Inflammation of the ear in a child. Probable causes and symptoms of otitis media in young children

I used to think that the more eminent a doctor, the more trust he should have. After the great healers did not cure simple otitis in my child, I thought - should I trust them at all? I am proud that I was able to help my child myself and wiped my nose to the doctors.

How the child and I went to the doctors and treated the throat, and not otitis media

My son is 3.5 years old. Like most babies, in the off-season, he quite often “brings” viral diseases home. Of course, without calling the district doctor to the house could not do. The pediatrician always said: “Don't worry, mommy. There is a virus. Strengthen the immunity of the child, better watch him and here is a list of pills.

It is interesting that once, during a diagnosed ARVI, the son complained of pain in his ear. I voiced these complaints to the district doctor. The already middle-aged and seemingly experienced pediatrician said that it often happens with children that they themselves cannot determine where it hurts. Recommended to continue taking the pills.

Five days later, when the temperature had not even passed to the end, I literally talked with our pediatrician with a scandal. All she has achieved is a new list of prescribed medications. I read the instructions in the pharmacy and found out that half of the tablets are antibiotics, the second part is cough medicine. I did not buy medicines, I decided to go to a private clinic. Pr went to make an appointment and was even surprised that they immediately accepted me (without a child!). A sweetly smiling doctor asked what we had already been prescribed, asked us to tell us more about the symptoms ... He took money for the appointment and advised me to come with the child to the appointment or call the pediatrician from their clinic to the house.

The next day, she called the doctor, as it seemed to me from a good clinic. Previously, I even read about all his regalia on the site. The middle-aged man initially inspired great confidence. He was very attentive to his son and meaningfully thought about what to prescribe, so that it would not be expensive and help. In the end, I decided that the baby had laryngitis and prescribed medicine for the throat - good, imported ones. He promised that the temperature would pass. Advised to continue the course of antibiotics. The child's complaints about pain in the ear were literally ignored. He advised to call him again or go to the clinic in 3-4 days.

Bottom line: the child’s throat didn’t really hurt, and it doesn’t hurt, but the pain in the ear began to bother so that the nights turned into real nightmares - with the tears of his son.

How did I determine that the child has otitis

As they say, thanks to my mom for coming on time. In the next telephone conversation, I complained that we could not get out of pain. Immediately upon arrival, she told me that this was not SARS, but otitis media. I even remembered how I had been ill with them as a child.

To check the symptoms, I went to the Internet, look at honey. reference books.

I realized one thing, do not ignore the child's complaints of pain. The ear can hurt, of course, and just like that, probably, but it can also be otitis media. When I read about how sick it hurts, I felt very sorry for my baby. Because of my trust in the doctors, he suffered for so many days.

First aid for otitis. Really effective folk remedies

On children's forums in relevant topics, stories that otitis media are a serious disease that can have terrible consequences (up to surgery on the eardrum) were very frightening. I made another attempt to consult a doctor. I found on the Internet the site of a famous children's doctor who offered free online consultations. Bribed the number of positive reviews from other mothers and the presence of diplomas and certificates.

I was surprised by the ease with which I was again advised ANTIBIOTICS (!). There was no answer to my question “how then to restore the child’s immunity if I have been regularly feeding him with antibiotics for almost 10 days”. As they say, once again, making sure that our doctors do not care about what will happen to the child after treatment, I decided to treat my son myself.

Mom came to the rescue again. She didn't even have to look into the honey. directories and the Internet. She immediately gave some folk advice.

  • Warmly. It is important to create warmth without compresses - apply more cotton wool and bandage or wear a hat.
  • Birch bud tincture. It is prepared quite easily - you need to pour one part of the kidneys with two parts of alcohol and insist, the more the better. After the tincture is ready, it is necessary NOT to DRIP, but to put compresses at night and put turundas soaked in liquid in the ear.
  • Herbal compress. It is necessary to mix oak bark, cinquefoil root and thyme in equal proportions. Then wrap two tablespoons of the mixture in gauze and brew in a glass of water for 5 minutes. Use decoction for compress several times a day.
  • Sensevera juice. From fresh, washed leaves of this houseplant, you need to squeeze the juice. Use it for instillation into the ear (1-2 drops) several times a day.

The rest of the recipes that my mother advised were not suitable for children, but for adults, so I don’t even mention them.

How did I treat otitis in a child, and what really helped?

Since I didn’t have birch tincture, and it didn’t seem possible to make it (November in the yard, what kind of kidneys can there be), I decided to treat my son in a complex way in three other ways.

  • The first thing we did was to warm the ear. The son was capricious, he already had pain, and here you also need to wear a dry compress. But, after the warmth began to really help, he no longer tried to remove the compress at the first opportunity.
  • To make juice, I had to buy a sensevier. For the entire course of treatment, two large sheets were enough (and even juice remained). Dripped three times a day, 1 drop in the ear. Several times, instead of instillation, I used turundas - I twisted the cotton wool into a tight roller, soaked it with juice, squeezed it a little and put it in my ear. I covered the top with a dry compress for warmth. I took out the turunda when it was completely dry.

I made compresses from the decoction at night. All components are easily found in the pharmacy.

  • The main thing that mom said is to cure a runny nose . Snot only worsens the course of a disease such as otitis media. To kill all germs, I used our family proven remedy - the child breathed garlic. The cloves of garlic passed through the press must be placed in a cup. After that, it is necessary to lower the nose into the cup, inhale it, and exhale through the mouth. The process is boring for a child, but it goes well with cartoons. While the kid is watching cartoons, he does not even notice how he breathes garlic and is being treated.

It took me only three days to not only remove the symptoms, but also to cure the child. To be honest, after that I took the child to the ENT (there is no faith in pediatricians anymore). I wanted to check whether everything is in order with the membrane (I was very much frightened by posts on the forums about this). The doctor examined his son, asked how he was being treated, and advised him to continue the treatment for a couple more days.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent the recurrence of otitis media, I became interested in the issue of prevention (it is always easier to prevent than to treat later).

Here's what I found interesting on the topic

  • Quickly treat a runny nose. Do not dismiss the appearance of snot in a child. Don't wait for them to go away on their own. At the first manifestations of a cold, it is urgent to deal with it. It is he who can cause the onset of otitis media.
  • Ear hygiene. Carefully monitor the cleanliness and hygiene of the child's ears. Often, otitis media can begin not because of a complication of acute respiratory viral infections or tonsillitis, but because of microbes that have entered from the external environment - through the auricle. Make sure that the ears are always wax-free - dry and clean. Only hygienic (surface) cleaning is allowed. Do not stick the ear sticks too deep, just clean the visible part of the ear.
  • When swimming, be careful to keep water out of the ears. This applies to both bathing in the bath and diving in open water and pools. It is better for children to use swimming caps.
  • So as not to lay the ears. Pay close attention to your child's complaints about stuffy ears. If you are going to travel by plane with the whole family, give your child water or juice during takeoff and landing, ask them to swallow saliva more often.
  • Ear plugs. Sulfur buildup can cause blockages. This is not very scary, because you can remove them without surgery, in the ENT office or even on your own. Washing can also be done for preventive purposes. The presence of sulfur plug can cause infection and, as a result, otitis media.

Acute ear pain causes discomfort, makes the baby capricious and whiny - it becomes bad for both the child and the mother, who does not know how to support him. To be "armed" one must know as much as possible about one's "enemy". We offer to learn what otitis media is and how to deal with it.

Otitis media is a fairly common disease in young children.

What is otitis and why is it dangerous for a child?

In medicine, inflammation of the ear is called otitis media. Under this concept, all types of inflammation of the ear fall - it can have an acute or pathological course. According to statistics, up to 30% of all diseases of the ears, throat and nose are due to otitis media in the acute stage. Most children get sick at a young age.

Children of preschool age are most often diagnosed with a disease of the middle ear. Acute conditions require urgent qualified treatment, untimely assistance can lead to a weakening of the auditory function, hearing loss. The consequences are dangerous - in advanced cases, meningitis, brain tumors and stroke can develop.

Causes of ear inflammation in children

Usually, otitis is a consequence of colds, infection with a bacterial or viral infection. All diseases of the nasopharynx are accompanied by abundant secretion of mucus. In the worst case, these secretions enter the Eustachian tube, the air circulation in the tympanic cavity is disturbed, and its cells begin to secrete an inflammatory secret.

Streptococcal and staphylococcal microorganisms can aggravate the situation. The causes of the disease can be:

  • infections of ENT organs;
  • diseases of the nasopharynx, rhinitis, curvature of the septum, adenoids;
  • hypothermia;
  • ear injury.

Otitis media in acute form develops with a weakened immune system, the risk group includes children:

  • with anemia;
  • with dystrophy;
  • with chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • prone to allergic reactions;
  • suffering from rickets;
  • having diseases of an extreme form of immunodeficiency: diabetes mellitus, AIDS, leukemia.

In preschool children, inflammation is often the result of hypothermia. The ear canal of the child is still being formed and does not yet have such bends as in an adult, so the flow of cold air penetrates directly into the middle ear, provoking otitis media.

Types and symptoms of otitis media

Ear inflammation can be classified according to different criteria. According to the type of course, they are divided into chronic and acute forms; by origin, otitis media can be infectious, allergic or traumatic. Otitis externa, otitis media and internal are distinguished according to the localization site. Also, the disease is divided according to the type of inflammation. In each case, the clinical picture will be different.

Acute and chronic

Depending on the duration of the course of the disease, the following types of otitis media are distinguished:

  • acute - up to 20 days;
  • subacute - up to 3 months;
  • chronic - up to 6 months.

If everything is clear with the first form - this is the stage of inflammation and treatment, then the causes of chronic otitis media are not yet clear. Most often, this form progresses against the background of inflammation of the middle ear, it can be determined by the following signs:

  • periodic discharge of pus;
  • obvious hearing impairment;
  • non-healing lesions on the eardrum.

In the place of localization of inflammation, the picture may be supplemented by other symptoms. Among them - the occurrence of acute pain during pressure drops, ear congestion, unpleasant noise.

Outer, middle and inner

Such a classification depends on the location of the disease. The tympanic membrane is a conditional border dividing the ear into the outer and middle parts. The inner part of the organ is the cochlea with the fluid located there. Depending on the clinical picture, the following forms of the disease can be distinguished:

  1. The external form is divided into 2 subtypes: limited and diffuse. In the first case, the patient develops a purulent neoplasm on the external auditory canal. Its occurrence is often associated with minor mechanical injuries, infections and other general diseases. Diffuse subspecies of otitis becomes a consequence of the development of a chronic purulent form. Bacteria enter the subcutaneous fatty tissue, the inflammatory process begins. The patient suffers from pain in the ear, which is aggravated by touching it. The picture can be supplemented by secretions of pus with a characteristic odor.
  2. The middle form occurs as a result of diseases of the nasopharynx. Through the accumulated mucus, the infection enters the Eustachian tube, where the tissues subsequently become inflamed. Otitis media in newborns is often caused by the ingress of amniotic fluid. At the initial stage of the disease, tinnitus appears, hearing may deteriorate, but the temperature remains normal. In total, three stages of the development of the disease are distinguished, acute pain and fever can flow into purulent otitis media, recovery occurs in 2-3 weeks.
  3. Internal otitis is called a separate term - "labyrinthitis". Symptoms of the inflammatory process of the inner part of the ear include hearing loss, headache, vestibular disorders, including dizziness, nausea.

Purulent, exudative and catarrhal

Otitis media is the most common form of the disease in children under two years of age. The defeat of the middle part of the organ of hearing is divided into types that differ in symptoms and severity. The forms of the disease depend on the causes of its occurrence and are divided into:

  1. Catarrhal otitis is an infectious form of the disease, often preceding the appearance of pus (more in the article:). The causes of this inflammation are SARS and influenza. The characteristic signs include acute intense pain radiating to the head and jaw, decreased hearing ability, fever, and possibly redness in the auricle.
  2. Purulent otitis media usually results from incorrect or untimely treatment of the catarrhal form of the disease. It is accompanied by suppuration of the mucous membrane of the ear, from which a characteristic exudate is released. This type of inflammation is considered the most dangerous, since pus can penetrate into the cranial cavity. Symptoms: tearfulness, decreased appetite and sucking reflex in the baby, fever, hearing impairment, increased blood pressure, vomiting is possible. An older child may complain of a feeling of congestion in the ear, a decrease in the quality of hearing, fatigue, and the appearance of discharge.
  3. Exudative otitis media often affects children older than 2 years (more in the article:). The inflammatory process provokes the production of exudate that accumulates in the ear cavity. The complexity of diagnosing this form is the absence of clear symptoms. The child may notice only tinnitus or a slight hearing loss. With untimely treatment, the acute exudative form flows into a chronic one.


An otolaryngologist can diagnose otitis media and its form. Using an ear mirror, he will assess the condition of the external auditory canal and eardrum. If necessary, the doctor will take the exudate for bacteriological analysis.

If the child is worried about the ears and there are suspicions of otitis media, you need to contact an otolaryngologist (more in the article:)

If for some reason the diagnosis is difficult, the specialist can use computed tomography of the temporal bones, which will allow to recognize the condition of the ear cavities.

In chronic forms of otitis in children, studies of auditory function play an important role. The doctor determines the patency of the ear canals, audiometry and acoustic impedancemetry are used. It is important for mothers to know how to understand at home that the inflammatory process has begun. A child over 4 years old will complain of pain, the following signs will help check for the presence of the disease in young children:

  • the child is naughty, cannot calm down even in his arms;
  • the baby refuses the breast or bottle, when he tries to suck, he begins to cry, as the pain intensifies;
  • the baby tries to turn on the sore ear, constantly touches it with his hands;
  • when you try to press on the ear or pull the lobe, the child begins to cry harder.

Otitis is a disease that needs early diagnosis. Timely treatment will avoid complications, prevent the spread of inflammation.

First aid

The doctor should prescribe course therapy after examination.

However, if the child complains of pain in the ear, and there is no way to get to a specialist in the next few hours, it is worth giving the baby first aid.

It does not consist in treatment, but in alleviating the unpleasant manifestations of the disease, because it is difficult for the baby to endure pain. Try to calm the child, reduce pain, and then go to the doctor.

Painkillers and antipyretics

The first thing to do is to relieve the pain. Eliminate its non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - they anesthetize, have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects, but do not cure the disease. Children under 2 years of age are allowed only two such substances - paracetamol and ibuprofen. Based on them, medicines have been created in various forms: syrup, suspension, tablets, suppositories. Most often, children are assigned:

  1. Nurofen in suspension. Allowed from 1 month of life.
  2. Panadol. The release form depends on the age of the child.
  3. Ibuklin. It is prescribed only for children over 3 years old.

Nasal vasoconstrictors

Nasal vasoconstrictor drops are necessarily prescribed for otitis media, and it does not matter whether the nose breathes or not. They can reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube, which reduces pain. For one year olds use:

  • Nazivin 0.01%;
  • Otrivin 0.05%;
  • Nazol Baby (we recommend reading:).

After a year, the list of permitted drops expands:

  • Nazivin 0.025%;
  • Naphthyzine 0.05%;
  • Sanorin 0.05%;
  • Vibrocil;
  • Adrianol 0.05% (we recommend reading:);
  • Polydex.

Features of treatment

The treatment regimen depends on the type of disease. Usually therapy is carried out at home, with periodic visits to the doctor. It may include medication, compresses, topical antiseptics, folk recipes. The duration of treatment is from a week to several months. In severe cases, with internal lesions, antibiotics are prescribed for therapy.

Medical therapy

Otitis in a child does not have a standard treatment regimen, since it depends on the symptoms in each case. However, usually therapy comes down to the following:

  • the appointment of antiviral drugs - they will cope with the symptoms of an acute respiratory infection;
  • combined action ear drops relieve swelling of the internal passages, relieve itching, reduce inflammation;

Before prescribing a course of treatment by a doctor, anti-inflammatory ear drops of combined action can be used as first aid.
  • vasoconstrictor nasal drops relieve swelling of the Eustachian tube, help relieve pain;
  • if otitis media is caused by a bacterial infection, accompanied by purulent discharge, ear antibacterial drops are prescribed (for more details, see the article:);
  • painkillers are used in the active stage, when it is necessary to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, reduce temperature;
  • with purulent otitis media and internal forms, the disease is treated with antibiotics (for more details, see the article:).

The doctor will prescribe medications based on the indications, the interaction of drugs, the individual characteristics of the patient. You should not choose the medicine yourself, as it may be contraindicated in this case.

Folk remedies

Help to cope with otitis media in a child and folk remedies. They do not exclude drug treatment, but they become an excellent addition to therapy. Popular tools include:

  • infusion of wormwood for a warming and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • infusion of mint or lemon balm to relieve pain;
  • decoction of sorrel root for washing;
  • rosehip decoction for oral administration - to strengthen immunity.

Rosehip decoction is a fortified drink that strengthens children's immunity during various diseases, including otitis

Possible Complications

Inflammation of the ear needs timely treatment, otherwise purulent otitis media occurs, the inflammation spreads to the inside of the organ. This can cause the most serious complications:

  • complete or partial hearing loss;
  • the development of a chronic form of the disease;
  • meningitis;
  • paralysis of the facial nerve;
  • brain tumor.

Preventive measures

In order for the disease to deliver a minimum of discomfort and not leave consequences, proper prevention of the disease should be carried out. It includes:

  1. timely and complete treatment of colds;
  2. strengthening immunity - a balanced diet, hardening, taking vitamins in the cold season;
  3. comprehensive ear hygiene;
  4. limiting contact with sick children;
  5. passing preventive examinations at the otolaryngologist.

Simple rules will help reduce the risk of inflammation and complications. If there is pain in the ear, do not postpone a visit to the doctor - in the early stages, otitis media in children can be easily cured.

Otitis is an inflammatory process in the human auditory system caused by microorganisms such as staphylococci, pneumococci, Haemophilus influenzae and streptococci.

Children under seven years of age are most predisposed to the disease, but otitis media can occur at any age. According to statistics, upon reaching the age of three, approximately 80% of children have time to get otitis media.

Inflammation usually develops very quickly, masquerading as a typical cold (fever and runny nose) and causing severe discomfort to the child.

What is it like?

Depending on location

  1. Otitis media is the most common form of the disease in children. According to statistics, about a third of all otolaryngological diseases account for otitis media, in other words, inflammation of the middle ear.
  2. Otitis externa is an inflammatory process that forms in the cartilaginous tissues of the outer ear. It can be limited (boils) or diffuse (occurs with a purulent chronic form of otitis media, when pathogenic fungi or bacteria penetrate the skin).
  3. Internal (labyrinthitis) is an infectious inflammation in the area of ​​the inner ear, accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, noise or ringing in the ears. If left untreated, it can lead to complete hearing loss.

At the same time, otitis media can be both unilateral and bilateral.

According to the duration and intensity of the course

  • spicy;
  • chronic.

Depending on the presence of purulent fluid (exudate)

  • catarrhal;
  • purulent.

Allergic otitis media

Allergic otitis media can be considered a separate type of disease, when, due to improper feeding, babies develop a rash on the skin, the temperature rises, and fluid flows out of the ears.

Causes of otitis media

Most often, children develop otitis media (acute otitis media). This is due to the fact that the children's Eustachian (or auditory) tube is located horizontally between the cavity of the nasopharynx and the cavity of the middle ear.

It is shorter and wider than in adults, and this, in turn, allows bacteria access to the ear canals. Getting into the middle ear, infected mucus causes inflammation, which can develop either instantly or gradually, but in both cases it is accompanied by pain.

With age, the position of the Eustachian tube changes to vertical, it becomes narrower and longer, thereby reducing the risk of disease.

Contrary to popular belief, in most cases, the infection is not brought from the outer ear, but from the nasopharynx. At the same time, often the mucous membrane of the auditory tube becomes so inflamed that it completely blocks the air circulation between the nasopharynx and the middle ear area.

This creates favorable conditions for the vital activity of harmful bacteria, accumulation of mucus and pus.

What can provoke its development?

Increased blowing nose

Quite often, the occurrence of otitis media in children contributes to the increased formation of mucus in the nasal cavity and pharynx, which occurs due to incompletely formed airways, frequent tantrums and crying. As a result, the child begins to runny nose.

To remove mucus from the nasopharynx, some mothers force the baby to blow their nose with all their might, this leads to the fact that under pressure the mucus with all the bacteria present in it enters the Eustachian tube, creating a serious risk of inflammation of the middle ear.

Frequent regurgitation

The appearance of otitis media in infants is often caused by frequent regurgitation, when food debris, along with mucus, enters the middle ear cavity. Due to the small size of the ear canal in children, mucus accumulates well in the ear, but it is difficult to get it out.


Hypothermia reduces immunity and opens the way for the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the child's body.

ear injury

Also, the cause of otitis can be an injury to the auricle: for example, an earring or other small object stuck in the ear, or if a child, for example, while playing, scratched his ear with a pencil or pen and damaged the skin.

Symptoms of the disease

If children older than a year old can complain of severe pain in the ear, then one can only guess about the reasons for the anxiety of infants.

To check if the baby has otitis media, you can lightly press on the tragus of the child's ear, and if he screams and pulls his hands to his head, then this is a sure sign of rapidly developing acute otitis media.

In addition, you can understand that a child has otitis media by the following signs:

  • irritability and anxiety, frequent crying;
  • shaking the head, throwing it back;

  • refusal to eat;
  • sleep disorders;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • increased sulfur formation and discharge of fluid from the ear, especially purulent;
  • general malaise and a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • in infants, otitis media can be recognized during feeding: when the baby sticks to the breast, pressure rises in his nasopharynx, which sharply increases pain;
  • Older children may experience hearing loss.

Sometimes otitis media can be difficult to identify: instead of the ears, pain in the stomach and intestines (bloating, diarrhea, vomiting) begins, this happens because the ears and the digestive organs are connected by one nerve.

Why is otitis media dangerous?

Given that the disease is very common and well treated, it should never be allowed to take its course. Remember, when the first signs of it appear, you should immediately consult a doctor!

Ears, brain, sinuses, eyes - everything is in close proximity to each other. And, despite the fact that otitis media is an ear disease, its complications affect other organs.

The pus that appears in the ear canal thins the layer of the tympanic membrane (which is only 0.1 mm thick), as a result of which a perforation (hole) forms in it and the ear cavity is filled with pus.

Another dangerous consequence of the disease is the "stagnation" of fluid in the ear canal, leading to the "glued" ear syndrome.

Among other things, with inflammation of the middle ear there is a high risk of complications such as:

  • meningitis,
  • dizziness and headaches,
  • syndrome of irritation of the membranes of the brain,
  • convulsions,
  • brain abscesses,
  • inflammation of the mastoid process of the temporal bone or mastoiditis (this complication is characterized by the destruction of the auditory ossicles of the middle ear),
  • paralysis of the facial nerve,
  • cholesteatoma (a cystic capsule-shaped formation that blocks the ear canal) and many others.

That is why it is extremely important to treat otitis media in a baby on time. Recall once again: with any suspicion of otitis media, your baby must be examined by an ENT doctor.

Features of diagnosis and treatment

Purulent inflammation of the middle ear

With purulent otitis, suppuration from the external auditory canal is considered favorable (a sign that the tympanic membrane is ruptured), since otherwise the purulent masses would get into the meninges, and this already threatens that the child may partially or completely lose hearing and even die.

There are times when it is dangerous to wait for a natural rupture of the eardrum, so doctors may prescribe paracentesis, that is, an artificial piercing operation using a special instrument (performed under local anesthesia).

This method is considered the most rational, since after such a puncture, the inflammation subsides much faster than with a natural rupture of the eardrum. Of course, if a rupture has formed in the tympanic membrane, it will no longer heal on its own, and the diseased ear in a child, if not surgically intervened, will not be able to hear normally.

Otitis externa

Even otitis externa, which is considered the mildest form of otitis media in children (provided that the walls of the tympanic membrane are intact), needs accurate diagnosis and individually selected therapy.

Otitis externa is dangerous because it often relapses, and in its case it is necessary to treat not only the symptoms (boils and / or general inflammation), but also their cause (blood sugar tests and vitamin therapy are often required).

Tissues traumatized in childhood begin to develop abnormally and the disease becomes chronic, so in this case, the responsibility for the proper treatment of the child lies with the parents.

Chronic inflammation of the middle ear

Chronic otitis media is very difficult to treat, as the body ceases to strongly resist infection, and constant pain in the ear and the formation of purulent discharge greatly reduce the quality of life of the child.

In severe advanced forms of otitis in children, surgical operations are performed. The complex of types of surgical intervention today is quite wide:

  • tympanoplasty (prosthetics of the eardrum and auditory ossicles),
  • shunting of the middle ear cavity (a ventilation tube is inserted through the eardrum) with functional disorders of the auditory tube,
  • Meringoplasty (restoration of the integrity of the tympanic membrane),
  • various sanitizing operations on the middle ear (with congestive purulent processes) with plastic surgery of the middle ear structures.

How and what is the right way to treat otitis in a baby?

Once again, do not try to cope with otitis media at home! The inflammatory process in the tympanic membrane entails irreversible physiological changes, which will then significantly affect the quality of life of the child!

If otitis media is suspected, call an otolaryngologist or pediatrician to the house, or take the child to an appointment. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis, and the sooner you take action, the more gentle and effective your baby's treatment will be.

Usually, otitis in children is treated for about 10-14 days and at the same time they are prescribed:

  • antibiotics (they come in the form of tablets or injections),
  • vasoconstrictor ear drops,
  • local procedures.

Traditional treatment is also often complemented by:

  • ultraviolet and laser irradiation,
  • magnetotherapy,
  • mud treatment.

Make sure your child breathes through their nose (a suction bulb or cotton swabs soaked in baby oil are used to clear mucus from the nasal passage in young children).

As soon as the nasal cavity is cleared, the pain will decrease, and the child will feel much better.


  • provide the child with comfortable conditions, bed rest;
  • make sure that the baby's ears are always warm;
  • while the disease is exacerbated, doctors advise not to bathe the baby, but only to wipe;
  • if the child goes to the pool, it is better to give up classes until complete recovery;
  • if the child has adenoids, doctors usually advise removing them, as they put pressure on the Eustachian tube and aggravate the baby's condition.

We also note that if a child has purulent otitis media, it is necessary to carry out regular, but not deep cleaning of the external auditory canal from purulent fluid secreted from the ear.

It should be carefully performed using cotton swabs moistened with antiseptic and disinfectants (at the discretion of the attending physician, since the choice of medicine depends on the stage and nature of the course of the disease).

Medical therapy

Ear drops

Remember, their direct instillation into the external auditory canal at home is dangerous. The choice of drops and the way they are instilled depends on the degree of damage to the eardrum.

If the eardrum is already perforated, ear drops can enter the middle ear, worsen ear pain, and lead to ossicular atrophy and death of the auditory nerve. And, consequently, to the absolute or partial loss of hearing in a child.

It is more correct to make a cotton swab, wet it with a product preheated to body temperature (this is easy to do with a pipette, substituting it under warm water, you do not need to heat the entire bottle with drops).

Another important point: ear drops can be instilled into the nose, in which case the active ingredients can easily reach their destination in the same way as bacteria.

Painkillers, antipyretics and antibiotics

Once again, we note that all drugs, including antibiotics, should be taken by the child exclusively for their intended purpose. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the stage and neglect of the disease.

The medicines prescribed by the doctor must be taken in strict accordance with the instructions, the course of treatment must be complete.


Since otitis media is treated with antibiotics, as a result of treatment, the child will need to take a course of probiotics to restore the intestinal microflora. This is very important, because along with the disease-causing bacteria, beneficial bacteria also die.

Local therapy

It is used only for acute catarrhal otitis: these are thermal procedures that activate the production of immune cells, lymph and blood circulation (strictly as prescribed by a doctor).

The procedure is carried out (provided that children do not have a fever) using special blue lamps or gauze swabs with ear drops inserted into the opening of the ear canal, or semi-alcohol compresses.

How to make a semi-alcohol compress at home?

To make such a compress for a child, it is necessary to fold a clean piece of fabric in 4 layers so that its edges protrude 2-3 cm beyond the auricle. In the middle of the gauze compress, make a hole for the ear, so the compress will be located around the auricle.

A piece of gauze should be moistened with vodka or a 5% alcohol solution and squeezed well. On the child's auricle, put a sheet of thick paper a little larger than a piece of gauze (plastic film is also used for this purpose), then cotton wool, and wrap the baby's head with a scarf or scarf.

You can keep the compress for about three hours, while the thermal effect is in effect. Remember that thermal procedures at the stage of purulent otitis media are not carried out!

Folk remedies

Folk remedies can relieve severe pain, relieve symptoms, but they are only good as an adjunct to the main treatment. We recommend that you consult an otolaryngologist before performing any of the following procedures.

Compresses and warm-ups

  • warming the auricles with a hairdryer (in the absence of temperature in a sick baby);
  • putting cotton swabs moistened with an alcohol solution of mumiyo or freshly squeezed onion juice into the ears;

  • heat a clove of garlic over an open fire, cool a little and put it in the ear canal (effective for relieving pain and getting rid of infection in the ear). Repeat the procedure during the day 3-4 times;
  • put a crushed piece of an aloe or kalanchoe leaf into sterile gauze, attach it to the auricle, but do not stick it deep inside, bandage the child’s head with a handkerchief, leave it overnight;
  • clay compress (clay should be thick): plug the ear canal with cotton wool, put a piece of cloth on top, and clay on it, hold for 1.5-2 hours;
  • rubbing the skin around the auricle with menovazine.

Decoctions for oral administration

  • ingestion of a decoction of bay leaf, as well as instillation into the ears (only with catarrhal otitis);
  • ingestion of a decoction of lingonberry leaf.

Disease prevention

Right lifestyle

When the child has already been ill, care must be taken so that the disease does not recur. First of all, monitor the diet and quality of your baby's nutrition, how and how much he sleeps, walks on the street, in what conditions he is.

It is also important to save the child from stressful situations as much as possible, to create an atmosphere of comfort at home.

Proper water regime and air humidity

Also, do not forget about the balance of fluid in the body: let the child drink clean water as much as possible. This will help cleanse the body and strengthen the immune system. Remember about the humidity of the air: it should always be at the level of 40-60%. Do not allow too hot and dry microclimate at home.

Prevention of chronic diseases and allergies

If the baby has problems with adenoids or maxillary sinuses, you should regularly take safety measures against these diseases. Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of a runny nose and immediately treat it, avoiding nasal congestion.

If otitis in a child was caused by allergic reactions, eliminate their cause.

By following these basic rules, you can not worry about the health of your baby. Strong immunity to you and a speedy recovery!

Ear pain is one of the most severe and unpleasant. Even experienced parents do not always know how to deal with it and help the child. Treatment of otitis in children requires a correct diagnosis and the appointment of adequate therapy.

Types of otitis media

Depending on in which department the inflammation occurs, there are types of otitis media:

Outer Otitis media develops when an infection enters the ear canal. The ear canal swells and becomes inflamed. Improper ear hygiene, microtrauma due to the use of cotton swabs can provoke an inflammatory process. Boils (inflammation of the hair follicle) become the source of infection.

Symptoms of otitis externa:

  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • loss of appetite;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • pain when swallowing, chewing

Average otitis media - inflammation of the middle ear. It, in turn, is divided into:

  1. Serous(catarrhal) is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the cavity of the middle ear. The child loses his appetite, cries, the sore ear worries and causes severe pain. Due to the liquid, a temporary hearing loss occurs. Bilateral otitis interferes with sleep, the child is restless, pulls his ears, cannot take a horizontal position. Body temperature rises to high numbers.
  2. A complication of serous otitis with not started treatment is purulent otitis. Suppuration in the cavity develops quite quickly, pus breaks through the eardrum and flows into the auditory canal. If pus accumulates but does not flow out, it is removed surgically - by puncturing the eardrum in a medical institution.

Causes of otitis media in the middle ear are:

  • Nasopharyngeal infections. A runny nose, sore throat can provoke otitis media;
  • Overheating and hypothermia;
  • Leakage of milk during feeding in the cavity of the middle ear;
  • Decreased immune functions of the body;
  • Adenoids

Spicy otitis media begins abruptly, body temperature rises, there is a sharp acute pain in the ear, vomiting after eating and diarrhea may occur.

Concomitant diseases, weakened immunity lead to the transition of an acute form into a chronic one.

Chronic otitis is manifested in:

  • Long non-overgrowth of the hole in the eardrum;
  • Periodic discharge from the ear canal;
  • Decreased hearing acuity;
  • Recurring ear pain

Frequent colds increase the likelihood of developing a chronic form of the disease.

Exudative chronic otitis media stands out separately: in this case, fluid accumulates in the cavity of the middle ear, but the eardrum is intact and the ear does not become infected. In some cases, it is painless, but the accumulated secret thickens and poses a threat to health.

How to determine otitis in a child

  1. Increased body temperature
  2. Ear pain on one or both sides
  3. Hearing loss
  4. Discharge from ear canal

Against the background of general ill health, colds, loss of appetite and sleep disturbances, parents should assume an ear infection and contact an otolaryngologist.

Treatment of otitis media

Quite often, ear pain appears at night. Before visiting an otolaryngologist, it is necessary to alleviate the condition of the child. At home, the child is given:

  • Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic nonsteroidal drugs, depending on age (paracetamol, ibuprofen, cefecon) in tablets, suppositories or suspensions.
  • Ear drops (otipax if the eardrum is intact and there is no discharge from the ear canal; otinum). Children up to a year are instilled two drops into each ear canal, after a year - three.

The bottle with ear drops is stored in the refrigerator, before dripping into the ear, they must be warmed. In infants, the temperature of the drops should not exceed body temperature (36 0 C).

The child is placed on its side, with the affected ear up. In order to open the ear canal, the auricle must be pulled down and slightly back. After instillation of the remedy, the child continues to lie on his side for about 10 minutes so that the drops do not leak out.

The pacifier should be removed from the mouth at this time so as not to damage the eardrum.

Contrary to popular belief, antibiotics are not a prerequisite for the treatment of otitis media. They are prescribed for severe illness, severe intoxication of the body and long-term acute pain that interferes with the child. The type and dosage of the medicine is selected by the doctor.

The main goal is to save the child from a cold. For this purpose, vasoconstrictor drugs and washing with saline are prescribed. The child must be taught to blow his nose correctly, not to close one nostril when cleaning his nose. Local preparations are shown - isofra, protargol.

Antihistamines can be used to reduce swelling and alleviate the condition.

A warm alcohol compress is very popular for suspected otitis as a first aid. Dr. Komarovsky warns parents about the dangers of such treatment: it contributes to the rapid spread of infection and is fraught with serious complications, including complete deafness and inflammation of the meninges. It is recommended to use dry heat to warm the ear and relieve pain.

In this video, Dr. Komarovsky just talks about the main causes of otitis and its proper treatment.

In cases where antibiotics cannot be dispensed with, drugs are prescribed that can not only destroy the causative agent of the disease, but also easily penetrate into the ear cavity:

  • Flemoxin
  • Biseptol
  • Augmentin

Alternative treatment of otitis media in children

Treatment with folk remedies should be balanced and deliberate, it is allowed at the initial stage, while it is not possible to visit a doctor.

  • Essential oils contained in geranium leaves reduce pain. A freshly picked leaf is rubbed in the palms until a characteristic odor appears and applied to the sore ear;
  • Cotton turundas are moistened with warm vegetable oil and inserted (shallowly!) into the ear canal;
  • A compress of crushed garlic clove and camphor oil is applied to a sterile napkin and applied to the auricle.

Traditional medicine offers many recipes for drops for a sore ear, including those using honey, horseradish, propolis, and onions. Most of them are alcohol solutions. Traditional medicine categorically does not recommend experimenting with children's health and consult a doctor when the first signs of ill health appear.

Prevention of otitis media

To combat colds, pediatricians advise:

  1. hardening;
  2. Strengthening with the help of vitamin complexes and special immunomodulatory drugs;
  3. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  4. Airing the room and humidifying the air;
  5. Walking outdoors, active lifestyle

After otitis media, walking and moderate physical activity are doubly useful for a weakened body. Do not hide and wrap the child, so he will catch a cold even more.

Otitis media is an inflammation of the ear, familiar to many parents. As a first aid, vasoconstrictor drugs and drops in the ear are shown, but a visit to the ENT doctor cannot be delayed.

With such an ailment as otitis media, children and their parents encounter quite often. Medical statistics says that every child has had ear inflammation at least once in his life, and up to three years more than 80% of children have already suffered from this disease. In every eighth baby, otitis media is chronic. About why the ears become inflamed in children, and how to treat such a condition, tells the well-known pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky.

About the disease

Otitis in children can be of three types. Depending on the localization of the inflammatory process, the disease can be external, medium or internal. The inflammatory process can be concentrated or diffuse, affecting the eardrum and other structures of the ear. According to the duration of the disease, otitis media are divided into acute and chronic. And the presence or absence of pus divides otitis media into two types - catarrhal (without pus) and exudative (with pus).

Bacteria, viruses and allergens can cause inflammation. They enter the auditory tube with improper blowing, sneezing, sniffing, which accompany any respiratory infection.

Therefore, it is obvious that otitis media itself is rare, much more often it is a complication of a viral infection. External most often manifested by boils in the auricle, this is a completely independent disease that is caused by microbes. Allergic otitis media is a type of reaction of the child's body to an antigen protein, it is extremely rarely purulent, but is accompanied by severe swelling. If the inflammation is localized only in the auditory tube, it is called tubo-otitis.

Some children get otitis rarely, others often. This, according to Yevgeny Komarovsky, depends not only on the immunity of this particular child, but also on the anatomical features of the structure of this particular ear.

In children with a short auditory tube, otitis occurs more often. With age, the pipe “catches up” in length and diameter of the norm, takes a more horizontal position, and frequent otitis media become rare or disappear altogether.


It is difficult not to notice external otitis - the auricle turns red, sometimes visually without special medical instruments (otoscope and mirror) you can see a boil or abscess, the child has a throbbing pain, characteristic of all abscesses. Hearing may deteriorate somewhat only at the moment when the abscess breaks and pus enters the auditory tube.

Otitis media manifests itself as "shots" in the ear, the pain intensifies, and then subsides for a while. There may be a slight decrease in hearing, headache, lack of appetite, dizziness, disorders of the vestibular apparatus, fever. A child who, due to age, already knows how to speak, is quite able to tell what worries him. A kid who has not yet learned to speak will often touch his ear, rub it, cry.

The most difficult thing to diagnose at home is otitis media in infants. But there are signs that will help parents figure out what exactly worries the baby:

  • During sucking, the baby's anxiety increases.
  • If you press on the tragus (the protruding cartilage at the ear canal), then the pain will increase, the baby will cry more.
  • If you attach the crumbs to yourself during feeding with a sore ear, it will become a little easier for him.

For any suspicion of otitis in an infant, even if the disease is not accompanied by fever or fluid from the ears, you should definitely show the baby to the doctor.

In the vast majority of cases, internal otitis media is also not an independent disease, but occurs in case of improper treatment of otitis media, an advanced form of this disease, and also as a complication of meningitis. It can manifest itself a couple of weeks after suffering a viral illness with severe sudden dizziness. Often there is noise in the diseased ear, hearing is reduced. For diagnosis, you definitely need a doctor who will prescribe an MRI of the brain, tone audiometry.

Treatment according to Komarovsky

Yevgeny Komarovsky warns mothers and fathers that otitis should not be treated for a child using folk remedies and a prescription for alternative medicine, because the complications of the disease can be very severe - from the transition of an acute form to a chronic one, and then the child will be plagued by frequent otitis media, until deafness, facial paresis nerve, meningitis, etc. Therefore, burying heated oil with aloe or walnut juice is a real parental crime.

With purulent otitis, it is absolutely impossible to warm anything up, make warming and alcohol compresses, instill warm oil, as caring grandmothers and traditional healers can advise. From such heat, the inflammatory exudative purulent process will only worsen.

Treatment of acute (suddenly occurring) otitis in a child Yevgeny Komarovsky recommends starting treatment with instillation of vasoconstrictor drops into the nose. They not only reduce the lumen of the vessels in the nasal mucosa, but also relieve swelling in the area of ​​the auditory tube. For this, "Nazivin", "Nazivin Sensitive" (if the child is breastfed), "Nazol baby" are suitable.

The main thing to remember is that these drops do not drip for more than five days, since they cause persistent drug addiction, and it is necessary to choose children's drops in the pharmacy, the dosage of the active substance in which is lower than in similar adult preparations.

Vasoconstrictor drops are relevant only at the very initial stage of acute otitis media, when there is a chance to prevent its further development. If the chance remained unfulfilled or the attempt was unsuccessful, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist, who will establish the type of disease, and upon examination, find out if the eardrum is damaged. If it is intact, you can use ear drops, if it is damaged, which happens quite often, then nothing can be dripped into the ear.

If pus flows from the ear, then Komarovsky urges to refuse self-treatment, not to drip anything anywhere before going to the doctor.

Suppuration with a high degree of probability indicates a perforation (breakthrough) of the eardrum, through this hole the pus enters the outer ear. With perforation, it is impossible to drip at the ear so that the medicine does not get on the auditory nerve, auditory ossicles and does not cause deafness.

If otitis media is accompanied by fever, it is reasonable to use antipyretic drugs and painkillers. To reduce high fever, it is advisable for children to give Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. Both of these medicines give a moderate analgesic effect. Often doctors prescribe a drug such as Erespal. It can be taken by children over two years of age in the form of a syrup. In tablets, this medicine is not given to children.

Are antibiotics needed?

Although most parents believe that antibiotics are necessary in the treatment of otitis media, this is far from always the case, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. With exudative otitis media, which occurs without symptoms, caused by the accumulation of fluid in the middle ear cavity, antibiotics will not affect the healing process in any way. Usually, such otitis media goes away on its own as the child recovers from the main viral disease - SARS or influenza.

Otitis media, accompanied by pain, "shooting" in the ear, can be caused by both bacteria (against which antibiotics are effective) and viruses (against which antibacterial drugs are completely ineffective).

Evgeny Komarovsky advises to wait about 2 days before starting active treatment. If there is no improvement on day 2-3, this is a signal to prescribe antibiotics to the child.

It is allowed not to wait two days if the baby's otitis is severe, with high fever, very severe pain, and if the child is not yet 2 years old, the doctor will most likely prescribe antibiotics right away. For babies under the age of two, it is very important what kind of otitis media they have - unilateral or bilateral.

In the treatment of otitis externa, antibiotics are rarely required, usually antiseptic treatment is sufficient. Internal otitis requires symptomatic treatment, antibiotics for labyrinthitis are also rarely prescribed.

In any case, the doctor should decide on the appointment of antibiotics for inflammation of the hearing organs after conducting appropriate studies, including bacterial culture from the ear to determine the type of pathogen. If such a culture shows the presence of certain bacteria, the doctor will prescribe the antibiotic that is most effective against specific microbes.

The method of using antibiotics for ear inflammation, according to Yevgeny Komarovsky, is prescribed individually. If the eardrum is intact, the doctor may recommend drops with antibiotics, but most often antimicrobials are prescribed in tablets, and this is quite enough. There is no need to inject medicines to the child.

For the effectiveness of treatment, it is important that the drug accumulates in a problematic sore spot, and therefore, with otitis media, antibiotics are drunk for a long time and in increased doses. The minimum course is 10 days. If the child is under two years old and if he attends a kindergarten, the course is not reduced. If the baby is older than 2 years and does not go to kindergarten, then the doctor may prescribe antibiotics for him for only 5-7 days. It is very important to observe the timing and dosage in order to reduce the risk of recurrent otitis media.

Otitis media and deafness

In almost all types of otitis media, hearing is reduced to some extent. Yevgeny Komarovsky advises treating this as an inevitable situation. Otitis can lead to deafness or persistent hearing loss only if the inflammation was treated incorrectly, the auditory ossicles or the auditory nerve are affected.

Children who have been successfully treated for otitis media still have hearing loss for some time. It recovers on its own within 1-3 months from the end of treatment.


Usually, surgery is not required for otitis media. The exception is cases when a child with severe and prolonged pain and suppuration in the ear cavity does not rupture the eardrum. Its strength in each child is individual, in some, otitis media flows from the ear already in the initial stage, in others, perforation does not occur. Then there is a risk of a breakthrough of purulent masses anywhere, including the brain. If there is such a threat, doctors make a small incision in the eardrum to ensure the outflow of pus.

Evgeny Komarovsky reassures - the rupture of the eardrum and its incision are not dangerous for the child. Usually it is quickly restored, only a small scar remains, which in no way subsequently affects the person's hearing.

Compress for otitis media

The compress should be dry, it is not required to moisten it with anything. To prepare it, cotton wool and a small piece of polyethylene are enough. Cotton wool is applied to a sick child's ear, covered with polyethylene on top and tied with a scarf or put on a hat. The ear is thus somewhat “isolated” from the environment, less injured, including by loud sounds. In addition, a cotton compress is very useful for the mother of the sick person, she is so calmer. Traditional medicine no longer sees any benefits from the compress, since it does not affect either the risk of complications or the duration of the inflammatory process.