Popliteal bursitis treatment. Causes, symptoms and treatment of knee bursitis

Bursitis knee joint is an acute, subacute or chronic inflammation of one of the bursae (joint capsule) located in the knee area. It can be aseptic (non-infectious) and infectious, i.e. caused by pathogenic microflora.

Bursitis of the knee joint - inflammation of the joint capsule

The bursa, or periarticular bursa, is a small sac located between tendons, muscles, and protruding areas of bones. The cells of the inner lining of the bursa synthesize fluid that facilitates the sliding of anatomical structures. In fact, the bursa is a kind of shock absorber that helps protect the tendons from significant friction or pressure. The amount of fluid in the bursa cavity is normally small, but with the development of the inflammatory process, the cells begin to synthesize fluid in a larger volume, which leads to an increase in the bursa cavity and clinically manifests itself as a tumor-like formation. There are about ten bursae in the knee joint, but in clinical practice Inflammation of the anserine, infrapatellar and prepatellar bursa is most often observed.

Most often, bursitis of the knee joint is observed in people whose professional activities are associated with increased loads on the knee joint. lower limbs, for example, among roofers, athletes. In men, this pathology is diagnosed several times more often than in women.

Forms of the disease

Depending on which particular joint capsule is involved in the inflammatory process, the following are distinguished:

  • patellar (suprapatellar, prepatellar) bursitis– inflammation of the joint capsule located on the surface of the patella, directly under the skin. This form usually develops as a result of prolonged kneeling or injury (a blow to the front of the knee, a fall);
  • popliteal (infrapatellar) bursitis– inflammation covers the bursa located under the patella. The cause of this form of the disease is trauma ligamentous apparatus knee joint;
  • Becker's cyst (Anserine bursitis)– inflammation affects the bursa located in the popliteal fossa on the back surface of the joint. The reason for its development lies in excessive stress on the knee joint (obesity, excessive physical activity).

Based on the nature of the inflammatory process, the following forms of bursitis of the knee joint are distinguished:

  • serous (aseptic inflammation);
  • purulent (inflammation is caused by pyogenic bacteria).

According to the nature of the activity of the inflammatory process, bursitis of the knee joint is acute, subacute and chronic.

Causes of knee bursitis and risk factors

The most common causes of knee bursitis are:

  • overload of the knee joint (usually occurs in athletes);
  • repeated microtraumas of the knee joint (typical for people who, while performing their professional duties, are forced to kneel for a long time);
  • single significant injury (observed in people involved in physical labor and/or leading active image life).

Gout, arthritis, and scleroderma can lead to the development of aseptic chronic bursitis of the knee joint. In this case, the inflammatory process is provoked by damage to the inner lining of the cavity of the periarticular bursa by salt crystals, i.e., in essence, it is secondary.

Injuries to the knee joint, both penetrating and non-penetrating, can cause an infectious form of bursitis, as they promote infection of tissues with pyogenic microbial flora. In addition, the infection can enter the knee joint hematogenously (with blood flow) or lymphogenous (with lymph flow) from any primary source of inflammation in the body (cellulitis, osteomyelitis, abscess, boil, purulent wounds, sepsis).

Most often, bursitis of the knee joint is observed in people whose professional activities involve increased stress on the lower limbs, for example, roofers and athletes.

In some cases, the cause of knee bursitis cannot be determined.

Factors that increase the risk of developing pathology are:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • long-term therapy with steroid drugs;
  • some kidney diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;

Symptoms of knee bursitis

The clinical picture of knee bursitis is determined by the form of the disease.

With patellar bursitis, patients experience severe pain localized in the area of ​​the anterior surface of the knee joint. There is a feeling of stiffness when walking. When palpating the patella, a slightly painful, soft-elastic tumor-like formation is determined. In some cases, mild swelling of the soft tissues, their redness and a slight increase in local temperature develop. Movements in the area of ​​the affected joint are preserved in full or slightly limited.

Popliteal aseptic bursitis occurs with scant symptoms. Patients complain of mild pain in the knee area that occurs when standing for a long time or walking long distances. The affected joint slightly increases in volume.

The main symptom of anserine bursitis is mild pain that occurs during flexion and extension of the knee joint, for example, when going up or down stairs. With significant accumulation of inflammatory exudate in the bursa in the popliteal fossa, it is possible to palpate a soft-elastic elastic formation.

Infection of the contents of the periarticular bursa leads to its suppuration, i.e. the development of purulent bursitis of the knee joint, the symptoms of which are:

  • jerking, sharp pain;
  • feeling of fullness in the knee joint;
  • sharply painful, tense tumor-like formation;
  • swelling of surrounding soft tissues;
  • hyperemia and increased skin temperature in the knee area;
  • enlargement of regional lymph nodes;
  • limitation of mobility in the joint.

With purulent bursitis of the knee joint, the patient quickly experiences symptoms of general intoxication (increase in body temperature to 38-39 ° C, accompanied by chills, headache, lethargy, fatigue, weakness).

Chronic bursitis of the knee joint is usually the outcome of an untreated acute form of the pathology, but sometimes low-grade inflammation develops primarily as a result of numerous microtraumas of the knee joint caused by mechanical or vibration effects.

Chronic bursitis of the knee joint is characterized by a sluggish course, with periods of remissions and exacerbations. An exacerbation is characterized by a clinical picture corresponding to an acute form of inflammation of the periarticular bursa.

Long-term chronic bursitis of the knee joint is often accompanied by the formation of cystic formations.

Knee bursitis in children

Knee bursitis is extremely rare in children. This is explained by the fact that the child’s weight is light, and therefore during physical activity, falls, the structures of the knee joint are not subject to excessive impact that could cause damage.

The risk of developing knee bursitis increases after children reach 12-13 years of age. Most often at this age, Becker's cyst (Anserine bursitis) is observed. Clinically, it manifests itself as severe pain in the knee area, which occurs when walking up the stairs or when a child gets up from a chair after a long period of sitting.


Diagnosis of bursitis of the anserine and prepatellar bursa is usually not difficult and is carried out on the basis of data clinical picture diseases. If indicated, the doctor may perform a puncture of the periarticular bursa followed by laboratory research(clinical and bacteriological) of the resulting liquid. In some cases, especially with bursitis anserine, there is a need for magnetic resonance imaging of the knee joint.

Knee bursitis is diagnosed several times more often in men than in women.

It is somewhat more difficult to diagnose bursitis of the intrapatellar bursa. This is due to the fact that it is located under the kneecap, making palpation and inspection impossible. In this case, they resort to radiography of the affected knee joint, magnetic resonance and/or computed tomography, arthrography.

In case of prolonged inflammatory process in the periarticular bursa, puncture is performed with aspiration of the contents and subsequent administration of long-acting glucocorticoids in combination with local anesthetic drugs.

Severe disease requires systemic administration of glucocorticoids in a short course (no more than three days).

In case of acute infectious bursitis of the knee joint, treatment begins with drainage and rinsing of the cavity of the periarticular bursa with antiseptic solutions. If it is impossible to install drainage, frequent punctures of the bursa are performed. Antibiotics are prescribed wide range action, and after receiving the results of the antibiogram, the drug is replaced taking into account the sensitivity of the microflora. The introduction of antibiotics into the bursa cavity is not indicated.

There are about ten bursae in the knee joint, but in clinical practice, inflammation of the anserine, infrapatellar and prepatellar bursae is most often observed.

Treatment for chronic knee bursitis includes:

  • taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • regular exercise therapy, which prevents the risk of developing muscle tissue atrophy;
  • performing bursectomy (removal of the affected periarticular bursa) in case of frequent relapses.

Possible consequences and complications

Bursitis of the knee joint, especially its purulent form, can lead to serious complications:

  • phlegmon;
  • purulent arthritis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • calcification;
  • soft tissue necrosis.


With timely diagnosis and adequate treatment For knee bursitis, the prognosis is favorable. Untimely initiation of therapy or its complete absence contributes to the transition of the disease to a chronic, sluggish form.


Prevention of knee bursitis is aimed at eliminating risk factors that can cause the development of an inflammatory process in the periarticular bursa. For this purpose it is recommended:

  • normalization of body weight;
  • preventing injury to the knee joint;
  • treatment of foci of purulent infection.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Knee bursitis is not considered a very common condition, but anyone who is at high risk of foot injuries should be aware of it. Bursitis of the knee joint, the symptoms and treatment of which are characterized by certain specifics, is an inflammation of the synovial bursa, or the so-called bursa. What are the manifestations of this pathology and how is it treated?

Symptoms of knee bursitis

In order to determine the signs of the disease and be able to distinguish them from other manifestations, it is necessary to understand for what reasons it develops. This will allow you to understand in more detail what knee bursitis is, what are the symptoms and treatment of the disease, how to properly undergo therapy to eliminate inflammation and restore the functionality of the joint.

The main causes of bursitis are associated with injuries, infections, increased physical activity, specific professional activity. The risk of developing the disease is increased by obesity and (they can provoke a reactive form of the disease), metabolic disorders. Injuries or severe stress on the joint cause inflammation in the bursa, and it is a fluid-filled sac that reduces pressure on the joint and releases lubricant, which ensures better gliding of its moving elements.

As a result of the inflammatory process, the periarticular bursa fills with excess fluid. It compresses the surrounding tissues and causes swelling in the joint area, characterized by pain and redness. There are more than a dozen synovial bursae in the knee joint, each of which can be affected by inflammation. Based on which of them is damaged, bursitis of the knee joint bursae has different localization.

If inflammation develops in front and above the kneecap, a suprapatellar or prepatellar form of the disease is diagnosed, and below it - infrapatellar. Inflammation of the synovial bursa called the “crow's foot” located on the inside of the knee is characteristic of anserine bursitis. All of the listed types of knee bursitis have their own specific symptoms and developmental features.


A distinctive feature of this form of bursitis is the presence of a round, painless tumor in the upper area knee joint. It has a soft consistency and has a size of no more than 10 cm. Suprapatellar bursitis of the knee joint is accompanied by a decrease in knee mobility, general malaise, and often an increase in temperature.


This type of disease is characterized by the appearance of painful swelling or severe swelling in the area of ​​the patella, that is, above the kneecap. When bending and extending the knee, pain is observed, which intensifies with increased loads, but sometimes it may be absent. As the disease progresses, joint mobility is severely impaired. Compared to other types of the disease, the prepatellar type more often becomes chronic.


This type of bursitis affects the periarticular bursa, located under the kneecap. Athletes are most susceptible to it because they are at high risk of knee injury while running or jumping. Infrapatellar bursitis often has mild symptoms. For some time, it may manifest itself only as minor pain in the knee joint that occurs when walking or standing, and occasionally swelling or stiffness of the knee.

Treatment of knee bursitis at home

Choosing how to treat bursitis of the knee joint early stages development, experts are inclined to conservative methods. These include resting the affected joint, applying cold compresses, using anti-inflammatory ointments, and painkillers. If bursitis is infectious, the patient is prescribed antibacterial therapy.

When it accumulates in the synovial bursa a large number of fluid, the doctor may suggest surgical drainage to the patient. This procedure is carried out by pumping out the exudate from the bursa using a syringe. After its removal, the cavity of the bag is treated with an antibiotic. Surgical removal of the bursa is used only in severe cases, when the inflammation has progressed so severely that it is no longer possible to stop it with conservative methods.

Folk remedies

Traditional treatment illness is permissible only after consultation with a specialist. Knee bursitis, its symptoms and treatment have specific features, so the choice of treatment methods should be made by a doctor after a thorough diagnosis. To eliminate pain and inflammation, it is quite acceptable to use proven folk recipes. However, diagnosing a disease on your own using a photo on the Internet and starting treatment without seeking professional help is extremely dangerous.

To treat bursitis using traditional methods, salt and cabbage compresses, lotions from Kalanchoe or propolis infused with alcohol, decoctions of yarrow, St. John's wort, burdock. Traditional medicine pays a lot of attention to such an issue as nutrition for bursitis of the knee joint. It is believed that eating food helps cure the disease faster. rich in vitamins A, C, E and zinc.


Conservative treatment knee bursitis may include the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments: “Voltaren”, “Fastum-gel”, “Indovazin”, “”. As additional drugs ointments “Apizartron”, “Mellivenon”, “Capsoderm”, “Traumel”, compresses with dimexide, camphor ointment, Vishnevsky ointment can be used.

Drug treatment

For bursitis, anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed for oral administration: drugs based on ibuprofen, phenylbutazone, diclofenac, ketoprofen. For muscle spasms, muscle relaxants such as diazepam or baclofen are used. To relieve acute pain syndrome injections of corticosteroids are used: diprospan, hydrocortisone, methylprednisolone.

If it is necessary to use antibacterial therapy, the patient is prescribed a course of penicillin, macrolide or cephalosporin antibiotics. The selection of a specific drug is carried out taking into account the severity of the inflammatory process and the origin of the infection. At a mild or moderate stage of the development of the disease, drugs are prescribed for oral administration, and in more difficult cases do intramuscular injections.

Exercise therapy

Physiotherapy in the treatment of bursitis of the knee joint it is prescribed only after complete relief of the inflammatory process. Particular importance is given to exercise therapy in cases where the joint has been for a long time motionless. An individually selected set of exercises by a specialist helps restore normal functionality of the knee joint and prevent the occurrence of pathological changes its structures.

Video: how to treat knee bursitis

Thematic videos offer a lot of additional information about the characteristics of the disease. In them, experts not only list, but also clearly demonstrate effective methods for treating bursitis that affects the knee joint, and also tell how to quickly get rid of it at home. acute manifestations diseases - swelling, pain, inflammation.

In the human body great amount movable joints connecting bones. They are covered with a synovial membrane and are located in the joint capsule (bursa). Depends on their integrity and condition motor functions, a person's ability to endure increased loads. Inflammation localized in this bursa is commonly called bursitis.

One of the most severe types of disease is knee bursitis. In order to protect yourself from this pathology or in order to overcome it if it occurs, it is necessary to have an understanding of the principles and reasons for its development, features pathological process, symptoms, diagnostic methods and treatment.

Basic information about the disease

The knee joint has a complex anatomical structure, and, in addition to other components, it contains three articular capsules:

  • subcutaneous;
  • subfascial;
  • subtendinous.

Each of these bursae is filled, protecting the cartilage from excessive friction (exudate acts as a lubricant) and, accordingly, wear. In addition, they serve as a kind of shock absorbers, allowing the knee to withstand increased stress without injury.

Bursitis in this area of ​​the limb is a disease that is accompanied by inflammatory process in one of the indicated bags. At the same time, the influx of serous, hemorrhagic or exudate into the bursa increases. purulent type, and salt deposits accumulate in the affected tissues.
In order to answer the questions of what bursitis of the knee joint is and how to treat it, it is important to understand that the classification of pathology varies depending on which bursa the inflammation occurs in. The disease is usually divided into types, types and forms, differing in the specifics of the course. In addition, in medicine this pathology is divided into infectious and non-infectious.

Reasons for development

Considering the different nature of the occurrence of the pathological process, as well as the location of the joint and the load placed on it, bursitis of the knee joint has different causes of development:

  • Systematic and long-term, excessively high loads, falling on the legs and exerting strong pressure on your knees.
  • Physical damage, such as blows, falls, bruises and fractures.
  • Penetration of infection into the area of ​​the joint capsule due to a cut or deep scratch.
  • Infectious lesion due to the spread of infectious agents in the body during concomitant diseases(syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, etc.).
  • Inflammatory diseases, for example different types.
  • Chronic autoimmune pathologies.
  • Hormonal imbalances, in particular, the described illness occurs due to disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Tendon sprains or injuries in the specified area.

Classification of the pathological process

As mentioned earlier, the classification of the disease is extensive and appears complex. In addition to the fact that the disease can be infectious or non-infectious, it is divided into types and distinguished by the nature of its course.

From specific case depend on the severity of the disease, clinical signs, possible complications, therapy methods, etc. For this reason, it is important to pay attention to each classification.

Character of the current

IN medical practice it is proposed to define two diagnostic measures according to clinical course diseases:

  • Acute bursitis of the knee joint– has a sudden and intense nature of development, that is, it is characterized by rapid progression of the inflammatory process in the bursa, accompanied by an abundant influx of exudative fluid. In addition to the rapidly increasing painful sensations, the affected area increases in size (tissue swelling), becomes hot, the patient gets chills, and the general condition worsens. If at this stage inflammation is joined bacterial infection- suppuration will begin.
  • Chronic– develops as a result of prolonged neglect of the disease or with inadequate treatment. In addition, even if it is treated, the disease can still develop into a chronic form if you continue to load the damaged joint. This form is characterized by a hidden course, traces of inflammation are invisible, there is no swelling, the disease reveals itself only by frequent exacerbations, during which the symptoms correspond to the acute form. A sluggish course is dangerous due to its complications and the likelihood of cyst formation.

Types of pathology

The division of the disease into types occurs depending on in which bag the inflammatory process is localized.

  1. Patellar– approximately 7 out of 10 cases acquire exactly this character. The patellar bursa (patella) becomes inflamed; this type of injury is also called suprapatellar bursitis.
  2. Subcutaneous– from the name it is clear that the inflammation covers the subcutaneous synovial bursa and is localized at the very surface of the knee in front. Most common reason pathologies - mechanical damage caused by blows, bruises and falls to the knees; such an ailment is also called prepatellar.
  3. Infrapatellar– inflammation flares up under the kneecap next to the tendon located here (popliteal). People receive injuries that lead to the development of this type of disease when jumping from great heights or severe injuries to this area.
  4. Anserine bursitis of the knee joint– inflammation forms behind or on the inside, at the point of attachment to the large tibia gracilis, semitendinosus and sartorius muscles. Occurs when lifting heavy objects or severe forms obesity, common among runners as well as diabetics, it is also called “Baker's cyst” or “crow's foot”.

Classification according to the nature of the exudate

Division is made possible thanks to the fence synovial fluid from the affected bursa for further analysis. These data are necessary for diagnostics and diagnosis; they play an important role in prescribing medications and physical procedures.

The disease is classified as follows:

  • Hemorrhagic bursitis- V chemical analysis exudate is dominated by erythrocytes.
  • Serous– exudate has a pronounced admixture of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets.
  • Purulent– analysis of exudative fluid reveals products of the breakdown of leukocytes, destruction of cellular level and dominance pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Fibrous bursitis– the exudate is dominated by a high molecular weight protein synthesized by the liver – fibrin.

Symptoms of the disease

Bursitis of the knee joint has different symptoms and treatment, it all depends on the specific case, the nature of the pathological process, individual characteristics organism, reasons for the development of pathology, etc.

But even taking into account all these features, in most cases the clinical signs are very similar.

  • The main symptom is painful sensations varying degrees gravity. On initial stages inflammation and in case of minor injuries, the pain is mild, but progresses quickly, soon characterized as acute, and always intensifies with stress, movement, pressure or palpation. The pain radiates up the thigh or towards the foot, sometimes in the popliteal area.
  • Edema is another clear clinical sign of this disease, which also progresses gradually. Initially, the swelling is weak, but after 1-2 days the knee increases in size by one and a half to two times. Depending on the type of disease, the swelling is shifted up, down, left or right.
  • Limited mobility. At mild course of the disease, flexion and extension of the leg is complete and is only accompanied by pain. As the disease progresses, mobility is limited and any movement causes severe pain. The consequences are such that in the later stages the patient cannot fully bend or straighten the limb.

Even if the swelling is mild, the damaged area is hyperemic and increases local temperature, the knee is hot - all this indicates an active inflammatory process.

A secondary symptom is sleep disturbance, which occurs due to painful sensations. If the patient remains in one position for a long time without moving, any movements will result in even more severe pain, for example, when turning over.

As the problem progresses, especially in cases of infection, the general body temperature rises and the patient becomes feverish or shivering. There is a general deterioration in condition, weakness, drowsiness, irritability, and obvious signs intoxication.

All the described symptoms are most typical for acute types of the disease. At chronic form movements are not constrained, hyperemia and swelling are weak, often invisible or absent, pain is not felt. All this is relevant until an exacerbation begins.

Features of purulent bursitis

We must not forget that in the acute course of the pathological process with the addition of pathogenic microorganisms, the formation of pus in the affected bursa is possible.

In this case, the symptoms will differ:

  • Pain, swelling and hyperemia are more acute, it is impossible to touch the affected area of ​​the leg, and the local temperature also increases.
  • If the inflammatory process began due to a scratch or open wound, it begins to fester, and a corresponding smell appears.
  • The general body temperature rises up to 40 degrees on a mercury thermometer. Depending on in which bursa the inflammation occurs, the swelling spreads up or down the leg, sometimes affecting the right or left segments.
  • Purulent lesion - extremely dangerous guy a disease known for its complications (defeat muscle tissue, tendons, fat cells, up to organs and systems of the whole body), often leading to disability. Even after recovering from such a serious illness, patients experience post-traumatic syndrome, cannot fully step on their feet for a long time, etc.

Diagnostic principles

Before wondering how and how to treat knee bursitis, it is important to correctly diagnose the pathology.

To do this, you need to consult a doctor who will carry out a number of diagnostic measures:

  • An initial examination to determine the severity and nature of the lesions, including taking a history, palpation of the damaged area and manipulation of the leg.
  • Sampling of synovial fluid from the cavity of the affected bursa to identify hemorrhagic, purulent, serous or fibrous type of disease. To do this, they resort to serological and bacteriological analyzes in the laboratory.
  • Radiography allows us to determine the extent of the lesion.
  • In some cases, ultrasound examination is required.


The methods of combating the pathological process under discussion are multifaceted, but one fact remains unchanged - it is necessary to be treated only under the supervision of a traumatologist and orthopedist. The specialist prescribes diagnostic measures, is responsible for making a diagnosis and further therapy.

Pathology can be cured only with an integrated approach, which includes:

  • drug therapy(infectious and non-infectious pathologies are treated differently);
  • physiotherapy;
  • exercise therapy classes (physical therapy);

Traditional medicine

As mentioned earlier, treatment for knee bursitis is multifaceted.

Drug treatment assumes the following recommendations and events:

  • The most important requirement is absolute muscle rest for the injured limb for the entire duration of treatment. To ensure compliance with this condition, the doctor fixes the knee with a tight bandage or attaches a special knee brace, which reduces the load and secures the leg in one position.
  • Use to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process. To achieve this goal, ointments are prescribed, which must be rubbed in 3 to 5 times a day.
  • Dimexide is used in combination with ointments. The product has an analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect (it is used even in cases of infection), but its analogues based on dimethyl sulfate oxide can also be used.
  • Since the bursa of the knee joint is overfilled with exudate, excess fluid is aspirated under anesthesia. At infectious lesions Be sure to pump out the purulent contents.
  • To reduce spasms of muscles and blood vessels, muscle relaxants are used.
  • In especially severe cases, surgical intervention is performed, a bursectomy is performed.

In case of an infectious type of bacterial infection, antibiotics are necessarily prescribed.

Supporting actions

The set of measures to combat the pathological process under discussion includes a number of additional measures:

Cold compresses – applying ice helps reduce the severity of inflammation and lower the temperature of the affected area. To do this, take ice, wrap it in a cloth and apply it to your knee, hold it for 15 to 30 minutes, then take a break.

It is important to create favorable conditions for blood outflow, for this the patient is placed in a horizontal position and the diseased limb is positioned so that middle part the legs were above the level of the heart, while the leg was in a relaxed state.


This is the most important auxiliary method, which is combined with the main treatment of the disease. Physiotherapy includes the use of the following techniques:

  • Massages are carried out according to the schedule prescribed by the doctor, systematically and last from 1 to 3 months, even if any symptoms disappear. A professional should massage the leg; applying pressure to the sore area on your own will aggravate the situation.
  • UHF – ultra high frequency therapy.
  • Ultrasound with therapeutic gels.
  • Electrophoresis.


Knee bursitis, taking into account the symptoms and treatment, can be treated at home. But remember, traditional methods cannot replace traditional drug therapy, they are only auxiliary.

There are many methods in folk medicine, let’s consider the most effective of them:

  1. Lotions with propolis extract – 20 grams bee product pour 200 milliliters of store-bought vodka into a glass container. Leave for 5–7 days, stirring daily, then moisten a bandage with the solution and apply to the knee for 30–40 minutes every 2 hours until inflammation decreases.
  2. Vishnevsky ointment - effective in cases with suppuration associated with external damage skin. Directions for use: Apply the medicine liberally to a piece of cloth and apply to the affected area for an hour. Consult your doctor first.
  3. Raw potatoes and cabbage leaves, from which compresses are made, have medicinal properties. Take 1-2 raw potatoes or cabbage leaves, grate them on a coarse grater or cut them into thin slices. Cover the painful area of ​​the leg with the resulting mixture, tie it with a cloth and wrap it in a scarf. Leave overnight to achieve anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Another effective method reduce inflammation - prepare a decoction of celery, which is taken orally. Lotions are made from the same plant by grinding it into a paste and applying it to the damaged area.

Remember, the use of every, even the most harmless means traditional medicine It's dangerous without your doctor's knowledge!


As the knee joint is restored to a complex therapeutic measures add special exercises and classes. Initially, it is better to carry them out under the guidance of a rehabilitation specialist, but in the future some of them can be performed at home.

The simplest actions to develop limb mobility for rehabilitation purposes are to flex and extend the leg while sitting on a chair or sofa. Repeat the movements 10–20 times in one approach, but only if there is no pain, take breaks before each approach.

As the muscles become stronger and the leg at the knee develops, the number of approaches is increased, but this must be done gradually. To warm up your muscles before exercise, rub your leg with special cream bases and stretch it.

Physical therapy helps a lot. Useful exercises For each case, you should ask your physiotherapist. A striking example such a restorative technique is the Bubnovsky complex.

Playing sports with a gradual increase in loads is the answer to the question of how to treat knee bursitis at home. But remember - all loads increase gradually and only after the doctor’s approval.

Knee bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa of the knee joint. Bursa is a slit-shaped cavity (bursa), which is usually located near the places of attachment of muscle tendons to the bone or under the tendons themselves, as well as near the joint, and is designed to reduce friction.

It is in these areas that neighboring tissues can move as much as possible relative to each other. The bursa, like the articular cavity, is lined with a special synovial membrane - they often communicate with each other.

In total, there are about eight main bursae in the area of ​​the knee joint - four of them are closest to the articular cavity. These are the infra-, supra- and prepatellar bursa, located in the upper and lower part of the knee, above the kneecap and the so-called “goose” bursa, located on the inner lower area of ​​the knee.

What it is?

Bursitis of the knee joint is an inflammatory process that occurs in one of the prepatellar bursae - subtendinous, subcutaneous, or subfascial.

Reasons for development

Near the knee joint there are three bursae filled with fluid. Inflammation of the periarticular bursa can be caused by several main reasons:

  1. Injuries - inflammation can be a consequence of ligament rupture, dislocation, fracture. Traumatic bursitis can also be caused by work that places constant stress on the joint. Builders, military personnel, and professional athletes are in the risk category. Post-traumatic bursitis can be treated quite well.
  2. Infection is the cause of the inflammatory process, most often staphylococci. As the disease progresses, there is an increased accumulation of purulent discharge. Purulent bursitis requires immediate treatment, as it can lead to amputation or general sepsis of the body and be fatal.
  3. Accompanying illnesses. Often, gout, arthritis, etc. can be a provoking factor. Often the pathology develops into a chronic, permanent form.

The symptoms of the disease are pronounced and depend on the location and intensity of the inflammation.


Maple bursitis, depending on the anatomical location, has the following classification:

Depending on the pathological changes, the disease takes the following form:

  • Acute, manifested by severe inflammation of the joint membranes, the painful process lasts up to a month.
  • Subacute, dull painful sensations and swelling decreases.
  • Chronic, symptoms increase gradually, the development of the pathological process occurs up to a year.
  • Recurrent, appears under the influence of unfavorable factors for the patient’s health.

The most dangerous complications The disease can become a manifestation of osteomyelitis with subsequent formation of fistulas and blood sepsis.


Bursitis of the knee joint has following symptoms(see photo):

  1. The joints become inflamed and very painful. Especially when pressing on the sore area;
  2. The diseased joint can hardly move;
  3. The skin over the affected joint becomes red and swollen;
  4. The swollen knee increases by 8 - 10 centimeters;
  5. Muscle weakness appears;
  6. The person feels weak and cannot work normally;
  7. Knee bursitis causes an increase in body temperature;
  8. Bursitis of the knee joint usually makes itself felt at night.

If the symptoms listed above appear, it is important to consult a doctor in order to begin treatment of the disease in a timely manner.

What does knee bursitis look like: photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in humans.


After the examination, the specialist prescribes additional diagnostic procedures. In order to identify the cause of bursitis, it is recommended to undergo the following types diagnostic examination:

  1. X-ray examination.
  2. Anamnesis collection.
  3. Ultrasound examination.
  4. Thermal TV.
  5. Lab tests.
  6. Puncture of the knee joint to collect synovial fluid.
  7. Magnetic resonance imaging.

Such an examination is necessary for the differential diagnosis of diseases of the knee joints with similar symptoms: synovitis, arthrosis, tendon rupture, osteomyelitis.

How to treat bursitis of the knee joint

Treatment of knee bursitis is usually carried out using conservative methods. In some cases, surgery is required. It is indicated during the development of a purulent process, which pharmacological drugs is never cured. In this case, they only aggravate the patient's condition.

In the process of treating bursitis of the knee joint, it is necessary to adhere to measures general. These include:

  1. Temporary restriction of active movements of the affected limb
  2. If the inflammatory process is very pronounced, then the person is advised to lie down until the disease subsides.
  3. Use of crutches when walking, which allows you to spare the affected leg
  4. Don't bandage your knee
  5. Avoid using heat and cold procedures that negatively affect the condition of the tissues surrounding the knee joint.

Conservative treatment of knee bursitis involves therapy in the following areas:

  1. Fighting inflammation
  2. Improvement of metabolic and nutritional processes in periarticular tissues
  3. Conducting rehabilitation therapy after combating an acute process. This will restore the lost functions of the knee joint.

Anti-inflammatory treatment includes both the use of local and general agents. Local therapy that helps reduce severity inflammatory reaction, implies the prescription of ointments and Dimexide solution. The latter improves penetration active ingredients in the tissue, so the therapeutic effectiveness increases. The most commonly used ointments for knee bursitis are:

  1. Fastum-gel
  2. Diclofenac gel
  3. Dolgit and others.

They must be applied to the affected areas twice a day - morning and evening. Rub until completely dry, while massage movements not recommended. After rubbing, apply a gauze compress with Dimexide for several hours.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used as a general anti-inflammatory method. However they have certain contraindications, which limit the use of these funds, namely:

  1. Ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract
  2. Individual intolerance to the drug
  3. Allergic reactions
  4. Aspirin-induced bronchial asthma.

Trophic therapy is indicated after reducing the severity of signs of inflammation, primarily reducing pain and swelling. Within this direction the following are shown:

  1. Magnetic flux therapy
  2. Use of laser energy
  3. Electrophoresis with an aqueous solution of Dimexide
  4. Ozocerite therapy
  5. Paraffin therapy
  6. Usage nicotinic acid, B-complex and antioxidant vitamins
  7. The use of biostimulating agents, which include aloe, fibs, solcoseryl.

Rehabilitation therapy for knee bursitis includes:

  1. Physical therapy
  2. Massage
  3. Balneotherapy.

Local anti-inflammatory therapy is also carried out using injections of corticosteroid drugs. This procedure should only be performed by a trained physician. If the patient has no contraindications, then local administration of corticosteroids should not be delayed. The tolerability of these drugs with this method of administration is good, and side effects practically absent. Corticosteroid drugs can achieve the following effects:

  1. Rapid relief of the inflammatory process
  2. Prevention of chronic bursitis
  3. Rapid restoration of normal functioning of the knee joint.

Corticosteroid drugs are divided into two classes:

  1. Fast-acting drugs, for example, Celeston, Hydrocortisone
  2. Long-acting, for example, Diprospan.

To reduce the severity of pain, the doctor draws not only a corticosteroid into one syringe, but also local anesthetic. This significantly improves the tolerability of the procedure. The duration of this treatment is determined individually and can range from 5 to 10 procedures.

Surgical intervention

Knee bursitis that has not been treated effectively may require surgical intervention in the form of aspiration (suction) of the contents of the joint capsule and the introduction of corticosteroids into it.

This procedure is carried out using a thin needle under local anesthesia. After draining the joint capsule, the doctor can insert into it hormonal drugs– corticosteroids. This is necessary in order to stop the inflammatory process. Then it is necessary to continue wearing the elastic bandage and ensure long-term rest of the limb (usually 48 hours). This treatment is much more effective than treatment with medications (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), since tablet forms have general action on the body, often without penetrating into the joints.

In rare cases, treatment is ineffective and the only option is surgical removal prepatellar joint capsule. Recovery normal functions joint after such an operation occurs within a few days, and the return to full life without limitation physical activity It can be done in 2-3 weeks.

Folk remedies

Decrease unpleasant symptoms Knee bursitis can be done using traditional methods:

  • Salt compress. For half a liter of boiling water you need to take a tablespoon of salt. The solution draws fluid from under the skin. Soak a coarse woolen cloth in the solution, twist it and apply it to the swollen knee. We wrap a film and a warm scarf or handkerchief over the hot compress. The procedure lasts 3 – 8 hours. It is carried out once a day until the swelling disappears completely. Usually one week is enough to completely get rid of the disease.
  • Regular sugar is used as follows - sand is heated in a clean, dry frying pan, preventing it from dissolving. After the sugar is thoroughly heated, it is transferred to a linen bag and the product is applied to the sore knee. To retain heat for a longer period of time, cover the top of the bag with film, a warm woolen scarf or scarf. In the morning the compress is removed, the soaked sugar is thrown away, following procedure carried out with a new batch of granulated sugar. The course of treatment lasts until complete recovery.
  • Vegetable compresses. Potatoes, beets or cabbage are cut into circles and placed on a clean cloth, which is applied to the affected joint. A plastic bag and warm cloth are wrapped on top. In the morning the compress should be removed. Important point! It is recommended to alternate the listed vegetables until the bursitis is completely cured.
  • Lotion with propolis. Pour 10 grams of propolis with vodka (150 milliliters) and let it brew for 5 days. After a while, apply lotions to the swelling until they completely resolve.
  • Burdock root decoction. 15 grams of the plant need to be boiled for 5 minutes. Let it brew and apply compresses for a couple of hours for 20 days.
  • To strengthen the body and increase its resistance to inflammation, prepare a drink from celery. They take big spoon seeds of the plant, pour 250 ml of boiling water over them and infuse the tea for 2 hours. The drink is then filtered and should be drunk in the morning and evening hours. The duration of treatment is 14 days.
  • Place flax seeds in a chintz bag and apply to damaged joints. The duration of treatment is two weeks.
  • Tear off a cabbage leaf and apply it to the sore joint. Insulate. Do the compress for 7 days.

Before starting treatment with folk remedies, it is important to consult a doctor. The doctor, having assessed all the symptoms and the patient’s condition, will tell you what unconventional methods will help defeat the disease in your particular case.

Purulent and advanced pathology can only be treated under the supervision of a doctor!


The speed at which knee mobility is restored is largely dependent on the efforts of the patient himself. To shorten the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to perform physical exercise, exercise.

It is necessary to avoid activities that lead to the formation of microtraumas of the joint. At this stage, folk remedies are effective: infusions and compresses that reduce swelling.

To date worthy alternative traditional methods there is no treatment. Traditional methods can only be used as aid, promoting rapid recovery of the patient.


Preventive measures include:

  • elimination of all inflammatory processes in the body;
  • gradual strengthening of the ligamentous apparatus of the lower extremities;
  • refusal to jerk during sports or heavy physical activity;
  • weight control;
  • in case of increased risk of injury, protect the knee joint area with special devices;
  • avoid if possible low temperatures to the specified zone;
  • If you need to be in a “kneeling” position, do warm-ups every hour.

  • Important! Inflammation occurs as a result of injury, sprain or infection. Treatment of bursitis is not particularly difficult, but it is important that the disease is not advanced.


    Bursitis begins quickly. The pain in the joint increases, even to the point of pain, and the skin over the sore spot becomes hot. Classic symptoms of the disease include:

    • stiffness in movements appears;
    • motor activity decreases;
    • there is swelling and fever over the inflamed area;
    • muscles weaken;
    • the whole body feels unwell and weak.

    If the cause of the disease is infection, then signs of intoxication are felt: weakness, decreased appetite, increased temperature, fever. Symptoms vary from person to person.

    Important! At the first signs of illness, you should immediately consult a doctor.


    Bursitis is distinguished between acute and chronic. Depending on the type and form of the disease, it proceeds differently and the treatment is different.

    Acute form

    Symptoms of acute bursitis:

    1. Sharp pain that intensifies with movement.
    2. There is swelling with a diameter of up to 10 cm.
    3. At night the pain increases, the skin turns red, the temperature reaches 40 degrees.
    4. The tumor may progress to soft fabrics and it is very difficult to step on your foot.

    Chronic form

    Chronic bursitis is a consequence of the acute form. It is characterized by moderate pain and a long inflammatory process. In this case, calcium deposits are deposited, mobility is limited, and swelling is present.

    There are three bursae near the knee joint: subcutaneous, subfascial, and subtendinous. The type of disease depends on which bursa is inflamed.

    1. Infrapatellar bursitis occurs in the popliteal bursa, close to the large tendon. The result of injuries to the tendons behind the knee or in people who are overweight. Often happens during a jump, when the load upon landing increases.
    2. Prepatellar - develops in the patellar bursa, located close to the surface. Occurs from a blow to the kneecap.
    3. Suprapatellar - appears as a result of infection.

    Depending on the composition of the fluid in the periarticular sac, there are:

    • serous bursitis - filling with serous fluid;
    • purulent - characterized by the presence of pus in one or more bags;
    • hemorrhagic - filled with blood;
    • Anserine or Baker's cyst - located under the knee.

    Symptoms of suprapatellar bursitis

    Suprapatellar bursitis is quite common - this is when the disease occurs in the large synovial bursa. The connective patellar bursa is one of the large joint capsules, designed to absorb friction and shock.

    Knee bursitis occurs as a result heavy loads, as a rule, hockey goalkeepers are at risk. A characteristic symptom is the appearance of a tumor in the periarticular area, it can be of any size. The disease occurs due to a blow to the tendon under the knee.

    Causes of the disease

    Knee bursitis is caused by knee injuries, bruises, sprains, and hematomas. Athletes involved in football, hockey, and skiing are susceptible to the disease. Less commonly, the occurrence of the disease is associated with the presence of an infection that spreads throughout the bursa.

    The disease may be a consequence of complications from arthritis or gout. If a person has allergies, autoimmune disease or improper metabolism - this contributes to the occurrence of bursitis.

    The cause may be constant vibration, mechanical action on the joint or increased loads. People who are overweight are susceptible to the disease. It also occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance in the body.

    Treatment at home

    At the first signs of bursitis, a pressure bandage and ice are necessary. Ice should not be applied for a long time, 15 minutes and take a break. To prevent purulent bursitis from occurring, it is necessary to receive timely treatment and apply fixing bandages. It’s a good idea to place your sore leg on a hill - this will relieve pain.

    For inflammation, ointments consisting of different medicinal components are used. They can be hormonal and non-steroidal:

    • voltaren;
    • Deep Relief gel;
    • nose gel;
    • ortofen ointment 2%;
    • methyl salicylate liniment;
    • warm-ups – finalgon, gymnastogal.

    Drug treatment

    Important! If you have knee injuries, do not self-medicate; there may be internal hematomas, bleeding.

    Drug treatment reduces pain and eliminates inflammation. Sometimes it is necessary to make a puncture and remove accumulated exudate. The pus is removed, and antibiotics and painkillers are injected into it; such wounds take a long time to heal.

    Anti-inflammatory drugs are used: indomethacin, voltaren, diclofenac, ibuprofen, hydrocortisone. Their disadvantage is side effects and contraindications.

    Ointments, tablets, injections are available:

    • movalis;
    • diclofenac;
    • indomethacin;
    • ortofen;
    • voltaren;
    • ibuprofen, etc.

    Treatment uses corticosteroid hormones to relieve inflammation. Antirheumatic drugs based on gold salts reduce the risk of developing the disease in the future. With timely and active treatment with medications, the pain goes away within three weeks.

    Important! If it remains, then the treatment was carried out incorrectly or complications of the disease appeared.

    Treatment with dimexide

    Dimexide is a drug with an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Penetrating into the skin, it improves metabolism, disinfects, and helps restore movement to the joint. Compresses are made using the drug.

    1. Mix dimexide and water in equal doses.
    2. Soak a cloth in the solution and apply to the joint for 20 minutes.
    3. Repeat once a day, 3 weeks.

    The compress solution must be made immediately before use, otherwise it will lose everything beneficial features. The compress cloth should be very clean. The drug penetrates deeply into the tissue and if there are microbes on the cloth, it will pull them with it deeper into the joint.

    Important! Do not increase the compress time, you may get burned.

    If you're worried strong pain, you can add ketanol to the compress solution. The drug has contraindications for people with angina pectoris and cataracts.

    Laser treatment

    When treating bursitis, the method is considered effective laser therapy. It helps improve cellular metabolism and reduce swelling. Low level laser light accelerates blood circulation. Light radiation penetrates to great depths, dilates blood vessels and improves metabolic processes.

    There are special devices that are used in clinics and at home. They massage and simultaneously produce cold laser radiation. A laser is called cold if the pulse acting on the skin does not cause heating.

    Laser light acts at the cellular level and has no side effects. The use helps even with advanced disease and shortens the rehabilitation period.


    If there is a suspicion that an infection has occurred in the knee joint, then antibiotics are prescribed. They are used both for washing the cavity of the bag and for making injections. First, the sensitivity of the microflora to antibacterial drugs is determined.

    Antibiotics are often used:

    • streptomycin;
    • drugs of the penicillin group;
    • tetracycline;
    • ampicillin;
    • cefpirom, ceftriaxone;
    • lincomycin, dalacin C;
    • gentamicin, isepamycin;
    • dioxidin.

    Take them for at least one week and no more than 10 days. In difficult cases, steroids are used - corticosteroids by injection into the bursa cavity.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Compress with sugar

    Heat the sugar slightly in a frying pan, pour it into a cloth bag and press it to the sore joint. Cover with a plastic bag and wrap in something warm. Each time you make sugar again, the old one is thrown away.

    Laundry soap ointment

    Add 120 g of honey and one grated onion to 100 g of grated soap. Make a compress from the resulting ointment for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

    Bath with pine infusion

    Add one and a half kilograms of pine needles to 2 liters of boiling water and leave for at least three hours. Then you can pour the pine infusion into the bath and lie in it.

    Flax seeds

    Apply a bag of flaxseeds to the joint for two weeks.

    Cabbage and honey

    Wash the cabbage leaf, mash with a fork until the juice appears, grease with honey and apply to the site of inflammation. Honey acts as an antiseptic and will help the cabbage juice penetrate deeper into the joint. Leave the compress for up to 8 hours.


    An antiseptic is used to treat wounds when the joint capsule is inflamed, if there is no allergy to iodine.

    There is another way.

    1. Take all components equally: 5% iodine, honey, ammonia, medical bile.
    2. Stir and leave for ten days. It is advisable to warm it up before use.
    3. Use until improvement occurs.


    Dilute blue clay warm water to form a thick mass. Apply it to the sore joint, wrap it in film and something warm. Leave for 2 hours. Inflammation will noticeably decrease.


    Grind the burdock, soak the cloth in its juice and apply it as a compress on the joint.

    You can put burdock leaves in hot water for an hour, then on the sore knee, previously lubricated with oil. On top is a bag and something warm. Leave overnight.


    Required: pour 100 ml of vodka into 10 g of propolis and let it brew for five days. Apply until pain disappears.

    To take on an empty stomach, make the product from 100 g butter, 15 g propolis. Consume 3 times a day in between meals.


    Paraffin treatment is effective as a method heat treatment. It warms up deeply, improving blood circulation. Heat reduces inflammation. If there is a knee bruise or injury, heat is contraindicated in the first days.

    Before applying paraffin, wash the sore joint and wipe dry. Heat the paraffin to a temperature of 50 degrees and coat the sore spot with it, layer by layer, trying not to get burned. The layer thickness is 1.5-2 cm. Then apply a compress overnight.


    Let's prepare a concentrated solution: 1 tbsp. l. salt per ½ liter of boiling water. Wet the cloth and apply it to the joint, then the film and something warm. Keep for 8 hours. Repeat as long as there is swelling.


    To prevent illness from occurring, avoid injury and treat wounds promptly to prevent infection. For those who play sports, it is necessary to wear knee pads. Protect joints from hypothermia. Eat properly and balanced.

    If the first symptoms of the disease occur and self-treatment did not help, consult a doctor. Any disease can be successfully treated if you follow the doctor’s recommendations. Health to everyone!