Menu for a 7 month old baby on mixed feeding. Baby nutrition at seven months: what foods to give? What to do if your child has allergies

fertilization- penetration of sperm into the egg

egg division after fertilization and its movement through the fallopian tubes

In order for it to come ovulation, an immature egg (follicle) in one of the ovaries matures under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone, which is secreted by the pituitary gland. As the follicle matures, luteinizing hormone is produced. Under its influence, the follicle ruptures, releasing the egg. This is ovulation, which usually occurs in the middle of every normal period. menstrual cycle. After ovulation, the egg enters one of the fallopian tubes and from there into the uterus. Typically, an egg is capable of fertilization within twelve hours. If fertilization does not occur during this time, she dies and is hatched during menses along with menstrual flow.

For conception to occur, sperm must already be in the fallopian tubes. time when the egg is capable of fertilization. The sperm, being in the woman’s genital tract after ejaculation, usually does not die for another 48-72 hours. So about four days monthly, most favorable for conception.

For conception to occur, the sperm must penetrate the membranes of the egg. A large number of sperm are involved in the dissolution of the outer shell, but only one can connect with the egg. The egg and sperm combine to form one cell (zygote), which divides into two, then four, and so on. Each cell of the embryo contains the chromosomes of the mother and father, which form the individual genetic code of the child.

After conception The developing embryo passes through the fallopian tubes into the uterus. The cells continue to divide and form a ball called a morula. After about four days, fluid accumulates in the center of the morula and creates a cavity. This structure is called a blastocyst. After a few days, projections called chorionic villi form on the blastocyst. They penetrate the wall of the uterus and become attached to it. This process is called implantation. Implantation occurs approximately twenty days after the last menses. In it time after conception first signspregnancy usually absent.

When planning to conceive, it is necessary to consider that:

    During one menstrual cycle, a woman can mature several eggs.

Ovulation may not occur in the middle of the cycle. In young girls and in cases of violation menstrual cycle, the ovaries often work irregularly, and therefore ovulation may occur earlier or later. The time of ovulation may depend on the emotional and mental state of the woman, which affects hormonal balance.

Various diseases affect a woman's ability to conceive and the possibility of implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus.

It's very common lately asymptomatic course of gynecological diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases and tumors. Even pathological vaginal discharge This is not always the case with such diseases. Without analyzes It is difficult to distinguish them from normal discharge. With a hidden course, there are no female diseases stomach ache, bleeding, menstrual irregularities and other symptoms. Therefore, every woman needs a preventive examination by a gynecologist at least twice a year.

Conception- First step pregnancy. Sometimes, in order for conception to occur faster, preparation is necessary. Choose favorable days for conception better according conception calendar. Male reproductive cells are able to remain active in a woman’s body for several days. If there is no ovulation during this period, then conception will not occur and they will die. The most favorable time for conceiving children- This day ovulation.

Since the lifespan of an egg is about 12 hours, sexual intercourse days before ovulation is more preferable for conceiving a child, how after ovulation, since it takes sperm about a day to enter the fallopian tube. Define day ovulation and calculate favorable days for conception possible by basal temperature chart, but this method is complicated and inaccurate. You can also do it yourself in the middle of the menstrual cycle. tests for ovulation and contact a gynecologist who, using analysis discharge, Ultrasound, hormone tests will determine the day of ovulation with an accuracy of 1-2 days. Some women subjectively feel ovulation - they feel pain in the lower abdomen, swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands, nausea, and note the release of ovulatory viscous mucus from the genital tract on the day of ovulation. Sometimes there is discharge during ovulation bloody. Ovulation may occur on different days for different women. Therefore, after determining the days of ovulation for three menstrual cycles, a woman can create an individual conception calendar.

Conception calendar for ovulation in the middle of the menstrual cycle

Poses for conception

It is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse for 3-5 days before ovulation to allow sperm to mature. For conception, it is better if a woman lies on her back during intercourse. After it’s finished, you can put a pillow under your buttocks and raise your legs. This pose need to save for some time. In this case, the cervix will be immersed in the sperm located in the posterior fornix of the vagina. Also facilitate the penetration of sperm into the cervical canal and conception helps knee-elbow pose during or after sexual intercourse. Most young women who are recently sexually active do not experience orgasm during intercourse. Having an orgasm does not affect conception.

Days before and after conception

IN days before conception child And after conception, drinking alcohol by spouses should be excluded, since alcohol has a damaging effect on female and male reproductive cells. It is also necessary to avoid other harmful factors - smoking, household chemicals, x-rays, medications. If the spouses are not healthy, it is better to postpone conception until recovery. In case of long-term use of medications and chronic diseases, you should consult your doctor about their possible effect on conception And pregnancy.

In the days after conception first before missed period signspregnancy usually absent.

The best time to conceive a child

The biggest advantage of conception at any time year is the very fact of pregnancy, especially if it is long-awaited.

Conception in summer

When conceiving in the summer, first trimester pregnancy occurs in summer-autumn, childbirth - in the spring months. The advantages of this time for conception include good natural vitaminization of the body, the opportunity to spend more time in the fresh air, and a favorable epidemiological situation for acute respiratory infections in the first trimester of pregnancy. But childbirth and the formation of lactation occur in the most low-vitamin season of the year; it is necessary to ensure a sufficient supply of essential nutrients to the female body.

Conception in autumn

The first trimester of pregnancy occurs in autumn-winter, childbirth - in the summer months. At the same time, there is good natural vitaminization of a woman’s body during the period of conception, before childbirth and during the period of lactation.

But the first trimester falls during an epidemiologically unfavorable season - outbreaks of influenza, acute respiratory infections. In the first trimester, the fetus is especially vulnerable to infectious influences. This should be taken into account if a woman is prone to colds.

Part of the last trimester of pregnancy will take place in hot summer conditions. This should be taken into account by women who do not tolerate heat well and need a lot of fluid. The heat complicates the fight against late toxicosis of pregnancy, worsens the well-being of the expectant mother, and it is difficult to maintain a drinking regime at high temperatures.

Conception in winter

The first trimester of pregnancy occurs in winter-spring, childbirth - in autumn. The advantage of conceiving at this time is good natural vitaminization in the last trimester of pregnancy, during childbirth and during the period of lactation.

But the first trimester of pregnancy occurs at the peak of epidemic troubles in terms of influenza and acute respiratory infections. Moreover, at this time, as mentioned earlier, the embryo is most sensitive to the effects of infection.

Conception in spring

The first trimester of pregnancy occurs in spring-summer, childbirth - in winter. The disadvantages include the peak of hypovitaminization of the parent organisms at the time of conception and early pregnancy, the unfavorable epidemic situation in terms of acute respiratory infections and influenza during conception in the first half of spring.

Conceiving a child - boy or girl.

It is believed that compliance with certain rules before conception guarantees conceiving a child certain gender. Statistics do not confirm the effectiveness of any of the “folk” methods of planning the sex of a child; positive results when these rules are followed are random.

All of the “folk” methods listed below for planning the sex of a child have no scientific basis, but with strong faith in them, they may be effective. You should be especially careful when following the described diets, since none of them is complete in terms of nutrients, which can adversely affect the health of the mother and child.

Folk methods of conceiving a boy or girl

To conceive a boy It is necessary to plan conception in odd-numbered months in even-numbered years of life, or in even-numbered months in odd-numbered years. It is believed that it is necessary to have sex at night, when there is a month in the sky, not a full moon, and there is no precipitation. The bedroom should be cool, the window should be open, you should lie with your head facing north, you should put some “masculine” attribute under the pillow - a toy gun, a car. Couples where the husband is more sexually active than the wife are more likely to conceive a boy. During sexual intercourse, a man should achieve orgasm earlier than a woman, and after sex, future parents are advised not to sleep for a long time. Before sexual intercourse, the husband should wash the testicles with cold water, which will increase sperm activity. Before the big night, for at least three weeks, a woman should eat meat and fish products, potatoes, mushrooms, drink tea, coffee, forgetting about milk and dairy products, as well as bread and egg yolks. All dishes must be salted.

To conceive a girl The year and month of pregnancy can be even or odd. The day should be rainy, the moon phase should be full moon. In these cases, you need to have sex in the evening, in a room painted pink, lie with your head facing south, and put a pink ribbon under the pillow. The window should be closed and the air in the room should be scented. Girls are guaranteed to couples where the wife is more sexually active than the husband. Following a dairy diet helps in conceiving a girl; fish, bread, carrots, cucumbers, greens are allowed, the consumption of dried fruits and meat is limited, carbonated water, salt and spices are excluded. The girl's future father should warm his genitals with warm underwear to reduce the activity of male reproductive cells.

One of the frequently discussed methods of planning the gender of a child has the sonorous name “blood renewal”. It is believed that in men, blood is renewed every 4 years, and in women - every 3 years. If a person has had some kind of surgery or blood loss during his life, then the countdown begins not from the day of birth, but from the date of this blood loss. Thus, the age or time since the last blood loss is divided by 4 in men, and by 3 in women (with Rh-negative blood in the mother, the opposite is true - for men the denominator will be 3, and for women - 4). Whoever has the larger balance (mom or dad) has “younger”, stronger blood, therefore, the child will be of the same gender. The method has not received any scientific justification.

Conceiving a boy or girl from a scientific point of view

According to statistics, for every 100 girls, an average of 106 boys are born. Even more male embryos are formed, but male embryos, like boys in their first year of life, die more often. Dangerous games, male professions, wars, bad habits, often lead to the death of adult men. By reproductive age, the sex ratio becomes approximately 1 to 1.

The sex cells of a man and a woman each contain one sex chromosome and 22 somatic (non-sex) chromosomes - the sperm and egg contain 23 chromosomes. When a sperm and an egg merge during the process of fertilization, the individual genotype of a girl (46 XX) or a boy (46 XY) is formed. Sex is determined by the combination of two sex chromosomes: girls have the combination XX, and boys have XY. In a woman, all eggs contain one X chromosome (there are no other sex chromosomes in the female body). There are two types of sperm in men: those with an X chromosome and those with a Y chromosome. If the egg is fertilized by an X sperm, a girl will be born, if Y, a boy will be born. Thus, the sex of the child depends on the male reproductive cell! Therefore, the father’s claims against his wife regarding the sex of the newborn child are completely unfounded. For the same reason, all methods of planning the sex of a child related to the expectant mother are unfounded. A woman can pass on only the X chromosome to her child, and the second chromosome - X or Y, which will determine whether the child is born a boy or a girl, the child’s father reports.

Some methods of planning the sex of a child are based on scientifically proven facts. They are difficult to use for women with irregular cycles, which make it difficult to determine the exact day of ovulation. In healthy women with a regular menstrual cycle, the date of ovulation may also shift.

    Planning the sex of the child based on the date of ovulation.

To increase the likelihood conception of a boy, it is necessary that sexual intercourse occurs during ovulation time. The method is based on the differences between X and Y sperm. The X chromosome is much larger in size than the Y chromosome. X sperm are slower, but more viable. Fertilization of an egg by a sperm is possible after its release from the ovary - after ovulation. If sexual intercourse took place several days before ovulation, then the likelihood of conceiving a girl, because, most likely, only hardy X-spermatozoa remain in the woman’s genital tract, which will receive the honorable mission of fertilization. If future parents manage to abstain from sex for at least a week before the day of ovulation, and sexual intercourse occurs on the day of ovulation, then the likelihood of conceiving a boy increases, since the extremely mobile Y-sperm will be the first to reach the egg, ahead of the X-sperm. 2-3 days before ovulation, the environment in the vagina is more acidic, which contributes to the rapid death of Y-sperm. During ovulation, the pH of the environment becomes slightly alkaline, which promotes the survival of Y sperm.

    Dependence of the child's gender on the sexual activity of the parents.

With frequent sexual intercourse (daily or every other day), boys are more often born because there is a higher probability of fertilization with fast Y-sperm. With low sexual activity, the likelihood of having a girl increases; X-sperm remain viable until ovulation in the woman’s genital tract (up to 5 days after intercourse).

    Practical advice.

A woman needs to determine the time of ovulation over several menstrual cycles using a basal temperature chart, an ovulation test, or using a daily ultrasound - from approximately the 10th day of the menstrual cycle until the release of the egg from the ovary. Ultrasound clearly shows the maturing (dominant) follicle containing the egg. It disappears after ovulation, and in its place a corpus luteum forms. Some women subjectively feel ovulation, for example, they feel pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, and note the release of ovulatory mucus from the genital tract on the day of ovulation - such mucus is viscous and quite abundant. When planning to conceive a daughter, sexual intercourse should be 2-3 days before the calculated date of ovulation, if you want to conceive a son, you should abstain from sex at least 2-3 days before ovulation, and sexual intercourse should occur during ovulation.

    Separation of spermatozoa into X and Y using special procedures.

Sperm are separated using laser technology. After performing one of these procedures, the egg is fertilized in a test tube with a selected sperm, an embryo of the desired sex is obtained and it is introduced into the uterine cavity (in vitro fertilization).

Even this scientifically proven method of planning the gender of a child does not provide a 100% guarantee. Possible genetic changes when using artificial sperm sorting procedures have not been fully studied. In the future, perhaps, sperm separation will help solve the problem of preventing hereditary diseases associated with gender.

None of the methods of planning the gender of a child provides a 100% guarantee. The appearance of a healthy child of any gender, boy or girl, in a family is a happy event.

Artificial insemination

Intrauterine insemination sperm of the husband or donor is performed when immunological incompatibility of a married couple is established or when the fertilizing ability of the husband's sperm is reduced. On a favorable day of the menstrual cycle for pregnancy, pre-processed sperm is injected into the woman’s uterus. The effectiveness of intrauterine insemination in the treatment of infertility is quite high. It is advisable to repeat the procedure for 4 cycles.

In Vitro Fertilization outside the uterus with subsequent transfer of embryos into the mother's uterus (IVF) is carried out in case of persistent obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Those stages of development of the egg and embryo that normally take place in the fallopian tube in the first 2-3 days after fertilization, with IVF, occur under artificial conditions - “in vitro”. The IVF method consists of several stages:

    diagnosis of the form and causes of infertility

Prescribing a woman drugs that stimulate the growth of several follicles in the egg - induction of superovulation

assessment of ovarian response to induction using ultrasound and hormonal studies

determining the moment when follicle puncture should be performed using ultrasound examinations and determining the concentration of hormones

puncture of follicles, extraction of eggs from them, placing them in a special environment

collection and preparation of spermatozoa

connection of eggs and sperm, insemination of eggs in vitro and placing them in an incubator for 24-42 hours

transfer of embryos from a test tube to the mother's uterus

prescription of drugs that support implantation and development of embryos in the uterus

pregnancy diagnosis

management of pregnancy and childbirth

The effectiveness of IVF currently averages 30%. This is a high percentage, considering that the probability of conception in a healthy man and woman in the same menstrual cycle is about 30%. Due to the high efficiency of IVF, today this method is used for almost all forms of infertility. With IVF, preimplantation diagnosis of hereditary diseases is possible. The frequency of genetic diseases in children born through IVF does not exceed that in children conceived in the usual way.

Surrogacy. The egg obtained from the woman is fertilized with her husband's sperm. The resulting embryo is transferred into the uterus of another woman, the so-called surrogate or biological mother. The surrogate mother carries the child and after birth gives it to the owner of the eggs - the genetic mother.

Most people are still confident that conceiving a child is directly a sexual act between a man and a woman. In fact, the birth of a new life occurs somewhat later and only under certain conditions. Let's open the curtain and find out what path each of us overcomes in the very first moments of our intrauterine existence.

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Cell cycles and life

The process of fertilization of an egg is one of the most mysterious and complex in science. A fertilized egg is a great success.

Although millions of women get pregnant at will and without it, without thinking about all the “tricks” that occur in their body.

To find out how conception occurs day by day, let’s turn to women’s cycles, on which almost everything depends.

From the moment of birth, every girl has more than a million eggs in her body. No more than half of them survive until she reaches puberty, that is, until her first menstruation.

These cells grow to incredible sizes and are therefore considered the largest in the human body. Once a month, one of them leaves its “shelter”; this process is called ovulation. He, in fact, plays a key role in the question of how conception occurs.

Approximately 14 days before the onset of menstruation, the egg is released from the ovary. This process lasts about 15 minutes, and some women even feel a slight pain and tingling in the abdominal area. It is the moment of ovulation that is the most cherished time when conception occurs if the sperm reaches a mature egg.

In turn, the male seed is a substance very durable. In the female body, sperm can live up to 9 days, waiting for the release of the egg for further intercourse with it. This is the answer to the question of what conception is and at what stages of the cycle it is possible. Well, now let's find out what happens to male and female cells in the future.

How two cells form one

As we have already said, sperm, of which thousands enter a woman’s body, live there for a very long time. They “wait” for their time, and if they don’t wait, they die. The egg is not so “patient”. After its release from the ovary, it lives from 12 to 35 hours, and after this time it dies and comes out with menstruation.

If, after ovulation, she meets one of the thousands of sperm, a process called fertilization occurs.

The sperm breaks through the walls of the egg and penetrates inside, strongly changing its composition. In this way, a zygote is formed - a completely new cell in the body with its own set of chromosomes and personal DNA.

This is how fertilization of the egg occurs, moreover, it is at this stage that it is formed.

If the sperm carried Y chromosomes, it will be a boy, and if X, it will be a girl. However, the intercourse of two cells and the formation of a fundamentally new “organism” inside a woman is not pregnancy.

How long does fertilization of an egg last, that is, the process that we described above, is a purely individual question. Doctors note that on average it takes 18-20 hours, taking into account the speed of the sperm. The newly formed zygote, after its final formation, begins its movement along the fallopian tubes.

Note! The formation of a zygote does not depend on the specific moment at which the male seed entered the female body.

The egg is fertilized only after it leaves the ovary, that is, on the day of ovulation. And this only happens if the sperm “wait” for her.

Let's start counting down the days

After fertilization of the egg occurs, which lasts about several hours, you can move on to a detailed consideration of all the processes day by day, right up to the onset of pregnancy. It is worth remembering that until the zygote reaches the uterine cavity, the woman is not pregnant, moreover, this whole process is very dangerous. But the most insidious thing about all this is that there is no way to know for sure what happens after a specific ovulation, whether the future fetus has started or not.

Informative!: Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation?

  • the first day. We have already described above where fertilization occurs and how exactly the sperm penetrates the egg. Actually, these are the events of the first day of a future pregnancy.
  • second day. The newly formed zygote begins its journey. It moves through the fallopian tube and in the process divides into blastomeres. At the 48th hour of conception, these cells surrounding the zygote are still large, but their number is small.
  • day three after conception. The number of blastomeres increases, and their size decreases. Gradually they form into a single cellular structure. It is also important to note that on the third day the genome is formed future child.
  • the fourth day is the beginning of the most dangerous journey. The zygote with its blastomeres begins to actively move towards the uterus along the fallopian tubes. All stages of this path help her overcome the “hairs” that are located inside the pipes. They seem to push the cells to their destination.
  • fifth day. The most dangerous stages in the fertilization process are over. On this day, the zygote with blastomeres, which have already turned into a full-fledged embryo, “walks” around the uterus, looking for the most comfortable place for further implantation.
  • sixth to seventh days. At the moment, the size of the embryo does not exceed half a millimeter. Let us also note that it feeds on the corpus luteum, so the mother’s lifestyle at this stage does not affect the development of the fetus.
  • eighth to tenth day. The very time when the embryo is implanted into the wall of the uterus in the very place where it will stay until it is born. Implantation lasts for 40 hours, and from this moment the pregnancy countdown begins. It’s funny that it is almost impossible to determine the presence of a baby in the uterus by sensations at this stage, there are no symptoms yet, no toxicosis, and the belly is not growing. However, the mother’s body is rebuilt to the maximum level of protection of the embryo even at the moment of fertilization of the egg, so all internal organs seem to know in advance about upcoming pregnancy.

Note! From the place where fertilization of the egg occurred, the future embryo must travel a very long way to the uterus in just one day.

If the fallopian tubes narrow for some reason during movement, they will not be able to push out the zygote. As a result, she will have no choice but to be implanted in the tube. This is called an ectopic pregnancy and without timely medical intervention entails disastrous consequences.

How does a woman feel?

During the first ten days, that is, until the moment when the fetus is fixed in the wall of the uterus, there can be no talk of any signs of pregnancy.

Although certain changes in well-being and sensations can still be traced. If the child is the first, the expectant mother often chalks it all up to illness, and a mild one at that.

You may feel dizzy, tired and lethargic, and your enthusiasm and ingenuity may wane slightly. Basically, this is everything that happens after the moment of conception in the days leading up to pregnancy.

However, those women who have previously experienced the joy of motherhood will be much more attentive to such changes in the functioning of their own body, especially if in addition to them there is a delay. Nowadays, pregnancy tests have appeared that determine the woman’s position exactly on the 10th day from the moment of ovulation, that is, on the first day of conception.

Note! There is such a thing as implantation bleeding, which has much in common with ordinary menstruation and most often occurs when a woman is waiting for the delay to end.

The bloody discharge lasts only one or two days, and it is not profuse. If the bleeding is severe and ends within 7-10 days, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Spiritual and physical

Women often face the phenomenon of unwanted pregnancy.

If the expectant mother did not plan the birth of the baby at all and did not even think about it, and does not intend to continue her family at the moment, there may be only one answer to the question of why she became pregnant.

Her body turned out to be healthy, strong, all organs are working fully, they are full of energy and strength.

It is these criteria that the female body takes into account before it takes on the responsibility of bearing a new generation.

If the body is weakened, it lacks vitamins and minerals, and a woman often experiences fear and fatigue, then her reproductive system is unlikely to take on such great responsibility.

This is amazing, but in fact, thoughts about the desired pregnancy and the desire to conceive a baby with all your might do their job. All that remains for future parents to do: stick to healthy lifestyle, wait for the moment of ovulation and think only about the positive outcome of the matter.

Useful video: conceiving a child by day


We examined how conception occurs day by day after ovulation, and also learned in detail about all the processes that take place during this shortest period. For the further success of the event, a woman can only listen to her body and maintain her strength and health.

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The birth of a child is an exciting and desired event for any woman. Until this moment, it is necessary to go through the process of gestation of the fetus for 9 months and the period of conception, which will determine the beginning of pregnancy. Sometimes fertilization of an egg occurs very easily, but often you need to carefully prepare for such an important period in life. To successfully conceive a child, it is necessary to assess the age characteristics of the expectant mother, monitor her diet, get rid of bad habits, control her cycle and lead a healthy lifestyle. This will determine how long the process of conceiving a baby will take.

Mature germ cells in the body of a man and a woman are an essential part of the favorable conception of a child.

  1. Women's eggs, ready for productive function, mature thanks to hormones in the ovaries that are produced by the pituitary gland. Active growth of follicles leads to the release of the egg. This process in medicine is called ovulation and is an important stage in the process of conceiving a child. In addition, the hormone progesterone, produced by the pituitary gland, is also responsible for maintaining pregnancy by strengthening the viability of the corpus luteum.

After ovulation, the egg is released from the follicle and ovary directly into the mother's abdominal cavity. There it enters the funnel of the fallopian tube and moves along it until it enters the spermatic fluid, where it meets an individual sperm and, through the fusion of nuclei, forms a zygote - a new cell containing a complete set of chromosomes, which in the process of development is ready to give birth to any other cell. At this moment, the feeling of conception comes to the woman, because it is then that is actually considered the point of fertilization, from which pregnancy begins. After fusion, the zygote begins to actively divide, moving along the fallopian tube through the ciliated epithelium of the mucous membrane. After 7 days of movement through the fallopian tube, the fertilized egg enters the uterine cavity, where it attaches to one of its walls. It is in this place that the development of the embryo will begin with the help of nutrients that the newly formed cell will consume from the walls of the uterus. In turn, the uterine mucosa, under the influence of changing hormonal levels, becomes loose in structure and quickly increases in size.

  1. Sex cells (sperm) are formed in the male body through hormones. Maturing in the ovary, sperm pass into the prostate gland through the seminal canals. There they mix with the secretion products of the prostate gland and form sperm, which participates in the process of fertilization of the egg.

After the male seed enters the female fallopian tubes, they begin to actively move deeper along the paths. It should be noted that this path is not easy, since sperm are not influenced in the best way by internal factors of the female body, such as hormones, mucous membrane, immune system, cells of the corona radiata and the membrane of the egg. All this needs to be overcome. Therefore, only 10% of the male sperm that initially got inside reach the finish line. According to confirmed statistics, up to 400 thousand sperm are needed for one of them to fertilize one egg. Moving through the fallopian tubes, special sperm enzymes help contract their walls for deeper and faster advancement. In addition, the visual “cap” of the sperm contains special enzymes to overcome the membrane of the egg and penetrate inside. The presence of all the constituent enzymes in semen and spermatozoa is mandatory for the successful conception of a child.

Depending on the physiology and hormonal cycles of each partner, the maturation of germ cells can occur at different periods. What is important is the coincidence of these moments and proper preparation for the favorable conception of a child.

How to determine favorable days for conceiving a child

Without a doubt, the favorable period for conceiving a child is the days of ovulation of the female egg. If you divide the menstrual cycle into phases, then this occurs approximately 10–15 days, depending on the body, after the start of the last menstruation. The most favorable days for conceiving a child are 3 days before the date of immediate ovulation. The remaining 25 to 30 days of the menstrual cycle are considered less productive for conception.

During the period of ovulation, the uterus prepares for fertilization, and its lining begins to actively produce mucus. This occurs with the aim of easier penetration of sperm deep into the uterus for successful fertilization of the egg. At the same time, mature follicles rupture under the influence of hormones, the egg contained there is released into the fallopian tube, and also moves towards the uterus.

  1. The exact day of the cycle on which conception occurs can be determined not only by counting the menstrual cycle. It is known that ovulation, the release of an egg from the ovary into the uterus, is accompanied by an increase in basal body temperature. Measuring it immediately after sleep in the vagina or rectum will help accurately determine the date of egg maturation. It is at this moment that the basal temperature rises to 37 and above, and then drops if conception has not occurred.
  2. In addition, there are also external signs, observing which in combination with calculating the menstrual cycle, you can determine favorable days for conceiving a child.
  • change in discharge: a couple of days before ovulation, the cervix begins to secrete an internal secretion enzyme, the consistency and color of which resembles the white of a raw egg;
  • directly on the day of ovulation, the female body feels a number of physiological signals, such as: slight pain in the side due to contraction of the walls of the uterus, swelling of the mammary glands and slight discomfort when touched, as well as spotting - premenstrual bloody translucent discharge from the vagina.
  1. Also, the latest advances in gynecology have invented another way to accurately determine the day on which conception occurs using special testers. Innovative so-called miniature microscopes are based on the analysis of saliva crystallization, which determines the most favorable days for conceiving a child. The principle of the test is to measure the amount of the same hormone estrogen in saliva. The fact is that its level gradually increases from the first day of the cycle in all secretions and is equal to the maximum value precisely on the day the egg leaves the follicle into the uterus. After ovulation, if fertilization does not occur, its level gradually decreases to normal, until the start of a new cycle. According to research by gynecologists, the higher the level of the hormone estrogen in the body, the higher the content of sodium chloride in a woman’s saliva. When dried, such saliva leaves a visible white trace of salt crystallization in the form of fern leaves, which are visible under a microscope. The pronounced character of such “salt leaves” begins to appear 4 days before the expected date of ovulation and reaches its peak on the day the egg matures, and then abruptly disappears. Correctly using this pattern and the inventions of advanced gynecology in the form of saliva test stickers, you can accurately determine favorable days for conceiving a child.

After the release of a mature egg from the follicle, the countdown of days begins when conception can occur - on average, the fertilization period is up to 2 days after ovulation. After this, the egg loses its ability to fertilize and menstruation begins. In turn, male sperm remain active and can fertilize an egg up to 4 days after ejaculation. Therefore, conception through fertilization can occur in a woman’s body for a very limited amount of time: just 2 days after ovulation and 4 days before the egg matures, which is only 6 days per cycle. Important for the health and development of the future fetus is the equal sexual maturity of male and female reproductive cells, therefore gynecologists advise using the first half of these 6 possible days as the optimal period for conception, since aging of the egg already occurs at 5–6 days. Well, the most favorable period for conceiving a child is the first hours after ovulation - up to about 25 hours.

How to prepare for conceiving a child?

It would be good if every pair of future parents took care of proper conception, prepared for it and underwent medical supervision not only after fertilization, but also before it. In our time, such preparation and attention to this process is not at all connected with prudence and the desire to do everything right, but with the problems of natural conception. According to statistics, only 20% of pregnant women think about conception even before it occurs, and only 10% of them plan and prepare properly for it.

There are many objective and subjective factors and myths that influence the fact of conception. According to popular wisdom, it is read that the future child chooses his own parents and the time of birth, so exemplary couples give birth to the “right” children and vice versa: negligent parents are sent the child they deserve. Often, attempts by anxious parents to guess and influence the baby’s date of birth, gender and zodiac sign end in complete failure. And improvisation is crowned with unexpected success.

  1. Determination of blood type and Rh factor of parents.

This is important information that it is necessary to know not only for future parents, but also for each person individually. The difference in the Rh factors of the expectant mother and father does not pose any risk to the fetus if the woman is positive and the man is negative. In the opposite case: a woman with a negative blood factor and a man with a positive blood factor, a situation is likely where, during the development of the fetus inside the uterus, a conflict of Rh factors may arise. This adversely affects the fetus and can lead to miscarriage - the mother’s body rejects the developing zygote as a foreign body. To prevent this from happening, the expectant mother definitely needs a preliminary examination of her blood and her Rh factor before pregnancy and further observation by a doctor. If a Rhesus conflict occurs, and this happens, the expectant mother is placed for observation in the hospital and the situation is controlled with the help of gammaglobulin. This anti-Rhesus drug eliminates the difference, allowing the fetus to develop normally in the woman’s body.

  1. Assessment of immune status and interferon levels.

The presence of interferon in the human body is responsible for its protection against various viral infections. In response to acting foreign cells, the body produces so-called immune cells that block human RNA affected by the virus. Thus, further reproduction of viral tissue and infection of human cells is stopped. This positive property of the body allows you to use these features for preparing and planning pregnancy. Pregnant women with chronic viral infections and autoimmune diseases that have led or may lead to a change in the correct response of the immune system towards the fetus are prescribed a series of examinations and constant monitoring throughout the entire period of gestation.

  • examination of the reproductive systems of both spouses for pathologies and abnormalities;
  • serodiagnosis of an infectious pathogen to determine the level of activity of the infection process;
  • determination and correction of the immune and interferon status of the woman’s body;
  • analysis of the blood clotting system, which, under conditions of active infection, affects the rejection of a fertilized egg;
  • metabolic therapy for both parents.
  1. Analysis of extragenital pathologies of spouses.

Identification and control of chronic diseases not related to the generative component of partners. For example, diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidney failure, digestive problems, cancer, etc. This analysis reveals the extent of the problem and its possible impact on the proper development of the fetus. In this situation, the doctor will prescribe a schedule for preparing for pregnancy and a plan for its course to preserve the fetus and eliminate the side effects of miscarriage.

  1. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

There is nothing better than no treatment. In order to avoid risks during pregnancy and ensure its proper course, it is best to lead a correct lifestyle. Eat well and saturate your diet with foods rich in fiber and microelements, expose the body to moderate physical activity, harden yourself and fight infections in the bud under the supervision of a doctor, and also normalize your psychological background and state of mind.

  1. Folic acid.

This product is one of the most important in the diet of a pregnant woman, as it is used as a prevention of congenital diseases of the unborn child. It is recommended to significantly increase the consumption of products containing it 3 months before the expected conception and the same period after fertilization. A large amount of folic acid is found in vegetables: beets, cabbage, carrots; in peas and legumes; nuts, bran and greens.

  1. Prevention of frequent foci of diseases.

Common foci of inflammation in the expectant mother are the nasopharynx, intestines, oral cavity and vagina. It is necessary to carefully monitor the infectious background in the area of ​​these foci, carry out regular prevention and diagnosis of inflammation and infections there. This approach will reduce the likelihood of your baby becoming ill with staphylococcus or streptococcus postpartum.

  1. Hormonal contraceptives.

It's no secret: if you want to get pregnant, you need to stop using hormonal drugs. But not many people know that conception can occur only after at least 93 days from the moment of the first menstruation after stopping the use of contraceptives. It is from 3 months that the body needs to fully restore reproductive function, but still the indicator for each woman is individual.

  1. Alcohol and conception.

The maturation period for sperm is from 2 to 3 months, and during this period, if you decide to get pregnant, the future father should not undergo x-rays or radiation. Besides. Alcohol consumption, although not taken seriously, has a significant impact on the conception of healthy offspring. The fact is that alcohol is toxic and affects the spermatic fluid in a specific way: it slows down the activity and motility of sperm. In this case, the likelihood of fertilization of the egg with an insufficiently healthy sperm increases, in medical terms - a “freak”. The fact is that even in a healthy state of the father, spermatozoa that are initially insufficiently strong are always present in the spermatic fluid. In a normal state, they are quite slow and the likelihood of them entering the uterus is quite small, but in a state of the toxic influence of alcohol, anything is possible. Therefore, in order to conceive healthy and strong offspring, refrain from drinking alcohol while preparing for this event. In women, conceiving under the influence of alcohol may subsequently increase the risk of miscarriage.

How conception occurs: video

7 months is an important age for a baby, he begins to move actively, he needs more energy and strength to understand the world around him. During this period, the body no longer has enough calories and nutrients from mother’s milk and formula, it’s time to introduce new dishes into the diet. Today we will talk about what a baby’s menu should be at 7 months, what foods to start with, how much a baby should eat, and other nuances of complementary feeding.

What changes in a baby's menu at 7 months?

Mother's milk or formula still forms the basis of nutrition for a bottle- and breastfed baby at 7 months. But the body is growing, and the diet must be replenished with dishes that provide the baby with energy reserves, protein, fiber, calcium, vitamins and microelements.

Attention! At this age, a child begins to sit, crawl, and actively explores the world, so proper complementary feeding at the age of 7 months is the key to his successful physical and mental development.

What foods are allowed to be included in the diet?

The nutrition of a 7-month-old infant at this age changes - you can begin to introduce the following nutrition items into the diet:

  1. Porridge is a must on a child’s menu; preference is given to gluten-free cereals (buckwheat, corn and rice). The listed cereals have significant advantages. Thus, buckwheat contains the maximum amount of iron, corn promotes intestinal motility and is suitable for allergy sufferers. And rice porridge helps to consolidate stool if the child is prone to diarrhea.
  2. Meat is rich in magnesium, proteins and vitamins. Meat is of great benefit in the menu for children with anemia and insufficient weight gain. Chicken, rabbit and turkey are suitable for starting complementary feeding.
  3. Yolk - administered with caution, since a child is often allergic to eggs. You should start with a small piece, gradually increasing the amount of yolk to half, diluting with vegetable puree, breast milk or mixture.
  4. Vegetables should be introduced into the diet in the form of purees, starting with zucchini and cabbage, and later, after the body has adapted, add carrots, potatoes and pumpkin. Beans and green peas are given carefully, mixed with the main vegetable dish.
  5. Fruits are an irreplaceable source of vitamins and a tasty treat that should be present in a child’s diet at 7 months. The fruits are pureed or mashed with a fork.
  6. Drinks - in addition to purified water, the baby’s menu should include dried fruit compotes, sugar-free juices, and syrups from vegetables (for example, carrots and pumpkin).
  7. Fermented milk products - kefir and cottage cheese contain a lot of useful substances, including calcium. They are good for digestion, but you need to start complementary feeding with 15-20 grams so as not to burden the stomach.

What else a breastfed and bottle-fed baby can eat will be discussed further, but the main dish in a baby’s diet should still be mother’s milk. A bottle-fed baby's diet is supplemented earlier than a baby's diet.

Porridge must be included in a child’s menu.

Recipes for 7 month old babies

The menu for a 7-month-old baby who is breastfed and bottle-fed is slightly different; the baby's diet is slightly poorer than that of a bottle-fed baby. The following will be a list of dishes that are introduced upon reaching the required age for both types of feeding.

Vegetable purees

Complementary feeding of a child begins at 7 months with vegetables; they improve intestinal function and enrich the body with vitamins. The simplest vegetable dish is carrot and cabbage puree. You need to take 50 grams. products, boil and grind in a blender. You can dilute the composition with the broth in which the vegetables were boiled. At this age, children become familiar with several types of vegetables, so you can include broccoli, peas, beans, zucchini, and potatoes in their diet.

Advice! Peas and beans irritate the baby's delicate intestines, so they are added to purees along with other vegetables. After cooking the dish, you can season it with a little olive oil.

You can make your own vegetable puree

Porridge must be present in a child’s diet, because cereals are a valuable source of energy. The main rule when eating porridge is that only 1 tsp is needed for half a glass of water. cereals, then the consistency of the dish will be correct. After the baby gets used to feeding porridge, you can make it thicker by adding 8-10 grams of liquid to 100 ml of liquid. cereals

The first way to prepare porridge is to wash the buckwheat and let it dry. Then the cereal, ground into powder in a coffee grinder, is slowly poured into the boiling liquid, stirring. After cooking, milk or baby formula is added to the porridge.

The second method is to keep the washed rice grains in water over low heat for 50-60 minutes with minimal heating. After an hour, the rice will be boiled, and the porridge will be easy to grind on a sieve. Next, add milk to it and boil for another couple of minutes, then flavor it with 0.5 spoon of butter.


Soups are introduced into the diet in a liquid consistency; they are first prepared only from vegetables. If the child already eats porridge, soups based on vegetables and cereals are added to the menu, and then the dish is mixed with egg yolk. The main thing is that the consistency should be liquid and homogeneous, without lumps. Here is a recipe for soup for a breastfed baby: take cauliflower, zucchini (50 grams of each product), add 200 ml of water and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. After cooling, grind with a blender and season with vegetable oil.

Soup for a bottle-fed baby: 10 g. Boil rice for half an hour in 200 ml of water, then mix with half a glass of peas (cooked and grated on a sieve). Boil again and add half a spoonful of butter.

Dairy products

Kefir is a product that is allowed to be introduced into the menu for breastfed and bottle-fed children at 7 months. Start with a teaspoon, gradually increasing the amount of kefir. Upon reaching 8 months, they begin to introduce cottage cheese into the diet, first mixing it with kefir.

To protect your baby, you can prepare fermented milk food yourself. To prepare cottage cheese, take half a liter of milk and 100 ml of kefir. Bring the milk to a boil, then pour kefir into it and turn off the heat. After 15 minutes, the whey has cooled down; you can put the resulting curd on a sieve.

To prepare kefir, you need to boil the milk, cool it until warm and pour in a spoonful of kefir from the store. The composition must be kept warm for fermentation. To make homemade fermented milk dishes tasty and contain a complex of beneficial bacteria, it is better to use boiled milk of medium fat content.

Dishes from several types of products

If complementary feeding of a 7-month-old infant goes without problems, and the baby has already tried the main dishes (porridge, vegetables and soups), multi-component compositions can be introduced into the menu. Here are approximate product combinations:

  • zucchini and rice cereal;
  • broccoli and buckwheat;
  • pumpkin and rolled oats.

Cereals and vegetables are pre-boiled, then mixed in crushed form with the addition of a spoonful of oil. Once your breastfed baby reaches 8 months, you can add an egg yolk to a multi-ingredient dish.

On a note! If meat has already been introduced into the child’s diet, it can be combined with vegetables. For example, mix rabbit meat with carrots, and turkey with cauliflower or zucchini. Cooked food is crushed to a puree consistency and flavored with broth from cooking vegetables.

Meat dishes - can they be introduced at 7 months?

The meat must first be thoroughly chopped

It is more often recommended to include meat in the menu of babies at 7 months of age during artificial feeding in order to enrich the diet with vitamins and minerals. You should start with low-fat varieties, excluding offal. The correct way to prepare a meat dish:

  • remove the film from a piece of meat, pull out the veins, cut off the fat, then wash it thoroughly;
  • cook in water until fully cooked and soft;
  • twist through a meat grinder twice or use a blender for grinding;
  • mixed with puree from usual vegetables if the child does not want to eat meat in its pure form;
  • Add broth from cooking vegetables to the meat puree to make the product juicier.

A breastfed baby should introduce meat into the diet starting from 7.5-8 months of age, when the stomach and intestines are ready to digest it. Adding offal to the menu is allowed only at 10 months.


Compotes from fresh and dried fruits can be introduced into a child’s diet at 7 months. To begin with, green apples are introduced into the diet, and later pears are added. First add one fruit to half a liter of water to reduce the saturation of the drink. To preserve nutrients, the compote is boiled, then left to steep under the lid for 1-2 hours (the fruit is cut into pieces before cooking).

Later, you can diversify the menu with a compote of dried fruits and prunes, especially if the child is prone to constipation. Further, it is allowed to introduce drinks from apricots and peaches into the diet, in the absence of allergies to these fruits.


Doctors repeat to young parents that they can introduce chicken and quail eggs into their baby’s diet at 7 months, but use only the yolk and only boiled. Raw yolk can cause intestinal infections, in particular salmonellosis. Before boiling, the egg is checked for freshness by immersing it in cold water (a fresh egg will remain at the bottom of the container in a horizontal position), then boil it for at least 10 minutes.

Start complementary feeding with ¼ tsp. yolk, diluted with milk, can be used for breastfeeding, for a breastfed child. If there is no allergy to complementary foods, gradually increase the amount of eggs to half the yolk and give it twice a week. If the child does not want to eat the yolk in its pure form, it is mixed with pureed vegetables or porridge.

A 7 month old child should have at least 70 grams on their menu. fruits daily in the form of puree. You can introduce a banana into your baby's diet, mashing it with a fork to achieve a uniform consistency. Later, apricots, peaches, apples and pears are chopped - they need to be peeled and pitted and grated, or use a blender.

Important! Fruits for baby's nutrition should be fresh and seasonal. In the absence of freshly grown products, it is better to diversify the menu with high-quality ready-made jarred purees from well-known manufacturers.

Sample menu for the day and feeding schedule

It must be remembered that the menu for a 7-month-old baby on artificial and breastfeeding will be slightly different. The frequency of food consumption is the same, and the recommended menu for babies on different types of feeding is described below:

  • mother's milk or formula;
  • porridge;
  • pureed vegetables and fruits;
  • meat dishes;
  • cottage cheese and kefir;
  • children's instant cookies or crackers;
  • drinks - juices and fruit compotes.

The diet should be strict, so it will be easier for the baby to get used to the routine. Pediatricians recommend the following feeding schedule:

  • 6:00 – first breakfast;
  • 10:00-11:00 – next breakfast;
  • 14:00 – lunch;
  • 18:00 – snack;
  • 22:00 – dinner before going to bed.

The break between meals should be at least 4 hours, and the first breakfast and dinner should consist of formula or breast milk so as not to overload the stomach. Daytime meals contain more food and calories.

We must remember! Following the regime is, of course, important, but you don’t need to worry if you can’t do it strictly down to the minute. Remember that your baby is not a robot, and each child has his own individual characteristics. If the baby is still sleeping at 6 am, there is no need to wake him up specifically to feed him. And if he is hungry and asks to eat half an hour before the planned meal, then there is no need to starve him for these 30 minutes. Every mother must find a special approach to her child. And the approximate mode described above is only an average option.

What is the difference between the diet of an artificial baby and a baby?

When a child at 7 months happily eats breast milk, parents believe that they can wait to introduce complementary foods into the diet. This is not entirely correct - at this age, the baby’s body requires an increased amount of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, you need to start introducing new products into the menu, but 1-2 tsp at a time, because this is unusual food.

The menu for a 7-month-old baby who is bottle-fed is already much more extensive. At 4-5 months, the menu of artificial babies is enriched, since the mixture does not satisfy the need for vitamins. The diet contains more grams of food and a variety of foods - vegetables, fruits, cereals and even meat.

How much should a baby eat

To determine how much complementary feeding a child should eat at 7 months, there are special tables. They make it easier for parents who want to provide their baby with a full menu, but not overfeed him.

Important! The table is compiled taking into account the fact that a breastfed baby began to introduce fruits, yolks and fermented milk products into the diet at 4-5 months due to the small amount of milk from the mother. A child who has just started supplementing at 7 months should eat this food in minimal quantities.

Approximate diet table

A breastfed baby is offered the following daily diet:

  • mother's milk, porridge from cereals that the baby is used to eating (150 gr.);
  • fruit-based puree or juice (puree 50-70 g, juice – 40-60 ml);
  • vegetable or meat puree (vegetables 150 g, meat - 50 g), half an yolk, fruit compote ¼ cup;
  • cottage cheese 30 gr., baby instant cookies, kefir or breast milk (1/2 cup);
  • at night - mother's milk.

The menu for a bottle-fed baby should be developed together with the pediatrician, based on the child’s weight gain, health status, and the absence or presence of allergic reactions. If the artificial breeder is already familiar with most foods, his daily diet looks like this:

  • mixture 200 ml;
  • porridge from permitted cereals, fruit puree, juice (porridge 150 g, puree 80 g, juice 70 ml);
  • vegetable puree (120-150 gr.), meat dish (50 gr.), ½ part egg yolk, juice or compote in the permitted amount (no more than 100 ml);
  • kefir or artificial mixture (1/2 cup), 30 gr. cottage cheese, crackers or baby cookies;
  • at night - kefir or a 200 ml portion of the mixture.

The list of products and the sequence of their use may differ; salt is not added to pureed vegetables; sugar is not allowed to be added to compotes and juices. You should monitor your baby’s reaction to nutrition and tell your doctor if something goes wrong.

For your information! There is a complementary feeding table that describes all the listed nutritional elements for a child who is breastfed or bottle-fed at 7 months. It contains the same menu data as stated above, and pediatricians can familiarize themselves with it.

Advice for mom if the child refuses complementary foods or certain foods

If a child is reluctant to eat food that is included in the menu, the mother can cheat and mix a new dish (yolk, meat or cottage cheese) into the already familiar one, which he eats with pleasure. Gradually, when the baby gets used to the taste of complementary foods, you need to slowly give it in its pure form.

If mixing with the usual food does not help and the child stubbornly refuses to be fed porridge, meat or a certain fruit, there is no need to insist. You should wait 10-14 days and then offer food again. Force-feeding an unloved food can lead to disgust for the baby, and then the body will be left without the vitamins and nutrients contained in the food.

The correct diet of a child at seven months is the key to his health

The nutrition of a seven-month-old breastfed and bottle-fed baby should be balanced and provide the daily need for nutrients and vitamins. In order for the baby to grow strong and healthy, a number of rules should be followed:

  • do not overfeed the baby and do not force him to eat;
  • Food should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with 1-2 spoons, increasing the amount and monitoring the child’s reaction;
  • You should not give water to the baby during meals, it should be supplemented with water between feedings, during lunch you should accustom him to compotes and juices;
  • prepare dishes of uniform consistency (wipe on a sieve, use a blender or mash with a fork);
  • feed the baby in a sitting position using a plastic spoon;
  • A new food should be introduced into the menu during lunch, so that the product is absorbed during the day, and the mother can track the child’s body’s reaction to it.

You should not feed the baby from the common table, since adult food contains salt, sugar, food additives and other undesirable components. The child needs to buy and cook meat and vegetables separately; they must be fresh and of high quality. By creating the right diet, parents lay the foundation for the future health of the child, because at the age of 7 months the child gets used to the food that he will eat for the rest of his life.

The menu for a 7-month-old child is becoming more balanced and includes significantly more products than just a month ago. The baby has been eating porridge for a long time and, most likely, has tasted vegetable puree. And fruits became my favorite dessert! What new dishes might appear in his diet now?

The introduction of new products is still happening as slowly as before. Despite the fact that complementary feeding has become commonplace for you, you should not rush. is expanding due to an increase in the amount of cereals, vegetables and fruits consumed. It may also contain kefir (cottage cheese) and meat.

What foods can your baby eat?

The menu of a 7-month-old breastfed and formula-fed baby includes the following basic products.

  • Vegetables - zucchini as the basis for vegetable purees. Additionally, you can offer your baby pumpkin, cauliflower, green young peas, green beans, and potatoes.
  • Porridge - rice and corn are added to the familiar buckwheat porridge. Also, porridge for a 7-month-old baby can be prepared from barley and oatmeal.
  • Fruits - they are offered to the baby in the form of purees (for example, apple, pear and plum). It is not worthwhile to diversify this list yet, since fruits have an aggressive effect on the baby’s intestines. You can also give the baby juice from the same fruits, which makes the menu of a seven-month-old baby on mixed feeding more complete and rich in vitamins.
  • Chicken egg yolk, hard-boiled - if you have not previously introduced your baby to this product, start adding it to the puree literally little by little, gradually bringing it to ½ yolk.
  • Vegetable and butter- they are added to porridges and purees, 5 grams each (that’s about 1 teaspoon).
  • Meat is included in the menu of a bottle-fed baby at 7 months. You need to plan 2 lunches with meat per week. Preferred varieties are chicken, turkey or rabbit. It is better to choose lean breast for poultry. Offer it to your baby in the form of a pate or a homogeneous puree with a volume of up to 50 grams. However, you still should not give your child meat broth or cook vegetables for puree in it.
  • Dairy products- cottage cheese and kefir of zero fat content. The curd should be homogeneous, without lumps. And kefir - no more than three days, since a longer shelf life can cause constipation in the baby.

Features of cooking

In order for a 7-month-old baby’s menu to be not only healthy, but also tasty, the products must be properly processed.

How to cook porridge

This porridge is suitable for the first acquaintance with a new cereal. In the future, increase the volume of cereal to replace one meal per day with porridge. The weekly menu of a 7-month-old baby does not allow active alternation of foods, so it seems that the baby eats the same thing all the time. To prevent this from happening, add another grain to the familiar porridge, gradually bringing it to a 1:1 combination, for example, half buckwheat and half corn. The porridge will be delicious seasoned with butter and a piece of chicken yolk.

How to cook meat

For first complementary foods, it is more convenient to buy ready-made canned meat that is suitable for your age. They are pates without salt and spices; they can be added to pureed vegetables to make a balanced diet for a child at 7 months.

  1. The baby's menu may also include meat prepared by the mother. To do this, the piece must be cleaned of veins and films, boiled in water without salt and spices, and passed through a meat grinder twice.
  2. In this form, the baby most likely will not like it, since it will still be thick. Therefore, it can be mixed with familiar vegetable puree.
  3. You need to bring the volume of meat to the maximum (50 g) within a week. Then you can try offering it yourself, as a side dish. To avoid dryness, mix it with vegetable broth.

How to make vegetable puree

An approximate menu for a seven-month-old child includes mono- and multi-component vegetable purees.

  1. To prepare them, use seasonal, fresh vegetables, which must be washed, peeled, boiled in water or steamed.
  2. Then mash the vegetables with a fork and mix with the broth to the desired consistency. If you beat them with a blender, you get a completely homogeneous mass.
  3. Salt, sugar and other “flavor enhancers” will be unnecessary. But you can already add vegetable oil or meat puree.

Combined meals in a child's diet

As you approach 8 months, your baby will be familiar with many foods. Therefore, you can offer him combination meals. The following table will present such a menu for a child at 7 months.

Such a varied menu will relieve the mother of worries about the monotony of the baby’s diet. And the baby will be given everything necessary for proper development!
