for use in combination therapy of respiratory diseases in children and have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic efficacy. Viburkol can be used from 6 months of age. To reduce fever, children from 6 months of age with medical thermometer readings over 37.5 ° C are prescribed the introduction of 1 suppository 4 times in 24 hours; at a temperature of more than 38 ° C - the introduction of 1 suppository 6 times a day. After normalization of temperature, treatment should be continued for another 3-4 days with the introduction of 1 suppository 1-2 times a day.

Suspensions and syrups for fever for children

Antipyretic suppositories for children from 3 years old are used less often, giving preference to liquid dosage forms, probably due to their faster action and taste.

Various antipyretic syrups, powders in granules in sachets for the preparation of oral solutions and ready-made suspensions mainly contain various flavoring additives and sugar. It is these "sweet" ingredients that help children swallow the medicine, but can also cause nausea or even vomiting, which will lead to a weakening or complete leveling of the effectiveness of the drug taken.

A large amount of sugar in some cases (or any sugar intolerance ) may be contraindicated for the child and therefore parents are obliged to carefully monitor how much it includes this or that drug.

The onset of action of liquid medicinal preparations, as a rule, is noted already after 20-30 minutes and lasts for 4-6 hours. Some drugs can be diluted with water, tea, milk, others are intended for internal use in their pure form.

Starting from the second month of life, according to the instructions (under constant supervision and with caution), the child can be given the same syrup Efferalgan , while the age limit for other similar drugs is most often 3 months ( , Nurofen , ), and sometimes even 6 months. The dosages of liquid medicines are also calculated based on the weight of the patient, and for their accurate measurement, a measuring container (spoon, cup or syringe) is always enclosed in secondary packages.

Liquid based medicines paracetamol :

  • syrup (30 mg / ml, 90 ml or 150 ml in a vial);
  • Panadol Baby suspension (120 mg / 5 ml, 100 ml or 300 ml in a vial);
  • suspension (120 mg / 5 ml, 70 ml or 100 ml in a vial);
  • syrup / suspension (120 mg / 5 ml, 50 ml or 100 ml in a vial).

In this group, from one month of life, children can take syrup Efferalgan and suspension , other drugs are indicated for prescription only from 3 months.

The average single dose of liquid paracetamol, depending on the weight of the child, varies within and 10-15 mg / kg in 3-4 doses per day. A maximum of 24 hours before the child can drink a suspension or syrup at a dose of 60 mg / kg. The interval between oral administration of any drug should be 4-6 hours. For accuracy and convenience of dosing, you should use the measuring container included in the kit for the selected drug. The duration of antipyretic therapy is best limited to three days.

Liquid preparations containing the active ingredient ibuprofen :

  • (100 mg / 5 ml, 100 ml or 200 ml in a vial);
  • Bofen (100 mg / 5 ml, 100 ml in a vial);
  • (100 mg / 5 ml, 100 ml in a vial).

All of these drugs can be used to treat children who have reached 3 months of age. Single dose liquid ibuprofen depending on the weight of the child, it ranges from 5-10 mg / kg in 3-4 doses per day. For a day, a child can take the drug at a maximum dose of 30 mg / kg.

The interval between oral administration of these medicinal products should be 6-8 hours. Convenience and accuracy of dosing is provided by the measuring container included in the kit for the selected drug. The duration of antipyretic therapy is best limited to three days.

Antipyretic tablets, capsules

Capsules and tablets for fever for children (including effervescent forms) are mainly indicated for use from 6 years of age. This age limit is associated with a rather impressive dose of the active ingredient contained in the solid dosage form and the inability to accurately measure the dosage by dividing the capsule or tablet into parts.

These dosage forms, as well as their liquid counterparts, can also include many different additional substances, which will certainly affect which temperature pills to choose for the treatment of a particular child. Before taking any remedy, parents should make sure that their child does not have allergic reactions on all its components, or start treatment with minimal doses.


Popular drug representatives ibuprofen :

  • Nurofen ;
  • Advil ;
  • Ibuprom ;
  • Faspik etc.

The dosage of these drugs for the treatment of fever in children 6-12 years old is set by the doctor on an individual basis. For paracetamol it varies within 200-500 mg in 3-4 doses per day. For ibuprofen - within 100-200 mg in 3-4 doses in 24 hours. The duration of antipyretic therapy is best limited to three days.

Overview of antipyretics

When choosing an antipyretic drug for the auxiliary treatment of children, the pediatrician and the child's parents should first of all be guided by its safety. Since common to all NSAID drugs, including antipyretics, is the suppression of synthesis, which can cause their main negative effects ( stomach bleeding , erosion/ , aspirin asthma ), this issue must be approached with all responsibility.

Antipyretic drugs, the use of which is not recommended for children

As mentioned above, use drugs from the NSAID group based on (, Nimulid, , Nemulex , Nimid ), due to the excellent focus of their main action (anti-inflammatory efficacy), it is impossible to treat children.

Prohibited medicines for children under 12 years of age, due to a double risk of negative side effects, also include combined preparations with two active ingredients from the NSAID group, for example Aspirin ( , Aspeter ), since its action in children with, and can even lead to the development Reye's syndrome .

Popular folk remedies for fever for children, used by many parents mainly in rural areas ( rubbing with vinegar or vodka , alcohol compresses , parka legs, etc.), should be used carefully and only if necessary, especially for infants. In addition to the fact that such folk remedies are ineffective in most cases, they can also harm the child, complicating the course of his underlying disease with toxic effects. ethanol or vinegar (in case of using an excessive amount), penetrating the body through the skin.

Thus, for clinical use in pediatrics in order to reduce temperature, excluding homeopathic, folk remedies and generally accepted recommendations, only drugs containing as an active ingredient remain suitable ibuprofen and paracetamol .


Although the strength of its antipyretic effect ibuprofen somewhat superior paracetamol , however, more frequent development of side effects when using it ( stomach bleeding , , erosion of the gastrointestinal tract , decreased renal blood flow etc.) puts this drug in second place.

Currently, the drug of choice for reducing fever in children is paracetamol .

Usage ibuprofen justified if the child is intolerant paracetamol or in its absence, in case of emergency, the use of an antipyretic agent.

We remind parents that any antipyretic drug for a child can be used only after consultation with a pediatrician and only in the age dosages prescribed by him. Repeated use of the dose of the drug recommended by the doctor is allowed no earlier than 4 hours after the first application. The duration of treatment is best limited to 3 days.

The underlying therapy should be aimed at combating the underlying disease that caused the fever ( SARS , flu etc.). In addition to the main treatment, all additional generally accepted measures (bed rest, heavy drinking, carrying medicinal herbs, cleansing enemas, reception) must be performed.

During periods of increased morbidity, you should prophylactically give your child safe and effective drugs to increase immunity (, etc.), and also harden his body.

A rise in temperature in a newborn is a serious cause for concern for parents. After all, a high temperature can be a harbinger of a disease or infection. Antipyretics will help to relieve the temperature and alleviate the condition of the child.

Important points when taking antipyretic drugs:

  1. Only the attending pediatrician can prescribe an antipyretic for a newborn child.
  2. It is recommended to bring down the temperature if it is above 38 °.
  3. Strictly follow the instructions, observe the doses of the drugs.

On the topic of temperature in newborns:

  • (what thermometer and in what place to measure: in the mouth, under the arm, rectally)

List of antipyretics

Medicines for newborns from temperature are available in the form of syrups, suspensions, solutions and rectal suppositories.

  • Daleron. Suspension. Dosage: up to 3 months. - 10 mg, 3-12 months. - 60-120 mg. You can not take more than 4 times a day. The time between doses of the drug is 4 hours. The maximum duration of administration is 3 days.
  • Dolomol. Suspension. Dosage: 1-3 months. - determined by the doctor, 3-12 months. - from 2.5 to 5 ml. Drink at least 1 hour after eating. Drink plenty of liquid. Take 4 times a day at intervals of 4 hours. The maximum duration of admission is 3 days.
    • Dolomol Candles. Dosage: 3-6 months. - 80 mg 5 times a day, 6-12 months. - 80 mg per day 2-3 times. The daily dose is a maximum of 4 grams.
  • Ibuprofen. Candles. Dosage: 5.5-8 kg - 1 supp. per day 3 times, 8-12.5 kg - 1 supp. per day 4 times. The interval between doses is 6 hours. Not desirable for children under 3 months. The duration of admission is 3 days.
  • Ibufen. Suspension. Dosage: 7-9 kg - 2.5 ml (50 mg). Take after meals, no more than 3 times a day. The minimum time between doses is 6-8 hours. Shake the bottle before use. The drug is not recommended for children weighing up to 7 kg.
  • Ifimol. Solution. Dosage: up to 3 months. - 10 mg, 3-12 months. - 60-120 mg. Take at intervals of 4 hours, no more than 4 times a day. The duration of admission is 3 days.
  • Kalpol. Suspension. Dosage: 3-12 months. - from 2.5 to 5 ml. Newborns up to 1 month don't want to give. Drink after meals, at least 1 hour later. Drink plenty of water. The recommended dosage per day is 3-4 times with a 4-hour interval. The duration of application is 3 days.
  • Nurofen. Suspension. Dosage: 3-6 months. (not less than 5 kg) - 2.5 ml (1-3 times a day), 6-12 months. - 2.5 ml (1-4 times a day). To accurately calculate the dosage, use the instructions and a measuring spoon. Give a maximum of 4 times a day. The duration of admission is 3 days. If children 3-6 months. after taking the drug there is no improvement within a day, you need to contact your pediatrician.
    • Nurofen Candles. Dosage: 6-8 kg - 0.5-1 supp. (maximum 3 times a day), 8-12.5 kg - 1 supp. (maximum 4 times a day). The interval between applications is 6 hours. It is not advisable to put children under 3 months old. and body weight up to 6 kg. The duration of admission is 3 days.
  • Panadol for children. Suspension. Dosage: 6-8 kg - 4 ml, 8-10 kg - 5 ml. It is not recommended to give more than 3-4 times a day. Children up to 3 months. only prescribed by a doctor.
    • Panadol children's Candles. Dosage: up to 3 months. - 10 mg, 3-12 months. - 60-120 mg. Put a maximum of 4 times a day with a 4-hour interval. Can be used 5-7 days.
  • Paracetamol for children. Syrup. Children 3-12 months. give 2.5 - 5 ml 3-4 times a day. The frequency of admission is 4-6 hours. Take the drug before meals. It is allowed to add to water and give through a bottle. Children up to 3 months. give only as prescribed by a doctor. It is not advisable to use up to 1 month.
    • Paracetamol for children Suspension. Toddlers 1-3 months. - about 2 ml, and 3 -12 months. - 2.5-5 ml. Daily intake - 3-4 times. Give undiluted, always before meals. Drink water. 4 hours - the minimum time between doses. Babies up to 1 month old Not recommended.
  • Tylenol. Suspension. Dosage: up to 3 months - the doctor sets, 3-12 months. - 2.5-5 ml. Take no more than 4 times a day. Children up to 1 month. contraindicated. The duration of admission is 3 days.
    • Tylenol Solution. Dosage: 3-6 months. (up to 7 kg) - 350 mg, 6-12 months. (over 10 kg) - 500 mg. Maximum 4 times a day, after meals. Children under 1 month old drug is not recommended.
    • Tylenol suppositories. Dosage: 3-6 months. - 160 mg in two doses, 6-12 months. - 80 mg 3 times a day. Apply no more than 4 times a day. Babies up to 3 months do not put.
  • Cefekon D. Candles. Dosage: 4-6 kg (1-3 months) - 1 supp. (50 mg), 7-12 kg (3-12 months) - 1 supp. (100 mg). Apply 2-3 times a day. The time between applications is 4-6 hours. Children up to 1 month. Not recommended. The duration of admission is 3 days.
  • Efferalgan. Syrup. A measuring spoon is included with the syrup, into which the amount of syrup is collected, which corresponds to the weight of the child. Take a day no more than 3-4 times. Between doses, the minimum time is 4-6 hours. The maximum period of use is 3 days. Newborns weighing up to 4 kg syrup is not recommended.
    • Efferalgan Solution. Dosage: up to 3 months. - 10 mg, 3-12 months. - 60-120 mg. Take no more than 4 times a day with a 4-hour break. The duration of admission is 3 days.
    • Efferalgan Candles. Dosage: up to 3 months. - 10 mg, 3-12 months - 60-120 mg. Use 4 times a day. 4 hours is the minimum interval between applications. The duration of admission is 3 days.

Additional proven methods

You can try to bring down the temperature without the help of drugs or just alleviate the condition of the child. A few proven public measures over the years:

Plentiful drink. The more liquid there is, the better the child will sweat, thereby bringing down the temperature in a natural way. If the child still cannot be drunk with raspberry tea, then apply it to the chest more often.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Comfort temperature. It is not necessary to dress the child “warmerly”. It would be better to undress him, covering him with a diaper.

Wet rubdown. The main thing is not to overdo it with the cold, so that there are no vasospasms. And even more so, no vodka compresses that can cause poisoning.

Normally, antipyretics for newborns are prescribed by pediatricians, regardless of the nature of the pathological or physiological condition. But it happens that help needs to be provided urgently, so parents should know what means and in what form can be used in an emergency, how to give them correctly, how they differ from each other.

For the most part, the action of profile drugs is aimed precisely at eliminating the signs of fever in children, but some of them also have additional properties. It is strictly forbidden to independently make a decision on the treatment of a baby under the age of one, even if his temperature has already risen, and the parents remember that the doctor prescribed him.

Drugs allowed and prohibited in infancy

Modern antipyretics for newborns most often belong to one of the following large groups according to the type of active substance:

  1. Products based on paracetamol (Panadol, Paracetamol, Efferalgan). Available in the form of suspensions, rectal suppositories and tablets. Prohibited only for infants in the first month of life. Contraindicated for children with diabetes mellitus, viral hepatitis, liver and kidney diseases, hypersensitivity to the main component.
  2. Ibuprofen-based formulations (Ibufen, Ibuprofen, Nurofen). They have the same release forms, but they can only be used from the third month of a child's life. Prohibited for use in asthma, kidney and liver failure, hearing loss, gastritis, peptic ulcer, blood diseases.
  3. Combined drugs, which include both paracetamol and ibuprofen (Ibuklin Junior). Tablets that can be switched to when the child is 3 years old. Contraindications are the same as for monocomponent drugs.

Tip: It is strictly forbidden to deviate from the recommendations for age groups specific to the indicated active substances, even if something else appears on the product packaging and in the instructions. The action of these components is very specific and can cause irreparable damage to a developing organism, provoke a number of side effects.

In addition, there is a separate group of medicines for children - homeopathic nature (Viburkol). Produced in the form of candles for temperature for newborns, they have no age restrictions and contraindications. Prohibited for use only with individual intolerance, which is extremely rare even in infants.

In pediatrics, it is forbidden to use antipyretics familiar to adults:

  • Analgin. It causes many side effects (dizziness, anemia, nausea). Of particular danger is the long-term use of the composition. The reaction of infants and even children older than a year can be the most unexpected, up to anaphylactic shock.
  • Aspirin. It is strictly forbidden for children under 12 years of age in any form and form. This is due to the high risk of complications. For example, with a fever against the background of chickenpox, there is a high probability of developing deadly pathologies.

When choosing the optimal remedy, it is necessary to take into account not only its statistical indicators, but also the individual characteristics of the child's body, the severity of the condition. For this reason, it is better to first see a doctor and do tests that will allow you to choose the right drug.

Overview characteristics of popular children's products

To decide on a reliable and safe antipyretic for a newborn or to choose an effective remedy for a child a little over a year old, you need to understand the features of existing products:

  • Compositions with paracetamol. They are used against the background of fever caused by viral and bacterial infections, teething, inflammatory processes (for example, otitis media). They are considered one of the safest remedies for the treatment of young children, especially those under the age of one year. Often used as an indicator that allows you to quickly diagnose the nature and severity of the disease. So, with ARVI, the funds give a quick and pronounced effect, and with influenza, bacterial and fungal infections, its action is blurred and does not last long.
  • Formulations with ibuprofen. They not only relieve fever, but also actively fight inflammatory processes, muffle the severity of the pain syndrome. Most often they are used in cases where paracetamol does not cope with fever or an integrated approach is needed to treat certain conditions in children. In the case of babies up to a year old, it is advisable to combine funds with analogues based on paracetamol. In this case, ibuprofens are given to the baby at night, and paracetamols are used during the day. Between doses of these medications must pass at least 6 hours!
  • Viburkol. It is often used by mothers in the complex treatment of teething complicated by temperature, with acute respiratory viral infections, colic, overexcitation of the baby. Candles relieve fever, eliminate spasm and inflammation, muffle pain.

Each of the listed products has its own specific properties and qualities, which are not always written about in the instructions (or they use a language understandable only to medical professionals for this). Therefore, despite the fact that funds can be purchased without a prescription at a pharmacy, this should be done only with the permission of a doctor.

Antispasmodics as a remedy for white fever

It happens that antipyretics do not give the desired effect, even when used correctly and combined with each other. The reason may be a vasospasm, due to which the body of a child (especially under the age of one) cannot get rid of the heat. This condition is called "white" fever and requires the use of antispasmodics.

A dangerous phenomenon in children is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Very pale, almost.
  • Blueness of lips and nails.
  • Coldness in the upper and lower limbs.
  • The temperature is above 39ºС and does not go astray.
  • If the temperature can be brought down, then the effect is very short, after which the indicator rises rapidly again.
  • Severe chills may be accompanied by convulsions and delirium.

Means such as Papaverine and No-Shpa help to eliminate vasospasm and a rapid decrease in temperature. Given the complexity of the condition, such manipulations can only be entrusted to a doctor. For the arrival of a specialist, parents should, if possible, clarify the weight of the child, which will be needed to calculate the exact dose of funds.

When choosing the composition of the drug, we must not forget about its form. When treating babies, it is advisable to use suppositories and suspensions. The first is best to put at night, you can even in a dream. They differ in the increased duration of action and very seldom cause an allergy. The latter have the speed of action and are indispensable with a rapid increase in temperature. True, sweeteners and dyes are added to them, which often provoke allergies in babies.

All antipyretic drugs are stored in a dark and cool place, depending on the shape of the product, it must either be carefully closed (suspension), or the tightness of the package (candles) must be monitored. If the baby has a violent reaction to an increase in temperature (convulsions, vomiting), then therapy should be started as early as possible.

Elevated body temperature during the onset of the disease is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, but necessary for the body to defeat the virus. Surprisingly, the same struggle mechanism will work in the body of seemingly helpless babies.

In recent years, pediatricians have increasingly said that the main task of the mother in such a situation is not to “bring down” the temperature, but to create the necessary conditions for the destruction of the virus. We get used to this thought with difficulty and continue to give antipyretics to improve the well-being of babies and our own peace of mind.

How to do this with the least harm, in what situations antipyretic drugs are needed, and how to choose the right drug - you will learn from our article.

Antipyretics for newborns

In medicine, newborns are considered to be infants from birth to 4 weeks of age. As for older children, the rule here is not to bring down the temperature while it is below 38 or 38.5 degrees. But if you have to do this, only the doctor should decide!

Not a single pharmacy can sell an antipyretic that is allowed for newborns up to 1 month old (and even for babies 2 months old). Until the doctor arrives, care must be taken to ensure that the child is in a cool, damp room and is not dressed too warmly. It should be given water frequently and breastfed as often as possible if the infant is breastfed. Additional measures may be rubbing the body with warm water (about 37 degrees) and a wet compress on the forehead.

Antipyretic for children up to a year

Most often, when they say “antipyretic for newborns”, parents mean drugs for babies under the age of almost six months. From the age of 3 months, the child is allowed to give antipyretics based on paracetamol.

The best option for such small children are antipyretic suppositories for a newborn or suppositories. They are best used after a bowel movement and at night. Most candles begin to help after 40 minutes. Although syrups and suspensions are absorbed and act faster, they contain colors, sweeteners and flavors that improve the look and taste of the medicine for the convenience of the child, and some children may be allergic to them.

Antipyretic suppositories for children under one year old are inserted into the anus of the baby when he lies on his stomach. The buttocks are squeezed a little so that the “priest swallows” the candle. Both syrups and baby candles are used no more than twice a day in case of emergency, when the baby's body temperature is more than 38.5.

From 6 months old, babies can be given antipyretic drugs based on ibuprofen. This drug has a stronger effect, but it helps faster, its effect lasts longer. Its main disadvantage is the higher price.

Advice! Antipyretic in liquid form will work faster if you heat it before giving it to a child, for example - in the hands.

Both paracetamol and ibuprofen are not prohibited for independent “appointment” by parents during fevers (for any diseases), and, subject to doses and norms, they are relatively harmless to the child's body. Relatively - since absolutely harmless drugs do not exist, and therefore they must be used very carefully, especially at such a tender age. The option of using both drugs at the same time is practiced, but too dangerous for babies.

Doctor speaks! Dr. Komarovsky teaches that it is wrong to dose antipyretics by age, since all children are of different weights, it is much more reasonable to give based on the amount of mg per kg of weight. Paracetamol is given at 10-15 mg per kg of weight, the period between doses is 4 hours (up to 90 mg per 1 kg per day), ibuprofen - 10 mg per 1 kg, after 6 hours (up to 40 mg per 1 kg per day).

Important! If an hour or two after the antipyretic for infants was used, the temperature did not begin to decrease, this may mean:

  1. The child does not have an ordinary acute respiratory disease or acute respiratory viral infection, which should be urgently reported to the doctor,
  2. The conditions are not met, and the child has nothing to sweat with or the room is too dry and hot.
  3. There is a possibility that you got a fake.

Antipyretic after vaccination

Many pediatricians advise giving an antipyretic immediately after vaccinations to prevent a possible increase in temperature. But recently, this approach has not been welcomed, and it has already been proven that such actions have a bad effect on the development of post-vaccinal immunity. The use of the drug makes sense if the temperature has really risen and the baby is suffering.

What antipyretic is better for a newborn?

So, the safest for young children, starting with babies, are antipyretics based on paracetamol and ibuprofen. There are a lot of such drugs with various names now.

It is most reasonable to ask the pharmacy for the most inexpensive version of children's suppositories or syrup with paracetamol or ibuprofen, without overpaying for useless additives or a “promoted” name, the main active ingredient will still lower the temperature. And yet the most popular today are:

Antipyretics for children list

  • based on paracetamol: Paracetamol (syrup, suspension), Tylenol (suspension, suppositories, solution), Panadol (candles, suspension), Efferalgan (syrup, suppositories, solution), Cefekon (candles), Kalpol (suspension), Dolomol (candles, suspension), Daleron (suspension), Ifimol (solution),
  • Ibuprofen is based on: Ibuprofen (candles), Ibufen (suspension) and children's Nurofen (suspension, candles) is especially popular with mothers.

Forbidden to children

  • aspirin,
  • analgin,
  • nimesil.

Urgent use of antipyretics

Parents should promptly give an antipyretic if:

  1. temperature over 39 and a half degrees,
  2. the child has a fever
  3. additional fluid loss occurs - vomiting, diarrhea,
  4. the baby has already had convulsions from fever,
  5. He does not tolerate heat well and it shows,
  6. temperature in children with pathologies and developmental problems.

Unfortunately, the availability of powerful drugs makes the medical commandment "do no harm!" relevant and for caring parents. Knowing the elementary rules of behavior during an increase in body temperature in an infant, a mother will be able to maintain the health of the child and the nerves of herself and her entire family.

Do not self-medicate and only give medicines to your baby when it is really necessary!

Komarovsky about antipyretics (video)

How to use antipyretic drugs? (video)

Antipyretics do not help, what to do? (video)

Replenishment in the family is always associated not only with joyful emotions, but also with a lot of unrest - young parents do not yet have the necessary experience and are very worried about the health of the baby. In the first months of life, the baby is just beginning to adapt to the new environment, and the mother is just beginning to adapt to the behavior of the baby. The anxiety and crying of the baby sometimes makes the mother doubt that the child is healthy. And to determine the state of health at home, people always try to use a thermometer. If the numbers on the thermometer match the norm, the mother calms down and begins to look for other reasons for the suspicious behavior of the child. But the slightest deviation of the mercury column horrifies some mothers - not everyone knows how to deal with fever in babies, and what drug is recommended to use.

In what cases should the temperature be brought down?

Many people perceive fever as a threatening factor that must be dealt with immediately. And the hand itself reaches for the drug, which has an antipyretic effect. However, fever does not always require the use of medications, especially when it comes to babies.

Many adults believe that the temperature norm is the classic 36.6, and are unaware that even for an adult, daily temperature fluctuations (by 0.5-1.0 ° C) are a natural phenomenon.

These fluctuations are caused by strong emotional experiences and intense stress (which is why the temperature is measured at rest). And for a newborn with its unformed function of thermoregulation, temperature fluctuations within 1 degree are all the more the norm.

In a healthy child, the temperature may rise:

  1. With intense muscle load
  2. With prolonged screaming and crying
  3. Overheating
  4. After eating

At temperatures up to 38 ° C, accompanied by the factors listed above, it is not necessary to immediately give antipyretics. The child must be reassured, remove excess clothing and re-measure after 30 minutes.

If the thermometer shows that the indicators are approaching the classic ones, there is no reason to panic and no treatment is required. If the indicators have not changed, but have not increased and do not exceed 37.5 ° C, observe the child's behavior. A sick baby will be more capricious and lethargic, picky about food, and will sleep restlessly. In this case, you will need to consult a doctor.

A rising temperature is an indicator of the presence of a virus or bacterial infection. And in this case, too, you do not need to immediately give medicines, subject to the activity of the baby.

At a high temperature on the second day, the body produces interferon protein, which prevents the reproduction of the virus. Due to the influence of interferon, the viral disease lasts no more than 3 days. In the absence of temperature, the viral disease is delayed (on average for a week).

Of course, a high temperature can be dangerous for the crumbs, but we are talking about a temperature exceeding 38.5 ° C. The exception is babies with chronic diseases, children prone to seizures and crumbs up to 2 months of age. Such children should be given antipyretics if the thermometer shows 37.5.

The temperature should also be brought down if the temperature does not rise above 38.5 ° C, but the condition of the crumbs has worsened. The deterioration indicators are:

  1. Pallor
  2. cold extremities
  3. Chills
  4. Pain in the muscles

It is important to remember that temperature is not a disease, but its symptom, so the baby should be shown to the doctor without fail. The doctor will determine the cause of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment, including recommendations for antipyretic drugs.

Antipyretic drugs prohibited for infants

Antipyretic drugs can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription, and the abundance of advertising on this topic gives many parents the illusion that all antipyretic drugs are completely safe. And the tendency of the population to self-medicate often makes them thoughtlessly buy medicines for fever, which are contraindicated for children. It is strictly forbidden at a temperature to give infants:

  1. Aspirin. Our grandmothers were very fond of using it, but doctors found that this drug harms the baby’s unformed body. It adversely affects the gastric mucosa, is toxic to the liver, interferes with blood clotting and provokes life-threatening Reye's syndrome.
  2. Nimesulide bad for the liver and gastrointestinal tract
  3. Analgin, which has a lot of side effects and in some cases causes anaphylactic shock

What drugs can bring down the temperature in infants?

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Vitamin complexes, probiotics, omega-3 from the company Garden of Life, designed specifically for pregnant women

At a high temperature, children without a doctor's prescription can be given:

  1. Paracetamol. For babies, this substance is prescribed in suspensions and suppositories, since the use of tablets at this age is inconvenient. You don’t need to look for paracetamol in a pharmacy - it’s enough to know which drugs contain paracetamol (the substance is the same, but the names of the drug are different depending on the manufacturer). The most popular and according to many mothers the best remedy is Panadol. You can also give no less effective Tylenol, Eferalgan, Dofalgan, etc. In some cases, Panadol suspension is preferred due to its more pleasant taste (convincing a child to take eferalgan suspension is much more difficult);
  2. Nurofen (active ingredient - ibuprofen). This drug reduces the temperature faster than paracetamol, but, unlike paracetamol, it also reduces urine excretion, and this is undesirable for newborns. That is why drugs with paracetamol can be used in the first months of life, and Nurofen is recommended for children from 3 months old with a child weighing at least 5 kg.

Rules for taking Nurofen and Panadol

Both Nurofen and Panadol have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, so they relieve muscle pain in acute respiratory viral infections well.

When buying a medicine, you must definitely choose children's Panadol and Nurofen, since the dosage is important for the correct and safe use of the antipyretic drug. The dosage of children's suspensions is calculated depending on the weight of the child, so it is important to know the weight of the crumbs.

It is also important to maintain the interval between taking the medicine (Panadol and Nurofen are given at intervals of 6-8 hours). But sometimes the temperature goes astray for no more than 3-4 hours. In this case, Panadol and Nurofen are allowed to alternate - the drugs have different active ingredients, so you will not exceed the critical concentration of the drug, and you can keep the temperature under control.

For infants, Panadol is preferable, since paracetamol does not act so aggressively on the delicate gastric mucosa.

Nurofen and Panadol in candles

For a child of the first months of life, candles are recommended. This dosage form is better tolerated by the child, as it does not affect the stomach. In addition, the drug is absorbed faster and acts faster. Yes, and it is much more convenient to use suppositories in a child in the first months of life - the baby is able to spit out the suspension, and you will not be sure that the entire required dose has reached its destination.

A longer period is allowed to use Panadol candles (up to 7 days). They are placed in the same way as Efferalgan.

Nurofen suppositories are also used, but they are allowed to be used for children from 3 months old with a weight of 6-8 kg. The interval of application of Nurofen suppositories is 6 hours, and the duration of use is 3 days.

Thus, the safest and most convenient drug for children in the first months of life is Panadol suppositories.