Why is it so hard to get up in winter? The age-old question: why is it hard to get up in the morning and how to make awakening pleasant

A feeling of weakness in the morning, when it is difficult to get out of bed, there is not enough strength to have breakfast, movements are inhibited, and the affairs and events of the coming day are perceived with apathy - these symptoms are often attributed to overwork. However, the causes of morning sickness may be deeper than simple fatigue, indicating physical or nervous exhaustion or an underlying illness. Weakness in the morning that does not go away after good rest, requires the help of a doctor.

A common cause of morning sickness is asthenia.

Morning weakness is usually based on very strong overexertion and nervous exhaustion. Physiological causes such weaknesses lie in the overexpenditure of energy by the body. If the energy wasted on physical or emotional, intellectual goals is not sufficiently replenished due to a lack of nutrients or a malfunction in metabolic processes- a person feels weak in the morning.

Weakness can occur due to fatigue when a person worked hard and hard, or did not get enough sleep for several nights in a row, or suffered a long flight with a change in time zones and climatic conditions. But if feelings of weakness, apathy and lack of strength in morning time accumulate gradually and do not go away for months, even after a good rest, then the causes of weakness in the morning can be explained by the development of asthenia.

Asthenic syndrome is one of the most common in medicine, since it can accompany both infections (ARVI, influenza) and somatic internal diseases(gastritis, arrhythmia, arterial hypertension). This syndrome often manifests itself as a sign of exhaustion of the body's forces after childbirth, operations or severe injuries. Weakness in the morning as a sign of asthenia may indicate the onset of the development of a disease or accompany the recovery process after a serious illness.

To push the development of asthenia with its morning weaknesses, feeling constant fatigue, with difficulty in concentrating and slowing down in making decisions, the following factors can:

Asthenia can be assumed in cases where the morning rise is accompanied not only by weakness, but also by a “heavy” head, lack of appetite, general weakness and a feeling that there was no sleep at all. During the day, in this case, it is extremely difficult to concentrate on work. Additional features asthenia are chilliness, headaches and drowsiness during the day, pressure drops, tachycardia.

General recommendations for morning sickness associated with asthenic syndrome, are changes in the mode of work and rest, an emphasis on regular meals, a short-term change of scenery with a good rest - a vacation, a tourist trip - helps a lot.

Weakness in the morning and chronic fatigue

Causes of weakness in the morning can be explained by the syndrome chronic fatigue. This syndrome differs from the usual overwork due to an unbearable volume of cases. When feeling extremely tired - a person can usually tell when it appeared and in connection with what. With chronic fatigue syndrome, it is impossible to determine exactly when it all started and what were the reasons for it.

chronic fatigue syndrome in recent times associated with influence viral infections. It is assumed that some viruses are able, after activation in the body, to cause constant stimulation of immune cells (due to which muscle pain chills, sometimes fever). They act with toxins on the limbic system - that part of the brain that is responsible for reactions to stress, intellectual overwork and emotional overstrain, regulates sleep patterns and performance. Such infectious agents include cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, herpetic infection and etc.

Most often, the root cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is any infectious disease. After acute stage the disease has passed, a person may notice that he has constantly in the morning great weakness. And also periodically worried about severe headaches, he quickly gets tired without visible reasons and often falls into depression. Such symptoms can persist even six months after the infection and indicate chronic fatigue syndrome. Other symptoms that will help your doctor make a diagnosis include:

  • fatigue does not recede even after a long rest;
  • periodically there is pain in the muscles and joints;
  • after not too big physical activity fatigue does not go away for more than a day;
  • memory worsened, it became difficult to concentrate;
  • often there is apathy, sleep is disturbed;
  • slightly enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and in the armpits.

The first step in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, without which it will not be possible to get rid of weakness in the morning, should be to reduce the number of daily tasks performed by about a quarter. It is especially important to reduce the range of those cases that require mental stress.

Avitaminosis and other causes of weakness in the morning

Morning weakness often has a simple explanation - the body is very lacking in vitamins and minerals. Physiologically responsible for the feeling of weakness muscle tone. If it is insufficient, then blood circulation worsens, digestion is disturbed, and many diseases become aggravated. A person complains of constant weakness, weakness and fatigue. In order for muscle tone to be satisfactory, proteins are needed, fatty acid and many nutrients involved in the processes of contraction, relaxation, recovery muscle fibers. These substances include, first of all, B vitamins (especially B1, B3 and B12), vitamins C, E and D, as well as calcium, magnesium and potassium.

The causes of periodically appearing weakness in the morning, even against the background of sufficient intake of vitamins and minerals, may consist in poor digestibility of these important elements. This happens if the diet has a lot of fatty, salty foods, refined foods, high-calorie sweets.

Weakness in the morning is inherent in people with diabetes. The reasons for this condition lie in the fact that during the night the level of glucose in the blood fell below the individually acceptable level and urgent measures must be taken to restore it. If morning weakness joins headache and dizziness, trembling hands and impaired coordination of movements, then measures to restore blood sugar levels must be taken immediately to prevent hypoglycemic coma.

Morning weakness in the legs, especially in combination with mild nausea and edema in the legs, should be extremely alert and become a reason for a visit to a cardiologist. These symptoms may be the first harbingers of a heart attack. If, in the morning, joined the weakness slight pain in the heart, dizziness, a feeling of numbness in the arms and legs - it is urgent to call an ambulance.

The causes of weakness in the morning are depression, taking some medicines, strict protein-free diets, disturbed night sleep. If the state of weakness persists for a month or more, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without the help of a doctor. The cause of this condition may lie in the disease and require treatment.

Sleep, nutrition and rest are key factors in helping with morning sickness

If the doctor manages to figure out why weakness appears in the morning and what deviations in health caused this, then the treatment will gradually lead to relief of the condition and the disappearance of weakness. Correction of lifestyle will help speed up recovery, depending on the causes of morning weakness.

If a we are talking about chronic fatigue syndrome, you will have to come to terms with the need to realistically assess your physical and emotional capabilities. You need to learn how to relieve stress and effectively relax. It is important to follow the daily routine, leaving enough time for sleep and walks, regular intake food.

Be sure to add reasonable physical activity and try to get as many positive emotions as possible. In nutrition, emphasis should be placed on foods rich in vitamins and minerals, drink more water. With morning weakness, it is desirable to limit the intake of alcohol, as much as possible to refuse "fast" carbohydrates. By agreement with the doctor, you can take herbal preparations with sedative effect that strengthen the immune system - for example, echinacea, motherwort.

When weakness in the morning is caused by asthenic syndrome, it is recommended to include in the diet more products rich in tryptophan (cheese, bananas) and vitamin C (citrus fruits, rose hips, kiwi). May be recommended to improve the condition of drugs on plant-based ginseng, Schisandra chinensis, eleutherococcus, as well as neuroprotectors (for example, ginkgo biloba).

Regardless of the reasons for which weakness in the morning began to bother, you need to try to ensure a calm atmosphere at work and a psychologically comfortable rest at home, adjust the mode of work and rest, sleep and nutrition. It is necessary to clearly understand that the symptom of morning weakness indicates an excessive, unbearable load for the body, leading to illness. It is very important to establish a quality night rest and dream. You need to arrange small calm walks before going to bed, drink at night warm milk or tea, look through your favorite book.

You need to fall asleep in total darkness- no flickering TV or phone screens. Quality rest- the most important component of the fight against weakness in the morning.

Read more about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as a Cause of Morning Sickness fatigue and lack of energy, see the video below.

Surely, everyone knows the feeling of lack of sleep, weakness, despondency in morning hours. It is especially difficult to get up in rainy, cold weather or when it is still dark outside. But for some, getting up in the morning turns out to be an unbearable task even in the warm daylight hours, no matter how loudly the birds sing and the sun shines brightly.

AT once more we give ourselves a little reprieve: "Five more minutes and I'm up!" - and wake up. During this period, neither another cup of coffee, nor an invigorating shower, nor the cheerful voice of DJs from the radio will save you.

What are the reasons for such a heavy buildup in the morning?

Why is getting up in the morning so hard?

I can't wake up in the morning, what should I do? We are asking this question more and more. And okay, if you slept for an hour and a half, and before that you unloaded the cars. But no, there was nothing like that. And getting up in the morning is a feat. Why is this happening? It's time to look for an answer. Consider the main factors:

The first reason is a banal lack of sleep.

Eight hours healthy sleep men need for a good rest. Women's and children's body it takes at least nine hours to recover the body. In the constant rush and race to the bottom, we simply do not have enough time to sleep. It takes four, five, six hours to fall. In such conditions, it is naturally difficult to wake up in the morning. What's driving your hectic schedule? Urgent business, blockage at work or inability to turn off the computer and TV in a timely manner?

The second reason is overeating.

But why can't I wake up in the morning if I go to bed on time? This is a fairly common question. And keep track of what time you have dinner? What dishes do you choose for the evening meal? Heavy food and alcohol negatively affect the quality of sleep. It is especially difficult for the body to process carbohydrate-rich foods, smoked and fried foods. Sleeping immediately after dinner is a big burden for the body. Heaviness in the stomach and a heavy morning rise are standard consequences of overeating.

The third reason is the lack of a regime

I can't wake up in the morning, what should I do? First of all, review your daily routine. Some activities force us to stay up at night. A few hours of sleep during the day is not enough for a good rest. But when evening comes, the body actively resists sleep. The whole point is that the regime goes astray. As a result, we spin for a long time, counting sheep, we cannot fall asleep. In the morning, we dream of sleeping for another five minutes, which is always not enough.

Reason #4: Late sleep

It is difficult to get up in the morning if you go to bed after midnight. The most valuable time for relaxation and recovery of the body is the period from 21.00 to 00.00. You can even sleep the required 9-10 hours. But if you stay up late, it becomes hard to get up in the morning. The reason for this is unproductive hours of sleep.

The fifth reason is indiscipline

It’s hard to get up in the morning also because we put off getting up. Turning off the alarm or rearranging it for five to ten minutes is a common mistake. It is easier for the body to wake up in the light sleep phase. By not getting up immediately after waking up, you run the risk of immersing yourself in deep dream. Getting out of this state will be much more difficult.

Reason six - overvoltage

Mental strain and worsen the quality of sleep. We are prevented from relaxing by obsession with work problems and family circumstances. Thoughts in the head live "their own life", forcing our brain to strain. In this case, relaxation before bedtime is necessary. Take a break from your thoughts breathing exercises, have a drink Herb tea. It is essential to calm down before going to bed. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to fall asleep, and then it will be difficult to get up in the morning.

Reason seven - pharmacology

Do you have a hard time waking up in the morning? Maybe you are taking medication? Allergy medications, antidepressants, painkillers, blood pressure medications? Drugs of these groups negatively affect the quality of sleep. The body is not fully restored. Because of this, you do not feel rested.

Reason eight - lack of comfort

Quite often, sleep disturbance occurs due to lack of comfort. Relaxation and recovery of the body can be hindered by too hard or too soft bed. Or maybe you have a high and uncomfortable pillow and bedding that is unpleasant for the body. Dry air and uncomfortable temperature regime also interfere with proper sleep.

Reason eight - ignoring sleep hygiene

Sometimes it is difficult to get up in the morning because of banal things. Did you watch TV or surf the Internet until midnight? Or maybe you decided to treat yourself to strong tea or aromatic coffee before going to bed? Then you should not be surprised that sleep does not come, and it is so hard to wake up in the morning. Many of us deliberately ruin sleep, watch what you do.

Reason nine - snoring

The scientific name for snoring is apnea. This is a phenomenon that causes discomfort to others. It also negatively affects the body of a sleeping snoring person. Breath holding provokes disturbances in the structure of sleep. This is fraught daytime sleepiness, weakness, deterioration of memory quality.

Reason 10: Restless Leg Syndrome

Excessive activity lower extremities causes deterioration in the quality of sleep. Swelling, numbness and cramps make us look for a more comfortable position. Because of what we toss and turn a lot. Morning lethargy is a consequence of this phenomenon.

If you find it difficult to get up in the morning, then your body is not recovering during the night's sleep. Be sure to determine the cause of poor quality sleep. Not good sleep- a lot of stress for the body. It causes a decrease in performance and Bad mood. By addressing the causes of poor sleep, you can improve the quality of your life and make waking up more enjoyable. Still, the day begins in the morning, and it should be joyful.

The closer it gets to winter, the harder it is for us to get out of bed every morning - this can be explained by the fact that it is still dark outside in the morning, and our brain does not perceive this time as early. However, if such a problem always haunts you, regardless of the time of year - do not rush to reproach yourself for laziness, it may be in disania.

Dysnia is a chronic disorder characterized by difficulty waking up in the morning.

You can understand that you are suffering from this syndrome if you have the following symptoms:

  1. Falling asleep occurs late, from about one in the morning to six in the morning. However, any attempt to sleep earlier success do not end, even if you only slept a couple of hours the previous night. And only in case total absence sleep, it is possible to go to bed early.
  2. Sleep itself is normal, there are no night awakenings. This is what distinguishes this disorder from insomnia.
  3. Waking up is extremely difficult, no matter what methods you use: even hundreds of alarm clocks will not help until the body itself decides that it has enough sleep.

People with dysnia are typical "owls"

Features of treatment

In most cases, the cause of this disorder remains unknown. That's why effective method no cure has yet been found: even sleeping pills do not help. Although, there are some ways to move your sleep phase. If they turn out to be ineffective, the only way out is to start adjusting your rhythm of life to sleep time.

  • Phototherapy. During this therapy, the patient, upon awakening and for some time before him, shines bright light- about 2500-10000 lux, for 30 minutes to two hours. This technique is considered effective, since the light signal is the correct source of time information for the body.
  • Melatonin. This substance is sold in tablets with big dose(3 mg). And although it is recommended to take one tablet an hour before the planned sleep, this will not help much, since in such a small period of time it is impossible to move the circadian cycle (sleep cycle). Therefore, it is better to take it at a lower dosage (0.5 mg), but 6-8 hours before natural sleep - in this case leading role It's the timing of the intake, not the dosage.
  • Chronotherapy. This method requires a large number free time: every day you need to fall asleep a few hours later than the previous one. And so on until the sleep cycle is completely shifted to the right time.

As a reminder, we recently published on our website the news about how

Everyone knows the saying: "How you start the day, so you will spend it." Quick rise and good mood morning is the key to a happy day. But, unfortunately, not every person can boast of his Good morning. Fatigue, lack of sleep, not wanting to get out of bed is familiar to many. In the autumn-winter time, it is especially difficult to wake up. Lack of vitamin D, rain or cold outside the window does not contribute in any way quick awakening. I want to sleep more and not go anywhere.

But not always the unwillingness to wake up is to blame weather. There are many reasons for lack of sleep, from an improperly organized day to diseases. nervous system. The most important thing is that heavy lifting does not haunt you daily. permanent state weakness and despondency in the morning adversely affects the body and can lead to the appearance various diseases. In order to get rid of this unpleasant condition, it is necessary to understand the reasons for its occurrence.

We already told you about the main ones earlier, and today we will try to delve deeper into the root of the problem.

Why is it difficult to wake up in the morning?

Let's take a closer look 10 possible causes sleep deprivation:

  • Discomfort in the legs. Many people experience pain, tingling and burning sensations in their legs while resting. These discomfort called restless leg syndrome. I want to sleep, but the heaviness and pain prevent this. Restless leg syndrome is associated with varicose veins veins. Most often, women suffer from this disease. Foot baths and massage will help relieve discomfort.
  • Slept too little. Scientists have long proven that for normal life a person needs to sleep 8-9 hours a day. This is optimal time so that our brain can process the information received during the day, relax and gain strength for a new day. Stress at work, exhausting work, a long stay on the Internet - all this contributes to the development of insomnia. Regular sleep deprivation can lead to neurological disease. You should reconsider your rhythm of life and give sleep enough time.
  • Wrongly organized daily routine. If you have a lack of sleep and as a result feeling unwell First of all, review your daily routine. If possible, you can arrange an afternoon nap, but no more than 20 minutes. It is of great value to the body, but, unfortunately, few people can afford it.
  • They went to bed late. Is it hard to get up in the morning? Maybe you went to bed too late, watched TV for a long time, could not give up gadgets before going to bed? All this greatly interferes with sleep and affects its quality. Most important time for sleep starts from 21:00 to midnight. Falling asleep later contributes to the depletion of the body, weakens the immune system, and causes chronic fatigue. Therefore, at 21:00 we drop everything and go to bed.
  • Permanent translation of the alarm clock. Another reason for heavy lifting can be indiscipline. Due to the peculiarities of our nervous system full human consists of different phases. It can be fast, slow, superficial. It is in the superficial phase of sleep that it is easiest to wake up. Therefore, constantly setting the alarm clock, we only exacerbate the situation. Waking up will be even harder, because, falling asleep again, we plunge into a deep sleep.
  • Late meal. A lot of people like to eat a hearty meal before bed, but is it right? Our health is affected not only by the quality of food eaten, but also by the time of the last meal. Overeating before bed and strong alcoholic drinks heavily burden the body. Instead of resting, he is forced to process the food he has eaten. From this and the morning rise to become gloomier. You need to have dinner 2 hours before bedtime, with a light protein meal. Then you will forget about lack of sleep, it will be easier and more pleasant to get up.
  • Strong mental load and stress. Overstrain of the brain, anxiety greatly affects the quality of sleep. Extraneous thoughts and the inability to switch to rest make it difficult to fall asleep. You go to bed, but instead you think about everything in the world, thoughts distract you from sleep, in the end, you don’t feel like falling asleep at all. To get out of this state, you can take depressant based on herbs or brew yourself chamomile tea.
  • Not comfortable conditions. The cause of sleep disturbance and lack of sleep may be uncomfortable conditions for a night's rest. These include an uncomfortable bed, poor linens, ambient temperature (too cold or stuffy), noisy neighbors, or bright lights. All this hinders fast falling asleep getting up in the morning becomes harder.
  • Drinking drinks containing caffeine. It is not recommended to drink strong tea, coffee and other activating drinks before going to bed. After them, it is quite difficult to fall asleep, they “force” the brain to work actively, as a result, you want to do anything, just not sleep. If you are a lover of aromatic coffee, then it is better to prepare it in the morning when you wake up, but not like not 4 hours before bedtime.
  • Apnea. This is disturbed breathing during sleep. Is not fatal disease but it still needs to be treated. During snoring, a person can hold their breath from 1 second to several minutes. Naturally, the body does not rest at all, as it does not receive the right amount of air.

The effect of drugs on nighttime rest

Every medicine has side effects including insomnia. If you are forced to take any medication Please read the instructions that come with it carefully. Most often, painkillers, pressure reducers and antidepressants negatively affect the quality of sleep. Therefore, before taking any medication, you should consult with a specialist.


Every person needs adequate sleep for health. People who regularly experience lack of sleep cannot make adequate decisions and fully enjoy life. Take care of your health and get enough sleep. Then getting up early won't be a daily torment for you.

How many people who justify their night image life by some mythical properties of the organism. I’m supposedly an owl, and my body is designed in such a way that I can’t get up early, but at night I am very energetic. Have you ever wondered why, for example, there are no owls or larks in the army? Yes, because there is a regime! And with him all people are people, and no birds.

Waking up early in the morning or in the afternoon is just a force of habit. It is this lady who makes us take her instructions for personal desires. I first felt this when I stopped adding sugar to my tea. The once beloved sweet drink suddenly became completely tasteless. Already a month after starting my experiment, I decided to add sugar to tea and was surprised to find that such a drink no longer seemed tasty to me.

If you went to bed late, then getting up early is out of the question. Vicious circle.

The same is true with sleep. At first I got up at 8 o'clock in the morning. When my working day began to depend only on me, I was happy. I could sleep until 10. Then, somehow imperceptibly, my working day began at 11, then at 12 noon. And so I began to get up at 3 o'clock. The later I got up, the more difficult it was to fall asleep early, so the time of going to bed shifted each time. And if you went to bed late, then getting up early is out of the question. Vicious circle. This is how people mutate into owls.

The moment came when I received an offer to host the morning show. This meant that I had to get up at 4:30 in the morning. Of course, I could not refuse such a tempting offer. I had two months to change my routine. Every day I tried to get up a little earlier than the previous one. At first it was difficult - every morning I was ready to give up this idea. But the motivation was very high.

How did I manage to learn to get up early and be cheerful in the morning?

First rule: to get up earlier, you need to go to bed earlier.

Oh, what a difficult task! Going to bed earlier is even more difficult than getting up early. Don't wait until you feel sleepy. Go to bed at the same time.

It will be difficult to fall asleep at first. Use some tricks.

  • Be sure to turn off the lights and all electrical appliances. Darkness will give a signal for the release of a hormone that causes drowsiness. If you watched TV for a long time before going to bed or sat at the computer, then this can delay the release of hormones for a while. Therefore, avoid these activities before bed.
  • Add fragrance to your bedroom essential oils. Many people advise using lavender, but I do not like this smell. I add bergamot or geranium oil to the water and spread the fragrance around the bedroom with a diffuser.
  • Don't eat before bed. Your body will try to digest the food, making it harder to fall asleep.

Second rule: the first 5 minutes after waking up are very important, make them as comfortable as possible for you.

  1. 1st minute. Immediately after you open your eyes, think about the people close to you and the places where you were incredibly happy. Pleasant memories will set the right attitude. My friend likes to imagine her future car in the morning, and the day goes great.
  2. 2nd minute. Stretch - this will awaken your body. Make a few deep breaths and exhalation - this will saturate it with oxygen.
  3. 3rd minute. Massage the back of the head, temples, eyebrows and earlobes. This will provide a rush of blood to the head.
  4. 4th minute. Rub your palms together. This will improve blood circulation. Rub your body.
  5. 5th minute. Start to rise slowly. Sit on the bed and drink a glass of water. I pour it in the evening and leave it on the bedside table.

Third rule: bright colors and cheerful smells should be yours faithful companions every morning.

Hang bright curtains in the kitchen, buy bright dishes. I made a pomander that now hangs in my kitchen. This is a fragrant ball that fills the room. The simplest pomander, which is very suitable for morning awakening, is made from citrus fruits. We take an orange, tangerine or lemon, pierce with a sharp stick and rub with cinnamon powder. We stick clove seeds into the holes. We clean the finished “device” in a warm place for 1.5–2 weeks. After this time, we tie it with a beautiful ribbon and hang it in the kitchen. Citrus pomander will delight with its aromas for about six months.

And be sure before you decide to start getting up earlier, decide for yourself why you need it. Lifehacker has already talked about more than once. But if motivation is not enough, take on board shredder alarm clocks. You put a couple of hundred rubles into the alarm clock, and if you don’t get up at the appointed time in the morning, the alarm clock shreds the banknotes into small pieces.