What to do if a nursing mother has the flu. Mother's cold during breastfeeding: how to treat and what antiviral drugs can be taken during lactation? Extremely dangerous medicines during the lactation period

After childbirth, the woman's body is weakened and the likelihood of acute respiratory diseases is high. Treatment for influenza during lactation is different from influenza for a woman who is not breastfeeding.

There is a risk of the child getting sick, so many mothers stop breastfeeding their baby during illness in order to avoid getting sick. But this is the wrong decision, the mother's body produces immunoglobulins that are transmitted with breast milk, thanks to which the child acquires immunity to the disease. And this means: the more a nursing mother puts her baby to her breast, the less the risk of the baby getting sick. Of course, you need to limit the time of communication with the child and put on a medical mask for mom.

How to treat flu for a nursing mother?

Influenza in a nursing mother is treated as drug-free as possible, since paracetamol, which is included in almost all flu medicines, can be transmitted and harm during lactation. But severe flu during breastfeeding, accompanied by fever, is also treated with drugs - those that can be used for children under 6 years old. Treatment of influenza in nursing begins with the intake of Aflubin, detailed instructions for the use of which are attached to each vial. With a serious increase in temperature in the mother, Nurofen can be used in a dosage for adults.

Also, influenza during lactation is treated with folk remedies, but only if the child does not have allergic reactions to honey, lemon, red berries and herbs.

Here's how to treat the flu to a nursing mother if allergy tests are not confirmed:

  • honey tea with lemon;
  • breast fee (you can buy at a pharmacy, you can do it yourself);
  • tea with raspberries, viburnum, currants;
  • honey with milk.

If a nursing mother just got the flu, you need to immediately take action - soak your feet in hot water, drink hot tea or milk. At night, you can make a compress, put on socks with dry mustard, breathe over hot potatoes cooked “in uniform”, warm yourself with a blue lamp.

Medicines for influenza during lactation are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, and treatment of influenza during breastfeeding should be under the supervision of a physician.

There is an alternative

Instead of treating the flu in a nursing mother and worrying about the health of the child, timely prevention of influenza during lactation is better, which consists in long walks in the fresh air, avoiding crowds of people during epidemics, taking vitamins (better than natural) and good mood.

Sneezing, coughing, are usually horrified at the thought that they can harm their baby. How not to infect a baby, is it possible, how to be treated - the main questions that concern mothers in this situation. ​

During the period of seasonal epidemics, compressing women should be especially careful, since their susceptibility to acute respiratory infections is especially high due to the fact that milk production requires a lot of energy from the body. But if the infection nevertheless took place, and there are already signs of the disease, then at home the mother should wear a gauze bandage and change it every 2 hours.

However, do not forget that a person gets sick much earlier than the first signs appear. Since during the incubation period (from 1 to 3 days), an already ill mother was in constant contact with the baby and then it makes no sense to interrupt this connection.

Is it possible to breastfeed a child if the mother has a cold?

So, a mother with a cold can continue to breastfeed, since acute respiratory diseases are not among the contraindications. It happens that some babies do not want to suck milk, especially if the mother has a high fever. This may be due to the higher than usual temperature of breast milk. If this is the case, then the children will be happy to drink it expressed from a bottle.

Preserving breast milk for your baby is very important, as the best nutrition for him has not yet been invented. In addition, antibodies produced by the mother's body pass through breast milk to the baby, helping him to gain additional strength to fight this disease.

Usually the course of this disease is not severe and lasts from 3 to 10 days. But, in order to avoid possible complications, it is better to start treatment already at its first signs.

How to treat a nursing mother

Antiviral drugs such as Ribavirin, Remantadin and Arbidol are effective only in the first hours of the disease or as a preventive measure. But their use by the mother can cause side effects in the child in the form of abdominal pain, loose stools, allergic rashes and increased excitability. When using Immunal, allergic reactions in crumbs are also possible. Therefore, these drugs should not be used.

In the treatment of acute respiratory infections or the prevention of colds, Grippferon can be instilled into the nose, which contains interferon produced in the human body and increases its resistance to viruses. Candles Viferon can also be used in the treatment of a nursing woman without harm to her baby.

Since antibiotics are not used in the treatment of viral diseases, due to their uselessness, the treatment consists in symptomatic therapy, reducing intoxication and increasing the resistance of the patient's body. But there are cases when the attending physician may suspect the development of a bacterial complication (tonsillitis or pneumonia). Then it may be necessary to use an antibiotic, combined with breastfeeding. If the doctor is forced to prescribe an antibiotic that is not combined with breastfeeding, then the woman will have to stop feeding the baby, and express and pour breast milk during her treatment.

Plentiful warm drink throughout the entire period of illness is very important, as it prevents the mucous membranes of the nose and throat from drying out, promotes sweating, thins sputum and reduces intoxication of the body.

You should not take antipyretic drugs on your own. After all, an increase in temperature is a manifestation of the protective mechanism of the patient's body. You can bring down the temperature only when the mark on the thermometer is 38.5 degrees and above.

The safest antipyretic drug is Paracetamol. Theraflu, Coldrex, Fervex should not be used for this purpose, due to the fact that their effect on a certain group of people has not yet been studied.

For the treatment of cough, Ambroxol and Lazolvan can be used as expectorants and sputum thinners. Herbal preparations based on anise, licorice root, thyme, ivy, thyme, plantain will also help. Can also be used

A lactating woman is more prone to colds than others. This is due to the fact that the mother's body is weakened by pregnancy, childbirth, anxiety about the child, frequent stress and lack of sleep. If a woman develops a cold while breastfeeding, she begins to be overwhelmed by painful thoughts - is it worth continuing to breastfeed, what is the likelihood of infection of the baby, and many others. Let's try to deal with issues that worry many nursing mothers.

Most often, a cold is called an acute respiratory viral infection, or SARS. Usually the infection is transmitted by airborne droplets through the upper respiratory tract.

A woman is especially susceptible to SARS during breastfeeding as a result of the fact that her respiratory organs work with increased stress. This is due to the fact that a lot of oxygen is needed to produce breast milk.

From the moment the virus enters the mother's body and until the development of the disease, about two to three days pass. This means that even before the first symptoms of the disease appear in the mother, the baby has already received the pathogen along with breast milk. But besides this, he received antibodies to the pathogen, special enzymes of this pathogen for the production of his antibodies, and complete immune protection against complications. Therefore, by the time the mother shows signs of ARVI, while breastfeeding, the child will already be sick or actively immunized.


The most common symptoms of a cold are:

  • elevated temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • nasal congestion or runny nose;
  • coughing, sneezing;
  • sore throat;
  • often there may be congestion or tinnitus.

Usually, a cold, with proper treatment, goes away in ten days.

What to feed a child

A few decades ago, the treatment of a cold during breastfeeding meant the complete isolation of the mother from the child and the cessation of breastfeeding. But modern doctors completely reject this method.

In no case should you wean the baby from the breast if the mother has a cold. It doesn't matter if the child is healthy or sick. In any case, weaning will instantly lead to a decrease in the immunity of the crumbs. In a sick child, the disease will be more severe and longer.

During the treatment of a cold while breastfeeding, it is not necessary to feed the baby with expressed milk or boil breast milk. During this period, mother's milk contains all the substances necessary for the nutrition and treatment of the child. In addition, he will also receive medicines with his mother's breast milk.

Of great importance in the formation of the baby's immunity is its infection with microorganisms that enter along with the breast milk of a sick mother. This will help him in the future either not get sick, or it is much easier to endure the disease.


The main principle of treating a cold while breastfeeding for a woman should be the safety of her baby. During lactation, the mother can use medications or folk remedies.

The safest antipyretic for a nursing mother is paracetamol. Of course, they do not need to be abused, but it is also not worth enduring a high temperature for a long time.

Often, a woman with ARVI during breastfeeding is accompanied by a runny nose, cough, and sore throat. To relieve these symptoms, special drugs or methods are used.

Cough is best treated with inhalations with decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula. These procedures are carried out 15 - 20 minutes three - four times a day.

Drug treatment of cough during breastfeeding is best done with the expectorant Lazolvan or Ambroxol. Herbal preparations containing anise, plantain, licorice root (Doctor MOM, Gedelix, Bronchicum) are also great for this.

Drugs containing bromhexine are absolutely contraindicated for the treatment of cough during breastfeeding. The antiviral drug Grippferon is compatible with lactation. It does not have a harmful effect on the child and does not give side effects.

flu while breastfeeding

Just as in the case of ARVI, influenza during breastfeeding should not be the reason for weaning a child from the breast. By ceasing to feed the baby, the mother exposes him to a great risk of getting sick or complicating the course of the disease. During the flu, the baby receives with breast milk all the antimicrobial, antiviral and protective substances he needs. It is known that children who are bottle-fed suffer the flu much harder and get sick longer than those who receive breast milk.

In the treatment of influenza in a woman during lactation, drugs based on interferon are used. Paracetamol can be used to lower the temperature.

Influenza is most dangerous due to the complications it leads to. Therefore, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to its treatment. Rarely, but there are cases when in the treatment of influenza it is necessary to use drugs that are incompatible with feeding the baby. In such cases, breastfeeding is temporarily stopped. In order for the mother not to lose milk during the treatment, she must constantly decant. The baby is still given artificial mixtures. After the mother recovers, you can continue breastfeeding the baby.

angina while breastfeeding

Angina or tonsillitis is an infectious disease in which the palatine tonsils are affected. This rather severe disease is usually caused by a streptococcal infection.


The main symptoms of angina are chills, weakness, fever up to 38 - 39? C, headache, sore throat, which radiates to the side of the neck and ear. Lymph nodes under the lower jaw increase, acquire density and soreness. Inflamed tonsils are bright red, sometimes with a white coating or pustules.


If a woman has a sore throat while breastfeeding, it is not necessary to wean the baby from the breast. Even before the first symptoms of the disease appear in the mother, the baby with breast milk receives antibodies to it.

In the treatment of angina, local and systemic drugs are used. Topical products include irrigation sprays and lozenges. Most often, a nursing mother is prescribed Givalex, Stopangin, Ingalipt, Strepsils, Decatilene. Systemic drugs in the treatment of this disease are usually antibiotics.

There are drugs that can be taken to treat sore throat while breastfeeding. We can distinguish the main groups of such antibacterial agents:

  • 1st generation cephalosporins - Cefapirin, Cefazolin, Cefalexin;
  • 2nd generation cephalosporins - Cefotiam, Cefsulodin, Cefuroxime;
  • penicillins - Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, Ampicillin;
  • macrolides - Sumamed, Azithromycin, Erythromycin, Clarithromycin;
  • fluoroquinolones - ofloxacin, moxifloxacin;
  • tetracyclines - doxycycline, tetracycline;

It is very important to cure angina in a timely manner, as it can lead to serious complications.

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In a nursing woman, immunity after childbirth is not restored immediately, which makes her body vulnerable to various ailments. In the autumn-winter period, the epidemiological situation usually worsens and many people fall ill with the flu. Young mothers are also susceptible to this disease, however, the treatment of influenza during breastfeeding has its own characteristics. This is due to the fact that many drugs, getting into milk, can affect the baby.

What is flu?

Influenza is commonly referred to as an acute infectious disease that affects the respiratory tract and is caused by the influenza virus. The disease is part of a group of acute viral infections (ARVI). To date, more than 2000 variants of the influenza virus are known (they differ in their antigenic spectrum among themselves).

The disease can spread in the form of epidemics and pandemics. Every year, from 250 to 500 thousand people in the world die from various varieties of the influenza virus, sometimes their number can reach a million (most often these are people over 65 years old).

Causes and ways of transmission of the disease

Anyone can get the flu, the cause of the disease, as already mentioned, is the influenza virus. The source of infection is an already sick person, from whom the virus is transmitted by sneezing and coughing. The patient is contagious a day before the onset of the first symptoms (which is why it is impossible to introduce any quarantine measures) and up to 5-7 days of illness.

How is the flu going?

In most cases, the disease begins suddenly. The causative agents of viruses A and B are characterized by aggressiveness and a very high reproduction rate, which is why just a few hours after infection, a person has a deep lesion of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which allows bacteria to freely penetrate into it.

The patient usually has a sharp rise in temperature, he complains of headache and joint pain, fatigue. Cough, runny nose, nasal congestion may occur. Influenza does not have specific symptoms and can be confused with other diseases. That is why the doctor should choose the treatment.

Possible consequences

Usually, people get the flu for a few days, after which they recover. However, sometimes the disease is severe and leads to the death of the patient.

The disease causes an exacerbation of all existing chronic diseases, in addition, the flu can cause a variety of complications both from the respiratory tract and ENT organs, and from the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Symptoms of the disease

If you have the flu, your mother may experience the following symptoms:

  • heat;
  • cough;
  • pain and sore throat;
  • runny nose;
  • weakness;
  • aches in the bones;
  • chills;
  • signs of intoxication.


Influenza is a dangerous disease that needs to be fought. Treatment of influenza during lactation should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since many drugs can have a negative effect on the baby.

Therapy for this disease is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  1. reduction of general intoxication;
  2. increasing the protective properties of the body.

The tactics of dealing with the disease is as follows:

  • Compliance with bed rest. In a nursing mother, all the forces of the body go to the creation of milk, so when she is sick, she needs to ensure peace.
  • Taking medication. Many medications should not be taken while breastfeeding. The doctor usually prescribes antiviral agents containing interferon, since they have a more gentle effect on the body. It is impossible to cure influenza with antibiotics, since they do not destroy the virus, but useful antibodies, which leads to an aggravation of the situation. The doctor may prescribe an antibiotic if the cause of the disease is pathogenic bacteria. Then the medicine must be taken together with probiotics, since otherwise the intestinal microflora may be disturbed and the digestive tract dysfunction may occur. It is impossible to treat influenza during lactation by taking aspirin, because this drug has many side effects.
  • Rinse the nose and throat. These treatments are safe and effective. They make it possible to clear the mucous membranes of the virus and reduce pain. For gargling, solutions of salt or soda, a decoction of St. John's wort or chamomile are used. To wash the nose, it is indicated to use saline solution (it is sold in a pharmacy). By pouring it into an empty bottle of nasal drops, you can irrigate the nasal mucosa.
  • Certain diet. Mommy needs strength to fight the flu, so she needs to eat right. The daily diet should include vegetables, dairy products and cereals, as well as lean turkey and chicken meat.
  • Plentiful drink. It is necessary for the removal of toxins from the body and in order to ensure a sufficient amount of milk. If a woman has a high temperature, she should opt for mineral water, sweet tea, compote. It is not recommended to quench your thirst with very hot, cold or sour drinks. Drinking various herbal teas, fruit drinks, which include raspberries or viburnum, must be careful, as they can cause allergies in crumbs. The child should be examined daily so as not to miss the appearance of a rash.

Medicines for HS

As already mentioned, not all medicines can treat flu during breastfeeding. Most often, doctors prescribe the following drugs:

  • "Ibuprofen". This medicine is allowed to be used while breastfeeding. It is prescribed to combat temperatures exceeding 38 degrees. "Ibuprofen" is used to treat children and does not pose a danger to the baby.
  • Antiviral agents, which include interferon ("Anaferon", "Laferon" and others). Such drugs for influenza are used in the treatment of severe forms of the disease. It is possible to cure influenza with hv with the help of such drugs only in the first three days from the onset of the disease, then their effectiveness drops sharply. A nursing mother should drink them carefully, constantly monitoring the condition of the child.
  • "Ascorutin". During lactation, flu can be treated with this remedy. Its action is aimed at reducing the permeability and fragility of capillary walls. The result of this is the strengthening of the walls of blood vessels, reducing their inflammation and swelling. "Ascorutin" is distinguished by antioxidant and radioprotective properties. Its intake allows you to activate redox processes, accelerates tissue regeneration and synthesis of connective tissue elements, promotes the formation of steroid hormones, and normalizes carbohydrate metabolism. However, a nursing mother should first read the instructions for use and strictly observe the prescribed dosage and time of treatment.
  • "Aflubin". This is a homeopathic preparation, which includes medicinal herbs. The action of "Aflubin" is aimed at reducing inflammation, normalizing temperature, removing toxins from the body and eliminating pain. The task of the drug is to stimulate the production of antibodies to bacterial and viral diseases. The drug is prescribed in the first days of the disease.

Many women are interested in whether Antigrippin can be taken while breastfeeding. Treatment with this remedy is carried out only as prescribed by the doctor. When using the drug, it is recommended to temporarily stop feeding, as the drug may adversely affect the baby.

When deciding how to treat the flu, a young mother should think not only about herself, but also about the baby. That is why self-medication in this case is unacceptable - taking any medication must be agreed with the doctor. Having learned from a doctor how to treat the flu, a young mother should definitely read the instructions for all the proposed drugs.

Can I breastfeed my baby with the flu?

Some doctors believe that the flu during lactation is the reason to temporarily stop breastfeeding, since the risk of infection of the baby from the mother is high. Others believe that there is no need to interrupt breastfeeding with the flu, because by the time the mother had the first signs of the disease, the child had already received a certain dose of the virus.

If a mother has the flu, she should not stop breastfeeding. Breastfeeding for the flu, on the other hand, helps protect the baby from getting sick. This is due to the fact that human milk contains immunological protection factors. Due to the close contact of mother and baby, pathogenic microbes and microorganisms of the child enter the mother's body, therefore, the immunoglobulins found in milk are specific to the baby's pathogens. The body of the mother produces specific immunoglobulins that enter the baby through milk. As already mentioned, the flu has an incubation period. A woman at this time is already a source of infection, but with breast milk, a newborn receives not only the virus, but also the antibodies needed to fight it.

Thus, there is no need to use the following precautions:

  • Wear gauze bandages. This is meaningless, since the infection has already occurred.
  • Isolate the mother and refuse to feed for a while. According to the observations of doctors, if the baby did not eat breast milk during the illness of the mother, the protective functions of the body weakened, which further led to a deterioration in resistance in the fight against infections. In addition, weaning at such a time had a bad effect on the psycho-emotional state of the crumbs.
  • Boil breast milk. Boiling destroys the components necessary to protect the baby, as well as most of the vitamins and minerals, which negatively affects the nutritional properties of milk.

Doctors believe that breastfeeding should be continued, even if the mother has a severe form of the disease (in this case, it is possible to feed the baby with expressed, but not boiled milk). Sometimes the flu affects the amount of milk, but this should not be the reason for the rejection of guards. After the mother's recovery, lactation will be restored to its previous volume.

The following actions are prohibited for a nursing mother:

  • You can not drink drugs that are prohibited for HS, as well as those drugs in the instructions for use of which there is no mark on their compatibility with lactation.
  • Exceed the prescribed dosage, as an increase in the concentration of the drug can be dangerous for the baby.

No one is immune from getting the flu. Colds are transmitted very easily: through the air, through dirty hands and household items. The incubation period and its development in the human body lasts from several hours to three days. After that, you can feel all the "charms" of the disease: high fever, eye pain, tactile irritation, migraine and general weakness.

The incubation period can take several hours

Throughout the gestation period, a woman's likelihood of contracting a viral infection increases significantly. The risk increases due to a decrease in the body's immune defenses. The disease is especially dangerous in the first trimester, because it is then that the main systems of the unborn child are laid. If a pregnant woman gets the flu before giving birth, this also complicates the situation. In order to give birth naturally, a woman needs the strength that the body mercilessly spends on fighting infection. In severe cases, emergency delivery may be required.

Influenza before childbirth complicates the situation

After the birth of the baby, the problem does not disappear anywhere. While in the maternity ward, a woman can be isolated in boxing. At the same time, the crumbs are brought to her only for feeding. For these 10-30 minutes, the patient is forced to remain in a protective mask. Physicians may do otherwise. With a mild course of the disease or during the period of recovery, the child is given to the mother, as is customary. This is where many women ask themselves: is the flu transmitted through breast milk? Moms doubt what will be better for the baby - formula or breastfeeding.

Is the flu transmitted through breastfeeding?

In order to protect the newborn baby as much as possible, it is necessary to have an idea about the benefits of breastfeeding and the viral infection itself. Influenza is an infectious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. A fragile children's body, which does not currently have its own immunity, will most likely become infected. How to prevent this?

If you ask your doctor if the flu is transmitted through breast milk, you won't get a solid answer. Influenza, settling in a woman's body, forces the immune system to work. Lymphocytes and leukocytes create a barrier to the multiplying virus, secrete antibodies. In processed form, the flu passes to the baby through breast milk, creating the so-called light vaccine effect. Together with him, the mother passes on to the baby and the protective substances developed by her body directly for this infection.

Is it possible to breastfeed a child?

The question of the need to stop lactation when the mother is infected has been raised for many years. Experts can not come to a single solution. At the same time, opinions are divided into two camps. Most of the qualified specialists and doctors believe that it is necessary to continue breastfeeding. And only some doctors assure the need to stop it. So can you breastfeed your baby with the flu?

Breastfeeding for the flu

Continue lactation is not only possible, but necessary. There are several reasons promoting the continuation of breastfeeding.

  1. Together with breast milk, the baby is supplied with the necessary antibodies that are formed by the mother's body against this particular virus.
  2. To remove the pathogen from the child's body, you need to drink plenty of water. Breast milk is the best option.
  3. Attachments to the chest soothe the baby, create a feeling of protection. This is important for influenza infections.
  4. A sharp refusal of lactation can provoke mastitis, which will only worsen the condition of a sick woman.

If you doubt the correctness of your decision, be sure to consult with your pediatrician. Tell your pediatrician about your concerns and get the right advice.

How to protect the baby from the effects of drugs?

Modern pharmacology offers many medicines for the treatment of viral diseases and influenza. But not all of them are suitable for lactating women. Many drugs are prohibited during lactation. How to be?

Treatment is definitely needed. Even the simplest and safest manipulations, such as gargling, drinking plenty of water, washing the nose, will help shorten the period of illness by several days.

You can not approach this issue on your own and seek help from pharmacists. Visit a doctor or call him at home.

Use only approved drugs prescribed by your doctor. Of the antiviral agents that can be used in conjunction with lactation, we can distinguish: Grippferon, Oscillococcinum, Engystol.

Breast milk should not be boiled

To prevent the effects of drugs on a child, follow these rules:

  • Take the tablets immediately after the next feeding. During the period of abstinence, the active substances will be removed from your body.
  • Never boil breast milk. This sterilizes the nutrient fluid for the baby, eliminating its beneficial qualities.
  • Give preference to topical preparations: nasal drops, lozenges for sucking, rinsing solutions and aerosols.
  • To reduce the temperature, show confidence in children's formulations. It is strictly forbidden to take aspirin.
  • Do not use illegal drugs.

Aspirin should never be given to a child!

When should lactation be stopped?

Is it possible to feed a child with the flu if the mother's health is very bad? There are cases in which it is worth giving up breastfeeding:

  • at temperatures over 40 degrees;
  • if there is a complication;
  • with dehydration;
  • if the disease does not recede within a week.

Be sure to consult your doctor. Some forms of influenza require hospital treatment. In such a situation, feeding a child is quite dangerous, since lactation creates an additional burden on the female body.


When asked whether it is possible to feed a child with the flu, mothers will receive the correct answer only from doctors. The doctor will weigh the pros and cons, examine you, prescribe the right treatment and give recommendations. You should not curtail lactation if there is no reason for this. Keep feeding the baby, giving him the protection he needs. To minimize the risk of infection, ventilate the area frequently, wash your hands, and wear a protective mask.