The size is just for disabled people of the 3rd group. What is the amount of the disability allowance?

Those citizens who, due to their state of health, can no longer work in their profession, but are able to perform another, more simple job either work in their original specialty, but in a lighter mode, belong to III group disability.

Consider what is the disability pension of group 3 in 2019.

Pension for the third group of disability

Regardless of which group is assigned based on the results of the ITU, only one of two social security options can be chosen:

Social disability pension of the 3rd group + UDV = disability pension, or Labor pension + UDV = disability pension, where UDV is a monthly cash payment.

The right to be a recipient social pension have permanent residents Russian Federation, including minors (FZ No. 166 of December 15, 2001).

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The size of the pension for disabled people of the 3rd group in 2019

The size of the social pension for disability of the 3rd group in 2019 is 4403.24 rubles / month, including for minors.

How much is paid for the third group of disability according to labor pension, calculated by a special formula, taking into account the length of service.

The basic (minimum) sizes of the labor pension are also fixed:

  • 2667.10 rubles / month - lonely;
  • 4445.16 rubles RUB/month - with 1 dependent;
  • 6223.22 rubles / month - with 2 dependents;
  • 8001.28 rubles / month - with 3 dependents.
The total amount of the 3rd group disability pension in 2019 takes into account not only the need for benefits, but also marital status.

Algorithm and formula for calculating pension payments

If the recipient expects only to receive a social pension or a minimum wage, then the total amount is known in advance with great accuracy, since the amount of the UDV is a fixed value.

The calculation will need to be performed in the case when there is experience and it is necessary to take it into account to determine the amount of a labor pension that differs from the minimum (base) value.

You can find out how much disabled people of 3 groups are paid using a special formula.

Attention! How much a disabled person of group 3 should receive in each case must be found out in the FIU.

To calculate the disability pension, taking into account the length of service, the formula looks like this:

TPPI \u003d PC / (T x K) + B, where

  • PC - the amount of pension capital accounted for in the Pension Fund, determined on the date from which the disability pension will be transferred in the future
  • T is a fixed value of the estimated time of payment of the old-age labor pension (in 2019, T = 252 months);
  • K - the proportion between the standard length of the insurance period on the date of the pension to 180 months. At the age of 19, the standard length of service is 12 months, after which 4 months are added per year. The total amount cannot be more than 180, that is, K< 1 или К=1;
  • B - the basic size of the disability pension of the 3rd group.

You can find out how much they pay for disability group 3 (working) at the FIU.

Monthly cash payments

EDV is the monetary equivalent of various social benefits, their material expression (surcharge for disability group 3).

The benefits include:

  1. Free prescription drugs (or 50% off).
  2. Free travel on public and suburban transport.
  3. Free Spa treatment.

The disabled person has the right to decide and inform in Pension Fund what payments, due to a disabled person 3 groups, and in what form he wants to receive (in kind, or in the form of EFA).

Rejection of a set of social services

You can refuse completely from the social package, or from some part of it, while recalculating the amount of EDV, which will be accrued to the disabled person after receiving his application.

To get an EDV, you must:

  1. Refuse some component of the social package.
  2. Submit a relevant application to the FIU before October 1 of the current year.
In the future, you can refuse the EDV and receive the social package again. To do this, you will need to submit a new application to the FIU.

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EDV size

As of 02/01/2019, the total amount of the unified income amounted to 2162.67 rubles. As part of the EDV, 1,121.42 rubles were allocated for the payment of the social package, including.

People with disabilities in Russia are entitled to monthly cash payments, briefly called EDV. Their size depends on the group of disability and social position person, so in each specific case The amounts paid out can vary significantly.

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And the question of how to get EDV for disabled people of group 2 in 2019 is quite popular and is mandatory for those who are not yet familiar with the procedure for applying for benefits.

General aspects

First of all, you need to understand that only persons who can document their presence, that is, those who have passed a medical examination and received a group, are charged.

EFA has been in existence since 2005 and helps people with handicapped survive in an underdeveloped labor market for them and low level social security.

But since 2019, there has been a cessation of working pensioners.

Therefore, you should understand the procedure for obtaining such payments, as well as the laws that protect citizens with limited legal capacity.

What it is

EVD is a monthly cash payment that can be received by separate categories citizens.

It exists both in the form of a material payment, and in the form of a set for the disabled.

You can receive this payment:

  • military operations;
  • people with disabilities and disabled from birth;
  • citizens who have passed concentration camps being underage;
  • victims of the Chernobyl accident;
  • heroes and holders of orders of labor and glory.

You can apply for a similar payment for a third child who was born after 2012 and lives in a region with a difficult demographic situation.

Where to go for information

In order to get comprehensive information about obtaining such a benefit, you should contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

In the territorial office of this public institution will help:

  • determine the possibility of receiving payment - grounds for registration;
  • write an application for registration of the EDV;
  • collect the necessary documents.

But you need to understand that all stages of the procedure will take place only in the branch of the PFR, which is attached to the place of permanent residence of the disabled person.

Legal grounds

The main legislative act in this area is the federal law.

The procedure for receiving payments

This type of benefit will be assigned based on the period for which the right to receive payment is assigned.

But the beginning of the payment countdown is the day of applying for it. Before the right to such assistance arises, a disabled person cannot apply for its registration.

The day of application is the day when the Pension Fund of Russia received all the necessary documents for processing a person's data. In this case, the moment of submission of the last required document is considered.

For each of the recipients of such assistance, the PFR opens a separate personal account. If a pensioner is already registered with this branch of the Pension Fund, then he does not need to open another account - payments for the UDV will go to the existing one, but in a separate section.

In the event that an incompetent citizen or a minor applied to the FIU, a representative of this person is entered in the recipient's personal account.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, payments for the UDV, which were accrued and not withdrawn from the account, in the event of the death of a citizen, can be inherited.

What is included in the EDV for a disabled person of group 2

First of all, EDV is a cash aid.

In addition to the basic amount, the disabled person is entitled to additional services:

A disabled person may refuse to receive these services and receive compensation in cash. To do this, write an appropriate application and submit it to the FIU before October 1.

In this case, you can refuse not all services, but one or more. Benefits can be waived once and will only be recalculated after a return application is submitted.

It should be noted that starting from February 1, 2019, a new cost of all social services for disabled people of the second group. It is 1048.97 rubles per month.

Design algorithm

To apply for a UDV, you should contact the Pension Fund of Russia and take the following actions:

  • apply for the appropriate payment;
  • provide a complete package of documents;
  • get paid into your retirement account.

This algorithm has several nuances. So, it is necessary to understand that pensioners are provided with an appeal to their branch of the PFR.

And in most cases, you need to go to the fund that is located at the place of residence. For those disabled people who are in a sanatorium institution on a permanent basis, an appeal is provided to the Pension Fund, which is attached to this institution.

Required documents

The main document in the preparation of the EDV is the application. It should be filled out carefully and ensure that all data is correct. Otherwise, you may get rejected.

This document leaves the following set of information:

In the text of the application itself, it is also worth indicating that the person undertakes to report to the FIU about his change of residence.

Third parties may also submit such an application. But in order for the Pension Fund to accept a document, you need to issue a power of attorney certified by a notary.

To the application for receiving EDV two documents must be attached:

  • passport;
  • certificate of disability.

In this case, you will need to provide photocopies of documents. There is no need to bring the originals of these papers to the Pension Fund.

All documents must be submitted by October 1st. It is from this moment that the FIU will begin accruing amounts for UDV.

How the amount is calculated

The calculation of the amount for the monthly cash payment is based on several factors. Thus, it must be understood that the determination of the amount of the payment is based on which category of disability the user belongs to.

The highest payout is 5,000 rubles. And the smallest is 600 rubles.

It affects the amount of the payment and the laws under which a disabled person has the right to receive a EDV:

The exception in this case will be those who received the radiation dose at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. For them, the establishment of payments is provided for on two grounds for the UDV.

The payment is also summed up for those who received the status of Hero of the USSR, Hero of the Russian Federation and full cavalier of the Order of Glory, Hero of the ST, Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation and holders of the Order of the Customs Union. In 2019, accruals are indexed starting from February 1.

Can I opt out of this service?

The legislation provides for the refusal of such a service. To issue this procedure, you should write an appropriate application and submit it to the Pension Fund of Russia.

There is no need to re-apply every year. One statement is enough. If a disabled person wants to return the payment, he will need to re-apply to the FIU and draw up the necessary documents.

Is it possible to increase the payment

An increase in payments for UDV is possible.

This happens due to several factors:

Only these two methods allow you to influence the amount of the payment. Plus, at the stage of registration, some citizens have the opportunity to choose one of several grounds for obtaining a EVD.

During this process and it is worth determining the most profitable and profitable option receiving Money.

Advantages and disadvantages

This social assistance has both positive and negative aspects. Everyone who wants to make a payment should know them. Since this will help to identify all the weak and strong points of the program.

How is the temporary disability benefit calculated in 2019 (sample),.

The definition of "disabled" is enshrined in law. According to Art. 1 of the Law “On the Social Protection of the Disabled” (hereinafter referred to as the Law), such persons are recognized as those whose state of health has led to a limitation of life and caused the need social protection from the side of the state. Consider what measures are being taken for this in our country and whether the annual payment to the disabled will be increased in the near future.

General information

The state guarantees its citizens who, due to disability, have lost in whole or in part the ability to work and provide for themselves, a system of support measures of a legal, economic and social nature.

Their goal is to create equal opportunities for all citizens to participate in public life(Article 2 of the Law). All social protection measures can be divided into two large groups:

  • material support;
  • free provision of social services.


In 2004, significant changes were made to the legislation on measures to support the disabled. In particular, it was decided to replace part of the social services provided in this category with cash payments - the so-called "monetization of benefits".

Each beneficiary has the right to decide for himself what kind of assistance he needs. He has the right to completely refuse services, leaving only a cash payment or receive all measures social support guaranteed by the state.

To make a decision about necessary assistance on the next year, the deadline is set to October 1 of the current year. After that, it will be impossible to change the procedure for receiving payments and social services.

What is their role

The material security guaranteed to persons with disabilities by law includes various monetary payments, including pensions, benefits, insurance payments FSS for incapacity for work, compensation for harm caused to health, various compensations (Article 27 of the Law).

If the disability group assigned by the ITU allows you to work, then for such an employee special conditions- reduced shift duration and extended vacation, but with full pay for their work (Article 23 of the Law).

In addition to money, the disabled are provided at the expense of the state with the necessary means of rehabilitation, technical and mechanical devices necessary for successful adaptation to normal life in society (Article 28 of the law).

Also, the list of social services includes the provision of necessary medicines, preferential travel in transport and the provision of sanatorium treatment. This set of services can be received in kind or in the form of a monthly cash payment.

Legal framework

The legislative basis for the social protection of persons with disabilities is Art. 39 of the Constitution. Its declarative provisions are disclosed in the law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ (Article 3 of the Law). Last changes in that normative act were introduced in June 2017 and will come into force from the beginning of 2018.

The mechanisms for implementing the guarantees provided for by the Law are disclosed in by-laws:

  1. Decrees of the President, for example, “On measures to create an accessible environment”;
  2. Government Decrees;
  3. Orders of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, etc.

Features of obtaining

Payments are due to all citizens who have been assigned a disability group or the category "disabled child". The territorial body of the Pension Fund is responsible for their timely receipt.

There may be several grounds for accruing UDV to a citizen, but he will be able to receive funds only for one of them at his own choice (Article 28.1 of the Law). An exception is made only for the liquidators of man-made disasters in Chernobyl and Semipalatinsk. They are entitled to receive compensation payments and social Security disability at the same time.

What is included in the monthly cash payment for the disabled

People with disabilities receive from the state the following types payments:

The size of the UDV depends not only on the disability group, but also on the set of social services that a citizen agrees to use. Social security services included in the UDV package are represented by free travel on railway transport, provision of medicines and preferential vouchers to health resorts.

While maintaining the entire range of social assistance, the amount of the CU in 2017 was for the disabled:

1 group $2489.55
2 groups $1478.09
3 groups $973.97

The order of social payments (1, 2, 3 groups, disabled children)

The procedure for making payments of the EDV, provided for by the Law, is described in the Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 35n dated 01/22/2015. Citizens who were first diagnosed with a degree of disability or parents of disabled children apply to the Pension Fund.

At the same time served with:

  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • ITU certificate on the establishment of a certain degree of disability (1,2 or 3) or the status of a child with a disability.

Documents must be submitted to the territorial office at the place of permanent registration (registration). In its absence - at the place of actual location of the disabled person. If a citizen is already receiving a pension, then the registration of the UDV takes place at the branch of the PFR where his pension file is already located.

Disabled persons permanently residing in institutions social service(boarding houses), apply to the Pension Fund at the location of the institution. In 2017, there is a simplified procedure for children with disabilities.

After they reach the age of majority, there is no need to re-apply to the FIU for reassignment of the EDV on a new basis. Whether there will be payments, mothers of disabled adults do not need to worry. They are assigned automatically, the day after the 18th birthday.

Provision of services

The monthly payment assigned to disabled people is also spent on providing them with various social services. Depending on which of them a citizen uses, the amount of his monthly payment changes.

To expand the range of services for the next year, or vice versa, to refuse them partially or completely, a disabled person can once a year by submitting an application to the FIU before October 1. The chosen procedure for receiving funds and social services will take effect from January next year.

To provide medicines (in exchange)

Apart from medicines, persons and disabilities free provision and others medical devices necessary for treatment or rehabilitation. For disabled children, the free social package also includes specialized meals. All appointments are made by a doctor or paramedic.

Medicines and other products or treated products are dispensed only on the basis of a prescription. To obtain it, you should contact the clinic or go to another medical institution. The pharmacy where the prescription is submitted may offer substitutions for certain drugs if they are temporarily out of stock.

Obtaining tickets to the sanatorium

Free vouchers for sanatorium treatment once a year are provided to all disabled people, regardless of the disability group. But the terms of free rest will be different:

Vouchers and courses (only treatment, without accommodation and food) are not allocated to all sanatorium-resort institutions, but only to those that are on the social security list. An application for the provision of rest and treatment services must be submitted no later than December 1 of the current year. The voucher is issued to a citizen with a special mark on payment at the expense of the state.

For transport service

Persons with any disability group are entitled to free use of suburban by rail. Free travel on trains is possible after presentation at the box office required documents and getting a ticket. Following to the place of the sanatorium or inpatient treatment on any mode of transport (train, bus, plane, etc.) for the disabled is also paid by the state.

In the housing sector (acquisition of housing)

For the disabled, in addition to pensions and benefits, housing subsidies are also provided. They can be spent on improving living conditions by purchasing housing. It is provided in the order of priority determined by local governments. In addition, a subsidy is being issued to pay utility bills to prevent the appearance of debts to pensioners, the disabled and simply poor citizens.

After how many days do they receive compensation in the Social Security

10 days are given for consideration of the application. After their expiration, a decision must be made on the appointment of the UDV or on the refusal to pay. The allowance is accrued from the date of application for it, that is, from the date of application. UDV is paid simultaneously with the pension and is delivered by the same organization. Go, it is transferred to the Sberbank card, if this particular method of receiving a pension was chosen.

A single cash payment with the right to choose a set of services included in the social security of persons with disabilities makes it possible to receive the package of assistance that is necessary and convenient for a citizen in this moment. In return for unused services, he receives a certain sum of money which he has the right to dispose of at will.

Video: retirement benefits

In this article, we will take a detailed look at everything that is somehow connected with pensions for disabled people of the 3rd category: the procedure for calculating payments, their components, the right to additional payments, allowances and benefits, as well as the size of these in 2017. Let's start with the legislative acts regulating the receipt of disability and, accordingly, pensions for it in our state.

Under the law

Before establishing the size of the pension for a disabled person of group 3, we list the main legislative acts that allow us to classify a citizen in this category and make him eligible to receive the payments due:

  • Order No. 95 of the Government of the Russian Federation: a clear statement of the conditions that must be met in order to obtain a disability.
  • Order No. 17 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development: description of the conditions allowing for the medical examination procedure necessary to obtain a disability category.
  • Decree No. 317 of the Ministry of Health: the regulations and terms of this medical examination.
  • Decree No. 1 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development: list medical clinics who have the right to conduct a medical examination procedure for obtaining a disability.
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation, which grants the right to every disabled person to receive financial and social assistance from the state.
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation, listing all the benefits available to people with disabilities.

Who is disabled category 3

A citizen who has certain health problems that entail various physical limitations and the subsequent loss of a job can count on the minimum pension for a disabled person of group 3. A person with a disability of the third group:

  • Has the ability to serve himself alone, without resorting to the help of outsiders (subject to the use of special aids).
  • It may well move independently, but the speed of its walking and the distance that it overcomes without rest is much lower and less than for a relatively healthy person.
  • Needs extra rest during the learning process, special treatment, the use of special equipment.
  • During labor activity needs to reduce the proportion of physical activity.

Types of pensions for disabled people of the 3rd category

The size of the pension for a disabled person of the third group is a value that consists of three components:

  • social;
  • insurance (labor);
  • state pension.

In our country, indexation (an increase depending on annual inflation) of disabled people's pensions is traditionally carried out at the beginning of the year. Its value is 1-6 percent. Now let's look at how overall size pensions this year, and each of the presented elements in more detail.

The amount of the pension for a disabled person of the 3rd group in 2017

For ease of perception, we will present information on pensions in the form of a table.

For a disabled child of the 3rd group, the pension amounted to 14,609.12 rubles in the current year (including the unified income).

The last indexation of social pensions took place in April 2017. As a result, payments increased by 1.5%, i.e., by approximately 129 rubles. One-time cash payments increased by 5.4%.

Features of social pension

In Russia, the size of the pension for a disabled person of the 3rd group related to does not depend on his seniority. The Government of the Russian Federation establishes its single fixed amount for all disabled people of this category in the territory of the state.

The disadvantages of the social pension, as you can see for yourself from the previous paragraph, is its small size.

Insurance (labor) pension

Since a disabled person of the third group is not prohibited from working, his seniority and earned points in the Pension Fund significantly affect the value of the labor part pension payments. In addition to the base coefficient, the latter also depends on the category of disability.

A good value of the insurance part is provided by at least 20 years of official work experience. All citizens can count on the minimum labor pension for a disabled person of the 3rd group (2402.56 rubles for 2017).

State pension

The calculation of this type of pension depends on the economic situation in the state and annual inflation. In the very general case such a pension for a disabled person of the 3rd group is calculated by the formula: the amount of the social pension multiplied by 100%.

Features of calculating a pension

  • Non-working disabled people in this category generally do not receive any supplements. There are no peculiarities in the calculation of their pensions.
  • The amount of the pension for a disabled person from childhood of the 3rd group is fixed and is not subject to recalculation. It can only be increased by annual reindexing.
  • For working disabled people, the amount of the pension is automatically recalculated annually. It is influenced by two factors - the amount of the official salary of a disabled person and the amount of contributions to the Pension Fund, redirected by his employer. With an increase in wages, they are not entitled to reduce the pension, but if the salary has decreased or remained at the level of the previous year, the amount of pension payments may increase.

Allowances for disabled people of the 3rd category

Everyone with a category 3 disability is entitled to receive a monthly allowance of about 1,000 rubles. Please note that it is available only to officially non-working disabled people - when applying, you need to show your work book. To receive this benefit, you must apply to the FIU with the appropriate application.

Since a disabled person of the 3rd category can take care of himself, he is not entitled to allowances for caring for him. However, a person who takes care of such a citizen during the illness of the latter is eligible to receive temporary loss of employment benefits. The allowance is calculated on the basis of official earnings for the last six months.

Additional cash payments for the disabled

All persons with disabilities, regardless of category, are eligible to receive the cash benefits listed below. The size of the pension for a disabled person of the 3rd group will increase if he meets all the conditions for their calculation:

  • Monthly cash payments (MCD)- replacement of in-kind benefits with cash. From February 1, 2017 it is 2022.94 rubles. for disabled people of the third category. To obtain it, you need to visit the FIU at your place of residence or registration. To apply, you need a passport, SNILS, documents indicating the presence of a disability (certificate of a disabled person, conclusion of a medical expert commission, etc.).
  • A set of social services- EDV component. Includes per month: drugs prescribed by the attending doctor (807.94 rubles): funds for purchasing a ticket to a sanatorium corresponding to the doctor's recommendations (124.99 rubles); free travel to the place of treatment and back (116.04 rubles). In order to cancel the NCU and receive an equal monetary reward, it is necessary to apply with a corresponding application to the FIU - it is submitted once, it is not required to renew it every year. The equivalent of the NSU from February 1, 2017 - 1048.97 rubles.
  • Add. monthly material support (DEMO). 1000 rub. is provided to disabled people of the 3rd category who are participants in the Second World War; disabled due to an injury received during military service; former prisoners-children (under 18) of concentration camps. 500 rub. receive military personnel of the units of the army that did not participate in the battles, listed in them during the Second World War; widows of WWII veterans who died at the front; residents besieged Leningrad; adult prisoners of concentration camps. To receive a payment, all these persons should contact the FIU with a corresponding application.
  • Federal social allowance (FSD) is accrued to non-working disabled people of the 3rd category, whose total monthly income is below the established regional subsistence level. The calculation takes into account both the pension itself, the CED, DEMO, NSU, as well as benefits for travel, payment utilities and use telephone connection. To receive the FSD, you need to appear at the FIU with a corresponding application, photocopies of the pages of your passport and work book.

Benefits for the disabled of the third category

Since the size of the social pension for disabled people of the 3rd group is small, they are also entitled to a number of benefits:

  • For people with disabilities since childhood - exemption from property tax of individuals.
  • For those disabled since childhood - exemption from the fee for issuing a housing order.
  • For people with disabilities since childhood - exemption from the registration fee for individuals starting a business.
  • Exemption from tax for a car with a capacity of less than 100 hp. with. or a specially equipped vehicle.
  • 50% discount on the purchase of medicines prescribed by the attending physician.
  • Preferential sanatorium-resort rehabilitation.
  • Free provision of technical devices necessary for rehabilitation, including prosthetic and orthopedic products.
  • 50% discount on housing, utility bills and, if necessary, the purchase of fuel for home heating.
  • The right to own living space within one room (see the list of diseases required for this, approved by the Government).
  • Getting in the first order of land for individual construction and housekeeping.
  • Creation of appropriate conditions for the disabled person in the workplace.
  • Annual leave of at least 30 calendar days.
  • Provision by the employer without consequences for the disabled worker unpaid leave within 60 calendar days at the request of the latter.
  • Work at night, on weekends, overtime work is possible only with written consent disabled person.
  • Exemption from insurance contributions to funds: CHI, pension, social insurance, employment.
  • Repeated receipt of free vocational education in the direction of the state employment service.
  • Refund of 50% of the sum insured paid under the OSAGO agreement.
  • Citizens who have received a disability as a result of the introduction of a vaccine that has harmed them are entitled to receive monthly compensation within 1000 rubles.
  • For people with disabilities since childhood - a refund per month upon payment of personal income tax.
  • For citizens who received a disability while carrying military service, - a refund of 3,000 rubles per month when paying personal income tax.

Disability of the 3rd category involves not only the payment of a pension to a citizen, consisting of a social, insurance and state part, but also a number of additional payments and exceptional benefits.