Where can you put a house cat or a cat on vacation? Where to Leave Your Cat on Vacation: Options and Important Tips Leave your cat alone on vacation.

Going on vacation, the owners always worry about their pet. If there is no one to leave a furry friend with, the whole trip may be in question. The hotel for cats becomes an excellent solution to the problem. After all, here your pet will be fed according to her usual schedule, played with her, monitor her health.

The network of hotels Perederzhka offers rooms for cats, in which your pet can feel comfortable during your absence. Our hotels have veterinarians who can monitor the health of the cat and, if necessary, help her.

Overexposure of cats during the holidays

In large cities such as Moscow, distances can be an obstacle when choosing a place where owners can leave a pet. Therefore, it is important that the hotel is close to home. Hotels for cats Overexposure are located in every district of Moscow, next to the house. Therefore, you do not need to go to the other end of the city to leave your pet at the hotel. Also an advantage is the round-the-clock settlement. You can put your cat in a hotel on the way to the airport - at any time!

Hotel for cats - prices in Moscow

The network of hotels for cats Perederzhka invites guests at affordable prices. The cost of living is from 300 rubles. At the same time, your pet will be provided with everything necessary for a comfortable stay:

Spacious enclosures will allow the cat to feel calm and comfortable. Veterinarians will always monitor the condition of the pet, and if necessary, they will help her. Specialists of Perederzhka hotels will play with the cat, stroke it and take photos and video reports for the owners.

Guests will also enjoy low prices for additional care services and discounts on veterinary examinations.

Cat hotels are a good solution when owners need to leave home. Entrust your four-legged pet to professionals who will provide her with decent care during your absence. Choose a hotel near your home and get reports on your cat's adventures while you're on vacation.

Are you going to have a good rest away from home, but don't know who and how to leave your cat for the holidays? In our article you will find some useful tips about this.

Where to leave a cat on vacation

Where to leave a cat on vacation: shelter options

I want your pet to feel good during the departure, eat on time and be healthy. Therefore, the selection of a temporary shelter for her must be approached with all responsibility.

Let's consider different options:

  • relocation of the animal to relatives or friends: this, of course, is stressful for the cat, but in this case it will get to familiar people and will be well-groomed;
  • keep at home: a great option if your family or friends live nearby and can visit the cat once a day;
  • if your voyage does not last more than 2 days, then the animal can be left alone. It is only necessary to pour more dry food, put an additional tray and pour water into several drinkers;
  • use the new service of recruitment agencies "Nanny for a cat" - an employee comes once a day to your home and serves the cat;
  • hotel for pets: convenient and reliable, this service is gaining more and more popularity among pet owners.

As you can see, there are options, you just need to weigh all the pros and cons and attach your cat to your temporary absence.

Let's consider in more detail the service "Hotel for animals".

Animal hotel

First of all, you need to find reviews of the shelter where you want to leave your kitty. You can ask friends, or you can look through Internet sites. You don't want your pet to end up in the wrong hands, do you?

What are the advantages of hotels for animals:

  • pets are under the supervision of professionally trained people;
  • if necessary, medical assistance will be provided;
  • animals are fed on time and properly.

Tickets bought, bags packed. All thoughts are occupied with dreams of the sun, the beach and the carefree days of the long-awaited trip. It remains to solve only one problem: where to leave the cat on vacation so that you do not have to worry every hour about the comfort and mood of your pet?

Most cats are independent and independent creatures. A cat appreciates personal space and a measured course of life. Forced changes are accompanied by stress, worries and anxiety. Therefore, the decision to give a cat away for a vacation is not always reasonable. However, many pets are so sociable and sociable that they prefer to move to an unfamiliar house for a while, just not to be alone. There are several options for where the cat will stay during the holidays. When making a choice, it is important to remember the character of the pet, its preferences and attitude towards others.

The most affordable and easiest option is to leave the cat on vacation under the supervision of a relative, friend or neighbor. If there were no willing people among close people, you can ask a pensioner or a housewife for help, not necessarily from the apartment opposite. Walking around the yard, you will surely meet a couple of suitable candidates for the role of a nanny for a cat - responsible adults who are ready to provide comfort to their pet for a small fee. Before leaving the cat for a week or a little longer, you should explain in detail to the “nanny” how to feed the pet, how many times a day to change the water, when to change the tray, etc. Of course, everything you need must be purchased in advance. And don't forget to share your contact details just in case.

As the holiday season begins, the challenge for pet owners is to find someone to take care of their cat or dog while the owner is sightseeing or relaxing on the beach. The easiest and most budgetary option is to hand over the keys to the apartment to accommodating and trustworthy neighbors and ask them to feed the animal, walk it or change the tray. For those who failed to agree, there are special services for overexposure of animals. These services are also provided by individuals. The Village understands how much it will cost to look after a cat and a dog during a standard two-week vacation.


Accommodation in a hotel or private placement of a cat

from 250 rubles per day

Two-week vacation for a cat in a spacious room with video surveillance

12 460 rubles

Cat in touch

“Here everything is like in human hotels, there are even high and low seasons,” says Andrey Pushkin, owner of the Sir Kot hotels. This is a Moscow chain of four hotels, as the name implies, designed exclusively for cats and cats, dogs are not accepted here. Network points are located in different parts of the city on the territory of business centers. The hotel offers four types of rooms: from budget to luxury, as in hotels for people.

When choosing a room, you should focus not only on the price, but also on the size and activity of the cat. The basic room is 2.4 square meters and does not have CCTV capability. It costs 489 rubles per day, for two weeks you will have to pay 6,846 rubles. A room similar in area, but equipped with a camera, will cost 9,086 rubles for two weeks, a room of 3.4 square meters with the ability to watch a cat around the clock via a smartphone will cost 12,460 rubles.

Two hotels of the chain have rooms with an area of ​​4.3 square meters. Usually several animals are placed in them, for example, a cat with kittens. Such a number will cost 1,090 rubles per day. Owners can communicate via messenger with a cat nanny caring for the animal. If necessary, the hotel offers a driver who will pick up the animal from the house and bring it back. The cost of a transfer within the Moscow Ring Road is 700–950 rubles one way.

Smart drinker and talking feeder

Similar services are offered by other Moscow hotels for cats and cats. So, in the Behemoth Cat, a glass room with the possibility of video surveillance and specialized care costs 1,490 rubles per day under the All Inclusive program. The hotel promises to listen to the individual wishes of the owners, and the rooms may have interactive toys, a smart drinker with running water and a feeder with a voice recording of the owner.

The most spacious rooms, comparable in size to rooms in old-plan houses, are offered at the Kotel. A room for a cat of seven square meters costs 1,290 rubles per day, but one owner can accommodate up to three animals there.

The cheapest thing in Moscow is to leave an animal in the Zoodom hotel chain. For a cat up to a year old and weighing up to five kilograms per day, you need to pay only 250 rubles here, but the price increases with the age and weight of the animal.

Tray to go

Individuals offering overexposure services ask for about the same - 250-300 rubles per day of stay, provided that the owner brings everything you need: a tray, food, bowls, toys.