Children's anti-inflammatory drugs for colds. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for colds

Inflammatory processes often accompany many childhood diseases. The fact that there is inflammation in the baby's body can be said various signs. This is the appearance of edema, and an increase lymph nodes, and an increase in body temperature, and redness of the mucous membranes and skin, and much more. To relieve pain and save the baby from inflammation, doctors recommend including anti-inflammatory drugs in the list of drugs for treating the baby. We will talk about them in this article.


There are several large groups of drugs that suppress inflammatory processes:

    Nonsteroidal(non-hormonal) anti-inflammatory drugs. The largest and most popular group of drugs. In addition to resisting inflammation, these drugs effectively relieve pain and reduce fever. This group includes Analgin, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Meloxicam, Mesulid and others. Non-steroidal drugs are divided into selective and non-selective. The former act selectively on a specific inflamed area, the latter - systemically.

    Steroid(hormonal) anti-inflammatory drugs. These are drugs based on synthesized hydrocortisone and cortisone, once isolated from the adrenal glands, as well as their derivatives. This group includes "Prednisolone", "Dexamethasone", etc.

    Means of "delayed" action. They are also called the means of "basic" therapy. These are drugs that act systemically and slowly. For example, "Hingamin", "Kuprenil", etc.

How do they act?

All anti-inflammatory drugs act at the cellular level. Inflammation is a process in which blood circulation is increased at the local level (in the zone of inflammation concentration). The body begins to produce specific substances that are designed to fight the pathogenic factor.

These substances, which are also called mediators, are also localized mainly in one focus. Prostaglandins begin to enter the blood. This is where inflammation comes from.

Anti-inflammatory drugs somewhat suppress the incredible activity of mediators, prostaglandins, relieve swelling, and relieve pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are able to cope with almost any type of inflammation, relieve swelling and do not cause drug dependence in the patient.

The inhibition of the action of prostaglandins explains both the analgesic and antipyretic effects of all other types of anti-inflammatory drugs. They just act selectively. "Basic" - are assigned when long-term treatment, with diseased joints, for example. Steroids are used with great care as drugs emergency assistance when a very fast and very strong effect is required. At home, the use of hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs is prohibited.

By the time of action of anti-inflammatory drugs are also different. There are drugs with a short period of action, such as Ibuprofen, Sulindak and the like act a little longer. Record holders for the duration of action are "Phenylbutazone" and all the means of the oxicam group.


Not all anti-inflammatory drugs that exist today in medicine are suitable for children. Many medicines for this purpose can cause severe reactions in children's body: stomach bleeding, impaired hearing and vision, allergies, including its edematous form, difficulty breathing. The most "harmless" side effects from taking anti-inflammatory drugs are digestive problems, constipation, nausea, and dizziness.

In this cycle, Dr. Komarovsky will tell us about antiviral drugs for pneumonia.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for children should be as mild, non-toxic as possible. These requirements are most often met nonsteroidal drugs and corticosteroids. For colds, for viral infections, for muscle pain and injuries, analgesics are also prescribed, such as Paracetamol and preparations containing it.

The dosage of the drug for a child should be determined only by a doctor. It will take into account many factors, such as the age of the young patient, the degree of the inflammatory process and its spread, the state of the baby's immunity, concomitant diseases and lesions, possible risks and side effects. After that, he will select the drug that best meets all the safety requirements for a particular baby.

And this issue of Komarovsky is dedicated to such inflammatory disease like otitis.

To whom and when to give?

Anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed only after a detailed diagnosis. Otherwise, they will only “disguise” the manifestations of the disease that caused the inflammation, and it will be very difficult even for experienced doctors to establish it.

Most often, children need to take anti-inflammatory drugs for:

  • Inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract(with angina, with bronchitis);
  • Inflammation of the organs of hearing and vision (with otitis media, with conjunctivitis, blepharitis);
  • Inflammation of the organs of the genitourinary system and kidneys (with pyelonephritis, with cystitis);
  • Inflammation of the lungs (with pneumonia of various etiologies);
  • With local inflammatory processes, as well as inflammation of the joints.

Release form

Anti-inflammatory drugs for children are available in various dosage forms. The most common and easy to use are syrups. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory drug can be added to any remedy, for example, it is introduced into the composition of cough syrup.

Syrups and suspensions are often prescribed for acute respiratory viral infections, which, in addition to antiviral agents, there are anti-inflammatory substances that have antipyretic and analgesic effects. Created against inflammation eye drops, drops in the ears, in the nose, rectal suppositories, ointments and gels. Very often, anti-inflammatory drugs are available in tablets and capsules.

Depending on the age of the child, the doctor may prescribe the most appropriate form. The syrup can be used from the first years of life, the same can be said about rectal suppositories. Tablets are recommended for children after 5-6 years, and capsules for children after 12 years.

List of "children's" anti-inflammatory drugs


Anti-inflammatory agent, which is most often prescribed in pediatrics. Its effect has been carefully studied in the laboratory, the drug has been tested. In pharmacies, it can be purchased in the form of tablets, both regular and for resorption. And also in the form of capsules, suspensions, and ointments and gels for topical use.

Children from one year old are prescribed the drug in the form of a suspension. For children of any age, except for newborns, Ibuprofen can be used topically in the form of ointments and gel. Lozenges are recommended for ENT diseases, and the doctor calculates the dosage for children under the age of twelve. Instructions for use prescribe with great care to use tablets for children from 1 year to 12 years.


Like most anti-inflammatory drugs, manufacturers recommend using this drug for children over 12 years of age. However, in pediatrics, the "Nise" technique is practiced in more early age at the discretion of the doctor. The medicine is produced in the form of tablets, suspensions and gels for external use.

For children weighing more than 40 kilograms, two doses of the drug per day are recommended at a single dose of not more than 100 mg. For children who weigh less, the dose is calculated individually - 3-5 mg. for every kilogram of weight. The resulting amount of the drug is divided into three doses. For children from 2 years to 12 years old, it is desirable to take the remedy in the form of a suspension.


A very effective anti-inflammatory drug with an excellent antipyretic effect. However, it should not be given to children under 14-15 years of age, this can cause the occurrence of Ray's syndrome, accompanied by encephalopathy and liver failure. Children after 14-15 years of age are given Aspirin with great care, only after consulting a doctor.


This well-known medication, as well as all the syrups and suspensions in which it is included, do not have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, but they relieve pain well and reduce intense heat during fever. Candles, Panadol syrup, suspension are suitable for children from one year old (for children who are 2 years old). The dosage of drugs based on paracetamol is based on the amount of active substance per kilogram of the patient's weight.

Almost everyone suffers from a cold at least once a year. No matter how strong the human body is, it cannot be completely insured against viruses and infections, especially if the off-season or winter has come. Manufacturers for disease control offer inexpensive cold and flu medicines. You need to know which ones are not only cheap, but also effective.

Antivirals are inexpensive but effective

All cold and flu remedies fall into three broad categories:

  1. Antiviral. These drugs fight the virus, make the cells of the body more resistant to its effects.
  2. Immunomodulators. Preparations for correcting the protective reactions of the body to a natural level.
  3. For symptomatic treatment. The drugs in this group do not suppress the infection, but simply remove the symptoms of a cold or flu.

Antiviral tablets

The most famous drugs in this category:

  1. Tamiflu, Oseltamivir. Adults and teenagers drink 1 tablet twice a day for five days. The medicine is not recommended for those who have diseased kidneys.
  2. "Amixin". Adults drink two tablets of 125 mg on the first day of illness, and then - one at a time every other day. Dosage children's drug reduced by half. The drug should not be taken by pregnant women.
  3. Ribavirin. A new generation drug, very effective. Adults take 0.2 g four times a day. Course - 5 days.


Inexpensive good cold and flu medicines in this category:

  1. "Cycloferon". A drug for adults and children who are already four years old. The course is 20 days, take a tablet every other day.
  2. "Kagocel". This medicine can be combined with antibiotics. Adults take two tablets three times the first two days, and then one at a time. "Kagocel" should not be taken by pregnant women for the first three months.
  3. "Anaferon". Homeopathic medicine. Adults drink one tablet 3-6 times a day.

For symptomatic treatment

List of drugs that can remove the symptoms of the disease:

  1. Coldact Flu Plus. Capsules with paracetamol and excipients. You need to drink them one by one every 12 hours. During treatment, it is necessary to categorically refuse alcoholic beverages.
  2. "Coldrex". Helps with colds wet cough. It is necessary to take one tablet 3-4 times a day. This drug should not be taken if you have diabetes, liver or kidney failure.
  3. "Rinza". Tablets are taken one at a time 4 times a day. They should not be drunk by pregnant women, children under 15 years old, people with heart disease, blood vessels. Course - 5 days.
  4. "Fervex". The drug is produced in the form of sachets with powder, which must be dissolved in warm water. Do not use Fervex for more than three days. Do not drink more than 4 packets per day.

Cold remedies

In addition to pills, there are many other drugs that effectively fight the disease. If you do not want to take antiviral drugs for colds and flu, drink complex symptomatic remedies, then you can try a different treatment tactic. The decision must be made based on the severity of the disease. There are many inexpensive drugs from colds and flu, which will alleviate your condition.

For sore throat

To relieve inflammation and irritation, the following medicines will help you:

  1. "Grammidin". Fast acting lozenges with anesthetic. You need to take them two pieces 4 times a day, observing a weekly course.
  2. Strepsils. Relieve pain and possess antiseptic action. Tablets should be sucked one by one every three hours. It is allowed to be treated with the drug for children older than five years. Completely remove the pain in the throat in three to four days.
  3. Faringosept. A powerful medicine that is forbidden to be taken by children under six years of age. It is recommended to dissolve the tablets after meals and then not to drink liquids for some time. Per day - no more than five pieces. The course of treatment is three days.

Nasal drops

A runny nose will help you remove such drugs:

  1. Sanorin. They have a vasoconstrictive effect. Do not treat nasal congestion, but temporarily eliminate it. These drops should not be used for more than five days in a row. As part of a reduced concentration of vasoconstrictor substances and eucalyptus oil.
  2. "Pinosol". medicinal drops having therapeutic effect. They slowly fight the causes of a runny nose, but do not eliminate congestion.
  3. Aqua Maris. Means for moisturizing the nasal mucosa. Does not dry out blood vessels, speeds up the healing process. Moisturizing drops are recommended to be used for any type of runny nose.
  4. "Vibrocil". Antiviral drug. Drops remove not only the common cold, but also its cause. They have a vasoconstrictor antihistamine action, kill bacteria, relieve swelling.


The following medicines will quickly reduce the temperature:

  1. "Paracetamol". time-tested and inexpensive remedy, which removes heat, relieves pain and inflammation. It has practically no side effects. Paracetamol is the main active component of many other drugs: Panadol, Fervexa, Flukold, Coldrex.
  2. "Ibuprofen". This medicine is rather anti-inflammatory, but it also lowers the temperature well. It should not be taken by those who have an ulcer, kidney or liver disease. It is part of Nurofen, Ibuklin.
  3. "Aspirin" (acetylsalicylic acid). Antipyretic and analgesic. Should not be taken by pregnant women, children under 12, those with reduced blood clotting. Is the main component huge amount other antipyretic drugs.

For herpes

This unpleasant symptom of a cold will help to overcome such ointments:

  1. "Acyclovir". The cheapest remedy. Fights the virus, does not allow it to multiply. If you are pregnant or nursing a child, then do not use the drug. If you often get herpes, then it is better to alternate Acyclovir with another antiseptic ointment or cream so as not to be addictive.
  2. Zovirax. The composition of the cream includes propylene glycol, thanks to which the active substance penetrates into the cells faster and more efficiently. Well absorbed into the skin. "Zovirax" must be used clearly according to the instructions.
  3. "Fenistil Pencivir". A very powerful medicine that eliminates herpes instantly. Prevents wounds from becoming scars. The drug should not be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under 12.

Against cough

Table of drugs:

Inexpensive analogues of drugs

If you can't afford even the cheapest antiviral drugs, use Paracetamol, Aspirin, or Ibuprofen. For symptomatic treatment, use local funds: nasal drops "Naphthyzin" or "Farmazolin", tablets for the treatment of sore throat "Septifril", medicine "Cough". Gargling with Chlorophyllipt will also be effective.

Medicines to prevent flu and colds

To protect yourself from the disease, and not to cope with its manifestations, it is best to use drugs with an immunomodulatory effect. The rules of preventive administration are described in the instructions for each of them. You can try capsules "Broncho-munal", which is allowed to be combined with almost all drugs. Such drugs as Ribomunil, Immunal, Rimantadine, Arbidol, Amizon have a good preventive effect.

Video: homemade "Coldrex" for a cold


Olya, 27 years old: At the first symptoms of the flu, I always take some symptomatic medicine, for example, Rinza or Coldrex. This does not allow the infection to "play out". I have never taken immunomodulators because of the high price. And I try to treat the child with folk remedies, only I bring down his temperature with Paracetamol. I trust more domestic drugs.

Lena, 35 years old: Now the pharmacy offers so many names of medicines for colds that it's hard not to get confused. I try to use antipyretics like Aspirin or Paracetamol. If a runny nose begins, then I use Pinosol. It helps well, although it does not pierce the nose. If a sore throat begins, I use Chlorophyllipt.

Tanya, 24 years old: I always get colds with fever and cough. I drink Fervex in powders, and I also buy ACC. Thanks to this treatment, the disease goes away in three or four days. Last winter I drank Arbidol for prevention, but I still got sick, so I don’t recognize medicines for correcting immunity. I am treated when the cold has already begun.

Fast acting antivirals

A cold can overtake each of us when it is completely unacceptable to get sick. When you want to be as focused and full of energy as possible, suddenly starts to flow from the nose, sore throat. They are followed by sneezing, coughing, accompanied by weakness, high fever. In this situation, it is required Urgent measures. cold remedy fast action will get you back on your feet in time.

How to quickly cure a cold at home

Pledge quick healing– application of all necessary measures at the first alarm bell. If the disease is due to obvious reason, due to inattention to immunity or hypothermia, and the symptoms are not a manifestation of the influenza virus, then you can use the following tips to home treatment and quick-acting cold remedies.

  1. Measure the temperature. If the mark on the scale has not reached 38 degrees, then you should not drink antipyretics for colds.
  2. Vitamin C. At the beginning of the disease, a large dose of ascorbic acid will effectively help the body with a cold for get well soon. The best option there will be an effervescent vitamin - it is absorbed faster and warms. Five oranges a day will be a natural alternative to pills or capsules and will help cure a cold.
  3. Drink plenty of water, tea, compotes, fruit drinks. They must be warm, this will help remove toxins, which is important for colds.
  4. Sleep as much as possible. After drinking a warm drink and crawling under the covers, putting on warm socks and clothes, sleep as much as possible. Sweating during sleep is important element recovery from colds. It is better to observe bed rest in the hospital. The room should be well ventilated.
  5. Get warm. If there is no high temperature, then you can steam your legs and take a hot shower.
  6. Take vitamins. Such support will be useful to the body during a cold. It is best if he gets it from fruits, but if this is not possible, they should be replaced with pills from the pharmacy.
  7. Medicines for the treatment of colds. Fast-acting cold remedies are suitable, sold in the form of diluted teas, powders that should be poured into hot water. During the day, it is permissible to use three or four such bags, but the course should not last more than three days. Powders for colds with "Paracetamol" reduce the temperature, eliminate chills, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Immunostimulating drugs will help in the treatment. Antiviral drugs from colds and flu contribute to the destruction of the infection. If the disease persists, switch to antibiotic injections.
  8. Remedies for colds, coughs and sore throats. If the sky hurts, then you can choose either lozenges or potions, rinses and sprays. Drops will help to cope with a runny nose, among which it is better to choose not powerful vasoconstrictors, but medicines that have herbs in their composition. Solution sea ​​salt will be useful for washing the nose. With a cold, sputum often does not form, so ordinary cough suppressants will suffice. If sputum still appears in the bronchi, it should be used to remove it.
  9. Fluid intake. Warm tea, compote or juice promotes sweating and recovery, while removing toxins that prevent the body from fighting a cold. plain water will not be the most optimal remedy, and carbonated drinks will not help recovery. You should drink as much as you feel necessary, without overpowering yourself.
  10. Vodka. Alcohol should be warmed up a little and rubbed with it all over the body. This tool will help to quickly remove the heat.

List of the best new generation cold and flu medicines

  1. Arbidol, Oseltamivir, Amiksin, Viferon, Oscillococcinum, Ingavirin, Kagocel, Anaferon (antiviral).
  2. "Theraflu", "Coldrex", "Ferveks", "Antigrippin", "Grippferon", "Anvimax" (antipyretic and relieving sore throat, against influenza and SARS)
  3. "Acetylcysteine", "Ambroxol", "Bromhexine", "Carbocysteine" (expectorants)
  4. "Butamirat", "Glautsin", "Prenoksdiazin", "Levodropropizin" (remedies for dry cough).
  5. "Paracetamol", "Ibuprofen", "Aspirin" (antipyretics).
  6. Drops based on xylometazoline, naphazoline (vasoconstrictor with a cold).

Review of fast-acting remedies for colds on the lips

A cold that occurs on the lips is often herpes, the Herpes simplex virus, which affects 95 percent of the world's population. Once in the body, it exists imperceptibly and “turns on” when the human body is weakened by hypothermia, lack of vitamins, nutrients or other diseases. There are many effective ointments to fight herpes. These funds should be applied to the areas of the lips affected by the cold several times a day, the course is no more than 5 days.

You can not use your fingers when applying the product because of the risk of transferring the virus to another place. Among the common names of ointments for colds in the ranking of the best are Acyclovir, Gerpferon, Zovirax, Gerpevir. The main active substance in them is acyclovir, which prevents the reproduction of the virus. There are ointments based on tromantadine, such as Viru-Merz.

What antiviral drugs can children take

If a child shows symptoms of SARS and if, for some reason, a doctor is not available, measures should be taken to combat the disease in order to prevent complications. If, after all have been tried simple means, the disease does not recede, you will have to resort to antiviral drugs, but only those that are designed specifically for children. Acceptable are Tamiflu, Remantadine, Relenza, Amantadine.

If bronchitis occurs infants, then Ribavirin will help, and if the child’s body is weakened or there are heart problems, the Synagis remedy will the best choice. "Tamiflu" is acceptable for use by children from the age of one year, "Arbidol" flu tablets can be given from the age of three. "Interferon" for the solution is used at any age, as well as homeopathic preparations, such as Aflubin, Anaferon, Oscillococcinum. To lower body temperature, Paracetamol or Nurofen, Ibuprofen syrups are suitable.

Effective folk remedies and herbs

  1. Blackberry tea. Grind dried blackberry leaves (1 tbsp), pour boiling water, strain after a couple of hours. Drink 30 minutes before eating. good remedy against cough.
  2. Herbs (cough medicine). One tablespoon of wild strawberry leaves, raspberries, three tablespoons of blackberry leaves, dry crushed tricolor violet (1 tsp). All this must be mixed, a tablespoon of the composition should be used in a glass of boiling water, let it brew in closed half an hour, strain. Reception: a couple of times a day for a glass.
  3. Potato. This vegetable will help bring down the temperature. Grate two raw potatoes, mix with a tablespoon of vinegar (apple). Use the mixture to make compresses on the forehead.
  4. Kalina and honey. Mild remedy for colds and runny nose. Mix one tablespoon of viburnum juice and honey, take half an hour before meals.
  5. Nettle, sage and lemongrass. herbal collection good for colds and flu. Mix dry chopped nettle leaves (3 tbsp), the same number of shoots of Chinese magnolia vine and sage (1 tbsp). Pour a teaspoon of the composition with a glass of boiling water, strain after a couple of hours. Reception: one glass in the morning and in the evening. Honey can be added if desired.

What is an inexpensive and effective remedy for the prevention of colds

Very often, a cold in an adult occurs as a result of a weakened immune system. Impact external factors, malnutrition, lack of vitamins can lead to a loss in the effectiveness of the immune system and increase the likelihood of infections entering the body. To avoid this, interferon inducers can be used. They will ensure the production of natural defenses by the body, which will allow it to successfully resist the common cold. These types of drugs include:

  • "Arbidol";
  • "Cycloferon";
  • "Amixin".

Need to support the body with vitamins. For the prevention of colds, Vetoron, Gerimaks, Aevit will help. Medications to help manage exposure external environment- adaptogens - include extracts of magnolia vine, eleutherococcus, leuzea. Immunomodulating, such as "Bioaron S", "Immunal" "Likopid", will help restore strength to the immune system, will be useful for the prevention of colds and flu.

Antiviral drugs used to prevent colds will help give the body extra strength in the fight against pathogens. The best are "Grippferon", "Viferon", "Arbidol", "Amiksin". Do not forget about honey, vitamin C - they will not allow the development of a cold. Echinacea is a cheap, simple remedy for prevention. Get more rest, give up cigarettes and do not forget about the seasonal intake of vitamins.

Video: what to do at the first sign of a cold

Anti-inflammatory drugs for colds

Many are accustomed to enduring a cold "on their feet", trying to overcome a non-serious disease on their own. In this case, preference is given combined means sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Therefore, anti-inflammatory drugs for colds have gained high popularity. The main components of such drugs include impurities that quickly remove the main signs of SARS, eliminate fever, pain and temperature, without causing undesirable consequences.

Anti-inflammatory pills for colds

Most affordable medicine and a popular medicine is Paracetamol and medicines in which it is included. This substance is the safest, does not affect the state of the digestive system and blood composition, inhibits the activity of pain impulses and affects the processes of thermoregulation, due to which the temperature drops and pain decreases.

Drugs containing paracetamol include:

  • Panadol;
  • Efferalgan;
  • Coldrex;
  • Fervex;
  • Rinza.

Another fairly effective medicine is Aspirin. It is used to produce anti-inflammatory drugs for colds, such as Antigrippin-ARVI, Fapirin. However, Aspirin cannot be considered the safest, as it has a lot of contraindications.

Analgin has an excellent antipyretic effect. It does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract and does not cause a failure water-salt balance. Analgin is the basis of such tablets as Antigrippin-Anvi and Antigrippin.

Anti-inflammatory injections for colds

Injections are prescribed for unbearable pain, the need for as soon as possible bring down the temperature, as well as if the patient is simply unable to swallow the medicine. To eliminate the symptoms of SARS, the patient is given intramuscular injections lytic mixture. To prepare it, you need:

  • Analgin (2 ml);
  • Papaverine (2 ml);
  • Diphenhydramine (Suprastin) (1 ml).

The components are heated by holding them in their hands for some time, and then they are drawn into the syringe in the following sequence: Analgin, Diphenhydramine and Papaverine.

Aspirin for colds: how to take, instructions. Aspirin analogue

Aspirin can be safely called a panacea for many ailments. Many take it for various pain syndromes. Does aspirin help with a cold? Experts say that a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent can not be used in all cases. Let us consider in more detail the features of the treatment of ARVI and influenza with this drug.

General description of the tool

Acetylsalicylic acid in medical practice been used for quite some time. The substance has antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiaggregatory effects. Initially, the tool was used for cupping severe pain in the joints. Aspirin is already tradename a drug containing active ingredient acetylsalicylic acid.

As a result of taking the drug, it is possible to achieve a decrease in the energy supply of the focus of the inflammatory process. This is due to the inhibition of the synthesis of prostaglandins - substances that cause inflammation, pain and fever. At high body temperature, acetylsalicylic acid affects the centers of the brain responsible for thermoregulation. The substance begins to act half an hour after ingestion.

When is aspirin used?

Many pathological conditions are amenable to therapy with a remedy such as aspirin. With a cold, it is already taken for initial stage when the symptoms of the disease are still mild. It is recommended to use an analgesic for pain syndromes of various etiologies. Acetylsalicylic acid copes with toothache and headache, migraine, neuralgia, pain during menstruation. The agent is prescribed if necessary to treat inflammation of the serous membrane of the heart (pericarditis), pathologies of the spinal column, accompanied by acute pain.

Acetylsalicylic acid is used to prevent cardiovascular disease. The substance prevents blood clotting, which prevents blood clots from forming. "Acetyl" is prescribed for angina pectoris, acute thrombophlebitis, atrial fibrillation after heart attacks and strokes.

Aspirin substitutes

If necessary, you can choose an analogue of aspirin. Not less than effective drugs are considered:

  1. "Aspeter".
  2. "Aspicor".
  3. Asafen.
  4. Aspirin Cardio.
  5. "Copacil".
  6. "Asfen".
  7. "Acecardol".
  8. "Trombo ASS".

A drug based on acetylsalicylic acid is selected depending on the expected effect.

Aspirin for colds

It is far from always possible to meet cold, damp weather without a temperature and a runny nose. To get rid of the symptoms of SARS, many begin to take aspirin. Can this drug be treated? Most doctors are inclined to believe that the medication during a cold will cause much more side effects than positive effects.

Despite the possibility of influencing the centers of thermoregulation and stimulating sweating processes, aspirin to eliminate the symptoms of acute respiratory disease should only be used in the most extreme cases. The drug really relieves fever and aching joints, but it can cause a number of adverse reactions. Indeed, many people do not even realize that they have intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid until they take at least one pill.

If, at a high temperature, fever, there is no other antipyretic medicine at hand, you can also drink aspirin. At the first signs of a cold, the medication should be taken only at high body temperature. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of acetylsalicylic acid can significantly reduce sore throat and muscles, eliminate swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Effervescent tablets

Large white tablets containing acetylsalicylic and ascorbic acids are effervescent aspirin. This drug has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects. In addition, effervescent tablets can increase protective functions organism and enhance resistance to viral agents. The tool can be purchased at a pharmacy under names such as "Aspirin-UPSA" or "Aspirin-S".

What to take for a cold?

A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, when used correctly, can quickly improve overall well-being with ARVI. Effervescent aspirin is much better tolerated by the body and does not have such a detrimental effect on digestive tract like regular tablets.

"Aspirin-UPSA": instructions for use

The popular remedy "Aspirin-UPSA" helps to stop pain syndromes of any origin, reduce body temperature and eliminate joint pain. The active ingredient of the drug is acetylsalicylic acid (500 mg). As excipients are used lemon acid, sodium citrate, povidone, bicarbonate and sodium carbonate, aspartame. Another form of the drug is also produced - Aspirin-UPSA with vitamin C. Vitamin C has a positive effect on blood vessels, strengthening their walls, normalizes metabolism in the body.

The product is available in the form of tablets intended for dissolution in a small amount of water. Such aspirin for colds can be taken not only to normalize body temperature, but also to eliminate headaches, myalgia, and neuralgia.

Can aspirin be given to children?

Taking aspirin for a cold can actually bring down a high body temperature quickly. However, doctors categorically prohibit giving such medicine to children. In babies, acetylsalicylic acid causes Reye's syndrome - swelling of the brain without an inflammatory process.

First signs pathological condition appear at the stage of recovery. The main symptoms include vomiting, weakness, disorientation, shortness of breath. In severe cases, the child may lose consciousness or even fall into a coma. When similar symptoms after taking aspirin or other drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid, it is important to call an ambulance as soon as possible.

To avoid severe consequences, it is better to give the child an aspirin analogue designed specifically for the treatment of babies. Antipyretic and analgesic properties are possessed by drugs such as Ibufen, Nurofen, Efferalgan, Panadol. Choose a medication depending on the age of the child.

You can prescribe aspirin for a cold to a child only after 14 years. Single dose - 250 mg. You can give no more than 750 mg per day. Some manufacturers indicate the dosage for children from two years of age. Babies are allowed to give no more than 100 mg of acetylsalicylic acid. However, doctors strongly do not recommend doing this.

Which is better for a cold - aspirin or paracetamol?

Another popular remedy for fever and pain relief is paracetamol. The active substance is a derivative of phenacetin. This is an analgesic antipyretic from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which, due to its rapid absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, does not cause serious consequences. The action of the drug is to block cyclooxygenase in the central nervous system.

Paracetamol is produced in the form of tablets, syrup, capsules, suppositories with various dosages of the active substance. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of patients of all age categories. When choosing between aspirin and paracetamol, it is better to give preference to the second option if it is necessary to reduce body temperature or relieve pain. It should be remembered that the phenacetin derivative has a mild anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, to eliminate pain in the joints, this remedy is better not to use.

How to take aspirin correctly?

Many adults choose to use aspirin for a cold. How to take this remedy to avoid negative consequences? Because acetylsalicylic acid irritates the gastric mucosa, it should be taken only after meals. Dosage must be observed. Adult patients are allowed to take 250-1000 mg of aspirin at a time. The maximum daily dose is 3 g. At least 4 hours should elapse between doses of the drug.

Treatment with acetylsalicylic acid should be abandoned if the patient has the following contraindications:

  • tendency to internal bleeding;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • "aspirin" asthma;
  • flu;
  • lack of vitamin K in the body;
  • thrombocytopenia, hemophilia;
  • severe liver or kidney disease;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for colds are in an efficient way treatment of the disease.

Millions of people get sick every year, and thanks to science and medicine, it is possible to overcome the disease within a week, while serious complications are rare.

Every year more and more drugs are produced that fight the disease.

Is it worth paying a lot of money or can cheap analogues remove the symptoms? We offer you to find out the answers to these and many other questions related to SARS.

Causes of discomfort and symptoms

Colds are especially common in the autumn-winter period. At this time, immunity decreases, which allows viruses to penetrate and multiply in the body. Colds are transmitted by airborne droplets and amazes respiratory system person.

The most common viruses leading to illness:

  • Rhinoviruses. Incubation period from 1 to 5 days. Accompanied by fever, can lead to bronchitis and otitis media.
  • Coronaviruses. It affects not only the respiratory organs, but also the digestive and nervous systems. The disease begins with a profuse runny nose.

It has long been established that stress and allergies can also trigger the development of malaise. In 10% of cases, the causes of the disease remain unknown, scientists are still conducting research in this area.

On the initial symptoms people rarely pay attention to diseases. Nasal congestion, slight sore throat, sneezing - these signs are not always related to acute respiratory infections.

The disease develops rapidly and during the day:

  • The nasal mucosa is completely swollen;
  • There is a sore throat, especially when swallowing;
  • The temperature rises to 38 C;
  • There is a cough.

At timely treatment recovery occurs in 5-9 days. If you let the disease take its course, the risk of developing complications (rhinitis, pneumonia, and others) increases.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for colds in children

Dosage forms can be divided into 3 types: for adults, for children and for pregnant women. Medicines for ARVI are also divided into these groups. Let's take a closer look at the tools intended for children.

Maxi Grippin for children. Available in the form effervescent tablets. Active substance- paracetamol, enriched with vitamin C. Can be used from 3 years. 1/2 (5-10 years, whole) tablets 2 times a day. bred warm water but not boiling water. It is necessary to drink immediately, it is impossible to store the diluted solution.


  • Taking other medicines containing paracetamol;
  • Allergic reactions to any of the components;
  • Gastric ulcer in the acute phase.

Store at a temperature not higher than 30 C, and not lower than 10 C. Shelf life - 3 years.

Dr. MOM - rubbing balm. The composition includes substances that tone the respiratory center, has a tonic effect, enhances immunity, relieves fever, pain, swelling, saturates the blood with oxygen. Effective against bacteria and viruses.

Apply from 1 year. A small amount of balm is rubbed into chest, foot, back or lower leg. Rubbing is carried out for 5-7 minutes. After soaking, cover the child with a dry and warm cloth, if done at night - just a blanket will do.

For prevention, you can apply before leaving the house or going to kindergarten. Do not apply to damaged skin (wounds, scratches, abrasions).

Insti for children. Starts working 30 minutes after taking. A drug combined action. It has expectorant, analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Take 1 sachet 2 times a day if the child is under 10 years old. In other cases - 3 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed a week. Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 C. When simultaneous reception enhances the action of acetylsalicylic acid.


  • Diabetes;
  • aspirin asthma;
  • Intolerance to any component.
Source: website

Anti-inflammatory drugs for colds in adults

The variety of dosage forms for acute respiratory infections for adults is huge. Trademarks such as Teraflu, Kagocel, Arbidol and others have proven themselves to be excellent, but the price for them is always a little overpriced,

Anti-inflammatory drugs are inexpensive but effective for colds:

  1. Colds. Contains paracetamol and vitamin C. Take 1 sachet every 4 hours. The maximum daily dose is 4 sachets.
  2. Bronchorus. mucolytic agent. Available in tablets and as a syrup. Strong remedy for long and severe coughs.
  3. Rimantadine (antiviral). It has a positive effect in the form of prevention and at the initial stage of malaise.
  4. Bronchoactive (sage). Dragee for resorption, 2 tablets up to 4 times a day. The maximum course is 3 weeks.
  5. Cashnol. Produced in the form of syrup. Has a bronchodilator effect. Use 2 tsp. 3 times a day. The interval between doses is at least 6 hours.

The list contains medicines in the price category up to 200 rubles. Attention! Prices may vary at different pharmacies. The main action of all drugs is to kill viruses and relieve the symptoms of the disease.

Anti-inflammatory pills for colds

The tablet form is the most common and convenient to take. Remember! The main thing is not to forget to take the medicine on time. If it is indicated to take 2 times a day, then this is morning and evening. Not suitable reception before lunch and after.

It is necessary that the active substance has a radical effect on the virus, it is necessary to observe the time frame, for each medicinal product it is written in the instructions.

Flucoldex. It is not recommended to drink coffee while taking the medicine, since caffeine is present in the composition. Removes febrile syndrome in ARVI, relieves pain, effective for nasal congestion. Contraindicated in hepatic or renal insufficiency. Take 1 tablet, at least 4 hours apart, up to 3 tablets per day.

Rinza. Combined drug, eliminates the symptoms of acute respiratory infections. It has a vasoconstrictive effect, prevents nasal congestion, removes lacrimation. Increases physical and mental performance. Attention! May cause allergic reactions. The course should not exceed 5 days, 1 ton 3-4 times a day. It is available in both tablets and powder.

Paracetamol. Effective and inexpensive antipyretic agent. It has mild anti-inflammatory properties. Use 0.2 or 0.5 g 2-4 times a day. Not recommended for children and chronic alcoholism.

Amiksin. The active substance is tilorone. Stimulates the production of anaferons. Not to be taken by pregnant women and children under 7 years of age. Use after meals, depending on age - a different dosage. Compatible with antibiotics a wide range actions and folk medicine.

Anti-inflammatory nose drops

A runny nose is one of the worst symptoms of a cold. With frequent blowing of the nose, the nose turns red and starts to hurt.

The patient has difficulty or lacks complete nasal breathing, you have to inhale through your mouth, swallowing microbes from the air. In the nose, there are special "cilia" that prevent pathogens from penetrating further into the body.

It is for this reason that the disease can last longer and be accompanied by complications. It is necessary to use, which relieve swelling and temporarily restore breathing.

List approved for use by children:

  1. SeptaNazal;
  2. Tizin for children;
  3. Aqualor baby;
  4. BabyNose;
  5. other.

With a runny nose in adults, you can use any means that are sold in pharmacies. Caution must be observed during pregnancy and lactation, in this case it is better to consult a doctor.

Most best drops from the common cold for adults:

  1. Afrin;
  2. Sanorin;
  3. Rinostop;
  4. Marimer;
  5. Farial.

To all tablets, sprays, syrups, drops, etc. be sure to read the instructions. If there is a suspicion of an allergy or intolerance to any component, then it is better to refuse this remedy.

Preparations in the form of injections

ARI is not considered a serious illness and is successfully treated with tablets, sprays and syrups for 7-14 days. But in severe cases, injections may be needed. Their action is aimed more at relieving symptoms than at fighting viruses.

It is applied at a high temperature of 39 C and above. Diphenhydramine, analgin, drotaverine are drawn into one syringe. 1 ampoule of each drug is taken and injected into the muscle. It also has decongestant properties. Mostly ambulance workers do it, but if you have experience, you can inject yourself.

Colds and flu are accompanied by painful sensations. If tablet forms do not help, then non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be injected:

has antiviral action. In the package - 5 pcs. The instructions provide a treatment plan. Allowed to enter children. The injection is given either intravenously or intramuscularly. Prohibited during pregnancy or lactation.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for cough

Cough is an unpleasant symptom. When it untimely treatment bronchitis or pneumonia may develop. Anti-inflammatory for colds without fever must be taken in order to completely kill the virus and not get complications, including those mentioned above.

List of the most popular cough medicines:

  • Codelac;
  • Arbidol;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Pertusin;
  • Kashnol and others.

They have a pleasant aftertaste, and there will be no problem with taking pharmaceuticals.

Some cough medicines also relieve sore throats: Bobs, Dr. Mom, Strepsil, in addition, they have a distracting effect.

Anti-inflammatory herbs for colds

Herbal medicines have proven themselves for a long time. It is impossible to replace traditional medicine with the main treatment. Use as aids to improve the condition and strengthen the immune system.

  1. Marshmallow root, coltsfoot leaves and oregano. The mixture is taken in equal amounts, poured with boiling water and infused for 2 hours. Drink half a glass 3-4 times a day.
  2. For sore throats, you can rinse with a decoction of chamomile, sage, calendula (flowers).
  3. Mata, chamomile and sage are taken in 30 g each. Prepare an infusion and drink 1/3 cup up to 5 times a day.

If you do not have the time, energy and ability to cook decoctions medicinal herbs if you are sick on your own, then in pharmacies you can buy ready-made drinks: Phytotea Altai No. 17, Bronchopharm tea, Gorny, breast collection No. 9, for flu and colds, herbal collection No. 20, echinacea purpurea extract, etc.

Folk anti-inflammatory remedies for colds

In addition to medicinal herbs, there are well-known and effective folk remedies that help overcome the symptoms of SARS.

  1. Grind 2 tbsp. dried sweet clover grass and pour boiling water. Add 1 tsp. green tea, filtered, consumed with honey.
  2. Boil dry raspberries in a thermo mug. Infuse for 3 hours, add 2 tsp. honey and drink before 12 o'clock.
  3. Mince garlic and mix with honey. Eat a tablespoon with water.
  4. Brew green tea and thyme, let it brew and gargle for sore throats.

Most often, a cold is considered a minor health problem that does not require treatment. medical institutions and has no consequences. The World Health Organization gives serious figures, according to which adult population suffers colds about three times a year, teenagers four, and children get sick about six times. The common cold is considered a serious ailment, which even marks cases of fatal. Often, specialists prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to treat the disease.

Disease Definition

The common cold is the common name for a fairly large group of acute respiratory infections, which are provoked by the vital activity of various viruses and bacteria.

There is an erroneous opinion among the people that the cause of a cold is elementary hypothermia. Many people forget or do not know that the fundamental factor of ARVI is an infectious agent, without which there are no manifestations of malaise.

Infected citizens, not taking a cold seriously, endure it on their feet, neglect timely and high-quality assistance, aggravating the situation and dooming themselves to complications.

The symptoms of a cold are often characteristic of other diseases, so it is very important to correctly determine the diagnosis in order to exclude erroneous treatment.

Causes of a cold

If we consider a cold in the narrowly focused context of SARS, then the nature of its formation is considered to be a virus, and other options can be excluded. Due to the fact that the infection spreads and activates only in weak cells that do not provide proper resistance, we can talk about indirect causes.

Thus, as factors affecting the frequency of recurrence in humans colds the following can be considered:

  • hypothermia. This factor can contribute to the disease, both in the cold season and in the warm season. Often wet feet, cold ice cream or a slight draft is enough to feel the first signs of a cold in a couple of hours. This phenomenon is caused by the inability of blood vessels to quickly respond and rebuild to changes. temperature regime, which provokes the appearance of a runny nose, foci of inflammation in the throat, etc.
  • Stress is no less serious provocateur of regular colds. The vast majority of people treat this factor as not worthy of attention, which is a serious mistake. nervous tension serves as a negative aspect for the immune system to a greater extent than hypothermia. Due to constant exposure stressful situations on the human body nervous system is on edge. Since it is impossible to exclude the influence of stress, it is necessary to learn how to control your emotional state by regulating it with natural sedatives.
  • in acute form destroy the optimal state of the body and reduce immunity. Health professionals often face situations where diabetes or an ulcer becomes the root cause of the frequent manifestations of colds.
  • Wrong nutrition. It is known for certain that the wrong diet and harmful products have a direct impact on immune system organism, increasing the recurrence of SARS. If these factors are eliminated, then colds will begin to bypass.
  • in the form of alcohol tobacco products, narcotic drugs destroy the body's defense mechanisms, creating a favorable environment for infections.

These negative factors affect the body and cause viruses to become activated and begin to attack unprotected cells. The weaker the immune system, the less resources for resistance to infection.

Symptoms of a cold

The common cold, like any other disease, has characteristic symptoms, the timely determination of which makes it possible to provide effective therapy and avoid possible complications. The general picture of the disease can be compiled according to the following characteristic features:

  1. Increase in body temperature. Most main symptom colds, thanks to which you can tell which virus has become the causative agent of the disease. In the brain there is a kind of thermoregulatory center, due to the attack of which by antigens pathogens, an increase in body temperature occurs. Of course, the human immune system directly affects the reaction through temperature. For each patient, the nature of this symptom is individual: someone observes 37-38 degrees during the period of illness, and someone suffers from a serious increase to 40 degrees. During a high temperature, fever is observed if it continues for more than three days, then we can talk about a completely different nature of the disease.
  2. Intoxication. This symptom, which includes more than one manifestation in its concept, is a constant companion of temperature. Characteristic signs of intoxication are: weakness, dizziness, lethargy, nausea, loss of appetite, headaches and muscle pain, redness of the skin. The manifestation of these symptoms is caused by the work of toxic pathogens on the tissues of the body. All signs are faithful companions temperature below which they disappear.
  3. Nasal congestion. This symptom can be both an independent manifestation and initial sign, turning into rhinorrhea. Congestion appears as a result of swelling and inflammation of the nasal mucosa with secretions.
  4. Sore throat are the result of damage to the oropharynx. The pain may be minor or it may be intense.
  5. Headaches. Such a symptom may be local and manifest itself in the back of the head or temples, or it may have a blurred picture.
  6. Cough can appear in two forms: dry and wet. It appears and activates most often in evening time days.

Identifying the symptoms of a cold is necessary not only for prescribing treatment. In most cases, the doctor prescribes additional drugs, narrowly targeted, to eliminate the symptoms themselves.

Anti-inflammatory drugs in the fight against colds and fever for adults and children

As mentioned above, the common cold is characterized by increased fatigue and weakness. The cumulative effect of the painkiller and will help get rid of such symptoms. Most of these drugs, which eliminate foci of inflammation in the body, are produced on the basis of:

  • Ketoprofen;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Naproxena.

There are a number medicines, the use of which is aimed not only at combating inflammation, but also at lowering the temperature and eliminating pain:

The therapeutic effect of "Aspirin" in ARVI is due to its analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory characteristics. Not so long ago, aspirin was considered the most effective medicine for relieving cold symptoms. All components of the drug have therapeutic effect on the focus of inflammation itself, slowing down the processes occurring in it. The antipyretic properties of "Aspirin" are due to the effect exerted directly on the body's thermoregulation center.


It is generally accepted that "Analgin" has an antipyretic property, but along with this, it has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug does not allow impulses to pass, due to which it relieves pain during a cold. Together with the antipyretic effect "Analgin" has a mild anti-inflammatory effect.


The action of this medication is due to its analgesic and antipyretic properties. relieves headaches and blocks pain impulses. In some way, the drug has an anti-inflammatory property and affects the foci.


There are a number of drugs with a high content of propyphenazone, such drugs have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Such medicines belong to the group of non-steroidal drugs with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

The drug is great for complex therapy, which includes antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects on a weakened body. "Nurofen" is a fairly popular medication, largely due to the fact that it does not have serious side effects.


Panadol in its composition has paracetamol, the presence of which is due to the effect. Produced in various forms, but is used depending on the age of the patient and his general condition. The tool is quite easily perceived by the body, qualitatively affects the decrease in temperature and the elimination of pain in the head and muscles. It has a high antipyretic and analgesic effect.

All anti-inflammatory drugs are great for fighting a cold. Any use of them should be agreed with the attending physician in order to avoid the occurrence of complications.

Reception features

The use of anti-inflammatory drugs to combat the common cold must necessarily take place with the approval of the attending physician. Many of them can have adverse effects on the body systems: digestive, cardiovascular, nervous. Some medicines can change blood pressure.

The main principle of the use of anti-inflammatory drugs for colds is their combination with other means. These drugs usually lower the temperature, relieve pain and reduce inflammatory process but do not kill viruses. Therefore, they must be used in conjunction with.


Like any pharmaceuticals anti-inflammatory drugs have a number of contraindications that must be considered when prescribing therapy. These include:

  • Acute form or exacerbation of the chronic course of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • breastfeeding period.
  • First and third trimester of pregnancy.
  • Gout.
  • Liver and kidney failure.
  • Anemia.
  • Coronary artery bypass grafting.
  • Increased levels of potassium in the blood.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Increased sensitivity.

During the treatment of colds, it is necessary to carefully study the features of taking medications and contraindications, the neglect of which causes a disruption in the normal functioning of important body systems.



The common cold is not to be taken lightly. As soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear, you need to go to the hospital to get effective treatment. It must be remembered that . The choice of anti-inflammatory drugs must be approved by the attending physician, who will take into account contraindications and characteristics of the body.

"Nurofen" referred to as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, antipyretic drugs.

The action of the drug is to block the formation of substances that support inflammatory reactions in the body. Able to influence the immune system, increase the level of protection of the body. It is one of the best anti-inflammatory drugs.

The drug has such an effect due to ibuprofen, which reduces vascular permeability, improves microcirculation, reduces the release of inflammatory mediators from cells, and suppresses the energy supply of inflammatory processes.

"Nurofen" applied orally. It is recommended to use a short period and small doses. The duration of use is determined by the attending physician.

"Nurofen" should not be given to children who cannot tolerate ibuprofen, as well as other Excipients that are included in the medication. Not recommended for patients who have peptic ulcer stomach, gastrointestinal bleeding, as well as patients with problems with the heart, liver and kidneys.


"Aspirin"nonsteroidal agent, which is used as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic for colds when the temperature is elevated. Also to relieve pain in muscles and joints.

The active substance in "Aspirin" is acetylsalicylic acid. When this substance comes into contact with inflammation, they are neutralized.

"Aspirin" drink in tablets. For anti-inflammatory action, the dose of application is prescribed more. All dosages of the drug are prescribed by the attending physician. The tool can not be used for erosive and ulcerative exacerbations, bronchial asthma.


"Analgin"- a drug that has wide application for the treatment of various infectious and inflammatory diseases. Rapidly absorbed into the blood. It has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect.

The active substance in the product is metamizole sodium.

The agent is used orally in tablets, intravenously and intramuscularly in the form of a solution or rectally in the form of capsules. Doses for intravenous or intramuscular use are prescribed by the attending physician. For rectal use, there are separate suppositories for adults and children. The dosage of the medicine depends on the nature of the disease.

Contraindicated if the patient has hypersensitivity, aspirin asthma, impaired kidney and liver function, as well as hematopoiesis.


- a drug that has an antiseptic and slight anti-inflammatory effect. Affects the centers of pain and thermoregulation.

The tool is available in tablets, capsules, soluble tablets, in the form of syrup and rectal suppositories. Used with large quantity water 1-2 hours after eating. Adults drink 4 times a day. Maximum daily dosage drug 4 g. The duration of treatment is from 5 to 7 days. In patients with impaired liver and kidney function, the dose of the drug should be reduced.

Do not use in patients who are sensitive to paracetamol. Do not give to patients suffering from hepatic and kidney failure. It is contraindicated to use the suppository rectally if the patient has inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.


"Amixin"- a drug that has an antiviral effect, effectively destroys the bacteria and viruses that caused the common cold. Stimulates the growth of stem cells. Surpasses other means on safety and the received effect.

The drug is used after a meal. The duration of drug treatment depends on the nature and complexity of the disease.

The remedy is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, children under 7 years of age, patients who have hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug.


"Kagocel"- This antiviral drug, which has an immunostimulatory effect. Most often, the remedy is used to treat influenza. Stimulates the production of its own proteins in the body, which have a strong antiviral effect.

"Kagocel" taken orally, swallowed with plenty of liquid. Tablets are recommended not to be chewed, not crushed.

Do not use in patients with hypersensitivity to the drug, hereditary intolerance to galactose. Patients with malabsorption of glucose-galactose. Contraindicated in women during pregnancy and lactation. Do not give to children under 6 years of age.


"Cycloferon"- It is an antiviral, immunostimulating agent. Effective against acute respiratory diseases.

Active substances suppress pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

"Cycloferon" take 1 time per day half an hour before meals with water. The tablet is not chewed or crushed. For taking the drug, patients with hepatitis or HIV use other dosages and schedules. The number of tablets that are taken at a time is specified by the attending physician.

"Cycloferon" should not be taken by patients who have allergic reaction for this drug. Also contraindicated in patients with cirrhosis of the liver and women during pregnancy and lactation.


"Amizon" referred to as non-steroidal, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory drugs. Has an immunomodulatory effect. "Amizon" normalizes metabolism in the focus of inflammation and weakens vascular reactions. Strengthens the body's immunity, which allows you to better fight colds. It is prescribed to fight the flu, other colds. It is also used in the treatment of infectious and diseases that patients have been suffering from for a long period.

The drug is used after meals, without chewing. Treatment lasts an average of 5 to 7 days. Dosages are determined by the attending physician.

Contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to iodine, children under 6 years of age and women in the first trimester of pregnancy.


"Arbidol"- This is an antiviral drug that increases the body's resistance to viruses, strengthening the immune system. It is used to treat flu and colds in mild forms. Reduces the risk of complications of viral infections and exacerbation of chronic bacterial diseases. When applied, it reduces intoxication and the duration of the disease.

The drug is produced in tablets and capsules.

Must be taken orally before meals. The dosage varies depending on age, weight and disease.

Contraindicated in people who have heart, liver and kidney disease or hypersensitivity to the drug. Do not give to children under three years of age.


"Remantadin"- an antiviral drug that inhibits the replication of viruses, inhibits their development. It is used as a prophylaxis during an influenza epidemic.

The medicine is available in tablets.

"Remantadin" taken orally with water. The tool can be taken by adults and children who are older than 10 years. Restriction for children daily dose is 150 mg. Dosages for adults are 200 mg per day, 100 mg 2 times a day. Treatment lasts from 5 to 7 days.

Do not take if there is hypersensitivity to the drug, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as children under 1 year old.

Any of these drugs should only be used after consulting your doctor. It is he who will accurately determine what you are sick with, which medicine will not cause side effects in you and will suit you best.

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