Consequences of Botox: how scary is it? What are the complications of Botox injections?

Sooner or later, wrinkles appear on the face of every woman, due to the inevitable age-related changes skin. However, one should not despair about this, since modern cosmetology offers many methods of varying complexity, efficiency and cost for facial rejuvenation. Particularly popular among them are the so-called "beauty injections", the essence of which is the introduction of botulinum toxin (Botox) into certain muscles of the face, blocking their activity. Before going for such a procedure, it is important to find out contraindications and all possible Negative consequences.


The effect of Botox on the body

Botulinum toxin, or botulinum toxin, is produced during the vital activity of the bacteria Clostridium botulinum and is one of the most toxic substances. When it enters the human body, severe toxic injury(botulism) nervous system, mainly dorsal and medulla oblongata, violation of muscle innervation, development of acute respiratory failure. In case of late application for medical care there is a high chance of death.

How Botox Works

Botulinum toxin preparations used in cosmetology and medicine (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin) contain highly purified and attenuated botulinum toxin type A, topical application which in therapeutic strictly controlled doses is not dangerous. Despite the fears of many people, they do not cause addiction or muscle atrophy and do not have a systemic effect on the body.

The introduction of small doses of botulinum toxin into the muscle causes its temporary paralysis or permanent relaxation by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle fibers. As a result, wrinkles formed due to the work of facial muscles are smoothed out. About six months later, after the removal of Botox from the body and full recovery muscle function, a woman is already acquiring the ability to control her facial expressions. She loses the habit of actively using the muscles into which the drug was injected (furrowing her eyebrows, squinting her eyes), which serves to prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Interesting: The ability of botulinum toxin to eliminate wrinkles on the face was identified in 1982. In the course of his treatment of people suffering from strabismus and blepharospasm, it was found that the transverse wrinkles on the forehead in such patients were smoothed out.

When to apply

Botox injections are still used for excessive sweating(hyperhidrosis) of the armpits, hands and feet. They block the transmission of nerve impulses to sweat glands, which significantly reduces or stops sweating while maintaining normal thermoregulation.

Depending on the nature of the problem, sites for botulinum toxin injection may be accumulations of facial wrinkles in the areas between the eyebrows and in the forehead (vertical and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead), around the eyes (crow's feet) and mouth (nasolabial folds), as well as armpits, palms and feet with hyperhidrosis.

In medicine, botulinum toxin preparations are used for diseases accompanied by severe muscle hypertonicity, convulsions and pain syndrome due to muscle spasm. These include some types of headaches and migraines, cerebral palsy, strabismus, consequences of a stroke, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, torticollis, muscle spasms in the back, shoulder girdle, urination disorders and others.

Contraindications to the administration of the drug

Before performing "beauty injections", even though they are considered safe, it is recommended to consult a cosmetologist. Contraindications for Botox, regardless of the injection site, are:

Except general contraindications there are restrictions on Botox in certain places. For example, botulinum toxin injections in the facial area are contraindicated if they have been transferred for less than 3 months plastic surgery or there is a pronounced gravitational ptosis of tissues. When the skin of the face is lowered, the introduction of botulinum toxin can adversely affect the appearance and further exacerbate existing problems. It is impossible to correct mimic wrinkles with Botox in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes and bridge of the nose when high degree myopia (more than 6 diopters), hernias in the upper and lower eyelids.

Compatibility of Botox with drugs

Botox should not be combined with taking anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, some medicines that affect the processes of neuromuscular transmission, increasing the intracellular concentration of calcium. These include muscle relaxants, antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group, tetracyclines, macrolides, lincosamides and others. Their combined use leads to an increase in the action of botulinum toxin. Between injections and taking these drugs should be a break of at least two weeks.

If, shortly before the procedure, a woman took antipyretics based on aspirin or ibuprofen, then the likelihood of bruising at the injection site increases, since these drugs thin the blood.

Advice: If it is necessary to correct wrinkles in several areas of the face, it is not recommended to inject botulinum toxin in all places at once, as this is fraught with the fact that it will become like a wax mask.

Video: What is the danger of "beauty injections"

Botox use during pregnancy and lactation

Botox is contraindicated for pregnant women due to the lack of clinical trials confirming its safety both for the expectant mother and for normal development fetus. The same applies to breastfeeding mothers.

During the period of bearing and giving birth to a child, a woman's head is occupied with completely different problems and rarely does anyone think about fighting wrinkles. Very often, the appearance of a woman during this period changes slightly under the influence of changes. hormonal background, therefore, it is better to take care of yourself after its stabilization and return to its original state, that is, after the completion of lactation.

Possible Complications

Sometimes after Botox in women for several days there are discomfort in the injection site, dizziness and headaches. The following local complications are possible:

  • eyebrow drooping;
  • petechial hemorrhages;
  • soreness and numbness;
  • hematomas;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • spasm of the eyelids;
  • mobility impairment upper lip and corners of the lips;
  • inflammation due to infection;

For women with active and expressive facial expressions, Botox injections can lead to the formation of new wrinkles in other places. After the loss of mobility of some muscle groups, their functions are taken over by others. When giving injections to reduce sweating, there is sometimes a slight increase in sweating in other parts of the body.

Reduce listed undesirable consequences You can use massage and physiotherapy methods. Such a correction usually takes 1-2 months.

Important: The danger of intoxication and the development of botulism with the introduction of Botox in cosmetic or medical purposes absent, since toxic doses are thousands of times higher than therapeutic ones.

Considering that over time, Botox is gradually completely eliminated from the body, and all caused by it backfire are reversible. Complications, as a rule, arise due to incorrect selection of the dose and injection sites, poor-quality botulinum toxin preparation, or non-compliance by the woman with the recommendations of the cosmetologist after the procedure.

Prevention of complications

Correct behavior after the procedure and the implementation of certain restrictions will help reduce the likelihood of Botox complications.

A few hours after the procedure, the distribution of the drug in the tissues occurs, therefore, in order for it to be correct, you should not take a horizontal position of the body and tilt your head forward or backward for 4 hours. During this period, you need to actively move the muscles into which the botulinum toxin has been injected.

Within 5-7 days after Botox, any thermal effects to the face area. It is forbidden:

  • visit a sauna or bath;
  • be under the line sunbeams;
  • sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium;
  • take hot baths;
  • dry hair with a hot air dryer;
  • rub and massage the injection sites.

Also undesirable are intense physical exercise stimulating blood flow to the head.

For several days after the procedure, it is not recommended to sleep on your stomach with your face buried in a pillow, perform peeling or apply warming masks. It is undesirable to use alcoholic drinks. Alcohol dilates blood vessels and increases blood circulation, which can increase the risk of bruising, increase swelling at injection sites, and also allow the drug to penetrate beyond the injection site into other areas of the face.

Video: Cosmetologist about Botox injections

Doing Botox at home

Today many dear salon procedures can be done on your own at home. However, Botox is not on their list.

Correction of wrinkles in this way allows you to achieve good results only if it is carried out by a qualified cosmetologist who has received appropriate training, received a license and has sufficient experience in this field. To inject botulinum toxin, it is not enough just to be able to perform subcutaneous injections, it is important to know the anatomy of the muscles of the face and understand what consequences right choice injection site or inaccurately calculated dose.

Before the procedure, the specialist takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient's facial expressions and calculates where and how many units of botulinum toxin to inject so that the face retains its natural appearance after the procedure.

When performing injections on your own, there is a very high chance of getting an asymmetric or "doll" face as a result, unable to express any emotions.

In addition, only cosmetologists who are constantly involved in this procedure have the opportunity to purchase a quality drug from a well-known trademark directly from the manufacturer. If you try to buy Botox on your own, there is a chance of getting a fake.

In pursuit of beauty, since the 90s of the XX century, women have been carried away by a not so novelty in the field of surgery - facial plastic surgery, which was previously used, but not so massively. Millions beautiful women rushed to adjust their appearance at their own discretion in order to become even "more beautiful". It must be admitted that the beauty of this type is very doubtful. Its controversy is also due to the fact that such plastic procedure does not always give positive results. They often become unexpected not only for the woman, but also for the plastic surgeon himself. Appearance once a pretty woman (and every woman, as you know, is good in her own way) becomes not only funny or funny, but sometimes ugly.

Causes and consequences

One of the most common facial reshaping techniques was non-surgical lip augmentation (Botox), which was performed using silicone, polyacrylamide gels or Formacryl. These funds "promised" to keep the result "for the rest of my life." Its alleged safety and cheapness bribed many beauties, because the cherished goal would be achieved - to acquire lips in the style of Pamela Anderson! In addition, the cost of self-absorbable gels was significantly lower than the cost of the plasty procedure itself. This circumstance of many women was very pleased, but did not alarm in any way, although it should have raised questions. In fact, the cost of facial contouring should reflect both the quality of the specialist's work and the quality of the biopolymer. But, in no case should the cost of the procedure be decisive when choosing medicinal product, no matter how convincingly your cosmetologist claims about the safety of, for example, Spanish gel.

A few years after the boom in the field plastic surgery the consequences became clear similar procedures. Nine times out of ten, there was negative result Botox, when the shape of the lips changed beyond recognition, giving rise to the effect of " cleft lip" or "duck mouth". The face was hopelessly ruined. Many girls admitted that in the morning they did not want to look at themselves in the mirror. One thought “knocked” in my head - how to remove Botox from my lips. Even if successful injection plastics ten years later, when a woman who has already matured and given birth to a child becomes wiser, she wants to get rid of the silicone pumped into her lips in her youth. Why?

Elimination of the consequences of unsuccessful Botox

Note! The result of plastic injections can lead not only to the transformation of the appearance to unaesthetic, but also threatens the health of the patient, provoking serious complications.

Side effects require immediate intervention not only cosmetologists, but also doctors, for the reason that the gel introduced into the lips begins to migrate, gather into lumps, even leads to the formation of bruises on the lips and treacherously interferes with normal facial expressions. It leads to thrombosis of small arteries, inflammation of the lips, their numbness, reduces their sensitivity, and, therefore, urgent restoration of blood circulation and “unloading” of the affected nerve is required.

Note! Gel provokes fibrotic changes internal tissues of the lips.

Unsuccessful contouring occurs for several reasons - the incompetence of the cosmetologist, the poor quality of the gel, individual intolerance, the peculiarity of the structure of the lips, or a special reaction of the patient's body.

Restoring the original shape of the lips is a whole art. It is an erroneous opinion that "pumping out" the gel - the procedure is as simple as its introduction - through the same thin puncture.

Note! The gel grows into internal tissues, forming connective tissues(scars) that transform natural form lips. Even for a professional cosmetologist or surgeon, the reconstruction of the former forms of the lips is not an easy task. But possible.

For this, a unique operation is performed in one procedure according to a special scheme. Removing the biopolymer gel in this operation is only part of the task. Excess mucous, hanging in the area of ​​the upper lip in the form of "curtains", is also eliminated. The biopolymer is removed through the incision inside lips, so as not to damage the vessels and muscles of the lips and not leave a scar on them. After removing the polymer, the operation ends with the creation of a special, subsequently invisible, seam on the inside of the lip. Excess gel is removed not only from the upper lip, but also above it to avoid the "duck mouth" effect.

Note! Like any operation, removing Botox from the lips requires a rehabilitation time of approximately a week. You can go outside after 5 days. Scarring ends in a maximum of two months.

Unlike a biopolymer, a modern gel based on hyaluronic acid does not cause great concern, since it is considered not only rejuvenating, but also healing (normalizes metabolism, tones the walls of blood vessels). True, unconditionally positive results results in external application of a gel with hyaluronic acid. Another thing is to use it for internal injections. Hyaluronic acid refers to drugs such as Surgiderm, Restylane, Juvederm 3, Teoseal or Bolotero.

You can get rid of a cosmetic filler based on hyaluronic acid using hyaluronidase (longidase), a special enzyme that can remove hyaluron from tissues. Result injection hyaluronidase in the problem area can be observed after a few days.

It is much easier to get rid of hyaluronic acid compared to "eternal" biopolymer gels, since hyaluronic acid- a substance more natural for the body. It is able for some time (6-9 months) to gradually and independently resolve. To stimulate the non-surgical resorption process, ordinary enzyme injections are made, Diprospan, Darsonval are used, or problem areas are exposed to phoresis, microcurrents.

It is useful to know that Botox is contraindicated in pregnant and breastfeeding women, those patients who are taking antibiotics, people with severe problems with blood clotting, and also if there are any rashes on the lips.

If you want to correct your lips quite a bit with the help of injection plastics, without getting an asymmetric “Siberian dumpling”, you should carefully choose a beautician, carefully study the means used by him, just in case, ask how to remove Botox from your lips, and whether such a thing is possible. procedure in your area.

But it’s better to understand what to expose yourself to surgical intervention in young age because of momentary desire is not at all worth it. Before injecting Botox, remember the old truth - what is natural is not ugly.

There is hardly a person who has not heard about Botkos. And those who follow their beauty know firsthand what effect Botox has. Moreover, it is becoming popular, not only among women, but also among the male population.

To date, such a drug has found the greatest distribution in such an area as cosmetology. It is used to remove mimic wrinkles. When these muscles tighten, the skin begins to fold. After some time, such muscles no longer straighten out and wrinkles form as a result. The most characteristic areas for such wrinkles are the forehead, the corners of the eyes and the area between the eyebrows.

Botox injections can provoke a complication only if the dosage or place for their administration was chosen incorrectly. Even if complications arise, they can be removed. Even if this is not done, they themselves will pass over time. Surely many are interested in such a question, how to remove the effect of Botox?

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to understand why such situations occur. Many people visit non-specialized clinics where such a serious procedure is done with violations.

The way to eliminate the effect of the drug depends on the type of complication. There are ways to eliminate side effects:

  • Taking medication. Medicines should be prescribed by a doctor, as he will determine the required dosage.
  • Facial massage may also help to resolve side effects faster.
  • Another method is the use of microcurrents.

Massage procedures should also be prescribed by a doctor, as each patient can be assigned an individual course.

In order to avoid the negative effects of the drug, it is best to contact only specialized and proven clinics.

Before you experience the effect of Botox, it is best to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications. Side effects of Botox are only likely if it was chosen Wrong way injection of the drug or the wrong place.

Among the indications for the use of this drug, one can single out myasthenia gravis, which is muscle weakness. Also among the contraindications is the period of pregnancy, taking certain antibiotics, inflammatory processes on the skin, common diseases, which are in acute stage, lactation and many others. It is not recommended to use botulinum toxin during the onset of the menstrual cycle.

Some people ask this question, but is Botox addictive? It may appear, but only in good sense. If you use the drug several times, then the time of its action increases to one year. After the introduction of 5-6 injections, a person can permanently get rid of the habit of frowning, which means that wrinkles may no longer appear.

Even if side effects occur after using this drug, they will disappear after a while.

Side effects include: painful sensation at the injection site, headaches, numbness, at the injection site, double vision, and others.

Many are interested in such a question, how does Botox work? Such a drug is administered intramuscularly. It has such an effect on the muscles that they lose their susceptibility to nerve impulses for a while. After they relax, they stop contracting and thus wrinkles begin to disappear. It must be remembered that Botox has an expiration date. The drug has a reversible effect. Muscles that have been blocked will begin to recover in 5-6 months. Wherein nerve fibers, as well as muscle fibers will not be affected in any way.

Also, many are interested in such a question, when will the result of using this drug appear? The facial muscles begin to relax after about a week, sometimes a little earlier. Maximum effect can be seen no earlier than in 12-14 days.

Much also depends on individual characteristics human body. Botulinum toxin may begin to take effect as early as the second or third day. Sometimes the effect begins to appear only after a month.

There are people in the world who have zero sensitivity to such a component as botulinum toxin. However, there are few such people, they make up no more than 1% of the total population of our planet.

After the very first procedure has been carried out, the muscles will be smoothed out for no more than six months. However, nerve connections that were blocked after the drug was injected will begin to recover. Muscle fibers, thus, will begin to contract again, which means that mimic wrinkles will also return. The duration of Botox can be increased. If you spend about 5 sessions, then the time of action of such a drug will double.

Many are unhappy with the fact that Botox only works for a while. This means that you will have to re-introduce botulinum toxin into the body. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that during the time when the muscles on the person’s face were in a relaxed state, he did not frown his forehead and did not screw up his eyes. It turns out that to some extent he got rid of such a habit. It also happens that wrinkles do not return or return later. for a long time. Sometimes, in order to get rid of wrinkles, one injection of Botox is enough.

The effectiveness of such a drug depends largely on age category of people.

In people under 25 years of age, there are practically no indications for the introduction of such a drug. In people of 30-40 years of age, especially in men, mimic wrinkles become most noticeable. During this period, the highest effect can be expected from the use of Botox.

After 50 years, muscle tone begins to decline and the effect of such a drug may no longer be so pronounced.

After 60 years, Botox rarely gives a positive effect, since the facial muscles almost completely lose their tone.

Botox is designed to make us more beautiful, younger and better, but the procedure does not always go smoothly. It happens that the effect is not at all pleasing for many reasons - the eyelid has dropped, the eyebrows have risen too much, or the face has turned into a mask. Is it possible to weaken the effect of the toxin, or will we have to wait until it stops working on its own?

Botox is a drug based on botulinum toxin. Small doses of poison temporarily paralyze muscle fibers. Thus, torticollis, strabismus, hyperhidrosis are treated. In cosmetology, the product is used to relax the face and smooth wrinkles. After 7-8 months, the neurotoxin is excreted from the body and the procedure is repeated.

Ways to weaken the effect of the drug

In 3% of people revealed insensitivity to the effects of Botox. In other clients, the muscles become numb immediately after the injection. And the final paralysis occurs 6-7 days after the session. Some of them remain dissatisfied with the effect. But it is impossible to cancel the effect of the drug.

Restoration of work muscle fibers will occur 6-7 months after the procedure. However, there are ways to speed up the elimination of the toxin from the body.

Magnetic stimulation

Magnetic stimulation will help to quickly remove Botox from muscle fibers. Low-frequency magnetic current enhances local bleeding, accelerates metabolism by cellular level. The doctor applies the nozzle of the apparatus to the desired area of ​​the face, and metabolic processes are activated in this place.

As a result, the toxin weakens the effect and is excreted from the body naturally. The result becomes noticeable after 10 procedures. The price is 1800-2500 rubles.

electrical stimulation

The main purpose of electrical stimulation is the restoration of muscle activity. After such sessions, people who have had a stroke, orthopedic surgery, learn to move their limbs and feel their body again. Therefore, the method is suitable for clients with temporary paralysis.

Current pulses "force" the fibers to contract, increase resistance to the action of the toxin. One muscle should be stimulated for no more than 2 minutes. Therefore, the price of the procedure does not exceed 100 rubles.

Microcurrent therapy

Exposure to low voltage current pulses - effective method hardware rejuvenation. The beautician runs conductive gloves over the face of a person. In these places, metabolic processes are accelerated, muscle tone. After a full cycle of microcurrent therapy, the effect of numbness is weakened.

The client's complexion improves, rosacea disappears and dark spots. The course consists of 7-10 sessions, the price is 500-1000 rubles.

ultrasound therapy

Ultrasound is used not only in diagnostic purposes. Sound vibrations different frequency able to accelerate the movement of molecules. The effect of tissue micromassage appears. mechanical energy converted into heat, increasing the speed metabolic processes.

As a result, the body gets rid of the neurotoxin much faster. The course of treatment consists of 12 procedures, the price of a session is from 100 rubles.


This is the name of the impact on the body with a current with a constant frequency, low voltage and low force. As a result of the procedure, complex physico-chemical processes are launched in the tissues. They lead to an acceleration of metabolism and the elimination of toxin. Beauticians warn that the method is prohibited in the presence of inflammation, neoplasms, blood diseases.

The result of the weakening of muscle paralysis is noticeable after a course of 10-15 sessions of 70-100 rubles each.

Laser rejuvenation

The laser beam penetrates into the deep tissues of the face without disturbing the integrity of the skin. It acts on skin cells, accelerating the production of collagen and elastin. With fractional rejuvenation, the laser beam is split into several microbeams. Due to this, the session time is reduced, and the effectiveness of the procedure is increased.

Another plus is the activation of all metabolic processes. As a result, Botox is simply pushed out of the body. The course consists of 6-8 sessions, the price is 8-10 thousand rubles.


The current of high voltage, intense frequency and low power is used to treat diseases of the central nervous system. The doctor runs nozzles over the face, and in these places the conductivity of nerve impulses improves. As a result, the muscles gain the ability to contract faster.

In addition to the return of normal facial expressions, darsonvalization improves tissue nutrition, strengthens skin tone. In the course of 10-15 sessions for 70-100 rubles.

home sessions

Pharmacies also sell mobile models of hardware rejuvenation. An added advantage their work favors the acceleration of metabolic processes. Before using any device at home, you should consult with a beautician.

Manual massage will help to quickly remove Botox from the body. It must be performed after the drug has shown its maximum action. That is, not earlier than 10-12 days after injection. Stroking and tapping movements should be done along the massage lines, even in places where there is no toxin.

The accelerated flow of blood and lymph will enrich the muscles with oxygen and carry away all decay products, including botulinum toxin.

Manipulations that speed up metabolism help to weaken the effect of neurotoxin. These include cold and hot shower, baths, saunas. At home, you can do cardio exercises, make morning runs, tempering procedures. Thus, it is possible to reduce the time of numbness of the facial muscles and restore facial expressions faster.

Prohibited actions

Clients dissatisfied with the effect of botulinum toxin injections are looking for ways to get rid of the poison on the forums. There, users give a lot of advice on how to weaken the effect of Botox. But many of them are useless and even dangerous.

So, on the first day after the session, you can not do sudden movements head, bend down, lie down.

If you break this rule, Botox will move to neighboring muscles. Such an effect will lead to facial asymmetry, drooping of the eyelid or corners of the mouth. It is necessary to wait for complete numbness, and only then do massages and other procedures.

Another common mistake is taking drugs from the list of restrictions. However, alcohol is prohibited for a different reason. Alcoholic drinks expand blood vessels. As a result, swelling, bruising, and bruising appear on the face.

Some antibiotics are not just not compatible with Botox, but have a similar effect. Aminoglycosides, Lincosamides, Tetracyclines increase paralysis, leading to a mask effect. In addition, unreasonable reception antibacterial drugs unhealthy.

How to avoid mistakes

A good beautician always conducts a preliminary consultation. In its course, he explains the features of the impact of Botox, shows photos of the result, checks for the absence of contraindications.

Sterile conditions must be observed in the office. At the session, the drug is diluted immediately before the injection. After the procedure, the doctor tells the client about the prohibitions and restrictions. Explains why these rules should be strictly followed.

Many women, dreaming of smooth and young skin, without a shadow of a doubt trust their face to cosmetologists or plastic surgeons agreeing to Botox injections. But, unfortunately, the result does not always live up to expectations: facial asymmetry, ptosis, diplopia are far from complete list possible complications. Faced with them face to face, the patient thinks only of one thing - "How to weaken the effect of Botox?". Accelerating the elimination of the drug from the body is not so easy, but possible!

Most clients treated with Botox, Dysport or similar preparations containing botulinum toxin do not experience any serious complications. Hematomas, discomfort in the area of ​​​​the needle injection are unlikely to cause severe inconvenience. But it happens that as a result of the wrong choice of a specialist, his insufficient qualifications, or because the client himself does not follow the recommendations of the master, the consequences of the injections turn out to be quite serious.

The most common of them:

  1. Lymphostasis and swelling of the inner corner of the eye and bridge of the nose. Occur during the work of a beautician with an interbrow zone. The cause of the development of complications may be the presence of undiagnosed hernias. upper eyelid, the individual predisposition of the client to edema, or an excess dose of the administered drug.
  2. Facial asymmetry. It can occur during bilateral injections (into the left and right halves of the face), regardless of the area in which the master worked. Most often, the cause of the development of the consequences lies in the asymmetric points of administration of the drug. Also, the decisive factor can be an uneven load on the muscles of the face due to the hyperfunction of the tissue on one side (most often this is normal physiological feature). A complication may also occur with uneven distribution of the drug over the injection points, the inclusion of "dormant muscles", the presence of anatomical features of the structure of the facial skull.
  3. Eyebrow ptosis. Trouble can overtake the patient as a result of incorrect work with the frontal muscle. Most often this happens due to the excess of the required dose of the drug or when the dilution of Botox was not performed correctly. It is not uncommon for this complication to occur in individuals with a “narrow” forehead (an anatomical feature of the human structure). Also, ptosis can be the result of the injection point being too close to the patient's eyebrows or violations of the regimen on his part (for example, if the lady immediately after the injection, having arrived home, started cleaning and her head was in a horizontal position).
  4. Diplopia. It is this complication that frightens patients most of all, because with him in the eyes, in the literal sense of the word, everything doubles. The reason for the development of this complication may be a significant excess of the dosage of the drug or its uneven distribution due to horizontal position or head tilt. This phenomenon is often observed in patients if the master injected the drug into the projection area of ​​the rectus muscles of the eye, but did not take into account anatomical features orbit structures.

If, with facial asymmetry or another complication after Botox injections, the doctor suggests a correction with repeated injections, do not agree, this procedure can only make things worse!

It doesn’t matter what specific complication has arisen, the most important thing is to move on to solving this issue as soon as possible and find a specialist for whom the solution to this problem is an everyday and everyday situation.

What to do

If suddenly any of the complications develop as a result of the introduction of botulinum toxin, the first thing to do is to consult a doctor as soon as possible. This is due to the fact that in the first days after the injection, the effect of the drug increases, and the situation can worsen, so it is extremely important to start acting as quickly as possible.

The good news for anyone who is not satisfied with the result of this procedure is that the effect of the drug completely disappears after the body manages to neutralize the botulinum toxin. How quickly it is excreted depends only on the individual characteristics of the patient, metabolic rate, natural resistance - immunity. On average, this process takes six months, but it can take either 2 or 8 months.

Do not be upset and rely only on the strength of your own body. As a rule, the rate of elimination of Botox can be influenced by external factors. The most common methods that weaken the effect of botulinum toxin and allow you to quickly remove the remains of the drug from the body are:

  • facial massage;
  • microcurrents and other physiotherapy;
  • medical treatment.

The most justified method of eliminating the consequences of botulinum toxin injections should be chosen by the doctor. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable, as it can only aggravate the situation!

The specialist must not only choose a method, but also choose a treatment regimen: if it is a massage, then it is necessary to prescribe the number of sessions and the frequency of their conduct, the same applies to physiotherapy. If we are talking about drug treatment, then Special attention is given to the choice of doses of drugs used. Let's consider each method of correction of complications in more detail.

Facial massage

Most effective way remove Botox from facial tissues can become lymphatic drainage massage. Improving blood circulation, the outflow of stagnant lymph will help speed up all metabolic processes, and therefore remove Botox.

Performed this species massage in two ways:

  1. Manual.
  2. Hardware.

Manual lymphatic drainage massage

It is best to entrust its implementation to a professional with extensive experience, because for best effect it is extremely important to know not only the technique and techniques, but also the structure of the muscles and other formations of the face. But many do not stop at going to salons and master the technique on their own, thanks to this, sessions can be carried out directly at home. This reduces not only the financial costs of eliminating complications from botulinum toxin, but also the time spent.

There are very simple tricks, which can be easily mastered by anyone, and at the same time can reduce the negative consequences of the introduction of botulinum toxin. It:

  1. Close the fingers on each hand and place them vertically in the middle of the forehead, stroking towards the temples. 3-5 repetitions are enough.
  2. Place your pillows index fingers on the bridge of the nose, moving along the lower edge of the orbit, move them to the temples. Watch the level of pressure - it should be moderate. Then lightly rub the area above the eye, placing your fingers on the outer corner of the eyebrows and moving them to the bridge of the nose in a spiral motion.
  3. Run the pads of the middle and index fingers of each hand from the center of the chin to the outer corner (end) mandible the relevant party. Put your fingers on the corners of your mouth, stretch them towards the ears (in the area of ​​the tragus).
  4. Put index fingers along the nasolabial folds and press them 10 times.
  5. Arrange thumbs in the center of the chin, with light pressure, move them to the ears.

Of course, the specialist owns more complex and effective techniques massage, but if there is no opportunity to visit the master, then this option will help reduce unpleasant changes.

Hardware lymphatic drainage massage

This type of massage is carried out by methods:

  • Electroiontophoresis. Using electrodes, stimulating and moisturizing substances are introduced into the dermis, which literally displace botulinum toxin and have a beneficial effect on skin cells.
  • Galvanization. With the help of a low voltage current, all metabolic processes in the tissues are activated, forcing it to get rid of excess fluid and all ballast substances.
  • Vacuum lymphatic drainage. Using negative pressure, an experienced massage therapist will cause lymph outflow. When choosing a massage specialist in this area, you need to be especially careful, because lack of experience can cause microdamages and injuries to the epidermis.

Microcurrents and other types of physiotherapy

They perfectly neutralize botulinum toxin and various physiotherapeutic effects on the skin of the face, most often the microcurrent method is used for these purposes. Such an effect not only stimulates skin cells to renew itself, but also improves blood and lymph circulation, all this contributes to the acceleration of tissue metabolism.

There are several types of microcurrent therapy:

  • disincrustation;
  • reprogramming of mimic muscles;
  • ionic mesotherapy;
  • microcurrent lifting;
  • microcurrent lymphatic drainage.

The last option is the most correct choice for everyone who is puzzled by the search for an answer to the question: “How to remove the effects of Botox therapy?”.

Microcurrent lymphatic drainage

It is carried out using a special apparatus that delivers microcurrents either to the handpiece or to special specialist gloves. The latter option is preferable for anti-botox therapy, because with the help of smooth and precise movements, the cosmetologist carefully works out the forehead, eye area and all other “affected” areas.

The impact of microcurrents has a stimulating effect on all metabolic processes in the cells and tissues of the face. In addition, as a result of the impact electric current microampere interval, the work of calcium channels is normalized, neuromuscular transmission is restored. Already after 5-10 half-hour sessions, the effect of Botox noticeably weakens, the old facial expression returns.

Magnetic stimulation

With the help of special devices with low frequency magnetic field, acting on the skin, not only improve systemic blood flow, but also stimulate metabolism and regeneration. Also, this method increases the speed of passage of impulses along the remaining, intact botulinum toxin, nerve endings. Often this physiotherapy is prescribed for diplopia or strabismus resulting from the use of Botox. This is due to the fact that the magnetic field has no finite boundaries, which means that it can affect deeply located muscles.


This method is effective even two weeks after Botox injection. The impact of low-frequency, pulsed modulated current not only restores neuromuscular transmission, but also enhances muscle contractility.

infrared laser

This laser therapy restores conductivity and stimulates the regeneration of nerve fibers.


Constant galvanic current, and especially in tandem with B vitamins, vasodilators (in the form of electrophoresis), helps to restore neuromuscular patency due to the regeneration of peripheral nerves

Ultrasound Therapy

The impact of ultrasonic frequency oscillations enhances microcirculation and blood circulation, accelerates the conduction of an impulse along the nerve, and promotes tissue regeneration (including nervous ones).

Medications in the fight against Botox

Contrary to popular belief that with medicines it is impossible to accelerate the removal of Botox from the body, there are a number of medications that remove this toxin from the tissues. For example, you can lift your eyelids (a very common complication of youth injections) with Aprochlonidine drops. They are a kind of antidote that reduces the effects of Botox therapy. Also reduce negative effects botulinum toxin in the eye area with Neo-Synephrine, but for patients with aneurysm or glaucoma this medicine does not fit.

Taking hormonal drugs and antibiotics “removes” traces of Botox in the body. That is why, two weeks before the planned anti-aging injections, it is extremely important to cancel the use of these medications, but in the case of negative consequences of injections, by taking these drugs, on the contrary, we remove all complications. But you need to understand that all these measures are effective only in the first 2-3 weeks after the injection of drugs containing botulinum toxin, until the result is fixed.

The choice of drugs for the inactivation of Botox, the selection of doses is carried out only by a specialist based on the patient's health status, body weight, severity of complications and other factors.

Many clients, without the slightest feeling of fear, agree to the introduction of Botox and its analogues, while forgetting that this drug- a real poison. Of course, a safe dosage has long been derived, but in the hands of an inexperienced and unskilled cosmetologist, it turns out to be capable of causing damage to the patient's appearance and health. If you are among those who have not been spared the negative consequences of the fight against wrinkles, do not despair, an experienced specialist will be able to help you in this situation, because it is quite possible to speed up the removal of Botox and weaken its effect. Be charming!