The technique of compiling the wheel of life balance and how to apply it in practice. Full video text

Big and warm hello to all! Today there will be a continuation of yesterday's topic about the spheres of human life. And now we will make the wheel of life balance. This is a very important step in knowing yourself, your priorities, and planning your time and plan to achieve your goals. So let's not hesitate and let's get started. It is very important to focus well and completely eliminate distractions.

What is the wheel of life balance: what is it?

In the last article, we identified the main areas of human life. Everyone can have their own, based on interests and desires. All areas must develop simultaneously harmoniously with each other, otherwise happiness and success can only be temporary. But in order to evaluate your life, highlight priorities, set goals correctly and develop a plan to achieve them, you need to honestly answer a number of questions for yourself, and the wheel of balance will help us with this.

You don't need any special skills or abilities. This technique is used and continues to be used by many coaches and personal growth coaches. The main thing is to be honest with yourself and completely and deeply dive into your thoughts. Soberly and realistically look at your life from the outside and highlight negative and positive trends.

As you know, everything in our world is interconnected. Our life is a cycle of spheres and regions. Between themselves, they form a single whole, which is called life. If, for example, we are not healthy, then we cannot work, relations with our wife and children can deteriorate due to the busy work schedule of a careerist, we feel miserable and miserable, if we do not develop, we have no money, and we can't go to university or get training. As you can see everything is connected.

The wheel of life balance will give us the answer to the question in which areas we have a gap, where we need to pull ourselves up and how to put things in order in life.

This is how it looks like. Simple but effective.

So, let's begin.

Balance wheel: 4 steps to harmony

Step 1

To begin with, you need to make a list of all your main and important areas of life. This is done very easily, read the article here. It is very important to write and highlight all the areas of each of them, what it consists of. For example:

  • Health - nutrition, personal care, sports, daily routine, sleep, energy.
  • The house, the surrounding space - comfort, coziness, daily routines, organization of space, repairs, living conditions.
  • Career and finance - money management, savings, work, job search, projects, wealth, income, expenses, loans.
  • Self-development - personal growth, training, training.
  • Attitude - love, kindness, help, quarrels, social. status, friends, children, husband, wife.
  • Recreation and entertainment - free time, travel, hobbies.
  • Inner world - the struggle with oneself, setting goals and, emotions, motivation.

The more you write, the easier it will be to understand yourself.

Step 2

Print on a printer or draw a circle by hand on a piece of paper. Divide it by the number of areas of life that you have identified for yourself. Connect the center to the points on the circle. Each of the segments must be divided into 10 parts. Label all areas you wish to analyze.

Step 3

This step requires a very clear mind. Get rid of external stimuli, turn off the phone, music, ensure silence. Be honest with yourself. Carefully analyze each of the areas of life and give it a score from 0 to 10. Personally, I use the following indicators:

  • 0-3 - very bad
  • 4-7 - satisfactory, but there is work to be done
  • 8-10 is a good indicator, meaning that you have realized enough in this area

Mark the selected level on the scale. Now connect the dots.

We now have a very powerful goal setting tool to bring order to our lives. What's next?

Step 4

Estimate the most unfortunate points of the wheels of life balance. Think about which of them can affect other areas. For example, if you take care of your health, you can work more and earn money, then you can go on vacation and spend time with your family.

Even if you don't see any connection, it's okay. It is necessary to work on the most unsuccessful areas within 1 - 2 months. To do this, set yourself a few goals that will move up the point in the wheel of balance and make your life a little more harmonious. Remember to make a plan to achieve what you want. Read more on how to do this.

Everything is quite simple, but this tool, first of all, will help to understand ourselves and to know our needs in order to harmonize our lives.

When the boss or mom decides what time we wake up, how many hours a day we work, and when to go to the toilet, there will never be a balance. We just fill the day with other people's goals. We live by other people's values ​​and try to satisfy not our own desires, but other people's expectations. This is survival.

Balance in life is possible if you manage your present and future, manage your time. When you determine what to pay attention to, then it is easy for you to bring your life activity into balance.

Life balance - an interesting, active life by its own rules rather than a comfortable stay. To live exciting, you need to develop, try new things. Every day, be passionate about at least one or two activities that bring you joy. For me, a reliable source of joy is meaningful work.

You need to make a decision - gradually regain control of your destiny. Learn to ride on your own without external help on the wheel of the spheres of your life.

The darkness of people does not control their time, so the path to balance is closed to them. When they decide to take responsibility for their present and future, for their past decisions, then the road to a happy life will open for them.

The Wheel of Life Method

To achieve balance in life, you need to put in order all sectors of your life. To assess the state of the important parts of your life, use this exercise.

The Wheel of Life is a life analysis and planning technique..

Exercise can be done every 1-3 months to see progress.

"Wheel of Life Balance" online

Orbs of the wheel of life

To understand how to balance life, let's consider satisfaction by spheres.

  • Health and sports

    A person without health and energy is a vegetable. Exercise, eat well, and get enough sleep are a must.

  • Personal relationships, family, children

    Family and/or relationship with a loved one. Relationships with loved ones. It is difficult to live happily when there is no love.

  • Personal growth

    Development of oneself as a person: mind, skills, knowledge, habits, character, reading books, learning languages ​​and new things.

  • Career, business, finance, self-realization

    First of all, this is financial prosperity, if it is not there, it is difficult to talk about life balance. If finances are in order - think about self-realization and purpose, go to a big goal.

  • Environment and friends

    The environment shapes us - a person is equal to the arithmetic mean of his friends.
    The formula for starting your circle is: ⅓ friends below you, ⅓ your level, ⅓ above.

  • Rest, impressions, brightness of life

    You need to rest well, just like you need to work. Travel, new experiences, entertainment - all this gives energy and roundness to the wheel of life.

  • Creativity and hobby

    Often brilliant ideas and breakthrough discoveries lie at the junction of two areas.
    Develop in what you love very much, while constantly trying new things.
    I love getting into new things. An example is tap dance, where I was a complete zero.

  • Spirituality

    Everyone perceives this part of life at their own level. The search for something greater than the person himself: the meaning of life, God, ideas, purpose, principle, moksha. The study of religion, philosophy. An often overlooked area of ​​the wheel of life.

    The spiritual is everything that can resist everything social, bodily and even mental in a person. V. Frankl

The dangers of misinterpretation is important

The wheel of life is just an exercise.
The power is in visibility when compared to a physical wheel, but that same comparison is misleading.

No need to deceive yourself:

    Wheel of expectations is a more accurate name for this technique.

    Some feel disappointed at the sight of their crooked wheel and think: - “You won’t get far on such a wheel!”. The name "wheel of life" suggests that you are rolling through life on this wheel, that this is your life.

    But it's not. Filling the wheel of the balance of life, you take as an ideal - how, in your opinion, your life should look like, not what she is there is.

    Remove the expectations and idealization of your life, and your wheel will be perfectly aligned.- it is on it that you roll.

    Our life is great. We are so accustomed to the good that we no longer appreciate it. And we pay attention to what we do not have.

    The trap of idealizing the wheel. The word "wheel", automatically and imperceptibly, attributes the properties of the physical wheel to the flow of our life.

    In fact, a person understands that life is beautiful and he loves to develop, set new goals and achieve them. In this case, scores from 1 to 10 will reflect his approach to the goals in all areas.

    An important difference, a person already feels like a ten! But he wants more, so he can put a mark of 6, where it would have been worth putting 16 long ago.

    Man has seen in his own experience all these dangers of interpreting the size of a wheel. He understands that the circle has grown a long time ago, but his requests have grown along with him. This must come to pass.

How to work with the wheel

Bringing life into balance, prioritization is the main step to a happy, controlled life. You cannot improve those aspects of your life that you do not remove your conscious attention from.

As a rule, life skews due to the fact that we ourselves tilt it to the weak side every day. We strengthen already strong sides, or pay attention to things that do not bring satisfaction and growth.

The purpose of the exercise is to highlight in your mind the priority aspects of life for study. To streamline your life, you need to start with one area. If you learn to increase your contentment in one area of ​​your life, it will be easy for you to transfer positive experiences to other areas.

The next step after highlighting the priority area is to understand what exactly does not satisfy you. Then


Dear readers, probably, each of us thinks about a harmonious life. At each stage, we can have a rethinking of values, which is primarily important for us, what can be done next, how to work on ourselves. On my blog, I often raise the topics of our internal content and just such work. I believe that true health comes to those who live in harmony with the world, with themselves, who can give their Love to relatives and friends, our children, who themselves live a full life.

Today, the guest of my blog, Anna Rogozina, will tell us about the wheel of life balance and our development in every area. I have already introduced you to Anya. There was an amazing article of hers on the blog. And not so long ago there were articles about Anna. I am very pleased with your response to Anna's articles. I myself am very interested in all the topics that Anya and I discuss on the blog. Many of you listened to Anya's webinar "Formula of a Happy Mom". I received very kind words about this webinar in the mail.

Today we will continue our conversation with you on the very important topic of life balance. I give the floor to Anna Rogozina.

Life balance or development in every area of ​​human life

One of the key tasks of any mother is to be in harmony with herself and with the whole world at once. Otherwise, it is simply unrealistic to become the support and center of the Universe for your child. How will the baby gain confidence if mom is confused and dad is frowning? And so from day to day. Yes, balance is difficult to achieve, uncertainty and some kind of dissatisfaction with oneself are constantly present. You are tormented by thousands of questions, millions of problems deprive you of sleep, and what can we say about self-esteem, even if the reflection in the mirror is critically crooked!

Do you recognize yourself? Then this is a reason not to be upset, but to buy a stylish notebook, a good pen and a beautiful cup. Exclusively for myself and as a sign of the beginning of a new, interesting stage in my life. Then you need to do preliminary work with the family. Explain to your family that you need some time for yourself. You can release it by sending your husband to walk with the child in the park. If the baby has grown up and is already a schoolboy, let them go together for additional classes or visit their grandmother. You can find a place yourself, but one where no one will disturb you and nothing will distract you.

To feel happy, mom needs to have enough time for all the important things for her. Otherwise, her quality of life deteriorates at times, self-esteem suffers and the desire to do anything completely disappears. Let's see where the problems are hidden, and what area of ​​life requires the closest attention. The result of the work done will be a clear understanding of what is currently happening to you and what measures to take in the first place.

Wheel of life balance. Spheres of human life

There is more work to be done next. If you just draw a Wheel and hang a piece of paper in a prominent place, there will be no benefit. In addition to the drawing, it is required to describe in detail what and how to do so that the angular figure acquires the shape of a circle, and life becomes harmonious and balanced.

We open a notebook and draw a beautiful large circle on the first piece of paper. Now we determine the most significant areas of life for us and divide the circle into the required number of sectors, put a scale from 1 to 10 on the segments that have turned out inside the wheel.

You can name the sectors in different ways, but we suggest taking the following categories as a basis:

  • Your health and that of your family;
  • Beauty external and internal;
  • Career / own business;
  • Finance;
  • Children;
  • personal development;
  • Self-education;
  • Home and comfort in it;
  • Relationship with a loved one;
  • Vacation, travel, meeting new people.

Wheel of life balance. Sample

Here's what it would look like at the start:

And then the fun begins. Brew a cup of tea and thoroughly "dig" in yourself, think, think. What is wrong with you and in what area? What confuses you? What would you desperately want to change in a particular segment?

How to work with the wheel of life balance?

Rate your satisfaction with each area of ​​life on a 10-point scale . What will 10 mean to you, and what will only 1 mean? For example, in the field of health, for 10 you can take what you want to see yourself in six months, a year, five years. How will you eat, or what indicators will you reach. Everything is purely individual.

Be honest. Do not feel sorry for yourself, do not embellish and do not idealize. Reflect the real picture by putting a dot inside the circle at the level of the scale score you have determined. Having finished the analysis of all spheres, connect the points with segments, paint over each piece of the sector in any color from zero to the selected level, and look at the result.

The figure that has turned out inside the circle does not look like an even wheel? Don't be surprised, this happens most of the time. At this stage of work, identify several areas of life, changes in which will have the maximum impact on improving the situation within the entire wheel. Where is the greatest imbalance? These are the areas where you can start working. At the same time, you can deal with 2-3 sectors, and the rest will begin to change on their own or require a little adjustment from you.

Work with each sector of life balance

For example, let's choose the health sector. Suppose it is he who is in a deplorable state. What can be done here, because you need to have strength for everything conceived, for raising children? Toddlers follow the example of their parents and it is very important to instill in them a good, correct habit of taking care of their health.

First, we determine for ourselves personally what we equate to 10 points and where we are at the moment. The “Health” category includes: my and my family’s well-being (many mothers do not share these concepts, here it’s optional), appearance, activity, energy, diet, weight, sports, sleep.

What do we need to do to achieve the goal?

  1. Find information on the nutrition system of interest and revise the diet for tomorrow.
  2. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  3. Get up 20 minutes earlier on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and do bodyflex exercises. To do this, find and download lessons.

Indicate small time intervals in the plan. Optimal - a month. Then see how your Balance Wheel changes and write down your actions for the next month.

Secondly, completely switch to your desires and feelings. Do not think about how others will perceive your aspirations for change. It is only YOUR desire, only YOUR dream.

Visualization of our desires

To help you work in this sector, be sure to look for inspiring pictures. They will help visualize your aspirations and desires, they will be great to encourage action.

In such pictures, write down your desires in precise short phrases, and in the format of those that have already been fulfilled. For example, “I will lose 5 kg” is wrong, but “I lost 5 kg” is wonderful! Refuse to use the negative particle "not" and any negative statements. It will not work right away, correct yourself and this manner of expressing your thoughts will become a habit in the near future. Remember that good habits and skills are formed in about 20-40 days. One of the main points of the whole process is that you should be morally as comfortable as possible.

Don't forget to praise yourself!

In addition to the Wheel of Life Balance and all activities related to improving the quality of life in areas that are important to you, make it a point to praise yourself. In writing! Get into the habit of doing everything in writing.

You can have a separate notebook "My achievements" or separate half from the one in which you started working with the Wheel of Life Balance. Write down everything in which you are great today, what you were able to achieve, what happened, how difficult it was for you to work on yourself for the first month, but you managed and continue. These recordings are just for you, they are great to raise self-esteem and build strong self-confidence, and also support in moments when everything goes wrong. Trust me, they will too!

Julia Cameron "The Artist's Way" Book to help us

In conclusion, I will recommend one wonderful book, which is not as well known and not as readable as I would like, but extremely useful. It's a must read, if you don't quite like the first few pages, promise yourself to finish reading about halfway through the book. And you definitely won't stop.

So, Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way. Don't be confused by the name, each of us becomes an artist in our work on ourselves. And it doesn’t matter how much before that we considered ourselves a creative person. Moreover, having decided to “dig into” ourselves and improve the quality of life, to reach a new, more comfortable level, we all become very creative and resourceful people. So why not?

Take advantage of this book exercise called "Morning Pages" . It is for this reason that I recommend this book. It takes no more than 5-10 minutes, but it works great. You will always want to fulfill it, and this will be a great help in working on yourself and your successful future.

You know, for a long time I wanted to implement one project that would give powerful support to mothers and strong knowledge, while I wanted to create something much more than just a community or a group. I want every mother to be a holistic person, to do everything as much as possible, to find herself in life, to be happy every day and life to be really very bright and full! And for this it is necessary that there be harmony in all spheres of life. This is so important for every mom. I understand this very much, because. I have always aspired and strive for this.

So, I want to tell you in detail about the new big online project for moms - MODERN MOM UNIVERSITY .

This is a closed educational club, where every month we will work to improve life in areas that are important for us, moms:

  • Your health and family health.
  • Cozy house, order.
  • Beauty internal and external.
  • Career / own business
  • self-education
  • Personal development (work on yourself)
  • Finance.
  • Relationship with loved one
  • Leisure, travel, entertainment, traditions.
  • Communication, acquaintances, connections.
  • Creativity, creativity

One area of ​​the mother's life is worked out monthly. Each topic is considered through efficiency and expansion of internal boundaries. 1 topic - 1 month.

The scope of the first month is the HEALTH of mom and her whole family

Interesting communication, belonging to the community of developing mothers, invited speakers every month - professionals each in their own field, and many more advantages.

All this is waiting for you very soon! Join now!

The opening of the club will take place on October 23, 2015

More information about the club, all the privileges for its members, as well as subscription options can be found here. You can also register using this link to receive interesting information from the club.


All the best! Harmony in the soul, happiness and joy every day!

I thank Anna for the information.

And for the soul, we will listen today Michel Pepe : La Vision du Coeur Everything is very beautiful. Give yourself a mood.

see also












Read: 4 372

Roll or crawl? How best to move through life, strive for dreams and goals? Of course, it is better to move at a good speed, which means that rolling is better than crawling. Hence today's topic - the wheel of life balance.

The wheel of life balance is a time management and coaching technique. But everyone can deal with the peculiarities of technology.

Why do we need balance in life?

Our life is subject to various third-party requirements. And if you follow them without hesitation and, most importantly, without correcting, you can exist for many years in automatic mode. And then look back at the past time and be horrified by the missed opportunities. In the past, you can easily see:

  • independently growing children;
  • husband without affection and attention;
  • unnoticed development opportunities;
  • imperfect travel;
  • incomplete education;
  • unread books;
  • unrealized projects.

A huge number of different "NOT" ...

And at this moment we understand that many areas of life were simply not covered. The days passed in the rhythm of "home-work-home" or in another similar format, and everything else went by.

It is possible to avoid the pain of such disappointment. And it is necessary. To do this, you only need to do the wheel of life balance exercise and understand why life still does not play with all the shades of the rainbow.

Orbs of the Wheel of Life Balance

The wheel of life balance is a circle divided into segments, in which each zone corresponds to some area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.

The traditional life balance wheel template suggests using 8 areas of life for analysis, but this number can be increased or decreased at the request of the person.

How to make a wheel of life balance?

The spheres of life of the wheel of balance

If the test of the wheel of life balance is done for the first time, it is worth using the canonical variants of the spheres. And later, adjust the methodology for yourself. Eight areas of life balance:

Where to make the wheel of life balance? To draw the spheres of life of the wheel of life balance, excel, a standard diary, an A4 sheet, a drawing paper are suitable. Any convenient option.

What to evaluate? The roundness of the resulting diagram. The clearer the resulting circle, the more confidently it rolls through life. The brighter everyday life and more interesting weekdays. It’s bad when one of the areas has especially low rates. This slows down the overall pace of life and takes a lot of energy.

Life balance analysis technique wheel of life

The wheel of life balance technique, when the circle is already drawn and marked with grades in each area, allows you to see the sagging areas. Frequent cases of imbalance - overweight:

  • business to the detriment of family and health;
  • spiritual to the detriment of income and career;
  • friends to the detriment of work, development and relatives.

All of these options are equally bad.

The wheel of life balance shows what has slipped at the current time and suggests directions for work.

After compiling and analyzing the wheel of the balance of life, it will be right to prescribe steps and actions to normalize the situation right in the zone of each sphere.

If a family gets low scores, you can plan a joint vacation or introduce some kind of pleasant tradition. If your career is in the red, consider ways for professional development. If the wheel is slowed down by the spiritual sphere, consider options for the development of this direction.

Do not write global plans. Better real - for a week, a maximum of a month. And not one option, but two, three, four. To do something every few days to improve the state of a particular area of ​​life.

After a month of active work, it is worth re-making the wheel of life balance and evaluating the changes. View new results and think about a further plan to cover new areas or improve existing ones.

How important is it to keep balance in your life? How often do we think about it? However, a bias in any direction can lead to the collapse of the entire system. When the financial side of life is lame, it is very difficult to move in spiritual development. If a person devotes himself to the family, to the detriment of his interests, this leads to quarrels and misunderstandings as a result. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to all areas of life, maintaining balance. This method will help you balance wheels.

Make your life harmonious

To understand how a particular area affects the movement in life as a whole, you need to evaluate all areas using "Wheels of Balance". This tool allows you to see the distribution of energy that a person spends on solving life problems, conduct introspection and take a critical look at weaknesses. The more harmoniously attention is paid to all spheres, the more smoothly a person moves through life, like a wheel along the road. Hence the name. If the wheel is crooked, then it will shake, as if on bumps.

Use the online application below to evaluate the quality of your balance wheels and visually observe how you “roll” through life, or perhaps simply stand still.

Balance wheel constructor

Instructions: Drag the slider with the mouse, setting a score from 1 to 10 for each area. At the end, press the "start" button and observe the efficiency of the wheel movement.

A smoother wheel rolls far, while a crooked one will get stuck at the beginning of the path. So people with unbalanced life spheres become clumsy and cannot move. If the wheel is small, but the energies are evenly distributed in it, then the path will be much longer. A person with such a balance wheel will move, even in small steps.

You can also build your own balance wheel using the template below.