Why do teeth hurt and how to relieve the pain. Toothache - causes, nature, methods of pain relief Make a tooth hurt badly

The perfection of man is beyond doubt, but when your teeth hurt, you begin to reconsider your established views on the structure of the universe. It is quite possible with good ecology, proper nutrition and with excellent water quality there would be no problems at all with our teeth, but today we have what we have. My tooth hurts, what should I do? Yes, it hurts so much that nothing around is nice, and the same question is spinning in my head, how to physically endure this unbearable pain. The first thing you need to do is go to dental clinic. But what should those who cannot visit it for some reason, for example, live in rural areas, do?

So, what to do if your tooth hurts? First of all, we look into our first aid kit and fix our gaze on painkillers. The most effective for toothache are: analgin, paracetamol, ketorol, citramon, ketanov.

But you should not immediately, without looking back, take the medicine contained in the first aid kit. It would be best to familiarize yourself with the possible side effects first. For example, paracetamol is highly not recommended for liver and kidney diseases, and during pregnancy. The effectiveness of citramone as an anesthetic is known, but there are also contraindications, they concern people suffering from stomach ulcers or kidney diseases, it is also prohibited for adolescents under 15 years of age and pregnant women.

Ketorol is the most powerful pain reliever from the list above, but also with contraindications; it is not recommended for pregnant women, as well as those suffering from a history of shortness of breath and stomach ulcers.

The following drugs will also help eliminate pain: citrapar, alka-seltzer, solpadeine, baralgin, and often nurofen, dexalgin, nise, pentalgin-N also help.

You should also keep ultracaine, lidocaine and novocaine in your first aid kit just in case. For severe toothache, a piece of cotton wool soaked in this solution and applied to the sore spot will help relieve the pain. But this measure is temporary; you should definitely visit a dentist. What you absolutely cannot do is prescribe yourself any antibiotics, otherwise you will only worsen your already unhappy situation.

Toothache: what to do at home

Before immediate treatment at home, you should decide what actually caused your toothache, since there can be different reasons.

The most common cause of toothache is caries, which occurs on initial stage practically asymptomatic. Treatment of caries at home is impossible; consultation with a dentist is necessary.

With periodontitis, as a rule, the tissues around the root of the tooth become inflamed. Occurs by various reasons, but the pain is so acute that it is impossible to touch the tooth.

Untreated caries in time provokes pulpitis, toothache is intense and long-lasting.

Also, toothache could be caused by ordinary mechanical damage tooth, for example, chipped enamel for various reasons, various damages and cracks, which causes dentitis with very high sensitivity, which provokes toothache. In this case, artistic tooth restoration can help.

Let’s not forget about wisdom teeth, the eruption of which may continue more than a year and is often accompanied by inflammation of the gums, which ultimately guarantees toothache. In this case, heating your teeth is strictly prohibited. You can read about the indications for wisdom teeth removal.

Toothache: what to do at home in limited conditions

Turn to traditional medicine, which is replete with numerous recommendations and advice, and which, sometimes, should be heeded. So, what do we pay attention to and what do we do:

  • We use camphor alcohol, although it should be handled with extreme caution, as it can burn the oral mucosa
  • you can chew a piece of bread and a clove of garlic, cover the tooth with the resulting mass
  • clean the fat from the salt and place it directly on the gum to the tooth
  • Soda also helps, 1/3 teaspoon in a glass of warm water, it is advisable to add 3-5 drops of iodine, rinse the tooth with this solution, you can also use salt instead of soda
  • pour boiling water over onion skins, rinse several times with warm infusion
  • A piece of cotton wool soaked in apple cider vinegar will also help relieve pain.
  • You can rinse with a decoction of chamomile, sage, oak bark, with the addition of horsetail, yarrow, St. John's wort
  • a moistened ball containing tincture of propolis or calendula, corvalol and valocordin also helps
  • fresh peppermint leaves may help relieve pain, chew them
  • aloe also helps, which is cut lengthwise and the pulp is applied to the gum or tooth
  • A piece of raw beets will also help reduce pain
  • often resort to a mixture of garlic ground with salt

It should not be forgotten when self-treatment, that this is only a temporary measure that will relieve toothache for a certain time, but, as they say, the “root of evil” itself must be identified exclusively by a specialist, namely a dentist.

Toothache often occurs unexpectedly and the best decision would be to see a doctor. But this cannot always be done immediately, and it is difficult to endure. If you have a severe toothache, what should you do at home?

In order to alleviate it, you can use painkillers. But they are not always at hand. In addition, they are not indicated for everyone and may have side effects. Most safe ways can be found among the recipes traditional medicine. They can be just as effective as regular pills.

How to quickly get rid of toothache at home

The most common way quick disposal for toothache is the use of medications. When choosing a product, it is important to know what contraindications it has and you should not exceed the recommended dose.

The most popular medications

  1. Analgin is the most common pain reliever that helps well with different types pain, including toothache. The tablet should be taken with water. Some people advise applying it directly to the sore tooth.
  2. Baralgin practically not inferior in popularity to Analgin. It should not be used by those who suffer from kidney disease, liver disease, or bronchial asthma.

Antiviral drugs

Medicines in this group have a fairly wide spectrum of action. They relieve pain, relieve swelling and help fight inflammation.

  1. Nise is a potent drug. The pain syndrome completely disappears a few minutes after taking the drug. The effect lasts for 6 hours. The drug is one of the best for relieving very severe toothache. Contraindications: pregnancy and breastfeeding, patient age less than 2 years.
  2. Ketanov is a drug that is often recommended by dentists when it is necessary to get rid of toothache. Despite its effectiveness, it has a large list of contraindications. Among them: the presence of kidney and liver diseases, bronchial asthma, pregnancy. It can only be used by people over 16 years of age. In addition, it can cause migraines and diarrhea and other problems.
  3. Nurofen is a drug that relieves toothache in adults and children. The medicine can also be used for very young patients. Application is also recommended in postoperative period, for example, after tooth extraction.

Ointments and gels with a freezing effect

When a severe toothache occurs, what can you do to quickly get rid of it? IN Lately Various gels, creams and ointments with a freezing effect have become popular. They are applied to the inflamed area and quickly relieve pain. Unlike tablets, they have fewer contraindications and side effects. A frequently recommended remedy is Kamistad.

Non-standard medicines

Some medications have wide range impact. Although they are more often used to relieve pain in other places, they can be quite effective for toothache.

  1. Validol. 1 tablet should be crushed well and mixed with a small amount of water. You should get a paste that is evenly applied to the gum around the inflamed tooth. The pain should gradually subside.
  2. Valocordin. It is used as a lotion. Apply 3-4 drops to a small piece of cotton wool and apply to the sore spot. The effect is achieved due to the presence of essential oil peppermint, phenobarbital and valerian.

How to get rid of toothache during pregnancy

During pregnancy, use of most medical supplies prohibited. But what to do to the expectant mother who suffers from severe toothache? What to do at home if it is unbearable and there is no way to see a doctor? It is not recommended to endure it, as the state of discomfort is transmitted to the child. In addition, the likelihood that the pain will go away on its own is very low.

The second and third trimester are considered periods when, if necessary, stop pain syndrome, you can use painkillers. But if possible, you should get by with rinses and compresses.

Among the medications approved for use: Spazmalgon, Baralgin, Nurofen, Paracetamol.

The most safe drug, which is often prescribed to pregnant women when the most different pains No-Shpa. Recommended dosage regimen: 2 tablets 2 times a day.

You can also use gel or ointment. Before use, you should study the instructions, since not all are compatible with pregnancy. The safest are those that are allowed for children, for example, Kalgel.

What to do if your child has a toothache

Any parent is faced with the fact that their child has a severe toothache. What to do at home so as not to harm the baby?


There are a small number of drugs that can be used for children:

  • Paracetamol. It has a wide spectrum of action: reducing fever, relieving pain and treating inflammation. The effect lasts about 6 hours after taking. It can be used for children from 3 months. Release form: syrup, candles.
  • Nurofen. For the youngest (allowed from 3 months) it is available in the form of a suspension. For older children in the form of syrup. The action begins after about half an hour and lasts about 6 hours.
  • Nise can be used for children from two years of age. Quickly relieves pain and lasts for 12 hours.
  • Dental drops. They are a complex that has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The most popular are: Stomagol, Xident, Fitodent, Dantinorm Baby.

Folk remedies for children

Not all parents are supporters of the use of medications, so you can use traditional medicine recipes. It is believed that they have virtually no contraindications and do not harm the body.

You need to know that rinsing is not suitable for all children, since babies do not know how to do it. In addition, herbs and honey can cause allergies, and garlic can cause burns to the mucous membrane. Therefore, the ingredients should be carefully selected and its dosage should be kept to a minimum. For example, when rinsing with a soda solution, no more than 0.5 tsp should be diluted in a glass of water. soda

For compresses you can use:

  • Water tincture of propolis.
  • Clove oil.
  • Peppermint solution.
  • Garlic juice.

You need to moisten a piece of cotton wool with the selected ingredient and apply it to the hole in the tooth.

Folk remedies for toothache

Painful sensations may appear due to various reasons. For example, due to inflammatory process, holes, caries, thinning of tooth enamel, complications after treatment. In addition to painkillers, there are medications different recipes traditional medicine.

Rinse for toothache

An equally effective remedy is rinsing.

Gargling with vodka for toothache

Many people talk about the effectiveness of using this drink as a rinse. It is used in pure form, but it is important that the vodka is not cold. You need to take a small amount of liquid into your mouth and support it where the tooth hurts. The duration of the procedure depends on individual characteristics person, you should hold it for as long as possible. Vodka can be replaced with cognac.

Gargling with baking soda for toothache

Preparing a rinse solution does not take much time, and the components for it are in every home.

  1. For the most simple recipe you will need 1 cup of boiling water and 1-1.5 tsp. soda The powder must be completely dissolved and wait for the liquid to cool slightly. You need to put it in your mouth sufficient quantity solution and rinse your mouth for a minute. In one procedure you need to use up the entire solution in the cup. It is recommended to repeat once an hour.
  2. A combination of baking soda and salt works well. 1 tsp. Each component must be poured into a cup, pour boiling water over it and stir. You can use cooking or sea ​​salt. Rinse your mouth with warm liquid.
  3. Some people prefer a three-component solution, adding 2-3 drops of iodine to salt and soda. Before the procedure, you need to wait until the liquid cools down a little.

Decoctions for toothache

Rinses made from various plants. Not everyone likes them, since they take some time to prepare, and the ingredients are not always on hand. You should rinse, paying attention to the area where the disturbing tooth is located.

  1. Oak bark. The ingredient has a wide spectrum of action. Oak bark Known for its antiseptic qualities, which relieves inflammation. It is able to restore damaged tissue.

To make a decoction, you need to pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan and add 2 tsp. ingredient. After boiling on the fire for 5 minutes, you need to turn it off and leave it under the closed lid for about a quarter of an hour. Then the broth is filtered. Rinse with warm liquid up to 5 times a day.

  1. Chamomile. Many dentists recommend using a decoction of it. Chamomile is known for its ability to stop bleeding, relieve pain and fight bacteria.

To do medicinal solution you will need 1 cup of boiling water and 5 tbsp. l. daisies. It is cooked in a water bath. After half an hour, remove it from the stove, strain and cool slightly. The rinsing procedure should be performed every 2 hours.

  1. Sage. The plant is often used to relieve toothache. To prepare the liquid, you need 1 tsp. pour sage into a glass hot water. The container needs to be wrapped well and left for about half an hour. You can use a thermos for cooking. Then the broth is filtered and cooled to a comfortable temperature. It is recommended to rinse every 2-3 hours.

You can make decoctions from plantain, mint or lemon balm. All these herbs will also help relieve pain. To prepare the decoction you will need 1 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water over the herbs and leave for about half an hour, having previously wrapped the container. Before rinsing, the mixture is filtered and cooled.


If you have a severe toothache, what else can you do at home? It is worth paying attention to compresses. They are more effective than rinsing.

Essential oils

When using them, you need to be careful, as some of them are quite aggressive and can cause gum burns. The most popular essential oils:

  • Tea tree.
  • Mint.
  • Carnations.

For the application, you will need to apply 2-3 drops of essential oil to a piece of gauze or cotton wool, which is applied to the inflamed tooth. The compress time should not exceed 5 minutes. As a result, the pain should be significantly reduced.


A common herb recommended for dental pain is garlic applied to the wrist. A clove of garlic needs to be turned into a paste, which is applied to a bandage and fixed to the wrist. You need to choose the right hand. It should be on the opposite side where the inflamed tooth is located. If a burning sensation occurs, remove the compress immediately and wash your hand.

Experts say that it has an effect similar to acupuncture, so the pain gradually goes away.


If you have a severe toothache, what else can you do at home? To alleviate the condition, there are several ways to use propolis.

  • Apply a piece of propolis to the tooth and hold until the pain goes away. It usually begins to subside within a few minutes.
  • Usage alcohol tincture may also help. It should be applied to cotton wool and placed on the inflamed area.

There are many ways to get rid of severe toothache at home. But don’t forget about prevention.

Therefore, everyone can choose the most suitable option. It is worth remembering that you will not be able to cure a tooth on your own, so you need to contact a dentist as soon as the opportunity arises.

And I want to show emergency method, which I use myself.

The first time I experienced the power of prayer was when I served in the army. I had a toothache in the evening, and in the unit it’s not so much in the evening, and you can’t find a dentist during the day. My things were stored in the apartment of the landlady, and I went to her for possible help.

What happened next I couldn’t even imagine. Aunt Tonya called her nun friend and told her my name. And she said, go to the unit and forget about the pain. And strangely enough, after 20-30 minutes the pain actually went away. I don’t know exactly what kind of prayer was read, but I liked the very fact of healing through prayer.

Then, 10 years after the service, I remembered again about this wonderful method, when my tooth ached at night, and I started looking. I found the prayer, I don’t remember how quickly, but I found it. Since then I have used prayer to relieve pain. But I want to warn you that prayer only relieves pain; it does not save the tooth from destruction. I was convinced of this personal experience when I went to see the dentist. He was surprised that the tooth crumbled, but I didn’t feel any pain.

And of course, the prayer itself, I show it in the form in which I found it and which I read myself. I recommend saving it to your PC, or even your phone.

I was convinced by my family that it helps.

The article was written with the assistance of dentists at the Harmony Clinic.

/ What to do if your tooth hurts. Getting rid of toothache with effective affordable remedies

What to do if your tooth hurts. Getting rid of toothache with effective affordable remedies

Toothache is the most irritating and unpleasant sensation that instantly pushes into the background normal life. A person is unable to think, sleep, eat, he cannot concentrate and do daily activities. The best thing to do in case of an unexpected attack of toothache is, of course, to run to a specialist. But what should you do if your tooth hurts badly in the middle of the night or on weekends, when you can’t see a doctor? We offer effective methods, which can greatly alleviate the condition or completely relieve suffering for a while.

Causes of toothache. Treatment options

Toothache can occur for a variety of reasons. Only a dentist will determine it accurately. But, knowing where the pain comes from, you can ease it a little with the help of medications or folk ways.
Most often, a tooth affected by caries or periodontitis hurts. The cause may be inflammatory processes such as pulpitis or periostatitis, tooth extraction or gum inflammation. Due to the strong toothache Migraines often begin and can spread to the ears and even throat. So what to do if your tooth hurts? How to help yourself?

Inflamed nerve

Perhaps the most severe and difficult to bear toothache occurs if the canal is open and the infection enters the core of the tooth. This is one of those cases about which they say “ready to climb the wall.” What to do if the inflammation site hurts a lot, and you don’t have the strength to endure it? After the examination, the doctor may suggest two ways out of the situation:

  • If the inflammation is not severe, the nerve may not be removed.
  • In case of serious infection, it will not be possible to leave the tooth “alive”. In this case, the nerve is removed using arsenic, which is placed in the cleaned canal under a temporary filling. The other option is less painful. Dentist under local anesthesia The canals are thoroughly cleaned and sealed with a permanent filling.

The procedure for destroying the nerve is accompanied by very severe toothache. While at home, pain in an inflamed tooth can be temporarily reduced with the help of analgesics such as no-shpa, baralgin or analgin. Rinsing with salt or water will also help. soda solutions, herbal infusions.

If your wisdom tooth hurts

This type of teeth, unlike all others, erupts in mature age(after 20 years), when the dentition is already formed. Therefore, the appearance of additional teeth is often accompanied by aching pain, gum inflammation and other ailments. Toothaches can occur as a result of:

  • wrong direction of growth;
  • high density of the gums, which does not allow the tooth to erupt.

In this case, toothache is not a sign of complications or an inflammatory process, but a natural phenomenon. But the growth process lasts a very long time, and pain appears and disappears. How to deal with constant pain wisdom teeth at home? It is not recommended to resort to analgesic drugs. Inflammation of the gums can be easily dealt with using the rinses described above.

When an inflamed tooth under a crown hurts

A fairly common case is when a tooth hurts under a damaged crown. It may occur if:

  • the canal is not sufficiently cleaned or low-quality materials were used for filling and prosthetics;
  • the pin was installed incorrectly, which led to the appearance of a hole in the channel;
  • the dental nerve is inflamed and hurts;
  • The crown does not fit tightly to the tooth or there are gaps.

You can relieve pain in an aching tooth before visiting a doctor with an effective homemade remedy. To do this, mix half a glass of novocaine with table salt and 1 tsp. egg white. Rinse the affected tooth with this mixture several times a day. No less effective are applications with hydrogen peroxide, as well as rinsing with a decoction of chamomile, calendula or sage. You cannot get rid of toothache using improvised means. Only removal of the crown and treatment by a dentist will help.

Anesthetizing an extracted tooth

Many people are afraid of tooth extraction. Indeed, this unpleasant procedure associated with very painful manipulations: cutting the gums, pulling out fragments and roots, suturing tissue. But even after removal, the gums hurt for some time and standing teeth. Sometimes complications arise due to improper care oral cavity, infections that provoke inflammation of the gums. What to do if your gums hurt, but the aching pain that arose in your teeth after removal does not go away?

  • It is strictly not recommended to warm the cheek, which can cause a purulent process;
  • To relieve toothache, do not rinse the extraction site very actively with decoctions medicinal herbs: oak bark, which contains tannins, calendula or chamomile. If the pain does not subside, take analgin or another pain reliever and see a doctor.

When a tooth hurts under a filling

Painful sensations after tooth filling are a common occurrence. But when a tooth hurts both after a couple of hours and for several days, the consequences can be more serious. Most often, pain is caused by an infection, an incorrectly placed filling, or allergic reaction. Immediately after filling, you can take an analgesic tablet to make you feel better. If the filling was installed incorrectly, the tooth will have to be opened and treated again.

Sometimes it happens that the filling flies out on its own. unknown reasons. It is worth considering that in this case the channel remains unprotected, where pieces of food remain. If the filling is temporary, you can cover it with a piece of cotton wool. If not, then before visiting the doctor, maintain oral hygiene and make sure that no food gets into the hole.

Getting rid of toothache at home

When a tooth hurts unbearably, and it is not possible to get to the doctor, it is important not to panic, but to try to cope with the toothache with the help of available funds. First of all, you need to brush your teeth, and then pick up effective remedy to reduce pain.
The easiest way at home is rinsing. Water best penetrates into the most inaccessible places and washes away pathogenic microbes. The most popular means are:

  • Rinse repeatedly throughout the day with a solution of salt or soda. To do this, dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of warm water. powder.
  • Works great with acute pain teeth decoctions of medicinal herbs. It may be possessing antiseptic properties, chamomile, valerian, oregano or calendula decoction.
  • Rinsing with sage tincture from a glass of boiling water and 1 tbsp is also very effective. l. dry grass. You need to leave the mixture for 15 minutes and periodically rinse your mouth with the strained broth.

If , and rinsing does not help, take painkillers. When taking analgesics, it is important not to exceed the dose indicated in the instructions, even with severe pain. And under no circumstances should you drink alcohol, which greatly enhances their effect. For toothache, as a rule, the following is prescribed:

  • Analgin up to 4 tablets per day. This drug should not be taken by pregnant women or those with liver or kidney pathologies.
  • Ketanov – strong drug, recommended for use only after consultation with your dentist.
  • Nurofen, similar in action baralgin or solpadeine and others.
    If you are at home, try applying a swab or ice cube soaked in Valocordin to the tooth. This will not get rid of the pain, but it will make it easier for a while.

Far from civilization

From sudden toothache no one is immune. She can attack at the dacha, in the forest far from the benefits of civilization. If there is no way to buy painkillers at the pharmacy, and you can’t stand it, effective folk remedies and unconventional methods will help.

Traditional methods of dental treatment

Traditional medicine is unlikely to completely eliminate the cause of the ailment. But this is very effective way to temporarily alleviate the condition if your teeth hurt in a place inaccessible to civilization.

  • The easiest way to relieve debilitating toothache if you are in nature is plantain root. On the side where the painful tooth is located, place the cleaned root in the ear. Significant relief can be expected within 30 minutes.
  • The analgesic properties of propolis have long been known. You can rinse your mouth with a tincture of it or apply a piece to your tooth.
  • An ordinary onion, finely chopped and mixed with salt, can help with pain. The mixture, wrapped in gauze, should be applied to the source of pain.
  • Cinnamon is considered an effective remedy. If you mix it with honey and apply it to the tooth, the pain will subside.
  • You can also make pain-relieving applications from essential oils. A couple of drops of lavender, peppermint or clove oil will be enough.
  • An interesting and popular method is to apply a clove of garlic to the wrist, which is located on the opposite side of the sore tooth.

You might not like it at all traditional ways fight against toothache, based on the activation of certain points on the body.

  • The massage received the most numerous reviews auricle. For this big and index fingers you need to take the top of the ear from the side of the diseased tooth and massage it intensively for 10 minutes.
  • Another method is to massage your hand with an ice cube. This should be done in the recess between the index and thumb on the hand located on the side opposite to the tooth.
  • Oddly enough, but effective way To overcome the pain is crying, which reduces the pressure of the gums. And when a tooth hurts, calling it out is not a problem.
  • If you emotional person, watch an exciting funny movie or do an exciting activity. It is quite possible that switching to opposite emotions, although temporary, will bring relief.

Choose ways to deal with debilitating toothache that are right for you. We hope that she will not catch you at the most unexpected moment. And don't forget to visit the dentist. Only a specialist can relieve pain forever.

Of course, the most correct and logically verified path is to visit the dentist as quickly as possible in order to accurately determine the cause and begin adequate treatment. But we still have to wait until we see the dentist, and the tooth (though maybe not a tooth, but somewhere nearby) already hurts. Therefore, let's look at the measures emergency assistance, capable of at least reducing pain to a tolerable level.

Yes, a little preliminary preparation is required. If possible, brush your teeth and/or rinse your mouth with a clean warm water- this will increase the effectiveness of pain relief measures.

What can be done immediately

1. Rinse your mouth with salt water...

Dissolve ¹⁄₂ teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth thoroughly until the solution is gone. This is one of the most popular, even grandma’s, express methods for getting rid of toothache. And this is the very case when the grandmothers were right.

Salt water is natural disinfectant, and research Rinsing with Saline Promotes Human Gingival Fibroblast Wound Healing In Vitro prove: it really helps reduce inflammation in the oral cavity.

If the cause of pain is inflammation (for example, pulpitis or infection), salt rinse will become in a good way not only to calm the pain, but also to slow down, or even completely stop the development of the unhealthy process.

In addition, vigorous rinsing of the mouth will help get rid of food particles and other small foreign objects stuck between the teeth or the surface of the tooth and the gum, which sometimes cause pain.

2. ...or hydrogen peroxide

The advice, at first glance, is strange, but effective. Like saline solution, hydrogen peroxide has disinfectant properties that can Evaluation of the effect of hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash in comparison with chlorhexidine in chronic periodontitis patients: A clinical study reduce inflammation and reduce associated pain. Bonus: Hydrogen peroxide softens plaque, making it easier to remove later.

To prepare a rinse solution, mix hydrogen peroxide (3%) and water in a 1:1 ratio. Do not swallow it when using.

3. Apply a cold compress to your cheek

The higher the temperature, the more painful it is. Blood moves more actively, blood vessels dilate, and internal pressure on the inflamed area increases. If you attach it to cold compress, the blood vessels will narrow and the pain will become less noticeable. In addition, cold can reduce Self-care approaches to treating pain swelling and inflammation.

This solution applies to almost all types of pain. If your tooth hurts, you can do this, for example: apply it to your cheek for 10–20 minutes:

  • soaked in cold water towel;
  • an ice pack wrapped in a thin cloth (if available).

If your teeth are not resistant to the cold, you can simply suck on a piece of ice like a lollipop.

Yes, unlike cold ones, warm warming compresses are a bad option. Firstly, they will only dilate the blood vessels, increasing pain. And secondly, they can contribute to the development of inflammation, if it is the cause of pain.

Heat can relieve suffering only in one case: if the pain is caused by neuralgia trigeminal nerve(it goes into the teeth, and therefore is often confused with a toothbrush). However, until you are sure that it is neuralgia we are talking about, you should not play with heat.

4. Chew the garlic

This specific seasoning has been used medicinally for centuries. And, in general, it is quite reasonable. Modern research confirm Garlic: a review of potential therapeutic effects medicinal properties. It not only destroys harmful bacteria that cause inflammation, but also relieves pain.

If your health allows, you can simply chew a clove or two. Another option: grind the garlic into a paste and apply it to the tooth and gum next to it.

5. Make a compress with clove oil

The method is exotic, but what if you happen to have a bottle of this essential oil lying around? If so, congratulations: you are the owner of a very effective Experimental evaluation of anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive and antipyretic activities of clove oil in mice(By at least, for mice, whose reactions are similar to humans) remedies for toothache. Clove oil contains natural antiseptic eugenol This substance not only kills germs, but also reduces pain almost as well as the rather powerful anesthetic benzocaine. The effect of clove and benzocaine versus placebo as topical anesthetics.

Apply a few drops of clove oil (you can dilute it with a couple of drops of olive or sunflower oil) on a cotton swab and cover the affected tooth, as well as the adjacent part of the gum. Let the compress remain in your mouth for at least 10–15 minutes.

Another option is to add a few drops of clove oil to warm water, shake thoroughly and use as a mouth rinse.

6. Don't lie down

Or, if you still want to lie down, place a pillow under your back so that top part the torso, including the head, remained in an elevated position. By lowering your head to the level of your heart or below, you risk increasing pain: this will happen due to increased blood supply and dilation of blood vessels.

7. Take a pharmacy pain reliever

This is perhaps the most obvious and convenient option if pain overtakes you at work or in. Ibuprofen-based products have proven themselves well.

And here grandma's method- crush the analgin into a paste and apply it to aching tooth- It's better not to play around. Active substance analgin - metamizole sodium - can indeed have a local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. However, it must be taken into account that metamizole has an acidic structure. This means that if the pain is caused by enamel damage or mild caries, it will likely worsen the situation.

What needs to be done as quickly as possible

Keep in mind: you still need it. The described methods relieve pain, but do not eliminate its cause: diseases of the teeth, gums or neuralgia. Therefore, even if you manage to get rid of the pain, be sure to consult a dentist. The doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment that will help you.

And even more so, go to the dentist if your tooth hurts for a day or longer, and also if swelling appears and rises. Perhaps the infection that caused the toothache has entered the bloodstream. And this is fraught with serious consequences.

From this article you will learn what to do if your teeth hurt. Teeth are bone formations located in the oral cavity, designed for grasping and chewing food. In this article we will cover the following questions:

  • why do teeth hurt?
  • what to do if your tooth hurts;
  • frequent problems with wisdom teeth;
  • what to do if your gums hurt.

Why do my teeth hurt?

The nature of toothache can be different, depending on the causes. In addition to pathological processes that directly affect the crown and root, sometimes teeth hurt when you have a cold. This is due to increased pressure in the paranasal sinuses due to the inflammatory process.

The structure of the tooth.

It's slow-paced pathological process, flowing in hard tissues teeth under the influence of the complex influence of internal, external factors. On initial stage enamel loses minerals, its structure is disrupted, white or brown spots. This stage of caries development is called the spot stage and is usually asymptomatic.

Superficial caries is accompanied by destruction of the enamel; with a deep process, a cavity is formed in dentin(the hard tissue of the tooth that forms its basis). The condition is characterized by short-term painful sensations, arising from contact with cold, sour, salty, sweet foods.

What does caries look like?

At deep caries A cavity is formed in the dentin, filled with softened tooth tissues. Pain occurs due to exposure to temperature, chemical irritants, or when pressing on a tooth, but quickly passes after these factors are eliminated.

This condition is an inflammation pulp(internal tooth tissues, including blood vessels, nerves), develops against the background of long-term caries.

With acute pulpitis, periodic pain occurs, quite severe, and its intensity increases at night. They increase under the influence of hot and cold food, and persist after removal of thermal irritants. If the pulp accumulates pus, sensitivity to hot is increased, and under the influence of cold the pain decreases.

At chronic pulpitis unpleasant sensations are weakly expressed.


This is an inflammation of a complex of tissues located in the crevice-like space between the cementum of the tooth root and the dental socket (alveolus). At the initial stage acute periodontitis There is a moderate localized aching pain that persists for a long time. When you tap on a tooth or bite, the discomfort intensifies. Body temperature rises, headaches and malaise are typical.

As the process progresses, even a light touch of the tongue to the affected area, or weak tapping of the latter causes severe pain, radiating into surrounding tissues. There is a feeling that the diseased tooth is higher than the rest.

The collagen fibers that hold the bone formation melt and it becomes mobile. When inflammation spreads, a person notices that the cheek is swollen and the local lymph nodes have enlarged.


Chronic periodontitis often occurs without any symptoms. Sometimes there is a feeling of fullness and heaviness when biting. In a diseased tooth, the gums turn red, become painful when touched, and may become swollen.

When periodontitis is complicated by inflammation of the periosteum of the jaw, this state called periostitis. The pain becomes severe, throbbing, radiating to the ear, eye, and temple. A person notices that his cheek is swollen and his temperature rises to 38.5°C.

If your tooth hurts after treatment at the dentist

When, after filling, a tooth hurts when pressed for 3-4 days, this is considered a natural reaction of the body. Sometimes the unpleasant sensations persist for about a week and go away on their own.

Over time, pain can increase due to improper shrinkage of the filling material, over-inflated filling, which disrupts the normal closure of the teeth. Prolonged use of a photopolymer lamp in some people causes burns to the pulp, which is why the tooth hurts under the filling.

Sometimes a tooth hurts after removing a nerve or filling canals. This is due to the exit of the filling material beyond the root apex, irritation of the periodontal tissues.

On the spot extracted tooth a hole remains, which may become sore within 1–2 days. When discomfort persists longer, it is usually caused by impaired healing and inflammation of the bone walls. This condition is called alveolitis.

When a tooth hurts under a crown

If a tooth hurts under a crown for 1–3 days after its installation, this is considered a normal reaction.

The tooth hurts under the crown for a longer period of time if it was not treated properly by the dentist. A damaged or incorrectly selected microprosthesis is another reason why teeth hurt.

Washing out of cement from under the crown leads to disruption of its fixation. Food particles and bacteria accumulate under the denture, and the tooth hurts when you press it.

Mechanical damage

Cracks, chips, and damage to the enamel expose dentin, which is highly sensitive. When a tooth comes into contact with hot or cold food or when you press on it, severe pain occurs.

The discomfort is short-lived and disappears immediately after the stimulus is eliminated.

Wisdom tooth eruption

Wisdom teeth ( third molars) - the eighth teeth in a row, erupting at the age of 10–25 years. If a person thinks that his wisdom tooth hurts, he should understand that the discomfort is caused by irritation of the surrounding soft tissues, the second molar. Permanent damage to the gums by a growing tooth is accompanied by swelling, redness, and a local increase in temperature.

Eruption of the third molar.

When the upper third molar erupts, discomfort appears in the area where it is located, but the tooth does not hurt. Often it deviates to the side, damaging the mucous membrane, which is why a person notices that the cheek is swollen.

With the growth of molars located on lower jaw, pus may accumulate under the gum tissue. Body temperature rises, health worsens, discomfort occurs when swallowing, in the throat, ear, and the entire jaw area.

If the wisdom tooth grows, the gums hurt, this condition is called pericoronitis (difficulty in eruption).

How to relieve pain at home: traditional methods

Rinsing helps remove pathogens, irritating food debris from the tooth surface, and gum pockets. For pulpitis and periodontitis, the procedure improves blood supply to the affected area, which accelerates the removal of toxic products from it. If the tooth under the crown hurts, when rinsing it is important to follow next rule: The main part of the solution is kept in the mouth so that it is near the affected area.

If your gums and teeth hurt, rinsing your mouth with a soda solution can help quickly eliminate these symptoms at home. A full teaspoon of the latter is dissolved in a glass of warm water. Soda can be replaced with table salt.

Many people are interested in how to quickly relieve pain using herbal infusions. For this, chamomile and sage are used, which have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and analgesic properties. Take 2 tablespoons of any plant, pour a glass of hot water, boil in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. After the product has cooled, rinse your mouth with it for about twenty minutes. Fifteen minutes later the procedure is repeated.

Rinsing the mouth with chamomile infusion relieves swelling of the gums and cheeks, and eliminates pain.

Make a lotion with propolis tincture, apple cider vinegar- another way to deal with unpleasant sensations. One of these liquids is applied to cotton wool and applied to the affected area.

A decoction of oak bark is used when wisdom teeth grow and hurt. 6 tablespoons of crushed bark are poured into half a liter of water and heated to a boil. At this stage, you can add 4 tablespoons of sage to the composition. Rinse with cooled liquid every hour. The product has an antiseptic effect and can be used for other conditions accompanied by painful sensations in the oral cavity if the cheek is swollen.

Is it possible to remove teeth at home?

Some people try to pull out a tooth at home. This procedure allowed to carry out the child during removal baby tooth if it wobbles a lot. But when it is firmly fixed in the gum, it will not be possible to pull it out, or the bone formation will break.

It is strictly forbidden to remove permanent teeth yourself, as they have long roots. If you attempt to do this manipulation at home, you can easily damage the gums and enamel of adjacent teeth. The hole often contains fragments, their presence leads to the development of the inflammatory process. Therefore, to remove teeth, you need to see a dentist.

What to do if a tooth hurts: drug therapy

If a tooth hurts under a crown or without one, you need to take a painkiller that temporarily eliminates these sensations. The following tools are used:

  • Paracetamol.
  • Analgin (active ingredient - sodium metamizole).
  • Citramon, Citrapar, Excedrin, containing paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine.
  • Ketorol, Ketanov, Dopak, Dolamin, Ketalgin, Ketofril, Torolac, Ketadrop, Acular LS ( active ingredient tablets - ketololac).
  • Pentalgin-N, including paracetamol, caffeine, drotaverine hydrochloride, pheniramine maleate, naproxen.
  • Dexalgin, Flamadex, Ketodexal, Dexonal (dexketoprofen).
  • Tempalgin, which includes 2 components: the anesthetic substance metamizole sodium, the anxiolytic agent triacetonamine-tetra-toluenesulfonate.
  • Nise, Aktasulide, Aulin, Mesulide, Prolide, Ameolin, Novolid, Naisulide (nimesulide).
  • Flamax, Ketonal, Flexen, Profenid (ketoprofen).
  • Mig, Nurofen, Ibufen, Indomethacin, Methindol, Indobene, Indocollir, Indocid (ibuprofen).
  • Oxadol (nefopam).
  • Sanaprox, Naprios, Naprobene, Aleve, Nalgesin, Pronaxen, Apranax (naproxen).
  • Flugalin (flurbiprofen).

Next, including paracetamol, ibuprofen.

Angilex is available in the form of a spray, solution, and has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antiseptic properties. 2 teaspoons of the solution are added to a quarter glass of warm water, and the mouth is rinsed 2-4 times a day.

Angilex spray is used to irrigate oral cavity 4–6 times per day.

You definitely need to know what to take when wisdom teeth grow.

Eludril is a solution used to rinse the mouth if a wisdom tooth or tooth under the crown hurts when pressed. It is an antiseptic, analgesic, contains chlorhexidine, chloroform, sodium docusate, chlorobutanol. Eludril is also used by those who know how to relieve gum swelling in a short time. 2 or 3 teaspoons of solution are diluted in half a glass of water, rinsing is carried out three times a day.

When your gums hurt after tooth extraction and what to do - main question, Metrogyl Denta gel is used. It is also used if the cheek is swollen due to wearing dentures. The drug contains metronidazole, chlorhexidine, which have antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. The drug is applied thin layer on the inflamed area of ​​the mucous membrane twice a day.

The duration of use of Metrogyl Denta gel is 7–10 days.

Topical gels containing the analgesic lidocaine can also be used. These drugs, for example, include Kamistad.

Cholisal gel includes a derivative salicylic acid, cetalkonium chloride. The composition provides antimicrobial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects of the drug.

Gargling can help eliminate or reduce toothache for a short time at home. folk remedies, medicines. But as soon as possible, you need to see a dentist.