Bursitis of the knee joint treatment regimen. Symptoms and modern treatment of knee bursitis

When bursitis occurs knee joint in the treatment of the disease, the main task is to relieve the load from the articular knee joints and protect the joints from various injuries.

Knee bursitis: general characteristics and causes of the disease

Knee bursitis is an ailment that results in inflammation of a synovial sac called a bursa. The bursa is a small pocket filled with a certain amount of fluid. Synovial bags are placed on the articular joints at the points of attachment of tendons and muscles. These formations provide a reduction in the load exerted on the articular joints. There are three bursae near the knee, and any of these bursae may be affected by bursitis.

Depending on which bursa undergoes changes, specialists in medicine distinguish the following types of bursitis of the knee joint:

  1. Infrapatellar (popliteal) bursitis - occurs with pathological changes in the popliteal synovial bag. This type of pathology develops as a result of injuries to the tendons located in the popliteal region.
  2. Baker's cyst is a type of bursitis that develops on the lower inside knee joint. This kind of pathological disorders occurs most often in people suffering from excess weight.
  3. - view pathological disorder, which can be called the most common. This type of knee bursitis occurs in the patellar bursa. A pathological disorder appears after injury to the patella.

There are a number of phenomena that contribute to the progression of knee bursitis. The main reasons for the development of the disease are:

  • traumatization of the knee joint area;
  • high loads on the knee joints;
  • the occurrence and progression of diseases that can spread to the synovial bag.

In addition, the causes of the progression of the disease of the knee joint can be a variety of small wounds, bruised knee, getting abrasions in the area of ​​the bursa. The risk category includes athletes who, in the process of exercising, put too much stress on their knees. Bursitis of the knee can develop as a result of the occurrence in the body of such inflammatory ailments as gout and arthritis.

The development of bursitis can provoke the presence in the body autoimmune diseases, allergic reactions and disruption of metabolic processes.

Symptoms of the development of knee bursitis

There are a number of signs by which you can establish the presence of the disease. A common symptom that often indicates the occurrence of bursitis is redness. skin in the area of ​​the joint.

In addition, symptoms of the disease can be pain in the knee area and difficulties that arise during movement. One of possible symptoms Knee bursitis is an increase in the size of a joint with no limitation in movement.

When an infectious type of pathological disorder occurs in a person who suffers from the progression of the disease, an increase in body temperature is observed. In the case of the development of the disease against the background of other diseases of the articular joints, an exacerbation of the latter is diagnosed, and their characteristic symptoms are more pronounced.

Only a specialist can determine the presence of an ailment and make an accurate diagnosis. Knee bursitis has a pronounced clinical picture, but for staging accurate diagnosis are held additional research, consisting in ultrasound examination joints and x-rays.

Depending on the degree of development of bursitis, the following may appear: external signs ailment:

  • the occurrence of serous or accompanied by a sharp pain when moving;
  • tissue fibrosis develops, scars appear in the area of ​​​​the joint that has undergone pathological changes;
  • acute bursitis is characterized by a sharp pain that increases with any movement in the knee, and the joint becomes hypersensitive to touch.

When a disease is detected in a person and an accurate diagnosis is made by a specialist who conducts treatment, a course of medical procedures is prescribed, which is selected in accordance with individual characteristics the patient's body.

Treatment of knee bursitis

Treatment of bursitis of the knee joint today can be carried out by several methods, which are selected by a specialist in accordance with the data obtained during the examination of the body.

Any person who is diagnosed with such a diagnosis is interested in the question of how to treat knee bursitis.

You can cure the disease using both conservative and operational methods treatment.

In addition, you can use folk remedies.

In the case of the development of an aseptic form of the disease, the use conservative technique holding medical procedures allows you to influence the course of the disease most effectively. First of all, during treatment, it is required to ensure peace and maintain an elevated position of the knee joint. This position of the knee must be observed in order to ensure increased outflow of blood from the area of ​​​​inflammation, which reduces the degree of swelling of the joint.

In the process of treatment, compresses with the addition of ice should be used. Cooling the inflamed area also makes it possible to reduce swelling. Compresses should be applied several times a day. The procedure for using cooling compresses should not last more than 20 minutes, as hypothermia of the inflamed area can aggravate the condition of the joint.

The state of the joint should be assessed by a specialist, and based on the results of such an assessment, some physical exercises may be prescribed to promote positive dynamics during the procedures. These exercises increase the mobility of the articular joint.

If the development of the disease is accompanied by strong painful sensations, the doctor prescribes drugs that have anti-inflammatory properties and allow you to stop the emerging pain. Quite often, in the treatment of the disease, corticosteroid drugs are used, which can be introduced directly into the synovial bag. In case of suspicion of development infectious process prescribing medications that have antibacterial action.

For treatment with medicines that have an antibacterial effect, additional laboratory tests of the body are required.

Prevention of knee bursitis

In order to avoid the recurrence and development of the inflammatory process, the initiated treatment must be carried out in in full until complete recovery is achieved. In the future, to prevent the onset of the disease, it is necessary to monitor the state of muscle structures by performing exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles. It is not recommended to expose the body to hypothermia, which can disrupt the processes of blood circulation in the knee joint. To prevent the development of bursitis in the future, it is required to periodically use elastic knee pads, and along with the use of medications, undergo massage courses.

All preventive measures are carried out at the last stage of the treatment procedures or after the full completion of the treatment course. The purpose of such measures is the complete elimination of inflammatory processes in the knee joint, stabilization of the state of the knee joint and increase in volume. motor activity in the knee.

Timely implementation preventive measures avoids the occurrence of disease.

Knee bursitis is acute, subacute, or chronic inflammation one of the bursae (articular sac), located in the knee area. It can be aseptic (non-infectious) and infectious, that is, caused by pathogenic microflora.

Bursitis of the knee joint - inflammation of the joint bag

A bursa, or periarticular bag, is a small sac located between tendons, muscles, and protruding sections of bones. The cells of the inner lining of the bursa synthesize a fluid that facilitates the sliding of anatomical structures. In fact, the bursa is a kind of shock absorber that allows you to protect the tendons from significant friction or pressure. The amount of fluid in the cavity of the bursa is normally small, but with the development of the inflammatory process, the cells begin to synthesize fluid in a larger volume, which leads to an increase in the cavity of the bursa and is clinically manifested as a tumor-like formation. There are about ten bursae in the knee joint, but in clinical practice most often there is inflammation of the goose, infrapatellar and prepatellar bags.

Most often, bursitis of the knee joint occurs in people professional activity which is associated with increased loads on the lower extremities, for example, roofers, athletes. In men, this pathology is diagnosed several times more often than in women.

Forms of the disease

Depending on which articular bag was involved in the inflammatory process, there are:

  • suprapatellar, prepatellar bursitis- inflammation of the articular bag located on the surface of the patella, directly under the skin. This form usually develops as a result of prolonged kneeling of the patient or injury (hit on the anterior surface of the knee, fall);
  • popliteal (infrapatellar) bursitis- inflammation covers the bursa, located under the patella. Trauma is the cause of this form of the disease. ligamentous apparatus knee joint;
  • Becker's cyst (goose bursitis)- inflammation affects the bag located in the popliteal fossa on the back of the joint. The reason for its development lies in the excessive load on the knee joint (obesity, excessive exercise).

By the nature of the inflammatory process, the following forms of bursitis of the knee joint are distinguished:

  • serous (aseptic inflammation);
  • purulent (inflammation is caused by pyogenic bacteria).

According to the nature of the activity of the inflammatory process, bursitis of the knee joint is acute, subacute and chronic.

Causes of Knee Bursitis and Risk Factors

The most common causes of knee bursitis are:

  • overload of the knee joint (usually occurs in athletes);
  • repetitive microtrauma of the knee joint (typical for people who, in the performance of their professional duties, are forced to kneel for a long time);
  • single significant injury (observed in people involved in physical labor and/or leading active image life).

Gout, arthritis, scleroderma can lead to the development of aseptic chronic bursitis of the knee joint. In this case inflammatory process provoked by damage to the inner shell of the cavity of the periarticular sac by salt crystals, i.e., in essence, it is secondary.

Injuries of the knee joint, both penetrating and non-penetrating, can cause an infectious form of bursitis, as they contribute to the infection of tissues with pyogenic microbial flora. In addition, the infection can enter the knee joint by hematogenous (with blood flow) or lymphogenous (with lymph flow) from any primary source of inflammation in the body (cellulitis, osteomyelitis, abscess, furuncle, festering wounds, sepsis).

Most often, bursitis of the knee joint is observed in people whose professional activities are associated with increased loads on the lower limbs, for example, roofers, athletes.

In some cases, it is not possible to determine the cause of knee bursitis.

Factors that increase the risk of developing pathology are:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • long-term steroid therapy;
  • some kidney disease;
  • autoimmune diseases;

Symptoms of knee bursitis

The clinical picture of bursitis of the knee joint is determined by the form of the disease.

With patella bursitis, patients experience severe pain localized in the anterior surface of the knee joint. There is a feeling of stiffness when walking. On palpation of the patella, a slightly painful, soft-elastic tumor-like formation is determined. In some cases, mild swelling of the soft tissues develops, their redness and a slight increase local temperature. Movements in the area of ​​the affected joint are preserved in full or slightly limited.

Popliteal aseptic bursitis occurs with poor symptoms. Patients complain of not too intense pain in the knee area that occurs when standing for a long time or walking long distances. The affected joint slightly increases in volume.

The main symptom of goose bursitis is mild pain that occurs at the time of flexion-extension of the knee joint, for example, when climbing or descending stairs. With a significant accumulation of inflammatory exudate in the bursa in the popliteal fossa, it is possible to palpate a soft elastic elastic formation.

Infection of the contents of the periarticular sac leads to its suppuration, i.e., the development of purulent bursitis of the knee joint, the symptoms of which are:

  • jerking, sharp pain;
  • feeling of fullness in the knee joint;
  • sharply painful, intense tumor formation;
  • swelling of the surrounding soft tissues;
  • hyperemia and fever of the skin in the knee area;
  • enlargement of regional lymph nodes;
  • limited range of motion in the joint.

At purulent bursitis of the knee joint in the patient, the phenomena of general intoxication rapidly increase (an increase in body temperature to 38-39 ° C, accompanied by chills, headache, lethargy, weakness, weakness).

Chronic bursitis of the knee joint is usually the outcome of an untreated acute form of pathology, but sometimes sluggish inflammation develops primarily, as a result of numerous microtraumas of the knee joint caused by mechanical or vibrational effects.

Chronic bursitis of the knee joint is characterized by a sluggish course, with periods of remissions and exacerbations. An exacerbation is characterized by a clinical picture corresponding to acute form inflammation of the periarticular sac.

Long-term chronic bursitis of the knee joint is often accompanied by the formation of cystic formations.

Bursitis of the knee joint in children

Bursitis of the knee joint in children is extremely rare. This is due to the fact that the weight of the child is small, and therefore, during physical exertion, falls, there is no excessive effect on the structures of the knee joint that can cause damage to them.

The risk of knee bursitis increases after children reach 12-13 years of age. Most often at this age, Becker's cyst (goose bursitis) is observed. Clinically, it appears severe pain in the knee area that occurs when walking up the stairs or when the child gets up from a chair after a long stay in a sitting position.


Diagnosis of goose bursitis and prepatellar bursa usually does not cause difficulties and is carried out on the basis of data clinical picture diseases. If there are indications, the doctor can perform a puncture of the periarticular bag, followed by laboratory research(clinical and bacteriological) of the resulting fluid. In some cases, especially with goose bursitis, there is a need for magnetic resonance imaging of the knee joint.

In men, bursitis of the knee joint is diagnosed several times more often than in women.

It is somewhat more difficult to diagnose bursitis of the intrapatellar bursa. This is due to the fact that it is located under the patella, as a result of which palpation and examination of it are impossible. In this case, they resort to radiography of the affected knee joint, magnetic resonance and / or computed tomography, arthrography.

With a prolonged ongoing inflammatory process in the periarticular bursa, it is punctured with aspiration of the contents and subsequent administration of long-acting glucocorticoids in combination with local anesthetics.

The severe course of the disease requires systemic administration of glucocorticoids in a short course (no more than three days).

In acute infectious bursitis of the knee joint, treatment begins with drainage and washing the cavity of the periarticular sac with antiseptic solutions. If drainage is not possible, frequent punctures of the bursa are performed. Prescribe antibiotics a wide range action, and after receiving the results of the antibiogram, the drug is replaced taking into account the sensitivity of the microflora. The introduction of antibiotics into the cavity of the bursa is not indicated.

There are about ten bursae in the knee joint, but in clinical practice, inflammation of the goose, infrapatellar and prepatellar bursa is most often observed.

Treatment for chronic knee bursitis includes:

  • taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • regular classes physical therapy, which prevents the risk of developing muscle tissue atrophy;
  • performing bursectomy (removal of the affected periarticular sac) in case of frequent relapses.

Possible consequences and complications

Bursitis of the knee joint, especially its purulent form, can lead to serious complications:

  • phlegmon;
  • purulent arthritis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • calcification;
  • soft tissue necrosis.


With early diagnosis and adequate treatment bursitis of the knee joint, the prognosis is favorable. Untimely start of therapy or its complete absence contributes to the transition of the disease into a chronic sluggish form.


Prevention of bursitis of the knee joint is aimed at eliminating risk factors that can cause the development of an inflammatory process in the periarticular bag. To this end, it is recommended:

  • normalization of body weight;
  • prevention of injury to the knee joint;
  • treatment of foci of purulent infection.

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The human body has a large number of joints, each of which is located in the synovial bag (bursa), which serves as protection against the penetration of infections and mechanical damage. Not uncommon - inflammation of the articular bag of the knee joint. This manifestation is called bursitis.

Synovial bags are thin-walled cavities that consist of a synovial membrane. The bursa reduces friction during joint movement, protects joints and muscles from damage. What is knee bursitis, as well as how to treat it, will be discussed later in the article.

The most common causes of knee bursitis causes are noncommunicable diseases such as a bruised knee or sprained muscles and tendons in the knee area. Often, autoimmune diseases are identified as causes, disorders hormonal background, rheumatoid polyarthritis.

Allergic diseases, body poisoning different nature or malfunction metabolic processes, which can lead to the deposition of salts in the joints are called factors contributing to the development of knee bursitis.

Loads when doing any sports that involve lifting weights, difficult conditions labor can also cause bursitis.

There are several types of diseases:

  • Prepatellar
  • Suprapatellar
  • Infrapatellar
  • Anserine (goose)

Let's consider each of them in detail.

Prepatellar bursitis of the knee

Home hallmark This type of bursitis is that it is localized in the upper part of the knee. The pathological process develops above the patella. Painful sensations occur when bending and unbending the leg. This pathological process develops with increasing load.

Prepatellar knee bursitis is very easy to diagnose. People over the age of 60 are at risk. As a rule, the disease manifests itself in a chronic form. If it is manifested, then the treatment is ineffective. The person gradually loses the ability to move.


A distinctive feature is that knee bursitis is concentrated in upper area knee joint. By appearance the tumor is round, it does not provoke the occurrence pain. By palpation, it can be revealed that the tumor is of a soft consistency. The size of the tumor reaches 10 centimeters. Patients complain of malaise, knee pain, mobility problems, heat body.

Sometimes the disease can turn into chronic form due to the deposition of salts in the joint.


This type is characterized by an inflammatory process in the synovial bag, under the patella near the main tendon. Cause this disease is a tendon injury.

Infrapatellar bursitis is most common in professional athletes whose physical activity is associated with a load on the legs. In most cases, it has a chronic course.


Pain occurs in the inside of the leg, where the three tendons attach to the bone. development pathological process precede heavy loads on the knee. Most common in runners. Sometimes the causes are obesity, arthritis, diabetes.

Symptoms of inflammation of the synovial bag of the joint

Under knee bursitis in acute form characteristic symptoms, namely:

  • increasing pain and swelling of the area under the knee;
  • stiffness of movements;
  • pain during overexertion;
  • the leg in the knee joint does not fully extend;
  • pain when walking on an inclined surface;
  • swelling and induration;
  • local increase in body temperature in the joint area;
  • inability to kneel;
  • night sleep disturbance;
  • muscle weakness and dystrophy;
  • development of the purulent process.

If knee bursitis occurs, symptoms and treatment are closely related. In the absence of drug treatment, or with improperly selected therapy, acute bursitis of the knee joint passes into a subacute state, and then into a chronic one.

Diagnosis and treatment of knee bursitis

The diagnosis largely depends on the clinical picture. It is important to conduct a study of the fluid that is formed during the inflammatory process, as well as to identify sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. The study is called a puncture. It is important to exclude various infections; for this, a bacteriological and serological study is carried out.

An additional diagnostic method is MRI and X-ray. They are used when deep bursitis occurs.

Inflammation of the periarticular sac leads to pain, deformity, swelling, which significantly hinders normal life. The question arises: - How to treat bursitis of the knee joint?

Which doctor should I contact?

For a timely start medical therapy you need to know exactly which doctor treats knee bursitis. When negative symptoms it is important to contact a specialist in a timely manner. This will reduce the risk of complications and achieve a positive result in a short period of time.

This disease of the patella refers to disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Doctors who treat knee bursitis are a surgeon, an orthopedist, a traumatologist.

Medical treatment

With bursitis of the knee joint, treatment should be aimed at stopping the inflammatory process, reducing pain and restoring the function of the joint. The treatment regimen depends on the stage of the disease.

With inflammation of the synovial bag, the following medications are prescribed:

  • drugs with antiseptic properties;
  • antibiotics;
  • drugs used against the inflammatory process;
  • painkillers.

Preparations are used in tablets and externally: gels, ointments, creams.

If there are signs of poisoning, as well as in especially severe cases, the reception is indicated hormonal drugs. Any drug treatment bursitis should be prescribed by the attending physician.

You can also cure bursitis of the knee joint in pregnant women using medications, but you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

Also, ointments can be used to treat joint bursitis: Dimexide, Vishnevsky.


To carry out this procedure, with bursitis of the knee joint, it is necessary to approach after stopping the inflammatory process. The following procedures are used for treatment:

  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • electric cutter;
  • laser treatment;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • acupuncture.

Exercise therapy and massage

Massage of the medial head calf muscle carried out after the removal of an acute inflammatory process. With the help of massage, it is possible to improve blood circulation, as well as improve the nutrition of the affected areas.

Exercise therapy involves the use of a special set of exercises that are prescribed individually depending on the stage of the disease. Initially, simple exercises are performed with their gradual complication.

Some examples of exercises:

  1. Starting position - lying on your stomach. One of the limbs is bent at the knee 90 degrees. Raise the leg slowly from the floor at a distance of 10 centimeters and hold in this position for several seconds.
  2. starting position too. Raise both legs as high as possible and slowly spread them apart, then bring them together and lower them.

Surgical intervention

Surgery can be performed in two options:

  1. Puncture. A special needle is inserted into the bursa and the purulent contents and synovia are pumped out. With the help of the same device, they are washed with an antiseptic solution and an antibiotic is administered.
  2. Opening the cavity of the bag. Using a scalpel, an incision is made in the skin, and then the bursa is opened. After that, the cavity is washed with an antiseptic and drainage tubes are inserted. The incision is sutured. Through the drainage tubes, it is possible to flush the cavity. After the wound is cleaned, the tubes are removed and sutured.

In some cases, the removal of the bursa is called a bursectomy.


Bursitis of the knee joint can be cured by observing a special diet. The diet for bursitis consists of taking foods with high content vitamins A, C, E and gelatin. Give preference to products of animal origin - chicken, beef, fish, liver. Diversify your diet plant food. The ideal option is various aspic dishes, fruit jellies and kissels.


Most often, it is the bursitis ointment that is used, the ointment can be prepared at home. Would need fish fat or vaseline, which must be brought to a boil and removed from heat. Add propolis, which must first be crushed. The mixture requires constant stirring for half an hour. Strain through cheesecloth and pour into prepared containers. The ointment can be stored for several years. It is necessary to smear the affected area several times a day.

No less effective folk remedy is birch tincture. To prepare it, you need to take 20 grams of birch buds and 100 grams of alcohol. Mix and let it brew for a month. The drug can be taken orally, as well as prepare a variety of compresses and rubbing.


Prevention consists of preventing inflammatory processes, as well as restoring joint mobility. Eliminate hypothermia lower extremities. The use of an elastic patella, which will reduce the load on the joint. If severe symptoms occur, consult a doctor.

Knee bursitis is a serious inflammation that can affect one or more bursae. Inflammation develops in places of greatest pressure. Bags, or bursae, look like synovial sacs with a special fluid produced in them. Such bags are responsible for human body for softening the pressure that is carried out on the articular surfaces. Bags are designed to protect joints, tendons from damage. Inflammation of the bag or bursitis of the knee joint can be triggered by a traumatic factor.

Science groups the types of factors that can provoke a disease. Among the common causes due to which bursitis of the knee joint occurs, it is worth paying attention to the following:

  • traumatic factors of the joint, periarticular bag - due to a fall, impact, strong compression of the tissues, during which it occurs;
  • significant physical activity leads to joint overload, stretches ligaments, tendons, muscles, joint capsule, synovial membrane (more often occurs with weightlifters, football players);
  • arthritis, which is a serious lesion of the joint capsule infectious origin;
  • gout can cause inflammation of the knee joint;
  • an autoimmune disease that damages the synovial bursae.

In rare cases, the disease develops for uncertain reasons.

Types of chronic bursitis

The disease is of several types, depending on the degree of inflammation of the bag:

  • patella, post-traumatic bursitis, suprapatellar (the disease is caused by injuries);
  • popliteal bursitis, infrapatellar (in case of sprain, joint capsule);
  • Baker's cyst, is an inflammation of the synovial sac behind the knee (common in overweight women).

The main types of diseases that cause inflammation of the knee joint are:

  • chronic bursitis;
  • acute bursitis of the knee joint.

If a chronic view the disease is characterized by periods of exacerbation, remission, then the symptoms acute illness appear suddenly, drug treatment is required for therapy. Often chronic illness causes the development of arthrosis of the knee joint, muscles.

The infectious agent involved in the development of the disease is the basis for the following types bursitis:

  • purulent (caused by microbes that enter the muscles, bag due to serious injuries);
  • serous (inflammation of aseptic origin).

Symptoms, signs of inflammation of the joint

Symptoms of the inflammatory process are pronounced, with the exception of the chronic form of the disease during remission. Signs indicating the chronic nature of the disease:

  • deposition of calcium salts in ligaments, knee bursae;
  • pain in the knee;
  • swelling of the kneecap;
  • local redness of the kneecap;
  • regular, persistent increase in body temperature.

The inflammatory process of the knee joint is characterized by signs of general intoxication of the body:

  • increased body temperature;
  • headache;
  • feeling of general weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • chills.

A characteristic symptom is constantly increasing pain when moving the affected limb (can be explained by pressure on the nerve endings located in the synovial membrane). Attention should be paid to the Baker's cyst: pain disturbs the patient when walking up the stairs. There is a protrusion on the back of the knee - it may appear, disappear.

How to Diagnose Bursitis of the Knee

Modern science makes it possible to establish a diagnosis by examining the patient. Symptoms of bursitis of the knee joint are pronounced, can be examined visually, with palpation. During probing, the doctor can find dense formations of a fibrous nature in which calcium salts are deposited.

Rarely, diagnosis requires a puncture of the joint in order to identify the pathogen that provoked the onset of the disease. More often, a puncture is performed in order to exclude the presence of infection in the affected area. If a transparent liquid is obtained during puncture, this indicates inflammation of aseptic origin. In the case of receiving purulent fluid, we are talking about pathogenic agents that are the causative agents of the disease.

The doctor will prescribe ultrasound diagnostics examination with a thermal imager. Procedures are used in the development popliteal bursitis- the bag cannot be examined, palpated. Baker's cyst is easy to identify - it is located in the popliteal fossa, being a soft, painless formation.

Treatment of knee bursitis

Treatment of the disease depends on the type of inflammatory process. For example, in the case of bursitis of infectious origin, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, performs a puncture, drainage of the knee joint. To cure serous type inflammation of the knee joint, it is worth applying medical preparations analgesic, anti-inflammatory nature. Physiotherapy will be effective.

For the purpose of choosing right way treatment of bursitis of the knee joint, it is necessary to establish the type of disease.

The aseptic nature of the inflammatory process requires the use of physiotherapy. The disease involves the implementation of procedures:

  • ultrasound examination using non-steroidal, hormonal ointments;
  • electrophoresis, used in combination with hydrocortisone solution;
  • UHF therapy is prescribed after the end of an acute inflammatory process.

Treatment with physiotherapy procedures is characterized by significant advantages, such therapy does not lead to complications. Through the use ultrasound therapy you can remove swelling, inflammation, easily, quickly relieve pain.

Successfully treat bursitis with laser therapy - it fights against the inflammatory process of an acute, chronic nature, has a stimulating effect on tissues, accelerates regenerative processes, stages of healing.

Accompanied by deposits of calcifications, needs to be carried out shock wave therapy. In rare cases, medicine offers as effective treatment magnetotherapy, electrotherapy.

The operation will prove to be a great way to. An operation is prescribed if the patient suffers from, needs immediate removal of the contents of the bag, further drainage.

Radiation therapy is a popular treatment for knee bursitis. Thanks to the application, it is possible to destroy the microbes that are in synovial fluidinflammatory reactions stop, motor functions knee joint recover faster.

Folk methods of dealing with bursitis

To carry out treatment with folk remedies, it is recommended to use ice that can reduce swelling. Clinical conditions of treatment involve the use of local cryotherapy.

More often it is recommended to use cabbage leaves with honey tinctures - apply compresses at night (no more than eight hours). The procedure is not allowed for everyone who suffers from inflammation of the knee joint. Sometimes compresses provoke an exacerbation of the disease!

Treatment of bursitis with folk remedies involves the use of ointments, thanks to which you can soothe the affected area, reduce pain, remove the local inflammatory process in the joint, accompanied by elevated temperature, limited movement. Common types of ointment:

  • based on propolis;
  • based on honey
  • based on horse chestnut;
  • based on burdock;
  • needle based.

Folk remedies can be used to treat a chronic disease, acute nature. It is necessary to provide the patient with complete rest, limiting movement in the affected joint. In order to reduce swelling, pain in the area of ​​the inflamed joint, it is recommended to hold exalted position limbs.

Giving preference to treatment with folk remedies, you should be careful with cold, ice compresses. The action can provoke local frostbite: in order to reduce pain, wrap ice in a thick towel, applying it to the affected joint for no more than 10-15 minutes. As additional treatment effective means in the fight against inflammation of the joints, there will be anti-inflammatory, analgesic drugs.

Regardless of the type, nature of inflammation in the knee joint, the patient should definitely visit a doctor for examination and diagnosis. Treatment of bursitis can be carried out at home in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor, based on the diagnostics, studies, and analyzed results.

Bursitis is an inflammatory process that affects the periarticular bags of the knee joint with accumulation in them. It usually occurs in people who lead an active lifestyle. At risk are athletes and people who work on their feet all day, for example, hairdressers, builders, sellers. The joints of the knee are very vulnerable, so they require close attention. Apart from conservative methods, the joint can be carried out with folk remedies.

Causes of the disease

Common factors leading to the development of knee bursitis:

  • serious damage to the skin of the knee (cuts), through which an infection can penetrate;
  • Availability concomitant diseases, provoking the development of bursitis - psoriasis,;
  • excessive body weight (obesity), as a result of which a significant load is placed on the knee, causing its significant weakening;
  • all forms of sepsis;
  • increased and prolonged physical stress on the knee joint;
  • infectious diseases (for example, tuberculosis or syphilis);
  • genetic predisposition.

Symptoms of the disease

The nature of the symptoms depends on the type and stage of the disease. General signs:

  • growing in the kneecap and next to it (intensify when pressed); the appearance of weakness in the muscles;
  • temperature increase in the knee area;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • discoloration, the appearance of a small in the area of ​​soft tissues;
  • decreased performance, general malaise;
  • change in the epidermis, slight redness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • - both in the morning and during the day.

Varieties of bursitis of the knee joint

Depending on the localization of inflammation and signs, 4 types of bursitis of the knee joint are distinguished: prepatellar, suprapatellar, anserine (goose), infrapatellar.

Variety of knee bursitis Area of ​​localization and description of the disease
Prepatellar bursitis It is formed due to inflammation of the synovial bag in the upper part, between the skin and the kneecap. , and when adding physical activity incomparably enhanced. With infection of the contents in the cavity of the bursa, an increase in temperature is noted. Often, prepatellar bursitis occurs in elderly people, since it is closely related to others and (,)
With suprapatellar bursitis, it becomes inflamed by itself, a tumor forms in the upper region of the joint round shape. Most often, it does not bother, has a jelly-like consistency, its size is 8-10 cm. The disease is accompanied by a large swelling of the upper part of the knee and a significant decrease in its mobility
Infrapatellar bursitis This form of bursitis occurs due to inflammation of the bursa located under the kneecap near the main tendon. It is formed as a result of damage to the tendon. At first, the pathology has mild symptoms, occasionally pain occurs during and or. Professional athletes (for example, jumpers) are most susceptible to this type of disease, so it often develops into a chronic form.
Anserine bursitis (goose,) It is a benign elastic tumor that is located on the lateral surface of the joint. The neoplasm is most noticeable in the extended state of the knee. During (during) there is severe discomfort. Often diagnosed in people who are overweight

Bursitis of the knee joint is also classified by the presence of an infectious agent: serous and purulent. The cause of serous bursitis is aseptic inflammation. Inflammation in purulent bursitis is caused by microbes that enter the synovial sac when various injuries or sepsis.

Diagnosis of bursitis of the knee joint

For a reliable diagnosis, it is important to undergo a diagnosis, because in exceptional cases It is possible to confuse knee bursitis with other diseases, such as arthritis.

Diagnostic methods depend on the location of the synovial bag. Diagnosing superficial bursitis is easy. With the help of and it is possible to determine the localization of inflammation with reliable accuracy. To determine the exact size of the neoplasm, contrast radiography is used.

For an accurate diagnosis of deep bursitis, differential diagnosis. the cavity of the bag is the most informative method that allows you to identify the pathology by the color and consistency of the resulting fluid, find out what type of bursitis the formation belongs to - purulent or serous (yellowish liquid).

Bursitis of the knee joint: treatment at home

When the doctor establishes the diagnosis, treatment is prescribed. To eliminate bursitis of the knee joint, they are limited to conservative and folk methods. The first group includes courses and, manual and drug therapy. Surgery(drainage) of bursitis is carried out only in extreme cases, when the disease progresses so strongly that it can be stopped conservative methods becomes impossible. It has been proven that bursitis of the knee joint can be treated with folk remedies.

How to treat knee bursitis at home? Treatment consists in eliminating the symptoms of inflammation, pain and restoring the normalization of the knee joint. The simplest is the use of the . You can buy them at the pharmacy or make your own. Honey ointment is one of the most common. To prepare it, in addition to liquid honey, you will need ethanol and aloe juice. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed in a ratio of 2:3:1. The resulting ointment is gently rubbed into the painful area at least 1 time per day. The course of therapy is at least 2 weeks, depending on the form of the disease.

People prone to allergies need to be careful with honey ointment.

Compresses - effective method home treatment for knee bursitis. They cope well with pain and inflammation, there are different types:

  • sugar compress. A couple of tablespoons of sugar is heated in a dry frying pan (without melting), poured into a small cloth bag and applied to the affected area before going to bed. To achieve a more pronounced effect, cellophane is placed on top and wrapped with a warm scarf. The procedure can be performed daily until the final recovery;
  • ice pack. Ice cubes are applied to the kneecap and fixed with a bandage. To prevent hypothermia, the procedure is not recommended for more than 30 minutes. The method well relieves inflammation and lowers the temperature in the knee area. It can be used 2-3 times a day;
  • vegetable compress. For a compress with bursitis, beets, potatoes and White cabbage. Vegetables are applied at night, alternating daily with each other. For the first night, they make a compressor from raw potatoes: take 2-3 pieces small size, cut into circles and applied to the affected area until morning. Top wrapped cling film wrapped in a warm scarf. On the second night, a compress is prepared from beets (similarly), and on the third - from finely chopped cabbage leaves. Thanks to useful properties vegetables, this method gives lasting results;
  • compress from kalanchoe. fresh leaves the plants are slightly beaten off so that they release the juice, and applied for 3-4 hours on the inflamed joint, fixed with a bandage. The procedure is performed daily for 7-10 days;
  • vodka compress. Vodka or pure alcohol is mixed with propolis in a ratio of 1:10 (optimally - 200 grams of vodka and 20 grams of propolis), left to infuse in a dark place for 5-7 days. The resulting liquid is moistened with cotton wool, applied to sore spot, tie up elastic bandage. The procedure is carried out every day 1 time until the pain disappears completely;
  • . For cooking saline solution take 1 tablespoon table salt and dissolved in 0.5 liters of hot boiled water. A coarse (linen) cloth is dipped into the resulting solution, applied to the affected area. So that the heat does not disappear, they are wrapped with a woolen scarf on top. The compress can be applied daily at bedtime;
  • burdock compress. Dry roots of the plant (1 tablespoon) are poured with a glass of boiling water (250 ml), boiled over low heat for 7-10 minutes. Moisten with the resulting broth (pre-cooled) gauze bandage and apply for 2 hours to the painful area. The course of treatment is 15-25 procedures, depending on the stage of the disease.

AT acute stage inflammation of bursitis of the knee joint treatment with warm compresses is contraindicated.

Decoctions are another way to treat bursitis. There are many a variety of recipes, you can cook them at home:

  1. Burdock root is crushed and poured with boiling water. For 4 tablespoons of plants take 400 ml of water. The decoction is infused for a day in a dark place. Use at least 2 times a day, 1 tablespoon before eating for 7-10 days.
  2. Take 1 tablespoon of celery seeds, pour boiling water. Strain before use. Consume 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  3. Mix 200 ml of vodka and 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort, leave to infuse in a dark place for 12-14 days. The resulting broth is filtered, consumed 2-3 times a day (dissolving in advance 20 drops in 100 ml of water). The course of treatment is 7 days.
  4. 20 g propolis mixed with 150 g vegetable oil and consume 1 teaspoon before meals 2 times a day. The decoction is taken within 10 days.

Special baths from coniferous plants have a positive effect.. The recipe for their preparation is simple: fresh needles (pine branches or cones) are crushed and poured with water, boiled for 20 minutes, left to infuse for 10-15 hours. For 2.5 liters of water, it is enough to take 1 cup of the ingredient. The temperature in the bath should be about 40 ° C, it is worth taking it every day for 15 minutes, until the inflammation of the joints is completely gone.

When treating knee bursitis, due attention should be paid. The food should contain foods containing zinc and vitamins of groups A, C, E. These include: fish, meat, vegetables, nuts and dried fruits.

Prevention measures for bursitis

In order to avoid repeated replenishment of bursitis in the future, it is necessary to avoid sprains, injuries and hypothermia in the knee area, and do not forget about preventive measures:

  • exclude physical exercise with a large load on the knee;
  • carry out classes on therapeutic gymnastics(with gradual increase exercise intensity)
  • start swimming;
  • periodically use special joint fixators (for example,);
  • carry out physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • undergo a massage course at least 2 times a year.