Ringer lock dosage for cats. Ringer-Locke solution for dogs: basic information and contraindications

Veterinary practice, as well as medical practice, is familiar with cases of intoxication of the body. This pathological condition can be triggered by a certain toxin, but it is eliminated according to a predominantly similar scheme in all variants. For example, Ringer-Locke solution is used. By the way, for cats this drug absolutely safe, sometimes it makes it possible to practically pull an animal out of the other world. So, what is this drug and when is it used?

There is probably nothing complicated about this medication. It consists of sodium chloride 0.9%, calcium chloride, glucose, sodium bicarbonate and water itself. This solution has almost identical properties to blood plasma. It is characterized by complete safety for the animal body, has no toxic effects, even when used in any doses; variants of its overdose have not yet been discovered.

For this reason, this substance can be used in case of severe blood loss, dehydration, and other pathologies. The solution turns out to be irreplaceable during the treatment of intoxications, since it makes it possible to neutralize numerous toxins. In particular, calcium chloride converts most heavy metals into insoluble form, preventing them bad influence on the cat's body. What is important is the fact that it does not have any irritating effect on surrounding tissues. What does this mean?

Everything is easy. In dehydrated cats (and even more so in kittens), it is almost impossible to find constricted veins. Serious amounts of solution must be injected directly under the skin. Since Ringer's properties are more similar to blood plasma than regular saline, it is more quickly absorbed and fills the body with the required amount of fluid. But what you need to remember is that this composition cannot be dissolved medical supplies! The sodium bicarbonate and calcium chloride present in it can combine with the components of medications, which in certain situations can end very badly. Therefore, such a combination is unacceptable.

In veterinary medicine, specialists often have to deal with cases of poisoning in animals. Intoxication may be caused by medications food products, poisons. The pathological condition in such cases is relieved by many medications that act as antidotes. One of the drugs prescribed by veterinarians for poisoning in animals is Ringer-Locke solution. What is this remedy? How does it work and does it have any contraindications?

Characteristics of the solution

This safe remedy sometimes cats were literally brought back from the other world. Its composition is simple: sodium chloride 0.9%, calcium chloride, glucose, sodium bicarbonate, water. The properties of the Ringer-Locke solution are almost identical to the properties of blood plasma. The drug has no harmful toxic effects. It can be used in any dose. There have been no cases of overdose of Ringer-Locke solution. That is why the product can be safely used in case of severe dehydration, heavy blood loss, etc. pathological conditions.

An indispensable medicine for intoxication, since it perfectly neutralizes many types of toxins. For example, calcium chloride heavy metals transforms into insoluble states. This prevents them negative impact on the body. The advantage of the drug is that it does not irritate the mucous membranes and tissues.

Veterinarians note that it is difficult to find constricted veins in dehydrated animals (especially kittens). Therefore, you have to inject a lot of solution just under the skin. Since the Ringer-Locke solution is more similar in properties to blood plasma than saline solution, it is absorbed more quickly and saturates the exhausted body with the required amount of fluid.

The instructions warn that this product is prohibited from dissolving medications, since calcium chloride and sodium bicarbonate may react chemical reaction with drug components. Sometimes this combination ends sadly.

The drug has proven itself to be very effective against profuse diarrhea in cats. The solution quickly replaces fluid loss and at the same time prevents the accumulation of toxins in the blood plasma and does not allow dehydration to develop. Ringer-Locke solution is also useful for bites poisonous snakes and spiders. In such cases, the medicine prevents red blood cells from sticking together. For burns in pets, the drug helps relieve inflammation and severe intoxication. Facilitates the condition of pets with peritonitis or pleurisy.

Important point! In addition to this remedy, there is also the usual Ringer's solution. It is almost identical to Ringer-Locke liquid, but does not contain glucose, so it is weaker and less effective in case of poisoning of domestic animals. Regular solution less helps the liver cope with toxins.

How to use the medicine correctly?

Single dose medicine depends on the size and age of the animal, the degree and duration of the disease. It can range from 40 ml of solution to 50 ml per day, in each specific case determined by a veterinary specialist.

Contraindications to the use of Ringer-Locke solution should also be taken into account. This is, first of all, swelling. With such a pathology, the drug will stimulate the accumulation of fluid in cavities and tissues, especially if we're talking about about edema of the lungs and brain - in this case, the solution can lead to the death of the animal.

The use of the drug for oliguria, anuria, and kidney disease in cats is prohibited. In these conditions, the healing liquid contributes to the occurrence of severe swelling and allergic reactions.

It is not recommended to use this remedy in large doses if your pet has been diagnosed with heart failure. Again, the likelihood of edema increases because the heart muscle will not be able to cope with the increase in fluid volume in the bloodstream.

The medicine is used with caution in cases of acidosis, hypovolemia, since a sharp change in blood pH or an increase in its volume is possible.

In case of intoxication of various etiologies, rehydrating agents are used to replenish the body with fluids and salts.

Loss of more than 20% of water leads to fatal outcome. Urgent use of medications of this series saves from mortal danger. A representative of this group is Ringer's solution. The aqueous composition contains selected components corresponding to plasma and formed elements. The route of administration is orally. In case of severe loss of electrolyte balance, it is necessary intravenous injection. For proper therapy We advise you to carefully read the instructions for using Ringer's solution.

pharmachologic effect

Ringer's solution:
prevents dehydration;
compensates for the loss of micro and macroelements.
normalizes heart function;
binds toxins;
weakens the destructive effect of pathogenic microflora;
prevents the occurrence of thrombosis;
enhances urine output;
improves blood circulation;
restores the liver.


The speed of absorption into the blood depends on the route of ingestion. With drip administration, a decrease in the pathological condition goes faster. The blood circulation is not overloaded. A complex substance does not change osmotic pressure blood. It leaves the bloodstream within ten minutes. Excreted in urine. Compatible with other medications.


The mixture contains active ingredients: potassium, calcium and sodium salts.
Potassium chloride
Intracellular ion. Stimulates the release of adrenaline from the adrenal glands. An increase in the concentration of the element is accompanied by a decrease in excitability and conductivity. Large doses have a depressant effect on cardiac cycle, reducing its frequency. Increases adrenaline production and synthesizes ATP. With a deficiency, the brain is poorly supplied and concentration decreases.
It is quickly absorbed and intensively excreted by the kidneys. It is used for problems with blood circulation, diarrhea, toxic infections, and after surgery.
Calcium chloride
Helps in the transmission of nerve impulses, regulates the secretion of hormones, promotes blood clotting. Required participant in the formation bone tissue. Disturbs transcapillary exchange, eliminates allergic reactions And inflammatory processes. Used for myocardial dysfunction, bleeding, toxic damage liver, poisoning. Used for surgical intervention and after it.
Sodium chloride
Provides osmotic stability, regulates the supply and removal of water in the cell. Reducing the amount of sodium and chlorine leads to a change in performance nervous system. With a deficiency, the work of the myocardium and smooth muscles changes. The water structure increases blood volume and promotes ionic stability. Improves blood circulation, causes antitoxic effect. Acts as a solvent for other drugs. Used to increase blood pressure during bleeding. Plays a supporting role in cerebral edema. Neutralizes silver nitrate poisons.

Due to the complex content of macroelements, Ringer's solution is indicated for pathological conditions of any etiology.


Apply medicine in the following states:
toxic dyspepsia;
blood loss;
viral infections;
food poisoning;
severe diarrhea;
intestinal obstruction.

Precautionary measures

Excessive intake of physiological fluid leads to pulmonary edema and deterioration of heart function. Then reduce the volume or stop taking it.


irreversible changes in the functioning of the heart;
pathology of excretory organs.

Side effects
Undesirable complications are expressed in excess water content, decreased potassium ions, and allergies.

Instructions for use

Dosage for animals
When prescribing a rehydrating agent, the degree of dehydration, pathological diagnosis, age and weight are taken into account.
The average therapeutic dose per day is 40 ml/kg.

Ringer–Locke solution
The medicine contains additional components: sodium bicarbonate + glucose.

Ringer-Locke solution indications for use

At severe forms illness or acute pathologies the composition is administered intravenously. In this case, the substance acts immediately. When administered intramuscularly, the results appear within 20 minutes. At subcutaneous injection resorption is slow. Do not pour in the cold solution. Temperature – 36°C. Before injecting Ringer's solution, inspect the contents of the bottle. Impurities, suspended particles, and sediment are not allowed.

Injections for cats at home (eng)

Ringer's solution is indicated for use in cats.

Animals are injected with a medicinal mixture intravenously or subcutaneously. Subcutaneous injections are administered in short portions.
The medicine is injected slowly and easily. If there is resistance, pull out the needle and insert it into another place. Otherwise, the injection will be intramuscular, which is not recommended. The swelling on the withers will resolve quickly.
With severe dehydration, death occurs quickly. Injections should be made every 4 hours. At frequent vomiting and diarrhea, contact your veterinarian immediately.


The cost of the drug is determined by the size of the bottle.
The average price in pharmacies is 25 - 45 rubles.

Storage conditions

Ringer's solution should be:
do not expose to direct rays of the sun;
keep in pharmaceutical packaging;
store at a temperature not exceeding 26°C and not falling below 14°C;
ensure that the drug is not available to children.

Best before date

Use the drug for 3 years. Do not use stitched ones.

How to install the system for a cat at home?

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Ringer's solution is a very popular veterinary drug that is used if necessary to correct the electrolyte balance of the cat's body. This medicine stops the intoxication and replenishes fluid levels.

Basically, Ringer's solution for cats is used for various states of shock, collapse, acute poisoning, peritonitis, ongoing intestinal infections, intestinal obstruction, burns and other painful conditions of the body, which are characterized by large loss of fluid.

Ringer's solution for cats is available in glass bottles with a volume of two hundred and four hundred milliliters, as well as soft bags for droppers with a volume of five hundred milliliters.

The composition of the drug includes calcium, sodium, potassium chloride - the main active ingredients. Hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, water – Excipients. Also, Ringer's solution contains a certain amount of potassium, sodium, chlorine and calcium ions.


In accordance with the instructions, the drug is able to stop the course of intoxication, restore water and electrolyte balance in case of shock or heavy blood loss.

In addition, Ringer's solution is able to replenish the volume of blood circulating throughout the body.

However, due to the fact that the drug quite quickly enters the space outside the blood vessels, the effect of replenishing blood volume is extremely short-lived, lasting no more than forty minutes. Due to the fact that the blood volume increases and its composition becomes more diluted, the concentration of toxic and poisonous substances significantly decreases, which helps to stop intoxication.

Indications for use

Ringer-Locke solution is used for cats in situations requiring emergency care.

It may be in demand when:

  • receiving a temperature injury,
  • various states of shock,
  • in case of electric shock,
  • presence of intestinal obstruction,
  • peritonitis.

The drug is also successfully used in cases acute poisoning, intestinal infections and other cases.


In accordance with the instructions, the drug should not be used for:

  • cerebral edema,
  • pulmonary edema,
  • acidosis,
  • renal and heart failure,
  • as well as in case of individual intolerance to its components.

Also, the medicine should not be given to a pregnant cat, or to an animal nursing offspring.

Mode of application

A drug administered subcutaneously or intravenously, when administered subcutaneously, the medicine must be injected into different places. In this case, the dose and timing of administration must be determined by a veterinary specialist, based on the weight of the animal and clinical picture course of the disease.

Side effects

However, if too much is applied a large number of drug, this can lead to the development of chloric acidosis or hyperhydration.

In this case, the use of the solution is stopped, or the dose must be reduced. It should be noted that Ringer's solution can be used in combination with other medications.

Storage conditions

  • Ringer's solution must be stored in its original packaging.
  • The place in which the drug is stored must be clean and dry. it is necessary to prevent contact with direct sun rays for medicine.
  • Storage temperatures can vary from zero to twenty-five degrees Celsius.
  • The drug is valid for two years from the date of manufacture.

Instructions for use of Ringer-Locke solution for the treatment of animals
for dehydration and intoxication of the body, blood loss, as well as for washing eyes and wounds
(developer organization: Mosagrogen CJSC, Moscow)

I. General information
Trade name medicinal product: Ringer-Locke solution (Solutio Ringer-Locke).
International generic name: Ringer-Locke solution.

Dosage form: solution for injection.
Ringer-Locke solution in 1 ml as active ingredients contains sodium chloride - 8 mg, potassium chloride - 0.2 mg, calcium chloride - 0.2 mg, sodium bicarbonate - 0.2 mg, glucose - 1 mg, and water for injection as a solvent.
By appearance the drug is a clear, colorless liquid.

Ringer-Locke Solution is produced in glass bottles of appropriate capacity, sealed with rubber stoppers reinforced with aluminum caps.
Store the medicinal product in the manufacturer's sealed packaging in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, separately from food and feed, at a temperature of 0°C to 25°C.
The shelf life of the medicinal product, subject to storage conditions, is 2 years from the date of manufacture.
It is prohibited to use the drug after its expiration date. Should be kept out of the reach of children.
Unused medicinal product is disposed of in accordance with legal requirements.

II. Pharmacological properties
Ringer-Locke solution is a drug that affects water-electrolyte balance in organism. The drug is used as a rehydrating agent, to stabilize the water and electrolyte composition of the blood, and has a detoxifying effect.

In terms of the degree of impact on the body, Ringer-Locke solution is classified as a low-hazard substance (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76).

III. Application procedure
Ringer-Locke solution is used in animals for dyspepsia and other diseases accompanied by dehydration and intoxication of the body, blood loss, as well as for washing wounds and eyes.

A contraindication for the use of the drug is individual increased sensitivity animal. At pronounced violation renal excretory function intravenous administration Ringer-Locke solution is contraindicated.

Ringer-Locke solution is used subcutaneously or intravenously in the following doses:

Doses and timing of use depend on the weight of the animal and the course of the disease. For subcutaneous administration, the dose of the drug is administered fractionally to different places.

No overdose symptoms have been identified in animals.
The specific effects of the drug upon its first use and upon its withdrawal have not been established.

Use of the drug in large quantities can lead to the development of chloride acidosis and overhydration. In case of such complications, the dose is reduced or the drug is discontinued.

The use of Ringer-Locke Solution does not exclude the use of other medications.

Livestock products during and after the use of Ringer-Locke Solution are used without restrictions.

IV. Personal prevention measures
When working with Ringer-Locke solution, you should follow general rules personal hygiene and safety precautions required when working with medications. Hands should be washed after finishing work warm water with soap.
In case of accidental contact of the medicinal product with the skin or mucous membranes of the eye, they must be rinsed big amount water.
Empty drug bottles must not be used for household purposes; they must be disposed of with household waste.

Manufacturer: JSC "Mosagrogen"; 117545, Moscow, 1st Dorozhny proezd, 1.