Anticonvulsants in ampoules. Anticonvulsants - list: use in epilepsy and neuralgia

In programming, there are often tasks that require multiple execution of the same group of program statements with different values ​​of their operands. Such processes are called cyclical or simply cycles. A group of cyclically repeating statements forms the so-called loop body, which can be represented as a simple or compound expression. A single execution of the loop body will be called iteration.

The loop body in the program is always preceded by cycle title, containing the notation loop operator and an expression specifying (directly or indirectly) the number of iterations. Note that the body of the cycle is an operand of the cycle operator, therefore, the header and the body of the cycle constitute an indivisible structural unit of the program. Hereafter, using the term loop statement", we will keep in mind both the title and the body of the cycle.

To organize cycles in all programming systems, there are specialized loop statements, the use of which saves the programmer from having to program cycles "manually". MathCAD supports two kinds of such operators − cycle with predestination For (also called loop with counter) and loop with precondition While . The structure of these operators is described in Table 5.

5.4.1 Operator For

This operator should be used in cases where the number of iterations is predetermined, that is, known in advance.

Cycle header of this operator (the right operand) contains a variable called parameter(or counter) cycle, and list of values this setting. The number of elements of the list determines the number of iterations - during each iteration, the loop parameter receives the next value from the list specified in the header.

Cycle parameter has the status of an internal program variable and has all of its properties (described in paragraph 5.1.4). As a rule, the loop parameter is used on the right side of the expressions that are part of the loop body, although it is not formally forbidden to use it on the left side of the expressions (that is, to the left of the local definition operator "f"). It should be remembered that if the parameter was changed in the loop body, its changed value will be valid only until the end of the current iteration, because before the next iteration, the parameter will still receive the next value from the list specified in the loop header.

Formally, it is allowed not to use the loop parameter at all in the expressions of the loop body - in this case, the list of parameter values ​​​​does not play any role - only the length of this list is significant, which determines the number of (possibly meaningless) iterations.

Upon completion of the last iteration, the program statement following the loop statement will be executed. In this case, the variable used as a parameter of the completed loop retains the value that it had in the last actually completed iterations[*]. Note that this value does not always coincide with the last value from the list specified in the loop header, since it is possible to "early" exit from the loop when the operator is triggered Break included in the body of the loop.

List of values the loop parameter is written in the loop header after the symbol " Î ", indicating membership in a set (this symbol does not need to be entered "manually" - it will be automatically displayed when entering the operator For ). MathCAD allows the use three forms entries in this list: direct transfer– list elements are explicitly specified separated by commas, the parameter receives values ​​from the list in the order in which they appear; in the style of a ranged variable − the elements of the list form the corresponding arithmetic series; array– the elements of the list sequentially receive the values ​​of the array elements in the order of their indices (first - columns from left to right, then - rows from top to bottom).

The three programs shown in Figure 21 illustrate different uses of the operator For .

Program Fact(n) calculates the factorial of a number n . The loop operator in this program is part of a compound expression, which, in turn, is the operand of the conditional operator otherwise. Cycle parameter k gets values ​​from an integer arithmetic series.

Program Ch(V,N,p) processes the input vector V , replacing it with the value p those elements whose indices are given by the elements of the second input vector N . In this example, the loop parameter value list i given by a set of vector elements N . Note that both of these programs perform input data control and block the execution of the main algorithm if the actual program arguments are specified incorrectly.

Program L(M,z) , given in the example in ), is accompanied by detailed comments and does not require explanation. This program illustrates the possibility of using multiple loop statements, one of which is included in the statements body another. Usage nested loops is a typical trick used to process multidimensional arrays.

Figure 21 - Examples of programming cycles For

Figure 22 illustrates the use of the operators Break and Continue in the body of the loop. As a rule, these operators are themselves operands of conditional operators. If or otherwise .

Operator Break ("abort") interrupts execution of the loop and transfers control to the statement following the interrupted loop statement. Note that if the operator Break interrupted nested loop, the execution of the outer loop will continue.

Operator Continue ("continue") acts differently - it breaks only the current iteration of the loop and transfers control to the header of this cycle, after which the execution of the cycle continues from the next iteration (unless, of course, the interrupted iteration was the last one).

Operator Break allowed to use and outside cycle bodies. In this case, the execution of the entire subroutine is interrupted, and the result of evaluating the last actually executed subroutine expression is returned.

Figure 22 - Examples of using operators Break and Continue

Function SumN(V) sums only those elements of the vector that contain scalar data of the numeric type, and ignores the rest of the elements. Function Inverse(V) generates a vector whose elements are the reciprocals of the values ​​of the corresponding elements of the original vector. In this case, if the next element contains the number "0" or is not a scalar of a numeric type, cycle is interrupted. Note that the operator Break in the last example, does not interrupt the program, but transfers control to the operator return immediately following the operator For .

5.4.3 Operator While

Unlike the operator For , statement header While (in translation - " Bye") does not contain explicit indications of the number of iterations - it contains boolean expression, whose value is automatically calculated before the beginning execution of each successive iteration[†]. As long as this expression is "true", the iterations of the loop will continue; as soon as after the completion of the next iteration the expression becomes "false", the next iteration of the loop will not be executed, and control will be received by the program statement following the statement While .

Obviously, if an identically false logical expression is placed in the loop header, this loop will not perform any of its iterations, and if this expression is identically true, the loop will be infinite (the latter situation is called looping programs). In order to avoid such situations, one or more variables that change their values ​​must be included in the number of operands of a logical expression. in the loop body so that the loop is finite (other means can be used to prevent looping - for example, a forced exit from the loop by the operator Break ).

Operator Usage Examples While are shown in Figure 23. Three options for solving the same problem are given: each of the programs F0 , F1 and F2 returns the index of the first of the elements of the original vectorV exceeding the given valuez .

First program (example a ) adds one to the counter k in the loop body While until the next k -th element of the original vector will not exceed the given value z . After that, the loop ends and the program returns the last modified value of the variable k , which is the solution to the problem. Note that, in contrast to the cycle For , counter k here it is necessary to process with separate statements: initialize (that is, assign it an initial value) before the loop statement and change its value in the loop body.

It is easy to see that the option a ) of the program has a significant drawback: it does not prevent the program from looping in the case when the problem has no solution, that is, when the parameter z exceeds the value of the largest element of the vector V . In this example, looping in such a situation will not really happen - but this is not the merit of our program, but of the MathCAD system, which controls the output of the vector index V out of range and will generate an error message.

Free from this shortcoming is the option b ) of a program in which the loop body contains an additional check for the validity of the next index value and forcibly interrupts the loop with the operator Break in the corresponding situation with the issuance of a text message.

Perhaps the most efficient way to solve this problem is to in ), which does not use the operator at all While . In this program, the variable k used only to maintain the "purity of style" - to exclude the processing of the cycle parameter i outside the operator For .

Figure 23 - Examples of programming cycles While

Anticonvulsants (antiepileptic drugs) are a heterogeneous group of pharmacological agents used in the treatment of epileptic seizures. Anticonvulsants are also increasingly being used in the treatment of bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder, as many of them act as mood stabilizers and are also used to treat neuropathic pain. Anticonvulsants suppress the rapid and excessive firing of neurons during seizures. Anticonvulsants also prevent the spread of a seizure in the brain. Some researchers have found that anticonvulsants alone can lead to lower IQs in children. However, in addition to these side effects, one should take into account the significant risk of epileptic seizures in children and possible death and the development of neurological complications. Anticonvulsants are more accurately referred to as antiepileptic drugs (abbreviated as AEDs). AEDs provide only symptomatic treatment and have not been shown to change the course of epilepsy.

Conventional antiepileptic drugs can block sodium channels or enhance γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) function. Several anticonvulsants have multiple or undefined mechanisms of action. In addition to voltage-gated sodium channels and components of the GABA system, their targets include GABA-A receptors, the GAT-1 GABA transporter, and GABA transaminase. Additional targets include voltage-gated calcium channels, SV2A and α2δ. By blocking sodium or calcium channels, anticonvulsants reduce the release of excitatory glutamate, which is elevated in epilepsy, and GABA. This is likely a side effect or even the actual mechanism of action of some antiepileptic drugs, as GABA may directly or indirectly contribute to epilepsy. Another potential target for antiepileptic drugs is the peroxisome proliferator-activated alpha receptor. This class of substances was the 5th best-selling drug in the US in 2007. Several anticonvulsants have demonstrated antiepileptic effects in animal models of epilepsy. That is, they either prevent the development of epilepsy or can stop or reverse the progression of epilepsy. However, in human trials, no drug has been able to prevent epileptogenesis (the development of epilepsy in an individual at risk, such as after a traumatic brain injury).


The usual way to get approval for a drug is to show that it is effective compared to a placebo, or that it is more effective than an existing drug. In monotherapy (when only one drug is used), it is considered unethical to conduct placebo trials on a new drug of uncertain efficacy. Left untreated, epilepsy is associated with a significant risk of death. Thus, almost all new drugs for epilepsy are initially approved only as adjuvant (additional) therapy. Patients whose epilepsy is not currently controlled by medication (i.e., not responding to treatment) are selected to see if taking a new drug will result in improved seizure control. Any reduction in seizure frequency is compared with placebo. The lack of superiority over existing therapies, combined with the lack of placebo-controlled trials, means that some current drugs have received FDA approval as initial monotherapy. In contrast, in Europe only equivalence to existing treatments is required, resulting in many other treatments being approved. Despite the lack of FDA approval, a number of new drugs are still recommended by the American Academy of Neurology and the American Epilepsy Society as initial monotherapy.


In the following list, dates in parentheses indicate the earliest authorized use of the drug.


    Paraldehyde (1882). One of the earliest anticonvulsants. It is still used to treat status epilepticus, especially in the absence of resuscitation.

Aromatic allyl alcohols

    Stiripentol (2001 - limited availability). It is used to treat Dravet's syndrome.


Barbiturates are drugs that act as central nervous system (CNS) depressants, and as such they produce a wide range of effects, from mild sedation to anesthesia. Anticonvulsants are classified as follows:

    Phenobarbital (1912).

    Methylphenobarbital (1935). Known in the US as mephobarbital. No longer marketed in the UK.

    Barbexaclone (1982). Only available in certain European countries.

Phenobarbital was the main anticonvulsant from 1912 until the development of phenytoin in 1938. Today, phenobarbital is rarely used to treat epilepsy in new patients because there are other effective drugs that are less sedative. Sodium phenobarbital injection can be used to stop acute seizures or status epilepticus, but benzodiazepines such as lorazepam, diazepam, or midazolam are usually used first. Other barbiturates exhibit only anticonvulsant activity at analgesic doses.


Benzodiazepines are a class of drugs with hypnotic, sedative, anticonvulsant, amnesic, and muscle relaxant properties. Benzodiazepines act as central nervous system depressants. The relative strength of each of these properties in any one of the benzodiazepines varies greatly and affects the indications for which it is prescribed. Long-term use may be problematic due to the development of tolerance to anticonvulsant effects and the development of dependence. Among the many drugs in this class, only a few are used to treat epilepsy:

    Clobazam (1979). In particular, it is used short-term during menstruation in women with menstrual epilepsy.

    Clonazepam (1974).

    Clorazepate (1972).

The following benzodiazepines are used to treat status epilepticus:

    Diazepam (1963).

    Midazolam (not approved). Increasingly used as an alternative to diazepam. This water-soluble drug is injected into the mouth but not swallowed. It is rapidly absorbed in the oral mucosa.

    Lorazepam (1972). It is given by injection in a hospital.

    Nitrazepam, temazepam, and especially nimetazepam are powerful anticonvulsants, but they are used quite rarely due to an increase in the frequency of side effects and a strong sedative effect and impaired motor properties.


    Potassium bromide (1857). The earliest effective treatment for epilepsy. Until 1912, a better drug was not developed until phenobarbital was created. This drug is still used today as an anticonvulsant in dogs and cats.



    Carbamazepine (1963). A popular anticonvulsant that is available in generic form.

    Oxcarbazepine (1990). A derivative of carbamazepine that has similar efficacy but is better tolerated and is also available in generic form.

    Eslicarbazepine acetate (2009)

Fatty acid

    Valproates - valproic acid, sodium valproate and sodium divalproate (1967).

    Vigabatrin (1989).


    Tiagabin (1996).

    Vigabatrin and Progabid are also GABA analogues.

Fructose derivatives

    Topiramate (1995).

GABA analogs

    Gabapentin (1993).

    Pregabalin (2004).


    Etotoin (1957).

    Phenytoin (1938).

  • Fosphenytoin (1996).



    Trimethadione (1946).




    Primidon (1952).



    Levetiracetam (1999).


    Ethosuximide (1955).


    Acetalosamide (1953).


    Zonisamide (2000).


    Lamotrigine (1990).


Valproylamides (amide derivatives of valproate)




Non-medical anticonvulsants

Sometimes, the ketogenic diet or vagus nerve stimulation are described as "anticonvulsant" therapy.

As recommended by the AAN and AES, mainly based on a 2004 general review of articles, patients with newly diagnosed epilepsy who require treatment may be started on standard anticonvulsants such as carbamazepine, phenytoin, valproic acid, phenobarbital, or newer the anticonvulsants gabapentin, lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine, or topiramate. The choice of anticonvulsants depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. Both new and old drugs tend to be equally effective in newly diagnosed epilepsy. New drugs tend to have fewer side effects. For the treatment of newly diagnosed partial or mixed seizures, there is evidence for the use of gabapentin, lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine, or topiramate as monotherapy. Lamotrigine may be included in treatment options for children with newly diagnosed absences.


The first anticonvulsant was bromide, proposed in 1857 by Charles Lockock, who used it to treat women with "hysterical epilepsy" (probably menstrual epilepsy). Bromides are effective against epilepsy and can also cause impotence, which is unrelated to its antiepileptic effects. Bromide also influences behavior, which led to the development of the idea of ​​an "epileptic personality", but this behavior was actually the result of the drug. Phenobarbital was first used in 1912 for its sedative and anti-epileptic properties. By the 1930s, the development of animal models in epilepsy research led to the development of phenytoin by Tracy Tupnam and H. Houston Merritt, which had a clear advantage in treating epileptic seizures with less sedation. By 1970, the NIH Anticonvulsant Screening Program, led by J. Kiffin Penry, served as a mechanism to attract the interest and ability of pharmaceutical companies in the development of new anticonvulsants.

Use during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the metabolism of some anticonvulsants worsens. There may be increased excretion of the drug from the body and, as a result, a decrease in blood concentrations of lamotrigine, phenytoin, and, to a lesser extent, carbamazepine, and possibly a decrease in the level of levetiracetam and the active metabolite of oxcarbazepine, a derivative of a monohydroxy compound. Therefore, the use of these drugs during pregnancy should be monitored. Valproic acid and its derivatives, such as sodium valproate and sodium divalproate, cause a cognitive deficit in the child, while increasing the dose causes a decrease in the IQ. On the other hand, the evidence for carbamazepine is inconsistent regarding any increased risk of congenital physical abnormalities or neurodevelopmental impairment by in utero exposure. In addition, children exposed to lamotrigine or phenytoin in utero do not differ in their skills compared to those exposed to carbamazepine. There is insufficient evidence to determine whether newborns of mothers with epilepsy who are taking anticonvulsants have a substantially increased risk of hemorrhagic disease of the newborn. Regarding breastfeeding, some anticonvulsants are likely to pass into breast milk in clinically significant amounts, including primidone and levetiracetam. On the other hand, valproate, phenobarbital, phenytoin, and carbamazepine are not likely to be passed through breast milk in clinically relevant amounts. In animal models, several anticonvulsants induce neuronal apoptosis in the developing brain.

List of anticonvulsants

2014/05/27 20:50 Natalia
2014/05/28 13:27 Natalia
2015/03/13 11:22 Yana
2015/12/30 22:31 Natalia
2015/11/03 18:35 Natalia
2015/11/05 16:12 Natalia
2014/05/22 16:57 Natalia
2014/05/27 21:25 Natalia
2013/11/26 20:49 Pavel
2014/05/13 13:38 Natalia
2018/11/18 18:32
2013/12/19 13:03 Natalia
2016/05/16 15:44
2017/10/06 15:35
2016/05/19 02:22
2015/02/24 16:23 Natalia
2015/03/24 23:19 Yana
2017/04/11 14:05

Probably everyone at least once in his life experienced what a cramp is. These are involuntary brain symptoms that can lead to impaired consciousness, emotional disturbances, or strong fibers in the arms or legs.

If you have seizures quite often, then this is the reason why you urgently need to see a doctor. They can signal serious diseases not only in the nervous system, but also in other organs. After the examination, the doctor will definitely prescribe the appropriate treatment, which will include anticonvulsants, in order to reduce the frequency of seizures.

Causes of convulsive conditions

Convulsions can appear in a person at different periods of life, the most common causes of such conditions include:

In order to get rid of such problems, it is necessary to accurately determine their cause, because in each case, anticonvulsants are prescribed individually.

Varieties of seizures

It is possible to give the following classification of convulsive conditions:

1. Generalized convulsions. They most often capture the entire body, as, for example, during epileptic seizures.

  • clonic. There is a change in muscle tension, twitching is observed.
  • tonic. Spasm of muscle fibers.
  • Tonic-clonic. Mixed convulsions, which are characterized by both alternating involuntary twitching and spasm.

2. Local. Seen in certain muscles, such as calf cramps.

Generalized seizures are more serious because they affect the entire body. They may be accompanied by loss of consciousness.

Any convulsive conditions have a cause that must be identified in order to prescribe adequate treatment.

Epilepsy, its causes and symptoms

This is a disease of the nervous system, it is characterized by sudden, during which convulsions cover the entire body of the patient. If a person is diagnosed correctly, then it is possible, using new generation anticonvulsants, to achieve good results.

The main causes of epilepsy include:

  • Damage to brain neurons.
  • pathology during pregnancy.
  • Birth trauma.
  • hereditary factor.
  • Violation of blood circulation in the brain structures.
  • Oxygen starvation of the brain.
  • Viral infections.

Many doctors still cannot speak with high accuracy about the causes of this disease in each individual person.

The most common and striking symptom of this disease are convulsive seizures. They happen periodically and always start suddenly. During an attack, the patient does not react at all to external stimuli, after it ends, the person usually feels weak, but the attack itself does not remember.

The seizure may not cover the entire body, then the patient simply loses consciousness, or spasms of the facial muscles and illogical, same-type movements are observed.

Epilepsy can be diagnosed only after a thorough examination. If timely and correct treatment is prescribed, then in most cases it is possible to avoid attacks, and the quality of life of a person improves significantly.

Epilepsy treatment

Most patients with a diagnosis of "epilepsy" are on the path to recovery if the correct treatment is prescribed, and the patient and his family members take an active part in this process.

During treatment, it is very important not only to prescribe anticonvulsants (for epilepsy), but to solve a number of problems:

  1. Find out the causes of seizures.
  2. If possible, exclude the influence of those factors that can become provocateurs of seizures.
  3. Make a correct diagnosis of the type of epilepsy.
  4. Prescribe adequate medical treatment. It can also be inpatient care.
  5. Much attention should be paid to rest, social problems, employment of patients.

Among the main principles of treatment of epilepsy are:

  • Selection of a medicine that will correspond to the type of seizure. Anticonvulsants are prescribed (such drugs help to eliminate or alleviate seizures).
  • It is desirable to use monotherapy, that is, to use one drug for convulsive conditions.
  • Use of physiotherapy treatment.


The following classification can be given, which is used for drugs for seizures.

  1. Benzodiazepines. This group includes: "Diazepam", "Clonazepam", "Dormicum" and others. These drugs are used to relieve an attack and to prevent it.
  2. Valproates. Anticonvulsant drugs of this group interfere with the conduction of a nerve impulse, so there are fewer seizures. These include: "Acediprol", "Apilepsin" and many others.
  3. "Lamotrigine". It is usually used in the complex therapy of epilepsy until the patient's condition is normalized.
  4. Hydantoin derivatives. This includes "Difenin", it reduces the excitability of nerve cells. It has an anticonvulsant effect.
  5. Succinoids. In their action, they are similar to the drug of the previous group.
  6. Derivatives of oxazolidinedione. This is "Trimetin", which is ineffective for complex and extensive convulsions, and can be useful for local ones.
  7. Iminostilbenes. This includes "Finlepsin", it does not allow the reproduction of repeated action potentials, which are precisely the basis of convulsive activity.
  8. Anticonvulsants of the barbiturate group belong to the older generation of drugs. Compared to modern drugs, they are already ineffective, so they are used less and less. In addition, with prolonged use, they are addictive.

Any anticonvulsant drugs for epilepsy should be prescribed by a doctor. Only then can effective treatment be guaranteed. It is worth considering that if they are abruptly canceled, the condition may worsen, so the doctor selects the dosage for the entire course of treatment.

Treatment of convulsive conditions in children

Seizures in children are much more common than in adults. This can be caused by many things, ranging from brain disorders to the usual high fever during a viral infection.

The predisposition of young children to frequent convulsions can be explained by the immaturity of brain structures. At the first symptoms of an attack, it is necessary to take all necessary measures to stop it, otherwise irreversible changes in the central nervous system are possible.

According to the degree of danger, anticonvulsant drugs for children can be divided into two groups:

  1. Drugs that practically do not depress breathing. These include benzodiazepines: Droperidol, Lidocaine.
  2. Respiratory depressants. These are barbiturates, "Magnesium sulfate".

If you have diagnosed a seizure in your child, then you should not wait for its recurrence, but you must urgently consult a doctor. With single convulsions during a high temperature, the next time you should not wait for the thermometer to rise above 38 degrees, bring it down earlier and do not provoke an attack.

If such conditions are observed in a child often, then he will be prescribed treatment. Any anticonvulsant is used strictly in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. In young children, Phenobarbital is most often used in treatment.

It not only prevents the appearance of convulsions, but also calms the nervous system and has a slight hypnotic effect.

Doctors often prescribe one anticonvulsant for children in the treatment of such conditions - this is a mixture of Sereysky and its varieties. It consists of: luminal, caffeine and papaverine. In combination, they relieve spasms well and improve the nutrition of nerve cells.

Muscle spasm in the legs

If an epileptic seizure, which is accompanied by convulsions, is a relatively infrequent phenomenon, since the percentage of such patients is relatively small, then almost every person probably experienced a sharp spasm in the legs. It appears at a time when the muscle stops contracting. Most often, this phenomenon can be observed in the calf muscle. This spasm usually lasts for several minutes. After its completion, pain may disappear without a trace, and in some cases, pain in the muscle can be felt for several more days.

Often such attacks occur at night, some remember the sensations when in the water while swimming in the sea. In this case, it is desirable that someone be nearby and provide assistance.

If this happens to you quite often, then you should not dismiss this problem, but you should consult a doctor.

Causes of leg cramps

If we talk about the reasons that can provoke the development of a sharp muscle spasm in the leg, then the following can be noted:

  1. Idiopathic Occurs for an unknown reason, most often at night, especially in the elderly. Athletes are aware of such problems. According to scientists, this occurs when the muscle is already in a contracted state, and the nervous system sends another impulse to contract to it. If you periodically train your muscles and perform stretching exercises, you can reduce the number of such attacks or eliminate them altogether.
  2. Another group of seizures can signal a number of problems in the body:
  • Dehydration.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Flat feet.
  • Overweight.
  • Lack of calcium and magnesium.
  • Nervous tension.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Imbalance of potassium and sodium in the blood.
  • Narrowing of the leg arteries, which is often seen in smokers.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Hypothermia of the legs.
  • Lack of vitamins of group B, lack of vitamins D, E.

As you can see, there are many reasons why leg cramps can bother you and make your life difficult.

First aid and treatment of leg cramps

When a person reduces his leg or arm, the primary task is to remove this attack as soon as possible. What can be recommended to do so that the spasm stops?

  • Stand on the leg that has cramped, only holding on to the chair. Although this action is painful, it is considered quite effective.
  • You can put your foot under hot water, if possible.
  • Sharply press on the middle of the muscle.
  • Do self-massage, starting from the ankle to the thigh.
  • Grasp with both hands and pull up and towards you.
  • Try to pinch yourself for a spasmodic place several times.
  • Advice from athletes is to prick a muscle with a pin.

After you manage to relieve painful muscle spasm, it is advisable not to delay a visit to the doctor, especially if you are often visited by convulsions. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the established causes of this condition.

There are several ways to deal with this problem:

  • Medical treatment.
  • Using folk remedies.
  • Special gymnastics.

If we talk about drug treatment, then the best anticonvulsants for the legs are Orthocalcium + Magnesium and Ortho Taurine Ergo.

The first medicine saturates the body with magnesium, as well as other minerals and vitamins, without which normal muscle function is impossible. Sometimes after the first application, the effect is noticeable, but most often it is necessary to undergo a monthly course of treatment with this drug.

"Ortho Taurine Ergo" is even more effective, it is prescribed even for epileptic seizures. He, like all anticonvulsants (anticonvulsant drugs), relieves an attack. Its action is enhanced by the presence of vitamins E, B, zinc and lipoic acid.

Doctors often prescribe new generation anticonvulsant drugs for the legs because they not only help relieve spasm quickly, but also reduce mental and physical fatigue.

An even greater effect will be achieved if these two drugs: Orthocalcium + Magnesium and Ortho Taurine Ergo are taken together. Spasms will disturb less and less, and the treatment will go faster.

Gymnastics can positively influence the speed of treatment and ego efficiency. Some exercises (best performed in the morning) will help your muscles bounce back faster:

  1. Standing near a chair, place your feet crosswise and lean on the outside. After a few seconds, take a starting position.
  2. Sitting on a chair, bend your fingers with all your might, and then straighten them.
  3. From a standing position, rise on your toes so that your heels are off the floor, and then drop sharply.
  4. Before going to bed, you can perform rotational movements with your feet, as well as flexion and extension of your toes.

The abilities of traditional medicine should also not be discounted. Healers offer the following tips for leg cramps:

  1. Rub lemon juice into the skin every morning and evening. It is not worth wiping, it is necessary for it to be absorbed by itself.
  2. Laurel oil helps a lot. You can prepare it in the following way: 50 grams of a leaf should be poured with 250 ml of vegetable oil and left for two weeks in a dark place. After filtering, it is necessary to smear them with places where cramps most often reduce.
  3. Mix celandine juice and petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1: 2, rub hands or feet with this mixture, where spasms occur.

Any disease requires an integrated approach. Seizures are no exception. Treatment will be more effective if drugs, folk remedies and exercise are used together.

Prevention of convulsive conditions

If the cause of seizures is epilepsy, then this requires serious treatment. Only regular intake of medications and the implementation of all the recommendations of doctors will help to avoid periodic convulsive seizures.

With frequent muscle spasms in the arms or legs, the following recommendations can be advised:

  1. Build a diet so that it contains a sufficient amount of all the necessary minerals and vitamins.
  2. In winter, you can replenish the supply of elements by taking synthetic vitamins and biological supplements.
  3. You need to drink about 2 liters of water per day.
  4. You need to limit your sugar intake.
  5. Do not get carried away with caffeine, it can wash out calcium from bones.
  6. If you play sports, then you need to properly distribute the load.
  7. Do not go into too cold water when relaxing at sea.
  8. When sitting in a chair, never put your legs under you, especially both at the same time.

If, nevertheless, prevention did not help you, and convulsions occur, then you should consult a doctor. Do not buy anticonvulsants without prescriptions, otherwise you can only harm yourself even more.