Using vaseline oil for home use. Vaseline oil - application and reviews

Instructions for medical use drug

Description of the pharmacological action

When taken orally, vaseline oil also has a mechanical laxative effect due to lubrication of the intestinal wall, softening hard fecal masses and preventing their formation in the large intestine, and has a weak stimulating effect on the intestines.

Indications for use

Chronic constipation; poisoning with fat-soluble poisons (gasoline, kerosene, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, etc.).

It is used externally as a skin softening agent and as a basis for other preparations.

Vaseline oil used to lubricate the catheter (in emergency care).

Release form

Oil for oral administration; vial (bottle) 30 ml;
Oil for oral administration; vial (bottle) 40 ml;
Oil for oral administration; vial (bottle) 80 ml;
Oil for oral administration; bottle (vial) of dark glass 100 ml;
Oil for oral administration; bottle (vial) of dark glass 500 ml;
Oil for oral administration; bottle (vial) of dark glass 250 ml;
Oil for oral administration; bottle (vial) of dark glass 1000 ml;
Oil for oral administration; bottle (vial) of dark glass 25 ml;
Oil for oral administration; polyethylene canister 10 kg plastic bag (bag) 1;
Oil for oral administration; polyethylene canister 20 kg plastic bag (bag) 1;
Oil for oral administration; polyethylene canister 5 kg plastic bag (bag) 1;
Oil for oral administration; dark glass bottle (vial) 25 ml cardboard pack 1;
Oil for oral administration; dark glass bottle (vial) 50 ml cardboard pack 1;
Oil for oral administration; dark glass bottle (flacon) 100 ml carton pack 1;
Oil for oral administration; dark glass bottle (bottle) 30 ml cardboard pack 1;
Oil for oral administration; dark glass bottle (flacon) 20 ml cardboard pack 1;
Oil for oral administration; dark glass bottle (bottle) 40 ml cardboard pack 1;
Oil for oral administration; bottle (bottle) 40 ml carton pack 1;
Oil for oral administration; bottle (bottle) 80 ml carton pack 1;
Oil for oral administration; bottle (bottle) 25 ml carton pack 1;


When taken orally, vaseline oil has a mechanical laxative effect due to lubrication of the intestinal wall, softening hard fecal masses and preventing their formation in the large intestine, and has a weak stimulating effect on the intestines.

Use during pregnancy

During pregnancy and lactation, the use of vaseline oil is contraindicated due to the possible reflex stimulating effect of the drug on the uterus.

Contraindications for use

Intestinal obstruction, inflammatory processes in abdominal cavity, acute febrile conditions, hypersensitivity to the drug.

Side effects

Long-term use vaseline oil can lead to a decrease in intestinal tone, a violation of the digestion of food. Prevents absorption fat soluble vitamins which can lead to hypovitaminosis.

Unrefined or poorly refined vaseline oil is irritating to the skin.

Dosage and administration

Special instructions for admission

Vaseline oil can pass through the anal sphincter and contaminate the linen, as it is not absorbed in the intestines.

Storage conditions

In a place protected from light.

Best before date

Belonging to ATX-classification:

** The Medication Guide is for informational purposes only. For more complete information please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; you should consult a doctor before starting the use of the drug Vaseline oil. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the site does not replace the advice of a doctor and cannot serve as a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug.

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** Attention! The information provided in this drug formulary is intended to medical professionals and should not be the basis for self-medication. Description of the drug Vaseline oil is given for information and is not intended for prescribing treatment without the participation of a doctor. Patients need specialist advice!

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Vaseline oil, how much in those two words. Mineral oil, which was obtained by distillation of petroleum products. Removed all kinds of odors, impurities, toxic substances. Designed for both oral and external use. Vaseline oil has found application both in children from the first days of life and in adults.

Using vaseline oil

Liquid paraffin is used in various situations.

Can be used both at home and medical purposes. Vaseline oil is used in such cases:

  1. Included in various ointments And . With it, the cream is absorbed.
  2. Possessing antimicrobial properties, it promotes the healing of wounds, cuts, scratches.
  3. When applied internally, they achieve a laxative effect. Used for constipation. With prolonged use, the intestines are cleansed.
  4. They lubricate the tips gas tube, aspirator.
  5. You can lubricate fruits and vegetables. This contributes to their long-term storage.

Help a child

Vaseline oil has a number of useful properties. Vaseline oil has found application in children's practice.

Throughout childhood, it will become an indispensable assistant for mothers. Use for babies:

  1. Children often suffer from allergic reactions. This manifests itself in the form of diathesis with the formation of crusts, which are tightly soldered to the skin of the baby and are poorly torn off. It is necessary to lubricate the baby's scalp after the bath. When the crusts soften, they can be safely removed without injuring the skin and without causing pain.
  2. With the advent of diapers, diaper rash, prickly heat, diaper dermatitis. vaseline oil will budget option. There are many special creams. But in times of crisis, not everyone can afford them. Liquid paraffin, having the same properties, will help to cope with such a problem. It is enough to lubricate the affected areas of the skin after washing.
  3. During the lubrication of the nasal passages of the child, breathing improves by reducing the formation of crusts. Moisturizing and softening of the mucous membrane occurs, which improves breathing.
  4. Under certain circumstances, the child needs to do an enema. To do this, lubricate the tip of the syringe for setting the enema.
  5. During breastfeeding. Mothers experience irritation of the nipples and halo. This may give rise to inflammatory processes chest. It is necessary to make compresses using vaseline oil.

Secrets of cosmetology

Vaseline oil is also called liquid paraffin. Liquid paraffin is included in many cosmetic products.

It is our application in such cases:

  1. massage practice. Combines well with other oils. If you use only one Vaseline, overdrying of the skin can occur. Therefore, a combination of different oils is necessary.
  2. IN winter period years are used to prevent frostbite. You can lubricate the lips, face skin.
  3. Hair care. After washing your hair, Vaseline is not enough to be applied to wet hair. Hair becomes smoother and straighter. Helps get rid of split ends. After some time, the head must be cleaned of the remaining oil. Vaseline oil is poorly washed off, so soap must be used.
  4. With it, you can make up your face.
  5. Used for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. Now it has become fashionable to shave off the eyebrows completely and draw with a special pencil. But everyone does it. Some girls like Brezhnev's eyebrows. By applying liquid paraffin, you can achieve this effect.
  6. With it, you can soften hardened calluses and.

Help your beloved pet

Dogs and cats also suffer from constipation. Cats that walk around the yard or live in countryside, eat growing herbs in such cases. It happens at the level of instincts. But, if it is a cat or a cat living in an apartment. She has no access to the natural environment.

Vaseline oil is used to eliminate constipation in a cat. To do this, take 1 ml / 1 kg of animal weight and inject into oral cavity. It is necessary to ensure that the animal does not choke. After a day, the stool should return to normal.

It is important to remember that the absence of stool may indicate a condition that requires veterinary attention.


There are a number of contraindications, about which it is forbidden to take vaseline oil. These include:

  1. Pregnancy. It is forbidden to take inside. Influencing the uterus can provoke uterine activity.
  2. During lactation and breastfeeding. You can lubricate the nipples. The condition is that the child does not use inside.
  3. It is forbidden for inflammation of the peritoneum.
  4. Fever.
  5. May cause allergic reactions.

Using vaseline oil for home use was last modified: May 9th, 2016 by MaximB

Vaseline oil is known for its laxative properties. It has a stimulating effect on the intestines, as a result, softening of fecal formations occurs.

Its use is allowed even for newborn babies. Healing properties oils allow it to be used for various purposes, not only in the fight against constipation.

What is vaseline oil?

Vaseline oil is the paraffin liquid form. This mineral substance, which is obtained by vacuum distillation of petroleum products. Liquid paraffin does not have a characteristic odor and color.

Vaseline oil is obtained in two ways: artificial and natural. There are no harmful impurities in its composition, but there are many useful elements.

Thanks to them, the oil is widely used in medicine, cosmetology, perfumery and various industrial sectors.

1. What the instruction says

When purchasing vaseline oil, it is worth studying in detail its properties, methods of use and other useful information.

Indications for use

Vaseline oil is a salvation from many problems related to health and beauty. It is used in the following cases:

Application methods

To solve each problem, there is a different way to use vaseline oil. Let's consider each separately.

For constipation

In this case, the remedy is applied inside. Its effectiveness is due to the fact that the oil does not contain toxic and mutagenic substances, therefore it does not enter the bloodstream. It evenly spreads along the walls of the intestine, forming a protective layer between the mucosa and fecal formations. As a result, the stool softens, easily slides in and out. There is a mild stimulation of the digestive organs.

To facilitate the process of defecation, vaseline oil should be drunk a couple of hours before a meal. Adult dosage- 2 teaspoons, children's - ½ teaspoon (for babies under 3 years old). After 5 hours, the desired effect will be. The duration of therapy is a maximum of 5 days.

In the form of compresses

If you are being tormented joint pain or the body hurts after a workout, you can make a "vaseline" compress at night. For this you need:

  • fold gauze or bandage in several rows;
  • moisten the “blank” with plenty of oil, and then squeeze;
  • apply a compress to the affected area;
  • cover with compress paper on top;
  • secure the structure with a bandage or bandage.

Another way to relieve pain is to lubricate the focus with vaseline oil, rubbing it in, and apply an alcohol compress on top.

For newborn babies

Every mother should have vaseline in her first aid kit. It will help overcome the following problems:

For constipation. The baby can be given an enema, and so that its tip enters gently, treat it with oil.

Labored breathing. Dust and dirt accumulate in the nose of the crumbs, which interfere with breathing. Lubricate the nasal passages of the crumbs with oil so that it breathes easily

Pain in the chest during lactation. Blockage with milk leads to hardening of the breast and pain. "Oil" compress will ensure the outflow of milk and relieve pain.

For cats

Furry pets also suffer from constipation. To rid your pet of delicate issue, he can be given vaseline oil on an empty stomach in morning time. correct dosage the veterinarian will help calculate. Standard ratio: 1 kg weight - 1 ml of the drug. Oil is injected into the mouth with a syringe without a needle. If it does not help, you need to put an enema using vaseline oil.

Release form and composition

The active substance is liquid paraffin, an oily liquid without color and odor. The second name is "vaseline oil".

The drug is available in several forms:

  • vials for 90, 130, 180, 200
  • bubbles 25 and 50 ml.
  • Ampoules 2 ml.

Interaction with other drugs

Cases of interaction of vaseline oil with others medicines was not found. It mixes well with other oils.

2. Side effects

Like any drug that is taken orally, vaseline oil has its limitations. You can’t resort to it all the time - there is a chance of getting used to it. The intestines will stop working without "outside" help. This will cause disruption of the entire digestive tract.

In addition, the oil does not allow the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, which increases the risk of vitamin deficiency.

If you come across a poorly cleaned product, then nothing bad will happen upon contact with the intestines, but its contact with the skin will cause severe irritation.


These include the following factors:

  • hypersensitivity to the active substance;
  • fever;
  • intestinal obstruction of any form;
  • inflammation in the abdominal cavity;
  • bleeding in the intestines.

In case of pregnancy

In a delicate position, you can not drink vaseline oil, this can cause uterine tone and provoke a miscarriage. But external use is allowed.

3. Terms and conditions of storage

The purchased bottle of vaseline oil should be placed in a dark place with temperature regime 25 °C without breaking the seal of the package. The drug can be used for 5 years given that proper storage. Hide from children's hands.

4. Price

The minimum cost in virtual and real pharmacies is from 34 rubles. It depends on the volume. A bottle of 100 ml will cost 64 rubles in Russia.

Residents of Ukraine for a bottle (25 g) will have to pay 4.7 UAH.

5. Analogues

Vaseline oil has no analogues in its unique structure. If for some reason it needs to be replaced with another drug similar in therapeutic effect you need to consult a doctor.

Useful purchases for a newborn. Baby hygiene

6. Reviews

If the oil is used correctly and for its intended purpose, then it healing effect will be obvious. Reviews of people who have tried the effect of the drug on themselves testify in its favor. It's really efficient and safe method solutions for delicate bowel problems. For those who have tried vaseline oil once, its use seems justified.

Another plus that patients note is accessibility. With the purchase of the drug, there are no problems even for those who live in economy mode.

You can read all the reviews at the end of the material below.

So simple and inexpensive remedy how vaseline oil can help solve a number of problems. It is irreplaceable:

In the article we talk about vaseline oil. You will learn about useful properties oils, about options and methods of its application. We will tell you what effect this remedy affects the condition of the skin and hair. You will learn in which cases it is possible to use oil, and when it is better to refrain from using it.

Vaseline oil is a colorless oily liquid that has a neutral taste and odor.

Liquid paraffin, as this oil is also called, is obtained by processing petroleum fractions, mainly kerosene, at very high temperatures.

Vaseline oil was first synthesized in the middle of the 19th century by an English chemist Robert Chesbrough, who was in search of a universal wound healing agent.


Vaseline oil consists of a mixture of hydrocarbons that are easily soluble in chloroform or gasoline. This oil is highly refined and does not contain harmful organic compounds, including aromatic hydrocarbons.

The absence of these components allows the use of vaseline oil not only externally, but also internally for medical purposes.

Beneficial features

Vaseline oil can have a beneficial effect on the body both from the outside and from the inside. The oil is often used as an ingredient in creams, lotions and other cosmetic products.

In addition to the rejuvenating effect, it has strong healing and antimicrobial properties. Due to its low freezing point, vaseline oil is used in winter time to prevent frostbite.

Medical vaseline oil is used as a laxative for constipation. The oil is not absorbed into the blood and is completely excreted from the body, it is able to purify blood vessels and remove cholesterol, cope with diseases of the intestines and stomach.

The use of vaseline oil

Due to the neutral color and odor and the absence of harmful substances, vaseline oil has gained wide popularity. It is used both internally and externally as an emollient.

Vaseline oil is used in cosmetology, pharmacology and medicine.

Application options:

  • as a laxative for constipation. Oil envelops the walls of the intestine, facilitating the process of its emptying;
  • various emollient creams and lotions are produced on its basis, as well as special means for Tan;
  • oil is used in the healing of wounds and abrasions, as it has antimicrobial and wound healing properties;
  • in pharmacology, ointments and suppositories are made on its basis;
  • used as protection against low temperatures in winter time;
  • veterinarians also use vaseline oil to treat animals.

Vaseline oil in cosmetology

In cosmetology, vaseline oil has received wide application due to the harmless composition and softening properties.

The oil is added to the face cream, and it is also used for hair care.

For face

Vaseline oil or products based on it treat areas of the skin that are prone to dryness.

On the basis of vaseline oil, face masks are made that apply thin layer and leave to soak for 1.5-2 hours, after which the mask is washed off with warm water.

Liquid paraffin is able to have a rejuvenating effect, so it is useful for the skin of the face, and it is often used as a component for creams.

In addition, vaseline oil perfectly removes makeup, even waterproof cosmetics. Oil eliminates inflammation, so it is often used to treat problem skin.

For hair

Petroleum jelly is often used on hair to give it a healthy sheen. Oil envelops the surface of each hair, thereby providing protection against harmful effects environment and prevents fluid loss by retaining it inside.

Petroleum jelly perfectly copes with problems such as split ends, as it glues the hair scales and restores their structure. Vaseline oil penetrates deep into the hair, thereby nourishing and strengthening from the inside.

To apply oil to hair wet hands rub it and evenly distribute it through the hair, hold for 10 minutes. Since this oil is difficult to wash off with water, use laundry soap or talcum powder. Sprinkle hair with talcum powder, wait 5 minutes for the Vaseline to be absorbed and rinse with shampoo.

For eyelashes

Vaseline oil has a beneficial effect on eyebrows and eyelashes, accelerating their growth. Most often it is mixed with other oils and used in combination.

The oil is applied to the eyelashes, kept for 10-15 minutes, then washed off using laundry soap because it does not dissolve in plain water. After this procedure, the eyelashes are strengthened and become more silky.

vaseline oil for constipation

One of the most common indications for the use of oil inside are constipation. Oil effectively copes with this disease as in pure form, and as rectal suppositories. It evenly envelops the intestinal walls, forming a film, which contributes to easy cleansing organism.

The oil is able to soften the stool, which also facilitates the cleansing process.

Due to the fact that the oil is not absorbed into the blood, it is completely excreted from the body.

Vaseline oil in the nose

A runny nose always entails a malfunction of the mucous membrane, as a result of which dry crusts and even ulcers may appear. To prevent these unpleasant phenomena, doctors recommend using Vaseline oil as a preventive measure.

The oil can be instilled into the nose or treated with cotton flagella and placed in the sinuses for 5-7 minutes.

Mechanisms of action on the mucous membrane:

  1. The oil softens the nasal mucosa, softens dried crusts. At the same time, the oil also has a protective effect, forming a thin film on the walls of the nose, which prevents further reproduction of harmful viruses.
  2. Vaseline oil helps damaged tissues recover by moisturizing them, relieves swelling of the nose and relieves unpleasant itching.
  3. The oil nourishes the nasal mucosa, improving metabolic processes which promotes a speedy recovery.

Vaseline oil for children

Vaseline oil is used for sinusitis and rhinitis, including those of allergic origin. Since this oil does not contain harmful substances, it is allowed for children. With it, you can cope with constipation, treat damaged skin and moisturize it.

For newborns

The main advantage of this oil is its hypoallergenicity, which is why it is advised to use it even in the maternity hospital for newborns. With the help of oil, they get rid of crusts on the baby’s head, and also clean the nasal passages to get rid of dried crusts.

Vaseline oil helps to get rid of prickly heat, restoring protective functions skin cover.

Vaseline oil during pregnancy

During pregnancy, vaseline oil should be used only externally. Ingestion as an assistant in the fight against constipation should be excluded.


Despite the fact that the composition of vaseline oil does not contain harmful substances, do not forget that it is a product of petroleum refining. There are a number of restrictions on the use of vaseline oil inside:

  • Crohn's disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • allergy;
  • inflammatory processes of the abdominal cavity.

Vaseline oil is never taken orally as a preventive measure, only to combat a specific problem.

Where can I buy

Vaseline oil can be bought at any pharmacy. One of the advantages of this oil is its low cost.

The price in a pharmacy for a 100 ml bottle is an average of 45 rubles. Instructions are included with the oil - read it carefully before use.

Vaseline oil is a synthetic product obtained in the process of oil refining. It is the colorless oily fraction that remains after the distillation of kerosene. Vaseline oil is characterized a high degree cleaning, and, in addition, it does not contain all kinds of impurities and additives that can be detrimental to human body Therefore, it is considered an environmentally friendly product.

The active substance of the drug: liquid paraffin - a wax-like mixture of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons (otherwise - saturated hydrocarbons or alkanes).

IN medical practice The oil is used as a laxative to soften stool stimulating motor skills small intestine and facilitating the process of defecation.

The drug is available in the form of an oil intended for oral administration and external use.

Pharmacological properties

Vaseline oil was originally created for medical use. Health authorities allow it to be used as a means of disinfecting properties and allowing you to effectively deal with pathogenic microorganisms. And since the oil is a weak toxic substance, a small dose of it taken orally can provoke mild poisoning and as a result, indigestion.

When taken orally, vaseline oil provokes softening of the intestinal contents, mechanically facilitates its evacuation and the process of defecation itself. This is due to the fact that the drug, getting into the intestine, envelops its walls with a thin oily film, which contributes to a better promotion of feces.

The use of petroleum jelly for constipation not only helps to soften excessively hard stools, but also stimulates intestinal motility and prevents the formation and accumulation of hard stools in it.

Since the oil is not an organic, but a synthetic product, it is not absorbed by the body, is not absorbed through the intestinal walls and, accordingly, does not have negative impact on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

The absence of taste, color and smell of vaseline oil makes it an indispensable product in prescription practice: it is often used as a basis for the preparation of medical ointments and liniments, all kinds of suspensions medicinal substances intended for intramuscular injections, as a defoamer in the production of penicillin, as well as a solvent for a number of drugs.

Oil is widely used in cosmetology. This is due to its characteristics such as transparency, environmental friendliness, lack of taste and aroma. Since it has excellent indicators of compatibility with the skin, it rarely provokes the development allergic reactions and prevents the appearance of acne, it is often used as a basis for the preparation of moisturizing and emollient cosmetic products: lotions, creams, tanning products, etc. In addition, the use of vaseline oil is advisable in the production of various essential oils, antiperspirants, barrier creams, bath salts and deodorants (this is due to the fact that the oil is a neutral solvent).

In addition to all of the above, vaseline oil has a number of unique qualities that are chemically resistant. Unlike fats of vegetable and animal origin, it does not go rancid, does not undergo oxidation processes and does not change its consistency, color and smell even during long-term storage.

It should also be noted: vaseline oil is not absorbed into skin which makes it absolutely safe in those cosmetic products, which are recommended for short-term use as therapeutic creams and ointments, in products used to remove freckles and sunburn. For the same reason, it is considered absolutely safe for young children and nursing women: in newborns, vaseline oil as an external agent prevents dry skin and improves its condition, and in nursing mothers, it accelerates the healing process of microcracks in the nipples. In women during lactation, seals often form in the mammary glands, which are accompanied by painful sensations. Vaseline oil compresses can effectively deal with this. unpleasant phenomenon. They also allow you to eliminate the manifestations of lactose and blockage of the milk ducts.

Indications for use

As a means for oral administration, the oil is recommended for use in chronic constipation. As an external agent, vaseline oil is used to soften dry skin, and the drug has no age restrictions - it can be used from birth.

It is important to remember that the use of vaseline oil for constipation should not be preventive, but one-time. Long-term use of the drug can cause dysfunction digestive system.

Method of application and dosage

In accordance with the instructions, vaseline oil is dosed according to the following scheme:

  • Half a teaspoon - for children under 3 years old;
  • A teaspoon - for children from 3 to 7 years old;
  • One and a half teaspoons - for children from 7 to 14 years old;
  • Two teaspoons - for children over seven years old and adolescents, as well as for the elderly;
  • Two and a half teaspoons - for adults.

The oil is taken between meals. It is considered optimal to take on an empty stomach: two hours after a meal or two hours before it. laxative effect, as a rule, is noted after five to six hours.

For chronic constipation, vaseline oil is taken on an empty stomach, 1-2 tablespoons once or twice a day.

The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 5 days.


Vaseline oil is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • With intestinal obstruction;
  • Pregnant women (to avoid provoking premature birth due to reflex stimulation of the muscles of the uterus);
  • In the presence of inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity;
  • With acute febrile conditions;
  • With increased individual sensitivity to the drug.

Side effects

Long-term use of the drug can provoke a decrease in the tone of the intestinal muscles and a violation of the function of the digestive system. In addition, oil impairs the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, which can cause hypovitaminosis.

special instructions

When using vaseline oil for newborns, it should be remembered that the skin is saturated with oxygen through the pores, so it is recommended to apply the oil in a thin layer.

Because oil is not absorbed in the intestines, it can pass through the anal sphincter and contaminate laundry.