Cutaneous horn in a child. Keratoma (keratosis) - types (follicular, seborrheic, actinic, horny), cause of formation, treatment (removal), folk remedies, photo Cutaneous horn in a child

A cutaneous horn is an epithelial neoplasm consisting of cells of the spinous layer of the skin. Externally, this formation resembles an animal horn, which is why the disease got its name. As a rule, horny keratoma is a disease of older people.

Important! The cutaneous horn can develop on its own or as a consequence of tumor diseases of a benign nature and at the initial stage. Therefore, when a horny keratoma appears, it is necessary to conduct a histological examination.


A previous viral infection can cause the appearance of a skin horn.

The reason for the formation of a cutaneous horn is the proliferation of the epidermis, which often develops against the background of senile keratosis, or. In addition, the development of horny keratoma can be provoked by:

  • previous viral infection;
  • skin injuries;
  • excessive insolation.

Sometimes cutaneous horn occurs against the background of tuberculosis or lupus erythematosus.


Doctors distinguish two forms of horny keratoma:

  1. Primary;
  2. Secondary.
Worth knowing! Each of these forms has features that influence the choice of treatment regimen for keratoma keratoma.

The primary form of cutaneous horn develops on healthy skin for no apparent reason. Its appearance is not preceded by inflammatory processes or skin damage. The primary form of horny keratoma usually has a benign course. However, this disease should not be taken lightly, since its origin is not fully understood.

The secondary (false) form of horny keratoma develops as a consequence of injury, an inflammatory process, or as the degeneration of other neoplasms (warts,). The secondary form of the disease is considered more dangerous, since there is a high risk of transition to a malignant form. In this case, it is necessary to treat the cutaneous horn at the earliest stages.

Clinical picture

Externally, the neoplasm may resemble an animal horn.

Externally, the cutaneous horn looks like a limited proliferation of conical-shaped horny masses. The neoplasm externally resembles the horn of an animal of brown or yellowish color. The consistency of the growth is dense; the formation grows, as a rule, only in length. The surface of the growth may be smooth or uneven with grooves.

Inflammatory phenomena can be observed only at the base of the formation. A narrow red rim may be visible around the horn.

Formations with horny keratome can grow up to several centimeters in length. The diameter of the apex of the cutaneous horn is much smaller than its base.

The height of the tumor in horny keratoma can serve as a prognostic sign.

  1. If the height of the horn does not exceed a centimeter, then this is a sign that the disease develops against the background of senile keratoma or basiloma.
  2. Larger neoplasms are formed from keratinizing papilloma or keratoacanthoma.

Formations with horny keratoma are usually solitary. Multiple neoplasms in this case are extremely rare. As a rule, cutaneous horn appears more often on the cheeks, on the ears, and on the scalp covered with hair. It is extremely rare that horny keratoma appears on the mucous membranes. For example, it has been found that in people who smoke a lot, cutaneous horn can form on the mucous membranes of the mouth.

Sometimes a horny keratoma forms on the body in places where pressure or friction is applied. In such cases, patients often mistakenly mistake the tumor for a callus or wart.

Diagnostic methods

To make a diagnosis, histopathological examination is performed.

Diagnosis of a formed cutaneous horn, as a rule, does not cause difficulties. The diagnosis is made based on an assessment of the clinical picture. It is very important to determine the nature of the disease against which the horn-like formation has formed (in the secondary form of horny keratoma).

Histopathological examination should be performed. In this case, a pronounced At the base of the neoplasm, a variety of processes can be identified - benign and malignant tumors, infectious processes, etc.

If the process of malignant transformation has begun, then in the acanthonic growths one can notice many pathological mitoses and cell polymorphism.

Important! It is necessary to differentiate cutaneous horn from warts, calluses, warty nevi, and verrucous psoriasis.


Treatment for cutaneous horn involves its removal. The operation can be performed in cancer centers, dermatology or cosmetic clinics. No rehabilitation measures are required after the operation; after removal of the tumor, a small scar may remain on the skin.

Today, the following methods of tumor removal are used:

  1. Surgical excision followed by skin suture. As a rule, it is used when it is necessary to remove a large tumor.
  2. Cryodestruction is the destruction of skin tumors by cold. As a rule, liquid nitrogen is used for the operation at a temperature of 195.8 degrees. Scars rarely form after cryodestruction.
  3. The most modern and effective method of removing skin horns is the use of laser destruction. In this case, laser beams are used to destroy the tumor, that is, pathological tissues are destroyed due to the action of light.

Treatment with traditional methods

Advice! Folk remedies can prevent the growth of the tumor, however, it is impossible to completely remove it with herbal treatment. For radical removal of the cutaneous horn, surgical treatment is necessary.
It is recommended to use aloe to treat skin horns.

Aloe medicine. Cut a thick leaf of aloe and put them in the freezer for three days. Then remove the leaf, cut off a thin plate from it and apply it to the growth on the skin, securing it with a bandage overnight.

Medicine made from onion skins. You need to collect four handfuls of onion peels, wash and dry them. Then put it in a glass jar and pour a glass of table (6%) vinegar. Leave in a dark place for two weeks. Use the strained tincture for compresses on keratoma. In the first days, keep the compress for 30 minutes, then begin to gradually increase the holding time (every day by 15 minutes) until the holding time of the compress reaches 3 hours.

Propolis is used to treat horny keratoma. A piece of this substance is applied to the tumor and secured with a bandage. You need to keep this compress for 5 days. To achieve the effect, at least 3 procedures should be performed.

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis for horny keratoma is, in most cases, favorable. The neoplasm becomes malignant in approximately 5% of cases. After removal of the tumor, recurrences of the skin horn are rare.

Specific prevention of the formation of keratoma keratoma has not been developed. General preventive measures for the development of the disease include protection from excessive exposure to the sun and prevention of injuries. It is believed that in order to prevent the occurrence of keratoma keratoma, it is necessary to have a sufficient amount of vitamin C in the diet.

Cutaneous horn disease is benign. Most often it occurs in people whose age exceeds 40 years, because after this threshold changes begin to occur in the body against the background of general aging of the body. First of all, they are noticeable on the skin, and sometimes appear not only in the form of wrinkles, but also in more unpleasant and dangerous indicators.

Due to hormonal changes, cell renewal accelerates, and this can lead to the appearance of tumors. Cutaneous horn is especially common in women, since their hormonal system is more unstable than men's.

Symptoms of cutaneous horn

This disease is called "cutaneous horn" because of the visual association - the painful area of ​​​​the skin becomes rough and grows, usually taking on a conical shape.

There may be several growths, and they have brown and yellow shades. The surface of keratinized skin is uneven and covered with grooves. In the center of the cone there is a rounded area with an inflammatory process.

The cutaneous horn can reach large sizes, and, as a rule, size becomes one of the ways to predict:

  1. With a small length of up to 1 cm, the cutaneous horn has the nature of basiloma or senile keratoma.
  2. When the length of the horn is more than 1 cm, in the case of histological analysis, seborrheic warts, keratinizing papilloma, and keratoacanthoma are determined.

If the cutaneous horn appears on the border of the lips, then its length rarely exceeds 1 cm. Most often it occurs on the face - cheeks, forehead, eyelids and lips. Much less often it appears on the mucous membranes.

Causes of cutaneous horn

Various diseases can provoke the development of cutaneous horn:

  • viral infection;
  • microtraumas;
  • sometimes it occurs against the background of lupus erythematosus and tuberculous lupus, solar keratosis, senile keratoma, etc.

Doctors distinguish two types of cutaneous horn depending on what caused it:

  1. The primary cutaneous horn develops due to age-related changes in the skin and becomes a kind of signal of aging.
  2. Secondary cutaneous horn develops due to chronic skin diseases - and papillomas.

Treatment of cutaneous horn

Removing the skin horn is the only sure way to get rid of this tumor. The fact is that the danger of this disease is that it can develop from a benign to a malignant form. Considering modern ecology and the capabilities of medicine in relation to cancer, doctors strive not to risk the health of patients and convince them of the need for surgical intervention.

Today, the surgical method is considered the “classic” way to get rid of cutaneous horns, however, removal does not guarantee that the disease will not occur again. It should also be taken into account that formations are mainly removed in the later stages.

There is also a known method for removing skin horns using a laser. It is used in the early stages of the disease, and gives a greater chance that there will be no relapse. Also, its advantage is the absence of scars, which is important for those who have a cutaneous horn on their face.

After one of these procedures is performed, a histological examination is performed. analysis of the removed body to determine what processes in the skin caused the disease.

Cutaneous horn - treatment with folk remedies

For skin horns, treatment with folk remedies is not only ineffective, but also dangerous - any neoplasms should be exposed to the least possible impact.

However, there is an opinion that consuming large amounts of vitamin C can prevent the development of the disease - the skin horn does not grow, but it is impossible to reverse its development, and therefore the only method of treatment remains surgical intervention.

Cutaneous horn or horny keratoma received this name for a reason. External signs of pathology are in many ways similar to the horny process in animals. The disease can spread to many areas of the skin, causing a person aesthetic and physical discomfort, and sometimes pain. Timely detection of the disease and early consultation with a doctor give positive results. A protracted form can develop into a malignant condition over time.

What is cutaneous horn and what are the reasons for its formation?

cutaneous horn in the photo

Keratoma does not appear accidentally; the development of pathology is preceded by exposure to external or internal factors. To understand that a skin horn formation has appeared, you need to know its main signs and the most common locations of localization. Early detection of the disease helps to achieve positive results in treatment.

Keratoma is a disease related to dermatological, that is, skin. Most dermatologists do not consider the disease to be an independent separate disease. They are confident that its development is associated with more severe pathologies, for example, squamous cell skin cancer. To understand what caused the development of the formation, it is worth undergoing a special histological examination.

In terms of external signs, the pathology resembles a small horn and consists of keratinized layers, similar in composition to hardened nails. The formation can rise significantly above the skin and be localized in various areas. Favorite places for keratoma are the ears, face, fingers, and neck. At the initial stage, the cutaneous horn is benign in 96% of cases. It occurs more often in older people.

Timely treatment is essential to help prevent cancer. At the first signs of pathology, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist as soon as possible. The reasons for the formation of cutaneous horn are several factors. They relate to external and internal manifestations. To understand what caused the development of education, it is worth carefully analyzing previous life events and health status.

photo of cutaneous horn on the face

The main thing is the increased growth of epidermal cells. As a result, their number accumulates, consisting of new and old dead ones, they become homogeneous and lead to the appearance of formations of a specific type and properties. The proliferation of the epidermis is often a consequence of senile keratosis, keratoacanthoma.

There are other reasons for the appearance of cutaneous horn. These include:

  • excessive insolation (excessive exposure of the skin to direct sunlight);
  • trauma to the skin;
  • penetration of a viral infection into the layers of the epidermis.

A small percentage of patients experience keratoma as a result of infection with tuberculosis or lupus erythematosus.

Since the causes of the development of pathology are diverse, careful diagnosis is necessary. Based on the results of the studies, the doctor will understand what served as the trigger for the development of the disease, the form of the pathology and the tactics of further treatment.

Symptoms and first manifestations

It is possible to notice a cutaneous horn in the first days of the development of pathology if you carefully look at the condition of the skin. A small brown or coffee-colored spot begins to appear on the dermis. Over time (individual progression from several days to weeks) a growth forms in its place. It begins to grow and has a keratinized surface to the touch.

The keratoma does not necessarily have to have an oblong structure in the form of a horn. Sometimes it grows along the dermal surface, forming a convex plaque, strongly reminiscent of a wart, but with a hard surface.

The most common lesions are in the facial area - eyelids, nose, forehead, area around the lips, ears, neck, arms, scalp. Less commonly observed on the surface of the body.

On the face

The face becomes a favorite location for the cutaneous horn. This is explained by the fact that it is most often exposed to sunlight. Ultraviolet light is a provocateur of this pathology. The formation can spread and originate in any part of the facial zone. Dermatologists note that most often they encounter benign formations of this kind on the eyelids, forehead and area around the mouth. Less commonly, horny keratoma appears on the nose, cheeks, and mucous membranes.

Skin horn on the face is a serious problem that requires immediate medical attention. Most often, doctors advise removing such formations surgically. They are capable of developing into malignant ones more quickly than others due to the open surface of the localization and direct exposure to sunlight.

On the finger

Hands, like the face, are more often exposed to ultraviolet radiation, so keratomas can also appear in their areas. Doctors say the disease is more common in the area of ​​the fingers; they are always exposed to sunlight.

The favorite location is the dorsum of the hand. Initially, the patient may notice a slight stain of a coffee or silver color. At the initial stage it will not cause much concern, other than aesthetic ones. A distinctive feature of the formation is the absence of itching, redness and other signs that usually worry people when a specific formation appears on the skin.

Keratoma on the fingers can be cured with conservative methods only at the initial stage of the pathology. Further, surgeons advise only surgical intervention. In the severe stage of the disease, when a large horn forms on the fingers, threatening to transform into a malignant state, the skin horn is treated in a hospital under the close supervision of doctors. The therapy includes a complex of antibiotics, lotions and compresses on the affected area, and ointments containing acids.


The cutaneous horn can occur on the genital area. Men are more often susceptible to pathology. In this case, the formation is localized on the surface of the penis, growing above the glans area. If an ailment on the face or hands does not cause severe discomfort and pain, then on the genitals it can lead to unpleasant sensations and irritation.

Due to the uncomfortable localization, dermatologists use and recommend only one method of getting rid of the problem - surgical removal. Sometimes, due to the advanced state of the disease, men have to cut off a small part of the skin, along with the formation.

At the initial stage, laser removal and liquid nitrogen are possible.


This part of the body often becomes the habitat and growth of keratoma corneum. The first signs are difficult to detect, since a slight convex spot can only be felt while washing your hair and body. The formation can be in the area not only of the auricle, but also inside it.

Upon palpation, a person notices a strange formation, similar to a stone growth. Over time, it begins to grow more and more and become like an animal horn.

If you detect any, even minor, manifestation in the form of a growth on the ear area, you must urgently contact a specialist. Infrequently, such pathologies can lead to hearing loss if you visit a doctor late.

Treatment methods for cutaneous horn

Treatment for keratomas is no different from other pathologies. It has several stages, when specialists decide whether the patient needs emergency medical care in a hospital setting or whether it is possible to undergo a course of conservative treatment on an outpatient basis.

The decision on surgical intervention is made only by the doctor based on the completed diagnosis and passing the necessary tests. Experts advise taking a biopsy to complete the clinical picture. This is necessary to differentiate the pathology from other serious diseases and refute the malignant nature of the disease. Histological analysis in this situation will complement the data.

Based on the results, doctors make a conclusion about the type of disease, stage of development and decide on treatment tactics. Often, patients are offered surgery. It helps, with an accuracy of 80-100% in some cases, to talk about complete relief from pathology and the exclusion of relapses.

Surgical treatment includes the following types of keratoma removal:

  • exposure to various acids;
  • radio wave removal;
  • getting rid of formation using current;
  • surgical removal.

The method of getting rid of the disease is chosen only by a specialist, depending on each individual case. Sometimes the patient may be offered several options to choose from. If the patient is at risk of the disease progressing to a malignant stage, doctors recommend removing the formation using radio waves, laser or surgery. These are the most effective methods to date.

Traditional methods of therapy

It is worth understanding that traditional therapy can only help in combination with conservative treatment. It promotes faster recovery. Methods of alternative therapy over many centuries have collected many recipes for a difficult illness.

Before choosing a particular type of treatment, you should consult a specialist. Traditional healing must take place under the supervision of a physician.

The most popular recipes for removing skin horns include:

  1. Hot oil. It is recommended to use the product when keratomas appear on the face. Sea buckthorn and fir oil help well. Using a cotton pad, apply the substance to the problem area of ​​the skin in the morning and evening before bed.
  2. Aloe is mature. The word “adult” means the plant is more than 3 years old. It is believed that in this case it has the maximum effect on the body. You will need aloe leaves. They should be placed in the refrigerator for 3 days. After this time, it is necessary to cut off a thin layer from the plant, which is placed on the skin horn and secured with an adhesive plaster. The therapeutic effect will reach its maximum if the product is used at night and for 2 weeks.
  3. Ointment made from bay and juniper leaves. The tool is quite popular. To prepare the ointment, you should use the components in the following proportion: 10 bay leaves and 2 juniper leaves, 18 drops of fir oil, 100 mg of butter. All crushed ingredients are mixed to a viscous consistency. The ointment is applied several times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Traditional therapy recipes help reduce the risk of a benign tumor becoming malignant. A comprehensive measure of influence on the problem through doctor’s recommendations and unconventional methods will help in a short time to get rid of the disease at the initial stage of its development.

Cutaneous horn is a rare disease that is considered directly dependent on the duration of exposure to sunlight on the human body. Therefore, prevention is the main thing. Throughout your life you should avoid direct contact with ultraviolet radiation. Dermatologists have long been talking about the harmful effects of solariums. If a person takes care of his body from his youth, it is possible that he will never have to hear about such a disease as keratoma.

The content of the article

Epithelial neoplasm from cells of the spinous layer of the epidermis. Excessive limited hyperkeratosis, similar to an animal horn. It is a precancerous skin disease.

Etiology of cutaneous horn

The cutaneous horn may present as a specific hypertrophic actinic keratosis. It may form over seborrheic keratoses, filiform warts, basal cell epithelioma, and rarely as metastatic renal carcinoma, granular cell tumor, adipose tissue carcinoma, or Kaposi's sarcoma. Most often, the cutaneous horn is an independent formation with a thickening of the stratum corneum.

Cutaneous Horn Clinic

It is most often localized on the face, the color is different - gray, yellow, brown, green or black, the shape is round, conical, angular, flat, straight or curled. At the base, as a rule, the horn is thicker. The width of the neoplasm is 1.5-2 cm, the length is several centimeters, the consistency is dense, the structure is layered, and the formation is painless on palpation.

Diagnosis of cutaneous horn

1. Formation of horny substance, with a height equal to at least half the diameter of its base.
2. Skin biopsy to exclude malignancy.

Differential diagnosis of cutaneous horn

Common warts. On the back of the hands and fingers, less often on the face, palms, forearms, soles and other areas, flat, dense, slightly raised papillomatous growths that are pinkish, yellowish, light brown or the color of normal skin with a brownish tint are noted. The surface is uneven, granular, covered with papillae and hyperkeratotic growths. There are no inflammatory phenomena or subjective sensations. The number can be from single to hundreds, but more often several nodules are observed, with one larger papule (“maternal”), which appears initially.
Fibroma. Refers to benign tumors. More often, in women, painless, dark brown, single or multiple, round (bead-shaped or disc-shaped), dense, up to 3-5 mm or more in diameter, tumor-like formations appear spontaneously or after injury in women on the upper and lower extremities or other areas. They rise slightly above the skin level and develop slowly.

Cutaneous horn is a fairly rare disease that is most often diagnosed in older people. Externally, this neoplasm is very noticeable and brings a lot of unpleasant sensations to the patient. A cutaneous horn on the face or other part of the body may be a reason for examination. In medicine, this disease is called keratoma and requires appropriate treatment.

Cutaneous horn on the forehead or face (ICD 10 code - L57.0) is not a very pleasant externally disease. The growth is formed by the outer cells of the layers of the epidermis. This neoplasm is similar to the horny process of an animal, which is why the disease is popularly called a horn.

Most often, the cutaneous horn appears independently and is a benign neoplasm. In rare cases, this may be the initial stage of oncology - squamous cell carcinoma, which is considered one of the more aggressive malignant diseases. To rule out the worst, when this disease appears, it is necessary to immediately conduct a histological examination of the cells that make up this formation.

Places of horn formation

The horn, which has a cylindrical shape, is distinguished by its pronounced density. The color of this formation can range from light beige to brown with a yellow tint. . The size of the horn can be impressive or very small.

This disease brings a lot of trouble to the patient. But the great danger of this pathology lies in the possibility of the neoplasm degenerating into a malignant one.

Most often the disease occurs among women. Localization locations can be as follows:

  • ears, cheeks;
  • scalp;
  • rarely - mucous and semi-mucous membranes (border of the lips, etc.).

The growth looks like a tapering and tapering upward formation on a wide base. Most often, single keratomas occur. Multiple neoplasms of this type can be found very rarely.

Horny cutaneous keratomas occur in two main forms:

Both forms of the disease have pronounced differences, but the patient with the primary stage of the disease still has a greater chance of cure.

Causes of the disease

The essence of this pathology is the enlargement and proliferation of the skin, in particular the upper layers of the epidermis. This can happen due to the progression of severe keratosis, as well as due to damage to the tissue of the papilloma or wart.

The provoking factors for this disease may be the following:

  • too much exposure to sunlight without using special sunscreens;
  • long course of a disease of viral etiology;
  • injury to the skin and introduction of the virus there.

Experts also include manifestations of tuberculosis and lupus erythematosus as risk factors..

Even children can develop such a horn. The causes are most often skin injuries or incompletely cured infectious diseases.

Clinical picture of the disease

The manifestation of such benign neoplasms most often begins with the appearance of a small growth on the surface of the skin, which gradually grows and thickens, and numerous longitudinal grooves appear along the length of the neoplasm. The skin tone then turns light yellow and eventually brown. The formation gradually takes the shape of a horn, the upper part of which hardens. A red, inflamed stripe can be seen around the base. The main focus of inflammation is located in the upper part of the skin cone.

The horn may grow slowly, but most often there is a rapid increase in the growth. Based on the size of the horn, a preliminary diagnosis can be identified:

  • if the length of the growth is less than 1 cm, it is diagnosed as a keratoma or papilloma;
  • more than 1 cm - as keratinizing papilloma, seborrheic wart with a high percentage of probability of degeneration into a horn.

When any type of neoplasm appears, it is necessary to conduct a full histological analysis, thanks to which it will be possible to determine the diagnosis and make a further prognosis of the disease.

This formation should not be confused with different types of papillomas, warts, and calluses. After differential diagnosis with histology, the squamous cell form of skin cancer is excluded or confirmed. Usually, for this purpose, specialists perform a biopsy of the tissue taken for analysis.

The most vulnerable area of ​​these tumors is their base.. It is there that many processes are observed that cause pathological tissue proliferation and horn formation. For a more detailed analysis, tissue is taken from the base and it is determined what type of disease it is - malignant or benign.

Modern medicine allows you to get rid of this unpleasant disease quite quickly. Removal of growths can be carried out both in cosmetology centers and in oncology treatment institutions.

After such an operation, a small scar or scar may remain on the surface of the skin.

Various growths on the skin of the face and body are removed in cosmetology clinics and clinics using the Surgitron device. Its actions are aimed at evaporating cells in the affected tissues using repeated point exposure of the electrode.

During treatment with such a radio knife, layer-by-layer evaporation of skin tumors is observed. The main feature of this device is the ability to use electrocoagulation and electrocurettage modes when necessary.

The main advantages of radiosurgical removal of formations are as follows:

  • rapid epithelization of the skin;
  • low probability of relapse;
  • decent cosmetic result.

Method of electrocoagulation and curettage

Experts call this method of removing skin horns the method of choice when treating growths with a diameter of 0.5 to 2 cm.

Local anesthesia is first administered. Specialists use sharp dermal curettes for curettage, after which they treat the edges and bottom of the removed tumor with an electrocoagulator. After 2-3 treatments, an antibacterial ointment and bandage are applied to the wound.

The disadvantages of electrocoagulation and curettage are as follows:

  • subsequent formation of keloid scars - in 20% of cases;
  • the probability of relapse is almost 50% of cases;
  • the removal method is not suitable for large formations;
  • not used for patients with pacemakers.

Cryosurgery and its features

Modern cryosurgeons use various cooling substances to influence the affected areas of the body. By applying liquid nitrogen with a swab or cotton swab to papillomas, warts or other skin formations, the skin temperature drops to -20 C, which causes the destruction of proteins. To get rid of a skin horn, including a malignant form of a neoplasm, you will need a temperature below -50 C.

But cryodestruction also has disadvantages:

  • when a skin area freezes and then thaws, the patient feels pain;
  • Removal of skin growths is most often performed in several sessions.

But if the horny keratoma is small, then the pain after the procedure is quite tolerable. During cryodestruction, local anesthesia is administered.

During removal of skin tags from sensitive and thin skin, swelling may occur. This is often observed when treating the area around the lips and eyes with cryogen. To get rid of such side effects, hormonal ointments are used, as well as other medications with steroids.

Another unpleasant consequence can be blisters with bloody contents. When treating them, specialists open the bladder and apply a dry bandage to the affected area.

Among the consequences of cryodestruction, hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation are possible. It is not difficult to prevent this by using cream and clothing on sunny days that protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. In addition, the skin must be protected from exposure to various aggressive chemicals.

Traditional methods of treatment

You can get rid of such growths on the body by applying compresses from onion peels, propolis tincture and aloe.

Unfortunately, there are no such medications, much less folk remedies, that will completely get rid of the formed tumor without surgical intervention.

Prevention of keratoma development

If the keratoma on the body and face begins to grow, you should visit a dermatologist to make sure that there is no precancerous condition. A variety of therapeutic methods will help prevent skin cancer, as well as recurrence of keratoma.

At the slightest sign of compaction on the skin, you should immediately consult a doctor, and also reduce your exposure to bright sun and protect yourself from exposure to ultraviolet rays by using sunscreen.