Bay oil for hair recipes. Essential oil BOTANIKA Bay from the leaves - "Bay oil for strengthening and hair growth


Essential oil Botanika "Bay from the leaves" I purchased for hair growth and my review will be devoted to this property of the oil.

Bay oil is a natural and effective remedy for hair growth. Due to its unique chemical composition, it has pronounced strengthening properties. Regular use of Bay oil helps to thicken the hair structure, strengthen its roots, stop hair loss and stimulate growth in a short time.

I found oil from the manufacturer "Botanica" in the nearest pharmacy for 250 rubles. There are more expensive options from well-known manufacturers, but for the first acquaintance, I chose a budget one.

Volume: 10 ml.

Shelf life: 3 years.

Manufacturer: Russia, TM Botanica.


The oil comes in a dark glass bottle with a convenient dropper. The box is made of cardboard in a natural color, which hints at the natural origin of the oil. The box originally contained instructions from several pages, but it did not live up to the time of writing the review. It describes all the methods and directions for using Bay oil.

Bay oil has a rather aggressive composition and is never used in its pure form! Before use, it must be mixed with a base vegetable oil or other care product.


Bay oil should not be used during pregnancy.

To avoid unpleasant individual reactions, it is recommended:

Prior to use, an individual tolerance test should be carried out.


100% bay essential oil from leaves (Myrcia acris)

The oil has a very rich spicy fragrance . The aroma is so heavy that the first time I opened the bottle and inhaled the smell, I immediately closed it and set it aside for a couple of weeks with full confidence that I would not use it.

But it was very interesting to try the miraculous effect of the oil, just after pregnancy and lactation, the hair began to actively leave my head, so I applied the oil for the first time, busting myself. In a mixture with coconut oil, the aroma became quite tolerable. And in the future, this smell no longer seemed heavy to me and I got used to it. The smell is the only negative of this oil.

The range of application of Bay oil is very wide. And it's not just limited to hair care.

The oil is used in medicine: for flu and colds, it helps to increase blood pressure. It has an antiseptic effect and is also used to treat fungal diseases.

As an aromatherapy oil soothes and relieves anxiety, helps to overcome depression.

Even while applying the product to the hair, its aroma is very invigorating, helping to streamline thoughts.

There are several ways to use hair growth oil:

  1. Add to regular shampoos , balms, conditioners, masks. For one serving of shampoo (mask), one drop of Bay oil is enough). Shampoos and others are better to take with a natural composition, where there is a minimum of silicones;
  2. Oil wrap. This method will require any base oil, I take coconut, but you can also olive, castor and even sunflower, in general, any to your taste - 2-3 tablespoons. Add a few drops of Bay oil (3-5 drops) to the base oil, put a shower cap on top and warm your head with a towel. Warming up the wrap with a hairdryer in a thermal cap will give the best effect;
  3. Nourishing masks. Here you can use any homemade masks for the scalp or for length, simply by adding a few drops of Bay essential oil to them. For example, I made such a mask for length: I mixed a tablespoon of warm castor oil, 5 drops of Bay oil, a tablespoon of honey and egg yolk, applied the mixture to my hair and left for half an hour. After such a mask, dry hair at the ends acquire elasticity and shine.


The oil is liquid, non-viscous, brown in color with a strong aroma. It is very easy to measure the right amount thanks to the dropper built into the bottle:

Dropped a few drops of Bay oil into warmed coconut oil:

After stirring, I got a translucent water, which I apply to the scalp, rubbing a little, and distribute the rest along the length of the hair:

Another tip that will come in handy for those who use henna for hair coloring:

A few drops of bay oil added to henna before dyeing will give the hair a brighter color, and the oil will soften the drying effect of henna.


It appeared after a couple of weeks of using the oil in my care. My hair began to fall out much less, I was no longer horrified every time I pulled a decent hairball out of the drain. The thick undercoat began to grow. In general, Bay oil, despite the disgusting smell, works! And as the well-known proverb says "Beauty requires sacrifice!"

Butter Bay has become a permanent resident in my house, next time I will try it from another manufacturer, I am sure of its effect, so you can not save.

~~~~~~~Thanks for stopping by! I hope my review was useful and interesting for you!~~~~~~~~~

Natural hair care products are very popular these days. A special place is occupied by various oils, including essential ones. Bay oil has positively proven itself to strengthen the bulbs and rapid hair growth. This natural component will become a magic wand for many after learning some of the secrets outlined below. Consider how to use bay oil for hair growth.


Bay essential oil is obtained from the leaves of the myrtle family called Bay tree. Steam distillation technology extracts the coveted elixir from the leaves, which has a light tea-colored consistency. As for the smell, it belongs to the spicy categories, with notes of bitterness and pungency.

It acts as a sedative on the human body as a whole. In addition to the above, will serve as a good antiseptic, a refreshing drug, a remedy for fungi and inflammation.

On a note! Bay essential oil is a universal remedy for all hair types. Suitable for both dry and oily hair, because it can bring oily skin back to normal.

Useful properties and cost

In addition to these properties, the bay essential component has a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair. The following positive properties of this drug are known:

  • hair roots become stronger, hair growth increases
  • the ends of the hair cease to exfoliate;
  • restores the fat balance of the scalp;
  • curls begin to shine and shine;
  • carefully eliminate the negative effects of heat treatment.

The cost of bay oil depends on the manufacturer and starts from 250 to 2000 rubles.

How it works

When oil gets on an integument, it instantly gets inside. Due to the irritating effect, the blood begins to circulate intensively. Increased blood circulation contributes to the nutrition of hair follicles with beneficial substances. Hair roots become stronger, hair loss is minimized, and new hairs begin to grow in place of the fallen hairs.

Regular use of the bay essential elixir will help get rid of skin diseases. Oily seborrhea, dandruff, and other troubles will disappear from life. The hair will become thicker and sparkling, which will add attractiveness to the hair.

Photos before and after

Terms of use

If you follow all the rules, this tool will benefit without causing harm. Hair will begin to radiate health, and their owner will shine with a smile.

Terms of use:

  1. It is applied in the form of a solution. As a rule, 3 or 4 drops of bay essential oil are added to 1 tablespoon of the base.
  2. A necessary measure is to conduct a preliminary test for an allergic reaction. The finished product should be thinly applied to a sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin of the hands, for example, the wrist. If within 15 minutes the skin does not turn red and does not start to itch, the product can be used.
  3. Due to the high concentration essential oil is added to the masks in small doses of a few drops. It is well compatible with oils of almond, argan, lemon, rosemary, juniper, anise, verbena, lavender and many others.
  4. Masks are applied directly to the scalp, massaging it. After application, wait about an hour and wash your hair in the usual way.

Important! The essential oil is very concentrated, and it is forbidden to use it in its pure form!

Particular attention should be paid to contraindications. Bay oil is forbidden to use if there is:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance to oil components;
  • increased blood pressure.

Mask Recipes

There are many recipes for hair masks using this element. The simplest and most commonly used method is to add bay to shampoo or conditioner at the rate of 5 drops per 100 ml.

Consider widely used folk recipes:

  1. For hair growth: 20 drops of bay oil add 30 drops of olive oil and 25-30 grams of brewer's yeast. Pour yeast over tea, add oil. The product is applied to the hair roots, wrapped with a film and a towel and kept on the head for half an hour to an hour.
  2. Fight against hair loss: 2 tablespoons of henna (colorless) is diluted with warm water until a paste is obtained. Add 3 drops of bay to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly. The product is applied to the hair roots, wrapped with a film and a towel and kept on the head for half an hour to an hour. You can find more recipes for hair growth masks with henna on our website.
  3. Against dullness: You need to take 1 tablespoon of base oil of your own free will. Add one egg yolk and 5 drops of bay oil. The ingredients are well mixed, and the beauty elixir is applied for half an hour. To achieve the effect, the procedure should be carried out 1 or 2 times in 7 days. As a base, we recommend olive or burdock oil.
  4. Moisturizing effect: 4 tablespoons of sour cream are slightly warmed up and 4 or 5 drops of oil are added. The mixture is distributed through the hair. The head must be wrapped with a film or put on a special hat. Wash off after 30-40 minutes. It will be enough to use this method once a week.
  5. Against split ends: 1/8 of a medium onion is grated. 1 tablespoon of honey in liquid form and 4 drops of the essential component are mixed with the resulting slurry. The mask is rubbed into the skin and warms the head well. After 40 minutes, thoroughly wash your hair with regular shampoo. It is advisable to rinse your hair after washing with warm water with the addition of lemon. You can find out about the benefits of onions for hair growth, as well as recipes for the best honey masks for hair growth in one of our articles.

Useful videos

Bay oil for hair growth.

How to maximize hair growth.

Bay oil is a natural and effective remedy for hair growth. Due to its unique chemical composition, it has pronounced strengthening properties. Regular use of Bay oil helps to thicken the hair structure, strengthen its roots, stop hair loss and stimulate growth in a short time.

The peculiarity of bay oil is its concentrated composition. 2 drops of liquid are enough to get complete penetration of the components into the structure of the strands. User reviews indicate a high result and effectiveness of the product.

What are the benefits of bay essential oil for hair?

This product does wonders for hair.

  1. Firstly, there is a significant strengthening of both the root and the body of the hair.
  2. Secondly, the hair becomes really beautiful, thick, shiny and seductive. Of course, bay oil is an excellent nutrient for all types of hair.

Bay essential oil for hair is also used for medicinal purposes. It:

  • restores the hair follicle;
  • prevents baldness and hair loss;
  • stimulates growth;
  • is an excellent prevention of scalp diseases, such as oily dandruff.

All these properties of bay oil for hair are due to its very rich and peculiar composition.

First of all, we will consider how to care for hair, and then - how to do medical procedures. Just remember that it is better to consult a trichologist before using bay oil for hair for medicinal purposes.

Useful properties of Bay oil

The benefits and effects of essential oils are numerous. It is suitable for all hair types and solves any problems:

  • prevents the formation of split ends;
  • dry curls - actively moisturizes and softens;
  • dull - gives shine;
  • rare - makes it thicker and more lush;
  • damaged by ironing and hair dryer - actively nourishes and restores;
  • oily scalp - dries;
  • irritated - soothes, preventing dandruff.

The effect is achieved due to the beneficial properties of bay oil:

  1. Antifungal action. To get rid of dandruff, you have to try more than one shampoo. Such funds act to eliminate the consequences, and not the causes of the formation of the disease. Dandruff is accompanied by itching, seborrhea leads to contamination of curls and oily sheen. Bay oil penetrates the epidermis, disinfects the fungus and restores skin balance.
  2. Strengthening action. Plant extract has a complex effect. Hair loss is stopped, the structure of the curls is strengthened, the strands are compacted. The components that make up the product stimulate the hair follicles, calling for active growth. Hairstyle becomes lush and thick. After applying the oil, beat the hair strong and elastic.
  3. Soothing and protective effect. Irritations on the skin are removed after a hard comb or an aggressive curling agent. Redness is eliminated, there is a protective effect from wind, weather changes, chemicals.
  4. nutritional action. The natural strength and health of the hair is lost due to weather conditions, exposure to curls with styling tools and care products. Curls need proper nutrition. Bay oil penetrates the hair follicle, releases nutrients and nourishes the strands from root to tip.

Essential oils are used for curls of any type. Shine will return to healthy hair, strands will become obedient, easy to style. Damaged and weakened curls become dense, silky and smooth. Split ends are restored, hair separation stops.

Bay oil application for hair

Flavored oils act differently because of the pronounced smell. To check the tolerance of the remedy, try lighting an aroma lamp with an extract of this plant. If after 5 min. you will feel calm and relaxed, then proceed to the manufacture of masks. Dizziness, a feeling of suffocation, unpleasant symptoms are signals of individual intolerance. Pick up a soft ingredient for the treatment of curls - linseed oil, olive extract.

When applying bay oil for hair, follow these rules:

  1. Use a quality product. Buy bay oil at specialized points or pharmacies. Check the integrity of the package and the expiration date. Choose a small container with a dispenser.
  2. Follow the recipe. Essential oils are highly concentrated. The composition of masks and remedies includes from 1 to 5 drops of extract. Failure to comply with the dosage will lead to skin burns.
  3. Check the tool. The mask stays on the hair for 30 minutes. up to 4 hours. Before keeping the composition for such a period, make sure that the skin survives prolonged exposure. Dilute 1-2 drops of bay oil in a teaspoon of water. Then apply liquid to the elbow or behind the ear. If after 5-10 min. the skin does not give alarm signals, then apply the product to the curls.
  4. Observe the temperature. Warm masks are pleasant to the skin, soothe and relax. When applying recipes with ingredients that require heating (honey, cosmetic oils), observe the temperature. Bay oil loses half of its useful components when it enters a liquid with a temperature of over 35 degrees.
  5. Stick to the course of treatment. Bay oil is used for massage, body wraps, added to shampoo. The agent is injected into masks, used for aroma combing. It is not recommended to mix exposure methods due to the concentration of the essential oil. Choose one method and complete the full recovery course.

Contraindications to the use of bay oil are pregnancy, hypertension and a tendency to allergies. In other cases, extracting the plant helps restore the beauty of the curls. To avoid leaving a greasy shine on your hair, rinse the strands with a rinse with lemon juice.

Recipes for homemade masks with bay oil

In its pure form, plant extract is not used. For a preventive effect, add 10 caps. oils in shampoo. If you are not sure of the effectiveness, then enter the ingredient in a single dose of the product. After that, proceed to the manufacture of multicomponent compositions.

Recipes for homemade masks with bay oil:

  1. For hair growth. A composition of 3-4 vegetable oils is being prepared. Add familiar ingredients or use basic ingredients. Contribute to the density of hair castor oil pomace of burdock and wheat germ. Prepare a warm mass. First, heat the burdock extract to a temperature not higher than 40 gr. Then wait 5 min. and enter the other two ingredients. At the end, bay oil is added - 4 drops. Keep the mask on your hair for 1-2 hours. The duration of treatment is 2-3 months.
  2. To feed curls. Prepare 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey and fat sour cream. If the honey has thickened, then melt it in a water bath. Then gently fold in the sour cream and olive oil. Ingredients are added in equal parts. The last component is bay oil. To enhance the composition, the introduction of two additional essential oils is allowed.
  3. For moisturizing strands. Use a fermented milk product as a base. Suitable kefir, sour cream, yogurt. The thicker the product, the easier the process of applying the composition. Kefir masks are liquid, flow down from the hair. Cover such a mask with a film, and wrap it with a towel. To make a mask, add 5 drops of bay oil to the fermented milk product.
  4. For thick hair. Hair thins, breaks off and fades due to malnutrition. To “feed” hair, vitamins are added to homemade masks. You can find bottles or capsules with the products at the pharmacy. To thicken the strands, 1 dessert spoon of vitamins A and E is taken. The fragility of curls is eliminated by adding avocado oil. Bay oil is introduced as the last component. If the hair is dry, then apply the product to the roots. This will be enough to heal the curls. Strands of normal type, process along the entire length.
  5. From falling out. The basic component is burdock oil. The leader among means to strengthen curls and get rid of dandruff. It is recommended to warm up the burdock extract, then add bay oil. Mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous structure. For 1 st. l. the main ingredient is added 2 drops of bay oil. Finish the preparation of the mask by introducing the beaten yolk. If the strands are oily, then step back 3-4 cm from the roots and distribute the mass along the length of the curls.
  6. For split ends, thin strands. Honey-onion mass is being prepared. For one serving, a quarter of the vegetable is used. The onion is rubbed on a grater and the juice is squeezed into warmed honey. The components are mixed, bay oil is introduced. It is recommended to insulate such a mask with a disposable cap and terry cloth. To get rid of the onion smell, wash off the mask with shampoo and rinse with a liquid with lemon juice.

Regular use of bay oil leads to amazing results. Curls become longer, new hair grows healthy, strong and shiny. Trichologists connect Bay oil with advanced seborrhea and the threat of baldness. Prepare homemade masks and share your impressions.

Instructions and methods of application

There are several ways to use bay oil for hair:

  1. aroma combing- 3-4 drops of oil are evenly applied to a comb or comb made of natural material (bristle or wood), and then the hair is combed along the entire length, as well as the parting lines, for 10 minutes.
  2. Enrichment of ready-made compositions of "shop" masks, shampoos and conditioners. Wanting to give the usual shampoo healing properties, you must follow 2 rules: 1 drop of oil is added to 10 ml of the product - the optimal ratio; you should not add it to bottles with cosmetics "for the future", based on the total volume - and the ether will disappear, and the cosmetics will ferment.
  3. Scalp massage: carried out using a mixture of 15 ml of base oil and 4-5 drops of bay.
  4. Manufacturing of cosmetics at home (more on this below).

Before you start using the tool, remember a few important recommendations:

  1. It is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women.
  2. Never use ether in its pure form, solely as an additive to the base base. Otherwise, serious burns may result.
  3. Use only high quality products, only they will give an effect. The leading brands of bay oil are Aura Cacia, AKH, Karl Hadek and Primavera life. It is not difficult to check the quality of the purchased product: drop ether onto a sheet of clean paper - if the next day the stain from the drop has completely evaporated, then you have a genuine product in your hands. If the drop left a halo or some kind of undertone, then, alas, it is either diluted or made using artificial impurities.
  4. Store the oil at a temperature of 18-25 degrees in a dark place.

Home Recipes for Hair

Introducing bay oil into beauty rituals, I decided that I didn’t want to rely on self-hypnosis. Therefore, I only talk about those recipes that made it possible to see the real difference “before” and “after” in the reflection of the mirror.

Oil wrap

This procedure differs from classic masks in the way it is applied. The oil is not just distributed over the roots and lengths, but is applied in a row - as in the process of dyeing hair.

A strip of foil is placed under the strand, a mask heated in a water bath is applied with a brush along the entire length and the parting line, then the strand is wrapped in foil.

Processing curls with this method allows you to cover every hair and get the maximum result - the foil retains the heat of the oil for a long time.

You will need:

  • Bay - 2-4 drops;
  • Base oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • Optional ingredients: flower waters (hydrolytes), vitamins (ideally - A and E in oil form, as well as B vitamins in ampoules) or proteins (hydrolysates) - a few drops.

Which base oil to choose:

  • for dry hair, avocado, wheat germ and apricot oils are ideal;
  • prone to fat content - jojoba, aragana and sesame;
  • hair of normal and combined type - burdock and aragan.

Apply before washing on well combed dry hair for 40-60 minutes. Wash off with shampoo (at least 2 times).

Frequency of use: to achieve results, wraps should be carried out for 3 months. The first month - 1 time per week, the second and third - 1 time in 10-14 days.

Result: strands will become more elastic and supple after 1-2 procedures; the effect of accelerated growth can be observed after 1-1.5 months of wraps.

It is important to know that:

  • when mixing the components, they must all be at room temperature;
  • oils are heated exclusively in a water bath; the use of a microwave oven for this purpose neutralizes all the active substances of the composition.

Scrub mask for hair growth

You will need:

  • Sea salt of medium or fine grinding - 3 tsp;
  • Base oil - 1 tsp;
  • Bay essential oil - 2 drops.

To achieve the best effect, add 1 drop of another essential oil to the mass, depending on the type of hair:

  • for dry and split ends - ylang-ylang, rosewood and sandalwood;
  • for oily hair - lemon, ginger, lemon balm and bergamot;
  • for normal hair - eucalyptus, patchouli and geranium.

Bay ether is added to the base, then we mix the oil component with salt. We apply the resulting mixture on the skin for 15 minutes and proceed to massage-peeling for 5 minutes.

Salt particles effectively “polish” the scalp without injuring it. Having cleaned the top layer of dirt and dead cells, the scrub will “give way” to the oil components. Thanks to this, all nutrients penetrate deeper and faster.

It is important to know that any types of scrubs are contraindicated in the presence of seborrhea and inflammatory processes on the skin.

Night mask

Recipe: 2-4 drops of bay oil per 15-20 ml. bases by hair type, plus bonus components:

  • for dry - coconut, grape seed and macadamia;
  • fatty lengths - almond and cedar;
  • for normal - sasanqua and pumpkin oil.

You can apply the mask both with your hands and with a brush for coloring, which is much more convenient. In this case, the main task is to moderately oil the entire length and roots. Exposure time - all night. Wash off with shampoo.

Well: the procedure should be carried out for 3 months. The first month - before each morning shampooing, the second and third - after 1-2 washes.

It is important to know that: the specific smell of laurel is not to many people's liking - make sure that whoever will be watching dreams next to you is able to withstand this aroma throughout the night.

Combing hair with bay essential oil

This simple method will help strengthen your hair and tone your scalp. For this procedure, you will need a few drops of Bay essential oil and a comb.

  1. When choosing a comb, you should give preference to natural materials - for example, wood.
  2. Also keep in mind that a regular comb with teeth in one row will allow you to distribute the oil only on the hair itself. If you want to work on the roots, you should purchase a massage brush.

Such combing can be done regularly. Simply apply a few drops of Bay essential oil to the brush and work over the entire scalp with light massaging movements. Then comb your hair from roots to ends to spread the oil evenly throughout your hair.

Benefits of the procedure:

  • Combing with Bay essential oil will strengthen the hair from root to tip. Already after the first application, the hair will acquire a healthy natural shine, become smoother, more elastic and soft to the touch.
  • Bay oil will help tone the skin, improve blood circulation and, therefore, enhance hair nutrition from the inside. With regular combing, the hair will grow faster, and their loss will be significantly reduced.
  • The distribution of Bay oil on the scalp will also help fight dry and oily dandruff. If your skin is prone to fungus, the Bay Oil Combing Treatment will help prevent it.
  • After combing, a light pleasant aroma will remain on the hair.
  • Bay oil will refresh your scalp on a hot day and help soothe and relieve itching if you have a flaky, dry scalp.

Head massage with bay essential oil

Bay essential oil can be applied to the scalp with your fingers while massaging the scalp. Massage will further enhance the effect of essential oil and improve blood circulation. This method, like combing, is suitable for regular use and will give your hair a pleasant fragrance for the whole day.

  1. Bay essential oil can be diluted with water. Take three tablespoons of water and add a few drops of essential oil. This simple method is suitable for daily use.
  2. If you like, Bay essential oil can be added to a small amount of vegetable oil that is good for hair. Usually castor, burdock, argan or olive oil is used. The advantage of this method is that vegetable oil will provide additional nutrition to the hair, and Bay essential oil will allow all useful vitamins and microelements to be better absorbed. But there is also a significant drawback - after such a massage you will have to wash your hair, otherwise your hair will be greasy.
  3. Bay essential oil can also be diluted in milk or juice, however, all of these methods will require a subsequent shampooing.

Benefits of the procedure:

  • Massaging the scalp with Bay essential oil will improve blood flow to the hair follicles, which means it will promote accelerated hair growth and reduce hair loss.
  • A massage with Bay oil will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and rid the hair of excessive oiliness at the roots or moisturize dry scalp.
  • Since Bay oil is a strong antifungal agent, this procedure will help to treat and prevent all types of dandruff.

Bay oil homemade hair masks

Bay oil can be used to make a wide variety of homemade masks. In fact, bay essential oil enhances the action of all other ingredients, because it tones the skin and helps substances to be better absorbed. Bay oil as part of homemade masks will provide hair with nutrition both from the inside and outside.

If you already have a favorite homemade hair mask, you can try adding a few drops of Bay essential oil to it. If you want to try something new, prepare a mask according to one of the recipes given below, taking into account the individual needs of your hair.

Mask with burdock oil, egg yolk and Bay oil for hair

This recipe is best for restoring dry, damaged hair, as well as boosting hair growth and preventing hair loss. Making a similar mask is not difficult at all:

  1. Lightly heat the burdock oil in a water bath over low heat. You do not need to bring it to a boil so that the beneficial substances are not destroyed. The mask oil should be warm, but not scalding.
  2. Burdock oil is most often used for hair - it combines special efficiency and a relatively low price. However, other options can be used instead - castor oil, argan, grape or olive oil. If you have several oils at home, you can mix them for this mask. Each of the oils has unique beneficial ingredients and, by mixing them, you will provide comprehensive hair care.
  3. Break one or two egg yolks into a separate container, depending on the length of your hair.
  4. Mix warm butter with yolk.
  5. The mask is applied to dry hair before washing. Apply the mask first on the scalp, massaging it thoroughly, and then distribute the composition from the roots to the tips, paying special attention to them. For application, you can use a special brush, but it is also convenient to do it with your fingers.
  6. Wear a shower cap or wrap your head in a towel. Wait 30-40 minutes. Then wash your hair with your usual shampoo.

Similar masks should be done several times a week in order to achieve results as quickly as possible. Already after the first application, you will notice that the hair has become more voluminous, smooth and shiny. Over time, the structure of damaged hair will gradually recover, they will begin to grow faster and stop falling out.

Mask with avocado, olive oil and Bay oil for hair

Such a mask will provide dry scalp and hair with intense hydration and nutrition. Fatty acids and vitamins necessary for hair beauty will bring maximum benefit in combination with Bay essential oil. Prepare this mask as follows:

  1. Lightly heat up the oil. Olive oil perfectly complements avocado, however, in its absence, you can use any other.
  2. In a separate bowl, mash a third of the avocados frequently until smooth.
  3. Mix avocado pulp with oil. You should get a mask with a thick, delicate texture that will be easy to apply.
  4. Add a few drops of Bay essential oil.
  5. Apply the mask to dry scalp and dry hair along the entire length before washing.
  6. Cover your head to keep warm and prevent the mask from drying out.
  7. After half an hour, you can wash off the mask.

This option can also be applied to the hair quite regularly - this composition acts gently, moisturizing the hair, promoting their enhanced regeneration and nourishing the roots. The mask is suitable for all types of hair, but it will be especially useful for dry and brittle hair.

Mask with clay and Bay oil for hair

Clay has become a popular remedy not only for the face, but also for the scalp. It will help normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and rid the hair of oily roots, while moisturizing them, and will also serve to treat and prevent dandruff. Bay oil will help tone and refresh the scalp and enhance the properties of the clay. The recipe for this mask is very simple:

  1. If you bought already diluted clay in a bag, put some in a bowl and close the bag tightly so that the remaining clay does not dry out.
  2. If you have powdered clay, dilute it with water, juice or herbal decoction to a smooth creamy consistency. Read more:
  3. Add a few drops of Bay oil to the clay and mix everything together.
  4. The clay mask is applied to damp hair after washing. For her it will be more convenient to use a brush. Treat the scalp at the roots as if you were dyeing your hair. It is not necessary to apply a mask to the hair along the entire length, because the clay mainly affects the scalp.
  5. Cover your head so the clay doesn't dry out.
  6. Hold the mask for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Clay masks should not be done too often - once every 7-10 days will be enough. The mask will help moisturize the scalp, cleanse it of fat and possible impurities, get rid of dandruff and any inflammatory processes.

Video: Bay essential oil for hair recipes

Bay essential oil is not as well known as, for example, lavender, tea tree or eucalyptus, but lovers of natural products have long included it in their skin care arsenal. And this is not surprising, because the product has many useful qualities, thanks to which it has found application in everyday life, medicine, perfumery and cosmetology.

What are the Benefits of Bay Essential Oil?

Diverse useful properties of the ether is a consequence of its chemical composition. On the one hand, it is not unique, since most of the substances present in it are present in almost all essential oils. On the other hand, the concentration of some compounds is quite high, and this gives the product a number of special qualities.

Among the active components of bay oil, it should be noted:

  • phenols (eugenol, methylchavicol). These substances enhance blood microcirculation in all layers of the dermis, which contributes to a better saturation of cells and hair follicles with water and nutrients. In addition, they have antibacterial and antifungal properties. Eugenol deserves special attention - high-quality oil contains up to 60% of this substance. By the way, if a higher percentage is indicated on the package, then in the bottle there is either a fake based on clove ether, or a product obtained by double distillation. In both cases, the contents are devoid of the beneficial properties of bay oil;
  • monoterpenes (myrcene, pinene, limonene, terpinene), monoterpene alcohols (geraniol, linalool) and monoterpene aldehydes (neral, geranial). These chemical compounds disinfect, suppress the development of inflammatory processes;
  • esters (geraniol acetate). Align the microrelief of the skin, give it a healthy color.
  • All of the above components endow bay oil with antibacterial, tonic, wound healing and a number of other useful properties. In aromatherapy, such a valuable product is used to restore strength, fight stress, and help to cope with anxiety or insomnia. In medicine, the possibilities of ether are even more extensive: it is used as an anesthetic in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, as an expectorant - for colds and respiratory diseases. The tool has a pronounced warming function, therefore it is often found in the composition of ointments for bruises, sprains, muscle pain.

    However, the widest range of applications of an exotic product is cosmetology. Essential oil is added to hair care products, creams for problem skin, anti-aging lines. In addition, it has shown itself well in the fight against cellulite.

    Reference! Ether is obtained by steam distillation from the leaves of the bay tree, also known as American laurel and cere, and the plant must be at least 5 years old. The finished product has an amber-yellow or golden brown color and a rather sharp spicy smell, reminiscent of the aroma of cloves and laurel.

    Bay ether can be used in homemade masks: it combines beautifully with other oils and other ingredients that are popular in home care.

    Precautions and contraindications for use

    No matter how useful an essential oil is, it is primarily a concentrated and very active substance, so it must be used carefully, observing the following rules:

  • do not apply undiluted ether to the skin;
  • do an allergy test every time after buying the next bottle (even if the manufacturer is the same) and before the first use of a new mask, scrub, cream, etc .;
  • masks should not be kept for longer than half an hour (with the exception of night hair masks with a reduced amount of ether). Longer skin contact with active substances is fraught with irritation;
  • on the Internet, there are often recommendations to add bay oil to finished cosmetics, but it is better to refrain from this. The formulas of expensive drugs are effective in themselves, but it is difficult to predict how a few drops of ether will affect their work. As for cheap cosmetics, they usually contain a lot of fragrances, preservatives, emulsifiers, and dyes. The active substances of essential oils penetrate deep into the skin and are able to become conductors for this not very useful chemistry;
  • bay oil increases blood pressure, so it is not recommended for hypertension;
  • apply the product with great care in case of dermatitis and inflammatory eye diseases;
  • the product is not allowed to be used by children under 12 years of age, as well as by pregnant and lactating women.
  • Bay oil application for hair

    The exotic product gained popularity thanks to Western beauty bloggers, and now almost every lover of homemade masks who dreams of a luxurious mop of curls knows about it. The girls confirm: bay essential oil transforms hair, and at the same time relieves dandruff and heals the scalp. A few drops of fragrant essence allow you to:

  • accelerate natural hair growth, which has slowed down, for example, in conditions of poor ecology, lack of vitamins, weakened immunity;
  • stop the loss caused by almost any reason: beriberi, pregnancy, stress, etc.;
  • strengthen the roots;
  • thicken each hair and get rid of brittleness;
  • restore the balance of fat content and moisture (essential oil dries oily hair, and makes dry hair more elastic).
  • Reference! The healing properties of bay oil are not denied by official science either: doctors recommend it for alopecia or after chemotherapy.

    Bay essential oil will help grow long hair


    There are many ways to experience the miraculous effects of essential oils. Suitable for all hair types, it pairs well with most homemade mask products, so you can use it to enrich your favorite formulas, create new ones, or try ready-made recipes, such as those listed below.

    Aroma combing. This method of care allows you to combine aromatherapy with a healing effect on the hair and scalp, so it is recommended only for those who enjoy the smell of bay oil. For manipulations, you will need a comb made of bristles or wood (other materials cannot be taken). Evenly distribute 2-3 drops of ether over it, and then comb your hair for 10-15 minutes. It is best to do this in the morning - a tart spicy aroma will invigorate and accompany you for some more time. However, for those on whom it has a calming effect, aroma combing should be done in the evening. The optimal frequency of procedures is 2-3 times a week.

    Aroma massage. To 10 ml of your favorite base oil (olive, castor, sea buckthorn) add 3 drops of bay oil. Gently rub the resulting mixture into the scalp for 15 minutes, then comb the hair, leave for another half an hour to act, and then rinse with regular shampoo.

    Vitamin-oil mask to accelerate growth. It will require 3 tbsp. l. favorite base oil. If the hair is dry, then you can take avocado or wheat germ, for oily - sesame, jojoba, argan. Almost any will do. To this base add 3 drops of ether and 3 drops of vitamins A and E in the form of oil solutions. If the hair is thick and long, then increase the amount of ingredients, observing the indicated proportions. Generously apply the oil mixture to the hair along the entire length, cover it with a film and warm it with a towel. You can wash off after an hour. The procedure is preferably carried out once a week for 3 months.

    Oil-salt scrub. Take 2-3 tbsp. l. fine sea salt, 1 tbsp. l. base oil and 2-3 drops of bay oil. Mix the oils, pour them into salt, and gently apply the resulting mass with your fingertips to the hair roots. The scalp should not have scratches, inflammation and irritated areas. Perform the massage for 7–10 minutes, avoiding strong pressure, so that the grains of salt only polish the skin without scratching it. The procedure is recommended to be performed once a month.

    Dandruff mask. To 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, add 2 drops of bay ether and 3 drops of tea tree. Warm the mixture a little in a water bath (not in the microwave!), Apply liberally to the hair roots, cover them with a cap and warm. Wash your hair after half an hour. The mask can be done 1-2 times a week.

    Strengthening mask against hair loss. Mix equally castor, burdock and wheat germ oil. In 2 tbsp. l. add 2-3 drops of bay ether and an ampoule of Aevit to this base mixture. Apply the mask to the roots, and then gently distribute along the entire length, using a comb made of natural materials. Wash off after half an hour.

    Mask for oily hair. Whisk the egg yolk. Heat burdock oil (2 tablespoons) in a water bath so that when checking the temperature with a finger, it feels warm, but not hot. Quickly mix the yolk and oil, pour 3-4 drops of ether into it and immediately apply to the hair. Wash off with cool water after half an hour. Any shampoo is suitable, but you will most likely have to use it twice, since the mask is poorly washed out.

    Mask for dry hair. Mix 4 tbsp. l. heavy cream, 2 tbsp. l. aloe juice and 4-5 drops of bay oil, previously diluted in 1 tsp. honey. Distribute over the entire length of the hair, cover with a warming cap and rinse after half an hour.

    Reference! If you add 1-2 drops of bay oil to henna before dyeing, the color will turn out to be brighter and more saturated. In addition, henna usually dries out hair, and bay oil neutralizes this effect.

    Aroma combing is the easiest and fastest way to check the effect of bay oil

    General recommendations for the manufacture and use of hair masks

    Bay oil contains quite aggressive substances, so when mixing masks, care must be taken.

  • Do not exceed recommended dosages. Usually, 1-2 drops of ether are added to a tablespoon of the main mixture, and this is quite enough to achieve a noticeable result.
  • If, after applying the mask, a burning sensation began, and the smell made your head spin or hurt, you began to feel sick - you should immediately wash your hair.
  • Those who do not like the aroma of the product can be corrected with complementary esters of lavender, cypress, juniper, rosemary, anise, myrtle, cloves, tea tree and a number of others.
  • Masks are kept on the hair for 30-40 minutes, but those that consist only of essential and base oils can be left overnight, slightly reducing the amount of ether.
  • After the first 2-3 applications, many girls notice that more hair remains on the comb than before, but this is a normal reaction: the weakened ones fall out, making room for new ones.
  • Application of bay oil for the face

    For the face, the product is not used as actively as for the hair. The main task of the ether is to treat acne and eliminate traces of post-acne, but it successfully evens out the relief, improves complexion and reduces pores. In addition, bay oil causes blood flow to the site of application, so it is added to anti-aging masks. It will not remove pronounced wrinkles, but it smoothes small facial wrinkles and increases skin density.


    Clay mask. Dilute with water 2 tbsp. l. white clay. You should get a moderately thick consistency that will not drain from your face. In a teaspoon of apricot, almond or grape seed oil, dissolve one drop of bay ether and mix with clay slurry, then apply to the face. The mask has a warming effect, so a feeling of pleasant warmth is normal, but if a burning sensation occurs, it should be washed off immediately and next time the amount of essential oil should be reduced. This procedure brightens black spots, heals inflammation, stretches the subcutaneous tissue and improves the general condition of the dermis. For sustainable results, it is enough to do it once a week. Perhaps at first the number of acne will increase, but this means that the mask has worked and the skin has begun to clear. Literally a month later, such a reaction will stop.

    Acne oil for spot application. Mix 2 drops each of tea tree, lavender and clove esters. Add one drop of sage oil and bay oil, dip a cotton swab into the fragrant liquid and treat the subcutaneous pimples, acne and scars from them. However, this remedy should not be applied to open wounds, inflammations and any other damage in order to avoid burns.

    Soothing water for washing and rinsing problematic skin. A quarter cup of rice (it is better to take round varieties, there is more starch) pour two glasses of water and boil the cereal until tender. Dispose of it at your discretion, and drain the liquid and cool. You don't need to strain. Then mix a teaspoon of honey with 2-3 drops of bay oil and dissolve in rice water. The product should be used with daily washing, and for convenience, prepare a portion of the decoction for future use and store in the refrigerator, adding the remaining ingredients immediately before use. Rice water tightens pores, evens out skin tone, dries out acne and prevents new ones from appearing.

    Mask for aging skin. Grind in a coffee grinder 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, brew with boiling water so that a thick gruel is obtained. Add 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, 3 drops of bay oil and the same amount of incense. Leave the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse off.

    Express mask for all skin types. Grate fresh cucumber, mash avocado. Take 1. Art. l. of each product, mix with 1 tsp. jojoba oil, in which pre-dissolve 3 drops of bay ether. If the skin is oily, then you can pour another teaspoon of lemon juice. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes.

    Lifting mask for mature skin. A teaspoon (possible with a top) of starch is brewed in a water bath. Add enough water to make a fairly thick jelly. When cool, mix it with 1 tsp. sour cream, whipped protein and 2-3 drops of bay essential oil. The exposure time of such a mask is 15 minutes.

    Bay oil can enrich your favorite masks from familiar products, the main thing is to follow the dosage

    The aggressive components of the essential oil impose a number of restrictions on its use for the face:

  • the remedy is used in a very modest dosage: 1 drop per 2 tbsp. l. basics;
  • do not apply any masks with bay oil to the area around the eyes;
  • masks, compresses and other products that involve prolonged skin contact should not be applied to a person with a large number of inflamed acne. With such a problem, for a start, it is better to resort to washing with water with bay ether;
  • for girls prone to rosacea, bay oil is contraindicated.
  • Bay essential oil is added to face masks in minimal amounts: just one drop is enough for two tablespoons of the base

    Essential oil for cellulite

    The tool has a pronounced warming effect, therefore it is one of the oils that are considered leaders in the fight against "orange peel". It is added to massage mixtures, baths, scrubs, other industrial and home-made products, and, judging by the reviews, the result of using such cosmetics is very good.


    Cream with mumiyo. Melt 100 grams of cocoa butter in a water bath, pour in the same amount of jojoba. Grind 1 gram of mumiyo into powder (these are 5 tablets - they usually weigh 0.2 grams each). Pour the mumiyo into the warm oil mixture, drop 10 drops of orange, cinnamon, bay and juniper esters, mix everything properly and pour into a clean glass jar. Store the finished cream in a dark, cool place and use daily after a shower.

    Wrap with blue clay. Mix 5 tbsp. l. clay with 1 tsp. red hot pepper and diluted with warm water to make a liquid slurry. Dissolve 10 drops of orange and rosemary ether, 5 drops of cinnamon and bay oil in a tablespoon of honey. Combine honey and clay, mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture to problem areas, wrap with foil and insulate. The maximum exposure time is an hour, but if the burning sensation causes discomfort, then you can wash it off earlier using cool water without soap.

    Scrub sugar-salt. Pour 100 grams of granulated sugar and sea salt (medium grinding) into a deep bowl. In a separate bowl, mix 50 ml of jojoba oil and 10 drops of the following esters: bay, orange, rosemary, cinnamon. Combine all ingredients, mix well and store in a jar with a tight screw cap. This scrub is quite dry in consistency, so it is applied to damp skin and massaged problem areas for several minutes. It is advisable to use an anti-cellulite agent 2 times a week.

    Massage oil for cellulite. Dissolve in jojoba or olive oil (6 tablespoons): 10 drops of grapefruit ether, 6 drops of lemon and juniper, 3 drops of orange and rosemary, 2 drops of bay and cinnamon. Spread the mixture on the skin and make an intensive massage. You can use special massagers to enhance the effect.

    Aroma bath for cellulite. In a tablespoon of salt, drop 3 drops of bay, orange and cinnamon oils, then dissolve in water. Instead of salt, you can take honey, cream, shower gel, base oil - the main thing is that the esters are completely dissolved. In pure undiluted form, they cannot be added to water, as you can get burned. Take a bath for 15–20 minutes every other day, the duration of the course is 15 procedures.

    Bath with fragrant essential oils - a simple and pleasant way to fight cellulite

    In cosmetology, bay oil for hair is used in series to strengthen and grow curls. The liquid obtained from the leaves of the myrtle tree restores and protects the stem structure from adverse factors. It has a beneficial effect on the hair, after dyeing, sealing the pigment in the cuticle.

    Benefits of bay essential oil for hair

      • terpenes;
      • phenols;
      • myrcene;
      • limonene;
      • geranyl acetate;
      • linalool.

    Healing properties for hair:

      1. Strengthening along the entire length;
      2. Dandruff treatment;
      3. Softness and silkiness;
      4. Growth activation.

    aroma combing

    To give shine, elasticity, curly naughty curls, it is worth carrying out an effective procedure. It is effective for thin and brittle hair prone to tangling. On the teeth of the comb, distribute three / four drops of essential liquid, dividing into strands, combing each. Apply for fourteen days.

    Head massage

    To restore hair, strengthen the bulbs, treat dandruff and hair loss, it is worth using a scalp massage. The tonic and antibacterial properties of wood liquid have a beneficial effect on follicles and curl growth. Apply oil to hair, you must first combine with the base - burdock, almond, olive, sunflower. After distribution, you can wrap it tightly with a film, and rinse off after half an hour.

    Adding to shampoo

    Strengthening and elasticity along the entire length provides the addition of leafy ether to the shampoo. Myrtle liquid enhances the active composition of the cleanser. Use no more than a month, then after a break of several weeks, you can resume use.

    Contraindications - individual intolerance, cuts and cracks in the skin, pregnancy. Harm during use is possible if the composition is not tested first. Do not heat above 40 degrees otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties. In its pure form, do not use, do not add more than 3-4 drops per 1 tablespoon of the base.

    Homemade recipes for hair masks with bay oil

    It is easy to prepare natural cosmetic compositions based on essential oil. The magical effect of ether on hair provides strength and elasticity. Folk recipes contribute to the restoration of curls after curling, dyeing and regular use of irons.

    Anti-fall mask

    Result: the beneficial properties of bay strengthen the bulbs, stop the loss.


      • 15 drops bay;
      • 20 ml cream.

    Preparation and method of application: grind the root into a gruel, combine with milk cream and leafy liquid. Distribute on the root area, withstand the mass for no more than twenty minutes, rinse with warm nettle broth.

    growth mask

    Result: effectively hit for growth when used three/four times a week.

    Important advice from the editor

    If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades.

    But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


      • 20 drops of bay ether;
      • 30 olive oil;
      • 25 gr. brewer's yeast.

    Preparation and method of application: crush the yeast tablets, pour warm tea, add nourishing and fragrant oil. Distribute on the strands of the basal area, insulate, leave for an hour. When done, wash with cayenne pepper shampoo.

    Video recipes: How to grow hair - homemade masks with bay oil

    Mask for strengthening hair

    Result: bay essential oil can be used to restore and strengthen brittle trunks along the entire length.


      • 30 drops of bay ether;
      • 4 yolks;
      • 25 gr. rye flour.

    Preparation and method of application: beat the yolks with flour, dilute with herbal infusion, introduce a fragrant liquid. Distribute on clean, damp curls, wrap with foil. After forty-five minutes, complete hair care by removing the remnants with warm mineral water.

    Mask for density and volume

    Result: natural hair products activate dormant follicles, give additional volume.


      • 30 drops of bay leaf oil;
      • 40 ml of kefir;

    Preparation and method of application: whisk sour milk with a spicy paste, add myrtle liquid. Spread with a brush on the area at the roots along the parting, leave no more than eight minutes. Wash off with red wine.

    Glitter Mask

    Result: home masks provide elasticity and healthy shine to hair.


      • 25 drops of bay ether;
      • 15 gr. honey;
      • 20 gr. coffee grounds.

    Preparation and method of application: combine liquid honey with finely ground coffee, add a woody product. Distribute on wet strands along the growth line, hiding under polyethylene and a towel, hold for at least fifty minutes. Finish by rinsing with apple essence water.

    Mask for split ends

    Result: The home remedy repairs split ends and porous areas with damaged cuticles.

    Ingredients, oils:

      • 15 drops of bay;
      • 10 ml almond.

    Preparation and method of application: heat a little almond oil and add essential oil, mixing, apply with a brush on the hair after cleansing with shampoo. After fifteen minutes, blot the unabsorbed mixture with a paper towel.

    Mask for dry hair

    Result: provides moisture, nourishment to dull dehydrated strands.


      • 10 drops bay;
      • 10 ml sunflower oil.

    Preparation and method of application: dissolve the granules in warm tea, add fatty and essential oils, distribute on wet curls, stepping back seven / ten centimeters from the roots. Wrapped with a film, warm with a hairdryer, after half an hour you can finish by rinsing with water and wine vinegar.

    Oily hair mask

    Result: recipes with bay oil have a tonic and cleansing effect on the scalp, regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands.


      • 35 drops bay;
      • 30 gr. blue clay;
      • 2 tablets of ascorutin.

    Preparation and method of application: after crushing vitamin C, combine with cosmetic clay and American laurel oil, dilute with a decoction of fennel seeds. Distribute evenly over the entire root area, leave the paste to dry. Rinse with fruit tea after twenty minutes.

    Dandruff Mask

    Result: a hair mask with bay oil is effective for any fungal formations, itching and flaking.


      • 30 drops bay;
      • 10 gr. starch;
      • 20 gr. cinnamon.

    Preparation and method of application: combine dry ingredients, add woody liquid, dilute to the consistency of batter with hibiscus drink. Rub into the scalp for six / seven minutes, leave for another ten. Then remove the remains with a decoction of currant leaves.

    Oil mask with bay and burdock

    Result: for hair treatment it is worth using proven, effective procedures that will help stop hair loss and enhance growth.


      • 15 drops bay;
      • 30 ml of burdock oil;
      • 10 ml brandy;
      • 2 eggs.

    Preparation and method of application: beat alcohol with a mixer together with eggs, add warm burdock and myrtle liquid. Distribute on dry strands, insulate and secure with a towel, leave overnight. When you wake up, wash your hair with an organic shampoo.

    Oil mask with bay and coconut

    Result: to moisturize the hair, and restore the stem structure, two / three times a month, it is worth using a nourishing recipe.


      • 20 drops of bay oil;
      • 30 gr. coconut oil;
      • 1 ml retinol.

    Preparation and method of application: add vitamin A and leafy ether to melted coconut oil, distribute with a brush on wet strands. Withstand the composition for forty minutes, upon completion, rinse with a decoction of lime peel.

    Oil mask with bay and argan

    Result: an effective anti-fall toning bay oil, to strengthen the root system of the trunks.


      • 20 drops of bay ether;
      • 35 ml of argan oil;
      • 10 gr. ginger.

    Preparation and method of application: grind the root on a grater, add argan and fragrant ether. Distribute along the parting at the roots, put a shower cap on top. After twenty minutes, rinse with shampoo.

    Video: The best hair product is a Bay essential oil mask at home

    Oil mask with bay and jojoba

    Result: provides silkiness and softness of hair, protection of color from washing out.


      • 10 drops of bay ether;
      • 15 ml of jojoba.

    Preparation and method of application: after combining the components, distribute on wet strands after cleansing. After half an hour, blot the excess with a napkin, leave to dry in a natural way.

    Oil mask with bay and linen

    Result: to accelerate hair growth, saturation with vitamins and acids to the very tips.


      • 25 drops bay;
      • 20 ml of flax oil;
      • 10 gr. oatmeal.

    Preparation and method of application: after steaming the flakes with hot milk, after fifteen minutes add natural oils. Distribute on dry strands, hiding under polyethylene, warm with warm air. Enjoy the action for at least a quarter of an hour.

    Mask with bay oil and yolk

    Result: reanimates dyed, damaged curls with a natural composition prepared at home.


      • 15 drops bay;
      • 4 yolks;
      • 30 gr. cottage cheese.

    Preparation and method of application: grate the fat cottage cheese through a sieve, combine with the yolks and leafy liquid. After processing the dry strands, leave for sixty minutes. At the end, rinse with plenty of cool infusion of bird cherry.

    Mask with bay oil and sour cream

    Result: with your own hands it is easy to give shine and silkiness.


      • 5 drops bay;
      • 20 gr. sour cream.

    Preparation and method of application: combine chilled sour cream with a leafy product, treat curls after shampooing. After forty-five minutes, rinse with infusion of marigolds.

    Mask with bay oil and salt

    Result: eliminates dandruff, activates the growth of healthy curls oil scrub.


      • 35 drops of ether;

    Preparation and method of application: combine finely ground salt with oil, rub into wet roots, leave for no more than six minutes. Remove with warm water.