After childbirth there is discharge with an unpleasant odor. Causes of discharge with an unpleasant odor and its treatment

Normally, vaginal secretions have a weak, specific odor, which intensifies somewhat with arousal. The appearance of an unpleasant odor in vaginal discharge causes discomfort and often indicates the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Causes of discharge with an unpleasant odor

A change in the odor of vaginal discharge does not always indicate an inflammatory process. Like sweat, vaginal secretion performs an excretory function; its smell can change depending on the food taken and metabolic processes in the body. However, these changes are usually temporary and do not cause discomfort to the woman. A change in the smell of discharge occurs for the following reasons:

  • Lack of hygiene and wearing synthetic panties that do not absorb moisture and interfere with normal gas exchange.
  • Incorrect use of pads and tampons - if they are not changed every 3-4 hours, then menstrual blood begins to emit an unpleasant odor, which indicates the beginning of bacterial growth. This is fraught with inflammation of the vagina.
  • Taking certain medications - even taking vitamins, especially by injection, changes vaginal odor.
  • Food spices and hot seasonings, dietary habits - for example, eating garlic the very next day will give a characteristic smell to vaginal secretions. A large amount of sweet fruits eaten will cause a sweetish odor from the vagina.
  • Excessive douching - excessive cleanliness can negatively affect women's health. The vagina itself is capable of self-cleaning, and douching only washes away beneficial microflora, contributing to the development of vaginal dysbiosis and the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Women's diseases accompanied by an unpleasant odor from the vagina

A more serious problem is a persistent unpleasant odor in the perineum. Most often, this means that the microflora in the vagina is disturbed (dysbacteriosis), and pathogenic microorganisms have the opportunity to rapidly multiply. At the same time, constant washing and the use of special deodorants do not solve the problem: the smell quickly reappears.

Possible causes of unpleasant odor in the intimate area:

  • Sour smell - indicates rapid proliferation of lactic acid bacteria and thrush. In this case, the woman notes itching, redness and curdled (in the acute period) or thick mucous (in the chronic course of the disease) copious discharge.
  • A fishy smell (smells like rotten fish) is caused by gardnerellosis. In this case, vaginal discharge is light, grayish or white. The gardnerella bacterium often multiplies during dysbacteriosis. Often the disease is combined with candidiasis (thrush) or sexually transmitted infections.
  • The smell of herring often indicates bacterial vaginosis, in which opportunistic microflora predominates in the secretion. Often, women with vaginosis notice a persistent smell of garlic in the perineum.
  • The smell of acetone is a strong sign to suspect diabetes mellitus. Ketone bodies that accumulate in a diabetic’s body are released through the vagina. Sometimes the acetone smell appears in women who neglect their drinking regime in hot weather. Also, the reason for the appearance of such a sign may be the predominance of protein products in the diet.
  • Constant smell of urine- present in women suffering from urinary incontinence. In this case, urine can constantly drip, emitting an unpleasant odor.
  • The smell of iron is evidence of the presence of blood in the secretions. A similar thing, outside of menstruation, can occur with cervical erosions. The discharge will be dirty brown or red.
  • Putrid smell- a symptom of chronic inflammation of the uterus or its appendages. In combination with purulent discharge, it allows one to suspect gonorrhea. It also occurs after an abortion if parts of the fertilized egg remain in the uterus.

The altered odor of vaginal discharge, especially pronounced in pregnant women due to hormonal changes, also intensifies after sexual intercourse.


The main diagnostic method to identify the causative infection is a smear on the vaginal microflora. If a woman complains of pain in the lower abdomen, pathological discharge, the gynecologist prescribes culture of vaginal secretions, PCR, DNA and RNA analysis, HPV TEST, and ultrasound of the uterus and appendages. Often, during a gynecological examination, the doctor performs a colposcopy; examination of the vagina with optical magnification gives a visual picture of inflammation (swelling, hyperemia, discharge, erosive areas on the cervix).

Treatment is prescribed in accordance with the identified pathology and does not stop even after the unpleasant odor in the vaginal discharge has been eliminated. The criterion for recovery is a clean analysis of vaginal microflora, taken a few days after stopping treatment.

After childbirth, every woman experiences bloody vaginal discharge - lochia, which becomes lighter over time. This phenomenon is considered normal. Dead epithelial cells and blood cells come out of the uterus. Sometimes discharge after childbirth acquires a persistent unpleasant odor. Can such a condition signal the presence of a pathological process and what to do if a yellow discharge with a distinct rotten odor appears?

What should be the normal discharge after childbirth?

Over the course of 1.5–2 months after childbirth, the female body gradually returns to its original state. The uterus begins to contract and decrease in size, and characteristic discharge - lochia - appears.

In the first few days after the birth of the baby, the discharge is quite copious and bloody. Then the intensity of lochia decreases, although a short-term increase is observed when sneezing, coughing or physical activity. As a rule, the discharge does not smell of anything or has a slight smell of blood - this is considered a normal natural phenomenon.

Causes of unpleasant smell of discharge

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Typically, postpartum discharge has a slight smell of blood in the first 5-7 days. When the lochia becomes less intense and their color changes to a slightly yellowish color, they may acquire a preli smell, which is very weak with careful personal hygiene. This condition is considered the limit of normal.

The uncharacteristic smell of discharge occurs due to inflammatory or infectious diseases of the reproductive system. The causes of unpleasant odor in an intimate area are described in the table:

Type of smellAssociated symptomsCauses
Fishy smellCopious gray discharge and discomfort in the genital area appearBacterial vaginosis, poor personal hygiene, antibiotic treatment
Sour smellItching and burning in the genital area, copious white discharge with admixtures of cheesy formationsViolation of vaginal microflora, growth of Candida fungus (thrush), decreased immunity
Putrid smellYellow discharge mixed with pus, hyperthermia, ulcers on the genitals (for gonorrhea), greenish secretion with foamy contents (for trichomoniasis)Infection during childbirth (for example, during emergency childbirth at home), peritonitis, colpitis, endometritis, puerperal ulcer, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, placenta residues in the uterus
Urine smellDiscomfort when urinating, pain in the bladder area, lochia mixed with urine, painVaginal fistulas, tissue damage during childbirth

Diagnostic measures

If uncharacteristic discharge with an unpleasant odor appears, a woman is advised to visit a gynecologist to find out the cause of this condition. Typically, the patient needs to undergo a number of diagnostic measures:

  • examination on a gynecological chair (the doctor assesses the condition of the vagina, cervix and sutures);
  • vaginal smear to determine pH, culture and identify pathogenic microflora;
  • ultrasound examination of the reproductive organs;
  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • biochemical blood test (if necessary).

What to do if the intimate area and discharge smell unpleasant after childbirth?

Many women experience discharge after childbirth that has a specific unpleasant odor. This may be due to insufficient personal hygiene, since in the postpartum period it must be more thorough. In addition, a bacterial or fungal infection may be associated, which requires additional examination and sampling to identify the pathogen.

Personal hygiene and healthy eating

Careful care of the intimate area will help overcome unpleasant odor from the vagina. Mom needs to wear breathable underwear that does not cause discomfort or constriction.

You need to change sanitary pads every 2 hours to avoid causing infection. You can use night pads, special postpartum or disposable diapers.

You need to wash yourself after every trip to the toilet, rinsing the intimate area. It is better to use neutral baby soap without fragrances or dyes.

Poor nutrition also affects the smell of discharge. It is necessary to eat foods containing useful substances and microelements. Diet is also important when breastfeeding, because some foods can cause allergic reactions and upset the digestive system in a child.

Drug therapy

If the doctor has determined the cause of the foul-smelling discharge, the woman is prescribed medication. Drugs are selected on an individual basis, since many medications are prohibited during breastfeeding. Drug therapy may include:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antibiotics (Ampicillin, Metronidazole);
  • antipyretic drugs (Paracetamol);
  • painkillers (No-Shpa).

Doctors often prescribe Oxytocin to help the uterus contract and facilitate the passage of breast milk. Typically, therapy is carried out immediately after birth and lasts up to 5 days.

For serious pathologies, specialists resort to systemic therapy. Sometimes a woman is advised to stop breastfeeding her baby for a while. In this case, it is necessary to express.

Folk recipes

To relieve inflammation of the vaginal mucosa and eliminate unpleasant odor after childbirth, women often resort to folk remedies. It must be remembered that self-medication can cause complications and allergies, so before using any remedy, you will need to consult a specialist. Some traditional methods are described in the table:

Folk remedyMode of applicationAction
Tea tree oilAdd a few drops of oil to 0.5 liters of boiled water and use to wash the intimate area.Relieves inflammation and is a good antiseptic
Oak bark, chamomile, sage and nettleDry plants in equal quantities (1 tbsp.) Pour boiling water (1 l) and let it brew for half an hour, then strain. Wash with warm herbal infusionHas an astringent effect, stops the inflammatory process, and has a hemostatic property.
St. John's wortPour a glass of boiling water over the dry herb (1 tablespoon) and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes. The infusion is taken orally, one-third of a glass three times a day.Has anti-inflammatory and restorative effects, restores the body's defenses, heals wounds
Birch leavesThe dry plant (2 tbsp.) is crushed and poured with boiling water (0.5 l). Take a whole glass of infusion once a day for a week. In this case, it should take about two weeks after birthStrengthens the body, relieves inflammation

To ensure that the recovery process after childbirth occurs without complications and unpleasant symptoms, experts recommend carefully monitoring your personal hygiene and not skipping routine examinations with a gynecologist. Preventive measures also include:

  • Frequent visits to the toilet to empty your bladder in a timely manner. This measure will reduce the load and pressure on the uterus.
  • Put the baby to the breast more often. This will allow the uterus to recover faster, since breastfeeding helps contract the uterine muscles.
  • During the entire recovery period (until vaginal discharge stops), you should not visit saunas, swimming pools, baths, or take a bath. Only warm showers are allowed.
  • Change pads every 2-3 hours, wash with warm water and herbs (chamomile, string, calendula). The use of tampons is prohibited, since this disrupts the natural process of leakage of lochia and creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.
  • You can begin sexual activity only after consulting a doctor (we recommend reading:). In this case, the use of a condom is mandatory to avoid infection of the intimate area.

After childbirth, whether it was carried out naturally or a cesarean section was performed, the woman continues to have discharge from the genital tract for quite a long time. Full recovery of the body occurs only after 6 - 8 weeks.

At this time, the young mother is warned of various types of dangers associated with pathology of the genital organs. Therefore, it is important to know how long and what kind of discharge should be in the postpartum period. After all, timely detection of a pathological process is already half the success of its treatment. What to do if there is discharge after childbirth with an unpleasant odor?

Read in this article

Discharge after childbirth

Thus, any processes that disrupt the contractility of the uterus lead to excessive blood loss, and a hematometra can form - an accumulation of blood clots in the cavity. Often this complication requires a blood transfusion, since blood loss can reach several liters.

So, the discharge in the first day or two is profuse, often with clots. But if in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor or midwife, since violations threaten the woman’s life.

In the first week

Gradually the amount of discharge decreases, they begin to resemble normal menstruation. Their color is still predominantly blood-red; there should be no clots, unless they are very small (a few mm each). The smell is specific, just like during menstruation. It should also be noted that at this time the sweat glands begin to work actively, including in the groin area, so a slightly stronger odor than usual may appear.

In the following time

Over time, the bloody component becomes even smaller; mucus predominates in the lochia. At this time, the discharge is rather presented in the form of a small smear. There should be no particular smell if all hygiene rules are followed and pads are regularly changed.

If there is no discharge for several days, and then spotting appears again, there is no need to worry, this is normal. But provided that it fits within the 40-day interval.

If you have yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor after childbirth, it is better to seek medical help to rule out inflammation.

Watch the video about lochia after childbirth:

Discharge after caesarean section

Immediately after the operation, there is less discharge when compared with natural childbirth, but gradually the amount increases. It all depends on whether the cesarean section was planned or emergency, and whether the cervix was opened at all.

The smaller number of lochia in general is also due to the fact that drugs that contract the uterus are always administered for preventive purposes, and additional curettage of the cavity is often performed.

An admixture of mucus is allowed in the first days. The duration of any discharge after a cesarean section should not exceed 40 days. In all other respects, their character does not differ from natural childbirth.


Only a specialist can finally figure out whether it is normal or pathological. But the following symptoms should be a reason to see a doctor:

  • If the discharge in the first days after childbirth is excessively abundant and with clots. In addition to this, weakness, dizziness, and nausea may appear.
  • In the case when, a few days after birth, the discharge suddenly stopped. In parallel with this, nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen.
  • Also if the discharge increases sharply. For example, one spot has already been present for more than 3 - 5 days, and decent bloody lochia has appeared.
  • If after childbirth there is brown discharge with an unpleasant smell of a putrefactive nature, subject to all the rules of personal hygiene.

Signs of inflammation

At any time after childbirth, a woman may develop vaginal symptoms. The likelihood is especially high when at the end of pregnancy she was bothered by some kind of sexually transmitted infections. Also, inflammation often occurs at the early onset of sexual activity, when the cervix is ​​not yet completely closed, and infections can easily penetrate. It is recommended to abstain from intimate relations for a period of up to 40 days while there is still some discharge.

In most cases it has a clear clinical picture. The infection can also be localized in the vagina and cervix. This is due to the immunodeficiency state of the woman at this moment. The main signs of inflammation of the genital organs:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which is slightly relieved by analgesics;
  • discharge with an unpleasant odor, putrid, purulent, etc.;
  • the color of the lochia changes to yellowish, greenish, dark brown, purulent, etc.;
  • body temperature rises to 38 - 39 degrees;
  • general health suffers: sweating, weakness, lethargy, apathy occur.

To determine inflammation in the genitals, it is enough to conduct a general blood test, a gynecological examination and an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. Treatment must be started immediately to avoid possible complications.

Causes of pathology

Inflammation after childbirth can be localized in the vagina or spread to the uterine cavity. In the latter case, there is a clear threat to the woman’s health. The causes of the inflammatory process after childbirth may be the following:

  • Presence and its ignoring at the end of pregnancy. After childbirth, pathogenic bacteria do not disappear without proper treatment.
  • Various manipulations during childbirth without prophylactic antibiotics. For example, manual separation of the placenta, massive blood loss, extensive, etc.
  • Concomitant immunodeficiency conditions in women. Such as HIV, oncological pathology and others.
  • Lack of personal hygiene, use.
  • The presence of active infectious pathology, for example, exacerbation of chronic disease and the like.
  • Early onset of sexual activity without waiting 40 days, while refusing condoms.
  • Allergic reactions to suture material, if used.

The fact is that blood is the best nutrient medium for the growth and reproduction of most pathogens. This is why inflammation occurs so easily after childbirth.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

You shouldn’t wait until you have discharge with an unpleasant odor for almost a month after giving birth.

At the first suspicion of inflammation or other pathology, you should consult a doctor.

This must be done urgently in the following situations:

  • when purulent discharge is detected,
  • when rising above 39 degrees,
  • for severe pain in the lower abdomen,
  • with severe dizziness, weakness, lethargy,
  • if the discharge is very heavy (several medium pads within an hour).

Diagnostic methods

It is necessary to pay careful attention to such conditions, as they are fraught with consequences and can cause significant harm to a woman’s health. If a young mother suspects some kind of infection, she should consult a doctor for examination and examination. The main methods used to diagnose the condition are:

  • general gynecological examination;
  • for flora, sowing the contents;
  • PCR and culture for major pathogenic microorganisms;
  • ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity;
  • General and biochemical blood test.

If necessary, the list can be expanded.

Treatment of discharge

The scope and invasiveness of treatment for inflammation of the genital organs after childbirth depends on the extent of the process, the severity of symptoms of intoxication, etc. Main areas include the following:

  • Antibacterial therapy. For mild cases, you can get by with taking oral medications; for moderate and severe cases, it is better to give preference to injectables. You should also consider whether the woman is breastfeeding, since most antibacterial drugs are not compatible with lactation. The most commonly used are cephalosporins, aminopenicillins (they can be used during breastfeeding) in combination with metronidazole. In more serious situations, preference is given to the group of lincosamides, carbapenems and others.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics, painkillers for symptomatic therapy.
  • Lavage of the uterine cavity, in which liquid (often an antibiotic is added) enters through a catheter and “washes out” all pathogenic elements.
  • Sometimes it is enough to treat with suppositories if the inflammation is localized only in the vagina.
  • Additionally, immunostimulating agents can be used.

Unpleasant discharge after childbirth, accompanied by other symptoms (pain in the lower abdomen, fever, etc.), should always attract increased attention from the woman. Indeed, during this period, the body’s defenses are reduced so much that even conditional pathogens can cause diseases. Only a specialist after an examination can definitively say why there is discharge with an unpleasant odor after childbirth and how to most effectively carry out the treatment.

Small vaginal discharge accompanies a woman throughout her life, with the exception of childhood. This process begins with the period of functioning of the reproductive system and ends after the onset of menopause.

What is vaginal discharge? This is a special secret secreted by glands located on the cervix. They perform very essential functions: they protect the vagina from the proliferation of harmful bacteria, moisturize it, and also serve for lubrication and cleansing. The constant and continuous process of secretion allows dead cells to be removed, renewing and maintaining the vaginal microflora.

Normal vaginal discharge does not cause a woman any discomfort at all. They do not have a distinct odor, and their color is most often transparent or slightly whitish. The consistency, quantity and type of discharge may vary depending on the use of medications, stressful situations, pregnancy and lactation, excitement and many other reasons.

But almost always, with the exception of some physiological characteristics, a healthy woman smells clean. Normally, the secretion secreted by the genitals has a light and almost imperceptible specific odor. Such discharge does not bother the woman and is one of the signs of the absence of any infections or inflammations.

However, the situation changes dramatically if vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor appears. And this is quite a serious problem. After all, discharge is a sign of changes in the vaginal microflora. An imbalance leads to the appearance of odor, changes in the consistency and amount of discharge, a burning or itching sensation, pain in the abdominal area and a deterioration in general condition.

Discharge in women with an unpleasant odor indicates the presence of various types of diseases. The change in odor is directly related to inflammation of the vaginal area, and therefore there is no need to delay a visit to the gynecologist.

Discharge with an unpleasant odor can be the result of infections and inflammations such as:


Herpes (genital),




Bacterial vaginosis,

Cervical cancer,

Venereal and inflammatory diseases.

Diseases that cause discharge with an unpleasant odor can be quite mild or have serious consequences. Therefore, you should never self-medicate. Failure to seek medical help in a timely manner can significantly aggravate the course of the disease, turning it into a chronic form. And then it will be much more difficult to cure him. In addition, traditional methods can only help to reduce symptoms for a short time, i.e. make discharge with an unpleasant odor less abundant and less noticeable. But they do not solve the problem as a whole. After all, the cause of the smell remains unresolved. Therefore, the only correct solution when an unpleasant odor appears from the vagina is to visit a gynecologist. He will not only determine the cause of the disease, but also prescribe the correct treatment, taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman and the complexity of the disease.

Timely prevention and observance of personal hygiene rules helps to avoid some diseases of the female genital organs. Proper nutrition, protected sex, refusal to wear tight, low-quality underwear and the use of fragrances for the intimate area, individually selected contraceptives, as well as competent use of other medications, daily baths or washes are an excellent prevention of such common diseases as candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis .

They are considered normal if they are colorless, their quantity is small and without a characteristic odor. But when their volume increases, the woman begins to feel discomfort (itching, burning, stench). In this case, you need to be examined to identify the disease. The article talks about possible ailments that have such symptoms as discharge with an odor, and the treatment of these diseases.

Types of Abnormal Vaginal Odors

There are two “flavors”, after which one can judge the presence of infection:

  1. Acidic vaginal discharge. They often indicate a disease such as thrush. This disease occurs when the acidity of the microflora changes. In addition to being sour, they are white in color. The consistency is reminiscent of curd sour cream. A burning sensation may be felt in the labia area.
  2. Discharge with a rotten odor. The “aroma” of missing fish indicates the presence of a disease such as bacterial vaginosis. Even people around you can hear this stench. The disease is dangerous, because lack of treatment can lead to serious consequences.

Causes of discharge

  1. Violation of intimate hygiene standards.
  2. Discharge with an odor can occur during unprotected sexual intercourse in which one of the partners is a carrier of the infection.
  3. Presence of pregnancy. Pregnant women often experience surges in hormone levels. And this, in turn, provokes the appearance of unpleasant discharge.
  4. Taking antibiotics. Since such drugs kill not only negative, but also positive bacteria, as a result of the fact that the immune system is undermined, fungi appear, which then develop into thrush.

Features of treatment of candidiasis

First, both partners must be treated. If women have a discharge with an odor, and they are undergoing therapy, but their other halves are not, then there will be no benefit from such treatment. Because their partners can again give them this type of fungus.

Secondly, self-medication is dangerous. After all, a disease such as thrush can be easily confused with another diagnosis - vaginitis. And the treatment for these two ailments differs.

Thirdly, visiting a class specialist is a prerequisite. He will examine the patient, give directions for the necessary tests, and based on their results, prescribe adequate therapy. Its essence is the following - the use of special antifungal suppositories, tablets and ointments (for men) to completely eliminate the infection.

Also, in parallel, the doctor can prescribe home methods to combat thrush. We'll talk about them below.

Traditional methods of combating candidiasis

  1. Douching with soda. Odorous discharge can be eliminated with bicarbonate. It returns the desired alkaline balance and at the same time kills candida fungi in the vagina. Fifteen grams of soda must be diluted with 300 ml of boiled water. You need to douche 1-2 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending doctor.
  2. Chamomile. Many people know this plant for its undeniable wound-healing properties; it is also an excellent antiseptic. With the help of chamomile infusion, you can both douche and wash yourself. The recipe for washing is as follows: 30 grams of flowers should be poured with 1 glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid and let sit for 30 minutes. Discharge in women with odor can be destroyed with the help of an infusion of this useful flower.
  3. Calendula. This extraordinary plant is similar in its medicinal properties to chamomile. You can douche with a decoction of calendula. The dosage is the same as in the case of chamomile.

Prevention of thrush

  1. Carry out genital hygiene daily, wash with gentle products.
  2. When having sexual intercourse, use condoms to prevent possible infection from entering the vagina.
  3. Wear underwear made of natural fabric. Don't buy perfumed pads.
  4. Reduce your intake of simple carbohydrates.
  5. Do not douche unless you have discharge that smells.

Features and treatment of bacterial vaginosis

With this diagnosis, a rotten smell of discharge is noted, it is colorless, homogeneous, and its quantity is small. But the terrible smell can get worse if a woman has sex. If this diagnosis is detected, the treatment regimen is as follows:

  1. Eliminating bad bacteria with medications.
  2. Restoration of normal microflora. Probiotics are suitable for this purpose. It is also important to follow a special diet and strengthen the immune system.

In the first point, the attending doctor can prescribe the following suppositories: “Metrogyl”, “Klion”, “Flagil”. He also prescribes the vaginal cream “Clindacin” and the antibacterial agent “Clindamycin”.

In the second paragraph, the gynecologist prescribes the following medications to restore the microflora in the vagina: Linex tablets, Lactobacterin, Acylact, etc.

Discharge with an odor, treatment of bacterial vaginosis with folk methods

  • from oak bark;
  • from chamomile and juniper;
  • from flower honey.

Recipes for douching in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis

Strengthening the immune system and diet during illness

In order for complex treatment to quickly produce results, you need to take care of your immunity. To maintain it, a tincture made from the following ingredients is great:

  • quince - 1 pc.;
  • fresh cherries - 2 cups;
  • clean boiled water - 8 glasses;
  • medium-sized lemon - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 10 cloves;
  • medium-sized apples - 10 pcs.

The quince and apples need to be grated on a medium grater. There is no need to cut off the skin. It is necessary to remove the seeds from the cherries, and mash the fruit itself into a paste. Peel the garlic and squeeze it out using a garlic press or grate it on a fine grater. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze out as much juice as possible. Mix all ingredients and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for at least half an hour. Then filter the resulting immunity drink and take 100 ml daily.

Diet for thrush and vaginosis is of no small importance. Its essence lies in the consumption of fresh vegetables, various cereals and fermented milk products. You should avoid sweet, salty, spicy, and fatty foods during this period. Drinking alcohol is generally a closed topic.

Prevention of bacterial vaginosis

There are several prerequisites to protect yourself from such infections:

  1. Having a permanent partner whom you absolutely trust.
  2. There is a taboo on casual sex, but if there is a case, then the use of a condom is mandatory.
  3. White discharge with a sour odor can be eliminated if you promptly consult a specialist (urologist, gynecologist) in case of the slightest suspicion of the presence of the disease.

From the article, you learned that heavy, curd-like discharge without or with an unpleasant odor may indicate the presence of problems such as thrush or bacterial vaginosis. And at the slightest suspicion of these diseases, you need to contact qualified specialists. Based on an external examination, as well as after passing the necessary tests, they will prescribe adequate treatment. In addition, odor-bearing discharge can be eliminated by resorting to traditional methods of treating the cause of the disease.