Gynecological massage: indications and effectiveness of the procedure. Video of uterine massage

One of the successful and universal methods of treatment female diseases is a gynecological massage. When performing a technical impact on the genital organs of a woman, positive changes occur not only in the tissues of these organs and nearby systems, but also in the body as a whole.

Massage by a gynecologist normalizes arterial circulation, eliminates congestion in the veins, accelerates the breakdown of proteins, improves the breakdown and absorption of fats, enhances diuresis and metabolic processes. All this has a positive effect on the state of the sexual sphere of a woman and helps to get rid of certain gynecological problems, For example, .

Gynecological massage is done in the gynecologist's office on an examination chair or on a couch. The procedure can be performed by both the doctor himself and the midwife or nurse, who graduated from the courses of gynecological massage.

So, how is a gynecological massage done? The specialist puts on thin rubber gloves and begins to perform the procedure with both hands, while one hand is inserted into the woman's vagina, and the other works from the side of the press. Before coming for a manual gynecological massage, a woman must empty bladder and intestines, the last meal should be no later than 2 hours before the procedure.

The technique of performing gynecological massage consists of pressing and stroking, stretching and compressing, shaking and pressing movements, while the manipulation is not performed universally, but strictly individually with dosing of the force exerted on the tissues. In the process, some soreness and discomfort may be felt, but the gynecological massage technique should not cause true pain.

The duration of the procedure is from 3 to 20 minutes, the number of sessions can vary within 30-60 procedures, depending on the indications. Sessions are scheduled every day or every other day.

Indications and contraindications

Those women who were helped by gynecological massage went to the doctor with the following indications:

  • chronic, as well as sluggish inflammation of the abdominal cavity and parauterine tissue lining inner surface genitals, with accompanying symptoms in the form of pain in the coccyx and sacrum, in the region of the uterus and appendages;
  • abnormal location and displacement of the uterus, for example, gynecological massage is necessary when the uterus is bent backwards, as this is primary stage prolapse of the walls of the vagina and;
  • anatomically defective functionality of the uterus, for example, amenorrhea, infertility;
  • anatomical and functional pathologies on the part of the ligamentous apparatus and the pelvic floor, for example, gynecological massage is indicated for adhesions.


  • an acute infectious or inflammatory process not only in the pelvic organs, but also in the body, for example, SARS, influenza, tonsillitis;
  • increased body temperature;
  • venereal infections;
  • neoplasms in the pelvic organs;
  • oncology;
  • tuberculosis;
  • thrombophlebitis of the veins of the pelvis;
  • congenital;
  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy;
  • bowel disease, such as colitis;
  • the recovery period after a recent artificial, childbirth, surgical interventions on the organs of the genital area, if 8 weeks have not passed since they were carried out.

Recovery period after the procedure

In gynecology, massage does not imply any specific rehabilitation period, but there are recommendations that must be followed in order for the effect of the procedure to be fixed.

Firstly, no matter where the gynecological massage is done, it is forbidden to get up immediately after it is over. For 15 minutes, the woman should remain relaxed without making any movements. The doctor may recommend that the patient roll over on her stomach so that the contractions of the muscular layer of the uterus become more intense, especially if gynecological massage is performed at home.

Secondly, during the course of gynecological massage, it is important for a woman to give up sexual activity at least for the period of the planned treatment. If this is excluded, then it is important to carefully, because if the patient becomes pregnant after a gynecological massage, then she has an increased risk of development (outside the uterus).

Features of the Norbekov system

Norbekov's gynecological massage has a second name - automassage. This is not only a physical effect on the internal genital organs of a woman, but also a psychological one, which sets the patient up to be sure that she is really healthy. Automassage or gynecological massage of Norbekov, in contrast to classic massage can be practiced in home environment without strangers.

According to the Norbekov system, gynecological massage for women will be effective if the patient can find a balance between body and soul. Its main task is to bring your health to normal condition, establish full-fledged physical relationships with men, learn to understand yourself and understand the intricacies of your own body.

In other words, the physical impact on the pelvic organs in automassage is not the main one. Of course, special techniques for stimulating the muscles of the uterus will be required, but first of all, a woman will need to convince herself that she is healthy. Indications and contraindications for Norbekov's gynecological massage will be the same as in the classic case.

The benefits and harms of gynecological massage

Nowadays active image Not all women lead lives. Low physical activity negatively affects women's health. As a result, the processes of blood circulation and innervation in the small pelvis may be disrupted, congestion, general weakness and infectious and inflammatory pathologies may occur. It does not add health to the woman.

Gynecological massage can eliminate all of the above problems by improving the functioning of the pelvic organs and increasing the chances of conception if a woman has long time pregnancy does not occur.

So, the benefits of gynecological massage are as follows:

  • improvement of blood circulation in the pelvis, saturation of cells with oxygen, stimulation of lymphatic drainage and the work of the reproductive organs;
  • increased muscle tone, elimination of pathologies associated with displacement of organs;
  • restoration of the bladder and intestines;
  • treatment of the adhesive process, for example, gynecological massage is effective for;
  • resorption of infiltrates in the parauterine tissue;
  • normalization of ovarian functions;
  • elimination of irritability and pain characteristic of menstruation;
  • increased appetite;
  • sleep improvement.

It can be seen that the benefits of this type of massage are significant. This will be confirmed by those women to whom gynecological massage helped to become pregnant.

Many in gynecology various methods therapy gynecological diseases . This is hormone therapy. surgery, laser therapy, physiotherapy, antibiotics, immunomodulators, current therapy.

But the more naturally applied healing method, the more efficient it is. Gynecological massage is one of the most natural non-surgical methods of getting rid of gynecological diseases.

It affects the body of a woman physiologically and is involved in the healing of the whole organism. Consider how to do gynecological massage at home.

General information

What is gynecological massage? The technique has been known and practiced since 1861. It was developed by the scientist Thure Brandt. Gradually, obstetricians adjusted the technique and brought it to perfection.

AT last years Women have become more susceptible to various diseases of the genitourinary system. :

The treatment method is suitable for women with gynecological diseases early stages. Indications:

  • adhesions;
  • displacement of the uterus;
  • complications after difficult childbirth, abortion, miscarriage;
  • muscular insufficiency of the uterus;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • disturbed menstrual cycle, severe pain during menstruation;
  • infertility, inability to bear a child.

The technique is suitable for the prevention of diseases, if massage is done twice a year for 5-10 sessions.

In combination with physiotherapy and acupressure, the blood supply to the ovaries improves several times, they better absorb pituitary hormones.

Massage is contraindicated in:

Gynecological massage is the most physiological way of influence. Effective in the treatment of various gynecological diseases and reproductive disorders.

This is an effective and gentle alternative to hardware methods, which helps to avoid surgery, antibiotics and hormonal drugs.

Consider the effect of massage in various diseases:

Consider several techniques for performing gynecological massage.

Gynecological massage is medical procedure, and it should be carried out only by a qualified obstetrician-gynecologist in medical institutions on a special chair or table with leg support.

A woman does not need special training. She should:

  • empty the intestines and bladder, then the likelihood of discomfort will be minimal;
  • you can eat two hours before the massage, no later;
  • wash the external genitalia with water and an intimate hygiene product;
  • On the day of the massage, sexual intercourse should be avoided.

The woman sits comfortably on a massage table or a gynecological chair. She relaxes. If the muscles are relaxed, the gynecologist will be able to perform the procedure painlessly.

Sometimes, according to some indications, massage is performed in the knee-elbow position.. The specialist must first show the correct breathing technique.

The doctor treats the patient's large and small labia with an antiseptic, puts on gloves, and begins to massage. With the fingers of one hand, he gropes for the uterus from the side of the vagina (fixed on the cervix), with the other hand he grasps the uterus from the outside, gently pressing the stomach.

Smooth movements produce palpation of the uterus, the location of the body, its mobility. After determining the stage of the disease, he massages the pelvic organs.

The outlet of the urethra and the clitoris are not affected. Moving or straightening the uterus is not done immediately, but over several sessions.

The first session should last a maximum of 10 minutes. Gradually, the time increases to 20 minutes. Conditions, the duration of the course are individual and depend on the disease and its degree.

During the procedure, the patient should not experience pain. The uterus will contract, discomfort is possible. If you experience severe pain, you should tell your doctor about it. In no case can not endure the pain!

best effect can be achieved by adhering to the recommendations of the gynecologist: attend massage in a timely manner, perform physical exercise prescribed by the attending physician. As a result of the procedure, adhesive elements are stretched and broken.

The number of sessions can vary from 30 or more. Usually the course takes about two months. Take a break during menstruation. Any specialist should own several massage techniques.

During treatment, the doctor makes notes about the patient's condition. If deterioration is observed, the technique is changed.

During the entire course you need to protect yourself. Great risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy!

Consider how to do gynecological massage yourself.

Many doctors say that gynecological massage cannot be done on its own.. But this is a rather intimate occupation, and not every woman decides to do it in the clinic due to her shyness or other reasons.

Such women should first contact a gynecologist and make sure that there are no contraindications. Also, the doctor will tell you this or that technique.

Massage done on the bed. A pillow is placed under the back. The hand is thoroughly washed, then the external genital organs are treated with an antiseptic. You need to relax as much as possible.

First, gently insert two fingers inside and gently knead the walls of the vagina. There should not be sudden and strong movements. Knead with the other hand abdominal muscles smoothly and carefully.

Discomfort and pain during the massage should not be!

After the massage, lie on your stomach and rest for 15 minutes.. The circulation will be restored. On massage days, sexual life is abstained.

M.S. Norbekov is an academician, doctor of philosophy in medicine, who developed his own technique of gynecological massage, which is called auto-massage.

The difference from classical massage is that the organs of the female body are affected not only physiologically, but also psychologically.

Automassage can be done at home. The patient does not have to trust a stranger. She does everything herself.


  • adhesions, scars;
  • frigidity;
  • painful menstruation, pelvic pain;
  • misalignment of the uterus.

Auto-massage is allowed even with cervical erosion, tuberculosis. But there are still contraindications:

  • pregnancy (forced uterine contractions provoke premature birth);
  • menstruation;
  • oncology.

To begin with, a woman should relax, take a comfortable position: lie on her back or take a lotus position. All thoughts should be focused on yourself, within yourself, on your feelings.

Then the patient closes her eyes and slowly moves her thoughts to the area of ​​the bladder, the lower back. She should try to feel the warmth that rushes to the body and organs.

space for bladder(the area of ​​the uterus) is gradually filled with pleasant sensations, warmth. The contractions of the uterus will slowly awaken. If a woman feels easy pleasure, which eventually tires - she is on the right track.

If it was not possible to focus on heat and vibrations, you need to relax and begin to alternate between the mental space of the uterus and the lower back. After that, the process of uterine contraction is started with a short tension of the abdominal muscles, perineum.

Such auto-massage is done no more than once a day. Two weeks daily, then enough 2-3 times a week.

Auxiliary exercises that help tune in to automassage:

  • it is squeezed and released for three seconds until fatigue appears;
  • contract the muscle as quickly as possible until a sensation of "flutter" appears;
  • muscles contract for a long time, as if drawing an object into the vagina.
  • Visually draw a straight line on the floor. They take off their shoes, walk along it, and place their feet so that the heel of the front foot touches the toes of the back.
  • Lie on the floor, put your hands parallel to the floor. Raise your legs to the ceiling. An angle perpendicular to the floor should form. The lower back is smoothly torn off the floor, resting on the hands. The loin forms an angle of 45 degrees. Remain in this position for half a minute. Do three approaches.
  • Technics Chinese massage consists in the impact of fingertips on active acupuncture points. These are conditional lines. Bioelectric impulses pass through them, human energy flows.

    When exposed, endorphins are released that block pain sensations, stimulate blood flow to areas with a pathological process, saturate organs and tissues with oxygen, and activate metabolism.

    Acupressure relieves tension, spasms, relaxes muscles, promotes quick removal from the body of decay products. The body is cleansed, immunity is increased. Produced "hormones of joy" block the pain.

    Massage helps with infertility. After a course of acupuncture, a woman's chances of getting pregnant increase.

    Massage can be done independently. But a preliminary consultation with your doctor is necessary. The procedure is carried out in a comfortable environment before meals, every day or every other day. The patient is sitting or lying down, the muscles are relaxed.

    Some techniques of Chinese acupressure:

    1. kneading. Circular movements are performed with the pad of the thumb, the remaining fingers do not touch the surface.
    2. pressure. The movements are smooth, the intensity of the impact gradually increases.
    3. Trituration with finger pads.
    4. pushing. Produced by the palmar and radial surface of the thumb. The movement is directed to the center of the massaged point.
    5. stabbing. The thumb is straight, the rest are bent. Press on the thumb, the force of impact increases.

    Movements should be slow, rhythmic. Do not affect damaged skin, as well as skin with scars. Massage in the abdomen is performed on the exhale.

    Don't do this kind of massage inguinal region, on mammary glands.

    With the development of pharmacology and medicine, gynecological massage began to be treated much less frequently. However, its effect has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system and the entire female body.

    In the absence of contraindications, it is carried out as a preparation for pregnancy and childbirth to facilitate the physiological process. Significantly increases the chances of conception.

    The course of therapy is quite long. Regular examinations by a specialist are necessary to monitor the effectiveness of the procedure.

    Insertion of the hand into the uterus as in a manual examination.

    The hand in the uterus is clenched into a fist, on the fist, as on a stand, the outer hand is massaged through the anterior abdominal wall various sections walls of the uterus, pressing at the same time the uterus to the pubic symphysis.

    Security: phantom, uterus model.

    24. External massage of the uterus

    Putting a hand on the bottom of the uterus, they begin to make light massaging movements until the uterus becomes dense.

    Support: phantom, uterus.


    Auscultation is performed to determine the heart sounds of the fetus. An obstetric stethoscope is placed perpendicular to the oval of the pregnant woman's abdomen below the navel on the right or left, depending on the position, with a breech presentation above the navel, the stethoscope is pressed against the ear, the hand is removed.

    Provision: stethoscope, doll, phantom

    26. Isolation of the separated placenta

    If there are signs of placental separation, the separated placenta is removed by external methods.

    Abuladze method. After emptying the bladder, the anterior abdominal wall is grasped with both hands in a fold so that both rectus abdominis muscles are tightly grasped by the fingers. After that, the woman in labor is offered to push. The separated afterbirth is easily born due to the elimination of the divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles and a significant decrease in the volume of the abdominal cavity.

    Crede-Lazarevich method. The bladder is emptied with a catheter, the bottom of the uterus is brought to the middle position, the uterus is lightly stroked in order to reduce it. They cover the bottom of the uterus with the hand of the hand that the obstetrician knows better in such a way that the palmar surfaces of her four fingers are located on the back wall of the uterus, the palm is on the very bottom of the uterus, and the thumb is on its front wall. At the same time, they press on the uterus with the whole brush in two intersecting directions (fingers from front to back, palm from top to bottom) towards the pubis until the afterbirth is born from the vagina.

    Genter's method. The uterus should be moved to the midline, after which the obstetrician stands on the side of the bed of the woman in labor facing her legs. The obstetrician's hands, clenched into fists, are located in the area of ​​the pipe corners. Increasing pressure is exerted on the uterus, directed downward and medially, resulting in the birth of the afterbirth.

    Security: phantom, improvised uterus.

    27. Determination of signs of the definition of the placenta

    Schroeder's sign:

    If the placenta has separated and descended into the lower segment or into the vagina, the fundus of the uterus rises up and is located above and to the right of the navel; the uterus takes the form of an hourglass.

    Alfeld sign:

    The ligature applied to the umbilical cord at the genital slit of the woman in labor, with the separated placenta, falls 8-10 cm and lower from the vulvar ring.

    Sign of Kyustner-Chukalov:

    When pressing the edge of the hand on the suprapubic region with the separated placenta, the uterus rises up, the umbilical cord does not retract into the vagina, but, on the contrary, goes out even more.

    Support: phantom, uterus

    28. Diagonal Conjugate Measurement

    The fingers inserted into the vagina are fixed at the top of the promontory, and with the edge of the palm rest against the lower edge of the symphysis. After that, the second fingers of the other hand mark the place of contact of the examining hand with the lower edge of the symphysis. Without removing the second finger from the intended point, the hand in the vagina is removed, and the assistant measures the distance from the top of the third finger to the point in contact with the lower edge of the symphysis with a tazomer or centimeter tape.

    Support: phantom, pelvis, tazomer

    In gynecology, there are many different methods of treating gynecological diseases.. These are hormone therapy, surgical treatment, laser therapy, physiotherapy, antibiotics, immunomodulators, and current therapy.

    But the more natural the treatment method used, the more effective it is. Gynecological massage is one of the most natural non-surgical methods of getting rid of gynecological diseases.

    It affects the body of a woman physiologically and is involved in the healing of the whole organism. Consider how to do gynecological massage at home.

    General information

    What is gynecological massage? The technique has been known and practiced since 1861. It was developed by the scientist Thure Brandt. Gradually, obstetricians adjusted the technique and brought it to perfection.

    In recent years, women have become more susceptible to various diseases of the genitourinary system. :

    The treatment technique is suitable for women with gynecological diseases of the early stages. Indications:

    • adhesions;
    • displacement of the uterus;
    • complications after difficult childbirth, abortion, miscarriage;
    • muscular insufficiency of the uterus;
    • decreased sex drive;
    • disturbed menstrual cycle, severe pain during menstruation;
    • infertility, inability to bear a child.

    The technique is suitable for the prevention of diseases, if massage is done twice a year for 5-10 sessions.

    In combination with physiotherapy and acupressure, the blood supply to the ovaries improves several times, they better absorb pituitary hormones.

    Massage is contraindicated in:

    Gynecological massage is the most physiological way of influence. Effective in the treatment of various gynecological diseases and reproductive disorders.

    This is an effective and gentle alternative to hardware methods, which helps to avoid surgery, antibiotics and hormonal drugs.

    Consider the effect of massage in various diseases:

    Consider several techniques for performing gynecological massage.

    Gynecological massage is a medical procedure and should only be carried out by a qualified obstetrician-gynecologist in medical institutions on a special chair or table with leg support.

    A woman does not require special training. She should:

    • empty the intestines and bladder, then the likelihood of discomfort will be minimal;
    • you can eat two hours before the massage, no later;
    • wash the external genitalia with water and an intimate hygiene product;
    • On the day of the massage, sexual intercourse should be avoided.

    The woman sits comfortably on a massage table or a gynecological chair. She relaxes. If the muscles are relaxed, the gynecologist will be able to perform the procedure painlessly.

    Sometimes, according to some indications, massage is performed in the knee-elbow position.. The specialist must first show the correct breathing technique.

    The doctor treats the patient's large and small labia with an antiseptic, puts on gloves, and begins to massage. With the fingers of one hand, he gropes for the uterus from the side of the vagina (fixed on the cervix), with the other hand he grasps the uterus from the outside, gently pressing the stomach.

    Smooth movements produce palpation of the uterus, the location of the body, its mobility. After determining the stage of the disease, he massages the pelvic organs.

    The outlet of the urethra and the clitoris are not affected. Moving or straightening the uterus is not done immediately, but over several sessions.

    The first session should last a maximum of 10 minutes. Gradually, the time increases to 20 minutes. Conditions, the duration of the course are individual and depend on the disease and its degree.

    During the procedure, the patient should not experience pain. The uterus will contract, discomfort is possible. If you experience severe pain, you should tell your doctor about it. In no case can not endure the pain!

    The best effect can be achieved by adhering to the recommendations of the gynecologist: attend massage in a timely manner, perform physical exercises prescribed by the attending physician. As a result of the procedure, adhesive elements are stretched and broken.

    The number of sessions can vary from 30 or more. Usually the course takes about two months. Take a break during menstruation. Any specialist should own several massage techniques.

    During treatment, the doctor makes notes about the patient's condition. If deterioration is observed, the technique is changed.

    During the entire course you need to protect yourself. Great risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy!

    Consider how to do gynecological massage yourself.

    Many doctors say that gynecological massage cannot be done on its own.. But this is a rather intimate occupation, and not every woman decides to do it in the clinic due to her shyness or other reasons.

    Such women should first contact a gynecologist and make sure that there are no contraindications. Also, the doctor will tell you this or that technique.

    Massage done on the bed. A pillow is placed under the back. The hand is thoroughly washed, then the external genital organs are treated with an antiseptic. You need to relax as much as possible.

    First, gently insert two fingers inside and gently knead the walls of the vagina. There should not be sudden and strong movements. With the other hand, knead the abdominal muscles, smoothly and carefully.

    Discomfort and pain during the massage should not be!

    After the massage, lie on your stomach and rest for 15 minutes.. The circulation will be restored. On massage days, sexual life is abstained.

    M.S. Norbekov is an academician, doctor of philosophy in medicine, who developed his own technique of gynecological massage, which is called auto-massage.

    The difference from classical massage is that the organs of the female body are affected not only physiologically, but also psychologically.

    Automassage can be done at home. The patient does not have to trust a stranger. She does everything herself.


    • adhesions, scars;
    • frigidity;
    • painful menstruation, pelvic pain;
    • misalignment of the uterus.

    Auto-massage is allowed even with cervical erosion, tuberculosis. But there are still contraindications:

    • pregnancy (forced uterine contractions provoke premature birth);
    • menstruation;
    • oncology.

    To begin with, a woman should relax, take a comfortable position: lie on her back or take a lotus position. All thoughts should be focused on yourself, within yourself, on your feelings.

    Then the patient closes her eyes and slowly moves her thoughts to the area of ​​the bladder, the lower back. She should try to feel the warmth that rushes to the body and organs.

    The space behind the bladder (the area of ​​the uterus) is gradually filled with pleasant sensations, warmth. The contractions of the uterus will slowly awaken. If a woman feels a slight pleasure that tires over time, she is on the right track.

    If it was not possible to focus on heat and vibrations, you need to relax and begin to alternate between the mental space of the uterus and the lower back. After that, the process of uterine contraction is started with a short tension of the abdominal muscles, perineum.

    Such auto-massage is done no more than once a day. Two weeks daily, then enough 2-3 times a week.

    Auxiliary exercises that help tune in to automassage:

    • it is squeezed and released for three seconds until fatigue appears;
    • contract the muscle as quickly as possible until a sensation of "flutter" appears;
    • muscles contract for a long time, as if drawing an object into the vagina.
  • Visually draw a straight line on the floor. They take off their shoes, walk along it, and place their feet so that the heel of the front foot touches the toes of the back.
  • Lie on the floor, put your hands parallel to the floor. Raise your legs to the ceiling. An angle perpendicular to the floor should form. The lower back is smoothly torn off the floor, resting on the hands. The loin forms an angle of 45 degrees. Remain in this position for half a minute. Do three approaches.

    What is the essence of gynecological massage?

    Before we talk about the various types of massage that restore women's health, let's figure out that this is a gynecological massage.

    The massage effect on the organs of a woman has been used by specialists since the 19th century. Today massage procedure reached top level allowing you to deal with many problems women's health. First of all, gynecological massage will relieve inflammatory processes and infections, and will have the following effect on a woman’s health:

    • restore blood flow in the pelvic area;
    • normalizes muscle tone uterus;
    • smooth out adhesions;
    • the reproductive organ will be restored to its normal position;
    • hormonal background comes back to normal;
    • getting better general state reproductive system of a woman;
    • preparation for gestation and subsequent childbirth is possible;
    • improved sensations during sex;
    • side effects after surgery and women's diseases go away.

    Gynecological massage is usually prescribed in combination with physiotherapy procedures.

    Indications for massage

    Indications for gynecological massage are the following female problems identified at the initial stage:

    • incorrect location of the uterus, or displacement;
    • the formation of adhesions;
    • inflammation and various complications caused by surgery, pathological childbirth, due to miscarriages or abortions;
    • insufficient uterine tone;
    • lack of sexual desire;
    • severe pain during menstruation, cycle disorders;
    • inability to conceive and bear fruit.


    Like any medical procedure, uterine massage has some contraindications. The method is contraindicated in the following situations:

    • during gestation and subsequent breastfeeding;
    • if the temperature rises;
    • in diseases infectious nature;
    • if erosive tissues are found;
    • malfunctions of the liver and kidneys;
    • venereal diseases;
    • the postpartum period after a month or two;
    • neoplasms of a different nature;
    • oncology;
    • massage intolerance caused by hypersensitivity organism;
    • during menstruation;
    • wrong position reproductive organ at birth;
    • various pathological processes that occur in the intestines;
    • thrombophlebitis on the veins located in the pelvic area.

    If the listed contraindications are not found, you can proceed to the technique.

    The result of the procedure

    Gynecological massage is one of the most gentle methods in the treatment of female diseases. This technique allows you to avoid surgical intervention if the disease is detected at an early stage. It is enough to perform several procedures, and the problem recedes. No need to take antibiotics and hormonal drugs.

    Let us examine in more detail what effect it has on a woman natural method treatment for various diseases.


    In some cases, the reason for the impossibility of conception is the presence of adhesions, or the curved position of the uterus. Adhesive formations occur under the influence of inflammatory processes of an infectious nature. The cause of the problem is inflammation and stagnant phenomena in the pelvic vessels.

    Gynecological massage allows you to eliminate these problems. But a woman must understand that such a technique will not be able to get rid of all the causes that cause infertility.

    Inability to bear fruit

    The technique allows you to eliminate a chronic condition in which it is impossible to bear a fetus.

    Thanks to competent manipulations during the procedure, the uterine muscle tone increases. The bend is eliminated, the walls of the female reproductive organ become elastic.

    Consequences of surgery

    With the help of massage, scars disappear, the fusion of the ligamentous apparatus is eliminated.

    The adhesions go away, the muscles of the uterus become stronger.

    Pathologies of the small pelvis

    If in the pelvis develop inflammatory processes, then a violation of the cycle of menstruation is possible. Against the background of inflammatory processes, adhesive problems are formed, the uterus is bent, other pathologies develop.

    Massage for women can prevent and eliminate these problems.

    no cycle

    If menstruation does not go, then gynecological procedures are prescribed. Irritation occurs during handling. nerve fibers pelvis, resulting in menstruation.

    The blood flow in the reproductive area returns to normal.

    Elimination of adhesive scars

    The formation of adhesions leads to the inability to conceive and bear the fetus. Adhesions occur after surgery, with a diagnosis of endometriosis, due to various inflammatory processes of an infectious nature.

    Massage movements break adhesions and normalize the blood flow of the pelvis.
    Next, we will talk about various techniques ah performing gynecological massage.

    According to Norbekov

    To get rid of problems with conception, from various inflammatory processes and congestion, Norbekov's gynecological massage is used. The essence of the technique is in physical impact, and influencing a woman psychologically. Held special procedure after which the woman feels healthy.

    The technique for performing gynecological massage according to Norbekov consists in the following actions:

    1. you can do it while at home, so that no one interferes. It is necessary to relax, sitting comfortably, lying down. You can take the lotus position;
    2. the ability to concentrate on a specific task is important;
    3. position yourself with your eyes closed, and mentally move to the lumbar region and the bladder. It is necessary to adjust yourself in such a way that heat appears below the abdomen. The area of ​​the uterus should be filled with warm sensations;
    4. then one should try to reach the state of vibration of the uterus. If it doesn’t quite work out, then all attention is paid to the lumbar region, then again goes to the uterus.

    The climax of the session should be a feeling of short-term tension in the groin and the press.

    With endometriosis

    Endometriosis refers to the growth of tissue in the uterine cavity. The impetus for the development of pathology can be a failure of the hormonal system and problems with the immune system.

    An effective method of eliminating the problem is considered to be gynecological massage for endometriosis. Massage sessions in case of illness normalize blood flow, eliminate adhesions. Massage is considered side event, and is combined with competent nutrition and physiotherapy procedures.

    This type of massage is performed by a specialist, but you can learn point movements on your own. Here is how a gynecological massage is done with a diagnosis of endometriosis:

    1. the duration of the procedure is 5 minutes, and the session consists of several movements;
    2. First, a pressure point is determined. Press on the area, in a circle with your index or middle finger. The duration of the action is only 10 seconds. By the end of the session, pressing intensifies;
    3. you need to make counterclockwise movements in a circle. Here, on the contrary, the intensity decreases. Duration 10 seconds.

    When both movements are completed, the same manipulations are performed with the other hand for a symmetrical acupuncture pressure point.

    Manual massage

    You can learn how to perform gynecological manual massage on your own. Not every woman feels comfortable in the clinic during an intimate procedure.

    Before performing gynecological massage at home, you must perform the following preparatory steps:

    1. go to the toilet and get rid of urine, cleanse the intestines. Thus, unpleasant moments during manipulations are reduced;
    2. the last meal should be completed 2 hours before the event;
    3. wash the areas for the procedure well using special hygiene products;
    4. the date on which the massage is scheduled must be free from sex.

    The technique of gynecological scrap massage consists in the following actions:

    1. the procedure can be performed on the bed, putting a roller or pillow under the back;
    2. wash your hands and treat the outside of the female organs with an antiseptic composition;
    3. need to relax;
    4. carefully insert two fingers inside, and slightly stretch the walls;
    5. exclude sharp, pressing manipulations;
    6. at the same time, with the other hand, perform kneading manipulations of the abdominal muscles.

    At the end of the procedure, you need to roll over from your back, and lie down for 20 minutes. Thus, the blood flow will return to normal. On massage dates, sex is excluded.

    Non-contact massage

    There is a non-contact gynecological massage that has the following effect:

    • eliminated cysts and fibroids, which are usually removed by surgery;
    • the tone of the muscles of the uterus increases;
    • mental health is restored at the same time;
    • sexual desire increases, which contributes to the normalization of relations with a partner;
    • weight returns to normal
    • the shape of the mammary glands is restored.

    An important advantage non-contact type of gynecological massage, there will be an independent procedure. The non-contact method allows you to eliminate problems that cannot be solved with contact massage.

    Automassage can be performed on patients with various gynecological pathologies.

    Non-contact gynecological massage is done as follows:

    1. The essence of the technique is based on meditation. The procedure is performed sitting or lying down with eyes closed;
    2. you need to include the wildest sexual fantasies, and think of yourself as the most attractive woman;
    3. it is necessary to mentally achieve sexual arousal by focusing on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uterus. Do 30 seconds;
    4. try to feel a surge of heat to the pelvic region, and hold this state for 60 seconds;
    5. it is necessary to achieve that the uterus was reduced to 600 times.

    The exercise ends when there is a state of numbness in the pelvic region and bladder.

    Massage for uterine prolapse

    Gynecological massage during uterine prolapse is performed as follows:

    1. the procedure is performed in the clinic on a special chair or on a high couch;
    2. the masseur in sterile gloves gently inserts the index and middle finger into the vagina to reach the inner fornix;
    3. being in the vagina, the specialist lifts the uterus with the same fingers and holds it in that position;
    4. the other hand during the internal massage massages the front wall of the abdomen, moving towards the small pelvis;
    5. inside the ligamentous apparatus is massaged, and the tissues adjacent to it;
    6. during manipulations, the organ is displaced, up to 6 times at time intervals of 15 seconds.

    The first sessions last only 4 minutes. Then the duration of the sessions increases to 7 minutes. Typically, a treatment course is prescribed, consisting of 12 or 15 sessions performed daily or with a break for a day.

    With the lowered state of the uterus, thanks to the massage, pain disappears and muscle tone normalizes.


    Today, on specialized resources, you can find a training video. Gynecological massage in them is performed by an experienced specialist, so it is not recommended to follow everything they say without having a special education. Each gynecological treatment type procedure has its own goals, and the presented one is no exception. Received therapeutic effect should be expressed in the relief of inflammatory processes, as well as the elimination of fluid stagnation.

    Many women are very helped by gynecological massage, which is why they are interested in how to do it at home. This will be discussed a little later. Thanks to the procedure, it is also possible to stabilize the hormonal background, to carry out some preparation for the onset of pregnancy and subsequent labor activity, restore the level of libido.

    Female uterine massage is indicated in the presence of such diseases and conditions:

    1. Adhesive processes localized in the uterine cavity;
    2. Violation of the anatomical location of the uterus, which is not the norm;
    3. The woman had a difficult labor activity;
    4. The patient has undergone numerous abortion procedures;
    5. There is such a pathology as miscarriage;
    6. Uterine fibrosis diagnosed;
    7. The muscle fibers of the reproductive organ are weakened and cannot hold it in the required position
    8. The level of libido is not up to standard;
    9. Menstrual bleeding does not have the stability of the arrival;
    10. Severe intense pain with regulation;
    11. Diagnosed with infertility.

    Dealing with such a procedure as gynecological massage, what is it, who needs to perform it, and in what time frame will the first therapeutic results, it should be said that there are several different execution techniques that you definitely need to familiarize yourself with.


    To treat malfunctions reproductive organs according to such a plan, the girl should go to a clinic where there is a doctor with practical experience in this area. Since the procedure is characterized as therapeutic, it is not recommended to trust it to little practitioners.

    The whole process takes place on the gynecological chair. Therefore, the posture will correspond to that which happens during a standard examination. If required clinical case, then the doctor will perform a gynecological massage of the uterus when the girl is in the knee-elbow position.

    It is very important that the girl is located in the most comfortable and able to relax. It is unacceptable to start a massage if the doctor has not previously told about the breathing technique. The gynecologist will perform the massage only after he specifies when the patient last ate.

    It is better if at least three hours pass after this. Such an insignificant detail, as it may seem at first glance, must be taken into account, otherwise the patient will feel discomfort. Therefore, it is better if the procedure is scheduled for the morning hours, and the woman comes to perform it on an empty stomach.

    Previously, a specialist can tell you how to massage the uterus so that a woman understands what will happen to her. Two hands are used for the procedure. After the limb is inserted into the uterine cavity, its palpation begins from the inside, with the free hand gently wrinkle the stomach from above.

    The area of ​​the urethra and the clitoris remains unused. If uterine massage aims to move the reproductive organ, or change its location, then several procedures will need to be performed to achieve this goal.

    The first visit to the doctor, in particular the manipulations themselves, should not exceed a time period of four or five minutes. During this time, the body will gradually get used to the changes. The more often a girl visits a gynecologist, the better. Each session increases by 60 seconds and gradually the duration reaches 15 minutes.

    Massage on the gynecologist's chair can be performed every day, or with a break of one day, which depends on the level physical health women and her age. In total, to achieve a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to conduct from 30 to 60 sessions, and sometimes more. On average, the duration of therapy is from 6 weeks to 4 months. Manual gynecological massage cannot be performed if the patient has menstrual bleeding.

    According to Norbekov

    Gynecological massage Norbekov is indicated for women with identified infertility, progression of inflammatory or congestive processes. This technology is also called auto-massage, since it has not so much a physiological as a psycho-emotional effect on the patient.

    The technique for performing gynecological massage is as follows:

    • First of all, a woman should relax as much as possible, but at the same time feel confident. It is best if the procedure is carried out at home. To start treatment, you need to take the most comfortable position, for example, lie on your back or sit in the lotus position.
    • The next thing to do is to concentrate. The ability to meditate and visualize your desires is an integral part of this technique.
    • Next, the woman needs to close her eyes and, at the mental level, transfer her thoughts to the zone lumbar back and bladder.
    • In order to have the expected effect, it is necessary to achieve a sensation of heat that runs from one organ to another, as a result, muscle resonance should open, which will create the necessary vibrations.
    • If you cannot achieve your goal, you can try to concentrate your thoughts alternately, first on the uterus, then on the lower back. In order for the process to start, it is necessary to perform a short contraction of the press and perineum.

    Such a gynecological massage at home is best done alone with yourself. The procedure is quite simple and does not require any special skills and abilities from the woman.

    The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the mental impact and psychological attitude that the reproductive organs are healthy. Gynecological massage according to Norbekov, the technique, the implementation of which has been described, can be done several times during the day.

    On the fist

    Massage of the uterus at home of this type is better not to perform. It is necessary to entrust the procedure to a truly experienced specialist. When appointed this method effects on the reproductive organs, doctors aim to improve uterine tone, as well as activate muscle contractions.

    Massage of the uterus on the fist, the technique for its implementation is as follows: the doctor must lead right hand into the vagina, put it on the uterus, and clench into a fist. Together with this, the left limb is placed on the anterior abdominal wall, leaning on the fist and massaging all parts of the uterus in this way, while shifting the organ towards the pubis. The procedure continues until the uterus is completely contracted.

    Self massage

    It is better not to massage the uterus at home, however, given the fact that this procedure is too intimate, many girls do not dare to go to the clinic to perform it. This is due to both lack of time and excessive shyness.

    If a girl decides that she will perform intrauterine massage on her own, she is recommended to go to a gynecologist before starting treatment. This is necessary so that the representative of the weaker sex can verify the absence sexually transmitted diseases, as well as pathological neoplasms in the uterine cavity.

    Of course, it is better to perform uterine massage according to Norbekov on your own, but few people believe in the power of psychological impact. In order for the procedure to give the highest possible therapeutic effect, it is necessary to prepare for it. To do this, you should initially check the place where all the manipulations will be carried out.

    At home, in most cases, preference is given to the bed. When the work area is prepared, wash your hands thoroughly and then carry out antiseptic treatment limbs and external genitalia special tool. To make the position as comfortable as possible, it is better to put a pillow, a rolled towel or a roller under the lumbar region.

    This will keep your hips elevated. Next, you need to relax, take a few deep breaths, and wait until the condition returns to normal, and the abdominal muscles lose tension. After that, you can begin to massage the cervix and the organ itself.

    Initially, it is necessary to insert two fingers into the vagina and gently knead its walls. At this time, any sudden and strong movements are unacceptable, just like the presence of discomfort. When the fallopian tubes are being worked out, you can apply light pressure on them, as well as apply circular motions. Self-massage of the ovaries is carried out according to the same scheme.

    Together with these actions, it is also necessary to knead the abdominal muscles, which is done with smooth movements of the free hand. And if there is pain or discomfort, the procedure must be stopped, and also make sure that there is no inflammation or other diseases of the reproductive organs.

    The approximate exposure time is about 5 minutes, after which it is necessary to lie on the stomach for about 15 minutes in order to restore the blood circulation process. On the days when the massage is performed, it is necessary to refuse to enter into intimacy. To restore the correct position of the uterus at night, it is better to sleep on your stomach.

    Knowing what a gynecological massage is and how it is performed at home, you should not neglect going to a specialist immediately before starting treatment procedures. Gynecological massage Norbekov has no restrictions on performance.


    Insofar as given type impact on the reproductive organs is a medical procedure, there are certain restrictions on its implementation. If a woman decides on a gynecological massage, contraindications and indications must be clearly studied, as well as the doctor must be informed of the possible prohibitions to this procedure, if he himself did not notice them.

    Decision women's issues by massaging the reproductive organs is unacceptable in the following situations:

    1. There is a high probability that pregnancy develops (early terms);
    2. The patient is currently in lactation period and performs breastfeeding;
    3. There is an increase in body temperature of unknown etiology;
    4. An infection has occurred in the body and proceeds acute stage pathology;
    5. The cervix is ​​affected by erosive formations;
    6. Possible development of venereal diseases;
    7. Tuberculosis in the past or present;
    8. There are certain deviations in the work of the kidneys and liver;
    9. Less than one and a half months have passed since the surgical interventions, including artificial termination of pregnancy, as well as labor activity;
    10. The scheduled session coincides with the onset of menstrual bleeding;
    11. Revealed malignant tumors or their metastases on the reproductive organs;
    12. The procedure is accompanied by a pronounced painful syndrome or severe discomfort.

    Massage performed by a gynecologist allows you to get rid of various pathologies of the reproductive system, and also has a positive effect on overall health. If no contraindications to the procedure are found, then it can be done in preparation for pregnancy and subsequent childbirth, which will greatly facilitate the physiological process.

    Of course, due to the correct and regular performance of gynecological massage, infertility can be prevented. However, if this problem already exists, then it is not possible to get rid of it in this way. In any case, before starting treatment, it is necessary to discuss this possibility with a leading specialist.

    What is gynecological massage

    This is a method of treatment, which consists in a physiological effect with a healing effect on the patient's body as a whole and on the affected organ. Massage female organs was developed in 1861 by a man who was not even an obstetrician or gynecologist, Thure Brandt. The author had to prove for a long time that his treatment procedure really helps female body, increases the chance of pregnancy, the tone of the muscles of the uterus and pelvic organs. One of the important goals of massage is to improve blood circulation, stretching, eliminating specks, and increasing the tone of the uterus.


    Any pathology can be treated faster if you use an integrated approach. The same applies to gynecological massage, which, with a direct impact on the organs, helps to increase their functionality, help a woman get rid of discomfort, and improve the quality of life. Ovarian massage and intrauterine massage are shown in the following cases:

    1. Chronic inflammation of the uterus or neighboring organs, which provoke pain in the coccyx, sacrum, ovaries or uterus in premenstrual period. The body responds painful symptoms during menstruation or before menstruation. This speaks of chronic inflammation, which can change the position of the uterus, leading to painful sensations of heaviness.
    2. With post-abortion or congenital pathological conditions, inflammatory processes of female reproductive organs, difficult childbirth. Gynecological massage is part of complex therapy with female infertility, amenorrhea.
    3. Salpingitis provoked by a prolonged congestion (inflammatory diseases, hormonal disruptions), uterine fibrosis. Reflex and mechanical effect on the muscles of the pelvic organs, blood vessels improves lymph flow, blood circulation, relieves congestion. Massage has a positive effect and is effective method in the treatment of diseases of the genital organs.
    4. After an abortion, in violation of the genital organs. The task of gynecological massage in this case is to preserve the menstrual, generative function, to prevent fibrosis, congestion, fibromatosis.
    5. For the treatment of uterine prolapse, increased mobility. Massage is carried out together with colon massage and medical complex exercises. It helps to strengthen the abdominal and pelvic muscles.
    6. Treatment of acquired frigidity, which was the result of abortion, difficult childbirth, anorgasmia, inflammation. In connection with medicines This gynecological procedure helps to qualitatively solve the problem.
    7. With a failure of the menstrual cycle, painful menstruation.


    Internal massage of the uterus is recommended to be carried out at least 2 hours after eating and with an empty bowel. If constipation occurs, a cleansing enema should be given. A woman needs to urinate before the procedure, wash the external genital organs with antiseptics. Girls during the course of treatment should avoid sexual intercourse or protect themselves, because during this period the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases dramatically.

    An obstetrician-gynecologist should carry out a gynecological procedure in a clinic (hospital), because it refers to medical manipulations. A consistent description of how to massage the uterus is as follows:

    1. The girl should take a position in the gynecological chair, as in gynecological examination female patients.
    2. Women need to take the most comfortable position in order to relax the abdominal, vaginal muscles as much as possible during the massage.
    3. Before starting, the doctor tells the patient how to breathe correctly in order to avoid discomfort during the gynecological procedure.
    4. Massage of the uterus is carried out with two hands. One of them, the specialist affects the appendages, the organ itself from the inside. The second he performs actions through the peritoneum. During the procedure, the clitoris, urethra is not affected.
    5. The duration of the procedure is about 4 minutes at the very beginning and 25 minutes at the end of the course. The duration increases gradually.
    6. There are several massage techniques, the specialist regularly records the results of the manipulation, evaluating the positive changes. If there is no positive

    Session duration

    The duration of the procedure changes over time, starting from 3-4 minutes, then the time increases to 15-25 minutes. The duration of the course is selected individually, as a rule, 20 sessions are enough, but this number can increase to 40 or 60. Receptions are held every day or every other day. After the end of the procedure, you can not immediately get up, the girl should lie motionless for 10-15 minutes.

    Gynecological massage at home

    As a rule, this gynecological procedure is carried out within the walls of the hospital, but if necessary, you can do it at home. From the point of view of conducting massage, it will become more difficult to perform, but over time I can develop skills that will allow me to carry out manipulations at the proper level. Before self-massage, you need to undergo a gynecological examination, take tests, check for infections, diseases and abnormalities that would be a contraindication for performing a massage.

    1. Hands must be treated antiseptics, put on latex gloves so as not to infect the genitals.
    2. Treat the genitals with an antiseptic.
    3. In order for the hips to take the necessary position, place a pillow under your back.
    4. You should start with complete relaxation, the patient is recommended to perform breathing exercises to relax the abdominals.
    5. Gently insert your middle finger into the vagina (nails must be short) and start light massage movements crush the walls of the organ. Take your time, massage lightly to prepare, relax your vaginal muscles.
    6. The fallopian tubes, the uterus are kneaded with circular light movements with weak pressure.
    7. At the same time, with the second hand, it is necessary to knead the abdominal muscles, smoothly with a little pressure.
    8. There should be no feeling of discomfort or pain. If there are any, then you can’t do it and you should seek help from a doctor. Sometimes such discomfort indicates the presence of an inflammatory process.
    9. When you finish the massage of the cervix, lie down on your stomach and lie down for a few minutes until the usual blood circulation is restored.
    10. From sexual intercourse during therapy should be abandoned.

    Gynecological massage Norbekov

    This is another method of treating infertility, inflammatory or congestive processes. This gynecological massage is also called auto-massage, because it is not so much a physiological effect as a psychoemotional one, the purpose of which is to convince the girl that she is completely healthy. To stimulate the muscles of the uterus, you need to choose special exercises offered by the author (Norbekov). The technique of the procedure is as follows:

    1. The first task is to relax as much as possible, to feel confident. It is advisable to carry out the procedure when no one else is at home. Take a comfortable position, you can lie on your back, sit in the lotus position.
    2. For the effectiveness of this type of massage, you need to learn how to meditate (concentrate).
    3. Close your eyes, mentally move your thoughts to the lumbar region, bladder. Try to feel the warmth below, which flows from organ to organ. The space behind the bladder, where the uterus is located, should be filled with pleasant sensations, warmth, which brings the muscles into resonance and creates vibrations.
    4. If it was not possible to achieve vibrations, then try to alternate concentration on the lumbar region and uterus, then start the process of contraction with a short-term conscious tension of the press or perineum.


    This gynecological procedure, like any other, is undesirable under certain conditions. Massage is contraindicated for:

    • elevated temperature;
    • the presence of menstruation;
    • tumors in the appendages or uterus;
    • subacute, acute inflammation uterus, pelvic organs;
    • tuberculosis of intimate organs;
    • the presence of pus in secretions or tissues;
    • chronic pathologies of the genital organs caused by latent infection;
    • urethritis, trichomonas colpitis;
    • after an abortion or childbirth in the first 1-3 months;
    • pathologies of the intestines, diseases of the genital organs;
    • in the presence of gonococci in the secret;
    • lactation, pregnancy;
    • abnormal congenital position of the uterus;
    • at painful sensations after or during the procedure.


    It is better if this gynecological procedure is done by your personal gynecologist, with whom you have already established a trusting relationship. This will help you relax as much as possible and achieve greater efficiency from massage. Do not go to questionable doctors who practice outside of hospitals. If you are wondering how much this procedure costs in Moscow, then below is a table with approximate prices:

    What is the procedure for?

    The technique is very effective, helps to fight infertility and various diseases small pelvis in women.

    Internal massage of the uterus is a completely painless procedure. Usually it is done by a gynecologist, and it is forbidden to carry out the procedure at home. Massage exposure is prescribed in such cases:

    1. Chronic diseases in the uterus and abdominal cavity, accompanied by pain in the lower back and coccyx between periods. In this case, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, hypersecretion of hormones in the ovaries is observed.
    2. Chronic inflammation that leads to a violation of the position of the uterus. These symptoms are quite common. They are characterized by unpleasant sensations of heaviness in the pelvic region, which subsequently leads to more complex pathologies.
    3. Congenital pathologies, or those that appeared after abortive intervention. Some inflammation may occur due to complicated childbirth.
    4. Amenorrhea is the reason why a gynecologist prescribes female massage, combining it with other treatments. This can prevent the development of infertility.
    5. Salpingitis and fibrosis appear as a result of congestion in the pelvis, which are the result of hormonal or inflammatory disorders. If a patient with such a pathology regularly massages, then the blood circulation will be completely restored, which will lead to its active circulation and the elimination of congestion.
    6. Change and weakness of the muscle tissue of the pelvic floor, as a result of which the uterus becomes mobile and falls below normal. In this case, special exercises are additionally prescribed that strengthen the abdominal muscles.
    7. Frigidity that occurs after an abortion or inflammation is treated with massage.
    8. With painful menstruation or violations of the female menstrual cycle.

    Every woman needs to this procedure at least once a year in small courses, even if she has no health problems. Such measures can be therapeutic and preventive in nature. As a result, blood circulation of all organs of the small pelvis increases, and pituitary hormones are better absorbed by the ovaries. Also, uterine massage has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines and bladder.

    Contraindications for the procedure

    Therapeutic measures are not suitable for all women and have a number of contraindications:

    1. menses;
    2. chronic subfebrile temperature;
    3. acute or chronic inflammatory processes on the external genital organs;
    4. neoplasms on the uterus or appendages;
    5. infection and suppuration;
    6. congenital displacement of the uterus;
    7. pregnancy;
    8. lactation;
    9. the period after complicated childbirth (at least 2 months after them);
    10. pain during or after the procedure.

    Gynecological massage for infertility is not a panacea. It normalizes blood circulation and helps eliminate some of the obstacles that prevent getting pregnant. This method is auxiliary to the main treatment. Massage of the uterus with infertility can contribute to successful conception only in case of minor pathology.

    Instructions for conducting

    Be sure to massage the uterus in a specially equipped office by a gynecologist. He must know how to manipulate and how to position internal organs. Only an experienced massage therapist is able to recognize the pathologies that are inside the female pelvis.

    Before the procedure, the patient should relax and take a comfortable position. Usually this is lying on your back, but sometimes it is also a knee-elbow position. All manipulations must be carried out gently and painlessly. If pain occurs, the massage should be stopped. It should be borne in mind that each patient has her own pain barrier and there are women who are not able to endure this procedure.

    Massage is done with two hands, the clitoris should not be affected. Rubber gloves are put on, and the genitals are necessarily treated with an antiseptic solution. The procedure is carried out after emptying the intestines and bladder and on an empty stomach - at least two hours must pass after eating.

    During the procedure, use the following tricks, alternating with each other:

    • stretching;
    • stroking;
    • pressure and others.

    Massage for the correction of the uterus includes rubbing and stroking abdominal area with one hand, and two fingers of the other hand are inserted into the vagina. In the same way, scars and adhesions are stretched.

    There are several methods of carrying out the procedure: external, through the vagina, through the rectum, uterine massage on the fist. The last two deserve special attention.

    Massage of the uterus through the rectum

    This is a painless procedure that is indicated in cases where it is not possible to massage through the vagina (for example, girls with a preserved hymen). To perform the procedure, a woman can take any comfortable position, but the most acceptable position is considered to be lying on her side or on her back.

    The side-lying position is more comfortable for the patient, as the rectum is more relaxed in this case, so it is easier for the doctor to insert a finger into the anus for massage. But the second position is better, as it opens up free access for palpation. A small pillow is placed under the patient's back.

    The doctor must wear rubber gloves forefinger lubricates with vaseline. Then he puts a lubricated finger to the anus and begins to slowly insert it. At first, the patient may experience unpleasant feeling so the sphincter spasms. As a result of this, a pain reaction will appear. Therefore, the procedure should be carried out in a relaxed state. Before rectal massage, you can drink a tablet of valerian.

    Massage of the uterus through the rectum is performed using stroking and rubbing techniques. At the same time, the doctor massages uterine appendages. In addition, during the procedure, the doctor may detect narrowing, blood clots, and accumulation of mucus in the rectal area.

    Massage of the uterus on the fist

    This is a massage to improve the tone of the uterus, as well as to stimulate its contractions. During it, the doctor inserts his right hand into the vagina and squeezes the uterus into a fist with his palm. Then, with the left hand through the abdominal cavity, the gynecologist massages the entire surface of the uterus, which moves towards the pubis. Massage of the uterus on the fist is carried out until the organ stops contracting.

    The effectiveness of the procedures, how many sessions are needed?

    The number of sessions depends on the condition of the patient, her reaction and the result. On average, 10-20 sessions are done, but in severe cases, much more. Sometimes the doctor may prescribe a massage for several courses with interruptions - 10 procedures every other day in the intermenstrual period, then 10 more the next month. And so for several months, depending on the result. The first procedures are done for a short time, about 5 minutes, then the time increases to 10-15 minutes.

    Cost in different centers

    The cost of gynecological massage is different in different medical centers.

    Gynecological massage improves blood circulation in the uterine cavity, reduces the number of adhesions. It can be used to correct some congenital pathologies of the uterus. However, the procedure must be carried out by a gynecologist in a specially equipped room for this. Below is a uterine massage (video), with which you can familiarize yourself with the features of the procedure.

    What is gynecological female massage

    Gynecological massage was invented and patented over 150 years ago by Thure Brandt, a man far from medicine. It took him about 10 years to patent and streamline his methodology. At the beginning of the last century, the first courses for obstetricians appeared in St. Petersburg, and massage techniques were included in the training.

    The new method gained great popularity: it offered to solve problems in gynecology without the use of medications.

    Over the years, the procedure has been improved and complicated, and today it is not only a manual massage. Gynecological female massage is a complex consisting of classical and specific techniques of internal exposure, ultrasonic and infrared, magnetic therapy.

    Female massage is a direct physiological effect on the pelvic organs in women. The result of regular sessions is:

    • Improving blood circulation and lymph movement;
    • Increased uterine activity;
    • Increasing the elasticity of muscle tissue;
    • Reducing the severity of adhesions;
    • Strengthening of muscle tissue;
    • Decrease in severity pathological changes reproductive organs;
    • Normalization of the endocrine system;
    • Reducing inflammation;
    • Increasing sexual activity.

    Direct massage of the uterus has a general strengthening and tonic effect on the female body.

    Contraindications and indications

    With the help of manual gynecological massage, complications that arise after medical or surgical termination of pregnancy and pathological childbirth can be eliminated.

    Purpose for the procedure:

    • Insufficient or weak contractility of intrauterine muscle tissue;
    • interrupted pregnancy;
    • Inflammatory chronic processes in remission;
    • Incorrect position of the uterus;
    • disturbed menstrual cycle;
    • Infertility;
    • Dystonia and fibrosis;
    • Painful menstruation;
    • Vaginismus, accompanied by problems with the implementation of sexual intercourse.

    Massage is also prescribed as a rehabilitation therapy after operations to normalize the intestines and bladder.

    Massage is needed for women who have difficulty conceiving. It is often prescribed together with a complex of medical procedures. Sessions are also recommended for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle: the lack of movement leads to impaired blood circulation and congestion in the pelvic organs. As a result, the development of inflammatory and infectious processes, constipation and painful menstrual bleeding.


    For gynecological massage, contraindications may be temporary or permanent. It also has restrictions on holding in certain areas.

    It is forbidden to attend sessions when:

    • pregnancy;
    • Menses;
    • Feverish state, accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
    • Oncology;
    • Intestinal diseases in the acute stage;
    • Acute form of infectious diseases;
    • breastfeeding;
    • Congenital pathologies;
    • stock muscle weakness pelvic floor;
    • venereal diseases;
    • Purulent inflammations;
    • Inflammation of the veins and thrombosis.

    If pain occurs during the session, the session is stopped. In case of frigidity obtained during difficult childbirth, abortion or sexual abuse, it is necessary to consult a psychologist before attending a session.

    Conditions for massage treatments

    The main condition for carrying out is normal emotional condition and health of the patient. Before the procedure, a general blood test and a smear from the vagina are required.

    Manual massage of the reproductive organs can take place in a clinic, medical or diagnostic center, at home. On the days of the session, it is recommended to refrain from sex. The procedure should be carried out no earlier than 2 hours after the meal. Massage is done on a special table with foot rests or on a regular chair for gynecological examinations.

    Before the sessions, the doctors teach the woman the techniques of deep lung breathing and relaxation of the abdominals and vagina.

    Massage techniques and techniques

    The massage method for the treatment of female diseases is based on the internal and external study of the reproductive organs. During exposure, both hands are involved: one palpates the entire accessible part of the uterus through the vagina, and the fingers of the other press through the stomach. You need to act very gently, gently, because. the area of ​​study is sensitive and easily injured. Previously, the doctor must determine the position of the uterus and the degree of its mobility. Bends and folds, as well as incorrect position, are corrected by careful straightening and movement.

    At the end of the session, the patient is given 15-20 minutes to rest and lie on her stomach. During this time, the massaged female organs will return to normal.

    The duration of the course is determined by the doctor and depends on the effectiveness and personal tolerance. The first session lasts no more than 5 minutes, but gradually increase the duration of exposure to 20 minutes. The regularity of the procedure depends on the health of the woman, it can be either daily or at intervals of 1-2 days.

    On average, a massage course lasts about 4 months and includes up to 60 procedures. Every 5-7 sessions it is necessary to undergo an examination by a doctor.

    Uterine massage can take place both in the clinic and at home, depending on the patient's condition. Before home sessions, you should consult with your doctor or gynecologist to determine contraindications. Self-massage is often done when the cycle fails, to facilitate conception, increase sensitivity and reduce frigidity.

    The procedure is carried out only from a prone position. A massage roller or pillow is placed under the lower back and back. Before the procedure, you need to take 5-6 deep breaths, relax.

    The index and middle fingers are slowly inserted into the vagina and the walls are massaged. They move a little higher, kneading the uterus and fallopian tubes. You can do a few gentle pressure or circular motions. The fingers of the other hand at this time massage the abdominal muscles.

    Massage according to the method of Dr. Norbekov

    The execution technique is based on the fact that physical body must be in harmony with the spiritual. The doctor believes that it is more effective to carry out gynecological female massage in combination with psychological work. In the methodology, the intention and confidence that recovery is possible plays an important role.

    Massage is also acceptable at home for the treatment of infertility, increasing sexual attraction, increasing muscle tone and improving the condition of the entire uterine area. If a woman learns to trust herself and learn about her body, she can improve both her health and relationships with men.

    This massage is not possible in the following cases: pregnancy, oncology, menstruation. The procedure should take place in silence and a calm environment: it is important to completely relax. During the session, you can lie on your back or take the lotus position. All attention is focused on yourself, on your feelings and breathing.

    Massage technique

    Internally shift attention to the area of ​​the bladder and lower back. There should be a pleasant sensation of tingling and warmth that fills the uterus and all the space around it. Under the influence of sensations muscle the uterus will begin to resonate and create vibrations of tissue regeneration. The end of the session is an active contraction of the uterus. If during the procedure early stages The desired sensations are not achieved - do not be upset. It is necessary to visualize the area of ​​the uterus, the lower back, the organs of the small pelvis and the ball of light, warm energy. After that, initiate contractions of the uterus with rapid and repeated tensions of the muscles of the vagina.

    Auto-massage is carried out daily, at the same time. It is not recommended to do more than 200 contractions in one session. After two weeks of classes, they switch to another schedule: 2-3 sessions per week.

    The Norbekov system includes three preliminary exercises that help you tune in to a positive result. To control the muscles that contract during the massage, you need to sit down and urinate. During urination, squeeze the muscle and interrupt the process. Hold for 3-4 seconds and continue writing. Repeat many times until fatigue appears. The muscles then contract and try to pull inward.

    The second exercise is walking in a straight line. The heel of one foot should touch the toes of the other. The third is performed from a prone position. The legs are straight, extended and raised. Socks reach for the ceiling. Then slowly raise the lower back, to facilitate the exercise, emphasis can be placed on the elbows. The angle between the lower back and the surface of the floor or bed should be about 45°. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds. Do 2-3 repetitions.

    For efficiency, before exercises, you can do meditation or do any of the breathing exercises.

    • Spinach;
    • Liver;
    • Asparagus;
    • Germinated grain of wheat, rye, oats;
    • Broccoli and other green vegetables;
    • Dried fruits;
    • Bitter chocolate;
    • Mango and citrus;
    • Green apples;
    • Seafood;
    • Milk products;
    • Any seeds or nuts.

    But it is necessary to exclude from the diet all sweet, fatty, salty, as well as soy products and products containing a large number of preservatives.

    Female gynecological massage is a good alternative drug treatment diseases of the reproductive organs. It will help solve the problem without side effects and complications, and it can be carried out both in the hospital and at home. The main condition for quickly achieving a positive effect is the ability to relax, listen to the advice of a doctor and trust your feelings.

    You can combine massage with any kind of physiotherapy, gymnastics, yoga. To improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, it is recommended to walk a lot, swim, and engage in therapeutic riding. At right approach the first positive changes can be noticed after a month of study.

    Massage of the uterus for conception allows a woman to get rid of many diseases. With proper execution of the technique, the following positive effects are observed:

    1. Increased muscle tone.
    2. Reduction of stagnant processes in the pelvic organs by improving blood circulation.
    3. Increase in regenerative possibilities after surgical operations.
    4. Reducing the likelihood of adhesions and scarring.
    5. Formation of the normal functional position of the uterus.
    6. Restoration of hormonal balance.
    7. Improving the functioning of the genitourinary system and other organs.
    8. Normalization of metabolism.
    9. Strengthening the body's defenses.
    10. Decrease pain syndrome during menstruation.

    The procedure has a beneficial effect not only on physiological processes. After the session, there is an improvement in the psycho-emotional background. The fair sex noted a decrease in anxiety, irritability, an increase in libido and an improvement in sensuality. In the treatment of infertility, the chances of a long-awaited pregnancy are significantly increased.

    Important! The duration of the massage and the number of procedures are selected individually, depending on the patient's condition.

    Indications for massage

    Due to the main actions, the procedure can be used to treat a wide range gynecological pathology. The doctor prescribes a course for the following conditions:

    • Primary and secondary infertility.
    • Congestive disorders in the pelvic organs.
    • Changing the position of the uterus - bending, omission, displacement to the sides.
    • Adhesions in the area of ​​the tubes and ovaries.
    • In order to restore the function of the body after surgery, abortion, endoscopic manipulations.
    • With poor contractility of the uterus.
    • Painful periods.
    • Violation of the menstrual cycle.
    • Fibrous changes in the uterus.
    • Decreased sex drive and sexual function.

    Massage gives good results if it is carried out according to indications. Before the session, the specialist conducts additional examination. This is necessary in order to exclude a pathology in which manipulations on the uterus are undesirable.

    If the restrictions are not defined, you can proceed with the procedure. In this case, it is better to trust an experienced professional. A correctly performed technique guarantees a positive effect, which is especially important for women of childbearing age who want to have a baby.

    In some cases, manipulations on the uterus are not recommended. Therefore, before starting the massage, the patient should be carefully examined. Restrictions may be temporary or permanent, and include the following contraindications:

    1. sharp infectious processes genital organs;
    2. venereal diseases;
    3. tuberculous tissue lesions;
    4. anomalies in the development of the uterus of a congenital nature;
    5. menstrual bleeding;
    6. erosive changes in the cervix;
    7. period of gestation;
    8. breast-feeding.

    The procedure should be delayed if the woman has had surgical intervention or artificial termination of pregnancy. It is undesirable to carry out any technique on the uterus immediately after childbirth.

    In such situations, it is necessary to postpone the massage for two months. During this period, the tissues of the organ are restored. Then you can carry out treatment.

    You can carry out gynecological massage in a medical institution or on your own. The best option is to have the procedure performed by a gynecologist. Depending on the cause of the disease, the specialist will select individual course, as well as determine the frequency and intensity of exposure to the uterus. At the same time, a woman can control her well-being and talk about the sensations that she experiences.

    Attention! If pain or discomfort occurs during manipulation, the massage should be stopped.

    The appearance of negative signs is a reason for re-examination in order to clarify the condition. In the gynecological office, the session is performed on a special chair, which is equipped with auxiliary devices for the comfortable positioning of the patient. The doctor preliminarily conducts an examination to determine the position of the uterus, the presence of displacement and additional formations. The study must be performed with sterile gloves.

    A woman must fully trust a specialist. Excessive excitement and anxiety prevent sufficient relaxation and proper behavior during the procedure. Before the start of the course, the patient is taught breathing exercises and control over your feelings.

    The technical aspects are as follows:

    • Before visiting the gynecologist, it is necessary to empty the bladder and perform hygiene procedures in the intimate area.
    • Eating should be no later than two hours before the session.
    • The woman is located in a chair on her back, with her legs resting on the stands, or in a knee-elbow position. The position is determined by the gynecologist, depending on the type pathological problem, which needs to be eliminated.
    • The doctor performs manipulations with both hands, from the inside and outside. With the help of the index and middle fingers, the cervical area is massaged, and the lower part of the anterior abdominal wall is the right pressure towards the projection of the organ.
    • Respiratory excursions should be smooth and uniform in order to achieve complete relaxation of muscle tissue.
    • The duration of the course of treatment is from 10 to 30 sessions. Manipulation in every specific case can take from 3 to 12 minutes. Visits to the gynecological office twice a week are usually sufficient to obtain a good result of therapy.

    Attention! When symptoms appear acute illness or other symptoms, the course is temporarily stopped until the patient's condition returns to normal.

    To receive maximum effect doctors recommend some time to rest in the prone position or in the knee-elbow position. The duration of this period is 10-15 minutes.

    Features of self-massage

    You can massage the uterus for conception at home. To do this, a woman needs to master the technique of external and internal influence on the genitals. With the right manipulation good result will not keep you waiting. However, the depth and intensity of exposure during such a session is somewhat different from that carried out by a specialist. The procedure performed by the doctor is considered the best therapy option.


    Gynecologists recommend uterine massage as helper method, in the complex treatment of infertility and other pathologies of the reproductive system. Regular sessions combined with reception medications which significantly improves the condition of patients.

    A properly conducted course of manipulation therapy increases a woman's chance for a happy motherhood and a fulfilling life.

    In treatment gynecological pathologies many methods are used: drug therapy, surgery, unconventional ways. One of the ways to treat diseases of the female genital organs is cervical massage.

    Definition and indications

    Uterine massage is a medical procedure during which certain manipulations are carried out with this organ. These actions are aimed at improving the condition of female organs and treating certain pathologies:

    1. Change in the length and irregularity of the menstrual cycle.
    2. Amenorrhea (lack of menstruation).
    3. Bend or displacement of the uterus.
    4. Inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system.
    5. Infertility.
    6. Pathological changes in the body after childbirth or abortion.
    7. The presence of scars on the uterus.
    8. Fibrosis (caused by congestion in the pelvic organs).

    The procedure is also prescribed for back pain, which is a symptom of gynecological diseases.

    With the help of uterine massage, you can achieve significant improvements in the body, because during treatment:

    • The hormonal balance is normalized.
    • The adhesions are eliminated.
    • The muscles of the pelvic organs are strengthened.
    • The uterine position is corrected.
    • Organs are preparing for childbirth.
    • The tone rises.
    • Inflammatory processes are eliminated.
    • Improves blood circulation.

    The course also allows for improvements in intimate life, sharpening sensations during intimate contacts.


    With some diseases and conditions of the body, this method of treatment is prohibited:

    • Cervical erosion.
    • The presence of venereal diseases.
    • Pregnancy and lactation.
    • Enterocolitis.
    • Acute inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system.
    • postoperative period.
    • Availability oncological diseases uterus or appendages.

    Also, massage is not performed during menstruation and at elevated body temperature.


    It is better to take a course with a specialist who has sufficient experience.

    1. Massage is performed in a gynecological chair (the woman takes a pose as on examination). In some diseases, the procedure can be performed in the knee-elbow position.
    2. It is carried out two hours after eating.
    3. Immediately before the massage, the intestines and bladder are emptied.
    4. The genitals should be treated with an antiseptic (most often this is done by a specialist).
    5. The doctor explains to the patient about the need to relax and breathe properly.
    6. Massage should not cause severe pain.
    7. The doctor performs the procedure with both hands: several fingers of one hand are in the uterus, the other massages the patient's stomach.
    8. In girls who do not live sexually, manipulations are carried out through the rectum.
    9. Massage of the uterus on the fist is carried out with advanced pathologies and only by a specialist. It involves the introduction of a clenched fist into the vagina (this allows you to more thoroughly massage the organ).

    At first, the session lasts from 5 to 10 minutes, then the duration increases. Usually the course includes 10 sessions, a break for the period of menstruation and the next 10 sessions for a month. In some cases, 3-4 months of treatment may be required. During the course, you should be protected, since uterine massage can lead to the development of an ectopic pregnancy.

    At home

    • Before the procedure, you should empty the bladder and intestines (make a soft enema).
    • Thoroughly wash the genitals.
    • Lie on your back and bend your knees. Place a pillow or towel rolled up under the lower back.
    • The use of disposable gloves is recommended.
    • During the session, it is very important to relax and breathe properly.
    • For massage, the index and middle fingers are inserted into the vagina, then its walls are gently kneaded. With the other hand, it is necessary to massage the abdominal muscles. If desired, you can use a lubricant (if the insertion of fingers causes discomfort).
    • A woman should not feel sharp pain or intense discomfort.
    • The procedure lasts from 3 to 7 minutes. After that, you should lie down quietly for 15 minutes.

    Before you independently perform a course of procedures at home, you need to consult with a specialist.

    Gynecological massage is performed to treat a whole range of diseases. It is especially effective for infertility, as many women claim, they became pregnant after a course of this procedure.