How can you drink sambuca without setting it on fire? Sambuca - what is it and what is it used with? The most exotic way

Sambuca is an Italian alcoholic drink that some people mistakenly think of as anisette. In fact, it only has in common with vodka the strength: sambuca has from 38 to 42 degrees. Their manufacturing technology and organoleptic qualities are completely different. It is more correct to call sambuca anise liqueur. Most often it is transparent, but some varieties of this drink are dark in color, and there are even red varieties. Sambuca has a sweetish taste. There are pronounced anise notes. It contains a lot of esters and fusel oils, thanks to which the drink has the properties of burning with a blue flame and becoming cloudy when diluted with water. Some rules dictating how to drink sambuca are related to these features, but the culture of drinking this type of alcohol is actually more multifaceted.

General rules

Many ways of consuming sambuca resemble rituals, but Italians themselves rarely adhere to them. They drink sambuca in its pure form or in cocktails. To experience the taste and aroma of sambuca, it is not necessary to organize complex ceremonies. It is enough to adhere to a few basic rules.

  • Sambuca is considered a digestif, that is, a drink that is drunk after a meal. It is acceptable to use it as an aperitif. It is not served to the table.
  • Sambuca is poured into elongated glasses with a thick bottom, which bartenders call “horses,” or into simple glasses. In some cases, it is necessary to use a cognac glass and a rocks glass - a cylindrical glass. You can serve sambuca in its pure form or with ice.
  • Sambuca is drunk either very chilled or hot; intermediate options are rarely used. In the first case, sambuca is kept in the freezer for at least half an hour or poured into a glass filled to the brim with ice cubes. In the second case, it is set on fire or other heating methods are used.

Snacking on sambuca is not necessary, but it is acceptable. You just need to choose the right snack.

How to snack on sambuca

If you want to serve an appetizer with sambuca, understanding that some of the guests are not ready to drink strong drinks without eating, opt for the following products:

  • chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • ice cream;
  • coffee cream;
  • desserts with the addition of the above ingredients;
  • cheeses.

As a last resort, you can supplement the above list with fish dishes.

Coffee beans are considered a traditional snack for sambuca, but this option is not acceptable for everyone.

Popular ways to drink sambuca

Sambuca is considered a club drink, and many ways of drinking it are associated with making the process spectacular and spectacular. However, there are many ways to evaluate the taste of sambuca at home. Of the popular ways to drink sambuca, you will probably find at least one that you like.

  • Club method, which is also called “two glasses” and “with flies”. In order to try drinking sambuca in this way, you need to prepare two glasses: cognac and rocks. You will also need a straw, a napkin, a saucer, a lighter or matches, and three lightly roasted coffee beans. The grains are placed at the bottom of a cognac glass and filled with sambuca in an amount of 25–50 ml. The glass is tilted and placed with the convex area on the glass. A small hole is made in the napkin, through which a tube is passed with the short side. This design is placed on a saucer. The glass with sambuca is warmed up, then the drink is set on fire for 10–60 seconds. At this time, you need to rotate the glass by the stem so that the glass warms up evenly. The burning drink is then poured into a rocks glass. The glass is covered with a cognac glass, which causes the flame to go out. Cover the straw on the saucer with a cognac glass. All that remains is to drink the sambuca, holding the coffee beans in your mouth, then inhale the anise vapor through a straw and, finally, chew the coffee. When using this method, you need to be careful not to get burned or start a fire.
  • Another option for setting fire to sambuca is simpler: the drink is poured into a shot glass and set on fire. After 5-10 minutes the flame is blown out and the sambuca is immediately drunk in one gulp.
  • “With flies” without setting fire. This method is common in Italy itself. Three coffee beans are placed at the bottom of the glass, symbolizing happiness, wealth and health, then sambuca is poured. Afterwards, the drink is drunk with a snack of coffee.
  • Another way to use sambuca with coffee is this: brew espresso and add sambuca to it in a ratio of 3:1 or 2:1. Some people do not add sambuca to coffee, but drink it with it, alternating sips of one drink and another.
  • You can warm up the sambuca without setting it on fire using a ceramic kettle. First, it is filled with boiling water, then hot water is poured through the spout, and anise liqueur is poured into the bottom of the kettle. Then they inhale its aroma through the spout and drink the drink.
  • Sambuca can be diluted with ice water and drunk through a straw. In this case, you need to be prepared for the drink to become cloudy. If this moment worries you, fill a separate glass with water and simply drink the sambuca with it.
  • Sambuca is served in the same way - in separate glasses - with cold milk. After taking a sip of sambuca, wash it down with milk, take a second sip and drink it again. Continue until the glasses are empty.

The specific taste and aroma of sambuca make it possible to prepare original cocktails based on it, which are liked by many.

Cocktail "Freddy Krueger"

  • sambuca – 60 ml;
  • vodka – 30 ml;
  • cherry syrup – 20 ml;
  • milk – 70 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Mix the ingredients by placing them in a shaker.
  • Pour the cocktail into a chilled glass.

The cocktail is served in a martini glass. Before serving, you can garnish it with a cocktail cherry.

Cocktail "Molijito"

  • sambuca – 30 ml;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • purified and chilled water – 100 ml;
  • mint – 5–10 g;
  • cubed ice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the lemon into thin slices. Place the slices along with mint leaves at the bottom of a tall glass for soft drinks.
  • Crush a little with a spoon and add ice cubes.
  • Pour in the liqueur and stir with a straw.
  • Add water.

The cocktail is served with a straw. It got its name by analogy with “Mojito” and is also very refreshing.

Cocktail "Cocoon"

  • sambuca – 50 ml;
  • Coca-Cola – 150 ml;
  • lemon juice – 20 ml;
  • cubed ice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Place ice cubes in a tall glass.
  • Pour in anise liqueur and lemon juice, stir with a straw.
  • Open a bottle of chilled Coca-Cola and add it to the rest of the ingredients.

This version of a refreshing drink is popular among young people.

Cocktail “Liquid Nitrogen”

  • sambuca – 80 ml;
  • coconut milk – 60 ml;
  • creamy ice cream – 100 g.

Cooking method:

  • Remove the ice cream from the refrigerator in advance so that it melts properly.
  • Using a shaker, mix the ingredients.
  • Fill a tall glass with the thick mixture and place it in the freezer for 10–15 minutes.

The thick and very cold drink is very refreshing and has a pleasant taste. They drink it through a straw. If you can’t get coconut milk, you can replace it with regular milk, although the taste and aroma of the cocktail will change slightly.

Audi cocktail

  • sambuca – 15 ml;
  • white rum – 15 ml;
  • citrus liqueur – 15 ml;
  • Malibu liqueur (coconut) – 15 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Pour sambuca into the bottom of the glass, pour rum into it, spoonful at a time.
  • Next, make layers of citrus and coconut smoothies. Do not stir.

The cocktail should be drunk in one gulp. Why it is called “Audi” is unknown, but the drink is suitable for thrill-seekers.

Cocktail “Molidori”

  • sambuca – 15 ml;
  • melon liqueur – 15 ml;
  • orange juice – 80 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare fresh orange juice.
  • Pour the ingredients into the glass in the following order: sambuca, melon liqueur, orange juice. Stir with a straw.

If desired, you can add ice cubes to the cocktail. The best decoration would be a spiral of orange zest.

Cocktail “Red Dog”

  • sambuca – 25 ml;
  • tequila – 25 ml;
  • Tabasco sauce – 4 drops.

Cooking method:

  • Pour anise liqueur into a tall glass.
  • Using a bar spoon, pour in the tequila, being careful not to mix the layers.
  • Add some Tabasco.

The cocktail is drunk in one gulp without stirring. It turns out to be quite strong, with a spicy peppery aftertaste.

Cocktail “Snow Armageddon”

  • sambuca – 30 ml;
  • coffee liqueur (preferably clear) – 30 ml;
  • cream – 60 ml;
  • white chocolate – 15 g.

Cooking method:

  • Shake the sambuca, coffee liqueur and cream in a shaker.
  • Fill a martini glass with the mixture.
  • Grind the chocolate on a grater.
  • Sprinkle the drink with chocolate chips.

This sweet cocktail with bitter notes and creamy taste is especially popular among ladies. Drinking this drink is pleasant, especially since it looks very aesthetically pleasing.

Sambuca is one of the elite alcoholic drinks, but there are varieties on sale that are affordable for most of our compatriots. If you drink sambuca correctly, you can get real pleasure from using it. However, you should not overuse it, as this drink is insidious: if you drink a lot of anise liqueur, you will have a severe hangover in the morning.

To enjoy the aroma of the drink and taste its taste, you need to choose the right glasses. After this, you can learn how to set fire to sambuca to make drinking the drink even more vibrant and interesting. Every bartender and connoisseur of good alcohol will say that sambuca should be drunk from cognac glasses or whiskey glasses. Since you don’t want to drink a lot of sweet liqueur, sambuca becomes the basis for many cocktails in which the taste of the drink is mixed with more neutral ingredients.

How to serve sambuca correctly

To understand how to prepare sambuca, you need to look at the history of the drink. Created in Italy, the liqueur quickly gained worldwide popularity due to its tart aniseed aroma. Italians prefer to highlight anise with the help of coffee beans - exactly 3 grains are added to the glass, which become symbols of happiness, health and wealth. Some bartenders believe that you can put aside superstitions and add the necessary coffee flavor with a couple of drops of the appropriate liqueur. It will immediately give flavor and save people from having to bite through strong grains.

Since this drink, according to all the rules, is served at the end of dense feasts, before taking out dessert dishes, it can be drunk in its pure form, after keeping the bottle in the refrigerator for half an hour. The famous setting fire to alcohol will be appropriate only if there is room for maneuver and the person has a good command of the technique.

Ways to ignite liquor

The high degree of the drink allows you to set it on fire and maintain a beautiful blue flame for 10 seconds. Every bartender knows how to serve sambuca, because usually it is this “trick” that attracts novice bartenders and opens the door for them to the world of specific serving. To work, you need to take two glasses, a lighter or long matches, as well as a napkin and a straw.


  1. Before pouring about 70 ml of sambuca, 3 coffee beans are dropped into the glass. The point of serving is for a person to drink the liqueur and then inhale the vapors formed during the burning of sambuca.
  2. To do the second, you need to insert a cocktail tube into the center of a regular napkin in advance so that one end of the tube faces up and its main part remains outside. You can take special glasses for sambuca for work, or you can get by with options for whiskey or cognac.
  3. The sambuca in the first glass is set on fire until a blue flame is formed, the burning liquid is poured into the second and covered with the vacated glass on top, collecting the vapors.
  4. After the fire disappears, the glass with the vapor is carefully placed on a napkin. The drink is ready to drink. The main thing is to quickly drink the liquid and draw air from another glass through the straw.

You can prepare liqueur without adding coffee beans, but if you plan to replace them with coffee liqueur, it is recommended to pour in the liquid right before handing the glass to a person, and not before setting it on fire. Due to the difference in the strength of the drinks, the resulting mixture may simply not ignite or will burn worse.

Burning Stack

An alternative serving of sambuca, which does not require much effort, but looks extremely impressive, is the use of narrow stacks. The meaning remains the same: about 50-70 ml of liquor is set on fire with a match and placed on a counter or table. A person should extinguish the flame with a sharp exhalation, and then immediately drink the entire glass of warm alcohol. This option may not be safe for girls with long hair falling from the face, so it is important to properly prepare for the extreme serving and tasting of the Italian liqueur.

Sambuca serving options

Sambuca and mineral water

A rather unusual addition to a sweet liqueur can be mineral water, which bartenders like to use during hot periods. Diluted 1:2 or 1:3, sambuca begins to become cloudy in the glass due to the high concentration of essential oils, but its taste becomes a little softer, and anise notes come through more clearly. This option is convenient to use at dinner, when you don’t want to drink too strong drinks before dessert.

Sambuca and milk

It is permissible to mix liqueur with milk, but this is not required in a glass. You are supposed to drink about 50 ml of sambuca, and then wash down the alcohol with a glass of cold milk.

Layered cocktails

Sambuca becomes an excellent base for many cocktails; it looks especially impressive in layered compositions. It is mixed with tequila, Blue Curacao liqueur and Baileys, achieving a light, sweet, slightly spicy aroma.

Benefits of Sambuca

This type of alcohol “inspires” - after drinking a shot of sambuca, a person experiences a surge of strength. The anise aroma pleasantly envelops, and the alcohol in the liqueur is not felt at all. When choosing a spice for sambuca, it was not for nothing that the creators of the drink relied on anise. It goes well with most dishes and makes the sweet drink not cloying, but interesting, revealing itself some time after consumption.

Excellent taste, accessibility and spectacular presentation have made sambuca a hit at youth parties. Now Italian anise liqueur can be found on the menu of all reputable establishments. Gradually, the culture of its use migrated to our homes, firmly entrenched here. I will tell you how to drink sambuca correctly in different ways, revealing all the facets of this amazing drink.

1. Italian method (“with flies”). Classic serving option. “Flies” are three coffee beans that symbolize health, wealth and happiness. You will need: sambuca, two glasses, coffee beans, cocktail straws, paper napkins and matches (lighter).

In the first glass you need to throw three coffee beans and pour 50-70 ml of sambuca into it. Next, make a hole in the center of the paper napkin by inserting a cocktail tube into it with the short end, as shown in the figure. In order not to stain the table, I advise you to place this design on a small saucer.

Napkin with a straw

Next comes the most interesting part - lighting the sambuca with a match or lighter. Due to its high strength, the liqueur is highly flammable. Sambuca should burn with a blue flame for 5-10 seconds. Then you need to pour the flaming drink into the second glass, and cover it with the first one. When the fire goes out, very carefully transfer the first glass in which the vapors have collected to a napkin.

First, drink sambuca from a glass in one gulp, holding the coffee beans in your mouth, then take a few deep breaths through the straw and chew the coffee. The procedure is repeated the desired number of times.

2. Two glasses. The method is shown in the second video. It differs from its Italian counterpart only in the absence of coffee and in the fact that before lighting the sambuca, the glass is slightly heated with a lighter. Repeating all this at home is not difficult.

3. In its pure form. Sambuca is an excellent digestif - a dessert drink served at the end of a meal with sweet dishes, coffee and fruit. But before drinking sambuca in its pure form, you need to cool it well by placing the bottle in the freezer for 20-30 minutes.

4. Burning stack. A favorite method of many Russians, as it requires a minimum of body movements and is somewhat reminiscent of the culture of drinking vodka. It is enough to pour sambuca into a shot glass, set it on fire and let it burn for 5-8 seconds. Next, extinguish the liqueur with one strong exhalation and drink in one gulp while it is hot.

Sambuca burns beautifully!

5. Sambuca with mineral water. In hot weather, you can drink sambuca diluted with cold mineral water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 (one part of liqueur to two or three parts of mineral water).

Diluted sambuca has a slight anise flavor. Immediately after adding water it becomes cloudy. This is normal and does not affect the taste. It's all about the high concentration of essential oils, which are poorly soluble in water.

6. Sambuca with milk. Some connoisseurs like to drink sambuca with fresh cold milk. I advise you to try it.

General tips:

  • before drinking sambuca, it is better to eat a hearty meal;
  • it is very difficult to inhale vapors for the first time, but after several trainings it will become much easier;
  • in reasonable quantities, sambuca does not cause a hangover or fumes; the next day after drinking it, you can work or study normally.

Often in nightclubs, the bartender offers to try sambuca, since the taste and method of serving this drink delights many.

What kind of drink is this, how to use it correctly and is it possible to prepare sambuca-based drinks yourself at home?

Given that sambuca is an alcoholic drink, many people will immediately think: what kind of juice should I drink it with?

It is completely wrong, it is better to refer to the etiquette of consumption of this product.

Sambuca liqueur is an alcoholic drink, having the characteristic taste and smell of anise. Traditionally produced in Italy, it has a strength close to vodka: 36-40 degrees.

There are three types of this drink: black, white and red. In accordance with this, the method of drinking the drink is mainly determined.

Naturally, sambuca can be consumed at home. But it is important to do it correctly to enjoy the tasting.

This drink is special and requires compliance with certain rules that apply to its serving.

Popular ways to serve sambuca that can be used at home:

You can just drink sambuca, like any other standard alcoholic drink. Then the main note of the herbaceous base of alcohol will be lost.

In addition, non-standard use of sambuca is in some cases equated to a skillful tasting process. Experienced bartenders use sambuca as a basis for creating “hot” effects.

What do you drink with sambuca?

Most often, sambuca is used in cocktails as the main ingredient. The liqueur, thanks to its unique composition, highlights any tastes and smells, giving them a special note of anise and herbal inflorescences.

Liqueur is used as an aperitif, so it is worth knowing what foods and other drinks it goes well with.

Note! Sambuca is used in cocktails not only for its original taste, but also for its color scheme, unusual density and consistency.

In addition to mixing this alcoholic drink with other ingredients, sambuca is also used in regular tandem with other foods or drinks.

Taste qualities will largely depend not only on a successful combination, but also on the quality of the alcohol. The most popular brand is Monticelli.

For the combination to be successful, it is worth considering the following options:

Lucky combination Features and proportions of the combination Characteristics
Sambuca with milk Milk and liquor are poured in layers. First, two-thirds of the alcohol is poured into a tall glass, and a layer of milk is placed on top.

Due to the high density of the first component, milk will not mix with alcohol.

To prevent milk from accidentally penetrating into the thickness of the liqueur, it is poured along the wall of the glass using a knife or spoon.

It is noted for the original combination of taste characteristics of the two components of the “cocktail”.
Instant coffee Coffee sambuca is most often drunk with coffee. There are two options here: the drink is dissolved in coffee, where the proportion is 1:1; coffee washed down with chilled sambuca.

The coffee should be slightly warm. Both instant and natural coffee are used.

The coffee taste of both drinks is shaded, adding a piquant bitterness.
Fruit juice Due to the wide variety of this product, a question arises: which juice should I drink with?

Alcohol goes well with lemon or orange juice. The ideal option would be lime juice.

Some gourmets prefer cherry juice. The main thing is that there is sourness.

Basically, any summer cocktail is made based on fruit juice and sambuca.
Snack You can snack on sambuca:
  • Coffee beans, if this is a classic use;
  • Pairs well with many types of cheese;
  • During dinner it will be a wonderful aperitif for meat and fish dishes;
  • The ideal option would be olives, olives, a slice of lime or lemon;
  • People with a sweet tooth prefer: marmalade, ice cream, pastries. It’s good if the sweet contains nuts;
  • The liqueur is combined with seafood and any type of caviar.
Due to the high strength, there is a need to consume food after or while drinking alcohol.
Alcohol Pairs well with other types of liqueur. A non-standard solution for cocktails. Increasing or decreasing degrees.

Useful video

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It is important to know how to drink Sambuca liqueur. Why him? Because if you drink this liqueur incorrectly, which tastes more like cough syrup than an elite alcoholic drink, it will not bring any pleasure.

In the article:

Why is Sambuca popular?

True, supporters of this drink claim that its medicinal properties are beyond doubt. It turns out that he:

  • treats cough;
  • relieves inflammation of the throat;
  • improves digestion, therefore it is very good to use as a digestif;
  • enhances the secretory activity of the stomach, therefore it is also quite acceptable as an aperitif.

What is certain is that this liqueur is very good in cocktails. There are countless options for cocktails; we will focus our attention on some of the most popular ones below.

How to drink Sambuca? - differently

  • It can be served in its pure form, very chilled.
  • There is no better way than to set fire to Sambuca in a glass and, after extinguishing it, drink it warm.
  • An excellent refreshing drink with anise flavor is obtained by mixing ice water with liqueur. The proportions of water and liquor are a matter of taste.
  • There is another method in which burning Sambuca is used. You need to take two glasses. Set the liqueur on fire in one and pour it while it is still burning into another glass. Place the empty glass upside down on a napkin. There is a tube in the napkin through which the vapors of the burnt drink are inhaled, and these vapors are washed down from a second glass.
  • Our liqueur behaves well in cocktails. They are whipped in shakers and the ingredients are poured in layers. Just stir with a spoon in a glass. Cocktails sometimes combine the incongruous. But the taste is original.
  • Now we’ll tell you how to drink Sambuca with coffee beans. This type of serve is called con mosca, which literally means “with flies.” The whole secret here is in the symbolism - three coffee beans thrown into the drink symbolize health, happiness and wealth. The grains can be chewed while drinking, or you can leave them alone.

What can you drink Sambuca with?

As we already mentioned, you can drink it as an aperitif, without having a snack at all. You can use it with cheese and cold cuts, if you don’t mind its sweet taste and this combination is acceptable for you. Therefore, everyone decides for themselves what to eat Sambuca with. This liqueur goes well with fruits and dark chocolate. For dessert it will not only be acceptable, but also desirable.

When it is used in cocktails, the appetizer is not of fundamental importance.
Many, quite rightly, simply ignore it, not wanting to dilute the unique taste of the cocktail itself.

Almost all alcohol lovers like cocktails containing Sambuca. And most importantly, there is room for improvisation. Although, the recipes that have become classic have earned the lasting affection of their admirers. Let's turn our attention to them.

"Deceptive Clouds"

Deceptive clouds

The cocktail under the poetic name “Deceptive Clouds” looks gentle and serene, but its strength is only suitable for the stronger half of humanity. And that it is not harmless is evidenced by its composition:

  • sambuca and - 20 ml each;
  • absinthe - 10 ml;
  • liqueurs and - 3 ml each.

The layers, without mixing, are laid out in this order: liqueur, Tequila, Baileys, Blue Curacao. The whole thing is poured with Absinthe and set on fire.


The light, refreshing cocktail “Cocoon” is deservedly loved by both ladies and gentlemen. It includes:

  • sambuca - 50 ml;
  • cola - 150 ml;
  • crushed ice;
  • lemon or lime juice - 50 ml.

All ingredients are placed in a glass and mixed. They drink this drink through a straw.

"A liquid nitrogen"

A liquid nitrogen

And another light and tasty cocktail, “Liquid Nitrogen,” will surely appeal to lovers of light alcohol. You should take:

  • sambuca - 80 ml;
  • coconut milk - 60 ml;
  • ice cream - 100 g.

Shake the melted ice cream, coconut milk and liqueur thoroughly in a shaker, pour into a glass and garnish with a slice of lime or pineapple.

If this topic interests you - even more

Liqueurs are special drinks; many do not even consider them to be alcohol, which is completely unreasonable. If not in pure form, then in combination with other types of drinks they are certainly good. Try it, experiment. There is a version that our stay on earth is due to the need to experience as many sensations as possible. Add these to your piggy bank.