Danil's name in different languages ​​of the world. Daniel - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Name origin: Daniel (Daniel) - a name of Jewish origin, meaning "judge of God" in translation.

Short form of the name: Danya, Danya, Danilka, Danyusya, Danechka.

Foreign forms of the name: Daniel, Dan (England), Danylo (Ukraine), Denis (France), Kamikoto (Japan - "divine judgment")

name day: January 2, March 6, April 20, June 5, July 23, September 25, November 25, December 11, December 30.

Positive traits of the name: Danila is a calm person with a fairly strong will and a balanced psyche. The world around him is not as interesting as the inner one. Friendship is often more important to him than love. Being a kind and sympathetic person, Danila has his own "cunning". Differs in concentration, desire for analysis, self-improvement. As a child, Danila asks few questions, trying to find an explanation for everything on her own. Thanks to his perseverance, he always calmly brings the work he has begun to the end. Danila does not know what aggressiveness, rudeness, assertiveness and strong emotions are, regardless of whether they are positive or negative.

Negative traits of the name: In a society of unfamiliar people, he becomes insecure, as he is afraid to seem ridiculous. Engaged in constant "self-flagellation". Experiencing incessant internal conflicts, Danila may feel some dissatisfaction with what he has, and his helplessness to change anything. Quite quick-tempered, but quickly departs and does not remember evil. Painfully endures the betrayal of friends, but he himself can forget about someone, but remembers when to use it.

Choice of profession: Daniel, with his ability to analyze the movements of the soul and his own behavior, can become an excellent psychologist, psychiatrist, spiritual shepherd. He has all the data to reach great heights in research, scientific work, or art. Rather than organize his own business, Danila will prefer to work under the supervision of a strong-willed and strong person. He will become an excellent performer, a reliable worker, but a successful entrepreneur is unlikely. Whatever Danila does, work will come first for him.

The impact of the name on business: Since Danila does not have the ability to save money to insure his future, he needs a solid guaranteed income. If he manages to overcome the merciless criticism of the environment, and he brings his original ideas to life, then Danila will be quite successful.

The impact of the name on health: Danila can be prone to inexplicable diseases, and how to suddenly fall ill, just as suddenly and recover. There is a high probability of diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

Psychology: Danila needs a lot of attention from parents, support. It is necessary to cultivate in him purposefulness, confidence, independence, artistic taste. Danila needs a Teacher with a capital letter for life, who will become his spiritual mentor. Do not drag him into various discussions and disputes. Without imposing his opinion on anyone, Danila at the same time does not fall under the influence of random people. It is necessary to forgive Danila for his misdeeds and mistakes, as he will feel remorse for the insults inflicted on others. Danila is happy to help people who command his respect.

Name compatibility: Danila is a very devoted man to the family. His second marriage is rare. Sensing a discord between sexuality and receptivity, he experiences some anxiety about the topic of sex. As a rule, family life develops well. He loves children, but he is unlikely to help his wife with housework. In a relationship with a woman, Danila's intimacy and common interests are important. And material wealth and the appearance of a partner are in last place for him. A successful marriage with Danila from Augusta, Anastasia, Evdokia, Irina, Lyudmila, Maria, Ulyana. Relationships can be difficult if he comes across Zinaida, Ksenia, Raisa, Tomila in marriage.

Famous name bearers:

Daniil Belykh (actor)
Daniel Zabolotny (scientist)
Danilo Galitsky (prince)
Daniel the Apostle (Hetman)
Daniil Strakhov (actor)
Daniil Elkonin (psychologist)

The male name Daniel came to us from childhood along with the fairy tales of P. Bazhov. Danila the master tried to unravel the secret of the stone flower. The hero is an inquisitive observer who, in spite of everything, stubbornly walked towards his goal. But in fact, what is the owner of this name? What does the name Daniel mean? Where did it come from to us?


The male name Daniel, Danila or Daniel is of Hebrew origin. When translated literally, it can be divided into two bases. The first part "dan" means "judge", the second "el" - god. Therefore, the interpretation of the name as "God's judge" is the place to be. There is another interpretation - “ my god" or " just", which is also true in this context.

History and origins

The history of the name Daniel has a long, centuries-old history of origin from Jewish and biblical names. A holy prophet named Daniel lived 600 years before the rise of Christianity. According to legend, it was he who named the exact time of the birth of Christ. For his faith, he was doomed to death by lions. But heaven did not allow the beasts to harm the prophet.
The male name Daniel came to Russia along with Christianity. It gained popularity among the church and secular nobility.


A man with that name is not a fan of finding out the truth in disputes. Remaining always with his opinion, he will not impose it on others. It is not an intentionally inflicted insult to another that causes suffering to him. He expresses his respect through selfless help.
The owner of excellent intuition, he is decent in relationships. Able to listen. Calm and thorough, he is optimistic about the circumstances.

His positive features

As if having origins in ancient legends, the description of Daniel consists of perseverance and the ability to analyze. A boy and a man named Daniel always have a desire to understand for himself what the secret of the “stone flower” is hidden in. He is disgusted by aggression and arrogance, rudeness and shouting, lies and fraud. This is the name of a kind and intelligent person. Invisible at first glance, it becomes indispensable.

Its negative points

For Daniel, the company around him matters. He is lost in a circle of unfamiliar people, becomes helpless. It seems to him that those around him will certainly laugh at him. He tries too hard to judge himself.

Professional Status

In Bazhov's tales, Danila is a skilled stone carver. Does this mean that in real life he is just as brilliant? Yes, the bearers of this name are really talented artists and musicians. In every business they have their own professional secret, whether it be medicine or pedagogy, electronics or construction. Even, it would seem, in such banal professions as a shoemaker or a driver, they bring their own flavor, showing a creative character.


The story of Danila the master is very close to reality. He does not know how to save in reserve, he is not interested in financial gain. But the embodiment of his original idea is what owns his thoughts. He needs a sponsor who can see the great hand of a craftsman in a nondescript boy.

physical health

For a boy and a man with this name, sport matters only at an amateur level. He attends wrestling classes only in order to master the technique of self-defense. Gymnastics attracts him to show off in front of friends in the bosom of nature. Tennis - not to stay away from the team. His peace of mind can be disturbed by the endless search for beauty. He recovers as suddenly as he falls ill.

Love and family

Jealous character. However, he is happily married. Intimacy and community of interests prevail over public opinion and material wealth. He does not have a soul in children, but his wife, if she does not ask, will not be helped. Daniel corresponds to the characteristics of a cordial, hospitable host. Dacha for him means fun gatherings in the company of friends and relatives.

What is the significance of the name on the child

Daniel in childhood has a calm character. This is a cute baby. Mom is overjoyed at the child, especially since he reminds her of her in childhood. He does not pull his parents over trifles, but this does not mean that he does not need their attention. He needs their support, an objective assessment of his work. A teacher means more to him than just a school. Parents should help him in choosing a spiritual mentor, otherwise he may fall into a sect.

The influence of seasons on character

  • The winter boy has talent, but he often remains alone. It is easy to piss him off, and it is also easy to restore his peace of mind. This is a kind child, gladly comes to the rescue. Unpretentious in food, and sloppy in clothes.
  • The characteristic of the autumn child is not very flattering. Since childhood, he has been looking for practical calculation in everything. Somewhat selfish.
  • The summer boy is kind and smart, he is attracted to acting, and can also become a director.
  • The spring boy is a dreamer, his imagination knows no bounds. He will make an excellent artist or writer.

Middle name compatibility

What patronymic will harmoniously and favorably affect the fate of Daniel? Alexandrovich, Vasilyevich, Iosifovich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Fedorovich.

Significant other

Daniil will be lucky in marriage with Augusta, Anastasia, Angelica, Anna, Helena, Glafira, Juliet, Evdokia, Elizabeth, Irina, Larisa, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Maya, Maria, Margarita, Marina, Nina, Olesya, Olga, Polina, Snezhana, Stella , Tamara, Tatyana, Uliana, Elvira.

But Angelina, Elizabeth, Zinaida, Irina, Xenia, Raisa, Roxana and Tomila are better off bypassing him.

Stories from our readers

What a beautiful, loud and melodious name - Daniel! According to statistics, this is the most popular name of 2014. The meaning of the name Daniel suggests balance, slowness, and the ability to concentrate in the carrier.

The word "Daniel" is pronounced importantly, arrogantly, but its form "Daniel" is easily perceived. This feature is reflected in the meaning of the name.

Daniel, afraid to seem clumsy to others, deliberately demonstrates his good breeding and intelligence. Therefore, it is necessary that in his childhood, relatives pay sufficient attention to the formation of a sense of taste in the boy, otherwise he will look ridiculous.

The name Daniel does not imply aggressive and quick-tempered behavior in the carrier; any negative manifestation of emotions will not find approval from him.

The secret of the name warns its owner that the only drawback that will have a negative impact on the quality of his life is internal "self-flagellation".

The patronymic Daniilovich endows its carriers with a balanced, complaisant and prudent character.

Would you name your child by this name?

Thinking about where this name came from, you can find out that it is of Hebrew origin. Analyzing what the name Daniel means, one can formulate its interpretation, which sounds like “the judgment of God”, or “God is my judge”.

The patron saint of the name is Daniel, the chief prophet and soothsayer who served under King Nebuchadnezzar.

In Russia, Prince Daniel of Moscow, whose life was instructive, is considered such a protector.

Usually, when the prince inherited a small town, he immediately began to conquer new lands in order to increase his wealth. However, Prince Daniel was able to achieve this without bloodshed and violence.

He ruled very carefully, skillfully prevented all quarrels, as a result of which the period of his reign was called the most calm and prosperous. Then the prince took the schema, built a monastery.

The origin of the name Daniel recalls the feats of arms of the namesake D. Adashev, who became famous after a brave and selfless raid on the Crimea in the 16th century. As a result of this military campaign, the commander, together with the soldiers, managed to free many captive Slavs and instill fear in the Tatars, who did not expect such a daring attack.

The history of the name Daniel glorifies its famous namesakes: Granin, Danin, Zhitomirsky, Sharpener, Kramer, Lokshin, Mitlyansky.

Name Forms

Simple: Daniel Full: Daniel Ancient: Danilo Affectionate: Danya

In childhood, Danil is not touchy, cheerful and balanced. This boy is very responsive, friendly, but despite this, he can be cunning. Sociable, has many friends. Sometimes he is able to flare up, but he knows how to forgive insults.

The characteristic of the name Daniel claims that his adult representative is quick-tempered, impulsive and often explodes over trifles. This man is not vindictive, which means that he quickly calms down and forgets about grievances.

Makes decisions slowly, thoroughly and deliberately. He brings all things to an end.

Danil can become both an administrator and a teacher, a doctor, an engineer, a programmer, a businessman, an artist; of working specialties, he stops his choice in construction, shoemaking or driving a truck.

Daniel's characterization emphasizes that for his representative, work is an important priority.

Works with passion - practical skills are harmoniously intertwined with unobtrusive improvisation. Success in business can be achieved by Daniil with a middle name Pavlovich.

The bearer of this name can be attributed to people who steadfastly and courageously endure all the hardships of life. His house is a reliable, well-maintained marina, where you can moor after working days. Daniel keeps the old things of his ancestors.

She loves to spend her weekends enjoying nature. Fishing or hunting can become an addiction.

His hobbies include football, tennis, athletics. He plays sports to maintain his health.

Family ties are important to him. Traditionally, holidays are celebrated with relatives. Hospitable, hospitable host. He likes to equip his home, carefully treats things.

Danil is most often a balanced phlegmatic. This man is slow, likes to do everything sensibly and deliberately, slowly . You can call him a cold-blooded person. Experiencing mental trauma, being in a critical situation, he tries to meet troubles with a smile.

The nature of the name Daniel represents to us the benevolent nature of its owner, who does not raise his voice to those around him.. In the crowd behaves modestly, uncertainly. But after some time, prudence, diligence and kindness favorably distinguish Daniel from outwardly attractive rivals.

Focused on his inner world, he does not demonstrate deep feelings to others. Conflicting with his "I", he is often dissatisfied with himself.

He tends to be selfish. In business, he often trusts his intuition, especially when he does not want to strain his head. He respects himself, he is appreciated by others.

According to Daniel's characterization, he is tormented by constant doubts, despite his strong will.

If he is asked to help, then he responds without much desire - he does not need any extra trouble. The secret of the name reveals Daniel as a timid person, a little cowardly.

In childhood, it is better to persuade him than to force him.

He easily adapts to everything new. He has the ability to understand the circumstances to the smallest nuances in order to find out the truth. He suffers from a lack of focus and perseverance.









Internal conflict



Dating a girl, Daniel wants the chosen one to be devoted to him and always be there. Ideal compatibility with the bearer of this name is possible with a pleasant companion, with whom it is easy to find a common language and common interests.

Danila is attracted in the chosen one primarily by spiritual intimacy, but her appearance and well-being are secondary to him. Therefore, this man is most often happy in family relationships. He is very loyal to the family, even if it seems that he keeps you at a distance.

The meaning of the name Daniel for a boy

The name Daniel is derived from the Hebrew Daniel. It means "judge, just man." It has become widespread in many countries of the world. In Russia, you can still find such ancient variants as Daniel and Daniel. The meaning of the name gives the child a philosophical mindset, good nature, friendliness and a high sense of justice.

Daniel does not cause any problems to his parents, remaining a positive child in everything. He is friendly, calm, slow, attentive. This is a cheerful, sociable sociable boy, always surrounded by friends.
Daniel is decisive and reasonable, thanks to these qualities he achieves a lot without making mistakes. Daniel gives the impression of an intelligent person with high intelligence.

The meaning and mystery of the name Daniel, Danil, Danila.

Choosing a name for a child is one of the most important decisions in the life of future parents. After all, it has long been believed that it is able to influence the fate, as well as shape the life path of the baby. The most common names for boys are: Danil, Daniel and Danila. Many believe that these are different forms of the same name, while others are sure that they are completely different names.

In order to understand this, it is necessary to find the origins of the origin of these names. It is also important to understand which patronymics are most successfully combined with the names Daniel and Danila. Today, based on statistical and historical data, we will try to understand whether Daniel, Danil and Danila are different names or are they different forms of one.

Name Danil, Danila, Daniel: different names or not?

Surely among your friends and relatives there is at least one Daniel. And this is not surprising, because this name is on the list of the most popular in the territory of the former Soviet countries.

Often this is how babies are called abroad, using various forms and variations. The name Daniel has Hebrew roots and is found in the Bible. Literally translated, it means "God is my judge." Danila is the Russian form. The name was often used on the territory of Kievan Rus and the Russian Empire.

Danil is also one of the simplified variations of the name and has been found since the 19th century. But in different countries there are more typical forms for multiple cultures.

  • In France, there are several variants of the name: (Daniel) Daniel, (Dani) Dani. It is also used for girls, calling them: (Danielle) Danielle
  • In Germany there is a form (Daniel) Daniel for boys and (Daniela) Daniela for girls
  • In Serbia, they use Danilo (Danilo) and Danijel (Daniel) for men. And the female forms: Danila (Danila) and Danijela (Daniela)
  • In Finland, only the male version of Taneli (Taneli) is used, and in the church they call Daniel (Daniel) at baptism
  • In the Netherlands for boys Daniël (Daniel), and for girls Daniëlle (Danielle) and Daniëlla (Daniella)
  • In Bulgaria, several variations are used. Male forms: Danail, Daniel, Daniel. For women: Danaila, Daniela
  • In Greece, only male forms of the name are used: Δανιήλ (Daniel), Δανιήλος (Daniilos)

The largest number of options exist in Italy, depending on the region. This name was especially popular in the Middle Ages, but even now it is not inferior to positions, remaining in demand. In the Apennine Peninsula, both female and male forms are also used. For example:

  • In Sardinia: Tanielle (Tanielle), Taniele (Taniele), Tanieli (Tanieli), Taniebi (Taniebi), Danielli (Danielli), Daniebi (Daniebi) for boys and Taniela (Taniela), Tanieba (Tanieba) for girls
  • In Liguria the feminine form is Daniêla (Daniela) and the masculine form is Daniêle (Daniele)
  • In Puglia: for boys Danìile (Daniyle), Anìille (Aniyle)

Returning to our name - Daniel and its original forms, I would like to say the following. Despite the fact that in most cases these names are considered to be the same, their characteristics are somewhat different from each other.

  • Daniel most often is a very sociable person with a great sense of humor. These are leisurely individuals who will never rush when making any decision. As a rule, people with this name are very kind and sympathetic, but secretive to feelings. It is unlikely that you will expect emotional confessions and "acting" from Daniil. The owners of this name are distinguished by great diligence. Even as a child, Daniel strives to always be the first and brings everything to the end. It should also be noted that these individuals do not tolerate lies and betrayal. Of the negative qualities can be called excessive scrupulousness
  • Danila- more emotional and open person. It is characterized by simplicity and a certain slowness. As a child, Danila knows how to find a common language with completely different people. Adult carriers of this name are distinguished by an enterprising character and special practicality. However, despite this, Danila is a romantic and a dreamer in his soul. It should also be noted that men named by this name know how to win over people.

It would not be superfluous to say that the character of people named by these names may differ depending on when they were born.

  • Babies born in winter are endowed with such qualities: diplomacy, tolerance, restraint, loyalty and pragmatism.
  • Autumn boys are celebrated as reasonable, flexible, wise, stubborn and persistent.
  • Summer Danilov and Daniil are endowed with such qualities: innocence, dreaminess, vulnerability, creative inclinations
  • Spring babies are easily vulnerable, dreamy, idealizing the world and people, and also sociable.

In fact, these names are different forms of the same name. However, much depends on how the person himself relates to his name and its original forms - this fact must always be taken into account.

Danil, Danila, Daniel: how to correctly call the full name?

Danil, Danila and Daniel are very similar names not only in sound, but also in spelling. Many believe that these are completely different forms with dissimilar meanings and origins. Because of this, confusion often arises when drawing up legal documents, as well as when baptizing in an Orthodox church. After all, not all of them are acceptable from the point of view of religion.

But in order to avoid mistakes in the future, it is necessary to figure out whether all versions of this name can really be used in any areas of life.

  • The full form of the name is Daniel. It is also used for baptism in an Orthodox church. If young parents are thinking about naming a child by this name, then you should know that it can be used when registering with all government agencies, as well as used in everyday life without changes.
  • Name Danila can be used in the legal registration of a child, as well as in colloquial speech. However, it is not used in church ceremonies. This form is popular among the population of our country, because it was firmly rooted back in the time of the baptism of Russia. Today, more and more young couples who honor traditions and history are choosing it for babies. Therefore, from the point of view of jurisprudence, the name can be in the birth certificate, passport and other documents. But delving into the origins of origin, this form cannot be called complete.

Names Daniel
  • Danil- is most often used in modern society, believing that it is a separate name. But in fact, this is only a shortened version of the name Daniel. And although a child can also be registered in legal documents and acts, this name is not on the list of baptismal and other rites. Therefore, they can be called a child, but for religious rituals Daniel should be preferred.

What is the difference between the name Danil, Danila and Daniel?

In order to determine what is the difference in names, it is necessary to return to the origins of their origin. Since the names, alphabet and sounds change under the influence of time, the full form may lose its relevance, while the variants derived from it, on the contrary, are in great demand among the population.

This is exactly what happened with the use of the name "Daniel". It was first used by the ancient Jews. One of the Bible stories is connected with this. This name was given to a prophet who later became a saint. And with the advent of Christianity in Europe, the Jewish version was borrowed by residents of different countries. However, in many languages ​​it was inconvenient to use, since the set of sounds differed significantly from traditional sound features. And they began to modify it:

  • Danilo
  • Daniel
  • Daniel
  • Taneli
  • Danielos

And during the Middle Ages and with the strengthening of the influence of the church, the name began to be used in the female form. Many simplified variants have also occurred, among which:

  • Danila
  • Danosh
  • Danus

The form of the name Danila in Russian and Danilo in Ukrainian were also derived from the full version of Daniel. It is the old form that is still used in Orthodox scriptures and rituals: baptism, communion, funerals, etc.

However, with the advent of Soviet power and the modern alphabet, many old names began to be gradually replaced by new ones. This is how the form of Daniel came about. It was as simplistic as possible and sounded more modern than the original names. Even now, when registering a child, the specialist will say that Daniel is no longer the current version. But in fact, this is the original form of the name in Russia, which was able to bring more modern variations in the form of other names. That is, by and large, these names differ in spelling and sound, in some cases in characteristics, however, despite this, they are still considered to be the same names.

Can Daniel be called Danil, Danila?

Many bearers of these names insist that they be called exclusively Danil, Daniel or Danila when addressing. Motivating the request by the fact that this is how they are recorded in the passport and this name was chosen by the parents.

But this dispute is more like an eternal confrontation between fans of a half-full or empty glass. After all, everyone interprets the data from his subjective point of view. The science of linguistics will help to resolve the situation.

In fact, there are indeed several differences between the names. But they are not as significant as it seems at first glance. For example:

  • The number of letters and sounds (the full version of the name Daniel is significantly different from the usual Danila, although both words have the same root)
  • Formality of address (it is customary to use these names both in official and everyday settings, although this is not entirely correct)
  • An entry in the book of baptized Orthodox children (during the ceremony, they cannot be given the names Danil or Danila, since the church officially recognizes only Daniel)
  • Registration of official documents (when registering a child, it is permissible to use all forms of the name)
  • Origin. Danila is the Russian version of the Hebrew name Daniil, and Danil is the modern simplified form of both.

It must be said that each country has its own original variations, but they do not fundamentally change the meaning of the name. This means that any of these names can be used knowing that it is not the original one. In principle, it is possible to call Daniil Danil and Danila, but it is important to take into account the opinion of the person himself, and if we are talking about a child, then the opinion of his parents, because initially it is they who decide how the baby can be called.

What middle name suits the boy to the name Daniel, Danila

Our ancestors have long believed that the name determines the life path of a person and his destiny in the world. Therefore, they treated his choice with special responsibility. But not only does it have a sacred meaning, the patronymic also plays an important role, because its meaning complements the main meaning of the name.

The names Danil and Daniel are best combined with the following patronymics:

  • Pavlovich
  • Vasilevich
  • Lvovich
  • Eldarovich
  • Igorevich
  • Anatolevich
  • Modestovich
  • Petrovich
  • Valerievich
  • Gennadievich
  • Moiseevich
  • Adamovich

These patronymics have a similar meaning with the names Daniel and Danil, as well as similar energy and sound vibration, which, according to the Vedic scriptures, is the basis of a child's happy life.

The name Daniel, Danila - compatibility with female names

There is a classification of names that are compatible in perfect combination. You can rely on them when choosing the second half, as one of the general search criteria. Men with the name Daniel, Danila and Danil, as a rule, are not distinguished by love, but they become caring husbands and responsible fathers.

The best companions for them will be:

  • Olesya
  • Polina
  • Tamara
  • Tatyana
  • Elvira
  • Lyudmila
  • Olga

These female names have a similar meaning and influence on fate, and also ideally complement Danila and Danila in life together, because they are endowed with determination, an inner core, patience and pragmatism. But there are several names whose bearers are capable of destroying the life of Daniil, Danila and Danil, since I have a radically different designation, as well as character.

Among them:

  • Irina
  • Elizabeth
  • Angelina
  • Kseniya

Names Daniel, Danila, Danil: love, marriage, family relationships, sexuality

As mentioned earlier, almost all Daniels are dreamers. They tend to idealize the world and the people living in it:

  • Love for representatives of these names is something that looks like magic and a fairy tale. As a rule, Daniels are not hurried in relationships, they can look for their ideal among girls for a very long time, and not having found it, they idealize them
  • Men named by these names are shy, which is why the first step is often taken by a woman in such a pair.
  • It is worth recalling that Daniels are not very good at, and do not like to show their feelings and emotions. More precisely, they show them only to really close people.
  • It is important for a woman whose chosen name is Daniel to know that the timidity and shyness of this man is just a defensive reaction of the body. As soon as your partner feels comfortable around you, you will see a completely different person and believe me, you will be pleased with what you see.

Regarding marriage - Daniel always chooses his future wife very carefully:

  • Men named by this name most often pay attention not to the appearance of their partner, but to her inner world and character. Moreover, a vulgar and too bright appearance will definitely scare away such a man.
  • It is important for Daniel that his woman be moderately modest, charming, gentle and educated. These guys appreciate thriftiness and decency in girls.
  • Daniel will marry only if there are sincere feelings for his chosen one

Daniel, Danila, Danil: love, marriage, family relationships, sexuality

Turning to family life, I must say that Daniel's wife is really lucky, because these men are created for the family:

  • For representatives of this name, the family is something sacred, it is something that will always come first, regardless of the circumstances.
  • Wife and children are Daniel's pride and daily joy. It is for the sake of his family that this man is ready for anything.
  • Daniel's wife will never regret her choice, because her husband will always help with the housework, and will babysit the children at any time
  • Family life with Daniel is very calm and measured. Screams and quarrels are rarely heard in the house.
  • The only negative quality that Daniel has is jealousy, so the wife of such a man should never give rise to this feeling.

As for sexuality and sex, Daniels is not very proactive:

  • Often, the shyness of these men does not allow them to enjoy a sexual life with their partner.
  • That is why Daniil very often choose experienced ladies as companions who know how to liberate a man and show all the tricks of this process.
  • It is also important to note the fact that intimacy for Daniel is not only a physical pleasure. It is very important for such a man to receive moral pleasure from sex.

Daniels and Danilas need increased protection in childhood and adolescence. They do not differ in good health and a stable psyche, so babies need to be protected as much as possible. The patron of children with this name is the planet Mercury. And the lucky colors:

  • Grey
  • Blue
  • Yellow
  • Protect yourself from damage and the evil eye
  • Get rid of bad mood
  • Develop intelligence
  • Strengthen the gift of divination
  • Reduce the risk of unpleasant situations
  • multiply strength

Another powerful protection for the child will be a figurine or toy of a totem animal. Danil and Daniel need to have a squirrel or a sperm whale. These animals will help you achieve the following aspirations:

  • Get smart and have a sense of humor
  • Balance your state of mind
  • Get rid of fears
  • Increase performance and endurance

Amulet, talisman stone for Daniel, Danila

Another successful acquisition will be a plant: clear or buttercup. They can be grown in your own backyard or purchased as a brooch or cufflink. They help in the following endeavors:

  • Gain self-confidence
  • Develop communication skills and harmonious relationships
  • Increase income
  • Set up a personal life

Daniel, Danila, Danil - only you parents have the right to decide what exactly they will call and name your baby. That is why, before finally deciding which form of the name you like, you need to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the relevant literature.

In the end, the main thing for parents is to try to develop the positive qualities inherent in the character of the child, and instill in him nobility, raising a real man from childhood.

Video: The meaning of the name Daniel

The meaning of the name Danil must be sought in his history. This name enters the historical stage in the fifth century BC and is associated with the name of the Old Testament prophet Daniel. This is a prophet revered in the Abrahamic religions, a descendant of a noble Jewish family. In Hebrew, the name sounds like "Daniel", but is written as דניאל. How is it translated? Translated from Hebrew Daniel's name means "God is my judge" or "God is my judge". The name itself is two-part, which is why a large number of meanings are associated. The name consists of the roots Dan - Judge and El - God.

In Russia, the name Daniel often has a short form - Danil. This situation is characteristic of many names and their short forms.

The meaning of the name Daniel for a child

Little Danya is a calm and affectionate child. He listens well to his parents and communicates easily with other children. He is a smiling and calm kid. The boy grows up active, mobile and cheerful. He is distinguished by special honesty and rejection of lies, which is unusual for children. In adolescence, he is prone to strong adolescent experiences, which often worries loved ones.

Studying Daniel comes easily. He has a responsible approach to learning since childhood, but some subjects are difficult for him. Here he needs to be supported, but it is better to find a teacher who can kindle in him a love for the subject.

Dani's health pleases parents. He rarely gets sick, but it is difficult to call his health heroic. Danil often has problems with weight as a teenager. And this is both a disadvantage and an excess of weight. Sports and proper nutrition will correct the situation, although they will require a lot of strength.

Short name Daniel

Danil, Danila, Danilka, Danya, Danya.

Diminutive names

Danilchik, Danilushka, Danechka, Danyushka, Danyusha, Danyusya.

Patronymic of children

Daniilovich and Daniilovna. There is a folk form, Danilych and Danilovna.

Name Daniel in English

In English, as in Russian, the name Daniel has several forms. The full form of the name Daniel in English is Daniel, and the short ones are Dan and Danny.

Name Daniel for passport Daniel - DANIIL and Danil - DANIL.

Translation of the name Daniel into other languages

in Azerbaijani - Daniel
in Arabic - دانيال‎‎
in Armenian - Դանիել (Daniel)
in Belarusian - Daniel
in Bulgarian - Daniel
in Hungarian - Dániel and Dános
in Greek - Δανιήλ
in Hebrew - דניאל‎
Spanish - Daniel
in Italian - Daniele and Daniello
in Chinese - 丹尼爾
in Korean - 다니엘
in Latin - Daniel
German - Daniel
in Polish - Daniel
in Romanian - Daniel
in Ukrainian - Danilo
in Finnish - Daniel
in French - Daniel and Dani
Croatian - Daniel
in Czech - Daniel, Dan
in Estonian - Tanel
in Japanese - ダニエル (Danieru)

The name Daniel (Danil) according to the church(in the Orthodox faith and other Christian denominations) - Daniel. Whatever form of the name Daniel you take, it will be Daniel.

Characteristics of the name Daniel

Daniel can be characterized as a person of balanced decisions. He does not like haste and when he is rushed. The more important the decision, the more thoroughly Daniel approaches the decision. However, having made a decision, he becomes decisive and persistent. If you rush him, then even starting the task, he will in every possible way sabotage progress towards the goal. This applies to everything in his life. Work, study, relationships with the opposite sex. He is generally level-headed and calm in most situations, but can occasionally flare up. More often, even with life's difficulties, he continues to smile.

He loves to work, but if he has to work, then it weighs him down. Inclined, like most calm, balanced people, to monotonous and the same type of work. He hardly adapts to new tasks and this meets his resistance. If managers have the opportunity not to change his work, then it is better to do so.

In relationships with women, Daniel may seem shy. But in fact, he is a very temperamental and sensitive man. True, to know him for real, you need to get into the circle of his relatives. Daniel is a family man, he spends a lot of energy and money to ensure home comfort and well-being.

The secret of the name Daniel

Daniel's secret can be called his analogous mind. Many, not seeing what Daniel is like when he is passionate about something, think that analytics is not his forte. However, if Daniel becomes interested in something, then his mind wakes up. This is a revelation for many.

The touchiness and vulnerability of Daniel due to his isolation can be called his secret. He rarely if offended, talks about it, but he will remember for a long time. And his vulnerability makes his resentment permanent. However, you cannot call him vindictive, rather wary in relation to the offender.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Twins.

totem animal- Squirrel.

Name color- Grey-blue.

Wood- Ash.

Plant- Buttercup.

A rock- Blue jasper.