Inexpensive lice shampoos. What are the remedies for pediculosis for children and adults

The disease has been known to people since ancient times. One of the preventive measures has always been shaving the head, common in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and other warm countries.

Lice lay eggs - nits. They stick to human hair with insect saliva. After 10 days, larvae appear from the eggs, which are very similar to sexually mature individuals, only smaller. After a few months, they become sexually mature and begin to breed.

How is pediculosis transmitted? The main route of transmission is contact-household, including through sexual contact, the use of one headgear, comb, bed linen. In children's groups, kids can get infected from each other during games. Recently, there have been cases of infection of adolescents during selfies - joint shooting on the camera of a mobile device, during which participants may involuntarily touch their heads or hair.

In addition, let's say that lice do not jump or fly, but crawl (run across) from one person to another.

Types of disease

  • head lice;
  • body lice;
  • pubic lice.

head lice

Head louse can be transmitted through direct contact between people, as well as through the use of one headgear, hairpins, bows, combs. Most often, girls and girls with long hair get sick. At first, signs of pediculosis are manifested only by the presence of the insects themselves and their eggs. After a few days, their bites lead to skin itching. When combing, the skin is damaged, scratches and crusts appear, and when they are removed, it becomes wet. Increased itching and scratching is observed in impressionable people, "on a nervous basis." Insect saliva causes people who are prone to allergies or have sensitive skin to develop a rash in the form of spots or elevations - papules, and sometimes blisters.

The consequences of pediculosis are as follows: pathogenic bacteria enter the damaged areas of the skin, causing secondary infection of the wounds. Dermatitis develops, can form. The cervical lymph nodes are enlarged. In advanced cases, a tangle is formed on the hair - a glued tuft of tangled hair, which can only be removed by cutting it out. Sleep is disturbed, appetite disappears, emotional disorders appear.

body lice

The female body louse lays a large number of eggs, and by the end of her life, her offspring reaches several thousand individuals. However, without blood supply, lice in clothes die after a few days. This explains the very rapid lice in people when it is impossible to change clothes.

Lice are sensitive to temperature, so they do not live on patients with high fever and the dead, but leave them, crawling onto healthy people and spreading severe infections - typhus and relapsing fever, trench fever. This is how typhus epidemics arose at the beginning of the 20th century during the First World War and the Civil War in Russia.

Symptoms of head lice caused by body lice are skin rashes accompanied by itching. Their appearance on the neck is very characteristic. Chronic pediculosis causes thickening of the skin and its hyperpigmentation, that is, darkening. It is called "tramp disease".


The pubic louse lives on areas of the skin that have hair, most often on the pubis, as well as in the armpits and on the eyelashes. The lesion is accompanied by itchy rashes in the form of papules (elevations). The appearance of spots of blue or blue color is characteristic, since the saliva of pubic lice destroys hemoglobin in the vessels of the skin. The size of such spots is 2-3 mm.

Infection of eyelashes with pubic lice is accompanied by the development of blepharitis - inflammation of the eyelids, their swelling, redness, itching, and purulent discharge.

All types of pediculosis and phthiriasis require urgent measures to eliminate them, because these diseases are very contagious and potentially pose a great danger to human health and life.

Complications of pediculosis - pyoderma, epidemics in children's groups, under adverse social conditions, outbreaks of infectious diseases carried by lice are possible.

1. Pubic pediculosis
2. Characteristic bluish spots


Until today, the main way to diagnose pediculosis is regular examination. The presence of living specimens confirms the diagnosis. If a child has only nits, this is not a sign of the disease and cannot serve as a criterion for excluding him from the team. However, most often, when nits are found, the medical worker of the kindergarten conducting the examination removes such a child from visits to the preschool and sends him to a dermatologist.

At a medical appointment, an additional examination can be carried out using a Wood's lamp, in the rays of which living insects give a white glow, and the shells of nits - gray. With the development of pubic lice on the eyelashes and eyebrows, they can be seen with a slit lamp.

It allows you to accurately verify the presence of live insects or their eggs by examining the hair and the lice themselves under a magnifying glass or even a microscope. Modern diagnostic methods () allow you to take photo and video images of lice under magnification, which confirms the diagnosis.


The fight against pediculosis includes the following areas:

  • mechanical removal of insects, that is, combing;
  • the use of special preparations for the destruction of lice;
  • examination of persons in contact with the sick person and, if necessary, their treatment;
  • disinsection - removal of insects from household items, from clothes, and so on.

You need to know that the treatment of the head with chemicals is contraindicated in pregnant women, young children (with some exceptions), as well as in patients with skin diseases. In such patients, mechanical removal of nits and lice is used - combing with a frequent metal comb, cutting or shaving hair. Nits are tightly glued to the hair, so to make them easier to comb out, you first need to wash your hair using any hair conditioner. It will make the hair smooth and the eggs will separate more easily.

Non-pharmacy methods of treatment of head lice

Treatment of pediculosis at home with the unavailability of pharmacy products is to use the old method - a mixture of soap and kerosene. 10 grams of laundry soap is rubbed on a grater and dissolved well in half a glass of water, an incomplete tablespoon of kerosene is added there. This emulsion is applied to the hair with a cotton swab very gently, protecting the eyes. The head is tightly tied with a plastic scarf and kept for 30 minutes. Then the hair is washed well with shampoo and rinsed with table vinegar, diluted with water 1: 1 and warmed up. The remains of nits are removed with a comb, through the teeth of which cotton wool dipped in the same solution of vinegar is laid. The hair is combed over a large sheet of paper or a piece of oilcloth, then everything is rolled up and burned. You need to understand that kerosene is very toxic. Today, with the availability of many affordable medicines, the use of "folk" recipes for pediculosis should be excluded.

Another, safer "folk" remedy is tar soap. After thorough lathering, the hair should be covered with an oilcloth and kept for 30 minutes, then rinsed with water with the addition of vinegar.

It is necessary to dry-clean or treat hats well. Combs, hairpins must be kept in an insecticide solution. You should wash sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers, towels, furniture covers, vacuum carpets, car seats, mattresses.

How to get rid of head lice caused by head lice

The body and head are washed and completely covered with anti-pediculosis drugs. Clothes and bedding are placed in a drying cabinet for 30 minutes at a temperature of 65 ° C or in a disinfection chamber, where the effects of high temperature and chemicals are combined (steam-formalin chamber). If the treatment of the patient when pediculosis is detected is carried out at home, then the linen is soaked for 30 minutes, completely immersed in water, and then boiled for 20 minutes with the addition of soda ash. Outerwear that cannot be boiled is ironed with a hot iron, paying special attention to the folds and seams.

If for some reason the processing of hats and clothes is not carried out, they must be wrapped in polyethylene and put away in an inaccessible place for 2 weeks, preferably in the cold. You can dry things in the sun during the same time. During this time, the lice will die.

Treatment of phthiriasis

With phthiriasis, conventional remedies for pediculosis are used. If the eyelashes are affected, they are smeared with petroleum jelly for 4 days in a row.

Preparations for the treatment of pediculosis

It is best to use drugs purchased at a pharmacy to kill lice. Most modern drugs contain the following substances:

  • permethrin;
  • pyrethrin;
  • phenothrin;
  • malathion.

Permethrin is part of the Nittifor solution, Nix cream, Medifox emulsion and gel, Para-plus aerosol (combined product), Veda and Veda-2 shampoos, NOK shampoo, Hygia solution. Pyrethrin is a component of the combined Spray-Pax aerosol. Phenotrin is available in the form of Anti-bit liquid soap, Ithax and Parasidosis liquids, Bean and Phenolone lotions, Sumitrin shampoo; malathion - emulsion and gel Pedilin, combined aerosol Para-plus.

A 5% boric ointment is also used. It is usually recommended for treating the skin after shaving the hair, for example, when infested with pubic lice.

Preparations with essential oils are produced: Pediculen-ultra aerosol and Lavinal spray. Some preparations contain clearol oil - Paranit (shampoo, lotion, aerosol), Nyuda aerosol.

Consider some popular remedies for pediculosis.

Cream Nix- an effective medicine that has a detrimental effect on nits, larvae and adults of lice. After application to the skin, it is very slowly absorbed into its surface, where it is metabolized to harmless components. Therefore, Nyx has practically no side effects.

Treatment of the scalp with pediculosis using Nyx cream:

  • wash your hair with shampoo and dry it with a towel;
  • shake the bottle and generously apply the cream on the scalp and hair along their entire length, especially carefully treating the skin behind the ears and on the back of the head;
  • leave for 10 minutes;
  • rinse your hair thoroughly and dry it with a towel;
  • comb through wet hair with the included comb;
  • if necessary, repeat the treatment after a week.

Nyx cream can be used in adults and children from the age of 6 months. It does not harm patients with concomitant disorders of the liver and kidneys. It can be used by a doctor in pregnant women, while breastfeeding and in children under 6 months of age, but only if absolutely necessary.

Undesirable effects of the drug include a temporary violation of the sensitivity of the skin and its irritation, manifested by swelling, burning, redness, the appearance of a skin rash. Allergic reactions are possible. The tool can not be used for intolerance, as well as for dermatitis of the scalp.

After the first application, the cure occurs in more than 90% of patients.

Pair plus- a combined aerosol containing malathion, permethrin and piperonylabutoxide. It is sprayed on the scalp and hair, kept for 10 minutes and washed off with shampoo, after which the hair is combed with a comb. The drug is well tolerated, only sometimes causing a slight tingling of the scalp. However, it is contraindicated in patients with bronchial asthma and children under 2.5 years of age. During pregnancy, it can be used with great care, as directed by a dermatologist.

Cheaper, but almost as effective remedy for head lice is hellebore water. It is available in bottles of 50 and 100 ml. The product is applied to wet hair, the exposure time is half an hour. Then the hair is washed and the lice are combed out. The treatment is repeated in a day, if necessary - a week later. The use of the product is prohibited during breastfeeding. During pregnancy, it can be used with caution.

Speaking in general about the effectiveness of anti-pediculosis drugs, it should be noted that it largely depends on the correct processing. In some cases, the remedy does not help, then the treatment is repeated. The same drug does not need to be used more than 3 times, it is better to replace it with another medicine, for example, with a different active ingredient.

After treatment for lice and examination by a doctor, the child is allowed into the team after 2 days.


Measures to prevent pediculosis:

  • follow the rules of personal hygiene, wash your hair and body regularly (at least twice a week), change bed and underwear;
  • avoid contact with infected, as well as socially disadvantaged people, vagrants, illegal migrants;
  • do not use other people's hats, combs, hairpins, and so on;
  • parents need to regularly examine the head of the child;
  • it is recommended to use special shampoos for children, giving the child's hair smoothness; it is more difficult to attach to the silky hairs of the louse;
  • it should be explained to the child that in kindergarten or school you cannot take other people's hats, combs, bows, and so on;
  • in adolescence, the child should know why pediculosis is dangerous, why it is undesirable to spend the night outside the house, on someone else's bed, borrow things from friends, use their headphones or hats.

Means for prevention: to prevent pediculosis, the use of chemicals is not recommended. If cases of infection are detected in the children's team, then healthy children can rinse their hair with water with the addition of tea tree oil or moisten their comb with it. The use of shampoos and other anti-pediculosis drugs for prevention is recommended only for family members of an infected person.

In conclusion, we say that pediculosis should not be a source of shame, it can be infected by the most ordinary people, just by trying on someone else's baseball cap or accidentally touching their head to someone else's pillow in a student dormitory. If you find yourself with lice - do not waste time panicking and thinking, just go to the pharmacy and purchase one of the anti-pediculosis products. Very soon you will forget about this unpleasant disease.

Lice and nits are a very unpleasant phenomenon that can be encountered even in prosperous clean families. It is characterized by itching of the head, scratching, detection in the hair of actively moving blood-sucking - lice and their eggs - nits. Infection most often occurs in children's groups (gardens, schools, sanatoriums, summer camps), when the guys sleep on the same pillow, use someone else's comb or try on a hat that is not their own. The name of the disease is pediculosis. Where do lice and nits appear on a person’s hair, read.

There are both monocomponent drugs and complex ones. Often the substances used for sanitation from pediculosis are toxic and require careful handling. When purchasing a medicine for lice and nits in a pharmacy, you must carefully study the instructions for the drug. Women can use another way to kill lice - hair dye.

There are special "children's" drugs, which are allowed to be used from the age of 6 months. Usually, shampoo for lice and nits for children has a lower concentration of active ingredient and contains less toxic components.

If the child is allergic and sensitive to the action of chemicals, special combs will help to cope with the scourge.

One comb will last a long time and can be used by all members of the family. How much does it cost and where to buy a lice comb in a pharmacy? An effective AntiV comb costs on average from 1,500 rubles, you can also buy it in online stores. There are cheaper alternatives. Good models are made of medical steel and can be easily disinfected.

The lice medicine for children in the form of a spray has proven itself well. Convenience and speed of application, combined with a pronounced effect - the advantage of such a tool. For children from three years old, pediatricians most often recommend the Nyuda spray. The composition includes: biphasic dimethicone - the active substance and auxiliary ingredients: triglycerides, jojoba wax and fragrances. The kit includes a 50 ml spray bottle and a bright orange comb. This medicine for lice and nits for children is convenient to use, you must:

  • spray on the entire surface of dry hair until the effect of complete moisture;
  • leave for 45 minutes;
  • comb out the head with a comb from the kit;
  • Rinse your hair well with regular shampoo.

This spray medicine for lice and nits has a pleasant unobtrusive smell, the hair after its use becomes obedient and soft. This medicine against lice and nits for children is a real find for caring parents. What needs to be done so that the child does not have lice, read.

Treatment of pediculosis in adults and children with the natural preparation "Lavinal"

Lavinal lice spray often becomes the drug of choice. Reviews describe the experience of successfully treating both children and adults with this drug. Lavinal is a liquid spray with a volume of 80 or 100 ml. The preparation is natural, contains aromatic oils of lavender and ylang-ylang, which makes the application procedure pleasant and soothing. Also, the components of the mixture are auxiliary additives: a water-alcohol solution of mint and a preservative. The safety of the mixture and the absence of side effects make it possible to use it in children from 2 years of age. The kit includes: spray preparation, protective cap, comb-comb, detailed instructions.

Aromatic oils change the surface properties of the glue on which the nits are attached to the hairs, which facilitates their further combing. This medicine has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. The spray gently soothes the places of scratching, relieves itching, promotes rapid regeneration and healing of wounds on the head. Despite the absence of an aggressive chemical component, the spray is 100% effective against lice and nits.


It's great that a remedy for lice and nits for children and adults can be so effective and safe-natural. After using the spray, the hair becomes shiny and easy to comb.

Dosage form in the form of an ointment for the treatment of pediculosis

In the fight against misfortune, dosage forms in the form of an ointment are used, for example, Nittifor cream. This ointment from lice and nits has an orange color, a creamy consistency and a persistent specific smell. The main active ingredient is permethrin.

Mode of application:

To get rid of this scourge, benzyl benzoate ointment is used, which is effective against head and pubic bloodsuckers. It has a white-yellowish color and a pungent odor. The active agent - benzyl benzonate is quite aggressive and is contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 5 years of age. The ointment is rubbed into the head for 1, 3 and 7 days at night, tying a scarf or putting on a protective cap. The head is washed only in the morning and rinsed with a weak solution of vinegar. Lice die within 2 - 5 hours after rubbing the product.

"Paraplus" - a complex medicine against lice and nits has a high therapeutic effect.

The spray is conveniently sprayed on the scalp and washed off after 10 minutes, without requiring a long exposure. After 7 days, another treatment is carried out to ensure that the cause of suffering is eliminated.

When deciding to purchase a drug, many people read reviews on Paraplus from lice, the price of the drug is quite affordable and is about 400 rubles. When purchasing Paraplus from lice for the treatment of pediculosis, the price for one bottle of spray can reach up to 500 rubles from some suppliers. Before using the spray, Paraplus from lice is required for study. The price of the drug is quite adequate for its quality and effectiveness.

The dosage form has been successfully used for the treatment of pediculosis in children from the age of 2.5 years. Spray treatment is carried out in a ventilated room away from fire. Consumers noted the ease of use and the absence of pronounced side effects in the treatment, using the drug Para plus from lice, the reviews advertise the spray and allow it not to stay on the shelves of pharmacies.

Paranit is a leader in the fight against pediculosis

Paranit is a European leader offering only high-quality and safe preparations for the treatment of head lice. Paranit Sensitive is a modern reliable solution. The main substance in the medicine is a complex of oxyphthyrin with dimiticone in the composition.

Mode of application:

The advantages of the drug are that it can be used by pregnant, lactating and children from one year old. Taking into account only positive Paranit Sensitive from lice reviews, the price of more than 1000 rubles per bottle is not considered high.

Another reliable modern drug for the treatment of pediculosis is Paranit Repellent. When treating children from 3 years old, Paranit Repellent lice protection can be used; the price is about 600 rubles per 100 ml of spray.

Forms-drugs for the destruction of lice in dogs

Funds are issued in the following forms:

  • contain in their composition substances that have a detrimental effect on lice, but do not harm a person;
  • easy to apply to the hair;
  • have a small number of contraindications, side effects are rare.


Despite the high efficiency and safety of anti-pediculosis sprays, they still have their drawbacks. These include:

  • Difficulties in the complete treatment of the scalp;
  • means have a detrimental effect on lice, but their eggs are difficult to destroy.

When using sprays, re-treatment of the head is usually required for complete recovery.

How to choose a remedy

Pediculosis spray is a water-based or oil-based product. Depending on the active substances, they can be divided into the following categories:

It is important to know! Regardless of the type of spray, any product can be used not only to remove head lice, but also pubic or body lice! All of these preparations are suitable for processing clothes.

Review of the best lice sprays

In pharmacies, you can find a significant number of sprays against pediculosis. Consider the top 5 drugs in sales.


This is one of the best anti-pediculosis drugs on the modern pharmaceutical market. It shows maximum efficiency even with advanced forms of pediculosis. The advantage of Pediculen is the ability to use it only 1 time. Re-treatment of hair is not required.

The disadvantage of this tool is the content of aggressive chemicals in the composition, so it should be used with caution.

According to the instructions for use, the Pediculen spray is sprayed in an abundant amount on the hair, after which it is gently rubbed into the scalp. Keep the medicine for half an hour, then rinse your head thoroughly under running water with shampoo.

It contains exclusively essential oils that help fight lice and nits. This is a good drug for the treatment of pediculosis in young children from 2 years old. Apply to dry hair, rinse off after a few minutes.

The disadvantage of this tool is that it must be used several times. After the first application, lice and nits will not disappear. Lavinal is an excellent repellant for the prevention of pediculosis during an epidemic in school or preschool institutions.

You can buy Lavinal for about 300-400 rubles.

Pair Plus

Para Plus may cause side effects such as itching, burning of the scalp. Also, the drug is toxic, so it should be used with caution. This spray is contraindicated in people diagnosed with bronchial asthma.

The average cost of this tool is 350-400 rubles.

Full Marks

It is an economical anti-pediculosis agent. The kit also includes a hair comb. It should be applied to dry hair, paying attention to the scalp. Keep for 30 minutes. Rinse with running water and then with regular shampoo.

The approximate cost of the Full Marx spray is 400-500 rubles.


This drug is an aerosol to combat pediculosis. It should be sprayed at a distance of 30-40 cm. A-Par is also suitable for disinfecting clothes and bedding that cannot be washed. Processed things are used only 2-3 hours after applying the product. The drug is also used to prevent pediculosis in healthy family members.

In the Middle A-Pair costs about 400-500 rubles.

With such a variety of anti-pediculosis sprays, the question arises: which is better? In fact, it all depends on the age of the infected person and the presence of contraindications. Before buying a particular lice spray, it is best to consult a specialist. It will help you choose the safest drug on an individual basis.

Lice remedies for children

Children are more prone to infestation with lice than adults, so the market for such drugs is focused on them. Almost all sprays are allowed in childhood, this is especially true for Lavinal. The drug contains only natural substances in its composition, which avoids side effects.

Before treating pediculosis in a child, you must carefully study the instructions for use. It clearly indicates at what age the spray is used.

The note! If you can't diagnose or manage a disease on your own, be sure to see a specialist. He will diagnose, determine the type of disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

Video - How to get rid of nits: head treatment, combing, products, shampoos


Easy to use, safe for the human body, highly effective. Can be used to remove lice in children, since most shampoos do not cause allergies or skin irritation. Ideal if the patient has a lush and thick hair.

NameImageEfficiencyPriceSide effects
Paranit MediumMediumNot
Pedilin HighLowYes

The note! If you ignore the symptoms of the disease, certain complications may appear. Rotting of wounds occurs, the temperature rises, an infectious infection develops. That is why it is necessary to notice the disease in time and begin its treatment.

Sprays and aerosols

Pediculen Ultra HighLowNot Pair Plus HighHighYes Nyuda MediumHighNot faceguard LowHighNot

On a note! Remember: even a remedy that does not have negative effects can cause discomfort to the patient. The presence or absence of allergies, burning and itching depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Lotions and concentrates

Medifox MediumMediumYes Avicin HighHighNot Foxylon HighLowYes Medilis-Super HighMediumYes

On a note! Do not come into contact with a person infected with head lice. Do not wear suspicious hats, scarves, scarves and other personal items. If contact does occur, carefully inspect the head for lice and begin treatment immediately.


No less effective means. They are inexpensive, but require especially careful processing of hair. It is necessary to apply the cream on the entire surface of the head, and then rinse thoroughly.

Nix HighMediumYes Nittifor MediumMediumYes benzyl benzoate HighLowNot Permethrin ointment HighLowYes

On a note! When choosing a product, carefully study not only the method of application and its effectiveness, but also the composition. Aggressive and toxic components that the drug may consist of will harm your hair.

Lice combs

Nit Free HighMediumNot Robi Comb MediumHighNot LiceGuard HighMediumNot Pediculen Ultra MediumLowNot

On a note! You can comb out nits and lice with a regular comb. To enhance the effect and simplify the process of peeling lice from the hair, periodically moisten the comb in a light vinegar solution while combing.

Video - Treatment of pediculosis with folk remedies: kerosene, dichlorvos, vinegar, hellebore water, cranberries

Among the many different remedies for pediculosis, there are good options for which you do not have to pay a lot. You may have to carry out 2-3 treatments, depending on the manufacturer's recommendations, but you won't have to pay about 1000 rubles. for such a product. Let's bring 5 Most Effective Inexpensive Lice Remedies that eliminate the problem no worse than expensive drugs. Among them there are liquid options - concentrates, lotions, shampoos or emulsions. There are ointments, creams, and there are convenient ones - in the form of sprays, which evenly spray the product over all strands of hair.

Medifox - concentrate

  • Product manufacturer - Russian company LLC "Fox and Co."
  • Product form - concentrated liquid (5%).
  • Container volumes - in ampoules of 2 ml, in bottles of 0.5 l and 24 ml.
  • The active composition is permethrin (5 g), castor oil (7.5 g), butyl acetate (0.25 g) and ethanol (87.25 g or 96% of the total composition).
  • Toxicity is medium. Children under one year old should not be used..
  • Due to the high ethanol content, avoid contact with eyes and mouth.
  • How to use - dilute the concentrate in a proportion of 8 ml per 100 ml of water.
  • Consumption - one bottle of 24 ml is enough for 3 treatments.
  • You can store 3 years.
  • The approximate cost of the drug in ampoules is 1484 rubles. for packaging in a bottle of 0.5 l - 904 rubles, in a bottle of 24 ml - 120 rubles.

Review of the doctor about Medifox:

Review of "Medifox":

Angelina Yurievna, 43 years old, Voronezh. When I found lice in my adult daughter, I was almost stunned. How is this possible?! Usually children suffer from such misfortune. And here the child is already almost 16 years old, and lice ?! Well, there is nothing to do, I took out Medifox from the first-aid kit, which was left over from the last time when I processed the youngest (I brought it from the children's boarding house). The girl has long hair, almost to the waist. It was hard to process - especially to comb out, but we managed. All nits and lice completely died only after 2-1 treatments. The procedures were done with a break of 3 days. Now everything is fine. but, unfortunately, it was not possible to understand where this disgusting thing came from to our daughter’s house. I worked on my son in the summer, but now it's January.

Foxylon - lotion

  • Russian production - the company "Fox and Co."
  • The form of the substance lotion (20%).
  • The volume of the bottle is 50 ml.
  • Active ingredients - benzyl benzoate (20%), additives.
  • Means of average toxicity. Children under 5 years of age are prohibited from using.
  • Method of application - it is not necessary to dilute, the preparation in finished form in the amount of 10 ml is rubbed into the scalp and left for 10 minutes. Then everything is washed off with a regular shampoo, and then with a 4.5% acetic solution.
  • The consumption of the substance of one bottle is enough for 10 treatments.
  • The average price is 180 rubles.

Review of "Foxilone":

Oksana, Rostov-on-Don. Great tool! It even helped us the first time. The son from school brought lice. First-grader children, there are several children in the class from not very prosperous families, so I was not very surprised. I bought Foxylon in a pharmacy, and even cheaper than it is written here - 145 rubles.


  • Product manufactures France.
  • Blend form - shampoo (0.2%) and comb.
  • Active ingredient - phenothrin (2 mg).
  • Toxicity is medium. Children under 2.5 years old should not be used.
  • Use as follows - treat the head 2 times with an interval of 22-24 hours. Keep the shampoo on your hair for 5 minutes, then rinse. A week later, he recommends repeating the procedure. For prevention, use this shampoo once a week.
  • Shelf life - 2 years.
  • Approximate price - 180-260 rub.

Review of "Parasidosis":

Anastasia, Omsk I think Parasidosis is a great way to get rid of lice and nits. Everything is destroyed quickly and the price is pleasant. Bought in a pharmacy for 185 rubles. The name on the package is written in Latin letters. The box came with a comb, which immediately helped out. Worked on my head 2 times. Then I had to comb for too long, but nothing can be done about it.

Pediculen-Ultra - conditioner-spray

  • Manufacturer country - Russia.
  • Release form - liquid, insecticide in a spray dispenser.
  • The volume of the container is 150 ml.
  • Active components of vegetable cosmetic origin.
  • Toxicity low.
  • How to use - you just need to spray on the strands and scalp, then hold for 5-10 minutes and rinse with shampoo.
  • Approximate prices per spray - 500-590 rub. All sprays and aerosols are always more expensive on the market than concentrates or shampoos. But this drug among sprays is considered today the cheapest among effective remedies.

Introductory video about the tool:

Review of "Pedilen-Ultra":

Sergei Ivanovich. I never thought that a spray can remove lice. He helped his granddaughter to remove lice, together they chose drugs in a pharmacy. Her hair is long, so spraying poison from harmful insects is the most convenient way. Then they washed their hair, rinsed it with vinegar solution and combed it out with a comb. True, combed out for 3-4 days. But everything that was combed out was already lifeless. Pediculen Ultra helps! So I recommend it to everyone!

Veda-2 - shampoo

  • Manufacturer - Russia.
  • Produced in the form thick shampoo.
  • The volume of the bottle is 100 ml.
  • The active ingredient is permethrin (0.5%).
  • Toxicity is low. Children can be used from 2-3 months. And pregnant and lactating mothers should use the shampoo with caution.
  • How to use - Apply 1 or 3 tablespoons of shampoo and rub over the head, rubbing into the scalp. Leave to act for 10 minutes, then rinse and rinse with vinegar solution. Do the procedure 2-3 times with breaks of 24 hours.
  • It should be stored no longer than 1.5 years.
  • Approximate price - 175-220 rub.

Modern treatment of pediculosis:

Review of "Veda-2":

Darina, 25 years old, Moscow region I already thought that in kindergartens for a long time all the lice had been removed and my children would not have to face such a problem. But no! Recently my daughter started scratching her head a lot. I checked - lice! The pharmacy advised me to buy Veda-2, an updated drug. They washed their hair, combed it out with a comb and did not re-treat it again because it was enough the first time. Veda helped!