Low temperature in a cat - causes and what to do Causes of high fever in cats

Vomiting in a cat is a fairly common phenomenon that has happened to every pet at least once. And often we do not attach due importance to this situation - well, our mustache ate something wrong, it happens. But often vomiting in a cat can be a symptom of a serious illness. What to do in this case - how to understand the causes of vomiting and prescribe treatment at home? We will talk about this in our article.

Why does a cat vomit? This phenomenon is one of the brightest symptoms that something is wrong with the animal. For what reasons does it occur and what diseases can it indicate? Let's look at the main causes of vomiting in cats.


If we talk about pets, then most often hungry vomiting registered in the morning, when after the night the stomach is empty. Once the animal is fed or even drunk, the vomiting stops.

Binge eating

Often a cat can feel sick after eating. And this is the other side of the coin. When the stomach is full, its contents cannot pass into the intestines (because the food must be digested) and it returns. And then the cat vomits after eating. Of course, since this food could not fit in the stomach, the cat vomits food or undigested food.

Cat vomits hair

Almost every owner of a purr in his life has encountered a phenomenon when a cat vomits fur. There's nothing wrong with that. The pet licks itself, the hairs willy-nilly enter the gastrointestinal tract, which cannot digest the wool.

This hairball will not pass through the entire intestine, so the vomiting center (and it is present in the brain of every mammal) will give a “command”, and reverse peristalsis will begin (that is, all the contents of the intestine will not go to the side anus, as expected, but will go to the mouth). As a result of all this, vomiting begins. This is how hairballs come out of the cat.

If this does not happen, then over time a pilobezoar is formed in the intestines - a dense hair ball that will clog the digestive tract. Food will no longer be able to move through the gastrointestinal tract, severe intoxication of the body may begin. The animal will be in great pain. It is not uncommon for a cat to vomit food or undigested food because there is nowhere for the food to "move".

It will be possible to remove such a hairball only surgically. Therefore, it is extremely important to give the animal special feed, which help to remove licked wool from digestive tract. And be sure to brush your pet regularly. Especially during the period of strong molting.


Vomiting in cats is defensive reaction. And if the pet has poisoning, then vomiting will help remove toxins from the body as soon as possible so that they do not have time to be absorbed and harm the body. But usually vomiting in cats that have poisoned is accompanied by diarrhea. The intestines are cleared from all sides at a fast pace.

However, there is a high risk that dehydration will begin. Purr needs help urgently! Poisoning is especially dangerous for young animals and a pregnant cat. If this is your case, we recommend reading.

Vomiting in a pregnant cat

It is no secret that the uterus increases in size while waiting for offspring. Due to the fact that in abdominal cavity there are not so many places internal organs squeezed, shifted. In addition, during the period of bearing children, future mother a real hormonal riot. Therefore, vomiting is sometimes noted in a pregnant cat.

It all depends on the pathogen, where it is localized. It will also be important to examine the cat's vomit. Do not disdain, because if there is blood or bile in them, then this will already tell you what the animal may have. In addition, when taking an anamnesis by a veterinarian, such details will really narrow down the range of suitable diseases.

Different types of vomit in a cat: what do they indicate?

Attention: the following are examples of vomiting in cats in the photo. The faint of heart and impressionable do not watch! No matter how surprising it may sound, but vomiting in cats is different. And it is precisely by its features that one can presumably make a diagnosis.

yellow cat vomit

Very rarely, yellow vomit in a cat appears due to the color of the vomit with dyes from food (often due to feeding with industrial dry food). Often the cat vomits yellow, not because of food, but because of bile.

Cat vomiting bile

Unlike just yellow vomit, the admixture of bile has a bright hue. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to confuse it with something else. It usually occurs in those animals that have developed diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Do not feed your pet greasy or stale food. This is very harmful, a crazy load on the liver.

The liver suffers after infectious diseases or an overdose medicines. In some cases, antibiotics can destroy hepatocytes. And in some animals, the simplest antipyretic drugs slowly "kill" the liver, which in the future may lead to the fact that cats vomit with bile.

Cat vomits food or undigested food

Either the animal overate, or ate too quickly, which entailed the swallowing of very large pieces, which are burped. However, vomiting in cats in this case is single.

If you notice that the cat often vomits, especially with undigested food, then you should visit the veterinarian's office. Sometimes belching food becomes a sign of the inflammatory process of the digestive system (ulcer or gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, etc.). It is painful for the animal to eat, the stomach cannot digest so much food normally, and therefore vomiting begins in cats.

Sometimes such vomiting in cats indicates intestinal obstruction, its volvulus.

Cat or cat vomits foam, white vomit

If this happened once, then you should not worry too much. This happens to animals (and people) on an empty stomach. This foam is just mucus that protects the walls of the stomach. If it is not there, then an ulcer will form.

But if the cat vomits foam more than once, then it is better to contact the veterinarian. An animal may have gastritis, an ulcer, or other inflammatory processes in the digestive organs. And not always these inflammations of non-contagious etiology. The reason may lie in infection (viruses, bacteria) or helminths.

Cat vomiting blood

There are 2 types of vomiting with blood in a cat. If the bleeding was in the stomach or intestines (for example, due to an ulcer, tumor), then there will be brownish streaks in the vomit. But if their color is scarlet, then the blood is mixed from the wound in the esophagus or in the oral cavity. But in any case, be sure to immediately consult a veterinarian! Bleeding is very dangerous! It doesn't always stop on its own.

Treatment of vomiting in cats

Treatment of vomiting in cats should only be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian! Self-medication can lead to sharp deterioration well-being of your pet or even death. So what should you do if your cat vomits?

The first thing the veterinarian will do is take a history. That is, you should tell him how long ago it started in the cat, after which it happened, how long it lasts, whether there are other symptoms (many owners prescribe painkillers, antipyretics themselves before visiting the veterinarian, which changes the picture of the disease), what were the vomit.

Often the owners are frightened, the cat vomits after sterilization. However, in most cases the reason is simple: either the pet is very sensitive to anesthesia and comes out of it in such a specific way, or you fed the animal when it had not yet fully recovered from anesthesia. It is possible to water the animal after sterilization only a couple of hours after it stands steadily and walks. The pharynx and stomach "depart" much later than the legs. Therefore, if you feed the operated mustache too early, there is a high risk that the cat will begin to vomit.

If the veterinarian determined that the pet was poisoned, then adsorbents will be prescribed (they will absorb toxins on their surface, preventing them from being absorbed into the blood), if there was a specific poison, then the cat will be given an antidote. Mandatory drugs that restore the water-salt balance.

Do not forget about gastritis, ulcers, colitis and other inflammations. The doctor will prescribe therapeutic diets, drugs (anti-inflammatory, astringent and others). Less often required surgical intervention. If it is found that the helminths are guilty of vomiting, then deworming will definitely be carried out (in the future, do not forget about prevention).

Much more dangerous if the cause of vomiting lies in the infection. It is not always possible to recognize it quickly. Many owners think that everything will pass by itself, and do not apply for veterinary care. As a result, the pet may die within a few days. In order for the cat to recover, the introduction of specific immunoglobulins or sera is required. Picking it up "at random" is almost impossible. Need test results.

Do you have any questions? You can ask them to our site staff veterinarian in the comments box below, who will respond to them as soon as possible.

    Hello! Tell me, please, the cat is 9 months old, we eat dry food for kittens optimized, she began to vomit a yellowish slurry with green mucus. Vomiting is not frequent, about 3 times a day. Active, playful, but stopped eating, the second day is (

  • Daria 19:41 | 23 Mar. 2019

    Hello! I have a cat, he is half a year old. I ate boiled chicken bones (I took it out of the trash can) and now he is vomiting all day. Sluggish, lies down all the time or sleeping, in your arms He doesn't walk, doesn't eat or drink all day. Vomiting without blood, brown with pieces of bones, odorless, liquid, in small portions. Please help! Tell me what to do! Should I take him to the veterinarian or observe for now, maybe give him something or at least pour some water into him?

  • Catherine 12:12 | 10 Mar. 2019

    Hello! I have a cat who is 7 months old, has been vomiting for 4 days, 2-3 times. The first vomiting was at first water and wool with undigested food, then just greenish water and just water. He has not changed in behavior, he is playful, but his appetite is reduced. On the third day they started giving Vetom 1.2. Today is the 4th day he vomited some water. Three hours later, after work, he came up to the bowl and ate his dry food, but after 15 minutes he vomited up ... I don’t know what to do and what to do with him ...? I give dry "Hils" food for kittens. 4-5 days ago I gave sour cream

  • Sasha 20:55 | 19 Feb. 2019

    Hello! The cat is 4 years old, has been vomiting for 4 days, first with hair mixed with bile, now just bile and undigested food. There was green diarrhea, now the stool has formed a little, but is still green. Only today he started drinking water himself, before that he was fed and fed with a syringe. Activated charcoal was given, but he also vomits it. The cat lives with his parents in an apartment, he has never been on the street, he was fed liverka, raw liver, sometimes royal food (he doesn’t eat food well, they tried to feed boiled meat, bird, baby canned meat, but he does not want to eat anything, except for a liver of one plant and a liver). Wool always climbs strongly, but the cat does not go bald. His parents refuse to take him to the vet, and I live hundreds of miles away and don't know how to help.

    • Daria - veterinarian 00:49 | 16 Feb. 2019

      Hello! Yes, whatever. From poisoning to infectious disease. One symptom each without a physical examination and a normal history taking (feeding, maintenance, treatments, how long ago it started, what was given, what other symptoms, is there access to domestic plants / garbage / household chemicals, injuries, past illnesses, including recently , etc.) no one will make a diagnosis. Falls on its side and weak from behind constant vomiting. We urgently need droppers before death from dehydration sets in! If the cause is not poisoning, then antiemetics must be administered.

      Tatyana 09:01 | 18 Feb. 2019

      Hello, my cat is vomiting. She was exhausted, poor, she would eat, some time would pass and she was lying. At first she thought wool, but the vomiting did not stop, she wants to eat, but all the food comes out. I came from a business trip (after 4 days), the cat is already barely walking from thinness. I took him to the doctor, they did a blood test, an ultrasound of the liver, kidneys, bladder. Diagnosis - initial kidney failure that it is the kidneys that give intoxication. Disol was instilled for three days, an antibiotic injection under the skin for three days, and for some reason only antiemetic for two days. That is, on the last (third day) dropper and antibiotic. The cat came to life, even the coat became shiny, ate (strict diet - I bought the most expensive food that the doctor advised). She gave this paste every two hours, in general, after three days of a dropper, she even went to the toilet for the most part (she had nothing to go before). And on the morning of the 4th day in the morning she vomited again. I’m at work and I’m looking at the same thing starting, I brought her a piece of pate (this recommended food), she sniffed, walked away and vomited one yellow water, I think bile. I called the clinic - the answer is a visit to us. I don’t know what to do with her, you won’t drip endlessly, especially since they pulled out a cotetor from a vein, and she yelled at me. She limped for the rest of the day.

      Daria - veterinarian 20:55 | 19 Feb. 2019

      Hello! And you hoped that such a complex pathology would pass in 4 days? It does not develop in a minute, and sometimes therapy takes months (especially if the kidney tissue has collapsed). Patients with kidney disease, severe trauma, systemic disease(pancreatitis, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, liver disease), a decrease in BCC, electrolyte disturbances, hypo- or hypertension, fever, sepsis, the use of nephrotoxic drugs (especially if experimented with self-medication), anesthesia, hypercalcemia, lymphoma, leptospirosis. This is one of the few reasons that provoke the development of acute renal failure. Droppers are necessary (especially with sodium and chlorides, because a large number of ions are excreted in the urine, tk. increased diuresis). But potassium, on the contrary, lingers in the body, because. with acute renal failure, its excretion by the kidneys and excretion through the gastrointestinal tract are disturbed. It is dangerous to administer potassium preparations without monitoring its level in the blood! It will still cause heart problems. But sodium cannot be poured in liters, everything is good in moderation. It is necessary to prescribe diuretics very carefully (under the supervision of a doctor), drugs to improve blood flow in the kidneys. Antiemetics can be injected carefully. In general, biochemistry was taken to assess the condition of the kidneys for this moment, liver?

  • Marina 16:28 | 01 Feb. 2019

    Hello! Please help my Manechka, she ate a New Year's plastic serpentine 2 days ago. These 2 days she does not eat or drink. She vomits 2-3 times an hour. The vomit was clear mucus, but a couple of times it had a dark brown tint. Before each attack, she screams very much. Is it possible to somehow remove this muck from her stomach at home? Help my girl please

  • Julia 13:58 | 01 Feb. 2019

    Hello. I have a Maine Coon cat. Last night she vomited several times, after that she did not eat anything, even in the morning she herself was lethargic. Prompt, please, in what there can be a reason. She vomited not with wool, but with undigested food.

  • Hello, the cat is 18 years old, he has not been walking for 2 years, he has problems with his back and hind legs. He also has kidney stones and asthma. We take care of him, give him medicines, do massage. The cat's appetite is good, he goes to the toilet normally, but sometimes you have to give a laxative. Our veterinarian told us to put the cat down half a year ago. In recent months, the cat has become worse - he began to "dry out" and began to vomit. Vomiting after eating, gnashing teeth when chewing food, then as if choking, either unable to swallow, or food getting into teeth, spitting up everything back, along with white foam. One of his teeth is broken. He eats dry Purina and Felix sachets. Of the drugs now, cystone and a flixotide inhaler. Vomiting is almost constant, so little food gets inside, but he has an appetite. Can you help at home? What antiemetic drugs can be given? Or maybe antibiotics? He took a course of Sinulox 50 mg twice in autumn and winter. It no longer makes sense to take him to the veterinary clinic, he may not be able to get there because of fright. Is there any other way to help or is it better not to torment and lull?

  • The cat is 17-18 years old, spayed, he always lies once a day, more often after eating after 2-3 hours. This lasts almost a month. Vomits not digested food, but liquid in the form of mucus or water. We feed cat food"Felix" boiled meat, sometimes we give raw meat, drinks milk and water

  • Hello. The cat is 9 years old. He vomited undigested food all day. On the second day, a single vomiting of saliva. Go to the toilet and feed as usual. Not lethargic. The abdomen is soft, painless. we don’t give (Royal canin for fussy and urinary, dry and wet) Diagnosis since 2010 of ICD and pyelonephritis. Remission 2 years. Often sits near flowers, suspicion that he sometimes bites flowers. or rather the soil. Cats are in sawdust, we don’t let them grow up in a good way, they gnaw. There is no diarrhea. The cat itself is stressful, it’s difficult to go to the veterinarian with him.

  • Hello,

    Please help save the cat.
    Age around 14 years old.
    I vomited the last month often with eaten food. They thought it was poisoning.
    But last week began to seem to burp bile (because the yellow is not bright in color).
    Drinks little water. We drink ourselves through a syringe. The pupils are large. Wool is dull. I lost weight 2 times.
    Only lies, there is an appetite, but very weak. Eats a little 5 times a day. The eyes are dull. Severely dehydrated.
    We will be able to get to the vet clinic in 2 days.

    Please tell me how can I make it easier for him.
    Or how can I restore water balance at least for 2 days
    Thank you

  • Hello. Kitten is about 4 months old. Vomited within an hour 3 times with short breaks. Undigested food. After the condition has not improved. Doesn't drink. Breathe frequently. Sluggish. What could be the reason? What should I do?

  • Hello!
    The cat is 10 years old. Periodically (every few months) vomiting begins after eating. The doctor prescribed cerucal. 1. Today, after the injection, the cat started having a strange reaction. Googled - overdose. How to be? Wait until it goes away? Or can something be done? The cat is lost, complains, orientation is disturbed, does not sleep, complains.
    2. How to still diagnose a cat. Every time when vomiting starts, we go to the doctor, and every time they say that a diagnosis cannot be made without a biopsy, but for this the cat needs to be abdominal surgery With general anesthesia. Is this really the only way?
    all troubles began when IAMS disappeared. now we suffer. Currently eating Purina ProPlan for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract.
    Thank you!

  • Good day! The cat is a cross between a Scot and a yard cat. Mkb Acid urine. There are struvites and oxalates. Recently there was a problem with urination, a catheter was placed 1 time for 24 hours 2 times for 2 days. When the 2-day catheter was removed, it got stuck in him (as the doctor said, “the catheter was propped up by a stone in the urethra”) The course of treatment is the antibiotic Baytril, droppers under the skin of 50 ml of physio episodically, serenity 1 time 7 days, papaverine, 8 days, we still give cystophane por, poutine feed urinari (pate). 4 year old cat neutered. Antibiotics were given for 10 days. On the 6th day of taking the antibiotic, vomiting began. The vomit is still. Treatment began on 28.11 and ended on 6.12. Vomits undigested food after 3 hours on average, but sometimes faster. Lethargy is observed, he asks for food, drinks about 20 ml per day + feed with a dilution of water.

  • Hello! We have such problem is cat ate a piece of dense polyethylene. During the day, the appetite has not changed (he eats, drinks), he feels normal. At night I tried to tear, a little liquid came out. On the second day I went to the toilet, there was no film there. Two more days have passed, no change in behavior. Yesterday there was a hard stool again, there is no film in it. The cat tried to vomit again, nothing. The abdomen is not tight, not painful. Eats, drinks. I am worried about the urge to vomit and the absence of this film in the feces. Tell me how to be. Thank you!

  • Hello! I do not know what to do. My British cat has been throwing up all day. First, in the morning, she vomited a large, white, thick pile, and then about once every two hours she vomited a little white foam, then transparent like saliva or something, then slightly yellowish, and in the evening she vomited a little curdled milk, but fantan. This is the first time she has, she stopped walking yesterday, the cat was not taken to mating. I got anthelmintic a year ago, lives in an apartment, feeds dry kite-cat, liquid friscas or kite-cat, loves milk.

  • Hello! The cat is 13 years old, small, short-haired, domestic. Anthelmintic for the last time in the fall of last year. Feeds dry food PerfectFikt or jelly of the same brand. Recently they brought grass from the dacha, and she ate it and vomited grass leaves. Then she spoiled the food and vomited undigested food. Then she did not eat anything for 12 hours, she drank only water. Then gradually spoon fed liquid food, then dry food, and everything was fine for two days. Now by the evening the vomiting has begun again, it is not clear because of what. One burp was dark brown. Next, two small burps are transparent with foam. Then I went to the toilet in a small way and in a big way, but with difficulty. She sat and labored for a long time. Cal is normal. Then she only drank water. And she vomited a second time with transparent foam. The behavior is quite normal, the nose is cold, wet, the temperature is 38.4 (measured in inguinal region), pulse rate and respiration are normal, all the time he asks to eat. What could it be? Should I see a doctor? Help me please…

  • Hello. Scottish kitty 5 months: after eating almost immediately regurgitates food and then eats it. It happens sometimes on the street, but under supervision. There was no diarrhea. Always active. Is it dangerous?

  • Good afternoon, tonight as I returned from work
    My cat started vomiting yellow liquid
    At the same time, he screams very loudly, vomited about 6 times in an hour, then stopped.
    By itself, the cat is lethargic, when I try to stroke it leaves me and meows.
    During vomiting, he yells very loudly. Cat 2.5 years old
    We feed dry whiskas for castrates, anthelmintic.
    Shorthair cat.
    What to do?
    What could it be?
    And is it dangerous for his health?

  • Hello! The cat is 16 years old, I feed Hills k / d food for the kidneys, before that 2 years ago I was at the veterinarian's clinic, the tests were not very good, that's why I prescribed this food. But Lately the cat began to feel sick with undigested food, sometimes hairballs came out with food, but now after each meal of dry food it sometimes vomits even with mucus with a reddish impurity, but if given wet food of the same brand, then everything is in order and no problems. Can I change the diet? He does not drink water often, there is no discharge from the eyes, the nose is cold, not dull in itself, but has lost a little weight.

  • Hello, we feed our pets Royal Canin
    Periodically they vomit, it happens both in the morning and during the day. Can this food not be suitable for an animal (a cat and a cat, one year old, the breed is Burmese

  • Good afternoon Switched my cat from Gemon food (allergy started) to Gina Elite grain free food. He eats well, the itching has gone, the scratches have also healed, he eats dry and wet food of the same brand. Sometimes there is vomiting, food mixed with wool - is this normal?

  • The cat has been vomiting for a day with foam and just a clear liquid already 7 times, he doesn’t eat or drink, he doesn’t pee, he pooped a little last night. I pick it up, he growls. Constantly licks eggs. There is no way to get to the clinic in the near future. What to do?

  • Rose 12:45 | 12 Feb. 2018

    Help me please! There is no veterinary station in the town. Male cat, Thai, 4.5 years old, not neutered, weight 4.5 kg, fully vaccinated, fed dry Royal Canin. Previously, there were no health problems. On February 9, in the evening, drops were applied to the withers from vitamax fleas (only indicated natural composition plant oils). On the morning of February 10, they noticed that the cat was worried about the genitals, constantly licking them. During the day he did not eat or drink. In the morning I went to the big tray - no change. During the day, he vomited some kind of yellow mass. By evening, he began to sit down on the tray and sit for a long time in such a position, as if pissing. But not a drop was found in the tray. By late evening he became lethargic, motionless. Meowed in a voice that wasn't his own. He began not only to sit in the tray, but also to lie down. I lay like that all night, until 5 in the morning. He refused water and food. On February 11, we tried to find a veterinary clinic. We don't have them in our city. They went around all the things of the pharmacy, they gave us the bodies of the veterinarian. They called and they told us they would be able to examine the cat only from Monday. They said that drops from fleas had nothing to do with it. Most likely it is a cystitis or mkb. It is important that the cat pees, otherwise it will be worse, for this you need to inject baralgin and popaverine, at the rate of 0.1 ml per 1 kg of the animal. We made an injection into the thigh with an insulin syringe 0.4 ml of baralgin. After 3-4 minutes, the cat began to vomit with white foam and mucus, he shook his head, kept him away, tried to remove the mucus from his muzzle with his paws. Then, Crimson Blood appeared in the white foam, and it was already vomiting blood foam. We called this veterinarian, he said to go to the pharmacy and buy Gegalon and give an injection. What is intoxication in a cat. We did not do this, and we also did not inject papaverine, because we are afraid that it will become even worse. Before Baralgin, at least he just sat in a tray. Yesterday this vomiting of blood stopped. He lay. Closer to the night he vomited white foam. At night he jumped on the table himself and lay on the table. Today, February 12, in the morning I vomited water with something yellow. It is clear that he has no strength. It’s scary to take him to this veterinarian and we have no other choice. Tell me something

  • Anastasia 04:26 | 11 Feb. 2018

    Good morning! I feed the cat Royal Konin for the British and soft whiskey. Once every two or three months he vomits fur, but sometimes during vomiting his legs are taken away and his eyes become glassy, ​​but after 10-20 seconds he regains consciousness. What's wrong with him? And how terrible are these fainting spells?

  • Anton 02:05 | 02 Feb. 2018

    Hello, the cat is 2 years old, last year I ate children’s puzzles in the summer, they had an operation, but the cat didn’t understand the roofing felts that after a while another story happened, I couldn’t go to the toilet, they did X-ray and ultrasound on foreign body but thank God they didn’t find anything except gases in the stomach, they bought microlax children’s enemas and after 3 days it passed. Yesterday and today it vomits either with mucous water or with foam with water that is not quite white but not quite transparent tell me what to do yesterday vomited 5 times a day and today the first time at 5 am and half 6 the second time for the first time with water with a transparent second foam!?

  • Hello. The cat is almost 10 months old. The second day he does not eat or drink anything. He only sleeps and sometimes gets up, meows and vomits with a yellow liquid, more like bile. Doesn't go to the toilet. Nose is warm.
    We were told that he had worms. They gave him a pill, it didn't help.
    What to do? 🙁
    What is it and what could be causing it?

  • Hello.
    Kitten 2.5 months, vomited bile for two days.
    Today is the third day, the cat drinks only water and mother's milk.
    Nothing is eat, go to the toilet went, 50/50 liquid and solid.
    I tried to give her kitten food in jelly today, she licked off only the jelly, but she doesn’t eat the pieces, chews, then spits out.
    Mouth checked, there is nothing foreign.
    It smells from the mouth and the eyes are a little watery (the eyes started only today). Sluggish, she sleeps all the time and asks for hands, she began to sleep the same way with me.
    The veterinary clinic opens on the 9th, but I don’t know what to do with it anymore (I gave activated charcoal)
    The cat is not vaccinated and not dewormed, they planned to start after the holidays.

  • Hello. The cat is 2.5 years old. Anthelmintic 1 time per season. last 01.12.17. The cat is fluffy, neuter, there is a “proplan”, dry food, we comb it out once a week. I stayed alone for the holidays, they checked once a day. When they returned home, they found vomit from dense wool, parts of a foam rubber toy and a blade of grass. After vomiting became straw and turned into yellow. I had an appetite, I went to the toilet, after two days of yellow vomiting, they brought me to the clinic, they did an x-ray. He didn't show anything. They said that due to improper feeding (food is poured as it is eaten without taking into account weight) gastritis, they put a dropper with Ranger-Locke, saline, s / c antiemetic and a / b. Vomiting has intensified, he vomits a lot like a fountain, he does not go to the toilet, he completely refuses food, he drinks little and pisses. They took syringes with antiemetic and a / b to the house. They put a dropper with saline on their own. During the day they gave 4 pieces of wet food (the store offered for gastrointestinal diseases medicinal food"hills") and water from a syringe, again severe vomiting, all 4 pieces came out undigested. The cat has lost a lot of weight. Mucous membranes are pale. To the hospital tomorrow. The city is small, they don’t take special tests. Tell me what could be the reasons? What to insist on doing in the hospital?

  • 10:31 | 29 Dec. 2017

    Hello, we have such a problem: the cat has been throwing up for 3 days, doesn’t eat anything, doesn’t want to drink. Vomiting is yellow. 1 nose was dry and warm, and today and yesterday the nose is cold. What to do? Please tell me how to feed a cat after vomiting

  • Good evening. The cat is very lethargic for the second day, does not eat, does not go to the toilet for the most part. I tried a little, small peas turned out. Today I vomited a greenish liquid a couple of times. What can be done to help him?

  • They took the cat for mating to the cat. When they arrived to pick it up, she was terribly angry, her hair stood on end, hissed at everyone and rushed. I think she was already sick. We took her to the car, where she began to vomit yellow. When we arrived home, she went to the toilet with yellow liquid. Worth a meal - right there yellow vomiting. They thought she was nervous about the move, but it lasted 3 days, which caused serious concern. She hardly ate (only drank water), lay sluggish. On the 4th day, when we decided to go to the vet clinic, she felt better. She eats, does not vomit, goes to the toilet normally, but still sleeps a lot.
    A question. What could it be? Can there be consequences and what? And is it worth it to go to the clinic? The cat is nervous, does not tolerate moving.
    If it is important, I can also say about the cat: she is 6 years old, 3 kg, the breed is Thai (this breed has a weak liver, which worries me).

  • My cat is 14 years old. Castrated cat. Throughout the years I have been feeding him bags of Whiskas, Felix, chicken breast and sometimes I give well-boiled fish, pollock or hake. The cat is fluffy and constantly licks its fur, does not allow combing. Of course he spits it up, but in the last half a year he spits up thick mucus Pink colour like blood. For a week now, the stool has worsened, it has become the consistency of semolina or sour cream. The cat constantly lies, became inactive. I can't figure out what's wrong with him.

  • British cat. The second day the urge to vomit, in the morning at 6 o'clock vomited a lump of hair (a lot) and some leftover food (a little). Asked for food, ate half a pack of Royal Canin. After a while, he tore it all out. At 9 in the morning I finished the second half, after an hour and a half I vomited the partially overcooked one. Nose cold, wet. He walks without understanding what is going on. Haven't been wormed in a while. He likes to lick all the bags and lie on his shoes. P.S. Vomiting that clears the stomach is rare. Once a year, sometimes more. I read that they give cerucal. Maybe worth it?

  • The cat is 3.5 years old. A few days (3-4) ago suddenly began to disturb the urge to vomit, sometimes vomiting saliva. The condition as a whole was satisfactory. The appetite hasn't changed. I assumed a hairball in the digestive tract, yesterday I poured 15 ml vaseline oil, came out a few pieces of wool with a chair. I sighed calmly, waiting for improvement, however, the urge continued, poured another 10 ml. The cat went to the tray a couple of times with watery stools light yellow, without wool. Last year, the cat was ill with calcivirosis, the doctor prescribed, along with other medicines, gamavit. This time I independently introduced s / c 1.0 gamavit.
    Toward evening I noticed that the cat's condition worsened, he ate little, an hour later - vomiting undigested food once, weakness, lethargy, frequent urges to vomit.
    Tell me how you can help at home, what is the tactic at least until the morning, to the veterinarian.

  • Good afternoon.
    The cat vomits the second day immediately after eating.
    Yesterday she ate, and after a couple of minutes she vomited the food she ate. For the evening she had fish, but since she behaved normally during the day, I did not think that dinner would turn out to be such a result.
    In the morning I decided to give her some oatmeal without spices (she loves oatmeal) and the cat drank some water, but after a couple of minutes she returned everything again.
    What could be the reason and what can be done to help? She goes to the toilet outside, so there is no way to monitor exactly how she walks (liquid or not).

  • Hello! November 13, we took a kitten in the "bird market", he is 1 month and 2 weeks old. At first everything was fine, he was vigorous, but he hardly ate, they thought he was adapting to a new home. But he stopped eating completely, drinking too, he is very lethargic, does not play, sleeps all the time. Yesterday there was vomiting, at night he vomited yellow water, some white foam. I tried to force him to drink water, because he vomited a lot so that there was no dehydration, he didn’t give him anything, gave him water from a syringe, gave him some kefir from a syringe (the woman who took the kitten said that he eats kefir, cottage cheese, boiled chicken, kitten food) were exclusively fed with this. After kefir, he had diarrhea and I didn’t give kefir anymore, only water. As they took the kitten, they consulted with a friend on the phone, she is a veterinarian, she said the same thing about nutrition as the woman who gave the kitten away, but she also said that an infection is now going on in this “bird market”. Unfortunately, we found out about this when it was already taken. Friends had a case, they took a kitten from the same market 5 years ago, he lived with them for a week, the symptoms were later, but we did not attach any importance, because it was a long time ago and you never know a single case. The Koechtenk's condition is very lethargic, today we will go to the veterinary clinic. But still tell me, please, what is it? Virus?

  • Good afternoon, tell me the cat vomits the second day, five times, there was food in the vomit only on the first day and the first time, and it was all yellow. Tears it with yellow water and foam. Eat and drink a little at the end of the day. She eats a delicate liquid and dry, she became lethargic, but she walks and lies down, there is no temperature. I went to the toilet normally, only at the end it seemed that the yellow water wiped it off a little and it smelled very strongly. He does not eat, he drinks little water. I don’t even know how to take her to the vet, I’ve been there a couple of times, and both times I bit everyone.

  • Hello, my cat is 1 year old. A couple of days ago, vomiting of undigested food began, then cough and snot began. She does not lose her appetite, she has become a little lethargic since yesterday. And today the eyes began to flow and snot appeared. The doctor, prompt please, what is it can be?

  • Hello! They took a month-old kitten, fed it with milk and semolina. He did not drink water. On the sixth day he had a seizure with a scream and a howl. He felt bad almost all day. The next day everything is fine, he plays and eats. Four days later, it all happened again. At first, he vomited milk and immediately his eyes became glassy (eyes are open, but do not react), then again he shakes and screams. The impression that it is dying. By the evening he had recovered. What about him?

  • Good afternoon My cat is already 17 years old. On Friday she vomited. I didn’t see what exactly, because I didn’t clean it. We decided it was because of the stale food. They gave me kefir. After some time, she vomited this yogurt with bile impurities. Dali Enterofuril. We cooked some chicken for her, so she mostly ate the broth. All in all, she felt better. She ate cottage cheese, and a little bit of carbonate and black bread. Yes, and the behavior was clear that she was better. Today, Monday morning, she vomited again. What could it be? How to help her? We feed her Whiskas both wet and dry. We also give her homemade food. She has long wool but I have never seen her vomit. And lately her eyes have started to water. But the only symptom of aging that we see is that it has become harder for her to jump anywhere, and so, even her eyes began to grow cloudy just a couple of months ago. And then, quite a bit.

    Hello! Yes, you understood correctly. repeated vomiting There is always a reason to seek help from a veterinarian. Especially with foam. Perhaps just indigestion, poisoning. Or maybe it's gastritis. The dark color of the vomit - maybe it's an admixture of blood? Then it could be a stomach ulcer. As you can see, there are a lot of reasons. Let the veterinarian differentiate the disease and prescribe treatment during an internal examination. Get well soon!

    Hello, the cat is half a year old. 3 days ago I started refusing to eat. I vomited white foam with worms. Today we were at the vet, she said it was because of the worms and put some kind of injections. 3 pieces. I don’t know which ones, my husband went with him and she didn’t ask anything. She prescribed Vitam to inject. She also said that the temperature was lowered to 36. By the evening it didn’t get better. She still refuses to eat, only drinks a little. Vomited again 2 times. Already without worms. She doesn’t go to the toilet. Is it supposed to be like this or should there already be improvements?

  • Daria 21:15 | 24 Sep. 2017

    Hello. We have a Scottish woman, 3 years ago everything was fine, the cat played, ran. Today in the morning and at night it started, she vomits. All the food comes out. She asks to eat again. wool. as a result, now she vomits at intervals of 20-30 minutes. she sleeps, then jumps and runs. yellow water comes out and nothing else. vegetables. glass is normal. recently underwent sterilization, she was given from worms. it was September 2. no diarrhea. urgently to the veterinarian. but according to the systems, what could it be approximately? Still sometimes the mouth opens and breathes with it. But this does not last long. Please tell me!!!

  • Elena 02:03 | 23 Sep. 2017

    Julia 15:41 | 07 Sep. 2017

    Hello! I wrote to you earlier that the cat vomited with undigested food and hair and he felt quite good after himself, but today he was completely colorless liquid without hair, and after that he immediately ate and played. I read on the Internet that it is not normal if it is a colorless liquid, what do you advise? Can I take a general and biochemical blood test? And tell me, is Prazicide in tablets effective against worms? (they were last poisoned in July) he may have worms, although there are no signs.

  • Sergey 21:42 | 06 Sep. 2017

    Hello, the kitten is a year and a couple of weeks old, does not walk outside, quite strong and large, about 5 kg. loves to eat. Yesterday afternoon, vomiting began, at the beginning with food, then pink foam, then blood (red), at intervals of 10-15 minutes. for about 4 hours, there was no diarrhea. Since we live in a small settlement, we have one veterinarian, and without serious equipment. He looked at the kitten oral cavity), took the temperature, said everything is normal. He called the reason possible poisoning with a “rat”, or perhaps some kind of spices, we don’t have rats, mice, and even cockroaches, so we don’t keep poisons at home, here spices are possible, because they gave him grilled chicken, about 3 hours before the start vomiting, all people who ate chicken are fine. From evening to dinner, the kitten lay without getting up, at lunch he got up and began to ask for food. I fed him with a small dose of soft food, a teaspoon, as I read that you can’t feed a lot at once. He began to behave normally. After about an hour, he again vomited food and again blood. At the same time, he walks calmly, his eyes are not cloudy.
    I know that without analysis and good examination, it is very difficult to make a diagnosis, but at least tell me approximately what it can be, and at least approximately how it can be helped

  • Good night! British cat a year and a month, once he vomited when he was transported in a car, he was half a year old (sick), he did not vomit anymore. And today the cat vomited, the first time with undigested food and after 5 minutes the second time with a small lump of wool. Now I'm really worried, isn't it scary? Or is it just wool? But I brush it with a furminator every other day. Perhaps you should give him malt paste? Or is it some kind of poisoning in the cat? although after vomiting he drank and ate, played a little and sleeps (because it is already night). I really hope for your answer, all in excitement.

    natalia 07:29 | 24 Feb. 2017

    cat vomits yellow liquid with foam 6 days. treatment: cerucal 0.2 ml 1 time per day, gamavit 1 ml. 1 per day, ringer solution locca 15 ml. 2 times a day. Kolem 5 days, no improvement. she also vomits, the food was removed, she drinks water, she urinates normally, she is lethargic, she constantly sleeps. what can be added to the treatment. cat 15 years old, weight 3.5 kg.

A cat, like a person or a dog, has a normal temperature. Only in a mustachioed pet it is much higher than in humans. So, for an adult cat, the norm is 37.8-39.2 degrees, and for a young animal 38.3-39.7 degrees. However, there may be a lower temperature in a cat or an increased one. Today we will talk about low temperature body, which is also called hypothermia. It is typical mainly for small kittens and older individuals.

Experts divide hypothermia into 3 types:

  • mild - body temperature fluctuates between 32-35 degrees;
  • moderate - 28-32;
  • deep - below 28 degrees.

The main causes of low temperature

In most cases, a cat develops a low temperature due to hypothermia. But this is not the only reason. An animal can also suffer from hypothermia for other reasons. Distinguish the following reasons low temperature in a cat:

  1. Peculiar infections and viruses that provoke a low temperature, as they destroy the pet's immunity.
  2. General malaise and weakened body.
  3. Loss of appetite and weight loss.
  4. Consequence of anesthesia.
  5. Malignant tumors.
  6. Kidney disease, which is observed mainly in old age;
  7. Various injuries.
  8. Violation metabolic processes. This happens due to a lack of a number of different vitamins and beneficial substances. Symptoms of this kind of disorders are: hair loss, slow growth, deformity of the limbs, deterioration of the claws, low temperature.
  9. Consequences after poisoning.
  10. Dehydration. Already after the body loses 10% of water, severe pathological changes. The fact that your cat does not have enough water is evidenced by the following signs: general weakness, dryness of the mucous membranes - the oral cavity, nose and conjunctiva, as well as retraction eyeballs, low temperature.
  11. Enteritis is common name diseases characterized by inflammation of the intestinal epithelium. Most often this disease occurs in a young kitten, but it is also dangerous for adults if they have poor nutrition, terrible conditions of detention or they experienced some kind of stress. In addition, the virus of this disease leaves the body along with feces and poses a threat to surrounding pets.
  12. Severe bleeding, both internal and external. Of course, external bleeding is easy to notice, but the presence of internal bleeding can only be guessed from stool or urine.
  13. Heart disease. Symptoms of this kind of disease directly depends on the type of disease. In a mustachioed pet, arrhythmia, shortness of breath, or blueing of the mucous membranes, low temperature may occur.
  14. Disease nervous system. In this case, the behavior of the animal changes radically. It becomes completely indifferent to various games and amusements.

Symptoms that indicate hypothermia

A sign that a cat has a low temperature may be unusual behavior of the animal. For a low temperature in an animal, it is characteristic:

  1. trembling of the whole body;
  2. loss of mood, mustachioed pet is very lethargic;
  3. the cat is looking for a warm place;
  4. wool rises;
  5. breathing slows down;
  6. the heart rhythm is also disturbed.

How to normalize the temperature of the animal

If the pet suffers from a low body temperature, then it is necessary, first of all, to warm it up. For this it should:

  • if the cat is outside, bring it into the house;
  • in the case when the animal gets wet from rain or snow, it is dried with a hairdryer and wrapped in a towel;
  • wrapped in a warm blanket and put a heating pad on it, heated to 39 degrees;
  • mustachioed pet soldered warm milk or warm broth;
  • periodically measure the temperature, it must be under control;
  • if the degree began to return to normal, then the cat needs to be fed a little.

When the normal internal temperature in cats is not restored, you should definitely call a doctor or take your pet to him.

The cat is immediately taken to the clinic if its temperature is lowered to 36 degrees and continues to fall rapidly.

The veterinarian will carry out a full examination of the animal and be sure to correctly diagnose the cause of the low temperature, and also help to cure your pet.

IN veterinary clinic may:

  1. Give your pet a warm enema.
  2. Put a dropper with a warming solution.

Undesirable effects of hypothermia

Don't take hypothermia too lightly. With prolonged low temperature, the cat may experience such undesirable consequences, How:

  • inflammation of the meninges;
  • pneumonia;
  • kidney disease.

As you can see, a low temperature in a cat, like any other disease, requires special care for the animal. Therefore, if you find the above symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor. It should not, as it would seem, let such a simple disease take its course, otherwise it can even lead the animal to death.

N normal temperature human body designed to provide an optimal background for the flow of many processes. It becomes a real indicator of the functioning of various internal systems life support. In addition, it is the regulator of the interaction between internal and external environment organism.

The normal temperature of the human body in an adult is between 36.4 and 37.4 degrees Celsius. On average, this means familiar and traditional 36.6.

Small fluctuations in one direction or another are not considered pathological. They can only be alarming if they approach the boundary marks.

Most often, these changes pass rather quickly within a short time, as they are caused by functional reasons. When re-measured, they usually shift towards the norm.

When the numbers on the thermometer show that an adult patient has a temperature of 35.5 and below, then this unusual condition defined as hypothermia.

This is not at all a harmless state of affairs. The patient's functions of the main organs and systems are disturbed, the metabolism changes significantly and the activity of the brain suffers.

Such changes are especially noticeable on the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Therefore, you need to know exactly the symptoms of this condition in order to be able to accurately determine them even before measuring the temperature in order to help the person in time. This is especially important when we are talking about the chronically ill, alcoholics or drug addicts.

Hypothermia usually manifests itself:

  • severe chills;
  • feeling of freezing;
  • general weakness;
  • pallor;
  • fatigue;
  • feeling unwell;
  • severe drowsiness;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • bradycardia;
  • a sharp change in mood;
  • dizziness;
  • confusion of consciousness.

These symptoms are explained by a significant slowdown in blood flow in the body, a strong vasodilation, and a change in the course of processes in the brain. In humans, the intensity of metabolism decreases, the level of production and release of hormones drops sharply, and the overall load on the cardiovascular system increases.

Often secondary symptoms sharp decline body temperature up to 35.3 - 35.5 in an adult, tactile disturbances occur due to a malfunction in reflex activity, weakening of intellectual activity, vestibular disorders.

Due to cerebral ischemia, it can be difficult to hear and see, it becomes difficult for a person to speak and even keep the body in a horizontal position.

Due to multiple failures in the work of the central and peripheral nervous system, illusions or hallucinations may even occur.

Causes of Hypothermia

A significant decrease in temperature may occur due to the action of various factors. These may be random causes that affect a person only for a short time.

These include nervous strain, taking certain medications, hypothermia, insomnia, severe hunger, prolonged dieting, loss of strength, alcohol intoxication.

In such cases, the temperature, as a rule, normalizes after the cessation of the adverse factor. Sometimes a correction of the patient's condition is required in order to short time the situation has stabilized. Usually this does not require health care because a person himself is able to change it for the better.

For many people, a temperature of 35.7 - 35.9 is the norm.

Do not be afraid, at a temperature of 35.7 - 35.8 degrees. It is enough to dress warmly, cover yourself with a blanket and drink a cup of hot tea. After that, you need to sleep well and have a hearty lunch. Usually, after such measures, hypothermia disappears. If even after that nothing can be improved, you need to contact a specialist.

This should be done, since low temperature (35.3-35.5) in adults is often a symptom of diseases such as:

  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • activity disruption thyroid gland;
  • drug addiction (overdose);
  • diabetes;
  • coma;
  • diseases of the adrenal glands;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • kidney failure;
  • disturbances in the activity of the cerebral cortex;
  • depression;
  • anorexia;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • hematological diseases.

In these cases, low body temperature can be caused by the damaging effects of drugs or alcohol, loss of strength, malnutrition.

Hormonal deficiency provokes a significant slowdown in the course of processes in the body, a drop in the level endocrine activity and nutrient uptake.

Cardiovascular pathology causes symptoms such as weakness, decreased overall activity, limb ischemia. All this provokes a drop in temperature to 35.2 degrees and below.

The body is trying to balance the situation and therefore attacks of irritability, aggression or, conversely, severe inhibition are often possible.

Thermometry is carried out using thermometers:

  1. Mercury(traditional, usually placed in armpit for five minutes)
  2. Electronic(it itself gives a signal when the body temperature is set. In doubtful cases, it is recommended to hold it for about a minute to clarify the results. In cases where they are clearly increased or decreased, the measurement continues).

It is very important to get the temperature right. Most often, the thermometer is placed in the armpit. This method is generally considered insufficiently accurate, but it is convenient and does not cause discomfort to the patient.

The error in measuring temperature is a few tenths of a degree more often on the smaller side, so the result of 35.8 - 36.2 in an adult can be considered normal.

IN Western countries the thermometer is placed in the mouth. This is the most reliable way to obtain data, but it is also dangerous, since when severe chills or in an unconscious state, a person may bite or drop a thermometer. In addition, it is completely unsuitable for taking the temperature of infants or people with a weakened psyche.

Sometimes thermometry is done through a room special device into the rectum. This is most often done in young children or in adult patients who are in a coma.

However, it should be borne in mind that the internal temperature of the body is slightly higher than the external one, so an amendment must be made here. Therefore, this method is not entirely suitable in the case of hypothermia.

Methods for dealing with hypothermia

Body temperature should not remain too low for a long time. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures.

Clinical and biochemical analysis blood, general analysis urine, check plasma glucose levels, determine thyroid hormone levels, detect the presence of certain toxic substances.

In addition, it is necessary to measure arterial pressure, make Echo-Kg, EGC, electroencephalogram, ultrasonography and etc.

If no serious diseases have been identified, then you need to measure the temperature several times a day.

If a persistent drop in temperature to 35 degrees or below is detected, you should:

  • Conduct a course of taking vitamins E;
  • take immunostimulants;
  • make an intensive massage of the body, as well as hands and feet;
  • prepare hot milk with honey;
  • drink tea with raspberry jam;
  • accept cold and hot shower or bath;
  • warm up the room;
  • dress warmly;
  • drink hot coffee;
  • brew an infusion of wild rose;
  • stop taking drugs not prescribed by a doctor;
  • allocate at least eight hours of sleep;
  • drink sedatives vegetable origin;
  • take a walk with an intensive step;
  • eat a bar of chocolate.

These comprehensive measures will make it possible to significantly activate metabolism, significantly expand blood vessels, and stimulate general blood supply.

They will allow you to cleanse yourself of toxins, relax, warm up the body, and make the lymph flow more intense. Honey and bitter chocolate will allow a person to sweat well, thereby adjusting the heat exchange between internal environment organism and the external environment.

After that, you need to take measurements again. If everything returned to normal, then you should observe the patient for several days. If the temperature in the range of 35.2-35.5 will resume, you should contact a specialist.

In general, the fight against hypothermia should be a fight against the cause that caused it.

If this serious illness, then his treatment or urgent call will help emergency room. If it is called external factors, then home remedies will quite help restore normal values body temperature.

Related materials:

At low body temperature and to combat its fluctuations, it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations from specialists. Preferably daily morning exercises, harden, increase immunity. Nutrition should be balanced, and liquids should be drunk at least two liters per day.

You should rest more often, avoid stress, and in case nervous breakdowns remove them with meditation, yoga or just a good rest.

It is very important to maintain a constant normal temperature body. Do not dress too warmly or lightly. You need to sleep in a ventilated, but not overheated or cold room.

According to many doctors, a temperature of 35.1 - 35.2 in an adult is often the result of stress.

Be sure to carefully distribute your daily routine according to the hours. Go to bed, get up and eat at the same time constant time. You need to get enough sleep, have a good rest and be sure to do what you love.

You need to completely give up alcohol and smoking. Any pharmacological preparations should be taken only after the appointment of the attending physician. In addition, it is required to use all measures to strengthen immune system.

It should be borne in mind, however, that some people have congenital hypothermia. At the same time, they do not experience any discomfort, nothing hurts them, and the body functions in full.

However, they also need to pass medical examination to exclude the possibility of various diseases.

When is urgent medical attention needed?

You should call a doctor if the decrease in temperature has led to fainting, it does not stop dropping even after measures taken and also if the patient is an old man or a baby.

Specialist help is needed when a person has eaten or drank something before, as intoxication is possible, food poisoning or exacerbation of a chronic disease. In these cases, this condition can lead to his death.

Vomiting in cats is not always a sign of illness. Many animals specifically call it when they feel heaviness in their body. However, if you can identify blood, bile or mucus in the vomit, then you should be on your guard. It is not always possible for the owner to distinguish whether the cat has a disease or it was a physiological necessity.

If vomiting is associated additional symptoms, such as diarrhea, fever, then you should definitely show the animal to the veterinarian.

Vomiting is observed in cats with most infectious diseases, poisonings, diseases gastrointestinal tract.

One of the most serious reasons vomiting in cats is intestinal obstruction and volvulus. In this case only emergency help a veterinarian can save your pet's life.

Diarrhea and vomiting in cats

A single vomiting in a cat with hair is quite common, but diarrhea and vomiting in cats is already a reason to contact the veterinarian.

Try to remember when the cat vomited for the first time, how often it happens, what the consistency is, and if there are any other symptoms.

Pay Special attention on the color of vomit: yellow and even more so green, it indicates the presence serious problems in a cat from the gastrointestinal tract.

Also vomiting with mucus speaks of chronic gastritis and even worms. Especially if mucus is also present in the feces.

Name of veterinary services


Service cost, rub.

Primary appointment


one animal

one animal

Veterinarian consultation

Doctor's consultation on test results

Doctor's consultation, no pet

What to do when a cat vomits

What to do with vomiting in a cat depends on the nature of its manifestation. If the cat is vomiting hair, then you should carefully monitor it, comb it more often. If vomiting with bile and mucus, then you should contact a veterinarian who will check the condition of the gastrointestinal tract for the absence of pathologies.

A single vomiting of white foam is usually not dangerous, as it is caused by a lack of food in the stomach.

If your pet vomits blood, you should immediately contact veterinarian. This may be a sign that the animal has swallowed a foreign body and it is scratching the walls of the esophagus.

As soon as you notice that the cat is vomiting, do not feed it. If the symptoms do not go away, then it is better to show the animal to the veterinarian, since it is impossible for a non-specialist to independently determine what the reason is.

In our veterinary clinic, we will help your pet, quickly diagnose and carry out effective treatment. We will be happy to help you around the clock in any of our clinics!