Rapid breathing in a 2-year-old child. How a newborn should breathe: problems with rapid breathing during sleep, delays and wheezing in a child without fever

Until recently, the child actively ran around the apartment, frolicked and suddenly became capricious, became apathetic, burned like on fire. It is enough just to touch the forehead to understand that the child has a temperature. How to help the baby?

An increase in temperature (in medical language, hyperthermic syndrome) is the most common symptom of the disease in children. If the child has a fever, then, first of all, parents should not panic. Temperature is a protective reaction of the body, due to which the body's immune response to the disease is enhanced, since:

  • The activity of leukocytes increases;
  • Increases the production of internal interferon;
  • The bactericidal activity (bacteria) of the blood increases;
  • Increases metabolism, which provides accelerated intake nutrients to body tissues.

No matter how anxious you are for your child, the temperature should not be brought down if it has not reached 38.5 degrees. Many viruses and bacteria stop multiplying at temperatures above 37 degrees. And such a protective substance as interferon is produced in the body at a temperature not lower than 38 degrees. In the past, some infections were even treated by artificially inducing fever. Therefore, it makes sense to suffer a fever up to certain numbers so that the body develops immunity to the causative agent of the disease.

In addition, an elevated temperature in a child indicates the presence of a pathological process in the body. It is worth remembering that fever plays its protective role only up to certain limits. With a progressive rise in temperature, the load on blood circulation and respiration increases significantly, the amount in the blood increases and the need for tissues in it develops. As a result, hypoxia (lack of oxygen) develops, in which the central nervous system begins to suffer, which leads to convulsions. Most often they occur when the child has a high temperature (39-40 degrees).

For most bacterial infections (eg, otitis, pneumonia), the temperature can last 5 days, and with viral infections She doesn't fall off for 2-3 days. When a child has a fever for 4-5 days, this is a signal that the time has come to consult a doctor for antibiotics.

The most difficult to tolerate temperature

  • Infants (especially 2-month-olds);
  • Children with a history of seizures. Such children need to reduce the temperature already, starting from 38 degrees;
  • Children who have "white" fever due to vasospasm. In this case, it is necessary not only to reduce the temperature, but also to rub the child with a dry towel until the skin turns red, the vessels will expand and give off excess heat. Fortunately, this condition is rarely observed.


  • In a child, a temperature of 39 is manifested by subjective signs: headache, tinnitus, weakness, palpitations, sometimes diarrhea occurs along with temperature, there may be convulsions;
  • Of the objective signs of hyperthermic syndrome, sharp pallor (“white” hyperthermia) or, conversely, reddening of the skin (“red” hyperthermia), decreased pressure, increased sweating, frequent weak pulse, shortness of breath are characteristic;
  • An increase in a child's temperature to 41-42 is life-threatening, since in this condition there are serious cerebral, respiratory, metabolic and cardiovascular disorders. There are also children who do not tolerate temperatures of 38-40;
  • The cause of fever in a child is often due to viral respiratory infections. Not always the temperature is accompanied by a cough, runny nose, but almost always there is a reddening of the throat, so the diagnosis is not difficult. A new rise in the child's body temperature against the background of a transmitted infection often indicates its complication: pneumonia, infections urinary system, otitis, secondary meningitis;
  • The temperature that does not decrease in the child, the acute onset of the disease, anxiety (older children complain of a strong headache), repeated vomiting, bulging of the fontanel in infants require special attention - these signs may hide meningococcal infection;
  • If there are no symptoms that could cause a temperature in a child, it is necessary to examine the urine, since very often this condition is due to an inflammatory process in the urinary tract;
  • With temperature reaction flow inflammatory diseases digestive system. In this case, the main symptom will be diarrhea (in infants, diarrhea may be a reaction to other diseases);
  • In children, fever may also be accompanied by diseases such as scarlet fever, Infectious mononucleosis, yersiniosis, viral hepatitis and other infections. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account the course of temperature (wave-like, recurrent, etc.) additional research and identification of other symptoms (enlarged lymph nodes, liver, spleen, changes in blood tests, the presence of a rash);
  • Not always the temperature in a child is a syndrome of some kind of illness. In newborns, fever is often due to overheating;
  • In children with an excited nervous system, fever can be observed quite often in a healthy state.

Types of hyperthermia

  • Red hyperthermia (heat production is equal to heat transfer) - the skin is warm to the touch, moist, hyperemic (red);
  • White hyperemia (heat production exceeds heat transfer) - a pronounced pallor of the skin, a feeling of cold, a cyanotic tint of the lips, nail beds, cold extremities.

Types of hyperthermia:

  • Subfebrile - 37-38 degrees;
  • Moderate - 38-39 degrees;
  • High - 39-41 degrees;
  • Hyperpyretic - more than 41 degrees.

How to bring down the temperature in a child:

  • Diaphoretics: lime blossom tea, honey and raspberry tea. Give your child as much fluid as possible. A sick child sweats a lot and breathes more often than usual, therefore he loses a lot of moisture, which must be replenished. Drink often, but little by little, so as not to provoke vomiting in the child;
  • Wipe the child's body with a damp cloth warm water(warm water in a water bath). Water, evaporating, increases heat transfer. It is strongly not recommended to use vodka and vinegar for wiping (although in the old fashioned way they still recommend wiping with vinegar and vodka), because the child will begin to tremble and the temperature will rise reflexively. In addition, the skin is able to absorb substances such as alcohol and vinegar and can cause an allergic reaction;
  • Put cold on the area of ​​​​large vessels (in armpit, inguinal region, on the neck area, under the knees and in the area of ​​​​the elbow bends);
  • With white hyperemia (vasospasm), take no-shpu;
  • At a temperature of 39, a sick child can be wrapped in a damp sheet for 1-5 minutes. But don't count on the method physical cooling immediately lower the child's temperature, it will fall by 1-1.5 degrees. This is done more in order to improve heat dissipation and avoid overheating of vital important organs;
  • Of the drugs, it is best to give the child paracetamol (preferably in the form of suppositories. In the intestine, due to the well-developed lymphatic and circulatory system, the drug is quickly absorbed and acts for a long time, bypassing the stomach. This is especially true if the child has vomiting). This drug, compared with analgin, has a minimum of side effects. Aspirin is strictly contraindicated to give to children under 18 years of age in order to avoid the development of Reye's syndrome, a severe damage to the brain and liver. Carefully read the annotations to the drugs, as aspirin ( acetylsalicylic acid) is found in approximately 40 cold and flu preparations. Analgin, as well as other analgesics, can cause shock (the temperature can drop to 34 degrees) and an allergic condition. You can take the medicine again after 4 hours.

Breathing is the most important process in the human body of any age, along with the contraction of the heart muscle. Breathing removes carbon dioxide from the body and saturates the cells with oxygen. Without it, the existence of not a single living being on the planet is possible. The maximum a person can spend without access to oxygen is 5 minutes. world record after long period preparation of a person for existence in an airless space, namely under water, - 18 minutes.

The breathing of a newborn child is more frequent than in adults, due to the fact that the respiratory system itself is not yet fully formed

The process itself is divided into two stages. When you inhale through the respiratory tract, air enters the lungs of a person, which is divided into oxygen and carbon dioxide, passing through the circulatory system. When you exhale, carbon dioxide is removed from the body. Oxygen is carried to all tissues and organs through the arteries, and carbon dioxide is excreted through venous blood back to the lungs. So wisely and functionally disposed of nature itself. The breathing of any newborn, like an adult, is an important rhythmic process, failures in which can indicate problems in the body and lead to serious consequences.

Breath of newborns

The breath of babies has great importance both as an indicator of the health of the baby, and as the main life-supporting process of a newborn child, which has its own age characteristics, in particular, a very narrow respiratory passage. The child's airways are short, so a deep full inhalation and exhalation are not carried out. The nasopharynx is narrow, and the smallest foreign object that gets there can cause sneezing and coughing, and the accumulation of mucus and dust can cause snoring, sniffing and choking. For crumbs, even a slight runny nose is dangerous due to hyperemia of the mucosa and narrowing of the lumen.

Young parents should try to make every effort so that the baby does not catch a viral disease and does not catch a cold, because both rhinitis and bronchitis in infancy are very dangerous, they have to be treated for a long time and hard, because the little ones cannot yet take most medications. Support, do to the baby, dose the frequency of guests and the duration of walks.

Frequent walks, fresh air have a beneficial effect on the health of the baby and his breathing.

The specificity of the infant's breathing

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The baby's body develops literally by the hour. All organs and systems work in an enhanced mode, therefore, the rate of the baby’s pulse, and arterial pressure much higher than that of an adult. So, the pulse reaches 140 beats per minute. organism little man physiologically tuned to rapid breathing to compensate for the impossibility of deep full breaths due to the imperfection of the respiratory system, narrow passages, weak muscles and small ribs.

Babies breathe superficially, often they breathe intermittently and unevenly, which can scare parents. Even respiratory failure is possible. By the age of 7, the child's respiratory system is completely formed, the baby outgrows, stops getting sick. Breathing becomes the same as in adults, and rhinitis, bronchitis and pneumonia are more easily tolerated.

Doing sports and yoga, frequent walks and airing the premises will help your child under 7 years old to more easily endure the imperfection of his respiratory system.

Rate, frequency and types of breathing

If the baby breathes often, but there are no wheezing and noises, then this breathing is a normal process. If any abnormalities are observed, then the child should be shown to the doctor.

In the event that your little one does not have a stuffy nose, and his body is functioning normally, then the baby takes two or three short light breaths, then one deep breath, while exhaling remains equally superficial. Such is the specificity of the breath of any newborn. The child breathes often and quickly. In a minute, to provide the body with oxygen, the baby takes about 40-60 breaths. A 9-month-old toddler should breathe more rhythmically, deeply and evenly. Noises, wheezing, swelling of the wings of the nose should disturb the parents and force them to show the child to the pediatrician.

The number of respiratory movements is usually counted by the movements of the chest of the baby at rest. Respiratory rate norms are given in the list:

  • up to the third week of life - 40-60 breaths;
  • from the third week of life to three months - 40-45 breaths per minute;
  • from 4 months to six months - 35-40;
  • from six months to 1 year - 30-36 breaths per minute.

To make the data look more visual, we point out that the norm of the respiratory rate of an adult is up to 20 breaths per minute, and in a sleeping state, the indicator decreases by another 5 units. The guidelines help pediatricians determine the state of health. In the event that the frequency of respiratory movements, abbreviated as NPV, deviates from the generally accepted positions, we can talk about a disease of the respiratory or other system in the body of the newborn. The parents themselves can not miss the onset of the disease by periodically counting the NPV at home, according to Dr. Komarovsky.

Each mother can independently check the frequency and type of breathing

In the process of life, an infant can breathe three different ways, which is physiologically provided by nature, namely:

  • Breast type. It is predetermined by the characteristic movements of the chest and does not sufficiently ventilate the lower sections of the lungs.
  • Abdominal type. With it, the diaphragm and the abdominal wall move, and upper divisions lungs are not sufficiently ventilated.
  • Mixed type. The most complete type of breathing, both the upper and lower parts of the respiratory tract are ventilated.

Deviations from the norm

The parameters of physiological development do not always meet generally accepted standards due to human ill health. Causes of deviations from the norm of breathing, which are not a pathology:

  • the baby may breathe too quickly during physical activity, play, in an excited state of positive or negative character, in moments of crying;
  • in a dream, newborns can sniff, wheeze and even whistle melodicly, if this phenomenon is infrequent, then it is due solely to the underdevelopment of the respiratory system and does not require the intervention of doctors.

The baby's breathing rate may change depending on its condition, for example, while crying.

Why can children hold their breath?

Until the sixth month of a baby's life, he may experience breath holding (apnea), and this is not a pathology. In sleep, breath holdings account for up to 10 percent of the total time. Uneven breathing can have the following causes:

  • SARS. With colds and viral diseases, the respiratory rate becomes higher, there may be delays, wheezing, sniffling.
  • Oxygen deficiency. It is manifested not only by holding the breath, but also by cyanosis of the skin, clouding of consciousness. The child gasps for air. In this case, the intervention of doctors is needed.
  • Increased body temperature. Lost rhythm and shortness of breath more often indicate an increase in temperature, this can be against the background of not only SARS, but also during teething.
  • false croup. The most serious disease that causes suffocation requires an immediate call for an ambulance.

If we are talking about children under 7 years of age and especially of kindergarten age, then the cause of apnea may be adenoids, due to the large size of which the child holds his breath. Adenoiditis is a common disease that occurs in children attending preschool institutions, changing clothes in cold rooms and very often suffering from SARS. It characterizes difficulty breathing, especially at night, because overgrown adenoids prevent the baby from fully breathing through the nose.

Difficulty breathing in a child may be due to enlarged adenoids. In this case, breathing will return to normal only with the treatment of this disease.

Adenoiditis is treated with antiseptic sprays and drops in the nose, homeopathy is quite popular, a long stay at home in warm conditions. Medicines for swollen lymph nodes are effective. Treatment requires a long and continuous, in case of failure, removal of the adenoids may be recommended.

Has your baby suddenly stopped breathing? Parents should know what to do in this case. If you find a non-breathing sleeping child, then gently wake him up, while providing fresh air to the room. If after 15 seconds breathing is not restored, then call an ambulance, and do cardiopulmonary resuscitation yourself.

What is wheezing?

Ideally, the newborn's breathing is carried out without difficulty and wheezing. The appearance of noise indicates a malfunction in the body. Wheezing is difficulty breathing in and out through a narrowed airway and can occur with infection, bronchospasm, edema, or a foreign body. A symptom of false croup is a rough wheezing when inhaling, stridor (we recommend reading:).

When is medical assistance required?

If you hear wheezing, then analyze the general condition of the baby. Call an ambulance if you notice one of the following symptoms: blue skin around the lips; the child is lethargic and drowsy, the mind is clouded; the baby cannot speak.

Wheezing in a baby can mean a cold has begun. In this case, mom needs to call a pediatrician at home

Keep in mind that there are times when a toddler accidentally inhales a foreign body. Make sure that there are no small items, jewelry, toys, beads and rhinestones near the baby.

Let's summarize in a table the situations when wheezing is noticeable in the child's breathing, possible reasons and your actions (we recommend reading:).

The baby wheezing periodically occurs out of the blue, especially during sleep (we recommend reading:). He is developing normally. scheduled inspection pediatrician does not show any pathologies.Physiological imperfection of the respiratory tract of the baby. There are no pathologies.Be calm about this phenomenon, the situation will change by the age of one year of your child. Consult a doctor if wheezing is too loud and frequent, sounds unusual for your ear, made by the baby during inhalation and exhalation. The main thing is to provide comfortable conditions for the development of the child's body, humidify the air, maintain the temperature in the children's room within 21 degrees Celsius, ventilate the nursery 2 times a day (see also:).
Wheezing on the background of SARS or colds. The little one has a cough and a runny nose.Viral disease.Contact your pediatrician and ENT doctor. Plentiful drink and comfortable conditions for the baby before the arrival of the doctor.
The child periodically has a cough or runny nose, which does not go away from anti-ARVI drugs, lasts more than 2 days (see also:). Relatives diagnosed with allergies or asthma.Allergic cough or asthma.Analyze what can cause allergies. First of all, make sure that there are no allergens in the mother's diet if the baby is breastfeeding. During feeding, undesirable substances can be transferred to him. The flowering period of ambrosia and other allergic plants, the dust in the room, the child's clothes play a role. See an allergist and get tested for allergens.

When do you need to call an ambulance?

There are situations when your child urgently needs to call a doctor or an ambulance. Let us denote in which cases wheezing is a harbinger of a serious illness of the baby. This may be the onset of a serious illness, a critical condition, or a foreign body entering the respiratory tract, which causes suffocation and swelling.

It is possible to alleviate the difficult breathing of a child with bronchitis with the help of a syrup that will be prescribed by the attending physician
Wheezing against the background of frequent excruciating cough, which lasts more than a day.Bronchiolitis is an infection of the bronchioles of the lungs, the smallest branches of the bronchi. More often seen in babies.This serious disease requires urgent medical care. Possibly hospitalizations.
A kid of kindergarten age speaks through his nose, snores and wheezes during sleep, swallows, and is prone to frequent colds. The baby gets tired quickly and breathes through his mouth.Adenoiditis.Consult an ENT doctor. Keep your child warm, limit hiking, do more wet cleaning, humidify the room.
Wheezing and severe cough against the background of fever.Bronchitis. Pneumonia.Seek medical attention as soon as possible. If the child is no longer infancy, and you have experience in treating him with ARVI, you can give the child a suitable cough syrup and an anti-allergic agent to alleviate the condition. Bronchitis and, especially, pneumonia may require hospitalization.
Wheezing on the background of dry barking cough, high fever, hoarseness, strange crying.False croup.Call an ambulance. Before the arrival of doctors, humidify the room, ensure the flow of fresh air.
Sharply arisen strong wheezing, especially after the baby was left alone for some time, and there were small objects nearby, from toys to buttons. The baby is crying hoarsely.A foreign body has entered the respiratory tract.Call an ambulance, just medical worker will help clear the airways from a foreign body.

Why are wheezing more common in babies?

Most often, wheezing is diagnosed in children under 3 years of age. This is due to insufficient formation of the airways. They are narrow and easier to clog with mucus, dust, prone to swelling. It is more difficult for babies to be treated, because they cannot use many drugs produced by the pharmaceutical industry, so SARS and colds are more difficult and longer. Why is breathing sometimes heavy and noisy? It's all about the dry and dusty air, according to Dr. Komarovsky. It is necessary to humidify the air and temper children to avoid breathing problems, colds, early adenoiditis and complications.

Until recently, the child actively ran around the apartment, frolicked and suddenly became capricious, became apathetic, burned like on fire. It is enough just to touch the forehead to understand that the child has a temperature. How to help the baby?

An increase in temperature (in medical language, hyperthermic syndrome) is the most common symptom of the disease in children. If the child has a fever, then, first of all, parents should not panic. Temperature is a protective reaction of the body, due to which the body's immune response to the disease is enhanced, since:

  • The activity of leukocytes increases;
  • Increases the production of internal interferon;
  • The bactericidal activity (bacteria) of the blood increases;
  • The metabolism is enhanced, which provides an accelerated supply of nutrients to the tissues of the body.

No matter how anxious you are for your child, the temperature should not be brought down if it has not reached 38.5 degrees. Many viruses and bacteria stop multiplying at temperatures above 37 degrees. And such a protective substance as interferon is produced in the body at a temperature not lower than 38 degrees. In the past, some infections were even treated by artificially inducing fever. Therefore, it makes sense to suffer a fever up to certain numbers so that the body develops immunity to the causative agent of the disease.

In addition, an elevated temperature in a child indicates the presence of a pathological process in the body. It is worth remembering that fever plays its protective role only up to certain limits. With a progressive rise in temperature, the load on blood circulation and respiration increases significantly, the amount of oxygen in the blood increases and the need for tissues in it develops. As a result, hypoxia (lack of oxygen) develops, in which the central nervous system begins to suffer, which leads to convulsions. Most often they occur when the child has a high temperature (39-40 degrees).

With most bacterial infections (eg, otitis, pneumonia), the temperature can last 5 days, and with viral infections, it does not subside for 2-3 days. When a child has a fever for 4-5 days, this is a signal that the time has come to consult a doctor for antibiotics.

The most difficult to tolerate temperature

  • Infants (especially 2-month-olds);
  • Children with a history of seizures. Such children need to reduce the temperature already, starting from 38 degrees;
  • Children who have "white" fever due to vasospasm. In this case, it is necessary not only to reduce the temperature, but also to rub the child with a dry towel until the skin turns red, the vessels will expand and give off excess heat. Fortunately, this condition is rarely observed.


  • In a child, a temperature of 39 is manifested by subjective signs: headache, tinnitus, weakness, palpitations, sometimes diarrhea occurs along with temperature, there may be convulsions;
  • Of the objective signs of hyperthermic syndrome, sharp pallor (“white” hyperthermia) or, conversely, reddening of the skin (“red” hyperthermia), decreased pressure, increased sweating, frequent weak pulse, shortness of breath are characteristic;
  • An increase in a child's temperature to 41-42 is life-threatening, since this condition has serious cerebral, respiratory, metabolic and cardiovascular disorders. There are also children who do not tolerate temperatures of 38-40;
  • The cause of fever in a child is often due to viral respiratory infections. Not always the temperature is accompanied by a cough, runny nose, but almost always there is a reddening of the throat, so the diagnosis is not difficult. A new rise in the child's body temperature against the background of a transmitted infection often indicates its complication: pneumonia, infections of the urinary system, otitis media, secondary meningitis;
  • The temperature that does not decrease in the child, the acute onset of the disease, anxiety (older children complain of a severe headache), repeated vomiting, bulging of the fontanel in infants require special attention - meningococcal infection may be hidden behind these signs;
  • If there are no symptoms that could cause a temperature in a child, it is necessary to examine the urine, since very often this condition is due to an inflammatory process in the urinary tract;
  • With a temperature reaction, inflammatory diseases of the digestive system occur. In this case, the main symptom will be diarrhea (in infants, diarrhea may be a reaction to other diseases);
  • In children, fever can also be accompanied by diseases such as scarlet fever, infectious mononucleosis, yersiniosis, chicken pox, viral hepatitis and other infections. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account the course of temperature (wave-like, recurrent, etc.) and conduct additional studies and identify other symptoms (enlarged lymph nodes, liver, spleen, changes in blood tests, the presence of a rash);
  • Not always the temperature in a child is a syndrome of some kind of illness. In newborns, fever is often due to overheating;
  • In children with an excited nervous system, fever can be observed quite often in a healthy state.

Types of hyperthermia

  • Red hyperthermia (heat production is equal to heat transfer) - the skin is warm to the touch, moist, hyperemic (red);
  • White hyperemia (heat production exceeds heat transfer) - a pronounced pallor of the skin, a feeling of cold, a cyanotic tint of the lips, nail beds, cold extremities.

Types of hyperthermia:

  • Subfebrile - 37-38 degrees;
  • Moderate - 38-39 degrees;
  • High - 39-41 degrees;
  • Hyperpyretic - more than 41 degrees.

How to bring down the temperature in a child:

  • Diaphoretics: lime blossom tea, honey and raspberry tea. Give your child as much fluid as possible. A sick child sweats a lot and breathes more often than usual, therefore he loses a lot of moisture, which must be replenished. Drink often, but little by little, so as not to provoke vomiting in the child;
  • Wipe the child's body with a damp towel moistened with warm water (heat the water in a water bath). Water, evaporating, increases heat transfer. It is strongly not recommended to use vodka and vinegar for wiping (although in the old fashioned way they still recommend wiping with vinegar and vodka), because the child will begin to tremble and the temperature will rise reflexively. In addition, the skin is able to absorb substances such as alcohol and vinegar and can cause an allergic reaction;
  • Put cold on the area of ​​​​large vessels (in the armpit, inguinal region, on the neck, under the knees and in the area of ​​​​the elbows);
  • With white hyperemia (vasospasm), take no-shpu;
  • At a temperature of 39, a sick child can be wrapped in a damp sheet for 1-5 minutes. But do not expect that the method of physical cooling will immediately reduce the child's temperature, it will drop by 1-1.5 degrees. This is done more in order to improve heat transfer and avoid overheating of vital organs;
  • Of the drugs, it is best to give the child paracetamol (preferably in the form of suppositories. In the intestine, due to the well-developed lymphatic and circulatory system, the drug is quickly absorbed and acts for a long time, bypassing the stomach. This is especially true if the child has vomiting). This drug, compared with analgin, has a minimum of side effects. Aspirin is strictly contraindicated to give to children under 18 years of age in order to avoid the development of Reye's syndrome, a severe damage to the brain and liver. Read drug labels carefully, as aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is found in approximately 40 cold and flu medications. Analgin, as well as other analgesics, can cause shock (the temperature can drop to 34 degrees) and an allergic condition. You can take the medicine again after 4 hours.

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Video. The child has a temperature

A newborn often breathes in a dream: why does a child have frequent breathing in a dream

The mother of a newborn child is constantly overcome by fears. One of them is “why does a newborn breathe often in a dream? is this okay? Don't panic. To understand, you need to understand what the physiological characteristics of babies are.

Frequent breathing of the child during sleep: the norm or deviation?

When a newborn appears in the house, parents and relatives closely and closely observe his behavior, sometimes they try to find symptoms of dangerous diseases. They have a lot of questions, in particular, whether frequent breathing is normal for a baby. Most often, it is the mother who notices that the child has rapid breathing during sleep.

An adult never monitors how often he breathes: for us, breathing is such a natural process that we do not pay attention to it. Things are different in children, because their respiratory rate is radically different from ours.

The breath of a newborn baby begins to gradually adapt to the environment. Difficulty breathing and a violation of its rhythm can cause colds, improper speech development, and lead to serious health problems.

Norms of respiratory rate in newborns and children

During sleep, the baby breathes unevenly and often. Inhales abruptly - it seems that in one breath he cannot satisfy his need for oxygen; due to the large number of breaths, sniffing is observed, the nasal mucosa dries up. Sometimes a lot of short breaths follow each other, differing in their duration, and then a long one (10-15 seconds). Sometimes it seems to parents that the child has stopped breathing altogether, but the rhythm resumes again. If the baby often breathes in a dream, then this is considered the norm and can be observed during the first month of life, and in weakened and premature babies, breathing can remain frequent and intermittent for a very long time. The fact that the child takes frequent breaths is easy to explain: his breathing is shallow, he is not yet able to fully provide blood with oxygen in one breath.

If you want to know how many breaths your baby takes during sleep, keep a close eye on his chest and count the number of chest movements. It is considered normal when a newborn takes 40 to 60 breaths per minute, so it seems that the child breathes very often during sleep. The neonatal period lasts up to 28 days. Then, gradually, the respiratory rate begins to decrease: a two-month-old baby takes from 35 to 48 breaths per minute, from 6 months to a year - from 30 to 40 breaths, from 2 to 4 years - 20-30 breaths, from 8 to 12 years - 23-31 breaths, after 12 years - only 18-20 breaths.

The main causes of rapid breathing

Rapid breathing (tachypnea) of a newborn is due to the imperfection of the respiratory system, because it continues to develop. Over the next two to three months, the lungs expand, and as a result, the number of inhalations and exhalations begins to decrease.

Tachypnea of ​​the newborn is normal for both term and premature babies.

Also, rapid breathing is observed with increased physical activity. In all other cases, it indicates deviations in the health of the child.

Diseases that cause rapid breathing

  1. Apnea. At first the child begins to wheeze, then he has long delay breathing. It returns to normal on its own, but sometimes the baby's legs, arms, lips begin to acquire a bluish tint, he loses consciousness, which indicates oxygen starvation. If you notice such a condition in a child in a dream, you need to quickly call an ambulance team, because oxygen starvation it is very dangerous for a newborn: it can lead to big health problems and developmental disabilities.
  2. Diseases of the respiratory system. These include colds which are characterized by runny nose, fever, cough, hoarse voice, general weakness. In this case, due to swelling of the nasal mucosa, the child sniffs during sleep, and the frequency of his breathing is disturbed.
  3. Bronchial asthma. Rapid breathing in a dream appears before an attack.
  4. Allergy. Not considered a direct disease respiratory organs, but can manifest itself through them. An increase in the number of breaths appears with swelling of the mucous membrane, the baby begins to sigh often, which indicates a lack of oxygen.
  5. Chronical bronchitis. The main signs of the disease are a cough that lasts up to two months (wet in the morning, with purulent sputum), And hard breath.
  6. Pneumonia. Difficulty breathing, slight fever and cough are observed. Older children may complain that they have a hard time breathing.
  7. Tuberculosis. The main symptoms: loss of appetite, weakness, slight fever, constant coughing, noisy breathing in a child.
  8. Cardiovascular diseases. Tachypnea is sometimes indicative of heart disease, with frequent breathing during sleep, weight loss, and shortness of breath even after minor physical activity.
  9. Nervous tension. With severe stress and tantrums, the breathing process is disrupted. It becomes noisy, the child sighs heavily, intensifies or, conversely, appetite disappears, headaches begin to disturb, irritability, tearfulness appear, sleep is disturbed.

Make it a rule, if you suspect a dangerous disease in an infant or find yourself feeling unwell, immediately contact your local pediatrician.

How to help your child breathe properly.

Proper and even breathing promotes stable gas exchange in the lungs and has a calming effect. Many adults in a stressful situation use this breathing technique: inhale deeply and exhale slowly. In this case, active saturation with oxygen occurs and the person gradually calms down. This trick applies to children as well. If your child is having a tantrum, ask them to take a deep breath and exhale slowly. The baby will be distracted, and as a result, his breathing will normalize.

Rapid and shallow breathing of an infant at night indicates a lack of oxygen. The child sniffles in a dream, it seems that he does not have enough air. The first month of a baby's life is very difficult, because his lungs are actively developing, and therefore the respiratory rate is constantly changing. This is completely normal: the newborn is trying to capture more oxygen to saturate the blood in order to prevent oxygen deficiency in the body.

Respiratory rate is affected not only physiological processes but also external factors. When putting on pajamas for a child, pay attention to whether it is comfortable enough for the baby, whether it hinders his movements, whether the collar is free, what material it is made of. Choose only natural fabrics. It is desirable that the child once slept in it during the day, and you would watch him. After making sure that everything is fine, you can put it on at night.

It is necessary to monitor the temperature and humidity in the room. Sniffing through the nose during a night's sleep indicates dry air in the room. A comfortable temperature for both a newborn and older children should vary from 18 to 22 degrees, air humidity - from 50 to 60%. With optimal humidity, the nasal mucosa will not dry out and the child will breathe freely. With dry air, the child begins to sniff, viruses accumulate in the nose. The result is a runny nose, difficulty breathing, lack of oxygen and bad dream at night.

In the cold season, you need to ventilate the room twice a day, and in the warm season, leave the window open around the clock for good air circulation. Pay special attention to the baby's bed: the mattress should be hard, the pillow in the first year of life is not needed at all.

A newborn in the first month of life should sleep only on its side. If he rolled over on his stomach, he must be returned to his original position, since he himself cannot consciously turn his head during sleep so as not to suffocate.

The child rests his nose on the mattress, begins to snore, the frequency and rhythm of breathing are disturbed from a lack of oxygen.

Does the child breathe often in sleep? No need to panic ahead of time! It is worth observing his behavior and health, and if there are any doubts, it is better to consult a pediatrician for advice.


Respiratory rate in children

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We never think about how many breaths and exhalations we take in a certain period of time, because for us this is a natural and familiar process. However, we often worry about how well our children breathe, what their breathing rate is. Mothers of infants are the most worried about this, because the respiratory system of a very tiny baby is just beginning to adapt to the outside world. Respiratory failure can cause frequent colds, incorrect speech development and a host of other health problems for the child. That is why it is so important to monitor the baby's breathing rate.

Norms of respiratory rate in children

There are certain norms for the frequency of breathing in children, by which you can track how well the child's respiratory system works. Of course, the pediatrician can best calculate the respiratory rate in a child, but you yourself can determine it by carefully following the movements of the baby's chest. So, a newborn baby on average takes 40 to 60 breaths per minute. Gradually, their frequency decreases and by the age of two months the baby is already taking from 35 to 50 breaths per minute. By the age of one, the number of breaths per minute can be reduced to 28, the respiratory rate of an adult is from 12 to 20 breaths per minute. Below is a table that describes the average respiratory rate in children.

If the child has rapid breathing, the child's rapid breathing

If the cause of rapid breathing in a child is any infectious disease that disrupts the functioning of the respiratory system of the baby, then, as a rule, frequent breathing in a child is accompanied by other symptoms, such as wheezing or whistling with each exhalation and inhalation. Often the cause of rapid breathing in a child can be an increase in body temperature. In this case, you should immediately seek medical help to rule out dangerous diseases such as pneumonia and croup.

Frequent breathing in a child is also observed with physical overwork. In this case, you should not worry, such a reaction is considered normal for both your baby and an adult.

If a child holds his breath in a dream

With a situation where a child holds his breath in a dream, parents are faced quite often, i.e. sleep apnea in an infant. It is characterized by the fact that the child in a dream holds his breath for a long time. In most cases, the child’s breathing recovers on its own, but it also happens that it is accompanied by a loss of consciousness, the baby’s lips and limbs begin to turn blue, which indicates a lack of oxygen in the body. How to help a child during an attack sleep apnea, we wrote in one of our articles. If you notice that your child has long delay breathing, you should immediately call an ambulance, as this condition can lead to irreversible consequences.

Features of respiratory rate in children under one year old

The respiratory rate of a newborn child deserves a separate discussion, since its rhythm is very different from how an adult person breathes. Often, watching a sleeping baby, parents begin to worry that the child’s breathing is intermittent and uneven: he takes several frequent breaths, then one deep one. In fact, this phenomenon is quite normal, it does not indicate the development of any pathology in the baby, since the child’s respiratory system is still at the stage of maturation, he is still learning to breathe correctly. By about two months, babies establish the right rhythm, and their breathing becomes uniform.


All about rapid breathing in humans - causes, treatment and types

Rapid breathing is a symptom that develops in a person with a variety of diseases. In this case, the frequency of respiratory movements increases to 60 or more per minute. This phenomenon is also called tachypnea. In adults, rapid breathing is not accompanied by a violation of its rhythm or the appearance of other clinical signs. With this symptom, only the frequency increases and the depth of inspiration decreases. Newborns can also experience a similar condition - transient tachypnea.

Human breathing depends on:

  • age;
  • body weight;
  • individual anatomical features;
  • conditions (rest, sleep, high physical activity, pregnancy, fever, etc.);
  • availability chronic diseases, severe pathologies.

Normally, the frequency of respiratory movements during wakefulness for an adult is 16–20 per minute, while for a child it is up to 40.

  • 1 Reasons
  • 2 Types and symptoms
  • 3 Transient tachypnea
  • 4 Treatment


Tachypnea develops when the oxygen content in the blood decreases and the amount of carbon dioxide increases. There is an excitation of the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata. At the same time, the number of nerve impulses to the muscles of the chest increases. The resulting high respiratory rate can also be due to the presence of a number of diseases or psycho-emotional states.

Diseases that cause rapid breathing:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic bronchial obstruction;
  • pneumonia;
  • exudative pleurisy;
  • pneumothorax (closed or open);
  • myocardial infarction;
  • ischemic disease hearts;
  • increased thyroid function (hyperthyroidism);
  • brain tumors;
  • Tietze syndrome and rib pathology.

Other reasons:

  • thromboembolism pulmonary artery;
  • fever;
  • acute pain;
  • heart defects;
  • chest trauma;
  • hysteria, panic attack, stress, shock;
  • mountain sickness;
  • medications;
  • drug overdose;
  • acidosis in metabolic disorders, including ketoacidosis in diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • damage to the central nervous system.

Types and symptoms

Tachypnea is divided into physiological and pathological. Increased breathing is considered normal during sports and physical activity. High frequency respiratory movements during illness is already a sign of pathology. Tachypnea often turns into shortness of breath. At the same time, breathing ceases to be superficial, the inhalation deepens.

If tachypnea progresses to dyspnoea that occurs only when lying on one side, heart disease can be suspected. Increased breathing in calm state may indicate pulmonary thrombosis. In the supine position, shortness of breath appears with airway obstruction.

Pathological rapid breathing, if untreated, often leads to hyperventilation, i.e., the oxygen content in the blood of a person begins to exceed the norm. Appear the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • spasms of the muscles of the extremities;
  • tingling sensation in the fingertips and around the mouth.

Very often, tachypnea occurs with ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza. In this case, increased breathing is accompanied by the following symptoms: fever, chills, cough, runny nose and others.

Also, one of the most common options for the appearance of tachypnea is nervous excitement during stress or panic. It is difficult for a person to breathe, speak, there is a feeling of chills.

Sometimes tachypnea can be a sign of a developing dangerous condition or a complication of a serious illness. If a person has a regular increase in breathing, along with the appearance of weakness, chills, chest pain, dry mouth, high temperature and other symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Transient tachypnea

Transient tachypnea is an increase in breathing that develops in newborns in the first hours of life. The child is breathing heavily and often, with wheezing. The skin from a lack of oxygen in the blood acquires a blue tint.

Transient tachypnea occurs more often in children born at term by caesarean section. Fluid in the lungs at birth is absorbed slowly, which causes rapid breathing. Tachypnea in newborns does not require treatment. The child recovers within 1 to 3 days due to the natural disappearance of the cause. For supporting normal state The baby needs extra oxygen.

See also: rapid breathing in a child.


For the treatment of tachypnea in psychoemotional disorders, drugs are used:

  • "Alprazolam";
  • "Doxepin";
  • Paroxetine.

Use a paper bag to reduce the rate of breathing that occurs during stress. Don't forget to make a small hole in the bottom to let in some fresh air. It is enough to breathe into the bag for 3-5 minutes, and the speed of respiratory movements will even out.

If tachypnea is caused by an illness or emergency, the cause should be corrected and symptomatic treatment diseases. It is very important to detect the development of heart failure in time. In this case, increased breathing occurs in the supine position.

Treatment for emergency conditions, diseases of the heart, respiratory, endocrine and other systems should only be carried out by a doctor.


Rapid breathing

Rapid breathing is an increased rate of respiratory movements, which should normally be no more than fifteen times per minute. It is considered accelerated if such fluctuations exceed sixty times per minute.

A similar symptom, regardless of physiological or pathological origin, is caused by the excitation of the respiratory center. In addition, the respiratory rate depends on several factors.

The basis of the clinical picture, in addition to the main manifestation, will be the most characteristic symptoms of the disease that acted as the main cause. It is most dangerous if such a symptom occurs at night during sleep. To establish correct diagnosis it will take several laboratory research and instrumental examinations of the patient. In addition, physical examination plays an important role.

Treatment is limited in most cases. conservative methods but sometimes surgery may be necessary.


The mechanism of occurrence of such a symptom is the excitation of the respiratory center, which can occur against the background of the course of any disease or be reflex in nature.

Often it occurs against the background of hyperventilation - this is a condition for which frequent and short superficial breaths are characteristic. They form in the upper part of the sternum and lead to a decrease carbon dioxide in blood.

The causes of tachypnea can be caused by diseases and pathological conditions, among which are:

The second category of predisposing factors for the appearance of frequent respiratory movements are those sources that are in no way connected with the presence of a particular disease in a person. They should include:

  • abuse of certain drugs;
  • lasting impact stressful situations or nervous strain - this is the most common cause of a similar symptom in a child;
  • excessive physical activity.

Separately, it is worth highlighting transient rapid breathing in a newborn. Similar state develops in infants in the first few hours after birth. At the same time, they breathe heavily and often, and also often this condition is accompanied by wheezing when inhaling or exhaling. Because of oxygen deficiency skin covering takes on a bluish tint.

This disorder in the vast majority of cases develops in children born by caesarean section. main reason rapid breathing in a child - slow absorption of fluid in the lungs.

Normal respiratory rate in children

Tachypnea in an infant does not require specific treatment. The baby recovers on its own in about three days. This occurs against the background of the natural disappearance of the predisposing factor. However, in order to maintain a normal condition in the baby, additional oxygen supply will be required.

The frequency of respiratory movements depends on several factors, which include:

  • individual anatomical features adult or child;
  • general condition of the body;
  • the age category of the person;
  • body mass index;
  • the presence in the history of chronic diseases;
  • the course of severe pathologies.

Normally, the respiratory rate in adults can reach twenty times per minute, while for children the value of forty times per minute will be completely normal.


Depending on the etiological factor, rapid breathing is divided into:

  • pathological;
  • physiological.

Their main difference is the presence of shortness of breath at rest or in horizontal position, which indicates the development serious illness.


Rapid breathing often acts as the first clinical manifestation, but almost never it will be the only one. Thus, additional symptoms may include:

  • severe headaches and dizziness;
  • increase in body temperature - at temperature it is often noted copious excretion cold sweat;
  • articular and muscle weakness;
  • general malaise and decreased performance;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • tingling of the fingertips or the area around the mouth;
  • cough and runny nose - when coughing, expectoration of sputum can be observed. It is both cloudy and transparent. In addition, it may have a greenish-yellow tint, as well as impurities of blood or pus;
  • chills and dry mouth;
  • pale skin;
  • shortness of breath - appears not only during physical activity, but also in a horizontal position, in particular, after sleep;
  • violation of speech activity;
  • pain and discomfort in the chest;
  • numbness of the upper or lower extremities;
  • bouts of loss of consciousness;
  • violation of heart rate;
  • causeless anxiety and panic;
  • decrease or complete absence appetite
  • the appearance of sounds uncharacteristic for breathing, for example, wheezing, whistles or other noises.

Such symptoms can be attributed to both adults and children, however, it must be borne in mind that some of the above signs may be completely absent or fade into the background.

To alleviate the patient's condition, you can use an ordinary paper bag, which will help to slightly normalize gas exchange in the lungs. To do this, a small hole is made in it, after which they slowly, evenly and calmly breathe into it for five minutes. After this time, the normal breathing rhythm is restored. However, this technique should not become an alternative to medical care every time with rapid breathing.


If rapid breathing occurs in an adult or child, especially during sleep, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible. qualified help. Due to the fact that a large number of various factors can cause such a manifestation, he is competent in the issue of diagnosing and prescribing appropriate treatment:

Establishing a correct diagnosis requires integrated approach why includes:


  • study of the patient's medical history and life history;
  • careful physical examination and listening with the help of special instruments;
  • a detailed survey of the patient - to identify the first time of appearance and intensity of the main symptom, the presence of concomitant symptoms;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • laboratory study of sputum, if any;
  • radiography and ultrasound;
  • fibrobronchoscopy;
  • CT and MRI.

Depending on what disease or pathological condition will be detected during primary diagnosis, an adult patient or a child, consultations of doctors from narrow areas of medicine and additional specific laboratory and instrumental examinations can be prescribed.


To get rid of the fact that respiratory movements become more frequent, it is necessary to eliminate the provocative disease. Most often, patients are shown:

  • physiotherapy;
  • oxygen therapy;
  • pulmonary rehabilitation;
  • respiratory support;
  • providing physical and emotional rest;
  • the use of anxiolytic drugs.

The treatment regimen, as well as the question of surgical intervention, will be decided on an individual basis for each patient. In drawing up the treatment, several factors are taken into account - the severity of the course of the disease that caused rapid breathing, the general condition of the patient and his age category.


To prevent the occurrence of such a rather specific clinical manifestation, the following will help: preventive actions:

  • keeping healthy and in moderation active image life;
  • avoidance of stress and emotional overstrain;
  • taking medications only as prescribed by the clinician, with strict adherence to the dosage and duration of treatment;
  • timely detection and elimination of those diseases that can lead to rapid breathing;
  • regular passage, several times a year, full medical examination This must be done by both adults and children.

Against the background of the fact that tachypnea often develops due to the severe course of a particular disease, an unambiguous answer to the question of favorable prognosis does not exist. Anyway early diagnosis and complex treatment increase the chances of a positive outcome. However, patients should not forget that ignoring the symptoms of any disease can lead to the development of life-threatening complications.

Agoraphobia is an ailment from the neurotic spectrum, which belongs to the group of anxiety-phobic disorders. characteristic manifestation pathologists - fear of being in public places and open spaces. It is worth noting that agoraphobia includes not only the fear of open space, but also the fear of open doors, fear due to the presence of a large number of people. Usually, a person’s feeling of panic arises from the fact that he does not have the opportunity to hide in a place that is safe for him.


Esophageal atresia is a congenital pathology in which a part of the esophagus is missing from the newborn, which leads to esophageal obstruction. Treatment of such a disease is only surgical. It should be noted that this kind pathological process occurs in both boys and girls. In the absence of early surgical intervention this pathology leads to the death of the newborn.


bacterial pneumonia- infection of the lungs with certain bacteria, for example, Haemophilus influenzae or pneumococcus, but if other viral diseases are present in the body, the pathogen can become this virus. Accompanied by symptoms such as fever, severe weakness, cough with sputum, pain in the chest. Diagnosis is possible with the help of an x-ray, blood tests and sowing of sputum. Treatment is with antibiotics.


Niemann-Pick disease - hereditary disease in which fat is accumulated in various bodies most commonly found in the liver, spleen, brain and lymph nodes. This disease has several clinical forms, each of which has its own forecast. specific treatment no, high risk of death. Niemann-Pick disease affects both males and females equally.


Bronchopulmonary dysplasia is a chronic disease that affects the organs of the respiratory system. It most often develops in infants whose body weight at birth has not reached 1.5 kilograms. Such an ailment belongs to the category of polyetiological diseases, which means that several factors simultaneously influence its development, ranging from the irrational use of such a procedure as artificial ventilation of the lungs, and ending with burdened heredity.


Gas gangrene is a severe infectious pathology that develops against the background of extensive crushing of tissues due to anaerobic microorganisms. Also, the infection can enter the body in the presence of severed limbs, less often - with injuries to the large intestine. The reasons for the infection to enter the body are the contamination of wound foci with earth in which there is an anaerobic infection, as well as scraps of dirty clothes.


Hyperthermia is a protective and adaptive reaction of the human body, which manifests itself in response to negative impact various irritants. As a result, the processes of thermoregulation in the human body are gradually rebuilt, and this leads to an increase in body temperature.


Hypokalemia is a pathology that occurs against the background of a decrease in the amount of a trace element such as potassium in the human body. This happens for various reasons, internal or external, and can lead to the development of severe pathologies. Therefore, if the level of potassium in the urine drops below 3.5 mmol / l, doctors sound the alarm and talk about hypokalemia, requiring emergency treatment.


Disseminated intravascular coagulation or DIC is a violation of the ability of blood to coagulate, which is formed against the background of excessive influence of pathological factors. The disease leads to the formation of blood clots, damage internal organs and fabrics. This disorder cannot be independent, moreover, the more severe the underlying ailment, the more this syndrome manifests itself. In addition, even if the underlying disease affects only one organ, then with the development of thrombohemorrhagic syndrome, other organs and systems are inevitably involved in the pathological process.


stomach bleeding- a pathological process, which is characterized by the outflow of blood from damaged vessels of the stomach into the lumen of the organ. This clinical manifestation can be due to both a gastroenterological disease and pathology of other organs or body systems, uncontrolled intake of heavy medications and trauma.


Decompression sickness is a pathological condition that progresses due to the transition of a person from an area with elevated atmospheric pressure to an area with normal indicators. The disorder is named after the process of transition high pressure to normal. Divers and miners are often subject to this disorder, who for a long time are at depth.


Ketoacidosis is a dangerous complication diabetes, which without adequate and timely treatment can lead to diabetic coma or even to lethal outcome. The condition begins to progress if the human body cannot fully use glucose as an energy source, as it lacks the hormone insulin. In this case, the compensatory mechanism is activated, and the body begins to use incoming fats as an energy source.


Laryngitis in children inflammatory process larynx, in which its edema occurs almost immediately. The most dangerous laryngitis for newborn babies and for children under three years of age, because the course of the disease is accompanied by insufficient air ingress into respiratory system. This can cause suffocation if the parents do not ensure prompt hospitalization.


Left-sided pneumonia - is the rarest form of the development of an infectious process in the lungs of the two existing varieties. Despite this, the disease poses a great threat to the life of the patient. The main reason for the development of the disease is the pathological influence of pathogens that penetrate the left lung extremely rarely and often with a strong weakening of the immune system. In addition, doctors identify a large number of predisposing factors.


False croup is a pathology of an infectious-allergic nature that causes the development of edema of the larynx with its subsequent stenosis. The narrowing of the lumen of the airways, including the larynx, leads to insufficient air flow into the lungs and poses a threat to the life of the patient, therefore, assistance in this condition should be provided immediately - within minutes after the attack.


Myocarditis is common name for inflammatory processes in the heart muscle, or myocardium. The disease can appear against the background of various infections and autoimmune lesions, exposure to toxins or allergens. There are primary inflammation of the myocardium, which develops as an independent disease, and secondary, when cardiac pathology is one of the main manifestations of a systemic disease. With early diagnosis and complex treatment myocarditis and its causes, the prognosis for recovery is the most successful.


Neurocirculatory dystonia, or heart neurosis, is a disorder in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which is associated with a violation of the physiological neuroendocrine regulation. Most often manifested in women and adolescents due to the influence of severe stress or heavy physical exertion. It is much less common in people under the age of fifteen and over the age of forty.


Dehydration is a process that appears due to a large loss of fluid by the body, the volume of which several times prevails over the volume that a person consumes. As a result, there is a disorder in the normal working capacity of the body. Often manifested by fever, vomiting, diarrhea and increased sweating. It occurs most often in the hot season or when performing heavy physical exertion with not too much big welcome liquids. Every person is subject to such a disorder, regardless of gender and age, but according to statistics, children, elderly people are most often predisposed age group and people suffering from a chronic course of a disease.


Obstructive bronchitis- an inflammatory disease that affects the bronchi, and complicated by obstruction. This pathological process is accompanied by a pronounced edema of the airways, as well as a deterioration in the ventilation capacity of the lungs. Obstruction develops more rarely, doctors diagnose non-obstructive bronchitis several times more often.


Obstructive bronchitis in children is an inflammatory process in the bronchial tree, which occurs with obstruction. It leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, which causes a violation of the patency of air through them. It occurs in children from one to six years of age, and is the most common disease. childhood(of all that affect the respiratory system). In some cases, inflammation may recur repeatedly. The most affected by the disease are those children who attend kindergarten.


The disease, which is inherent in the formation lung failure, presented in the form of a massive release of transudate from the capillaries into the lung cavity and, as a result, contributing to the infiltration of the alveoli, is called pulmonary edema. In simple terms, pulmonary edema is a condition where there is a buildup of fluid in the lungs that has seeped through the blood vessels. The disease is characterized as an independent symptom and can be formed on the basis of other serious ailments organism.

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Pleurisy is a common name for diseases in which there is inflammation of the serous membrane around the lungs - the pleura. The disease usually develops against the background of already existing diseases and may be accompanied by the formation of an effusion on the surface of the membrane (exudative pleurisy) or fibrin (dry pleurisy). This problem is considered one of the most common pulmonary pathologies (300–320 cases per 100 thousand of the population), and the prognosis for treatment depends entirely on the severity of the primary disease and the stage of inflammation.


Pneumonia in children serious illness inflammatory nature, in which the respiratory sections of the lungs of the child are affected. Pathology can have a different etiology, but always wears heavy character, and children under the age of 3 suffer from pneumonia three times more often than older children (from 3 to 16 years).


Polycystic liver disease hereditary type, characterized by the formation of many cysts in the tissues of the organ (pathological cavity neoplasms, inside which exudate is localized). The reasons for the progression of the disease to date have not yet been thoroughly studied. It is noteworthy that the formation of cavity formations in a child is already observed during its intrauterine development, which made it possible for scientists to assume the hereditary factor of its manifestation.


Congenital heart disease in newborns is the formation of various anatomical defects in the elements of the heart. Usually, such pathologies begin to develop even in the prenatal period. In newborns, clinicians distinguish about 20 types of various defects.


Right-sided pneumonia - occurs several times more often than an inflammatory lesion of the left lung. This is due to the specific structure of the right bronchus - it is smaller and wider, which contributes to the penetration of pathogenic agents. Infection occurs by airborne droplets, but there are many other predisposing factors, among which the course of other chronic diseases occupies a special place. Very often, right-sided pneumonia acts as a complication.


Pressure sores are the process of tissue death that occurs due to impaired blood circulation in a single area of ​​the body. They appear most often in elderly bedridden patients, but in younger people, such a process can also begin, for example, due to prolonged wearing of a plaster cast. They develop on those parts of the body that are in contact with a hard surface the longest. The most common type is bedsores on the buttocks. Extremely rarely can be observed on such parts of the body as the back of the head, ribs and fingertips.


Rhinitis is an inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract. In other words, nasal congestion. Children and infants are most often affected. The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is the most important and the first obstacle to the entry of any bacteria into the body. Various microorganisms or viruses are simply destroyed by mucus. Violation of the primary barrier leads to the fact that the virus penetrates deeper into the mucous membrane, causes irritation and spreads there. All these processes are prerequisites for the progression acute rhinitis.


Septicemia is a type of blood poisoning, in which there is a violation of the general condition of the body due to inflammation that has arisen in it, but there are no areas of purulent damage to internal organs. In cases of formation of abscesses, another type of sepsis comes to the fore - septicopyemia. It is characterized by the fact that it occurs due to the penetration of pathological bacteria into the blood directly from the focus of infections or inflammations. This pathology develops against the background of any ailment.


The temperature of a newborn baby is normal in the first month

The breath of newborns is of great importance as an indicator of health. The oxygen supply system is a vital function. Especially in children in the first days of life. The structure of the respiratory tract of babies is special: they are still short, therefore deep breaths and exhalations are not yet feasible. A narrow nasopharynx exacerbates the process, so it is extremely important to ensure the most comfortable sleep conditions. It would be useful to know why a newborn often breathes in a dream, when this is the norm, and what signs indicate abnormalities.

A newborn baby develops very quickly. Human systems and organs grow at an accelerated rate. Therefore, the pulse, respiration and pressure are always higher than in an adult. In particular, the child's pulse is up to 140 beats per minute. The baby's breathing is still superficial, frequent, uneven. But this should not scare parents, if not additional features diseases.

By the age of 6-7 years, life support systems return to normal, immunity increases, and all diseases are not so difficult to bear.

Rapid respiratory movements of the infant: norm or pathology

The frequency of inhalations-exhalations in the first day is very high, up to 60 movements. This is called transient hyperventilation and helps the baby adapt to life outside the mother's womb.

It is important to know! Fast movements are necessary to remove harmful carbon dioxide. After a short time (several hours), the frequency is up to 40 breaths. This is a norm that does not require corrections. Also, discontinuity is not considered a deviation: frequent, rare, weak or with pauses of up to 10 seconds breathing.

Jumps and drops are associated with insufficient development of the respiratory nerves, so parents should not worry.

Different types of breathing

So that mom and dad do not worry about the frequency of movements of the oxygen supply system in a child, you should be aware of certain types of breathing. There are three of them in total. Let's analyze each of them in detail:

  1. Breast. With such movements, the upper section is actively working. The baby in this case may suffer from poor ventilation. lower section lungs.
  2. Abdominal. It is evidenced by the movements of the abdominal wall, diaphragm. And with prolonged breathing of this type, the upper sections of the lungs suffer.
  3. Mixed. The most optimal type, in which both the stomach (diaphragm) and rib cage.

Standard frequency and deviation parameters

If the little one does not have a stuffy nose, all systems work normally, he should inhale briefly 2-3 times, and then take one long breath. All of them are superficial, but this is the norm. With an increase in the lived weeks, the respiratory system is restored and becomes rhythmic, deep.

You can determine the number of movements by lifting / lowering the baby's chest at rest:

  • up to 21 days of life makes 40-60 breaths / exhalations;
  • in 22-90 days of life - already 40-45 movements per minute;
  • from 3 to 6 months, their number is reduced to 35-40.

It is important to know! By the year, oxygen supply systems are formed, and the number of respiratory movements should not exceed 36 units per minute.

Frequent breathing: causes

The fact that the baby inhales often is normal. But if a newborn child breathes heavily in a dream, while the process is accompanied by strange sounds and movements, it is possible that he develops a disease. If the baby twitches, breathing is extremely difficult, with wheezing and additional symptoms, this is an occasion for immediate treatment to the doctor. An ambulance should be called.

The causes of difficulty breathing can be anything: a cold, a stuffy nose, a foreign object or mucus in the nasopharynx, an allergic reaction, and more.

Dangerous pathologies and their consequences

Apnea (breath holding) in an infant is often a natural process. However, there are pathologies that require immediate intervention specialist:

Attention! An ambulance should be called in such cases:

  • groans, whistling, heavy wheezing;
  • cough and runny nose, accompanied by wheezing in the chest;
  • gurgling in the throat, nose, not passing for a long time.

And, of course, you should not delay contacting specialists if the child simply does not breathe for more than 20 seconds. Such a stop can result in death.

When not to panic

Having dealt with the signs of serious pathologies, you should know that apnea and other factors are not always caused by diseases. In what cases is it better for parents to calm down and help the baby breathe normally on their own? Consider all options for frequent breathing of a child without a threat to health and life:

If the sleep of the crumbs is interrupted by respiratory arrest for a few seconds, you can take the baby in your arms, lull and gently pat on the back, buttocks - everything will pass.

Breathing problems in premature babies

Babies who are born before 37 weeks of gestation are called premature. In such crumbs, due to the inferiority of all life support systems, there are various problems. The earlier the baby's birth date, the more attentive the mother should be.

Causes of respiratory disorders:

  1. Underdevelopment of the lungs. Violations of organs threaten incomplete disclosure of tissues, and the baby makes much more effort to breathe. For such children, it is necessary to constantly maintain an artificial ventilation system.
  2. Apnea. Here the main factor is an insufficiently formed respiratory brain center. But if in an adult this limitation is compensated by deep breaths, then the child is still physically unable to breathe deeply, so there is no compensation. This is the main reason why prolonged sleep apnea occurs, which also requires vigilant observation.

As the crumbs grow up, all problems are solved naturally, the baby begins to breathe calmly, evenly.

Conditions that help a child breathe normally during sleep

To ensure normal breathing and healthy sleep for the newborn, Dr. Komarovsky advises not to forget about the standard preparation rules:

Sleeping posture is also important for normal breathing. Sometimes the child begins to wheeze if he lies on his stomach for a long time. He can bury his nose in the folds of a blanket or a soft pillow and suffocate, because he still does not know how to raise and twist his head.

Advice! It is necessary to turn the baby on his back, lay on his side, the wheezing sound will disappear, there will be no danger of suffocation. To fix the desired position, you can put a twisted roller from the diaper to the baby's body.


Knowing what the signs of illness are and when not to worry, any parent should also understand what to do if the child is not breathing. If the apnea is prolonged, the baby must be very carefully awakened. This should be done very carefully so that the child is not afraid. If in seconds the baby does not begin to inhale, you should immediately call an ambulance!

A normal healthy baby should sleep peacefully, waking up only for feeding. There are few causes of wheezing and breath holding in sleep without pathologies, everything else leads to significant deviations in the growth and development of the child, and can also threaten his life.

Newborn babies take a long time to adapt to life outside of their mother's tummy. Their organs and systems are not fully developed and continue to form, therefore, in some cases, parents notice changes in the condition of their babies and begin to panic. In particular, the breathing of babies can cause anxiety. Moms notice that it is radically different from their own breathing and suspect something is wrong. However, you should not immediately sound the alarm, for a start it is worth figuring out why the crumbs breathe differently than we do.

Features of the respiratory system

Babies do not know how to fully control even innate instincts because they're just getting started. In addition, the organs are not fully formed and continue to develop. This is also shown on the breath. A newborn can take very deep breaths - as if the child is trying to capture as much oxygen as possible. This happens because the organs of the respiratory system are not yet fully developed in the crumbs. They have the following features:

  • too small upper and lower airways, which prevents deep breathing;
  • narrow nasal passages and nasopharynx;
  • narrow lumen of the larynx.

All these features make babies vulnerable even to such a trifle as household dust. Microscopic particles can settle on the mucous membranes, causing their swelling and hypersecretion, which leads to disruption of normal breathing.

Babies cannot fully breathe, but parental help will quickly establish this process. The best prevention against diseases and a means to stabilize breathing will be massage and gymnastics.

How babies breathe

If a newborn often breathes in a dream, and no symptoms of pathology appear, this is an absolute norm. This is due to the physiological immaturity of the upper and lower respiratory tract. The body of the crumbs should be fully saturated with oxygen, but make deep breath baby can't. Rapid breathing is a compensatory function used by newborns. Due to the fact that the air supply has not yet been fully adjusted, small children can breathe unevenly.

The rate of breathing also differs from that of an adult. Most often, the crumbs take two or three short breaths, and then one long one. Such a process is the norm for children from birth to one year old, over time, the rhythm of inhalations and exhalations will become more even.

The absence of signs such as wheezing, an open mouth, muscle tension and groans in a dream is a sign of a completely normal baby.

We find out the frequency of breathing

A newborn can breathe at rest quite often. It is difficult for parents to determine whether such a condition is within the normal range or goes beyond it. To confirm or refute failures in the child's respiratory rate, it must be measured. This is done with a phonendoscope. Its membrane is preheated by hands and applied to the baby's chest. If special device if you don’t, you can simply put your hand on the baby’s chest and monitor the number of her rises for one minute.

In pediatrics, there are regulated respiratory rates for children of different ages:

  • from birth to two weeks of age - the norm is 40-60 breaths per 1 minute;
  • at the age of two weeks to three months, the norm is 40-45 breaths;
  • from four to six months - 35-40 breaths;
  • from seven months to one year - 30-36 breaths.

If the indicators are within the normal range, the child has no signs of infectious and inflammatory diseases, he is steadily gaining weight, you can not worry about his breathing. Over time, all organs and systems begin to function properly, breathing becomes even and less frequent.

Learning to determine the type

Not only the frequency of inhalations and exhalations can be an indicator of the health of the baby, but also the type of breathing itself. It depends on it how well the lungs and upper respiratory tract will be ventilated, what the quality of gas exchange in the tissues will be, and how quickly the brain cells will be saturated with oxygen.

To find out your child's breathing pattern, just look at which parts of his body are moving during inhalations and exhalations.

In total, it is customary to distinguish three main types:

  • The first one is chest, we can talk about it, if the baby’s chest is actively working when air is inhaled, it rises and falls rhythmically. This type results in insufficient ventilation of the lower part of the lungs.
  • If there is movement of the abdominal wall and diaphragm, then the child abdominal type breathing. With it, the upper respiratory organs experience a lack of oxygen.
  • If both the diaphragm and the chest work at the same time, this indicates mixed breathing. This type is the most useful and allows you to fully saturate the body with oxygen.

Learning to recognize pathologies

Rapid breathing of an infant in a dream can be a sign of many serious pathologies, therefore it is important that parents be able to correctly recognize them. If you notice that the crumbs have deviations from the norm, you should carefully monitor him. The problem may indicate such pathologies:

norm for kids

The breathing of newborn babies can become more frequent for completely harmless reasons. If you do not see any changes in the condition of the child, then there is no reason to panic. Sometimes a failure in the rhythm of breaths can occur due to the fact that the baby choked on something. Also, mothers can often hear a gurgling in the baby's throat, this happens if he does not have time to swallow saliva. This condition goes away with time and should not cause undue concern.

Temporary cessation of breathing is also common in newborns. If it does not exceed 10 seconds, then the baby's condition is normal. The disorder goes away by itself when the baby reaches six months of age.

Also, the environment can affect the respiratory rate, try installing a humidifier in the child and maintaining the humidity at 60-70%, and the air temperature at 18-21 ° C, this will significantly reduce the load on the child's respiratory system and contribute to the normal saturation of the body with oxygen.

In conclusion

The respiratory system of an infant is an imperfect and very vulnerable mechanism that cannot function normally. Rapid breathing during sleep is the norm for newborns and should not cause concern to parents. However, if the condition of the crumbs worsens sharply, and he has other symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

It is important to notice violations in time, since in babies they progress very quickly. Keep an eye on your children and seek professional help in time.