Essentuki mineral water. Essentuki new mineral water description and contraindications

In a nutshell

The resort town of Essentuki is famous for its world-famous drinking mineral waters - Essentuki 4 and Essentuki 17, its amazing mountain-steppe climate and picturesque walking routes - health paths.

At the dawn of the resort’s formation, Essentuki was often called “Russian Selters and Vichy”, but currently Essentuki takes its rightful place among the world's leading resorts specializing in treatment wide range diseases gastro- intestinal tract, liver, biliary tract, metabolic disorders.

The basis of the resort resources of the Essentuki resort are mineral carbon dioxide hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium waters, or, as they are commonly called at the resort, salt waters. alkaline waters- the widely known Essentuki No. 17 and Essentuki No. 4, thanks to which Essentuki has become the largest balneotherapeutic resort in Russia (mainly with drinking treatment). In total, the Essentuki resort uses the waters of 20 mineral springs for medicinal purposes.

Only at the Tsander Institute in Essentuki, Tsander devices not only delight the eye with their laconic design of the early 20th century, but also help restore health. Probably many remember the scenes spa treatment in the films “A Girl Hurries to a Date”, “Love and Doves”, filmed at the Tsander Institute of Mechanotherapy. Swedish doctor Gustav Zander created about 70 different devices. Some of G. Zander's devices can be seen in the Arkansas National Park in the museum of one of the most famous resorts in America, Hot Springs; 36 devices are exhibited in the Museum of Technology in Stockholm.

In 1898 for royal family In Essentuki, the Upper Mineral or Nikolaev Baths were built, and in 1915, a mud bath was built for Tsarevich Alexei in the Roman Baroque style. The “Temple of Healing”, as the architect E. F. Schretter called his creation, is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful architectural complexes in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region.


Essentuki is a balneo-mud foothill resort in the steppe zone at an altitude of 650 m above sea level, 43 km southwest of Mineralnye Vody and 17 km west of Pyatigorsk. Located in the south of the Stavropol Upland, in the valley of the Podkumok River.

Essentuki is the flattest resort of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, located at an altitude of 600–625 m above sea level in the picturesque foothills of the Northern slope of the Main Caucasus Range. There are no fancy rocks or waterfalls in Essentuki. The landscape has been changed by the work of more than one generation of gardeners, who have dressed the once dull, monotonous, slightly sloping foothill steppe in green attire.

In Essentuki, unlike Kislovodsk (and especially Zheleznovodsk, which climbs high mountain) lie in the lowlands - exactly on boards. No lifting. All of them, in addition, are shrouded in gardens - gardens and front gardens and alleys in two rows along the streets - an endless perspective of alleys,” wrote Osip Mandelstam in 1927. More than 100 years have passed since unique park ensembles from various tree species were created , shrubs and flowers. The oldest, lower part of the park, stretching along the valley of the drained Kislushi River, is called Vorontsov Park. The main entrance to the park is decorated with monolithic columns. In the park itself there are walking paths, health path routes with stations indicated, and places for recreation. In the resort park there is a drinking gallery, which is a historical and architectural monument. On the central alley there is the main pavilion of the Essentuki No. 4 and Essentuki No. 1 springs. Summer light gazebos, fountains, grottoes, cascading stairs, and beautiful flower beds add special beauty and elegance to the park ensemble. Particularly popular is the rose area, where hundreds of bushes of various types of roses bloom in summer and fountains operate.

The second park of the Essentuki resort is Victory Park. In memory of the city residents who died during the Civil and Great Patriotic War, the Eternal Flame burns in the center of the park. The park contains a drinking pavilion for the Essentuki springs No. 4 and Essentuki No. 17, a reading room, a summer solarium, attractions, walking paths, and health path routes are marked. Well-groomed flower beds, shady alleys, decorative gazebos, and fountains invite leisurely walks after the reception. healing water.


The Essentuki resort is located in the III time zone - GMT + 3 hours (Moscow time).


The climate in Essentuki is continental, mountain-steppe. Summers are warm, with many hot and dry days. The average July temperature is 20.4 °C, Maximum temperature reaches 37 °C. Winter is not cold, there are often thaws, but there can also be frosts down to -30 °C. The average January temperature is -4.6 °C. Days with fogs are often observed (13–14 days in November and December). Autumn is long, warm, with cool nights. The first frosts occur in mid-October. Spring is very short, and already in April the temperature rises quickly. Precipitation is about 500 mm per year. Average annual relative humidity 65%. Characteristic big number clear, sunny days (280 per year). The number of hours of sunshine is 1827 per year.

Natural healing factors

The Essentuki deposit is characterized by a significant variety of medicinal types of mineral waters. But its main wealth consists of carbon dioxide hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium waters, or, as they are commonly called at the resort, salt-alkaline waters - the widely known Essentuki No. 17 and Essentuki No. 4. In addition to carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide salt-alkaline waters at the Essentuki resort for Until recently, for balneological purposes, the so-called “sulfur-alkaline” waters of the Gaazo-Ponomarevsky spring and practically non-carbonated, low-mineralized water of source No. 20 were used, which was used for drinking purposes, as well as for bottling. Currently, the water from these sources is not used.

Essentuki No. 17 have a chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium composition and relatively high mineralization - from 11.1 to 13.6 g/l. Waters of this type are clearly divided into 2 groups by temperature: cold with a temperature at the mouth of 10–11 °C and thermal waters with a temperature of 36–37 °C, alkaline pH 8.6. All these waters are classified as medicinal drinking waters, a characteristic feature of which is their high concentration mineral salts and high carbon dioxide saturation.

Essentuki No. 4 characterized by sodium chloride-hydrocarbonate composition, their mineralization ranges from 7.8 to 10.4 g/l, concentration carbon dioxide(dissolved) - from 0.5 to 2.0 g/l, pH - 6.7 Based on the water temperature at the mouth, they are divided into cold and thermal. Waters like Essentuki No. 4 are classified as medicinal mineral waters, but are also used as medicinal table waters when bottling.

Carbon dioxide hydrogen sulfide waters of the Essentuki type. In terms of hydrogen sulfide content (16–20 mg/l), medicinal mineral waters belong to the balneological group of low-sulfide waters. Mineralization - 4.7 - 5.6 g/l, carbon dioxide concentration - more than 1.0 g/l. Used for balneological procedures.

Carbon dioxide waters of complex ionic composition include two types of water: thermal (42 °C) chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium-calcium with a high content of sulfates and magnesium, (M - 7.7 g/l); thermal (43 °C) low-mineralized (M - 0.7 g/l) sodium chloride-sulfate-bicarbonate. Used for balneotherapy and drinking treatment.

Essentuki new contains more than 1.0 g/l of dissolved carbon dioxide, mineralization - 3.0 g/l, composition - chloride-sulfate-bicarbonate calcium-sodium with a high content of magnesium ions. The presence of silicon (H2 SiO3 50-80 mg/l) enhances the diuretic effect of hydrocarbonates. In addition, silicon, according to Japanese gerontologists, is a powerful geroprotector. On the basis of this water, a drinking pump room was organized in 1987.

In the mud baths named after. Semashko is also used for mud therapy.

Pump rooms, drinking galleries of the Essentuki resort

Source Gallery No. 17– the oldest building in the Essentuki resort, which is located on the lower alley of the Medical Park. It was built in 1856 according to the design of the architect Upton from hewn Mashuk stone in the English Gothic style. The limestone and sandstone from which it was built were brought by oxen from the Alikonovsky Gorge, and white travertine was brought from quarries at the foot of Mount Mashuk. In our time, the inside of the gallery was lined with gray and fawn marble, and the floor was covered with colored concrete. At first, the building was supposed to be used for shelter in inclement weather while drinking mineral water. In 1901, a theater building was added to the gallery, which significantly changed its architectural appearance. In 1927, the purpose of the gallery was changed, it was reconstructed, insulated, overhead lighting was installed and water was supplied from sources No. 17 and No. 20, and the gallery became drinking water. Mineral water is sold both cold and heated: warm (35 - 38 °C), hot (38 - 45 °C).

Source Gallery No. 4/2 located in the central part of the lower alley in the Medical Park. This modern building, rebuilt in 1967, is a structure made of glass and stone (Kislovodsk dolomite). The facade is decorated with mosaics depicting women of different nations symbolizing friendship. Brought to the gallery mineral water type Essentuki No. 4 from several sources, which previously had separate pump rooms. Mineral water is sold both cold and heated.

Source Gallery No. 4/33- a new drinking gallery, opened in the center of the old resort area, along Lenin Street. A light architectural structure, made in a modern style. The drinking gallery uses mineral water such as Essentuki No. 4 and "Essentuki - Novaya". Mineral water is dispensed cold and heated.

Source Gallery No. 4/17 located in the upper part of Victory Park. Modern glass building. The pump room receives water such as Essentuki No. 4 and Essentuki No. 17. Mineral water is supplied cold and heated. The pump rooms of the springs are located on the territory of the Medical Park and Victory Park and are architecturally and aesthetically interesting structures and drinking galleries. Spring pump room No. 17, summer - lower part of the Medical Park, near gallery No. 17

Pump room No. 3 source No. 4, summer - on the Lower Alley of the Medical Park. Located at the site of drilling wells No. 18 and No. 417

  • chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages;
  • chronic parametritis;
  • adhesive disease of the pelvis;
  • incorrect position of the uterus;
  • genital infantilism, uterine hypoplasia;
  • ovarian dysfunction; infertility.
  • vertebrogenic diseases of the peripheral nervous system: spondylosis and related conditions;
  • neurological manifestations and syndromes of spinal osteochondrosis;
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
  • diseases of the central nervous system at the end of acute period(meningoencephalitis, arachnoiditis, encephalomyelitis);
  • consequences of neuroinfections in the form of asthenoneurotic and moderate hypertension syndromes;
  • consequences of a traumatic brain injury, including traumatic encephalopathy (non-convulsive form);
  • consequences of what was suffered acute disorder cerebral circulation;
  • vascular diseases of the nervous system, including various forms of migraine, Raynaud's disease, obliterating endarteritis, atherosclerotic lesions (neuritis, plexitis, polyneuropathy);
  • neuralgia trigeminal nerve, neuritis;
  • neuroses, neurosis-like states.

Essentuki, indications for treatment, concomitant diseases:

Spa medicine

At the dawn of the formation of the resort, Essentuki was often called “Russian Selters and Vichy”, but currently Essentuki takes a worthy place among the world's leading resorts specializing in the treatment of a wide range of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, biliary tract, and metabolic disorders. The mineral waters of Essentuki are of particular importance

The buildings of the Essentuki resort are distinguished by beautiful architecture: mud baths named after. ON THE. Semashko, Upper and Lower Baths, pump rooms of mineral springs, buildings of modern and reconstructed sanatoriums. Only here, in the hall of the Tsanderavsky Mechanotherapeutic Institute, you can see simulators from the beginning of the 20th century.

Upper mineral or Nikolaev baths

In 1898, the Upper Mineral or Nikolaev Baths were built for the royal family in Essentuki. Currently, the department offers a wide range of balneological procedures: carbon dioxide-mineral, carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide baths, gynecological irrigation, irrigation of the face and gums, intestinal irrigation with mineral water and “mud mash”, 4-chamber mineral baths, alkaline and oil inhalations.

Lower baths

In 1902, the Lower Mineral Baths were built in Essentuki according to the design of the architect-engineer I.I. Boykova. On the centenary of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, the newspapers wrote: “This new building has a very elegant appearance, it is built in the shape of a right angle, the top of which is cut off and represents a high portal, topped with a dome that looks like an irregular trapezoid.” Currently, the building is in need of reconstruction, so vacation procedures are not carried out.

Mud bath named after. Semashko

The Essentuki mud bath named after Semashko is considered one of the most beautiful architectural complexes in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region. The architect E.F. Schretter called his creation in the Roman Baroque style, built in 1915 for Tsarevich Alexei, “Temple of Healing”. After 1917, the Alekseevskaya mud bath was given the name Semashko; the spirit of aristocracy and sophistication has not disappeared in the building to this day. The most important hall is the Atrium, 15 m high with a skylight. The celestials reign here - the god of beauty Apollo, the goddess of love Venus, the messenger of the gods Mercury, and the goddess of rivers and lakes Nymph is located in the compass niche. The furniture for it was made of black oak according to Schrötter’s sketches at the Pyatigorsk furniture factory.

Today the Essentuki mud baths are a huge treatment and prophylactic complex of four buildings, a mud storage facility for 4650 tons (also built in 1915), hydropathy, with original shower chairs. Since 1915, mud applications using the Caucasian method have been produced here. The complex can simultaneously accommodate 186 people from 32 sanatoriums in the city.

Since 1915, the same procedures have been performed here. These are mud applications using the Caucasian method. The main ones:

  • mud applications on all parts of the body;
  • electromud procedures;
  • circular and ascending souls;
  • pearl and pine-pearl baths;
  • whirlpool baths for hands and feet;
  • underwater shower massage

Mechanotherapy Center - Zander Institute

In 1902, the first patients were admitted to the Tsander Institute of Mechanotherapy in Essentuki, where a complex of 62 original devices was installed, most of which are still successfully operating today. (The building is an architectural monument of republican significance).

The founder of medical mechanotherapy (from the Greek. mechane- car, therapy- treatment, care) was a Swedish physiotherapist, academician of the Swedish Academy of Sciences Gustav Zander (1835–1920). In 1865, he founded the world's first medical-mechanical institute to restore the functions of joints and muscles after traumatic injuries and treatment of metabolic diseases through active-passive exercises. For this purpose he designed dozens of devices, the operation of which is based on the principle of a lever. Mechanotherapy, as a form of physical therapy, is used in combination with other means and methods medical rehabilitation sick. The essence of the method is to perform physical exercises on devices specially designed to develop movements in individual joints. Treatment is carried out using active and passive devices, various types of massages are used (vibration, friction, effleurage).

For children suffering from spinal diseases, traction devices and mechanical corsets are installed. Each of their devices has its own symbol and is designed to perform strictly defined movements.

The principles of construction of Zander devices are the action of a 2-arm lever. One shoulder serves as the point of application of forces for the exerciser, on the other there is a load, the displacement of which increases the resistance the more, the lower the load moves.

The movements performed on these devices (active) are dosed, their directions are determined very approximately anatomical features of one or another joint, in addition, exercises on the apparatus are performed at a certain speed and load. Methodically repeated rhythmic movements accelerate the process of restoration of impaired motor function. The patient himself can perform the exercises prescribed by the doctor on the appropriate apparatus under the supervision of medical staff. Purposeful and dosed, structurally designed movements are very effective means rehabilitation and readaptation for many diseases, using the method of nonspecific active and pathogenetic therapy.

Mechanotherapy is used in combination with other means and methods of modern medical rehabilitation in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, digestive organs, metabolic diseases, diseases and consequences of injuries to the musculoskeletal system.

Mechanotherapy goes well with therapeutic mud procedures, balneo- and physiotherapy, and other resort factors.

Contraindications for prescribing mechanotherapy are: acute infectious and somatic diseases, skin diseases, thrombophlebitis, lymphangitis, lymphadenitis, varicose veins, stage III hypertension, heart disease in the stage of decompensation, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, stage IV obesity, hernias, tumors.

There are more than 30 sanatoriums and boarding houses in Essentuki, including three special sanatoriums for children and adolescents. Most of the Essentuki sanatoriums accept treatment, which expands the capabilities of a modern resort.

Specialized sanatoriums and departments of the Essentuki resort

Sanatorium "Victoria"

The only radioisotope laboratory and radioimmune laboratory in the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters operate in the Victoria sanatorium. On the basis of the sanatorium there is a regional educational and methodological center of the Moscow medical academy postgraduate education. Leading scientists of the academy provide ongoing training to sanatorium specialists and advise patients at the Victoria sanatorium. All this allowed the Victoria sanatorium to have the status of a sanatorium-clinical rehabilitation center and the basic sanatorium of the Essentuki resort.

Sanatorium "Stavropol"

Sanatorium “StavropolyeV” is the base sanatorium of the association “Essentuki-resort”. Diagnostic departments are equipped with modern diagnostic equipment. Employees of the Department of Balneology and Physiotherapy of Stavropol State University conduct consultations at the sanatorium. medical institute, operating at the sanatorium.

Medical Center for the Administration of the President of the Republic “Kazakhstan”
In Essentuki, for the first time in Russian medical practice, it became possible to model the most important principle of healthcare: clinic, hospital, sanatorium, that is, to concentrate all stages of medical rehabilitation in one hand. In the sanatorium “KazakhstanV” of the UDP MC of the Republic of Kazakhstan, rehabilitation of patients after surgery to remove gallstones using endoscopic cholecystotomy is carried out. Endoscopic surgery is performed in hospital No. 3 (3 days of hospitalization).

The sanatorium has developed a method for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, using a combination of medications and resort factors for complete scarring of stomach and duodenal ulcers. (Course duration is 7 days.)

Leisure, sports, excursions

Essentuki has cinema and concert halls, libraries, dance halls and open dance floors. Swimming pools, saunas, billiard rooms, gyms and tennis courts are available in many resorts in Essentuki.

Essentuki, a former Cossack village, is a comfortable resort town. The resort buildings have beautiful architecture. Particularly noteworthy are the mud baths named after. ON THE. Semashko, Upper and Lower Baths, pump rooms of mineral springs and many sanatoriums. Only here, in the hall of the Tsanderavsky Mechanotherapeutic Institute, you can see simulators from the early 20th century.

Essentuki Parks

There are no fancy rocks or waterfalls in Essentuki. The local landscape has been changed by the work of more than one generation of gardeners, who dressed the once dull, monotonous, slightly sloping foothill steppe in a green outfit. Now the resort town is surrounded by greenery. Planting trees near the Essentuki springs began in 1849 on the instructions of the Caucasian governor M.S. Vorontsova. The resort park covers an area of ​​more than 60 hectares and is divided into Upper and Lower depending on the terrain.

The oldest, lower part of the park, stretching along the valley of the drained Kislushi River, is called Vorontsov Park. The main entrance to the park is decorated with monolithic columns. In the park itself there are walking paths, health path routes with stations indicated, and places for recreation. In the resort park there is a drinking gallery, which is a historical and architectural monument. On the central alley there is the main pavilion of Essentuki springs 4 and 1. The lower alley of the central park is the road of health. Three times a day it comes to life: thousands of vacationers go to the springs. Previously, there were separate pump rooms on the central alley, of which only gazebos have now been preserved.

Previously, there were separate pump rooms on the central alley, of which only gazebos have now been preserved. The park contains the Upper and Lower therapeutic baths, a mechanical therapy department, an inhalation center, a physical therapy pavilion, a chess pavilion, sports fields for table tennis, a dance floor, and a summer solarium.

Light summer gazebos, fountains, grottoes, cascading stairs, and beautiful flower beds add special beauty and elegance to the park ensemble. Particularly popular is the rose area, where hundreds of bushes of various types of roses bloom in summer and fountains operate. More than a hundred years have passed since the first trees were planted here. Many of them have survived to this day. Much attention is paid to the improvement of the park. Unique park ensembles are created here from various species of trees, shrubs and flowers.

The second park of the Essentuki resort, Victory Park, has been intensively improved over the past 20 years. In the once neglected park, walking paths were laid and health path routes were marked. Much attention is paid to the decorative design of tree and shrub vegetation. In the center of the park the Eternal Flame burns in memory of the city residents who died in the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars. Main and secondary alleys run radially from the center, which creates a distinct architecture for the park. The drinking pavilion of springs No. 4 and No. 17, a reading room, a summer solarium, and attractions are located in convenient places.

Where can I buy

Buy a ticket to the Essentuki sanatorium:

Water "Essentuki Novaya No. 2"
It is mined from a depth of up to 1.8 km.
Water has no analogues in taste
qualities and healing effects.

Indications for use:
chronic gastritis with normal
and increased secretory functions
stomach, uncomplicated ulcerative
stomach and duodenal disease
intestines, disease of the operated
stomach for ulcer
stomach and duodenal diseases
intestines, chronic colitis
and enterocolitis, chronic
diseases of the liver and bile ducts

Compliance: water meets the requirements regulatory documents and is characterized by a stable chemical composition, which is confirmed by constant monitoring of water quality. TU 9185-321-05031531-96, certification mark AI 23

Characteristic: In terms of organoleptic properties, the source water is a transparent, colorless, odorless liquid with a saline-alkaline taste. Insignificant sediment is formed during aging. The results of processing long-term observations, stock materials, as well as current studies of mineral water, carried out in the laboratory of physical chemistry of mineral waters and medicinal mud of the Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Resortology, confirm the constancy of the composition.

Department of Medical Balneology and Balneotherapy of the Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Medicine and Balneology – “On the medicinal use of drinking mineral waters”:

Water has long been considered the source of life and is used to improve the health of the body. Drinking mineral waters are a valuable natural balneotherapeutic factor, widely used in resorts to treat many diseases. The variety and availability of bottled mineral waters (MB) have led to their mass consumption by wide sections of the population. However, not every person is informed about the correctness of drinking this or that mineral water.

Drinking mineral waters are divided into 2 groups. First: medicinal drinking water - with a mineralization of more than 10 g/l or less mineralization, but containing an increased amount of boron, arsenic, iron, bromine and other biologically active microelements (Essentuki No. 17, Naftusya, Undorskaya, etc.). The second: medicinal and dining rooms - with a mineralization of 1-10 g/l (Essentu-ki No. 4, Kislovodsk Narzan, Borjomi, Moskovskaya, etc.).

When used internally, MVs have a pronounced effect, which primarily depends on the chemical composition of the water, its temperature at the time internal use and begins in the oral cavity, continues in the stomach and intestines and ends after complete absorption of water and its constituent elements in the intestines. Based on their chemical composition, hydrocarbonate, sulfate, and chloride minerals of complex composition are distinguished, as well as ferruginous and containing organic substances.

Each water has its own properties
Hydrocarbonate waters have an alkalizing effect, thin and remove pathological mucus, which is formed during inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary and respiratory tract, and normalize the secretory and motor functions of the stomach. Sulfate waters have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, increasing its motor activity and have a laxative effect, increase the contractile function of the gallbladder and bile ducts, stimulating the flow of bile into the duodenum. Chloride mineral waters stimulate the formation of digestive enzymes, increase metabolic processes, have a choleretic effect, and increase the acidity of gastric juice.
Cations of sodium, calcium, magnesium contained in mineral waters play an important role in the life of the body. Thus, sodium participates in water-salt metabolism, affects the regulation systems of various body functions and the vital activity of cells. Calcium has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces permeability cell membranes, reduces bleeding. Magnesium is involved in the processes of neuromuscular excitability, various enzymatic reactions, carbohydrate and protein metabolism.
The role of general mineralization of water is great. Thus, waters of low mineralization remain in the stomach longer than those of medium and high mineralization and have a pronounced diuretic effect. The lower the mineralization of water, the greater the diuretic effect it has, helping to remove various salts and toxins from the body. And on the contrary, the higher the mineralization of water, the less its diuretic effect, but it is more irritating, stimulates the glandular apparatus of the stomach, intestines, biliary system, and enhances the exocrine activity of the pancreas. High mineralization waters quickly leave the stomach, but remain longer in the intestines, having a laxative effect. In addition, you need to remember that waters with higher mineralization “saturate” the body with salts, which can displace the mineral components of the blood and disrupt the ionic balance in the blood and tissues. For long and uncontrolled methods In such waters, so-called “transmineralization” may occur. For example, an increase in edema with prolonged intake of salt water; a shift in the blood reaction to the alkaline side with prolonged consumption of alkaline waters.

Medicinal waters should not be taken uncontrollably

Research in recent years has shown that drinking mineral water causes adaptive reactions in the body. A course of MV administration leads to long-term restructuring of the pituitary-adrenal system, which helps to increase the body’s regulatory abilities and provides a long aftereffect.
It must be emphasized that healing waters are used only as prescribed by a doctor. Medicinal table waters can be used periodically as drinks, but this only applies to healthy people. If you have illnesses, drinking these waters should be prescribed and supervised by a doctor.
When using mineral waters therapeutically, it is necessary to follow certain rules, which are based on data scientific research and vast practical experience. They consist in determining: the type of water for each specific disease; its quantity per dose, per day and duration of treatment; method of drinking (quickly, in large sips, slowly, in small sips); drinking time in relation to eating time.

We treat with temperature

Water temperature plays a significant role in the regulation of the secretory and motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract. Cool mineral water at a temperature of 16-180C enhances the secretion and motor function of the stomach and intestines, the latter explains its laxative effect. Warm water (30-400C) reduces secretory and motor activity, relaxes the intestinal muscles, and promotes stool retention, which is used for diarrhea.
Mineral water is taken in a certain amount (50-200 ml), at a given temperature and at different time before meals, which depends on the nosological form of the disease, the type of gastric secretion and the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. Daily intake water can fluctuate between 600-1200 ml, depending on the nosological form of the disease, the functional state of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, etc. The duration of the course of drinking treatment is limited to 4-6 weeks. You can conduct 2-3 courses per year. The significance of these principles for the purpose of mineral waters can be illustrated with some examples. For patients with chronic gastritis, mineral waters are prescribed taking into account the initial level of secretory activity of the stomach. With increased secretory activity, mineral waters are prescribed 150-200 ml, 3 times a day, 1-1.5 hours before meals, warm (38-400C), it is recommended to drink water quickly in large sips. In the presence of pronounced symptoms of acidism, an additional intake of 50 ml of water is prescribed at the height of digestion in order to antacid action. For the treatment of this category of patients, medicinal table waters with low and medium mineralization are indicated: Borjomi, Essentuki No. 4, Kislovodsk Narzan, Moskovskaya, Slavyanovskaya, Smirnovskaya, etc.
For chronic gastritis with normal secretory activity, the same waters are used, but they are prescribed 35-45 minutes before. before meals, the water temperature is 28-350C, drink water slowly in small sips.
For chronic gastritis with reduced secretory activity of the stomach, MB is drunk within 15-30 minutes. before meals, slowly, in small sips, water temperature – 18-250C. With this technique, water helps to enhance the secretory function of the stomach. The use of medicinal mineral water of high mineralization (Essentuki No. 17), as well as medium mineralization (Essentuki No. 4, Arzni, Karmadon, Lipetskaya, etc.) is indicated.

With peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, an increase in secretion and acidity is most often observed. Therefore, the same method of drinking water is used as for chronic gastritis with increased secretory activity. This applies to patients who do not have pronounced motor disorders of the stomach. If there is severe violations motor-evacuation function of the stomach (vomiting, heaviness in the epigastric region after eating a small amount of food, belching, etc.), taking MV is not indicated due to its long-term retention in the stomach, especially with food, which may not lead to inhibitory, but to the sap action.

The method of treating chronic colitis (irritable bowel syndrome) with mineral water depends on the nature of intestinal motor activity. In case of reduced motor function (atony), medicinal waters of high mineralization (Essentuki No. 17), as well as medicinal table sulfate waters (Moskovskaya, Kashinskaya), are used, which, unlike other waters, are not completely absorbed in the small intestine and reach the distal part of the large intestine , directly affecting its mucosa. These waters are drunk 1-1.5 hours before meals, at a temperature of 18-200C, in large sips, quickly. With this technique, intestinal muscle tone and peristalsis are enhanced.

For colitis with increased motor function (diarrhea, intestinal spasms), hot low-mineralized water at a temperature of 40-450C, 100 ml per 30-60 minutes, is recommended. before meals, 3 times a day, slowly in small sips.

At spastic constipation heated water is also used, because it helps eliminate spastic phenomena, pain and bowel movements.
MVs are widely used for liver diseases: chronic hepatitis, alcohol and drug-induced liver damage.

For chronic hepatitis, warm waters of low and medium mineralization are indicated (Narzan, Borjomi, Essentuki No. 4, Moskovskaya). Drink 100-200 ml of these waters 30 minutes, 1 or 1.5 hours before meals, depending on the initial secretory function of the stomach.

In patients with diseases of the biliary system (cholecystitis, cholangitis, gallbladder cholesterosis), drinking treatment is carried out taking into account the type of concomitant biliary dyskinesia (hypertensive or hypotonic conditions). For hypertensive conditions (hyperkinetic dyskinesia), low- and medium-mineralized waters are used, which are recommended to be drunk heated to 42-450C in an amount of 100-150 ml per 40-60 minutes. before meals, slowly in small sips.
In case of hypotonic conditions of the gallbladder, cool MB (20-240C) is used in larger quantities - 150-200 ml per dose 1-1.5 hours before meals, it is recommended to drink water freely in large sips.

One of the options for the internal use of therapeutic CF in the treatment of chronic acalculous cholecystitis, accompanied by stagnation of bile (spastic, hypokinetic dyskinesia of the gallbladder) are the so-called drainage procedures -
probeless tube.
The patient on an empty stomach is given 200-300 ml of hot MV (42-450C) to drink and is placed on the right side with a heating pad for 30-60 minutes. To enhance choleretic action, especially for patients with concomitant constipation, add half a teaspoon of magnesium sulfate to the water. This procedure can be carried out daily for 10-12 days. Contraindications to the use of tubage are: cholelithiasis, exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system, cirrhosis of the liver, severe coronary heart disease, hypertension, renal failure.

For cholelithiasis that does not require surgical intervention, without attacks of hepatic colic, drinking treatment is carried out using the same method as for chronic cholecystitis.
At chronic pancreatitis in the stage of remission or incomplete remission, low and moderately mineralized waters are used according to the same method as for diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Highly mineralized waters, as well as low-temperature waters, are not shown, because they can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

Internal use of MB is included in the complex treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus (mild and moderate severity in the compensation stage), as well as for other metabolic disorders (obesity, lipid metabolism disorders).
There is evidence of an improvement in the immunological status of a number of diseases under the influence of drinking mineral water.

For diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, drinking MB is prescribed to enhance diuresis, reduce pain, and facilitate the passage of stones from the ureters. Drinking treatment is carried out for patients with urolithiasis in the presence of small stones that are capable of spontaneous passage, do not interfere with the outflow of urine and do not require surgical removal (no more than 7 mm in diameter). Low-mineralized waters (for example, Undora) containing organic substances are used. In the first days, drink 200-300 ml 3 times a day 1-1.5 hours before meals. After 3-5 days, the amount of water is increased: in the morning to 300 ml, before lunch - 400 ml. Towards the end of treatment, the amount of water taken decreases. To stimulate the passage of small stones, so-called “water loads” are used:
drink 1 liter of water before breakfast, then 1 liter of water after breakfast and 1-2 liters of water before lunch. Water is used at natural temperature. “Water exercise” is often combined with physiotherapy and exercise and is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Choosing MV for drinking treatment urolithiasis depends on the chemical composition of the stones, because when taken orally, MVs change the reaction of urine. In the presence of urates, urine alkalization with alkaline minerals (hydrocarbonate) is necessary; in case of oxalate stones, sulfate waters are used, and in the presence of phosphate stones, the intake of acidic (chloride) low-mineralized minerals is indicated. Thus, drinking mineral waters are an effective method of treatment, rehabilitation and prevention. It is very important for a general practitioner to have knowledge about the use of these waters in medicine.

Currently, a very large amount of Essentuki mineral water has appeared in the retail trade from different manufacturers. We must clearly understand that among this variety there are a lot of low-quality (fake) products. The healing properties of mineral water, according to doctors at the Essentuki resort, are very difficult to preserve in full. According to the recommendations of doctors, the best therapeutic effect is obtained by drinking mineral water directly from a well at the pump room, where the water comes out of the well without losing its natural temperature. Within 15-20 minutes, when open, mineral water cools down and loses some of its cations in the open air, and therefore some of its medicinal qualities.

Essentuki water - New, mineral water, mineral springs, indications for use, Essentuki mineral water, recommendations, treatments

b Essentuki b mineral v water b h indications for use v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h doctor’s recommendations v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h how to use v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h how to drink v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h how to treat v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h types of treatment v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h characteristic by numbers v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h healing properties v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h drink before meals v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h for colitis v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h benefits and harm v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h water characteristic v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h medicinal use v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h allergy treatment v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h number 4 v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h number 17 v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h number 2 v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h number 20 v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h new v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h min. Essentuki Water v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h diabetes mellitus v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h if the child has v x

B Essentuki b mineral v water b h for children v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h min. Sources v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h min. sources v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h min. Essentuiki 4 v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h min. Essentuki 17 v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h kidney treatment v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h urology v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h prostatitis v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h obesity v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h weight loss v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h gynecology v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h women's diseases v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h stomach treatment v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h at increased acidity v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h preventive treatment v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h min. Essentuki 2 v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h mineral water Essentuki 4 v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h mineral water Essentuki 17 v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h mineral water Essentuki 2 v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h treatment by mineral water v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h mineral sources v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h treatment v x
b Essentuki b mineral v water b h drink mineral water v x

Essentuki Water - New, mineral water, mineral springs, indications for use, Essentuki mineral water, recommendations, treatment

The healing properties of mineral water called Essentuki are known throughout the entire former USSR. This mineral water is extracted from the Essentuki deposit of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, from a depth of about 1.5 km. On the territory of the resort there are more than a hundred sources of healing water of varying degrees and types of mineralization. Waters with the same name “Essentuki” are unique in their healing, health-improving properties and therapeutic effects on the body.

Not only is it very important mineral composition, but the optimal ratio of minerals and gases present in the waters of this deposit. Which actually determines the properties of Essentuka. It is these ratios that ensure high digestibility of water by the human body, and, therefore, high degree therapeutic effects. All waters of the deposit are very useful. However, only four are used for medicinal purposes: No. 2, No. 20, as well as the most famous - No. 17 and No. 4.

We will discuss the healing properties of Essentuki mineral water, all four of its varieties, with you today. Well, first, let's talk about general features drinking mineral waters:

Types and properties of Essentuki water

According to their properties, all MVs are divided into two groups:

Medicinal-drinking– high mineralization (more than 10 g/l). Or with low total mineralization, but with a high content of individual minerals, for example: boron, bromine, chlorine, iron, etc. This group, in particular, includes Essentuki No. 17.

Medical canteens- with low mineralization (from 1 to 10 g/l), but with a special chemical and elemental composition. This, for example, includes Essentuki No. 4.

When natural CF is consumed, it begins to act in the oral cavity, then in the digestive tract. General healing effect on the body begins after its complete assimilation.

MFs differ in chemical composition - hydrocarbonate, sulfate, chloride, as well as ferruginous, with organic substances in composition and complex, with mixed composition. Let's briefly look at the main ones:

Hydrocarbonate- have an alkalizing effect, improve and restore the secretory and motor functions of the stomach. They effectively dilute and remove mucus, which is produced as a result of inflammation of the organs. digestive tract, urinary or respiratory tract.

Sulfate– increase motor, contractile activity of the gastrointestinal tract, have a mild laxative effect. Activates the work of the gallbladder and bile ducts, thus stimulating the production and movement of bile.

Chloride– activate the production of digestive enzymes, improve metabolic processes, increase stomach acidity and have a mild choleretic effect.

Mineral water "Essentuki" - healing properties

As we already know, all mineral waters differ in their composition, which means they have different action on the body. Essentuki MVs are no exception. Their action has been well studied and there are quite a lot of indications for their use. Let's talk about them in more detail:

Essentuki No. 2

Perfectly quenches thirst, refreshes, increases appetite. Due to the high concentration of carbon dioxide, it activates the secretory function of the digestive glands. The calcium bicarbonate included in the composition has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. Recommended for the prevention of diseases of the digestive system, liver, and urinary tract.

Essentuki No. 4

Indicated for use in inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and Bladder. Essentuki 4 is unique, as it has a comprehensive healing effect on organs and functional systems human body.

Essentuki No. 17

One of the most popular MVs in our country. Due to its high mineralization, it is recommended for prevention and treatment gastrointestinal diseases, chronic illnesses liver, gall bladder. Effective for gout, obesity, and mild diabetes.


Due to its low mineralization, this table water can be drunk as usual, without restrictions. It has an excellent taste, refreshes, and perfectly quenches thirst. Particularly recommended for people suffering from urinary tract diseases.

How to take medicinal waters?

Scientific research conducted in recent years has shown that drinking mineral water causes an adaptive response in the human body. Regular, course use gradually restores the normal functioning of the pituitary-adrenal system, strengthens the regulatory functions of the body. After completing the course, the restored functions remain for a long time.

The healing properties of Essentuki mineral water that we describe fully correspond to these qualities of medicinal waters. It is recommended to drink it for preventive purposes, and also to include it in therapeutic therapy.

It is optimal for the water to be at room temperature, about 20 C. Before drinking, it is recommended to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide. To do this, open the bottle and leave it without a cap for about 1 hour before taking it.

For medicinal purposes, take medicinal mineral water. The course of treatment is determined by the attending physician, depending on the existing disease and its stage. He also prescribes the optimal daily dose and monitors the patient’s condition.

They have been popular since the times of Tsarist Russia. The healing power of mineral waters does not need proof; it has been confirmed for centuries.

Essentuki is a balneological resort city of federal significance, geographically located in the Stavropol region, not far from Pyatigorsk.

In Essentuki they found not only all-Russian, but also worldwide popularity. Every year the city is visited by thousands of foreigners who want to improve their health, cure diseases of the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract.

Resort Description

On the territory of the resort there are many hotels and health resorts with health and treatment centers. Here they drink from the springs in Essentuki, take baths with it, do inhalations and irrigate the oral cavity. Mud is also used for therapeutic purposes. Water from some sources is table drinking water; you can drink it yourself, without a doctor’s prescription. In some mineral springs of Essentuki, the water is medicinal and can be drunk only after consultation with a specialist. The doctor prescribes the dosage, the frequency of taking this water per day and the duration of the course of treatment.

The healing properties of the mineral springs in Essentuki (photos of them can be seen in the article) are associated with their chemical composition, rich in cations of chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, calcium and sodium, magnesium, etc. The springs have a significant underground length and have time to become very “saturated” before reaching the surface "or be enriched with volcanic gases, as well as mineral salts beneficial to the body.

History of creation

IN early XIX centuries, it was a swampy area next to the river, where the Cossacks set up a village and called it Essentuki. It was once noticed that horses preferred to drink unpleasant-looking water from swamps instead of clean and fresh river water. This seemed very strange to the Cossacks; they called a scientist from the capital, who visited all the sources (there were 23 of them). The doctor's last name was Nelyubin, and the numbering of the sources, given by him back in 1823, is preserved to this day. Some of the Essentuki springs were undrinkable, others were drying up.

For a long time Essentuki remained in the shadow of the glory of Pyatigorsk and Mineralnye Vody; the composition of the water was almost not carefully studied. In 1905, the first work on drilling and exploration of wells began. Essentuki became popular only in 1925, when the development of the city, galleries of springs, and construction of health resorts continued.

Characteristics of mineral springs in Essentuki

Speaking in simple language, the mineral water of this region is hydrochloric-alkaline. 20 Essentuki springs are suitable for drinking. Sources No. 17 and No. 4 are widely known everywhere. Due to its composition, rich not only in bicarbonates, sulfates, calcium and magnesium chlorides, sodium and potassium cations, but also in the content of elements such as sulfur, zinc, copper, the sources are used in the treatment of many pathologies. So, most often these are the following:

  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • diseases associated with metabolic disorders body;
  • diseases of the pancreas and biliary tract;
  • urinary tract diseases;
  • violations by the SSS.

Essentuki No. 17

The gallery of this source in Essentuki is the oldest and most beautiful; it was opened in the middle of the 19th century and is located in front of the main entrance leading to the Healing Park. Inside the building there is marble decoration and ancient Greek sculptures, and the water pool is illuminated. Low-thermal, thermal and high-thermal waters are served, heated to 25-30, 35-40 and 40 degrees, respectively, water from source 17 in Essentuki.

This water is enriched with Na bicarbonates, has a high degree of mineralization and is medicinal and drinking water. There are wells with cold water of about 10 degrees and Essentuki (about 36 degrees). Only the doctor decides what temperature and dosage the patient needs. Doctors prescribe treatment with this water for chronic gastritis, colitis with low acidity, difficulty in intestinal motility, and metabolic diseases. At the same time, exercises and physical therapy are prescribed.

Healthy people can also use Essentuki 17, but in moderation. There are no calories in water, which is especially important because it is usually prescribed in fairly large dosages (700-1200 ml per day in three doses). It also does not contain proteins, carbohydrates, or fats.

Essentuki No. 4

The water of this source also contains sodium chlorides and bicarbonates, but its mineralization is not as high as that of Essentuki 17. It can be warm (thermal) and cold.

The mineral water of the source belongs to medicinal table water, it is allowed to drink it after a doctor’s prescription in cases of diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, colitis), diseases of the liver and pancreas (pancreatitis), in complex therapy with diabetes mellitus. Water also increases intestinal motility and stabilizes metabolic processes in the body. During periods of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is not recommended to take Essentuki-4. The main indications for drinking relate to chronic forms of disease.

Mineral water alkalizes the gastrointestinal tract, while pathological mucus, which is formed during inflammation and has an acidic environment, is diluted and gradually eliminated from the body. A similar action occurs when inflammatory processes urinary tract and respiratory system.

It is important to remember that uncontrolled intake of water can have a detrimental effect on health.

"Essentuki No. 20"

This is table water with a low degree of mineralization. Previously, it was mined from a source under the same number, then its operation was discontinued. Now it is obtained by mixing low-mineralized water from two sources; it is bottled by the Stary Istochnik company in Essentuki. Wimm-Bill-Dann also has a patent for the production of Essentuki 20.

You can drink it like plain water, without the consent of the doctor. It has a weak therapeutic effect for disorders of the genitourinary system due to the content of bicarbonates, sulfates, Cl anions, Ca, Mg, Na and K cations.

"Essentuki-Novaya", "Nagutskaya No. 26", other types of waters

Water "Essentuki-Novaya" is also called "Essentuki Narzan". It is extracted from a well more than 330 m deep. This water has a temperature of about 25-26 degrees, due to the hydrogen sulfide content in it, it has a little bad smell(similar to the smell of rotten eggs). The discovery of a source with this composition of water in Essentuki made it possible to successfully use it for the treatment of disorders of the heart and blood vessels.

Baths with “Essentuki Narzan” are very popular among women, as the water smoothes out fine wrinkles, restores the elasticity and firmness of the skin, and tightens small folds.

Water "Nagutskaya 26" is a medicinal table water of the "Borjomi" type. It has a very pleasant taste, refreshes well and quenches thirst. Helps with peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis, colitis, heart and vascular diseases, metabolic disorders, as well as the genitourinary system.

Other mineral springs in Essentuki, which have a hydrogen sulfide and complex ion composition, are used for therapeutic drinking, but to a greater extent in balneology (taking various kinds baths and showers, irrigation, rinsing).

Therapeutic park in Essentuki

The park area is relatively small, but very beautiful: buildings with columns, a lot of greenery, alleys, fountains, flower beds. The park is divided into upper and lower parts, which are called that way.

Immediately at the entrance is the Upton Gallery with lower baths. Attached to it is the building of the park theater in which Chaliapin performed. To the left of the theater is the Left Terrace and to the right is the Right Terrace. Here are the remains of the old source 17, which was destroyed. Nearby is a differentiating pool created to allow iron ions to precipitate from the water of source 17. Among the interesting buildings here is the Musical Gazebo with excellent acoustics, as well as a building with a “mechanotherapeutic” hall - a prototype of a modern fitness center, which houses exercise equipment from the 19th century.

On the alleys of springs in Essentuki there are 4 galleries and 3 drinking pump rooms. The oldest gallery is located at Source 17, and is named after the architect who designed the building in 1858. The Upton Gallery serves cold, warm and hot water sources 17 and 20.

In the lower alley there is a new building of the gallery of the source 4/2. Essentuki 4 water is served here. And also from sources whose pump rooms are no longer functioning.

The newest gallery 4/33 is open in the center of the resort part of the city; water from spring 4 and Essentuki-Novaya is supplied here.

Gallery 4/17 ends with interesting drinking pump rooms from an architectural point of view; you can use them to collect water from sources 17 and 4. The pump rooms are located in the upper part of the park and near gallery 17. The third and fourth are located in the lower alleys of the park.

Bottled water

Original mineral water can only be from a manufacturer located geographically in the city of Essentuki, Stavropol Territory. Water is sold in carbonated form, which allows it to keep bicarbonates, sulfates, chlorides and cations in a dissolved state for a long time. Ideally, the water should be clear, but a small amount of sediment in the form of salts may form. The longer it is stored, the cloudier and less healthy it becomes.

You need to store purchased water in a cool, dark place, closed and preferably in a lying position. It is recommended to let the gas out of the bottle a little before drinking.


You should not drink spring water in the acute phase of diseases of the digestive tract and pancreas. The person should not have signs of liver spasm or infectious diseases. It is not recommended to drink such water when prescribing a low-salt or salt-free diet.

In each case, a consultation with a doctor is required, who will prescribe an adequate dose, frequency and duration of intake of water from the sources in Essentuki.

It’s all the more funny that the world-famous mineral water springs, located on the territory of the modern resort town of Essentuki, were discovered not by people, but by horses. According to legend, Cossack horses in this area refused to drink fresh water. river water, but with visible pleasure they enjoyed the brackish water from the unremarkable swamp. It was even called a “horse spring” as a joke, but soon people began to drink this water, highly appreciating its properties.

Origin of the name

The origin of the name of this spring, like the name of the city, has several versions. According to one of them, a very weak and sickly child was born to a local mountain prince. In the hope of curing the boy, they took him to the healer, and on the way to him, they bathed him in one of the springs with clean water. The very next day, dark hair appeared on the boy's head. “Essen-tyuk” translated from Karachay means “living hair”.

According to another, Kalmyk version of the origin of the name, the source is named in honor of the victory of the Kalmyks over the Cossacks. The truce concluded after the battle included an agreement that the place would be named after the nine oldest Kalmyk families. “Yisen tuk” is translated as “nine horsetails”.

Another version says that “sentuk” translated from Adyghe means “habitable corner”. And from Turkic “essen” is translated as “living”, which takes us back to tales about living water and its healing power, capable of reviving the dead.

Source Research

Be that as it may, the Essentuki source became the object of increased attention back in the 19th century, when Dr. Nelyubin came to explore it in 1823. He walked around the entire swampy area and discovered that there were as many as 23 springs in this territory, merging, they flow into the small river Kislushu. The doctor examined and tasted the water from each of them in detail. Unfortunately, most sources were too scarce to be widely used in medicinal purposes, but some of them are known all over the world today. Numerous famous Essentuki sanatoriums, specializing in treatment with mineral waters, were built near these healing springs.

Of all the sources in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region, these waters have to travel the longest way before reaching the surface. This allows them to get enough of a large amount of microelements and other substances used for medicinal purposes. Having passed through the strata of rocks and volcanic rocks, the water made its way to the area of ​​​​the current Nagut deposit. Essentuki is located at a depth of 90 meters underground and has no analogues in the world in terms of taste and healing qualities.

Today, 20 Essentuki springs are intensively used. The most popular water is Essentuki - 17, which is used for medicinal purposes, and Essentuki - 4, which is medicinal and medicinal - table water (when bottled). The waters of Essentuki-20 and Essentuki-Novaya are also gaining popularity. Mineral waters from other sources are used mainly for baths, irrigation and other procedures.

At the moment, 11 wells are working to extract mineral water from Essentuki-4, and the daily amount of water extracted from the bowels of the earth reaches 15 cubic meters per day. Drinking water galleries Essentuki - 4 are located in the resort park, where you can also drink Essentuki -17.

Composition of Essentuki mineral waters – 4

Essentuki – 4 – one of the two most widely used mineral waters from Essentuki springs. This is sodium bicarbonate-chloride water with high mineralization, intended mainly for drinking treatment.

It contains (data per 100 grams of water):

  • hydrocarbonates mg.);
  • sodium + potassium mg.);
  • chlorides mg.);
  • calcium (up to 150 mg.);
  • magnesium (up to 75 mg.);
  • sulfates (up to 25 mg).

Sodium promotes water-salt metabolism and also participates in cellular metabolic processes.

Potassium has an anti-inflammatory effect and affects blood clotting.

Magnesium is involved in enzymatic processes and also promotes carbohydrate and protein metabolism.

Essentuki-4 water does not contain calories, which means that the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in it is zero.

Indications for use

For chronic gastritis with normal gastric secretion, it is prescribed to take poml. water, temperature degrees, three times a day minutes before meals. It is advisable to drink in small sips.

For chronic gastritis with decreased secretion stomach, the same dose is prescribed, but one minute before meals. The temperature should be 10 degrees, and you should drink water slowly. If the secretion of the stomach is increased, then the same dosage should be taken 1-1.5 hours before meals, and the water should be warm, degrees, and it should be drunk quickly, in large sips.

At insufficient secretion stomach and frequent diarrhea, the dose of medicinal water is reduced to 50 ml., and the temperature is increased by one degree. These dosages should be adhered to until the functions of the digestive system are restored, and only then switch to normal volumes.

Reflux - esophagitis is treated ml. mineral water, temperature degrees, which should be drunk 1-1.5 before meals in large sips.

For duodenal ulcers and gastric ulcers, the dosages and recommendations are the same as for reflux esophagitis, i.e. water, temperature degrees, should be taken in large sips 1-1.5 hours before meals.

For irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea, 100 ml is prescribed. water, degrees, a minute before meals, 3 times a day slowly, in small sips. For irritable bowel syndrome with constipation, the same dosage is recommended, but the temperature is lowered by one degree, 1-1.5 hours before meals, and it should be drunk quickly, in large sips.

Chronic pancreatitis with mild to moderate severity is treated ml. water temperature degrees, take 3 times a day 1-1.5 hours before meals.

For viral hepatitis and some liver damage (toxic and drug-induced), it is recommended to drink warm (40-45 degrees) water 30 minutes - 1.5 hours before meals, depending on the secretion of the stomach, gradually increasing the dose from 100 to 200 mg.

For chronic cholecystitis, cholesterosis of the gallbladder, as well as cholelithiasis, treatment is prescribed in accordance with the concomitant dyskinesia. For hypokinetic dyskinesia, drink cool (18-25 degrees) water in large sips 3 times a day. 1-1.5 hours before meals. For hyperkinetic dyskinesia, it is recommended to drink warm (40-45 degrees) water. jam before meals.

For diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent), poml is prescribed. moderately warm water (25-35 degrees) knead. before meals. Dosage, temperature and time of administration may be changed in the presence of concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Violation salt balance successfully treated with a course of ml. cool (20-25 degrees) mineral water, 1-1.5 hours before meals.

Mineral water Essentuki-4 is also used in the fight against obesity. To do this, it is recommended to take poml. water temperature degrees 3 times a day min. before meals (in the absence of concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract). This water helps increase metabolism, which helps burn fat faster.

Mineral water can also be used for intestinal lavage in case of obesity or impaired intestinal motility. This procedure is prescribed only after a complete X-ray and sigmoidoscopy examination, if complete absence contraindications. A cleansing enema is performed 40 minutes before the start of the procedure. Washing should be done very carefully, avoiding the appearance of pain. The full course consists of 5-6 procedures performed every other day.

Contraindications for use

There are not many contraindications to the medicinal use of Essentuki water - 4. This is, first of all, acute stages diseases and exacerbations of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; significant disturbances in the motor-evacuation function of the stomach; intolerance to mineral water (heartburn, diarrhea), as well as polyps and bleeding various departments gastrointestinal tract.

Export of Essentuki mineral water – 4

This mineral water has long gained popularity in many countries around the world. Not everyone has the opportunity to come to a Caucasian health resort for treatment, so it was necessary to come up with a way to deliver medicinal water to the consumer, while maintaining maximum beneficial properties. It is known that when transported in tanks where there is access to air, water quickly loses most healing power.

For these purposes, Essentuki-4 mineral water is bottled directly at the source. For this purpose, water flows from the well into special tanks. Before bottling, it undergoes three-stage filtration without air access, since oxygen promotes oxidative processes, during which water loses a significant part of cations.

Filling into the final container also occurs without air access, which allows you to save everything useful qualities and volatile substances dissolved in water (for example, hydrogen sulfide, which gives Essentuki water a specific odor). Each batch of mineral water undergoes bacteriological and chemical analysis and is carefully checked by epidemiologists before reaching the consumer.

But you must remember that you cannot take Essentuki-4 mineral water uncontrollably! With prolonged, indefatigable consumption of this water, transmineralization may occur, that is, oversaturation of the body with mineral salts. In this case, metabolism is disrupted and swelling may occur. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is better to consult with a specialist who will prescribe correct doses and determine the duration of the course.

And finally, a video about how to choose the right mineral water.

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Blog about mineral waters of the Russian Federation



Monday, May 11, 2015

Mineral water "Essentuki No. 2"

“Essentuki-Novaya No. 2” has a pleasant taste and contains a lot of silicon compared to other waters. Silicon plays an important role in the human body: it helps strengthen hair, nails, vision, and skin.

1. Chronic gastritis with normal, increased and decreased secretory function of the stomach.

2. Uncomplicated peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, diseases of the operated stomach for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

3. Chronic colitis and enterocolitis.

4. Chronic diseases liver and biliary tract: hepatitis, cholecystitis, engiocholitis of various etiologies without a tendency to frequent exacerbations, calculous cholecystitis, with the exception of forms complicated by infections, as well as those requiring surgical intervention. Postcholecystectomy syndrome.

5. Chronic pancreatitis.

6. Chronic diseases metabolism: diabetes mellitus, gout, uric acid diathesis, oxaluria, phosphaturia.

7. Chronic diseases of the urinary tract.

Water composition: Sodium chloride-hydrocarbonate-sulfate.

Sodium + Potassium

Silicic acid 30-80

Manufacturer ZAO Mineralnye Vody Zheleznovodsk

Difference between Essentuki 4 and 17

Therapeutic mineral water of Essentuki - its use in correctly selected volumes helps with diseases of the digestive tract, thyroid gland and serious hormonal imbalances. Despite all the benefits of mineral water, excessive consumption of water can harm the body.

Mineral water Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17

Composition of Essentuki mineral water

The composition of the healing water in question includes the same healing components, however, there are differences in their volumes

Useful properties of Essentuki water

Treatment with this drink provides positive result on the functioning of many functions of the human body:

  • promotes the effective elimination of mucus formed in the presence of inflammation in the stomach and respiratory system;
  • improves stomach activity, has a mild laxative effect on the intestines;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of digestion, liver and kidneys;
  • normalizes metabolic processes due to increased enzyme production.

Drinking water is effective for weight loss because it helps normalize the body's metabolism. Use for preventive purposes helps to improve the functioning of the immune system, enhance endurance, and ensure high-quality excretion from the body. chemical substances. Drinking the drink reduces the negative impact of stressful situations and negative external factors.

Indications of Essentuki mineral water

Application of Essentuki water

The methods of taking the described waters have some differences and are selected taking into account individual identified health problems. An hour before use, you should open the cap on the bottle - this will help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide entering the liquid.

How to take Essentuki 4

It is necessary to use in case of detection of diseases of the stomach and intestines with increased motility, which are often accompanied by cramps and diarrhea. Daily dose – 1 glass 3 times a day. You need to drink the liquid slowly, in small sips and on an empty stomach. The rules for taking it to treat the stomach are 20 minutes before meals, and for ulcers - several hours before meals.

The treatment course is selected depending on the severity of the disease and can last from 20 to 45 days.

Essentuki 4 water should be taken on an empty stomach

How to drink Essentuki 17

It is recommended to drink for a course of 4 to 6 weeks for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, which are characterized by decreased motility. Drinking warm water minimizes the laxative effect. Description of use - for gastritis, you should drink 200 ml of water 30 minutes before meals, and for colitis - in the same volume, but 2 hours before meals.

To prevent the occurrence of negative symptoms, it is correct to start treatment with small volumes - from 30 to 100 ml, gradually increasing the dosage to 200-250 ml of liquid drunk at a time.

You need to start taking Essentuki 17 with small volumes

Essentuki for inhalation

Used for inhalation for medicinal and prophylactic purposes for severe, dry coughs, colds, and bronchitis.

Methods of carrying out the procedure:

  1. Ferry. The mineral water is poured into a metal container and heated to 50 degrees. Next, you should inhale the vapors - to do this, you need to bend over the container with liquid as low as possible and cover it with a towel. The duration of the procedure for children is no more than 3 minutes, and for adults – up to 15 minutes.
  2. Using a nebulizer. A compressor inhaler allows you to split medicinal water into microscopic particles, after which you quickly and effectively distribute them through the respiratory tract. To do this, 5 ml of liquid is filled into the device, after which a procedure can be carried out, the duration of which does not differ from steam inhalation.
  3. Ultrasound. Such equipment can be used in a hospital under supervision qualified specialist. The principle of operation is that water particles enter the lungs using ultrasound.

Essentuki water can be used for steam inhalations

Is it possible to drink Essentuki during pregnancy?

  • problems in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • frequent constipation, heartburn.

The components of the drink have a positive effect during pregnancy:

  • helps improve the condition of bone tissue;
  • magnesium reduces the risk of seizures in a pregnant woman;
  • Bicarbonate helps relieve heartburn.

Essentuki relieves heartburn

The drink effectively eliminates unwanted symptoms of toxicosis and promotes better oxygen saturation of the blood, which is especially important during rare walks in the fresh air.

Regardless of the choice of water, before you start drinking, you need to mandatory Consult your doctor as the fetus may react differently to this drink. Most often, experts recommend drinking water 30 minutes before meals, 150 ml 3 times a day.

Is it possible to drink Essentuki every day?

Essentuki 4 can be drunk every day for 3-4 weeks only for completely healthy people for prevention. It is recommended to repeat such courses with a break of 4-5 months. If diseases are detected, the appointment must be coordinated with the doctor. Essentuki 17 is used only for medicinal purposes and in a pre-agreed dosage.

Possible harm of Essentuki mineral water

If kidney disease is detected, taking Essentuki 17 is prohibited, as this can cause severe swelling. Excessive amounts of drink lead to oversaturation of the patient’s body with salts, which causes swelling and disruption of ion-exchange processes.


The use of the medicinal drink in question is contraindicated if:

  • aggravated diseases of the digestive tract;
  • disturbances in the motor functionality of the stomach;
  • inflammation in the intestines;
  • liver colic;
  • diseases of the gallbladder, as well as in case of its removal;
  • hypertension;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • complicated infections;
  • strict restrictions on the amount of salt consumed;
  • polyps in the stomach or intestines.

Essentuki should be consumed only in its pure form and should not be mixed with sugar or other additives.

You should not drink Essentuki water if you have polyps in your stomach.

What is the difference between Essentuki 17 and 4?

Due to the increased level of mineral salts, Essentuki 17 tastes saltier and cannot be consumed in large quantities.

The main difference lies in the level of mineralization of these drinks - Essentuki 17 belongs to the group medicinal drinks and are characterized by a high amount of salt content from 10 to 14 g. l. Essentuki 4 is medicinal table water and has an average salt content - from 7 to 10 grams. l.

Question answer

Which is better Essentuki or Narzan?

Narzan is more often recommended for use for problems with digestion. This is carbonated water with low mineralization - 2-3 g/l. and is well suited for people who have a negative attitude towards the strong saltiness in the taste of the drink. Narzan belongs to table water, in comparison with the Essentuki drink, it has a weaker clinical effect.

Narzan water is best taken for digestive problems.

Which is better Essentuka or Borjomi?

Borjomi is similar in chemical composition to Essentuki water, but the latter contains a larger salt volume. Both types belong to the mineral sodium bicarbonate liquid.

Borjomi contains more salts

Borjomi is not recommended to be consumed every day due to great content fluoride, which can lead to fluorosis. Initially, the disease affects bones and teeth, and subsequently has a negative impact on the functioning of the entire body. In terms of pricing policy, Essentuki is a cheaper drink.


“I have gastritis with low acidity. As prescribed by the attending physician, I drank No. 17. I warmed the water a little. I was treated for 20 days - the result was excellent, my health improved significantly. I’ll continue to drink for prevention.”

"Saw Essentuki 17 at food poisoning– she helped me normalize my condition in 2 days, relieved dehydration, and removed toxins. Already on the first day of treatment, the stomach pain and heartburn went away. I took it for a week to fully recover.”

You need to start drinking Essentuki 4 and 17 after identifying diseases, determining a safe daily dosage and duration of treatment, strictly following the rules for taking healing water with a nutritional schedule. To avoid purchasing counterfeit products, it is recommended to buy the drink at a pharmacy and give preference to glass containers.

Read also:

comments 4

What could be natural in these waters, what sources are there? Wells were dug locally, gassed and sold to people under different brands.

I moved to Crimea 10 years ago - the water here is not suitable. At first I bought mineral water in stores, you can drink it. But then I ended up in the hospital with gallstones, and then the doctor recommended that I stop at Essentuki 17.

I struggle with childhood cystitis, and I always drink Essentuki 4. But I had no idea that water is useful for this disease. Now you need to develop a drinking regime

Yes, just before you start treatment, don’t forget to read the list of indications. Essentuki or not – one heals, the other cripples.

Mineral waters of the Essentuki resort

Scientists have long proven the positive effects of mineral waters on the body. Unfortunately, we often think about medicinal properties such waters only when the disease is already on our heels. For preventive purposes, you need to regularly drink healthy mineral water, especially since in our country there is an entire resort town of Essentuki, where this life-giving moisture is obtained.

Essentuki is a relatively small resort town located in Stavropol region. It is famous for its 20 mineral springs, mild climate and numerous various health resorts. In addition to mineral waters, medicinal waters are widely used in Essentuki. mud baths, there is an inhalation room and its own mechanotherapy department. Every year tourists visit the Essentuki resort to improve their health and take a break from the bustle of the big city.

General information about mineral water

Mineral water is not just water; it contains various useful microelements, biologically active ingredients and dissolved salts. Our ancestors also noticed that mineral waters improve well-being, help maintain health, and prolong youth.

Mineral waters have several classifications. So, by method of application They are divided into those that can be used internally, and those in which it is recommended to bathe. The latter are widely used in medicinal baths and swimming pools, they are recommended to rinse the nasopharynx if the patient suffers from upper respiratory tract diseases. In addition, mineral waters vary according to the degree of its mineralization(from fresh to highly mineralized) and by appointment(canteens, medical canteens, medical). Dining rooms Mineral waters can be drunk by everyone without exception, even absolutely healthy people, in any quantity. Medical canteens mineral waters are recommended for short-term use for preventive purposes. Medicinal Mineral waters are not prescribed to healthy people; they are used exclusively for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for a number of diseases.

Finally, mineral waters differ according to its chemical composition. Let's name the most common ones.

Hydrocarbonate (alkaline) waters helps normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, effectively cope with urolithiasis, and restore strength. Sulphate waters stimulate the flow of bile into the duodenum, are excellent choleretic agent, fight obesity. Chloride waters increase the acidity of gastric juice, improve metabolism, regulate the functioning of the intestines and liver. Magnesium waters help cope with stress and nervous exhaustion of the body.

In this article we will talk about the mineral waters of the city of Essentuki, which belong to carbonated waters and are characterized by a high content of iodine and bromine.

The healing properties of Essentuki mineral waters

Mineral waters have long been a valuable natural balneotherapeutic factor, which is used in the health resorts of Essentuki. You need to pay attention to these mineral waters if you suffer from any of the following diseases:

Duodenal ulcer;

Metabolic disease;

Nervous system disorder;

Elimination negative consequences previous injuries;

Disruption of the ENT organs (throat, upper respiratory tract);

Improving the functioning of the reproductive organs.

Types and characteristics of Essentuki mineral waters

There are about 20 salt-alkaline springs in Essentuki, but the most famous of them are “Essentuki No. 2 Novaya”, “Essentuki No. 4”, “Essentuki No. 7”, “Essentuki No. 17” and “Essentuki No. 20”. All these types of mineral water can be bought in regular stores.

Place of extraction: Beshtaugorskoe field, water from wells 2B and 6b

Mode of application: inside

Compound: contains a large dose of HCO 3 bicarbonate and SO 4 sulfate. In addition, it contains silicic acid, sodium, magnesium, calcium and potassium.

“Essentuki No. 2 New” is not intended for everyday drinking; it can only be consumed during exacerbation of the diseases against which its action is directed. If you want to use this water, consult your healthcare professional.

Place of extraction: Essentukskoye field

Mode of application: inside

Compound: Unlike the previous type, this mineral water contains boric acid. “Essentuki No. 4” contains much more bicarbonate than “Essentuki No. 2 Novaya”, but there is practically no sulfate in it. Lots of potassium and sodium.

Mineral water “Essentuki No. 4” is quite popular among other mineral waters of Essentuki, but it also needs to be handled carefully (drink strictly according to the schedule) and used only after a doctor’s permission.

Place of extraction: Essentukskoye field, well No. 2-B

Mode of application: inside

Compound: average amount of bicarbonate compared to water “Essentuki No. 4”, chlorides, sulfates, sodium, magnesium, calcium. High potassium content.

“Essentuki No. 7” is still not very widespread in our country, because its composition is very similar to the composition of the mineral water “Essentuki No. 2”.

Place of extraction: Essentukskoye field, wells No. 17-bis, 36-bis, 4b

Mode of application: inside

Compound: Compared to the above varieties of mineral waters, it is in this mineral water that the concentration of minerals and various chemical compounds is almost doubled (for example, the dose of bicarbonate ranges from 5000 to 6500).

“Essentuki No. 17” is medicinal and should definitely not be taken orally without medical supervision. This mineral water should be drunk in courses of 4-5 weeks. Beware of overdose.

Place of extraction: Initially the Essentukskoye field, then the Beshtaugorskoye and Pyatigorskoye fields

Mode of application: inside

Compound: This type of mineral water is noticeably inferior in composition to other waters; a relatively small dose of anions and cations is concentrated in it.

“Essentuki No. 20” can be consumed by a healthy person without medical supervision in order to enrich the body with useful substances.


If mineral water belongs to the type of “medicinal table” or “medicinal” water, you should never drink it as you please, this can lead to undesirable results, among which are:

Transmineralization, i.e. oversaturation of the body with mineral water;

Increased blood pressure;

Violation of ion exchange processes, etc.

People often forget that mineral water is a real liquid medicine that cannot be drunk just like that. We hope that now, when choosing mineral water from the city of Essentuki in the store, you will be more careful in your choice.

Essentuki mineral water New

Water "Essentuki Novaya No. 2"

It is mined from a depth of up to 1.8 km.

Water has no analogues in taste

qualities and healing effects.

chronic gastritis with normal

and increased secretory functions

stomach, uncomplicated ulcerative

stomach and duodenal disease

intestines, disease of the operated

stomach for ulcer

stomach and duodenal diseases

intestines, chronic colitis

and enterocolitis, chronic

diseases of the liver and bile ducts

Hydrocarbonate waters have an alkalizing effect, thin and remove pathological mucus, which is formed during inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary and respiratory tract, and normalize the secretory and motor functions of the stomach. Sulfate waters have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, increase its motor activity and have a laxative effect, increase the contractile function of the gallbladder and bile ducts, stimulating the flow of bile into the duodenum. Chloride mineral waters stimulate the formation of digestive enzymes, increase metabolic processes, have a choleretic effect, and increase the acidity of gastric juice.

Cations of sodium, calcium, magnesium contained in mineral waters play an important role in the life of the body. Thus, sodium participates in water-salt metabolism, affects the regulation systems of various body functions and the vital activity of cells. Calcium has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the permeability of cell membranes, and reduces bleeding. Magnesium is involved in the processes of neuromuscular excitability, various enzymatic reactions, carbohydrate and protein metabolism.

The role of general mineralization of water is great. Thus, waters of low mineralization remain in the stomach longer than those of medium and high mineralization and have a pronounced diuretic effect. The lower the mineralization of water, the greater the diuretic effect it has, helping to remove various salts and toxins from the body. And on the contrary, the higher the mineralization of water, the less its diuretic effect, but it is more irritating, stimulates the glandular apparatus of the stomach, intestines, biliary system, and enhances the exocrine activity of the pancreas. High mineralization waters quickly leave the stomach, but remain longer in the intestines, having a laxative effect. In addition, you need to remember that waters with higher mineralization “saturate” the body with salts, which can displace the mineral components of the blood and disrupt the ionic balance in the blood and tissues. With prolonged and uncontrolled intake of such waters, so-called “transmineralization” can occur. For example, an increase in edema with prolonged intake of salt water; a shift in the blood reaction to the alkaline side with prolonged consumption of alkaline waters.

Medicinal waters should not be taken uncontrollably

Research in recent years has shown that drinking mineral water causes adaptive reactions in the body. A course of MV administration leads to long-term restructuring of the pituitary-adrenal system, which helps to increase the body’s regulatory abilities and provides a long aftereffect.

It must be emphasized that medicinal waters are used only as prescribed by a doctor. Medicinal table waters can be used periodically as drinks, but this only applies to healthy people. If you have illnesses, drinking these waters should be prescribed and supervised by a doctor.

When using mineral waters therapeutically, it is necessary to follow certain rules, which are based on scientific research data and vast practical experience. They consist in determining: the type of water for each specific disease; its quantity per dose, per day and duration of treatment; method of drinking (quickly, in large sips, slowly, in small sips); drinking time in relation to eating time.

We treat with temperature

Water temperature plays a significant role in the regulation of the secretory and motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract. Cool mineral water at a temperature of C enhances the secretion and motor function of the stomach and intestines, the latter explains its laxative effect. Warm water (30-400C) reduces secretory and motor activity, relaxes the intestinal muscles, and promotes stool retention, which is used for diarrhea.

Mineral water is taken in a certain amount (ml), at a given temperature and at different times before meals, which depends on the nosological form of the disease, the type of gastric secretion and the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. Daily water intake can vary within ml, depending on the nosological form of the disease, the functional state of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, etc. The duration of the course of drinking treatment is limited to 4-6 weeks. You can conduct 2-3 courses per year. The significance of these principles for the purpose of mineral waters can be illustrated with some examples.

For patients with chronic gastritis, mineral waters are prescribed taking into account the initial level of secretory activity of the stomach. With increased secretory activity, mineral waters are prescribed 3 times a day, 1-1.5 hours before meals, warm (38-400C), it is recommended to drink water quickly in large sips. In the presence of pronounced symptoms of acidism, an additional intake of 50 ml of water is prescribed at the height of digestion for the purpose of an antacid effect. For the treatment of this category of patients, medicinal table waters with low and medium mineralization are indicated: Borjomi, Essentuki No. 4, Kislovodsk Narzan, Moskovskaya, Slavyanovskaya, Smirnovskaya, etc.

In case of chronic gastritis with normal secretory activity, the same waters are used, but they are prescribed for use. before meals, the water temperature is -C, drink water slowly in small sips.

In case of chronic gastritis with reduced secretory activity of the stomach, MB drink zamine. before meals, slowly, in small sips, water temperature –C. With this technique, water helps to enhance the secretory function of the stomach. The use of medicinal mineral water of high mineralization (Essentuki No. 17), as well as medium mineralization (Essentuki No. 4, Arzni, Karmadon, Lipetskaya, etc.) is indicated.

MVs are widely used for liver diseases: chronic hepatitis, alcohol and drug-induced liver damage.

In case of hypotonic conditions of the gallbladder, cool MB (20-240C) is used in larger quantities - ml per dose 1-1.5 hours before meals, it is recommended to drink water freely in large sips.

The patient on an empty stomach is given a ml of hot MV (42-450C) to drink and is placed on his right side with a heating pad. To enhance the choleretic effect, especially for patients with concomitant constipation, add half a teaspoon of magnesium sulfate to the water. This procedure can be carried out daily for days. Contraindications to the use of tubage are: cholelithiasis, exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system, cirrhosis of the liver, severe coronary heart disease, hypertension, renal failure.

In case of chronic pancreatitis in the stage of remission or incomplete remission, low- and medium-mineralized waters are used according to the same method as for diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Highly mineralized waters, as well as low-temperature waters, are not shown, because they can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

There is evidence of an improvement in the immunological status of a number of diseases under the influence of drinking mineral water.

drink 1 liter of water before breakfast, then 1 liter of water after breakfast and 1-2 liters of water before lunch. Water is used at natural temperature. “Water exercise” is often combined with physiotherapy and exercise and is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The choice of MB for drinking treatment of urolithiasis depends on the chemical composition of the stones, because when taken orally, MVs change the reaction of urine. In the presence of urates, urine alkalization with alkaline minerals (hydrocarbonate) is necessary; in case of oxalate stones, sulfate waters are used, and in the presence of phosphate stones, the intake of acidic (chloride) low-mineralized minerals is indicated. Thus, drinking mineral waters are an effective method of treatment, rehabilitation and prevention. It is very important for a general practitioner to have knowledge about the use of these waters in medicine.

Essentuki water - New, mineral water, mineral springs, indications for use, Essentuki mineral water, recommendations, treatments

b Essentuki b mineral v water b h characteristics by numbers v x

b Essentuki b mineral v water b h healing properties v x

b Essentuki b mineral v water b h water characteristics v x

b Essentuki b mineral v water b h medicinal use v x

b Essentuki b mineral v water b h min. Essentuki Water v x

b Essentuki b mineral v water b h with high acidity v x

b Essentuki b mineral v water b h preventive treatment v x

b Essentuki b mineral v water b h mineral water Essentuki 4 v x

b Essentuki b mineral v water b h mineral water Essentuki 17 v x

b Essentuki b mineral v water b h mineral water Essentuki 2 v x

b Essentuki b mineral v water b h treatment by mineral water v x

b Essentuki b mineral v water b h drink mineral water v x