Signs of poisoning in dogs, symptoms and treatment. What to do if your dog is poisoned? Poisoning from low-quality products

Poisoning in a dog is a consequence of which toxic substances enter the body.

There are cases when poisoning occurs intentionally (by deliberately harming the dog) and accidentally.

Poisoning in animals is dangerous to the life of an animal. acute form, proceeding quite hard.

Causes of poisoning

According to statistics food poisoning In dogs, in 85% of cases it is due to the fault of the owner. It is worth considering that dogs do not pick at their food. Therefore, they eat everything that the owner gives him. Dogs also love to taste everything they come across on a walk.

It is quite possible to notice poisoning on your own, the main thing is to correctly identify the factor of obvious signs.

In most cases, the symptoms are similar to an intestinal disorder with a slight deviation, which makes it difficult to correctly identify the problem.

On initial stage poisoning in a dog when poisonous agents just started harmful effects on the body, apathy to what is happening appears, there is no desire to eat food, there is little mobility, and mostly in a supine position.

When a dog is poisoned, the symptoms are expressed as follows:

  • the animal cannot control the motor system, coordination of movement is impaired in a chaotic manner;
  • one feels weakness and trembling throughout the body;
  • saliva is produced profusely;
  • cough, hoarseness, shortness of breath;
  • frequent and profuse vomiting, with foamy contents;
  • convulsions;
  • stomach upset;
  • the color of the mucous membrane changes, acquiring a yellow tint;
  • breathing is frequent, shallow;
  • depressed, overexcited state;
  • incessant thirst;
  • involuntary urination;
  • rapid, slow pulse;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth.

In general, the dog’s symptoms develop quite quickly, and also rapidly worsen. This sign characteristic of rapid poisoning.

In a chronic condition, an asymptomatic course is possible, which is quite difficult to identify not only for the owner, but also for a veterinary clinic specialist.

It is worth looking at the color and condition of the mucous membranes.

If the surface is pale, then this indicates internal bleeding, burgundy or yellow talks about the effects of toxins on the body.

The dog will have diarrhea with blood, the body temperature will increase, the mucous membranes will become pale, the heartbeat will increase, and the pet will moan.

Isoniazid poisoning in dogs is expressed differently:

  • the animal's consciousness is confused;
  • chaotic running with staggering is possible;
  • orientation is lost;
  • vomiting occurs;
  • bloody foam often appears from the mouth;
  • depressed breathing;
  • convulsions;
  • drowsiness;
  • coma.

Strychnine poisoning in dogs acts quickly on the body. Clinical symptoms usually occur within 10 to 120 minutes after ingestion and can lead to sudden death.

Strychnine contributes to the development of the following symptoms:

  • limbs are stiff;
  • muscles are tight and immobile;
  • suffer from spasms that contribute to the contraction of the muscles of the neck and back, which leads to throwing back the head;
  • seizures of a convulsive nature that are not controlled ( bright lighting, noise);
  • breathing is difficult;
  • increased heart rate;
  • vomit.

Chocolate poisoning in dogs appears several hours after eating the product.

It is important to know that dogs digest chocolate very slowly, so you should not leave your dog unattended, even if there are no symptoms of poisoning.

Symptoms in most cases occur within 5 hours after eating chocolate. The first manifestation occurs within 24 hours.

If your dog is poisoned by chocolate

Obvious symptoms of chocolate poisoning:

  • spasms and painful sensations in a stomach;
  • vomiting with big amount chocolate mass with a characteristic odor;
  • noticeably increased secretion saliva;
  • increased thirst;
  • increased urination;
  • there is rarely diarrhea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • rapid heartbeat and breathing;
  • heart rhythm is disturbed;
  • every 4 hours the dog gets excited;
  • muscle tremors;
  • perception to noise, touch, light increases.

Severe intoxication of the body occurs when poisoning occurs with toxic substances (arsenic, heavy metals, isoniazid).

Besides common manifestations that occur with food poisoning, the following symptoms also occur:

  • coma - occurs 3 hours after poisoning. Failure to provide assistance in a timely manner can lead to the death of the animal;
  • dehydration;
  • disorders in the cardiac and vascular system;
  • severe convulsions and trembling, which, if left untreated, lead to paralysis;
  • disorder nervous system;
  • bleeding from the nasal passage, anus;
  • bruises on the body;
  • the presence of blood in the urine;
  • involuntary urination with blood;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • frequent diarrhea;
  • the pupil dilates or does not react to light at all;
  • the chemical and physical composition of the blood is disrupted;
  • acute renal failure.

Poisoning in a dog: first aid and treatment

When providing first aid, it is important to know the cause of intoxication. In this case, you cannot hesitate, due to the rapid penetration of toxic substances into the body, which lead to serious condition animal.

The first thing to do is to remove the poison from the body. At the same time, the question immediately arises: “How to help a dog, what to drink, what to inject in this case”?

If the dog has food poisoning, then vomiting is induced using a saline solution, which you can make yourself (a tablespoon of salt dissolves in a glass warm water) or purchase the drug at the pharmacy Regidron.

This remedy will help restore water-alkaline balance in the body, relieves diarrhea. You can also dilute peroxide with water 1 to 1 or give water with mustard.

More ways to treat poisoning in dogs

Another method for cleansing the body is enema. When performing this procedure, you must be careful based on the size of your pet. Use a syringe or Esmarch mug. Can be added to water a large number of salt.

You can try the dry emetic method using salt or soda. One or another product is placed on the root of the dog’s tongue and the mouth is closed. You will need to stroke your pet's throat for several minutes for the product to then enter the esophagus. Next, wait for vomiting.

In a hospital setting, the dog's stomach is washed using a probe. After inserting the device, the dog may vomit. Then it is necessary to lower her head for further release of vomit, with continued manipulation. When the vomiting has stopped, give Activated carbon, which has a binding effect on the stomach and removes toxins from it. The intake of tablets depends on the animal’s body weight; on average, 3–20 tablets will be sufficient. It is recommended for a quick reaction in the stomach to use kaolin together with polysorb and vaseline oil.

If there is weakness, low body temperature, or chills, the pet should be covered to normalize heat exchange.

In addition to a number of events and medicines There is an antidote for intoxication. This is a specific antidote for everyone accessible remedy pyridoxine vitamin B 6. If there is a suspicion that the dog has been poisoned, you can administer it yourself. The vitamin does not provide Negative influence, even at high doses. It must be injected into a vein.

If chemical poisoning occurs in dogs, you should take the animal outside or into a well-ventilated room. Inhaling fumes of turpentine or gasoline can cause vomiting and convulsive attacks. You will need to give 2 tablespoons to drink vegetable oil, a little later a laxative. If chemicals come into contact with the skin, rinse immediately with plenty of water.

First aid– this is a primary event, so after completing the required steps, you need to take the dog to the clinic to receive help from specialists.

Dog poisoning: treatment

If poisoning occurs:

  • if rat poison - brodifacoum - has entered the body, the poisoning in the dog can be stopped by administering a dropper with vitamin K;
  • after vomiting due to food poisoning, the stomach is cleansed with activated charcoal, egg white. Give strong tea, milk, and a weak solution of manganese to drink;
  • the stomach is washed with a probe;
  • give an enema;
  • an IV is placed saline solution, which promotes the rapid elimination of toxic substances;
  • a dropper with the drug Trisol, glucose solutions, cardiac medications.

Having eliminated the poison from the body, the veterinarian may prescribe drinking plenty of fluids, use of diuretics, diet.

Medicine for dogs in case of poisoning

In case of strychnine intoxication, emergency treatment is required. health care. You won't be able to help your pet on your own.

The first thing you should pay attention to is to prevent suffocation, which can occur due to spasms in the respiratory tract.

If it is impossible to perform breathing actions on its own, the dog is connected to artificial oxygen.

After accepting your pet for treatment, he will be sent to a quiet room with low light, as noise and bright lighting can lead to seizures. The doctor will rinse the stomach and prescribe infusion therapy.

When a dog suffers from diarrhea, it may be a problem with a broken diet or poisoning with stale food. In this case, the dog must be on a hunger strike, given water or rice broth, and given enterosgel.

The drug should not only eliminate the symptom, but also get rid of the underlying cause loose stool caused by bacteria. Enterofuril will help cope with this problem, having a gentle effect on the intestinal flora without causing harm.

Prevention measures:

In order not to face the problem of poisoning, you should teach your pet that it is forbidden to take food from someone else’s hands and pick it up from the ground. Walking must also be done on a short leash and the owner must supervise the dog. If you are unable to wean your dog from eating outside, then it is better to wear a muzzle.

It is best to feed your dog the minerals and vitamins required for growth and health, balanced food. When full, he will not look for something to snack on and will stop picking up everything on the street.

Preventive actions:

  • do not use when bathing a dog household chemicals;
  • hide medicines and household chemicals so that it is difficult for the dog to get them;
  • when planning to give your animal vitamins, you should consult a veterinarian; vitamin deficiency is possible with uncontrolled use of the products;
  • You need to buy quality, proven food. Always look at the expiration date and store it correctly;
  • Take walks away from garbage containers and wear a muzzle.

Video: symptoms of dog poisoning

A pet is often seen as a member of the family. This is especially true for “man’s friends”—dogs. Therefore, the owner, seeing signs of poisoning in dogs, is seriously worried about the health of the animal.

Dogs have digestive system, in many ways similar to human. Therefore, the risk of dog poisoning due to low-quality products or toxic substances there is always. Moreover such a nuisance is not very uncommon. The greatest danger to pet carry acute intoxications, which are characterized by severity and the likelihood of complications.

Classification of poisoning in dogs

There are cases when they try to poison a domestic or stray dog ​​deliberately. However, more often veterinarians are faced with unintentional intoxication, dividing dog poisoning into 2 types - non-food and food origin.

Non-food poisoning occurs due to strong poisons and toxins entering the animal’s body. Compounds hazardous to the health and life of a pet can enter the bloodstream through mucous membranes, skin pores and Airways.

Food intoxication is diagnosed by specialists much more often than poisoning. Food intoxication in a dog it occurs due to a poor-quality product it has eaten. In addition, the cause of such a diagnosis can be medications eaten by the dog and other chemical substances.

Why do dogs become intoxicated?

According to data received from veterinarians, in the vast majority of cases of dog poisoning, it is the fault of its owner. But it is worth considering the peculiarity of these pets - they are not too picky about food than, for example, cats. Therefore, the risk of developing intoxication in dogs is always high, since they “test their teeth” on almost everything they come across at home and while walking.

In these cases, the inattention (and sometimes negligence) of the owner can cause poisoning in his dog:

  1. Feeding stale food. Often dog owners give their pet scraps or, worse, spoiled food that they hate to throw away. This is quite convenient - the dish does not disappear, and the dog does not remain hungry. However, such neglect of the health of a four-legged pet can have disastrous consequences, ranging from mild indigestion to the death of the dog.
  2. Selection of an unbalanced diet. Dog owners should not forget that these animals are, first and foremost, predators. If in the dog's food for a long time there will be no tripe with meat, protein intoxication may occur in his body.
  3. Permission to grab and chew anything you want. Pets are often drawn to street trash, which they like to rummage through. In most cases, this indicates a lack of certain vitamins and microelements in the pet’s diet, which it tries to replenish in garbage dumps. Of course, you can’t let him do this, but it’s worth reconsidering your approach to feeding your pet.
  4. Storage medicines, household chemicals, cosmetics within reach of animals.
  5. Improper storage of dog food, as a result of which it spoils. It is also dangerous to feed your dog very cheap food, the quality of which is questionable.
  6. Overdose when treating a dog with antihelminthic drugs.
  7. Lack of proper control over the animal, due to which it may eat a poisonous plant during a walk, for example, henbane, datura, belladonna, etc.

This suggests the conclusion that a huge role in ensuring normal health The dog is played by the owner himself. Therefore, in order to avoid tragedy, you should protect your pet from the temptation to eat something of poor quality or toxic. But if the owner made an oversight somewhere and the poison entered the animal’s body, what to do if the dog is poisoned?

What are the symptoms of poisoning in dogs?

Animals cannot verbally communicate their pain, discomfort or illness. But an attentive owner who loves his pet will always be able to see the first signs of intoxication.

It is immediately worth noting that bright clinical manifestations pathological process will manifest themselves 6-7 hours after the toxin enters the dog’s body. But if the toxic substance turns out to be potent (for example, rat poison), symptoms of dog poisoning will appear within 3 hours.

Intoxication various substances often has similar symptoms to a number of infections that affect animals. Doctors advise at the first sign of a problem to immediately contact veterinary clinic. Treating the consequences of poisoning in a dog yourself at home is only possible if the owner knows for sure what caused it feeling unwell his pet, and if the actions are agreed with the veterinarian. If you give an animal medicine at random, you can aggravate the problem and worsen the dog’s condition.

General symptoms of intoxication

From the moment a harmful substance enters the dog’s body, you can observe sudden change animal behavior: characterized by apathy and loss of interest in what is happening around. The dog does not want to eat, is inactive, lies almost all the time. After a few hours, the pet’s general malaise may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Weakening of coordination of movements, the dog begins to move in a way that is not typical for it.
  2. Breathing becomes rapid and shallow, shortness of breath appears.
  3. Mucous membrane oral cavity changes its normal color and becomes yellowish. There is an unpleasant odor coming from the mouth.
  4. The animal experiences severe diarrhea.
  5. The dog is thirsty all the time.
  6. Vomiting occurs, and foam may be present in the vomit.
  7. Activity salivary glands increased.
  8. The dog has a hoarse cough.
  9. The behavior of a dog when poisoned is strange: the animal is either very lethargic or hyperactive.
  10. Loss of control over urination.
  11. Faster or slower pulse.

All of the above symptoms of poisoning in dogs are often observed when the animal consumes low-quality or expired food products.

Poisoning with synthetic poisons

Symptoms of dog poisoning with arsenic, heavy metals, rat poison and other chemical toxins. Non-food poisoning can manifest itself similarly to food poisoning, but sometimes its specific symptoms occur:

  1. The onset of hypoglycemic coma in an animal several hours after the toxin enters the body. First aid is especially important in this case, otherwise the dog may die.
  2. Disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Muscle cramps, trembling of limbs, which can cause complete paralysis of the animal.
  4. Malfunctions of the central nervous system.
  5. Nose or anal bleeding.
  6. The appearance of hematomas on the body for no apparent reason.
  7. The oral mucosa may become blue, dark red, or, conversely, colorless.
  8. Involuntary defecation with traces of blood.
  9. Red blood cells in urine.
  10. When arsenic poisoning occurs, a pungent garlic odor emanates from the dog's mouth.
  11. There is no reaction of the pupils to light: they are either dilated or constricted all the time.

The more severe the symptoms of poisoning, the more acute the pathological process.

How does protein intoxication manifest?

The cause of protein poisoning is an excess of animal protein in the pet’s diet: poultry, large cattle etc. If a dog eats a lot of meat products for a long time, it faces, at the very least, indigestion. In the worst case, the animal will develop chronic intoxication.

An experienced dog lover knows that the best meat product for four-legged friends is tripe, as it is rich not only in proteins, but also in carbohydrates. The diet of animals, like humans, should contain required quantity all types of nutrients.

Protein poisoning is relatively easy to cure - you need to properly adjust the dog's diet. This should be done if you notice the following symptoms in your pet:

  1. Excessive hair loss, mainly from the muzzle, withers and in the tail area.
  2. The dog often itches, sometimes causing his skin to bleed.
  3. The dog does not gain weight, despite abundant feeding.
  4. The smell and color of urine changes: it becomes darker and has a sharp smell.
  5. There is peeling skin when the owner brushes the dog.
  6. Wool loses its natural shine and becomes stiff.

With protein poisoning in dogs, symptoms develop weeks and months after the imbalance begins. Protein tends to accumulate in the animal’s body for a long time without any visible disturbances.

Rules for providing first aid to a dog in case of poisoning

The first and most important thing is to call an emergency veterinarian. If in your locality For some reason, it is impossible for a specialist to come to your home; you need to take your pet to a veterinary hospital as soon as possible.

Before the doctor arrives, you should try to understand what exactly caused the dog to be poisoned. This will greatly help the doctor determine how to treat a dog if it is poisoned, and will speed up the animal’s recovery process.

First aid for a dog in case of poisoning food products or medication must include an attempt to remove the toxin from the body. To do this you can:

  1. Give your pet water with adsorbent dissolved in it to drink.
  2. Rinse the intestines with an enema.
  3. Artificially induce vomiting by giving the dog water with salt (10 g per 1 glass of water), egg white or a solution of hydrogen peroxide in a 1:1 ratio.

If poison has entered the animal's body through skin pores or mucous membranes, the dog should be washed well using shampoo or soap in warm water. You can speed up the elimination of toxic substances by giving your dog a lot of water and a diuretic mixed into it.

If the cause of poisoning is a puppy or adult dog steel vapors of toxic compounds, the clinical picture will be pronounced. First of all, the animal must be brought to Fresh air or at least ventilate the room well. So, when a dog inhales turpentine and gasoline fumes, it may experience vomiting and muscle cramps. In this case, help with poisoning before the arrival of specialists may consist of the dog drinking 20 ml of vegetable oil, after which half an hour he should be given a laxative. If intoxication is caused heavy metals, the pet needs to be given milk.

An important point: treatment of a dog after poisoning before the arrival of emergency veterinary help is possible only when the animal is conscious. If you do not know what poison has entered the animal’s body, it is better not to take any action at all, but to immediately take the dog to a veterinary clinic.

Treatment of an animal after intoxication

A competent specialist, based on clinical picture pathology, will correctly determine how to treat the dog. For this purpose, a number of procedures can be carried out:

  1. If the poisoning agent has been clearly identified, an antidote is introduced into the animal’s body. For example, vitamin K is indicated for intoxication with rat poison.
  2. Probing and gastric lavage.
  3. The introduction of a water-salt solution with a dropper, which will help remove harmful substances from the animal’s body. Glucose may also be given through an IV.

After the above measures, the veterinarian, in order to treat poisoning in a dog, in most cases prescribes a lot of drinking, a special diet, and the use of diuretics.

Dog lovers will confirm that poisoning among their pets is a common illness. And the dog is not always sick because your neighbors planted something on him. It also happens that your pet grabs something inedible while walking.

Poisoning is very dangerous for your dog's life. So, if you don’t want to worry about your pet later and waste your time and money on its treatment, it’s better to keep an eye on it.

If you don’t want to treat your dog, keep an eye on your pet

Dogs are not very good at taste qualities food, unlike cats. They eat almost everything that is given to them. They also love to chew on everything they see on their way. And it turns out that some dog owners themselves doom their dog to unnecessary suffering.

  1. This applies to those who feed their pet spoiled food. Many people believe that a dog's stomach is stronger than a human's and can digest almost anything. This is wrong. Don't feed yours four-legged friend what you are going to throw away.
  2. Owners improperly hide disinfectant and cleaning products. This also applies to mixtures that are intended for treating flowers and plants, as well as chemicals and toxic substances.
  3. Poisoning in dogs is often caused by incorrect dosage of medications - these can even be anti-worm tablets.
  4. There is no need to feed your pet food of dubious production, just to save your money.
  5. The dog should not be allowed to roam without supervision.. If you let your pet go for a walk near your entrance in the city, there is every chance that he will eat, for example, rat poison or “test” a garbage can. At the dacha, the pet can try vegetables that villagers or village residents treat with chemicals.

Types of poisoning

Poisonings that occur in dogs are divided only into:

  • food;
  • non-food.

Food poisoning is when toxins enter the dog's body, that is, its digestive system. This is a very common problem.

Non-food poisoning is when food enters the mucous membranes, skin, fur and respiratory organs. harmful substances, as well as after the bite of poisonous animals.


Poisoning in dogs can occur in different ways. It depends on what caused the disease. But there are also common signs characteristic of all types of poisoning - vomiting and drooling.

These symptoms, if the dog is not treated, will only begin to get worse, and this can very quickly lead to death.

Other common symptoms of animal poisoning, in addition to the above, are:

  • trembling and weakness;
  • convulsions;
  • overexcitement;
  • depressed state;
  • breathing is shallow and rapid;
  • loss of appetite.

Rat poison

In addition, when poisoned by rat poison, diarrhea and salivation may be accompanied by blood, and the dog’s mucous membranes begin to turn pale. The animal begins to moan and you can hear that it has tachycardia.

Isoniazid poisoning

If a dog is poisoned with isoniazid, then other symptoms appear. Her consciousness begins to become confused, she staggers, and loses orientation.. The pet begins to run erratically, mouth goes bloody foam, respiratory depression and convulsions appear. As a result, coma may occur.

First aid for poisoning

What can a loving owner do who is worried about the condition of his pet? It is very good if it is possible to understand what caused the poisoning of your four-legged friend.

But you need to act very quickly so that the poison does not penetrate deep into the body.

  1. The first thing to do is remove the poison. If it is food poisoning, then you need to do everything to induce vomiting. To do this you can give your dog brine(1 tablespoon of salt per glass of water) or half a glass of vegetable oil.
  2. Next, the sick animal is given an adsorbent: white clay or activated carbon. It binds and removes those toxic substances that did not come out with vomiting. If it is activated carbon, then the calculation is one tablet per 10 kilograms of dog weight.
  3. The next step is a laxative. You can give Vaseline oil or magnesium sulfate.
  4. And finally, intestinal lavage. It would be good if it was already done by a veterinarian.

In case the dog bitten by an insect, then a compress, always cold, or ice is applied to the affected area. If it is the bite of a poisonous animal, such as a snake, then all the poison must be removed.

If this chemical substances, and they get on your pet’s skin - they need to be washed off a huge amount clean water. If the dog has inhaled vapors of chemical compounds, then it is taken outside or into a well-ventilated room. The dog is also given vegetable oil in the amount of 2 tbsp. spoons, and then a laxative.

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Has your pet gotten into the habit of peeing at home? wean him off his bad habit.

Another disease manifested by vomiting and bowel dysfunction is helminthiasis. Our article will tell you about it.

Animal treatment

If this is food poisoning, then, as mentioned above, an adsorbent is given after induced vomiting. This is not necessarily activated carbon or kaolin. You can also force your dog to eat egg whites, drink milk or strong tea. With medications - a solution of potassium permanganate or magnesium. Then you can use a probe or an enema to flush the stomach.

All further treatment prescribed by the doctor based on the dog’s condition.

If this is poisoning with rat poison, then it is also necessary to give an adsorbent, but not when the animal is lethargic and lethargic or is already in a comatose state and is having convulsions. Adsorbents can be given, in addition to activated carbon, such as:

  • polypepham;
  • enterosgel;
  • enterosorb.

You can also rinse your dog's stomach before the veterinarian arrives. To do this, take an enema and warm water.

The specialist will already prescribe an antidote to the animal, that is, vitamin K1, K3 the right dosage. If the owner does not have time to wait, then the approximate dosage is as follows: 5 mg/kg of the K1 drug for large and 2.5 mg/kg for small dogs. It is administered once under the skin or orally, but not intramuscularly.

The next step is a dropper with solutions of glucose, Trisol and Ringer-Locke. Diuretics, iron supplements, and cardiac medications are prescribed.

If possible, it is advisable to take a sample of the poison with you., then it will be somewhat easier for the veterinarian to decide on antidotes and the dosage of the medicine.

If the cause of poisoning is isoniazides, then after inducing vomiting, you need to do the following:

  • give adsorbent;
  • introduce an antidote - vitamin B6 (pyridoxine);
  • Corvalol is also prescribed - 30 drops per weight of 40 kilograms;
  • the animal must constantly drink - this can be milk, which is diluted with water.

In case of any poisoning, you should immediately take your pet to a veterinary clinic or call a specialist at home.

What to feed during recovery?

Initially, in the first couple of days, the dog cannot be fed at all - it must be on a starvation diet. The pet is only allowed to drink. This diet will benefit the sick animal.

You need to start feeding your dog with simple meat broth, to which you can gradually add rice. The diet should be easy to digest at first. Under no circumstances should you give foods containing milk.

At this time, the veterinarian prescribes medications that will support the kidneys and liver.

How to protect your dog from unexpected poisoning

The main thing that the owner can do is to train his pet and develop in him the concept that it is impossible to pick up food from the ground, just as it is impossible to take it from someone else’s hands.

It is necessary to walk your dog constantly and not send it alone into the yard. You also need to monitor the behavior of the animal. If the dog cannot understand that it is forbidden to pick up anything from the ground, then it is better to walk it with a muzzle.

She needs to be given food that has all the minerals and vitamins she needs. If the animal gets everything necessary substances with food, then it will not feel a lack of anything, which means it will stop grabbing everything from the ground. Only the owner can make sure that the animal has everything it needs in its diet, and how healthy your pet grows and develops depends only on him.

Poisoning in dogs is very common. The reason could be a careless owner, a bone found on a walk, or flayer poisoners. A beloved dog in this condition needs help. WITH eating disorders the animal’s body will cope on its own, but in case of poisoning with chemicals or poisons, it will be necessary to provide first aid and contact your veterinarian.

Poisoning in a dog

A pressing problem for dog breeders is the poisoning of their beloved dog. The poison can enter the body through food or the respiratory tract; the dog can lick it off the fur or from some surface. Unlike cats, a dog is not so picky about what it eats or just grabs to chew on.

Poisoning can be divided into two types: food and non-food. Food poisoning includes low quality products food, dog food, any poisons that enter the body through the animal’s mouth. Even poisoning from spilled human pills would fall into the food category of canine poisoning. Non-food poisoning - poisoning caused by external toxins: insect bites, toxic chemicals entering the mucous membrane or through the skin.

If your dog is poisoned, you should initially try to find out the cause so that you can isolate it. Then first aid should be provided. It is recommended to call a veterinarian at home or take the dog to the clinic: some types of poison can cause death in just half an hour if professional help is not provided. veterinary care animal.

Causes of poisoning in dogs

The most common causes of poisoning among dogs:

  • Feeding with low-quality food, cheap food of dubious production.
  • Feeding your dog food that has already expired or is about to expire.
  • Incorrect dosage of dog deworming or other medication.
  • Chemical detergents, insecticidal preparations.
  • IN rural areas- chemicals used to water crops.

Today, dog baiting is still common. Give poisoned to anyone available poison Even a neighbor who is simply not happy with the dog’s barking can give your pet food. The activities of dog hunters are widespread: activists engaged in extermination stray dogs. These guys are simply throwing poisoned food in areas where dogs have been spotted. Parks and many courtyards are not left without such deadly stashes. A dog can chew up any garbage it finds on a walk. The first thing you need to teach your puppy to do is not to take anything from the hands of a stranger and not to grab anything from the ground while walking.

Signs of poisoning

Signs of poisoning will depend largely on what caused the condition. The most common symptoms:

  • Vomiting with food debris or blood.
  • Severe and frequent diarrhea.
  • Trembling of limbs.
  • General muscle weakness, manifested in a decrease in the animal’s energy and gait disturbance.
  • Sometimes, on the contrary, the dog may become overexcited.
  • Profuse salivation, foam may collect at the corners of the mouth.

Symptoms usually appear suddenly and quickly get worse. When they just begin to appear, it is already necessary to begin treating the dog.

Other symptoms of poisoning in dogs will occur if the condition is caused by ingestion of rat poison. The signs will be as follows:

  • Bloody vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • An increase in the animal's body temperature.
  • Tachycardia and shortness of breath.

When poisoned with rat poison, blood clotting is impaired. This poison is one of the most accessible, which is why poisoners often hide it in treats. It can enter the body without someone else’s malicious intent: if the house has been deratized and the poison is in places accessible to pets, the dog can accidentally lick it off.

Dogs are often poisoned with isoniazid. Symptoms of such poisoning:

  • Foaming at the mouth and extremely profuse salivation.
  • Drowsiness and general weakness.
  • Loss of coordination of movements.
  • Respiratory depression.
  • Prolonged cramps.

In cases of severe poisoning, possible comatose state. After providing first aid, you need to go with the dog to the veterinarian so that professional treatment. It is impossible to treat your dog after poisoning with serious poisons at home; your dog should be treated by a qualified veterinarian. Based on the symptoms, he will determine exactly what can be given to the dog and what should not be treated.

First aid for poisoning

If a dog is poisoned, it needs to be provided with immediate first aid. It will include the following measures:

  1. Identify the cause of poisoning and cut off contact with the toxic substance.
  2. If the poison is on the animal's skin and fur, wash it off with warm water and soap.
  3. If the poison gets inside, rinse the stomach, inducing vomiting.
  4. If your dog is poisoned by toxic fumes or some kind of gas, provide a supply of fresh air.
  5. Call a veterinarian or, depending on the animal’s condition, go to the clinic with him.

To provoke vomiting, you need to force the animal to drink a sufficiently large amount of water, to which you can add potassium permanganate or baking soda. But it is important to consider that some poisoners may add antiemetic drugs to the poison. You should also not induce vomiting if:

  • The dog has been poisoned by an acid or alkali: it can be provoked chemical burn larynx and esophagus.
  • The dog is having seizures.
  • The dog is in a comatose state.

After inducing vomiting, it is necessary to give the dog a sorbent substance. These include Smecta and activated carbon. These drugs will prevent harmful toxins from being actively absorbed into the intestinal walls and aggravating the animal’s condition. Cannot be treated with antidiarrheals and antiemetic drugs, on the contrary, it is better to give saline or oil laxatives.

Further treatment of the dog

In case of poisoning, treatment is prescribed for the dog veterinarian. You should not risk the life of your pet: contact a specialist, do not hope that it will “go away on its own.” Treatment may vary depending on what poisoned the dog. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics for toxic infections, anticonvulsants. He will also prescribe a dosage that will need to be followed so as not to worsen the situation. An antidote drug will be introduced, as well as diuretics to speed up the cleansing of the body.

You can treat a dog yourself at home only if you are completely sure what poison has entered the body. Also with veterinary advice!

  • The antidote to isoniazid is an injection of vitamin B6, which is available in a “human” pharmacy.
  • In case of rat poisoning, vitamin K is injected intramuscularly.
  • Gastric lavage in case of acid or alkali poisoning is carried out using a probe, because it is forbidden to provoke vomiting.

After first aid for food poisoning, the dog should not be fed for about a day so that the body does not overstrain. After this, for some time, feed only those foods that are definitely easy to digest.

Preventive measures

It will not be possible to protect your dog from food and non-food poisoning from all sides, but a number of measures can be taken to reduce the likelihood of illness.

  • Follow the dog on a walk, select all the bones you pick up.
  • If your dog ate something while out for a walk, don’t be lazy - wash out its stomach when you return home.
  • When treating with flea shampoos or aerosols, thoroughly rinse the insecticide from the animal's skin and fur.
  • Watch what you feed your animal. “Smelly” meat should be thrown in the trash, and not given to the dog.
  • Store chemicals in places inaccessible to the animal.

A dog can be trained not to eat anything on the street, not to take treats from strangers. Learn to put away hairspray and dishwashing detergent yourself, too. Preventing poisoning can be easier than eliminating its consequences.

We recommend:

Poisoning is intoxication of the body when poison enters it. Dogs are more susceptible to this danger than cats, since they are not very picky about food, they can eat everything they give, pick up something on the street, or chew on a poisoned object. Poisoning in an animal can be accidental, or it can also be planned, when someone deliberately harms dogs. In this article we will talk about the necessary actions if a dog is poisoned: what to do, symptoms and treatment of poisoning.

Danger of poisoning

In most cases, the owners themselves are to blame for poisoning their pet. There can be many reasons:

  1. Acute food poisoning can be caused by feeding your dog spoiled food. Many people think that it’s a shame to throw away food, but a dog can digest everything and nothing will happen to it. This is a huge mistake, because an animal’s stomach is much more sensitive than a human’s, and expired, obviously sour foods should not be given to dogs.
  2. The dog can play with an object that has fallen under its paws - bottles of household chemicals, hair dye, insect and rodent control products, and so on. Never leave things dangerous to his health within a four-legged dog’s reach; they can not only harm the dog, but also kill it.
  3. Incorrectly calculated dosage of medication is the main danger when self-medicating. Even deworming medications and dosage must be prescribed by a veterinarian.
  4. Feeding your pet cheap food from an unknown manufacturer.
  5. Walking without supervision. In rural areas, it would seem that the dog is in no danger. This is wrong. The dog can eat poisonous plants, lick zucchini treated with insect poisons. In the city, a dog can eat from a trash can, play with a cigarette butt and swallow it - all this is a danger to the body.

Even under the supervision of the owner, the dog is not safe. Today on the streets of the city there are many “dog hunters” - dog hunters. They scatter treats in walking areas that are laden with poison. The eaten piece acts quickly, within a maximum of an hour the animal dies in agony. Dog owners who are unprepared for such situations do not know what to do when their dog is poisoned. Symptoms and treatment of poisoning, first aid measures - in the further contents of the publication. Everyone should know all this loving owner.

What types of poisoning are there?

Poisoning in dogs, like in people, can be food or non-food. The first type is more common. The dog may eat something that contains toxins. The poison enters the body, causing intoxication. Symptoms of dog poisoning, and what to do in such cases, will be described below.

The second type is not food poisoning. This happens when poisons get into the respiratory tract, onto the animal’s fur and skin, or onto its mucous membranes. This type is much less common.

If a dog is poisoned, what should you do? Symptoms are the first thing we suggest considering. First, let's look at common features poisoning, they may not occur with every type of poisoning. Next, we will analyze the most common types of poisoning, learn about the symptoms and first aid methods.

Symptoms of dog poisoning, and what to do first

Signs can vary widely, but the most common are:

  • vomiting is not one-time, but frequent;
  • diarrhea;
  • drowsiness and lethargy, or vice versa, overexcitation;
  • convulsions;
  • chills;
  • salivation increases;
  • breathing becomes frequent and shallow;
  • possible tachycardia.

If a dog is poisoned, everyone should know what to do first in order to provide assistance before the veterinarian arrives. First of all, call a doctor at home, or call and make an appointment so that they are already waiting for you. Next, you need to provide first aid to the animal.

First aid for poisoning

What should you do to give your dog food if it is poisoned? Many owners begin to really panic; they simply don’t know how to help their pet. If you are sure that the dog did not pick up or lick anything on the street, then most likely the poison entered the body through the skin and fur. It is necessary to remove the poisonous substance, which continues to penetrate more and more. To do this, the poison must be washed off using running water.

In case of food poisoning, the first thing you will need to do is cleanse the animal’s stomach of any leftovers. toxic substance. You need to do a gastric lavage using a large amount of water in which to dilute salt (a tablespoon per glass). A mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide, proportion 1/1, will also help.

What to do if a dog is poisoned through the respiratory tract? The first step is to take the animal to a well-ventilated room or outside. If the poisoning is caused by inhaled gasoline vapors (this happens in garages and in the yard where the car is parked), then you will need to give the dog two tablespoons of sunflower oil, and a little later give a laxative.

But each type of poisoning requires its own necessary help. We looked at options for providing first aid if the owner does not know what exactly has poisoned the pet. Next, we suggest considering what to do if a dog is poisoned, if you know what caused this condition.

Poisoning from low-quality products

If you are absolutely sure that your dog has eaten something spoiled or of poor quality, then you must first cleanse the stomach of the remnants of this food. We have already written above how to rinse the stomach, now we will consider the necessary further actions if the dog is poisoned by food. What to do besides gastric lavage? It is necessary to give the animal sorbents to cleanse the body of toxins. It could be:

  • activated carbon - one tablet per ten kilograms of weight (if the dog is small, then one tablet);
  • egg white separated from the yolk;
  • kaolin;
  • magnesia.

Milk, strongly brewed tea and a weak solution of manganese also help well with food poisoning.

After providing first aid, you should still consult a doctor, even if the condition has begun to normalize.

If the dog was poisoned by dog ​​hunters

What to do if your dog gets poisoned on the street? First of all, try to remember what and where the dog could pick up and eat. If it is just a bone, then the animal has simple food poisoning, and symptoms will not appear immediately. If a pet finds a treat abandoned by dog ​​hunters, then symptoms will appear quickly - in half an hour or an hour, these are:

  • confusion;
  • loss of orientation;
  • the dog may start to thrash around, while he will be rocked;
  • vomit;
  • bloody foam often appears from the mouth;
  • the dog becomes drowsy;
  • depressed breathing;
  • convulsions.

If urgent measures are not taken to provide assistance, the dog will fall into a coma and then die. Unfortunately, Isoniazid has already killed many animals. It is this drug that dog hunters use to carry out their plans. "Isoniazid" is a medicine for the treatment of tuberculosis in humans, but for animals it is a deadly poison that causes severe poisoning in dogs. What to do if these terrible symptoms appear?

  1. Always keep "Pyridoxine" - 1% vitamin B6 - in your first aid kit. He will be the first necessary help when eliminating such poisoning. You need to inject 30-50 ml (depending on the size of the animal) of the medicine intravenously. If you don't know how to do it intravenous injections, then inject into the muscle.
  2. Rinse your pet's stomach to remove any remaining poison. To do this, you will need a saline solution or half a glass of sunflower oil.
  3. Among the sorbents, activated carbon will help perfectly - three grams of carbon will be required per kilogram of mass.
  4. Give the animal "Corvalol", in the amount of 30 drops per 40 kilograms of the pet.
  5. Urgently call a veterinarian to your home, and while he is on his way, give the dog a huge amount of water or give him water diluted in half with milk.

The dog was poisoned by rat poison: what to do?

A four-legged animal can in the most secret places find this poison that people use to fight rodents. If the poison is the basis of drugs that interfere with blood clotting, then there will be blood in the stool and vomit. If a dog has eaten Bromethalin, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • lack of coordination;
  • paralysis hind legs;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • complete loss of appetite leading to anorexia;
  • spontaneous muscle contraction;
  • depression of the central nervous system.

The poison acts very slowly, and the first symptoms may appear only on the third or fifth day after eating the poison. If the dose is small, the dog may not show signs of poisoning for up to ten days.

The first step when these symptoms appear is to wash the stomach and intestines. If a saline solution helps with the stomach, then a probe will be needed to cleanse the intestines. While you wait for the doctor, you can give your pet a laxative. Next, you will need a sorbent; activated carbon is quite suitable.

Next, the animal will need to be administered intravenously "Vikasol" - vitamin K. The dosage is 1 ml for small breeds and puppies, and 2 ml for large dogs. Other drugs: anticonvulsants, anti-seizure drugs and for the nervous system will be prescribed only by a veterinarian, as well as the duration of treatment.

The dog needs to rinse its stomach every 4-8 hours. At the same intervals, immediately after washing, you need to give the sorbent.

If your dog is poisoned and won’t eat anything, what should you do? Do not force the animal to eat; prepare broth using meat. Poisoning with rat poison suppresses appetite for a long time, and the dog will lose a lot of weight during this time. After your pet gets better, take care of enhanced nutrition with lots of proteins and vitamins.

Poisoning with acids or alkalis

What to do if your dog is poisoned by caustic substances? The main thing is not to do more harm. You should not induce vomiting, but rinsing will be necessary. To do this, call a veterinarian, he will rinse the animal’s stomach through a tube. While you are waiting for the doctor, you need to provide first aid:

  1. Rinse your dog's mouth and nose clean water.
  2. Forcefully pour into the mouth, and make sure the dog swallows, from half a liter to a liter of water in which to dilute good sorbent. If you have nothing on hand, strong tea will do.
  3. Do not pour neutralizing substances into the mouth, e.g. citric acid or soda, you can harm your stomach even more.

Arsenic poisoning

If a dog found and ate this dangerous poison somewhere, then its mouth will smell like garlic! It’s impossible not to notice this smell, so take action right away without waiting for other symptoms.

Rinse the animal's stomach, this mandatory measure, because the remaining poison, absorbed further, will only aggravate the situation. Next you will need a sorbent. After providing first aid, you need to give the dog 50-100 ml of solution every 15 minutes:

  • half a liter of warm water;
  • one hundred grams of ferric oxide sulfate;
  • 20 grams of magnesium oxide.

You need to drink it about three times from the moment signs of poisoning are detected. If after the third dose it does not get better, then you need to give a fourth dose while you wait for the veterinarian.

Water is the first remedy for poisoning

Poisoning causes severe vomiting and diarrhea. All this dehydrates and exhausts the body, it becomes even weaker and cannot resist with full power. To help your pet, give him water in small quantities. If you give too much at once, the dog will simply vomit. Taking small sips will give you time to absorb the water.

When the vomiting stops, make sure your dog drinks a lot. For him, food will not be as important as drinking.

How will the dog be helped at the clinic?

In case of any poisoning, you must call a veterinarian at home or take your pet to the clinic yourself. This is necessary, because it will be very difficult to help the animal only on your own. The doctor will definitely need to tell you about all the symptoms, remember what he ate, where the dog was over the last 3-5 days. Perhaps the dog was poisoned by rat poison, and the owner thought that he had gotten low-quality food or a stale piece. The veterinarian will more accurately determine the cause of poisoning and prescribe appropriate treatment.

How veterinarians can help a dog when contacting:

  1. Wash out the stomach.
  2. They will do an enema, which will help more thoroughly flush out the remaining poison from the intestines.
  3. They will introduce an antidote - a special antidote that will speed up the recovery process, and generally increase the chances of salvation if poisoning was caused by strong poisons.
  4. To quickly remove the poison from the blood, the veterinarian will prescribe diuretics.
  5. Next, treatment is carried out aimed at restoring breathing, heart and liver function.
  6. If there are seizures, an anti-seizure medication will need to be administered. If there was a foodborne illness, he prescribed treatment with antibiotics.

Don't try to cope with poisoning on your own. The clinic will also put in a drip with saline or glucose so that the animal does not become dehydrated. The sooner you seek help from a veterinarian, the greater your chances of saving your dog. Even light food poisoning can cause irreparable damage to your pet's health.

Recovery period

We figured out what to do if a dog is poisoned. Now we need to touch on the topic of restoring your pet after intoxication.

The first is mandatory adherence to a diet. The diet in the first week after poisoning should consist of easily digestible foods. For 24 hours after poisoning, only water should be given. Co next day In small portions you need to give foods such as:

  • oatmeal;
  • boiled meat: poultry, veal, beef, rabbit;
  • liver scalded with boiling water;
  • boiled eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • curdled milk.

The litter must be dry. If the dog is a yard dog, then place it in the house for the recovery period; the place should be warm, dry, but ventilated.

To prevent poisoning from reoccurring, carefully monitor the animal during walks and do not allow anything not only edible, but also various items. Take toys with you to prevent your dog from chewing on sticks. Keep household chemicals out of reach. Never give your dog expired food. If the diet consists of dry food, then choose not the cheapest one.