What food contains zinc. Products with zinc to increase immunity - how a noble metal helps build human DNA

With the modern pace of life, stress cannot be avoided, so it is very important to replenish your diet with foods rich in zinc. Foods containing zinc help maintain the vital functions of our body.

Zinc is essential for the good performance of most internal organs, nervous and cardio - vascular systems, he is involved in the most important metabolic processes, affects protective functions organism.

Basically, a person receives the necessary norm of zinc from food. Therefore, it is useful to find out which foods are rich in this mineral and review your diet if necessary.

In fact, the presence of this trace element in sufficient quantities improves well-being. And its deficiency can lead to disruption of the functioning of organs and systems, because of which a person will feel tired and nervous.

Let us consider in more detail the benefits of zinc in the body, the symptoms of its deficiency or excess, foods containing zinc in the tables.

Products containing zinc in large quantities - the benefits

Knowing which foods contain zinc that is beneficial to humans is very important. After all, the presence of zinc in products performs many important biological functions. Here are some useful uses of zinc:

Thus, zinc is necessary for the development and functioning of all organs and systems in our body; DNA synthesis is indispensable without it.

Zinc deficiency with a properly planned diet is extremely rare. Products containing a lot of zinc, fully satisfy his need.

If a person suffers from certain diseases or is exposed to certain negative factors, then the absorption of this microelement decreases.

Foods such as caffeine, alcohol, and dairy products flush out the element, preventing it from being absorbed. Overuse alcoholic drinks, long-term use some medications (corticosteroids, estrogens, diuretics) cause zinc deficiency.

An excess of lead, cadmium, copper in the body, vegetarianism, a lack of zinc-rich foods in the diet, too active physical activity and increased sweating also lead to zinc deficiency.

Its deficiency threatens with serious health problems, provoking disturbances in the functioning of organs and body systems.

Among the symptoms of a trace element deficiency, brittle nails, stool disorders (diarrhea), intense hair loss and dandruff, inflammation and cracks in the corners of the lips, decreased sense of smell and taste sensations as well as appetite. Wounds and scratches do not heal well, fatigue and constant fatigue.

Characteristic signs that zinc is contained in the body in insufficient quantities:

  • Job disruption immune system, frequent colds.
  • Violation and decrease in blood circulation, anemia.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Skin diseases, dermatitis.
  • mental disorders and nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, schizophrenia, depression.
  • Violation menstrual cycle, infertility, the risk of fetal growth retardation and the development of pathologies in the fetus, premature birth and miscarriage.
  • The development of oncological diseases.
  • Destruction of the retina, cataract.
  • Decreased concentration, absent-mindedness, memory impairment, irritability.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.

Products containing zinc for men

The largest amount of zinc is found in men in the genitals. Therefore, its deficiency leads to the risk of prostate adenoma, impotence and erectile dysfunction men over 50 years of age.

To find a zinc supplement, after registering through the referral link, enter the name "zinc" in the search box on the iHerb website and select the one that suits you. Read customer reviews before ordering.

What foods contain zinc - daily value

Best of all, zinc is absorbed together with a large amount of vitamin A and proteins. It is also necessary to avoid eating foods containing iron, calcium and lead for better absorption of zinc. These trace elements should be separated in order to increase the level of metabolism in tissues and organs.

Since zinc plays a huge role in the development and growth of the fetus inside the womb, women need higher doses of this element during pregnancy.

In addition, the consumption rate should also be increased during active sports, physical exertion, severe stress and mental stress. Thus, the norm daily use zinc in these cases increases by 0.6-1 mg.

Adult zinc requirements vary by age and gender. Daily rate is:

  • infants up to six months: boys need 3-4 mg, girls 2-3 mg;
  • babies from one to three years old up to 5 mg per day;
  • preschoolers from 4 to 8 years old need 5-8 mg;
  • schoolchildren from 8 to 12 years old - 8-10 mg;
  • adolescents 13–18 years old: for girls about 9 mg, for boys about 12 mg;
  • adult women from 20 to 59 years old need a norm of 12-13 mg, men of this age need 15 mg per day;
  • older women after 50 years - 10 mg, men at least 13 mg;
  • pregnant and lactating mothers need at least 15-17 mg.

What contains zinc

So, first, let's briefly list which foods contain the most zinc. Then a table will be given that indicates the content of the microelement in milligrams per 100 grams of the product.

What foods contain zinc in the most in large numbers are food of animal origin, especially chicken and beef liver, red meat, oysters, shrimp, boiled fish. In oysters, the content exceeds the daily norm by 4-20 times!

Also among the undisputed leaders are legumes, grains, nuts, wheat bran, dry and pressed yeast, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds.

What foods are rich in zinc among fruits and vegetables: green vegetables, garlic, beets, sweet peppers, cabbage, onions, carrots, potatoes, radishes, apples, citrus fruits, berries, figs, dates.

The table above lists foods high in zinc. In addition, there are many other foods that contain this element in smaller quantities, but they must be present in the diet. These are various fruits and vegetables.

The content of zinc in food - table

Causes and consequences of zinc poisoning

An excess of zinc is quite rare, it is almost impossible to undergo zinc poisoning with food. This is possible in the case of uncontrolled intake of zinc-containing drugs, disruptions in the metabolism of the body.

It is also dangerous to store and cook food in galvanized utensils, especially acidic foods. Possibly zinc poisoning Airways in industrial production and permanent residence in an ecologically unfavorable place.

Symptoms of an excess of zinc are vomiting, nausea, dizziness, pain in the abdomen, chest and muscles, headache, heavy sweating and weakness, palpitations, convulsions, shortness of breath, metallic taste in the mouth.

Zinc in excess can lead to the development of many pathological processes, for example - to the appearance of autoimmune processes and dysfunction of the immune system, to a deficiency of iron, copper and cadmium, to disorders of the liver, pancreas and prostate glands, deterioration of the condition of hair, skin and nails.

If a deficiency or excess of zinc is detected, appropriate measures must be taken urgently. In serious cases, you should consult a doctor.

What can you tell about zinc? Many will answer that chemical element from the periodic table, denoted by Zn and is a bluish-white metal. If you combine it with copper, you get brass.

But few people know that zinc is important trace element which is vital for human health. What role does it play in the body, how to make up for its deficiency, and what foods contain zinc?

Five thousand years ago, back in the time of the pharaohs, people used an ointment that quickly healed wounds. It was made on the basis of zinc. Other useful properties of this element are currently studied.

The human body contains only two or three grams of zinc, but it is present in varying concentrations in all tissues and organs. Most of all it is in the glands endocrine system, male genitals, blood cells, retina, liver and kidneys.

Zinc enters our body with food, through the intestines it is absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the body.

During puberty, zinc improves sperm activity and plays an important role in the formation reproductive system. For the treatment of acne and other skin troubles, zinc in vitamins is also prescribed. It is believed that early baldness also associated with its deficiency in the body or poor absorption.

This microelement is involved in the breakdown nucleic acids and protein synthesis, strengthens the immune system and protects the body from infections. It improves eyesight, regulates blood sugar levels, promotes proper metabolism.

Zinc is indispensable in the treatment of joint diseases, maintains the normal hormonal state of a woman during pregnancy, improves memory and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

The beneficial functions of zinc for the human body are as follows.

  1. Improves metabolism. Normalizes metabolism - breaks down carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
  2. Increases immunity. Affects antibodies to viruses, hormones, leukocytes.
  3. Ensures the growth of the child. Participates in the process of cell division.
  4. Forms the reproductive system. Participates in the production of active spermatozoa.
  5. Antioxidant. Cleanses the body of toxins and harmful substances.
  6. Slows down aging. Fights free radicals.
  7. Healthy nails, hair and skin are the merit of zinc.

An additional intake of vitamins is prescribed for:

  • acne;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • rheumatism;
  • male infertility.

Daily requirement for a child, woman and man

In the seventies of the last century, the daily dose of zinc was determined. For women, it is 12 mg, and for men - 15 mg. Children's norm - 5-10 mg. But several modern doctors argue that this is not enough official dosage should be increased by 2-3 times. Unfortunately, most of The population does not receive even the declared doses.

An enhanced zinc diet is necessary for pregnant and lactating women, athletes and people who are engaged in hard physical labor or experience high psychological stress. Most of all, vegetarians suffer from its deficiency, they need to take vitamins containing zinc. The dosage should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Zinc is vital for athletes, as it is able to remove oxidation products from the body after physical activity. During regular training with moderate load the daily dose is 25-30 mg, and during the competition - 35-45 mg.

Causes of Zn deficiency in the body:

  • lack of food intake;
  • poor absorption;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • liver disease;
  • increased physical activity;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • stress;
  • lack of proteins;
  • bad habits;
  • an excess of calcium, vitamin B6 and selenium.

How to find out that the body lacks this trace element? Pay attention to your nails and hair, they become thin and brittle. Man feels constant fatigue, appetite decreases, he loses weight and sleeps poorly. Problems with smell and taste appear, vision deteriorates and general state skin.

Zinc deficiency can lead to:

  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • nervous disorders, depression;
  • skin diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • delayed sexual development in boys;
  • problems with the reproductive system in men;
  • pathology during pregnancy;
  • destabilization of immunity, frequent colds;
  • rapid aging of the body.

If the body also lacks taurine, then epilepsy may occur.

Pay close attention to the nutrition of children. Zinc is responsible for their growth, dwarfism is often caused precisely by the lack of this trace element.

Modern ecology and poor quality food contribute to the deficiency of the element in almost every second person. Therefore, you need to worry about your health, take extra vitamins, know which foods are high in zinc, and include them in your diet.

Consequences of an excess of zinc in the body

An excess of zinc is very rare, because the element does not accumulate in the body and is quickly excreted. It is impossible to get an excess amount of Zn from food, even if you constantly eat the foods richest in this trace element.

However, they can be poisoned if taken uncontrollably by some medications, vitamins and dietary supplements. They become toxic if you take 150-200 mg at a time. Or he does not have time to be excreted with prolonged medication.

Galvanized utensils can also cause poisoning.

In some industries, neglecting safety precautions, you can inhale vapors of zinc or its alloys. In high doses, it is dangerous and toxic to the human body. Once inside, it can cause significant harm: burns of the mucous membrane, indigestion, and is especially unfavorable for the pancreas.

Vapor poisoning is Occupational Illness associated with the production of metals. It is called foundry fever and consists in the ingress of harmful vapors into the bronchi, trachea. A sweetish taste appears in the mouth, breathing becomes difficult, the person coughs and feels nauseous.

If vapor poisoning occurs literally immediately, then the gradual accumulation of zinc due to medication is difficult to notice. The first signs will be skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema, ulcers. They mainly appear in back side brushes. Then nails and hair suffer.

Symptoms of excess Zn:

  • the work of the liver, pancreas and prostate gland is disrupted;
  • nausea and pain in the stomach;
  • immunity decreases;
  • in the body there are signs of a lack of iron, copper and cadmium.

To feel healthy, pay attention to what foods contain zinc. large quantities. Its main source is animal products and plant origin.

From herbal products legumes, nuts, seeds, potatoes, beets, cereals, garlic are rich in zinc. In addition, it is found in honey, brewer's yeast, apples, pears, cherries, plums.

In the group of animal origin, the most trace element in seafood, especially in oysters. Then you can note the meat of animals and birds, liver, eggs, milk.

The body absorbs animal food much better than plant food. That is why in countries where vegetarianism prevails or low incomes do not allow buying meat products, zinc deficiency is a common problem. If you consider yourself a vegetarian or for some other reason do not eat meat and fish, then be sure to use vitamin and mineral preparations.

Even a complete balanced diet does not always provide the human body daily dose zinc, so from time to time it is necessary to take vitamin complexes.

The TOP 10 foods richest in zinc are as follows.

  1. Dry watermelon seeds.
  2. Cocoa and chocolate.
  3. Mutton.
  4. Lean beef.
  5. Oysters.
  6. Peanut.
  7. Pumpkin seeds.
  8. Sesame.
  9. Veal liver.
  10. Wheat germ.

Zinc in seafood

The product's nameZn content in 100 gPercent Daily Need
Shrimps2.1 mg18 %
sea ​​bass1.5 mg13 %
Sprat1.35 mg11 %
Pollock1.12 mg9 %
capelin1.08 mg9 %
Cod1.02 mg9 %
Pike1 mg8 %
Herring0.9 mg8 %
Horse mackerel0.9 mg8 %
Vobla, pink salmon, chum salmon, zander0.7 mg8 %
Carp, mackerel, tuna0.7 mg8 %
Salmon (salmon)0.64 mg5 %

The product's nameZn content in 100 gPercent Daily Need
Chicken egg white0.2 mg2 %
Chicken egg yolk3.1 mg26 %
Yoghurt 3.2%0.4 mg3 %
Kefir0.4 mg3 %
Kumys0.21 mg2 %
Butter0.15 mg1 %
Curd0.4 mg3 %
cow's milk0.4 mg3 %
goat milk0.3 mg3 %
Condensed milk1 mg8 %
Powdered milk3.4 mg28 %
Sour cream0.24 mg2 %
Dutch cheese5 mg42 %
Parmesan cheese2.75 mg23 %
Cheese Russian3.5 mg29 %
Processed cheese3 mg25 %
Cheddar cheese4.5 mg38 %
Cottage cheese0.4 mg3 %

Zinc in cereals and legumes

The product's nameZn content in 100 gPercent Daily Need
Peas shelled2.44 mg20 %
Fresh green peas0.8 mg7 %
Buckwheat2.1 mg18 %
Corn grits0.5 mg4 %
Semolina0.6 mg5 %
oatmeal2.68 mg22 %
Pearl barley0.92 mg8 %
Wheat groats2.8 mg23 %
Millet1.68 mg14 %
Rice1.42 mg12 %
Barley groats1.1 mg9 %
Pasta0.71 mg6 %
Beans3.21 mg27 %
Lentils2.42 mg20 %
Wheat flour premium0.7 mg6 %
Rye flour1.23 mg10 %
chickpeas2.86 mg24 %
Soya2 mg17 %

Zinc in vegetables, fruits and dried fruits

The product's nameZn content in 100 gPercent Daily Need
Apricot0.082 mg1 %
Avocado0.64 mg5 %
Basil0.81 mg7 %
eggplant0.29 mg2 %
Banana0.15 mg1 %
Ginger0.34 mg3 %
figs0.55 mg5 %
White cabbage0.4 mg3 %
Broccoli0.41 mg3 %
Cabbage0.23 mg2 %
Cauliflower0.28 mg2 %
Potato0.36 mg3 %
Watercress0.23 mg2 %
Green onion0.45 mg4 %
Bulb onions0.85 mg7 %
Cucumber0.22 mg2 %
Bulgarian pepper0.3 mg3 %
Parsley1.07 mg9 %
Tomato0.2 mg2 %
Radish0.2 mg2 %
Beet0.43 mg4 %
Pumpkin0.24 mg2 %
Prunes0.44 mg4 %
Garlic1.16 mg10 %

Features of the absorption of zinc

The interaction of Zn with other substances is different. With some he is "friends", with others he is "enemies". It is well absorbed in combination with vitamins B6, C, E and A, as well as magnesium. Friends include fluorine and picolinic acid.

Prevent the absorption of lead, cadmium, iron, tin, folic acid, copper and calcium in large doses. Tea, coffee, alcohol are the enemies of zinc. Also, some medicines can be attributed to them: contraceptives, diuretics, anabolic steroid, cortisone. Fiber - the main food of vegetarians - removes consumed zinc by 80%.

And here great content zinc in the body does not allow the absorption of copper, iron and vitamin A. As you can see, human nutrition must be balanced so as not to harm and ensure a balance of vitamins, micro- and macroelements.


Be sure to include zinc-rich foods in your diet. It is simply necessary for children for growth and puberty. For men - for the health of the reproductive system, and for women - for beauty and youth. Be healthy!

The human body is a very complex and multifunctional system. normal operation which needs vitamins and minerals. Many people often wonder where this essential component you will learn from this article.

Why is zinc useful?

It is necessary for the human body, as it is one of the catalysts for cell renewal. About 98% of all total of this trace element is contained within the cells themselves and only 2% - in the blood serum. Minor concentrations of zinc are also present in the retina, hair, skin, kidneys, liver, bones and muscles. Therefore, the human body needs regular replenishment of the reserves of this component.

For those who do not know where zinc is contained, it will certainly be interesting that it takes part in most biochemical processes, namely:

  • In accelerating tissue regeneration.
  • in the synthesis of testosterone.
  • in bone formation.
  • In the synthesis of growth hormones and insulin.
  • In the formation of the genetic apparatus.
  • In processes that ensure normal brain activity.

In addition, it is necessary for the regulation of respiratory and hematopoietic functions. This trace element is involved in the production of nucleic acids, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. He is needed for good nutrition nails, hair and skin.

What causes a deficiency of this trace element?

For those who are interested in where zinc is contained, it will be useful to know what it is fraught with. important substance very quickly affects the state of the whole organism. First of all, the reproductive and immune systems suffer from this. In addition, in such patients, there is a slowdown in the healing process of wounds. In children, it can provoke inhibition of growth and puberty.

According to scientists, this microelement slows down the aging process. Therefore, its lack can cause their overclocking. Therefore, women are advised to control the balance of this substance. The main negative consequences of zinc deficiency include:

  • Increase in cholesterol levels.
  • The appearance of acne and brittle nails.
  • Poor wound healing.
  • Infertility and impotence.
  • Loss of appetite, smell and taste.
  • Irritability and memory impairment.

Also, in people diagnosed with a lack of this component, there is focal hair loss, increased susceptibility to various infections and impaired absorption of vital important vitamins. One of the brightest external symptoms zinc deficiency is considered the appearance of white spots on the nail plate.

Daily rates

Those who are interested in where zinc is contained should understand that everything needs a measure. It is important not to exceed the recommended daily requirement in this element, since its excess is no less dangerous than its deficiency. For children under the age of three, three milligrams per day is sufficient. A child of four to eight years old needs up to five milligrams per day, and from nine to thirteen years it is recommended to consume about eight milligrams of zinc.

Adult women should receive up to twelve milligrams of zinc per day, men - up to fifteen. In nursing mothers, the need for this microelement sharply increases. They need up to nineteen milligrams.

Where is zinc found? In what products?

The list is quite wide. In this article, we will look at the most common and affordable foods containing this substance.

One of the best natural sources of zinc are nuts and seeds. They can be added to salads or used as a snack. Pine nuts, sesame, peanuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds are especially useful in this regard.

Chicken hearts, turkey, veal and beef tongue. Fatty meat products contain very little zinc.

It is also present in large quantities in egg yolk, yeast and flour coarse grinding. Legumes are also rich in them. For those wondering where zinc is found, it does not hurt to know that it is present in fish. Especially a lot of it in salmon, tuna and sardines.

It is important to know

Having figured out where zinc and selenium are contained, it is necessary to mention a few nuances. So, at doses exceeding 150 milligrams per day, this substance becomes toxic. People diagnosed with bowel dysfunction require more zinc. Salt, sugar, caffeine and alcohol contribute to the removal of this element from the human body. Also, dairy products are poorly reflected in its digestibility.

For better absorption of zinc, you can diversify your diet with protein foods, including nuts and legumes. About the same function is performed by fermented soy products and baking powder used in the process of baking bread.

Is there enough zinc in your diet? It's time to think about it. Vitamins and minerals are essential for maintaining overall health. This mineral is undeservedly given little attention.

Although the body needs this mineral in small amounts, it is nevertheless necessary for maintaining a proper sense of smell, building a healthy immune system that will be able to produce enzymes at the right time, and for the formation of DNA. It is good for eyesight, taste, hair and skin health. It is believed to improve testosterone production in men, reduce PMS symptoms in women, and improve the health of babies in the womb.

Zinc deficiency causes diarrhea, impotence, loss of appetite, hair loss, damage to the eyes and skin, reduces immunity and slows down growth. To prevent zinc deficiency and increase your zinc intake, you need to include foods rich in this valuable mineral in your diet.

Learn more about this and more in this article.

Why is zinc so important?

The right question at the right time. Because why know about all these foods without knowing the importance of this mineral?

Zinc is a trace mineral that can be found in cells throughout the body. Zinc is essential for optimal immune function. Thanks to him, a person can use his sense of smell and taste buds.

Zinc is involved in the production of about 100 types of enzymes in human body. It acts as an antioxidant and neutralizes the effect of free radicals, preventing the development of cancer. It also stimulates the production of blood in the body, promotes the synthesis of collagen, which is needed for wound healing.

Zinc is a must in the diet of pregnant and lactating mothers and is essential for babies and children to grow and develop properly.

Maybe it's just another trace element that your doctor forgot to mention, but without a sufficient amount of it, the disease will not take long.

Recommended Daily Allowance for Zinc for People of Different Ages and Genders

*Adequate intake

Almost 90% of the zinc in the body is found in the bones and muscles. Recommended daily rate zinc is 15 mg. It is easy to achieve, as this mineral is found in a large variety of foods. Below is a list of food items high content zinc. So what does it contain?

Foods High in Zinc

1. Wheat germ

Wheat germ is an excellent source of zinc. A serving of 100 grams, containing 17 mg and covers the body's needs by 110%.

How to add to your diet?

Fry the wheat germ in olive oil for 1-2 minutes and add it to the salad.

2. Oysters

  • Serving size - 50 grams;
  • Zinc - 8.3 mg;
  • % of DN - 55.

In addition to zinc, oysters contain protein. With their help, you can increase the amount of protein consumed without exceeding the amount of fat consumed. Oysters are high in vitamin C, just one serving covers 15% of the daily value. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, while protein improves cell and muscle health.

How to include in your diet?

You can fry them with spices. Even raw oysters can be very healthy, especially when served with mustard. Be selective in where you buy oysters, as they often cause food poisoning.

3. Sesame seeds

  • Serving size - 100 grams;
  • Zinc - 7.8 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 52.

Sesame seeds are an excellent source of phytosterols, which lower cholesterol levels. Another compound in sesame called sesamin helps balance hormones and promote overall health. In addition, the seeds contain a large amount of protein.

How to include in your diet?

You can smear sesame oil instead of peanut butter on toast. Sesame goes well with salmon and chicken. You can make delicious homemade granola.

4. Flax seeds

  • Serving size - 168 grams;
  • Zinc - 7.3 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 49.

Flax seeds contain great amount omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for brain and heart health. Flax-seed used in the treatment of arthritis and irritable bowel syndrome.

How to add to your diet?

Flax seeds can be added to your morning smoothie or salad. You can sprinkle cooked vegetables with flaxseed.

5. Pumpkin seeds

  • Serving size - 64 grams;
  • Zinc - 6.6 mg;
  • % of the daily norm -44.

Pumpkin seeds are rich in phytoestrogens, which lower blood cholesterol levels in menopausal women, and health-boosting antioxidants.

How to add to your diet?

Pumpkin seeds can be added to a salad or simply eaten roasted before bed, which will improve the quality of sleep.

6. Oatmeal

  • Serving size - 156 grams;
  • Zinc - 6.2 mg;
  • %Daily Value41.

One of the most popular breakfast items. The most important nutrient oatmeal contains beta-glucan, a soluble fiber. It regulates cholesterol levels and promotes growth beneficial bacteria in the intestine.

Oatmeal also helps control blood sugar, which is essential for people with diabetes.

What can be cooked?

Can cook oatmeal for breakfast. This will be the most in a simple way increase your zinc intake.

7. Cocoa powder

  • Serving size - 86 grams;
  • Zinc - 5.9 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 39.

Zinc in cocoa powder strengthens the immune system, and the taste of hot dark chocolate will appeal to any fussy taste. Cocoa contains a lot of flavonoids, which strengthen the immune system.

In what form can you eat?

Add cocoa powder to your favorite salad dressings. Unsweetened cocoa powder can be added to gravy, protein shakes, or cereals.

8. Swiss cheese

  • Serving size - 132 grams;
  • Zinc - 5.8. mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 38.

It is important to note that cheese, in principle, is useful source calcium, a mineral needed for strong bones. The protein found in animal foods is complete, so Swiss cheese contains everything necessary for the body for the production of protein amino acids.

However, it should be eaten in moderation as it contains saturated fat, which will not benefit in large quantities.

What can be cooked?

You can add slices of cheese to your sandwich or soup, also grated in any salad or with scrambled eggs.

9. Egg yolk

  • Serving size - 243 grams;
  • Zinc - 5.6 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 37.

Egg yolk is a storehouse of nutrients. It contains vitamins A, D, E and K. The yolk contains omega-3 fatty acids. And more importantly, it contains the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which improve eyesight.

How to include in your diet?

The yolk can be eaten raw if you like it, boiled yolks finely chopped and added to the salad.

10. Lima beans

  • Serving size - 178 grams;
  • Zinc - 5 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 34.

In addition to zinc, lima beans contain folic acid, which is essential for DNA synthesis and cell division. They also have vitamins B1 and B6. The fiber in beans protects the colon and whole digestive tract from cancer. Beans fill you up quickly and for a long time, which promotes healthy weight loss.

How to include in your diet?

Dried beans can be added to soup or scrambled eggs with bacon.

11. Turkish beans

  • Serving size - 184 grams;
  • Zinc - 5.1 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 34.

They reduce the concentration of C-reactive protein, which is known to cause various inflammatory processes in organism. Turkish beans help control blood sugar levels and are helpful in treating diabetes.

How to include in your diet?

They can be an easy addition to any fruit or vegetable salad. You can even snack on them raw in the evenings. Make a hearty soup or stew with Turkish beans.

12. Peanut

  • Serving size - 146 grams;
  • Zinc - 4.8 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 32.

Peanuts are packed with a range of heart-healthy nutrients. It has niacin, magnesium, copper, oleic acid and other antioxidants including resveratrol.

Regular consumption of peanuts reduces the risk of kidney stones gallbladder, both in men and women, as well as the level of cholesterol in the blood. As you know, stones are mostly made up of cholesterol.

How to include in your diet?

Eat them in a purified form in the evenings while watching your favorite TV show.

Or make a healthy and nutritious honey bar.

13. Lamb

  • Serving size - 113 grams;
  • Zinc - 113 grams;
  • % of the daily norm - 26.

Lamb meat is almost entirely composed of protein, despite the fact that this protein is of very high quality and contains all the necessary amino acids. Lamb dishes are often present in the diet of weightlifters, athletes who have suffered injuries, and patients after surgery.

It contains a very important amino acid called beta-alanine, which improves performance and endurance.

What can be cooked?

Chops, roasts or lamb steaks can be a great addition to any meal.

14. Almond

  • Serving size - 95 grams;
  • Zinc - 2.9 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 20.

Almonds are the most popular type of nuts and the most delicious. They have a lot of antioxidants that relieve stress and slow down aging. Almonds also contain vitamin E, which protects cell membranes from destruction, and is used as a prophylactic against brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, for example.

How to include in your diet?

Eat a handful of almonds with your usual breakfast and another one before bed. Chopped almonds can be added to desserts and smoothies.

15. Crab

  • Serving size - 85 grams;
  • Zinc - 3.1 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 20.

Like other sources of meat, crab meat is a complete source of protein. Crab meat is high in vitamin B12, which is needed to produce healthy blood cells and prevent heart disease.

What can be cooked?

Finely chop the crab meat and add it to a vegetable salad or soup. You can fry it with young green pea pods, water chestnut, mushrooms to make yourself a tasty and nutritious lunch.

16. Chickpeas

  • Serving size - 164 grams;
  • Zinc - 2.5 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 17.

Chickpeas are high in fiber, which is known to help regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels. This, in turn, prevents the development of diabetes and heart disease.

Chickpeas also contain selenium, a mineral that cleanses the body of certain cancer-causing compounds.

What can be cooked?

Chickpeas can be added to protein bean salad. Chickpea flour can be used in baking. Even if you add chickpeas to vegetable soup, it will make it even tastier and healthier.

17. Peas

  • Serving size - 160 grams;
  • Zinc - 1.9 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 13.

Peas do not contain cholesterol, as well as a small amount of fat and sodium. Is not that great?

Peas contain the antioxidant lutein. Our body stores this antioxidant in the area yellow spot in the retina to properly filter light rays. Lack of this antioxidant leads to macular degeneration and cataracts.

How to include in your diet?

Add peas to vegetable salads. Raw peas of sweet varieties are also very tasty.

18. Cashew

  • Serving size - 28 grams;
  • Zinc - 1.6 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 11.

Cashews contain iron and copper, which increase blood circulation, are involved in the production of red blood cells and their utilization.

These nuts can be a worthy replacement for animal proteins and fats. They contain mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which prevent the accumulation of fats and cholesterol in the heart and blood vessels.

How to include in your diet?

Eat them raw in the evenings to get the right amount of zinc and other nutrients. Cashew butter can be spread on your morning toast.

19. Garlic

  • Serving size - 136 grams;
  • Zinc - 1.6 mg;
  • % of DN - 11.

Garlic is extremely good for the heart. This benefit is due to the presence of allicin in garlic, a very strong biologically active substance. Garlic is high in nutrients and low in calories. It normalizes blood pressure and lowers bad cholesterol. It is often used in the treatment of colds. The antioxidants in garlic help prevent cognitive decline.

More interestingly, garlic helps to remove heavy metals from the body.

How to include in your diet?

Garlic is best eaten raw, just peel it first. Not everyone can stand its spicy taste. You can crush the head of garlic and mix it with honey, spread the resulting mixture on toast.

20. Yoghurt

  1. Serving size - 245 grams;
  2. Zinc - 1.4 mg;
  3. % of the daily norm - 10.

In addition to zinc, yogurt contains a lot of calcium. 1 can of yogurt contains 49% of the daily value of calcium. Calcium helps maintain healthy bones and teeth, while B vitamins protect against fetal neural tube defects.

Yogurt is also rich in protein, the significance of which is not worth explaining.

How to include in your diet?

Yogurt can be eaten for lunch or by adding a handful fresh berries or fruit, for dinner.

21. Brown rice (cooked)

  • Serving size - 195 grams;
  • Zinc - 1.2 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 8.

Brown rice also contains manganese, which is needed for proper absorption of nutrients and the production of digestive enzymes. Manganese strengthens the immune system.

Brown rice is known to regulate blood sugar levels and is recommended in the treatment of diabetes.

How to include in your diet?

Swap plain white rice for brown rice to reap the benefits.

22. Beef

  • Serving size - 28 grams;
  • Zinc - 1.3 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 8.

Beef from cows raised to the maximum comfortable conditions, contains less fat and more omega-3 acids. It also has linoleic acid, which is known to reduce the risk of developing cancer and heart disease, and vitamin E.

What can be cooked?

You can add slices of boiled beef to your favorite vegetable salad.

23. Chicken

  • Serving size - 41 grams;
  • Zinc - 0.8 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 5.

Chicken surpasses any food in terms of the amount of protein it contains. It is rich in selenium, which is known for its anti-cancer properties. Vitamins B6 and B3 in it speed up metabolism and promote cell health.

What can be cooked?

Chicken can be fried, boiled and baked, as well as added to salads and homemade pizza.

24. Turkey

  • Serving size - 33 grams;
  • Zinc - 0.4 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 3.

Turkey is rich in protein, which saturates and satisfies hunger for a long time. This benefit prevents overeating. Sufficient protein intake helps keep insulin levels stable after meals. Turkey contains selenium, which is prophylactic from many types of cancer.

What can be cooked?
Try to buy poultry meat grown in the most natural habitat. Their meat contains less sodium. Turkey meat can be added to salads, soups or baked whole.

25. Mushrooms

  • Serving size - 70 grams;
  • Zinc - 0.4 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 2.

Mushrooms are a source of germanium, which helps the body use oxygen efficiently. Mushrooms contain iron and vitamins C and D.

What to cook?

Add mushrooms to soup to give it new taste and aroma. Add them to your favorite vegetable salad or curry.

26. Spinach

  • Serving size - 30 grams;
  • Zinc - 0.2 mg;
  • % of DN - 1.

One of the antioxidants in spinach, called alpha lipoic acid, lowers glucose levels and fights oxidative stress, especially in diabetic patients.

Spinach is also rich in vitamin K, a nutrient essential for bone health.

How to include in your diet?

Spinach can be added to soups, sandwiches, eaten with pasta and casseroles.

This was a list of foods high in zinc. But how do you know if you have enough zinc in your diet?

Signs of zinc deficiency

The following signs indicate that the body is not getting enough zinc in the required quantities:

  • Weak immunity. Frequent colds and various infections are not rare guests for you.
  • Zinc blocks the release of histamines into the blood. If it is not enough, then the person has symptoms allergic reaction such as itching, sneezing and runny nose.
  • Sleep disorders. Zinc plays important role in the production and regulation of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Without enough melatonin and zinc in the body, pro healthy sleep you can forget.
  • Hair loss. When hormone levels thyroid gland reduced, the body is not able to absorb zinc. This causes hair loss.
  • Attention disorders. There is a relationship between low level zinc in the urine and hyperactivity.
  • Bad skin condition. 6% of all zinc in the body is found in the skin. Scientists suggest that the cause of acne is a deficiency of zinc in the body.
  • growth retardation. Zinc deficiency is a common cause of short stature in children, as the bones do not get enough of this mineral to grow.
  • Infertility or problems conceiving. Zinc promotes the health of the reproductive system.
  • Alzheimer's disease. Zinc supplements prevent cognitive decline, especially in the elderly.

Be sure to check with your doctor before taking zinc supplements.

If you are deficient in zinc, be sure to include these zinc-containing foods in your diet, which are located below in the table. Be extremely careful, as an excess of zinc in the body can have the exact opposite effect.

No. p / p TOP 29 Foods High in Zinc Per 100 grams
#1 Oysters (boiled) 78.6 mg (524% of DV)
#2 Wheat germ 16.7 mg (111% of DV)
#3 Beef (lean, boiled) 12.3 mg (82% of DV)
#4 Calf's liver 11.9 mg (79% of DV)
#5 pumpkin seeds (dried) 10.3 mg (69% of DV)
#6 Sesame seeds 10.2 mg (68% of DV)
#7 Dark chocolate 3.3 mg (22% of DV)
#8 Dried herbs and spices (chervil) 8.8 mg (59% of DV)
#9 Lamb meat (lean, boiled) 8.7 (58% of DV)
#10 Peanuts (roasted) 3.3 mg (22% of DV)
#11 Enriched cereals 52 mg (345% of DV)
#12 Low fat yogurt with fruit 0.7 mg (4% of DV)
#13 Milk 0.4 mg (3% of DV)
#14 Chicken breast 1 mg (7% of DV)
#15 Cheddar cheese 3.1 mg (21% of DV)
#16 Mozzarella 2.9 mg (19% of DV)
#17 watermelon seeds 10.2 mg (68% of DV)
#18 Venison 8.6 mg (58% of DV)
#19 Veal 7.4 mg (49% of DV)
#20 Enriched Peanut Butter 15.1 mg (101% of DV)
#21 alfalfa sprouts 0.9 mg (6% of DV)
#22 Asparagus (boiled) 0.6 mg (4% of DV)
#23 rice bran 6.0 mg (40% of DV)
#24 palm heart 3.7 mg (25% of DV)
#25 Algae (kelp) 1.2 mg (8% of DV)
#26 Beijing cabbage (boiled) 0.1 mg (1% of DV)
#27 Green peas 1.2 mg (8% of DV)
#28 tahina 10.5 mg (70% of DV)
#29 halibut or flounder 0.6 mg (4% of DV)

Zinc Deficiency: Risk Factors

Vegetarians and vegans, those who frequently diet or abuse alcohol, the elderly, pregnant and breastfeeding women, diabetics, adolescents during puberty, people with celiac disease and recurrent diarrhea are most at risk of developing zinc deficiency.


Just include all these foods in your diet. And that's it!

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The mechanism of oxidation works sensitively, according to the principle of dynamic equilibrium. Therefore, an excess of antioxidants in the composition of drugs can harm, making an oxidizing agent out of an antioxidant. This has long been written about scientific literature, debunking 20th-century assumptions about the benefits of exaggerated doses of synthetic vitamins.

But through nutrition, it is much more difficult to get a regular overdose. But the lack of antioxidant minerals is formed easily. Therefore, a harmonious diet with a reasonable amount of key antioxidants is so important for a person.

Already know about the role of zinc in the body and looking for a list of useful products?

If you want to buy a supplement, read one of the last comments after the article, where we answer the question of our reader about the most digestible forms of the mineral.

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What is useful zinc for the body

Infographics will quickly introduce you to the beneficial properties of the mineral. After it, we will tell the most curious details about the benefits of zinc for the body.

Up to 2 grams of zinc is concentrated in many tissues human body especially in the liver, pancreas and muscles.

The role of this mineral in human health is enormous. Molecules of more than 350 hormones and enzymes are formed with the participation of zinc. It is needed for 80% of every second processes.

It is especially interesting that our hero is necessary for the synthesis and stabilization of DNA, and this is a diverse effect on health. Therefore, zinc is deservedly included in the top ten vital trace elements.

Immunity and the fight against viruses

remember one of the most effective recipes nutraceuticals:

At the first sign of a cold or SARS, it is beneficial to increase the intake of vitamin C, zinc, selenium and the amino acid lysine by 1.5-2 times. The same method accelerates recovery from herpetic infections- from "cold on the lip" to shingles.

The mechanisms of zinc participation in the formation of strong immunity are well studied.

T-lymphocytes require thymulin (thymus hormone), and it is zinc-dependent. There is a zinc deficiency - there are not a large number of T-lymphocytes. These are cells that suppress bacteria and viruses, and also regulate the immune response so that the body does not begin to destroy its own cells.

In addition, when there is little zinc, the phagocytic activity of neutrophils decreases. These are kamikaze cells that capture and destroy bacteria.

Cancer prevention and longevity

Given useful property especially pronounced in people older than 50-55 years. Zinc directly affects the process of cell mutation and the rate of growth of tumor tissues.

Today, American gerontologists (scientists who deal with aging) are deeply studying the possibilities of our hero for mass non-specific cancer prevention and combating early aging.

For example, the University of Michigan recently completed a study (50 people) with a placebo-controlled group that collected information on markers of oxidative stress when taking zinc supplements. Inflammatory cytokines, endothelial cell adhesion molecules, other plasma markers—virtually all indicators of inflammation were lower in people who took the supplement. ()

These observations confirm the significant contribution of zinc to the reduction of systemic senile inflammation. This is what removes old age from us and its deadly diseases- cancer, heart attack, stroke, aggressive senile dementia.

Reproductive health of men

Only a person far from the Internet has never met information about the direct connection between “zinc and testosterone”. Statements "zinc is building material for testosterone” is hardly touching knowledgeable people. Testosterone molecule C19H28O2. Do you see zinc (Zn) in it? We don't see either.

But zinc does have a direct effect on reproductive health.

First of all, its benefits are huge for men. Thousands of reactions determine the process of formation of spermatozoa and the secretion of seminal vesicles and prostate, which are necessary for the high activity of germ cells. Many of these reactions require zinc.

Several key mechanisms.

  • Zinc regulates the production of the aromatase enzyme, which converts testosterone to estrogen. This provides a higher concentration of testosterone in the blood.
  • Supports the effectiveness of signals from the pituitary gland to the testicles to produce high-quality testosterone.
  • Increases sperm count and sperm motility.
  • Actively participates in the healing of the genital organs after infectious and inflammatory diseases.

In a recent study conducted by Wayne University, a group of young adults with a low zinc intake were given a supplement of the mineral (only 50 mg daily) for 20 weeks. And it boosted testosterone levels in most of the participants.

Women Health

Zinc is also important for a woman's body and her ability to conceive, as it is involved in the formation of a mature viable egg.

In the process of bearing, our hero insures against miscarriage and fetal growth retardation. Today, doses of 20 to 60 mg per day are considered useful and safe to increase zinc in the diet of pregnant women.

The hypothesis about special taste preferences and the severity of PMS in women due to a lack of zinc. Zinc deficiency - low progesterone - cravings for salty and sweet.

Healthy skin and vision

Almost all skin diseases recede faster when the diet is enriched with zinc. At a dose of 100-150 mg, our hero is often used by dermatologists in the treatment of acne and psoriasis. The mineral helps allergic dermatitis after a food challenge and in children with an acute allergy to insect stings.

The contribution of zinc deficiency to common cause vision loss - macular degeneration. To slow down the destruction of the retina, daily intake preparations - from 150 to 200 mg of the mineral.

Muscle and bone growth, nutrient absorption

Testosterone, growth hormone, insulin: the synthesis of three essential hormones depends on enough our hero. It is also needed for the proper metabolism of vitamin E and for the production of digestive enzymes that break down proteins and carbohydrates.

And even when drinking alcohol, our body actively uses zinc: it is part of the alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme, which breaks down alcohol.

Having listed only the main reactions involving zinc, we see its widespread need. Without it, both high-quality digestion in the intestines and further reactions to the formation of fundamental processes in the body are impossible.

Possible Causes of Zinc Deficiency

Daily intake of the mineral with food is the key to good health.

Zinc deficiency can occur for various reasons.

  • Features of the diet (for example, vegetarianism, or lack of meat and fish products, eggs).
  • Long-term excess consumption of dairy products and coffee.
  • Pathologies in which the absorption of zinc in the intestines is impaired (diarrhea, inflammatory diseases pancreas, liver cirrhosis).
  • Increased and unmet need (teenagers, athletes).
  • Active zinc loss due to systemic conditions (alcoholism, diabetes, long and/or strict restrictions in food variety, including for the purpose of losing weight, uncontrolled reception laxatives at random, bulimia, corticosteroid treatment).
  • Decreased ability to absorb zinc in the elderly and senile age.
  • Taking oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy.
  • Taking other drugs: aspirin, AZT (azidothymidine), enalapril, penicillamine and thiazide diuretics.
  • Any severe stress(emotional or physical).

Important! Up to 1 mg of zinc is excreted from the body of a man during any ejaculation (sexual intercourse or masturbation).

Daily requirement for children, women and men

It is always worth remembering that zinc and iron are three minerals that are more easily deficient than other micronutrients.

The average person needs 10 to 25 mg of zinc per day.

The daily intake is higher for men than for women. Adolescence, active sports, childbearing and breast-feeding- natural prerequisites for increased zinc intake.

In the United States, average daily allowances by age are accepted.


  • 0-6 months - 2 mg/day
  • 7-12 months - 3 mg/day
  • 1-3 years - 3 mg/day
  • 4-8 years - 5 mg/day
  • 9-13 years - 8 mg/day

Teenagers and adults:

  • Men 14 years and older - 12 mg/day
  • Women 14 to 18 years old - 9 mg/day
  • Women 19 years and older - 8 mg/day
  • Pregnant women - 11 mg/day
  • Breastfeeding moms - 12 mg/day

What foods contain zinc

The main sources of zinc are animal and plant foods that are high in protein. Nuts, seeds, meat of animals and birds, oysters, cheese, legumes and cocoa are foods where zinc is found in large quantities.

In a small amount (up to 1.5 mg per 100 grams), zinc is present:

  • In vegetables and fruits (broccoli, beets, potatoes, black currants, bananas, figs, dates, canned corn and green peas);
  • In fish caviar and popular types of fish (carp, herring);
  • In rice wheat flour and bread;
  • In honey, ice cream, yogurt and milk.

Separately, we note that the bioavailability of zinc is generally low. Only 1/3 of the total amount eaten is digested.

  • In addition, excess calcium, coffee, alcohol, iron supplements, and phytic acid in grains reduce zinc absorption.
  • The ability to absorb zinc from food also decreases with age. In 80% of older people over 55-60 years of age, zinc deficiency can be assumed, regardless of the completeness of nutrition.

The conclusion is obvious.

The best sources of zinc in the affordable diet of our latitudes are beef, beef liver and chicken, accompanied by vegetables, as well as seeds and nuts.

For better absorption of substances from nuts and seeds, it is beneficial to eat them raw and soak them for at least 6 hours before use.

With long-term use food additives with zinc, a decrease in copper concentration should be taken into account. It is necessary to consult a doctor and carefully check the indications, doses and terms.

All zinc salts can be harmful if taken for long periods of time. Zinc sulfate already in the amount of 1 gram can cause severe poisoning. Overdose protection - no galvanized kitchen utensils and proper prescription of nutritional supplements.

Signs of deficiency

Our hero has a lot of functions, so the signs of shortage can be very different. Here is a short list of the most common manifestations of zinc deficiency:

  1. appetite changes, including cravings for salty or sweet foods;
  2. Prolonged wound healing and persistent skin infections (including acne);
  3. Reduced glucose tolerance;
  4. Decreased libido and infertility, especially male;
  5. Hormonal problems in women (severe PMS or severe symptoms menopause);
  6. Weak immunity (for example, SARS more than 3-4 times a year);
  7. Hair loss;
  8. digestive problems, especially diarrhea;
  9. Chronic fatigue and apathy;
  10. Poor concentration and memory.

When writing this article, we used:

  • PubMed publications (about clinical trials effectiveness of zinc);
  • Recommendations of the Institute of Medicine at the Council on Food and Nutrition of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States (consumption rates);
  • US Department of Agriculture data (food composition).

We hope you enjoyed learning about the important functions of zinc in the body. What foods contain it in large quantities and how to suspect a deficient state in order to correct health in time with the help of balanced nutrition or nutritional supplements.

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