Language courses for children abroad. Cost of education abroad

You will need

  • - money to pay for education;
  • - a computer;
  • - access to the Internet;
  • - reference publications devoted to education abroad.


Weigh your financial capacity to finance such training. The vast majority of scholarships are for students and scholars, and you will have to pay out of your own pocket for secondary education. Money will be needed not only to pay for the cost of education, but also for accommodation, which, most likely, will cost more than in Russia.

Select the type of training program. If the level of a foreign language is insufficient, you should start learning with language courses. Also decide on the length of study. For those who have never parted with their parents for a long time, leaving for another country for a whole year, a complete change of environment can be very stressful. For such a child, a short-term program, for example, summer courses, is suitable. If everything suits you and the child, the training can be extended.

Decide on the country where you want to send your child. If you are interested in English-language programs, pay attention not only to the USA and Great Britain, but also to countries less known for their traditions of education, such as Australia or Canada. Often there you can find very interesting programs at a lower price.

Find a specific training program. This can be done by contacting one of the specialized agencies or by finding a program on your own. This can be done with the help of specialized or on the websites of the educational institutions you are interested in. Also, specialized exhibitions dedicated to school education abroad are regularly held in large cities, where you can get a lot of useful information.
If yours has a cultural center in the country where you are going to send your child, contact them - they can also provide services for finding educational programs.

Enroll your child in the program of your choice and pay the required amount. It can be either full or partial cost of education. After payment, do not forget to ask for a confirmation document confirming the child's enrollment in an educational institution. Keep this document with you until the child leaves.

Take care of the necessary formalities. Register the child for a visa, if the child is flying without parents - one or with - issue a notary's permission to leave the child from one or both parents. If the departure for study coincides with the academic year, settle all the formalities in the Russian school - meet with the head teacher, discuss how the studies will be credited this year and how the quarter and annual grades will be set. If the child leaves to study abroad permanently, take the child's documents from the Russian school.

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In some countries, for example, in France, if a minor is alone in the country, he needs to find a guardian in that country. Usually, schools that accept foreign students undertake the search for this responsible person at the request of the parents.

Helpful advice

Please note that in order to enter a Russian university, a child with a foreign school certificate will still have to take the exam early.

Universities are very popular border because they allow young people not only to get a quality education, but also to hone their language skills. To achieve this goal, you need to go through the enrollment process.

You will need

  • - a computer;
  • - the Internet;
  • - cash;
  • - international passport;
  • - visa;
  • - IELTS/TOEFL certificate;
  • - certificate of secondary education;
  • - a photo;
  • - statement.


Make a list of countries and universities where you would like to study. Analyze what would be best for you - to study at a European university or fly overseas to enter the USA, Canada and Australia. Many educational institutions in these countries are loyal to students from Russia and provide many state-funded places.

Choose those institutions in which training is consistent with your financial ability. There are several universities in Germany, Finland and the Czech Republic that teach foreign students absolutely. However, this does not extend to . You can find out about this on the official websites of these universities.

Contact linguistic centers that deal with educational programs for Russian students. If you have difficulty choosing a country or institution, seek the advice of professionals. As a rule, specialists who are aware of the latest trends in the educational environment work in such centers. Tell them about your goals and ask them to provide you with a list of countries where you can study according to your abilities and abilities.

Get a visa and a passport. In any case, you will have to prepare several important documents. First, write an application for a student visa. Secondly, get a passport. As a rule, its registration takes no more than 2 weeks in the department of the Federal Migration Service of your place of residence.

Decide on accommodation border. Some give the right to live in a hostel for free, while others ask for a set fee. Most American universities prefer to give students a scholarship that would allow them to pay for housing. Learn more about your chosen university. You may have to spend 1000 euros or more for the first time until you find a part-time job for border.

Complete special training courses and pass the international proficiency exam. As a rule, this requirement exists for every foreign university. This is also due to the fact that the lecture material, for the most part, is taught in the language. You will need a score of 4.0-5.0 or higher on the IELTS or TOEFL eight-point academic test.

Send all the collected documents to the university in which you are going to enter. Scan the test results, attach copies of passports, certificate of secondary education, photo and application. Send them by DHL Express, because the Russian Post will take a long time to deliver them. Wait for a response from the educational institution and follow further instructions.


You must have a certain amount of money in your bank account to prove your ability to pay abroad. This fact must be confirmed by a bank statement. This applies even to those students who will study at the budget department. For each university, this amount is different, but it will be within 100,000 rubles. ($3000).

Be prepared to take with you abroad about the same amount for the first time.

Documents to be sent in two languages ​​(Russian and English): application, certificate.

It costs approximately 100 euros to obtain English language proficiency certificates, not including preparation.


  • European universities

Foreign education is becoming more and more popular in Russia. Some parents plan to send their children abroad while still in high school, while others plan to enroll their offspring in foreign universities. In any case, before traveling abroad, it is necessary to understand the correct sequence of actions for a successful start of studies.


Choose the program of study and the country where your child will receive education. Do not limit yourself to only English-speaking countries - consider the wishes of the child himself, as well as the prospects for a particular type of education. Also, depending on the country, the cost of training varies significantly. If the secondary school will in any case cost quite a lot, you can save money on studying at a university. Germany and France provide an opportunity for foreign students to study for a small fee - 500-1000 euros per year, while the cost of studying in the UK and the USA is often several times higher.

Find out what is required for admission to your chosen educational institution. A minor most often needs a guardian in the country of study. The role of the guardian may be performed by the principal of the school or an individual by prior arrangement. Also find out how your child can confirm their Russian education and what year of study they can enroll in. Keep in mind that not all countries consider the Russian school certificate sufficient for admission to their universities. In this case, it will be necessary to study for a year at a Russian university. Specify the cost of education and what it includes - whether the student will be provided with housing and meals, whether it is necessary to pay for additional classes and school textbooks. Make a financial plan that includes all expenses.

Specify what diploma your child will receive at the end of the training and what rights this document will give him. For example, some European schools offer international programs of study with a local and American school certificate, which makes it easier to enter US universities.

Collect the opinions of those whose children have already studied at the educational institution of your choice. You can find them on the Internet forums dedicated to international education. Such opinions will help you form a more objective opinion about the school or university.

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If you are sending a student to study, keep in mind that it may be difficult for him to return to a Russian school due to the difference in curricula. It is best to give him the opportunity to get a certificate abroad, which will not prevent him from entering a Russian university if he wants to.

Helpful advice

If possible, visit exhibitions and meetings dedicated to foreign education. There you can get information about rates, specific host schools and graduate prospects.

Everyone has their own goals for traveling abroad: to relax, visit friends, get an education. It happens that it becomes necessary to send the child to another country alone.

You will need

  • Travel document, visa, notarized consent of the parents for the temporary departure of the child abroad, application form, medical insurance.


Select the country to which you plan to send your child. States are divided into three categories for issuing visas: visa-free; issuance of visas in a short time and without difficulties; obtaining a visa requires a lot of time and additional documents. Each category can be found on the website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Without parents, children over the age of 5 years are allowed to travel abroad. When sending your child on a trip, please note that the childcare service is provided only on airplanes. In bus tours, sea trips and trains, such a bonus is not included in the duties of the staff.
Check with the airline for which you are purchasing a ticket, until the "baby sitter" service is available. In most cases, a person over 12 years of age will be given exactly as much attention as the rest of the passengers. At the request of parents, it is possible to pay for accompaniment for children under 17 years of age. Adolescents aged 16-18 have the right to travel abroad on their own.

The federal legislation of our country establishes a clear procedure for crossing borders by citizens, including those who have not reached the age of majority. In particular, Article 20 of Federal Law No. 114 states that “if a minor citizen of the Russian Federation leaves the Russian Federation unaccompanied, he must have, in addition to his passport, a notarized consent of the named persons to leave the minor citizen of the Russian Federation, indicating the period of departure and the state ( States) which (which) he intends to visit. It is enough to write out one permit, which will be valid from birth to the age of 16 and only for visiting those countries that are listed in this document.

Pay special attention to health insurance. It is desirable that the policy expires six months after returning from a trip. Calculate the amount of insurance so that it can cover not only treatment, but also transportation home. By paying for this document, you first of all save yourself from minor misunderstandings. Remember that we are talking about children, so do not skimp on safety.

As a trip, not a guest tour by invitation was chosen, but a tourist route? It also has its own nuances. Find out nutritional details. The team leader should be warned if there is an intolerance to any products. When taking medications, be sure to provide the child with the required amount, and also inform the team leader. Before you travel, ask if the medication you are taking is illegal to bring into your chosen country. It will not be superfluous to find out how safety is ensured during the entire trip. It is considered optimal if there is one adult for a group of babies of 6-7 people or teenagers of 10-12 people.

  • Requirement #2 - Discipline
  • Requirement #3 - Culture

A new country, a foreign culture, exciting acquaintances and complete freedom from the watchful parental eye... Studying abroad opens up new perspectives for an independent child, a real abyss for an unadapted child. When you send your child to study in Europe, you spend a lot of money. It's the same investment, but this time you're investing in your own child. This is much more than a business, and mistakes are unacceptable here. What qualities should a child have to study abroad? What are the requirements for foreign education? Let's figure it out.

Requirement #1 - Self-reliance

In Russia, from the earliest years, it is customary to rush around with a child, monitor him and control him every second. God forbid, he falls off his bike, gets hurt, gets dirty. How to leave him unattended, because he can be blown out at any moment if he does not dress properly! What if the irreparable happens and he is left without lunch? Our mothers have a lot of reasons to sound the alarm every minute. Unlike the realities of other countries, we Russians really pamper children. If you happened to be in England or Germany, you probably paid attention to some coldness that characterizes the relationship between parents and children. While an English mother is reading a book on a bench in Kensington Garden, her five-year-old child can mess around in a puddle nearby, and she won’t even raise an eyebrow. And when the child turns sixteen, he is sent to college. After enrollment, the care of a son or daughter passes into the hands of rather harsh and demanding teachers. It is assumed that the child is fully adapted to the harsh conditions of learning, accustomed to independent work and discipline.

We, who almost up to the eleventh grade did homework with the child, hired tutors for him in order to pull him up when he lagged behind, must understand that for years we purposefully deprived the offspring of any opportunity to be face to face with life. As a result, we got an infantile teenager who is at most capable of heating up a ready-made dinner in the microwave and pressing the “start” button on the washing machine. He is not used to dressing himself according to the weather, to monitor the condition of his clothes, hairstyle or the contents of his wallet. Losing a phone is a common thing for him. He has never cleaned his own room, he has rather abstract ideas about where the money comes from. Your pampered and well-groomed overgrown baby, it seems, will not go even a couple of steps without you.

To prevent this from happening, leave free space for the child from an early age in which he will need to learn how to navigate himself. Effective knowledge of the world and social adaptation are possible only through trial and error. Alas, everything is known only in one's own skin. You are doing them a disservice by wanting to protect children from the “horrors of reality”.

Requirement #2 - Discipline

Unlike Russian education, where it is sometimes enough to attend all lectures and practical classes for successful learning, studying abroad involves, first of all, independent work. Students in Europe spend all evenings and weekends in the library. They are well aware of the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities they need to master, and the common joke in Russia that one can learn Chinese overnight before an exam will remain misunderstood in Europe. If your child is used to doing homework under pressure, being outside the zone of your control, he will not learn. It's good when there is interest and a thirst for knowledge, but the abundance of theory that exists in any training program can discourage anyone from learning. The child should have the habit of overcoming himself, being assiduous. If friends invite him to a rock concert and tomorrow he has a test, he must be aware of his responsibility for the choice he makes.

To understand how your child is disciplined and ready to study on his own when you are not around, it makes sense to try studying abroad ahead of time. Learning English via Skype, even on such a resource as, is good if there are no such serious tasks. It is better to send the child to a summer language camp after the 8th-9th grade. Better, of course, not for two weeks, but for a couple of months. You may think that you are depriving your child of a vacation, but you do not have to choose an intensive program. Let him have plenty of time to make new friends, go on excursions and get to know the customs of the country well. In any case, such courses are necessary, because in Russia it is impossible to learn a foreign language at the required level. There are excellent programs aimed at preparing for passing tests such as TOEFL IELTS and others in all higher foreign schools.

Requirement #3 - Culture

Send your child to study in a country whose traditions he knows, understands and loves. If from childhood he is interested in the culture of a certain state, he himself began to learn the language, his adaptation will be easier. No one should be forced to study. The main thing is pleasure, then there will be benefits. Foreign education, no matter how first-class it may be, will not make anyone happy. Only doing what you love makes you happy.

It is important to realize what a gulf lies between Russia and Europe. What we get away with can get us into trouble with the law in developed countries. In Europe, people are fined for disturbing public order, throwing garbage, crossing the road in the wrong place, making fires in the park, walking on lawns, fishing without a license, and a lot of other “little things”. And for smoking in college, skipping classes, rudeness with teachers, conflicts with other students, they can easily be expelled. This is not Russia, everything is clear in the West: no one will consider your individual case and give concessions. The law is above everything here. Less rigid discipline is needed in other parts of the world. The freest society today is perhaps in Australia and Canada, and the prices for education there are somewhat more moderate. The downside is the location of these countries: an expensive and long flight with three transfers. This means that you will rarely see each other. It is worth considering carefully whether you are ready to cut ties with your child so much and, most importantly, whether he himself is ready for this. For yesterday's student, this can be a serious stress.

Requirement #4 - Financial Capacity

While in the United Kingdom there is no such thing as free education at all, Russians can enroll in public universities in France, Germany or the Czech Republic for free on the same conditions as citizens of these countries. In addition, here in some cases you can count on a scholarship, as well as grants for research. Despite the fact that everyone is talking about Cambridge, Oxford and Harvard, there are a huge number of other universities where you can get a free education for more moderate money. If you want your child to receive British education, be prepared to spend about 10 thousand euros a year, in other countries it is cheaper to study one and a half to two times. Specialized agencies, which are more than enough on the market today, will help you choose the optimal program of study or pre-university training. You need to start choosing a country, a program and prepare documents for admission two years before admission. And documents are sent at least a year in advance. Read more about all the nuances in the article " How to apply to a university abroad».

A child can live in a campus dormitory or in a host family, or he can rent a separate small apartment. For this you will have to spend from 250 to 500 euros per month. A host family is probably the best option. As a rule, she provides the child with breakfasts and dinners. In addition, he will be able to live like at home, be under the supervision of adults and get the opportunity to fully immerse himself in the life of the country. The high standard of living of European states, of course, affects the cost of food and travel. For a more or less comfortable life, a child needs at least 30-50 euros per day. I must say in Europe, almost all students work in their free time, and these part-time jobs allow them to pay their monthly expenses.

And, of course, you need to plan the expenses that will arise immediately before entering the university. For language courses for applicants, you will have to pay about 3 thousand euros, for preparatory education in key disciplines about 5 thousand euros per semester.

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Children are always looking forward to the holidays with special trepidation in order to have plenty of fun, forget about tedious lessons and endless homework. And parents are thinking about how to make these few weeks useful for them. How to combine the wishes of parents with the expectations of the child, so that everyone is satisfied at the same time? There is a great idea - language courses for children abroad! This is an exciting trip abroad, which allows you to study and includes entertainment, excursions, sports, communication with peers, etc. In such a cozy and creative atmosphere, without tension and in a playful way, without noticing it, children practice knowledge of a foreign language language.

Language courses for a child: to be or not to be?

Teaching children abroad is a common practice in many countries around the world. Every child will be delighted with a trip to Malta, Cyprus, Switzerland, Germany, America, Canada, England, France and another country so unlike ours. Completely new teaching methods, original ways of spending leisure time, unusual entertainment events are waiting for him. Knowledge and unique emotions after spending the summer, spring, winter or autumn holidays abroad will remain in your child's memory for many years. He will take up his studies with inspiration and perseverance upon returning home.

The language school for children will make sure that the pastime is really interesting and varied, stimulating the child to attend classes and discover something new every day with pleasure.

Advantages of language courses abroad

Studying abroad for children will be pleasant and productive, and thanks to the exciting programs, the assimilation of the material is unobtrusive and effective. Not a single hint of boring lessons - only an integrated approach in combination with lively foreign speech will give an impressive result.

During a stay abroad, the child develops the skills to adapt to a new environment and an unfamiliar environment, he becomes more independent. In addition, in the process of communication, friends from other countries appear, communication with which contributes to the study of the language.

Which country to choose for a child to study

To get an answer to this question, it is logical to start from the language that needs to be improved. Malta, Cyprus, Ireland, Canada, United Kingdom - any of these countries is suitable for practicing English. German learners will have to choose between Austria and Germany. And those who want to learn Spanish, Italian or French have no choice. They will have to settle for Spain, Italy and France, respectively.

If in the matter of choosing a country you can focus on the personal preferences and wishes of the child, then it is more difficult to decide on a language school. In any case, it is better to turn to the experts. After all, the quality of language learning abroad and the impressions received depend not only on the country. Language camps and the programs they offer play a key role. It is important not to make a mistake and choose the trip option that will best suit your goals, abilities and preferences of the child.

The cost of language courses abroad for children

The price of a trip abroad depends on the choice of the country. Let's take the English language as an example.

For a week, you can send a child to Malta for a little over 500 euros, to Canada - for at least 530 Canadian dollars, up to 550 euros - to Ireland, just over 560 pounds - to the UK, and the most expensive in the USA - at least 800 dollars .

Separately, it is worth considering the cost of flights and additional costs that are not included in the cost of training: visa fees, insurance and company services for paperwork.

Free education abroad is possible if a foreigner knows English very well or the language of the country in which he is sent to study. If knowledge of the language does not reach the ideal, then you can use various programs aimed at helping and supporting foreign students in learning English and the possibility of further admission to foreign universities.

Building of the University of Banking in Prague

Today, free education abroad is possible, however, you need to try very hard for this. And this does not mean at all that the student will receive education for free.

You still have to fork out for various textbooks, hostel fees, etc. Therefore, before going abroad to acquire knowledge, you need to think carefully and weigh your options.

There are three reasons to go abroad to study:

  1. As a student in your home state or after graduation.
  2. After studying at several courses of his university.
  3. After graduating from your school.

At what age should a child be sent to study in another country?

You can, of course, study abroad from the first grade, if the parents do not mind.

In general, the European school system consists of three levels:

That is, it is not necessary to send a 6-year-old child to Europe. He can study in his home country until the age of 8 or 12 and then go to a foreign country to acquire knowledge.

Types of foreign schools

A child can study in Europe in one of the following schools, which his parents will choose based on the needs of their offspring:

Memo to parents sending offspring abroad to study

In order to successfully send children to study in foreign schools, it is important to remember the following recommendations:

Preparation for studying at a US university

Education in America for Ukrainians and Russians will seem difficult if they do not take courses. During their visit, students study the subjects necessary so that in the future they can easily enter the desired faculty.

There is a special program for foreign children "Pathway Programs".

The advantage of the program is that after its completion, the applicant can be enrolled immediately in the third year of the university, provided that he reaches the required level of knowledge.

Master's in the USA: ways and benefits of admission

Studying abroad is attractive, and getting a master's degree in America means gaining prestige in the global job market. If a person has an American master's degree, then he is most likely to get the profession that he dreamed of.

master's studies in the USA

There are two ways to enroll in a master's program at a United States university:

  1. Directly. However, at the same time, a person must be confident in his abilities, in impeccable knowledge of the English language, as well as academic training in a particular specialty.
  2. Through the international educational center. It includes well-known colleges and universities that provide excellent support to foreign applicants. To enroll in a master's program, a person must take special courses that will help him easily become a master's student and study abroad at one of the best universities in the United States.

Advantages of studying abroad for a master's degree:

Free universities in Europe

Free education abroad is real, however, you need to know in which countries you can get knowledge for free. In Germany, Denmark, France, the Czech Republic, Greece, Turkey, Austria and Italy, you can study for free in a master's program. However, an important condition for children is excellent knowledge of English upon admission, it will be even better to know the language of the country where you will study. Since not all state free universities and universities conduct training in English.

Free education abroad is a relative concept, since education is specifically free. But for support services, for example, for using books from the library, visiting the gym at the university, you need to pay. And such contributions can sometimes reach up to 300 euros per month.

Duration and process of studying in European universities

Studying abroad takes place according to the following scheme:

  • Bachelor's degree - 3–5 years;
  • Master - 2-3 years;
  • Doctor of Science degree - 2 years.

Such fuzzy terms for obtaining knowledge depend on a particular specialty.

Studying abroad is different from training in Russia or Ukraine. There, the daytime department resembles our correspondence department. Russian people studying in Europe are surprised and touched by the fact that they independently choose the disciplines they want to know, and in the future they themselves determine the timing of the exams.

However, this is where all the advantages of studying abroad end. The "cons" begin, which are expressed as follows:

Studying abroad, in European countries, does not begin in September, as in our country, but somewhere in the middle of autumn, and ends in July.

Education in the Czech Republic

It is realistic to enter one of the Czech universities for free, however, you need to know that education is free only if the foreigner knows the Czech language perfectly. Even English, not to mention Russian, does not make it possible to enroll in free education.

Russian applicants who wish to study in this country must come there and take preparatory courses, pass an exam, and only after successfully writing it can they have a chance to study abroad for free.

Study in Austria

And this country is loyal to foreign applicants. Here you can study for free and at the same time it is not necessary to know the language ideally. You can apply without a certificate of completion of preparatory courses.

Vienna University of Economics in Austria

That is, Ukrainians, Russians and citizens of other powers are enrolled in the university without problems, they are given the opportunity to study German for two years, go to lectures and enjoy various benefits for students.

Education in Greece

One of the ideal options for today in order to go to study for free in Europe, you can enter many specialties without entrance exams.

The country to which children adapt best

Russian psychologists have repeatedly conducted studies, the results of which made it clear that foreign children adapt best in Switzerland. And the thing is that all the schools in which Russian and Ukrainian schoolchildren study are international, and the children feel at home there. Unlike Germany or Italy, where the kids there are “like strangers” for everyone.

Therefore, from a psychological point of view, if a father and mother are worried about the emotional state of their children, then it is better to choose Switzerland in this case. However, it is worth considering that education here is the most expensive of all European countries.

University building in Zurich, Switzerland

American program for students "Global UGRAD"

It involves studying abroad on an exchange basis. Thus, only full-time university students can study in the USA. The program is spread across Europe as well as Central Asia. Therefore, Russians and Ukrainians can also take the opportunity to try their luck by going to the US and taking advantage of this program.

A competition for children is held to participate in Global UGRAD, and the winners get the opportunity to study for one year at a full-time department at one of the universities in the States.

The program is funded by the US authorities.

The program gives the participant the following privileges:

  • Contributes to;
  • The cost of travel is compensated, and in both directions;
  • The cost of education, meals, as well as accommodation in a hostel is compensated;
  • A monthly stipend is provided.