Relieve acute toothache. How to quickly relieve toothache if you don’t have tablets on hand

Almost every person has to deal with acute toothache in their life. It doesn’t matter at all what the reasons are; when it appears, you can go crazy. Sharp, boring, constant - it would seem that there is no pill for it, and the only way- break into the night 24-hour dentistry. It drowns out all other feelings, thoughts, desires and crushes with its unbearability. However, not everything is so scary, and you can alleviate your condition before you go to the dentist - and this must be done. So, how can you relieve acute toothache?

Causes acute pain in the teeth
  • caries, which exposed the nerve endings of the teeth;
  • cracks in teeth;
  • pulpitis;
  • incorrectly placed fillings;
  • periodontitis.
If the pain subsides on its own, do not relax. The disease has not disappeared anywhere, it has simply become chronic stage threatening much more serious problems up to tooth loss.

First steps to take
The first step is to get rid of food debris in your teeth using a toothpick, dental floss, or thoroughly rinsing your mouth with warm water.

If you are able to eat, rinse your mouth after eating with salt water (1 teaspoon salt per 250 ml water)

Hold a sip of vodka or whiskey in your mouth in the area of ​​the tooth - alcohol will act as a pain reliever. The main thing is not to overdo it, since alcohol is absorbed through the mucous membrane very quickly, and instead of having an analgesic effect, there is a risk of getting “general anesthesia.”

Place a piece of ice on the tooth or in the tooth socket
Do not heat the tooth under any circumstances! In this case, there is a risk of getting a complication and earning best case scenario flux, and in the worst case, an abscess, which will lead to the need for surgical intervention.

Folk remedies for pain relief
You can also relieve acute toothache using folk remedies that have been used for centuries. Some methods are questionable, but in practice they turn out to be very effective. After all, what can’t you do to make your life easier?

  1. Craftsmen advise applying a piece of lard to the sore gum.
  2. Rinsing oral cavity Sage decoction also reduces pain.
  3. You can place a clove of garlic on your wrist for 5 to 20 minutes. They say this method works like acupressure.
  4. ...which, however, can also be effective. It is necessary to massage the point between the large and large for five minutes. index finger on the hand opposite the side of the diseased tooth.
  5. At all exotic way– put it in the ear from the side of the diseased tooth fresh root plantain, and after half an hour the pain will subside.
Medications for pain relief
On this moment pharmacies offer a huge selection of painkillers - Ketanov, Ibuprofen, Ledocaine. Ledocaine is a last resort, but very effective. It should be injected into the base of the tooth, and you will get rid of pain for up to six hours. If so strong remedies If you don’t like it, soak a cotton swab in a small amount of Valocordin or Validol and place it on the sore tooth. You can also use “Dent” drops - they also need to be moistened with cotton wool and placed on the tooth.

There are thousands of options for how to relieve acute toothache at home, and new methods are being invented every day. However, it is best to contact your dentist immediately if pain occurs. He will cure your tooth in ten minutes and tell you what needs to be done to prevent this from happening again.

In each dental clinic you can see an announcement that patients suffering from acute toothache are accepted without an appointment and without a queue. This is not medical altruism, it’s just that everyone knows how excruciating the pain from an affected tooth can be. Some compare it to the feeling of a splinter or needle getting under a nail.

A person who has a toothache can only think about one thing: toothache: how to remove, alleviate, calm or stop. And people have been collecting recipes to help cope with such a painful condition for many centuries.

Causes of toothache

First, let's figure out why toothache occurs. In most cases, it is caused by damage to the dental nerve (pulp) or the tissues surrounding the tooth. Pain can manifest itself in different ways: be a constant aching, shooting, pulsating, radiate to the ear or temple, provoke a migraine, intensify from exposure to cold, heat, or mechanical irritants.

Tooth pain is caused by the following diseases:

  • Caries, in case of deep penetration of infection into the tooth cavity,
  • Exposing the neck of the tooth,
  • Violation of technology when filling a tooth,
  • Enamel cracks,
  • Pulpitis,
  • Periodontitis.

All of these diseases require treatment by a dentist, even if you find effective way, how to remove toothache, this does not mean that you have cured your tooth. Dental tissues do not have the ability to repair themselves, and at any time discomfort may return.

Sometimes the pain disappears for a long time, but this factor only indicates that the inflammatory process has moved from the acute to the chronic phase, the death of nerve tissue occurs, and as a consequence, serious complications can develop, such as purulent abscess, inflammation of bone tissue (osteomyelitis), phlegmon.

At the first pain symptoms you need to make an appointment with the dentist. The doctor will find out what pathological processes caused pain and will be able to prescribe the correct treatment.

It also happens that other diseases are “masked” as toothache. For example, with diseases of the jaw joints, the patient may experience sensations similar to toothache. The same sensations occur with inflammation trigeminal nerve or maxillary sinus.

First aid for a sick tooth

If an attack of toothache catches you at a time when there is no way to immediately go to the dentist, then it is best to use A complex approach in solving the problem how to relieve toothache. At a minimum, your program will do the following:

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly
  • Clean the interdental spaces with dental floss,
  • Rinse your mouth with a solution of sea or regular salt, soda or just warm water,
  • Take painkillers.
  • Traditional recipes and tips

If the pain is caused deep caries, then first of all it is necessary to eliminate all irritating factors, causing pain. Stop eating and rinse your mouth thoroughly. When you get rid of all the food debris stuck in the “hole”, the pain will go away.

Decoctions will help enhance the effect of rinsing and partially relieve tissue swelling. medicinal plants and solutions of substances with antiseptic properties.

You can use decoctions of chamomile, calendula, sage, calamus bark, St. John's wort, and plantain. Pharmaceutical preparations that can be found in every first aid kit include furatsilin (2 tablets per glass of water), iodine (2-3 drops per glass), potassium permanganate (several crystals to obtain a pink solution).

Separately, it is worth noting a very popular and publicly available method, how to stop toothache. It's about about rinsing with saline solution. Salt - excellent natural antiseptic, even in the case of an “overdose” it does not cause a burn to the mucous membrane, like, for example, potassium permanganate, there is no allergy to it and there are no contraindications to such treatment. By using saline solution you can stop pain during pregnancy, in a nursing mother and in very young children.

Another method is rinsing with strong alcoholic drinks. You can take vodka, cognac, whiskey - in a word, any strong and unsweetened drink that you can find in your bar. Take a large sip and hold the liquid near the sore tooth. The gums will absorb the alcohol, become numb, and the pain will decrease. Just don’t swallow this medicine; after the procedure, just spit out the alcohol.

Try acupuncture massage. Can be influenced top part auricle, from the side of the aching tooth, just rub and fiddle with the ear, there are many biologically active points and nerve endings, including those responsible for the intensity of pain in the area of ​​the dentofacial system.

You can also take an ice cube and rub it on the area between your thumb and index finger. After five to seven minutes of this massage, you will feel that the pain gradually subsides.

This way how to soothe toothache, is based on the fact that when you rub the area between your thumb and index finger, you send impulses along the nerve pathways along which a signal is transmitted to the brain about the presence of damage and toothache, indicating that the skin is irritated by friction. Nerve pathways cannot simultaneously transmit two signals, and gradually friction displaces pain. Look here at.

You can also use this unique remedy like clove oil. Healing properties People have used this plant to relieve toothache since ancient times. You can drop a few drops of the substance into the cavity of the painful tooth, or moisten a cotton swab and place it on the gum around the tooth. And if you don’t have oil, then try chewing a few cloves. Cloves - good and effective remedy, which has no contraindications and is still used in modern dentistry.


Exists great amount recipes traditional medicine talking about how to quickly relieve toothache. However, in our time, modern pharmacology allows you to “not reinvent the wheel”, but simply take one or two tablets, which in a short period of time will relieve you of all unpleasant sensations.

To begin with, you should look into your home medicine cabinet; analgin, nurofen, ketanov, citramon, paracetamol or regular aspirin will suit you - Americans prefer this remedy in all cases. However, take your medications seriously: be sure to read the instructions on the label, make sure that you do not have any diseases that may be contraindications for taking them this tool, and never exceed a single dose and the recommended daily norm the drug you have chosen.

Folk remedies

If your first aid kit is empty, for some reason you cannot get to the nearest pharmacy, or you have serious reasons that do not allow pain to be relieved with medications, then you can use proven folk remedies how to relieve toothache.

First of all, these include various rinses. If at the preliminary stage you used rinsing to better cleanse the oral cavity, then to get rid of pain, the procedure should be carried out every fifteen to twenty minutes.

You can use a solution of baking soda, table soda or sea ​​salt. To prepare the product for one glass warm water add a teaspoon of any substance. To strengthen antiseptic properties rinse, you can drop five drops of iodine into the solution.

A decoction of chamomile, calendula, sage, mint or calamus root helps relieve pain.

You can use clove, mint or sea ​​buckthorn oil. To relieve pain, I soak a cotton swab in oil and apply it to the aching tooth. You can also place a small swab into the cavity. In a similar way you can use pharmacy drops for toothache.

Home Anesthesia Methods

Cognac, vodka or other unsweetened alcohol-containing drinks can be used as a local “pain reliever”. The chosen “medicine” is used to rinse the mouth; there is no need to swallow alcohol, just rinse your mouth and then spit it out. Some of the alcohol will be absorbed into the gum tissue, it will become numb and you will achieve temporary relief.

Propolis is a good anesthetic. Its action resembles the action of novocaine. You can take an alcohol solution or a substance in plates. Wipe your gums with an alcohol solution, use it as a rinse, or soak cotton wool in it and cover your sore tooth with it. And if you use propolis in plates, then if there is a cavity, plug the hole with a piece of propolis, and if you have a toothache under a crown or a filling, then place a piece of the substance on the gum next to the sore tooth. This is a very good and effective remedy for quickly relieving toothache, but it cannot be used by patients who are allergic to honey or other bee products.

Valocordin drops are also used as a freezing agent; a tampon is impregnated with them, which is then applied to the gum, and in some cases, an ice cube or simply an icicle helps, which can be moved along the gum over the aching tooth.

But do not forget that all of the above measures are only temporary nature. As inflammation develops, it will become increasingly difficult to cope with pain, so try to get to the dentist as soon as possible and carry out all the necessary therapeutic procedures.

If you are taking painkillers, be sure to read the instructions, which describe in detail all contraindications for taking the drug, single and daily dosages, as well as side effects.

Any person who has experienced acute toothache knows that this is the case when it is impossible to endure such unpleasant sensations. Some compare them to hellish torments that you want to urgently stop. You should understand how to get rid of toothache at home, since it is not always possible to make an appointment with a doctor and not immediately.

What to do at home if your tooth hurts

The degree of discomfort can vary: from a weak aching to unbearable pain. It is better to immediately contact your dentist and get specialized assistance. If you can’t see a doctor, there are ways to relieve toothache at home. It is necessary to organize an integrated approach to alleviate the condition. Minimum actions in this case:

  • brush your teeth very thoroughly;
  • Clean the interdental spaces with dental floss;
  • take a painkiller tablet;
  • rinse your mouth with a solution of regular or sea salt and soda;
  • use people's councils, recipes.

Folk remedies for toothache

There were times when there was no quality medicine in the field of dentistry; it was possible to calm toothache only with the help natural remedies. We were concerned about the unpleasant sensations of adults and children, to whom there should be a special approach. The causes of toothache and its nature may vary, but most remedies have a universal effect. Used for treatment different decoctions, infusions from medicinal herbs. How to rinse a sore tooth is described below.


In folk medicine, there is a method to soothe toothache using garlic. To do this, they apply it to the place on the wrist where the pulse is checked. Next, a slice of garlic is wrapped in crushed form with a bandage to the same place. The point is to let the garlic juice release in this area. If a tooth hurts on the right side of the mouth, wrap the tooth on left hand, and vice versa. A mixture of salt, onion, and garlic helps relieve toothache. For this you need the following:

  1. Grind everything into a paste, add salt and mix well.
  2. Take the ingredients in equal proportions.
  3. Place the product on the tooth and cover the top with a cotton swab.


Baking soda used as an antiseptic in folk medicine. This remedy helps relieve pain in case of inflammation of the gums, if the tooth aches. The preparation of the rinsing solution is as follows:

  1. Dissolve one teaspoon of soda in a glass of water.
  2. Stir well so that the substance does not settle at the bottom.
  3. Rinse your mouth every few hours.
  4. By adding 2-3 drops of iodine, you can enhance the effect.


For treatment, it is not so much the flower itself that is used, but the oil from it. How to relieve toothache yourself at home using this remedy has been known for a very long time. A few drops of the substance are enough to remove painful sensations. You can wet a cotton swab and place it on the gum to the sore spot. If there is no oil, you can try chewing a few bunches of seasoning. This remedy has no contraindications and can be given to children and pregnant women.

How to talk about toothache

“I walk neither on the street nor on the road, but along empty alleys, along ravines, along ditches. A hare meets me: “You hare, hare, where are your teeth? Give me yours, take mine,” I walk neither by path nor by road, but through a dark forest, a gray forest. Towards me Gray wolf: “You wolf, wolf, where are your teeth? Here are my teeth, give me yours.” I walk neither by land nor by water, but by an open field, a colorful meadow. An old woman came towards me: “You old woman, where are your teeth? Take the wolf ones, give me your fallen ones.” I speak my teeth tightly to the slave (name) to this day, to this hour, forever and ever.”

Other effective home remedies

  1. To numb a tooth, you can use vodka, cognac or any other unsweetened alcoholic drink. There is no need to drink it; you should rinse your mouth and then spit out the “medicine”. Some of the alcohol will be absorbed by the gum tissue, which will lead to numbness and temporary relief from toothache.
  2. Pulsating pain in a tooth - a symptom inflammatory process. This disease can be treated using propolis, which is similar in action to novocaine. It is sold in the form of plates or alcohol solution. The latter must be rubbed into the gums, you can rinse your mouth with it or moisten a cotton swab and put it on the sore tooth. If you bought the version in plates, then use a piece of it to plug the hole. If a tooth hurts under a filling or crown, the plate is placed next to the tooth on the gum.
  3. If the tooth is sick and begins to pulsate, then Valocordin is used as a sedative. They need to moisten a cotton swab and place it on the gum.
  4. A simple ice cube, if you move it along the gum, helps with toothache. The exception is when the nerve of the tooth is exposed or it hurts because it has caught a cold.


  1. For mild toothache, it is recommended to drink Analgin. You are allowed to take no more than four tablets per day. You should start with half the medication, if the pain does not go away after half an hour, take the second half. You don't have to swallow the tablet; you can place it directly on the tooth that needs help. It is prohibited to use the drug for those who suffer from impaired liver or kidney function, who have been diagnosed with vascular diseases, during pregnancy, or during lactation. You should not drink alcohol while taking the product.
  2. "Nurofen". Helps eliminate headaches, teeth and back pain. You can take 6 tablets per day. The medicine is prohibited for people with peptic ulcer, kidney and liver dysfunction, dysfunction duodenum, with impaired color vision, hearing loss, heart failure.
  3. For unbearable toothache, it is recommended to take Ketanov. The drug belongs to the category of potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. It is recommended to strictly monitor the first dose in order to notice possible allergic reaction and stop her. Contraindicated for use in children under 16 years of age, people with renal and liver failure, during lactation, pregnancy.
  4. As a temporary remedy, you can use tablets: “Tampalgin”, “Nise”, “Baralgin”.

How to kill a dental nerve

The most bad reason pain in the oral cavity - inflammation of the nerve in the tooth. In this case, as a rule, it has to be removed by a dentist. If it is not possible to visit a doctor, there is an option to relieve such toothache at home: you need to kill the dental nerve. There are several folk remedies for removal:

  1. You need to put a little gunpowder into the carious cavity that has formed on the tooth. This method should be used very carefully, because there is a possibility of poisoning the body with the substance.
  2. Devitalization (death of the nerve) can be done using vinegar essence. It is necessary to apply it very carefully only to the tooth: if it gets on soft fabrics, possible burns.
  3. You can use a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. It is necessary to place it directly on the problematic tooth.
  4. .

Each of us is familiar with acute toothache. The reasons for it are different: it is pulpitis, which is a consequence of advanced caries, and enamel cracks, and incorrectly placed fillings, and much more. Of course, the first thing you need to do when it appears is to visit a doctor. Moreover, this needs to be done as soon as possible. And in order to wait until morning, you can alleviate your condition with the help of improvised means. What and how to relieve acute toothache will be discussed together. This is what our article will be devoted to.

How to alleviate your condition and relieve acute tooth pain

Toothache can make you forget about everything, the discomfort and unpleasant sensations can be so strong. It usually intensifies at night, making sleep restless, or even impossible.

How to relieve acute toothache

Understanding the causes of toothache and doing everything to eliminate it is the prerogative of a dentist. But there are general recommendations , which you need to adhere to if it takes you by surprise:

  1. Completely eliminate the presence of food residues in the mouth, since they can provoke pain. For this you can use frequent rinsing with a soda-salt solution and, if necessary, dental floss.
  2. Avoid warming the area where the toothache is located.. AND dry heat, and warm compresses will only strengthen it.
  3. Avoid bed rest. A bad tooth is not a reason to go to bed. After all, in horizontal position The pressure on the periodontal tissues increases, which greatly increases the discomfort.
  4. Avoid getting food on the sore tooth. The easiest option is to chew only with the teeth that are on the other side of the mouth.
  5. Try to distract yourself. Interesting activity or a huge amount of work will help you forget about the discomfort in your mouth, the main thing is to really get carried away.
  6. Don't delay visiting the dentist. Only a specialist can relieve you of acute pain. All other methods, which will be discussed below, can only stop it temporarily, dulling the discomfort.

How to reduce and relieve toothache at home using home medicine kit products can be found in the next section of our article.

Medication methods for relieving toothache

Modern pharmacological developments and achievements of the pharmaceutical industry have made it possible to create a number of painkillers wide range actions that help with toothache.

Toothache medications

The most gentle of them will be:

  • Nurofen and other pharmacies drugs based on ibuprofen;
  • Spasmalgon, active substance his is analgin. It is contraindicated in children under 6 years of age;
  • Askofen, which is not recommended for children under 15 years of age, since it is based on “ dangerous mix» - aspirin, caffeine and paracetomol;
  • Baralgin- another drug created on the basis of analgin. It can be given to children with caution.

If all the above drugs did not bring the desired effect, need to bring in the “heavy artillery”, that is, powerful painkillers, the use of which requires consultation with a doctor. This:

  • Pentalgin;
  • Ketanov;
  • Ketorol;
  • Nimesulide.

There are a number of contraindications to taking these drugs, in particular pregnancy and breastfeeding, childhood. They are allowed to be taken only when the toothache is no longer unbearable.

Enough in a simple way What and how to relieve acute toothache will be the use of classical painkillers, which have been used in dentistry for many years. Namely - novocaine and lidocaine. There are two ways to do this. Either moisten a cotton swab and place it on the sore tooth, or try to inject their solution into the base of the tooth. This will relieve pain for at least 6 hours.

It should be noted that all of the above drugs only stop pain impulses; they do not treat the diseased tooth itself. Therefore, a visit to the dentist cannot be avoided.

Traditional medicine methods for relieving toothache

The reference book of traditional medicine, which contains several recipes for self-relief, also recommends what to do in case of acute toothache. Moreover, many of them are quite effective, because just some 50 years ago a visit to the dentist was serious test, and people have suffered from bad teeth before. Some of them will seem incredible to you, but all methods are good for relieving acute pain. Let's look at the most popular of them:

Traditional medicine methods are very effective in relieving toothache, but you should not delay visiting a doctor. Otherwise, you may miss the onset of serious complications that may require the help of a surgeon.

Massage as a way to relieve toothache at home

When experiencing pain in damaged teeth, many of us immediately turn to home medicine cabinet and begin to swallow painkillers, which provide only a temporary effect. All this puts a lot of stress on all organs of our body, especially the liver. Therefore, if the pain is moderate, You can try a Japanese massage. Will be especially effective the following elements his methods:

  • Massage the area of ​​the hand between the thumb and index finger with a piece of ice;
  • Press intensely with three fingers of each hand on the temporal areas;
  • Massage carotid artery, kneading it towards the diseased tooth;
  • Press on the cheek in the area of ​​the diseased tooth with three fingers;
  • Massage the nasolabial cavity intensively.

Surprisingly, these methods Japanese massage act. They can be safely adopted by those people who constantly put off visiting the dentist.

Relief of toothache in children and expectant mothers

Unfortunately, children are not immune from acute toothache. Baby teeth are short-lived and highly susceptible to caries, which in children younger age characterized by rapid currents. In a matter of days, caries can completely destroy baby tooth and affect the pulp, which causes incredible suffering to the baby.

Toothache in children

Toothache also affects pregnant women. This happens especially often when the fetus begins to develop bone and the beginnings of teeth. Most of the methods listed in the previous sections are contraindicated for both children and expectant mothers. Can save them:

  • Lubricating the cheek in the area of ​​the diseased tooth with an “asterisk”;
  • Clove oil on a sore tooth;
  • Frequent rinsing with soda and salt, sage, chamomile;
  • A slice of lard applied to the gum.

Regardless of how effective your chosen pain relief method turns out to be, a visit to the dentist should be immediate and urgent. This will help you save a bad tooth and get rid of noticeable discomfort that occurs at the most inopportune time.