What is included in the second group of disabled people, the rules and conditions for obtaining it. What is included in the second group of disabled people, the rules and conditions for its receipt What is a social package for pensioners

The appointment of any disability group in the Russian Federation is possible only if there is an act of medical and social expertise (MSE). Disability category 2 is assigned to disabled people who have certain physical and social limitations, but do not need constant care from other people. Disabled people of the 2nd group have the right to receive social assistance in the form of UDV and NSU. In the article, we will consider the concept of EDV for disabled people of the 2nd group, how to calculate and issue an additional payment.

Social payment for disability

UDV is a monthly cash payment assigned to persons with disabilities. In addition to direct payments, the UDV also includes the NSO - a set of social services in the form of compensation for the cost of medicines, preferential vouchers to a sanatorium, as well as the right to free travel by railway transport. A disabled person can receive NSI both in kind and in cash, while the UDV is paid exclusively in the form of cash.

The right to EFA is granted to persons with disabilities of all groups, including children with disabilities and people with disabilities since childhood. The amount of the payment depends on the group of disability and on the basis for issuing the UA.

EDV sizes for disabled people of the 2nd group in 2019

The amount of payment in the presence of 2 groups of disability depends on the medical and social category of a disabled person.

The basic size of the EDV for disabled people of the 2nd group is 2590.24 rubles. At the same time, the amount of the payment may vary depending on the form in which the citizen receives the NSI:

EDV size at:

full receipt of NSO in kind RUB 1515.05
waiver of free railway travel RUB 1633.99
maintaining the right to health care RUB 1762.10
maintaining the right to health resort services RUB 2462.13
maintaining the right to medical care and free travel RUB 1643.16
maintaining the right to health resort services and free travel RUB 2343.19
Retaining the right to free travel RUB 2471.30

It should be noted that the amount of social payments is annually determined by the government of the Russian Federation and is subject to indexation. The table above shows the amounts of the unified income, taking into account the indexation carried out on February 1, 2018 in the amount of 5.4%.

What is a set of social services

NSU is an additional advantage to the EDV for disabled people of the 2nd group. In particular, persons with disabilities who have issued a UDV automatically acquire the right to an NSS in the form of:

  • Free rest in a sanatorium at least once a year;
  • Free entitlement to certain prescription drugs;
  • Free travel in both directions for spa treatment;
  • Free travel on railway transport of intercity and suburban destination.

Documents for registration of EDV for a disabled person of the 2nd group

When applying for a UDV on the basis of a disability of group 2, a citizen should apply to the FIU at the place of registration with the following documents:

  • passport;
  • application for the appointment of EDV (the form can be downloaded here ⇒ );
  • an extract from the ITU act confirming the assignment of disability of group 2;
  • statement on the choice of payment delivery method (the form can be downloaded here ⇒ ).

When drawing up documents, a citizen should correctly fill out an application indicating the following details:

  • Applicant's initials without abbreviations;
  • Passport data;
  • Actual address of residence and place of registration if they differ;
  • Signature of the applicant and date of preparation of the document;
  • Grounds for the appointment of EDV;
  • Commitment to promptly notify the Pension Fund in the event of a change of residence.

The procedure for issuing a EDV for a disabled person of the 2nd group

In order for a disabled person of group 2 to be assigned a monthly EDV, it is necessary to go through a certain procedure.

Step 1 - If a person has an ITU act, an application for a EDV is submitted to the Pension Fund branch at the place of residence. If the beneficiary already has a pension, then you need to contact the Pension Fund where it was previously issued. If a disabled person of the 2nd group permanently resides in an inpatient medical institution, then the application is submitted to the body that is assigned to such an institution;

Step 2 – This application is submitted for consideration personally along with the accompanying documents. You can also send by letter with notification by mail or through an authorized representative. It is also possible to submit an application electronically on the website of the Pension Fund. You must first register in the "Personal Account";

Step 3 – An authorized employee, within 15 working days, reviews the received papers for completeness and correctness of the data;

Step 4 - After the specified period, the Pension Fund authorities notify the applicant of the assignment of payment to him. In case of denial of the UDV, the arguments for such a decision are given;

Step 5 – The citizen receives the payment one month after the application is submitted.

Features of the design of the EDV

The applicant for the UDV must have a certificate confirming the presence of the 2nd group of disability and express a desire to abandon the NSI in favor of the UDV by an appropriate application. The EDV can be issued for a period of at least one year.

It should be noted that a disabled person of the 2nd group, who is entitled to the NSO, can only refuse certain benefits in favor of additional payments, but not the entire set of services. In this case, the beneficiary will receive an additional payment and use the list of social services necessary for him. It is also possible to reverse the UDV and receive a set of social services again.

After submitting a full package of papers for issuing a EDV, a disabled person of the 2nd group is entitled to accrue this payment from the first day of the month following the month in which documents were submitted to the Pension Fund.

Disabled people of the 2nd degree are a vulnerable group of the population, therefore the state pays them benefits, and also provides various benefits and discounts. But how much do they pay for disability of the second group in 2019? And what will be the EDV for disabled people of the 2nd group in 2019? Below we will find out the answers to these and some other questions.

The size of the EDV for disabled people of the 2nd group from February 1, 2019

Until February 1, 2019: 2590.24 rubles

Allowances and benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group in 2019

How much should a disabled person of the second group receive benefits? The total amount of benefits consists of a certain type of pension, as well as various additional payments and benefits. Pensions and benefits are indexed every year. There are three types of disability pensions:

  • Supplement to the insurance pension. A labor pension is such a pension, which is compiled by deducting certain amounts of money to the Pension Fund. The size of the labor pension directly depends on the length of service, type of work and some other parameters, however, such a pension should not be lower than the fixed labor pension. In 2019, fixed labor is 4.805 rubles per month if a person has no dependents; if there is 1 dependent - 6.406 rubles, 2 dependents - 8.008 rubles, 3 or more dependents - 9.610 rubles.
  • Social pension. If a person has very little experience or no experience at all, then he can be assigned a social pension. The standard social allowance for disabled people of the 2nd group in 2019 is 5.034 rubles per month; if a disabled person of the 2nd group had a violation since childhood, then he is assigned an increased social pension - 10,068 rubles.

If a person belongs to a special group of the population, then the amount of payments to disabled people of group 2 in 2019 will be increased several times:

  • Participants of the Great Patriotic War - 200% of the social pension.
  • Military personnel - 200-250% of the social pension.
  • People affected by man-made disasters - 250% of the social pension.
  • Astronauts - 85% of the salary at the time of retirement due to disability.

Also, disabled people of the 2nd group receive additional payments to their pensions in the form of money, services and goods. The amount of the supplement for disabled people of the 2nd group in 2019 is as follows:

  • Monthly cash payment (). It is paid to all disabled people of the 2nd group and it amounts to 2590.24 rubles per month with a complete rejection of the NSI. If you have not waived the NSO, then the cost of the NSO will be deducted from the EVD.
  • Set of social services (NSO). NSO means the provision of free medicines, free rest in a sanatorium, preferential travel in transport, and so on. NSO can be waived; the money saved in this way will be transferred to the EDV.
  • Additional payments. Various additional federal and regional programs that involve cash payments to people with disabilities fall into this category. Under the DEMO program, you can receive an additional 500 rubles (if you are a participant in the Great Patriotic War or were a prisoner of a concentration camp, then the DEMO will be 1,000 rubles), if the pension is below 4,700 rubles, then under the FSD program you can receive an additional allowance, and so on.


Affects the amount of payment and the laws under which a disabled person is entitled to receive a CFA: Several grounds under one law One with the largest amount of payment is applied Grounds under several laws The payment that the citizen himself chooses is applied The exception in this case will be those who received a radiation dose at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. For them, the establishment of payments is provided for on two grounds for the UDV. The payment is also summed up for those who received the status of Hero of the USSR, Hero of the Russian Federation and full cavalier of the Order of Glory, Hero of the ST, Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation and holders of the Order of the Customs Union. In 2018, accruals are indexed starting from February 1. Is it possible to refuse this service The legislation provides for the refusal of such a service. To complete this procedure, you should write an appropriate application and submit it to the Pension Fund of Russia. There is no need to re-apply every year.

What payments make up just a pensioner for disabled people of group 2

But still, the social package for many pensioners plays an important role. For example, some pensioners have retained the right to such benefits:

It should be noted that starting from February 1, 2018, a new cost of all social services for disabled people of the second group has been established.


Everyone who wants to make a payment should know them. Since this will help to identify all the weak and strong points of the program. Benefits of a monthly cash payment include

  • the possibility of receiving additional assistance every month;
  • high payments for the disabled;
  • there is a possibility of registration of a set of social services

As for the negative points, here it is worth highlighting such

  • the inaccessibility of this payment to certain categories of disabled people - since only those who have such a right in accordance with the adopted legislative acts can apply for it;
  • the impossibility in some cases to combine UDV and NSU, and in other registration options it is necessary to refuse part of the payment

Based on these indicators, you can choose any of the options - depending on which option for the person will be the best.

How to get barely disabled group 2 in 2018


B is the initial amount of the pension. How are social pensions calculated? Social disability pension (Group 2) is assigned for a fixed period, sometimes such a pension can become indefinite. Even if a person does not have a seniority, he is still entitled to social benefits.

It should be noted that a person who is considered disabled can count on one type of pension. Which of them to choose is already the decision of the citizen himself.
What is the size of the pension for group 2 disability? The monthly cash payment is set by the state, taking into account all the nuances. Particular attention is paid to the type of payments. In 2017, the pension for people with the second group of disabilities increased significantly.

Therefore, you should understand the procedure for obtaining such payments, as well as the laws that protect citizens with limited legal capacity. What is UDV - this is a monthly cash payment that certain categories of citizens can receive.

It exists both in the form of material payment and in the form of a set of social services for the disabled. You can receive this payment:

  • combat veterans;
  • people with disabilities and disabled from birth;
  • citizens who went through concentration camps as minors;
  • victims of the Chernobyl accident;
  • heroes and holders of orders of labor and glory.

You can apply for a similar payment for a third child who was born after 2012 and lives in a region with a difficult demographic situation.

Important What is a social package for pensioners? In addition to monthly payments, some pensioners can enjoy additional privileges that are given by the state. Attention Still, the social package for many pensioners plays an important role. For example, some pensioners have retained the right to such benefits:

  1. Possibility to have a rest in a sanatorium once a year.
  2. There is a network of pharmacies that can dispense certain prescription drugs free of charge.
  3. It is possible to travel free of charge in urban and intercity transport.
  4. Special benefits are given in the field of housing and communal services.

How to get barely disabled people of group 2 in 2018 What is a social package for pensioners? In addition to monthly payments, some pensioners can enjoy additional privileges that are given by the state.

Disability pension (group 2). monthly allowance for people with disabilities

Algorithm of registration To obtain a UDV, you should contact the Pension Fund of Russia and perform the following actions:

  • apply for the appropriate payment;
  • provide a complete package of documents;
  • get paid into your retirement account.

This algorithm has several nuances. So, it is necessary to understand that pensioners are provided with an appeal to their branch of the PFR.

And in most cases, you need to go to the fund that is located at the place of residence. For those disabled people who are in a sanatorium institution on a permanent basis, an appeal is provided to the Pension Fund, which is attached to this institution.

Disability pension group 2 in 2018 K - insurance period, which is also considered in months. The duration at the norm of nineteen years is 12 months, but every year it will increase by four months.

Barely disabled in 2018

The amount of the supplement for disabled people of the 2nd group in 2018 is as follows:

  • Monthly cash payment (UDV). It is paid to all disabled people of the 2nd group and it amounts to 2.527 rubles per month with a complete rejection of the NSI.
    If you have not waived the NSO, then the cost of the NSO will be deducted from the EVD.

  • NSO can be waived; the money saved in this way will be transferred to the EDV.

  • Additional payments. Various additional federal and regional programs that involve cash payments to people with disabilities fall into this category.

Benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group

There is no need to re-apply every year. Content:

  • What is included in the second group of disabled people, the rules and conditions for its receipt
  • Monthly cash payments (un)
  • How to get barely disabled group 2 in 2018
  • Barely disabled in 2018

What is included in the second group disabled people, the rules and conditions for its receipt It is paid to all disabled people of the 2nd group and it amounts to 2.527 rubles per month with a complete waiver of the NSI.

  • Set of social services (NSO). NSO means the provision of free medicines, free rest in a sanatorium, preferential travel in transport, and so on.
  • Additional payments.

Various additional federal and regional programs that involve cash payments to people with disabilities fall into this category.
Those who are specified in such legislative acts are considered exceptions to the rules in the issuance of UDV for several points: Categories of disabled people who are related to the effect of these legislative acts are provided for the issuance of UDV for several reasons at once - in this way the payment will be summed up. The list of regions in which it is possible to issue this payment for children is presented in the Order of the Government under the number 2090-r.

Detailed information on the range of social services can be found in Federal Law No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”. All information in it is placed in article 6.2. The procedure for receiving payments This type of benefit will be assigned based on the period for which the right to receive payments is assigned.

But the beginning of the payment countdown is the day of applying for it. Before the right to such assistance arises, a disabled person cannot apply for its execution.
People with disabilities in Russia are entitled to monthly cash payments, briefly called UDV. Their size depends on the group of disability and the social status of a person, therefore, in each case, the amount of the amounts paid may differ significantly.

And the question of how to get a EDV for disabled people of group 2 in 2018 is quite popular and mandatory for those who are not yet familiar with the procedure for applying for benefits. General aspects First of all, you need to understand that UDV is charged only to persons who can document the presence of disability, that is, those who have passed a medical examination and received a group.

The EFA has been in existence since 2005 and helps people with disabilities survive in an underdeveloped labor market for them and a low level of social protection. But since 2018, the EDV has been terminated for working pensioners.

Separately, it is worth noting that henceforth, disability does not need to be confirmed every year, if it was received before 2015, all other citizens with disabilities, and any group are required to undergo an annual confirmation commission. - Veterans of labor will be able to receive a monthly cash payment of up to one (1.0) thousand rubles; - UDV payments for other categories of social benefit recipients will, as before, be calculated individually, taking into account personal characteristics and so on. In conclusion, monthly cash payments, or as they are commonly called UDV, are paid to the recipient on a monthly basis and are directed (called) to compensate for the refusal of a pensioner, veteran or disabled person from state social benefits with a natural material payment. State compensatory assistance is provided to privileged categories of Russian citizens along with their social payments (pensions).

Benefits for disabled people of the 3rd group in 2018

This social payment appeared as a result of the so-called "monetization of benefits", when people were given the right to choose whether to receive benefits in kind or in cash. To receive a monthly cash compensation payment, it is necessary to collect a package of documents, among which should be an application in the prescribed form, a document proving the identity of a pensioner, as well as his pension certificate.
If the total material income of a disabled person does not reach the regional subsistence level, then from February 1, 2018, he will receive a federal social supplement to his pension up to this amount.

Indexation of the unit for disability in 2018 for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3

In the current year, the last recalculation was made, in which the EDV rose by 5.5%. After indexing, you can calculate the exact amount of EDV.

It should be noted that they are different for each disability group, veterans and liquidators of the Chernobyl accident. As mentioned above, payments are made by the pension fund, and if a person cannot receive payments on his own for some reason, then this right can be transferred to a representative for whom a power of attorney can be issued.

Social pension for this category is assigned for the period during which a citizen is recognized as disabled. If the disability is indefinite, then the pension can also be indefinite.

Work experience also does not affect the payment of social pensions. EDV news in 2018.

Benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group

That is why Russian legislation provides for a number of very different benefits in its social orientation, such as free or reduced-price medical care, including medicines, free travel in urban and suburban transport, which somehow make life easier for these people and other. At present, there is no exact information regarding the increase in the EVD for various categories of beneficiaries, including disabled people of any category.

In the state budget, according to experts, there is a shortage of funds. Therefore, the only guaranteed source of increasing the volume of pensions is indexation.

In January, my son, a disabled child of the 2nd group, was not given a EDV. The regional authorities of social protection said that they would pay only when they checked if he had debts for housing and communal services.

Also in Russia there is a courier delivery of social assistance, the services of which can be arranged through the local pension fund, in which case the money for the UDV will be delivered directly to the recipient's home, from hand to hand. Indexation of EDV by disability in 2018 for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3.
UDV to disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 in 2018 What social payments will be, namely, compensatory cash (monthly) payments (UDV) to domestic disabled people of 1, 2 and 3 groups in the future 2018, today it is still not exactly known and unclear, what can be expected of this category of our compatriots, who, by and large, first of all, have the right to count on such material compensation (financial support) from our state.

Sizes for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 in 2018


Will there be a raise or raise? Just like disabled people of the 3rd group, disabled people of the 2nd group receive both insurance and social pensions. We have already talked about the difference in their receipt. Now let's see how much it will be in 2018.

As for the calculation of the insurance pension, it is calculated as follows: TPPI \u003d PC / (T x K) + B, where PC is the amount of the estimated pension capital of a disabled person, which is taken into account from the day when he was assigned a labor disability pension; T is the number of months of the expected period for the payment of an old-age labor pension. If the pension was granted in 2012, then this figure will be 216 months, and starting from 2013 - 228 months; K - the ratio of the standard duration of the insurance period (in months) as of the specified date to 180 months.

So, this very normative duration up to 19 years of age is 12 months.

Pensions for disabled people of group 1, group 2, group 3 in 2018

The fact is that, depending on the degree of a person’s illness, a medical examination requires a re-pass every year. Therefore, if a person's health improves, he can be assigned a disability category lower, higher, or completely canceled.

Thus, following the legislation of the country, a person of the 3rd disability group has the following degree of health in relation to physiological limitations:

  • A disabled person of the 3rd group is able to serve himself independently. He can prepare food without the help of third parties, perform the necessary hygiene procedures.
  • A person can independently move around the city. At the same time, he does not need auxiliary means for this. For example, sticks or crutches.

How to get barely disabled group 2 in 2018

In 2018, there are quite a few amendments to the Budget, which are aimed at increasing cash payments and expanding preferential programs for needy segments of the population. Disabled people of the 3rd group, depending on regional programs, may receive additional payments and benefits.

What they will be - you will find out later in this article. The content of the article:

  • 1. Who is a disabled person of category 3
  • 2. What additional payments and benefits are due to disabled people of group 3 in 2018: latest news
  • 3.

    What will be the payments to disabled people of group 3 in 2018?

  • 4. How is the disability benefit calculated?

Who is a category 3 disabled person?
What will be the payments to disabled people of group 3 in 2018? To correctly calculate what is required, we need a special formula. Everything is simple here: P \u003d PC / (T x K) + B What do the letters mean: T - the number of months that are considered before the start of calculating the old-age pension; PC - the pension capital of a disabled person, which is taken into account; P - the size of the pension according to the 3rd category of disability; K - the ratio of the insurance period to 180 months; B - basic disability pension.


Now let's look at the base values ​​by category: Category The size of the base value for disability group 3 For persons without dependents 1200 rubles. With the maintenance of 1 dependent 2100 rubles. With the maintenance of 2 dependents 3000 rubles.

With the maintenance of 3 dependents 3850 rubles. The amount of monthly cash payments (UDV) for the 3rd disability group in 2018 is planned at the level: 3rd group - 2022.94 rubles.

Barely disabled 2 groups 3 degrees in 2018

Everyone who wants to make a payment should know them. Since this will help to identify all the weak and strong points of the program. Benefits of a monthly cash payment include

  • the possibility of receiving additional assistance every month;
  • high payments for the disabled;
  • there is a possibility of registration of a set of social services

As for the negative points, here it is worth highlighting such

  • the inaccessibility of this payment to certain categories of disabled people - since only those who have such a right in accordance with the adopted legislative acts can apply for it;
  • the impossibility in some cases to combine UDV and NSU, and in other registration options it is necessary to refuse part of the payment

Based on these indicators, you can choose any of the options - depending on which option for the person will be the best.

Barely disabled 2nd group 3rd degree in 2018

People with disabilities in Russia are entitled to monthly cash payments, briefly called UDV. Their size depends on the group of disability and the social status of a person, therefore, in each case, the amount of the amounts paid may differ significantly. And the question of how to get a EDV for disabled people of group 2 in 2018 is quite popular and mandatory for those who are not yet familiar with the procedure for applying for benefits. General aspects First of all, you need to understand that UDV is charged only to persons who can document the presence of disability, that is, those who have passed a medical examination and received a group.

The EFA has been in existence since 2005 and helps people with disabilities survive in an underdeveloped labor market for them and a low level of social protection. But since 2018, the EDV has been terminated for working pensioners.

They have the right to issue monetary compensation instead.

But is it profitable? What is its size?

What is needed to complete it? For what period is it issued?

What it is

The definition of UDV means a monthly surcharge, which is due for people with disabilities in the event that they fully or partially refused the social package of services offered by the state.

The possibility of receiving a UA in exchange for a social package of services is regulated by certain federal laws, among which:

  1. Federal Law No. 122. This bill provides an opportunity for disabled people of the 2nd group to receive a cash supplement instead of the right to use a social package;
  2. Federal Law No. 181. In turn, this bill guarantees social protection for people with disabilities (disabled people).

At the same time, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation is the guarantor of receipt by the state.

Terms of accrual and withdrawal procedure

As such, there are no conditions for issuing a UDV, but at the same time contender for this to must:

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the UDV is issued exclusively for a year, it is impossible for a shorter period. For this reason, a disabled person of the 2nd group is obliged to submit an application and a list of all necessary documentation to the Pension Fund at the place of his residence before October 1. If there are no errors in the application, it is accepted, and from January of the next year the person receives the additional payment due to him.

In the event that, after receiving the EDV, a disabled person of the 2nd group decided to refuse this surcharge, he has all legal grounds abandon it in favor of a set of social services.

The action algorithm completely identical as in the design of the EDV:

  • submit an application for a waiver of the EVU before October 1;
  • enjoy a set of social services in full from January next year.

But, there are some nuances here. It is necessary to take into account the fact that any beneficiary who is entitled to the NSO has the right to refuse only some benefits in favor of additional payments. In this case, the beneficiary will receive both an additional payment and use the social services necessary specifically for him.

What is included in the EDV

First of all, one should pay attention to the fact that only those citizens who have refused a set of social services are entitled to receive the EVD.

The NSO includes services such as:

  • receiving free medicines that were prescribed by the attending physician and indicated in the prescription (without a prescription, it is impossible to receive free medicines) (863 rubles 75 kopecks);
  • free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to the place of treatment and back (124 rubles 05 kopecks);
  • disabled people of the 2nd group are provided at least once a year with a free voucher for sanatorium treatment (133 rubles 62 kopecks).

For example: a disabled person of the 2nd group does not want to go to a sanatorium and resort treatment, respectively, he refuses this service and free tickets, which are provided in parallel with this voucher.

From February 1, 2019, the amount of the monthly cash payment for disabled people of the 2nd group is 2701.62 rubles. This amount includes the cost of a set of social services - 1121.42 rubles.

The order of receipt and registration

Making a monthly cash payment for people with disabilities in this category is quite simple.

Let's consider in more detail.

Where to apply for clearance

In order to be eligible to receive EVD next year, you must apply to the territorial body of the Pension Fund at your place of residence.

It is not uncommon in practice that there are cases when the beneficiary does not have registration. If such a situation arises, you do not urgently need to register yourself, it is enough to contact the Pension Fund, which is located near the place of residence at the actual address.

It is also necessary to take into account some other nuances, namely:

  • if the beneficiary has a pension, one should apply to the Pension Fund, where it was issued earlier;
  • it is not uncommon for people with disabilities of the 2nd group to be at their permanent place of residence in a stationary institution - in this situation, the appeal goes directly to the PF that is assigned to this institution.

Preparatory stage. What documents are needed

It must always be remembered that without statements it is simply impossible to issue a UDV, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to focus on its preparation.

In this document must be specified:

The application must indicate that the applicant undertakes to promptly notify the Pension Fund in the event of a change of residence.

Third parties (friends, close relatives, and so on) can also submit an application with all the necessary documentation. However, in this case, it will be necessary to draw up a notarized power of attorney for this person, otherwise the application will not be accepted.

For this document, attach such documents:

  • a copy of the applicant's passport (group 2 disabled person);
  • a copy of the document that confirms the presence of a disability of group 2.

See the following video about social guarantees and benefits for the disabled in the Russian Federation: