Is it possible to undergo medical examination not at the place of registration? What does the medical examination program for the adult population under compulsory medical insurance include and how to complete it? Complete medical examination in one day


In the department of medical prevention, you can undergo medical examination and preventive medical examination without an appointment on the day of treatment by applying with a passport and compulsory medical insurance policy to a medical post, or to the department (office) of medical prevention:

  • preventive medical examination at the ages of 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37 and 38 years;
  • medical examination at the ages of 18, 21, 24, 27, 31, 33, 36, 39, 40 years and older - annually.

Since May 2019, a new procedure for conducting preventive medical examination and medical examination of the adult population has come into force, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated March 13, 2019 No. 124n “On approval of the procedure for conducting preventive medical examination and medical examination of certain groups of the adult population” (hereinafter referred to as the Order) .

In accordance with the Order, the population aged 18-99 years is subject to annual preventive examination/dispensary examination.

Preventative medical examination is a complex of medical examinations carried out for the purpose of early (timely) identification of conditions, diseases and risk factors for their development, as well as for the purpose of determining health groups and developing recommendations for patients.

Preventive medical examination is carried out annually:

  • as an independent event,
  • as part of medical examination,
  • as part of dispensary observation.

Preventive medical examination includes:

  • survey of citizens aged 18 years and older;
  • calculation based on anthropometry (measurement of height, body weight, waist circumference) body mass index, for citizens aged 18 years and older;
  • measurement of blood pressure in peripheral arteries for citizens aged 18 years and older;
  • study of total cholesterol levels in the blood for citizens aged 18 years and older;
  • determination of fasting blood glucose levels for citizens aged 18 years and older;
  • determination of relative cardiovascular risk in citizens aged 18 to 39 years inclusive;
  • determination of absolute cardiovascular risk in citizens aged 40 to 64 years inclusive;
  • fluorography of the lungs or x-ray of the lungs for citizens aged 18 years and older once every 2 years;
  • electrocardiography at rest during the first preventive medical examination, then at the age of 35 years and older;
  • measurement of intraocular pressure during the first preventive medical examination, then at the age of 40 years and older;
  • examination by a paramedic (midwife) or obstetrician-gynecologist of women aged 18 and older;

Clinical examination– a set of measures, including a preventive medical examination and additional examination methods carried out to assess health status (including determining the health group and the dispensary observation group).

Clinical examination of the adult population is carried out in two stages, once every three years at the age of 18 to 39 years inclusive, and annually at the age of 40 years and older, as well as for certain categories of citizens.

The first stage of clinical examination is carried out in order to identify signs of chronic non-infectious diseases in citizens, risk factors for their development, as well as to determine indications for additional examinations and examinations by medical specialists to clarify the diagnosis of the disease (condition) at the second stage.

The first stage of medical examination includes:

1.Preventive medical examination:

  • survey (questioning)
  • measurement of height, body weight, waist circumference, calculation of body mass index;
  • blood pressure measurement;
  • study of the level of total cholesterol in the blood;
  • determination of blood glucose levels;
  • determination of the risk of cardiovascular diseases (from 18 to 64 years);
  • fluorography (once every 2 years);
  • electrocardiography at rest (at the first examination, then at the age of 35 years and older);
  • measurement of intraocular pressure (during the first examination, then from 40 years of age);
  • appointment (examination) based on the results of a preventive medical examination, including an examination to identify visual and other localizations of oncological diseases, including examination of the skin, mucous lips and oral cavity, palpation of the thyroid gland, lymph nodes, by a paramedic at a medical center or a medical and obstetric station, a general practitioner or a medical prevention doctor at a medical prevention department (office) or a health center.

2. Screening for early detection of cancer:

  • Examination of feces for occult blood (once every 2 years from 40 to 64 years of age, once a year from 65 to 75 years of age;
  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy at 45 years old;

For women:

  • Examination by a paramedic (midwife) (18 and older);
  • Taking a smear from the cervix, cytological examination of a smear from the cervix once every 3 years at the age of 18 to 64 years;
  • Mammography (once every 2 years between the ages of 40 and 75)

For men:

  • Determination of prostate-specific antigen in the blood of men aged 45, 50, 55, 60 and 64 years;

3. Brief preventive consultation;

4.General blood test (from 40 years and older);

Second stage of clinical examination is carried out for the purpose of additional examination and clarification of the diagnosis of the disease (condition) if there are indications based on the results of the first stage and includes:

  • examination (consultation) by a neurologist;
  • duplex scanning of the brachycephalic arteries (for men aged 45 to 72 years inclusive and women aged 54 to 72 years);
  • examination (consultation) by a surgeon or urologist (for men aged 45, 50, 55, 60 and 64 years with an increase in the level of prostate-specific antigen in the blood more than 4 ng/ml);
  • examination (consultation) by a surgeon or coloproctologist, including sigmoidoscopy (for citizens aged 40 to 75 years inclusive);
  • colonoscopy (for citizens in case of suspected malignant neoplasms of the large intestine as prescribed by a surgeon or coloproctologist);
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy (for citizens in case of suspected malignant neoplasms of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum as prescribed by a general practitioner);
  • X-ray of the lungs, computed tomography of the lungs (for citizens in case of suspected malignant neoplasms of the lung as prescribed by a general practitioner);
  • spirometry;
  • examination (consultation) by an otolaryngologist (for citizens aged 65 years and older);
  • examination (consultation) by an obstetrician-gynecologist (for women aged 18 years and older with identified pathological changes;
  • examination (consultation) by an ophthalmologist (for citizens aged 40 years and older);
  • conducting individual or group (school for patients) in-depth preventive counseling in the department (office) of medical prevention (health center) for citizens aged 65 years and older;

When conducting a preventive medical examination and medical examination, the results of previously conducted (no later than one year) medical examinations and medical examinations, confirmed by the citizen’s medical documents, may be taken into account.

A preventive medical examination or medical examination is carried out free of charge if you have a passport and compulsory medical insurance policy in the clinic at the place of attachment, in the department or medical prevention room without an appointment.

A necessary precondition for conducting a preventive medical examination and medical examination is the giving of informed voluntary consent by the citizen.

IMPORTANT! Clinical examination is considered incomplete if the measures included in oncological screening are not carried out.

The catastrophic deterioration in people's living standards, high mortality, and the demographic crisis prompted the state to pay close attention to the health of citizens. A medical examination plan was introduced, providing for a comprehensive examination of the patient’s body for detectable diseases. The system has only recently been operational and few people know about the procedure. The free medical examination required for adults and children in 2018 – what is included in the examination, many citizens who care about their health would like to clarify.

What is medical examination

Many citizens seek medical help when the disease is at an incurable stage, and it is almost impossible to do anything to help the patient. If you identify a disease in the early stages of development, when it is quietly smoldering in the body, then you can effectively cure a person, improving the quality of life. A comprehensive examination of the body with instruments, consultations with specialists in various fields, and collection of tests includes medical examination. You can be examined for free once every three years. Some categories of citizens can undergo the study annually.

Russians do not like to visit the clinic without a reason - no one likes to jostle in queues, to be among patients with the risk of catching an infection, so many want to know what is included in the medical examination for an adult, which doctors need to be visited, what kind of tests to take. A medical examination is voluntary, no one will force a person to undergo screening, the state simply encourages people to monitor their health by providing free medical services.


Complex diagnostics is aimed at identifying chronic diseases using various examination methods. Statistics say that Russians of different age groups die from cardiovascular, cancer, endocrine and pulmonary diseases in descending order. The initial examination is aimed at detecting diseases of this type. Early diagnosis allows you to successfully treat ailments, take preventive measures against the development of diseases, and form the correct attitude towards the health of adult and minor members of society.


Medical institutions that have the right to carry out medical examinations are guided by the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated February 3, 2015. for No. 36an, adopted on the basis of Articles 6724, 6175 of the Federal Law No. 323 of November 21, 2011, establishing the right to diagnostic examinations once every three years for the following categories of adult Russians:

  • working;
  • unemployed;
  • full-time students in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions.

Some citizens may undergo a medical examination annually. These include:

  • disabled people of WWII, military operations;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad who have the appropriate certificate;
  • prisoners of fascist concentration camps.

The procedure for undergoing an examination of the body includes two stages of medical examination. At the first stage, patients are identified who have a tendency to develop chronic ailments of a non-infectious nature. If a patient is diagnosed with a disease or a tendency to it due to an unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol consumption, genetic predisposition, or other factors, then a second, in-depth stage of research is carried out to clarify the diagnosis. Based on the results of examinations that are part of the general medical examination system, a person is issued a Health Passport.


As part of the compulsory health insurance system for the population, medical examinations are carried out at clinics, hospitals, and ambulance stations involved in the provision of free medical services to the population. A citizen can come for screening to identify chronic ailments at the outpatient department at the place of registration. Responsible for the provision of services are the head of the medical organization, doctors, paramedics participating in the program.

What is included in the medical examination

Children aged 1-17 years undergo a mandatory medical examination in 3-year increments. For adult Russians, the approach is different. During the clinical examination, doctors check the likelihood of the patient being included in the risk category, so you will have to undergo a comprehensive examination, including various screening procedures, at the first stage of the medical examination. The second stage includes an in-depth study of the body, carried out according to medical recommendations with specific procedures and consultations with specialists.


The methodology for undergoing a preventive examination includes a systematic study of the functioning of human vital systems. Doctors are looking for a “weak link” that can lead to serious illness. At the first stage, the medical examination includes the following studies:

  • establishing anthropometric data (height, weight, mass index);
  • checking upper and lower pressure levels;
  • blood sampling for clinical, biochemical analysis, as well as for glucose and cholesterol levels;
  • ECG for men over 35 years old, women over 45 years old;
  • smear for cytology from the surface of the cervix in women under 69 years of age;
  • fluorogram;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • mammogram of the breast of women aged 39-75 years;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity of persons over 39 years of age, of the abdominal aorta of people who worked in hazardous conditions, smoked, or inhaled vapors of toxic substances;
  • taking stool for blood;
  • measurement of intraocular pressure;
  • consultation with a therapist.


If a person has deviations from normal values, then additional medical examination is carried out. The second stage includes the following procedures, according to the testimony of the therapist who made conclusions at the first stage of medical examination:

  • gastroduodenoscopy;
  • diagnostics of arteries supplying the brain with oxygen;
  • colonoscopy;
  • spirometry;
  • specific blood tests.

Which doctors undergo medical examination?

The initial stage of clinical examination includes a consultation with a therapist or local doctor, who makes a decision based on the tests of the person who applied for further examination. You may need to contact the following specialists:

  • urologist, men 42-69 years old with suspected prostate cancer;
  • cardiologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • neurologist;
  • pulmonologist, citizens working in hazardous industries;
  • surgeon and (or) coloproctologist for persons over 45 years of age;
  • gynecologist, women with pathological changes in cervical tissue;
  • ophthalmologist, persons over 39 years of age with low intraocular pressure, citizens over 75 years of age - with increased.


People who work in hazardous and hazardous industries may need to be examined by an oncologist, pulmonologist, or gastroenterologist during medical examination. If a woman aged 35-75 years has unfavorable breast examination data, then an examination by a mammologist is indicated. A surgeon’s examination is included in the second stage of clinical examination if a person has identified abnormalities in the body’s functioning that require urgent surgical intervention.


Children undergo medical examination, which includes visits to a pediatrician, neurologist, cardiologist, orthopedist, otolaryngologist, and ophthalmologist every quarter until the children reach 1 year of age. After three years, you will have to go through the above specialists, an andrologist for boys, a gynecologist for girls, a psychologist, a speech therapist when entering preschool institutions. Further, every 3 years the child undergoes a mandatory medical examination organized by the school institution.

What tests are taken during clinical examination?

The planned procedure includes standard, biochemical blood tests, tests for glucose and cholesterol, and urine collection for clinical analysis. Women submit a vaginal smear for histological examination of tissue cells. The secondary check includes tests ordered by the doctor. These may include the following types of blood tests:

  • lipid spectrum diagnostics;
  • degree of glycohemoglobin concentration;
  • level of prostate-specific antigen.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Clinical examination 2018 - what is included in the examination, doctors and tests

Clinical examination or screening is a set of measures in the healthcare system that are carried out to identify and prevent the development of various diseases in the population. The EMIAS.INFO portal makes an appointment for medical examination in Moscow.

Medical examination is carried out from the age of 21 every three years.

After undergoing medical examination, a person receives a personal health card, and the procedure is completely free.

Clinical examination allows the following:

  • Early detection of chronic diseases;
  • Determination of health status group;
  • Conducting preventive counseling;
  • Determination of the dispensary observation group.

How to get a medical examination?

  1. To make an appointment with a doctor

It’s easy and simple to make an appointment with a doctor on the EMIAS.INFO website.

  1. Fill out the form

To save your time, as well as the doctor’s time, you can download and fill out the questionnaire in advance on the website at

  1. Doctor's examination and research

You will be referred to the necessary specialists for examination, as well as undergo the necessary tests. If necessary, your doctor may prescribe additional health examinations.

  1. Obtaining a health card

After passing the medical examination, you will be provided with a detailed “health card”. It describes what you need to pay attention to.

Schedule a medical examination

Schedule a medical examination (preventive medical examination)

1. You can undergo medical examination:

2. You can undergo a preventive medical examination at the ages of 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37 and 38 years old

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Where can I get a medical examination (preventive medical examination)

1. At the clinic to which you are assigned (weekdays from 8:00 to 20:00, on weekends according to the clinic’s schedule;

2. In the “Healthy Moscow” pavilions in the capital’s parks (daily from 8:00 to 22:00).

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What examinations can be taken at the Healthy Moscow pavilion?

    Questionnaire (survey) in electronic form;

    Anthropometry (measurement of height, body weight, waist circumference);

    Calculation of body mass index;

    Blood pressure measurement in peripheral arteries;

    Electrocardiography at rest;

    Measuring intraocular pressure;

    Determination of the level of total cholesterol in the blood using the express method;

    Determination of fasting blood glucose levels using the express method;

    Advanced blood test;

    Determination of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood of men aged 45,50, 55, 60, 64 years;

    Examination of feces for occult blood using the immunochemical method


    Determination of relative/absolute cardiovascular risk

    Examination and brief individual preventive consultation with a general practitioner;

Mobile fluorographs work on weekends according to a special schedule.

In the clinic at the place of attachment, the following examinations are carried out in accordance with gender and age:


    Midwife examination;

    Cytological examination of the cervical smear;

  • - esophagogastroduodenoscopy

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Get a preventive medical examination

Preventive medical examination – This is a complex of medical examinations carried out for the purpose of early (timely) identification of conditions, diseases and risk factors for their development, as well as for the purpose of determining health groups and developing recommendations for patients.

Preventive medical examination includes:

    survey of citizens aged 18 years and older;

    calculation based on anthropometry (measurement of height, body weight, waist circumference) body mass index, for citizens aged 18 years and older;

    measurement of blood pressure in peripheral arteries for citizens aged 18 years and older;

    study of total cholesterol levels in the blood for citizens aged 18 years and older;

    determination of fasting blood glucose levels for citizens aged 18 years and older;

    determination of relative cardiovascular risk in citizens aged 18 to 39 years inclusive;

    determination of absolute cardiovascular risk in citizens aged 40 to 64 years inclusive;

    fluorography of the lungs or x-ray of the lungs for citizens aged 18 years and older once every 2 years;

    electrocardiography at rest during the first preventive medical examination, then at the age of 35 years and older;

    measurement of intraocular pressure during the first preventive medical examination, then at the age of 40 years and older;

    examination by a paramedic (midwife) or obstetrician-gynecologist of women aged 18 to 39 years;

    appointment (examination) based on the results of a preventive medical examination, including an examination to identify visual and other localizations of oncological diseases, including examination of the skin, mucous lips and oral cavity, palpation of the thyroid gland, lymph nodes, by a paramedic at a medical center or a medical and obstetric station, a general practitioner or a medical prevention doctor at a medical prevention department (office) or a health center.

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Complete the first stage of medical examination

First stage Clinical examination is carried out in order to identify signs of chronic non-infectious diseases in citizens, risk factors for their development, as well as to determine indications for additional examinations and examinations by medical specialists to clarify the diagnosis of the disease (condition) at the second stage.

The first stage of medical examination includes:

1. Preventive medical examination:

2. Screening for early detection of cancer:

    Examination of feces for occult blood (once every 2 years from 40 to 64 years of age, once a year from 65 to 75 years of age;

    Esophagogastroduodenoscopy at 45 years old;

For women:

    Examination by a paramedic (midwife) (from 18 to 39 years old);

    Taking a smear from the cervix, cytological examination of a smear from the cervix once every 3 years at the age of 18 to 64 years;

    Mammography (once every 2 years between the ages of 40 and 75)

For men:

  • Determination of prostate-specific antigen in the blood of men aged 45, 50, 55, 60 and 64 years;

3. Brief preventive consultation;

4. General blood test (from 40 years and older);

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If necessary, you will be referred to the second stage of medical examination for the purpose of additional examination

The second stage of medical examination is carried out for the purpose of additional examination and clarification of the diagnosis of the disease (condition) if there are indications based on the results of the first stage and includes:

    examination (consultation) by a neurologist;

    duplex scanning of the brachycephalic arteries (for men aged 45 to 72 years inclusive and women aged 54 to 72 years);

    examination (consultation) by a surgeon or urologist (for men aged 45, 50, 55, 60 and 64 years with an increase in the level of prostate-specific antigen in the blood more than 4 ng/ml);

    examination (consultation) by a surgeon or coloproctologist, including sigmoidoscopy (for citizens aged 40 to 75 years inclusive);

    colonoscopy (for citizens in case of suspected malignant neoplasms of the large intestine as prescribed by a surgeon or coloproctologist);

    esophagogastroduodenoscopy (for citizens in case of suspected malignant neoplasms of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum as prescribed by a general practitioner);

    X-ray of the lungs, computed tomography of the lungs (for citizens in case of suspected malignant neoplasms of the lung as prescribed by a general practitioner);


    examination (consultation) by an otolaryngologist (for citizens aged 65 years and older);

    examination (consultation) by an obstetrician-gynecologist (for women aged 18 years and older with identified pathological changes;

    examination (consultation) by an ophthalmologist (for citizens aged 40 years and older);

    conducting individual or group (school for patients) in-depth preventive counseling in the department (office) of medical prevention (health center) for citizens aged 65 years and older;

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Based on the results of medical examination (preventive medical examination), find out your health group and receive doctor’s recommendations

Health group I – practically healthy and having risk factors with low or moderate total cardiovascular risk. A brief preventative consultation is provided.

Health group II – patients with risk factors for high or very high total cardiovascular risk. In-depth preventive counseling is provided: individual or group (“Patient School”). Dispensary observation in the Health Center or medical prevention department/office is indicated.

Health group III – patients with diseases both detected for the first time during clinical examination and previously established. Dispensary observation by medical specialists is indicated.

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Get a free medical examination or preventive medical examination next year according to your gender and age

This frequency of examinations is sufficient to identify most serious diseases at an early stage of development.

Medical examination (preventive medical examination) is available to every citizen of the Russian Federation insured in the compulsory health insurance system (having a compulsory medical insurance policy). This applies to all examinations, as well as consultations with specialists.

You can undergo medical examination:

    1 time every three years from the age of 18 to 39 years inclusive (at the age of 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39);

    annually at age 40 and older

2. You can undergo a preventive medical examination at the ages of 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37 and 38 years old

Clinical examination (preventive medical examination) is carried out in the department or office of medical prevention in the clinic at the place of attachment. If you are not yet assigned, then this can be done at a time convenient for you during the organization’s opening hours if you have a passport and compulsory medical insurance policy. To do this, you need to present your passport and compulsory medical insurance policy at the reception and fill out an application. It will take 7–10 days to complete the documents.

You can also undergo a medical examination (preventive medical examination) in the Healthy Moscow pavilions in the parks of the capital."

Currently, in Moscow clinics, the first stage of medical examination or preventive examination takes an average of 90 minutes. The duration of the examination depends on the number of tests that need to be completed (according to gender and age).

In the Healthy Moscow pavilions, you can undergo examinations as part of a medical examination (preventive medical examination) for no more than 40–60 minutes.

Based on the results of the medical examination (preventive medical examination), the therapist of the department (office) of medical prevention or the Healthy Moscow pavilion will determine your health group and issue individual recommendations.

Health group I – practically healthy and having risk factors with low or moderate total cardiovascular risk. Brief preventive counseling is provided on improving lifestyle and disease prevention.

Health group II – having risk factors with high or very high total cardiovascular risk. The doctor gives detailed recommendations on how to reduce cardiovascular risk, and can also refer you to the “Patient School”. These are group consultations and training in disease control methods for patients with a common problem. For example, such schools operate in a number of clinics for people suffering from diabetes.

Health group III – patients with diseases both detected for the first time during clinical examination and previously established. Dispensary observation by medical specialists is indicated.

The essence of medical examination (preventive medical examination) is not just to identify diseases or a high risk of their development, but to refer the patient for observation:

Health group II - to the department of medical prevention or the Health Center;

III health group - for dispensary observation by relevant medical specialists.

They helped us:

Nikolay Zhukov
Head of department of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Children's Orthopedics named after. Rogacheva, Associate Professor of the Department of Oncology and Radiation Therapy, Russian National Research Medical University named after. Pirogova, board member of the Russian Society of Clinical Oncology; Ph.D.

Vasily Yurasov
Deputy Director for Medical Affairs of the Independent Laboratory "INVITRO"; Ph.D.

When to undergo medical examination

Free medical examination is available to citizens once every three years. And not just any, but strictly defined ones: your 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36 and so on. And now - attention! – a significant nuance that, I suspect, I’m not the only one caught on to: You can be examined exactly the year you reach the required age., and not just at 21 or 30.

Understand? Look: let's say you were born in January 1985, and your best friend was born in December 1984. Even if your age difference is only a week and you will both be thirty this year (until December), you can get a free medical examination, and she (like me) has already missed her chance. And let him now look forward to 2017 with trepidation. If she (like me) hasn’t seen all the doctors in the previous three years, imagine how much terrible things they can discover! What should I do – get tested “for everything” at my own expense or get my license checked at the district clinic?

Preventive medical examination

The Ministry of Health literally told me the following: “If you are not subject to medical examination this year, then You can undergo a preventive medical examination. It is slightly smaller in volume, however, it allows you to minimize the risk of undiagnosed disease.”

That is, in practice, clinical examination turns out to be almost annual: once every three years, you actually undergo it. And once every two times - a preventive medical examination (in case of objections from the ladies at the reception, refer to the order of the Ministry of Health dated December 6, 2012 No. 1011n). In total, it turns out that you are examined every year and a half: at 21 (let's say, in January) - a medical examination, at 22 and a half (let's say, in July) - a medical examination, at 24 - another medical examination, at 25 - a medical examination - in general, the meaning is clear. Agree, you’re not going to go to the doctors yourself more often?

What to check during medical examination

You can retort: ​​a prudent girl, being late for a medical examination, will not put off taking care of herself even for a year and a half and, if finances allow, will generally run to get examined at a place other than the district clinic. Commercial centers offer many programs at very different prices. What to pay for and what to refuse with a light heart?

The scope of clinical examination, as they explained to me at the Ministry of Health, was developed with the involvement of leading institutions and specialists in the field of preventive medicine. Pay for additional examinations... You can. In the end, only you can decide which advertising to believe and what to spend your money on.

If you are under 40, nothing hurts, you have no bad heredity, habits or already diagnosed chronic diseases, then print it out and hang it on your wall list of examinations that are needed annually.

  1. Waist measurement (should not exceed 80cm)
  2. Calculation of body mass index (18
  3. Blood pressure measurement (not higher than 120/80)
  4. Blood test for total cholesterol
  5. Blood sugar test
  6. General blood test (in a volume not less than determining the concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes, the number of leukocytes and ESR)
  7. General urine analysis
  8. Examination by a gynecologist (smear taking for cytology)
  9. Fluorography

Looks impressive. But if you read carefully, you will understand that you can check the first three points yourself for free, but for the rest you need to go to the laboratory once, twice to the gynecologist (for a smear and for a consultation on the results) and once for fluorography. All this helps to detect diseases that have not yet manifested themselves with any external symptoms at all.. Moreover, regular examination by a gynecologist is perhaps the most justified of all screenings in the world.

“A cytology smear can not only reduce the risk of death by about 90%, but also reduce the risk of developing cancer,” says our expert Nikolai Zhukov. – Unlike breast cancer, cervical cancer in most women develops according to approximately the same scenario. And at a predictable speed. There is a long precancerous process there - and in 75% of cases, with the help of clinical examination, it can be identified and stopped precisely at this, zero stage - when it is still possible to perform a “safe” operation that will not deprive you of the opportunity to have children in the future.”

Without waiting for medical examination