Can children be vaccinated? If the child becomes ill after vaccination

Everyone good day, dear readers! The other day I heard a conversation between two mothers on the street. “They don’t want to take us to school because we haven’t had a single vaccination! I will complain wherever possible, ”one was indignant. “But I’ve heard that some children don’t make it to school at all without vaccinations,” another answered. “Babies don’t have enough antibodies, and the body simply can’t cope with dangerous diseases.”

Oh, this eternal conflict of supporters of vaccinations and anti-vaccinators. I think it's time to look into this issue and understand whether it is worth vaccinating children. I will not impose on you one side or another, but simply give some facts. It is up to you to decide whether to vaccinate or not.

Why are we afraid

I hope all of you mothers are literate and know that vaccination is not just a stupid injection given to children and adults by doctors according to a certain schedule. Each vaccine contains an antibody vaccine. These tiny micro-helpers are strengthened in the body and hold a strong defense, keeping pathogens out.

Opponents of vaccinations, of which there are many in our time, scare inexperienced mothers with the consequences of vaccination. Every now and then, “terrible” programs are shown on TV, in which children “die” after a harmless vaccination or fall ill. In fact, it turns out to be just an overblown sensation.

The most experienced pediatricians who have worked with children for decades can hardly count a few cases undesirable consequences vaccination. And then, it was not the injection itself that was to blame, but the carelessness of doctors and mothers who did not take into account the contraindications to a particular vaccine. However, I will talk about precautionary measures a little later.

Should children be vaccinated...

There is an opinion that children under one year old can not be vaccinated at all. Immunity and all the right antibodies they receive from their mother along with milk. Is it so? Of course, breastfeeding is very important for maintaining the immune forces of babies, and is simply necessary.

But statistics show that it is in the first months of life that the baby's body is especially vulnerable and it is better to support it by vaccinating it.

All doubts arise from ignorance. For example, everyone knows that tuberculosis is very dangerous, and therefore BCG vaccination, which the baby is doing in the hospital, seems to be as needed. But hepatitis is something far away, and they say that after it jaundice occurs, and the development of the child may slow down. “They say”, “heard somewhere”, “one friend said” ... and no evidence in practice. Meanwhile, as soon as the baby is born, his still sterile body is attacked by millions of microbes. Have you thought about this?

Vaccination against a non-existent disease

Let's take another myth: you don't need to get vaccinated against polio. This disease has long been “outdated”, so why defend yourself against what is not. It wasn't there. Our “brothers” from the East regularly bring the polio virus into our country. Therefore, it is better to protect your child than to “disentangle” the consequences later. The only thing to consider here is a couple of nuances.

This vaccine is given in two ways: an injection or droplets that drip into the baby's mouth.

In the second case, the vaccine is administered "live", which means you need to make sure that the baby is healthy before vaccinating him. Moment two: about 60 days after vaccination, the child is potentially dangerous for unvaccinated children. His stool is shedding some virus. So, if there are still babies at home, then they will also need to be vaccinated, otherwise there is a chance to get infected.

Yes, and anti-vaccination mothers need to be on their guard. If their child attends a kindergarten, and there is a recently vaccinated child in the group, then you can easily get polio.

Relocation, change of team (for example, moving to another kindergarten) and others stressful situations reason to postpone vaccination.

Komarovsky's opinion and vaccination results

As for the rest, summing up what has been said, I can say with confidence that it is better to be overdone than underdone. It is necessary to be vaccinated, but the probable dangers, for the most part imposed on us by the ignorant, are not necessary. If my words are not enough for you, then Dr. Komarovsky must convince you.

A well-known pediatrician believes that all sane mothers should not even talk about why it is impossible to do without vaccinations. In his opinion, all diseases that we consider obsolete (diphtheria, tetanus, measles) are still alive and “well”. They can hit at any time, so it is better to administer all injections on time, according to the generally accepted schedule.

By the way, WHO declared 2011-2020 the universal decade of vaccination. The main objective of this “event” is to give people the opportunity to live and enjoy life without diseases. Let's not miss this opportunity, let's give our children a chance to grow up healthy and happy. Let all sorts of sores bypass our protected body. Well, the sores on the knees are nonsense, they will heal before the wedding.

I foresee that a swarm of comments will fall upon this publication. If you are against vaccinations or, conversely, for vaccination, welcome to the forum. Let's argue, we'll discuss, we'll argue. As they say, truth is born in a dispute.

And now it's time to say goodbye. I will return to you soon, my dear. Do not get bored and, of course, do not get sick!

With the birth of a baby in every family, many problems arise regarding his development and upbringing. One of the most controversial and complex is the question of whether children should be vaccinated. The opinions of parents on this matter differ: some believe that vaccination is mandatory, others do not see any sense in it, considering it harmful. Let's try to consider all the pros and cons of childhood vaccinations.

Vaccination is effective method prevention infectious diseases various etiologies, which consists in introducing a weakened or dead virus into the body in order to form acquired immunity.

Modern medicine uses the following types vaccines:

  1. live, produced on the basis of live attenuated microorganisms. These include BCG (tuberculosis), vaccinations against measles, mumps, rubella, polio (introduced through the oral cavity).
  2. dead (inactivated), made by neutralizing pathogens. Among them are polio (IPV), whooping cough (part of DTP) injections.
  3. synthetic, produced by genetically engineered synthesis - against hepatitis B.
  4. toxoids obtained by neutralizing the toxins of pathogens (most often formalin). These are the components of DTP against tetanus, diphtheria.

There are also polyvaccines consisting of several provocative viruses at once, which can significantly reduce total vaccination. These include DPT (whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus), Tetracoccus (whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio), Priorix, or MMR (whooping cough, mumps, rubella).

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation developed and approved national calendar preventive vaccinations, according to which an individual vaccination plan is drawn up for each child. In addition to the planned injections are administered according to epidemic indications, for example, from flu, rabies and others.

How the vaccine works

Vaccination is the main method of disease control, allowing to radically influence the epidemic process and manage the disease. The principle of action of the vaccine is based on the ability of the immune system to produce antibodies in response to the introduction of live or inactivated microbes. The produced immunoglobulins are stored in the body, and when strains of infectious agents penetrate, they recognize and neutralize them. This prevents the development of the disease or ensures its mild course.

Vaccines only protect against the infections they are intended to protect against. The duration of their action depends on the type of vaccine, so a number of injections are repeated over time.

Vaccinations for children - pros and cons

The question of whether to vaccinate a child causes a lot of controversy among parents. Many mothers and fathers have an opinion that vaccination is harmful because it destroys the baby's innate immunity. They present the following arguments against:

  • there is no absolute guarantee that the child will not catch an infection even if the microbe that causes it is introduced;
  • weakened by the introduced infectious agents the immune system does not protect against other diseases;
  • toxic substances in the composition of the vaccine have a harmful effect;
  • immune system of a newborn breastfeeding, is protected by maternal antibodies contained in milk;
  • it is possible to develop an allergic reaction and other serious complications, up to a fatal outcome.

In reviews of vaccinations, parents note the inadequate quality of the administered drugs, non-compliance with storage conditions ( temperature regime), violation of the injection technique. Health professionals can refute many of these arguments.

Proponents of vaccination advocate the introduction of mandatory vaccinations, believing that they keep children healthy. They prove their answer to the question: why are vaccinations needed with the following arguments:

  • form adaptive immunity against dangerous and deadly diseases;
  • universal vaccination prevents mass diseases, the development of epidemics dangerous infections;
  • lack of a certificate of vaccination, immunization cards will cause difficulties when applying to a kindergarten, educational institution, camp, when making a trip abroad.

The vaccine does not provide lifelong immunity, but it prevents the development of possible dangerous complications, for example, infertility in boys after mumps, arthritis after rubella measles etc.

Do children need to be vaccinated: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Children's doctors believe that vaccination is mandatory. The same opinion is shared by the well-known pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, who enjoys great authority with his parents. He claims that the vaccine does not protect the body 100% from infection, but the disease will be easier and the child will endure it without problems. The doctor does not exclude the reaction to the injection and possible complications. To avoid this, he recommends that parents strictly adhere to the following memo:

  • vaccination according to the schedule;
  • inject only absolutely healthy child;
  • do not introduce new complementary foods a few days before vaccination;
  • a day before the procedure, limit the baby in food in order to avoid overloading the digestive tract;
  • do not eat one hour before and after the administration of the drug;
  • follow drinking regimen: at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

After the injection is made, it is worth refraining from visiting places large cluster people, avoid overheating and hypothermia.

The Russian Orthodox Church. With the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II, mass immunization against influenza was carried out in St. Petersburg in 2004.

The decision as to whether a child should be vaccinated or not is entirely up to the parents. However, refusing to vaccinate, they must be aware that they are responsible for the health of the baby.

An unvaccinated organism is not protected from dangerous infections, and when it encounters a real natural virus, it will have to fight on its own. It is difficult to judge which side will win. Parents should remember that it is not the disease itself that is dangerous, but serious complications.

Vaccination calendar: what is it and should it be followed

As mentioned above, each country list approved vaccines to be administered. The vaccination calendar is compiled based on the specifics of the region of residence, living conditions and is approved by the Ministry of Health. It looks like this:

Viral hepatitis Bthe first 12 hours of a baby's life

first month

second month

twelve months

13 years - provided that it has not been done before

Protects against the hepatitis virus. It is hard to bear. Cancellation is possible medical indications up to 5 years, provided that they were not done in the hospital.

(Bacillus Calmette-Guerin)

3-7 days after birth

7 years - repeated revaccination

Protects against tuberculosis transmitted by airborne droplets.
DTP + polio3 months

4.5 months

6 months

18 months, 7 years, 14 years - repeated revaccination

Against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus

Poliomyelitis is an infectious disease effective medicine against which it is absent, so this injection is very important.

Hemophilus infection

(Pentaxim, Hiberix, Akt-Khib)

3 months

4.5 months

6 months

Protects against Haemophilus influenzae - meningitis, pneumonia, otitis and other infections
pneumococcal infection


2 months

4.5 months

15 months

Protects against the most common pneumococcal viruses
Measles, rubella, mumps12 monthsProtects against measles virus, rubella measles, mumps (mumps)
Polio20 months, 14 years - repeated revaccination
Revaccination against measles, rubella, mumps6 years
Rubella13 years oldespecially for girls

The calendar may include additional injections: against tick-borne encephalitis, shingles, hepatitis A and others. They are usually prescribed in regions with a low epidemic threshold.

It is very important to vaccinate a child in the first year of life, as vaccines protect the baby's fragile body from dangerous diseases.

Doctors say that it is desirable to comply with the deadlines set by the calendar, since the maximum effectiveness of drug administration is clinically proven and scientifically substantiated precisely in the specified age period. If there are no contraindications, it is worth vaccinating according to the plan approved for each specific baby.

Adjustments to the schedule are introduced taking into account the characteristics of the baby. You can't get vaccinated when you're sick feeling unwell. At month old baby reasons for possible changes include weight.

If the vaccine is introduced later, it will not affect health in any way. After the removal of the medical tap, vaccination is resumed, the main thing is to observe the established intervals between injections. It is acceptable to combine some drugs, for example, DPT is often combined with hemophilic infection and polio.

What vaccines are mandatory

Why do children need to be vaccinated? This question is often asked to pediatricians by parents who doubt the benefits of vaccination. When children enter preschool educational institution you must provide a certificate of preventive vaccinations. Immunoprophylaxis of children in this case is confirmed by legislative acts. On their basis, admission to the institution is carried out.

What vaccinations are needed for kindergarten? The list of necessary vaccines for a preschooler is as follows:

  • DPT;
  • polio;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • BCG, Mantoux;
  • against measles, rubella, mumps;
  • against pneumococcal infection;
  • seasonal flu shot;
  • from chicken pox.

If parents are categorically against vaccination, then when enrolling a child in Kindergarten they must provide a documented official waiver of medical intervention indicating possible negative consequences.

At the same time, in the event of an outbreak of an epidemic or the announcement of a quarantine unvaccinated child may temporarily ban visits to a children's institution.

Possible reaction to the introduction of the vaccine

Very often, after a prophylactic injection has been given, the body responds in the form of an increase in temperature to febrile values ​​that last up to 3 days, redness, swelling and induration of the injection site, restless behavior, capriciousness, deterioration in general well-being, sleep disturbance, appetite, rashes on the skin. They usually appear after the introduction of the DTP vaccine, Priorix (against rubella).

In most cases, this normal physiological reaction of the body to the introduction of foreign agents indicates the active work of the baby's immune system. Lack of response is also normal.

How to help in such cases? Does it need to be knocked down high temperature in a child after vaccination? Yes, it is necessary to remove hyperthermia with antipyretic drugs Nurofen, Kalpol, Cefekon (suspensions, tablets, suppositories are suitable). For redness and itching, give antihistamines Zirtek, Fenistil, Suprastin.

When it is not possible to bring down the high temperature and eliminate other manifestations, you need to see a doctor.

Before vaccination, the doctor directs to general analysis blood and urine, consultation with narrow specialists (neurologist), conducts a thorough examination, finds out from parents information about the general well-being of the baby, about reactions to vaccinations already carried out, about possible allergies. If there are no visible contraindications, the child is referred for an injection.

In some cases, a medical challenge is given, which lasts from a month to a year or more. There are temporary and permanent (absolute) contraindications.

Absolute contraindications include:

  • severe reaction/complication to a previously made vaccine;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • neoplasms of various etiologies;
  • weight less than 2000 g for BCG vaccination;
  • allergy to aminoglycosides, yeast;
  • afebrile convulsions, diseases nervous system;
  • allergic reactions on the egg white, gelatin, streptomycin.

Among the temporary contraindications are:

  • acute respiratory or viral infection, accompanied by an increase in temperature;
  • bowel disorder;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

There is a risk group - children with concomitant pathologies: heart defects, low hemoglobin, dysbacteriosis, encephalopathy, allergies, hereditary diseases. Vaccination is carried out strictly according to an individual schedule.

The risk group also includes children with diabetes. Doctors advise diabetics to do many of the mandatory injections, with the caveat: you can’t give polio vaccines because heavy load for immunity. The procedure should be abandoned in case of exacerbation of any disease or high level blood sugar.

Possible consequences of not vaccinating

Failure to vaccinate is fraught with the development of serious diseases, as well as the occurrence of various inconveniences. Since a child cannot be isolated from society, when in contact with other children, an unvaccinated baby has a high risk of contracting various infections. Severe course disease threatens with complications, can cost life.

The lack of vaccinations will deprive the child of the opportunity to attend a kindergarten, an educational institution during an outbreak of epidemics or the establishment of quarantine for various infections.

It is possible to impose a ban on traveling abroad to countries where certain preventive vaccinations are required.

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate your child is the exclusive right of parents. However, when making a positive or negative decision about vaccination, they should not forget that the life and health of the child is on the scales.

Parents' concern about whether their baby really needs vaccination almost from the cradle is quite natural and understandable. Moreover, medicine relieves itself of responsibility, giving parents the right to make their own decisions in this difficult matter. To finally decide, you should carefully study all the arguments "for" and "against".

Children's vaccination: arguments "for"

Note that all the talk about the dangers of vaccinations for a child appeared only in recent times when the risk of the spread of serious epidemics is reduced to a minimum. It was vaccination that helped stop the massive outbreaks of diseases that recently claimed the lives of many people.

As a result of the unjustified refusal of parents to vaccinate in Russia, cases of measles, diphtheria, whooping cough and even poliomyelitis have noticeably increased in children. However timely vaccination would have avoided such depressing statistics. First of all, do not succumb to mass panic and take into account strong arguments"behind":

  • Graft protect the child from numerous viruses, having developed immune bodies in his body to resist the disease.
  • Mass vaccination helps to avoid serious outbreaks of epidemics, but it is not strong children's body becomes their first victim.
  • A huge number of unsafe bacteria “walk” in the world around us, immunity to which is possible only through vaccination.
  • Despite the fact that the vaccine does not protect 100%, in vaccinated children, the disease is more easily tolerated.
  • The threat and risk posed by the disease is much greater than that of vaccination. Almost all vaccines have a ratio of low risk / high benefit.
  • The mass refusal of vaccination can lead to the emergence of epidemics in the future.
  • To date, against every disease there is a wide range of vaccines. This allows parents to analyze them and choose a vaccine for their child, taking into account all the characteristics of his body, in order to reduce the risk of possible complications.

Of course, when born, the child already has certain immunity, but his defensive forces still too weak and unstable. Even an adult does not have immunity to infectious diseases. The viruses and bacteria contained in the vaccine are inactive, they are not capable of causing disease, however, they help the body produce protective antibodies in case of illness.

The negative reaction to the vaccine is often exaggerated by parents, who sometimes mistake it for a banal cold.

Are vaccinations really necessary: ​​arguments against

However, the increasing talk about the dangers of childhood vaccinations is not at all groundless. Unfortunately, situations often occur when the vaccination of a child causes best case complication. Medical workers who deny the need for mass vaccination, in defense of their own opinion, give the following arguments:

  • Diseases against which children are vaccinated do not pose a serious risk.
  • In the first 1.5 years of life the baby receives an unreasonably high number of vaccinations, which is a serious stress on his immune system.
  • Some vaccines, for example, the well-known DPT, contain deliberately dangerous compounds that can lead to complications. The organic salt of mercury, which is the basis of many vaccines, is highly toxic even to an adult.
  • No vaccine is 100% protective.
  • It's impossible to predict how everyone will react. individual organism for a specific vaccine.
  • Very often, complications after vaccination occur due to improper storage of the vaccine. Immediately before vaccination, each parent can ensure that the vaccine is removed from the refrigerator, but where is the guarantee that it was transported and stored before that in compliance with all standards?
  • Improper vaccine delivery technique is a source of complications. Parents are unlikely to be able to control this factor on their own.
  • In the conditions of modern pediatrics, when doctors insist on universal vaccination, The characteristics of each individual child are not taken into account.. Children are often allowed to be vaccinated if they have not only temporary, but also absolute contraindications to vaccination.
  • The results of independent studies show that today the risk of post-vaccination complications has long exceeded the possibility of contracting the disease itself.
  • The pharmaceutical business is one of the most profitable. Vaccine companies make a lot of money, they are extremely interested in mass vaccination, and hiding information about possible contraindications and risks.
  • approved and valid the vaccination schedule does not correspond to the epidemiological situation on the this moment, viruses mutate and change, but the vaccines that spoil them remain the same.
  • To date, experts argue about the increase in children of such phenomena as: autism, learning disabilities, sleep and nutrition disorders, impulsive aggression. It is believed that this trend is associated with vaccination. In third world countries where compulsory vaccination is not carried out, such deviations practically do not occur. No one knows what consequences universal vaccination will have in the future.

What does the law say

Art. 5 federal law dated September 17, 1998 N 157-FZ "On the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases" states: "Citizens in the implementation of immunoprophylaxis have the right to: receive from medical workers complete and objective information about the need for preventive vaccinations, the consequences of refusing them, possible post-vaccination complications”, i.e. this article clearly fixes the right of citizens to receive information from a doctor about possible adverse reactions when vaccinated.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 2, 1999 N 885 approves scroll post-vaccination complications caused by preventive vaccinations included in the national calendar of preventive vaccinations, and preventive vaccinations according to epidemic indications, giving citizens the right to receive state lump sums which lists the following complications:

1. Anaphylactic shock.

2. Severe generalized allergic reactions (recurrent angioedema- Quincke's edema, syndrome Stephen Johnson, Lyell's syndrome, serum sickness syndrome, etc.).

3. Encephalitis.

4. Vaccine-associated polio.

5. Lesions of the central nervous system with generalized or focal residual manifestations that led to disability: encephalopathy, serous meningitis, neuritis, polyneuritis, as well as with clinical manifestations convulsive syndrome.

6. Generalized infection, osteitis, osteitis, osteomyelitis caused by BCG vaccine.

7. Chronic arthritis caused by the rubella vaccine.

How often, when bringing a child for vaccination, parents can get all the truthful information about possible complications?

It would be a mistake to completely reject one or another point of view on childhood vaccination, because a healthy grain is contained in each of them. infant has a rather weak immune system, so it is unlikely to be able to resist the disease. But it is for the same reason that a baby can be difficult to tolerate vaccination.

For parents to accept correct solution and do not blame yourself later for a rash step, you should first familiarize yourself with the vaccine and its composition, find out the possibilities of complications and risks. However, one cannot ignore the seriousness of the spread of diseases and the likelihood of infection.

In spite of high quality vaccine products, no company can be held responsible for the individual response of each child. After all side effects sometimes unpredictable, and parents are simply obliged, without succumbing to senseless panic, to study the effect of the drug in advance. Any vaccine is first of all medical preparation, which has its own contraindications.

If parents agree to vaccinate their baby, they must strictly adhere to the rules of preparation for vaccination and behavior after it. To minimize backlash for a vaccine, you will need:

  • Use only high quality vaccines;
  • Strictly observe the rules of vaccination;
  • Carefully consider the precautions and risks associated with each child's health outcomes.

Only in this case, the child's immune system will be able to develop antibodies against a particular infection. It would be wrong to consider vaccinations as an absolute evil without understanding the laws of epidemiology. However, it is equally reckless to ignore individual characteristics your child.

More about general rules preparation for vaccination read

In the conditions of modern pediatrics, parents are obliged to engage in self-education, and independently make decisions about vaccination, because all responsibility for the health of the child lies only with the parents.

Do you vaccinate your child? Share your experience and comments.


  • do children need vaccinations
  • do children need to be vaccinated
  • do i need to get vaccinated
  • whether to vaccinate the child
  • Are vaccinations required?

Everyone knows about vaccinations almost from birth. AT modern society vaccination is generally accepted. But only with the advent of own child, young parents begin to wonder how much it really helps to protect the child from terrible and not very terrible diseases? Or maybe the vaccine will harm my baby? And parents begin to scour in search of reliable information.

But in their search they stumble upon a two-sided opinion: some argue that vaccinations are simply necessary, while others, on the contrary, fiercely defend the opinion that they are harmful. I believe that everyone has their own truth in this matter and in any case, only you, dear parents, can make a decision. Because you bear the main responsibility for your child, and not an aunt from the clinic who calls for vaccinations or a neighbor who discourages vaccinations.

Do I need to be vaccinated - opinion "For"

We are not immune from epidemic outbreaks. A few decades ago, people didn’t even think of giving up vaccinations, because the vaccine protected people from really dangerous walking viruses and the risk of getting sick was very high. Now, partly thanks to vaccination, there are no such dangerous outbreaks of the epidemic. And now we have become accustomed to consider ourselves protected from diseases, so we can neglect the importance of vaccinations. But dangerous viruses may lurk very close: for example, your good friend recently went to Africa, or an ordinary passer-by brought some kind of terrible disease. Or maybe you, due to unforeseen circumstances, had to move to the area where the TB dispensary is located. Yes, and our sandboxes in the yards, for sure you have seen more than once how homeless dogs and cats go to the toilet there, and after that small children play there, and some even taste the sand.

What is the purpose of vaccination

The vaccination done does not protect the baby by 100% from infectious diseases, but significantly reduces the risk of these diseases in children under one year old. And this should not be underestimated: younger child the weaker his immune system. And even if the baby gets sick, the previously vaccinated will help the disease go more quickly. mild form, excluding severe consequences after her. And large-scale vaccination (92% of the total population in the country) helps to avoid large, national epidemics.

It is believed that breastfed babies are protected from almost all diseases. This is true only in part: of course, the overall immunity of a breastfed baby is much higher. But it is impossible to reliably say in what quantity antibodies are transmitted to the child with mother's milk. Therefore, there is no guarantee that such a child will not get sick. dangerous disease.

Do I need to be vaccinated - the opinion "against"

After digging around on the Internet, I found a more or less authoritative opponent of Dr. Kotok's vaccinations. He is opposed to total vaccination. With information not available to the public and a variety of literature, Kotok makes the following arguments in favor of a life without vaccinations:

1. From the point of view of complications after vaccination, vaccinations carry a great danger.

2. In our country, a baby gets too many vaccinations.

3. Modern vaccinations do not justify the hopes of protection placed on them.

4. The danger of the diseases we are vaccinated against is too exaggerated.

Here are some examples he gives:

1. DPT vaccine(diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough). Its anatoxins are sorbed on aluminum hydroxide. This vaccine contains

formaldehyde. Almost all vaccines, except Tetrakok, use the preservative merthiolate, an organic salt of mercury. All the substances written above are very toxic, and for children it is doubly so. In addition, the dose of diphtheria toxoid in the administered vaccine is not standard (it cannot be standardized). And it varies even in the release of one series from one manufacturer. This robbery is quite dangerous.

2. Based on Russian vaccination calendar, a child in the first year and a half should receive nine different vaccinations. And the first generally almost immediately after birth (in the first 12 hours of life). Therefore, it turns out that the child, at least from his first 18 months of life, legal grounds must be in the "post-vaccination period" - this means not being completely healthy. Moreover, any vaccine depresses the child's immunity for a period of 4.5 or 6 months.

3. In 1990, 80% of people who fell ill with diphtheria had been vaccinated more than once before, and this did not prevent them from getting sick. A significant percentage of vaccinated children and adults do not develop immunity at all. There is data from 1994 that a year after vaccination, 20.1% turned out to be “unprotected”, two years later - 35.5%, three years later - 80.1%. Such statistics indirectly confirm the fact: Having transferred the disease to diphtheria, one cannot guarantee lifelong immunity from it. And even more so, vaccination cannot guarantee this.

4. Hepatitis B disease is a viral infection that affects the liver. It is transmitted through blood or other body fluids. Through dirty hands or through mother's milk - it is not transmitted. It is mainly a disease of drug addicts, prostitutes or patients who receive blood transfusions. Studies have shown that among newborns from 402 mothers of carriers of the virus, only 15 newborns were infected. Moreover, the risk factors were premature birth. Moved once Hepatitis B disease, gives persistent or even lifelong immunity. At least 80% of adults, and in children this percentage is even higher, are completely cured of this disease without consequences.

Today, independent experts recommend that parents become familiar with vaccines and their effects. And then decide whether you need vaccinations. Also, don't forget about simple rules hygiene, proper nutrition This will help build stronger immunity.

Today every young or future mom asks the question: “Should my child be vaccinated or is it better to refuse them?” The Internet is full of information on this issue, and the answers to it are sharply opposite. How to figure out who is right?

Some are in favor of compulsory vaccination of all children, others are against all vaccines and interventions in the development of the child's own immunity. Those who speak against give terrible examples of the complications that have come after vaccinations. Those who are “for” scare unvaccinated babies with terrible cases of diseases.

Before preventive vaccinations in childhood were mandatory, and no one thought about whether they should be done or not. Everyone was sure of their necessity and that they would protect the child from serious and serious illnesses. Today there is such a choice, but before blindly believing doctors who insist on the need for vaccination, or a friend / neighbor whose daughter of a second cousin's friend allegedly received some complications after vaccination, you need to impartially understand all the pros and cons .

Before deciding whether to vaccinate a child or refuse them, you need to figure out what is "immunity" and how does it work?

Immunity is protective function organism, allowing to get rid of all alien microbes and viruses coming from outside.

Immunity is innate and adaptive. Congenital is inherited from parents and is formed in the womb. It provides immunity of the body to certain viruses. That is why some people, for example, never got chickenpox, even after contact with the sick. In this case, resistance to viruses can be absolute or relative. In the first case, a person cannot become infected under any circumstances, and in the second case, infection can occur if the body is weakened.

Adaptive immunity is not inherited, but is formed throughout life. The immune system learns to protect the body from certain viruses.

After the virus enters the body, it is recognized by the immune mechanism, its weak spots and antibody production begins. They multiply rapidly and defeat the virus. Several of these antibodies remain in the body until the end of life. These are the so-called "memory cells". If this virus enters the body again, antibodies will instantly multiply and destroy the virus. The person does not get sick again. However, if the body is weakened, then there is a possibility of getting sick, but in a mild form.

One of the main arguments of opponents of vaccinations is the statement that a child has immunity from birth, and chemical intervention (vaccination) destroys it. They are partly right, there is indeed innate immunity. However, vaccination is just the same aimed at the formation of adaptive immunity, and does not affect innate immunity. Having understood the principle of the immune system, you can safely cross out this argument.

How do vaccinations work?

Vaccinations are either live or inactivated. In the first case, a weakened live virus is introduced into the body. They are administered subcutaneously or as drops orally or intranasally. An example of such vaccinations are: BCG, chickenpox and smallpox, measles, rubella, mumps. With inactivated vaccination, already destroyed viruses are introduced into the body.

Once in the body, a weakened or destroyed virus is immediately determined immune system and antibody production begins. As a result, memory cells are formed, which in the future do not allow us to get sick.

Complications after vaccinations

Unfortunately, complications after vaccinations are possible, therefore it is recommended to prepare especially carefully for vaccination.

After the introduction inactivated vaccines complications are almost impossible, since the virus has already been destroyed and cannot cause diseases.

In the case of live vaccines, you need to be very careful. The bottom line is that after its introduction, the child suffers the disease only in a very mild form. This allows in the future to avoid a severe course of diseases that can lead to dire consequences. For example, having been ill with mumps, boys often become infertile. But there is no need to be afraid of this and immediately run to get vaccinated.

It is important to prepare properly. If the child has just had SARS or some gastrointestinal diseases, then under no circumstances should live vaccination. It is necessary to postpone the vaccination until complete recovery and recovery.

If there were any problems during childbirth, and the child was born weak, then it is better to refuse live vaccines altogether. You can replace them with inactivated ones. Healthy children can safely be given live vaccinations, as they are several times more effective in protecting the body.

Immunization schedule for children under 1 year old

Age Graft
1st day Hepatitis B - 1st vaccination
1st week BCG (for tuberculosis)
1st month Hepatitis B - 2nd vaccination (revaccination)
2 months Hepatitis B (for children at risk) - 3rd vaccination (revaccination)
3 months

DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough) - 1st vaccination

Poliomyelitis - 1st vaccination

Pneumococcus - 1st vaccination

4 months

DTP (diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough) -2nd vaccination (revaccination)

Poliomyelitis - 2nd vaccination (booster)

Pneumococcus - 2nd vaccination (revaccination)

Hemophilia (for children at risk) - 1st vaccination

6 months

DTP - 3rd vaccination (revaccination)

Poliomyelitis - 3rd vaccination (booster)

Hepatitis B - 3rd vaccination (revaccination)

Hemophilia (for children at risk) - 2nd vaccination (booster)

12 months Rubella, measles, mumps vaccination

Do I need to strictly follow the vaccination schedule?

People who advocate mandatory vaccinations, and some doctors talk about the need to strictly adhere to the vaccination schedule. Do not blindly follow the schedule.

All vaccinations can be administered only to absolutely healthy children. After a cold or other illness, enough time must pass for the body to fully recover. If your pediatrician insists on a vaccination immediately after an illness, you have the right to refuse or reschedule it. Be sure to consult with another doctor if you are not sure that the vaccine should be done right now.

With regard to revaccinations, things are quite different. It is very important to observe a clearly defined time between re-vaccinations. Otherwise, the vaccine may be completely useless.

If your child is sick and it's time for a revaccination, consult with several specialists. In every specific case is the most correct and safe way re-introduce the vaccine while maintaining its maximum effectiveness. However, only a doctor can advise you on this. Do not make hasty decisions, because your baby's health is at stake.

Why do you need to get vaccinated?

Many adversaries compulsory vaccination children are told that it is better to have many infections in childhood (rubella, chickenpox, measles), when they are much easier to carry.

Yes, indeed, such diseases are much easier to tolerate in childhood, the forms of the disease in adults are more severe. But, imagine the situation: you did not vaccinate a child against rubella, and he got sick just when you are expecting a second child. What then? For pregnant women, rubella threatens with miscarriage or serious fetal developmental disorders.

So the answer is that such vaccinations are given to children mainly to protect adults.

Vaccinations against whooping cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis, and tuberculosis protect children from dangerous and serious infections, for which there are no preventive drugs. And vaccination is the only way to protect the baby.

It is also worth noting that vaccinations do not give a 100% guarantee that the child will never get sick, but it is guaranteed to allow you to transfer the disease in a mild form. In addition, the active defense of the body after some vaccinations, such as whooping cough, decreases with age. However, whooping cough is dangerous to get sick precisely at the age of 4 years, when the disease can threaten the baby with pneumonia and rupture blood vessels. To protect against such terrible consequences and the vaccine is given.

Another important argument of ardent opponents of vaccination: "After a flu shot, you always get sick, so vaccinations are only harmful." Unfortunately, in many educational and government institutions, influenza vaccination is carried out already in the midst of an epidemic. At this time, vaccinations, of course, are not worth it. The body needs time (about 3-4 weeks) to develop antibodies and fight the virus introduced with the vaccine. It makes sense to do such vaccinations in early September, and not in October, when everyone around is already sick.

Video of Dr. Komarovsky: Myths about vaccination

Summing up

Certainly, vaccinations protect our children and us from severe and serious illnesses, as well as possible complications after the illness. However, do not mindlessly follow the vaccination schedule. It is important to vaccinate only a healthy child. If the child was born weak or has some congenital health problems, consult several specialists about vaccinations. In this case, it is better to refuse the introduction of live vaccines.

Every young mother should answer the question of whether it is necessary to make mandatory vaccinations for a child or whether it is worth refusing to vaccinate. Approach this issue with all responsibility, since the health and future of the baby depends on your decision.