When do German Shepherd puppies' eyes open? Mastering the world - when puppies open their eyes after birth, begin to eat, walk, and go to the toilet

All puppies are born completely blind, so they are helpless and extremely vulnerable. The mother dog carefully looks after them: licks their fur, feeds them and takes care of the babies in every possible way. During this period of time, it is very important not to disturb the puppies and adult dog.

People whose dogs are giving birth for the first time very often ask the question: “When do puppies open their eyes?” After all, they can’t wait to play with the kids and look into their tender eyes.

At what age do puppies open their eyes?

The birth of puppies is an exciting and joyful event that everyone looks forward to. When puppies are born, after 10 to 14 days they open their eyes.

Pets' eyes begin to open gradually, from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. Most often, a gap appears in one eye, and then the whole eye opens. But it also happens that the puppy’s entire eye opens at once.

How to care for your pets while their eyes are opening:

  • When the time comes and puppies should begin to open their eyes, they must be protected from bright light. It is best to place the box with pets in a room in which there is twilight. This will make it easier for pets to get used to the light.
  • Under no circumstances should you open your pet's eyes yourself. If you see a gap appearing in the puppy’s eye, then wait until the eye is fully opened.
  • Visit your veterinarian in advance and purchase special eye drops and ointments, just in case.

By opening their eyes, puppies learn the world and begin to learn to live.

After pets are born, puppies' eyelids continue to form and develop.

The main functions that the eyelids perform:

  • They protect the pet’s cornea from adverse factors;
  • The eyelids produce tears, and tears help the eye cleanse itself of debris;
  • Eyelids prevent the eyes from drying out.

Do not forget that opening the eyes of puppies too early is fraught with unpleasant consequences. Therefore, if the eyes open early, the pet should be taken to the veterinarian.

However, there are also situations when puppies do not open their eyes, although the time has already come? What to do in this case?

Reasons why puppies do not open their eyes

Of course, if a pet does not open its eyes in time, then this is not normal. It is better to consult a doctor with this problem.

The main reasons why puppies do not open their eyes on time:

  1. Microbes could enter the palpebral fissure and cause widespread eye disease– conjunctivitis. In this case, it is necessary to take the pet to the doctor and treat the baby.
  2. Your puppy may not open his eyes if there is dirt or other buildup on his eyelids. In this case, you should carefully wipe your pet's eyes with warm water.

Eye problems in dogs are very serious. After all, because of them, the dog may lose his sight. Therefore, to prevent your pet from permanently losing his vision, it is necessary to regularly examine the dog’s eyes and eyelids.

So cute that not only children, but also adults enjoy them. Their future fate depends on how well the owners treat and care for their pets. Many people probably know that babies’ eyes do not open immediately after birth.


Features of eye opening in newborn puppies

The eyes begin to open from the inner corner to the outer until the palpebral fissure is completely open. The opening takes place gradually and individually. For example, only one eye may open in a day, but the second only after a day or two. And sometimes they erupt at the same time.

At this time, you need to prevent bright light from shining on the puppy; it is advisable to do this correctly for several days. There is no need to be afraid if the baby reacts little to light, since in such a infancy Babies may not be able to differentiate between light and dark. Only after a few days will the baby see the same as an adult dog. This process may take several weeks.

Age of puppies

Many people are interested in the question of how many days must pass after the birth of a puppy for it to open its eyes. When is born small pet, then his eyes are closed and ear canals, so for the first time after birth he does not hear or see anything. On average, dogs' eyes fully open between 10 and 15 days after birth, and around this time their ears begin to function fully. Some animals' ears open on the seventeenth day, but they begin to hear only by 4 weeks. But it is worth understanding that each dog is individual, so the process of complete opening does not always occur during this period.

When 18 days have already passed after birth, and the eyes are still closed, you can help your pet by washing them boiled water. Some puppies can open their eyes even in the fourth week of life. It is at this time that animals begin to skillfully walk and move around their box or bed. Of course, after opening, all processes accelerate, and the baby can learn to walk even earlier.

When a dog develops eyes, it becomes more mature, learns to turn its head on its own and already chooses a place to sleep. It is at this time that the dog’s character begins to be built, which will be difficult to change. But if the baby is already a month old and has not yet regained his sight, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian, since the health of the puppy is important for any owner.

Why do puppies' eyes not open immediately?

When a puppy is born, its eyelids do not have time to fully develop, so development continues after birth. Their full development plays one of the important roles for the complete development of the animal.

The eyelids perform different functions:

  • do not allow the eyes to dry out;
  • protect the cornea from various factors;
  • produce tears that clean the eyes.

When eyes erupt too early, this does not have a very good effect on the development of the dog. After all, if they open early, then the eyelids do not have time to fully develop, which means they will not be able to perform their main functions. That is, it is better if babies develop vision within one to two weeks from birth.

Problems that may prevent your eyes from opening

There are also cases where the opening of a dog’s eyes is associated with different problems with health. To prevent trouble from happening to your animal, you need to carefully care for it and monitor its development; there are special recommendations for this.

If the baby does not open his eyes for a long time, this may be due to the following reasons:

  • entry of microbes into the palpebral fissure;
  • development of conjunctivitis;
  • accumulations on eyelashes and eyelids.

But don’t be upset if your dog has abnormalities; after identifying problems, you need to begin treatment. If we're talking about about the development of conjunctivitis, you need to wash your eyes regularly with a solution of furatsilin and use drops with antibiotics. It is recommended to use the drugs no more than six times a day. After similar procedures all problems will disappear and they will open. If the eyes do not open due to accumulations of secretions, then you just need to wipe them with swabs soaked in warm water several times a day. This procedure is completely harmless.

Despite the fact that there are certain limits for opening the eyes, it is worth considering that each animal is unique and individual - this determines when the eyelids open. Much depends on the age at which the puppy’s eyes open, including its full development. After all, the age at which the dog begins to walk, hear and lead depends on this. active life. After how many days your animal’s vision begins to clear depends, first of all, on the structure of the body.

Video "Husky puppies open their eyes"

In this video you can see funny babies at the age when their eyes are appearing.

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In this article I will talk about caring for newborn puppies. I will list the problems associated with opening the puppy’s eyes. I will name the main stages of a pet’s development from birth to puberty, when they begin to open their eyes, hear how many days after birth, and at what age you can pick up a puppy from its mother.

The first stage of development of a newborn ends at 18-20 days of life. During this time, the baby shows the ability to retain heat, curling up into a ball with its brothers when the mother is not around, the cub knows how to crawl, find nipples, and suck.

Babies acquire hearing, ear, smell and vision during this period. The eye in dogs opens at 11-13 days. If by the 18th day the eyelids have not opened, you should help - moisten your eyes with boiled water.

Under no circumstances should you try to unstick a dog’s eyelids on your own. This can damage the tear glands and vision.

The eyelids do not open synchronously, the difference may be several days, but if the eyes have not opened by day 25, you need to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.

The age at which the eyes open depends on the breed of the dog; some breeds are predisposed to pathologies in the development of the eyelids. Once a veterinarian diagnoses entropion, surgery is necessary to prevent vision loss. If pus accumulates on the eyelids, it may be in a dog, which is treated with drops and tetracycline ointment.

Puppies are born helpless and need care from their mother.

How many days does it take to start walking?

At the second stage of development (18-35 days), babies take their first steps.

The sense of smell, hearing and vision are quite developed. The cub is no longer so dependent on the mother. At this time, the sucking reflex is replaced by a chewing one, and enzymes appear in the baby’s body that facilitate the digestion of meat. IN wildlife mother transfers puppies to solid food regurgitating food after a hunt.

Rules for caring for newborns

For little ones and bitches, it is necessary to build a nest in which the dog could stretch out and relax, and the little ones would not fall out thanks to the sides. Use a heating pad to maintain constant temperature to make them feel comfortable and warm.

The development of each baby is individual, and it is impossible to determine strict deadlines

In the first week of life, the dog licks the belly of the cubs and eats their secretions. If the female does not do this, or does it rarely, you need to help the babies with bowel movements and Bladder. In this case, a massage with a soft towel dipped in warm water will help.

You should put the bitch's nipple in your mouth and hold the baby until he begins to feed on his own if the baby is weak.

Bitches may have problems with milk or mammary glands. In this case, they are fed milk expressed from the mother or a dog milk replacer, which can be purchased at veterinary clinic. Feeding frequency: every 2 hours, 0.5-1 ml. As the baby grows, the dose of milk increases; a two-week-old baby eats 5-10 ml at a time.

Meat complementary foods should be introduced after 25 days. Finely shredded beef is rolled into pea-sized balls and offered to the puppies. You can’t force him to eat meat; you can only lightly dip your pet’s muzzle into the food or put a tiny portion of complementary food in his mouth.

It is important to ensure that each puppy gets one portion; if you don’t supervise the kids, the strong will take food from the weak and overeat. Specialized and natural food should be diluted with water so that the consistency is mushy. With the introduction of complementary foods, it is necessary to monitor the puppies' stool; if there is diarrhea or light-colored stools, you must urgently contact a veterinarian and limit yourself to feeding with mother's milk for a while.

From the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, care must be taken to ensure a sufficient amount clean water publicly available to puppies.

When can you take a puppy away from a dog?

The third stage of development is 6-12 weeks. The nervous system of the cubs is formed, the babies acquire individual qualities character and differ in behavior. A baby at this age is playful and affectionate. It is better to separate from the mother at the end of the third stage at 12-16 weeks, when the bitch’s immunity no longer extends to the cubs, and the newborns are actively exploring the world.

At 4 weeks of age, puppies play with each other and run around

From 4 to 7 months, the 4th stage of development occurs, in which the baby is finally separated from the mother. must be carried out at three months of age. Purebred dogs, which the future owner wants to show at exhibitions, it is better to take them when they are older, then its exterior will be visible and developmental defects will appear.

When puppies appear in the house, it is necessary to monitor their development and note the dates of opening their eyes and introducing complementary foods.

If there are developmental delays, do not panic; the speed of development depends on the breed of dog, but it is better to consult a veterinarian. If you start treating pathologies earlier, it is possible to avoid unpleasant consequences. It is worth remembering that each individual is unique, and each litter produces weak puppies who require additional assistance.

When puppies appear in the house, an attentive owner asks many questions: how do they develop, when they begin to walk, why are they born blind? What are the stages of transforming a defenseless and helpless baby into an adult and strong dog?

There are several classifications of puppy development stages, but essentially They all come down to certain periods of development of the dog’s body systems. How do puppies develop after birth? detailed review Further.

According to the classification proposed by scientists from the Institute of Physiology. I.P. Pavlova, distinguished four stages of puppy development from birth to puberty. The average duration of periods depends on the breed of dog and is individual for each individual:

  • 1 - 18-21 days. Stage of unconditional reflex adaptation. Born blind and deaf, puppies have a sense of smell, smell, vestibular and skin-temperature apparatus. In the mother's absence, the puppies huddle together to keep warm because they cannot be there permanently yet. They can crawl, find nipples, and suck. In this period hearing appears, eyes open, babies try to walk, play, and they begin to react to threats. The sucking reflex begins to disappear.
  • 18-21 – 30-35 days. Stage of conditioned reflex adaptation. Teeth are erupting and chewing movements are observed. The enzymes necessary for the digestion of meat foods are formed. The sense of smell, hearing, and vision have almost reached their full maturity. Now the puppy begins to distinguish objects in the world around him. New reflexes appear and improve. The dog is no longer so dependent on his mother. A young animal enters another community and learns to live by its rules.
  • 5-6 – 8-12 weeks. Exalted stage. Physiologically the animal is almost formed, but its growth continues very intensively. At this time, the puppies are taken away from their mother. The dog's nervous system is highly influenced environment. For better socialization of the dog, you need to try to avoid factors that traumatize the animal’s psyche. This is facilitated by human communication and diversity of surroundings. You can start teaching your pet some commands. Up to 4 months, all babies are similar: they are affectionate and curious.
  • 3-4 – 6-7 months. Stage of formation of typological features nervous system. If before all the puppies behaved very similarly, now they begin to differ from each other. As for physiology, the teeth change, the mother’s immunity no longer works. Own the immune system not fully formed. It is at this time that it is necessary.

When do the eyes open?

Puppies are born blind, their eyelids are underdeveloped. When do puppies open their eyes after birth?

Most puppies open their eyes at 10-14 days.

This may happen a little earlier or with a delay of several days, but does not in any way affect the physical, mental or reflex development of the dog.

More often, both eyes open at once, sometimes with a difference of a day or two. This is normal and not a pathology. At first, the dog only distinguishes between light and dark. Babies will begin to fully navigate by sight and hearing around the 25th day. By the end of the period of unconditional reflex adaptation, the puppies are already beginning to gradually distinguish between the periods of day and night and crawl out of the “nest”.

If by the 18th-20th day the dog’s eyes have not opened, then help is needed. Try rinsing your eye slits with boiled water.

Not all dogs are born healthy. General health problems can also affect your vision. If the eyelids have not opened by the 30th day or there is inflammation or conjunctivitis, you need to show your pet to a doctor.

Do not try to open your eyelids yourself.

In some cases, for example, with entropion of the eyelids, surgery is prescribed.

First steps

The newborn is able to crawl slightly to reach the nipples and its brothers and sisters (crowding response) when the mother is not present. While the dog cannot walk, he constantly moves his paws in his sleep. This is the only alternative to make your muscles train.

This type of sleep is called active sleep.

When do puppies start walking? At 18-21 days of life, small dogs begin to stand on their paws, sway, and walk a little. Puppies are no longer so helpless - they see and hear. And now they are trying to get out of their den, playing and biting each other.

Switching to adult food

During the first days of their lives, puppies depend on their mother. Newborns can only crawl to their warm mother, find nipples, and suck milk.

On days 18-21, the sucking reflex gradually fades away and the next transition period begins.

Interest in meat and solid foods appears. Now a reaction to irritation oral cavity It becomes not sucking, but chewing movements. The enzymes responsible for digesting meat food mature in the dog’s body. The first teeth are emerging. Some bitches regurgitate puppy food.

Your pet’s sense of smell, hearing, and vision are already quite mature. It was during this period that the transition from dairy nutrition to mixed. Complementary feeding should start with liquid or porridge feed.

Whether it will be or depends on what you plan to feed the dog in the future. At first, the dog doesn’t pay much attention to the innovation, since his mother’s milk is still his main food.

You cannot force your puppy to eat food.

You can gently poke his muzzle into the food bowl or put a tiny portion in his mouth. Canned food you need to mix in a 1:1 ratio, soak dry in three parts of water. The raw frozen beef is scraped off with a knife and rolled into small pea-sized balls. Complementary foods are introduced gradually, observing the reaction from the gastrointestinal tract of your pets.

From the very beginning of complementary feeding must be ensured sufficient quantity fresh drinking water.

When do puppies start eating on their own? Approximately from one month old The puppies can now eat from the bowl themselves. The owner should make sure that all the kids eat enough, because more strong dogs will eat food from the weaker.

Need on the street

A small dog still cannot tolerate up to 4 months due to its physiology. He is already beginning to understand where he needs to go, but he doesn’t have time to get there. At this age, you cannot scold a puppy. Otherwise, he will simply do his business faster and more unnoticed, but all on the same floor. When do puppies start peeing? It’s worth stocking up on patience and rags - puddles at home can last up to 9-12 months.

Potty training (walk outside, litter box, diaper) should be done regularly after each meal and after sleep. If the puppy begins to worry and fidget, go potty immediately. It is recommended to praise the dog and offer a treat after each accomplishment.

Remember that you can’t do it all at once. Patience and attention are the key to success. Sometimes there are also strong nerves. Do not delay this matter, since the older the dog, the more difficult it is to teach it to relieve itself where it is necessary.

Knowing the stages of puppy development will help caring owner grow healthy dog, understand her needs different stages animal development.

Additionally, watch a short video about how puppies' eyes open:

Small fluffy balls of dogs are a priori born blind, which is why they cannot be separated from their mother, since the puppies are completely helpless and vulnerable to trouble. Adult female dogs feed their offspring, lick their fur, and show warmth and care that humans cannot give them at first.

Owners of dogs whose bitch has given birth to offspring for the first time wonder when the puppies open their eyes after birth. There are a number of reasons for this, firstly, these terms mean that you can already take care of the puppies on your own, little by little wean them from their mother’s care and start thinking about selling or giving the newborns into good, caring hands.

When puppies open their eyes after birth: standard timing

So when do puppies open their eyes after birth? Usually, puppies begin to see approximately 10-14 days after the bitch gives birth. Correct opening of the eyes in puppies occurs from the inner corner of the eyes to the outer, gradually. Owners of the most devoted pets should know this fact so as not to try to help puppies see the light, and also not to waste time on visits to the veterinarian, thinking that this is some kind of developmental pathology.

There are cases when puppies open their eyes alternately after birth, which means that one eye opens first, and a few days later the second. In such situations, there is no need to panic either. But, if more than a few days have passed since the opening of one eye, and the second eye has not opened, then it is worth seeking examination and advice from a veterinarian.

Things to consider after puppies open their eyes

It is important to understand that when puppies open their eyes after birth, they are under a bit of stress. Just imagine that little lumps spent their first days in the world in complete darkness, and suddenly something new and yet unknown opens up before them. In the first days after opening their eyes, puppies can only distinguish between light and dark spots.

In the first days, puppies must be protected from bright light; they may become frightened, and this can also injure them. If the puppies and their mother live in a sheltered area, then you can make a canopy for them from loose fabric.

Only after time do puppies develop vision like adult dog. Also, we must take into account that each baby has his own individual characteristics development. And, despite the fact that the timing when puppies open their eyes after birth, be it a Toy Terrier or Yorkie or any other breed, is clear, for some puppies the process of acquiring vision may take a little longer. Only if the puppy has not opened its eyes for 18 days should you contact a veterinarian. And if puppies open their eyes not on the 14th, but on the 15th or 16th day, then this is normal.

The attentiveness and care of the owner, both about the puppies and their mother, is the guarantee that the pets will be healthy and happy!