Intrauterine device or birth control pills? Contraceptive spiral.

The issue of protection sooner or later has to be addressed by every woman. It is important that contraception is reliable, as safe as possible. Most effective methods protection from unwanted pregnancy hormonal pills, intrauterine systems are considered. What better spiral or birth control oral preparations? This is the age-old dilemma faced by ladies. To understand which protection option to choose from the two most reliable, you need to understand all the pros and cons of the methods.

A gynecologist will help you choose the remedy on an individual basis.

Oral contraceptives (OCs) contain female hormones. They are responsible for the onset / non-occurrence of pregnancy. Hormone-containing pills can slow down ovulation. This excludes the possibility of fertilization.

Contraceptive drugs have an effect on the uterine mucus. It is shrinking. Because of this, the movement of spermatozoa is significantly hampered: they cannot reach the goal and die without fertilizing the egg. Even if the sperm managed to penetrate the fallopian tube, pregnancy still will not occur. Under the influence of hormonal drugs, the lining of the uterus becomes thin. This makes implantation of the embryo impossible.

There are several types of oral contraceptives. The principle of their "work" is slightly different. But the main thing is that the “target audience” is different. Tablets are divided into:

  • combined;
  • gestagenic.

Combined contain two types of hormones: estrogen, progestin. Preparations of this type are micro-, low- and high-dose. Tablets with micro-hormones are optimal for protecting young nulliparous girls. However, they may not fit. Then prescribe low-dose drugs. This type of COC can be called universal: women who have given birth can also drink them. Preparations with a high dose of hormones can be taken only after a doctor's prescription. They are designed to correct hormonal disorders.

Means of the progestogen type are also called "mini-drank". These drugs contain one hormone - progestin. Tablets are prescribed if there are contraindications to taking combined (estrogen-containing) drugs. "Mini-drank" also provide protection to lactating women: they do not affect lactation, do not harm the baby.

Pros OK

Oral contraceptives have many advantages, thanks to which they have gained such immense popularity. The benefits of these funds include:

Another important plus: when taking OK, an ectopic pregnancy cannot develop. The principle of action of drugs excludes implantation in principle.

Disadvantages of tablets

OKs work well and have many advantages, but they also have disadvantages. Otherwise, the question of choosing between a spiral and pills would not be so acute. What are the disadvantages of OK? The disadvantages include:

  • Reception features. Oral contraceptives should be taken every day at about the same time. If the schedule is knocked down at least once, the probability of conception increases.
  • Contraindications. Hormonal pills have a number of contraindications. They should not be taken for liver problems, kidney pathologies, heart disease, high blood pressure. If a lady smokes a lot, then she will have to look for another method of contraception. Combined preparations are unacceptable for use during lactation, although this fact is balanced by the fact that lactating women can drink "mini-drank". Naturally, if they fit.
  • Side effects. Tablets can cause a number unpleasant symptoms. The beginning of the reception is almost always accompanied by spotting in the middle of a cycle. OK can cause headaches, apathy, decreased libido. Many drugs increase appetite, retain fluid, which is fraught with weight gain if you do not monitor your eating habits.

The disadvantages include the fact that OK lose a large percentage of effectiveness if a woman takes antibiotics in parallel. Not everyone knows about it, which leads to unwanted pregnancy.

The principle of operation of the uterine spiral

Deciding eternal question"spiral or birth control pills?”, It is important to remember that the IUD is recommended only for women who have given birth. The system can thin the endometrium, which increases the risk of miscarriages in nulliparous women in the future. If complications arise, then the woman may even be left without offspring.

How does the spiral work? It prevents the implantation of the egg. The foreign body leads to thickening of the uterine tissue, which makes implantation gestational sac impossible.

Modern copper spirals are focused not on the abortive effect, but on the spermicidal one. They contain hormones that thicken the cervical fluid, inhibit the activity of sperm. The presence of such substances increases the contraceptive effect of the IUD.

The spiral is as effective as birth control pills, but, like drugs, the system does not protect against genital infections. Such contraceptive methods are relevant in the presence of a permanent partner: only as a way to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Advantages of the IUD

The spiral is a popular method of contraception. Women choose it because of its many benefits. The advantages of the Navy include:

  • High efficiency. The installation of an intrauterine system excludes conception by 95 - 97%.
  • Long-term action. The contraceptive will allow you to forget about the anxieties associated with unwanted pregnancy for three to five years.
  • Economy and convenience. IUDs, unlike pills, do not need to be regularly bought, follow any schedule. In fact, after installation, you can forget about the presence of the system.
  • Action without conditions. The spiral does not interact with medicines, i.e, high level protection is maintained regardless of the circumstances.
  • Does not affect reproductive function in the future. If there are no complications after the installation of the IUD, then the reproductive function resumes immediately after the system is removed. However, often the body needs time to recover.

The spiral can be considered as a postpartum method of contraception. It does not affect lactation, so it is suitable for nursing mothers. The contraceptive system can be installed six weeks after delivery, provided that the birth was not accompanied by complications. The possibility of installation can only be determined by a gynecologist.

Cons of intrauterine contraception

All methods of contraception have their drawbacks. The Navy is no exception. It must be remembered that this method does not exclude the occurrence infectious diseases. There are other downsides:

The spiral is introduced only in the conditions of a medical institution. The procedure should be carried out by a specialist, but even this is not always a guarantee that the introduction of the spiral will not entail complications. Among possible complications the greatest danger is inflammatory processes, incessant bleeding. After the procedure, there may be a pronounced pain syndrome, cycle violations are often recorded. Appearance pathological signs serves as a reason for extracting foreign body. The spiral cannot be installed in the presence of diseases of the pelvic organs, benign tumors, secretions of unknown origin.

What's better?

When choosing a method of contraception, it is important for a woman to know which one is the safest, most effective, and economical. Only a gynecologist can find out which is better, in a spiral or birth control pills there are pros / cons for each specific case. The doctor selects the method of protection individually. When choosing a contraceptive method, consider:

  • health status;
  • the presence of contraindications;
  • age;
  • Presence/absence of pregnancy history.

It should be remembered that nulliparous women spiral set extremely rarely. Doctors dissuade patients from such an undertaking, arguing the possibility of infertility as a result of uterine deformation. Therefore, the choice for women who have not yet experienced the happiness of motherhood is obvious - oral contraceptives. They should not be drunk without prior consultation with a gynecologist. The doctor will select the best option for tablets, taking into account the characteristics of the female body. The doctor should be consulted when changing pills, and when refusing them.

The spiral is often chosen for its ease of use. This method is especially relevant for active women who may simply forget to take pills. If a couple has a child and they want to conceive the next one no earlier than in three years, then the spiral is the best protection option. The IUD comes to the rescue when it is impossible to pick up pills: for example, the body reacts to hormonal preparations rack side symptoms. It is undesirable to take OK with a tendency to gastrointestinal diseases: during the adaptation period, they can provoke pain in the stomach, induce vomiting, and this is fraught with the launch of intestinal diseases or their exacerbation.

When to choose other methods of protection

Oral contraceptives and intrauterine systems are relevant only with regular sexual activity. If sex happens with the same partner (subject to trust), then these methods can solve the main problem - to protect from "flights". But with a promiscuous sex life, there is one more issue that needs to be addressed: protection against infections. The best solution in this case is barrier methods of protection (diaphragms, condoms). If a sexual contact occur regularly, but with different partners, a woman may choose to protect against pregnancy with an OC or an IUD, but insist on using a condom at each contact.

If a woman has serious problems with health and possible pregnancy represents a risk to life, then irreversible methods of contraception - sterilization - are recommended. The procedure involves the artificial creation of obstruction of the tubes, which leads to the impossibility of conception. The operation is performed according to medical indications. If desired, only older women are recorded for the procedure. reproductive age(after 35) who have fulfilled their maternal mission.

Prevention of unwanted pregnancy helps to keep women Health, because abortions cause irreparable harm to the body, undermine the psychological balance. Search the best option contraception requires individual approach, but among the variety of methods there is sure to be one that suits.

Today there is a large number of contraceptive methods. However, there is still no 100% way to prevent unwanted pregnancy. In addition, there is a large amount of fiction about the reliability or complications associated with the use of these methods. Today we will talk about which is better: birth control pills or a spiral.

Birth control pills.

How do oral contraceptives work?

Contraceptive pills contain a number of female sex hormones. These tablets must be taken daily and preferably at the same time. During their intake, there is a change in the functioning of the ovaries and hormone levels, which as a result leads to the suspension of the maturation of the follicle and the onset of ovulation. That is why a woman cannot get pregnant.

Benefits of oral contraceptives.

  1. To date, reliability this method prevention pregnancy is about 99%.
  2. OK can be taken as women, and girls. There are no age restrictions. Of course, for each age there are certain combinations.
  3. OK allows you to equalize and normalize the level of hormones, and can also prevent the occurrence of diseases such as cancer, endometriosis, and so on.
  4. Help to form a regular menstruation.
  5. They reduce the manifestation of PMS, as a result of which a woman tolerates menstruation more easily.
  6. The effect of contraception disappears immediately after stopping the intake.
  7. Render beneficial effect with mastopathy.

Cons OK.

  1. Oral contraceptives must be taken daily. If you forget to take at least 1 tablet, the risk of getting pregnant increases.
  2. The effect of the pills may decrease if the woman takes any other medications.
  3. At the beginning of the reception, a woman may experience a small discharge with blood in the middle of the monthly cycle.
  4. COCs can increase appetite, in addition, they can retain fluid in the body. A woman who does not want to dial excess weight, will have to look after diet And do not forget about physical activity.
  5. After cancellation tablets a woman can get pregnant very quickly.
  6. OK - this medical preparation, which has contraindications, as well as side effects . Therefore, before deciding to take such pills, you should carefully study the annotation and consult with your doctor.

Intrauterine device.

How does the spiral work?

The spiral, like any other foreign body, prevents the introduction eggs, which is already fertilized, into the uterus. The hormonal system, which is contained in the spiral, secretes hormones. It is they who block the engraftment of the egg.

Spiral benefits.

  1. Efficiency method is 75-80%.
  2. During sex, partners do not experience discomfort.
  3. If the spiral is installed by an experienced doctor, the woman does not experience side effects.
  4. The spiral is placed for a period of 3-5 years.

5. Not prohibited when breastfeeding baby.

6. Available on your own cost almost every woman.

7. After extraction, a woman can easily become pregnant.

Spiral Disadvantages.

  1. As a result of the fact that a foreign body appears in the uterus, it can develop inflammatory disease.
  2. Increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy.
  3. With the introduction of a spiral, there may be complications.

Of course, a woman should choose a method of contraception together with a doctor who will take into account her general state health and body characteristics. Only in this case the chosen method of contraception will be effective and as safe as possible for organism women.

For every sexually mature woman, the issue of contraception is decided by her comfort. Without good protection it is impossible to focus on intimate process, because they will climb into the head intrusive thoughts about unwanted pregnancy. Today, the choice of contraceptives is huge: from standard condoms to intrauterine systems implanted surgically.

Before choosing, it is important to know all aspects of a particular type of protection.

Oral contraceptives have an effect due to the content female hormones. Their reception is responsible for the onset or non-pregnancy, inhibiting ovulation. The tablets thicken the uterine mucus, which prevents the active movement of spermatozoa inside. When the spermatozoon reaches the fallopian tube, pregnancy still does not occur, since the embryo will not be able to gain a foothold.

Hormonal pills are divided into two types: combined and gestagenic. The former contain the hormones progestin and estrogen. They are appointed different categories women. There are micro-low- and high-dose varieties. Low-dose tablets are suitable for both nulliparous and women who have given birth. High-dose are prescribed to correct hormonal disorders.

Progestogen contraceptives are prescribed in case of intolerance combined drugs. Ensure safety of use during breastfeeding.


  1. High protection against unwanted pregnancy - 99%
  2. Versatility. Tablets can be selected for any age and health condition
  3. Cycle stabilization, absence of menstrual pain
  4. Improvement appearance hair and skin
  5. Reducing the risk of gynecological diseases, including tumors and endometriosis
  6. Does not affect the possibility of conception after refusal to take


The coil is placed surgically. Its action is based on the prevention of egg implantation. The uterine tissue thickens and the introduction of the uterine egg becomes impossible. Modern spirals contain hormones that thicken the uterine mucus. This leads to difficulty in the movement of spermatozoa.


  1. High efficiency.
  2. The effect lasts for 3-5 years.
  3. Does not affect reproductive function.

What is common between a spiral and tablets

  • High efficiency. The chance of getting pregnant is reduced by 97-99%.
  • When removing the spiral or canceling the pills reproductive function normalizes.
  • Use does not protect against contracting sexually transmitted infections.
  • Ideal for contraception with a regular partner.

Differences between them

  1. Indications for use. Tablets are taken by both women who have given birth and who have not given birth. The spiral is installed only after childbirth.
  2. Expenses. Installing a spiral is cheaper than constantly taking pills
  3. Possible Complications. Oral contraceptives eliminate the risk of ectopic pregnancy, with a spiral there is such a chance. Tablets at the first time of taking can cause headaches, apathy, bleeding in the middle of a cycle.
  4. Convenience. Pills are taken at strictly allotted hours, with a broken schedule, the likelihood of conception increases. The spiral "works" by itself from three to five years.
  5. action in the body. The effectiveness of the tablets may decrease with the use of certain medications, such as antibiotics. The spiral is effective regardless of the processes in the body.

What and for whom is better to choose

When choosing contraception, they are guided by such indicators as:

  • Health status.
  • Contraindications.
  • Age.
  • The presence, absence of childbirth in the anamnesis of life.

The spiral is relevant for women who have given birth at least once. Doctors do not recommend putting it before the first birth, arguing the possibility of infertility due to a change in the shape of the uterus. The spiral is convenient for those who lead active image life and simply forgets to take pills.

It is also chosen if there are contraindications to oral contraceptives, including: liver and kidney disease, heart problems and high pressure, tobacco dependence, taking drugs on an ongoing basis that reduce the effectiveness of hormones. Spirals should be preferred if the girl does not control her appetite, since oral contraceptives greatly increase it.

The installation of the spiral occurs only in the hospital, but even this does not guarantee that it will not be rejected by the body. Signs that the operation was unsuccessful - inflammatory process and frequent bleeding. Some women develop a pronounced pain syndrome, there is a violation of the cycle.

The spiral has contraindications for installation: diseases of the pelvic organs, benign tumors, vaginal discharge obscure origin. The IUD is displaced, its position is corrected by the threads on its own, otherwise the effect of contraception decreases.

Oral contraceptives are suitable for girls and women due to their versatility. different ages with or without childbirth behind them. Tablets are prescribed to women for the prevention of gynecological diseases, to restore the cycle and relieve menstrual pain.

Such contraceptives are indicated for women with PMS. Not suitable for those who take medications that reduce the effectiveness of hormones, who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The range of oral contraceptives, despite the general restrictions in admission, allows you to choose the safest and most comfortable drug for a particular patient. The risk of complications and side effects is reduced.

Often from the conversations of girlfriends or in queues at antenatal clinic you can hear stories about intrauterine devices, various reviews on them and impressions about this contraceptive. But what is it and what does it do? Wouldn't this affect hormonal background women, her ability to someday become a mother and, of course, can she protect against certain diseases? Is this method reliable for preventing unwanted pregnancy and are there differences between them?

We will try to understand these issues, consider 6 popular intrauterine devices and find out what are the differences between them. Which spiral to choose?

What is an IUD (intrauterine device)?

is one of effective means contraception, which is often used by women who have given birth, most often have a permanent partner and are not ready for this moment back to motherhood.

Like any other type of contraception, spirals differ in their composition, type, duration of use, and other parameters.


There are 2 groups of spirals:

  • hormonal;
  • non-hormonal.

Both perform the same task - protection from unwanted pregnancies. But some of them have additional properties. For example, they are often used in gynecological practice as a way to treat certain diseases, and non-hormonal spirals with the addition of silver or gold have a bactericidal effect and protect the female reproductive system from unwanted infections.

There are 3 generations of spirals:

1st generation

  • IUD without any metal or hormone, consisting only of medical plastic.
  • Their contraceptive effect is achieved only by the mechanical impossibility of attaching the fetal egg to the endometrium.
  • Often cause complications (infectious diseases, ectopic pregnancy and spiral prolapse - expulsion).

IUDs of the 1st generation are not used now, as there are more reliable and efficient coils.

2nd generation

  • IUDs containing metal in their composition. That is, these are spirals, also consisting of medical plastic, but having a contraceptive effect due to additional components - copper, silver, gold.
  • Metals act not only on female body, but also on the male factor - spermatozoa, and thereby reduce the risk of an unplanned pregnancy.

3rd generation

  • Hormonal spirals, which at this stage are used as therapeutic and contraceptive agents.

Intrauterine devices have different shape:

  • t-shaped;
  • round or semicircular;
  • in the form of an umbrella;
  • in the shape of a horseshoe (semi-oval).

Each spiral has its advantages and disadvantages and is selected individually depending on the characteristics of the body of a particular woman.

All spirals have the same principle of action - protection from unwanted pregnancy.

So, how does the spiral help to avoid conception?

All coils are made of medical plastic, which rarely causes allergic reaction among women. But such cases do occur. For this reason, you need to carefully monitor your feelings and monitor the reaction of the body after installing the spiral.

In addition to medical plastic, modern spirals include:

  • metals (silver, copper, gold);
  • hormones.

Hormonal spiral

This type of IUD releases a certain amount of a hormone that not only affects the female body, but also reduces sperm activity. The spiral does not affect male potency and on man's health! Only on spermatozoa that have already entered the female genital tract. The only tangible disadvantage that intrauterine devices can deliver to a man is the feeling of the antennae of the spiral during intercourse. This issue is easily solved: you need to come to the doctor's office, and the gynecologist will simply shorten the interfering antennae of the spiral.

The hormone in the spiral affects the maturation and release of eggs by the ovaries of a woman and does not have a destructive effect on the hormonal background as a whole.

The very presence of the spiral in the uterus prevents the attachment of the fetal egg and, accordingly, pregnancy does not occur. This is a mechanical factor of protection from pregnancy. The spiral also causes local reaction, which adversely affects spermatozoa, inhibiting and destroying them.

Hormonal spirals affect many female diseases(, etc.) and are recommended for use by gynecologists for the treatment of the latter.

Non-hormonal spiral

As for the IUDs, which have metals in their composition, such designs, in addition to the mechanical factor of protection against pregnancy inherent in all spirals, have a detrimental effect on the male factor in their arsenal. For example:

  • Copper, oxidizing the environment, inhibits the movement of spermatozoa that have entered the uterine cavity, and damages them.
  • Silver and gold increase the shelf life of coils and have a positive effect on local immunity, protecting a woman from inflammatory diseases pelvic organs.

All types of spirals have a stimulating effect on the fallopian tubes and increase their peristalsis. While the fetal egg is rapidly moving into the uterine cavity, the endometrium does not have time to prepare for the adoption of a new life, and as a result, the embryo enters an unfavorable environment that is not suitable for further development.

Summing up, we can distinguish the links of fertilization, which are influenced by any spiral:

  • On the male factor (inhibitory and spermicidal action).
  • For the maturation and release of the egg from the ovaries.
  • For the delivery of the egg and the fetal egg through the fallopian tubes.
  • Attachment of the fertilized egg to the endometrium.
  • A local reaction that causes the release of enzymes that are detrimental to spermatozoa.

Who can put an intrauterine device?

  • The desire of the woman herself at this stage of life not to become a mother (provided that there is already a history of childbirth).
  • Frequent pregnancies with other types of contraception (if they are used incorrectly or inattentively in taking).
  • Prevention of unwanted pregnancy during lactation (breastfeeding).
  • In order to save money. Spirals are placed for several years, which allows a woman not to worry about other types of contraception (oral contraceptives, condoms).

Important! Coils do not protect against STIs (sexually transmitted infections)! It is recommended to install a contraceptive with an existing permanent sexual partner (low risk of transmission sexually transmitted diseases). It should also be mentioned that coils are used in women who have given birth and are not recommended for contraception in young women who have not given birth.

Spiral setting technique

The spiral is installed both during menstruation and immediately in the first days after it, since at this time you can more likely. In addition, the cervix during this period is slightly ajar, which makes it easier for the spiral to enter the uterine cavity and cause minimal discomfort to the woman.

Before installing the spiral, the doctor conducts research on the presence of inflammatory diseases and, if necessary, prescribes anti-inflammatory therapy. This reduces the risk of complications and spiral loss in the future. The process itself takes place only in the office of a gynecologist, under aseptic conditions.

If a woman decides, then you should wait a while (about 6 weeks) for the uterus to return to its previous state. The fact is that during pregnancy, the uterus is overstretched, and after childbirth, it gradually returns to its previous size. This process is called uterine involution. In order to avoid complications after the installation of the spiral, gynecologists recommend waiting for the end of the involution.

It is not recommended to install an intrauterine device immediately after an abortion. The patient should be observed for the presence of complications and various inflammatory diseases that could provoke an abortion. As soon as the obstetrician-gynecologist is convinced of full health women, you can place a spiral in the uterine cavity.

In the instructions for some spirals there are marks about setting a contraceptive immediately after an abortion. This issue should be addressed individually with an experienced doctor and follow his advice in this matter.

Overview of intrauterine devices: the most popular means

Present on the market great amount intrauterine contraceptives, which have a different shape, composition, terms of use and, of course, price range. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages.

So, consider the most commonly used and popular spirals:

Spiral Multiload (Multiload CU-375)

This is a T-shaped copper wire helix. It is not hormonal. The metal affects the spermatozoa, causing their death and the impossibility of further fertilization.

The shelf life of the spiral is 4 years. After this period, the spiral can not be used in any case!

Rod length - 35 mm. This is a standard length, the spiral has no other variations in size. It is suitable for women who, after measuring the size of the uterus with a probe, the length of its cavity is from 6 to 9 cm.

Of the features of the spiral, it should be noted that its use is prohibited in such situations:

  • with an existing allergy to copper;
  • in the first 3 months after an abortion;
  • during the period of breastfeeding.

If a woman long time takes immunosuppressants for the treatment of another pathology - the spiral is not suitable, and another method of contraception should be selected.

It should be noted that the presence of copper in the composition of the contraceptive will not affect total copper in the body.

The price range is in the region of 2.5-3 thousand rubles.

Spiral Copper (Copper TCu 380A)

Like the previous spiral, it incorporates copper. Spiral dimensions - vertical - 36 mm, horizontal - 32 mm. A feature of this spiral is a greater release of copper in the uterine cavity, which causes a stronger local reaction.

The term of use is 5-6 years.

Another tip: after installation, you should lie down on the couch in the doctor's office. In rare cases, after the introduction of the IUD, there is a decrease in the pulse and clouding of consciousness.

All other properties are the same as for the Multiload spiral.

The price fluctuates around 2 thousand rubles

Spiral Goldlily (Goldlily)

It contains both copper and one of noble metals- gold. Gold coats the copper surface, protecting it from early oxidation and corrosion. By creating a potential difference, additional protection against unwanted pregnancy is created. Gold has a powerful bactericidal effect and prevents the occurrence of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

Another advantage of the contraceptive is the availability of several sizes. Each woman will be able to choose exactly the option that she needs.

The term of use is 7 years.

The main downside is the price. Due to the presence of gold, the cost intrauterine contraceptive is about 4-5 thousand rubles.

Spiral Juno Bio-T with Silver (Ag)

Another spiral in the line modern means contraception. Instruction Suggests the following indications for the application of the spiral (except for the desire of a woman):

  • Treatment and prevention of Asherman's syndrome (formation of adhesions in the uterine cavity).
  • For postcoital protection (can be administered within 3-4 days after unprotected intercourse).

It contains copper and silver in its composition, which increases the duration of the period of use up to 7 years. Silver prevents early and rapid oxidation of copper, which gives the coil a longer-term effect.

One more useful quality silver - bactericidal effect. Juno protects the woman's body from inflammatory diseases and other infectious complications associated with the presence of the spiral in the uterine cavity.

Juno works on the same principle as other spirals, influencing all links in the chain to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The price of this product is also attractive - about 400-500 rubles.

Spiral Nova T (Nova T)

T-shaped helix containing copper and silver ( copper wire with a silver core). As in Juno, in the Nova T helix, silver prevents early fragmentation of copper. But the difference is the period of use - Nova T should be changed every 5 years. No specific features were identified for other mechanisms of action.

The price is about 1500-2000 rubles.

Spiral Mirena (Mirena)

One of the most common means intrauterine contraception is an hormonal system. This drug contains a synthetic progestogen - levonorgestrel. It is released per day in a certain required quantity, which is enough to perform two functions - contraceptive and therapeutic. That is why this spiral is often recommended to women with gynecological diseases(myoma, endometriosis, etc.).

Mirena inhibits ovulation and prevents the formation of a fetal egg, which increases its contraceptive effect. The Pearl Index of the hormonal intrauterine system is 0.1-0.5, while for conventional IUDs it reaches 3.

Important aspects:

  • The spiral does not affect the hormonal background.
  • Not contraindicated in women with metal allergies.
  • Approved for use during breastfeeding.
  • It is a 3rd generation spiral.

Mirena has a shelf life of 5 years. Further use is not recommended due to the depletion of the hormone supply in the coil and the increased possibility of developing infectious diseases of the pelvic organs.

At this tool contraception high cost - about 10-12 thousand rubles.

Dear girls and women! Remember that for an accurate and correct selection of the spiral, you must definitely consult a doctor, because each female body is unique and unrepeatable!

In contact with

When a serious relationship and a reliable partner appear in a woman's life, and the birth of a child is not planned in the near future, the question of safe and reliable contraception arises.

Among modern methods The most effective contraceptives are hormonal contraceptive pills and intrauterine system (spiral). So, let's look at the characteristics of these methods and try to figure out which is better, birth control pills or a spiral.

How contraceptive methods work

Contraceptive effect hormonal pills It is based on the prevention of ovulation, due to which the maturation of the egg does not stop, and pregnancy does not occur. Cervical mucus also thickens, and this prevents spermatozoa from penetrating into its cavity.

The spiral, being inside the uterus, causes a reaction in its inner layer, which consists in the rejection of a fertilized egg. This changes peristalsis. fallopian tubes and the ability of spermatozoa to pass through the uterine cavity.

Advantages and disadvantages of contraceptives

Benefits of using hormonal birth control

  • Protect against pregnancy by 98-99.7%.
  • Regulate menstrual cycle, making critical days painless and with less blood loss.
  • The start of using the method does not require medical intervention.
  • You can stop using the method at any time.
  • The duration of the use of tablets is not limited.
  • Improve skin condition.
  • Reduce the risk of endometriosis and cancer of the genital area.
  • Prevent ectopic pregnancy.

Spiral Benefits

  • Contraceptive efficiency 99.4%.
  • Long-term prevention of unwanted pregnancy (up to 5 years).
  • Does not interact with drugs.
  • There is no systemic effect on the body.
  • No need to buy every month.
  • Relative cheapness.

Negative aspects of the use of hormonal contraceptives

  • The need to take daily pills.
  • Possibility of temporary side effects (nausea, heaviness in mammary glands, smearing discharge), which disappear after 60-90 days.
  • Increased risk of thrombosis and complications associated with this pathology.
  • Changes in mood and sex drive.
  • fluctuations in body weight.

Disadvantages of using a spiral

  • Only a doctor in a medical institution can administer and remove the drug.
  • Every month you need to independently control the threads of the spiral.
  • During the first months of use, menstrual bleeding may increase.
  • The spiral can fall out on its own.
  • The risk of ectopic pregnancy and complications in case of infection with sexually transmitted infections increases.

Contraindications to the use of methods

Hormonal contraceptives cannot be used by nursing mothers, women with bleeding disorders, thrombosis, severe liver disease, breast cancer.

The spiral should not be placed in women with genital tract infections, congenital anomalies or benign tumors uterus, with tuberculosis of the pelvic organs and with diseases of the heart valves in the active phase.

Who can use

Hormonal contraceptives can be used by all women of reproductive age. More often, doctors prescribe them to young nulliparous women.

Rules for the use of contraceptives

The spiral is introduced only by a doctor, you only need to periodically monitor the position of its threads and do not forget to come to a specialist at the end of the contraceptive's validity. On the issue of the introduction of a spiral, you need to contact a gynecologist in the first 12 days after the start of menstruation. It is also possible to start using the remedy on any day of the cycle that is convenient for you, if it is known for sure that you are not pregnant.

The effectiveness of contraceptive pills directly depends on their regular use. You will need to take one tablet at approximately the same time each day. Forgetfulness in this case can threaten the appearance of an unwanted pregnancy.

The first tablet of a package containing 21 tablets is taken on the first day of menstruation and continued until the end of the blister. Then they take a week break, during which menstruation occurs, and start the next pack. If there are 28 tablets in the blister, then after it ends, immediately start a new one.

Which method of contraception to choose

First, address this question to a competent gynecologist. The doctor knows what features of the use of contraceptives should be paid attention to in your case. It would be useful to undergo an examination before using the method.

Secondly, according to the reviews of women who have tried and hormonal way contraception, and the spiral, there is no unambiguous opinion about which method turned out to be the best. Supporters of hormonal pills are not satisfied with the abortive mechanism of action of the intrauterine system and the very fact of the presence of a foreign body in the uterus.

And women using the spiral are worried about possible side effects from hormones and the relatively high cost of pills. This proves once again that the best method is the one that suits you.