The drug "Milbemaks": instructions for use, indications for dogs. Detailed review of Milbemax for puppies and adult dogs Milbemax for dogs side effects

Milbemax is used for deworming and prevention of helminth infestation. In simple words intended Milbemax from worms for dogs, is available in two types of tablets - for a puppy and for dogs. The manufacturer is Novartis (French).

Active substances

The version for adult dogs differs from the version for puppies in the number of active ingredients, so it is important not to give adult tablets to babies. And so, one tablet of the drug contains:

Instructions for use Milbemax for dogs

In the package of tablets, it should be written on a special insert sheet, but if for some reason it was not there (for example, they did not buy the whole package), then follow the instructions below.

Indications for use

Because the we are talking anthelmintic, then the use of Milbemax for dogs is quite understandable - for the treatment and prevention of worms in adult dogs and puppies. These tablets have wide range action and effective against the following types helminths:

  • nematodes, worms of the species Ancylostoma tubaeforme, Toxascaris leonine, Toxocara canis, Angiostrongylus vasorum, Crenosoma vulpis, Trichuris vulpis, Dirofilaria immitis;
  • cestodosis, worms of the species Taenia spp., Mesocestoides spp., Dipylidium caninum, Echinococcus multilocularis;
  • mixed cestode-nematode invasions.

Method of application and dosage

Milbemax tablets for dogs are used only once, while feeding the pet. How to give: with a small amount of food, the tablet should be crushed; the second option is to force the tablet on the root of the tongue after feeding the animal. In the drug Milbemax, the dosage for dogs is calculated according to the formula 0.5 mg of milbemycin oxime + 5 mg of praziquantel per 1 kilogram of pet weight.

No preliminary fasting diet is required before using this anthelmintic, as well as the preliminary use of laxatives. If one tablet of Milbemax did not help the dog, perhaps the pet is infected with helminths of the species Angiostrongylus vasorum. In this case, the tablets should be applied 4 times in a row with an interval of 7 days, the dosage is the same.

For prophylactic purposes, Milbemax for dogs is recommended to be used in spring, autumn and summer, that is, before the start of mosquito flight and after (mosquitoes and mosquitoes are carriers of the pathogen D. immitis). In case of an overdose of the drug, the dog may experience salivation, depression, trembling, muscle paresis, and uneven gait. As a rule, these symptoms appear during the day and disappear on their own, that is additional treatment do not require.


Milbemax dog deworming tablets should not be given in the following cases:

  • general depletion of the animal;
  • with infectious diseases;
  • puppies under 2 weeks of age;
  • puppies weighing less than 0.5 kilograms;
  • adult dog weighing less than 5 kg (tablets for large and medium dogs);
  • at obviously severe violations liver and kidney functions;
  • with increased sensitivity of the dog to the components of the drug;
  • It is not recommended to give bobtail, collie and sheltie puppies.

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)

Tablets from worms for cats Milbemax

The drug for deworming kittens is available in tablet form. The tablet is an oval with beveled edges. Coated low dosage form Pink colour and has notches in the form of the letters NA and BC, and with a high one - red and has notches KK and NA. The drug is sold in metal blisters, each of which contains 2 tablets. For the treatment of kittens, the dosage of Milbemax is used, the concentration of active substances in which is 4 times less than in tablets for deworming older cats.

Milbemax should be stored in the manufacturer's packaging (necessarily closed) separately from feed and food. The storage place should be dry, well protected from light and inaccessible to children, the temperature should be within 5-25 degrees. If all storage conditions are observed, then the shelf life medicinal product reaches 3 years. The unused 1/2 tablet can be put into a blister and stored for up to next application but not more than six months after opening.


The action of the drug

  • single use;
  • good palatability due to the presence of meat taste in tablets;
  • the absence of profuse salivation;
  • activity of the active substance at all stages of development of round helminths.

Indications for use

Milbemax is widely used for deworming. The recommended doses of the drug do not have a teratogenic, embryotoxic or sensitizing effect, are well tolerated by cats different ages and breeds. At the same time, the drug is toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms. In addition to therapeutic and prophylactic deworming, the drug is also used to treat diseases such as:

  • hookworm;
  • toxocariasis;
  • echinococcosis;
  • teniosis;
  • dipylidiosis;
  • cestodosis;
  • nematodes.

Milbemax for cats - instructions for use

There is no need to plant to take Milbemax pet on a starvation diet. A portion of the remedy for infection with helminths is recommended to be given along with morning feeding. If the cat refuses to swallow the pill, then you will have to do it forcibly. To do this, you will need to put the pet on your knees, hug it with one hand, fix it and at the same time raise the cat's head up. Then open your jaws and gently push the medicine to the root of the tongue.

Lactating and pregnant cats are given medication only under the supervision of a knowledgeable veterinarian. In this regard, it is advisable to pre-test your pet for pregnancy. WITH therapeutic purpose deworming is carried out according to indications, and with preventive - quarterly, as well as before mating and vaccination. There should be no difficulties with the reception, because. the drug has a taste of meat.

For adult cats

The dosage of the drug is determined according to the weight of the animal. Preliminary use of laxatives and a starvation diet is not required. For adult cats, you need to purchase red-coated tablets. The minimum therapeutic dose is 2 mg of milbemycin oxime and 5 mg of praziquantel per kilogram of animal weight. Compliance with the weight of the pet and the norm:

  • from 2 to 4 kg, then the dosage is 1/2 tablet;
  • from 4 to 8 kg - 1 tablet;
  • from 8 to 12 kg and more - 1.5 tablets.

Milbemax for kittens

Anthelmintic drug Milbemax is not recommended for use in kittens who are not yet 6 weeks old. If the age of your kitten exceeds this parameter, then purchase pills for him that have a pink shell. You need to calculate the dosage in the same way as in the case of an adult pet. If the kitten's weight is in the range of 0.5-1 kg, then give him ½ tablet, and if it is 1-2 kg, then double the dose, i.e. up to 1 tablet.

Side effects

Complications when using the drug, according to the instructions and reviews of the owners, are not observed. Some pets may experience muscle tremors, lethargy, diarrhea and/or vomiting. In any of the situations, it is necessary to stop using Milbemax. After that, the cat is usually prescribed funds symptomatic therapy. Often the symptoms disappear on their own within a day after discontinuation.


So that the pet does not have any suspicious symptoms that can make you panic, be sure to read the contraindications. According to the instructions, the drug should not be used in animals with impaired liver and kidney function, increased individual sensitivity to the components that make up the drug. In addition, patients are not subject to deworming. infectious diseases and malnourished animals.


Milbemax tablets are well compatible with selamectin. At the same time, do not forget that when working with them you must observe general rules safety and personal hygiene precautions that are provided for when working with any medicines. This is especially true for people who are hypersensitive to the components of this remedy. If you are looking for an analogue of Milbemax, then check out the list:

  • Drontal;
  • Pratel;
  • Prasimek-D;
  • Profender.

Price for Milbemax

The cost of this anthelmintic drug can vary greatly, so it is recommended to visit several veterinary pharmacies. In order not to leave your home, it is best to familiarize yourself with the current prices in specialized online stores, where you can also make a purchase - this approach will help you save on the purchase of the drug. Below is the cost of medicine for adult cats in several different places:


The antihelminthic is available in blister packs containing oblong-shaped white film-coated tablets labeled "NA" and "AA". Veterinary anthelmintic is presented in several modifications - for adult dogs, small puppies. Milbemax is also produced for cats, kittens from three weeks of age.

The main active components of the anthelmintic - praziquantel (125-130 mg), milbemycin oxime (12.5-13.5 mg) provide the maximum effectiveness of the drug. This dosage in mg is calculated for the treatment of helminthiasis in adult dogs. For the miniature ornamental breeds, for puppies, the concentration of milbemycin oxime in one tablet is 2.5 mg, praziquantel - 25 mg. Therefore, before buying an anthelmintic for pet consider age, breed, individual characteristics your beloved dog.

The composition of the drug contains lactose monohydrate, povidan, microcrystalline cellulose, and other substances that enhance the effect of the main components of the anthelmintic agent.

Pharmacodynamics, anthelmintic properties

Milbemax is not only effective, but also low-toxic, pet-safe antihelminthic medicinal product. The action of the anthelmintic is noted three to four hours after taking the medicine. Melbimax is gradually excreted from the body of animals within two days, mainly with urine.

Important! After opening the blisters, the action of the active ingredients lasts 30 days, so carefully monitor the expiration date of the medicine.

Milbemax veterinarians prescribe to dogs in the treatment of:

Before treatment, prophylactic deworming, carefully read the instructions for use, strictly adhering to the dosage indicated in the annotation.

Keep pharmacological drug it is necessary in a dry, cool, protected from ultraviolet, a place not accessible to small children, at a temperature of 0 to 28 degrees. Shelf life - three years.

Instructions for use

Milbemax, when diagnosing helminthic invasion, is given to the dog once 30-40 minutes before the main morning feeding. The tablet is placed on the root (base) of the tongue, with the pet's mouth wide open, or mixed into a favorite delicacy, previously crushed into powder. For small puppies, you can dissolve the anthelmintic in water, milk and pour it into the cheek with a syringe without a needle.

The dosage of the anthelmintic is calculated based on the body weight of the dog: For one kilogram of weight - 5 mg of praziquantel, 0.5 mg of milbemycin. So, if the weight of the puppy is 0.5-1 kg, the pet is given half a tablet. Babies weighing from one to six kilograms - one tablet, from 5-11 kg - two.

Adult dogs from 5 to 26 kg for therapeutic, prophylactic purposes are given one tablet, from 26 to 45 kg - two tablets. Representatives large breeds with a weight of 50 to 75 kg - three tablets.

Important! With severe helminthic invasion anthelmintic give the dog twice, 10-12 days after the first medication, after consulting with the attending veterinarian.

If you give an anthelmintic at the recommended doses, veterinary drug well tolerated by animals, do not have a sensitizing, embryotoxic effect. In rare cases, Milbemax provokes the development side effects, especially if the dosage was not observed during the treatment of helminthic invasion.

Side effects

In case of exceeding the dosage indicated in the annotation, as well as as a result of individual intolerance to the active components of the drug, the following are noted in dogs: side effects:

  • profuse salivation;
  • trembling in the body, chills;
  • decreased activity, depression;
  • bouts of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • neurological symptoms(impaired coordination of movements, paresis).

In hypersensitive dogs, an anthelmintic can provoke allergic reactions, tonic muscle spasms. Therefore, after taking an antihelminthic, carefully monitor the condition of your beloved dog during the first two to three days.

If side effects occur in a dog after taking Milbemax, immediately contact a veterinarian. The veterinarian will needed help pet, will prescribe another effective anthelmintic for the treatment or prevention of helminthiasis.


Milbemax is not recommended for prophylactic purposes, for the treatment of helminthic infestations in animals with hypersensitivity, individual intolerance to active substances veterinary agent. An anthelmintic is not used for deworming adult animals if their body weight is less than 5-6 kg.

Milbemax is contraindicated:

  • weakened, severely emaciated animals;
  • with chronic pathologies, diseases, dysfunction of the liver, kidneys;
  • with violations of the functioning of the genitourinary tract;
  • puppies under the age of three weeks, weighing less than one kg;
  • pregnant females in the early stages.

It is strictly forbidden to treat dogs and other animals with Milbemax in combination with other macrocyclic lactones. Puppies, pregnant, lactating bitches are given antihelminthic tablets only after prior consultation and under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Deworming, treatment of helminthiases is not carried out in animals during an exacerbation chronic pathologies if the pet is sick with a virus, bacterial infections.

Should not be hit antihelminthic drug in water bodies, since Milbemax is deadly to fish, waterfowl and plants.

Cats are constantly grooming their fur using their tongues. In addition, these animals very often pick up food directly from the ground or from the floor, and the owners love to pamper their pets with a piece of raw fish or meat. All of the above are the most common ways helminths enter the cat's body. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether your pet goes outside or lives at home: not a single animal is insured against worms. Although, of course, for street cats this problem is most acute.

Diseases that cause worms in animals and humans are called helminthiases. Some types of helminths can be transmitted from cat to person, which also poses a serious threat. It is your responsibility to take care of the health of your family members. The danger is especially great for children, because it is they who communicate with pets most closely, in addition, the child's body is especially vulnerable.

Description of the drug and its dosage form

Milbemax from worms for cats is a remedy whose active substances are milbemycin oxime and praziquantel. It is used for cestode and nematode infections (flat and roundworms, respectively). Active substances especially effective against these pathogens.

Milbemycin oxime is a bacterial enzyme that is particularly effective against helminths, causing their paralysis and death. The highest concentration of the drug in the body of the animal is observed two to three hours after ingestion.

Important! You are dealing with a moderately toxic drug, you should not forget about it. It refers to III class toxicity. It is important to follow the dosage, which you can find in the instructions for the drug Milbemax. More the best option will seek advice from a veterinarian before starting treatment.

Milbemax is only available in tablet form, it is not made in the form of injections, so it is very convenient for owners and does not cause inconvenience to pets. The tablets are oval in shape and have bevelled edges. The product is packaged in a blister pack. The blister is packed in a cardboard box, in which you can also find instructions for using Milbemax.

There are two forms of the drug, they differ in their dosage:

  • Milbemax for kittens and young animals. One tablet contains 4 mg milbemicim and 10 mg praziquantel. They are usually pink and carry the markings BC and NA.
  • Milbemax - tablets for cats. They are intended for adult animals and contain milbemicim - 16 mg, praziquantel - 40 mg. They are red in color and are marked QC and NA.

In each of the above preparations you can find detailed brochures.

Important! After opening the blister, the drug is usable for six months.

Action and indications for use

He is appointed:

  • when a cat is infected with cestodosis or flatworms;
  • when an animal is infected with nematodes, including such common ones as toxocariasis.

Milbemax tablets - instructions for use

The drug is used for animals of all ages and breeds, its dosage depends on their weight. 2 mg of milbemycin oxime and 5 mg of praziquantel should be per 1 kg. From this dosage, it is easy to conclude that only kittens that have reached a weight of 1.5 kg can be given a whole tablet.

Before use, the animal does not need to be put on a diet and limit its diet.

Usually the medicine is given during the morning feeding, it is best to put it in a piece of food. If your cat is so sensitive that he refuses to take the pill, then you will have to resort to force feeding. To do this, it is better to fix the animal on its knees and put the medicine under the root of the tongue.

The dosage is as follows:

  • kittens weighing 0.5-1 kg should be given half a pink tablet;
  • if your small pet weighs 1-2 kg, then he is entitled to one pink pill.

For adult cats, the dosage is as follows:

  • 2-4 kg - half a tablet;
  • 4-8 kg - one whole tablet;
  • 8-12 kg - 1.5 tablets.

Important! If the animal weighs less than half a kilogram, and its age is less than six months, then the drug cannot be used.

Some animals have an allergic reaction to certain components of the drug. In this case, it should be given only under medical supervision.

There are other contraindications. It should not be given to too small kittens weighing less than half a kilogram. In addition, it is contraindicated in the following cases:

Also, this medicine should not be given to pregnant animals. Anthelmintics should be given before possible pregnancy because some helminthiases are transmitted to kittens with mother's milk.

If the animal is healthy and does not have the above problems, then everything should go fine. There may be a slight tremor of the limbs, but it quickly passes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of this tool include the following:

Versatility and efficiency, acts on almost all types of helminths and destroys them at various stages of development.

  • single use;
  • small size of tablets, which makes it easier to force-feed;
  • does not cause excessive salivation;
  • few possible side effects.

The disadvantages include a rather high toxicity, as well as a possible allergic effect.

There are analogues and there are quite a lot of them. They are different and dosage form, And active ingredients, and dosage. They have certain advantages and disadvantages. The choice is best left to the veterinarian, who, after a thorough and comprehensive examination, will prescribe exactly what is needed.

These pills by the French company Novartis in several modifications - for puppies and cats, as well as for adults and big dogs. The number of active components of this tool is determined by its purpose:

  • 35 mg praziquantel and 3.5 mg milbemycin oxime for young dogs and cats;
  • 135 mg of praziquantel and 13.5 mg of milbemycin oxime for adults and large animals.

To enhance the effect of active substances in the composition medicinal product microcrystalline cellulose, lactose monohydrate, and other substances are added that speed up the deworming procedure. Means milbemax for puppies, cats and adult dogs it is made in blisters, after its opening, the active ingredient can be used for one month, no longer. Elongated tablets have beveled edges, film-coated white color, have a notch on one side, as well as impressions on the surface “AA” and “NA”.

Doctors do not recommend use of an anthelmintic drug at the end of the expiration date (written on a cardboard blister / package). It is not necessary to carry out therapeutic and preventive measures when the drug was not stored correctly. The packaging should be stored in a protected from ultraviolet (direct sunlight) and dry place, away from food and feed, at a temperature of 20-25 degrees.

Pharmacological and biological action of the drug

The underlying mechanism of action active componenthigh permeability of cell membranes to chloride ions. What causes polarization cell membranes nervous and muscular tissues, the result of this is the death of worms, as well as their larvae. The required concentration of active components in the blood of dogs and cats occurs 3-5 hours after using the tablet (biological efficiency 75%).

Medical the drug is harmless to small puppies(is a group of moderately dangerous). If this agent is used in the recommended doses, then it does not create an embryotoxic, sensitizing and teratogenic effect. The drug in the liver is actually subject to complete biological transformation and is not detected in the body after two days (it comes out perfectly with urine).

Contraindications for the use of milbemax

This drug has some contraindications for use:

Milbemax is not recommended for adult dogs., the total mass of which is not 6 kg. The concentration of active elements is designed for large pets. Also, the use of the drug should be discussed with the attending physician when treating a lactating or pregnant bitch.

List of indications for the use of milbemax

Treatment activities prescribed by a doctor at the time of discovery in the body of domestic animals of cestodosis and nematodosis, as well as combined nematode-cestodesis invasions. These diseases are caused different groups helminths: Ancylostoma tubaeforme, Angiostronglus vasorum, Dirofilaria imitis, Toxascaris leonine, Dipylidium caninum and so on. They are detected using laboratory examinations biological materials.

The owner of a cat or dog at home will be able to detect the presence of worms in the gastrointestinal tract in an animal by the following signs:

During the detection of symptoms, it is urgent to start using the drug, but before that it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.

Buy the right one a drug that is suitable for modification to the mass cats or dogs, otherwise eat Great chance complications or overdose. In pharmacies, the cost of milbemax depends on a specific modification.

Milbemax for dogs instructions for use

Apply anthelmintic drug recommended in crushed (crushed into powder) form once during a meal. Powder must be mixed with food. If this application does not work, then forced administration is used: after eating, sprinkle the root of the pet's tongue with powder, while holding the mouth.

Single correct dosage can be determined by the weight of the animal. In order to prevent the occurrence of side effects and complications, it is recommended to administer the medicine according to the following instructions:

Preventive measures produced in the summer-autumn and spring-summer period once. During the treatment of Angiostrongylus vasorum invasion, the use of Milbemax is recommended at intervals of one week in four doses.

Possible complications of overdose

If the use of the medicinal product was made at the recommended dose and according to the indications of the veterinarian, then in this case, the active components do not cause side effects. Based on the condition of dogs and cats, after preventive and medical measures, and reviews of experts, the drug milbemax has no complications and side effects. In some cases, there may be slight allergic reactions, which are detected with increased individual or species intolerance to the drug substances.

Analogue of the drug Milbemax

For the prevention and treatment of helminthic invasions the drug drontal is also popular. The use of drontal contributes to damage muscle tissue and shells of the helminth, which, as a result, leads to a violation of the muscular and nervous innervation, and at the same time its paralysis and death. The preparation can be used both for puppies, small cats, and for large and adult dogs.

In principle, drontal has the same effect and is just as effective in use as the drug milbemax. But the reviews of many pet owners indicate that milbemax is more effective and effective than drontal.

Benefits of Milbemax

The active elements of the tablet allow be sure of your health your pet. Clear benefits include:

  • it is necessary to administer the medicine once, its pharmacodynamics ensures the complete elimination of worms from the body;
  • the active ingredients cause the neutralization of helminths that are at any stage of the cycle;
  • meat taste provides ease of taking the drug to animals;
  • tablets can be used to treat young, lactating and pregnant animals.

Today, veterinarians are increasingly prescribing milbemax. Positive