The dog vomited white foam. What disease causes a dog to vomit yellow foam? What to do if your dog is vomiting mucus

Vomiting in animals can be either a symptom of illness or a one-time safe event - cleaning the stomach.

How to distinguish one from the other? What measures to take if your dog is vomiting? How urgently should you contact a veterinarian?

So what is vomiting? This an uncontrolled reflex action that forces the animal to immediately empty its stomach. Therefore, by the way, It is unacceptable to scold a dog if he vomits on the carpet or sofa. After all, this cannot be called disobedience or self-indulgence.

It happens that a dog deliberately “forces” itself to empty its intestines.

As a rule, this happens during a morning walk. If you notice that your pet on an empty stomach began to eat grass on the nearest lawn, and then vomited, most likely there is no need to worry. Especially if the dog's behavior is otherwise normal. Thus animals simply get rid of hairballs and other debris that have settled in the stomach.

Vomiting white foam

White, foamy vomit, often containing mucus, is a signal that something has recently been eaten. food accumulated in the dog’s intestines, but the stomach remained empty. If you notice such foamy discharge once and in general the dog is cheerful and calm, most likely the cause was something from the following list:

  • the food at the last meal was spoiled;
  • the animal ate something inappropriate - picked it up from the floor or while walking;
  • cartilage, a pebble, or another small hard object got into the stomach;
  • worms;
  • It may also be that the dog simply got seasick in the transport or was nervous.

When should you sound the alarm?

There are situations when foamy vomiting is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • traces of blood in vomit;
  • constant excessive salivation;
  • belching;
  • tearing eyes;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth - putrid or ammonia-like;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • the dog whines, nervously walks from corner to corner, or, on the contrary, suddenly becomes sleepy.

If there are accompanying symptoms, you cannot wait - you need to urgently contact a veterinarian.

We can talk about oncology, acute cholecystitis, renal failure, hypoglycemia, diabetes or.

Liquid yellow vomit

The dog is vomiting yellow liquid - a yellow tint of the mass indicates that the dog is vomiting bile. If the dog itself decided to cleanse its stomach (for example, it ate grass on an empty stomach, as described above), then there is nothing to worry about. If you see such vomiting “out of the blue” or very often, then it may be that:

  • the dog eats low-quality food that contains preservatives, or is malnourished;
  • the animal has contracted worms;
  • gastritis or stomach ulcer begins;
  • The dog has liver problems.

Vomiting after eating

Why does my dog ​​vomit after eating? If, after eating, the dog vomited only once with undigested food and this did not happen again, the pet probably just ate very quickly. And here Regular events of this kind may indicate:

  • cholecystitis;
  • floppy stomach syndrome;
  • expansion of the esophagus.

In the first case, the vomit will be mixed with bile, in the second and third cases it will be mucous.

Treating vomiting at home

Strictly speaking, Vomiting cannot be treated: it is a symptom, not a disease. In most cases You shouldn’t even try to stop it yourself. After all, if you slow down the natural process of cleansing the body, intoxication may begin or worsen.

If the dog vomits for a long time, vomiting is accompanied by some of the symptoms described above - it means you need to contact a veterinarian.

What can you do before visiting a specialist?

Before calling the veterinarian or taking your dog to him, follow the steps from this list:

  1. Immediately, as soon as you notice that your pet is vomiting, free him from a hard or tight collar or muzzle. Otherwise, the dog may choke on vomit and begin to choke.
  2. Do not feed or water your dog for 3-4 hours after an attack(or until the doctor allows it). This may irritate the sensitive stomach lining. After 3-4 hours, you should start giving water in very small portions - literally a few sips every 20 minutes.
  3. Monitor the animal carefully and prepare answers to the veterinarian’s possible questions in advance. How often and under what circumstances did vomiting attacks occur? What did the vomited mass look like? Are there any accompanying symptoms or changes in the dog’s behavior? What happened to your pet in the last few days, how were the walks? Clear information and quick answers are the key to ensuring that the doctor can quickly make a diagnosis and begin treatment.

My dog ​​has diarrhea and vomiting, what should I do?

The combination of nausea and diarrhea may be a sign of an infectious or chronic disease of the pancreas, as well as severe poisoning. This, again, is a reason to show the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

While waiting for the doctor, make sure that the animal has access to water - the rule “do not water for 3-4 hours” does not work here, because constant dehydration occurs. Be sure to monitor the color of your dog's stool: yellow, white or gray indicates liver damage, black indicates internal bleeding.


Choose. If you want to feed your animal “naturally”, buy good fresh food and cook according to the rules.

While walking, do not allow yourself to dig through garbage, contact with stray animals, do not pick up anything from the ground, or drink from puddles. And always contact a veterinarian if there is the slightest reason for this.

Remember: owner negligence can cost the animal its life!

Additionally, watch a short video about what to do if your pet is vomiting:

Not only people, but also their pets may feel unwell, and this may manifest itself in the form of vomiting. There are many different reasons for vomiting.– starting with poor nutrition and ending with a sign of a serious illness. It is rare that a dog owner can immediately make a diagnosis based on white foam vomiting.

Causes of vomiting with white foam in a dog

Vomiting with foam occurs when the stomach at that time was empty, but with a small amount of gastric juice. The mucus that protects the stomach from acid contains mucopolysaccharides and proteins. They create foam when the dog swallows air. Therefore, if you see that a dog has vomiting with white foam, which means she had an empty stomach.

There is no need to worry if this happened once. But if such vomiting is systematic, it is necessary take the dog to the vet— Frequent vomiting may be caused by problems in the body.

Vomiting in the morning on an empty stomach can be a consequence of gastrointestinal diseases; the most common problem is gastritis. Also, the cause may be indigestion or pancreatitis. And vomiting 5-6 hours after eating is a sign of an unwanted object entering the stomach.

It is natural that puppies or representatives of small breeds suffer from vomiting. Most often, the risk group is headed - for them this is quite normal. In this case, you should exclude a threat to life through examination and not worry about anything. It is recommended to divide meals into larger quantities, as well as provide more fatty foods.

If the animal vomits, then this cannot be called a disease, but can only be attributed to a symptom, which indicates an illness.

  • A sign of a serious illness may be restless behavior of the dog with excessive salivation.
  • With erosion, tumors and infections, traces of blood may appear in the vomit.
  • Vomiting with white foam in a dog is a sign of an infectious disease.
  • With uremia and kidney failure, you can smell ammonia from the mouth.
  • Vomiting can be preventive to improve digestion. To do this, the dog can eat grass. But this shouldn't happen regularly.

What to do if your dog is vomiting white foam

Only based on the results of examinations and tests can an accurate diagnosis be made. After all, vomiting can even be a sign of gastritis, so using any self-medication is simply useless.

If vomiting is severe, you will need to do blood analysis. It will help you find out if your dog has kidney and liver disease, diabetes or allergies. You may also have to do abdominal x-ray, which will allow you to find out if there is a foreign body or tumors there.

While you are waiting for test results and a doctor, you need to cleanse the body and do not give the dog food except chicken broth. On the second day after vomiting, only bland food such as turkey breast and brown rice is acceptable.

Video about dog vomiting

We invite you to watch a video where you will learn about the causes of vomiting in a dog and what to do in this case.

The causes of vomiting can be different; it is very important to draw the owner’s attention to this disease in time. Because vomiting white foam may not only be the norm, but a sign of one of the diseases. How often have you encountered vomiting in your dog? What did you do in this case?

Sudden vomiting in a dog can frighten the owner and cause discomfort to the animal. The causes of vomiting in a pet can be different. Vomiting is a reflex reaction that protects the body from poisons, toxins, inedible objects and substances.

You should find out the cause of your dog's vomiting.

Vomiting can be physiological or pathological.

An example of physiological vomiting is regurgitation in puppies that have overfed their mother's milk. Some foods can overstimulate your taste buds and cause you to gag. The physiological type of vomiting does not require correction or treatment and usually goes away on its own. But pathological vomiting requires clarification of the causes and appropriate treatment.


Poor quality food can cause poisoning in a dog.

A dog may have health problems with certain organs, so vomiting will vary. Among the main reasons causing the gag reflex, several of the most common can be identified:

In street water and ponds, a dog can easily become infected with worms.

Causes and signs of pathological vomiting

Vomiting can be caused by the presence of internal diseases. However, additional symptoms may indicate the cause. Let's look at some types of vomiting that have characteristic symptoms.

There are cases of vomiting due to internal diseases.

Vomiting blood

Bloody vomiting always poses a health hazard, because blood indicates gastric bleeding.

If you are vomiting blood, you should definitely see a veterinarian.

To help your pet, you need to visit a veterinarian as soon as possible and undergo the prescribed diagnostics. Blood may be caused by damage to the stomach walls. Perhaps the dog swallowed an inedible and sharp object that damaged its stomach. If dogs' diet contains bones (especially tubular chicken bones), then the stomach walls can be damaged by the sharp edges of the bones.

Bloody discharge in the vomit may be or. Sometimes bloody vomiting occurs at the stage of destruction of the internal tumor.

Vomiting blood is not necessarily red in color. Minor blood loss will appear brownish in the vomit. If vomiting occurs some time after bleeding, the color of the vomit will be brown and sometimes black.

Stomach ulcer

Frequent vomiting of blood may indicate an open stomach ulcer.

Bone waste can cause stomach ulcers.

This disease occurs when feeding a pet bone and meat waste, bones and other traumatic products. Vomiting disappears when the ulcer scars.

Foam and mucous vomit

Foaming during vomiting is not a sign of a serious illness.

  1. After eating, after some time the stomach becomes empty, and food passes further.
  2. Mucus and bile appear in the stomach.
  3. Mucus prevents the gastric walls from self-digesting.
  4. The mucous contents are whipped into a foamy mass, so when vomiting, foamy mucous contents of the stomach appear.

Usually this is not a sign of a serious pathology and indicates that the dog’s stomach is empty.. Isolated cases of such vomiting are acceptable, but repeated cases should alert the owner. The dog should be taken to a veterinarian to determine the cause of the vomiting.

Yellow vomit

Worms can cause yellow vomit in a dog.

Vomit with bile is very scary for dog owners. How to help your pet? First you need to understand the reasons that caused the urge to vomit:

Vomiting with diarrhea is a sign of infection.

  • The vomit smells like ammonia - the dog may have liver failure.
  • The sweetish smell of vomit indicates...
  • A putrid odor occurs when there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity.
  • With stomach diseases, vomiting usually occurs some time after eating.
  • Vomiting with diarrhea, high fever and refusal to eat is a sign of infection or poisoning.
  • If a dog on a walk tries to find green grass and chew it, it may have stomach problems, and the grass helps cleanse it of excess contents. If such cleaning is not a systematic phenomenon, then there should be no worries about health. This is a natural stomach cleansing process for animals.
  • Morning vomiting of yellow foamy contents indicates indigestion. Perhaps it .

Main symptoms of poisoning

Weakness is the main symptom of poisoning.

Signs indicating pet poisoning:

  1. Drooling, licking the face.
  2. Vomiting with diarrhea.
  3. Abdominal pain that is detected by palpation. The animal tries to dodge the touches and squeals in pain.
  4. Weakness, loss of coordination, unsteady gait.
  5. or paralysis.
  6. With severe intoxication, the animal may lose consciousness or fall into a coma.
  7. Pesticide poisoning can be diagnosed by dilated pupils. In some cases, blindness is possible.
  8. The heart rhythm changes, breathing becomes more frequent or rare.

How to stop a dog from vomiting?

If your dog has persistent vomiting, combined with vomiting, you need to get to the vet as quickly as possible. Dehydration is a very dangerous condition for small puppies. They may die literally in 24 hours.

What to do until the dog has been examined by a veterinarian? Stop feeding the dog. Regarding drinking water: if after drinking the dog immediately vomits, then it is better not to give it anything to eat or drink. You can offer frozen ice instead, it will help relieve some of the nausea. If your dog is thirsty, offer him plenty of clean drinking water. You can make chamomile tea. It is advisable to give the dog sorbents that are sold in a regular pharmacy: charcoal, enterosgel.

Chamomile tea can help your dog cope with vomiting.

At the veterinary clinic, to stop vomiting, they can inject cerucal (an antiemetic drug) and install a system to eliminate dehydration.

Pain and cramps

No-shpa or Papaverine will help reduce pain and spasms. Omez will reduce the acidity of the stomach during gastritis.

No-spa will relieve the dog's pain.

When the vomiting has stopped, the dog gradually begins to be fed and watered. This should be done in small portions, the food should be dietary. The gentle diet should last at least a week. It all depends on the diagnosis; you may have to stick to a much larger diet if the problem is a gastrointestinal disease.

First aid for poisoning at home

If it is reliably known that it is necessary to urgently call a veterinarian or take the dog to a veterinary clinic.

Action plan before the doctor arrives:

  • stop the pet's contact with the toxic substance.
  • If the poison has been swallowed, induce vomiting. To do this, you can dilute salt or soda in warm water and pour it into the dog’s mouth. For 250 ml of water – 1 tablespoon of salt. It is best to do gastric lavage using a tube. In case of poisoning with acids and alkalis, it is strictly not recommended to induce vomiting, since the repeated passage of these substances through the organs of the digestive tract can lead to a chemical burn. Thawing with milk is possible only in cases of mercury or lead poisoning; in other cases, milk is not used.
  • It is recommended to wash off poison that gets on the skin from your pet using baby soap or just clean warm water.
  • If the animal was transported in a car and it inhaled gasoline vapors or exhaust fumes, it is necessary to take the dog out into the fresh air. Carbon monoxide can be neutralized by generously rinsing the mouth and eyes with a weak solution of soda (3%).
  • To remove poison from the stomach, a sorbent is used: activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 kg of weight.
  • 30 minutes after taking charcoal, it is recommended to give your pet a mild laxative so that the body can naturally cleanse itself of poisons.

Activated charcoal will help remove poison from the stomach.

What to do after the vomiting symptoms stop?

The first days after incessant vomiting, the dog is put on diet food. Food should be low in calories and the animal should be fed in small portions. The following products can be given:

  • skim cheese;
  • boiled rice or rice soup;
  • poultry or beef should also be boiled;
  • oatmeal;
  • curdled milk.

After the vomiting symptoms stop, you can give your dog low-fat cottage cheese.

Clean water should be near your pet at all times so that the animal can drink even if no one is around.

Video about dog vomiting

Vomiting in a puppy is a phenomenon that causes quite a lot of trouble for the dog and may indicate multiple pathologies. However, if your puppy vomits heavily for the first time, there is no need to panic.

Initially, it is necessary to figure out what could have caused this condition and try to eliminate irritating factors as much as possible. Vomiting in a domestic puppy may not always indicate the presence of some serious illness, but you should not postpone a visit to the veterinarian either.

Since the pet cannot tell its owner that it may soon begin to experience a gag reflex, it is necessary to regularly monitor the pet’s condition and pay special attention to any alarming manifestations.

The puppy initially begins to show alarming symptoms, such as nausea or lethargy, which indicate that the Pomeranian will soon begin to vomit:

  • begins to lick his face very actively;
  • even if the dog is tormented by very strong thirst, it does not want to take liquid at all, since this leads to its spontaneous release;
  • complete or partial refusal to eat;
  • mucus can be released very abundantly with saliva;
  • the pet begins to actively rush around the room and cannot find one place;
  • She constantly suffers from her stomach growling, and she may also experience hungry belching.

In addition to these main symptoms that vomiting is approaching, yellowish or, conversely, persistent constipation may be observed, which also torments the animal.

Very often you can encounter this phenomenon when the dog owner confuses the puppy vomiting a little water and regurgitation after drinking or eating. Consequently, in the first case, the food simply cannot be digested due to some pathology, while the second option assumes that the dog simply ate very quickly and the food did not have time to be absorbed.

The puppy vomits immediately after eating undigested food. Main reasons

Why an animal may experience this primarily depends on many reasons. However, here you can also find positive aspects of such a seemingly pathological process. First of all, vomiting in its essence is a certain defense of the body, during which toxins that cause poisoning are released from it, and cleansing in general occurs. Thus, the animal’s stomach, as it were, self-cleanses itself of harmful substances.

Thus, it is necessary to highlight the main reasons that can cause undigested food in an animal:

  • poisoning can occur due to the fact that there is some kind of infection in the dog’s body;
  • Vomiting can be caused by the dog eating something of poor quality. Most often, the animal’s appetite is so great that it can take food out of the trash can or pick up scraps on the street while walking;
  • Vomiting is caused due to the fact that a foreign object is stuck in the dog’s throat. This phenomenon can be cured simply by removing the foreign object;
  • poisoning with poisons or other harmful substances;
  • presence in the pet. It is urgent to carry out high-quality deworming;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • your pet may need help due to quite serious overeating;
  • variety of food and other food products or negative factors;
  • heatstroke in a dog, which can cause fever after spending a long time in the sun;
  • various stressful situations;
  • trauma or concussion.

When vomiting is pathological and cannot be stopped on your own

In some cases, if a puppy vomits very heavily for 2 months or more, this may indicate that some pathological process is developing inside the pet’s body, which requires urgent medical intervention. Thus, bad vomiting can be expressed by the following manifestations:

  • may vomit uncontrollably due to any cancer, stomach ulcers, or internal bleeding. In this case, scarlet blood or brown clots can be traced in the vomit.
  • If vomiting occurs at night, in the morning, or during the day several hours after eating, this may indicate the presence of a tumor inside the stomach.
  • If bile is observed in the vomit, this is a sign that an obstruction has formed in the intestines. However, if other symptoms are present, this may also indicate that your pet has it.
  • If vomiting occurs more than once a month and this phenomenon is accompanied by diarrhea or other manifestations of the disorder, then this may be a sign of pathology in the dog’s renal system. Also, a very strong smell of ammonia may be observed from the pet’s mouth.
  • An animal vomits on an empty stomach - this is the very first sign that must be treated, since its development is fraught with the onset of a peptic ulcer.

The puppy is vomiting white foam

Very often, when white foam is discovered in the masses of an animal, the owners are seriously frightened and wonder what to do and whether it is dangerous.

However, this phenomenon can be very simply explained at the level of animal physiology: when a certain period of time passes after the pet eats food, the food passes down the gastric tract, while the stomach itself remains empty and is enveloped in a slippery layer. After contact of this mucus with air, it becomes porous and resembles foam.

Nothing terrible happens when foam is released; the main condition is the complete absence of blood and other inclusions, which requires urgent treatment with the help of a veterinarian.

However, if nothing can be done, and such foamy vomiting is not a one-time occurrence, You should immediately seek advice from a specialist in order not to harm your pet by self-medication. This is especially true if, along with an upset stomach, there are alarming symptoms such as a rise in body temperature, dizziness or loss of consciousness, severe pain, and others.

What to do if your pet is vomiting?

Based on all that has been said, we can conclude that vomiting in a dog is a rather complex process that requires a competent and comprehensive approach. In any case, if this syndrome is present, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian who will help determine the cause of the phenomenon and select the correct treatment as effectively as possible. First of all, the dog’s health depends on the attentiveness and care of the owner.

A problem arises when a dog vomits after eating and you need to know how to act in such a case. Dogs are our four-legged friends. If you have made a friend like a dog, then you are responsible for the one you tamed. If you have taken on such responsibility as a pet, then it must be properly cared for.

Causes of Nausea in Dogs

Vomiting is the body's response to an irritant. Anything can be an irritant. The important point is not to confuse where the dog is vomiting and where it is regurgitating. The difference is that if this is regurgitation, then the food does not have time to get into the stomach, but is removed from the esophagus. Vomiting is not considered as a separate disease, it is a symptom of disorders and diseases of some organs, which is why it is necessary to immediately determine why this happened. Self-treatment can be dangerous since the true cause is not known. It is necessary to take your dog to a veterinary clinic so that a veterinarian can examine it and tell you the exact diagnosis and how to treat it.

Vomiting in a dog is a sign of gastrointestinal disease.

You can’t call it pleasant, but sometimes nausea has its positive aspects. The body causes vomiting when a defense mechanism is triggered, toxic or poisonous substances are released in this way, maybe your dog has swallowed some object, it can be released through vomiting.

Causes of dog vomiting after eating

If your dog vomits after eating or on an empty stomach, this indicates that he has a problem with the gastrointestinal tract, for example, gastritis. And if this happens every 5 hours after eating, then the reason may be some foreign body in the pet’s stomach. To determine the specific cause, it is necessary to undergo gastroscopy. Why does a dog vomit after eating? Prolonged vomiting in a dog after eating or morning sickness with yellow or white foam may be a sign of:

  • Liver colic;
  • Acute pancreatitis;
  • Acute cholecystitis;
  • Indigestion.
  • Infections;
  • Poor quality food;
  • If any object gets into the pet’s esophagus;
  • If poisonous insects or irritating substances enter the respiratory tract;
  • Presence of worms;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Binge eating;
  • Allergy;
  • Heatstroke;
  • Damage to the central nervous system.

The consequence of vomiting may be one of the above reasons. It is very difficult to determine the cause on your own; the best solution would be to take your pet to a veterinary clinic. The dog is not able to tell you how he feels, this can be determined by the signs of your pet's behavior.

Signs of vomiting:

  • The dog stops eating;
  • Often begins to lick the muzzle;
  • Doesn't drink water;
  • Copious secretion of saliva;
  • Chaotic movement and restlessness;
  • Rumbling in the stomach, there may also be belching;
  • Sometimes accompanied by stool disorder.

Vomiting undigested food

The consistency of vomit varies; if your dog vomits after eating undigested food, then the cause may be a problem with the gastrointestinal tract. If your pet is 4 hours after eating, then this may be a gastrointestinal lesion of an oncological nature.

Signs of pathological vomiting:

  • Vomiting blood may be a signal of diabetes, gastric bleeding, or cancer;
  • Vomiting with bile and excrement indicates that the dog has an intestinal obstruction; in such cases, the dog begins to eat grass in its diet, after which vomiting begins;
  • If, along with vomiting, the dog has diarrhea and an ammonia smell comes from the mouth, then this is kidney failure or uremia.

What to do if your dog is vomiting

In this matter, the main thing is calmness and a sober assessment of the situation. If you called a veterinarian to your home, then until he arrives, follow some rules:

  • Do not shout or scold your dog for vomiting, this is a natural process and in this state the dog cannot control itself.
  • Do not try to stop the vomiting;
  • Try to understand the reason before the veterinarian arrives; maybe your pet overate, maybe you walked in the sun for a long time and the dog suffered a heatstroke;
  • Before the veterinarian arrives, record the amount, consistency, contents, and color of the vomit. This information will help correctly diagnose your pet's disease;


When vomiting, the body needs to be cleansed, for this reason you do not need to feed your pet for the first day; if the vomiting has passed on the second day, then you can slowly introduce liquid food without adding salt and spices. It is also necessary to refuse water, and instead give him an ice cube to lick; if there has been no vomiting for three hours, then you can give him a little low-fat chicken broth;

As soon as everything passes, start feeding your pet diet food. A good option would be:

  • turkey or chicken breast;
  • fresh herbs;
  • Hercules.

The dog should be fed in small portions, about 6 times a day, the food should be warm and fresh. You can switch to your dog’s usual food on the third day after the vomiting stops.

If the vomiting does not stop and is severe, then it is necessary to take a blood test. A blood test can detect liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes, cancer or allergies. An x-ray of the abdominal cavity is also necessary, in this way you can find out whether there is a cancerous tumor or any foreign bodies. If you notice blood in the vomit, this is not very good, you should immediately contact a specialist, this indicates a serious illness in the dog.

The following is prescribed for treatment:

  • Starvation diet;
  • No-spa, papaverine - for pain in the abdomen, intestines and stomach, and also relieves spasms.
  • Smecta - removes toxins well.
  • Cerucal - reduces the gag reflex, normalizes contractions of the stomach and intestines.
  • Omez - reduces the level of acidity in the stomach.

If a dog vomits during the day, then the dog is dehydrated, in which case the dog needs an IV to replenish fluid loss. For this procedure, you need to take your dog to a veterinary clinic.

How to induce vomiting in emergency situations

In emergency cases, vomiting is caused if the dog has been poisoned by antifreeze, eaten household chemicals, or a poisonous plant. Before doing this, call your veterinarian, he will tell you the exact dosage of the emetic. If your dog is breathing heavily or has an object or bone stuck in its throat, you should not induce vomiting. To induce vomiting, you need to open your mouth and pour a small amount into the throat, which will induce vomiting:

  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Ipecac syrup (emetic root).

Be careful, if you overdo the dosage of ipecac, you may experience heart problems. If vomiting has not occurred after 10 minutes, you must try again. If nothing has changed after the second attempt, you need to urgently take the dog to the veterinarian.