How is bursitis of the knee joint treated? How to effectively treat knee bursitis and what it is

When bursitis occurs knee joint in the treatment of the disease, the main task is to relieve stress from the knee joints and ensure protection of the joints from various injuries.

Knee bursitis: general characteristics and causes of the disease

Knee bursitis is a disease that results in inflammation of the synovial sac, called the bursa. The bursa is a small pocket that is filled with a certain amount of fluid. Synovial bursae are located on the articular joints at the junction of tendons and muscles. These formations reduce the load placed on the articular joints. There are three bursae close to the knee, and any of these structures can be affected by bursitis.

Depending on which bursa undergoes changes, medical experts distinguish the following types of bursitis of the knee joint:

  1. Infrapatellar (popliteal) bursitis - occurs with pathological changes in the popliteal synovial bursa. This type of pathology develops as a result of injuries to the tendons located in the popliteal region.
  2. Baker's cyst is a type of bursitis that develops on the lower inside knee joint. This type of pathological disorder occurs most often in people suffering from excess weight.
  3. - view pathological disorder, which can be called the most common. This type of knee bursitis occurs in the patellar bursa. A pathological disorder appears after injury to the kneecap.

There are a number of phenomena that contribute to the progression of knee bursitis. The main reasons for the development of the disease are:

  • trauma to the knee joint area;
  • high loads on the knee joints;
  • the occurrence and progression of diseases that can spread to the synovial bursa.

In addition, the reasons for the progression of knee joint disease can be a variety of small wounds, a bruised knee, and abrasions in the area where the bursa is located. The risk category includes athletes who put too much stress on their knees during exercise. Knee bursitis can develop as a result of inflammatory diseases such as gout and arthritis in the body.

The development of bursitis can provoke the presence of autoimmune diseases, allergic reactions and metabolic disorders in the body.

Symptoms of the development of knee bursitis

There are a number of signs by which the presence of the disease can be determined. A common symptom that often indicates the occurrence of bursitis is redness of the skin in the joint area.

In addition, symptoms of the disease can include pain in the knee area and difficulties arising when moving. One possible symptom of knee bursitis is an increase in the size of the joint without restriction in movement.

When an infectious type of pathological disorder occurs, a person who suffers from the progression of the disease experiences an increase in body temperature. If the disease develops against the background of other diseases of the articular joints, an exacerbation of the latter is diagnosed, and their characteristic symptoms are more pronounced.

Only a specialist can determine the presence of the disease and make an accurate diagnosis. Knee bursitis has a pronounced clinical picture, but for production accurate diagnosis are carried out additional research, consisting in ultrasound examination joints and radiography.

Depending on the degree of development of bursitis, the following external signs of the disease may appear:

  • the appearance of serous or accompanied by severe pain when moving;
  • tissue fibrosis develops in the area of ​​the joint that has undergone pathological changes, scars appear;
  • acute bursitis is characterized by sharp pain, which intensifies with any movement in the knee, and the joint becomes hypersensitive to touch.

When a disease is detected in a person and an accurate diagnosis is made by the specialist conducting the treatment, a course of medical procedures is prescribed, which is selected in accordance with individual characteristics the patient's body.

Treatment of knee bursitis

Treatment of knee bursitis today can be carried out using several methods, which are selected by a specialist in accordance with the data obtained during an examination of the body.

Any person who has been diagnosed with this is interested in the question of how to treat bursitis of the knee joint.

The disease can be cured using both conservative and surgical treatment methods.

In addition, you can use folk remedies.

In the event of the development of an aseptic form of the disease, the use of a conservative technique medical procedures allows you to influence the course of the disease most effectively. First of all, during treatment it is necessary to ensure peace and maintenance exalted position knee joint. This position of the knee must be observed in order to ensure increased blood flow from the area of ​​inflammation, which helps reduce the degree of swelling of the joint.

During treatment, compresses with added ice should be used. Cooling the inflamed area can also help reduce swelling. Compresses should be applied several times a day. The procedure for using cooling compresses should not last more than 20 minutes, since hypothermia of the inflamed area can aggravate the condition of the joint.

The condition of the joint should be assessed by a specialist, and based on the results of such an assessment, certain physical exercises may be prescribed to promote positive dynamics during the procedures. These exercises increase joint mobility.

If the development of the disease is accompanied by strong painful sensations, the doctor prescribes medications that have anti-inflammatory properties and help relieve emerging pain. Quite often, corticosteroid drugs are used in the treatment of the disease, which can be introduced directly into the synovial bursa. If there is any suspicion of development infectious process medications that have antibacterial effect.

To carry out treatment with medications that have an antibacterial effect, additional laboratory tests of the body are required.

Preventing the occurrence of bursitis of the knee joint

In order to avoid recurrence and development of the inflammatory process, the treatment initiated must be carried out in in full until complete recovery of the body is achieved. In the future, to prevent the occurrence of the disease, you need to monitor the condition of the muscle structures by performing exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles. It is not recommended to expose the body to hypothermia, which can disrupt blood circulation in the knee joint. To prevent the development of bursitis in the future, it is necessary to periodically use elastic knee pads, and also, along with the use medical supplies take massage courses.

All preventive measures are carried out at the last stage of treatment procedures or after complete completion treatment course. The purpose of such measures is to completely eliminate inflammatory processes in the knee joint, stabilize the condition of the knee joint and increase the volume motor activity in the knee.

Timely execution preventive measures allows you to avoid the occurrence of disease.

Knee bursitis is a disease that occurs as a result of inflammation of the joint capsule. Often as a result of injury or severe physical activity the synovial membrane of the knee joints begins to secrete an excess amount of intra-articular fluid. This is a protective reaction of the body that helps relieve excessive tension from the joint and minimize the negative impact of the traumatic factor.

However, at some point, there is so much intra-articular fluid that it is no longer processed by the body and begins to accumulate in the cavities of the synovial membrane, which leads to the occurrence of bursitis of the knee joint, the symptoms and treatment methods of which we will discuss in this article.


Why does knee bursitis occur and what is it? The causes of bursitis are not always identified. Very often it occurs completely unexpectedly and seemingly without reason.

Development of the disease may be preceded by:

  1. Injuries and damage to the knee joint (bruises, abrasions, small wounds).
  2. Sprain of a joint due to overload.
  3. A sharp increase in physical activity.
  4. Inflammation of the joints (,).
  5. Infectious lesions(infection with pyogenic microbes).

Depending on which bag is inflamed, What are the different types of bursitis?:

  1. Patellar, or suprapatellar (prepatellar) bursitis is the most common type of disease when the patellar bursa becomes inflamed.
  2. Popliteal, or infrapatellar bursitis is inflammation of the popliteal bursa.
  3. Baker's cyst is a lesion of the synovial bursa, which is located in the lower inner part of the knee joint.

Also distinguished:

  1. Serous bursitis is an aseptic (without germs) inflammation of the synovial bursa. Develops due to injury or sprain.
  2. Purulent - when pathogenic microorganisms enter the bursa cavity and cause the formation of pus. As a rule, bacteria (mostly staphylococci) penetrate the synovial bursa through wounds and cracks in the skin.

According to the type of course, bursitis can be acute (suddenly occurring, proceeding very brightly and ending just as quickly) and chronic (currently sluggish and long). Therefore, the symptoms and treatment regimen for the disease will directly depend on the type and form of bursitis.

Symptoms of knee bursitis

The symptoms of bursitis of the knee joint are pronounced. It has certain characteristics:

  1. Inflammation and pain in the joints, which becomes especially noticeable when pressing on the area near the joint.
  2. Slight stiffness or decreased range of motion in the affected joint.
  3. Redness or swelling over the affected joint.
  4. The appearance of weakness in the muscles.
  5. Weakness, malaise, decreased performance.
  6. Increased temperature (in the area of ​​bursitis).
  7. Increased body temperature, especially in the case of infectious bursitis.

With prolonged mechanical irritation of the bursa, chronic knee bursitis can develop. In acute bursitis, pathological changes will be expressed by obvious inflammation of the walls of the bursa.

Bursitis of the knee joint: photo

We offer detailed photos for viewing of what knee bursitis looks like.


To figure out how to treat bursitis of the knee joint, the doctor must not only diagnose it, but also determine the cause of its development. One of them the most important moments diagnostics is to confirm the aseptic nature of the inflammation, for which a puncture of the bursa is performed.

  1. If the result is a clear liquid, then we can conclude that aseptic inflammation.
  2. Obtaining pus indicates that the cause of bursitis is pathogens.
  3. Baker's cyst is also identified quite easily due to its characteristic location - in the popliteal fossa.
  4. In the case of popliteal bursitis, they resort to instrumental methods - ultrasound examination, arthrography and radiography of the knee joint.

Overall diagnosis of this disease is not a problem - an experienced specialist just needs to carry out general examination and palpation examination.

Treatment of knee bursitis

If bursitis of the knee joint is detected therapeutic measures are aimed at eliminating the cause of inflammation and reducing its severity. For this you need A complex approach, including:

  1. Rest for the joint;
  2. Treatment with medications;
  3. Physiotherapeutic procedures.

Specific treatments for knee bursitis depend on the nature of the disease. For aseptic inflammation of the synovial bursa, the treatment regimen usually includes:

  • Providing a state of rest for the knee;
  • Applying ice compresses;
  • Taking anti-inflammatory and;
  • Muscle relaxants (diazepam, baclofen) – to relieve spasms muscle tissue and vessels;
  • Aspiration synovial fluid. It is produced when a significant amount of fluid accumulates in the bursa.

In the case of septic (purulent) bursitis, antibiotics are first prescribed. Removal of pus from the bursa by aspiration and drainage of the joint capsule are also indicated.

Local treatment

On this moment There are a large number of anti-inflammatory ointments:

  • voltaren emulgel;
  • traumeel;
  • diklak;
  • DIP relief;
  • chondroxide;

Compresses with dimexide and a 0.5% solution of novocaine, taken in proportions of 1:3, are applied externally:

  • moisten a gauze cloth with the resulting mixture and apply it to the sore spot;
  • A plastic film is placed on top and insulated with a scarf or towel.

The duration of use of such a compress should not exceed 30 minutes, as severe burns can occur.

Traditional methods to alleviate the condition

Over time, all traditional methods have been tested for effectiveness. At home, you can use only the best of them:

  1. Cabbage compress. It is used against joint inflammation and to relieve pain. It’s simple here - remove the leaf, remove the rough veins, soften it with a rolling pin until the juice appears and apply it to the area of ​​inflammation smeared with honey. Wrap it with film and a scarf. In this case, honey allows cabbage juice to penetrate deeper and has antiseptic properties, and in combination with cabbage it is good at drawing out fluid with infection. Keep the compress for 4-8 hours.
  2. Celery tea. This drink helps strengthen the body and helps fight existing inflammation. To prepare it, take 1 table. l. celery seeds, pour a glass of boiling water, infuse for 1.5-2 hours and filter. You need to drink twice a day for 2 weeks.
  3. Lotions with propolis. 10 g of propolis should be poured into 100 ml of 40% vodka and this mixture should be infused for five days. Then apply lotions to the problem area until the swelling goes away.

Also, if the disease worsens, you can apply ice cubes tightly fixed with a bandage to the knee joint.


Surgery for bursitis is rarely required and is prescribed as a last resort when traditional drug therapy has failed.

Indications for surgery:

  • purulent process;
  • chronic course without effect from conservative therapy;
  • fistula form;
  • injuries with penetration into the bursa cavity.

During surgery, the inflamed joint capsule is removed, which leads to disability for the patient.

Further recovery

The speed at which knee mobility is restored is largely dependent on the efforts of the patient himself. To shorten the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to perform physical exercises and play sports.

It is necessary to avoid activities that lead to the formation of microtraumas of the joint. Effective at this stage folk remedies: infusions and compresses that reduce swelling.

Prevention measures

Prevention of the disease consists in proper distribution of loads during work or training, preparation of the ligamentous apparatus to accept force, ensuring safe conditions to eliminate the possibility of injury.

Anyone who has suffered from any form of knee bursitis should periodically use kneecap elastics. It is they who will support the knee and provide compression, which will reduce the degree of load on the knee joint.

If the skin is damaged, it is necessary to thoroughly treat it with an antiseptic agent, or apply antibacterial ointment or a patch. All emerging phenomena of pyoderma, as well as any rashes in the knee area, must be subjected to timely treatment.

IN modern world the occurrence of pain in the knee area, which is accompanied by other symptoms, may indicate complex diseases.

Along with well-known arthritis and arthrosis, bursitis occurs.

What is knee bursitis?

Unlike other diseases of the knee joint, bursitis has a certain variety:

  • patellar;
  • popliteal;
  • purulent;
  • cyst.

In the first case, the disease is represented by the suprapatellar subtype, which occurs due to inflammation of the patellar bursa. The root cause of inflammation itself may be the following factors:

  • prolonged kneeling;
  • severe bruise of this part of the leg;
  • chronic joint diseases.

The second type of disease is infrapatellar. This disease causes inflammation of the popliteal bursa due to severe trauma.

The third type of disease develops due to severe infection of the popliteal bursa. In this case, microorganisms provoke the release of pus in the bursa. The reason for the latter is the untimely provision of assistance after injury. This type of disease also occurs due to allergies.

In the fourth case, the cyst occurs on the damaged inner part of the joint capsule. The root cause of this disease will be:

  • excess weight;
  • rupture of ligaments in the popliteal part of the leg;
  • tendon microtrauma;
  • great physical activity.

How to treat bursitis of the knee joint?

If various indicators reveal bursitis of the knee joint, treatment may be different. The conduct of any therapy is determined by the type of illness and the degree of its progress. The necessary therapy is best prescribed by a specialized doctor.

People who have identified some symptoms of the disease should clearly know what knee bursitis is and how to treat it. This will increase the chances of a speedy recovery.

There are the following main methods of providing therapeutic effects:

  • medicinal;
  • surgical;
  • physiotherapy;
  • common people.

If doctors have identified the most severe forms of this disease, they should determine how to treat bursitis of the knee joint of this type. Most often, in this case, they resort to surgical or physiotherapeutic treatment methods.

Before prescribing therapy, a re-examination should be performed to confirm the diagnosis. This must be done due to the similarity of symptoms with other diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • ligament rupture;
  • bruise.

The most basic distinctive feature bursitis is complete or partial preservation motor functions legs in the knee area. This may cause discomfort or pain.

Drug therapy

Almost every type of illness is treated with medication. In the most complex forms, taking antibiotics is a mandatory part of treatment. Before prescribing such drugs, it is necessary to mandatory check the patient for tolerance to medication components.

Most often, doctors prescribe the following external medications:

  • "Deep Relief";
  • "Ketonal";
  • "Fastum";
  • "Diclovit."

In addition to these remedies, many others can be prescribed. Their main effect is a reduction in pain in the area of ​​the disease. Some drugs have a therapeutic effect when they penetrate deeply into the subcutaneous tissue.

Hormonal ointments are prescribed for acute illness. In this case, this type of treatment is used together with surgical or physiotherapy.

Surgical exposure

Before prescribing surgical treatment, a puncture is taken from the affected area, which makes it possible to determine the nature of the disease. Besides, this procedure will allow you to establish suspected intolerance to certain antibiotics to avoid allergic reactions.

In the case of a purulent disease, direct surgical intervention on the source of the disease is necessary. In this case, with the help of syringe pumping out purulent deposits, a kind of cleaning of the sore spot is performed. The pumped out liquid must be sent for examination to accurately identify the causative agent of the ongoing infection.

After removing the pus, the knee sac is washed and further treatment is prescribed. drug treatment with possible repeated cleansing of the injured area.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

This method of healing is very common. It represents the effect of ultrasonic lamps, electrophoresis or UHF therapy. Each subtype of physiotherapeutic effect on the site of the disease is assigned according to the complexity of the course of the disease.

The influence of ultrasonic lamps has a beneficial, painless and fast-acting effect on the knee joint.

Popular influence

For mild forms of such a disease of the knee joint or if it is impossible to carry out aggressive procedures (pregnancy, other complex diseases), treatment is carried out traditional methods.

The most common methods of self-medication include:

  • compresses;
  • tinctures;
  • lotions;
  • essential oils;
  • the right foods.

Compresses made from decoctions of burdock or chamomile roots have an antiseptic effect. Honey wrapping of the source of the disease using a simple laundry soap reduces pain and kills germs on the knee.

The use of vinegar tinctures with the addition of honey is an excellent treatment for bursitis of the knee joint.

Propolis lotions help to have a beneficial effect on the tumor that occurs in the affected area.

Eucalyptus essential oil should be used when massaging the knee.

Any method of influencing a joint requires absolute bed rest and proper nutrition. Any without the last therapeutic effect may not have lasting results.

How to cure bursitis of the knee joint is a question that only specialized specialists can solve. Therefore, if you have this illness, you should seek help from professionals as soon as possible.

Suprapatellar bursitis of the knee joint - symptoms and treatment methods

Suprapatellar bursitis of the knee joint - acute, subacute or chronic pathology, occurring against the background of an inflammatory process in the suprapatellar bursa. This joint structure is located at the junction of the cartilage of the knee. The disease is characterized by abundant formation and accumulation of exudate in the cavity of the synovial bursa. The causes of inflammation are excessive stress on the joint, its injury, and infection with pathogenic bacteria. Severe symptoms help diagnose suprapatellar bursitis - hyperthermia, weakness, pain and swelling, decreased range of motion when walking. After conducting a series of laboratory and instrumental studies pathology therapy is carried out. If unsuccessful conservative techniques patients are indicated for surgical intervention.

Etiology and classification

A common cause of the development of suprapatellar bursitis is increased loads on the knee when lifting weights or strength training. In such cases, the cavity of the bag decreases as a result of compression, which leads to its destruction. Due to a strong directed blow to the knee joint, its elements are injured, triggering a rapidly spreading inflammatory process. The following factors can also provoke pathology:

  • excess body weight is one of the causes of degenerative-dystrophic changes in joint tissues;
  • injury to the skin on the knee with subsequent penetration of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • presence of accompanying infectious diseases, for example, syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis.

The causes of suprapatellar bursitis formed the basis for its classification. It may be nonspecific, developing as a result of the penetration of streptococci or streptococci into the synovial fluid. A specific pathology occurs when infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, gonococci, and Treponema pallidum. Hemorrhagic bursitis is diagnosed when an increased concentration of red blood cells is detected in the synovial fluid. At serous disease the biological sample contains an excess of white and red blood cells. Especially dangerous is purulent bursitis, which is characterized by a high content of bacteria and their metabolic products in the joint capsule.

Goncharov Nikolay Aleksandrovich, traumatologist-orthopedist of the highest qualification category, candidate medical sciences about the effect of body weight on joint function:

Clinical picture

The main clinical manifestations of suprapatellar bursitis are gradually increasing pain and swelling of the tissue at the location of the suprapatellar bursa. In cases of moderate severity of the disease, swelling of the soft tissues does not occur, and the development of the pathological process is signaled by a limitation in the range of movements during prolonged walking. On initial stage stiffness in the joint disappears as a result of increased physical activity. Doctors explain this by improved blood circulation in the knee joint due to moderate load. What other signs indicate the development of bursitis:

  • inadequate flexion and extension of the knee;
  • gain painful sensations when ascending or descending;
  • formation of a compaction in the area of ​​the suprapatellar bursa;
  • swelling and redness of the skin on the knee;
  • hyperemia.

The pain is usually localized slightly above the kneecap, often spreading to internal surfaces hips and lower limbs. An increase in the intensity of discomfort occurs when trying to change the position of the body - cross your legs, stand up after prolonged sitting.

For acute suprapatellar bursitis or relapse chronic disease upon palpation, a compaction is felt, touching which causes severe pain. The knee turns red and swells. The inflammatory process causes the appearance of symptoms of general intoxication of the body. The temperature rises above subfebrile levels (38-38.5°C), gastrointestinal disorders occur, usually nausea and paroxysmal vomiting. The likelihood of suppuration in soft tissues and the formation of phlegmon with a dense infiltrate increases.

If left untreated, acute bursitis progresses to its chronic form. At the remission stage, only the presence of a soft swelling above the kneecap reminds of pathology. This form of the disease is dangerous not so much due to frequent and painful relapses as to the gradual destruction of joint tissue due to a sluggish inflammatory process. The degree of restriction of movements increases, as does the severity of pain during exacerbations. Significant destructive and degenerative changes in tissues are accompanied by muscle weakness and dystrophy.

A patient with chronic or acute bursitis often suffers from inadequate sleep. An attempt to change the position of the body, for example, roll over to the other side, causes pain, forcing him to wake up.

Methods for treating suprapatellar bursitis Methods and pharmacological preparations used
Lifestyle correction Reducing physical activity, reducing physical activity, bed rest, cooling compresses, fixing the sore knee
Medicines Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticosteroids, chondroprotectors, painkillers and warming ointments, antibacterial and antimicrobials
Diadynamic currents, electrophoresis, massage, UHF therapy
Surgical intervention Arthroscopy, invasive and minimally invasive surgeries

Conservative treatment

In the treatment of suprapatellar bursitis, preference is given not to taking medications, but to a course of physiotherapeutic procedures. Equally important is reducing the load on the sore knee, which helps speed up tissue regeneration. If physical activity leads to an increase in pain intensity, then you need to rest for 1-2 hours. It is necessary to exclude from the usual lifestyle factors that have caused pathology or provoke a deterioration in a person’s well-being.

Suprapatellar bursitis responds well to treatment with initial stage when the integrity of the tissues of the bag is still compromised by the inflammatory process. How the therapy is carried out:

  • Cold compresses should be applied to the formed compaction several times a day for 10-15 minutes. For the procedure, ice cubes are usually used in a plastic bag wrapped in thick cloth;
  • compliance with bed rest with the leg elevated;
  • knee joint fixation elastic bandage or a tight knee pad.

The first sign of recovery is a decrease in the severity of pain after increasing physical activity. Doctors recommend not putting any weight on your leg for several more months, otherwise an acute relapse may follow.

Traumatologist Nikolai Turchin will tell you about the methods of treating bursitis:

Pharmacological drugs

The symptoms and treatment of suprapatellar bursitis of the knee are closely related. If, with a slight accumulation of exudate, the doctor prescribes only cold and rest, then if complications develop, it cannot be avoided without taking hormonal drugs. If laboratory diagnosis reveals bacterial infection, then antibiotics are included in the therapeutic regimen:

  • cephalosporins - Cephalexin, Ciprofloxacin, Cefazolin, Cefotaxime, Suprax;
  • macrolides - Clarithromycin, Azithromycin or its imported analogue Sumamed;
  • protected semi-synthetic penicillins - Flemoklav, Amoxiclav, Panklav.

For specific bursitis, antimicrobial agents are actively used - Metronidazole, Biseptol, Co-trimoxazole. To reduce the severity of local and general symptoms, the patient may be prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs. non-steroidal drugs with active ingredients: nimesulide, ketorolac, meloxicam, diclofenac, ibuprofen.

To enhance clinical effect For tablets and dragees from any pharmacological group, the doctor recommends local application of ointments or gels. These are Voltaren, Fastum, Artrosilene, Indomethacin, Diclovit, Ketorol, Dolobene, Bystrum-gel. In the absence of an inflammatory process, warming external agents are used to improve blood circulation in damaged tissues - Finalgon, Capsicam, Apizartron, Viprosal.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

The undoubted advantages of physiotherapy in the treatment of bursitis are their high efficiency and safety. Their implementation makes it possible to significantly reduce drug doses and minimize them adverse reactions, reduce the duration of the therapeutic course. The process involves physical and natural factors that stimulate not only local, but also the general immunity of the body. The following physiotherapeutic techniques are most often indicated to patients:

  • electrophoresis. During the procedure, drugs are delivered to inflammatory foci under the influence of weak electric current discharges. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, chondroprotectors, B vitamins are absorbed directly into damaged tissues, and are not carried by the bloodstream throughout the body;
  • Diadynamic therapy. During the procedure, diadynamic currents are used that excite skin receptors and structures of the neuromuscular system. The result is an analgesic, decongestant, anti-inflammatory effect due to the normalization of blood circulation and microcirculation in the joint capsule. Diadynamic therapy is contraindicated for cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.

Physiotherapeutic techniques correctly selected by a doctor allow you to do without taking painkillers at the initial stage of bursitis. Optimal functioning of the knee joint is restored after 5-10 sessions. Severe and chronic course of the disease requires more time for tissue regeneration.

Sometimes, after physiotherapeutic procedures, the intensity of bursitis symptoms increases. The size of the compaction increases, pain and swelling intensify. This could become indirect sign the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the synovial fluid. His extrapulmonary forms provoke progression of the disease after a physiotherapy session, especially with the use of heat.

Carrying out a surgical operation

Indications for surgical intervention become ineffective conservative therapeutic techniques and diagnosing severe destructive and degenerative changes in the knee structures. The operation involves aspiration of fluid and injection of glucocorticosteroids into the joint capsule.

Anton Epifanov performs knee joint puncture procedures:

General anesthesia is used in rare cases; local anesthesia is usually sufficient. The surgeon drains the joint capsule and injects hormonal agents into it - glucocorticosteroids to stop the inflammatory process. During the rehabilitation period, the patient is advised to wear a fixing bandage and bed rest for two days. This therapy is much more effective than a course of medications (NSAIDs, analgesics, muscle relaxants). The use of tablet forms provides a systemic effect, and with aspiration medicine appears directly in the inflammatory focus.

If this method of treatment does not bring positive result, then the surgeon removes the suprapatellar bursa. Duration rehabilitation period after the operation varies from 3 to 5 days. And recovery functional activity knee joint takes 2 to 3 weeks.

Doctors often suggest that patients immediately resort to surgical treatment of bursitis, without wasting time on an appointment. pharmacological drugs. Four years ago, Tom Hanks underwent surgery under... local anesthesia, which allowed him to film the entire operation on video.

Any signs of bursitis should not be ignored, even if they disappear quickly. For some people it gradually becomes a habit. discomfort in the knee after physical activity, a kind of adaptation to them occurs. Neglecting medical help will accelerate the chronicity of the disease, and this is a direct path to surgical intervention.

Ointments for elbow bursitis are easy to use and highly effective. It is necessary to treat such a disease, since if it is neglected, then a pronounced limitation of the activity of the organ is possible. How to treat elbow with ointments and creams?

Distinctive features of the treatment of acute bursitis

The acute form of this disease can be treated with outpatient setting. It is necessary to fix the diseased joint. This is best done with an elastic bandage. In particular acute cases The doctor can fix the joint with a plaster splint.

To relieve intense inflammation, ointments based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are usually used. Drugs such as Diclofenac and Nicoflex have proven themselves well in treatment. With pronounced pain syndrome glucocorticosteroid drugs are used. Most often, the doctor prescribes hydrocortisone ointment to patients. In the same cases, the administration of Novocaine is indicated.

Joint punctures are prescribed if treatment with ointments does not bring significant results within a week. Antibacterial agents indicated only if an infection is associated with the inflammatory process.

After conservative treatment of bursitis with ointments, if the main symptoms subside, physiotherapy is indicated. Irradiation with ultraviolet rays, phonophoresis, and electrophoresis are prescribed. Shown alcohol compresses, bandages.

Use of antibiotics

Local antibiotics for bursitis are prescribed only by a doctor. Self-prescription of such medications for joint pain and inflammation is strictly prohibited. Typically, Levomycetin or another antibiotic-based ointment is used, prescribed after a thorough diagnosis of the inflammatory process in the joint capsule.

For treatment, ointments with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used in parallel. This is Ibuprofen or Diclofenac. However, when treating NSAID use An antibiotic is required: in this way it is possible to significantly reduce the severity of the inflammatory process in the elbow.

Along with creams, antibiotic injections may also be prescribed. This type of treatment is required for purulent complicated bursitis.

Use of Diclofenac

Diclofenac ointment or cream is widely used to treat inflammation of the joint capsule. Among the advantages of such a medicine are not only its excellent analgesic effect, but also affordable price. This drug is not suitable for self-medication: the patient should in any case consult a doctor before starting therapy.

The ointment has the following contraindications:

  • diseases digestive organs at the acute stage;
  • aspirin triad;
  • disorders of hematopoietic processes, especially of unknown origin;
  • sensitivity to Diclofenac or to any other drugs of a similar group.

During treatment, the dosage prescribed by the doctor must be followed. The patient cannot determine it independently. Sometimes a higher dose is prescribed by a doctor for severe pain.

When treating with Diclofenac, caution must be exercised, as the drug can cause the following side effects:

  • nausea, vomiting and other disorders of the digestive tract;
  • liver dysfunction (very rare);
  • headaches, dizziness and increased nervous excitability;
  • increased fatigue;
  • sleep disorders;
  • feeling of double vision;
  • depressive states;
  • blood disorders: drop in the number of red blood cells, leukemia, thrombocytopenia;
  • skin disorders: rash, itching, hair loss;
  • burning and redness at the site of external use.

It must be remembered that joint treatment with Acetylsalicylic acid significantly reduces the effectiveness of the ointment for bursitis of the knee joint.

Products with Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen ointment does not have a pronounced systemic effect on the body. Its components are selected in such a way that it is active only in areas of inflammation. The drug is effective not only for diseases of the elbow joint, but also in cases where a person, for example, has knee pain.

The peculiarity of the ointment is that its active component slowly penetrates the diseased tissue. This achieves the effect of prolonged action of the drug. It is precisely in the affected tissues that it is possible to achieve increased concentrations Ibuprofen. As a result, relief from pain and inflammation occurs quite quickly.

The ointment can be used in the following cases:

  • joint pain;
  • phenomena of inflammation in the elbow;
  • restriction of active movements in it;
  • swelling and degenerative lesions of the periarticular bursa;
  • Elbow bruises (without breaking the integrity).

The ointment or cream should be applied in a strip to the affected area of ​​the body and rubbed until completely absorbed. Usually the doctor indicates to the patient in detail the duration of treatment. The duration of therapy cannot be determined based on instructions or other information.

As a rule, subject to the rules of therapy and all the doctor’s instructions side effects develop very rarely. In exceptional cases, allergic reactions may occur. This happens when hypersensitivity to the active components of the ointment.

It should not be used during pregnancy, skin disorders, or children (under 14 years of age). It is also unacceptable to treat bursitis of the knee joint while breastfeeding, since it active ingredients pass into milk and have an adverse effect on the baby. This ointment should be used especially carefully when bronchial asthma, hay fever.

When to use Dolobene and its analogues

This is a combination drug containing Dimethyl sulfoxide, Heparin and Dexpanthenol. It promotes the restoration of affected tissues and activates metabolic processes in them.

Dolobene can be used in the following cases:

  • injuries of the elbow joint, including sports ones;
  • muscle damage;
  • inflammation of the joint capsule of the elbow;
  • sprain;
  • acute pain in the elbow;
  • other degenerative joint disorders leading to severe mobility impairment.

Dolobene gel should be applied to the affected area and then evenly distributed over the affected surface, rubbing into the skin. This must be done very carefully so as not to cause additional pain. You can additionally apply a bandage.

You need to be careful, as Dolobene can cause the following side effects:

  • local allergic reactions;
  • itching and burning sensation
  • appearance bad taste in the mouth (this sensation passes quickly);
  • sometimes there may be some change in the sensation of taste);
  • Quincke's edema can very rarely occur.

It is forbidden to use Dolobene gel when pronounced violations activity of the liver and kidneys, in addition, during vegetative vascular dystonia. The drug is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. Children under the age of five are not prescribed this medicine due to the lack of treatment practice. It must be remembered that this is still a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and it is taken with extreme caution.

Use of Vishnevsky ointment for bursitis

This ointment contains tar, castor oil and xeroform. Refers to antiseptics. However, Vishnevsky ointment is an excellent mixture for the treatment of inflammatory processes, as it absorbs exudate well.

The action of the ointment is based on the properties of its components:

  • xeroform has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and relieves purulent inflammation articular capsule;
  • birch tar intensifies blood flow to diseased tissues;
  • Castor oil softens the skin and helps other ointments to be absorbed into the skin faster.

This ointment for bursitis is well absorbed into the skin due to its structure. It is very easy to apply and then quickly absorbs into the affected tissue.

Ointment for knee bursitis is recommended to be used only as directed by a doctor. With bursitis, it is extremely undesirable to self-medicate, since the disease can become chronic. A contraindication to the use of the product is a pronounced tendency to allergic reactions.

Warming ointments for bursitis

They contain specific components that increase capillary permeability: snake or bee venom, pepper extract, essential oils. They locally cause tissue hyperemia and increase blood flow. The only caveat regarding the use of such compositions is that they cannot be prescribed in acute period or immediately after injury, since in this case, on the contrary, tissue cooling is necessary.

Typically, such ointments include:

  • Methyl salicylate;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac.

The action of all ointments in this group is aimed at getting rid of unpleasant symptoms and rapid restoration of active movements in the joints.

The modern market offers a huge number of warming ointments that are successfully used against bursitis. They cope excellently with the symptoms of inflammation of the joint capsule. All such medications, despite the fact that they can be used at home, are prescribed only by a doctor. Self-medication of bursitis is prohibited, since it is impossible to get rid of it in such conditions, and the risk of developing dangerous complications at the same time increases significantly. The vast majority of these drugs are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Bursitis of the knee joint (pictured) is a disease when the synovial bursa (bursa), which is a pocket, becomes inflamed small size which is filled with a small amount of liquid.
The location of the bursae is in the places where muscles and tendons connect. They are designed to reduce stress on the joints.

There are 3 synovial bursae near the knee joints, each of which can be susceptible to bursitis. Depending on the type of synovial bursa, this disease also comes in different types.

  1. Suprapatellar (infrapatellar) bursitis of the knee joint. It is also called popliteal bursitis, since this disease develops in the synovial popliteal bursa. Often, suprapatellar bursitis of the knee joint occurs due to injury to the tendon in the area under the knee.
  2. Baker's cysts. This type of knee bursitis develops on the inner underside of the knee. It often occurs in people who have excess weight bodies.
  3. Prepatellar bursitis. This type of bursitis can be found in most cases of all diseases of this type. Its development occurs in the synovial patellar bursa. It occurs after various injuries and damage to the kneecap.

There are several causes of knee bursitis. The main ones are the following:

  1. Knee injuries;
  2. High loads on the knee joints;
  3. Infectious diseases that spread to the bursa.

All kinds of small bruises, wounds and abrasions near the synovial bursa often act as causes for the development of bursitis of the knee joint. Athletes often fall into the risk category for this disease, since they constantly receive all kinds of sprains and injuries and expose the knee joints to high loads.

However, in addition to the above reasons, bursitis can appear as a result of other inflammatory diseases of the joints, for example, gout or arthritis. Allergic reactions, autoimmune diseases and impaired metabolism may also affect the development of knee bursitis.

Symptoms of knee bursitis include the following:

  1. Inflammation and pain in the joints, which becomes especially noticeable when pressing on the area near the joint.
  2. Slight stiffness or decreased range of motion in the affected joint.
  3. Redness or swelling over the affected joint.
  4. The appearance of weakness in the muscles.
  5. Weakness, malaise, decreased performance.
  6. Increased temperature (in the area of ​​bursitis).
  7. Increased body temperature, especially in the case of infectious bursitis.

As a rule, the symptoms of knee bursitis are expressed in different ways. In any case, if they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of the disease is not a difficult process if the superficial bursae are inflamed. It is based on standard clinical signs which are described above. In addition, the diagnosis can be facilitated by puncture of the bursa cavity, which makes it possible to determine the nature of the current inflammation from the contents (purulent, serous, purulent-hemorrhagic, etc.), to identify the nature of the microflora and the degree of its sensitivity to antibiotics.

In order for the treatment of knee bursitis to be most effective, it is important to promptly exclude the specific infection that could cause inflammation (brucella, gonococci, spirochetes, and others).
This can be done based on the collected history, bacteriological research contents of synovial bursae, results of special serological reactions.

To know how to treat knee bursitis, you must first distinguish it from arthritis. In this case, the main sign is the ability to maintain movement in the joint.

To prevent purulent bursitis, you should begin treatment of acute serous bursitis of the knee joint as early as possible and use fixing bandages.

Chronic bursitis requires the use of a puncture to remove exudate and further rinsing of the bursa cavity using solutions of antibiotics and antiseptics.

Treatment of traumatic bursitis of the knee involves the injection of a hydrocortisone solution into the synovial bursa. It is important to properly observe asepsis, otherwise major complications may occur.

Purulent bursitis is treated with punctures. With progression this process Sometimes they even open the bag and remove the pus. Then purulent wound treated by general rules. The disadvantage of this method of treating knee bursitis is the long period of wound healing.

Prognosis for acute bursitis will depend on several factors:

  1. degree of changes in tissues,
  2. prevalence,
  3. the ability of the inflammatory process to further develop,
  4. patient's body resistance.

Sometimes it happens that it is not easy to get medical assistance. Then the question arises of how to treat bursitis of the knee joint, because inflammation in people whose activities are associated with physical labor occurs quite often. U traditional medicine There are ways to treat knee bursitis.

Over time, all methods have been tested for effectiveness. Only the best of them remain.

Vegetable compresses

They are made overnight, and vegetables need to be alternated (potatoes, beets and cabbage). Before going to bed, you need to cut 2-3 raw potatoes into slices, which you then place on clean material, wrapping it around the affected joint. In addition, a film is placed on top and wrapped with a woolen scarf. The next morning the compress is removed.

On the second night, a compress is made in the same way from beets (raw). The third night is for a compress of finely chopped fresh cabbage. Treatment should be continued until the formation disappears.

Compress with sugar

In a dry frying pan, the sugar heats up, but does not melt. Then it is poured into a small bag made of thick fabric and applied to the affected joint overnight. The top is covered with cellophane and tied with a warm scarf. The next morning, the compress is removed, and the soaked sugar is thrown out of the bag. This procedure must be repeated until recovery (complete).

Celery tea

This drink helps strengthen the body and helps fight existing inflammation.
To prepare it, take 1 table. l. celery seeds, pour a glass of boiling water, infuse for 1.5-2 hours and filter. You need to drink twice a day for 2 weeks.

Exotic recipes

In addition to simple folk recipes, there are also more exotic and new ones.

For example, lotions with propolis. To prepare them, 10 g of propolis is poured into 100-150 ml of 40% vodka. All this is infused for five days, after which lotions are made until the swelling completely disappears.

Or you can do a massage with aroma oils. To do this, take eucalyptus, lavender and Vaseline oil, mix and gently massage the area near the affected joint, during which the mixture is rubbed into the skin. This procedure should be performed every evening before going to bed.

However, when self-treatment does not help, and the situation is only getting worse, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Bursitis is an inflammatory process affecting the periarticular bursae of the knee joint with accumulation of bursae in them. It usually occurs in people who lead active image life. At risk are athletes and people who work on their feet all day, for example, hairdressers, builders, and salespeople. The knee joints are very vulnerable and therefore require close attention. Apart from conservative methods, joint replacement can be done using folk remedies.

Causes of the disease

Common factors leading to the development of knee bursitis:

  • serious damage to the skin of the knee (cuts), through which infection can penetrate;
  • Availability concomitant diseases, provoking the development of bursitis - psoriasis;
  • excess body weight (obesity), as a result of which a significant load is placed on the knee, causing its significant weakening;
  • all forms of sepsis;
  • increased and prolonged physical activity on the knee joint;
  • infectious diseases (for example, tuberculosis or syphilis);
  • genetic predisposition.

Symptoms of the disease

The nature of the symptoms depends on the type and stage of the disease. General signs:

  • growing in the kneecap itself and next to it (intensified when pressed); the appearance of muscle weakness;
  • increased temperature in the knee area;
  • increased body temperature;
  • color change, small appearance in the soft tissue area;
  • decreased performance, general malaise;
  • changes in the epidermis, slight redness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • - both in the morning and throughout the day.

Types of bursitis of the knee joint

Depending on the location of inflammation and symptoms, 4 types of bursitis of the knee joint are distinguished: prepatellar, suprapatellar, anserine (angserine), infrapatellar.

Type of bursitis of the knee Area of ​​localization and description of the disease
Prepatellar bursitis It is formed due to inflammation of the synovial bursa in the upper part, between the skin and the kneecap. , and with the addition of physical activity they intensify incomparably. When the contents in the bursa cavity become infected, an increase in temperature is observed. Often, prepatellar bursitis occurs in older people, since it is closely associated with others and (,)
With suprapatellar bursitis, the bursitis itself becomes inflamed and a tumor forms in the upper area of ​​the joint round shape. Most often it does not bother you, it has a jelly-like consistency, its size is 8-10 cm. The disease is accompanied by large swelling of the upper part of the knee and a significant decrease in its mobility
Infrapatellar bursitis This form of bursitis occurs due to inflammation of the bursa located under the kneecap near the main tendon. It is formed as a result of damage to the tendon. At first, the pathology has mild symptoms, and occasionally pain occurs during and or. Professional athletes (for example, jumpers) are most susceptible to this type of disease, so it often develops into a chronic form.
Anserine bursitis (Anserine, ) It is a benign elastic tumor that is located on the lateral surface of the joint. The neoplasm is most noticeable when the knee is extended. During (during) severe discomfort is felt. Often diagnosed in people who are overweight

Bursitis of the knee joint is also classified according to the presence of an infectious agent: serous and purulent. The cause of serous bursitis is inflammation of an aseptic nature. Inflammation with purulent bursitis is caused by microbes that enter the synovial bursa during various injuries or sepsis.

Diagnosis of knee bursitis

To make a reliable diagnosis, it is important to undergo diagnostics, since in exceptional cases, knee bursitis can be confused with other diseases, such as arthritis.

Diagnostic methods depend on the location of the synovial bursa. Diagnosing superficial bursitis is not difficult. With the help of and it is possible to determine the localization of inflammation with reliable accuracy. To determine the exact size of the tumor, contrast radiography is used.

To accurately diagnose deep bursitis, differential diagnosis is needed. the cavity of the bursa is the most informative method that allows you to identify the pathology by the color and consistency of the resulting fluid, to find out what type of bursitis the formation is - purulent or serous (yellowish fluid).

Bursitis of the knee joint: treatment at home

When the doctor makes a diagnosis, treatment is prescribed. To eliminate bursitis of the knee joint, they are limited to conservative and traditional methods. The first group includes courses and, manual and drug therapy. Surgery(drainage) of bursitis is carried out only in extreme cases, when the disease progresses so much that it can be stopped conservative methods becomes impossible. It has been proven that bursitis of the knee joint can be treated with folk remedies.

How to treat knee bursitis at home? Treatment consists of eliminating the symptoms of inflammation, pain and restoring normal functioning of the knee joint. The simplest is to use the group. You can buy them at the pharmacy or prepare them yourself. Honey ointment is one of the most common. To prepare it, in addition to liquid honey you will need ethanol and aloe juice. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed in a ratio of 2:3:1. The resulting ointment is gently rubbed into the painful area at least once a day. The course of therapy is at least 2 weeks, depending on the form of the disease.

People prone to allergies need to be careful with honey ointment.

Compresses – effective method treating knee bursitis at home. They cope well with pain and inflammation, and come in different types:

  • sugar compress. A couple of tablespoons of sugar are heated in a dry frying pan (without melting), poured into a small cloth bag and applied to the affected area before bed. To achieve a more pronounced effect, place cellophane on top and wrap it with a warm scarf. The procedure can be performed daily until complete recovery;
  • ice compress. Ice cubes are applied to the kneecap and secured with a bandage. To prevent hypothermia, it is not recommended to perform the procedure for longer than 30 minutes. The method relieves inflammation well and lowers the temperature in the knee area. It can be used 2-3 times a day;
  • vegetable compress. The most suitable compresses for bursitis are beets, potatoes and White cabbage. Vegetables are applied overnight, alternating daily. For the first night, make a compress from raw potatoes: take 2-3 small pieces, cut into circles and apply to the affected area until the morning. Wrapped on top cling film, wrapped in a warm scarf. On the second night, prepare a compress from beets (similarly), and on the third - from finely chopped cabbage leaves. Thanks to beneficial properties vegetables, this method gives lasting results;
  • Kalanchoe compress. Fresh leaves The plants are lightly beaten to release the juice and applied to the inflamed joint for 3-4 hours, secured with a bandage. Perform the procedure daily for 7-10 days;
  • vodka compress. Vodka or pure alcohol is mixed with propolis in a ratio of 1:10 (optimally - 200 grams of vodka and 20 grams of propolis), left to infuse in a dark place for 5-7 days. Moisten cotton wool with the resulting liquid and apply it to sore spot, tied with an elastic bandage. The procedure is carried out once every day until the pain completely disappears;
  • . To prepare a saline solution, take 1 tablespoon table salt and dissolve in 0.5 liters of hot boiled water. A coarse (linen) cloth is dipped into the resulting solution and applied to the affected area. To prevent heat loss, wrap a woolen scarf on top. The compress can be used daily before bedtime;
  • burdock compress. Dry roots of the plant (1 tablespoon) are poured with a glass of boiling water (250 ml), boiled over low heat for 7-10 minutes. Moisten a gauze bandage with the resulting decoction (pre-cooled) and apply to the painful area for 2 hours. The course of treatment is 15-25 procedures depending on the stage of the disease.

IN acute stage Inflammation of bursitis of the knee joint, treatment with warm compresses is contraindicated.

Decoctions are another way to treat bursitis. There are many different recipes that you can prepare at home:

  1. Burdock root is crushed and poured with boiling water. For 4 tablespoons of the plant take 400 ml of water. The decoction is infused for 24 hours in a dark place. Take 1 tablespoon at least 2 times a day before meals for 7-10 days.
  2. Take 1 tablespoon of celery seeds and pour boiling water over it. Strain before use. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  3. Mix 200 ml of vodka and 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort herb, leave to infuse in a dark place for 12-14 days. The resulting decoction is filtered and consumed 2-3 times a day (dissolving 20 drops in 100 ml of water in advance). The course of treatment is 7 days.
  4. 20 g of propolis are mixed with 150 g of vegetable oil and consumed 1 teaspoon before meals 2 times a day. The decoction is taken for 10 days.

Special baths made from coniferous plants have a positive effect. The recipe for their preparation is simple: fresh pine needles (pine branches or cones) are crushed and filled with water, boiled for 20 minutes, and left to infuse for 10-15 hours. For 2.5 liters of water, it is enough to take 1 glass of the ingredient. The temperature in the bath should be about 40 O C, you should take it every day for 15 minutes until the inflammation of the joints goes away completely.

When treating bursitis of the knee, due attention should be paid. Food should contain products containing zinc and vitamins A, C, E. These include: fish, meat, vegetables, nuts and dried fruits.

Measures to prevent bursitis

In order to avoid recurrence of bursitis in the future, it is necessary to avoid sprains, injuries and hypothermia in the knee area, and do not forget about preventive measures:

  • exclude physical exercises with heavy load on the knee;
  • do classes on therapeutic exercises(With gradual increase exercise intensity);
  • start swimming;
  • periodically use special joint fixators (for example,);
  • carry out physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • undergo a massage course at least 2 times a year.